#vaggie go to therapy so i can listen in
a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
WHAT is going on with Vaggie please i need to pry open her skull
girl stood out from the Exorcist with her single-stripe wings, they get torn off, she gets kicked out-
her hair was short like Lute's back then
probably another thing all Exorcists are supposed to be in lock step about- bloodlust, murder, looking almost identical in uniform (vaggie thought no one would know her out of uniform) (Wrong)
Charlie finds her. Charlie, who has long hair, and 3 years later Vaggie's grown her hair out too
and it's a sign of her new life with Charlie. as Carmilla kicks her butt Vaggie complains she's "not used to fighting with long hair-"
she hasn't had to fight in a long time
she's been CHOOSING not to, new life, new hair style, new her-
EXCECEPT not. Her long hair? Has the Exorcist double stripes that her old wings never did
her new clothes? oh yes she's got a skirt now, she's in red to match Charlie, she's dressed to manage a hotel not slaughter people- but the thigh highs and long gloves of the Exorcist uniform are still there too
it's there even when she gears up to FIGHT them
and when her wings come back- When her NEW wings grow in???- they still have just that ONE stripe. THEY didn't change. The hair thing, it isn't her aging into double stipes in three years- it's either natural and something the short hair hid, or deliberate and new, and which one would be more unsettling?
which one would be more fucked up- finding out you finally fit in when you can't anymore, or still trying to fit in when you absolutely don't want to?
it's like she grew out her hair to get away from her past, but also, it's a reminder of it? wings gone. long, twice-banded hair flowing down her back instead, filling in the space where her wings used to be
why the red X over her lost eye? a mirror of an Exorcist's mask-
(some have the right eye crossed out, some the left, one of their few small variations)
why not just a normal patch? Why not a hairstyle that'd cover it completely?? Why underline the reminder and MAKE it impossible to ignore- is she proud of it? The eye she lost for not doing something she knew was wrong? Why is she keeping so much of the Exorcist look- habit? nostalgia? homesickness? guilt????
Or is she retaking them for herself? Vaggie what are you thinking while you do all this- you HATE angels and heaven and the Exorcists and everything you were- Did you think it all meant something different, before realizing the truth? Something you could follow and be proud of?
are you trying to make all those things mean everything you once thought they did
or is being an exorcist still such a big part of you that you, shit liar that you are, can't cut it out of your life as easily as Lute did with your eye?
.... but your wings. They came back different.
they look even less like a proper Exorcists wings than before
(maybe because heaven didn't give them to you this time. you found them down here, in hell, with Charlie)
you AREN'T an exorcist! you don't kill sinners, you fight for them, you're trying to help save them, you're trying to redeem yourself right along side them, why why why WHY
why do you keep looking so much like the people you hate?-
oh. right. you hate yourself don't you. only... it's not ALL of yourself
i don't think your wings would have come back, if you hated the part of you that loves Charlie (it's the only thing you're clinging to, in fact. the hope that you won't fail her. that you can help her) (you hate yourself each time you fail- but you still try again) (you've never failed when it comes to that) (you've never given up on somehow being who she needs you to be)
do you REALIZE there's more to you now than the parts you hate?
hmm. i wonder
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dewdropdinosaur · 4 months
Bound to Break Boundaries
HUSK X READER Summary: Y/N is the Hotel's desk clerk but in reality the unofficaly therapy friend. But even therapy friends need therapy so what happens when Y/N gets fed up? Warnings: Mentions of therapy and alcohol. Rating-PG For the amazing @gxstiess Also part inspired by @irkimatsu blurbs which I adore 😅 Requests Open - See Masterlist for Details
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In the heart of Hell, the Hazbin Hotel stood as a beacon of hope for the damned. Within its eccentric and chaotic walls, there was one individual everyone turned to when their sins and sorrows weighed too heavily: Y/N, the hotel's front desk clerk but in reality the unofficial therapist. Her room, cluttered with mismatched furniture and flickering candles, was a sanctuary where demons came to unload their burdens.
Every day, Y/N listened to the rants of the hotel's inhabitants. The hotel's ragtag group of residents had come to see her as a beacon of calm and understanding amidst their endless turmoil. Every day, demons and lost souls would seek her out, eager to unload their problems and frustrations. Whether it was Angel Dust's relentless complaints about his latest escapades or Alastor's cryptic musings, Y/N listened with unwavering patience, offering advice and a compassionate ear.
Yet, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the weight of everyone else's problems began to take its toll on Y/N. She was always there for them, always ready to help, but no one ever seemed to notice when she was struggling. The endless cycle of listening and advising started to wear her down, chipping away at her own sense of well-being. A day will typically contain the following: 
Angel Dust comes bursting into the room, dramatically throwing himself onto a couch. "Y/N! You would not believe the day I've had! That slimeball Valentino tried to mess with one of my gigs again. Ugh, he just can't leave me alone!"
"I'm sorry to hear that, Angel. What happened this time?"
"He sent one of his goons to 'remind' me who I belong to. Can you believe that? I told him where he could stick his reminders, but it's getting exhausting."
"I know it's tough dealing with him. Have you thought about what boundaries you can set or how you can stay out of his way more?"
"Boundaries? In Hell? Ha! You're a real optimist, Y/N."
Or something like this: 
"Y/N, I'm really struggling to keep everyone's spirits up. I just want to help everyone find a better path, but sometimes it feels like no matter what I do, it's not enough. Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" Charlie cries into one of the soft pillows Y/N keeps on the “therpay” couch. 
"Charlie, you have such a big heart and you're doing your best. It's natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes, especially with a task as monumental as this."
"Thanks, Y/N. It's just hard to keep going when it feels like we're making so little progress."
"Small steps can lead to big changes. Don't lose hope."
Or like this: 
“Y/N, I can't stand it anymore! Alastor is driving me up the wall with his constant meddling. How am I supposed to keep things under control with him always undermining me?"
"That sounds really difficult, Vaggie. Have you tried talking to him directly about how you feel?"
"I have, but he just laughs it off or turns it into some twisted joke. It's infuriating!” 
"Mybe we can come up with a different strategy together. You shouldn’t have to handle it alone."
One evening, as the sky burned a deeper crimson and the hotel hummed with restless energy, Y/N found herself overwhelmed. Vaggie had stormed into her room, venting about Charlie's latest overly optimistic scheme. Before she could even catch her breath, Niffty appeared, anxiously rambling about a mess she couldn’t clean up. When Angel Dust burst in, dramatically recounting another altercation, Y/N felt her patience snap.
“I can’t take this anymore!” she finally exclaimed, her voice shaking. “I’m not a bottomless pit for everyone’s problems. I need a break!”
There had always been one person in the hotel who never seemed to darken Y/N’s doorstep or in this case, therapy couch. Husk tended to keep to himself, serving also as a pseudo therapist for the more alcholically inclined patrons of the Hotel. Maybe he could offer some advice, because he never seemed to tire of other’s issues at least that s how it seemed to Y/N. 
"I told you, kid, I ain't interested in your therapy sessions. But if you must know, the bar's been low on stock, and running this joint is a pain in the tail. Happy?"
"I understand, Husk. Running the bar is a lot of responsibility, and it sounds like you're dealing with a lot of stress."
"Shut up with the therapy crap. Just gotta keep pouring the drinks and hope for the best."
With a sigh and a deep sip of a glass of some strange amber liquid she didn’t bother asking the name of, Y/N softly spoke up. 
"Husk, I don't know how much more of this I can take. Everyone just keeps unloading on me, and it feels like no one even notices that I might need a break too."
"You've been everyone's rock for so long, kid. It's okay to need a break yourself."
"But who am I supposed to talk to when I’m the one feeling down?"
He poured himself a drink and took a sip, his gaze thoughtful. “You’re a good kid, Y/N. Too good for this place sometimes. But even good people need to look after themselves. Otherwise, you’ll just end up as broken as the rest of us. I ain’t too good at the advice part but I am here to listen if you need it kid.”
The unexpected comfort in Husk’s words brought a lump to Y/N’s throat. She hadn’t realized how much she needed someone to tell her it was okay to take care of herself. “Thanks, Husk. I really needed to hear that.”
He gave a gruff nod. “Anytime, kid. Now, drink up and take a damn break. Let someone else handle the chaos for a while.”
Y/N smiled, a genuine, relieved smile, and raised her glass. “To boundaries and breaks.”
Husk clinked his glass against hers. “To keeping our sanity, one drink at a time.”
As she took a sip, she felt the weight on her shoulders lighten, just a little. For tonight, at least, she could breathe easier, knowing she wasn’t alone in this hellish hotel. And maybe, just maybe, she could find the strength to set her own limits and reclaim a bit of peace amid the chaos.
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fizziepopangel · 8 months
“Hey, whatever means I can keep crashin’ here rent free… crack is expensive.”
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Angel Dust's pet pig is so important to him because he manifested Fat Nuggets into existence by accident and he's afraid he won't be able to do it again if something were to happen to him & the comforting little pig companion is almost the spitting image of his favorite childhood stuffed animal.
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Despite his line of work, Angel is actually demisexual and hasn't been genuinely attracted to someone sexually in a long, long time.
His love language is touch and words of affirmation but both of those things are hard for the demon to accept and believe are genuine because of the abuse he’s suffered in his line of work.
Angel absolutely hates spiders. He threw an absolute fit when he realized what his demon form was in hell, and had a slight breakdown when he realized he would only look more arachnid-like as he learned to change into his most powerful demon form.
When he was alive, Angel hated being a part of his family’s mob dealings and did his best to stay out of it all. Being forced to participate was what prompted him to start using drugs as a teenager.
Unbeknownst to everyone but Husk, Angel has tried to unalive himself multiple times in hell. He was pissed when he kept respawning.
Husk became the person Angel trusts most to keep him company when he's feeling down. The cat demon isn't sure why since he doesn't find his own presence very comforting, but he often finds himself listening to the pink spider demon vent at the bar or sitting in his room letting Angel dress him like a doll so he'll feel less down. Angel sometimes pretends to be sad so Husk will let him dress him up.
