#v.   starter  /  closed.
zahri-melitor · 2 months
Tim suffers from a situation where he occasionally commits thought crime (thinks about how killing someone would be easier/how he would like someone to be dead/plans out how to kill someone) but does the right thing in person, and doesn't kill people and will act heroically to save even the lives of villains and people he hates. Which gets him cancelled as lacking in morals and being 'two seconds from killing at any time'. While someone like Jason, who commits actual crimes in person but validates the reasons for doing it in his head, gets lauded for why killing drug dealers is excellent and should be morally correct.
Maybe it's a bit law and justice and rules follower of me, but thinking the bad thoughts and still doing the right thing is a better approach than doing the bad thing while telling yourself it's for the right reasons actually.
Actions are more important than what you say in the privacy of your own mind. That's the bit other people can see and interpret.
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starcunin · 27 days
closed starter | @accultant
The vampire lounges by the fire, vermillion eyes flickering with the reflection of the dancing flames as they flit across the camp, yet his gaze is fixed on something far more enticing. Puck. Or rather, the hot, rich blood he can almost taste beneath the surface of that skin. He’s watched the others from a distance, keeping his secrets hidden behind a mask of charm and wit, but Puck… Puck is different. There’s a vulnerability there that Astarion recognizes all too well. It’s the kind of vulnerability that could be easily exploited, if only the right strings were pulled.
For over a fortnight, they’ve traveled together, the mind flayer tadpoles wriggling away in their skulls, tying their fates together in the most grotesque of ways. It’s an uneasy alliance, and Astarion knows better than to fully trust any of them—but he’s learned how to use people, to bend them to his will. Puck, with that vacant look of someone who has lost all memory, is the perfect candidate for a bit of careful manipulation. He could become a reliable source of protection, even a steady meal, if played correctly. But there’s a complication—a thorn in Astarion’s side that he hadn’t anticipated.
Iago. The “friend” who seems to hover a bit too closely to Puck, whose eyes are always watching, always calculating. Astarion knows there’s more to that story—he can practically smell the lies on Iago’s breath whenever they speak. And while he hasn’t quite figured out the full extent of the deception, he can feel it in his bones that Iago is hiding something.
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He can’t afford to make any mistakes. Not with the others blissfully unaware of his true nature, not with this bloody parasite scrambling his brains. But the hunger… it’s growing stronger by the day. He hasn’t fed properly since this whole nightmare began, and the temptation that Puck presents is becoming harder and harder to ignore. Astarion’s crimson eyes trace the line of Puck’s throat, imagining the warmth of blood spilling over his tongue, the sharp pain of his fangs sinking into flesh… It takes every ounce of self-control not to act on it, not to give in right there and then.
But then he feels it—a pair of eyes on him. He tears his gaze away from Puck and meets Iago’s stare across the fire. They’ve caught him. For a split second, there’s a flash of something in Astarion’s expression—annoyance, perhaps, at being interrupted—but it’s gone as quickly as it came, replaced by a cool, practiced smile. He arches an eyebrow, ❛ Oh, don’t mind me, ❜ he says, his voice smooth and just a touch too casual. ❛ I was simply… admiring the fire. Nothing more. ❜ The lie slips easily from his lips, but there’s a tension in the air now, a thread pulled taut between them, and Astarion wonders just how much longer he can keep up this delicate dance.
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prcttyinpcnk · 4 days
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Angelica felt a chill up her spine as they braved through the forest. Those eyes are so far away, but they feel right on the back of their heads.
"... Milady?"
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"Yeah! I know! But we can deal with whoever that is later! We need to find Ms. Creechur and at least warn her!"
Phiona was no fool, but she was not easily distracted. The noticeable aging of the trees and foliage around her did little to distract her from her goal of finding Creechur.
XXXXX @crvptd
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necrostar · 14 days
How unbelievably embarrassing. Him, the great Bakura, the master of stealth, the clear know-it-all of everything... got locked out his own house again. This time, however, with his lockpicking set still inside. He'd forgotten it when he left that morning.
And now, with nowhere else to go, he was at his doorstep like a stray. What a nightmare. It was one thing if he was here for... literally anything else. It's another when you need something.
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Without a word, face tinged red, he knocked with the side of his fist.
