francepittoresque · 2 years
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GASTRONOMIE | Les Vérités de la Palisse : le bonbon et son histoire ➽ https://bit.ly/3Omet6i Quelle lapalissade régale Lapalisse, dans l’Allier ? Confiseur du village, Jean Sauvadet eut l’idée d’appeler ses nouveaux bonbons — créés en 1922 — et son magasin « Les Vérités de Lapalisse »
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sabbathsermon · 17 days
La plateforme de la vérité, l'organisation et l'unité pour laquelle Jésus priait
La plateforme de la vérité, l’organisation et l’unité pour laquelle Jésus priait En ces derniers jours, nous assistons à un délabrement de la foi adventiste parmi ceux qui prétendent croire aux messages des trois anges et qui affirment attendre le retour de leur Seigneur du ciel. Nous avons besoin de directions. Ces directions, nous avons besoin également de les recevoir du ciel, car toute autre…
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wik-r-91 · 7 months
Aux filles qui me sourient;
Vous avez l’air adorable,
Mais, comment vous dire, rester à mes côtés c’est chose impossible.
Je suis follement amoureuse de la même fille depuis 2014, sauf que je me suis toujours dis que je la mériterais jamais, qu’elle était trop bien pour moi, que jamais elle s’intéresserait à quelqu’un comme moi, alors je me suis interdis de la voir et de lui parler pendant des années (grave erreur?), et je me suis mis en couple avec une autre fille pendant plus de 6ans, pensant que ça marcherais.
Je me suis tellement oubliée. J’ai délaissé mes amis, ma famille, mes passions. J’ai comblé le vide et le manque affectif avec ce que je pouvais.
Cette année, je voulais tout changer, pour cette fille que j’aime à en crever. Mais j’ai tellement merdé et je me suis tellement éloignée des autres par peur de souffrir à nouveau qu’aujourd’hui Maman me ramasse à la petite cuillère, et je suis retournée vivre avec elle, parce que j’arrive plus à prendre soin de moi et je suis dévorée par la culpabilité.
Et parce que je devais m’éloigner au plus vite du milieu et des personnes qui étaient en train de tuer le soupçon d’âme qui me reste. Pire je mettais tout en oeuvre pour porter atteinte à ma vie, pour me mettre en danger, et ce volontairement. Et tout ça sans jamais rien dire à personne de mon entourage, non pas par fierté, ou par égoïsme, seulement pour les protéger.
Aussi, j’entretien une relation tellement profonde avec la nature, que je parle surement plus au ciel, aux animaux, aux arbres, qu’avec les gens. Et ça renforce chaque jour un peu plus le sentiment d’être esseulée.
Pourtant, j’aime aider les autres, j’aime partager, j’aime donner sans compter.
Il est vrai que je suis un garçon manqué mais c’est pas pour autant que je veux en être un, enfait. J’aime le romantisme, les trucs vieux jeu, les films à l’eau de rose, les vieux films, les dessins animés, les histoires qui se terminent bien. Oui, j’aime la musique, j’aime danser, j’aime chanter, j’aime bricoler, j’aime m’amuser, j’aime dessiner parfois, j’aime tout ce qui touche à la science et à la vie, et j’adore faire de la photo ou écrire dans mon cahier « Pensées et ratures ».
Des fois je suis mature, mais trop souvent immature.
Je n’ai jamais eu confiance en moi, parce qu’à l’école j’ai été harcelée, du au fait que je suis lesbienne (j’ai grandis à la campagne), je suis tombée amoureuse de la mauvaise fille et accessoirement j’étais plutôt enveloppée. J’ai pas mal comblé mes manques avec la glace à la pistache. Ça à jamais été une bonne idée.
J’ai développé malgré moi une certaine aversion/animosité pour les hommes parce qu’enfant j’ai subi des attouchements. Je ne me suis jamais vraiment sentie jolie, et je ne pense pas avoir du talent pour quoi que ce soit si ce n’est d’auto-saboter ce qui compte le plus pour moi, juste parce qu’un jour, je crois avoir laissé mes démons gagner.
Je ne sais pas draguer, ni flirter, et quand une fille me plaît, je fais la liste de tout ce qui cloche chez moi puis je disparaît, et c’est totalement insensé. Je suis jalouse en amour, ça me rend autant sauvage et violente qu’un félin, et si je me met en colère, en paroles je deviens une vrai saleté.
En parallèle j’ai été diagnostiquée haut potentiel émotionnel doublée d’un trouble conséquent de la personnalité Borderline. Donc profil complexe. Mélange de paix et de feu. Même moi je me méfie de moi. Les gens m’aiment bien mais comme j’ai peur d’être maladroite ou de mal agir, je les évites.
Alors oui, je souris, mais sachez que je n’ai plus la force de rester, et intérieurement je pleure toutes les larmes qu’il est possible de pleurer, car je suis trop fragile émotionnellement et je frémis sans cesse de peur, à l’idée d’abîmer les autres avec mes problèmes ou mes pensées.
Voilà, fallait que je le dise, et je suis terriblement désolée.
Maintenant si je dois m’en aller, c’est pour retrouver un semblant de dignité, réapprendre à vivre, et qui sait, rencontrer quelqu’un qui pourra me supporter, ou juste, sincèrement m’aimer.
Ps: Sarah.B, si un jour tu lis ça, je ne t’oublierais jamais, merci de m’avoir libérée, et pardon de t’avoir aimée. Mauvais moment, mauvais endroit.
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malibuzz · 8 months
Naïny Diabaté dit ses quatre Vérités sur le plateau HAUT STANDING, à Safi Diabaté, Mariam Ba Lagaré et Binguini Baghaka qui ternissent l'image des griots du Mali.
Naïny Diabaté dit ses quatre Vérités sur le plateau HAUT STANDING, à Safi Diabaté, Mariam Ba Lagaré et Binguini Baghaka qui ternissent l’image des griots du Mali.
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Mon Passé
Mon Présent
Mon Avenir
Pour Résumer
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Mon Passé
Ma Future
Concernant ce que tu as/peut/pourras lire ce n'était que deux mots que j'assume (maintenant) pleinement car il ne sont que deux definitions véridiques d'une réalité dont maintenant je me refuse à être le seul à porter le secret et les multiples souffrances passées qu'elles soient psychologique, physiques et cætera. Je les répète sans honte. Enfin oui pour l'auteure et l'auteur qui ne sont ce qu'ils ne sont pour moi que sur le papier, j'ai assez confiance en la génétique pour que les gênes puissent suffisamment muter à la création d'un nouvel être humain pour qu'il en soit un totalement différent. Ça s'appelle l'inné. Des décennies de vécu ont confirmées mon étrangeté. Ça c'est l'acquis. Dans cet acquis il y a quelques mots. Juste des vérités incontestables. Juste des incontestables vérités. (Parmi d'autres) :
Maltraitance parentales (on va dire en tout genre dans un milieu bourgeois et favorisé et (je dis ça sans plaisanterie ;) avec amour , juste qu'on a pas la même vision de l'amour,
Violes psychologiques (le mot psychologique est pour respecter ceux ou celles qui en on subient un physique (c'est déjà trop) plusieurs (là l'indicible devient inexplicable, inracontable, inimaginable, inhumain... le mot psychologique est aussi une pudeur, une dernière, la dernière. Devant ce mot le mot exact est incesteS (psychologique) .