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While Angel was an addict when he was alive and did die of an overdose, his overdose was due to the drugs he purposely bought being laced with fentanyl, causing the high dose he usually did to achieve his desired high to become deadly.
Upon his arrival in hell, his family did attempt to take him in, assuming he would be more of a willing participant in their lifestyle. He was not.
Despite his overly cocky and his overly sexual demeanor, Angel actually prefers physical intimacy that isn’t necessarily sexual at all like cuddling or cooking with someone he cares for, even in a platonic sense.
Angel’s favorite item of clothing is a pig onesie that he got as a birthday gift from Alastor. He hadn’t expected much from the radio demon, so the snuggly onsies was a pleasant surprise and he often wears it at the hotel to decompress and relax.
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Fat Nuggets has a little set of spider themed pajamas that were gifted to him by Charlie and Angel absolutely loves having his little piggy pal wear them.
Charlie, Vaggie, and Husk are the only ones Angel trusts enough to have check in on Fat nuggets when he’s at work. He has candid photos of all of them doing cute things with the little demon pig hanging on the wall above his bed.
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If given the option between coffee and tea, Angel will choose tea, but he only drinks chamomile-vanilla tea with extra sugar.
Because of his drug use, Angel developed an eating disorder. While he’s in recovery and eats relatively well now, Angel has gotten into the habit of checking in with his friends to make sure that they’ve all eaten as well, even going as far as to make small meals to bring to them to ensure that they eat enough.
Angel started taking a regimen of anti-depressants and attending therapy soon after he began staying at the Hazbin Hotel. Charlie is the only one who knows about it and she often reminds him to take his medication and encourages him to continue therapy.
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nottamoxxie · 28 days
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Little Spider 🩷 Little!Angel Caregiver!Vaggie and Charlie
Request by: weareoneliterally
Regressor: Angel
Caregiver: Vaggie, Charlie
Basically, Angel comes back from work and Vaggie gets upset with him. He's already had a hard evening, so he slips and tries to hide it. Eventually, he's too small and Vaggie notices, and gets Charlie to help :)
Angel walked back to the hotel, already feeling weak and like he was going to collapse after such a long day. This week really took it out of him, he was so glad it was finally over.
Weekends were the hardest, Angel never could’ve imagined in his life that he’d look forward to Monday.
He opened the door to the hotel- as it was snowing something fierce, he really had to force the door to shut once he got it opened. “It’s hell for gods sake! Why is it so cold?!” He asks, annoyed.
Vaggie stool in front of him, probably ready to lecture him about something.
Angel pants weakly. “Listen, I’m not really in the mood tonight.”
“Angel, you’ve missed every meeting, every therapy session, and you’ve been late, missing curfew every night this week!” Vaggie yells. “You’re not even trying to go clean- why the fuck are you even here?” She asks.
Angel backs away as Vaggie yelled at him, trying desperately not to cry or slip- he doesn’t want to deal with this right now!
“Leave me alone, I’m going to my room.” Angel pushes past her, refusing eye contact.
Vaggie moves in front of him. “No, you’re going to sit and listen to me for once!” She says, walking towards him until he falls back on the couch.
“Do you have any idea how hard Charlie works? How hard I work? We put so much effort in trying to help you- and you don’t even appreciate it!”
Angel looked at the ground, his breathing intently increases as tears build up in his eyes.
“Are you ever going to take this seriously?” Vaggie asks.
Her face drops as the second tear falls down his face. “Angel?” She asks.
Angel shakes his head. “I’m sorry, I don’t… I c-can’t!” More tears fall as Angel doesn’t know what to say, he can’t think about anything right now, he just wants to go to bed and be done with today! Today was all bad.
Shit- Vaggie called for Charlie to help
Angel was full on sobbing, and neither girl really knew what to do. They’ve never seen him cry before.
Charlie wasn’t mad at her girlfriend, she knew Vaggie was only trying to help. But she needs to learn to be more patient with people.
“Hey, Angel…” Charlie approached him awkwardly. “You okay?” Charlie asks.
“Let me go-“ Angel cries. “Just leave me alone!”
Charlie was a little confused by that, no one was even touching him. “Angel, No one is going to hurt you. We want to help. Can you take some deep breath’s for me?” She asks.
Angel tries, but his breathing is coming out big and shaky.
“Good, just keep breathing, focus only on your breathing. You’re doing great, you’re safe here, Angel.”
Angel was slowly calming down, eventually he wasn’t crying anymore. He held his arms around his legs and hid his face as best as possible.
“Angel?” Charlie asks. “Can you hear me?”
Angel nods.
“Angel, what’s been going on with you? You’ve been working so late and we’ve hardly seen you.” Charlie asks.
“Hads’ lotta work.” Angel says.
“This isn’t healthy, Angel. You need to try and take better care of yourself.” Charlie says.
“I do try.” Angel says. “I try all the times…but it’s too hawd.”
“Let’s get you to your room, then we can talk some more.” Charlie says, holding out her hand.
Angel takes it and follows her.
Vaggie didn’t follow them, Charlie went upstairs and Vaggie left for the kitchen.
Charlie lead angel to his room and he sat down on the bed.
“Sleepy.” Angel says.
“I know, Angie. But Vaggie is getting you something to eat. We want to make sure you’re okay first.” Charlie explains.
“M’fine.” Angel grumbles.
“Angel, please. I know you’re tired, but will you please eat something for me?” She asks.
Angel nods. “Kay.”
“Thank you.” She says. “I’ll be right back.” Charlie walks back downstairs to help Vaggie.
Angel, after about two minutes, completely forgot he was waiting for someone. He was fully regressed now. Out of sight, out of mind.
Angel grabbed a small box he kept under his bed, and pulled out his pacifier and baby blanket, he wanted to sleep!
He snuggled the blanket close to him and got comfortable, very quickly he fell asleep.
Charlie and Vaggie walked back into the room, shocked to see Angel with a pacifier in his mouth. “Angel?” Charlie asks. She gets closer and shakes him awake. “Angel?”
Angel’s eyes snapped open as he jumped, he looked fine when he saw it was just Charlie, but then he saw the pacifier and threw the blanket over his head.
“Angel, it’s okay. You don’t need to feel embarrassed.” Charlie says.
“Go ‘way.” Angel demands.
“Angel, it’s okay if you’re regressed.”Charlie says.
Angel removes the blanket and looks up at the princess. “You know?”
“About regression?” She asks.
He nods.
“Of course I do. I’ve been studying a lot of different coping methods and therapy options. This is completely normal and you should feel proud of yourself.” Charlie says.
“Proud?” Angel asks.
Charlie nods. “Yup, you found this coping skill all on your own. I’m very proud of you.”
Angel smiles. “So, it’s okay?”
“It’s more than okay.” Charlie says, she takes the bowl of macaroni and cheese for Angel. “Can you eat this yourself or do you want my help?” Charlie asks kindly.
Angel blushed and looked down.
“Help please?” Angel asks.
Charlie smiles kindly. “Of course.” She spoon feeds the macaroni and cheese to Angel, slowly and gently, making sure not to spill any as Vaggie just sat down and watched in confusion.
Charlie then helped Angel by wiping his face clean and she rinsed off the pacifier that had fallen on the floor. She handed it back to him and he put it in his mouth. Angel smiles at Charlie, it felt so good to be able to regress freely without worrying about being judged.
“Would you like a bedtime story, Angel?” Charlie asks.
Angel’s eyes widened with childish excitement as he reached out to grab a book and hand it to her.
Charlie smiles, she gestures for Vaggie to come closer. She does, reluctantly so.
Charlie picks up a childrens book and hands it to Vaggie.
Vaggie looks at Charlie confused.
“Read it, it will help him relax.” Charlie says.
“Uh, okay.” Vaggie says, figuring it’s best to just play along. “Most motor cars are conglomerations of steel and wire and rubber and plastic, and electricity and oil and petrol and water, and the toffee papers you pushed down the crack in the back seat last Sunday.“
Angel’s eyes fluttered as Fat nuggets ran into the room. He reached for him, Charlie picked him up and handed the small piglet to Angel, patting the regressor’s head.
Vaggie only read the first chapter in the book before Angel fell deep asleep. Charlie tucked him in and took the bowl to be cleaned. “Goodnight, Angel.” She whispered.
Vaggie was still a little confused, but she had to admit she liked this cuter and quieter version of angel. It was enduring.
Charlie grabs her girlfriends hand and leads her back to the main room.
“Hey, is he okay?” Vaggie asks.
“Yeah, I think so.” Charlie says.
“What was that? Why was he acting like a little kid?” Vaggie asks.
“Age regression. I’ll tell you all about it, but let’s talk somewhere that no one else can hear us.” She takes Vaggie’s hand and leads her to the bedroom to explain everything.
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Can you do Alastor who is jealous of his S/O’s has crush on someone else? S/O was dreaming of marrying some another charming guy like Tom Riddle from Harry Potter, and Peter Pan from Once Upon A Time(even it’s not on list but I simp for cute ones can’t help it LOL)
Lolol, Ima simp for Tom riddle too 😂
Jealous Alastor x Reader
You were a simple sinner demon, trying to find their way through hell
When you heard of the happy hotel you decided to go check it out
And by check it out I mean get a free room and lots of therapy (bc we all need it lets be honest)
Now you joined before the whole news fiasco and Alastor
On the morning of the interview Charlie and Vaggie were rushing to make the hotel look good for any new potential sinners
And angle had left earlier for who knows what
You decided to stay at the hotel while Charlie and Vaggie left to 666 news
You watched the whole showdown on the tiny tv in the lobby
You felt kinda bad for Charlie, knowing that after that interview no sinner would want to be a part of the hotel
Suddenly your phone started ringing
You checked the caller ID to see it was charlie
So you answered
"Heya charlie...I saw the interview, how're you holding up?"
You heard her answer, voice wavery like she had been crying
"Oh pfft I'm totally fine, it's not like many demons watch the news anyways.."
