#vacationland au
apricot-the-apricat · 5 months
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This was originally gonna be a specific scene from an rp but then i zoned out and a full nighttime background just appeared out of nowhere (the scene was in that setting but daytime) and then i was just like ok fuck it im gonna just do whatever now so yea thats how i ended up adding lighting too n here we are now
go easy on me i was fully just winging it (hah) throughout the entire piece im still tryina figure out how sai works lol
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amarguerite · 11 months
potential au game: pride and prejudice but they live on an ostrich farm (i just want to know who gets attacked by a large bird)
1) every Bennet sister but Jane has been attacked by the ostriches.
2) I’ve been thinking about John Hodgeman’s book “Vacationland” recently and if I were to actually write this, it would probably take place in Western Massachusetts, since he has a chapter that mentions a local farm switching to ostriches for reasons he could only speculate upon
3) if that’s the case, Jane goes to Mount Holyoke and Elizabeth and Mary go to Smith. (For the non-Americans/ non-Seven Sisters alums, they’re two traditionally women’s colleges in Western Massachusetts and part of the seven sisters network of traditionally female colleges established in the latter half of the nineteenth century.)
3) Elizabeth accidentally-on-purpose sets the ostriches loose while Wickham visits in whatever equivalent there is of his “hey were married so everything’s fine!!” Not!victory lap with Lydia
4) she would have done the same to Darcy, earlier in the story, had Darcy ever deigned to visit Longbourne Farm
5) Mr. Bennet is a tenured professor who does not give a shit post-pandemic
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scapegrace74-blog · 5 years
X-Files Fanfiction Masterpost
It’s almost the second anniversary of my very first fanfic post on October 1, 2017, so here’s how I’ve frittered away an ungodly amount of time since then.
Driving - Mulder and Scully in the car, Rated G
Flashlight - Why doesn’t Scully like candles anymore?  Rated G
Basement - A character study of a different sort.  Rated G
Motel - Scully escapes an untenable situation.  Angst.  Rated G.
Pistol - Mulder meets his gun.  Rated G.
Cigarettes - Teenage Dana Scully wants to rebel.  Rated G.
Slideshow - How does Mulder do it?  Rated G
Guilty Party - Where do you go when you can’t go on?  Angst.  Rated G.
Suits - Even Mulder has to suffer the indignities of aging.  Humour.  Rated G.
UFO - Mulder and Scully’s first flight.  Rated G.
1013 Words - A compendium of adjectives describing Mulder.  Rated G.
Faith - A glimpse into Mulder’s inner dialogue. Post-ep for Revelations.  Rated PG.
Winter - Scully has dipped to the lowest point in her horizon.  Angst.  Rated G.
Family - Scully is Mulder’s chosen family.  Rated G.
Run - Meditations on a word.  Rated G.
Unnamed - Mulder’s thoughts during Pine Bluff Variant.  Rated PG.
Help - Mulder wants to be a father.  Rated G.
Travel - See the world, join the Bureau.  Rated G.
Unnamed - Smut biscuit.  Rated NC-17.
Detour - thoughts on the motel room scene.  Rated G.
Walking After You - Scully’s thoughts on the ice in Antarctica.  Rated G.
Unnamed - Mulder’s mind reading in The Sixth Extinction.  Rated G.
Unnamed - Christmas at the Unremarkable House.  Rated PG.
Mobius Strip - Mulder’s thoughts as he drives to South Carolina in My Struggle III.  Rated G.
None at this time - Mulder muses on Scully’s bucket of priorities in Jersey Devil.  Rated G.
The Things We Never Say - Mulder plans for the future.  Angst.  Rated G.
Knock Three Times - nobody does head games like Mulder and Scully.  Set during Plus One.   Rated R.
Inferno - my breakout hit of the summer.  A post-ep for Ghouli in which Mulder comes to grips with the events of that ep.  Rated R.  
Cinders - a post-ep for The End.  Angst ahoy, with a side of dubcon.  Rated R.
Love is to Die, Love is to Dance - the six stages of falling in love with your partners.  Rated R.
A Proposal - how it might have gone down, the first time they broached the subject.  Rated G.
Oxytocin - Mulder has an unhealthy habit.  Rated NC-17.
The Ocean Breathes Salty - Mulder being a douchebag, set around Three Words.  Angst.  Rated G.