(Tellement) plus classiques je croyais ça banal, normal même, puisque mon père disait (sans le jamais le dire, drôle de façon que je respecte pourtant au moins je n'ai pas ces mensonges qui résonnent dans tête et je peux comme homme utiliser ce mot vierge et pur pour moi) qu'il m'aimais...à ça façon... à grands coups de claques, bien souvent ça se limitait à ça c'était juste un peu virile et plus frequent (appartées on appelle ça battre son enfant, choses aussi aggravante pour ce pauvre type que parlante sur lui, sa femme qui lui donnait souvent les "raisons" (mon cul!) de le faire et lui demandait d'arrêter quand elle avait envie d'aller se coucher pour dormir du sommeil du juste, et pour l'ensemble des témoins des hématomes que l'on voyait parfois sur mes joues le lendemain au collège ! Appelons ça des bleus que camarades de classe et tout les adultes none atteint de cécité voyaient. Par contre la cécité morale, le courage, la notion de mission dans son (pauvre) métier et sa (pauvre) vie elles avaient jamais eu de problème ! J'avais une amie très intelligente qui était dans ma classe de la maternelle à la fin du lycée, on habitait depuis toujours à 30 metre dans la même rue, sa mère me connaissait très bien, elle a été mon prof de catéchisme, représentant des parents d'élèves, en primaire, puis au lycée ou elle a été ma prof d'anglais et professeur principale, à part ça c'était une femme de tête surtout pour appeler mes parents qu'elle pouvait mener par le bout du nez...quand c'était pour me faire aller à son église le dimanche matin... que dieu ai pitié d'elle !...
Donc mon père c'est fait mais pas fini (pourtant une simple phrase comportant un mot clé du type "pardon" "excuse" "regret" au singulier je m'en fou si c'est ça sa limite, je lui demande pas une prière en latin qu'il préfère sans même le parler, ni un mot compte triple au scrabble, un poème vu qu'il comprend même pas les miens ou de l'humour il comprend a peine celui de tf1, n'a jamais compris le mien au point que je peux me foutre de lui depuis la nuit des temps face à lui pendant qu'il bouffe comme un porc devant tout le monde... quand il me gueulait dessus (il appelait ça un côté latin, pour ça oui je l'ai toujours entendu parler couramment) de préférence en me tenant et même si il beuglait près de mon oreille pour pas que j'en perde une miette mon nez sentais le repas que j'avais pas pu avaler comme son "vin de table"...je crois qu'il y a deux parenthèse à fermer) ). Trois petits points pour la forme et je reprends le tableau...que les rares de ma mère qui exteriorisait ses nerves parfois physiquement quand sa pudeur était (dépassée) impuissante à rester dans le cadre (débile)mentale (1) avec tout le respect pour ceux qui sont affublés de cette adjectif qui en dit en fait plus sur ceux qui utilisent ce mot réducteur qui ne résume en fait que les limites explicatives de personnes limitées , souvent diplômées médecins dans la médecine ou instituteurs, professeurs, enseignants (j'ai pas été plus loin mes limites du dégoût comme mon dégoût de leurs limites mon arrêtés là) dans l'éducation nationale... À chaque fois que j'entends (et c'est frequent) quelqu'un utiliser ce mot j'insulte consciemment ceux qui utilisent ce mot et qui en sont de vrais et chaque fois j'ai une pensée pleine de respect de gratitude de merci pour une phrase slogan de l'association de monsieur Lino Ventura qui a créé une association pour sa fille (qui pour moi était différente comme tout les êtres humains c'est tout, je le suis comme elle et toi aussi) :
"Vivre ensemble c'est pas débile"
Je referme cette longue parenthèse (moi aussi j'ai été obligé de relire pour savoir de quoi je parlais ou plutôt où j'en étais ;) sur ce que peut être l'amour véritable d'un père pour sa fille et revient (une première et dernière fois officiellement ma vie, comme je l'ai écrit récemment j'ai autre chose non pas à foutre mais à faire du temps qu'il me reste...à Aimer) à feu ma mère. J'ai ma conscience pour moi puisque je lui ai, heureusement, dit tout ça histoire qu'elle meurt moins bête, je ne pensais pas que ça arriverais...aussi vite. une fois comme lui ai dit souvent que je l'aimais, parfois avec ce simple mot, souvent avec des colliers de nouilles ça c'était un truc des maîtresses (mes seules qu'elle a jamais acceptée en fait ni virée de chez moi, pendant 20 ans là où j'ai dormi ou plutôt passé (sensé passé les dernières et plus beaux moments officiellement, j'étais insomniaque naturellement, trop d'idées dans la tête, puis j'avais peur des monstres encore plus quand j'ai vu des reportages dessus à la télévision puis aux cinéma où mes parents m'enmenaient souvent. C'était génial, vraiment. Juste que je me réveillais parfois dans mon vomi, en sueur, sans avoir fermé l'œil de la nuit ou avec 40 degrés de température et desallucinations visuelles avecdes monstres vues dans les fameux reportages. Des fois tout ça en même temps! Je crois que mon cerveau essayait avec ses petits moyens de leurs dire quelques choses! Mais quoi? Mes plus vieux souvenirs de nuits je les passait sous mes draps bien au milieu du lit, c'était mon enfer de canicule chaque nuit, toujours dos au mur en cas d'attaque, je manquais d'air frais et presque d'oxygène, pour survivre je formais en faisant un léger conduit avecdes plis de mes draps impossible à voir par les monstres qui voyaient forcément la nuit car ils existaient que la nuit. Le jour j'étais pénard ... pour d'autres angoisse. Quand ma mère passait me dire bonne nuit j'étais content mais c'était le top départ de l'enfer et je plongeait sous les draps. Elle disait que je "faisait sous-marin"! On dit que les enfants sont naïf, et les parents? Et puis c'était quoi un sous-marin? C'était étanche aux monstres? Si oui comment on y respirait? La réponse m'aurait aidé... ;) lol. J'avais un grand frère ce qui était super car je pouvais découvrir pleins de choses deux ans en avance, c'était mieux que rien. Lui aussi attendait que ça accélère à l'école du savoir. Je crois qu'il a passienté jusqu'au lycée en travaillant. Un peu comme moi sauf que je ne travaillais pas. J'avais dû mal à trouver une raison et comment avoir une moyenne de A+ en primaire. En CE1 j'étais dans une classe à deux niveaux. C'était vaguement plus intéressant les cours de CE2. Par contre en CE2 ca a été la double peine. Premier bulletin de CE2 : A+, commentaire de l'institutrice : "peut mieux faire s'il en a l'envie" ! J'aime pas insulter les femmes mais je le dis à elle comme à l'éducation nationale : "connasse !"...
Mais je m'égare je parlais juste de mon frère aîné qui avait eu la gentillesse de m'inviter à son club cinéma quand il est rentré au collège c'était une chance moi qui était en primaire en CM1! Le film :
"Les Dents De La Mer"...
Bon tout ça reste entre nous, après tout ce ne sont que des banalités que je vais publier en secret sur tumblr pour que ce ne soit jamais lu ni diffusé...