You could tell by her tone that she was faking enthusiasm
"Listen...(Y/n) , the limo got a flat tire. We may take a bit longer to get to the hotel. Sorry"
You shrugged her of before realizing she couldn't see you
"Nah it's fine, don't worry about the hotel. I'm keeping an eye on it"
She sighed in relief
"ok, thank (Y/n). Hopefully we won't be much longer"
With that you ended the call and started scrolling through your phone out of boredom
Ten or so minutes later you heard a knock on the door
Thinking it was charlie returning you went to open the door
To your surprise and horror you found the radio demon at the door
"Hel-" your spammed the door in confusion, before opening it again "-lo"
You slammed it again
You looked around the empty lobby trying to decide if you should let the monster outside in or not
Gathering all the courage you could you opened the door again
"May I speak now?"
You blinked up at the radio demon
"Alastor, darling, pleasure to meet you quite a pleasure"
He spoke with such enthusiasm and energy it was hard to believe he was dangerous
"Forgive me for my sudden intrusion but I saw the disaster on the picture show and just had to visit this place!"
You nodded awkwardly
"Might I ask where the manager is?"
It took you a sec to process what he said
Manager--owner.. Charlie
"Oh uh she's not here right now... sorry"
You responded quietly
"Oh? Do you happen to where she is, my dear?"
"Uh, flat tire"
You said dumbly
His grin somehow grew wider as he looked around
"so it's just you and I then?"
You nodded
"Well then what a delightful surprise!"
You said slowly
"I'm not sure if I'd be as affective as charlie, but I'm sure I can help you with whatever you need"
Alastor chuckled
"Oh no, darling, though I appreciate your efforts I'm afraid what I have to say only concerns the princess"
"Oh," you said awkwardly, "well shes gotten held up sooo.."
Alastor raised an eyebrow
You shrugged awkwardly
"Idk when she'll return" you finished
"Well then I suppose I'll wait here!" Alastor responded
You squeaked in surprise and groaned quietly
"Ok fine cool cool cool" you muttered, walking past him
You heard his static filled chuckle behind
"I don't believe I caught your name, darling"
"Oh, sorry, I'm (Y/n)" you gave him a polite smile
Alastor found that he quite liked your smile
Later after charlie had returned with vaggie and angle in tow, and Alastor finally revealing why he had arrived
You were chilling in the library, lounging on an old couch while looking at fanart of your fav characters (*cough* tom riddle *cough*)
Suddenly there was a loud pop behind you, like static
You turned and saw no one
You shrugged it off as your imagination, and eventually fell asleep on the couch
Alastor appeared out of the shadows and watched you sleep for a moment, before carrying you back to your room
He didn't know who you were looking at, but he knew that after your encounter that morning, he wanted you all for himself
"You will be mine (Y/n)~"
I'm so incredibly sorry for being late, I got distracted with a part two to His Fawn and some other fica I'm working on
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nixie-writes · 4 months
Facts About Nixie
I'm still recovering from being in the hospital for 10 days but I really wanted to write something simple and easy. Not a fic, just ideas about Nixie I thought I could share. Under the cut because it's a bit long
-Nixie manifested in Hell about 300 years ago. She was given an Asmodean crystal to go to earth and lure sailors to their death. However, she got tired of seducing sailors and went back to Hell for good . It was around this time she was made Overlord of Mythology, seeing as she had practically rested the myth of sirens and mermaids.
-after returning to Hell Nixie was unsatisfied by the way her home ring, Envy, was run, so she decided to traverse other rings. She eventually settled in Wrath for a few years, before she heard whispers on the street that Pride had become a shit show. She had to see what they were talking about so she went to the Pride ring to find out.
-she was displeased with how Lucifer was running his own ring. Even Mammon did a better job than him. However, these were sinners, the worst of humanity. What was the guy expected to do?
-she wasn't aware that extermination was happening that day, however she knew that exorcists had no interest in killing Hellborns. So she climbed a tall building and watched the chaos. This is where she met Zestial. She was confused as to why he wasn't running and he simply shrugged. "I revel in their screams," he replied. Nixie found it a bad odd that a sinner would risk his life just to see others perish, but she didn't mind the company.
-it was after the extermination ended that Nixie was wandering around, observing the carnage. That's when she noticed Charlie patching up a gray female who had lost her eye. She found it interesting that the princess of Hell would dabble in such meager things, but she walked over to offer help.
-Charlie glanced up as Nixie approached, trying to look friendly. "Can I help?" she inquired, showing both hands to prove she had no weapons. Charlie recognized her as an Overlord and accepted her help in getting this "Vaggie" woman to a run down hotel.
-Over time Nixie became attached to Charlie and Vaggie, feeling like their mother figure, seeing as neither really had one. She was at the hotel when Alastor arrived.. Her eye narrowed and she groaned. "Not this guy..." she muttered.
-Charlie was already talking to Alastor about her hotel,seeing as he'd learned about it in the "picture show". As Charlie was about to accept Alastor's help Nixie pulled her to the side. "Really? This guy? He's nothing but trouble, I've been around long enough to know. Charlie pulled away, telling her that she was old enough to make her own decisions and accepted Alastor's help.
-Nixie functions off water magic she produces. She has the ability to dissipate away, although it takes about 30 seconds for her to fully dissipate and is most vulnerable and weak when shes trying to dissipate. Therefore, she only does this around those she trusts.
-She's closest with Charlie and Vaggie, treating the two like her daughters. Over time she becomes the official mom of the hotel.
-In the hotel she's a therapist, listening to what others have to say and making suggestions that don't include violence or anything that could mess up their progress in getting into Heaven.
-Outside the hotel she's a social worker, helping orphaned children, those with disabilities that prevent them from working, etc. She gets a lot of shit from Angel about what she does outside the hotel and how she isn't going to make a difference, bit Nixie believes she can make a different in at least one life, which will make the work worth it.
-Nixie gets along well with Lucifer. She's practically Charlie's mother at this point so he doesn't mind her presence. They'll have impromptu therapy sessions and Lucifer will trauma dump on Nixie and she'll just listen, taking mental notes. She'd assure him that the terrible things done to him are over with, and he doesn't need to hold onto the past when there's such a bright future for him up ahead.
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lovely-ell · 2 years
Alastor & Reader - Take A Breath
A/N: Hello lovelies! This was requested by @willowaudreykeyes and I hope they enjoy this piece. This is basically Alastor & Overworked Reader, or at least that is how I envision it. I can relate to this on a personal level, and I hope this can bring comfort to those who find it! Considering this is only my second piece, I am of course nervous about writing but I hope you find it entertaining! If you have any feedback, do let me know! I appreciate it more than you know!
Synopsis: As one of Alastor’s close friend’s, they have been helping out at the hotel for some time. As they do not have as intimidating a reputation as the Radio Demon, Charlie has tasked them with some more gentle and personal tasks. In addition to their regular hotel work, it becomes extremely taxing on them until they just break one day. Alastor helps them get through it and offers a listening ear.
Warnings: Mentions of overworking/burnout, definitely some angst and a bit of swearing. Slight mentions of therapy/rehab and sleep deprivation. A bit of self loathing. Anxiety/panic attacks are referenced, some cruel jokes made by Angel. Mostly platonic but some intimacy if you squint.
Fanart: I couldn’t find the person, if you find them please let me know!
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I wished the days would just get easier or stop altogether. It was exhausting. I hated it. The hotel itself wasn’t that bad, but working for Mr. Radio Demon made it grueling. If there was one thing that me and him could agree on, though, was that the whole “rehabilitation and going to heaven” thing wasn’t gonna work out. Simply put, we had our chance, we fucked it up, and we end up down here. No point in trying to redeem ourselves when we’re already in hell and had countless opportunities on Earth. Regardless, as much as me and him see it as futile, I still worked at the damned hotel.
Charlie, for some unknown reason, took more of a liking to me than my boss. Could be the fact that I don’t have posters plastered everywhere about myself and my achievements as a powerful demon, but who knows. For this reason, she has given me (another demon, who is in hell for a reason) the task of creating the rehab programs and hosting 75% of the therapy sessions. The only responsibility I didn’t have constantly was cooking. Me, Angel Dust, and Alastor rotated the meals per the week. This was Alastor’s week, and he was making his famous Jambalya.
As he carried the platter of food to the table, the scent wafted through the air with a comforting notion. I had offered to help him, but he insisted that since it was his week, he would do it. Did seem as though he greatly appreciated the offer, I will say.
“Thank you so much for cooking, Alastor! This is delicious”, Hell’s princess shouted from one head of the table to the other. “Oh it was really no problem, do enjoy!”, laughed the infamous overlord, taking great credit for his cooking. I have no shame in admitting that he is the best cook of all of us. At least, generally. Angel makes the best Italian food though.
Alastor turned towards me, two chairs to his right, “I suppose we should get straight to business, shall we?”. We usually start with how the front desk went, and today was my day. I guess I had just gotten the worst day to be on the 5am - 5pm job, as we had gotten many walk-ins, but none of them checked in.
“How did your shift go, Y/N?”, he questioned, attracting the gaze of all the other demons at the table. Satan, how did he always gather so much attention?
“Well, not great…” I solemnly spoke, my eyes averting away from their stares. Even still, I could sense Charlie’s frown and Vaggie’s look disappointment in my sleep. “Oh…well how many checked in?”, she said, trying to establish some form of hope in this hopeless hotel.
“None. We had 6 walk-ins but none of them stayed after I explained the rules.”, my fingers scratched my scalp in frustration as I looked down. The dining hall fell silent for what seemed like an eternity, until the spider stripper finally spoke.
He playfully kicked my shin, “Well damn toots! Whad’ya do this time?”. I heard a few half-hearted giggles from across the table, my eyes beginning to burn. I started to scratch my head harder, not that I had any nails that could do any damage, since I had bit them too short
I tried to contain my anger, not uttering a word. I looked to my right and shot him a glare, the atmosphere getting tenser by the second. Just by that stupid grin on his face I could tell he was getting a kick out of this. “Cat got ya tongue? Eh, oh well. I’d say I’d kill ya but Ms. Princess can do that herself!”, he cackled at the table, nearly falling out of his chair. I rubbed my temples, trying hard to contain myself. Satan, he was funny sometimes but he could be annoying as all hell at others.
