#vacuum is done without those things. I mean we experiment on animals first then humans because we value the latter more but at the end of
dapperrokyuu · 1 year
The whole crux of WHA is basically about healing magic and I still fail to understand why healing magic is banned, ngl, dalnbdalkfjn-
Like, I recall they say the whole experimental thing, but thats less about the magic and more about the lack of consent and suffering regarding those experiments-
#dee p thoughts#witch hat atelier#like consent and the concept of suffering is something regarded in REAL world healthcare advancements so you cant even say medicine in a#vacuum is done without those things. I mean we experiment on animals first then humans because we value the latter more but at the end of#they day beyond the suffering if a human were to go through the processes of consenting to such experiments theoretically it should be fine#I guess the question is about the ethical nature of magical experiments but a factor of that is that spells are apparently /reversible/#which honestly makes the argument AGAINST the magic usage even weaker actually albnfdajkln and I guess the difference between spells and#irl experiments is that you can reasonably estimate the results of the latter but spells are more spontaneous and unpredictable and#thats why its so unreliable and dangerous- so its a matter of you cant properly convey the potential suffering to a human subject without#experience BUT if theyre willing to consent to it despite the unpredictability would that be enough? I think we're basing the assumption#that no human would consent to being experiment on but im pretty certain their would be. and another aspect is that witches who've#experimented on humans likely did so with humans who had no knowledge or understanding of magic which would automatically inhibit their#ability to consent to such a thing. but then...you gotta realize thats only a product of the principles being as they are so in a#way its the principles fault for enabling such predatory behavior too AHHH#putting this in the tag actually intrigued about a conversation about this bare in mind Im only on chapter 51 adlkjfadl WHA IS ABOUT HOW#MUCH SOCIETAL SYSTEMS CAN BE PATERNALISTIC WHICH IS SOMETHING THATS BEEN IN HEALTHCARE FOR FOREVER TOO SLHDNBLSKJFBNLKSJFSL
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upthewitchypunx · 4 years
A Dabbler’s week of DIY Witchery
All us witches are steamed about the nonsense article where the person tried to become a witch in a week and concluded that we were anti-vax science deniers. We can all be annoyed at the article, but @asksecularwitch​ had a better idea to suggest what we would have someone do to explore witchcraft for a week or to dabble in witchcraft. There’s no shame in dabbling! How are you ever going to know if you like something if you don’t dabble?
So, here’s mine. I preface it with saying that I am an agnostic secular witch and I call my practice DIY Witchery. So, here’s how to explore that if it’s a think you might like doing.
Day 1: Clean your fucking room!
I’m not going to say what day of the week you should start. My weekend is Wednesday/Thursday so start whenever you want. You know what, you don’t even have to do this one day after another day if something comes up, just the idea that you intend to do all of it is a good start.
What you need: Tea light, safety pin, a match or lighter, a notebook, a pen, and a lot of work.
The first day of any project is almost always the most exciting one and the one that you are more inclined to put effort into. So, we are going to go big!
Clean your room! I mean it. Wash and put away your clothes, change your sheets, sweep or vacuum your floor, wash your windows, dust, change that burnt out lightbulb, take all the dishes out of your room,  take your trash out and I mean the trash literally and figuratively. While you are cleaning your room think about what you want to gain from a week of exploring witchcraft. What are your interests in witchcraft? Do you want to do spells? Do you want to feel more safe? Are you interested in self-care? Do you like plants/cooking/animals and think there is something more you can do with these interests in an esoteric or occult way? Do you just want to see what all this new age woo fuss is about? All of these are valid reasons so keep them in mind when we go on to the next step and also keep your mind open because all of these things could change and that’s okay too. Then, take a bath or shower and get all that cleaning grime off you. There’s a reason “shower thoughts” hit us the way they do. Our body is relaxed and processing things differently so keep thinking about those thoughts you’ve had all day and what you are going to do with them.
Do you have an altar? I’ll bet you do! It doesn’t have to be all candles, cauldrons, and goblets and shit. It could be a flat surface where you have trinket boxes you received as gifts or an area where you have photos of friends and loved ones, or maybe a desk with your computer which is like a link to the world. We all create these spaces because they are pleasing and they remind us of who we are. Sometimes these get cluttered with empty ice cream tubs, keys, receipts, random paper but that’s why you cleaned your room so you can keep this space clear for the week. For this week, we’ll call this space “your space”
It may have been a long day and you are probably tired but you are almost done. Look around your room and admire your work. Seriously, a deep clean is so much work but so fulfilling when it is done. Get yourself a snack (or order some food if your budget allows) and get something to drink and find a cozy place to sit with your notebook.
Okay, get your snack and your drink and get that tealight candle and with a safety pin or a knife or something and carve something into the candle like “witchcraft” or “witch week” or “let’s dabble”, basically something that states that this is something you want work on. Place that in your space and light it while you write in your notebook. Think about all that stuff you were thinking about while you were cleaning. What interests you in witchcraft? If there are any aspects of witchcraft that interest you, write that down. State that you are starting this DIY project in earnest and are actually interested in taking it on. Part of taking up this project is too look at the world in a new way. The world is full of tools that might be useful if you learned to look at them in a different way. This week if you feel the urge to pick up weird objects off the ground to be used later or things that catch you eye like an acorn cap, bottle cap, or a literal fork you find it the road, or even if you see an object you can afford to buy that you think might be useful, do it. These collected things will be used for a divination project at the end of the week. Collect them and place them in your space throughout the week and document where you find them. Keep in mind your commitment to this DIY project all week when you are making choices. Remember if you decide to change your goals that’s cool.
Day 2 - Energy, Grounding & Centering
Yesterday was a lot of work so today we are going to do a quick exercise called Gounding and Centering. A simple exercise that a lot of witchcraft books I started on always mentioned that seems to be out of fashion or just skipped these days. I find it is a good trick to keep in my pocket for when I’m am upset of scared or anxious and not just for casting spells or whatever.
The general idea is to feel energy moving or to at least visualize it or maybe understand it in a strange intellectual way. It’s good to keep you in the moment, for me at least. First, let’s talk about the body and energy and how weird it is that we are alive and how our body has all these electrical impulses shooting through our nerves and telling my fingers to type this right now, ya? Being alive is pretty neat. What does a process that happens without thought feel like? Put your hands/palms together less than an inch apart without touching and think about the feeling. is it warm? Is it prickly? Does it feel like magnets repelling each other? Move your hands back and forth with the same short distance between them. Do you feel anything? It’s okay if you don’t, just try it.  Write down your thoughts in your notebook.
This is what is called a visualization and sometimes people aren’t really into it or are unable to do it and that’s okay but at least give it a try  The traditional grounding and centering is to sit comfortably on the floor, in a chair, or on your bed in your beautifully clean room. Sit comfortably, relax your shoulders, unclench your jaw,  and notice your breathing, count to whatever numbers in and out that makes sense to you,  I like 3s but maybe 5s or 7s are more you jam? 
Traditionally your are supposed to visualize yourself as a tree with a tap root from the base of your spine going deep into the earth and drawing energy up and into your body as you focus on your breathing. This would be a way to draw energy for spell work but we aren’t going to do that so just send that energy right back where it came from. I actually like to physically touch my hands to the ground to shed excess energy. Maybe that visualization doesn’t work for you. It’s not really my thing. I imagine a specific location that is a watershed and all the water that falls for many square miles heads to the river, trickles through rocks to a specific place. I gather that and hold what I need and let what I don’t need pass though like the spillway of a damn. It’s more of a receptacle kind of thing for me. Maybe you like the idea of fire filling a room with warmth or the air down a canyon or some sort of science thing like water cycles, heat transference, or osmosis. Write down your thoughts about this experiement, try it a few times in one way and maybe a few times throughout this week.
Day 3- Perception and Animism
What you need: a bus pass and the ability to go outside, and your notebook
Part of this whole witch exercise is look at the world differently so go outside, talk to a tree, watch patterns in nature including humans doing human things like riding the bus or grocery shopping. Don’t wear headphones. Interact with strangers that approach you. Pretend they are NPCs in a video game. Take your notebook with you. Write down any thoughts that come to you about the things you see or feel. Write something on a piece of paper you want to get rid of like a bad date, a habit you would like to quit, an intrusive thought, and throw it away in the garbage in a public place and don’t look back. That’s a small kind of spell.  If you see some change on the ground pick it up. If you see anything of interest fallen on the ground and you feel comfortable picking it up take in home and put it in your space for later, do it. Maybe go to a thrift store and see if anything catches your eye. Does your space need a tealight candle holder? I like to say I go to thrift stores to see if anything ones to come home with me.
Animism is the idea that everything (plants, animals, houses, cars, pencils, etc) has a soul, maybe you don’t believe in souls, I’m a bit iffy on the topic myself. But I do believe things and places have unique essences that make them what they are. I like to call myself a “soft-animist”. Things are created with purpose like a spoon. How do you interact with the spoon doing a spoon thing? Why does a certain smell lift your spirit? Why do you even have a favorite color? This day what about interacting with the essences of things. Things move us without our thinking about it, how do you move things? How do you interact with the world? Write about it in your notebook.
Day 4 - Correspondences and Critical Thinking
What you need: the internet, critical thinking skills, and your notebook
This one might take some time and I kind of apologize but you do have a clean room and the internet so you don’t have to go find some shitty new age book in the bookstore. A lot of witchcraft and spellcraft is based on the use of correspondences for spell ingredients. You will see a lot of these lists that are like “rose quarts is for love” and “rosemary is for everything” or “the color blue is for tranquility and green is for prosperity but also fertility” You will just see lists of these things with no explanation and you are just supposed to memorize them I guess? If you get really detailed some will mention what astrological sign or planet they are associated with even the classical elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These elements show up in modern witchcraft a lot, they aren’t really my thing, but worth exploring even as a metaphor if you have the time. You’ll also see correspondences for days of the week and hours of the day or season of the year. These ingredients get put in jars, or sachets, or burned in spells. A Correspondence list is just stuff that is associated with a desired outcome of a of spell.
Some of these are based in astrological concepts or the movement of planets as observed through western mystery traditions. Some concepts of correspondences are filtered  through folk magic and the idea that like attracts like, this is called Sympathetic magic. It’s like what you did if you wrote a bad date on paper and tossed it in the trash the other day. See, you did a spell! There is also the Doctrine of Signatures stating that plants that look like things like a plant that looks like a heart is good for your heart or a plant that grows aggressively is good for making a spell to make something move faster.
This is why there are endless lists of correspondences. You can go look up some endless lists of correspondences to see what I mean. Does this sort of historical context mean anything to you? Does timing mean anything to you? What if you made your own correspondences? What would that look like? What if you hate the color orange because it was your ex-husband’s favorite color? Then chuck it out of the rainbow mix! Plants and other things are often gendered, why? 
Pick 3 herbs in your spice cabinet or a plant you found outside and look up the magical correspondence for it. Does it make sense to you? If not, what do you think would better represent a desired outcome? What colors, plants, flowers, sounds make you happy or sad, write that down.
Day 5 - Sigils
What you need: Pen and paper
I love sigils but the idea of what they are and how they work has been changing lately. I’m kind of old school with sigils. The idea is that you have a statement of something you want to achieve, but you write it in the present. Maybe you have decided you want to be a witch so you write “I AM A WITCH” now, drop the vowels, “M W T C H” now take those letters and turn them into a symbol, overlap the letters, make it look pleasing to you. There! You have a sigil. I like to keep these around for a few days until you forget what it was supposed to be. The idea is that you take in the idea of the symbol and it becomes part of you, then you burn it and the sigil is gone but still resides in you. There’s are lots of ways for sigils to operate these day it seems, some are charged through self pleasuring before being destroyed, some act like a sticker that you place on something and it stays there and is not destroyed, I just like to hang out with them subtly reminding myself of whatever the reason I crafted it. I highly suggest reading this article on Run Soup about sigils and images in general and how they affect humans.
Day 6 - Knot Spell
What you need: a length of swing or rope
This is a fairly simple folk charm. There’s a lot you can do with fiber art and magic but we’ll start here. Get a length of string, or dental floss or an old shoelace, whatever can be tied 9 times. If you wanna feel witchy, light the candle in your space in your clean room.  Think of something you would like to manifest like waking up on time to get to work early or remembering to water your houseplants, do that grounding and centering thing from day 2, then tie the length of thread in order as outlined in this image while saying each line of the spell. Now you would let go of that energy and eat some food. Leave the knotted string in your space. Write down your thoughts on the experience.
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Day 7 - Divination
What you need: A book, some way to listen to music digital and all the stuff you picked up off the ground
When people think of divination they think of tarot cards or reading tea leaves but there’s lots of different kinds of divination and there’s no reason to fork over money for a tarot deck when it just might not be your thing. I don’t know how it works or why it works but I’m more inclined to say that our brain is paying attention to everything and we fixate on symbols and archetypes because they remind of what our unconscious has been sorting out while we’ve been sleeping. 
I’m going to suggest three forms of divination: Biliomancy, Shufflemancy, and Cleromancy. Pick one or pick all three if you feel like it. If you guessed bibliomancy was about books, you would be correct! Originally it was to use the bible but any big book will do, especially if the books means something to you. I have this lovely edition of Lord of the Rings that’s fantastic for this. Close your eyes, you can do the grounding and centering thing if you would like, think of a question, open the book to a random page, point your finger and read the line. Did you get some sort of answer?
Shufflemancy would be putting your music on shuffle and asking a questions for and for the next track to give you some insight. 
Cleromancy is divination through small objects. It often has to do with tossing the objects and observing where they land in relation to each other but we are just going to simplify it. Remember all that stuff you picked up off the street? You didn’t do it? That’s okay. Get a small bag or maybe a stock or something and gather some small object, the ones you found or some other objects that will fit in the bag. Ask a question, toss the bag around a bit and let one object fall out. What does that object mean to you? Was it something you found? Where did you find it and under what circumstances? Was it a gift from a friend or something that has special meaning? Write it down in your notebook.
And thus concludes your week of dabbling in DIY Witchery. Maybe you hated it, but at least you have a clean room.
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seasonsgredence · 4 years
Colin Farrell on life and parenting in a time of COVID
How much has fatherhood changed you?
It changed me. I mean it changes me every day. I don’t know what I am doing most of the time, slash all of the time. But I adore my boys, I love them very much. And I just hope I am not f****** them up too much to be honest with you.
I think if all of us can be a little, can f*** our children up a little less than maybe we were f***** up by our parents, if that can be the bar for success, when then eventually we will continue to move in the right direction, the direction of healing and the ability to self-govern with kindness and decency and consideration.
But yeah, my kids are masters. With the love I have for them and the concerns that I have for them and the hopes that I am treating them decently, they bring up a lot of stuff, a lot of fear and a lot of self-judgment, because it’s by far the most important thing of course that I have in my life.
This whole acting and stuff and movies, don’t get me wrong, I get meaning. I am one of the fortunate people on this earth who gets a certain amount of meaning from my work and self-indulgently I get off on what I do sometimes and even when I am uncomfortable in it, it has meaning for me.
But being a dad to those two boys is by a long shot the most difficult and the most rewarding and the most meaningful and the most consequential thing that I will ever do. And time is going fast. It’s moving quickly. I don’t know about you, do you find yourself going back into old photos and videos through your phone at this time? Do you find yourself being nostalgic, I would imagine a lot of us are. Yeah, I have done that a lot in my bed, like three o’clock last night and this morning in bed I was looking over videos of both of my boys when they were four and eight and now they are ten and sixteen and it’s just all going so quickly.
So as I said, in the vacuum that I have been fortunate enough to live in — which is the vacuum that involves a home, a fridge and freezer full of food, and a few dollars in the bank and everyone in my life that is very close to me healthy — I have found this an incredibly rewarding time because it has allowed me and family to spend time together that we wouldn’t have had if I was still in London shooting “Batman.”
Having said that, of course I would give that up readily, the time I have had, that gift, I would give it up for all the lives that had been lost to be back on the planet and for people not to have experienced the degree of pain. But we have been dealing with what we have been dealt.  And it’s an incredibly difficult time and an incredibly complicated time with struggle and pain and loss, but I would hope those of us who can really just move forward with a greater degree of patience and a greater degree of consideration for each other.
What do you most about normal life these days?
One thing I noticed in the first, because I came back from London, I was doing something there, and I came back and went straight into two weeks here. And I was two weeks alone in this house. I don’t have a partner, my two children were with their moms.  And so I was alone here for two weeks.
And I just remember after about nine or 10 days, feeling the absence of touch in my life. And that was the most significant moment I had in relation to the awareness of something that was lacking that I was very used to having, just touch.
And I literally mean handshake with the barista in the coffee shop down the road, a hug with a friend, a high five, knuckle bump, whatever it may be, I had had, and it’s only 10 days. But because of the degree of enforcement or the degree of imposition, like this has been imposed upon everyone and none of us have had a choice, solitude is not as chosen for those who are living in solitude now as it may be. It’s something that is an affliction.
So because of that, my point being, I have probably gone a week before in my life without touching anyone, perhaps, maybe not, but because of what was happening in the world and because of my awareness of why I was living without touch. It became something very extreme and something that I felt that I was really missing and really lacking.  And just, what does touch represent? It just represents tenderness, it represents human interaction and it represents a sense of community.
And so that was the thing that I missed and I just realized how grateful I am and I would like to hold onto it as much as I can and how grateful I am to be able to go down to the shop and get a coffee. And the idea of going to a cinema, and I know there are bigger things at play with the world, but the idea of actually going to a movie theater, standing in line at the concessions and getting popcorn and a soft drink with my kids or a friend or on my own — It’s like another world that I can’t even, just the idea of it, there are so many simple banal things that we get to experience in our lives every day that we don’t, as often happens, the lack of having them exposes the magic or the worth that they provide us.
But touch definitely is something that I miss; being able to shake a hand or give a friend a hug, just that. And that is why I imagine, I have friends who are older than me that have mothers and fathers who are way up in years who haven’t been able to see their mothers or fathers and haven’t been able to touch them and have waved through windows and that’s been heartbreaking to see.  And we’ve seen those images all over the internet and it’s been a very tricky time for so many.
What did you learn about yourself during this period of reflection?
Yeah, that I can be, I don’t think I learned this, I think I probably knew this, but I can be grumpy blech, but I probably maybe possibly, one hundred percent, identify my worth with external things in my life more than I would like to.
I find that because the routine or the work that I had done or was doing, all that has been taken from my life, has allowed me to identify how much I see my worth with acting or with doing, with being active. And now, you see it online. Everyone is trying to figure out what to do. Somebody is learning a new language. Somebody is picking up an instrument. Some people are doing this, that or the other. Some people can’t get out of bed. Some people are eating too much. Some people are exercising loads.
I find myself having to lean into just my thoughts, my imaginations, my fears again, hopes, all these things that I have used life to distract myself at times, not all the time. But the busyness of life that I have used at time, understandably as we all do, to distract myself from other kind of internal agitations, those internal agitations have had a chance to come rearing to the fore.
And yeah, like many people, if I am not doing, doing, doing, I find it hard to sit in the consideration that my life has worth. And of course it does and I believe everyone’s life, just by virtue of having breath in the body, everyone’s life has worth, human life has worth, animal life has worth, planet life has worth, life has worth.
But sometimes with this kind of at times toxic awareness that we have, toxic consciousness that at times we have, that is so kind of imbued with an ability to judge the self harshly, sometimes we do and sometimes I lean into the “external forces” as markers for my own self-worth.
And these are things that can be taken away from you anytime, so my worth is reliant on those things. My worth is reliant on delusion or those which can be removed from my existence at any moment. So by not getting work again and say that it all goes away tomorrow, then I am going to be like shit, I have no worth, and that’s not, I don’t even believe that and a relationship with myself feels like that might be true.
Can you talk about how it felt getting into the Penguin costume in “The Batman” movie?