Donc (1) :) :... de la Maltraitance mentale. Après tout si ça la déroulait j'étais croyais elle peut-être que j'étais là pour ça "à portée de main" pour lui faire oublier sa jeunesse passée comme son amour passé pour un homme qu'elle a aimé et avec qui elle m'a fait avant qu'il la traite mal! C'est tout ce que je peux dire avec le must de français que j'ai appris à l'école comme à peu près tout le monde des pays "où c'est qu'on a la chance d'apprendre à écrire" c'est à dire les bases qui approximativement date de l'invention de l'écriture et des décennies de psychothérapie analytique. Je dis pas analyse pour pas recevoir la facture. Là par contre mon ignorance, mon manque de révision (mot toujours et à jamais théorique à mon esprit) et en parlant d'esprit : aux cours de catéchisme interminable donc mille excuses pour les crises de fous rires que j'avais à chaque notre père qu'on recitait à la fin de cette séance de torture hebdomadaire, mettons ça sur la puberté, mon sens critique, le stress de l'école, de ma vie familiale et cætera. Lincroyance en un dieu de carte postale n'a absolument rien à voir avec cela, je respecte absolument toutes les croyances, je connais le notre père toujours par cœur sans jamais le réciter, je ne suis pas hypocrite (moi!..) je vais parfois au cimetière ou je dépose des choses à des personnes et ceci ne regarde que moi. Je ne crois pas en un dieu, en tout cas pas plus qu'en un autre ou qu'en d'autres... je crois en quelque chose. "Dieu est Amour" on a au moins ce point d'accord. Simple parenthèse pour illustrer le fait que je confond le passage de la préhistoire à l'histoire avec la naissance du Christ plus facile à dater... je crois aussi aux extras terrestre, au surnaturel à certains monstres et surtout à l'Amour ! Ça s'est pas une croyance c'est une certitude ! sais absolument pas comment elle savait;) de maternelle, des poèmes, ça c'était mon truc
sont toujours présentes dans ma mémoire, mon corps en garde des cicatrices et maintenant je les arbore fièrement pour l'enfant que j'étais et aussi pour les autres enfants qui ont vécu des choses semblables. Je milite activement à ces sujets depuis très longtemps, maintenant les blessures sont cicatrisé mais j'arbore avec fierté les marques du/d'un/de mon passé simplement comme les souffrances indélébiles comme tout le monde en porte. Personne ne s'excuse d'avoir un nombril ! Mon corps porte juste d'autres traces, seules les plus profondes restent encore visibles, on ne peut voir celles de mon âme, juste les lire pour ceux/celles qui veulent et qui savent. Maintenant : Tant pis et fuck à ceux qui les ont fait (!), et tout leurs complices du Silence ou de la cécité familiale, morale, scolaire, médical, sociétale et cætera. Je sais que les hommes dans la haine resterons toujours à l'âge de pierre ne serait-ce pour continuer à faire le mal c'est à dire leur bien d'être mauvais pour leur jouissances malades de leur déséquilibres conscients et malsains.
Malheureusement pour eux et leurs mémoires auxquelles ils auraient dû penser avant leurs plaisirs violemment malsains et malsainements violents pour les corps et pour les esprits de leurs victimes impuissantes mais des hommes ont inventés l'écriture comme arme de la mémoire et de la justice.
Il arrive (qu')un jour l'enfant prend cette arme pour la vérité et sa justice comme pour surtout que d'autres enfants n'ai pas à en utiliser contre eux-mêmes faute de justice ou contre leurs anciens bourreaux pour faire justice eux-mêmes.
La peur doit changer de camp.
La peur a changé de camp.
La/es souffrances peut-être difficiles à voir mais je l'arbore comme une médaille que la vie m'a offerte. Si elle en ébloui certains ou certaines c'est que leurs cœurs ont été entachés par des noirceurs de leurs âmes, si t'en est qu'ils en ont une.
La mienne pécheresse n'a jamais eu besoin de religion pour chercher un pardon et échapper à l'enfer qu'ils ont créés de leurs vivants, je me confesse chaque jour auprès de ma conscience innocente. Je m'excuse dès que je peux avec mes mots, au pire des cas dans le silence et ma Solitude qui est la seule à voir mes larmes quand j'ai fait un tort et que la personne que j'ai blessée ne peut m'entendre ou n'est plus là à portée de voix ou de mots à temps car je ne l'ai pas été.
Enfin je ne parle même pas de mon grand frère qui ne m'a jamais protégé ni réagi ou combattu les monstres ce qui fait leur complice et presque leur coauteur. Aujourd'hui il repridroduis la maltraitance sans violence physique ni inceste psychologique mais à sa manière qui n'est vraiment pas très belle, je l'ai vu quand je le voyais et maintenant depuis presque mes vingt ans je l'ai vu maltourner, et depuis beaucoup d'années il est infecté avec moi et à dépassé le stade de la maltraitance vis-à-vis de moi. Actuellement c'est insupportable et invivable les choses qu'il m'impose et me fait supporter sans aucune autre raison que son propre plaisir de malade mental agressif, vu cieux et malsains comme malveillant...
Au moins j'ai un (grand) sens de la justice.
Je vais dans son sens. Des fois avec le temps, mais avec/grâce à lui je peux (me) regarder en arrière sans baisser les yeux, bien agir au présent avec chacun/une en le/a regardant dans les yeux, on peut me faire confiance les yeux fermés et je peux préparer un avenir heureux en le regardant droit devant. Les yeux en face.
Le vendredi 19 mai 2023 3heures09.
Brouillon écrit d'une traite que je ne reprendrai pas. Quand on vomi c'est pas pour faire un beau truc qu'on trie pour faire joli. ça fait juste du bien quand c'est fini.
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lesportesdelaudela · 1 year
Vérités à méditer
Priez pour ceux qui vous font du mal et vous les rendrez meilleurs.   Ne pensez et ne dites jamais du mal de votre prochain; car votre prochain c’est vous même, et le mal que vous lui faites retombe sur vous.   Vos fautes n’offensent pas Dieu, mais provoquent l’effet salutaire de sa Justice. Vos bonnes actions vous attirent les influences bienfaisantes.   Priez de tout votre cœur; la prière…
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theonehotnews · 2 years
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Covid-19 : "Le pass sanitaire ce n'est pas d'actualité pour l'instant", assure Brigitte Autran
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savoir-entreprendre · 2 years
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Avec des #gens dans vôtre #vie qui vous crachent ded #vérités amères https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgse1Rbt8xe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sk2lton · 2 years
you banish your s/o to the couch.
part two
— warnings: semi-proofread
— characters: alhaitham, cyno, itto + thoma
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alhaitham always has to go saying something smart in the midst of a fight which leads to him sleeping on the couch for that night. the first time it happened, he was rather shocked. what do you mean he has to sleep on the sofa tonight? by now, he’s used to it. still, it would probably benefit both you and him if he just didn’t say something sarcastic in the first place.
“this is childish,” he grumbled as he hugged one of the couch pillows close to his chest.
overhearing his complaint from the other room, you reprimanded him once again, “your childish remarks are what got you there.”
with that, alhaitham shut up. if you were anyone but his significant other, he would’ve kept going but he wouldn’t want to upset you even more, consequently making his situation worse.
cyno knows he’s really messed up if you’ve exiled him to the small couch, in your cold living room, far away (or at least in his mind) from your shared bedroom. it’s worse than any other punishment, mainly since not only is he away from you, but he can never have a good sleep on that sofa. if he doesn’t apologize immediately, he’ll come in the middle of the night and wake you up to do so. just wanting to go back to sleep, you dismiss his expulsion and he swiftly joins you in bed.
“hey,” cyno mumbled, kneeling down at your bedside. he watched as you stirred awake with a confused expression on your face. he waits a moment for you to fully wake up. once you do, he wastes no time bringing up the matter that brought him to your bedroom, specifically after you had told him to sleep on the couch so he could be far away from you.
“cyno..?” you grumbled, pushing yourself up with your elbows from your sleeping position. however, you were quickly stopped by cyno who insisted that you stay laid down.