Stalemate - Mulder being Mulder, set around The Blessing Way.  Angst.   Rated G.
Dressed to Suppress - Mulder muses on Scully’s evolving sense of style.  Rated G.
Two Weeks - a third person POV angst-o-rama, set during the Revival era. Rated R.
Fic trope mash-up prompt for Survival/Wilderness and Unexpected Virgin.  Post-colonization.  And its sequel.
Fic trope mash-up prompt for Summer Camp AU and Erotic Dreams.  Humour.  I sorta love this one.
Fic trope mash-up prompt for Green Eyed Epiphany and Hair Brushing / Braiding.  Angst.  
Fic trope mash-up prompt for Airport AU and Bathtub.  MSR.  
Fic trope prompt for Royalty AU.   MSR in medieval Russia.  Trust me.
Linguiphilia - dirty talk in the bedroom, MSR-style.  Rated NC-17.
Allotrope - romantic anal sex?  Is that a category?   Rated NC-17.
Prompt response - five times Mulder and Scully got caught kissing.  Rated PG.
Pandora’s Box - prompt response to Scully accidentally finding an engagement ring Mulder bought her, but prior to any relationship.   Rated PG.
Slightly Longer Fics
Files - Mulder thought he was in the doghouse.  Rated R.
Unnamed - Anger and lust - they’re two sides of the same coin.  Rated NC-17.
Hospital - How many times has Mulder been admitted, anyway?  Humour.  Rated G.
Last Full Measure of Devotion and its sequel We Take Increased Devotion - in answer to a prompt asking about Mulder and Scully’s first date.   Rated NC-17.
Detour - the road not traveled. AU for what would have happened if Mulder had stayed and drunk wine with Scully during the ep.  Written for the 2018 X-Files Pornbattle.  Rated NC-17, obviously.
Even Now in Heaven - a pre-XF fic in which Mulder and Scully have a one-night stand before meeting at the FBI.  Written for the 2018 X-Files Pornbattle.  Rated NC-17.
Fuchsia - written for the X-Files Pornbattle prompt “dry humping / frottage, both come”.  I’m such a classy lady.  Rated: NC-17.
No One Falls in Love Under Fluorescent Lights - early season sex, maybe?  Inspired by the Stars song of the same name.  Rated R.
Jude - sometimes healing and insight come from the least likely places.  Petfic! Set during the Revival separation.  Angst.  Rated G.
Sabine - a fic written for the XFilesFicExchange.  Amor Fati post-ep AU.  Mulder’s past catches up with him.  Angst and MSR.  Rated G.
Unnamed - Scully and Mulder hook up. Scully POV.  Rated NC-17
Unnamed - Mulder and Scully hook up.  Mulder POV.  Rated NC-17
The Wraith - Hallowe’en story.   Rated PG.
Severed - what happens when the ties between them are severed?  Angst. Housed at AO3.  Rated NC-17.
Vacationland - written for the 50 States of Sex collaboration.  I chose Maine.  Set after the failed IVF.  Angst and smut.   Housed at AO3.  Rated R. 
Cardinal Sins - a four part story (plus Epilogue) that explores the possibility of early season sex evolving into something more substantial. West - Lust.  North - Envy.  South - Gluttony.  East - Wrath (trigger warnings for dub-con apply).  Epilogue - Pilgrimage.  Rated NC-17. 
Perushim - a WIP series of one-shots about Fox William Mulder, and what makes him tick.   Housed on AO3.  Ratings vary by chapter.
Novel Length
Second Side of Light - housed at AO3.  A historical AU in which Mulder and Scully meet while crossing the Oregon Trail.   Rated PG for the most part, with exceptions marked in the chapter headings.  A sequel is in the works.
Seventeen - housed at AO3.  A romp through Fox Mulder’s past in search of what makes him tick, one sex partner at a time.  It’s a lot less libidinous than it sounds, but still, Rated NC-17.
Black and White and Red - housed at AO3.   A historical AU set in the 1950s (with flashbacks to World War 2) inspired by the genre of film noir.   Fox Mulder is a heretical photographer.   Dana Scully is a desperate woman.   This is what happens when they meet.
Coming Soon!  Saorsa - an Outlander AU novel.  Sorrynotsorry for jumping fandoms.