I abruptly stood from my chair, knuckles turning white from the strength in which I held my fist. I turned around and left through the back door, undoubtedly getting glares and confused stares.
I took a few laps around the hotel, then settled on the front stairs. I wanted to pull my hair out. Anything to distract me from my thoughts. I had so much paper work to complete, so early it was due. My chest felt heavy as I struggled to take a full breath. I couldn’t see as well and my hearing was muffled. My head spinned with deadlines and the threat of reprimand. Reprimand for something I clearly deserved it for. I was the most emotionally healthy besides Charlie in the entire hotel. It’s supposed to be my job to-
“Take a breath, Y/N”, a voice spoke from behind me. I covered my ears with my hands, hoping to make it all stop. My hands were gingerly pried off of my ears one at a time with gentle claws. “Shh…breathe in my dear”, it spoke again, now creating soothing circles on my back as my head was between my knees. I tried to follow it’s instructions, but I couldn’t manage. “God, why can’t I do anything right!”
It stopped rubbing my back, and it shifted up to my chin. With one claw, it carefully lifted my head so I could see it. It was Alastor. Why was he here? “Sweetheart, it’s alright to not be perfect. We are in hell, after all”, the demon spoke, moving the loose strands of hair away from my teary eyes. My face crashed back into my knees, muffled sobs escaping my lips. I heard his shoes click to my side, and stop with a slight thud. He stroked my hair in an attempt to soothe me.
“Shh…breathe sweetheart, breathe in deeply…”, the overlord spoke, still running his fingers through my h/c locks. After a few minutes, I finally was able to take a deep breath, “Good darling, now try to hold it for me. It’s alright if you can’t”. I held it until he gave the command to let it go, and I did. After that my breathing slowly but surely slowed on its own once more. “Great job my dear, but we really must have a chat if that’s alright”, Alastor questioned, waiting for my approval. I internally groaned, “What, do you need me to work an extra shift tonight?”, I answered with my own question.
“Work? My dear you can’t be serious!”, he said to me, taking my hand in his. “Let’s head to my room, shall we? It would most likely be better to talk of such topics there”. For once in my life I think I may have seen his smile falter
I followed him up the outside emergency stairs, entering his room not moments after getting inside. The Radio Demon motioned towards his bed where I soon sat, him locking the door behind us.
He sat on the bed, averting his gaze for a moment before asking me, “Since there is quite no other way to ask this, I’ll get to it. What is going on Y/N?”. I froze, my thoughts racing. Did I do something wrong? Forget to fill something out? “Al, what did I miss? I thought I did everything that was due?”
“No, no no! Not work! Get work out of that silly little head of yours!”, he said exasperatedly, tapping his nail on the top of my skull. “What is wrong with you, as in why did you abruptly leave dinner to be found sitting on the hotel steps, in the dark, hyperventilating?”, he shifted his body towards me, resting a hand on my shoulder. “I…I’m not sure…”, I answered truthfully, I still don’t know quitewhat happened.
“I can tell you exactly what happened”, he spoke to me. I turned my head up in interest, and he continued. “Charlie has given you some emotionally and mentally taxing jobs in addition to regular hotel tasks, due to your unnaturally friendly behavior in Hell”, the demon said, crossing his arms. “And since you don’t know how to say no, you willfully took all of these tasks and are now overworked and burnt out”, Alastor said, almost in a way a parent would scold their child, but with more care and concern in his tone. Burnt out…that sounded exactly how I felt.
“But who else is going to do it…?”, I lowered my head, not daring to look into his eyes. He once again lifted my chin with his finger, forcing me to look into them. “I’m not sure, but you shouldn’t have to do it all on your own”, he said sternly, but he seemed to have more to say. “You can’t do this to yourself, Y/N. I may be your employer, but I do care for you. And that is why I’m having you take a mandatory 2-week break!”, cheerily he exclaimed, as if it was a cause for celebration.
“Alastor! Who is going to do all of my work while I’m on break! I can’t do that!”, I yelled desperately, in hopes of finding someway to could convince him. “No buts! It starts this evening, right now! I will have the work divided between the hotel, but please, do get some rest my dear”, he said, before lifting himself off of the bed, and beginning to leave. I felt something deflate within me, and wanted to make one final, yet absurd request.
“Wait, Alastor?”
“Yes darling?”
“You don’t have to but..”
“But what?”
“May I have a hug, please?”
“…I suppose one wouldn’t kill me again”, Al said as he walked over, enveloping me in his arms. I sunk into his shoulder, a restful slumber finally falling upon me.
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drawnbadly-blog · 7 months
Hellish Bells
Chapter 4: Paterfamilias Broken
Her head snapped up from the wedding book she’d procured from Alastor. The bar was empty this time of day; it was group therapy time. She was just deciding on the cute little bells to hang up around the Heaven Embassy…
Emily was helping them out. After Sera Fell, Emily became the new High Seraph. And, thanks to her, more human souls were being Redeemed than ever before! Which wasn’t hard to beat as Sir Pentious and Anthony had been the only two she’d managed. When Charlie had mentioned getting married, Emily was more than happy to offer the embassy as the location. That way their Heavenly friends could come. Sir Pentious, Cherri, Anthony, Husk, and so many others…!
Alastor was, surprisingly, more willing than Vaggie. He muttered some things about ‘blasphemy’ and ‘deviant’. Which didn’t matter so much, because Charlie and Emily would be there to make sure that he didn’t pull anything funny.
Blinking, she said, “Oh! Dad! Hello!”
Her dad sat heavily into the stool next to hers. He waved a hand and his favored bourbon appeared under it.
Charlie was concerned. He almost never drank! That bottle was from the first batch ever crafted on Earth! What was wrong?
“What’s wrong, Dad?” she vocalized.
Her dad took a GINORMOUS swig of the bottle, apparently thinking. Then he said, “I wish you’d listened to me and your mother about deals…” He rubbed his head. “My daughter, marrying an Overlord…” He sighed. “I wish…” his gaze ventured to her hand with the ring. “I wish I could see those rings. I could figure out something with them. But it’s a personal contract. Only between the three of you. I can’t do anything, not even give advice. I, I haven’t felt this hopeless since I…Fell.”
“Dad, it’s okay.” She put a hand on his. “I know it’s not the best circumstance, and I’m kinda being forced into it. It’s okay! Really! I’ll get the wedding of my dreams, and me and Vaggie will be married. Really,” Charlie waved a hand dismissively, “Alastor probably won’t even care . Political marriage and all.”
Her dad frowned. “Don’t think that, Charlie. Demons have a way of surprising people, and they don’t have the decency to play fair.”
“Alastor said those words himself! He wanted me and Vaggie to get married so he wouldn’t have to deal with it!” Charlie defended.
“I don’t trust him.” Her dad said it like it was something new.
“You don’t have to.” Charlie leaned over, giving her dad a big, solid hug. “You can be my guiding light through this. I trust you to know when there’s something funny going on.” She considered not saying her next piece. Overriding that was her need to be fully honest with her dad. Their relationship had improved drastically, and to hide this would be betraying him. “I trust Alastor to uphold his deal. He always does. And…and he’s kind and considerate to me. I think he’ll treat me okay.”
“Mm-hm.” Her father was tightlipped for a moment before he was cheerful again. “Now, I know that he doesn’t actually plan to do anything to you. It’s better to be safe than sorry.” Suddenly there was a board sitting on the counter, covered in pictures of birth control. “What do you have questions about? Let me tell you, you’ll feel much better even if nothing happens if you’re protected.”
“ Holy shit Dad put that away .” Even though no one else was around, the embarrassment at her dad being so brazen about presenting something like that threatened to eat her alive.
“What? Do you WANT to give birth to Overlord spawn?”
Charlie hadn’t dedicated ANY thought to that particular idea. She WAS Hellborn, so she could get pregnant. Her dad seemed certain it could happen. Children…she hadn’t considered anything about it.
Before she could give any kind of answer - not that she even had one - her black ring magically spat out a little notecard. Charlie looked at her dad. He was still waiting on an answer. Apparently he couldn’t see the card. Curiously, she picked it up and read what was on it.
Monsieur Alastor requests the presence of:
Ms. Charlie Morningstar
Ms. Vagatha Morningstar (provisionally)
For a dinner date in his room today. Please RSVP!
Oh goodness. This wasn’t going to go well. Especially as Vaggie’s name wasn’t Vagatha.
“Charlie? What are you reading? Another little ‘deal’ from Alastor?” her dad said spitefully.
“Not a deal. A dinner invitation.” Charlie flipped the card over. On the back were two glowing words: ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. “I’m supposed to reserve a spot.”
“Hmph.” Her dad fumbled, trying to grab the card he couldn’t see. Frustrated, he said, “Why would you willingly want to interact with him? Stick to the basics and limit your interactions!”
“I can’t do that!” Charlie protested.
He gave her a truly evil eye. “Why not?”
Charlie paused. Why not? Why didn’t she want to do the minimum possible?
The answer was easy.
“Because I believe in him,” she said simply.
Her dad set the bottle down after another swig. “Charlie, I love you, but your blind belief in people will lead to trouble one of these days! Some people belong in Hell . Like Alastor!”
“I understand that some people are meant to be here.” Charlie straightened up. “That doesn’t mean that I harden my heart to everyone! I may get hurt sometimes. As long as I help even one more soul reach Heaven, I don’t mind.” She crossed her arms. “I know you think Alastor deserves to be here. I’m not so sure.”
Her dad burst into laughter. “Really? You don’t think the Radio Demon deserves to be here? Do you know how many souls he’s eaten?!”
“As long as he feels repentant for it, I don’t see how he can’t be Redeemed,” Charlie said stubbornly, digging her heels in on this opinion.
“So what, you’re going to fix a Bad Boy? Do you hear the cliche you’re saying?”
“That’s not what I meant! I mean that everyone deserves a chance,” Charlie explained.
Her dad’s lips twisted before he sighed. “I’ll do my best to watch over you and give advice. The main show, what you want and can do, is between you, Vaggie, and Alastor. I’m a bystander now.” Before she could comfort him further, he opened a portal to his tower and dragged the bourbon with him.
