#v: nashville.
brutcllysoft · 10 months
rowan swears that the last four days have been nothing short of disastrous. usually she would say she's pretty good at compartmentalizing and looking at the big picture — even if something goes wrong, it doesn't mean everything is going wrong. typically she can keep her wits about her in these situations and carry on and make the best of it. except right now everything is going wrong and it has been from the moment her plane touched down in brazil. today, the weather is working against her with heavy rains and strong winds have started in the early hours of the morning, carrying on right through the afternoon despite reassurance from locals that it would let up soon.
the opposite had happened, though. rowan's sure it's raining harder now than it had been hours ago and her heart sinks into her stomach when she looks out at the venue, water having begun spilling in hours ago, steadily raising higher and higher. she pales, nausea churning in her stomach. "i think i'm gonna throw up." the venue has already been up her ass, reminding her of the fines that would come with cancelling or rescheduling and doing their best to reassure her that everything is still just fine. she turns to look a reina, blue eyes wide and borderline hysterical. "what do we do? we can't... this isn't safe, right?" she fans at her face with one hand, the other sweeping her hair off the back of her neck. she's hot suddenly. "this cannot be happening right now."
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destielmemenews · 1 month
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tkachuktkaching · 6 months
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Matthew Tkachuk of the Florida Panthers heads out to the ice for warm ups prior to the start of their game against the Nashville Predators at the Amerant Bank Arena on March 21, 2024 in Sunrise, Florida. (Photo by Eliot J. Schechter/NHLI via Getty Images)
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jami-c · 1 year
when they said the school shooter was "female" you wouldn't catch me dead trying to defend this saying shit like "she's female. she lives in the south and went to a christian school and probably feels betrayed and angry because of Roe v. Wade being overturn."
why defend this murderer based on any sort of identity and struggle? killing random people isn't how ya cope. killing little kids is especially fucked up and evil.
i do not feel sorry for this person.
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footballfangworl · 1 year
Is it unreasonable to be super confident about this game? Like I’m not even breaking a sweat we’re gonna smoke them.
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went 2 the secondhand cd store and spent $100 on cds yeehaw
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raysofcrosby · 1 year
not my cc limit getting raised $2,000 🫠
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jackalopefreckles · 2 years
Okay so yes tumblr sugar daddys are fake, REDDIT sugar daddys however
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bitchinyoga · 2 months
Abortion is a Man's Issue Too.
A woman’s right to autonomy over her body is in jeopardy. The all powerful black robed Conservatives have created a path for forced birth. A woman who wants to terminate her pregnancy should be ratted out. Held captive. Fate not hers to engineer. Her pregnancies are state business because women are property of the state. Why doesn’t the Republican enforcement party say anything about the…
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tkachuktkaching · 8 months
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Matthew Tkachuk in the locker room during the Nashville game
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serpentinebrando · 10 months
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V; pirate - Instead of returning home after making the deal with the serpent and killing his father, Lucien was intercepted by a crew of pirates who thought to hold him for ransom. Angry and eager to spill more wicked blood, Lucien challenged the Captain to a duel, insisting that if he won, the ship and crew would be his to command, and if he lost, they could do whatever they wanted with him. The Captain was ruthless and highly skilled, but his abilities were no match for the frigid fury of the prince. Lucien defeated him handily, watching as the light left his eyes, and thus became the new Captain of the Shadow. Any rebellion or doubt was quickly squashed when he revealed the nature of his familiar, striking terror into the hearts of his crew. They didn’t even question him when he turned them to privateering in service of his brother. He’s since become a legend of the high seas.
V; modern - Takes place in modern day Asheville, NC. Lucien wanted to get away from his father from the moment he found out his mother was divorcing the man, but it wasn’t meant to be. His mother didn’t think it was fair to uproot Cyrus and Luke while they were still in high school and move them down to Oklahoma, so she didn’t fight for custody. They were forced to remain in North Carolina while Kade and Katrina were allowed to leave with her and chase their dreams. Luke was beyond crushed. He did everything in his power to avoid his dad as much as possible, focusing on school, music, track, anything that would keep him out of the house. It worked for a year or two, but once Cyrus had graduated and moved out, Luke suddenly had his father’s full attention, which made it harder for him to sneak in and out of the house undetected. Naturally, they clashed often. Luke’s disdain for his father quickly became flat out hatred. He devoted all of his time and energy to finding ways to escape that house, as school was too easy for him. Posting his songs online in the hopes that some record producer in Nashville would hear them and sign him on, doing favors for football jocks in exchange for cash, lying about his age in order to moonlight as a bartender at a club just outside of Asheville, and even doing certain things in private that he would have regretted had he not received a hefty sum. His desperation and drive paid off. By senior year, he had his own motorcycle, driver’s license, and plans to run off to Nashville to jumpstart his career in country music as soon as he graduated. Luke could see the light at the end of the tunnel! He was so close to freedom he could taste it, and damn, it was so sweet, so enticing…only to be ripped out of reach when his dad caught on and forced him to start working for his construction team after school. No more track. No more music. No more bartending. Only what Garrett called a ‘real job’. Luke predictably went to Cyrus for help, who told him that he couldn’t do much of anything to aid the boy until he turned eighteen.
Frustrated, Luke began acting out. Skipping class, hooking up with anyone who would take him, including several of his father’s employees, drinking to excess, sneaking out to party, all the things that angry teenagers do. He even ran off to the coast with a few friends over Spring Break for an illicit beach bash, which he honestly doesn’t remember much of. A yacht was stolen. There was ton of alcohol involved. Everything went tits up when the cops arrived. He fell overboard, and would have drowned had he not encountered something in the roiling Carolina waters that reminded him of those illustrations on the edges of old maps: a massive sea serpent.
It reached into his mind, demanding to know why it shouldn’t devour him right then and there. Thinking quickly, he made a deal with it: life and power in exchange for a soul equally or more wicked than his own. Luke knew exactly who to sacrifice; the trick was getting back to Asheville to collect him without being arrested for grand theft marine, then dragging his father back to the coast. The serpent made things a little easier by shrinking down and offering to travel with him, insisting that it could survive almost as well on land as it did in the ocean. Its first gift to Luke was water breathing, allowing him to make it back to shore totally undetected beneath the waves. Avoiding the police was easily done, given the skills that he’d developed throughout his youth, and he knew none of his friends would rat him out, but things got far more complicated when he and his new companion accidentally interrupted a brutal murder. The serpent saw an opportunity for a meal and devoured the perpetrator, bestowing its gifts upon Luke far sooner than he’d imagined or intended, and proposed striking up a much more permanent partnership, which he accepted. The pact was sealed in ink, with a large tattoo of the sea serpent coiling its way up his left arm to mark him. He found a motel to sleep off the rest of his hangover in, then set off for Asheville early the next day.
Once home, he split his time between school, music, and vigilanteism, only occasionally showing up for work. He couldn’t bring himself to kill his father. Not yet. Instead, he focused yet again on making a life for himself, using his magic to his advantage. Once he was eighteen, he began bartending again, moving out of his dad’s house shortly afterward. He currently manages a club downtown where he occasionally plays his music, and is still saving up money to move to Nashville. Anyone who commits a truly heinous crime in his vicinity tends to mysteriously go missing, but he’s too charming for anyone to really want to question him.