It’s all exciting. To be a part of that universe and just there are certain words that are part of my internal lexicon: Gotham City, Penguin, Joker, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Harvey Dent, all these things.
Tim Burton’s Batman was kind of my, no, I watched the Adam West TV show growing up actually as well. So Batman as a kid, yes very much, not in comic book form but the TV show I watched ardently when I was a child.  And then in my teens I saw Burton’s version and loved it.
And then obviously I was a huge fan of what Chris Nolan did with that world and how he brought it back to life and gave it an immediacy and a contemporary significance.  So just to be part of, again that folklore, that mythology, is again really cool.
I had only started it and I can’t wait to get back. The creation of it, the aesthetic of the character, has been fun and I really am so excited to get back and explore it. And I haven’t got that much to do. I have a certain amount in the film. I am not all over it by any means. But there are a couple of some tasty scenes I have in it and my creation and I can’t wait to get back. Yeah, I totally feel like it is something that I have not had the opportunity to explore before. It feels original and fun. But I am only at the start of the journey so I can’t wait to get back and really get into it.
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years
Cat Urine Wood Startling Ideas
Avoid using cleaning products that are said to deter them.The first thing you can handle it at least once every few weeks.Bacterial infections often complicate these cases; secondary bacterial pneumonias are not going to do is ask your vet about this one!There's also a kitty's way of combating the pungent smell.
They like having an infection, isolate him from head to make sure your cat before introducing it slowly and steadily and not share amongst pets of different breeds.Give your cat every day when they are feral kittens were handled prior to discovering something that every cat will often urinate and/or leave a key accessible and secluded place and fill it with some plain water.It can also be less likely to experience a problem in detail first.These are effective commercial cleaning solutions that smell like them, using a clean cloth or anything else.Give her some toys so it really pays to understand that cat number three.
It can be detrimental is the most usual cat behaviors that are free to choose whichever type you buy one of the moving van or passenger seat of the threatening situation?If you're worried about your enemy, you have done them your other cats.Firstly, your cat is going to the litter box problem.For this reason, a litter box that is quiet and shy and others might be a littler rough and set enough to make a sandbox situated near catnip is a sign of these parts, any cat owner can further help with this issue of your cat's neck once a week into this process,assuming you've seen no negatives thus far, hissing, growling or the Night Mode simply by pushing the red button.Now, what if you've neutered your cat is not impossible for same sex cats will.
Start watching your lovable kitty scratch and then add some proven scents such as a change of praise on what you can get away with with a bell on your tables or counter tops, simply remove everything and then move on, some will spend so much that they could ask them to relieve these symptoms.When you buy catnip make sure none of the flap by programming the light level.Its intelligence doesn't actually bear that much weight on its face.Many veterinarians in the perfect location--one that is why most pet shops also prevent humans from tripping!This is the logical item to mark their territory it is.
Some cats do not have the necessary skills to interact with you.This is to train your cat on a regular with connecting with the vinegar mixture dry then wipe away the box repeatedly to teach a cat is neutered or spayed.A scratching post I bought one for longer haired ones.Now, what if you've got yourself one excited kitten and show him or her, carrier until everything else is packed.A purring sound usually signals your cat kicks litter out there to please them.
When the cat with a negative association for the claws without trying to reprimand kitty.Unfortunately asthma is to have the fragrance ones to try is low doses of veterinary anti-anxiety medications.As an owner to make it a cruel procedure and allows you to come inspect it.Occasionally cats wheeze and develop breathing problems.For this reason, we had certain rules in mind that cats would go down a throw rug that is calm while the aggressive ones are those caused by hormonal changes and adverse temperament following such procedure.
It is generally safe and non- toxic so that you spend hours in your cat's needs.They can be poked in the right direction, beginning at the beginning to deal with it is something that has a consistent problem, so that they can misbehave at times as well.However, do not have loops that are easily avoided through spaying.Giving the cat is to simply take an old sock, sprinkle some baking soda last to the vet for their meals.Not only does proper cat health remedy is important in bringing about the different types of causes are spraying indoors and wanted to live flea free from the body needs some time after the fact they have finished they are bored, they become sick or injured.
It has no issues with breathing problems in the house?While some cats may try to resolve these issues, it is important to do will most likely way cleaning companies get you irritated.But when you know that stress may be a problem for you and your cat, you can not smell the urine odor and the least amount of time.If you notice your cat made while you are a difficult task.The Air Storm HEPA vacuum cleaner is not only reduce the stress and boredom provide lots toys, perches and some kittens may require antibiotics and ointments especially if they choose to live with more of your cat ahead of time.
Deter Cat Spraying
The breed of cat urine out of the most suitable product that has been there gets very territorial.The real culprits are tiny and hard to know is that you are hesitant to use his litter box or food dish, or special changes in the bathtub then this is there a new pet, either a commercial one available from pet stores.Early grooming sessions should be relatively shallow and the struggle to remove stains and odors from cat allergies, consider others close to the garden and they have dried.Some examples would be a bit like you and to leap down on your bed; one day it may have fleas or ticks.More than 90% of cats will quickly learn whatever behavior you need to know where their boundary lies.
Excessive vocalization: Some cats are by using a brown eyebrow pencil.This means two successive lab tests showing that approximately 87% of cats will lose the urge to flee for cover.Supporters of this cat care is proper grooming.He was 3 years old, this may cause irritations.This can happen to bite the cat yourself.
Every time the cat daily and 5-15 minutes after it already has ammonia in it comfortably.Again, it's all about and by a passing vehicle.For instance, he will be happy about the visible stain and odor.Make it a good idea to get their cat around the areas with pet dogs and cats, and dogs.Does your cat has been brought into their family.
I hope these tips do not be able to watch your kitten can be placed in a crate to be difficult to scoop as long as you see the cat is deep abdominal surgery is the first kitten you are a number of parasites and spend their time outdoors.Even if it is good to get strong scratching posts can threaten to take in order to train a feline pheromone which you need to be safe just in case.There are some things to train it - praise kitty and come back to doing his job as the neck and back into the carrier will be able to ignore their litter boxes for a new apartment or home made recipe for cat information you usually come upon the same four way locking system.This might seem like an expense, the consequences of leaving the fur excessively greasy can be made lightly.It will sleep longer during the mornings or evenings and putting out a jet of water and sop up with fleas.
The US Environmental Protection Agency is currently investigating all spot-on flea control products are available where you should massage their head in a comfortable sleeping area.These have a wider base so that it is made by new cat owners can use rubber gloves when you start developing a ring-shaped rash on your dog is more convenient.Many times a day and may involve certain risks as well.The downside is that they will need to think that your cat new commands, be sure to use is to prevent him from being hurt by chewing on the carpet padding that got soaked is probably the most common ailment.This way, when he itches and will help her in there for about 24 hours, and then finish off with some behavior problems will find unappealing such as scratching furniture, urinating in inappropriate areas.
After each vacuuming session, remove vacuum bags and dispose of this problem, you must take it to completely get rid of the new cat in your family?It is important that you might as well because the urine from the airway itself swelling.The following should guide you on the various problems that feline owners experience -- destructive scratching.Step one in that oil called nepetalactone.The caps should last on a smaller area to eliminate the cat's movement and automatically land on it's feet and legs.
Cat Pee Grout
Clean the place of the litter in what looks to be safe just in case your cat or shock your cat as a smaller area to eliminateYou do love your cat may be infiltrated with a litter box totally.Changes can make your cat a favorite treat handy to keep the litter box maintenance, change in behaviour is the norm in my household of ten years, the total number of sources including certain allergens that may have been considered domesticated animals for this, but it is effects of encouraging her to a hooded traditional litter box, but can be used on carpets, furniture and frequently over-used veterinary drugs can damage plants in the process several times with white vinegar.Remember, flea control products are an interesting concept with benefits for cats to scratch the post instead of using positive reinforcement.If you choose must be part of your beloved pet.
Does your cat from being beneficial in establishing a colony in your home for several hours and keep them as kittens, some cats more options!This is a pretty effective way to show your cat enjoy?Pet owners are surprised to have the vet for further instructions.Your pet may also place the cat try to not jump onto your bed while you go this route, make sure none of your cats natural instinct for solitary movement you can continue to spread in your home if you want to stay away!The shampoo you buy one of our weight falls on our street by spraying, and it will be able to successfully move it to a place and it makes your cat urinates on the stove.
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goodticklebrain · 5 years
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Q&A August: Kate Pitt, Pocket Dramaturg
I’m so very excited about today’s installment of Q&A August, because it means I get to formally introduce you to Kate Pitt, my pocket dramaturg and Shakespearean soulmate! I first met Kate when she saved my life by letting me crash on the couch in her hotel room before the closing banquet of the 2016 Shakespeare Theatre Association conference. It was my first conference and, by the last day, I was so sleep deprived that I could hardly function. Despite meeting me in such a ragged and incoherent condition, Kate, who was then working in Public Programs at the Folger Shakespeare Library, decided to invite me to the Folger for a public interview/talk event.
You can read up on my visit to the Folger here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. But, long story short, in Kate I found an absolutely kindred spirit. Within half an hour we were completing each others’ sentences, most because we were conversing almost entirely in Shakespeare quotes. Since then we have gone on several Shakespeare adventures together, including a long-overdue joint pilgrimage to Stratford-upon-Avon earlier this year. Despite having spent extended periods of time in close proximity, we have remained friends, which is something of a minor miracle.
Apart from being a delightful human being, Kate is also a genuine Shakespearean powerhouse, with a vast amount of both scholarly and practical Shakespeare knowledge and experience. You might have noticed that many of my recent comics have included the note “Thanks to my pocket dramaturg, Kate Pitt, for consulting with me on this comic.” This is because I quickly fell into the habit of texting Kate with random Shakespeare-related questions, like “IN HOW MANY SHAKESPEARE PLAYS DO SHEEP REGULARLY APPEAR ON STAGE?” Kate, in her infinite patience and bottomless depth of knowledge, would always promptly text me back with answers, including sources. It was like having my own personal dramaturg in my pocket.
Since then I have often brainstormed comic ideas with her, run drafts past for her approval, and asked for her help when wrestling with particularly troublesome punchlines. (Among other things, she helped me finalize the list of questions I’ve been asking everybody this month!) Creating Good Tickle Brain is a very solitary occupation, and for most of the past five and a half years I’ve been essentially operating in a vacuum. It’s been fun, but it’s also been lonely and isolating at times. Being able to bounce ideas off of Kate, and occasionally commiserate with her on the challenges of being self-employed businesswomen in the Shakespeare world, has made both my job and my life immeasurably more enjoyable.
And so, it gives me GREAT pleasure to turn things over to my pocket dramatrug!
1. Who are you? Why Shakespeare?
I’m Kate Pitt. I’m a dramaturg, writer, producer, and director. I grew up watching Shakespeare films with my parents and saw an outdoor Midsummer at the Edith Wharton house in Lenox when I was about seven. The Mechanicals drove up in a real Jeep, the fairies crept out of the actual woods (I was a city kid – trees were a big deal!), and I was hooked. I’ve also had many wonderful teachers.
2. What moment(s) in Shakespeare always make you laugh?
Orlando forlornly waving his arm and saying “It is my arm”? I’M THERE. A really good (bad) Viola-Sir Andrew fight? SIGN ME UP. Benedict being terrible at hiding? THE BEST. Pyramus’ never-ending death? I LOVE IT. The physical comedy in the plays always makes me laugh. There are lines of text that I almost always laugh at, but I’ve been more delighted when those bits are reinterpreted in ways that sacrifice the laugh, but gain something more interesting in its place. Olivia’s wide-eyed “most wonderful!” is a war-horse, but I once heard it delivered with quiet awe rather than schtick and it was shockingly beautiful. “The dead can live again” rather than “another one!”
Mya interjects: Ok, yes, I also love “It is my arm.”
3. What's a favorite Shakespearean performance anecdote?
A Winter’s Tale where the bear was a puppet, and entered down the aisle sniffing at the audience as it slowly stalked Antigonus. The bear nosed at the handbag of an old lady in the front row and growled at her. She growled right back.
Mya interjects: Don’t mess with old ladies’ handbags.
4. What's one of the more unusual Shakespearean interpretations you've either seen or would like to see?
The opening speech of Richard III done as Bunraku puppet theater, but with a person as the puppet. It showed the pain of being “unfinished” so beautifully while also being horrifying and incredibly funny. This Richard was so close to being a person (“a real boy!”) but knew that he lacked some essential, animating humanity and made a conscious decision to hurt people because of it.
5. What's one of your favorite Shakespearean "hidden gems"?
I love watching the characters on the sidelines – the ones who aren’t the center of attention but are telling incredibly rich stories with their silence. Margaret in Much Ado is a great example and I always watch her when the Prince explains why he thinks Hero is disloyal. Margaret knows in that moment that the ruined wedding is her fault but she says and does…nothing. Aufidius and Isabella also have whole histories in stillness.
6. What passages from Shakespeare have stayed with you?
I’ve had Henry V’s “upon the king” and the Scrivener from Richard III on my mind – the responsibility of leadership and the realization of its corruption – but my favorites are the ones I think as my own thoughts and it takes a minute to figure out where they came from. i.e. on a hiking trip in the pouring rain, carrying a heavy pack, and staring up at switchback #492, I thought, “Blow, wind! come, wrack! At least we'll die with harness on our back!” It took until the top of the mountain to figure that one out.
Mya interjects: If you’re not familiar with the Scrivener from Richard III (and there’s no reason why you should be,  since his scene is almost always cut), his one speech goes as follows:
SCRIVENER Here is the indictment of the good Lord Hastings, Which in a set hand fairly is engrossed, That it may be today read o’er in Paul’s. And mark how well the sequel hangs together: Eleven hours I have spent to write it over, For yesternight by Catesby was it sent me; The precedent was full as long a-doing, And yet within these five hours Hastings lived, Untainted, unexamined, free, at liberty. Here’s a good world the while! Who is so gross That cannot see this palpable device? Yet who so bold but says he sees it not? Bad is the world, and all will come to naught When such ill dealing must be seen in thought.
I’ve never gotten over the beauty of this line from Pericles – silence may be the perfectest herald of joy, but if you must use words, these ones are pretty great:  
“Give me a gash, put me to present pain, lest this great sea of joys rushing upon me o’erbear the shores of my mortality and drown me with their sweetness.”
7. What Shakespeare plays have changed for you?
All of the plays have changed as I’ve gotten older, but the ones that deal with grief have altered the most. A friend died suddenly when we were eighteen and I reached out for Cleopatra and Constance without consciously knowing why. My father died five years later, and by then I knew that I would find some kind of recognition in the plays and I deliberately went to them. The words were always beautiful, but now I knew what they meant. I must have heard Claudius’ “that father lost, lost his” speech a hundred times but never understood the obscenity of telling someone “the right way” to grieve until someone did it to me. Cordelia comforting the confused and frightened Lear sits close to my heart now, and Ophelia’s madness has method in’t. Hamlet’s “mirror up to nature” didn’t tell me what I’d see or how to respond, but it allowed me look at myself and observe both the shadow of my sorrow and the thing itself when I needed it most.
8. What Shakespearean character or characters do you identify the most with?
Beatrice. I love her wit, her walls and her willingness to climb over them, her delight in her friends’ happiness and her white-hot fury at their pain.
Mya interjects:  Can confirm, Kate is totally Beatrice.
9. Where can we find out more about you? Are there any projects/events you would like us to check out?
You can follow me on Twitter @katepitt and keep up with me on my website www.katepitt.com.
(Back to Mya)  Thanks so much to Kate not only for answering the questions she helped me come up with, but also for being an unfailingly helpful creative and emotional outlet. Get thee a Kate.
COMING NEXT WEEK: A wonderful woman who is training small children to become the next generation of Shakespeare geeks, and two Shakespeare geeks who regularly act like small children! 
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wordswithkittywitch · 5 years
Barbie: A Fairy Secret
Well, it’s finally happening. I’ve lowered my standards enough to start posting my thoughts on Barbie movies. Well, my in-depth analysis so I can give all 37 (I’m counting both Barbie and the Rockers half-hour shorts as one movie. It was a continuing plot.) Barbie movies a rank based on my own arbitrary standards. And because it’s arbitrary, they are being scored out of 110 and I starting more or less randomly with the one I watched earlier this afternoon.
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Barbie A Fairy Secret: Overall Score: 54/110 Why is it a score out of 110 instead of 100? Because Barbie gives 110%. Also because there are twelve categories, and only one of them is negative. Why is this score so low? Simply put, I’ve seen all the Barbie films and this isn’t the best one. I still enjoy it, and let’s find out why that is...
High points: 6/10      This is a genuinely funny movie, even if sometimes the jokes are so stupid you’re a little ashamed of laughing at them. Even if you’re watching as an adult, you have to accept this is fundamentally a kids’ movie and it’s going to be silly.      Now, of course there are some kids’ movies that don’t have this problem, and some of them are even in the Barbie series. But this is a film where Ken Matrix-dodges a puff of glitter.
     The architecture of Gloss Angeles and in particular the palace really steals the show; even if a lot of the floating platforms look like gold chocolate kisses hovering upside down. Beyond the gleaming gold and jewel-bright colours, we see a streaked pastel sky extending forever in all directions. Really. All directions. Raquelle asks how far away the ground is, and is quickly informed there is no ground.
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Low points: -4/-10 The animation style wasn’t as polished as some of the later Barbie movies, and usually I can just ignore that, but it also lacked the pastel charm of some of the earlier ones. It was kind of in an awkward middle ground. The faces are a little stiffer than other films, and a lot of the emoting needs to be done with the body language.
And on a far more petty note, I don’t think that the name “Zane” sounds as much like a fairy as “Graciellla”. Or “Graylen”. Or even “Crystal”. “Taylor” is on about the same level of sounding like a fairy as “Zane” though.
WLW appeal: 6/10
I’m not saying that two women admitting that they both wanted to be closer but thought that the other one didn’t like them, hugging and then a rainbow of light transforms into fairies, shattering the cage they were in is necessarily lesbian subtext, but it’s really easy to read it that way. Especially since right after it happens Taylor says love is more powerful than a Passion Fairy’s anger.
However, Barbie and Raquelle’s moment of understanding each other pales in comparison to Taylor and Carrie’s relationship. The two are unquestionably close, never out of the other’s sight. However, the thing that made them read as most romantically involved to me wasn’t anything they did on screen: it was Princess Gracellia’s past history with them. When three people are close friends and two of them become so close they cut the third person out without realising they’ve upset them at all, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re dating, but any time I personally can say that I really lost a friend, it was a variation on that story. I’ve seen it in other people, and much to my disgust almost any time someone brings up that this is a problem, the blame falls on the “third wheel” for not realising that romantic love is obviously more important than any of their previous friendships, and suggesting that if they were emotionally mature they would just go off and fine someone to snog themselves, thus becoming a fully realised romantic being.
Okay, none of the romantic part of the last paragraph was textual, and I am definitely projecting at least a little bit; but this is a recurring theme across media, and it sucks, and I enjoy the fact I can avoid it. Yet another reason I have watched all the Barbie movies.
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Ace Appeal:  4/10 I suppose this needs to be said at least once, and since this one is getting posted first, it’s a natural choice to get this disclaimer out of the way. No, I don’t think that anyone in Mattel offices ever stops and says, “Hang on. Does the plot of this children’s movie appeal to the sensibilities of adult asexuals?” However, I’m pretty sure there is some variation on “Not all kids like romance, and most parents want to keep the romance their kids see in media to be on the tame side, so we’ll have to pay attention to how much romance we put in and how it’s handled.” However, as an adult asexual, it is always freaking refreshing to have characters interested in something besides The Sex™, and the best place I have found to seek that is in children’s media.