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2020 Books Read So Far
Note: Most of these are audiobooks (listening to books counts as reading books and if you disagree I’d ask you to consider why you believe that), books I started and didn’t finish will be listed but not reviewed, and all my opinions are extremely subjective. I’m putting this on this blog because I want to and I think it’ll help me keep track of what I’ve read if I write it down in a couple places. 
Some notes:
I’m surprised that most of these are nonfiction! I don’t usually think of myself as a nonfiction reader. 
Having audiobooks has made me way more productive as a reader, since I can read while I’m doing repetitive tasks at work, when I have to stand on the bus, when I’m running, etc. 
Naked, by David Sedaris
3/5, the audiobook was “unabridged selections” which means “we didn’t edit the individual essays but you’re only getting half the book”– it would probably have been a 4/5 if it was a whole book. I liked that Amy Sedaris was reading parts of it, but that’s because I like her more than I like her brother. This is sort of an example of the difference between “comedic” and “humorous,” because it’s definitely the latter. 
Read it if: you want to read something pretty fucking weird. 
Lafayette in the Somewhat United States, by Sarah Vowell
4/5, I saw this recommended a lot when Hamilton first came out so it’s been in the back of my mind for a good while. The book had a great cast, and having different people reading the historical quotes was an excellent touch! 
However, I think Vowell’s conversational style is a little jarring here sometimes. It’s like “wait, why are you talking about Bruce Springsteen, I’m not that familiar with his work but he definitely isn’t from Revolutionary War times.” I got her book Assassination Vacation at a used bookshop recently as well, and both books suffer from post-2016 hindsight, where she’ll say something about how incompetent and foolish the politicians of her time are, and I just have to snort to myself and say “Sarah, you’re going to lose your goddamn mind soon.” That’s a bit of an unfair reaction, but it’s hard to avoid having it.
I was also, maybe unfairly, expecting to learn more than I did. The problem is that I know a Lot about the Revolutionary War, and from the introduction I thought we’d hear more about Lafayette’s later life (my knowledge drops sharply after about 1810). The book basically ends after the Battle of Yorktown, though.
Read it if: you have not seen/listened to both Hamilton and 1776, or if you want to read a summary of the Revolutionary War with a focus on one French captain. 
Assassination Vacation, by Sarah Vowell
3/5, honestly maybe a 2.5/5. Okay, so. Either I know a lot more about American History than I felt like I did or this is again a very surface level thing. Part of it is because she spends 123 pages on Abe Lincoln. There are 255 pages total. 2/3 of the states I’ve lived in are Indiana and Illinois, two states that fight about claiming Lincoln as their own, and I’ve been to D.C. 4 or 5 times, so I feel like I know enough about Lincoln. I know about John Wilkes Booth, and his brother Edwin who saved Lincoln’s son’s life, and the death train that took Lincoln’s body around the country. I did enjoy learning about the doctor who was probably conspiring with Booth and how he ended up saving tons of lives in prison when there was a yellow fever outbreak (also to be briefly unbearably nitpicky: I think she might have mixed up dengue and yellow fever? She calls yellow fever “breakbone” but I can only find instances online of people calling dengue fever that. Maybe they called them all breakbone in the late 1800s. If anyone reading this is an epidemiologist, let me know).
It was interesting to hear that Charles Guiteau, killer of President Garfield, was part of the Oneida cult. I’m trying to think of anything notable she said about Leon Czolgosz, killer of President McKinley. I guess she talks about how people assumed he was a foreigner because of his name, but I already listened to “The Ballad of Czolgosz” in Assassins, so I knew “Czolgosz, angry man, born in the middle of Michigan.”
This one is from 2005 so the politics stuff is a little more interesting, since at the time I was busy learning multiplication and spending one entire baseball season learning about baseball and following my team (they won the world series, I have excellent timing). I will say that in 2005 we did have Google, so I am again annoyed with some of her asides and personal anecdotes. Look, if you go to the Hemingway house and you don’t know there will be cats there, that’s on you if you don’t bring your Claritin. Hemingway is associated with only two good things, six-toed cats and Daiquiris. 