V; Wizarding World - Lucien was only eight when he fell into the sea while in Raleigh on a family vacation. His muggle/no-maj mother feared the worst, desperately trying to spot her son amongst the waves so that she could throw him a life preserver. Lucien, however, managed to secure his survival in a most peculiar way. Just as his mother was about to call the Coast Guard, a massive sea serpent surfaced with the boy clinging to its back, carefully depositing him on the deck of their yacht. His family rushed to take care of him, asking him how in the blazes he managed to tame something like that! His answer was that he simply talked to it, begging not to drown, and it took pity on him. He later figured out that he could talk to all snakes, not just sea serpents, and through some relentless digging, found out that he was actually a wizard. His father was a descendant of a squib from the infamous Gaunt family, who had been cast out after his lack of magic had been discovered, but managed to evade obliviation by being even more cunning than his ancestors. Of course, because of MACUSA’s strict laws against Muggles/No-Majs intermingling with witches/wizards, when all of this finally came to light, Lucien and his family were forced to run and hide. They split up, with the twins taking off to Oklahoma to fly under the radar, their father and Cyrus fleeing deep into the Blue Ridge Mountains, and their mother taking Lucien all the way to Ireland to find sanctuary because she had dual citizenship. A few years later, Lucien got his letter to Hogwarts.
Naturally, he was sorted into Slytherin, though he didn’t exactly get along with most of his housemates. He was American, for one thing, and didn’t even bother to hide his thick ‘cowboy’ accent. They all assumed he was muggleborn, and didn’t belong in their pureblood house; the fact that he excelled in nearly every class only made him more of a target for some, while others eased up after recognizing his talents. He turned to music to deal with the stress, going so far as to smuggle an enchanted guitar into the school so that he could practice and write songs in the Room Of Requirement all through his last three years. After graduation, his studies eventually payed off, with a disguised record producer catching one of his shows at a local pub and offering him a contract. He took it in a heartbeat, becoming a world renowned rockstar over the course of the next decade, famous for his rebellious flair and Southern charm. He quickly became addicted to the spotlight, which led to other addictions, and by the time he realized it, his career had nearly died, taking his self esteem with it.
The summer of 1995 found him drowning his sorrows in whiskey and butterbeer at the Hogshead Pub, where he heard rumors swirling around about various faculty changes at Hogwarts. Sensing an opportunity, he kept his ears open and tried to sober up; this could be his ticket out of his self-made hell if he played his cards right. Sure enough, he heard that the ghostly History of Magic professor, Mr. Binns, had accidentally been exorcised, and Dumbledore was looking for someone to replace him. Lucien made a note of that, and wrote a letter to the Headmaster the next morning, eloquently offering his services. He’d always been a history nerd, after all, and had his own way of ensuring that learning about it would be fun. Dumbledore hired him after a series of interviews over tea, in which he managed to impress the old man with several hastily but well-constructed lesson plans, never once letting on that he was desperate and flying by the seat of his pants(Dumbledore knew and gave him a chance anyway). He officially joined the faculty that fall, along with Umbridge (whom he loathed with every fiber of his being) and a temporary Care of Magical Creatures instructor to fill in for Hagrid whist he was away. Lucien was usually sober during his lessons, bringing out his guitar and playing historically based rock/country songs in order to keep students engaged. It worked like a charm! Students were receiving higher marks in his class than in any previous History of Magic class, taking inspiration from his performed enthusiasm. Outside of class, however, he was a drunk and a shut-in, rarely engaging with the rest of the staff. On the plus side, Umbridge couldn’t exactly fire him because he’d proven to be an excellent teacher, and he made a point of avoiding her whenever possible. When she became headmistress, however, he was outraged. She had no right to take over the school like that, and with every proclamation she enacted, a little more of Hogwarts’s soul died. He made himself known to his students as someone they could talk to if they were struggling, revealing that he had his own issues that he was working through, too. In a sort of quiet rebellion against Umbridge, he did his best to boost students’ morale with new songs, relying more on his writing than the bottle to relieve stress in his off time. When she was finally ousted, he celebrated with the rest of the school.
He stayed on as the History of Magic professor for several years afterward, playing in concerts around the world and releasing albums during the summer months while teaching and writing songs from fall to spring. During the Battle of Hogwarts, he fought valiantly, saving Snape’s life by issuing commands to Nagini in Parseltongue and confusing the ever loving fuck out of her. After the dust settled, he finally revealed to the man that he, too, was an heir of Salazar Slytherin via the Gaunt family, but had kept it quiet for various reasons. After Hogwarts was rebuilt, he returned the following school year, and has been teaching there ever since, sponsoring a music program alongside Professor Flitwick. He’s mostly managed to stay sober, as well, despite still being an active rockstar.
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footballfangworl · 1 year
well… at least we didn’t lose
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smallboyonherbike · 2 years
random music thought of the day: in country music it's often basically been a requirement to either exaggerate or completely fake a southern accent (which not even everyone born and raised in the south always has) while singing, but then a lot of singers will surprise me as Secret British ppl bc when you're not really trying or singing in your second language or talk singing most ppls accents kinda flatten out when they sing bc to sing well you've gotta really emphasize vowels in a difft way than speaking. idk it's Interesting
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nhlclover · 3 months
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summary: you return from a girls trip to nashville to your unusually clingy boyfriend
warnings: jack being a horny clingy boyfriend, v short sorry!
word count: 0.61k
As you stepped off the plane, the exhaustion of the past week began to settle over you like a heavy blanket. You’d spent the last few days in Nashville for one of your friend's bachelorette parties. The trip was filled with endless drinking and nights spent on Broadway in every country bar you could find.
Now, back in New Jersey with your energy sucked dry, you couldn’t wait to be back in your own bed. As you approached baggage claim, you spotted Jack, his eyes impatiently scanning around. When they landed on you, his face lit up. He didn’t wait for you to come to him, instead weaving through the crowd and meeting you where you stood.
He wrapped you up in his arms, holding you close to him as if he was scared to let go. You couldn’t help but giggle at your boyfriend's greeting. You had been gone only five days but Jack was acting as if you’d been away for months.
“Aw, did you miss me?” you asked teasingly. Jack simply nodded, his grip tight and unwavering. You giggle, finding a way to pull back slightly, looking into your boyfriend's soft eyes. “I missed you too.”
Eventually, you collected your bag from the conveyor belt, heading out to the parking lot where Jack’s car was parked. As you walked to the car, Jack's arm remained firmly around your waist.
Bag in hand, you made your way to the parking lot, Jack's arm still securely around your waist. The drive home was filled with easy conversation and stolen glances by Jack, just glad to have you in his presence again. When you got back to your apartment, you spotted Luke lounging on the couch, watching the Lakers game.
“Oh thank God you’re back.” Luke sighed upon seeing you. “He’s been pouting the whole time you were gone like a lost puppy.”
Jack shot a look at him. “I was not pouting.”
You raised an eyebrow, smirking at Jack. “Seriously, babe? You know, you're always off on road trips and you never act like this when you get back.”
Jack shrugged sheepishly, his hand finding hers once again. “I dunno… it was different this time.”
A small blush crept on his cheeks, your teasing expression softening as you brushed a stray lock of hair from Jack's forehead. “Well, even though I had fun in Nashville, I missed you too and I’m glad to be back. So you can stop pouting.”
"Good," he said, pulling you close again. "Because I really did miss you."
Luke snorted from the couch. "Alright, lovebirds, not in the living room. Some of us are trying to watch TV here."
You rolled your eyes and tugged Jack toward the bedroom. "Come on, let's give Luke his space," you say. “You can help me unpack.”
You grabbed your suitcase, bringing it into your bedroom, glad to be back in the familiar space. Jack’s clinginess didn’t subside as he trailed you closely, hands never straying from your touch.
“Jack, seriously, what’s gotten into you?” you ask once again. You turn in his arms, looking into his eyes, noting his sudden change in demeanour.
He cupped your face in his hands, his thumb gently stroking your cheek. “I really did miss you,” he murmured.
You rolled your eyes, suddenly understanding his clinginess. “Seriously? This is why you were pouting? Cause you were horny?”
Jack’s sheepish smile was your only answer before he leaned in to kiss you deeply. Your playful resistance melted away as you responded to his kiss, pulling him closer. Your teasing turned into a passionate reunion as you let yourselves get lost in each other’s touch.