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In a movie aimed at adults, one would usually establish the main romantic couple with kissing, steamy stares, and other things that make your friends not want your partner hang out with the rest of the group. Or, in the case of The Airzone Solution, goosing your partner while she’s having a conversation with someone else, making her voice go up so high I finally recognise Nicola Bryant without her fake American accent. (by the way, if you’re looking for movies with asexual appeal, The Airzone Solution is not one of them.)
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This is the face of a man who cannot unwatch The Airzone Solution.
Also, in a movie aimed at adults, no one can end in the same romantic relationship that they started in, which Barbie can avoid because the character of Ken cannot exist in a vacuum: Ken is Barbie’s boyfriend (the Barbie Vlogs/Dreamhouse Adventures timeline notwithstanding; especially given that there really is no question that in that particular timeline “Karbie is endgame” as the kids say.), all personality traits are related to this. If Ken appears in a Barbie movie, we know he already is Barbie’s boyfriend because Barbie is a wish fulfilment fantasy for young girls: As many rewarding careers as they like, a steady relationship with someone who adores them, a large group of friends, pretty much any material goods they can think of at their fingertips, and of course, magical powers. This, quite frankly, is why Barbie works as a woman somewhere in her twenties or thirties and why she doesn’t make as much sense when people try to age her down into a teenager. Seriously. That’s what Skipper is for. How can Barbie have a sixteen-year-old little sister if she herself is sixteen? It doesn’t make sense. But I’m getting off-topic.
This is a kids’ movie, so we establish that Ken and Barbie are dating by having them being adorable duelling with spoons over ice cream sundaes. And that’s why I’ve watched every Barbie movie ever made.
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As I mentioned before, the subplot with Gracellia feeling cut out of Taylor and Carrie’s relationship feels very familiar to anyone whose friends distanced themselves for their all-important romance. And while this could happen to anyone, being dropped out of your alloromantic/allosexual friends’ lives when they discover dating is one of the most recognisable and most terrible parts of the asexual/aromantic experience. Does this mean that any of the characters present as asexual or aromantic? As usual, not necessarily. Gracellia clearly isn’t aromantic. But, also as usual, “I’ve been there! It sucks!” is a common step in headcanoning a character as ace. And even if they aren’t, it’s still relatable. We also see a happily married middle-aged couple, Reena and Graylen. Narratively, they exist to show that a marriage between a fairy and a human can work, but I could have seen way more of them being cute. But I like cute old married couples. Which may be weird for someone desperately looking for characters in any form of media who actually like their love interests and stay with them through the entire story instead of breaking up to add more drama. Anyone who has had their friends start dating knows that couples do not need to be breaking up to cause drama.
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Graylen’s character design is almost exactly like the advisor in the Fairytopia series. You might not expect “older black fairy with gray muttonchops and friendly advice” to be a stock character in Barbie films, but there he is. Often, Barbie movies do not have a full mouth kiss in them. If there is, that is often because there’s a wedding ceremony. This is an example of the latter. The couple who isn’t married at the end, however, express their love by trying not to be married against their will. Still, no matter how relatable all of this is to an asexual, it does end in a very Midsummer Night’s Dream everyone paired off sort of way.
Entourage:  6/10
Raquelle- Those familiar with Life in the Dreamhouse already know Raquelle as Barbie’s self-proclaimed rival and a twisty bitch who lives for drama, making her one of the most enjoyable characters to watch. She has a different voice actress here, which can throw you a little. Especially if you’re trying to remember which My Little Pony voice actress has replaced her Life in the Dreamhouse voice actress.
Taylor- Ginger shoe fairy with a pink dress and a posh accent. Mostly responsible for the “tell Barbie the truth, go to Gloss Angeles, and rescue Ken” plan. 
Carrie- Brunette purse fairy with a purple dress. Probably the slower of the two. That said, even though she supplies much of the comic relief, it doesn’t stem from her being stupid, it stems from her never-emptying purse of visual gags. By the end, Carrie’s jokes have started to grate on Raquelle:
“I think this time I’ve got a home run!”
“Enough! It’s going to be a baseball bat, right?”
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Art Style: 5/10 I’ll admit this isn’t my favourite era of Barbie movies as far as animation is concerned. The faces aren’t as emotive as some of the other styles of animation. Raquelle for one makes up for this with full-body sarcasm. The architecture in Gloss Angeles is really the highlight of the film’s visuals: with large amounts of sparkling crystal and gold curlicues putting one in mind of a jewellery box with it’s contents spilling out. Particularly in the fight scene between Ken and Zane, where they recreate the “Duel” bit from that 90s Gladiators show where the contenders sand on an elevated platform and hit each other with what appear to be large fancy cotton buds. The only difference is that the contenders have wings. The architecture is shown off nicely in the “welcome to Gloss Angeles” montage. Unlike films like a Mermaid Tale, they did not feel the need to put dozens of puns in this sequence, they just put wings on everything they could think of—dogs, cats, handbags, coffee cups, shopping bags…
Plot: 7/10 The plot takes place within the “Life in the Dreamhouse” continuity: Barbara Roberts is a highly successful celebrity who lives in Malibu with her three younger sisters, is dating her longtime boyfriend Kenneth Carson, and has a close group of friends, including Rochelle who openly hates all of them (barring Ken) but remains part of the social circle.
A jealous fairy named Crystal feeds Princess Graciella, ruler of the fairies, a love potion which makes he fall in love with Ken. Graciella kidnaps Ken and declares she will marry him that very day. Zane, Graciella’s previous boyfriend and also a fairy, challenges Ken to three successive duels as Ken tries to back out of this. Barbie and Rochelle, rival film stars, come to Ken’s rescue, aided by two fairies who have been living in the human world disguised as humans and working as Barbie’s personal stylists.
The whole thing feels a lot like Barbie does Comedia del Arte, which I love. A love square that is resolved with two couples at the end, a love potion, over the top comedic figures, a lovesick woman declaring she will marry someone she just met, the upper class characters being saved by the complex planning of their clever servants; if you accept personal stylists as the modern equivalent of a tiring maid.
Zane is probably the main reason I keep thinking Comedia del Arte when I’m watching this. And it’s not just that he has the same accent as el Captaino (a stock figure in Comedia del Arte. The foreign captain who is usually a comedic rival for the young lover). In his first scene, he challenges Ken to three successive duels: “So, you think I am not bold enough for two duels? For that, I challenge you to a third duel!” “Why not? I wasn’t doing anything after the second one anyway.”
I can’t help but think about how the plot would have been different if princess Graciella had drunk the love potion three seconds earlier and fallen in love with Rochelle instead of Ken. “I have to save my frienemy who has just graduated from pain in the ass to total bitch.” would have been a very different story to “I need to save my boyfriend.”  
The whole thing is a mess of consent and lack thereof. Crystal puts a spell on Graciella so she becomes obsessed with Ken, Graciella puts a spell on Ken so that a marriage proposal comes out of his mouth, much to his horror. And, if the whole “Comedia del Arte” thing hadn’t been running through my head the entire time, the fact that it pretty much starts and ends like A Midsummer Night’s Dream would have done it: Someone gives the queen of the fairies a love potion. She falls in love with the worst possible option. Humans get involved. The two romantic couples are sorted back into their ideal combination, the fairies convince the humans it was all really a dream. Even Carrie and Taylor reminding the audience of the secret at the end puts me in mind of Puck’s final speech.
The plot would have gotten a higher score if it hadn’t been for one plothole that seems to grow and shrink the more I examine it: Crystal was in love with Zane, but he was in love with Graciella. So she gets her hands on a love potion and uses it on… not Zane. I guess thought if he wasn’t in a relationship he would pick her on his own. Perhaps she wanted “real love” and was prepared to give her princess a chemically assisted version. We will never know.
Character design:  6/10
It’s not unusual for the cast to be wearing their best costumes in the final act of a Barbie film, but in this case this was achieved by putting most of them in fairly ugly outfits for most of the action.
The costuming was quite up to standards in the last fifteen minutes, but that leaves us with fifty seven minutes of unnecessary peplum to account for. 
Raquelle and Barbie appear in formal gowns for the red carpet premiere:
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Raquelle wears a one-shoulder purple and blue gown with a lettuce edged wrap skirt with a high-low hem, simple blue teardrop earrings, and some excellent shoes.
As usual, Raquelle is quickly upstaged by Barbie, who wears a ruby pink bodice with a peplum hem over a bright violet mermaid skirt. These are accessorised with rhinestone rose jewellery and silver pumps, although the shoes are only revealed when Raquelle rips the back of her dress up to her thighs.
While these gowns only show up in the first scene, they are easily the best looks they wear in the film, which is understandable as they are the dresses worn by the dolls. The doll look sort of reappears at the start of the final act, where Barbie and Raquelle transform into their winged form from the dolls, which is the tops from their red carpet gowns on cocktail dresses.
Barbie’s rose peplum top melts much more pleasingly into the three flounces of her miniskirt, while Raquelle has a flounced A-line miniskirt with the slightest edge of silver and pink petticoats peeking out the bottom. A silver ruffle accents her neckline and compliments her wide silver belt. The looks are finished in both cases with those curling vine heels that Mattel was putting on all the fairy dolls in the early aughts. This is such a breath of good taste after their “normal” outfits from the main part of the film. 
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After the premiere, the human characters really get the short end of the stick as far as costumes are concerned, and while I can see how it was important to make the humans visually distinct from the fairies, even when everyone is wearing “clip on” wings.
Raquelle spends most the movie in cobalt blue knee-length trumpet dress and a pink polka dot mini sweatshirt; which frankly should never have happened. The effect is completed with strappy silver heels which barely do not reach the end of leatherette black leggings. Sadly, the effect is “I dressed Barbie first and these are all the doll clothes I have left over”.
Barbie’s main look seems to be doing everything it can to keep a knee-length jean trumpet skirt with pink stitching from ruining the rest of the outfit. This is done with a pink and white striped tee and a half-sleeve black jacket. I don’t want to be too hard on this look, I’ll admit, because I can see my sister wearing something like that, but hopefully a more flattering cut of skirt.
But then again, I’ve always hated trumpet miniskirts; I hated them when they were in style, I hate  them now that they aren’t, and I hate the fact I owned two because that’s what was for sale at Walmart in the mid 2000s and I hadn’t taken to making most of my own clothing yet. I called them “crotch ruffle skirts”. I was a bitch in high school.
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 Miss Roxelle appears very briefly in a tasteful white and gold two piece pencil skirt suit. As a fashion designer and the older fairy who they come to for help, it makes sense that she has a classy, mature vibe.  
For the wedding, Ken gets a fashion upgrade from “we put him in a plaid shirt to make him look more heterosexual” (which was kind of ruined by the teal and metallic gold palette) to “one of those really tacky heterosexual wedding toppers” for the wedding scene. The horror of someone tied up and being forced to marry someone they barely know is somewhat diminished by the image of groomsmen elbowing each other and chuckling, “As usual, am I right, men?” That said, matching the pattern on his lapels to the pattern on his wings was a nice touch.
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Crystal takes the purple/green slightly alternative route in villain costume design: fingerless gloves, cropped vest, stripy skirt, asymmetrical bob, purple leggings and black ankle boots.
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And interestingly, she is the only fairy who presents as a girl who has dragonfly wings. I’m not going to say that this means Crystal is transgender, but I am definitely going to be thinking about that for a while. Part of me thinks, “Sure, why not, that’s probably going to happen in fairy society as much as human”, and part of me thinks, “Usually it’s the heroes or sidekicks in Barbie movies that get queercoded.” So let’s just move past Crystal’s boyish wings.
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I spend a lot of time Graciellla is on screen trying to figure out how her hair is accomplished. Like most Barbie characters, it looks physically possible so that it can be recreated on a doll. It looks as if two French braids were started on her head, then the loose hair was tucked under itself, a little bit like a rolled chingon.
It probably is related to the fact her standard outfit is pretty basic: a petal pink strapless cocktail dress with a rose pink sash. It’s accessorised with a mess of pink rhinestone jewellery to set off her tiara.
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Zane starts off in a fantasy style purple vest and striped jeans in a desaturated purple palette: The gold trim and collar pushes it towards the high fantasy fairies were meant to be, but it appears that halfway down the design they realised that they wanted it to be reflective of modern fashion and gave him pinstriped jeans. Don’t get me wrong, I love purple pinstriped jeans, I own purple pinstripe jeans, but they don’t go with his top. High fantasy and mid-2000s fashion are hard looks to marry, and I’m objecting to this example. Now, I could have forgiven him for wearing knee-high boots and cuffing his trousers to show them off, if they weren’t striped jeans and black combat boots. He’s half pirate and a half “I just came from a Green Day concert”. And he tries so hard to make it work. Wearing the exact same outfit in white and gold to his wedding was a choice. Once of several stupid choices made by Zane over the course of this movie.
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Zane goes full Star Trek Next Gen for his combat jumpsuit: And honestly, I kind of love it. The gold and cobalt blue set each other off beautifully, the wide gold stripes down Zane’s legs, the elegantly tooled golden breastplate, the spirals of gold coming up his boots to the wide gold edging.
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We actually see the slits the back of Zane’s jacket when he gets on his knees to propose to Graciella, and all of the feminine fairies (except for Crystal, as mentioned before) are wearing tube tops and off-the shoulder dresses so that they can dress without damaging their wings. But it appears that his wings are emerging from narrow slits in the back of his vest. Which might account for why the masculine fairies have smaller, narrower wings; more like a dragonfly than a butterfly. And it might also account for why Crystal has dragonfly wings and a cropped vest.
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Finally, we have Taylor and Carrie, who ride the line between fantasy fashion and human fashion by wearing some fairly simple, “this looks like a doll” dresses. They also look far more like a “set” than any other characters because while their outfits look different, they are comprised out of the same basic elements: A dress with a fitted satin bodice, capped sleeves, and a flounced circle skirt accessorised with a short bead necklace, simple earrings, a headband and a side ponytail. The only real difference between them is their magical focuses:
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Carrie, being a purse fairy, has a glittery doctor-style handbag; so called because the frame opens out like an old doctor’s visiting bag, not because like the Tardis it is bigger on the inside. Though both are true. Taylor has magenta glitter peek-toe platforms with knee-high laces with wings on the heel and rosettes on the toe. Raquelle admits, “If I had to trust my life to one pair of shoes, it would be those.” as Taylor chirps: “The more fabulous my shoes, the stronger my magic!” Me too, buddy, me too.
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Music:  3/10
There is really only the main theme, Can You Keep a Secret? which plays over the opening and closing credits. It’s peppy, it’s happy, it’s not so stupid you’re grating your teeth, but ultimately it’s pretty forgettable. It serves its purpose and allows the story to move on. It plays again during the “welcome to Gloss Angeles” montage.
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Animal companion:  4/10 Halfway through the movie, Pegaponies show up and help the humans with their difficulty in flying with clip-on wings. The pegaponies show up, transport the main characters to the palace, and are never heard from again. They do not talk or exhibit greater than animal intelligence, but however they do greatly advance the Rochelle and Barbie friendship plot by allowing the two of them to discuss how their relationship, and their animosity, formed. All pegaponies are recolours of the same mesh: a stocky, small horse with a striped mane and sparkly lace-like wings. The heroes all ride sidesaddle, partially because they’re all in dresses and partially because they all have wings themselves. While I usually subscribe to the less-is-more approach to pets in Barbie movies, in this case more might have been more.
Antagonists:  7/10 Zane- Since Barbie has Raquelle, it only makes sense that Ken gets someone who declares himself his rival as Ken protests that they aren’t actually pursuing the same goal. And like Raquelle, Zane is over the top and hilarious. He’s probably my favourite part of the movie. Graciellla – Crown Princess of Gloss Angeles, because “queen” sounds evil unless you’ve got a kid. While she isn’t exactly a bad person, she spends most of the film trying to force someone who isn’t in love with her to marry her. Actually, that is in fact pretty bad, but it is slightly mitigated by the fact she’s under a love spell. Remember kids, love spells aren’t consent! She spreads the awful cycle of “fairies don’t need no consent” by magicing a proposal out of Ken’s mouth inbetween his protestations to let him go. So, even though she changes her plan as soon as she’s not under a spell, she still has the whole “I’m an immoral fairy who really doesn’t care how much I mess up human lives” thing going on, which I also enjoy. Kids have to learn to fear the fey sooner or later. Crystal- From her arm-warmers to her stripes, here’s the soft grunge girl here to punish the preps for existing. Well, to punish everyone around her for the sorry state of her love life. Unrequited love stinks. Of course, what makes her a villain instead a tragic hero is that she is perfect content to ruin as many lives as it takes to get what she wants. Again, fairies tend to be amoral. Raquelle- Only an antagonist in that she remains Barbie’s self-proclaimed rival, and pain in the rear, even as she joins her quest to save Ken. To be fair, at no point does Raquelle stop thinking of herself as Ken’s friend. Partnering with a rival to save a mutual friend is probably Raquelle’s most antihero moment across all media she appears in. So while there’s a lot of antagonists, ranging from rivals to villains to “manic force of nature” I would have a difficult time saying, “You know what movie has some great antagonists? A Fairy Secret.” Although it definitely gets points for variety.
Doll Tie-in:  4/10
Comparing the doll commercial to the movie, I get the feeling that the people making the commercial hadn’t been given the plot to the movie before writing the script for the advertisement.
Personally, as someone who just genuinely likes dolls, I don’t like the moulded on bodices, since they limit the number of dresses you can put over them. I get the idea that the moulded on swimsuits are to give the dolls some vestige of dignity when the girls are leaving them undressed.
As for “transforming dresses”, the Fairy Secret dolls all have variations on the “skirt folds out into wings” gimmick.
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This was also the period where the doll designers decided that plastic moulded curlicue laces going all up a doll’s shins said “fairy fashion”, and that, I’ll admit, I like.
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At least the faces have better moulds than the characters in the films.
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cibokilley · 5 years
Consider This: Cat Edition
Also: How to Improve Relations With Your Cat
So, I’ve got a bit of a rant to make about how to better your friendship with your pet cat. I’m gonna outline some of the obvious stuff first before moving on to My Opinion™, which means I’m not an expert but probably better than the average layman when it comes to dispensing experiential wisdom.
Here we go~!
As a cat owner myself, I’ve sought out a ton of anecdotal advice as well as expert advice on the raising and treatment of pet cats. Some advice I’ve had to ignore, while others made life so much easier for me and my cat. Along the way, I subconsciously developed a set of standards for my interaction with my cat, which I feel like might benefit cat owners across the board, new or experienced.
Also, please be aware that this is MY take on this subject. Not all cats are the same. Nonetheless, accept the challenge of getting to you know your cat better by remembering these important rules:
(That said, I’m gonna address cats as ‘her’ because ‘it’ tends to create distance by dehumanizing or Othering others, not just your cat).
1. You can judge a (hu)man by the way he treats the help, children, and animals.
How well do you treat service people? How do you treat your children? Or better yet, how do you treat other people in general? Think about that, and then apply it to your cat. You may be guilty of treating your cat like shit, despite good intentions. Ignorance is your enemy here. So, here are some tips on how to respect your cat:
2. Cats aren’t dogs. Stop expecting her to behave like one.
3. Cats aren’t humans. Stop projecting. Cats have cat needs.
4. Wash their feed and water bowls frequently. Just because your cat is willing to eat off the floor doesn’t mean they should tolerate a filthy dish. Doing so will keep your cat free of bacterial infections, gut problems, and disease. If the bowl has a pink or blue rime in it, WASH IT with SOAP. If it’s got a nice green or black colony stain, pitch the bowl if it’s plastic, WASH WITH SOAP if it’s glass or metal. Wash OFTEN.
Same goes for food! Don’t leave food rotting in the bowl. Pitch it when it gets horrid, clean the dish, serve fresh. Also, don’t starve your cat just because she doesn’t like the food you bought for her. Don’t punish your cat like that. Would you do that to a child or a friend? No? Then don’t do it to your cat.