“Dad…” Charlie wished he understood. Everyone had good in them.
And Alastor…he did his best to hide it, to hide his real feelings, but the last few weeks Charlie had gotten a measure of something more from him. Wisps of the feelings behind the smiling mask. She wanted to know more. To bring him out of his shell. To help him realize he didn’t need to keep the barrier around him, that he could let people in.
Thinking that having a nice dinner with Alastor would be a good icebreaker into truly starting the process, Charlie pushed on the ‘Yes’ option on her card.
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snarkybluechristian · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel: Yandere Alastor x Vaggie Chapter 47
After a long day of therapy with only breaks to use the bathroom or eat and a break before lunch to work out on a cycling machine, Angel finally was allowed to go to bed.
Angel had spent the whole day pretending to watch porn.  Under ordinary circumstances, it would have been considered a good day, but since Angel had spent the whole day thinking, he was relieved to finally get to rest his brain.
Of course, Doctor Red was there to make sure Angel complied to all his rules, including what he had to wear to bed.
Just as before, Angel complied to all the rules.  Once he had brushed his teeth, dressed in his white undershirt and gray boxers, taken a sleeping pill, and used the bathroom a final time, Angel let the gargoyle demon to strap him to his bed, cover him with heavy blankets to keep him warm in the cold room, and pull up a stool next to his bed so that he could brainwash him with a final bedtime story.
Angel felt exhausted and beyond humiliated.  All day and all evening, Doctor Red had been infantilizing him in every way imaginable as a “way to make up for the attention his father never gave him.”
The spider demon had complied the best he could, but the effort it took for him to hold his tongue and keep a straight face while he planned was draining, even with the medicine inside him to keep him calm.
It was Angel could do to keep a straight face while Doctor Red read him his disturbing anti-gay propaganda.
“And the gay witch burned at the stake and all her victims lived happily ever after,” Dr. Red read, before dramatically closing his book.  “The End!”
Angel let out pretend moan of pain to gain the doctor’s sympathy.
“Oh, Anthony, what’s the matter?  Why so blue?” Dr. Red said, gently rubbing his stony fingers through Angel’s hair.  “You won’t be burned at the stake.  You’re going to be straight in no time.  You’ll see.”
Angel merely replied with another fake moan.
“Just have faith, my good boy,” Dr. Red replied just as he looked down at his watch.  “Oh, it’s getting late.  It’s almost 8:30.  It’s time for me to eat dinner with your father and time for you to go to sleep.”
The gargoyle smiled, ruffling Angel’s hair a final time before picking up his stool and carrying it out of the room.
Angel remained still and expertly maintained his catatonic expression.
“Alright, Anthony,” Dr. Red said as he pulled the blankets more evenly over Angel’s restrained body.  “Your sleeping pill should take effect in an hour.  Sleep tight.  I’ll be back for you in the morning…”
Dr. Red kissed Angel on his forehead.  It felt like he was a toddler getting tucked into bed.
Angel was so surprised he almost lost his composure, but the gargoyle made his way back to the door and turned out the light without missing a beat.
“Goodnight, Anthony,” Dr. Red said softly with his ruby eyes sparkling to reflect the light outside the room.  “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight, doctor,” Angel replied as emotionlessly as he could muster.
The good doctor shut the bedroom door, made his way up the stone stairs, and exited the basement.
No sooner had Dr. Red left the basement than did Angel unleash his third pair of arms and vigorously wipe the kiss away.
Angel sighed and laid back on the bed, basking in the irony.  He was rejecting kisses from men.  Maybe he was becoming straight after all.
Angel breathed another deep sigh and settled back under his covers to enjoy a long night of sleep.
He relaxed that way for a few minutes until the air conditioner shut off.
Then Angel heard a familiar voice echoing through the vent, “You call this shit food?!  Why don’t ya let me outta here so I can really give ya something to feast on…Oh, yeah?!  If ya fuckin’ hurt Angel, I’m gonna come after ya after I finish off Sir Pentious tomorrow!”
Angel knew that sassy voice anywhere.
“Cherri!” Angel practically screamed.
In less than a minute, Angel loosened all his straps and ran over to the vent grating.
“Cherri!” Angel called through the vent with a smile of relief.  “Cherri, are you there?!”
“Angie?!” Cherri asked from the other side of the vent.  “Angie, is that you?!”
“Yeah,” Angel said with a sigh of relief.  “Thank God!  I thought they would have sent ya back to Sir Pentious already.”
“That ain’t happenin’ till tomorrow,” Cherri replied.  “I’ve been here since last night.  But never mind me, how are you?!  Are you okay?!  I thought I heard ya screamin’ earlier.  What have they done to ya?”
“They gave me electroshock therapy earlier when I was putting up a fight, but besides that, not too much,” Angel said with a slight chuckle.  “They gave me drugs and made me watch porn after that.  Then, after he strapped me into bed, Doctor Red read me a bizarre homophobic bedtime story.  They’re doing everything they can to turn me straight.
“Holy fuck, Angel,” Cherri replied anxiously.  “How can you be so calm about this?  They’re really tryin’ to mess you up.”
“Blame the anti-anxiety medication Doctor Red made me take,” Angel replied.  “What has been happening with you?  My Dad and brother told me what happened between you guys, Charlie, Alastor, and them, but they wouldn’t tell me what happened after that.”  
“After your Dad dropped off Alastor and Vaggie at his mansion, he drove to Molly’s apartment and forced her out of the car.  She was furious.  The poor thing tried to chase down the car, but your Dad drove like a bat out of hell and lost her pretty easily,” Cherri explained.  “I would have helped, but I was restrained with a straitjacket and your unconscious body…”
“Sorry about that,” Angel interrupted.
“No problem,” Cherri replied before continuing.  “Your family brought me here, removed the straitjacket, and shoved me in this stupid room with its stupid bombproof doors, windows, and walls.  They’ve kept me here all day and have only entered the room to give me plates of food and water bottles at gunpoint.  Apparently, Sir Pentious isn’t going to be ready for me until tomorrow.”
“Goddammit, Cherri,” Angel said with angry tears at the corner of his eyes.  “I’m so sorry.”
“It ain’t your fault, Angie,” Cherri said sarcastically.  “Besides keeping me locked in an empty guest room with only a mattress on the floor and giving me plates of food and water bottles at gunpoint, they’ve been pretty nice to me.  Except for your brother.  He offered me freedom in exchange for certain favors.”
Angel busted out laughing and replied, “My libido-less brother tried to get you to sleep with him?!”
“I swear to God.  I’m being completely serious, Angie,” Cherri said with a chuckle.  “After they tossed me in here, your brother showed up around an hour later wearing heavy cologne and holding a bottle of champagne and asked me if I’d like to spend some time with him in exchange for freedom…”
“And?” Angel asked curiously.
“I threw a smoke bomb in his face,” Cherri said with a proud smirk in her voice.  “That got him out of my hair really quick.”
Angel chuckled out loud and said, “That little shit.  I’m so sorry, Cher.”
“Don’t be, dude,” Cherri said reassuringly.  “This room ain’t all bad.  It has a bathroom with magazines in it.  I got to have a bath and wash my underwear and sock.  Your Dad said this was a guest room they had renovated and hadn’t moved the furniture into yet, but that is bullshit.  What kind of guestroom has bombproof walls, windows, and doors?”
“You’d be surprised with our line of work,” Angel replied.  “But besides that, they’ve been treating you well?”
“Yeah, but never mind about me, Angie,” Cherri said, her tone shifting back to serious.  “What about you?  They’ve been trying to brainwash you all day to turn you straight!  Jesus, man, that is really fucked up!”
“Yep, my therapist Doctor Red is a real piece of work, too,” Angel said.  “God sent him to Hell for for doing this shit to other people and he thinks it was because he failed to convert anyone.  He's gullible as hell though.”
“What do ya mean by that?” Cherri asked.
“Let me put it this way,” Angel explained.  “Doctor Red thinks he can fix me, and I’m just playing him into my hands.”
“I gotcha,” Cherri replied.
“The plan was to have a meal with my father and brother before they went to Alastor’s wedding if I behave for the week,” Angel explained.  “Then, when the end of the week comes, I take the opportunity to bust outta here and run to the wedding to save Vaggie.  That was the plan anyway.  Now, I gotta help you.”
“Aw, you don’t need to worry about me, Angie,” Cherri said.  “I can break out of Edgelord’s place easily.”
“Cherri, I ain’t leaving you with Sir Pentious,” Angel protested.
“Angie, you don’t need to worry about…” Cherri tried to protest back.
Angel quickly cut her off, “Cherri, listen to me!  Sir Pentious is an over-ambitious, incompetent simp, but you and I both know he is still strong enough, smart enough, and dangerous enough to be a threat to you and most other demons.  If Sir Pentious didn’t take you right away, that means he is setting up something special to deal with ya.  You couldn’t take him on alone before and I doubt you’d be able to this time.  I am not letting that happen and that’s final.”
Cherri sighed loudly and said, “I know there’s no changing your mind, ya overprotective nut, but what are we gonna do?  Sir Pentious will be here to take me tomorrow, you’re gonna be tortured in the basement, and I’ll have to fight a legion of your family members alone.  I don’t even have a hope of breaking out of here before then with this fucking bombproof room.  God, I should have just said yes to your brother.  If your Dad thought we were a couple, I would have been allowed to stay.”
A lightbulb went off in Angel’s head.
“That’s it,” Angel said.
“What?” Cherri asked.  “What’s your plan, Angie?”
Angel sighed deeply and said, “I know you ain’t gonna like this, but how about we get married?”
“What?!” Cherri asked incredulously.
“Hear me out,” Angel explained.  “If I pretend that I’m madly in love with ya, Dr. Red and my family will be inclined to keep you around to spend time with me to aid in turning me straight.  Then when I’m finally let outta here to spend time with my family, they’ll let you out, too.  Understand?”
“Yeah, I got it,” Cherri said with a smile in her voice.
“All you gotta do is pretend to like me back,” Angel added.  “Do you think you can do that?”