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thelightsandtheroses · 4 months
everywhere, everything | jm x female reader [au]
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Summary: In recent months, the bar your family has owned for generations has changed. Now it can't keep a bouncer beyond one shift, attracts the 'wrong' crowd, and is an albatross around you and your cousin's neck. Your cousin's latest hire, Joel Miller, seems like he might just survive the shift and as time passes, you can't help but want to know him more. AKA the Bouncer!Joel fic Word Count: 8.2k Warnings: 18+ MDNI, mentions of canon typical violence, RoadHouseBouncer!Joel AU, no outbreak, no specified age but reader has a cousin and inferred (not detailed) family deaths in the past, flirting, smut (p in v), Joel Miller is his chaotic self, mentions of death of a child (canon), many scenes set in a bar and mentions of alcohol or drinking, your standard lolabee flangst and introspection, reader mentions music, singing and playing guitar. Notes: So much appreciation for encouraging me to write this fic goes to @trulybetty for listening toand supporting my ideas and @rhoorl. Watching the new Road House movie at the same time as starting TLOU games led to this idea I couldn't let go of. Fic title isfrom the Noah Kahan song of the same name.
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It’s starting to weigh on you.
You see it in your cousin more though; the weariness in her eyes as the local gangs come in and inevitably cause trouble. Both of you know where it comes from, the reasons behind it, why it’s so much worse for your roadhouse than anywhere else in the town.
Most days, you want to leave and sell up. Sometimes a fight is too much, it isn’t worth the cost, there’s too high a loss, too tiresome a battle. Everything your cousin possesses is tied up in the bar though. It’s not that simple for her and you won’t walk away from your family. You can’t.
The two of you cannot be the ones who let decades of your family’s legacy just wash away to nothing.
That was why your cousin had started with the bouncers in the first place. The two of you can only afford one, but it’s a small building, a small town.
“This one will be different,” your cousin says with a firm nod and smile that doesn’t quite meet her eyes. “I just know he will. He’s new in town, he starts tonight and he - when you meet him, you’ll see what I mean.”
You don’t say that she said the same thing about the last bouncer - what was his name? Dave, or Frankie, or something like that. You’ve stopped learning their names now - it’s pointless when they never last longer than a few days.
The bar is still quiet; tinny music coming through the speakers as you finish unloading the clean glasses from the dishwasher.
“Are you playin’ tonight?” she asks.
“Might do. If the crowd let me,” you say, smiling at your cousin gently. It’s a joke now; the bar hasn’t been safe enough in months for that.
It used to be your favourite thing about this place; the music, the ability to perform songs and transport yourself to what could have been, what could be. It might not be Nashville, or the Sofi stadium, but it’s the closest you think you’ll ever get to feeling like a real musician. And now you don’t even have that.
“Good, they will. It’s going to be a good one tonight, you’ll see.”
The new bouncer is called Joel but your cousin calls him by his surname: Miller.
He’s quiet, not like the other one. Instead of stalking around and flexing, Miller sits in the corner of the bar, perched on a stool and staring into a cup of coffee as though it would answer all his queries about the universe.
You feel bad about the coffee; you should have warned him that it’s truly awful, pointed him in the direction of the small diner ten minutes away that serves some of the best coffee in the whole state. You think your own coffee isn’t too bad either; perfected and tweaked over years to figure out the perfect combination of beans and grind to bring the best out of your worn moka pot.
“Next time, I’d go for water,” you say lightly as you approach his side of the bar. It’s still quiet for this time of the evening but the trouble doesn’t usually start until after ten anyway.
“Oh, yeah?”
“I’m not sure we can even legally call this coffee. I think there’s more caffeine in the Kahlua.”
“You have Kahlua?” Miller asks.
“It’s a very old bottle, I really wouldn’t risk it.” You try and remember the last time someone ordered a drink with it here but it’s hazy. The Bar doesn’t exactly attract people for its cocktail list anymore.
“I can get you a water if you’d prefer. Or something else?”
“It’s fine.” You notice Miller has pushed the cup slightly away from him though. He eyes it with mild disgust and you feel suddenly even more worried for him. If he can’t handle the coffee, he surely won’t be able to handle the patrons.
“You’re Joe, right?”
“Joel,” he corrects instantly.
“Joel, right. Sorry.”
“Are there that many of us passin’ through, that you don’t learn the names properly now? Is that why your boss calling me Miller?” He doesn’t know who you are, that’s clear. He doesn’t know it’s your family’s legacy here too and you’re not just a bartender. This place matters to you.
“It’s only your first shift.”
Joel sighs and meets your gaze. His eyes are deep brown and you take in the slight salt and pepper to his stubble, the surprisingly comfortable looking plaid flannel he’s wearing. At the same time, you notice the stoniness in his posture, the wariness in his eyes.
He isn’t spoiling for a fight because he lives for them, not like the other bouncers your cousin has hired.
You’ve already realised that Joel Miller fights in an entirely differently way to his predecessors. You can tell his biggest battles aren’t the ones in a bar like this. Without projecting too much, you think they’re probably inside his mind. No one has haunted eyes like that without a story. You’re a bartender, you can just tell.
“What have you have been told about this gig? Do you know what you’re getting into?”
“I know this place has some troubles,” he says carefully.
“I’ll say.”
You remember when things were different in the town, in the bar. It wasn’t like this back then. It used to be for families. Your aunt once joked that your dad’s cooking could bring the entire town together. It’s been a long time since the place was known for a family meal though.
You grew up with laughter and joy inside these walls. Now, it feels like it must have happened somewhere else entirely. This bar is still where you ran in after being asked on your first date ever, where you opened your SAT results, studied while the bar was closed, had every family significant gathering or event you can remember.
This isn’t just a job for you.
“How long have you been here? No offence, but you don’t seem the type -”
“It’s my family’s bar. Your boss you mentioned, she’s my cousin. The two of us run it these days, well I mean, I only help out. It’s her bar now more than mine but it’s been our family’s place for generations. We’re what’s left.” All that’s left.
“I didn’t know. I wasn’t - I didn’t mean anything by that.”
“Of course, Miller.” His words weren’t meant with offence but he had still managed to pick at your vulnerability that you don’t truly belong and cut at your soul.
Your family never thought you’d keep up with the bar, your cousin was the clear front runner to inherit it and you supported that. You wanted to leave your hometown, that had never been a secret and your childhood bedroom had been covered in posters and postcards for exciting and different places.
Once, you dreamt of Nashville, of music venues and guitar calloused hands playing idle melodies as a tour bus drove you to your next city across a starlit sky.
Life had different plans for you thought.
“This town didn’t used to be like this,” you add, “We’ve had a lot of bad luck and - the whole town is suffering. You wouldn’t have recognised this place if you passed through even just a few years ago.”
”I’m -“
The door to the bar crashes open before Joel can finish his sentence. You notice the first of the regular troublemakers walking in and warily look around the bar. You can tell by their posture, the look on their face exactly what type of night it’s going to be.
“Looks like your work will be getting started soon, Miller. I’d drink up.”
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He might just survive his first shift. That’s annoying - you have five bucks counting on him either walking out or be stretchered out like any of the bouncers by the end of the night.
You try and pay attention to your surroundings. It’s sensible in your line of work. For so many people that line between a good night and becoming the worst version of themselves is wafer thin and you’re often the first line of defence, you’re the one who has to say when someone’s not being served anymore.
Your cousin is in the back office, trying to sort out the multitude of paperwork that comes with owning a bar or business that nobody ever thinks about.
He’s calm, polite even for the most part.
He doesn’t escalate the situation, not like some of the bouncers who have spent a shift here recently. Mostly he sits and observes. His calmness is almost disconcerting and contrasts sharply with the danger in his posture, the readiness to move he’s concealing.
There hasn’t been too much trouble so far tonight; a mild fight which was easily taken outside but you can feel the tension in the air.