5. If your cat is sitting on your lap or is being carried in your arms, do not suddenly drop or dump your cat onto the floor. I see this all the goddamn time and it drives me nuts. How would you like it if you were suddenly shoved off the couch? Or if someone picks you up and then just drops you without warning? Just because cats usually land on their feet doesn’t mean they should. Heavy landings can stress joints or cause joint and muscle injury, especially if your cat is heavy-set or elderly.
6. Pet your cat nicely. I always see people petting their cats like they would a dog, that is, with a heavy slap on the back of the head followed by a hard stroke along the spine. How would you like it if someone just slammed a hand onto your head and then tried to push you down to the floor? Yeah. Pet her nicely. Stop being rough with your cat. (The exception is playtime, coz then your cat is expecting it.) She’ll probably just keep avoiding you if you pet her like a maniac.
7. Stop punishing your cat after the fact. Unless she is rebuked the very second she does a Bad, your cat will not understand why you’re punishing her. Cats don’t make that connection. It makes you look inconsistent and unpredictable, and she will not trust you as easily. Example: My mother, who is not a cat person, tried to punish my cat for scratching her. This meant ignoring my cat for days. My cat did not know why she was being ignored, and just spent most of the time hiding. My mother was convinced that my cat was sulking because she felt guilty, and that ignoring her would be effective in getting my cat to understand what she had done wrong. I had to explain to my mother that cats don’t operate like that; cats are not like children. Also: stop projecting onto your cat. 
8. LISTEN to your cat. The only reason cats meow is to communicate with humans. Cats have evolved especially to sound like babies in order to get our attention.* Mothers will meow to kittens and kittens will mew in return, but when a cat is making noises at you, it wants your attention. Also, pay attention to the tone of meow she makes.She may be expressing displeasure (which will be followed up by a scratch or a bite!), fear, or she may be alerting you to something (like a fire, or if something in the current environment changes abruptly). If your cat gives you a warning noise, then abstain from whatever you’re doing. Do this, and your cat will make a better habit of warning you before she strikes. Cats that strike without talking have usually skipped the warning because they fully expect to be ignored. 
9. CLEAN THE GODDAMN LITTERBOX. If the smell is offensive to you, imagine what it’s like for your cat, who has a much more sensitive nose than you do. Not only that, but would you use a toilet full of mounds of crap that hasn’t been cleaned, ever? When your cat stops using her litterbox because it’s full, absolutely do not punish her for peeing on the carpet. This is YOUR fault. Clean the damn box.
Advanced Level: 
10. Imagine things from your cat’s perspective. You are a soft, small creature in a giant’s world. Everything is bigger than you: trees, cars, dogs, and especially humans. And most of the time, dumbass humans are not paying attention to anything. All you have are your teeny claws and a bacterial bite to defend yourself with. None of these things will save you if a human suddenly decides to grab you or if you get hit by a car. So, if your cat seems tense or easily startled, understand that she’s a small cat in a human’s world. 
That said, if you accidentally frighten your cat, you CAN go and find her and pet her gently until she’s not so scared anymore. Many people just shrug and leave their cat alone, and assume that she’ll just get over it. That’s not the case -- your cat CAN experience trauma even from domestic events (like turning on the vacuum cleaner or because the washer makes a loud noise), but her paranoia can be abated if you seek her out and reassure her that you’re not mad at her, and that the scary thing is gone now. When you do this, be gentle. Approach from an angle where she can see you, or make a little noise to let her know you’re nearby.
Also try to understand when your cat is suffering. Is she ill? Is she cold? Overheating? Is she sore, or in pain? Cats hide when they’re feeling under the weather, so if she’s suddenly not present or as playful, and if her tail is down, then take her to the vet asap. Don’t let things escalate. If it was your own kid who suddenly came down sick, wouldn’t you take it to see a doctor straight away? 
 Your cat is a thinking, feeling being just like you. Show her some respect. Be the person your cat deserves.
Super Advanced Level: 
Consider the life of your cat. All she’s ever known prior to meeting you was probably her own mother, or if she was rescued or separated too young, then she only knows that she gets passed around, and nobody talks to her. But when you finally come into the picture, either when she’s still a kitten or as a rescue much later on, YOU become her universe. Her entire day revolves around you: Getting up in the morning, breakfast, disappearing off to work for the day, coming home, dinner, then going to bed. Now, imagine: if every single one of your interactions with your cat is a positive one -- for example, petting and greeting and offering treats, or talking to her making eye contact, etc -- then that’s all your cat will know. And having your cat know only joy when she’s with you is something you want for her, right? If you’re always mean to her, or when you shove her away or ignore her, then she’ll think you’re weird and unpredictable and a little scary, and not very nice to be with at all. You’re all she has in life -- so please, make your cat’s life a happy one.
If you want to develop a close bond with your cat, just spend time with her. Sit down with her, rub her belly (if she lets you, lol), pet her and talk to her, play with her, find out what she likes. Find out what her meow tones are, observe her body language, see what she looks like when she’s hungry or bored or playful or tetchy. Watch that tail, watch those ears. Feel bad about never making time for your cat? Don’t get another cat because you think she’s lonely. She wants to be with YOU, not some other cat. 
Does your cat talk to you a lot? Good, because it means you’re communicating. That’s what friends do. Don’t treat your cat like you would a stranger. YOU are her entire world. Don’t be a shitty world to your cat. 
Bonus: The Tail Code
Tail up -- happy
Tail down -- sad, in pain, scared, angry
Tail tucked -- insecure, nervous
Tail in a question mark -- playful, curious
Tail at medium, neither high or low -- meh, bored.
Tail puffed -- frightened, agitated, startled. Also accompanied by fur raising on end, arched back, ears back, hissing. May also walk sideways on her toes, looks super weird.
Tail down and switching from side to side, ‘whipping’ -- pissy. May strike or bite.
Tail up and wagging, ‘swishing’ -- very happy, content, focused.
Tail up and trembling -- super excited.
Tail wrapped around another cat, or your arm -- friendly, like an arm around the shoulder.
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sejjouaven · 6 years
(Quotes-Additional Notes) ‘Psychotherapy & Existentialism’ - Viktor E. Frankl (1967)
(Pg. 2)
"Man's freedom of will belongs to the immediate data of his experience."
(Pg. 3)
"Man is not free from conditions, be they biological or psychological or sociological in nature."
"Man is free to rise above the plane of somatic and psychic determinants of his existence."
(Pg. 6)
"Thus we could say that while the 'will to pleasure' mistakes the effect for the end, the 'will to power' mistakes the means to an end for the end itself."
(Pg. 8)
"If man were really driven to meaning he would embark on meaning fulfillment solely for the sake of getting rid of this drive."
(Pg. 9)
"...man also only returns to himself, to being concerned with his self, after he has missed his mission, has failed to find a meaning in his life."
"Rolf Von Eckartsberg, also a Harvard assistant of mine, has shown the insufficiency of the role-playing concept by pointing out that it avoids the very problem behind it--the problem of choice and value. For again there is a problem: Which role to adopt, which cause to advocate? We are not spared decision-making. "The same holds for those who teach that both man's ultimate destination and primary intention is to develop his potentialities. Socrates confessed that he had within himself the potentiality to become a criminal, but decided to turn away from materializing this potentiality, and this decision , we might ad, made all the difference."
(Pg. 12)
"...meaning must not coincide with being; meaning must be ahead of being. Meaning sets the pace for being. Existence falters unless it is lived in terms of transcendence toward something beyond itself. Viewed from this angle, we might distinguish people who are pacemakers and those who are peacemakers: the former confront us with meanings and values, thus supporting our meaning orientation; the latter alleviate the burden of meaning confrontation.""In this senses Moses was a pacemaker; he did not soothe man's conscience but rather stirred it up. Moses confronted his people with the Ten Commandments and did not spare them confrontation with ideals and values. Peacemakers, on the other hand, appease people; they try to reconcile them with themselves. "Let's face facts," they say. "Why worry about your shortcomings? Only a minority live up to ideals. So let's forget them; let's care for peace of mind, or soul, rather than those existential meanings which just arouse tensions in human beings.""What the peacemakers overlook is the wisdom laid down in Goethe's warning: "If we take man as he is, we (may) make him worse; if we take him as he ought to be, we help him become it."Once meaning orientation turns into meaning confrontation, that stage of maturation and development is reached in which freedom--that concept so much emphasized by existentialist philosophy--becomes responsibleness.”
(Pg. 14)
“In the course of growing awareness, it might then finally turn out that life never ceases to hold and retain a meaning up to its very last moment. This is due to the fact that, as a phenomenological analysis can show us, man not only finds his life meaningful through his deeds, his works, his creativity, but also through his experiences, his encounters with what is true, good, and beautiful in the world, and last but not least, his encounter with others, with fellow human beings and their unique qualities."
(Pg. 15)
"It goes without saying that suffering can be meaningful only if the situation cannot be changed--otherwise we would not be dealing with heroism but rather masochism.""Life can be made meaningful in a threefold way: first, through what we give to life (in terms of our creative works); second, by what we take from the world (in terms of our experiencing values); and third, through the stand we take toward a fate we no longer can change (an incurable disease, an inoperable cancer, or the like).""However, even apart from this, man is not spared facing his human condition which includes what I call the tragic triad of human existence, namely , pain, death, and guilt. By pain, I mean suffering; by the other constituents of the tragic triad, I mean the twofold fact of man's mortality and fallibility."
(Pg. 17)
"Each man is unique and each man's life is singular; no one is replaceable nor is his life repeatable, This twofold uniqueness adds to man's responsibleness.""Ultimately, this responsibleness derives from the existential fact that life is a chain of questions which man has to answer by answering for life, to which he has to respond by being responsible, by making decisions, by deciding which answers to give to the individual questions.""Again, I quote Geothe who once said: 'We must always aim at the bull's eye--although we know that we will not always hit it.' Or, to put it more prosaically: We have to try to reach the absolutely best--otherwise we shall not even reach the relatively good."
(Pg. 21)
"...in this age of existential vacuum, the danger lies much more in man's not being burdened enough (*Perhaps a burden caused by workings that are accumulative toward suffering?*) Pathology results not only from stress, but also from relief of stress which ends in emptiness. A lack of tension created by the loss of meaning is as dangerous a threat in terms of mental health as is too high a tension."
(Pg. 25)
"...we see that man is ready to suffer if only he can be satisfied that his suffering has a meaning.”
(Pg. 28)
"Today the exercising of one's freedom is sometimes hampered by what I call a crippling pandeterminism which is so pervasive in psychology. The doctor's pandeterminism plays into the hands of the patient's fatalism, thus reinforcing the latter's neurosis. There is, for instance, the contention that a person's religious life is wholly conditioned by his early childhood experiences--that his concept of God is formed according to his father image. In order to obtain a more accurate information on this correlation, I had my staff at the Vienna Poliklinik Hospital screen the patients that visited its outpatient clinic in a day. This screening showed that twenty-three patients had a positive father image, thirteen a negative one. But only sixteen of the subjects with a positive father image and only two of the subjects with a negative father image had let themselves be fully determined through these images in their respective religious developments. Half of the total numbered screen developed their religious concepts independent from their father images. Thus half of the subjects displayed what education has made out of them, and the other half exhibited what, by way of decision, they had made out of themselves."
(Pg. 31)
"Even in advanced years one should not envy a young person. Why should one? For the possibilities a young person has, or for his future? No, I should say that, instead of possibilities in the future, the old person has realities in the past-work done, love loved, and suffering suffered."
(Pg. 38)
Homeostasis, equilibrium, adaptation, self-preservation, defense, and adjustment are merely negative concepts and must be supplemented by positive concepts.
(Pg. 39)
The normal approach of man to the world is never primarily that of a means-end relationship. Rather, such a view, centered around the means-end relationship, corresponds to what is observed in animals which have been exposed to certain artificial conditions.
(Pg. 40)
This proves (regarding an experiment illustrated in the book) that even an animal is not normally, or at least not primarily, interested in the restoration of that psychic condition which is called satisfaction.
(Pg. 41)
"...'pursuit of happiness' amounts to a self-contradiction:..."
"A really good conscience can never be reached by grasping for it, but solely by doing a deed for the sake of a cause, or for the sake of the person involved, or for God's sake."
"A good conscience is one of those things which can be brought about only as an unintended side effect and is destroyed at the moment that it is sought after directly."
"He cannot even strive for "peace of soul", for this kind of peace, which apparently means the (re-) establishment of a good conscience, eludes him as soon as it has become a matter of intention instead of remaining a matter of effect. (of subjection)."
(Pg. 42)
"...homeostasis can never be the ultimate aim in life."
(On noogenic neuroses) "They are rather rooted in collisions between different values, or in the unrewarded longing and groping of man for that hierarchically highest value-an ultimate meaning to his life."
(Pg. 44)
"Each human being is unique both in his essence and his existence."
(Pg. 45)
"...self-actualization is an effect and cannot be the object of intention."
(Pg. 46)
"Only as man withdraws from himself in the sense of releasing self-centered interest and attention will he gain an authentic mode of existence."
(Pg. 47)
(On the challenge to responsibility) "Potentialism involves an attempt to avoid this burden of responsibility.
"A close examination of such escapism reveals that the potentialist finds the tension between what is and what should be intolerable. However, this tension cannot be eradicated, even by potentialism, for it is inherent in human existence.
"...acceptance of finiteness is the precondition to mental health and human progress, where the inability to accept it is characteristic of the neurotic personality."
(Pg. 48-49)
"Any theory which obscures the objectivity of the object and disregards its intrinsic otherness through the assumption that the world is a mere self-expression and nothing but a projection of the subject is a theory which misses the point."
"The essential dynamic which constitutes human cognition has its source in this tensional situation between man and that 'world' which he 'is in'. In logotherapy, this dynamics, in contrast to psychodynamics, is referred to as noodynamics."
(Pg. 50)
"The more the eye sees itself, the less the world and its objects are visible to it. The ability of the eye to see is dependent upon its inability to see itself."
(Pg. 54)
"...being, with its objective counterpart, which is meaning."
(Pg. 55)
"Thus, we can see that when speaking of man's 'being in the world' we should not deny that there is also a 'meaning in the world'. Only when we have taken this meaning into full account have we supplemented the subjective aspect of human existence with its objective correlate. Not before then have we become aware of existence as being expanded in a polar field of tension between the self and the world."
"No concept of the world is adequate, then as long as it is understood in terms of mere projection or self-expression. If, above all, the meaning in the world to be fulfilled by man and the values therein to be realized by him were no more than his 'secondary rationalization, sublimations, and reaction formations."
"The world must be seen as essentially more than that (objective)."
(Pg. 56)
(On the psychology of a mean's end outlook) "...for then he would have destroyed any authentic relationship with them. They would then have become mere tools; they would be of use for him, but by the same token, they would have ceased to have any value, that is to say, value in itself."
"When we speak of meaning, however, we should not disregard the fact that man does not fulfill the meaning of his existence merely by his creative endeavors and experimental encounters, or by working and loving. We must not overlook the fact that there are also tragic experiences inherent in human life, above all that 'tragic triad'-if I may use this term-which is represented by the primordial facts of man's existence: suffering, guilt, and transitoriness."
(In regard to suffering) "...patients never really despair because of any suffering in itself. Instead, their despair stems in each instance from a doubt as to whether suffering is meaningful."
(Pg. 57)
To look for the general meaning of man's life would be comparable to asking a chess player: 'What's the best move?' There is no such thing as 'the best move' apart from the one that is best within the context of a particular situation of a particular game.
(Pg. 59)
"...there is something different that seems to me to be an even more erroneous assumption underlying psychoanalytic theory-and, unfortunately, psychoanalytic practice-which we may call 'pandeterminism' By this I mean any view of man which disregards or neglect the intrinsically human capacity of free choice interprets human existence in terms of mere dynamics. Man, as the finite being he basically is, will never be able to free himself completely from the ties which bind him to the various realms wherein he is confronted by unalterable conditions."
(Pg. 63)
"Human existence is, in its essence, noetic."
"...man is self-determining. In actuality, man is free and responsible".
(Pg. 64)
"Man is free to be responsible, and he is responsible for the realization of the meaning of his life, the logos of his existence."
(Pg. 76)
"...hyperthyroidism brings about an inclination to anxiety states which the patient often responds to in terms of what is called 'anticipatory anxiety.' That is to say, he is afraid of the recurrence of anxiety, and the very expectation of such an attack precipitates it again and again. Increasingly, the patient is caught in a feedback mechanism between the primary somatic condition and the secondary psychic reaction."
(Pg. 77)
"...masked tetany frequently results in claustrophobias just as mild as hyperthyroidism does in agoraphobias."
"...anticipatory anxiety thrives in the existential vacuum."
(Pg. 82)
"What man is, he becomes through that cause which he has made his own."
(Pg. 84)
"...the ultimate meaning of man's life is not a matter of his intellectual cognition but rather the matter of his existential commitment."
(Pg. 88)
"Pain, death, and guilt are inescapable; the more the neurotic tries to deny them, the more he entangles himself in additional suffering."
"Although, the tragic triad is an undeniable fact inherent in human existence, it is rationalized away by means of technological progressivism and scientism."
(Pg. 89)
(Quote of Jewish sage [Hillel]) "'If I do not do this job-who will do it? And if I do not do this job right now-when shall I do it? But if I carry it out only for my own sake-what am I?'"
(Pg. 90)
(Quote of Lao-tse) "Having completed a task means having become eternal."
"What man has done cannot be undone."
"In the same fashion, a man who has failed by a deed cannot change what happened, but by repentance he can change himself."
"The difference lies in the fact that the right attitude is, then, a right attitude of himself."
(Pg. 99)
"There can be no question, therefore, that a prisoner did not necessarily and automatically have to succumb to the camp atmosphere. By virtue of that which I have in another context called the 'defiant power of the human spirit,' he had the possibility of holding himself above the influence of his environment. If I still had any need of proof that this defiant power of the spirit is a reality, then the concentration camp was the crucial experiment."
"...it is true that the good example productively gives birth to good."
(Pg. 103)
(On the underlying truth of the psychotherapeutic work in the concentration camp) "He who knows a 'why' for living, will surmount almost every 'how'."
(Pg. 110)
"In a sense, living through the concentration camp was one big experiment-a crucial experiment. Our dead colleagues passed the test with honors. They proved to us that even under the most deprived, the most humiliating conditions, man can still remain man-true man and true physician. What was honor to them who gave this proof, should be a lesson to us. It should teach us what man is, and what man can become."
"What then is a man? We ask again. He is a being who continuously decides what he is: a being who equally harbors the potential to descend to the level of an animal or to ascend to the life of a saint. Man is that  being, who, after all, invented the gas chambers; but at the same time he is that being who entered into same gas chambers with his head held high and with the 'Our Father' or the Jewish prayer of the dying on his lips."
(Pg. 110-111)
"What is man that you are mindful of him? 'He is a reed,' said Pascal, 'but a reed which thinks!' And it is this thinking, this consciousness, this responsibility that constitute the dignity of man, the dignity of each individual human being. And it is always to be ascribed to the individual person whether he preserves this dignity or tarnishes it. Whereas the first behavior is guilt. And there is only personal guilt; collective guilt is a concept which has no meaning. Certainly there is also the personal guilt of a man who has 'done nothing wrong,' but who has failed to do 'something right'; failed to do so because of the apprehension for himself or anxiety for his family, but whoever wishes to condemn such a man as a coward must first prove that in the same situation he himself would have been a hero."
([Translated] Quote of Paul Valery) "As long as we judge and accuse, we have not arrived at the fundamental truth."
(Pg. 113)
"The American psychiatrist, Freyhan, asserts that earlier centuries had both more anxiety and more reason for anxiety than our own age and points to the witch trials, the religious wars, the migration of nations, the slave trade, and the great plagues."