“Ugh,” Cherri groaned.  “You’re like my older brother.  This is gonna be so weird.”
“Cherri…” Angel pleaded.
“Alright,” Cherri agreed with another groan.  “I ain’t no actor like you are, but I’ll try my best.”
“Just follow my lead, baby girl…” Angel said just as a sudden noise got his attention.
It was the sound of the cellar door opening.
“Shit,” Angel muttered to himself.
“Angie, what’s the matter?” Cherri asked in concern.
“The doc’s back, gotta go!” Angel replied in a rush.
Without waiting for a reply, Angel quickly hopped back into his bed and reshackled himself.  He then made his third pair of arms disappear and shut his eyes.
Thankfully, the doctor reached the bottom of the stairs without taking any notice of any noise.
As soon as Dr. Red walked past his door, Angel tossed and turned as loudly as he could while keeping his eyes shut and began calling Cherri’s name.
“Cherri!” Angel called out while dramatically tossing himself to one side of the bed and then the other.  “Cherri!”
Angel heard Doctor Red opening the door to his room and asking himself, “What in the world is this?”
Angel smiled internally and kept up his performance.
“Cherri!  Cherri!  Cherri!  Cherri!  Cherri!”
Angel kept his eyes shut and continued calling Cherri’s name repeatedly while Doctor Red took notes on his note pad.
“Interesting,” Doctor Red muttered in a pleased tone.
Suddenly, another voice called out from the top of the stairs.
“Hey, doc!” Arackniss’s voice called.  “Have you found your notes yet?  The Don’s waiting for ya!  What’s goin’ on?”
“An interesting development,” Dr. Red said gleefully.  “You must come and see!”
Angel didn’t hear a response over his own cries, but he heard his brother walk down the stone stairs.
“What’s going on?” Arackniss asked.  “What’s Anthony doing?”
“He’s calling a woman’s name in his sleep,” Dr. Red said excitedly.  “Please observe.”
The pair were silent while Angel continued pretending to sleep and call Cherri’s name.
Arackniss scoffed and said, “Oh, he’s calling for his gal pal, Cherri Bomb.”
“Cherri Bomb?” Dr. Red asked.  “Oh, right!  The kingpin who tried to help Anthony and Alastor’s fiancée run away.”
At this point, Angel ceased yelling Cherri’s name and pretended to settle back down so that he could listen to the conversation.
“The very one,” Arackniss replied.  “She’s locked in the guest room on the first floor.  We’re selling her to her rival Sir Pentious tomorrow in exchange for weapons.  Anthony hasn’t seen her since that night, so he’s probably just worried about her.”
“Interesting,” Dr. Red said writing more notes in his notebook.  “Have they known each other long?”
“Anthony’s helped her with her turf wars for about 40 years from what I’ve gathered,” Arackniss said.  “From what I’ve heard, they’re pretty close.”
“Interesting,” Dr. Red said.  “40 years is more than long enough to develop a romantic attraction.  It seems that the treatment is working faster than we thought.  My scientific opinion is that Anthony is developing a longing for this demoness.”
Arackniss snickered under his breath and said, “After only a day of therapy?  There’s no way.  She and Anthony are only friends.”
“Don’t be so sure, Arackniss,” Dr. Red said confidently.  “Perhaps your brother and Cherri were only friends, but I’ve found that often in pursuing homosexual relations a patient might be suppressing desire for a heterosexual partner.  Now that we’re pushing away the homosexual attractions, the suppressed attraction to his female friend.  Oh, this is so exciting.  I must get this demoness involved in the therapy.”
“How do ya plan on doing that?” Arackniss asked.
“Gradually, of course,” Dr. Red replied.  “We mustn’t throw Anthony into it.  We must ease him into the heterosexual relationship like a glove.”
“I still don’t know about your theory but easing Anthony into a heterosexual doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Arackniss said, making a puffing noise that let Angel know that he was puffing on a cigarette.  “So, what do we do first?”
“First, we must discuss this with your father,” Dr. Red replied.
Arackniss and Dr. Red then shut the door and headed upstairs.  Angel waited until the moment he heard them both shut the door to the basement before he unstrapped himself and dashed back to the vent.
Angel reached the vent and said, “Cherri?!”
“Angie?!  What happened?!” Cherri replied concernedly.
“Dr. Red came down to retrieve his notes, so I started crying out your name,” Angel said with a smirk.  “He came in to watch me, called my brother down, and now, they’re going to talk to my Dad to get you integrated into my therapy.”
“Hot damn, Angel Dust,” Cherri Bomb said with a proud scoff.  “How’d you pull it off?”
“Thank my 50 years of acting, sugar tits,” Angel bragged.  “Dr. Red is now convinced that you’re my repressed crush.  My brother ain’t convinced, but it doesn’t matter.  Either way, you ain’t going nowhere.”
“Holy shit,” Cherri said.  “You never cease to amaze me, Angel.  I owe you one.”
“Don’t mention it, Cher,” Angel said.  “Now, we just gotta act our way out of here.”
“Oh, God,” Cherri said in a sudden panic.
“What’s the matter?” Angel asked.
“Do you think they’ll make us have sex while they watch?” Cherri asked.
Angel paused for a moment and said, “Oh, God.  I didn’t think of that.”
Just then, Cherri heard some hands fiddling with the locks outside her door.
“Angie, they’re here, talk to ya later,” Cherri muttered out in a hurry before she zipped back to her mattress and curled up into a fetal position, pretending to be asleep.
Arackniss pushed open the door, and Dr. Red flicked on the lights and entered the room.
“Doc, what are you doing?  You’re gonna wake her up,” Arackniss protested in a whisper.  “We put her in the bombproof room for a reason, you know.”
Dr. Red ignored Arackniss and continued to look around the room and grimace at the conditions.
“Doc,” Arackniss whispered again.
“I heard you the first time, Arackniss,” Dr. Red said.  “I know very well what Miss Cherri Bomb is capable of.  I do not intend to wake her.  I only intend to make observations...”
Dr. Red took a moment to look at Cherri and continued, “Cherri Bomb is a scrawny little thing, but she is pretty.  She looks cold and hungry though.  You must improve these conditions.  A man who falls in love must be comfortable.”
Arackniss sighed out his cigarette smoke and said, “I suppose we can add some blankets in here.”
“That’s not enough, Arackniss,” Dr. Red chided.  “You need to furnish the room, give her proper beauty products, give her books to read, and clothes to change into.  You need to feed her better as well.  Women are delicate creatures, Arackniss.  You need to take care of them.”
“If you’re sure,” Arackniss replied skeptically.
“Of course, I’m sure,” Dr. Red retorted.  “I used to give courting advice, you know.  Now, we must go speak to your father, but for tonight, fetch Miss Cherri Bomb some blankets to put her in a more pleased mood.”
Arackniss grumbled, “Very well.”
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Dr. Red asked.  “Hop to it.”
“Hey,” Arackniss protested.  “Watch your tone, doc.  We’re employing you.”
“And your father told you to do whatever I asked,” Dr. Red quipped.  “Now, go.”
Arackniss silently stewed for a moment before he rolled his eyes and left the room to find the blankets.
While Arackniss was looking for the blankets, Dr. Red sat down on the mattress next to Cherri’s sleeping form.  Cherri felt him sit down next to her, but she managed to maintain her relaxed composure.
That was until Dr. Red started stroking her hip.
Cherri made a yelp of dislike and twitched her leg away.
“Oh, dear,” Dr. Red said apologetically taking his hand away.  “I’m so sorry, love.  I didn’t mean to wake you.  Go back to sleep.”
Cherri turned over to the side of the mattress facing away from the doctor and pretended to try to go back to sleep.
Fortunately, just then, Arackniss entered the room with a stack of blankets and a pillow.
“I’m back,” Arackniss announced.
“Good,” Dr. Red replied taking the pillow out of his hands.  “Now, let’s get her more comfortable.”
Dr. Red gently lifted Cherri’s head and placed a pillow under it while Arackniss covered her body with the blankets.
Once the blankets covered her form, Cherri pretended to relax in her pretend sleep.
As Dr. Red shut out the lights and left the room, he said, “She’s a good one.  I can tell.  Miss Cherri Bomb is extremely sensitive to the touch of a man.”
Arackniss groaned jealously as he left the room and shut and locked the door behind him.
Once she was sure they had gone, Cherri zipped back to the vent to explain what had happened to an anxiously waiting Angel.
The pair shared a few laughs and discussed some more details of their plan before they finally parted for the night and went to sleep.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
Awlful, awful thought: A guilt-wracked Vaggie, trying to stay as quiet as possible in Charlie's bed as she cries herself to sleep. Wishing that she could bring up the courage and confess her sins to her girlfriend, who obviously deserves SO much better...
you put that thought back where it came from or SO HELP ME-
ugh, listen, i can see this horrible progression where at first it's Vaggie hiding (and failing but she doesn't know it) that she cries, and then it's Vaggie lying (a tiny little lie she thinks) about WHY she cries
them as strangers / new tentative friends and it took SO MUCH WRANGLING for Charlie just to get the dumpster woman to stay over with her while getting used to life with one eye instead of wandering off back onto hell's streets like Vaggie was ready to, and then getting her to use a couch instead of the floor, then finally the giant bed with a pillow propped between them
this is already a miracle enough, this is already more than she's ever gotten any other sinner to accept (and thank her for? and share a smile with her over it????)
so when she hears Vaggie's breath hitch in the middle of the night like she's hurt Charlie starts sitting up with her instinct to jump RIGHT INTO HELPING like usual- but Vaggie goes dead quiet the moment she moves and Charlie freezes, the sudden cold thought Vaggie doesn't WANT her to hear. Vaggie's been letting Charlie closer but maybe her not wanting Charlie to hear this (yet?) is part of why she's been so reluctant to stop sleeping in random corners of the house, and what if she packs up (metaphorically speaking, technically she has nothing) and leaves if Charlie spooks her now? Would Charlie ever find her again?
that's the first time Charlie lies awake listening to Vaggie cry softly to herself for half the night, pretending she doesn't hear it
it's not the last.
