#v; He's my Husband
fluentisonus · 4 months
i've seen several variations on this meme with legolas & gimli but no one but me gets which way around it should be it should be like this:
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stressghoul · 5 months
2 weeks til the grammys
2 week til we see tobias again
I am manifesting long slicked back hair, with an outfit that will foreshadow papa v and a second grammy in his hand
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marxistgnome · 2 years
Kirk saying i lost a brother once in reference to spock dying in the ending of the final frontier is hilarious bcos not only does it happen directly after the homoeroticism drenched "not in front of the klingons scene" but because kirk actually had a brother who died
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stuckinapril · 4 months
And on this Valentine’s I almost broke down in tears at a wife’s dedication to her heart surgeon husband whose brain is deteriorating with a rare case of dementia
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lizardfootman · 1 year
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scribbles of my beloved chicken man 💞
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cybrpnkd · 1 year
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“People die. It’s the way of things.” “Am I worth their sacrifice? Are you?”
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your-name-is-jim · 1 year
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I love them so much. ❤️❤️❤️
[Star Trek V - The Final Frontier]
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pumpkinrootbeer · 7 months
just so you know I'll never recover from the ending of magi like yeah in general it left me devistated but Jafar's final appearance being him back in the sindria robes still with this just steadfast never ending belief in a man who he devoted his life to and who then in return betrayed him on such a fundamental level. like im gutted.
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lizardinkart · 1 year
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Lung— the most Man of all time 👀💕
My other contribution to the Miss Tumblr Sexyman 2023: Worm Edition tournament, hosted by the spectacular, show-stopping @brocktonbay !
Lung is one of my favorite characters and designs ever, so I’m real sad he didn’t win his section, but I’m still disgustingly proud of him so he gets to be posted on his own! I mean who else can get emasculated by bugs in the first arc of a story and then bounce back from that??? What a king!!
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kth1 · 2 years
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this.... this.... this is a problem! ♥ for @taeyungie 
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tang3r1n · 15 days
cute idea but hero!chizome grappling with a hopeless crush on all might’s daughter figure (jus a chick he took under his wing izuku style)
like UGH. he’s such an old-school gentleman FUCK. he sends flower bouquets with your favorite flowers and like a 4 page letter with the most beautiful and eloquent language used to talk about how in love he is, and he talks like he’s fucking dying. exhibit a;
“i would lay myself at your alter, goddess, my insides laid out for your tasting, your pleasure— please eat of my flesh, consume me whole and let me feel accomplished as a simple, filling meal for you.
oh i beg of you, let my soul forever intertwine with yours, let me feels the silk of your skin, the heat of your breathe, plunge your hand into my heart and cherish it. sink your teeth into my neck and devour me.
i yearn for you, lovely thing. warmly, obsessively, lovingly, carnally, i can only hope you pity my foolish desires— my insane ramblings of fanatic and desperate attempts to gain your affections. please, please by the grace of all that is just and fair, let me worship you. let me treat you as you want to be.
i pray to no god but that of your body, of your mind, of your soul. there is no religion outside of your teachings, my muse. your word is my law, my written oath, music in the grand hall, the rain, the air, the existence of love. i would sooner accept death and the failure of my life’s work than to even acknowledge the existence of beauty that shines brighter than yours.
i beg of you, let my lowly hands hold you, let my soiled and ugly form touch and feel you, let me court you, my fair woman.
let me love you.”
omfg and he’s so petty. randoms in the street and fellow heroes flirting with you? he’s sighing and scoffing dramatically before completing dissecting their speech patterns, body posture, heroing skills, physical appearance, literally anything he can to make them leave you two alone
i feel like he doesn’t care abt how he looks (i mean duh no nose.) but the second you mention liking muscles he’s suddenly finding excuses to flex and stretch around you non stop, he’s doubling up his workout routine and bulking like a MOTHER FUCKER to see if you’re staring yet.
AAAHHH idk i just love chizome and need him insanely badly.
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alsojnpie · 5 months
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so i have this thing on my keyring
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the original paper fell out and i keep telling myself I'll draw something OR commission a little something that i can stick in there and smile at every day. but it's been months and it hasn't happened yet
but also it's almost my birthday and to be honest, what i want most is art of my post-horrortale papyrus.
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so, if you fit in the middle of this ven diagram and it's ok with you for me to reach out to you about a commission please let me know, interact with this post or something :) or if you could reblog it for visibility I'd be really grateful 🥺🥺 (i know there are a lot of people who never refollowed me and it's possible some of them might be interested!)
if you aren't comfortable taking payment and would rather art trade I'd be more than happy to. i love scratchy little doodles. and art that was made in a rush and doesn't look perfect. i like pictures of him no matter what. something that i can print out and stick on my keyring would delight me but then again so would anything else that's him.
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moeblob · 4 months
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Calling out your homie's weirdness before he says anything weird in front of Angel who is, in fact, an angel.
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sharmoota-job · 1 year
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5 minute sketch from a few months ago
i was talking about my severe low altitude sickness at the time and i joked about how mike and trev being on each other's shoulders would literally give them more altitude than the altitude of where we used to live
so. i had a silly headcanon that trevor also will get low altitude sickness if he's too far south b/c he's from up north like me so michael holds him up on his shoulders to give him a little bit of relief from the constant pressure
(i'll redraw this and ink it properly someday)
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caramelmaplesyrup · 2 months
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for as much as I love Andrew I don't draw him enough (the last time I did was like.... February) so I need to rectify that
ever so slightly different version:
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jin zixuan: don’t talk to me or my son or my demonic didi or my daddy-issues didi or my perfect sister or my perfect wife or my wife’s daddy-issues didi or her demonic didi ever again.
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