“Can I get ‘nother whiskey?” Robert slurs. He’s a regular to the bar now and has a particular penchant for not being able to handle his alcohol, being very resentful at being cut off, and worse of all never has enough money to cover his bill or damages.
“I think you’re done for tonight,” you say lightly.
“Nah, I say when I’m done.”
“Not according to the liquor licence,” you snark back.
“Look, just pour me -”
“You’re done.”
“You’re such a fucking bitch.” Robert slams his fist down on the bar.
“I think it’s time to go,” Joel says politely, suddenly standing next to Robert in the bar. You’re not sure if he’ll last as a bouncer here but you’ll give him points for stealthiness. You hadn’t even heard him approaching.
“I think -“ Robert starts before pulling a sloppy punch. Joel easily dodges it, raising his eyebrow incredulously at Robert.
“C’mon, now, it’s time to go.”
He places a hand on Robert’s shoulder and guides him out. You’re struck that he didn’t escalate the situation - that was the last bouncer’s mistake. What he hadn’t counted on was what Robert is a mean drunk and often gets a second wind of energy.
Joel walks back up to you at the bar. “The way people talk about this place. That wasn’t so -“
“That, Miller, that was nothing.”
You watch as another troublemaker, Owen, walks in, all biker vest and swagger. It’s never a good night when he’s here. Usually his presence signals a full moon style night of fights, shouting and misery. He hasn’t been in for weeks to your joy; you’d heard a rumour he was in jail. Not any more though.
“Miller you see now the trouble’s really going to start. That wasn’t even your warmup.”
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Sunlight streams through the window as you finish wiping over the table. It’s your favourite time of day in the bar. Your cousin is catching up on admin, sleep and supplier deliveries, the bar is empty and it’s just you, the stereo and sunlight.
You can’t help but lose yourself in the music just for a moment. You love this song, the beat, the lyrics, the way it ebbs and flows in all the right places. Music is magic.
You’re not in a rundown bar, not weighed down by obligation and memories and self-doubt. You’re not here, you’re somewhere else. In a city, in a crowd, on a stage or even just dancing around somewhere else. You’re lighter and freer and desperate for the song to continue just a little more as you spin around, humming along with the lyrics.
You hear the door open and turn around quickly. You heard about the diner getting robbed a couple of weeks ago. You should have locked the door.
Miller’s there, some light discolouration to his jaw from the one punch he didn’t dodge, but otherwise intact.
“You seem surprised to see me,” he says.
“You’ve cost me five bucks,” you reply simply.
He raises an eyebrow, “Didn’t think I could hack it*?*”
“The odds are the odds.”
“Well, I’m sorry about your money.”
“Yep, that five bucks was my ticket out of this town,” you joke.
“Not sure that would even cover a bus ticket,” he replies dryly.
“Maybe the coffee for on the bus?”
“So, day two,” you say awkwardly, swinging your arms around you and then immediately wondering why on earth you did that. You busy yourself by turning down the speakers.
“Yep,” Miller says casually, sitting on a bar stool.
“Have - are you hungry?” you ask, suddenly conscious that it’s lunchtime and Joel not doubt has another difficult day ahead.
“I could eat.”
”It’s nothing fancy, because the kitchen’s not open, but it is homemade - well, it was. I froze it but it’s defrosted and it’s really good. Also, frozen food still retains its nutrients well, and in the case of cake, freezing it makes it even better.”
“I see.” Miller pauses, “It’s not cake, is it? I don’t think I can eat frozen cake before a shift. ”
“No,” you argue, “it’s Tuesday, that’s what we’d do on a Wednesday! Today it’s lasagne.”
Miller smiles then. It’s a good smile. Slightly crooked and his eyes crease a little, the way you always associate someone smiling when they mean it. His deep eyes are momentarily lighter, there’s a change in him.
You want to tease more smiles out of this man, want to identify each and every changed in his face or the way his hands tap against the old bar. You want to keep him like this, bask in the glow that you’ve bought that expression to his face.
“Lasagne sounds great,” he says after a moment.
“Sure, okay, Miller. Coming right up.”
“Call me Joel. Please.”
“Okay, Joel.”
You like how his name sounds against your teeth, the way he smiles once more when you say his name.
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It becomes a habit. Joel survives shift after shift and inevitably turns up to the bar early the following day when you’re there.
He’s lasted longer than fourteen bouncers now. He might just make it. He’s quiet, yes, but you’ve seen the violence in his movements when needed, the way he tries to be polite and then it’s over, then it’s a line. There’s something that compels and terrifies you about the violence he holds, its contradiction because he speaks to you so softly and how can a man be capable of both?
“You need a second bouncer,” he says one morning as you’re trying and failing to sort the back door out.
The employee room in the bar is a barely functioning space. Cliche after cliche with the cheap red IKEA futon, mismatching furniture and chairs and elderly microwave and kettle. The air conditioning has never worked in the room and now the back door is jammed too.
The place is falling apart.
“Can’t afford it,” you reply nonchalantly. “We’re doing our best.”
“I know. But then someone could try and watch at the door, stop some of these people coming in.”
“I know. But no one’s coming in because they’re there so we can’t afford a bouncer. It’s uh, a catch 22. Can’t even afford to replace the damn -” You shove your weight against the door to no avail.
“I can fix that,” Joel says softly as you kick the door one more time.
“The gangs? That’s ambitious.”
“The door.”
“Oh, it’s just the weather and it always gets stuck now. Replacing it would cost-”
“I can fix it. I uh, used to be a contractor.”
“A contractor?” Joel hasn’t talked about his past much before. You know he has a brother, he’s the oldest and that he’s from Texas. Joel carries that
“Did you have to say that with the air of a cowboy in an old movie?”
“I wasn’t aware I did,” he replies, cocking his eyebrow in a way.
“What sort of contractor were you?”
“Building, just the general type.”
“Oh, okay. So you could actually fix the door?”
“I said so, didn’t I?”
“How do you get from contractor to bouncer?”
“It’s a long story.”
“I’d expect so.”
Joel squirms awkwardly. You’ve watched him easily apprehend aggressive gang members shouting the vilest things to Joel and move them outside. You’ve seen him barely blink over ill drunks spilling their souls on his shoes. You’ve seen him so strong and resolute.
He looks at his watch which, for the first time, you notice is broken and then at the ground.
“It’s fine, Joel,” you say, “you don’t need to tell me anymore.”
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He keeps coming back, night after night and things start to change. It’s small, a fixed door and then a window catch replaced, the fact the gangs start coming around less. It’s change but the quiet type of change you only discover through previously entrenched routines.
You’ve spent time cataloguing his details, each scar or line, the way he takes his coffee (black, but a two to one ratio of sugar that makes you wince a little). Joel Miller has a sweet tooth.
You’re used to Joel now, you like talking to him in quiet moments in the bar, before or after shifts as he hangs around just a little longer. You tell him about the town, about how it was growing up, he lets it slip he’s from Texas, mentions a brother, Tommy, and you want to unpeel his secrets more and more.
You proudly place the slab of cake in front of him. Rain hammers against the windows and roof, creating great echoes as it sounds like the bar will come down around you. It’s unseasonal, the rain, an omen of quiet days. Today you don’t mind.
“What’s the occasion?” Joel asks, looking at the cake curiously.
“It’s a Wednesday.” You take a bite of your own slice, savouring the flavours, the delicate balance of sponge and icing. If you can say so, it’s a pretty great cake. You really have improved over recent months and while this was experimental, you’re happy with the result.
“Ah. Say no more.”
“Also, congrats, you’ve officially been here for eight and half weeks.”
“I pass probation then?” Joel looks around dubiously, clearly concerned your cousin or others will suddenly pop out in some surprise party or sense of occasion.
“Pretty much passed that by coming back on day two, but that’s my cousin’s domain. I just pour drinks.”
“And provide frozen food to the bouncers.”
“Only the ones who come back. Besides, it’s defrosted. I can take that cake back you know.”