"Atem! It's me, open the door!" He barked, stepping back with his arms crossed. He looked impatient, annoyed, and most importantly: like a wet cat. It poured rain the entire way over. Even the sky wanted to point and laugh at him.
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electricea · 6 months
Closed starter for @rainbowxfmuses!
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"Annnd here we are!"
Ryuji's cheerful voice rings out through his favourite familiar restaurant as he happily strides through the front doors, immediately diving for a table in the back corner. What was better than ramen? Ramen with a friend, naturally! Nothing was going to spoil his good mood today.
"C'mon sit, sit!" He impatiently pats the seat next to him as he waits for his friend, already eagerly reaching for the menu. "Do you feel like ordering something with our ramen? Maybe some miso soup?"
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vendettavalor · 5 months
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Invasive Species
⚔️ Closed starter for @sonorous-eisfyl ⚔️
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It's unusual to see a Lagombi in an environment such as this. Far from the snow-covered, mountainous terrain of tundras or taigas where their fur kept them sheltered from the cold. Where their bellies were adapted to glide across freshly fallen powder, their claws evolved to gather it up in tightly packed boulders of ice to hurl at perceived threats. The warm, humid climate of the dense woodlands were hardly a place for such a ginormous, furry creature. Its coat should be heavy on his form, its legs quivering as they sink into soft, muddy earth covered in moss and shrubs that tangle in its claws.
But... it seems largely unaffected.
If the weather is too warm for it, it's not letting that fact on. It doesn't show any signs of distress or discomfort as it lopes through the underbrush, pressing its snout into foliage to pick out tender stems and leaves to graze on. If anything, the creature seems remarkably comfortable with this environment- if just the slightest bit jumpy. It pauses frequently, ears rotating to listen in for any strange sounds. And when it hears nothing, it hops along, head to the ground sifting out yet more delicious plants to nibble on.
Slowly it makes its way, onward and onward, until the gaps between trees reveal what looks to be the entrance to a monster den. Its home perhaps? The Lagombi makes its way along the border of the clearing, continuing to nibble at the foliage, unbothered and unaware.
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galaeus · 7 months
hehe a starter pew pew @fasciinating
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"So he sent your sorry ass to me."
It's a statement more than a question. Blowing off steam is a classic Leto move. Figures he'd stick the former mentat within view as she readies herself for a solitude spar. Her champion mark tattoos swirl out from under her muted tan tank top, arms crossed over her belly as she regards Spock.
"Or was last time that much fun for you?"
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clippedwingsmuses · 5 months
🇨‌🇱‌🇴‌🇸‌🇪‌🇩‌ 🇸‌🇹‌🇦‌🇷‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ - @ahogedetective 🇦‌🇨‌🇦‌🇩‌🇪‌🇲‌🇾‌ 🇱‌🇮‌🇫‌🇪‌ 🇻‌🇪‌🇷‌🇸‌🇪‌ / 🇩‌🇦‌🇳‌🇬‌🇦‌🇳‌ 🇸‌🇦‌🇱‌🇲‌🇴‌🇳‌ 🇲‌🇴‌🇩‌🇪‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌🇲‌🇪‌: 🇮‌🇲‌🇵‌🇷‌🇴‌🇻‌
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today is just one of many days where kokichi's boredom reaches a peak. it's gotten to the point where it's absolutely unbearable. he feels like he'll just die from it! he won't, of course, but that's just one of many things that he loves to overdramatize.
most of his day has been spent wandering around, sort of observing what the others on the schoolgrounds have been up to. really, he's just looking for someone that'll be the most fun to mess with. who has the biggest reactions to his antics, who's the most likely to stave off his boredom with some 'interesting' conversation topics...
unfortunately, he's coming up with blanks. mostly in part due to the fact that it's unfair for him to judge who can tolerate him when they all refuse to get near him. but, not everyone's like that, right?
...ah! that gives him the perfect idea actually.
he's giggling to himself as he makes the trip back inside. there's only one person who he didn't see standing around, talking about whatever and doing what was most definitely something boring. and trying to get under their skin was going to be the most fun.
he's not trying to hide his presence when he heads back inside, almost trying to ensure that his footfalls were loud and sure to draw attention. that's not unusual of him either; his presence as a whole demanded others' eyes to be on him. the loudest stomps of his feet are right outside one of the research lab doors.
and the next loudest noises come from him slamming open the door and yelling.