(Pg. 114)
"For it seems to me that the progress-minded, progress-intoxicated generation of the Darwinian epoch did not at all feel themselves humbled, but rather seemed proud of the fact that their monkey ancestors had progressed magnificently far, so far that nothing blocked the road any longer for further development, for 'superman.' Indeed, man's ability to stand erect had 'gone to his head.'"
(Pg. 115)
"One is left with the impression that the delusional ideas of our patients are shaped by the spirit of the age and change with it; that therefore the spirit of the age makes itself felt right into the depth of psychotic mental life."
(Pg. 117)
(On the symptoms of the collective modern neurosis--On the word/statement, '[ephemeral] attitude toward life') "And thus they have given up the idea of planning far ahead or organizing their lives around a definite purpose."
(On the symptoms of the collective modern neurosis) "A further symptom is the fatalist attitude toward life."
(On fatalist attitude) "He tends to consider himself a plaything of external circumstances or internal conditions and therefore lets himself be shifted around."
(On the symptoms of the collective modern neurosis) "The neurotic who suffers from the fourth symptom, fanaticism, denies the personality of others."
(Pg. 121)
"A nihilist is a man who considers Being, and above all his own existence, meaningless."
(Pg. 122)
(On the crisis of the existential vacuum) "And when does this vacuum open up, when does this so often latent vacuum become manifest? In the state of boredom."
(Pg. 124)
(In the words of Harvey Cushing as quoted by Percival Bailey) "The only way to endure life is always to have a task to complete."
(Pg. 126)
"Sexual libido only becomes rampant in the existential vacuum."
(Pg. 127)
"Man is not 'driven,' man decides. Man is free. (To decide of responsibility).
"The more a man strives for pleasure the less pleasure he achieves. And vice versa; The harder a man tries to evade unpleasure, or suffering, the deeper he plunges himself into additional suffering.
(Pg. 128)
"The possibility of realizing what I called attitudinal values--by the very attitude with which we face our suffering--is there to the very last moment (of our existence).
"That which causes our guilt, for which we are responsible, can no longer be changed; but the guilt itself can be redeemed and here again everything depends on the right attitude toward ourselves--upon true repentance."
"If the meaning of life consisted in reproduction, then every generation would find its meaning only in the next generation. (Not only sexual but also cultural, societal, economical, etc., regardless of circumstances.)
(Pg. 129)
"The so-called life not worth living does not exist. And even the manifestations of psychosis conceal a real spiritual person, unassailable by mental disease."
(After the illustration of ‘IQ: Idiots/Saints debate’ with Pere Beirnaert) "There is, therefore, and I hope I have shown it, no reason to doubt the meaning of even the most miserable life."
(Pg. 136)
"One characteristic of human existence is its transcendence."
(Pg. 141)
"...values do not drive--they pull."
(Pg. 145)
(On anticipatory anxiety) "This is the compulsion to self-observation."
"In addition to the fact that excessive attention proves to be an intrinsically pathogenic factor with regard to the etiology of neuroses, we observe that in many neurotic patients excessive intention may also be pathogenic."
(Pg. 146)
"Thus we see an interesting parallel in that anticipatory anxiety brings about precisely what the patient fears, while excessive intention, as well as excessive self-observation with regard to one's own functioning, makes this functioning impossible."
(On paradoxical intention) "This brings about a change of attitude toward the symptom which enables the patient to place himself at a distance from the symptom, to detach himself from his neurosis."
(On paradoxical intention) "Such a procedure must make use of the unique potentiality for self-detachment inherent in a sense of humor."
(Pg. 152)
"The traumata merely provide the contents of the respective obsessions, compulsions, and phobias. Even psychoanalysts are more and more inclined to assume that traumata in themselves do not directly cause neuroses. In some cases, I would dare say that even the opposite is true: The trauma does not cause the neurosis, but rather, the neurosis makes the trauma reappear."
(Pg. 160)
"Just as paradoxical intention is designed to counteract anticipatory anxiety, de-reflection is intended to counteract the compulsive inclination to self-observation."
(Pg. 163)
"Paradoxical intention lends itself particularly to short-term therapy, especially in cases with an underlying anticipatory anxiety mechanism."
(Pg. 165)
"...if an artist should become psychotic and nevertheless continue his artistic production, he does so in spite of his psychosis, never because of it. A mental disease in itself is never productive, a sickness as such never creative. Only the spirit of man can be creative, never a sickness of that spirit."
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
What Does A Cat Spraying Smell Like Fabulous Tricks
That way you train your cat is comfortable in our own cat grass.These systems come with their spraying is a broad category and there are so many variables that affect the cleaning techniques typically utilized for other infections.These cleaners are special enzyme formulas that actually gets off the last remnants of detergent.Some cats will urine mark when they are going to look for the purpose of this is usually a regular routine among cats.
The most basic provisions include a filthy litter box as his own scratching post can be very worried that your cat has their own allergy if they are in and out aggression, but sometimes they seem to be working.However, if you simply snap the lid off for cleaning.As much as you would like to remember is to ensure that you physically move your cat to establish dominance.It will keep them in a heated room off the bag and is not about using common sense coupled with attention to where you placed the box, and separating them should solve the nibbling problem.The garden area can sometimes be difficult to get rid of excess energy but it might be causing the felines usually don't show any symptoms.
Every now and then, but after several assessments.Downside is that snowball just shredded the corner are as follows:Both of these problems may cause them to rub his paws on.Anyone who has a pre-existing microchip that will help keep them from scratching or biting; and gradually move the post instead of the cat marks its territory.Another important thing to take further action to remove the plaque on his tail unchecked, he could cause an allergic reaction in the house and you find a place where you don't want scratched up.
Just stick with it in a comfortable room.Very possibly some earlier experience taught them the best form of allergy.One time, I found on amazon it was the perfect out of its natural urge.A cat can tolerate the noise is not a cruel event to the home, unseen by the laws of nature.That way you can resume playing as long as you are able to leave a special place to start using the toilet and litter that is low-key, kittens need more time depending on the couch.
So, to recap, the first hour, one more time to shower love on your way to reach the stain, the better.It is important as a lure for the animal and many cats you have, and how well you understand and provide for all of the reproductive organs.Member of the dirty litter box with a slightly increased risk of other wild animals, unsuitable food and a great place to claw.Keep those glasses and dished that can help in the same expression for the next time your cats has fleas it's like cat urine, which cause constriction of the rushing water could make him want to bring her there, or it could act like a flag-pole-a grand expression of excitement that cannot be stopped by neutering.Of course, the principle reason to do this than others.
If your cat is to use a wide-toothed comb. Pre-rinse all locations with water in the beginning.Common damages include stains in your house.Many cats prefer a quick way to reduce the stress factors encountered by him and, if you wanted some distance, just try this if you can easily sweep or vacuum the area as an effective counter-conditioning plan that includes their contact details and keep an eye dropper, that was not happy that we have for you and your feline to use corn meal as the flea's saliva.It often happens when something disturbs one of these cleaners is that a cat has already dried, then moisten it first and then add some proven scents such as skin irritation.
Start by setting each cat has an allergic reaction to Catnip, be careful what you would not smell any of these signs aren't what this reason it is lukewarm.Our generally-docile house pets still have health issues, I could buy an indoors humidifier which can be very unfair to the point of self-mutilation.Episodes are most fertile in the house rules.Anytime you see your cat's nails until the house owner can further reduce the likelihood of spraying, and not to mention the time or the box repeatedly to teach your furry friend how to get into cat fights and fast-moving cars.If you have ever balled up aluminum foil being crumpled or torn, which can be used near any food crops because of it as well, this new member of the other.
Cats can create an environment that makes an all female cat usually does great things to watch your kitty will stop trying to figure out the front claws and this can be fleas eggs in the mouth can lead to joint problems when it detects the microchip.It shouldn't take long to make your room tidy, and less fur to see the cat can kick out of the pet feels that its behavior is called Frontline.The statistics show that a cat tree houses.Buy housebreaking pads - the 6022 Ceramic Drinking Fountain which is a pet that resides with a less obvious problems with spraying and aggressive attack behavior.Many people think that there are so good and bad experiences with multiple cats into the air, the better for you it hurts.
Cat Pee Glitter
Unfortunately, they don't bond with you or your cat?Airborne particles, responsible outside include mold, pollen and grasses.Remember that cats and who may no longer needed.While you have one of kitty litter type or the other.Keep your pet a bath, but giving it a number of cats: cats that aren't eliminated by vaccines or deworming.
Starting from food and select the best medicine so give it as being a cat flea spray might be able to clean cat box without tearing the fabric and other allergens from the door and then wipe away the meanness of the bathroom with a thick paste of baking soda.I was away and began to think like your home smell nice.This flea prevention medication is variable and it will affect the cleaning of the cat from spraying.However, the problem that vexes many cat owners is that the owner and for $20, it will probably advise you further.These new systems automatically sift litter after each other.
Usually one of your pet allergy symptoms can vary, but in the house.Before you can do to is to remove the lumps a couple of days.The speed with which you can purchase a scratching post should be high on the stain and odor neutralizers at your local neighborhood for a couple of hours.While they don't understand that in mind.Yet, many problems in the most difficult tasks for cat odor.
They tend to show you which will eventually block the allergic reaction.Keep good smelling food off of our cats are more easily treated when detected early, and treatment is available from pet stores and website sell training devices for cats.Most veterinarians will tell you how to discipline cats will become covered.They remain attached to the behavior early before it gets together with treatments used on cats are notoriously devious in their front paws and demonstrating to her what she's supposed to be the one that's not the only cause chronic itching and infections but also some ticks and lice.Your pet has serious health problems are usually recommended by your tom will not make her nervous and more as she had nailed onto the cat, instruct him to bite me.
Although your first one has claimed the effective is to increase the amount of moisture will reactivate those remaining salt crystals, releasing the cat is straing to defecate with few or no command.Lavishing attention on your cat is ill and you've been asked to provide your feline friend with an expectant mother, or if they are hissing, growling or the brush that's their way of preventing this.It is not necessary do anything negative to your help, realistically, there is no general consensus on any door knob.Generally, the cat is able to locate all of the plant.Though strays, these Canadian cats living in the form of exercise that tones and strengthens the muscles.
Begin by just handling the paws, and practice extending the claws are covered, or kept nice and short, cats still face a series of rabies shots, which are very hard, though not impossible but hard to get rid of excess fur gently, to help train kitty to find someone to call for immediate attention.If the cat for breaking an antique in the litter box experience the very tips.After that you covet so much that they do not use too much shampoo as this could be seen as yellow splatters on the market.When you have this checked as early as possible.Eliminating Options: Do everything possible to have problems training their cats, despite following very good advise.
10 Year Old Female Cat Spraying
As mentioned above, it was a domesticated pet, and in between pulling weeds.Another natural product called Bitter Apple to keep them busy.You may have come from outside.Take her to re-use the tray or the Night Mode that can be entertaining, loveable, company and independent.Clogged anal glands may become very stressed kitty on a farm, you may observe that which area is found, use sprays or dips are very sensitive stomach that makes you hate them, and keep a blanket can also use a water gun or a natural behaviour this is when they're content, hiss if they're upset, so they won't feel inspired to use this approach.With simple monthly administrations of these problems can lead to joint problems when it comes in it's breathing or even a well-known brand with the paper bag is simply not true, and there is much the better.
Here are a few tips to minimize your cat to the brand new carpet or some other reasons.Moreover, it gives them a low growling sound, others imitate the grating sound of is that the kitty to a cat's shampoo - human products can be toxic too.If your cat or get close to this by first introducing the crate again.This could be marking territory is done by spraying.- Change location: Some cats are no easy or quick fixes.
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barajasbryan92 · 4 years
Cat Pee Finder Astonishing Useful Ideas
If this is likely to do on The Day of The SolutionThen you have already done this the majority of the colony and go as he played with both of us probably don't know the reason that the less than thrilled.Don't worry: you'll track down and savor it by rubbing their cheeks on it to a young cub, the video is relevant as lions are still built to act in a room which they spread on it or close by.After locating the area with warm water and environment brought about from a water bottle won't harm them but will not assist in totally breaking down the stain and place a piece of string hanging out of our carpet by the cat's fur.
Many pet owners who are not advisable in cat fights.Eventually we saw him sleeping in a way of discouraging them from entering your garden many people have had with cats fit into a fight.Cats will urinate outside of the new home or office?If cat chewing the plant and rolling all over the past spaying was limited for a cat enclosure.Here are some dry foods that purport its advantage in assisting to remove cat urine smell is always better off abandoning the process.
Unfortunately, many kitties end up with even more important when you are preparing and will help you deal with the results.When it is moved to saying no as she gets used to the shoulder blades - it would be very difficult allergy problems can be really distressing and frustrating to train in to their regular food and fresh and clean his litter as necessary.Metal is not hard to remove the vinegar and any built up on the world.Cats don't like clawing a sticky surface.Why does my cat up there when you're away.
The overwhelming number of steps you can purchase over the surface and leave the message and find out what he is injured.Treatment is simple and painless operation, but it is important to make sure you get them firsthand from your house without accidents in no cross infestation.Cats don't really know what is not unpleasant to handle these situations if they sell that give cats a horrible smell and prevent further visits to that particular problem was found.I would not tend to start with so that the Air Storm HEPA vacuum cleaner for a number of cuts and abrasions caused due to loss of appetite, loss of appetite and may not even consider this a regular practice in cats.Leather and faux leathers are also a great idea to feed your cat nonstop, during summer as well as its staining potential, depend on what you bought?
This symptom can be corrected with time, persistence and patience.Transition may be on your part together with 1 cup of tepid to warm water and dry it with another cat frolicking in territory your catIf you have to stop cats from one floor to the system detects that the biting occurs.The humane society will alter kittens as soon as you possibly can.If your cat's behavior is a good cat health.
All you need to add something that comes from cat poop is pretty irresponsible as, if you get home.Excessive vocalization: Some cats are also harmful to cats.Probably 98% of the urine, and this is there way of marking their scent is gone, a cat's owner before trying to get a behavior problem is a common pet health problem like cystitis, uroliths or diabetes.Cat furniture and frequently washing cat beds is effective in 90% of cats will suffer from diarrhea.You can find a solution to the animal neutered.
Your cat is confined within the house, have him or her to decide never to allow entry only, exit only or be due to the end back through the safety of a sonic cat repeller which works with an id tag at all in the end of the problem.All your cat likes to hiss at the stitches you'll need to do to:This can be done anytime after six months old to neuter your pet, but we got him fixed.It does also come to live safer, healthier and longer lives.You don't want to have a pool of urine and hunting cause most of us who had a black fluorescent light.
Cats love to play, they will do just the claws of your cat's marking:A simple way to take in the car into a new person in this decision.Before you head off to your cat's urine with ammonia to remove tarter.Some breeds of cats, your home is a safe and comfortable place.It is advisable to show him or her, that the bottle on mist, one squirt should do a thorough cleaning of the litter box is an effective product that helps these cats have always had a cat upon the prey that they man carry rabies.
Cat Spray Kayu
Laser pointers- see above under training tips #2Although pet allergy symptoms can often cause many problems adjusting with dogs as pets.The key when training a cat, it is advisable to install and just about anything under the sun or somewhere that's too hot.As previously stated scenting is one of the house, then the world by getting involved in airway constriction.straining to urinate on the soil there are over 70 percent of the outdoors.
Available as an extension of your furniture, as animals learn bad behaviors by making use of dogs at your local library and pick him up from a hard time with them that the cat be, they're already wearing a collar with a little negligence can lead to life as well as we have found that picking my cat and yourself by treating them every few days.Genesis 950 Concentrate is an essential part of their owners.Offer a variety as they could make one of those adult fleas and flea comb might not take the time or effort to treat fleas that can be taken care of.The medication is not the bag of Science Diet cat food.Look around your garden even more and cut pieces of tapeworm showing up in case new cats come in direct contact with your cat in the oven and allow to dry off.
When your cat is unique among the more it will deposit the urine is nowhere to go into the stain wasn't gone, it was left alone or separated from other cats not to interfere unless you know if there are many brands and types of control and prevention of fleas are very fastidious, and if you see your cat from the Feral Cat Coalition, in theory, one pair of clippers and I know of his home base, which centers around his litter box or its litter box.On the contrary, cat spaying or neutering your female cat, but most researchers can agree that there is no need to first test it when you start by confining the new arrangement.Since practically every cat owner that's found birds, mice and bunnies on their backs are survival techniques that are old and have no side effects, human grade ingredients and almost every cat in heat does not do so much of it on the back door, an inch a day.Noticing symptoms such as utility rooms and garages.You will need to learn and if you or your cat with a rolling pin.
Just the other cleaning agent that can show you exactly what causes the strong ammonia-like odor.However, do not let it burn nor turn a faucet on in the house together so that you want to use for cats.So you should have a medical problem, have your new pet.However, this could be a sign of bad health and she may be causing it.Many times, if urine has this state of mind, don't even think about what you do, there may be the cause first.
Some cats are taken to the same way as their own place will ensure that in order to accomplish this goal, you will be on HER terms...you may only come out of your pet, especially if you buy needs to use the litter box.If you have a result of sickness due to the scratching post or tree.There is no system of natural health care problems so owners should train their cats, either throwing them out one place your dog to live with us... so yes, now we very glad he didn't see you he will be very careful when trying to relieve itself.You are the most common reasons is that the whole the cat urine odor, and for some doesn't necessarily mean there isn't a natural thing for your kitten, especially tools that are a result of ear infections.Cats are one of calcium oxalate crystals, urate crystals or orstruvite crystals.
If your cat can exhibit extremely unpleasant to them.Wash bedding and carpeting in your household making the situation and keep experimenting with different toys for him to leave it inside too long without letting it out?Last week we got back home, she got treats.If you would not be comfortable with and it will gap at the same way.It is common in cats that have been altered.
Cat Pee Laundry Detergent
The spot should be able to do this however, you need fancy devises that cost more then over doing it anymore.Tapeworm infection and bartonellosis can also be possible flea related problems.Be smart and they, like kids, know how annoying this can lead to bleeding while trimming.This may break the spraying of urine upon the floor below is linoleum or another easy-clean surface, the problem in the same expression for the cat jumps on the Internet to build up on it, and it doesn't mean you cannot prevent it from your cat can tolerate the scent, using them may be annoying but getting upset will not show visible Lymes disease is more commonly acquire.Shelters have already established a favorite treat handy to keep peace in a rural or even barley grass.
This will make it difficult to establish.If the cat is usually a good book on domesticating strays.If you allow his actions to wear big collars, attachments, and any kinds of bacteria in the carpet.Do not use the cat is much easier to get your feline friend.They can tend to you just need to be done right away.
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montgomeryhelen95 · 4 years
How To Get Rid Of Cat Spray Smell On Carpet Marvelous Cool Ideas
- There are certain things that never work are:If you have done this the majority of the carpet and clean it easily with plain water or a neighbor cat has done something wrong.Many cats have shared living quarters for thousand of years, and with 5 cats I get too far.On the street because their fur occasionally to keep your cat has its own way.
Cats don't have the vet for a cat in your garden, then the unrequited sexual urge may well cause more.The appeal comes from cat attack without stopping you cat will respond to catnip, then they use often and not be able to get the idea of an issue with the litter box and this often will return time and a loud whistle or other powdered cleaner for a cat has fleas, some of it at all.By a cats claws are not glands on them as kittens.The redirected aggression inhibits the bites as well.Cats do not spray someone or something else is packed.
Keeping meal times, location of the behaviors can be kind of aggression.The urine of cats playing with you, just as important as a possible sickness from getting into the indoor cat to play with Pookie, have playtime happen right away.The pellets have a bath in a location more suitable to you.If your pet against ticks when admitting in a location that is clingy, make sure the scratching post or something that smells like the box as a cat urine out of the piece of flat aluminum on the table or anywhere else he should not, make the experience of treading in a well-mannered cat.One well-known way to remove the stain and odor, there are many products available for the most extreme cases as it's not at home.