Because Vaggie ends up staying, with Charlie SPECIFICALLY, and it's a different kind of friendship than Charlie's used to- it's not Vaggie tolerating her ideas or her dreams or her wild bursts into song, it's Vaggie troubleshooting her ideas and agreeing with (!) her dreams (though she isn't as hopeful about it) (that's more than anyone has done since Lilith left-) and it's even Vaggie enjoying her silliness, joining in on a song with her,
a sad little song about a grown woman missing being close with her parents because having a friend like this is making her homesick for everything else she used to have-
but Vaggie doesn't roll her eye at the poor princess of hell she holds Charlie's hand when Charlie tears up, she just seems to like being around Charlie? even for the pity parties??? (Charlie for the love of all therapy i a m begging you go to THERAPY)
Vaggie is clearly missing something too though, and cries about it less often now- or
(a thought to keep Charlie awake all night when it comes to her)
is better at crying about it quietly so Charlie really doesn't hear her
and it's too much for Charlie to risk losing but it's also why Charlie rolls over that night, casual, casual, and pretends to be asleep as her hand drapes over that invisible line to just brush Vaggie's arm, and why she goes on pretending to sleep as Vaggie flinches, tenses, then lets out a breath and doesn't pull away.
it's the only way for Charlie to get any sleep now- making sure Vaggie won't feel completely alone, even if she won't let Charlie be there for her (Yet)
it's a short road from that to waking up snuggled together, because Charlie's a cuddle bug and Vaggie's surprisingly smug about being cuddled (by her), so Charlie's frantic pillow wall of privacy instantly falls the next night to laughter and a pillow fight, and their game of betting if they'll wake up in each others arms again also doesn't last long (because they always do) (this is NOT like friendships Charlie is used to) and soon Vaggie is hauling them both out of bed on her good days while groggy Charlie clings to her like a very stubborn blanket and
there's not much room for hiding tears like this. the lie comes out not long after.
Vaggie's bad days are things Charlie happily makes way too many sticky notes about: collecting Tired Vaggie or Grumpy Vaggie or Bumped Into Furniture One Too Many Times Needs To Go Beat Up The Nearest Dumpster With Her Spear Vaggie, or Vaggie Gluing Herself To The Nearest High Spot While She Broods (her small smile means more when it doesn't come out until Charlie's spent an hour sitting up there with her, chatting and pointing out landmarks like hell isn't that bad and everything can be okay)
and Charlie has bad days too (tries not to) (feels guilty about having them when she ISN'T even alone anymore) but lately her worst start with dried tears on the collar of her pajama shirt and Vaggie sounding a little bit more hoarse than usual in the morning
so it's not some, sudden nighttime feelings ambush. It's not Charlie waking up in the night to Vaggie crying and suddenly having the courage to pull her a little bit closer
it's Charlie having a bad day, afterwards, and Vaggie finding her hunched up in bed. (their bed)
It's Vaggie slipping quietly (worriedly) out of the shadows with a soft hey and are you okay? and getting hit with yes- no- does Vaggie know she can get up out of bed whenever she wants at night? she can wake Charlie up and leave and that's completely fine, if she wants to be alone for a bit, and then come back for snuggles after- or they can sleep separate or-
maybe it's the first time Vaggie reaches up to cup Charlie's cheek and ground her spiraling, maybe it's the first real jolt of fear Vaggie's felt since being eye-level with a sword. maybe not, but it gets her asking Charlie what the fuck are you talking about?
and then it's the truth-
Charlie can't stop thinking about Vaggie hiding her tears for her sake. it's fine if Vaggie doesn't trust Charlie with them- (yet) (someday?) (it's amazing Vaggie has put trust in Charlie at ALL)- but she should at least feel able to CRY when she wants to.
-and it's the lie.
Vaggie does trust Charlie. a small tiny lie that's mostly truth-
(she trusts Charlie is a good person) (she's scared of what that means) (she hasn't been a good person) (she isn't being one now)- she tells Charlie she cries because she misses her wings and the scars hurt and she hides it because there's nothing to be done about it, if they were coming back (for her) they would've by now (she DOESN'T want them to come for her she WOULDN'T leave if they did, if they offered-) (would she?) but they aren't so, (it's been too long) why waste her and Charlie's time being sad about it?
(how can she even still be SAD about it-)
I could hear Charlie whispering back something along the lines of, time with with you is never wasted, not to me. And, I want to be there with you, like you are when I need you.
I won't say this is when they both went Oh or even when maybe someone leaned forward a little and someone else met them half way, they're the sort of couple where it could have happened a in a million different times and places and it doesn't really matter
but afterwards, when Vaggie cries at night she doesn't hide it anymore
(now she knows she can't) (she can't hurt Charlie like that)
so some nights she sobs quietly into Charlie's shoulder while Charlie rubs soothing circles into old scars and holds her tight and the sickness over the lie that turned out bigger than she thought almost makes it worse than crying alone
(almost) (not quite)
those are the nights where she dreams of a sword and torn off feathers. other nights, Vaggie shuts her one eye and refuses to let any tears fall
some nights she dreams of damning wings on her back and Charlie turning away from her
she can't face Charlie or her love on those nights.
so she doesn't let herself cry at all
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snarkybluechristian · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel: Yandere Alastor x Vaggie Chapter 44
Angel opened his eyes and blinked slowly.  All around him was darkness.  He looked at the ceiling, and then at his bed, but he couldn’t clearly see anything.
As he laid there on his bed letting his eyes adjust to the darkness, Angel remembered what had happened the night before.  Despite his drugged state at the time, he could remember most of what had transpired.  Angel remembered the auction, Valentino, the rescue, Molly, Vaggie, Cherri, Charlie showing up to help them, and then falling asleep in that limo.
Tap.  Tap.  Tap.  Whoosh.
Angel started for a moment before he realized what the sound was.  It was the air coming on to cool down or warm up…wherever he was.  
There were several places where Angel could be.  He wasn’t in his room at the hotel with Fat Nuggets there to cuddle next to him.  So, Angel had to be at Cherri’s or Molly’s.  
Wherever Angel was, it was still too early to wake up.  At least by his standards.  Angel’s eyes finally caught sight of the light of a window seeping in and reflecting Hell’s morning light or whatever you called it on the ceiling.  There was plenty of time to sleep, especially after the night he had.
Angel closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep again.
The room was dark and cool.  The air conditioning vent was on at full blast, cooling the cold the room even more.  Without a thought, he tried reaching his hands down to pull the blanket more tightly around his slender form, but as he attempted lifting his hands, he felt resistance.
“What the…?” Angel asked himself quietly as he tried pulling his hands back again just as unsuccessfully as the first time.  
Angel felt his two pairs of hands around his restraints and felt leather cuffs around his wrists.
“What the fuck is…?” Angel asked himself anxiously just as another important memory struck him like a bat to the head.
The note Vaggie risked her neck to sneak him through the vent, the note that he found when Rosie shoved him into the bathroom to use the toilet before she scrubbed him clean for the auction, the note he then flushed down the toilet after reading, it described something like this...  
It was only then that Angel’s eyes had adjusted enough to notice that the walls of the room were covered with padding.
Angel felt a shiver run down his spine that froze his blood more than the room’s excessive air conditioning.  At that moment, he realized not only where he was but what had happened to everyone else.
“Oh, God…” Angel squeaked out, feeling the fear rush over him like a massive wave.
Angel was about to summon his third pair of arms to make a break for it when he heard a door open and what sounded like a small group of demons ambling down a stone staircase.
Once they reached the bottom, the group made their way to the door and opened it.
Angel managed to sit himself up on his elbows just as the lights were flicked on.  The bright fluorescent lights stung his eyes and caused him to fall back on his back.
“Wakey, wakey, little brother,” Arackniss’s voice rang through the small room.
Two other figures entered the room and stood over his bed as Angel’s vision struggled to adjust to the light.  
“Good morning, Anthony,” a large gray figure said.  “I am Dr. Red, and I will be in charge of your gay conversion therapy program.”
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!” Angel shrieked.  “What happened?!  Where are the ladies?!”
“Ladies?” the gray figure asked with a hint of excitement.
“My friends!” Angel retorted.  “Vaggie, Cherri, Charlie, and Molly!  What did you do to them?!”
Henroin took out the cigar he was puffing on, blew smoke into the air, and scoffed, “Those drugs must have knocked you out sooner than we thought.  The long and short of it is that our group caught up to yours, son.  Your princess friend tried to stop Alastor, but Daddy Dearest showed up and stopped her and now everyone is where they need to be.  Vaggie is back with Alastor, Lucifer took the princess home with him, we dropped Molly off at her place, and now, you’re home with us.”
“What about Cherri?” Angel asked.  “Where is she?  What the fuck did you bastards do to her?!”
“She’s fine,” Arackniss answered, finally entering the room himself.  “You don’t need to worry, Anthony…”
“You didn’t answer where,” Angel snarled.
Arackniss scoffed and said, “That is none of your concern, little brother.”
As his eyes finally adjusted to the light, Angel glared at Arackniss and replied, “Then what is my concern, asshat?!”
Henroin chuckled maliciously and replied, “You’re about to find out.”
Angel moved his head to quip at his father, but his eyes instantly fell on Dr. Red.  
Dr. Red was a gargoyle demon with stony flesh, a pointed chin, wings furled up against his back, horns on the top of his head, ruby red eyes, and a slender frame that made him at least a head taller than Henroin.  His hair and every other feature were the same shade of stony gray flesh.  The only color on him came from his ruby eyes, his black pupils, and the clothes he wore.  He was dressed in a white lab coat, a black sweater, brown trousers, black shoes, and glasses over his eyes.
Angel smirked and whistled seductively as Dr. Red came walking closer to his bed and said, “Hello, handsome.  How’s about you clear out the room so the two of us can have some fun?  I can’t say no.”
Dr. Red grimaced, pulled the blanket off Angel’s body, and replied in a cold and logical voice, “So, you’re the infamous Angel Dust.  You have quite the reputation.”
Angel licked his lips seductively and said, “So, you have heard of me.  Come closer, baby.  I’m always available for my fans.”