“i wanted to say that i’m sorry.” he stares at you with an expression resembling one of a lost dog. obviously, being told to sleep on the couch had done a number on him it seemed. “i wanted to say it earlier, but i thought you would be too upset to want to speak to me.”
after saying what he had to say, he stood up to leave. “cyno, wait,” you murmured, rolling over so your back was facing him. “get in” that’s all it takes for cyno to nudge at you to scoot over. 
itto is so confused whenever you banish him to the couch. the sight of you grabbing his pillows and throwing them into the living room always makes him furrow his brows in puzzlement. what did he do? whatever he did, he definitely did not mean it. he doesn’t care about sleeping on the sofa, he just cares if he upset you, and if sleeping on the couch will help make you feel better, then he gladly will.
“hey! what are you doin’?” he raised a brow with his arms crossed over his chest to show his displeasure as he watched you throw his pillow onto the sofa, along with a blanket (a small one even). “wait, what did i do?” 
“do you seriously not know what you did?” you groaned in frustration. 
“no,” he sighed out, looking around the room to see if something, anything, maybe an item would jog his memory. he didn’t know what he did to make you upset, but after some thinking he finally came to that conclusion. by then, you were already back in your shared room, locked in there. he curses himself for not realizing it earlier because he didn’t think it was a big deal. itto promises (to himself) to be more considerate of your feelings next time. 
thoma’s banishment always leaves him more upset than whatever happened to make you banish him in the first place. the fact that he’s done something so horribly wrong that you don’t even want to be near him tonight is unbearable for him. in hopes of reversing what he did, he goes to extreme lengths just for you to forgive him— or at least until you are no longer upset to the point where you don’t want to sleep beside him tonight.
“i’m sorry,” thoma’s apologize had cut you off the moment you told him to sleep on the sofa tonight. despite its swiftness, you could tell the apology was genuine. “let me do whatever to make it up to you, okay?”
you can’t argue with that. 
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bangtanficsforyou · 9 months
Vérités Cachées (JJK)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader.
Summary: You try to make an escape from a beast, that you happen to have encountered while on a vacation with your boyfriend.
Genre: fluff, mild angst, smut.
Word count: 8K (it was supposed to be a 1K drabble)
Warnings: steamy stuff, or^l (f receiving), ti^^y sucking, fing^^^ng p in v s^x, mild d^^ty talk if it counts, s^x out in the wild (against a tree to be very specific) (p.s: it feels so awkward writing it with all the '^' but idk man apparently Tumblr flags it or something otherwise? And I have seen other writers do the same, so yeah)
Based on this request.
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Faster. Just a little bit faster. 
The leaves scrunch underneath your feet as you try to work them as fast as you possibly can. 
You have lost track of how long you have been running. All you know is that your knees feel weak and they are this close to giving out. 
But you cannot stop. 
"Y/N, stop."
No matter what you do Y/N, do not stop. 
Your lungs beg you to take a break and let them have their share of oxygen. Your throat runs dry and the saliva you have been gulping a little too frequently is just not enough anymore. These things should have been enough of a sign for you to realise that even if you willfully don't give up, your body will. 
And that is exactly what happens the very next moment. 
You feel a sharp pain in your left leg. The muscles cramp in protest and make it impossible for you to keep your pace up. You falter and somehow limp to lean against a tree for support. 
Your mind goes to lactic acid and how lack of oxygen can have your muscles doing anaerobic breakdown. Geez, you should have gone to the gym and have been a little more familiar with physical exercises. Maybe then your body wouldn't have burnt out this easily. 
You try to move your legs and examine the damage. The good thing is the cramp doesn't seem severe, the discomfort should be gone soon. The bad news is, for the recovery to be fast, you need to take deep breaths and relax for the lactic acid to be washed from your system.
All these calculative thoughts are brought to a stop when you hear footsteps approaching. Shit. 
You bend down and take hold of a piece of rock, the only thing available that can be used as a weapon. 
"Y/N," a breathy voice reaches your ears and a figure soon comes into sight. 
The figure happens to be of someone you know very well. Jungkook's. Your boyfriend.
Which is the absolute worst part. 
The man comes closer to you with his eyes locked on yours and you notice the fury in them.
A shiver runs down your spine and you raise the stone in a threatening manner. "You come one step closer and I'll hit you with this."
The man doesn't react in any manner. Almost as if the words don't register, as if he's in a world of his own. 
He doesn't stop walking towards you which makes you hold the piece of rock firmly, ready to aim. However, he suddenly is a little too close to you and with one flick of his hand, he manages to throw your so-called weapon to the ground, leaving you defenceless. 
You don't even try to hide how terrified you feel like this, all weaponless against something you don't even properly know what it is. 
You're about to plead for your life when he speaks. 
"Are you okay?" 
The voice. Even the voice is an exact replica of Jungkook's. Whatever this man is, he sure as hell is dangerous if he can imitate a person this flawlessly. Lord knows what other tricks he has up his sleeves. 
You don't answer his question for you know he could possibly not have any interest in your well-being. 
"What are you? Why are you chasing me?" 
Something about your shaky voice has a visible effect on him and he puts a little distance between the two of you. It's enough for you to release the breath you were holding but you also don't miss how he keeps a close eye on your movements for any time you try to escape. 
"I–I am Jungkook," the man speaks and despite the stutter in his words, he speaks with confidence. 
You manage a weak scoff. "As if I'd ever believe that. Do you think I didn't see? You think you can fool me?"
"What did you see?" His senses go full-on alert.
"I know–" you look away from the man in fear when the scene replays in your mind, "–I know you are no ordinary human. You're a beast."
You don't know what happens next, for there's a pause. A pause, that is long enough for you to hope that he's gone. You would have liked to check if your assumptions were right had you not been this scared to open your eyes. 
However, you do not have to keep guessing for much longer, for moments later there's a hand being placed under your chin, which slowly and gently guides you to turn your head towards the man.
"Open your eyes."
Initially, you don't oblige. You keep your eyes tightly shut. But as the silence lingers and the hand under your chin refuses to leave, you open your left eye to take a peek. 
All you see is the man looking at you with the same intense gaze, something burning bright behind those orbs that intimidates you to no end. Aside from that, you also deduce that he's not in the mood of giving up. He seemingly wants to talk to you or worse, wants to do something to you and is willing to wait for it. 
You think it's rather wise to cooperate with him while he's still calm and patient. Maybe that way, you'll be able to fool him and while given the chance, make an escape. That way you will also buy yourself time for your muscles to relax and recover.
You slowly open your eyes, apprehensive of what he might do next. 
He only repeats his previous statement. "I need you to believe me when I say, I'm Jungkook. The same Jungkook you have known for so long."
You know you shouldn't argue with him. You're in no position to take the risk of igniting a fire you know you'll not be able to put off. But despite your logical reasoning, you feel deeply irked with this man's audacity to claim he's Jungkook. Just how dare he? 
Against, your better judgement, all thoughts of cooperating with the man are forgotten.
"I do not believe you for a second." 
"I don't blame you for it. But I need you to give me the time to explain myself," he speaks in the same calm, confident tone. "Stop panicking, I won't cause you any harm–"
"What are you?" You interrupt him, mid-sentence, knowing you need to have some idea of what he is for you to consider his words of not harming you, seriously. 
For the first time, he looks away, "I'm a werewolf." 
Werewolf. So now you know, what this man is. 
You search your brain for all the information that you have ever come across about werewolves. How dangerous are they? Do they eat human flesh? Do they murder people? 
The more you come up with questions and their respective answers, you realise that none of these answers are reliable for all you know about werewolves are solely based on fictional books or movies. There's no guarantee that anything these movies and books portray is anything barely similar to the way a real werewolf is.