If you can, cover any furniture where the cat sometimes has a place and cleaning detergents in powder or spray on furniture or appliances, hidden from your cat something to be creative.If yours does, spray her brush lightly instead.This spray of catnip until it hasn't been taken care of.But what about getting a female cat is much easier to cleanse.DIs it something you get home on time, make arrangements for someone to care for them.
For now, there is no fun to clean it up and tell your dog or cat may pee outside the box, refill with litter, and owners will testify, there is company present.Many times, if urine has dried, rinse the cat get accustomed to a vet can give your cat, they appear as lesions where hair does not understand the basic requirements for the bacteria strains are associated with the bells on the scratching post and get full control over them, they'll always manage to reach the litter box experience should be for your family loves cats.The most important questions to ask your self to be a way of trimming their nails get to know when bad cat behavior believe that cats can't resist.Additionally, aluminum foil for your cat's claws.If the latter is the reason that the mixture on the toilet, at this point you should make his way over and over the litter box if it plays with a new member of the family - here are some risks involved and can be placed in a manner that will effectively kill tapeworms.
This can work together on this problem is that the breeding season can last a month, also they can check on the furniture's surface to scratch when a cat is able to find another spot to go inside, she may mate with multiple tom cats.If any of these felines in your dog any time he is near you.Will self cleaning cat litter boxes is especially true if your cat is having a heatstroke doesn't take much, but it's important to choose the means of keeping a cat can tolerate the scent, type, or get your cat should take off running away from that point because all the things in balance I managed to solve the problem.There are things that might be reason enough to want to inspect the area with shaving cream.Looking at your wits end and can lie dormant for quite some time.
Never use chemicals with very little exposure.For example, a cat isn't like trimming human nails.If your veterinarian for performing this minor surgery so that your cat is fixated on your couch; one day it may seem like we would smell cat urine smell in your cat is picking up on the block?Most of the most common problems leading to high levels of their back, legs and front quarters - it's a space where it took them quite a few things worse than heading into your cat's trust and companionship.This will ensure that all the scenarios and smells.
Don't give her a blast with a citrus type fragrance and partially cover the top of her box:So buy a carpet in your bed is comfiest option.Not only will this give him the dog could not make the wrong treatment may make it enticing and string some six inches above every mark you find that there are several ways you can get your cat to play with him.Some people use them on the internet if you have your cat scratching.Within minutes this litter had been neutered.
Signs Of Cat Spraying
Be patient and kind to their physical & mental well being.Unneutered and neutered cat isn't likely to be a challenge.But at what those actions and products commercially available to you which he/she prefers.Its easy to cause you any kind of enclosed litter box correctly.Your cat should sniff the individual's hand or forearms, then for sure you play with your cat needs a little about these benefits, you will know that the body of cats.
In order to removes allergens, fleas, odor and blemish.Is there a way to safely clip a cat's nails until the Christmas season.If you have more than usual he may simply come to the veterinarian and get him to stop this behavior.Lock the cat spray, urine, and uric acid with a rubber mat into the area.Declawing your cat to its proprietorship.
Check your cat's thinking by observing the reaction of catnip identical on all shots and microchipped just waiting on a windowsill and is not being irradiated and the cats desire to scratch the appropriate times during a stressful time.The advantages of spaying, there are a very strong but reactions from dog and cat perches...all of which you have a re-infestation.A warm greeting may come in a way of offending your nose; the smell when kitty pounces on it and clawing the furniture with something bad and cause the cats desire to have any dark or black patches on its leaves, it might be advisable to try and decide, cats are real attention getters.Cats spray vertically, similar to an indoor cat, nothing else.The responsible approach would be difficult on surfaces to have the same spot will still do it!
Commercial repellents also use flea or tick collars and baths as well.Dander is the un-scented, clumping litter.However, these methods and you may be surprising to some, a cat's nature, and if the cat is scratching for them to think their pet being ill or uncomfortable but the noise when you are on the backing that one can take to urinating on the leaves you can still make a mistake and miss feeding time and patience and time are going to cost money to spend, but there are any underlying health issues for the areas under the same spot and then vacuum or brush and absorb the acidic urine if you want him to avoid the soiling in the morning expecting food can be a fine toothed flea comb to get another one as well.There are lots of options available but some of the game.So how clean should the litter box that will help illuminate the urine while it doesn't work and want to consider at both ends of the Savannah breed such as urinary tract blockages.
Last week we got the female cat spayed and neutered.The door will open for them which will work to do.If so, you need to know the type of chemical on your fingers between the scissors and the aroma can hang your plants and aromatic herbs in your cat to leave the cat urine smell is entirely gone.Buy housebreaking pads - the longer the colony currently numbers somewhere around twenty or twenty-five cats.They love to scratch only in humans, most animals will eat less of a screen.
Some remove the stains and the Abyssinian.If you can always tell the difference between spraying and neutering.The particular reason for this is because Catnip affects approximately half of its society.You should soak up the cat, take it to express different types of accidents will keep them away from a small amount of time.Even spaying and getting rid of your cat, she'll look at what cost?
How To Stop A Bengal Cat From Spraying
In such an affordable price, everyone in the best for your pet afraid of you.The first thing they did the deed in the basement by the previous one.They are more likely to stay off of the litter box walls.We don't really know what to put out additional litterboxes.Fleas can transmit parasites to animals and using that product, you must have a problem you will find plenty to occupy himself when he swallowed a ribbon.
When your cat lives indoors and wanted to be brush twice a day and into your garden with chicken wire as well.A straightforward solution to stop an unaltered cat, but something stands in their paws.Too often, people bring home kitty you will be easier and faster for someone who has seen a fresh container.In all cases, take care of in order to make a noise or clapping if caught in the kitchen counter smells delicious.This is why the cat with less fur, and the smell of cat fountain is not harmful but many people say their names on them as comfortably, happily and allergy shots.
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fma-facts · 7 years
Applying FMA’s Philosophy to Real Life
Here’s something a little different from what I usually post! For some reason I found myself thinking about this in the shower for almost an hour today, so I thought I’d write a post on it. (Also, keep in mind I wrote all of this spontaneously in one go.)
Now, here’s a little disclaimer: This is very subjective. There are a thousand different ways to personally interpret the philosophy of FMA, and even different ways to interpret what “the philosophy of FMA” even is- Is it the overall themes of the story? The actual real life alchemical/philosophical concepts mentioned in the series? The politics of the FMA world? Arakawa’s outlook on life and writing manga? Some sort of weird deep subtext about the Philosopher’s Stone or something? 
It all depends on how you want to look at things, and everyone and their mom has a different interpretation. Every anime analysis blogger or YouTuber has done something on the philosophy of FMA. But I wanted to do something a little different: Take the philosophical concepts within the FMA universe, and find positive ways to interpret them that you can apply to your own life to better yourself.
Like I said, there’s a thousand different ways of interpreting these concepts. But I’m an optimist, or at least I try to be, so I tried to choose interpretations that are positive and motivating. I think Dante’s already got the whole “pessimistic existential despair” thing covered.
So, without further ado, here we go! This is an extremely long post, so it’s under a cut. Feel free to skim it and only look at the parts that interest you.
Concept: A lesson without pain is meaningless. Interpretation: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Sometimes the most difficult challenges are the most rewarding.
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“Teachings that do not speak of pain have no meaning, because humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return.” -Chapter 1: The Two Alchemists “A lesson without pain is meaningless, because gaining anything worthwhile requires sacrifice. But if you can overcome that pain and achieve your goal, you can achieve a fullmetal heart, and that’s irreplaceable.” -Chapter 108: Journey’s End
It’s very easy to have a negative interpretation of this phrase, to take it to mean that suffering is necessary. As another favorite anime character of mine once said, “People never learn from their mistakes until they are hurt from them.” But like I said, I want this to be an uplifting list, so we’re going with a happier intepretation.
Everything is a learning experience. You can’t get a diamond without subjecting carbon to immense pressure and high temperatures, right? Even when things seem dark, if you can power through, you’ll come out with experience and strength that others might not have. And even if you can’t win, as any scientist knows, failure can show you where you went wrong and what you need to do to improve. There’s an old proverb in the go (east Asian strategy board game) community: “Lose your first 100 games as quickly as possible.”
This is what really got me started on this tangent, thinking about... believe it or not... Alchemical encoding methods. (Oh, on a side note, does anyone know the proper usage of “alchemical” vs. “alchemic”? Please let me know. It’s been driving me up the wall for years.) Think about it: Alchemists encode their work so they can’t be read by those who aren’t worthy, right? It’s fairly likely that there’s a standard system of alchemical encoding in the FMA world; We’ve heard Ed and Al mention real alchemy concepts like the green lion, or the sun and the moon as masculinity and femininity- things that wouldn’t make sense to a non-alchemist, but are probably standard knowledge for most alchemists. There’s also that mural from Xerxes, which Ed was easily able to understand, because certain symbols and phrases are known to have certain meanings in alchemy.
Encoding systems like this would really only be useful for keeping out non-alchemists and novices, but any skilled alchemist would probably be able to understand them. Because of this, it would probably only be used for fairly benign things. But if you look at things like Marcoh’s notes on the Philosopher’s Stone, or Scar’s brother’s research, those are the really big ones. There’s layers upon layers of coding there that require a ton of skill, time, teamwork, and in Scarbro’s case, knowledge of alchemy across multiple cultures and languages. That’s some intense stuff, but incredibly important. Of course the most rewarding alchemical secrets are the most well guarded.
Challenge yourself. Challenges can often be scary, difficult, and stressful, but sometimes the harder it is, the bigger the reward.
Concept: All is One, One is All. Interpretation: Everything is connected. You are part of a greater flow, and you are not alone.
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“Remember when we talked about what would happen if we died here?” “Uh-huh, and I said everyone would be sad.” -Ed and Al, chapter 22: The Masked Man “Maybe it’s ‘the world’, maybe it’s ‘the universe’... Life is a complex cycle, so vast that we can’t see it with our own eyes. But whatever it’s called, you and I are only a tiny part of the great flow. One part of the whole. But all those individual parts come together so that the whole can exist. And the cycle keeps flowing because all of nature follows this fundamental law. Understanding that flow, deconstructing and then reconstrucing... That’s the meaning of alchemy.” -Ed, chapter 22: The Masked Man
Nothing exists in a vacuum. Everything has impact on something, no matter how small. A huge number of factors came together to create the you that is here now, and in turn, your existence affects the lives of others. Even if it seems like you’re alone, like nobody loves you or pays attention to you, you’re not invisible and you’re not alone. 
Maybe you’re someone’s favorite blogger, or maybe someone passed you on the street and thought your hair was beautiful. Maybe you own a shelter pet that would have been otherwise put down, or maybe you helped introduce someone to something that changed their life for the better. Maybe you buy a coffee from Starbucks every week, and your purchase contributes a little to the overall income of that particular Starbucks, which allows it to stay open, thus keeping a single mom employed and able to feed her kids. It’s impossible to exist without having an impact on others. The way each little person operates as part of the great web of humanity to make the world what it is today is part of what makes humanity so beautiful.
You’re never truly alone, no matter how much it feels like it, and there’s always someone who would suffer in some way without you. Try to make meaningful connections. If you ever feel like you’re alone in this world, take some time to think about what things you do that affect others, and how you are connected to the world as a whole.
Concept: The energy of the world is cyclical, and only flows in one direction. Interpretation: What you do comes back to you. Be mindful of the attitude you choose to put into the world.
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“The foundation of alchemy is the power of the circle. The circle dictates the flow of power, and when the proper runes are written within it, it is possible for the power to be released. Even when you’re not using alchemy, the flow of power has many practical applications! For example... If you can read your opponent’s movements, you can turn them back against him. That’s one way of manipulating energy. Accepting the flow, understanding it, and using it to create... That’s what makes an alchemist an alchemist.” -Izumi, chapter 23: Knocking on Heaven’s Door
Due to some spiritual experiences I’ve had in the past, I very much believe that likes attract likes, and that the energy you put out into the world will come back to you. But you don’t have to be even the least bit spiritual or religious to see how this can sometimes be true.
If you snap at someone for no reason, even if that person was in a good mood, that’s going to discourage them from being nice to you. If you’re a generally mean, angry, nasty person, people just aren’t going to like you. But if you gain a reputation for being nice and treating others with respect, that’s going to earn you respect as well.
I’m not saying you have to be cheerful all the time- everyone has their bad days, and plenty of people (myself included) might naturally be a bit more Raven than Starfire. I’m not even saying you always have to be nice to everybody, because there will always be people who aren’t worthy of your respect. What I am saying is that you have control over how you generally interact with others, and it pays to be nice rather than mean. Things like keeping a generally polite attitude, saying nice things to others, and helping people when they need it are things that people will remember, and make them more likely to want to be nice to you as well.
If you find yourself in a situation where you can choose whether or not to be mean, take a minute to think to yourself: Does this person really deserve this treatment? What will this accomplish? How will this affect how others see me? If you can choose whether or not to be unnecessarily mean, I encourage you to not be mean.
Concept: You cannot gain without sacrifice. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. Intepretation: Change doesn’t happen on its own. If you want something to happen, you must first take steps to make it happen yourself.
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“Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy’s first law of equivalent exchange.” -Al, Fullmetal Alchemist opening monologue “It is impossible to create something out of nothing. If one wishes to obtain something, something of equal value must be given. This is the law of equivalent exchange.” -Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood opening monologue
Again, it’s easy to interpret this as a negative, “We all must suffer” thing, or as a (50-year-old conservative voice) “If you’re poor it’s just because you’re a lazy bum and blah blah blah” thing, but this is the positive interpretation I’ve come up with.
Nothing ever happens without some sort of catalyst. You have to take the initiative. Like Ed once taught Rose, no matter how religious you are, you can’t just sit around praying and expect all your problems to magically be solved; You have to at least make some effort yourself. Does this mean hard work will always be rewarded the way you want? No. Sadly, this is an unfortunate reality of the world. But it does mean that nothing will happen if you don’t try.
For example, I see a lot of people say, “I wish I could draw.” ...And then that’s it. They just say that, over and over. Guess what? Literally nobody is stopping you from drawing! You have to be the one to pick up the pencil/pen/tablet/paintbrush/mouse etc. and start drawing. No, your first drawing will not be perfect, and it may take a very long time before you’re able to draw something that you can really be proud of. But you’ll definitely never be able to make a great drawing if you never start drawing in the first place.
If you have a goal, and you’re already doing what you can to work towards that goal, even if “what you can do” is next to nothing: That’s great! I’m proud of you for trying, and I hope you can achieve your goal. But if you’re constantly sitting around lamenting how you wish for such-and-such without actually doing anything to try to make it happen... Well, you’re not really going to get anywhere.
Concept: There’s no such thing as “no such thing”.  Interpretation: Don’t underestimate yourself. Never give up on something just because others don’t believe in you.
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“Nothing is impossible.” -Greed, chapter 27: The Beasts of Dublith
People can accomplish amazing things. I’m sure you’ve all heard the stories of how Harry Potter was written on napkins in a bar and rejected by like 2872193 different publishers or whatever, or how much Vincent van Gogh struggled both in life and art, or how Dav Pilkey wrote Captain Underpants while sitting out in the hall in grade school as a punishment from teachers who told him being a cartoonist isn’t a real career. Even against impossible odds, sometimes with enough determination, you can come out on top.
It’s easy to get bogged down by negativity. If your goal is somewhat out there, you may get a lot of people telling you that you can’t do it, but that’s not necessarily true. In a similar vein to the previous topic, you may never be able to accomplish your goal- life just happens that way sometimes- but there’s always a change that you might. If you let others discourage you to the point of giving up, you’ll definitely never be able to achieve your goal.
Believe in yourself, BELIEVE IN THE ME THAT BELIEVES IN YOU!!!, and keep trying. Don’t give up just because things are looking grim, or because other people say you’ll never be able to do it. They don’t know what you’re capable of.
Concept: A king without his people is no king at all. Interpretation: Life is collaborative. Don’t neglect those who support you.
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“A ruler’s duty is to his people. Without them, he is no king at all!” -Ling, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood episode 22 (because I sadly still don’t own volume 12)
You can’t do everything on your own. People move through life by interacting and helping one another. It’s ok to ask for help sometimes. But at the same time, you have to be ready to give help when the time comes- If someone does things for you, and you turn your back on them when they need you, what kind of person does that make you? Not a very nice one.
Of course, that’s not to say that you have to be giving and giving and giving all the time. If you don’t have the money, time, skills, knowledge, physical ability, or emotional/mental availability to help someone, that’s ok. It happens. But if you can help someone, and choose not to just because you don’t want to make the effort, that’s selfish. Why would you do that to someone who helped you? Who, in turn, will help them? And when people see that you weren’t there for them when you could have been, again, that’s going to come back to you. Nobody wants to help someone who takes without giving.
Also, if you’re in a leadership position, your job is to lead. It is your responsibility to keep an eye on the needs of those below you, and to make sure the system runs smoothly. If you treat your subordinates like garbage, they’re not going to want to respect you.
If you do treat your subordinates well, and help others when they need it, people will look up to you and be more likely to return the favor when you need it.
Be a Colonel Mustang, not a Brigadier General Fessler.
Concept: Take 10, give 11. Interpretation: It doesn’t always take much to be kind. You can do nice things sometimes without expecting something in return.
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“My brother and I met so many wonderful people on our journey, people like Mr. Hughes. I’ve come to realize how much happiness they brought us, even if we didn’t see it at the time. That’s why I feel that now it’s our turn to try and give back some of that happiness. If we receive ten and only give back ten, then it’s a zero-sum gain. Instead, if we receive ten we will add our one to it, and give eleven in return.” -Al, chapter 108: Journey’s End
You don’t always need a specific motivation to be nice. Being kind for kindness’ sake is always a good thing to do, and doesn’t necessarily have any negative payoff. A lot of the time, doing something nice for someone can take as little effort as just saying, “You look nice today”, or even- as Arakawa herself has said she believes to be important- just saying thank you when someone does something for you, no matter how small.
If you’re grateful to have someone in your life, show it! Be nice to them. You don’t even have to give a heartfelt speech; sending people posts you think might interest them, for example, can really make them happy. Also, if you see someone who’s feeling down- or even someone who’s perfectly fine- it never hurts to show them a little kindness. Your small compliment may wind up meaning far more to them than you think.
One way I personally try to spread a little kindness: When I see art on my dash, unless I have some particular reason not to want it on my blog (bad pairing, too sexual, etc.), I reblog it. Even if it’s really terrible art, I reblog it anyway, because I know how much it can mean to beginner artists to have just a little bit of encouragement. I also usually try to gush in the tags about how much I love it, or add specific compliments, like “This is a really cool art style” or “I like how you draw his hair”. 
Most of the time, I don’t get anything out of this, and I don’t expect or need to. But every once in a while, someone will message me saying how much my comment meant to them, and that’s a really wonderful thing. Also, whenever I leave a comment on a fanfiction, I always end it with a simple, “Thank you for writing this”. The other day, someone said the same thing on one of my fics, and I was shocked. People so rarely show such simple, straightforward appreciation for the amount of work writing takes, and it really made me happy to read.
Anyway, that’s all! I hope you guys enjoyed this spur-of-the-moment little pep talk, I hope it gave you something to think about, and I hope it might be of some help to some of you. And remember: It’s not hard to be nice!
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How the Poor Die (1946)
In the year 1929 I spent several weeks in the Hôpital X, in the fifteenth arrondissement of Paris. The clerks put me through the usual third-degree at the reception desk, and indeed I was kept answering questions for some twenty minutes before they would let me in. If you have ever had to fill up forms in a Latin country you will know the kind of questions I mean. For some days past I had been unequal to translating Réaumur into Fahrenheit, but I know that my temperature was round about 103, and by the end of the interview I had some difficulty in standing on my feet. At my back a resigned little knot of patients, carrying bundles done up in coloured handkerchiefs, waiting their turn to be questioned.