“No, don’t you dare.” Joel takes a large forkful of the cake. “So why the cake though, sweetheart?”
“You, Joel Miller, are officially our longest standing bouncer.” You clap lightly in mock celebration as he cocks an eyebrow in response.
“What an honour,” he replies sardonically.
”You’re welcome.”
“Do I need to make a speech?”
“I think it was the speech that bought the previous record holder down.” Clint had lasted forty-five minutes after that speech. It was a bad night - a particularly nasty gang fight.
“Hubris,” Joel says lightly.
“Not bad for a contractor turned bouncer though.”
Joel laughs. “You going to tell me that story one day?” you ask, hoping your teasing expression hides how genuine your question is.
“Maybe,” he says. “You’ve not hit my records yet.”
“That a challenge?”
He shrugs and walks towards the door to ready the bar for opening.
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You hand Joel the frozen peas wrapped in an old cloth. After the commotion, your cousin’s closed the bar early. It’s hard to recover the night from a scene like that and you’re pretty sure the broken table and glass amount to some sort of safety violation at the least.
“Thanks,” Joel says gruffly.
“You could have a concussion.”
“I'm fine.”
“You’re bleeding.”
Joel looks at his cracked knuckles and raises a finger to the cut on his head, lightly touching it and observing the blood that comes away on his hand. “’m fine.”
“You hit the bar.”
“Standard night on the job.”
“You hit it with your head.”
Joel shrugs, nonchalance and mischief at once.
“How’s the idiot?” Owen had come in with the intention of causing trouble; something about the rival gang, or his girlfriend, or something that would never justify his trail of destruction. Joel had maintained his usual rules; polite, carefully moving Owen outside the bar, even as he tried to fight back. You’re not sure how it went so wrong, how instead of getting Owen outside suddenly there were more of the gang, broken tables and chaos.
It’s been weeks since a night like that. It makes it feel brand new, the hurt starker somehow.
“He needs to go to hospital,” you say, wrapping your jacket around you after you lock the bar door, keys heavy in your hand.
“He’ll be fine. His friends are taking him. You probably need the hospital too, I’ll drive you.”
“’m fine.”
“You’re not. Get in the damn car, Joel.”
“I’m -”
“The car, Joel. Don’t make me start calling you Miller again.”
Joel holds his hands up and shakes his head. “Fine, I’ll go.”
“Excellent,” you say with a sweet smile.
You drive in near silence but once you’re both in the hospital waiting room, he talks. He talks more than he ever usually does.
“I didn't need to come here,” he grumbles.
“Are you on the lam?”
“What?” He asks incredulously.
“You seem reluctant to be in a hospital that takes down personal information. It’s a reasonable question.”
He sighs, pinches between his eyebrows. “No, I’m not on the damn lam. I just - I just don’t like hospitals.”
“I don’t think a lot of people do. I guess it’s an occupational habit with your work.”
“I patch myself up usually. Last time I was in one of these places, it was … I was …”
“Joel, it’s okay, you don’t have to say anything.” You reach for his bloody hand and squeeze, unsure if the blood on it is from his own split knuckles or the fight. The violence of his body contrasts so much with the man you talk to, the friend you’ve made.
“When I told you it was a long story, how I went from a contractor to this … it’s, I don’t know.”
You shift so you can face Joel and try and model your best supportive expression. Joel and you talk about everything now, but he’s guarded and this is the first time he’s volunteered this story to you.
“We can talk about it later.”
“I had a daughter,” he says so quietly that you can barely hear him. “And then I had a chance, a second chance to - but it’s been a mess. I’ve been a mess. I’ve got a lot wrong.”
So much of Joel Miller makes sense to you know and you can understand the sadness that crosses his eyes sometimes, the reluctance to talk about his past.
“Haven’t we all?” You pause. “I’m really sorry about your daughter, Joel.“
“I don’t know how to make it right now though.”
“I think,” you say gently, “all you can do is try. For what it’s worth, you’re making a difference here, you’re making a difference with me.”
“Really?” He glances up at you, suddenly years younger and as you nod a slight smile light up his face briefly.
“Why don’t you tell me about her? If you want to.”
He smiles. “I do, but not tonight, but I will.”
“Joel Miller,” a doctor calls.
“C’mon, you’re up.” You squeeze Joel’s arm before standing up.
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The balance has shifted and something’s changed.
The bar changes gradually like the way spring teases itself for weeks. It’s all subtle shifts, blossoms of hope and shoots of a future you didn’t dare think of too much. The bar might survive, your cousin is smiling again.
And then there’s you and Joel. Joel, who still pops in to talk to you even on his days off. Joel, who you sit out with after the bar closes and drink beer and play guitar to the stars.
“You should play here,” he says, taking a sip of his beer, “you’re good.” “You’re better. I can’t play guitar like you.” “Nah. Just had more practice at best. Your voice is pretty, so pretty.” “Oh, I’m not so good at playing. I’m better at singing,” you say. “Four basic chords are about my limit on the guitar.” “Don’t do yourself down.” “Trust me, I’m not.” You pause. ”Joel, you could - you could play with me. If I ever played here. it’s probably stupid.” There’s something unreadable in his eyes, a soft smile on his lips. “No, I’d like that.”
You’re accustomed to his presence, his low but grounding voice, his calm demeanour throughout all chaos.
He’s told you more about his past now. About Sarah and how her loss tore him apart for years, and also about the foster daughter he took in, Ellie. He won’t tell you much about Ellie though, except they stopped talking around about the time he became a bouncer. He once asked you if you would do anything to save the life of someone you love and you said yes. He nodded and moved on. You think it’s connected, you’re not sure.
You’ve worked at a bar long enough to know when it’ll be a bad night. There’s an electricity in the air, a tension that is so tight anything could snap it. You look over at Joel to see if he’s picked up on the same energy.
He’s sitting on the stool, observing quietly, but you notice the slight furrow in his brows. He looks at you and his mouth twitches into the smallest of smiles, but there’s anxiety in his eyes.
“I heard that Owen’s gang declared war on the Rattlers,” you say in a low voice. You don’t like Owen, or his friends, but the Rattlers are worst. Owen’s gang is the typical cliched grouping of a small town that’s become lost. They drink too much, throw punches without thinking and cause trouble. They’re not evil though.
The Rattlers are.
“Didn’t hear the Rattlers came through here,” Joel says in a low voice. “I heard of their reputation at a previous gig.”
“Their uh, second in command, is that the term? Anyway, he’s had a thing with someone in town for years. On and off. Guess it’s on again.”
“They cause trouble when they’re here?”
You scoff. “This was starting to feel like -”
“It still is, it still will. Let me do my job,” Joel says firmly.
You want to trust him; you do trust him. It’s the Rattlers that worry you, the feeling in your gut that this hard sought over peace is threatened, the deep and terrifying fear that this bar can never change. Not now. Not even with Joel.
Joel smiles at you, the picture of reassurance. “Owen might not come in here. This is hardly a welcome environment for his group anymore.”
“Joel,” you say nervously, “I just … I have a feeling.”
Joel doesn’t laugh or dismiss you; he straightens up and nods.
You’re not sure how things fall apart so quickly. One moment the bar was quiet, then Owen was there and before Joel could get him to leave, the Rattlers were here too. Maybe it was planned, maybe it was what they all wanted.
“Evening, unfortunately I need to ask you all to leave tonight,” Joel says politely, standing from his barstool. “I’m afraid the business is at capacity and we have a private function on.”
“Well,” Owen begins.
“Look, Miller, it’s not -”
“I’m not asking, Owen.” Joel’s voice is low, deadly, the tone he uses when polite words fall flat, when it’s time to not be nice. “That goes to all of you.”
Owen falters slightly at the sound of that, you wonder if he remembers how things went the last time Joel used that voice.