How can it be anything close to the real thing, when werewolves were supposed to be completely fictional? Heck, you wouldn't have believed it had you not seen it yourself. 
You sigh when you realise despite now having the crucial information about him, you literally know nothing. You are still as vulnerable as you were before. 
"Can I speak now?" 
You look at him and reply with a nod. You may not know how reliable his promise of safety is but as long he's talking, you're safe.
"I don't mean to cause you any harm, I'd never. I understand why you're so scared but let me...let me just explain."
You nod again, urging him to speak. 
"Some werewolves, like me, live among humans considering that there isn't much forest left in these areas and if we were to move to rural places, it would cause a problem for the werewolves living there. It also increases the chances of gaining unnecessary attention.
I have always lived quietly and never interacted with humans unless necessary. But I had to join the company because apparently there was a documentary on werewolves being made which had footage of real werewolves. A few of us were assigned the job to stop the documentary from being made available to the public."
As a journalist, if there's one thing you have learned over the years, it's the ability to tell when a person is lying. And somehow according to your analysis, he isn't. 
However, you shoot that thought down telling yourself he's not a human. He's a werewolf, lord knows what they can do. You're used to interacting with people who lie, not with supernatural beings. 
"If I had to get a hold of the files and clips, I had to interact with people. I had to get friendly with them and had to get as much information as I could. Which is how I started talking to you."
The mention catches your attention. 
"I was not supposed to fall for you but I did. I did not realise that at some point I had started talking to you not in order to get information out but because I genuinely wanted to. I looked forward to meeting you, talking to you and spending time with you. I fell for you when I was not supposed to.
Falling was a different thing but dating was a whole other story. I simply, simply did not know how to tell you the truth. When we started dating, I was far too deep. I wanted to call you mine and take you places but at the same time, there was this guilt gnawing at me for hiding my true nature from you. 
However, when you said that you were in love with me, that was the day that I decided I would do whatever it takes to protect us. Even if it means not telling you the truth." 
The man stops, probably done with what he had to say. However, you find his words extremely suspicious. How can you not? The man you have known and loved for a whole year, suddenly turns out to be a werewolf? As if you wouldn't have caught it sooner had it been the case. 
You try to move your leg a little to check the condition of your cramp but you make sure that your movements are subtle so that it doesn't catch his attention. You find a bit of relief when you realise that the majority of the pain has subsided.
"Let's say what you're saying is true, how come I have never caught you before?" 
"We werewolves do not shift that much. Irrespective of what TVs and films may have made you believe, we do not turn into a wolf against our wishes on a full moon night. If we do change into a wolf, it's only when we want and choose to do so."
You furrow your brows. "You mean you chose to turn into a wolf today? It wasn't an accident?"
He nods. "I booked a vacation in the middle of a forest because it is comforting for the wolf in me to be here. I wanted to just turn into a wolf and go around for a stroll. Never did I think you'd end up seeing me in the middle of a transformation."
You look away when you realise he's done answering. You need to come up with another question, something, anything to keep him occup–
"You do not believe me." 
His words catch you by surprise and you gulp in fear. You cannot let him know that you're not playing whatever game he's playing, who knows it might just make him lose his cool. You can't have that. It's better to play dumb. 
"That's not true, I am just trying to piece the puzzle together."
The man scoffs with a small chuckle. "You think I can't tell when you lie? I've known you for a long enough time to be able to do that." 
Oh shit. 
"I understand that you're in total disbelief. As if learning werewolves exist wasn't enough, you also learnt your... boyfriend is one. That can't be easy." 
You still do not believe his words but nod nevertheless. 
He gently puts your hands in his and his thumb fiddles with the promise ring that Jungkook had given you. 
That's weird. Jungkook used to do that whenever he was nervous and needed to calm down. 
No, no, no. Just because he is fiddling with your promise ring doesn't mean he's Jungkook. He can't be. 
You withdraw your hand from his and look at him with a determination that you didn't have before, a little annoyed with yourself for considering the possibility that this man might just be Jungkook. "I do not know who you are and what you want from me but I know one thing and that is, you're not Jungkook." 
"What can I do to make you believe me?" 
You shake your head vigorously. "You cannot be Jungkook. My Jungkook is gentle, sweet, and caring. You seemed so scary, my Jungkook is not like that." 
"Please look at me," after your withdrawal from him, he does not choose to make you look at him. He realises that irrespective of how gentle he might have been, you may still be uncomfortable with it. Thankfully, you do look at him even if it's after, what seemed to be a moment of contemplation. "I am so sorry that you had to find out this way. But I promise despite my appearance as a wolf, I am still the same Jungkook you know. There's nothing that you don't know about me."
Something about his eyes makes it impossible for you to look away. Maybe it's just the strong emotion that shines through his orbs but for the first time, you notice that his eyes aren't filled with fury. 
Out of both curiosity and anxiety, you keep your eyes fixed on his' to understand what exactly is it he's feeling. 
A few moments later, you still keep looking. Not because you can't figure out the emotion being reflected in his orbs but rather because you can and you think it simply cannot be so. You must be seeing it wrong. Because what you see is......fear. A lot of fear. He's terrified. 
But that can't be it. Why would a werewolf who's been filled with fury, suddenly be so scared? Unless...unless, he wasn't furious in the first place and it was your fight or flight mode that had made it look like he was furious. 
Does that mean he has been terrified from the very beginning? 
"What...what do you want from me?" Your question comes from a place of confusion. So far you had been under the assumption that this man wants to harm you. But if that were the case, why is he so scared? Things aren't adding up! 
"I just want you to realise that I'm Jungkook." 
His words play on repeat in your mind. That's the only thing he's been claiming since the beginning, that he is Jungkook. 
"Why would Jungk–No, Jungkook would have told me if he was a werewolf. He would have never kept it hidden." 
"Maybe Jungkook was too scared that he'd lose you and you'd stop seeing him with love. That the love and adoration you have for him will turn into fear."
He looks like his whole world is falling apart and he's barely holding on. 
Fear. This is the source of his fear. This is exactly what he's been so terrified of.
You frown in a state of confusion that turns out to be painful for you. Could this man really be Jungkook? Is Jungkook, him? Are they the same person? 
"Would it be so bad if Jungkook were to be a werewolf?" The question is asked softly, a little too softly for your liking and your head spins as it only confuses you even further for you once again, entertain the possibility.
Jungkook. Your sweet, cute, bunny-eyed Jungkook whom you love so much, is a werewolf? It's absurd because you still can't make peace with the fact that werewolves are real. But if it is the Jungkook you know and have grown to love, would it matter? You don't think so. But it's not a question of whether Jungkook is a werewolf. Right now, it's a question about whether this man, who's a werewolf, is Jungkook. 
You calmly go through everything he has said so far. Him, joining the company because he had to stop a documentary from being released, which could threaten the truth about werewolves being released to the common public. You recall how he was when he joined, he was distant, and his conversations looked forced as if he was doing it because he doesn't have any other choice. Or the way he was a little too curious about the itsy bitsy details, that no one else paid mind to. Even the time you had found him going through a series of tapes from the office room. Could it all be because he was trying to gather information about the documentary? Could he be saying the truth?  
"What happened to the documentary then, did you get a hold of it?" 
The man shakes his head. "As it turns out, no such documentary existed in the first place. It was just a rumour which had gotten out of hand." 
You immediately shoot him with another question. "Why then, are you still working in our company?" 
He chews on the inside of his cheeks, contemplating if you'd even believe his answer. "Because of you." 
Something entirely unexpected happens. Your heart skips a beat. In the midst of all the confusion and fear, your traitor heart skips a beat! 