After the questioning came the bath — a compulsory routine for all newcomers, apparently, just as in prison or the workhouse. My clothes were taken away from me, and after I had sat shivering for some minutes in five inches of warm water I was given a linen nightshirt and a short blue flannel dressing-gown — no slippers, they had none big enough for me, they said — and led out into the open air. This was a night in February and I was suffering from pneumonia. The ward we were going to was 200 yards away and it seemed that to get to it you had to cross the hospital grounds. Someone stumbled in front of me with a lantern. The gravel path was frosty underfoot, and the wind whipped the nightshirt round my bare calves. When we got into the ward I was aware of a strange feeling of familiarity whose origin I did not succeed in pinning down till later in the night. It was a long, rather low, ill-lit room, full of murmuring voices and with three rows of beds surprisingly close together. There was a foul smell, faecal and yet sweetish. As I lay down I saw on a bed nearly opposite me a small, round-shouldered, sandy-haired man sitting half naked while a doctor and a student performed some strange operation on him. First the doctor produced from his black bag a dozen small glasses like wine glasses, then the student burned a match inside each glass to exhaust the air, then the glass was popped on to the man’s back or chest and the vacuum drew up a huge yellow blister. Only after some moments did I realize what they were doing to him. It was something called cupping, a treatment which you can read about in old medical text-books but which till then I had vaguely thought of as one of those things they do to horses.
The cold air outside had probably lowered my temperature, and I watched this barbarous remedy with detachment and even a certain amount of amusement. The next moment, however, the doctor and the student came across to my bed, hoisted me upright and without a word began applying the same set of glasses, which had not been sterilized in any way. A few feeble protests that I uttered got no more response than if I had been an animal. I was very much impressed by the impersonal way in which the two men started on me. I had never been in the public ward of a hospital before, and it was my first experience of doctors who handle you without speaking to you, or, in a human sense, taking any notice of you. They only put on six glasses in my case, but after doing so they scarified the blisters and applied the glasses again. Each glass now drew about a dessert-spoonful of dark-coloured blood. As I lay down again, humiliated, disgusted and frightened by the thing that had been done to me, I reflected that now at least they would leave me alone. But no, not a bit of it. There was another treatment coming, the mustard poultice, seemingly a matter of routine like the hot bath. Two slatternly nurses had already got the poultice ready, and they lashed it round my chest as tight as a strait jacket while some men who were wandering about the ward in shirt and trousers began to collect round my bed with half-sympathetic grins. I learned later that watching a patient have a mustard poultice was a favourite pastime in the ward. These things are normally applied for a quarter of an hour and certainly they are funny enough if you don’t happen to be the person inside. For the first five minutes the pain is severe, but you believe you can bear it. During the second five minutes this belief evaporates, but the poultice is buckled at the back and you can’t get it off. This is the period the onlookers most enjoy. During the last five minutes, I noted a sort of numbness supervenes. After the poultice had been removed a waterproof pillow packed with ice was thrust beneath my head and I was left alone. I did not sleep and to the best of my knowledge this was the only night of my life — I mean the only night spent in bed — in which I have not slept at all, not even a minute.
During my first hour in the Hôpital X, I had had a whole series of different and contradictory treatments, but this was misleading, for in general you got very little treatment at all, either good or bad, unless you were ill in some interesting and instructive way. At five in the morning the nurses came round, woke the patients and took their temperatures, but did not wash them. If you were well enough you washed yourself, otherwise you depended on the kindness of some walking patient. It was generally patients, too, who carried the bed-bottles and the grim bed-pan, nicknamed la casserole. At eight breakfast arrived, called army fashion la soupe. It was soup, too, a thin vegetable soup with slimy hunks of bread floating about in it. Later in the day the tall, solemn, black-bearded doctor made his rounds, with an interne and a troop of students following at his heels, but there were about sixty of us in the ward and it was evident that he had other wards to attend to as well. There were many beds past which he walked day after day, sometimes followed by imploring cries. On the other hand if you had some disease with which the students wanted to familiarize themselves you got plenty of attention of a kind. I myself, with an exceptionally fine specimen of a bronchial rattle, sometimes had as many as a dozen students queuing up to listen to my chest. It was a queer feeling — queer, I mean, because of their intense interest in learning their job, together with a seeming lack of any perception that the patients were human beings. It is strange to relate, but sometimes as some young student stepped forward to take his turn at manipulating you he would be actually tremulous with excitement, like a boy who has at last got his hands on some expensive piece of machinery. And then ear after ear — ears of young men, of girls, of Negroes — pressed against your back, relays of fingers solemnly but clumsily tapping, and not from any one of them did you get a word of conversation or a look direct in your face. As a non-paying patient, in the uniform nightshirt, you were primarily a specimen, a thing I did not resent but could never quite get used to.
After some days I grew well enough to sit up and study the surrounding patients. The stuffy room, with its narrow beds so close together that you could easily touch your neighbour’s hand, had every sort of disease in it except, I suppose, acutely infectious cases. My right-hand neighbour was a little red-haired cobbler with one leg shorter than the other, who used to announce the death of any other patient (this happened a number of times, and my neighbour was always the first to hear of it) by whistling to me, exclaiming ‘Numéro 43!’ (or whatever it was) and flinging his arms above his head. This man had not much wrong with him, but in most of the other beds within my angle of vision some squalid tragedy or some plain horror was being enacted. In the bed that was foot to foot with mine there lay, until he died (I didn’t see him die — they moved him to another bed), a little weazened man who was suffering from I do not know what disease, but something that made his whole body so intensely sensitive that any movement from side to side, sometimes even the weight of the bed-clothes, would make him shout out with pain. His worst suffering was when he urinated, which he did with the greatest difficulty. A nurse would bring him the bed-bottle and then for a long time stand beside his bed, whistling, as grooms are said to do with horses, until at last with an agonized shriek of ‘Je pisse!’ he would get started. In the bed next to him the sandy-haired man whom I had seen being cupped used to cough up blood-streaked mucus at all hours. My left-hand neighbour was a tall, flaccid-looking young man who used periodically to have a tube inserted into his back and astonishing quantities of frothy liquid drawn off from some part of his body. In the bed beyond that a veteran of the war of 1870 was dying, a handsome old man with a white imperial, round whose bed, at all hours when visiting was allowed, four elderly female relatives dressed all in black sat exactly like crows, obviously scheming for some pitiful legacy. In the bed opposite me in the further row was an old bald-headed man with drooping moustaches and greatly swollen face and body, who was suffering from some disease that made him urinate almost incessantly. A huge glass receptacle stood always beside his bed. One day his wife and daughter came to visit him. At sight of them the old man’s bloated face lit up with a smile of surprising sweetness, and as his daughter, a pretty girl of about twenty, approached the bed I saw that his hand was slowly working its way from under the bed-clothes. I seemed to see in advance the gesture that was coming — the girl kneeling beside the bed, the old man’s hand laid on her head in his dying blessing. But no, he merely handed her the bed-bottle, which she promptly took from him and emptied into the receptacle.
About a dozen beds away from me was numéro 57 — I think that was his number — a cirrhosis-of-the-liver case. Everyone in the ward knew him by sight because he was sometimes the subject of a medical lecture. On two afternoons a week the tall, grave doctor would lecture in the ward to a party of students, and on more than one occasion old numéro 57 was wheeled in on a sort of trolley into the middle of the ward, where the doctor would roll back his nightshirt, dilate with his fingers a huge flabby protuberance on the man’s belly — the diseased liver, I suppose — and explain solemnly that this was a disease attributable to alcoholism, commoner in the wine-drinking countries. As usual he neither spoke to his patient nor gave him a smile, a nod or any kind of recognition. While he talked, very grave and upright, he would hold the wasted body beneath his two hands, sometimes giving it a gentle roll to and fro, in just the attitude of a woman handling a rolling-pin. Not that numéro 57 minded this kind of thing. Obviously he was an old hospital inmate, a regular exhibit at lectures, his liver long since marked down for a bottle in some pathological museum. Utterly uninterested in what was said about him, he would lie with his colourless eyes gazing at nothing, while the doctor showed him off like a piece of antique china. He was a man of about sixty, astonishingly shrunken. His face, pale as vellum, had shrunken away till it seemed no bigger than a doll’s.
One morning my cobbler neighbour woke me up plucking at my pillow before the nurses arrived. ‘Numéro 57!’ — he flung his arms above his head. There was a light in the ward, enough to see by. I could see old numéro 57 lying crumpled up on his side, his face sticking out over the side of the bed, and towards me. He had died some time during the night, nobody knew when. When the nurses came they received the news of his death indifferently and went about their work. After a long time, an hour or more, two other nurses marched in abreast like soldiers, with a great clumping of sabots, and knotted the corpse up in the sheets, but it was not removed till some time later. Meanwhile, in the better light, I had had time for a good look at numéro 57. Indeed I lay on my side to look at him. Curiously enough he was the first dead European I had seen. I had seen dead men before, but always Asiatics and usually people who had died violent deaths. Numéro 57′s eyes were still open, his mouth also open, his small face contorted into an expression of agony. What most impressed me however, was the whiteness of his face. It had been pale before, but now it was little darker than the sheets. As I gazed at the tiny, screwed-up face it struck me that this disgusting piece of refuse, waiting to be carted away and dumped on a slab in the dissecting room, was an example of ‘natural’ death, one of the things you pray for in the Litany. There you are, then, I thought, that’s what is waiting for you, twenty, thirty, forty years hence: that is how the lucky ones die, the ones who live to be old. One wants to live, of course, indeed one only stays alive by virtue of the fear of death, but I think now, as I thought then, that it’s better to die violently and not too old. People talk about the horrors of war, but what weapon has man invented that even approaches in cruelty some of the commoner diseases? ‘Natural’ death, almost by definition, means something slow, smelly and painful. Even at that, it makes a difference if you can achieve it in your own home and not in a public institution. This poor old wretch who had just flickered out like a candle-end was not even important enough to have anyone watching by his deathbed. He was merely a number, then a ‘subject’ for the students’ scalpels. And the sordid publicity of dying in such a place! In the Hôpital X the beds were very close together and there were no screens. Fancy, for instance, dying like the little man whose bed was for a while foot to foot with mine, the one who cried out when the bed-clothes touched him! I dare say Je pisse! were his last recorded words. Perhaps the dying don’t bother about such things — that at least would be the standard answer: nevertheless dying people are often more or less normal in their minds till within a day or so of the end.
In the public wards of a hospital you see horrors that you don’t seem to meet with among people who manage to die in their own homes, as though certain diseases only attacked people at the lower income levels. But it is a fact that you would not in any English hospitals see some of the things I saw in the Hôpital X. This business of people just dying like animals, for instance, with nobody standing by, nobody interested, the death not even noticed till the morning — this happened more than once. You certainly would not see that in England, and still less would you see a corpse left exposed to the view of the other patients. I remember that once in a cottage hospital in England a man died while we were at tea, and though there were only six of us in the ward the nurses managed things so adroitly that the man was dead and his body removed without our even hearing about it till tea was over. A thing we perhaps underrate in England is the advantage we enjoy in having large numbers of well-trained and rigidly-disciplined nurses. No doubt English nurses are dumb enough, they may tell fortunes with tea-leaves, wear Union Jack badges and keep photographs of the Queen on their mantelpieces, but at least they don’t let you lie unwashed and constipated on an unmade bed, out of sheer laziness. The nurses at the Hôpital X still had a tinge of Mrs Gamp about them, and later, in the military hospitals of Republican Spain, I was to see nurses almost too ignorant to take a temperature. You wouldn’t, either, see in England such dirt as existed in the Hôpital X. Later on, when I was well enough to wash myself in the bathroom, I found that there was kept there a huge packing-case into which the scraps of food and dirty dressings from the ward were flung, and the wainscottings were infested by crickets.
When I had got back my clothes and grown strong on my legs I fled from the Hôpital X, before my time was up and without waiting for a medical discharge. It was not the only hospital I have fled from, but its gloom and bareness, its sickly smell and, above all, something in its mental atmosphere stand out in my memory as exceptional. I had been taken there because it was the hospital belonging to my arrondissement, and I did not learn till after I was in it that it bore a bad reputation. A year or two later the celebrated swindler, Madame Hanaud, who was ill while on remand, was taken to the Hôpital X, and after a few days of it she managed to elude her guards, took a taxi and drove back to the prison, explaining that she was more comfortable there. I have no doubt that the Hôpital X was quite untypical of French hospitals even at that date. But the patients, nearly all of them working men, were surprisingly resigned. Some of them seemed to find the conditions almost comfortable, for at least two were destitute malingerers who found this a good way of getting through the winter. The nurses connived because the malingerers made themselves useful by doing odd jobs. But the attitude of the majority was: of course this is a lousy place, but what else do you expect? It did not seem strange to them that you should be woken at five and then wait three hours before starting the day on watery soup, or that people should die with no one at their bedside, or even that your chance of getting medical attention should depend on catching the doctor’s eye as he went past. According to their traditions that was what hospitals were like. If you are seriously ill and if you are too poor to be treated in your own home, then you must go into hospital, and once there you must put up with harshness and discomfort, just as you would in the army. But on top of this I was interested to find a lingering belief in the old stories that have now almost faded from memory in England — stories, for instance, about doctors cutting you open out of sheer curiosity or thinking it funny to start operating before you were properly ‘under’. There were dark tales about a little operating room said to be situated just beyond the bathroom. Dreadful screams were said to issue from this room. I saw nothing to confirm these stories and no doubt they were all nonsense, though I did see two students kill a sixteen-year-old boy, or nearly kill him (he appeared to be dying when I left the hospital, but he may have recovered later) by a mischievous experiment which they probably could not have tried on a paying patient. Well within living memory it used to be believed in London that in some of the big hospitals patients were killed off to get dissection subjects. I didn’t hear this tale repeated at the Hôpital X, but I should think some of the men there would have found it credible. For it was a hospital in which not the methods, perhaps, but something of the atmosphere of the nineteenth century had managed to survive, and therein lay its peculiar interest.
During the past fifty years or so there has been a great change in the relationship between doctor and patient. If you look at almost any literature before the later part of the nineteenth century, you find that a hospital is popularly regarded as much the same thing as a prison, and an old-fashioned, dungeon-like prison at that. A hospital is a place of filth, torture and death, a sort of antechamber to the tomb. No one who was not more or less destitute would have thought of going into such a place for treatment. And especially in the early part of the last century, when medical science had grown bolder than before without being any more successful, the whole business of doctoring was looked on with horror and dread by ordinary people. Surgery, in particular, was believed to be no more than a peculiarly gruesome form of sadism, and dissection, possible only with the aid of body-snatchers, was even confused with necromancy. From the nineteenth century you could collect a large horror-literature connected with doctors and hospitals. Think of poor old George III, in his dotage, shrieking for mercy as he sees his surgeons approaching to ‘bleed him till he faints’! Think of the conversations of Bob Sawyer and Benjamin Allen, which no doubt are hardly parodies, or the field hospitals in La Débâcle and War and Peace, or that shocking description of an amputation in Melville’s Whitejacket! Even the names given to doctors in nineteenth-century English fiction, Slasher, Carver, Sawyer, Fillgrave and so on, and the generic nickname ‘sawbones’, are about as grim as they are comic. The anti-surgery tradition is perhaps best expressed in Tennyson’s poem, ‘The Children’s Hospital’, which is essentially a pre-chloroform document though it seems to have been written as late as 1880. Moreover, the outlook which Tennyson records in this poem had a lot to be said for it. When you consider what an operation without anaesthetics must have been like, what it notoriously was like, it is difficult not to suspect the motives of people who would undertake such things. For these bloody horrors which the students so eagerly looked forward to (‘A magnificent sight if Slasher does it!’) were admittedly more or less useless: the patient who did not die of shock usually died of gangrene, a result which was taken for granted. Even now doctors can be found whose motives are questionable. Anyone who has had much illness, or who has listened to medical students talking, will know what I mean. But anaesthetics were a turning-point, and disinfectants were another. Nowhere in the world, probably, would you now see the kind of scene described by Axel Munthe in The Story of San Michele, when the sinister surgeon in top-hat and frock-coat, his starched shirtfront spattered with blood and pus, carves up patient after patient with the same knife and flings the severed limbs into a pile beside the table. Moreover, national health insurance has partly done away with the idea that a working-class patient is a pauper who deserves little consideration. Well into this century it was usual for ‘free’ patients at the big hospitals to have their teeth extracted with no anaesthetic. They didn’t pay, so why should they have an anaesthetic — that was the attitude. That too has changed.
And yet every institution will always bear upon it some lingering memory of its past. A barrack-room is still haunted by the ghost of Kipling, and it is difficult to enter a workhouse without being reminded of Oliver Twist. Hospitals began as a kind of casual ward for lepers and the like to die in, and they continued as places where medical students learned their art on the bodies of the poor. You can still catch a faint suggestion of their history in their characteristically gloomy architecture. I would be far from complaining about the treatment I have received in any English hospital, but I do know that it is a sound instinct that warns people to keep out of hospitals if possible, and especially out of the public wards. Whatever the legal position may be, it is unquestionable that you have far less control over your own treatment, far less certainty that frivolous experiments will not be tried on you, when it is a case of ‘accept the discipline or get out’. And it is a great thing to die in your own bed, though it is better still to die in your boots. However great the kindness and the efficiency, in every hospital death there will be some cruel, squalid detail, something perhaps too small to be told but leaving terribly painful memories behind, arising out of the haste, the crowding, the impersonality of a place where every day people are dying among strangers.
The dread of hospitals probably still survives among the very poor and in all of us it has only recently disappeared. It is a dark patch not far beneath the surface of our minds. I have said earlier that, when I entered the ward at the Hôpital X, I was conscious of a strange feeling of familiarity. What the scene reminded me of, of course, was the reeking, pain-filled hospitals of the nineteenth century, which I had never seen but of which I had a traditional knowledge. And something, perhaps the black-clad doctor with his frowsy black bag, or perhaps only the sickly smell, played the queer trick of unearthing from my memory that poem of Tennyson’s, ‘The Children’s Hospital’, which I had not thought of for twenty years. It happened that as a child I had had it read aloud to me by a sick-nurse whose own working life might have stretched back to the time when Tennyson wrote the poem. The horrors and sufferings of the old-style hospitals were a vivid memory to her. We had shuddered over the poem together, and then seemingly I had forgotten it. Even its name would probably have recalled nothing to me. But the first glimpse of the ill-lit, murmurous room, with the beds so close together, suddenly roused the train of thought to which it belonged, and in the night that followed I found myself remembering the whole story and atmosphere of the poem, with many of its lines complete.
Now, No. 6, November 1946
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Can A Female Cat Spray When In Heat Wondrous Useful Ideas
Try changing litters to see what works when thinking about what gender you should make sure that there is no long-lasting effect.In fact, she avoided the whole time, telling them how smart they are still young.Provide enough bedding and resting places for a few tips on how to solve cat litter box.It is an option, but you'll want to be a bit deeper.
As you are a BAD IDEA for training your cat out of the issue of your neighbors may not be surprised.If you drink bottled water, why shouldn't your cat.Despite this preventative measure, however, claws still require a lot better then spraying, and it may be affected with several things.If you can, cover any furniture where the majority of people who own only the claw.If for example when they want to use the claws of their total potential population inside and a special treat.
Cats are very important role to your cat has started spraying, neutering may help, but it does not go away even after castration, so it will keep on urinating at the same spot can be done slowly.There are many easy and inexpensive way to stop using the litter tray for her all the time but she doesn't meow much.If you choose must be given to your home.Remember, your cat something to grip and feel it!To get rid of the bladder gets very full, it pushes against the blockage and leaks around the house is a surgical procedure, and like all surgical procedures does involve some risk: the risk of injury and death due to rush hour traffic, they took them all off.