“Y’all got a function on?” one of the Rattlers asks you. He’s covered in tattoos and is wearing a leather vest with numerous patches with no other top underneath. You wonder if he based his outfit on the existing tropes, if he’s intentionally as cliched as possible or if it truly is just an unspoken truth now. His hair is slicked back into a ponytail that highlights his receding hairline and a puckered scar that runs from his brow to his nose.
“I’m afraid so, gentlemen. While we, uh appreciate the desire to visit, I’m afraid Mr Miller is correct.”
“Uh huh. It doesn’t look so-”
“Please,” you say quietly.
For a moment you wonder if it will work, you’re on bated breath as the Rattler steps back and moves to say something to his gang. However, that’s the very moment Owen smashes a chair on his back and hell breaks loose.
“Oh, thank you so fucking much for that,” Joel says in an irritated voice, immediately pulled into action to try and get the situation outside, away from the patrons, from you.
You step backwards, hoping the protection of the bar will be enough.
People are running out of the bar as the chaos unfolds. It’s a flood of sound,
Someone pushes Owen onto the bar, pummelling him as you try and back away. “Please stop,” you say.
Then a flash and searing heat.
That’s when you hear Joel swear, you notice his eyes have darkened, his entire demeanour has changed.
Your vision is blurred by something and you can feel a sharp pain on your face along with something sticky and hot when you touch it.
You shut your eyes, willing the events away and allowing yourself to crouch under the bar and wait for the noises to stop.
It’s fine. It’s fine.
You’re fine.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay,” a soothing voice says. “Ladies and gentlemen, I apologise but we do have to close early today.”
There’s a pause, noise around you and then something cool on your face. “I need to see the damage, okay? It’s me, it’s Joel, you’re going to be okay. I’ve got you.”
You open your eyes to see Joel crouched in front of you. He’s holding a damp cloth that is already soaked in red.
“You’ll need stitches, I’ll drive you.” Joel moves your head gently and nods. “Your eye looks okay; can you see normally?”
“Yeah. What happened?”
”Fucking - it was Owen, he grabbed a glass from the bar and instead of hitting the rattler - ”
“Got me.”
“Yeah. It’s deep but um ‘”
“I’ll live. I’m okay. Don’t need hospital.”
“Huh, you trying to prove a point here? How annoyin’ it is when someone who needs hospital won’t go?”
”It’s fine, Joel.”
“You’re hurt,” he says and he looks disappointed.
You feel a burst of shame, you should have defended yourself better.
“I’m going to call your cousin and tell her what happened and then I’m driving you to hospital. No arguments, okay?”
You try and smile weakly in acquiescence which seems to only make Joel frown more.
His hand lingers on your shoulder slightly as he hands you the seatbelt after bundling you into his truck. He moved quickly, closing the bar, making a hushed call in the corner to your cousin and then immediately guiding you out, a clean cloth placed in your hands to hold against your cut.
There’s a nodding dog ornament on the dash, something that doesn’t seem like Joel at all.
“Ellie,” he says quietly as he notices you looking at it. “Keep the pressure on that wound, okay?”
He turns out of the bar.
“Didn’t seem your sort of ornament,” you reply placidly.
“She called it Ernie, I - that kid.” Joel sighs heavily.
“You could call her,” you say, braver in the wake of your injury.
“I would. But she doesn’t want to hear from me, trust me.” He mumbles something else you can’t make out.
“You’re a good person, Joel. She -”
“I’m not.”
“You are,” you say, “trust me, I know bad men, but you aren’t one of them. Owen? The Rattlers?”
“The bar’s pretty damn low there.”
“You know the town I live in.”
Joel chuckles mirthlessly.
“I was going to play tonight,” you say quietly, “I thought it was time. That’ll teach me.”
“You could still play, maybe tomorrow though.”
“It would be harder with the blood right now.”
“Just a tad.”
“Thanks for driving me.”
“Of course.”
You wonder if he’s trying to return a favour, whether he’s the sort of person who just can’t feel indebted to someone else. Now you’ve bled on his car too, now you’re even?
He looked worried though. You think about the way he sounded too, the forced calmness when he checked on you.
You’re friends.
That’s normal, right?
“I’m sorry,” he says suddenly. “You shouldn’t have got hurt.”
“Joel, it’s … you can’t be everywhere at once. It’s not on you.”
“I should have -”
“Miller,” you say sharply, “it’s not on you. Not one bit. Do you think I can bar Owen for good now?”
Joel chuckles. “Yeah, I reckon so.
“Good, well that’s something, isn’t it? Almost makes it worth it. Do you think it will scar?”
“I don’t know, sweetheart.”
You pause. It’s vanity, you know, but the idea of this leaving a permanent scar on your face hurts worse than the injury itself.
“That’s not ideal. I-it’s stupid.” It feels so foolish to be worried about a scar when things could be so much worse, for your own vanity to say ‘well, now, you’ll never make it as a musician or star’ or to focus on your looks. It’s normal, it’s human, but it makes you feel guilty.
Joel looks at you carefully and he places a warm, solid hand on your hand that is not holding a compress to your face. “You’re so beautiful, you know that, right?” he says in a low voice. “This won’t change that. It couldn’t, okay?”
No-one calls you beautiful. There’s been half-hearted claims of your ‘hotness’ with exes, of your friends’ encouragement when you make a particular effort in your appearance, but nothing like this. Nothing that feels this sincere either.
He takes his hand away as the doctor joins you. You can feel the heat lingering like butterflies as the doctor attends to your wound.
Joel stays with you the whole time.
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You hear the guitar before you can see him. Soft, melodic chords that reach a crescendo as you walk closer to the small cabin style house he’s renting. You’re not sure if it’s a complete betrayal of the trust from when you dropped him off after his hospital trip weeks ago, but you need to see him outside of the bar.
“Hey,” he says in surprise when he sees you. He places the guitar carefully down before standing up to greet you.
“I’m sorry to just turn up, I hope it’s okay.” You awkwardly clasp your hands and wring them together. “I was passing through and I thought - I thought I’d say hi.”
This is a complete lie; you are not passing through at all.
You’re wearing your favourite outfit and you sprayed an extra two spritzes of your best perfume on this morning. In fact, you have made considerable effort when you think about all of this.
“No, it’s great. I’m happy you stopped by.”
“You’re good. The guitar, it was … really good. I’ve not heard you play that before.”
“Oh, it’s just something I’ve been working on.”
“It’s really good.”
“Nah, not really.”
You frown, hands on your hips and he raises his own hands in defence.
“Can I - do you want a drink?” Joel indicates inside the cabin and you nod enthusiastically.
“That would be great, thanks Joel.”
There are three cabins in the area that a local businessman rents out. Joel’s cabin is the closest to the woods, the one that’s slightly hidden away. Inside it looks like a typical rental; the slightly shabby furniture and neutral demeanour that feels void of any character, the aged kitchen stove and units, an abundance of wood furniture.
There are touches of Joel too though. There’s a vinyl player and box of records on the coffee table, a plaid blanket over the sofa and a couple of photos on the fireplace mantle. You think they might be Sarah, maybe Ellie, but you don’t want to pry.
This changes things. It’s not the bar, neither of you are at work, or hanging out outside after a shift. This feels more personal, more intimate. This is Joel Miller, the real Joel, the one you can’t hide your feelings for now.
You do have feelings for Joel.
It’s funny, when he started you wanted to keep him at a distance because you expected him to leave like everyone else, you thought the bar was beyond help. You wondered if you were beyond your dreams. He’s helping bring you back though.
It’s his calm demeanour, the wry expressions and dry humour, his plaid shirts and the way when he smiles, which is rare but you’ve seen it, his whole face softens and lightens up. It’s electric.
You think about him all the time; reading articles you try and remember to bring up at the bar, when you hear a song he’d like. Joel’s found his way into your life and you don’t want to let him go.