She also does not acknowledge that the parties basically switched platforms? Lincoln’s Republican party is not today’s Republican party, in fact kind of the opposite, so it’s weird that she starts the book with a dedication that’s like “to my lifelong Democrat grandpa, he’d be pissed I dedicated a book about 3 Republicans to him.” I guess she does sometimes say stuff like “how did Lincoln’s party become Reagan’s” (paraphrase), but she doesn’t actually get into it. 
Speaking of Democrats, she literally spends more time talking about Pablo Picasso than she spends talking about JFK. She doesn’t explain why she didn’t talk about JFK, but it seems bizarre to me to write a book about American assassinations and to leave out John Fucking Kennedy. Literally I’ve talked more about JFK in this section than she did in her assassin book. It’s not until page 253 that JFK gets a full paragraph. There are 255 pages total. Truly, if she’d taken a paragraph to be like “I’m focusing on the presidents who were elected before 1900″ or “the presidents whose immediate families aren’t still alive” or even “I didn’t want to travel to Dallas for research” or SOMETHING to explain why she left out JFK, I would have understood it more instead of flipping through the pages wondering what was going on. 
Read it if: You do not listen to too many history podcasts and you didn’t read the Wikipedia page for the musical Assassins. And I guess if you don’t want to acknowledge that JFK did also get assassinated and that was kind of a big deal. Actually just listen to Assassins instead. 
And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie
5/5 as a mystery, 0/5 for its original title (not gonna say it here but if you’ve ever googled the name of HP Lovecraft’s cat, it’s along those lines). Less than 6 hours, narrated by Dan Stevens from Downton Abbey, fairly ideal as an audiobook. I am 95% sure I’ve already read this, because I spent the summer before I started high school reading every Agatha Christie book in the library (I do not have a list of all the Agatha Christie books in my library the summer of 2010, so there is some question). 
Read if: you want to hear the guy from Downton Abbey deliver the line “I’m not a complete fool!” in a tone that makes it sound like “I’m not a fucking moron!” Sidenote: Can anyone tell me if Brits say “solder” by pronouncing the L that I’ve always heard as a silent L? Or if Dan Stevens just fucked up that one word?
Over The Top: A Raw Journey to Self-Love, by Jonathan Van Ness
This was a super enjoyable audiobook! It’s a testament to JVN’s considerable charisma that this book is full of him giving people in his past who would rather be anonymous Russian names, and it doesn’t get grating (as a Marina, however, I was shocked to not hear my name at any point; most of the other Marina’s I’ve met in my life are Russian). JVN has had a wild ride in life, and it’s a really raw, honest story of how he became who he is. I will say that if you are interested in reading this, please look up the trigger warnings; there are a lot of things that could be triggering to people. 
I feel a little bad at how much more I liked this one compared to Tan France’s memoir, but I also feel like whoever was ghostwriting that one did a bad job at making Tan seem... not extremely defensive, cocky, and prickly (it seems that JVN did not use a ghostwriter; Tan’s on the other hand, let the phrase “I’m proud to be a petty bitch” make it into the final proof several times). Also JVN advocates going to therapy in his book, while Tan kind of says that you should only go to therapy if you have no friends or family or life partner to talk to, which I fundamentally disagree with. I don’t know. I also feel like, if I were to get a makeover from the Fab 5, Jonathan would love my hair (I have great hair) while Tan would say that I’m dressing too old for a 24 year old and then take me to fucking Lane Bryant or Torrid (I wear a size 16 US so IRL options are limited). 
Read if: You like Queer Eye or Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness
Medallion Status, by John Hodgman
I really like John Hodgman’s podcast, and I got to ask him a question at an event he did at the Field Museum and he was very nice, so I went into this inclined to enjoy it. 
And I did! I had a good time reading it. I read it the first week of January and now it’s the second week of February so I have already erased much of the book’s content from my mind, but he somehow made the perspective of being a formerly kinda famous person really interesting. I would also recommend Vacationland, particularly if anyone wants to write an au where Nursey, as a New Yorker, has a vacation home in Dex’s town in Maine. That’s right, I brought it back around to the topic of this blog. And that would be a fucking fantastic au. 
Read it if: you like memoirs! it’s a good one. 