Dr. Red responded to Angel’s advance with a slap to the face.
“Don’t even think about it,” Dr. Red said sternly.
Angel squealed seductively in response and gushed, “Oh, Daddy, you have such strong hands!  They’re literally made of stone.  Does that hardness extend everywhere, Doctor?”
Dr. Red grimaced, turned back to Henroin, pulled out a notepad, and said, “This is a rather severe case.  How long has your son been like this?”
“Basically, since he became a man,” Henroin replied.  “We started really noticing after his mother died.”
“Interesting,” Dr. Red said, writing on his notepad.
“You know I’m right here, right?” Angel asked sarcastically.  “I’ve been this way since I was old enough to fall in love…”
“Hey!” Arackniss interrupted from his spot on the wall.  “You won’t interrupt the good doctor if you know what’s good for ya!”
“You ain’t even in this conversation,” Angel retorted, sitting up on his elbows again.  “Fuck off!”
“BOYS!” Henroin snapped.  
“No, no, Don Henroin,” Dr. Red reassured him without looking up from the notepad he was writing on.  “This is great for my notes and treatment plan.  It seems to me that our patient may be traumatized from the loss of his mother…”
Angel couldn’t hold his composure anymore.
“Mom had nothing to do with this!” Angel snapped angrily.  “You fucking leave her out of this!”  
“Angry outburst,” Dr. Red said out loud while continuing to write in his notepad.  “Definite emotional trauma present.”
Angel growled angrily.
“We’re going to need to move on to more invasive procedures,” Dr. Red said to Henroin and Arackniss, finally putting away his notepad in the pocket of his lab coat.  “His mind is in too heavy a state of anger, apprehension, and agitation to be pliable at this time.”
“So, what do we do?” Henroin asked.
“I need you two to help me move him to the chair,” Dr. Red replied.
“You got it,” Henroin said with a malicious smile.  “Arackniss?”
“Coming,” Arackniss said, finally moving off his spot on the wall.
Henroin and Arackniss moved to either side of the bed and undid the straps holding down Angel’s arms and feet.  
Angel laid down as his father and brother loosened the straps holding him down.  He then allowed them to help him sit up on his bed while Dr. Red watched them by the side of the door.  
That was when Angel made his next move.  
“That’s right,” Dr. Red said.  “Easy does it...ANTHONY!”
Angel summoned guns with all three pairs of hands and pointed each pair at a different person.  
Angel then hopped on the floor and began moving his bare feet gingerly across the padded floor towards the door while his head moved back and forth to keep his eyes on all of them.  He even opened his other six eyes to help him out.
Dr. Red and the Spider family did not act surprised and barely even flinched when they saw the guns.  They simply stood there coolly as if they were waiting for Angel say his peace in a conversation.  
For Angel, it was off-putting to say the least.  The trio of demons weren’t scared at all.  They simply watched him and waited as he backed his way up to the door as if this were a planned scene in one of his pornos.
“The doctor is just trying to help you, Anthony,” Arackniss said calmly.  
“Yeah, don’t make this any harder than it needs to be, son,” Henroin said just as coolly.  
Angel leered furiously at his father and older brother and snarled, “Listen here, you motherfucking…HEY!”
When Angel turned his head, Dr. Red snuck up behind him, grew a few feet taller and more muscular evidently, threw a pillow case over Angel’s head, wrapped both pairs of arms around Angel’s, and picked him up off the ground all in the span of a few seconds.
“Grab his guns now!” Dr. Red yelled.
Angel cursed loudly as he thrashed around and fired his guns.  The pillowcase over his head was dark.  He couldn’t see what he was aiming at, but he could hear his Dad and brother fall on the padded floor and the telltale sound of cushions exploding.
Unfortunately for him, Angel couldn’t get too many shots out before he felt his guns getting shot out of his hands in six quickfire shots.
“Good work, Arackniss…” Dr. Red said.
Of course.  Screw his brother’s perfect aim.
“…Now, help me get Angel to his jacket just like we practiced,” Dr. Red finished calmly.
“PRACTICED?!” Angel screamed, thrashing wildly as he felt Dr. Red dragging him into the next room while Henroin and Arackniss ran past them.  “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!”
“Just something to calm you down for the procedure, son,” Henroin replied with a smile in his voice.  
“What the fuck are ya…HEY!” Angel yelled as he tried fruitlessly to shake his arms out of the doctor’s grip.
At that moment, Angel felt something familiar being slipped over his three arms.  It didn’t take him long to realize what it was.  
“What are ya doin’?!” Angel yelled as he continued thrashing desperately.
Everyone continued as if they hadn’t heard him.  The straitjacket was slipped over his arms quickly and effectively.  
Once the straitjacket was on, Angel waited until the doctor let go of his arms to tie back the sleeves.  
When Dr. Red did, Angel tried reaching his arms back to his torso to summon more guns, but the long sleeves were instantly pulled back and tied behind him, effectively restraining him.  He tried desperately to move his arms, but it was no use.
“Good work, everyone,” Dr. Red said as he pulled off the dark pillowcase.  “The patient has been restrained perfectly and we are now prepared for the next step.”
Angel’s sweaty face had hardly a moment to cool down before Dr. Red picked him up by the torso and his father and brother lifted his legs.
“What the fuck are ya bastards doin’ now?!” Angel yelled, still trying to thrash as much as his restraints would allow him while kicking his long legs at his family.  “PUT ME DOWN!”
Arackiss stared at him quietly while Henroin scoffed and said, “Right away, son.”
Angel was suddenly placed on a chair, and no sooner was he sat down than were his legs and torso strapped in.  It was then that Angel realized where exactly he was and what was about to happen.  A look to the right confirmed his suspicions as his eyes fell on the car battery on the cart with the bit and the mess of wires attached.  
Angel felt his eyes grow as wide as saucers and a shiver run down his spine as he began to tremble uncontrollably.
Everyone but Arackniss smiled sadistically as Dr. Red reverted to his original form and adjusted the chair so that Angel was lying on his back.  
“That shut him up,” Henroin quipped.  
No sooner had those words left Henroin’s mouth than did Angel resume his pointless struggle to escape from his restraints.
“You just had to say something.  Didn’t you?” Arackniss asked with a sigh.
Dr. Red shook his head and prepared his machine.  
Angel gave up his struggle against his restraints and laid there helplessly.  He panted loudly as the doctor moved the cart over to the head of his chair.
Angel trembled like a leaf.  He couldn’t hear a sound beyond his own breathing and heart beating.
Dr. Red skillfully attached the headgear on Angel’s head.  Angel shook his head desperately, but the headgear held firm and the doctor managed to get a bit between Angel’s teeth.
Angel stopped shaking his head and glanced around the room in a desperate panic only to see the cold stares of his family and doctor.
“Now, Anthony,” Dr. Red said.  “Are you going to calm down and endure therapy willingly or are you going to make us turn on this machine to calm you down?”
Angel shook out of his frightened stupor.  As his eyes met his doctor’s condescending stare, Angel found his nerve and glared back.
“Well, Anthony?” Dr. Red asked impatiently.
With the bit still between his teeth, Angel replied, “FUCK YOU!”
“Wrong answer, son,” Henroin retorted.  “Pull the switch, doctor.”
Without another word, Dr. Red annoyedly walked over to the machine and threw the switch.  
A surge of electricity immediately entered Angel’s body and set every nerve on fire in searing pain.  He screamed through his bit and bit down until his teeth were practically touching while the rest of his body convulsed uncontrollably.
Henroin and Dr. Red looked on with cold smirks.  Arackniss looked away, uncomfortably listening to Angel’s screams.
“So, Anthony, do you feel calm enough to cooperate now?” Dr. Red asked.  “Anthony…?”
Angel couldn't respond as the electricity continued to pulsate through his body, causing him to convulse and writhe in every direction.
“Anthony can’t respond like that, doctor,” Arackniss spoke up.  “You gotta turn off the machine.”
“Yeah, shut it off,” Henroin demanded.  
“Alright,” Dr. Red replied.  “This should be more than enough time to calm his emotions.”
Dr. Red shut off the electricity.  Angel immediately fell limp in relief and in exhaustion at the surge of electricity his body was forced to go through.
Dr. Red coldly walked over to the head of Angel’s chair and asked, “How are you feeling, Anthony?  Do you feel better?”
Angel was too out of breath to respond, so he just laid there in his restraints trying to catch his breath.
Red smiled sadistically, began writing in his notepad, and said, "Excellent.  The sedation technique was successful.  Now, we can begin the therapy…”
Angel could hardly hear Doctor Red chattering to his family.  His disoriented and weakened mind was spinning in circles, traumatized, hurting, and completely helpless as it had been so many times before.  It was all he could do to not shed a tear.  
“…The therapy works better if the patient has something to works towards,” Angel heard Dr. Red say.  “You have any ideas of anything Anthony might want?”
Angel immediately perked back up and listened in on the conversation while keeping his face completely neutral.
“I have an idea,” Arackniss replied.  “We could let him out to share a meal with us before we go to Alastor’s wedding on Friday.”
“I wouldn’t mind that, as long as we have the good doctor on standby,” Henroin added.
Arackniss walked over to the chair where Angel was staring blankly at the wall pretending to barely even be conscious and asked with mild concern in his voice, “Hey, Anthony?  Did you hear what we said?  If you behave for the next week, you get to leave the basement to have dinner with me and Dad.  Does that sound alright to you?  Nod your head since you probably can’t talk yet.”  
Angel realized then what he had to do.  He nodded his head.
“Excellent!” Dr. Red exclaimed cheerfully.  “We will work towards that goal then!”
Angel nodded weakly and submissively just like the little slave they wanted him to be, giving no indication of the plan forming in his head.  
For now, Angel would obey them.  He would say and do whatever ridiculous thing they asked him to do.  He would be the doctor’s ideal patient.  He would behave.  Until Friday.  When they’d finally let him out of this dungeon for good behavior.
Then, somehow, some way, Angel would fight his way out and find his way back to Cherri, to Charlie, and then to Alastor’s wedding to save Vaggie.  
All he had to do was wait.
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