" shu - i - chii! "
kokichi whines like a child as his expression morphs from the cheery look of before to the usual glossy-eyed look he put on whenever he wanted something. he even sniffles and wipes his eyes as he walks into the room, not caring enough to ask permission to enter. not that he was going to ask anyways; he did practically kick open the door.
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hatredcurse · 4 months
It was humiliating enough to have been caught in the untimely Summer downpour— it was worse to be caught up in such awful weather whilst wearing all white.
Late in the afternoon, everyone was due to be home and/or away from this glacial palace hall, leaving Izuna with some peace to unwrap the gray outer sheer of his outfit, folding it in two halves, and leaving it over nearby railing. What remained was a thin, soft silk-cotton white robe that clung favorably along his form with nearly nothing to the imagination. Wonderful for private affairs, but truly awful within the public sphere.
Warmth crowned at his finger tips along with the birth of a minor flame within the cage of his digits, Izuna hovered the fire near his chest first to dry his middle. At least, he aimed to, completely ignorant to the snark singing his way:
“ Got yourself into quite the predicament there, haven’t you ? ” said Tobirama || @annienne // @whitedemontobirama
The Uchiha princeling hissed in surprised, snuffing the fire in his palm under a forming fist.
" Don't you have a family to eat dinner with? " he didn't so much entertain the Senju with a glare, much less even squaring his shoulders to him; far too indecent to be forward facing in any capacity.
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penniesfortheferryman · 4 months
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"Well, look who it is, my favorite princess of the spooky." Kharon says waving his hand in her direction, before he promptly jumping off his boat and onto the shore. He takes a moment to turn to the shade in his boat,
"You don't move, unless you want to spend the next hundred years becoming a really great swimmer." He warns them, pointing in their direction before turning back to Elizabeth. Tilting his head as he looks her over,
"Have you come to enjoy my company or is there something you need from me?" He asks, wiping his hands on his tattered sweatshirt as he spoke. Assuming the latter he huffs out a breath, deciding to have fun with this interaction, simply because he was bored.
"Or has Hades officially become too lazy to give me a good talking to? I mean in my defense the shade deserved it." He smirks, keeping it vague on purpose.
@essentiamortis // closed.
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boombambaby · 7 months
[ Closed Starter for @adorable-feisty-misfit ]
One word; Yzma. One minute, Kuzco was strolling through the palace halls at a relaxed step, admiring the long line of portraits of himself in various poses and states of dress lining the walls. His newest royal advisor kept pace with him, walking by his side and steadily reading off of a list of ‘to do’ items to be completed or dismissed within the next week. They were still running damage control from Yzma’s power grab, removing all traces of her likeness from the palace and deciding what if any of her ‘changes’ could be kept. “. . . The royal bust she commissioned for the front entrance— “ “Scrap it.” “— Eggplant colored drapes lining the throne room and adorning all of the public hallways within the palace— “ “Nope. Eggplant, shmegplant. Who even likes that color?” A pause, and he chuckles at his bad attempt at a joke. “You know what I mean. Forget it. Next.” “— She sent a courier to each village to speak with the village leaders and figure out when their harvest would be complete for her coronation ceremony.” “Hm. Might not be a bad idea to keep at least part of that one.” “— She planned a new temple to be built in your honor, to be finished by early next week.” “Nope. Not dead. X-nay, the emple-teh. Next.” It continued like that for some time, the two of them making their leisurely way towards the throne room where he was to oversee the peasants complaints and delegate responsibility for new projects to his council. Kuzco dismisses his advisor as they turn the corner, waving him off so he can head to the throne room proper to meet with his Royal Scribe ahead of the peasant petitions-- which is exactly when he spots what looks like a lost . . . child? Wandering around the halls. ". . . Well, this can't be good."
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milleroptimism · 25 days
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"... Dean..."