You immediately scold yourself for it. What if he's lying to you? What if he's not actually Jungkook?
But, the way he's looking at you....it's the same way Jungkook looks at you. How can it feel like Jungkook if he's not Jungkook? This man could be lying and pulling stories out of his ass but his eyes? What do they say about eyes being the window to the soul? If so, why does it remind you of Jungkook so much? 
You shut your eyes close tightly and ask him a question as your last resort. "Tell me something only Jungkook would know."
It doesn't even take him a second and words come pouring out of his mouth. "You like your noodles a little less boiled because that's the way your mom cooked them. You like it when it rains because the weather comforts you. You enjoy it when I play with your hair because you find it soothing. You haven't talked to your brother for months after that fight even though you really want to. You have a little scar on your thighs from the time–"
"You're Jungkook," you whisper to yourself, finding your walls crumbling and your guard lowering. There's no way anyone except Jungkook would know these things. 
Jungkook is hit with a tremendous wave of relief which you do not miss. His body visibly reacts as if a huge bag of stone has been lifted off his shoulders.
"I am Jungkook," he whispers back, repeating your words to confirm what you have just said. As if he cannot believe that he has managed to make you trust him. "I am sorry you had to find out this way,"
"You really are a werewolf? You always have been a werewolf? Every time we have talked, you were a werewolf?" 
Your set of questions causes Jungkook to get nervous again and he takes a step back. Now feeling sure that you won't try to run away from him, he only manages a weak nod as an answer to all of your questions.  
"Wow," your mouth forms an 'o' as you let all of it sink in. Jungkook is a werewolf. Your Jungkook is a werewolf. "I wish you had told me sooner."
"I was so scared I'd lose you," he mutters, his voice wavering, all the confidence and firmness he was showing before, now gone. It's only now that your previous thoughts are confirmed that he's been this scared from the very beginning and you realise his confidence was merely a facade to calm you down. "You being scared of me is an absolute nightmare." 
You don't speak for a moment. Now that you feel like you aren't in danger, you take a few seconds to observe him. He is nervous, that much is obvious. But it's the little details about him that call for your attention. You know how he avoids eye contact when he feels small, you know how he runs his tongue against the inside of his cheek when he feels annoyed with himself and you know how he craves to have some part of his body to be in touch with yours because it grounds him. His clenched fists are a sign enough, that he wants to hold onto you, but is resorting with every fibre of his being.
Looking at him now, you wonder how you had not noticed these things before. How you could, even for a moment, think that he was not Jungkook. It's him, everything about him is Jungkook. 
He is Jungkook. Your Jungkook. 
You take a step towards him, to reduce the distance he had put between the two of you. 
"I think the fact that you're a werewolf hasn't quite sunk in, a part of me still is in disbelief," you place your palms against his cheeks and hold his face gently. "But something in my heart tells me you're my Jungkook and that's all that matters. Werewolf, vampire, human, I don't care."
Jungkook closes his eyes and releases a shaky exhale. "Can I hug you?"
You wrap your arms around him and let your head rest against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat washes away any remaining doubts or anxiety you might have had as you relax in his warmth that is so familiar. 
Jungkook goes completely limp in your hold as he too wraps his arms around you and pulls you in tightly. He lets go of all the tension in his body and the both of you stand there in the middle of a forest embracing each other. 
You would have liked to stay like that a little longer but a sniffle from Jungkook makes you break the embrace. You look at him to find his eyes misty. Jungkook saves you from asking the reason behind his watery eyes, as he himself tells you. 
"I thought you wouldn't believe me and that you'd find me disgusting and unappealing," he confesses. "I didn't know what to do to make you see that I'm the same Jungkook. The way you were scared, scared me." 
You run your fingers through his hair, knowing it has a soothing effect on him as well. "When I saw you transforming, I was scared but it was because I never even imagined that it was you. I thought it was some scary supernatural being that wanted to harm me."
"And you're not disgusted to know that I am, in a way, partially a wolf?" 
The way his voice sounds so small and unsure pulls at your heartstrings and urges you to comfort him. Placing a soft peck of reassurance, you smile against his lips. "Nah, you're still my cute little baby."
Jungkook looks surprised as he looks at you with wide eyes, not having expected that action from you. You giggle seeing his expression. He's your cute little baby, indeed.
His expression turns into that of shyness and a blush appears on his cheeks. "Could you do that again?" 
You laugh and the very next moment kiss him again. Your lips mould against his as you kiss him gently, silently apologising for scaring him like that. You kiss him with passion in hopes that it eases his anxiety and makes him feel reassured that you still love him the same. 
Jungkook kisses you with a softness that is desperate and needy at the same time. He needs it to fully relax into the fact that you're here, right in front of him and that you haven't left him. He needs to let it sink that you're kissing him with the same amount of love that you always have, that him being a werewolf, doesn't come in the way of your love. 
However, when he feels that reassurance hit him, he pulls you impossibly closer and his kissing starts getting harder. It holds the same amount of desperation, as before but this time Jungkook holds onto you tightly as if he's scared to ever let go of you, again. He feels like he needs to apologise to you, needs to love you better than he did before and most importantly needs to express how incredibly grateful he is for you sticking with him.
He could literally worship you right now. 
A brief fleeting thought occurs in his mind as to what were to happen if he were to get down on his knees and make you scream his name in the middle of this forest? 
That thought is a tell-tale sign that he should pull away, because with each passing second that your lips remain on his', the thought becomes a little less fleeting. 
With a groan that has your heartbeat accelerating, Jungkook pulls away and smiles at you. "We should head back." 
Your breathing had just started to get faster, your chest had just started to heave and the wave of excitement that makes goosebumps rise all over your skin, had just started to take over. The prospect of having Jungkook in a way where he doesn't have to hide himself makes you curious and crave that intimacy.
"We could head back a little later, we have time until it gets dark," you suggest lightly with a shrug. 
Jungkook looks confused at your suggestion. "What do you want to do staying here?"
"I don't know, maybe we could kiss a little more," you suggest with a shy smile on your face. 
"While that does sound nice, I do not think it's a good idea." 
"Why not?"
"Because I might get greedy and end up wanting to do unspeakable things to you," Jungkook reasons, trying to be the voice of logic.
 "Who says I do not want to do that already?" 
There are a million questions in Jungkook's mind. Would you be okay with it, when you were so scared moments ago? Would you be comfortable with it? Would you regret it later?
You get on your tiptoes and press a small kiss on his cheek, having noticed the concern on his face. "I want you, trust me."
"Are you sure?"
You nod with a reassuring smile.
The glint that takes over his eyes, makes a shiver run down your spine. It's a look you have seen plenty of times, one that you're extremely familiar with.
However, you sense he's still hesitant. Taking a step closer, you make the first move and kiss him hard. Starting it slow be damned, you want him to know the desire you hold for him. 
Anything that might have been holding Jungkook back, disappears. He holds you by your waist and pulls you closer. Groaning into your mouth, he bites into your lower lip before capturing it passionately between his lips to soothe any sting the action might have caused. 
Your desire increases and you gently prod his lips with your tongue, eagerly waiting for him to let you in. As soon as he does, you could not be more delighted, something which is made extremely obvious by how excitedly your tongue greets Jungkook's. 
There's no battle of dominance. Rather, both of your tongues entangle together as if dancing to their favourite song.
Your body starts to feel hot and you keep feeling the need to have him closer. When you part your mouth from his, it's not because you've run out of air, it's because you need to feel more of him. 
An emotion which Jungkook replicates. 
"You'd need support," his breathy voice reaches your ears. 