Murder on the Orient Express, by Agatha Christie
Gonna give this one a 3/5 for performance, because Dan Stevens (again, because I liked his narration in the other one) does a really annoying American accent for a few characters, and an extremely bad Italian accent for another. I’m starting this review only a few hours in, so if it turns out that the Italian man is not Italian, I’ll revoke my criticism. Still a 5/5 mystery, though. I did have to stop many times when they were talking about Istanbul to go over to Spotify and play “Istanbul (Not Constantinople)” by They Might Be Giants. 
Books abandoned in 2020 (so far) (no real spoilers, I didn’t get more than a few chapters into any of them):
The Unhoneymooners, Christina Lauren
I got to a point where the main character was telling a lie that would put her newly accepted job into jeopardy, and it stressed me out so much as a relatively new hire that I stopped listening for the day and started another one, and then the week had passed and then the library took it back. I think I’d enjoy it more if I was reading it physically and I could control how fast I got through awkward parts (I am practically allergic to secondhand embarrassment). The performance was good and I did get a hankering for cheese curds. 
Me Talk Pretty One Day, David Sedaris
I had like three audiobooks checked out at the same time, and even though this was again an abridged version, I just didn’t have time for all of them. My mom has a physical copy, I’ll borrow that at some point. 
The Witch Elm, Tana French
This is one I may revisit someday. The main character is kind of an asshole, which is the point of his character I think, but it made it hard to get into the story. It’s also a 22 hour audiobook, which is kind of insanely long. Additionally, the narrator has a very slow way of talking, but if I tried to speed up the rate of playback I had trouble understanding his accent (I think I just have trouble processing really fast speech in general as well, but I would’ve had an easier time understanding someone with the same accent as me). Anyways, someone put a hold on it at the library and then I didn’t check it out again. 
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ashren · 2 years
Interview with a Fic Writer
Thanks for tagging me @socially-awkward-skeleton :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10 right now! I did have some fics on an old side blog that i forgot to move to Ao3 before deleting rip to those :,) but even then it would only be like ~14
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Most of my top 5 are from Check, Please because I wrote for that fandom a while ago so they've also been up for ages now! from
5-Duck and Cover (TOW- Felix's POV)
4-Waiting for the Opportune Moment (Check please! nurseydex)
3-Vacationland! (check please! nurseydex and also my first fic on Ao3 lol)
2- Bitty's Favorite Peach (check please! zimbits)
1- Bitty's Beer League (check please! zimbits au)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I generally try to! But I also forget to a lot bc I forget to respond to literally everything 😭
I super appreciate every comment i get tho, truly 🥺💕
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
TBH i'm a sucker for happy endings bc idk the world sucks enough already (that's not to say i won't consume angsty media, i'm just not here to write it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
so p much all my fics have a happy ending lol. however, i do have some of Ren's pre Hope life written out and if i ever posted that as a fic it would 100% be the angstiest fic
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
haha yeah so they're all happy :,) but the "happiest" would probably Bitty's Beer League bc it's my longest fic and they're idiots who like each other but don't realize it
OR u could say the happiest ending is in Max Capacity bc that's the only smut i have up heheh 😏
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not that I've posted. They usually super self indulgent so I never bother polishing them up or anything
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Lol nope!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
:^) I have One up and i have many half finished pieces scattered in my docs 😅
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not beyond just brainstorming before hand
13. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Spideypool i think
I always go back to those two
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
Parvati's POV story 😭 i just lost steam on it immediately bc i hadn't figured out a lot of Ren's character yet, and now it's just sitting there while i obsess over pirates
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at writing fluffy pieces! Like i said, i write a lot of happy stories so i've gotten a bit better at writing those cute fluffy moments
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
stealing from skelly, general descriptions 🙃
i tend to get so wrapped up in moving the story along that i forget to orient the reader in the space a lot of times
which is why editing for me is VERY important bc usually that means for me "adding in very important details ur reader needs to understand the story" lol
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i don't do it bc i only know one language but i love it when authors do it in general!
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
........i was a kid, keep that in mind 😅
twas blink 182 rpf 😭 i grew out of that p quick and then i wrote for some small fandoms occasionally but Check Please was the first thing i posted to Ao3!
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet, but want to?