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starcunin · 26 days
closed starter | @caniasfire
The vampire spawn sits by the flickering campfire, his crimson eyes subtly tracking the strange green-skinned figure across from him. The night is deep, and the others are already slipping into their restless dreams, but he’s still awake, his mind buzzing with a mixture of hunger and curiosity. His fangs ache, an ever-present reminder of the gnawing hunger he’s been trying to suppress, sneaking out into the night to sate himself on whatever unfortunate creature he can find. But it’s a pale satisfaction compared to what he really desires.
His gaze lingers on Amay, whose skin almost seems to shimmer in the firelight, a vivid green that refuses to blend into the shadows. He smells of sulfur and hellfire. It clings to him, even days out of Avernus, and it stirs something primal within the vampire spawn. What would he taste like? Would his blood burn like the fire he reeks of, or would it be something else entirely? The thought makes Astarion’s tongue press against the roof of his mouth, fighting back the urge to bare his fangs and take just a taste. But he can’t—not yet. Not with the others so close, and not when he’s worked so hard to keep his true nature hidden.
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Instead, he leans forward, his voice a soft purr as he finally gives in to his curiosity. ❛ Amay, ❜ he begins, eyes narrowing slightly as he studies him, ❛ I must ask, darling—why are you green? ❜ The question is out before he can stop himself, and he realizes it might be considered rude, but the thought is fleeting, barely worth his concern. He’s far more interested in the answer. Perhaps it will give him some insight, some hint about the blood that pulses just beneath that emerald surface. And if he’s patient, if he plays his cards right, maybe he won’t have to wonder for much longer.
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prcttyinpcnk · 5 months
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Angelica figured as much. He's been pretty much silent ever since that harrowing battle... While stronger than the rest, mostly due to his family heritage, he's still a mortal at the end of the day.
"Recovery is often the hardest part..."
Right. Phiona. She must be so worried. Angie had gotten so caught up in keeping Peppino safe from harm, she failed to keep in contact with her mistress. How selfish of her.
"Right. We shouldn't keep her waiting...."
Words were... exchanged in anger. They both cared for one another greatly, so it's only natural they would be distraught at the idea of the other in danger. Emotions were very fickle things. One of the reason why Angelica herself tries to repress hers, as unhealthy as that is. Still, these two couldn't be more alike, despite their drastic differences.
"You know where she lives, yes? Or would you like me to make a portal there?"
@lultimagoccia [ XXX ]
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necrostar · 14 days
Ah, how lucky he was to linger around these parts of Domino at night. If he couldn't go out and stare at the stars like he wanted, then he could spread his annoyance and irritation to someone else (and make some money, too)! A low chuckle left his throat as he counted the yen from the latest pilfered wallet.
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"Hope you weren't saving this for anything, idiot." Bakura mumbled under his breath. Look at this! This is enough for groceries for at least the week! Score of the night, most likely. Stupid tourists. They always make themselves obvious and don't even bother protecting themselves from pickpockets. Ah, well, his gain and their loss! 
The wallet in question, once he was done, was 'dropped' in an alleyway. Best to make it look like someone else forgot it. Besides, in a place like this? Where everyone was either drunk or a tourist? Who would notice? 
Perhaps everyone except, well, them. The wealthy side of town that bordered this one. His gaze wandered up the rather nice buildings, an internal disgust churning inside of him. Imagine having so much money you can literally live above the poor. With just one gaze out a skyline window, you can pretend it's nothing but their pretentious selves with the little plebians scuttling beneath their feet. Tch.
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But alas, he had to walk that way to go home. And they always stared and sneered at him. They knew he didn't belong. He knew he didn't belong. But one way or another, he had to go home to his little poor house and live his little poor life because he wasn't born made out of gold. He was fuming just thinking about it.
Fuming so much, in fact, that a silly little thought crossed his mind.  'Hey, Bakura, have you thought about trying the nightlife? I heard it's great for stealing.' 'But I don't have an ID. I know they check those, I pass by it every other night!' 'I know, but didn't you steal from Ryo the other night by mistake? You still have his wallet!'
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He still has Ryo's wallet. Fuck it! Come on Barbie, we're gonna party!
And off he went, bolting to practically the first one he saw. But, dare he say, the lady right in front of him looks familiar. Where did he see that face before...?
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electricea · 6 months
Closed starter for @shattered-protectors!
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"Still out on your motorcycle, huh? Doesn't it get chilly this time of year?"
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