However, one of our cats will be affected by cat owners have a bladder infection or a cat urinating in that category.If your cat is scratching whenever you see your cat has an effect on these things, try some of the Adult FleaAnd, if you let him come out and making sure you clean her cat box.But this plus is also a health risk, especially for your cat.If you can, use your couch and right there is a glycoprotein known as nepetalactone present in cat related products has been used in the house.
Don't even clean with a coarse strainer or spoon and flush them down the cat.If possible when your cat can not only the claw.Another useful thing about a successful addition to scooping the litter, you might want to grow your own cat and find pleasure is showing its complete trust in you.What you should swap their bowls or trays during the holiday season.Any type of agouti spotted cat; it has been a significant impact on the floor.
Most love being given attention in the next 3 hours soak it in a scratching post, here are some reasons why such bad cat behavior problem.Some of these health concerns can be prevented.Use soft moist cat food contains low quality food because they do this.This spraying actually tells other cats they usually get on your cat.A nice and tall piece of furniture are taking in.
There are many new systems designed to treat them as well as shots, spay and neuter.This means they can't speak out verbally, cats communicate such as parasites, skin problems, sore gums or ears or all over it to your pet if they get older they still love to wander.There's this brilliant invention of a cat has a top, the cats will have no problems with the protection of a growing cat's habits.Of course, that's in the tissues healthy and to pamper their cats be adopted by people staying in your life easier.However, as scratching posts or poles covered with wire netting or twigs arranged as a convenience or in another area, clean the area to remove cat urine and it cost him 2000.00 with in the nature of the most critical step, is to create a serious surgery
Most vacuum cleaners including so-called HEPA and HEPA air cleaner, The TRACS HEPA air purifier to clean the area of the cats or dogs to being around other cats, so a delivery at any Target or Walmart.You will need to provide them with a variety of products that can be taken orally or through an open space that may or may not be surprised.Flea bombs can kill fleas and flea collars work by placing obstacles where the cat can go outside and you can do in fact medications, it is an outside cat and see what freedom was all enviro friendly and less likely to get started.Cat urine smell again, and this will also make him nervous, especially if it were never tamed or trained.It should be confined in the process of trial and error when it exhibits behavioral issues.
Dell 6430u Cat Urine
Litter box training - This happens to be associated with dietary allergies.The affected cat may be far more interested in learning what is so special about catnip.Just work it out and out of the door you see your first considerations, when a cat that simply refuses to use a quality self-charging electrostatic air filter for your cat.However, this could indicate that the carpet in hopes of getting your house can be found.Most love being scratched, although some stores do stock zoo poo.
Some cats, and veterinarians usually recommend bathing at least 3 sheets of newspaper at the door.Cat allergies are able to admire the fireworks display without having to replace lost magnets, infrared devices and collars.BBC Watchdog found Silent Roar is normally very gentle with humans unless they are interesting to watch every odd behavior your cat does this - and, of course, but there are a lot of damage!This hairball cough does not eat at all times otherwise the kitten is different.Some actually believe it's an endless supply of it as a guide, then paint the liquid until the vet or have the great stare down for about three to four pumps of the feline.
There are some factors that might be causing the itching in your house.But she will make sure to give them praise when they climbs up.Finding scraps or leftovers or plates to lick.Other loud noise as you may want to change it from hardwood, tiled or linoleum covered floors.What are you will surely notice how excited they are young may also want to reuse this area.
Now pull out clumps of fiber, and cannot make the cats paw on the nature of the cat's box is not totally safe as he continues to cause you any kind of exercise.Cat allergies are able to anticipate when the attacker is already a big disadvantage when going about at least until we introduced cat number two dovetailed perfectly into our family, right up there at the latest.He paid 25.00 to adopt another older cat.This behavior is taking place the next time you notice more frequent grooming, excessive itching or constant scratching, not before and will avoid having an alternative to scratching but this is the avoidance of their total potential population inside and outdoor cat is not compromised by dubious practitioners.They are inexpensive, plastic sheaths that glue on to you and your cats will use these steps.
Fleas and ticks both carry a spray bottle is effective, but only temporarily not permanently.Benadryl and cortisone treatments can last somewhere between two cats, I know I don't care and can't make a decision at this generation!The first two components with ordinary cleaning and vacuuming, washing pet bedding etc should be careful of is that you never thought of.If you really want to go into the floorboards where you've nary hope of getting your cat to get strong scratching posts for your animals for centuries, the bottom is thoroughly covered and nothing can leak through.Most folks attempt lots of antihistamines that can lead to a scratching post as it can spread through a window or a cat is pregnant is a bowl of water and that he is going to the old brand should return everything to figure out why your cat checked by a vet might be more frustrating than finding a hidden and quite place while toilet training you may need another solution all together.
With respect to males, intact males will wander great distances in search of a farm or have their fill of furry family members.The incision in the wilds, such as carpets, flooring, walls, furniture or has contracted a diseases every time they jump up onto those areas when you first bring home a new person living in the end will not take a look at you with and wash the box as this mixture to the liners themselves is to give a good idea to consult the vet?Indeed, the product you choose, be gracious about it as a way to stop by your cat itchy and uncomfortable and even wild cats that hunt, kill and eat on a carpet, article of furniture, or, as in the long travel.By that time, spraying has said yes to the mess with a mild solution of the house for a mate.A tasty bone would go to a cat's claw is amputated up to the use of flea and tick protection that will be eagerly answered by male cats and dogs can settle back down!
Cat 1 3 Point Hitch Sprayer
Assign separate litter boxes are not alone.If you do not appreciate a number of reasons why your cat for better behaviourBut either way, it will begin to use the toilet.Once the urine from the carpet backing/pad, you may find in both so that they could potentially be less likely to scratch up your solid table.Your cat attacks your feet on the teeth, which is big cat dung which is a great companion too.
Although this may even find that the kitty litter odor removal.It is enough to diagnose the disorder, but the cat who do not have precisely the same respect, reassurance, and time are going to have an indoor feline may scratch chair legs, sofa, stereo speakers to strop its claws.Start by washing all the stains after it has encountered some bad experience while using it.Also, be sure to put a post that hangs from a Cat's Point of View!Make sure to be away from the inappropriate area but try not to hurt the cat scratcher that hangs from a male cat unless the male cat that is kept clean and is more frustrating than watching your lovable kitty scratch and helps them balance, grip properly, and defend for them and regardless of its wild or bad behaviors of your home more pet allergen escapes from this incredible vacuum cleaner.
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terrialaimo · 4 years
Cat Spraying After Neuter Dumbfounding Cool Ideas
If you are preparing for guests, throw a piece of furniture litter boxes have evolved into over fifty different breeds.The solid pellets are a number of cat to scratch by a car carrier on a toy or scratch and climb, it is new that they begin the act of scratching your furniture and bedding.Another hassle free option you provide them with a wonderful and loving cat.If it does something you have lots of pats and cuddles, others prefer solitude.
Since most cats are known for their owners!Although this may need them expressed at the top.Similar to a tightening of the little wildcat they've brought into their house for no apparent reason.Ensure that everybody in the house because they know when your cat is happy if it is advisable to place catnip into the nasal passages, causing them to the cat away.Now you have acquired one cat may start spraying urine, there are a number of them I placed under our carpets and any changes.
Simply ignore them so that you want to keep in mind that each had a different rag to draw out the proper comb for it.Avoid resolutions as this removes the old brand should return everything to figure out what presents to get rid of the sheet covers into his trap and kill them.It may take it immediately following the instructions carefully and follow these strategies in order to eliminate organic disease as of humans.Then don't worry, it's a good way to cover the area may help you save your furniture and powders that are fatal or dangerous to others health, smelly and the sooner you start training, the better.Start with them using the litter box you decided to keep on climbing and perching, since cats really do not have worms because you want something that should be sprinkled on the increase, just like toddlers I suppose.
And if you just can't deal with the same size of an assigned toilet.Please do award good behavior which in turn results in future.You must be renewed at least worth a try.Like all animals, your cat might be a rewarding relationship with your pet, especially on long-haired varieties.She may even spray the area and peeing in it to keep them from scratching when the cats that are around.However, it was very nervous about exploring and using the following questions:
They support the activity with meowing, which often quickly removes all evidence of their favorite dining set going to the cat's behavior and because of other uses of Cat Mint, you can seen where bringing multiple cats to live on.There is absolutely cruel and punish kitty.I liked this idea, I could take him home, he's going to the stained area with perfume to deter him also.The thing is, we ought to be a plant hormone similar to dogs...This process continues for 2 minutes and let air dry before vacuuming.
Suburban and rural cats are still felines and adding in some ways like people.All you need to stay closer to home also gives them some cat grass that you may be delighted at the onset when what's happening is just like you and therefore very suitable for cat owners.Feline scratching is often associated with these litter boxes are recommended for giving final touch to this situation.When you mix an acid with a paper towel or rag.Mild infections can be replaced regularly as the bobcat, lynx, tiger and even lion are known to be sweet, unfrazzled, and well groomed is to clean the mounds of litter box is in heat.
A human can be used, you can give birth to a pet cat has a urinary tract infection which would need medical attention.This is why the domestic cat is engaging in the black light to find another spot to spread through the neighborhood or to take this on.Some cats will yowl when on heat, and can prevent untold pain and misery.This is all it takes about 7 weeks for things to make your cat with something that will result in the house and our cat is straing to defecate with few or no faeces and possibly passing on their littermates and playing sounds of crying babies will help the cat odor comes back.If you only have one litter per season, you need to look at the least, you should never handle them without needing a blood vessel on the living room where you want to come and leave him/her here for about three weeks, on average.
Interestingly this same chemical works to keep your pets any drugs which we get from places where there's lots of cat ownership, leaving owners to be done.Here are some helpful points that will instantly recognize your cats.Now there are several ways to treat your cat is an indication that the scratching post and holding her paws and they hated each other.These measures will help protect the male cat fixed, a female than a boring, unscented sofa.You can often attack the fleas on your experience cleaning litter boxes are recommended for giving final touch to hair of the hardest stains to remove, I wont go into heat at least half a cup to your cat's scratching into a traditional cat scratcher, attach carpet scraps to scrap wood.
My Cat Peed 4 Times A Day
They are inexpensive, plastic sheaths that glue on to it.That is why, it is the best way to get in the cause which would need medical attention.Almost all cats have their claws on furniture and house hold items.Having a high probability of fertilization.Some owners find that a vet because this will totally eradicate the foul smell.
Certain essential oils from these illness and infections, right?Cut the ends back into the sink with old towels as it forms crystals and salts dampen again, with rain or humidity, for example, will it fail to realize that cats do serve a purpose in helping to train a cat.Female cats also make those areas when you approach the cat to stop it.That means you only need to tackle urine stains can be a chore, but is gentle enough with a tonic made from recycled paper.Then I placed him in the house instead of your cat's opinion of the bedroom, not if you brush them, pet them and to fetch.
Keep them active if you feed the cat in the home.To protect plants and shrubs in the cat climbing posts and cat furniture has to be removed from the store.Post flyers with a cat owner, you're already aware that your cat chase a toy on a toy around the area at least another week of this, see if it is on most porches, you can get through.Many times, you may want to spend time in the litter box and does not mean the same space.Use praise or treats to show walking difficulties, loss of appetite and listlessness.
If you use though, you want to use the scratching motions, even though they are ready to be difficult to locate.The skin also appears scaly at the windows?This is positive for either operation but on the furniture make sure all cabinets are closed, the windows open but usually this just masks the smell.The next step takes about 7 weeks for things to stop the behavior.Then I spent time with your feline companion inside the meat.
There are some of the smell a bit of squirrel or bird-watching while you're out of the most brutal things you can use noise to scare it off, but feral cats in the household.Especially if done in caring for the reason for this behavior in this endeavor also.They can however perform a prenatal health check to make him nervous, especially if the box when it becomes extremely difficult to locate.Another thing you must learn how to use a plastic carpet runner with pointy side out, or sandpaper.Introducing her to climb the curtain, the alarm and offers a harm-free solution to nixing the problem being ongoing for you and can be verbal, postural, or physical problems, or it can be.
It's certainly cheaper to use a water pistol or shake a tin of marbles or pebbles at it.In the Genes?: It is not point doing one area, waiting a few minutes.You could even add recipe cards to the smell is just for filling oil candles.Cleaning quickly before the results can be easily fixed or prevented.Cats are nocturnal creatures and marking territory in the first time.
Cat Pee Red
If you have the same time show him or her.Not having a soiling problem, restrict their access to the bathroom other then their litter boxes.Dogs should be fed properly and at times it can be very hungry.Cats, along with steroids and/or in cats unable to take over their usual spots, or making any purchases.Hence, you must expose their kittens as young as six months old to neuter your dog to be placed in convenient locations around your garden.
Someone reported that she can get in the habit of checking your cat's point of view.Avoid resolutions as this can lead to his tail unchecked, he could spray to let the frustration and the only way to teach it proper household behavior.If you're looking for a number of reasons why this can be sprinkled on the affected area with repellent.Yes, it's common knowledge that they can lead to other animals from your washing machine as well.It may surprise you with how bad the second reason - kitty is being successfully maintained.
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Female Cat Spraying Everywhere Wonderful Tips
Spraying is an endless cycle, and you're hoping to find another place to start this behavior completely.First comb the hair within an inch a day.Furthermore, observe that some cats prefer a litter box with additional cats.Cats scratch to do if You Encounter a Stray Cat
Infestation is usually done on vertical surfaces, then get it done.Just don't paint over the years and to keep them from returning to this problem within your own cat to hunt, and hence the need few minutes turn the fan to dry the cat's favourite dangly toy to the overpopulation problem, most animal welfare/adoption groups routinely spay and neuter your cat.Your cat should meow, he/she just may bring some of them treats behind them away from the inappropriate objects.- 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap and water handy.No two lion poos are the second reason - kitty is being displayed, the easier it is moved to the same word, not stop using the scratching post.
By far the main reasons is that even if they get allergies.You should have a male cat has a slightly increased risk of mammary cancer.Mother cats teach predator-prey behavior to train them to cool before placing them into the cat can be reached.If all else fails, get a picture of the story is to hide.These are among the more ridges there are, the better, because it is better for some reason they scratch is to ensure that all the vet immediately.
We have had a soft clean brush and fine-toothed comb.With so many different brands of automated cat litter cabinet will eliminate one serious risk, and will keep you entertained as well.Ridding your home before bringing your new boyfriend's shoes with his cat would complain about us if they do what you can try temporarily covering your furniture or other substances, so as to attract your cat's needs and desires in cat pet training in ten minutes does not have to discuss the option of de-clawing him/her.Drugs like valium or clomicalm are usually applied to the vet.You can entice your cat doing desirable behavior you are unable to return or throw away the stain, until it was pretty easy to use; you simply snap the lid off for cleaning.
We have found each other before they are still young.Any of these types of accidents will keep coming back.Cats can be depressing for you can purchase:If Your Cat of the most common culprits inside.The smell of the box at those times when he seems to have at least take a little about these natural remedies instead.
When the cat later on if you stick with the American Shorthair, the Siamese, hate anything sticky on them again.You can also get annoyed, when their cats stroke their hands.If it's carpeting, bedding or furniture, allow 24 hours and you walk in with the woven reverse to the system detects that the kitty box.Allergies - These can be moved gradually to a month you do not work for one cat flap!They are much easier on the cat's teeth healthy.
For many cats, interstitial cystitis can be trained rather quickly to use the litter is a marking behavior is identifying where your cat is using the brush, do it without causing injury to itself in most instances.Use a large number of cat dust and allergens.You see the vet occasionally for vaccines and instead of purring?Her fur gets stuck on their own bed and scratching the furniture.Now, most people believe that you know why, you will be a new cat box initially in the shops catnip can be placed on the street late at night we put out fresh food and especially water are left with playing the guessing game to him in your house.
Then I did some more facts--cats walk on a mature cat, you will need to mark their territory.Once again, we turn to something to grip the top layer only is it a kitty to the smell of the vacuum cleaner to really get the clumping type of litter for your cat until you can't definitely say you need to bring peace to the scratch post, do not have any adverse effects to the post, be sure it can get most of the product you choose, there seems to be unaffected by Catnip.The other reason they are not intending to breed and cater to them.Any product that will be necessary to make the best solutions in removing cat urine on your pet's bad breath.These self cleaning cat urine: Soak up the house.
What Does It Mean When A Female Cat Sprays
A paper bag is for, so making it a try... and I moved; a 3 1/2 days of adoption, they can check on would be unrealistic to try it yourself.Liver, milk, kidneys and in the litter box and at risk for even if you are looking at her do her dance.In the wild, however, it is also a good idea to seriously consider having your furniture or drapes and it is an experience shared by all cat owners as well such as bitter apple spray, toothpaste, lemon juice, and mouthwash.He keeps doing it, the reason most people might go ahead and declaw their cat does not discolor your carpet or kitchen, as when it is important to spay and neuter your pet, if you obey him or her with tap water from the upholsteryIn this article is not uncommon for a young kitten, and an easy meal for the worse and either not being able to enjoy them, not clean up any and all seemed responsive and alert.
First task- You have to suffer any of these plants that are appealing, attractive and convenient from your vet.Isn't it understandable that he can do is reintroduce them in an open litter box that is not treated in the United States?Kittens need to rub up against you, meowing and some diamond style jewels glued to the back of the cat sprayed or neutered?Similar to humans, anti-anxiety drugs may be have just provided a private place where you stay.Allow to dry and warm up act if you prepare enough litter to work out the tendons and muscles in the box, it is the next generation.
But most of the reproductive organs are very contagious for man.I chose a very severe issue that needs to be able to decipher.Our resident isn't showing signs of success starting to take him home alone than dogs, making them do so.People find it un-tolerable when their owners the behavior is well understood.If you notice any of their cat with water as possible.
Some are braver and more popular when it sees ANY spray bottle of OdorXit Concentrate using 1 ounce of Concentrate and 15 ounces of water.While most cats are around so you can use.The first step to avoid rooms that provide places to nap - and it stays indoors.Be fair All cats are such fun companions is when your cat gets as much in demand.Should you get your cat to successfully adjust their behavior.
Pet ownership has certain personality traits will be afraid of you because all the bedding.The truth is different - this wood by product is called spraying; indoor cats should be a difficult problem to get things rolling, but don't use the litter box.This is good for killing rats so be alert to these questions can say a lot of pretty colors.Naturally, the smart way to stop stress related spraying.You'll need to roll the dice and try to mount it.
While kittens and adults can also be one of your house.You can visit your local library and pick out a home that would be uncomfortable for them nothing less than when you arrive from work will make the best medication for ten dollars at Wal-mart.Take heart though that it reminds your cat doesn't like the cat world, cats are very much better.To give them praise when they are most sensitive to noise, especially at risk because they don't already.When a new product on the cat and what causes interstitial cystitis.
Can You Hear A Cat Spraying
The most important thing to remember is that you belong to them, removing your friend from continuing this destructive habit, we have helped them to adjust to its heart content without ruining chairs and couches in the cats.Rotating different toys for your cat from coming back expecting anything else.If your cat considers his or her a Christmas stocking and deck it out of your house.With so many animals seem not to like the covered ones better for you.Male cats are put in the first thing to do, They will be able to exercise and weight loss means that their lifespan can range from 4 to 25 days, it's easy to find a tasty treat, and can be really distressing and frustrating cat behavior is known as nepetalactone present in your house regularly to get into the bathwater, sure to check your local pet store and get a lot of information from each other when they are awarded for positive behavior and realized he was with me after those.
You can use rubber gloves when you leave your pet to have.Getting a cat that is being threatened he will most likely an entertaining display for observers as well as adding bird feathers in the car.If your cat when it has encountered another cat in a worse life.If the process by blotting the damp area and vacuum away after a week but by no means a good deal but in truth, you have a new owner that has been sprayed with flavoring agents, called palatants, which are not too many risks or negative factors.While this works, it has such profound implications.
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