Many ships, probs too many to count, but for fandoms, probably the FAHC (fake AH crew/ Achievement Hunter GTA personas) or honestly spideypool! id love to write more marvel comics fanfic in general but i'm not as comfortable with their voices (yet)
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
That I've published? Bitty's Beer League! It's the longest fic i have and i spent a lot of time on it when i wrote it, and even though it's not the polished piece ever, it's still a fun reread for me :)
That I haven't published yet? This Pirate Au, i'm going in hard on it and might be able to post some chapters soon!
i waited so long to do this i think everyone i know has been tagged, but if u wanna do it consider this me tagging you ! :3
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melbynews-blog · 6 years
70 Meter hohe Lavafontäne schießt aus dem Kilauea-Vulkan
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/70-meter-hohe-lavafontaene-schiesst-aus-dem-kilauea-vulkan/
70 Meter hohe Lavafontäne schießt aus dem Kilauea-Vulkan
Der Vulkan Mount Kilauea jagt eine beständige 70 Meter hohe Lavafontäne in die Luft, wie Aufnahmen zeigen. Insgesamt wurde so viel Lava ausgespuckt, dass man damit 45.000 Olympia-Schwimmbecken füllen könnte.
Von Marco Maier
Luft- und Satellitenaufnahmen über dem Kilauea-Vulkan auf Hawaiis Großer Insel zeigen das Ausmaß der Verwüstungen, die durch den massiven Ausbruch seit dem 3. Mai verursacht wurden. Mehr als 600 Häuser wurden bereits zerstört, von denen etwa 500 nach dem jüngsten Ausbruch getroffen wurden, als Lava durch die Siedlungen von Kapoho Beach und Vacationland strömte. Während Tausende von Menschen aus der Region evakuiert wurden, befürchten Beamte, dass bis zu einem Dutzend Bewohner, die sich weigerten zu gehen, inzwischen tot sind.
How much #KilaueaEruption #lava since May 3? 113,500,000 cubic meters (4,008,200,000 cubic feet) OR enough to: fill 45,400 Olympic-sized pools cover Manhattan Island 6.5 ft deep fill 11.3 million average dump trucks
But, it’s only 1/2 the amount of 1984 Mauna Loa eruption. pic.twitter.com/HeGEvorAze
— USGS Volcanoes🌋 (@USGSVolcanoes) June 7, 2018
Die United States Geological Survay (USGS) stellt fest, dass geschätzte 4008,2 Millionen Kubikfuß (ca 114 Millionen Kubikmeter) Lava die östliche Seite der Großen Insel flutete. Damit könnte man 45.000 olympische Schwimmbecken oder 11 Millionen Muldenkipper füllen. Das ist genug Material, um Manhattan Island bis zu einer Tiefe von sechs Fuß (ca. 1,83 Meter) zu bedecken.
Helicopter overflight of the Kapoho Bay area on the morning of June 8, 2018, shows a flow front that is nearly a mile wide, extending south to Vacationland. #LERZ https://t.co/lRhaWdElzG pic.twitter.com/IxpU9undLT
— USGS Volcanoes🌋 (@USGSVolcanoes) June 8, 2018
Hier sieht man die stetige 70 Meter hohe Lavafontäne:
#LeilaniEstatesEruption #KilaueaVolcano LATEST: USGS says overnight lava fountaining from fissure 8 reached 130-180ft; A small explosion occurred at 4:48AM at the summit of Kīlauea, Kaʻu communities should be aware of ashfall https://t.co/CATbzbJQ6W @HawaiiNewsNow #HINews pic.twitter.com/uRTdFYi25P
— Mileka Lincoln (@MilekaLincoln) June 9, 2018
Hier ein Vorher-Nachher-Vergleich:
Satellite images over the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island taken before and after the latest eruption show dramatic change. https://t.co/CtmrgCNYbe pic.twitter.com/AJRee8rM1w
— ABC News (@ABC) June 9, 2018
Ein Ende ist allerdings noch lange nicht abzusehen…
Mehr zum Thema finden Sie hier.