"That's what the tree is for," you reply in a tone that's quite similar to that of his. 
"The surface is rough, it'd scratch your back," he reminds you of the consequences of having your back against the tree trunk when you'll be naked later.
"Well you could always offer me your blazer," you counter, with a sultry smile. 
Having been caught in the middle of turning into a wolf, he had to stop right away. Unfortunately, the fur doesn't disappear immediately. At that point in time, his main priority was not scaring you any further. Hence, Jungkook had grabbed the nearest thing he could find, to put on. Anything that could cover the fur until it disappears. Which so happened to be the black blazer he's now wearing.  
The image that comes to his mind as a result of your words, is one which makes him come to the conclusion that the thoughtless choice of the blazer, is one of the best decisions he has ever made. After you, of course. But if he has to put the blazer to good use, he needs to get you naked first. 
Kissing your neck with newfound vigour, he holds you firmly against himself as his hands start to wander behind your back to find the zipper that serves as the key to get you out of this dress.
Having found it, he wastes no time dragging the chain down and sliding your dress halfway down your shoulders. 
You whimper when the cold air hits your skin, taking you by surprise. He kisses, nibbles and leaves his mark on the newly exposed skin and curses to himself when he realises that you're not wearing a bra. The new discovery entices him to slide the dress even lower so that he can get his mouth on your soft supple breasts. 
His entire mouth dries up when your nipples are revealed and he realises how hard they have been all this while, as if just as eager to get sucked as he is to suck them. Wasting no time he puts your left breast in his mouth while playing with the right one with his other hand. 
"Fuck," you throw your head back at the new sensation and grab a hold of his hair. It's when he sucks a little harshly, that you look at him with eyes filled with pleasure. You notice the deep frown on his face while he plays with your tits and it does something unspeakable to you, it makes you want to skip everything and just have him inside you.
He gives equal amounts of attention to the other breast and then when he feels satisfied with the work of art he's left, he decides it is time to wander lower. 
He slides the dress off further, now exposing your stomach. His palm gently runs across the area and he leaves light kisses on his wake. The sensation makes you sigh for how in contrast they are with his previous demonstrations, which were rather rough and desperate. While these touches are soft and sensual, with a hint of teasing to them. 
Finally sliding the dress all the way down, he looks at you with anticipation in his eyes, "Step out of it." 
You oblige and step out of the dress that now pools around at your feet.  
"The underwear too," Jungkook asks, dying to see you naked. 
You smile a little at his words, understanding that he's getting impatient and you thrive in the thrill of what's to come. You hook your fingers around the band of your underwear and tug it down, getting rid of it. 
Jungkook's pupils dilate seeing every inch of your skin exposed to his eyes.
He experienced the most vulnerable part of him getting exposed and it made him want to crawl inside a hole and never come out. Anything was better than you being scared of him, being disgusted with him or feeling betrayed by him. But here you are, willingly standing naked, right in the middle of a dense forest with eyes filled with want for him. 
The wolf in him feels a deep fire ignite at the sight of you not shying away even though theoretically, anyone could step in at any moment and see the both of you in this compromising position. It assures him that you're not ashamed of him. It makes the beast in him feel accepted. 
Although he would like to have you naked like this a little longer, he reminds himself that he needs to put the blazer on you, for you'd need support for the sinful things he wishes to do to you and truth be told, he cannot hold himself back any longer. 
Removing the piece of garment, he drapes it on you. Taking a few steps back he curses when he takes in the full view of you in nothing but just a black blazer. His blazer. 
You're a tad bit disappointed when Jungkook closes the distance, for you were enjoying the sight of his glistening chest but your disappointment is gone when you realise this allows you to run your hands all over his body. 
You and Jungkook feel each other like you both are starved of touch and as if it's the air you need to survive. It's also while Jungkook feels every inch of your skin that he slowly and gradually, corners you against the tree, finally having you the way he wants to. 
He litters kisses in a straight line from your neck to your navel and then gets down on his knees. The new position has his face right in front of your sex.
"Please do something," you plead, shivering when his exhale hits your core. 
He merely hums, enjoying the sweet smell of your arousal that hits his senses. Using the tip of his thumbs, he gently parts your folds for your wetness to be revealed. "You smell so sweet, sweetheart." 
"Do you want me to have a taste?" He continues, now locking eyes with you. A soft whimper from you is all he needs to put his mouth on your nether region. 
He doesn't start gently, oh no, he straight away starts drinking all you have to offer as if he's been thirsty for ages. His tongue runs messily all over your insides, sometimes messaging your hole, other times stimulating the bundle of nerves that have you wildly arching your body with pleasure. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you chant repeatedly, the forest being the only audience of your sinful words. As much as you'd like to drag it out and take it slow, you don't think you'd be able to hold yourself from orgasming any longer. It feels like it's only been a minute since Jungkook started eating you out and you're already about to fall over the edge. But can you really be blamed when Jungkook has gone completely wild with his tongue down there? "Shit, I'm about to come."
Jungkook slows down. 
His tongue all of a sudden, turns gentle, languidly cleaning up your arousal but somehow still holding the same amount of passion as before. 
You're not complaining but the switch of pace has you craving more, because you oh so desperately, need to cum. "I need to cum, Jungkook."
"Not yet, sweetheart, I need your cunt on my mouth for a little longer," he whispers, his words which practically vibrate against your folds. 
The words are on the tip of your tongue as to how he could have just started slow and gradually built the pace, rather than snatching away your high right when you were about to hit it. However, you keep the words to yourself when you realise just how much Jungkook is enjoying softly lapping at your essence as if it's his favourite treat. It also doesn't take your body long to forget the stolen high and to start enjoying the slow pace. This time instead of wild loud moans, soft gasps and broken whimpers leave your lips. 
You know Jungkook is teasing you, he likes doing that. He likes giving you pleasure in a way, which with time gets a little too much and which has you begging for relief of any sort. It's not like you cannot cum like this, you can. After all, Jungkook is a little too good with his mouth but if you let go this way, the pleasure will be one that will hit you in the form of gentle waves. However, what you crave is a wave that hits you at once like a tsunami. 
Hence, you beg. "Don't be gentle. Make me cum. Hard."
Your words are desperate, a plea to Jungkook for you will lose your mind if he doesn't let you have your relief. And that's all Jungkook wanted, for you to beg in a helpless voice. Feeling satisfied, he sucks on your clit harshly. To add to your pleasure he inserts two fingers and pumps them in and out at a slow pace until you get adjusted. Once you seem to have no difficulty with his fingers, he starts a ruthless pace, one which has you seeing stars. 
While he fingers you with one hand, his other shimmies up and slides underneath the blazer to play with your tits. He squeezes your tits to his heart's content and pinches your nipples until your eyes roll back. 
Your head thrashes wildly and you grab a fistful of his hair. "Fuck, you feel so good."
Jungkook has a bit of a dirty mouth. One which you clearly enjoy. And there's so much he wishes to say right now. He wants to tell you how sweet your cunt tastes, how tightly it's clamped around his fingers and what a sight you're from down here. But he cannot afford to not have his mouth on you, while you cum. That'd be such a waste. And if he were to go by the way your hole clenches around his fingers like a fucking vice, you're close. It only motivates him to increase his pace. 
That paired with the stimulation he provides on your clit and your tits, has your whole body heating up and the very next moment it all explodes. You cry out loudly, and your grip on his hair tightens even more as the wave hits you like a tsunami, making you lose all control over your senses. All you feel is the overwhelming pleasure that consumes you.
Jungkook smiles against your cunt at the way you fall apart, thinking to himself, you for sure would have lost your balance had it not been for the tree you lean against.