He’ll leave though. The bouncers inevitably do, most people in your life do. You just don’t want that with him. You want him to stay.
“Are you okay?” Joel asks.
“You have that serious thought face on.”
“I have a serious thought face?”
Joel scoffs. “So, what’s up?”
“I just - I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come here.”
Joel frowns then. “Why not?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay, c’mon I said I’d get you a drink, right?” Joel indicates the sturdy wooden table and you sit obligingly. “So I’ve got a choice of tea, well It says it’s tea anyway. Uh, some whiskey, beer, water …. I’m out of coffee.”
“That should be illegal.”
“Shouldn’t it?”
“I might just leave now.”
“Wouldn’t blame ya.”
He’s close to you now and you feel emboldened by the fact you’re here, you’re with him and he’s not pushing you away or looking like he wants to leave. Maybe, just maybe this is a great idea.
“Now I think about it though, I’m not sure that I’m thirsty after all,” you say boldly.
“Oh no?” He leans in closer, hands hovering just over your waist. “Look, you don’t want -”
“I do. I do want.”
Joel swallows. “Really?” He’s looking at you as though you’re something mythical, something intangible he could lose at any second. There’s reverence in his eyes and it’s overwhelming and beautiful at once.
You nod. “I’m not the only one here who - I’m not though, right?” There’s a hint of nervousness in your voice now, a sense that perhaps this isn’t the great idea you thought it was just seconds ago. It’s like whiplash. This is why you should just focus on music instead.
“No,” Joel says softly, “you’re not.”
His hands, hands you’ve seen both acts of violence and hold your injured face so gently, skim your body. Joel’s hands, like him, are contradictions. He steps minutely closer, a little more into your space and oh so welcome.
He smells like soap and coffee, with the faint hints of autumn you noticed around the cabin and there’s something magic in this Joel Miller. Something in every sense of him, the way he touches you, the sound of his voice, the feel of his skin and sound of his voice that instantly draws you closer, that makes heat pool in your stomach.
He kisses you and you reach for his hands, entwines them together. He stops, concern mounting over his face. “You’re injured, I should have -”
“Doesn’t hurt,” you say softly, drawing him close again.
You’re a mess of hands and lips, a clash of sensations and finally, finally this is happening you think as h guides you further into the cabin. Towards his bedroom.
He guides you past the kitchenette, down the narrow corridor to his room.
You want to drink him in, absorb every detail of his body and commit it to memory.
There’s a ragged scar on his abdomen, a light scattering of stories across his body from other bars, other jobs, other Joels.
There are other details you want to remember though, especially the look in his eyes right now, heavy with desire.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says. You’ve heard the words before in similar settings but it’s been clear to you it’s the lust, it’s the ‘right’ thing to say. You know when isn’t meant, the lack sincerity signalling a paint by the numbers dalliance at best.
Joel’s voice is fervent though. Honest. He means this.
The majority of your clothes are soon discarded, both yours and his in a combined mess on the floor.
Your hands are running through his hair as he guides you onto the bed, as his fingers hover over the edge of your underwear.
He pauses, just for a moment. You wonder if it’s recognition of the line you’re both about to cross, if it’s to give you the space to confirm that yes, you still want him, to offer an out just in case.
You reach for his face, run your hand down his stubbly cheek. You’re trying to sum up your thoughts, to bring everything you want to say together into a neat sentence.
You smile and gently say, “I want you, want this. I thought you knew.”
“I didn’t, I didn’t think you’d want me. Been driving myself crazy thinkin’ about you lately.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Why don’t you show me what you thought about?” you ask.
He smiles as his fingers finally reach beneath your underwear, carefully pulling them down and then gently gliding his finger.
You’re wet, almost embarrassingly so, you think, for just making out.
“This all for me?” He asks with a devilishly teasing tone.
You don’t immediately answer, just smirk as he teases up to your clit and traces circles around it, smiling as you finally make a groan of contentment.
He slides a finger inside you, lazily moving it within you, finding that spot that makes you moan, adding another finger.
You feel close already, but he withdraws his fingers and then, looking at you, brings them to his mouth one at a time in a move that makes your cheeks heat up.
He moves to his bedside drawer, fumbling for a box of condoms you suppose. You’re still lost in catching your breath, in replaying the last few moments, in anticipating what’s about to happen.
He kisses you before positioning himself and you ready yourself for him.
You’re entwined, adjusting yourself for the feel of him, the weight of him. Hands interlocked with his as he finally moves, as he meets your kiss once again.
He adapts quickly, noticing micro=movements or sounds and changing his rhythm to draw every one of them out, to bring you to the edge once more.
You’re both a mess of rushed breaths, a chorus of names and gasps, ebbing and flowing to tease each other apart.
He’s everything and nothing like you expected. Hoped for even.
The feeling builds in your stomach, the rush of pleasure building almost unbearably.
Finally, finally you get your release. The ripples of pleasure ride through your body as the two of you lie together, boneless, catching your breath.
You usually feel a need to say something, to fill a silence, but it’s comfortable. You roll over, daringly placing an arm over Joel’s chest and leaning close. He pulls you towards you, kissing your brow lazily
You can feel his heartbeat, the warmth of his skin.
You feel like you could stay here forever.
Instead though, you’re practical. You excuse yourself to his bathroom to clean up.
You take in your reflection; the telltale signs of your exploits feel so visible to you as you freshen up.
He’s not in bed when you return. You pull your clothes on and head back into the main room of the cabin.
Joel’s wearing his jeans and not much else, humming as he concentrates on something by the stove.
“I promised tea, didn’t I?”
“We did get sidetracked.”
“Well, that was welcome,” Joel says. His voice is so much softer than you’ve heard it in the bar. There’s a vulnerability leaking through with each moment you stay here. It’s two sided, you can feel your own edges softening, a desire to open yourself even more to the man in front of you.
“I agree.”
The kettle boils and you watch Joel making the tea, try and not lose yourself in the broadness of his shoulders.
“So …” you break off, swinging your arms nervously and then wrapping them around yourself.
Joel hands you a steaming mug. “So,” he says. His voice is calm though, relaxed and somehow that helps.
“That wasn’t exactly what I thought was - I didn’t turn up for this specifically, you know? It wasn’t intentional.” Not that intentional.
“Would you have been wearing a trench coat if it was? Seduce me properly?” There’s mischief in his eyes as you meet his gaze.
“That a fantasy or something, Joel?”
He laughs. “Maybe, maybe it is.”
“Okay then. Logging that for another day.”
“Oh really?” Joel’s smile warms his entire face, it softens each feature and it’s something you never want to stop seeing.
It feels like you’ve known him so much longer. You feel comfortable in his house, you feel comfortable around him.
“So we’re opening back up at the weekend,” you say, “Got any plans for this time off?”
“Nope. You?”
You shake your head. “How about that?”
“Hmm, that’s not right. We should do something about that. Let me take you to dinner?”
“People still do that, right?”
“Yes, but - I’d love to.”
“Great. I’ll uh, defer to your recommendation, seeing as you know this area more.” It hits you then. Joel doesn’t have roots here and the bar, except for the Rattlers, has improved. What does this town, what do you have to offer?
“Are you going to leave?” you ask suddenly, the anxious thought you’ve tried to suppress bubbling to the surface.
“When the bar’s open, when there’s no trouble.”
“There’s always some trouble.”
“Don’t. You know what I mean.”
Joel sighs and takes a sip of his drink. “Usually, I would.”
“But this isn’t usual?”
He points his hand at you and adds, “I don’t make a habit of this. I don’t …. Usually, yes I go in and out of places and I don’t stay long.”
Your heart sinks. “I understand,” you lie.
“I think, I think maybe there are some reasons to stick around here though?” It’s a question, not a confirmation. It strikes you then that maybe Joel feels just as exposed as you do.
“I think there could be,” you say.