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news24hrou · 6 years
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DEZASTRU în Hawaii. Vulcanul Kilauea continuă să facă ravagii. Imaginie îți dau fiori! FOTO Sute de case au fost distruse de lava vulcanului Kilauea din Hawaii, unul dintre cei mai activi din lume. Lava a acoperit complet golful Kapoho şi a inundat cea mai mare parte din Vacationland, acoperind între altele plaja Kapoho, cu excepţia părţii sale de nord. https://ift.tt/2M1TXs3
0 notes
apricot-the-apricat · 5 months
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Ara enjoying her retirement :]
This looks like modern au but it's vacationland actually, after she gets revived and wishes to live in Yoku's universe instead of going back home to die again. That is literally the only way you could convince her to retire :'3
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apricot-the-apricat · 8 months
achne run. ther is not eim to esplain jus run. go. gogo. fast quick irgth now. pee is comig to kill you u need to RUN. i will. helb. hold them off. run
love u
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whoops :3
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apricot-the-apricat · 8 months
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This was for a specific rp scene but yknow. Good opportunity to draw Zeph's scars. And he's still wearing pants btw-
I've never drawn someone shirtless like that before and I was dying of cringe the entire time help
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apricot-the-apricat · 7 months
ARACHNE i have a bag of marshmellow for u (from yoku)
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she doesnt know how to open plastic bags (and might be slightly too overexcited about getting candy) so teeth it is!
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melbynews-blog · 6 years
Hawaii: Mysteriöse Risse im Kilauea-Vulkan
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Hawaii: Mysteriöse Risse im Kilauea-Vulkan
Beim derzeit ausgebrochenen Vulkan Mount Kilauea auf Hawaii, der bereits 87 Häuser zerstörte, drohen nun gewaltige Explosionen, die massiven Schaden verursachen können.
Von Marco Maier
Vier Wochen nach seinem Ausbruch spuckt der Kilauea-Vulkan in Hawaii weiterhin geschmolzene Lava über die Ostseite der Großen Insel aus. Damit wird der Zugang zu weiteren Vierteln unterbrochen und 87 Häuser zerstört, von denen zehn in den letzten zwei Tagen zerstört wurden.
#BREAKING: Civil Defense officials say the number of homes that have been destroyed in the Kilauea lava flow has grown to 87. https://t.co/3pHaoehidT pic.twitter.com/gysdnOVuet
— Hawaii News Now (@HawaiiNewsNow) June 2, 2018
Die Wissenschaftler sind auch verblüfft, nachdem mittels Drohnen gemachten Aufnahmen Veränderungen in Kilaueas Hauptgipfelkrater zeigen – einschließlich ungeklärter Risse am Boden, die heißen Dampf ablassen. Es wurden Bedenken geäußert, dass ein „sich ausdehnender kollabierter Krater“ und Trümmer, die den Abzug blockieren, eine massive neue Explosion auslösen könnten.
USGS UAS mission on 5/31/18 films dramatic changes within Halemaʻumaʻu crater at Kīlauea’s summit; rubble-covered floor, cracks, faults, steaming, sulfur precipitate – all at this changing eruption site. https://t.co/C9nyOsnCM1 pic.twitter.com/lRYDMKkJmS
— USGS Volcanoes🌋 (@USGSVolcanoes) June 1, 2018
So schreibt express.co.uk:
Der Halema’uma’u-Krater hat sich seit Beginn der Eruptionen Anfang Mai, einschließlich des überraschenden Verschwindens eines Lavasees, plötzlich verändert.
Das Drohnen-Bildmaterial des US Geological Survey (USGS) zeigt „gelbe Schwefel-Substanz auf dem mit Trümmern bedeckten Boden und eine Streuung großer ballistischer Blöcke um den Kraterrand“.
USGS-Beamte enthüllten, dass der leere Schlot bis vor ein paar Wochen einst Fünf-Hektar-Lavasee beherbergte.
Was als nächstes passiert, ist nicht bekannt: „Es ist möglich, dass neue Explosionen durch die Trümmer am Boden des Abzugs stattfinden, und diese können größer sein als frühere Explosionen“, sagte der USGS-Geophysiker Kyle Anderson. „Es ist auch möglich, dass die Entlüftung dauerhaft blockiert wird, wodurch die Explosionen vollständig beendet werden.“
#BREAKING #LeilaniEstatesEruption #KilaueaVolcano UPDATE: @CivilDefenseHI confirms flow crossed Hwy137, south of Four Corners after crossing Hwy132 north of intersection last night; NO ACCESS to Kapoho, Vacationland, Hwy132 & Hwy137 https://t.co/SKpW7U3GoL @HawaiiNewsNow #HINews pic.twitter.com/Q0PgTxa66E
— Mileka Lincoln (@MilekaLincoln) June 2, 2018
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