He helps you ride your high and once you seem to have caught your breath, he places a few more kitten-like kisses before getting up on his feet. 
You feel weak but you cannot not kiss him with everything that you have got in you. A hum of satisfaction escapes your lips when you're greeted with your essence and it urges you to have a taste of him.
Your hands find their way to his belt and you attempt to unbuckle it. Jungkook chuckles against your mouth, noticing how your hurried actions, instead of getting the job done quickly, lead to you messily fumbling with the belt. Taking matters into his own hands, he stops kissing you for a brief moment to get rid of the belt himself. 
"Fuck, thank you," that's all you say before roughly tugging his trousers down.
Your mouth practically salivates at the sight of his hard length that begs to be free from the confinement of his boxers. The dark wet patch against the piece of clothing serves as an invitation for you.
Thankfully, you do not have to put your patience to the test to get rid of his boxers. It's done swiftly without much struggle causing his length to spring out. You immediately have your hands on him. Collecting the precum from the tip, you rub it all over his length. 
Jungkook groans right next to your ears, his breathing accelerates the more you run your hands on his cock. "Yes, baby, just like that."
You feel his tip leak more beads of precum and it adds to your desire of having a taste of him. "I need to have you in my mouth."
Jungkook stops you before you can get down on your knees. His lust-filled eyes, spark with a shred of amusement. "You will hurt your knees, baby."
It's only then that you are reminded of the fact that you're in a forest and that you indeed will end up hurting your knees if you were to get down on them on the forest floor. 
"Then fuck me," you say with a gruff, a tad bit annoyed that you cannot have what you want, at this very moment.
"That I will," Jungkook chuckles darkly. Saying so, he presses his length against your folds. "Do you know how wet your pussy is?"
"Why don't you do something about it?" You mewl softly, enticing him to just fuck you rough and hard. 
"Oh don't worry, darling, you won't be able to walk after this," he promises.
It isn't just his words that affect you, it's also the way he's looking at you. You have noticed there's something more carnal about him today and if you're not wrong it has everything to do with him not having to hide anymore. It's him expressing his need without having to hold anything back, now that he knows he's accepted and loved wholly. 
"I'd like that very much." The sultry, seductive tone is intentional for you know that Jungkook plans on teasing you. But you cannot wait any further. You need to have him inside you now and you only wish you can make him as impatient as you. However, Jungkook seems to have understood what you're trying to do. It's not to say that your tactic doesn't work, it does. He starts rubbing himself against you faster but he's not willing to give in, just yet. 
You make another attempt by pinching his nipples. In the various occasions that you've been intimate with Jungkook, you've learnt that those two buds are perhaps the most sensitive spot for him.
It's once again proved right when he lets out a low growl and the next thing you know he's pushing his cock inside you. "You couldn't wait a bit longer, could you?" 
"When it comes to you, I do have a habit of becoming impatient," your voice comes out hoarse, the pleasure from having his length inside you clouding your senses. You just feel so full. 
Jungkook hums in approval and once you give him the green signal, he builds up a slow and steady pace. 
"Fuck baby, your cunt is so tight," the words are whispered against your neck, as you feel Jungkook gradually set up a brutal speed. 
You tug on his hair harshly to get a grip on reality as your vision starts to blur. You whimper, wail, scream and cry his name repeatedly, all of which fuels Jungkook to go faster and deeper. 
He notices the lightheaded look in your eyes and swiftly hooks his arms around your thighs to lift you. You instinctively wrap your legs around his waist and secure your position. 
The effects of your previous orgasm hasn't completely faded yet and from this angle, his dick hits the golden spot which makes your high approach faster than you had anticipated. 
"Jungkook, I'm gonna cum," the words are broken and breathless. 
The new information earns a few slow determined thrusts from him, before he speeds up again. His forehead touches yours and you feel the sweat that has built up on his skin. You notice the way he is so focused on your pleasure, on every moan that escapes your lips and every expression on your face. 
It all gets to the point where you can't hold yourself back anymore. Throwing your head back, you reach another high and hold to any part of Jungkook that you can to hold onto your sanity. 
"Baby your pussy just got so tight," he speaks in a hushed voice, the fucked out look in your eyes and the essence that he feels on his cock, as an after-effect of your orgasm, now making him chase his high.
"Cum inside me, please," you say in a weak voice, your cunt still convulsing. 
"You know I'm a werewolf right?" He queries, with a dark look in his eyes. Receiving a nod from you, he speaks again, "Do you know what that makes you?"
"My mate."
That's the only warning you get before he's pounding into you like his life depends on it. The sound of skin slapping makes you dizzy and you feel so desperate to feel him spill inside you. Thankfully, it takes a few more thrusts before he paints your insides with ropes of thick cum. 
You both stay in that position, foreheads resting against each other as you breathe heavily, feeling totally spent. 
"That was something," you mumble when you seem to have regained enough energy to speak.
"That was intense," Jungkook agrees, removing the strands of hair that had fallen on your face.
"I enjoyed it though," you smile up at him, finding it kind of silly how you ended up getting railed against a tree from running for your life. 
As he slowly feels himself coming down from his high, he feels the disbelief resurface again. Did he just fuck you after you found out he's a werewolf? And you just let him and confessed to enjoying it? And are you still here looking up at him with those bright eyes? 
"You're unreal," he sighs, closing his eyes and inhaling your sweet scent. 
"You're the one who's a werewolf and you are telling me, I am unreal?" Your brows quirk up as you tease him.
"I–It's just unbelievable that you're still here–"
"So a good round of fucking wasn't enough for you to believe that I'm here?" Your words earn a small chuckle from him which soon turns into a warm smile when you place a kiss on his jaw. "There's never gonna be a good enough reason for me to stop loving you, Jungkook."
"I promise I'll never hide anything from you again," his nose gently rubs against yours.
"I hope you don't ever feel the need to," you hum. "But for now, you need to do me a favour and carry me on your back."
"Told you, you won't be able to walk after," he winks, with a proud look. 
"That and the fact that I got a cramp due to all that running."
His worry is immediate. "You got a cramp? Why didn't you tell me? Shit, did I hurt you while having sex?"
"Nope, it didn't cause much trouble," you shake your head to ease him. It's the truth, the cramp doesn't seem to have had much of an affect. It's only when you try to stretch you legs, that it causes the slightest of sting. 
"Let's head back, I'll massage the area for you, that should help," he comments as he quickly starts collecting the clothes that you two have dropped on the ground without a care. 
Once he has his trousers back in place and has collected everything that is needed, he asks you to hold the clothes. Then swiftly, in the blink of an eye, he is picking you up in bridal style. A surprised gasp escapes your lips but it soon turns into giggles when you realise that Jungkook's upper half is still unclothed and you get exclusive access to it on your way back. 
"Walk slow, take as much time you need," you quip, your hands slowly and dramatically inching closer to his chest. 
He rolls his eyes, pretending to be done with your silly behaviour when in reality, it's one of the things that he so dearly loves about you. 
He knows you tend to get sleepy after sex and the only reason you're being this talkative and playful, when your body is probably trying to doze off, is because you want him to be at ease. You know him a little too well and know that in your silence, he will probably overthink again. Its not just your words and touchy hands but it's also this unspoken thoughtful gesture, that makes Jungkook finally relax and let go of the notion that you'll regret or change your views about him.
Oh, how dearly he loves you. 
Bless whoever had started the rumour about the documentary. Had it not been for them, he would not have you in his arms right now, making him feel like the luckiest man alive.
Gosh, he cannot wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
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