“Good. I’m glad.“
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The bar looks like the Rattlers never came through here. Everything is neat, clean and in its place. There are no broken chairs or tables. It seems almost impossible for how short a time ago it was.
Joel helped, you realise, he helped your cousin bring this place back.
“Are you okay?” she asks, “I can cover the bar if you need -”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re sure.”
You pause and run your hand over the smooth, clean bar surface. You think of Joel, of the conversations over so many nights about music, about what makes you happy. “Can you still cover the bar for a bit?”
“Sure.” Your cousin pauses and hesitantly puts down the crate of soda bottles. “Is everything -”
“I want to play tonight.”
“Yeah, I’ve got to stop waiting right for the right moment, right? Just do it,” you say.
“And this has nothing to do with a certain bouncer?”
“No,” you say, thinking of the scar on your face, the battles you’ve won and will win in the future. “It’s for me.”
You can feel his eyes on you. It doesn’t make you feel nervous or under a spotlight though as you carefully sit on the stool.
It’s almost as though it’s just the two of you. Another night after work under the stars and messing around with a guitar. Or outside his cabin, thick flannel wrapped around you as you both play.
The bar feels safer somehow. It’s funny considering the recent Rattlers attack. Maybe that’s why - they came in and they tried to wreck the place, you were caught in that crossfire, but you survived. The bar survived. And the locals are back, the locals you wanted back. If you shut your eyes, it almost feels like before when your family ran the place.
It’s different though, because it’s your cousins. Because even though it might not be on paper, it’s yours too. Your legacy. You don’t want to fight it anymore. You don’t want to feel cynical about this town.
You look at Joel and smile and then you start playing.
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Everything Pedro tag-list: @harriedandharassed@pedrostories@hiroikegawa @pedrosaidsheispunk @pastelnap
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darkeralmond · 3 months
Can you do a william Smith smut when they get home from his draft. Pls I haven't seen any writing pieces for him and he's so cute.
Ps. I love your writing pieces
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All Night
Will Smith x fem! Reader
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synopsis: it’s draft night and you attend the draft with will and his family, but while there will’s drooling over your body. when he gets drafted, you tell him you have a reward for him in your guys’ hotel room
warnings: 18+, smut, swearing, oral (m! recieving)
word count: 1.2k
a/n: HEY GUYS!! i wanna get back to writing smuts and imagines so i saw one of my old requests and thought i would write it. also i am so excited to see macklin and will play tg!! enjoy i love u guys sm ❤️❤️
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It was the night Will had been waiting for his entire hockey career. It was NHL draft night, and he was determined to go in the first round. As his long time girlfriend, he really wanted to take you to Nashville with him and his family to cherish the moment with you.
While entering Bridgestone Arena, there were media teams all over the place capturing all the young prospects. Players such as Connor Bedard, Adam Fantilli, and Oliver Moore who were just as glorified by the press as your boyfriend.
Photographers were snapping pictures of Will, ESPN commentators were interviewing him, and all you could do was step back and watch like an outsider.
After escaping the media frenzy by entering Bridgestone, he pulled you close to him and whispered, “You doing good?”
“Yeah, it’s just really crowded,” you answered. Fancy events made you anxious, so being at a nationally televised event with your super popular boyfriend was super overwhelming.
“Well, you look beautiful,” he teased before kissing your temple. His grip around you grew tighter as he stared at your chest which was slightly exposed with your v-neck dress, causing him to lick his lips. He then turned to his parents and said, “Hey, I’m gonna take Y/N the bathrooms so she doesn’t get lost. We’ll meet you guys in there.”
“Sounds good, just be at the table by 5:30,” his mom advised before heading down to their reserved spots. Will moved his hand from your waist to your hand before guiding you away from the crowd of people.
“Will, what are you doing?” you asked as he pushed through the crowd to a more secluded area. He spun to face you before kissing you deeply. You returned the action by moving your hands up to the sides of his neck. He ran his hands down your back and groped your ass.
You gasped before pulling away. “Will! Not here!” You meant for it to come out as stern, but you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Fuck. Why did you wear such a revealing dress?” he whined as he stared at your chest. “You know I can barely control myself around you. This is torture!”
You pecked a kiss on his cheek before saying, “You’ll have all this to yourself when we get back to the hotel. Remember, your parents got us our own room.”
He groaned again. “That’s hours from now!”
“Looks like you’ll just have to wait,” you teased as you winked at him. “Now come on, your mom will kill you if you’re late.”
The draft started shortly after that, and you held onto his hand as you and everyone else anxiously waited for his name to be called. Will ended up getting drafted to the San Jose sharks as the 4th overall pick, and he was over the moon. When they announced his name, the cameras panned onto him as everyone erupted into applause and cheers. Will let go of your hand as he and everyone at the table stood up, clapping and embracing him.
Will finally got to you as he grinned from ear to war and pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face in your neck. Your eyes rimmed with tears as the two of you held onto each other. You placed a kiss on his cheek and whispered into his ear, “Looks like I need to award you with a blow job in the hotel room.”
Now he was smiling even harder with his face red as he walked up to the stage to accept his hat and jersey. When he came back to his seat, he leaned into your ear and whispered, “Thank God they couldn’t see how hard I am just now.”
The first round of the draft took hours to complete due to the amount of prospects, so when it concluded his parents complained about how exhausted they were. Not you and Will though. You guys would’ve gone straight to sleep when you got to your room, but you both were really horny and ready to celebrate.
When you made it back to the hotel, his dad gave Will a keycard to the room. “Here’s a keycard for you guys to share. Your mom and I are gonna keep this one to check in on you so don’t be getting into trouble. I’ll see you two in the morning,” his dad said before heading down the hall to the hotel room for him and his mom.
“Good night!” Will yelled out to his parents before looking down at me, holding up his key card. “Looks I have you for the night.”
You ushered him by saying, “Hurry up! I’ve been waiting for this all night!” He scanned the card and the door unlocked.
Before you even made it in the room, his hands were all over you. His lips were all over yours, and he was kissing you like your life depended on it. You could barely even breathe as his tongue brushed across your lower lip before he opened his mouth and licked your top lip with fervor.
You broke the kiss so you could breathe. “I need this off you now,” you said as you unbuttoned his jacket and shirt and he shrugged them both off, letting it fall to the floor. “You ready for your celebration?”
He ecstatically nodded his head causing you to grin as you tugged off his pants. His boxers were black, very tight and covered in little white hearts. In your opinion his boxers had every right to be tight, he knew what was coming.
With his boxers gone and his obvious erection, you got down on your knees in front of him and stroked his tip with your tongue.
Will moaned softly causing chills to run down your spine. Your hands traveled up his dick, firmly grasping at the base. You kissed the tip and then slowly lowered your mouth to take half of him in your mouth. Multitasking, your other hand massaged stroked slowly.
He groaned in bliss as his hands held onto your hair. “That feels good, yeah?” you asked after pulling away, continuing to stroke his dick with your hand. He moaned again, louder than before, as confirmation. Your stomach flipped in excitement and you smiled wickedly.
“You look so fucking beautiful, baby,” he praised. You didn’t respond with words, you only let out a soft hum in amusement as you took his dick in your mouth again.
He thrashed his hips forward in order to go deeper down your throat. This caused you to slightly choke as a mix of saliva and his pre-cum escaped your mouth. “God, I wanna be inside you…” he whispered quietly.
You pulled away again and made eye contact with him, still jacking him off. “Oh, sweetheart,” you purred. “This is only the beginning.”
As he grew closer to finishing, your head bobbed up and down fast as your sucking became harder. He kept moaning your name louder and louder like an addiction that no drug could replace.
It only took him a minute to finish before he shot a load in your mouth. When you swallowed it, he groaned. “Wow… wow, that was amazing,” he rasped breathlessly.
“You still have my body to get through, you know?” you replied as you wiped the residue off your face with the back of your hand. “You said you wanted to be inside me, right?”
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