#vail is a lucky guy just saying
cattonicdragon · 1 year
Could we have a tooth fairy Easter bunny Jack frost and platonic north and sandy with a reader that represents Halloween(reader looks like a mix between a crow and scarecrow) that's scared that there holiday is on the decline and has become a little depressed because of it. Thank and love your stuff ::::)
Guardians《seperate》 x Halloween guardian reader who's holiday is being forgotten
Guys in back,again(probally gonna disappear again lol)
In fr trying to catch up this time.
Anyways I ty for the request!:3
Angst,fluff,hurt with comfort,readers sad :(
has not been proofread, A/N at the end
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Tooth fairy
Its early October,you know what that means, its Halloween time
The time where the vail between the spiritual world and the living is the thinnest
You and tooth usually celebrate together,she does get more work during hallowing because of all the candy but she spends the most of her time with you
She helps you hang up the decorations and spread the Halloween feels
However you havnt done that yet,not only that but you dont have that much time left you only have a month
Once tooth realizes that somethings wrong she'll immidatly do ask the other guardians if they had seen you or if they had heard something from you,the results all come back the same,you were seemingly no where
She decided to check the globe,that could have a clue right?
That's when she noticed there were many less lights then usual,and that when it started to line up..
People were forgetting about you.
The last time you had spoke before going radio silent you had mentioned that it wasnt even October and people were advertising Christmas things
She had realised that you had probally hid yourself away becuase of this
When she does eventually find you shes understandable very worried for you.
After she gets a thorough explanation she'll waste no time in helping you with preparations
However first off,she has to get you in the Halloween mood,as your current one is rather sour,and we cant have that!
She cheers you up by bringing you around and showing you places that are getting ready for Halloween
She brings you to see a small shop that has cobwebs,spiders,skeletons,ghosts the whole lot,she smiles as she sees a small one form on your lips
She then brings you to stores as parents and kids are choosing out pumpkins,baskets,sweets and costumes
When a smile finally Grace's your lips she hugs you tightly and tugs with her to get more decorations up and around
She understands what it feels like to be forgotten and she dosnt want that to happen to you
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Bunnymund/Easter bunny
Hes used to people neglecting his holidays for others
But hes surprised when there seems to be lesser lights on the globe
Things line up really quickly in his head as the cogs start working
He dosnt waste a second,immediately searching for you in fear you've disappeared
Once he finds you he tries to calm you down reassuring you that aslong as hes there he wont let you disappear
He even decorates Easter island with some Halloween decorations
He gives you Halloween styled eggs as a way to cheer you up
He will decorate pumpkins with you aswell
since halloween takes place in fall he might take you to forests where the leaves have turned orange and are starting to fall
he will help you decorate places and even though hes not the biggest sweet tooth,with a big oof bribery im sure he'll try a sweet oor two
he'll constantly be there and comforting you
easter isnt all ways widley celebrated so hes probally had a fear of fading aswell
he wont ever say it but due to the fact that your holidays is overlooked in favour for christmas,he holds a small grudge
he knows its not norths fault but hes just salty
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Jack frost
Honestly hes kind of tone deaf
hes very happy go lucky and isnt used or very good at adapting to change
id like to think that he was quite close to you even before becoming a guardian,because halloween is in the colder months of the year
it might take another guardian to point out your abscents or off behaviour
however just because hes abit tone deaf dosnt mean hes not smart
once its been pointed out to him hes going on a man hunt for you
altough he wasnt in an entirely similar situation,he still knows what its like to feel isolated,scared and alone,and as his S/o he dosnt want yuo feeling the same
once locating you the first thing he'll do is make sure your not fading away
if you are then he will moost likely panic
he will eventually calm himself down,realising that panicing wont help it at all
his first priorety is to make sure that your ok
mentally and physically
afterwards he takes you to do things to take it off your mind
some of his favorite things to do are skating and carving pumpkins,if your not good at either he'll help you
he loves decorating everywhere with fun decorations
his favorite halloween decore are those door bells that grab youor finger or smth(i hate those things with a passion,so i can imagine him loving them)
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north/santa claus
if anyones going to find out the fastest,itts north
he has to keep a keen eye on the months and probally realise that its your holliday
his first reaction is to celebrate your holiday with you,he feels alot like a father figure to you and as such he feels he needs to celebrate your holiday with you
though the smile on his face dosnt stay long as he finds that many stores,instead of having halloween decoration.have christmas things
thats not right.
at first he thinks it might just be the store,and so he checks others
thats until he becomes aware that its most stores
why are they all decroated with christmas decore,they should be deced out with sceletons and pumpkins
not snowmen and gingerbreadmen
after coming to this realisation he checks the globe before visiting you#
he gets quite anxxious once checking the globe
hes quick to find and omfort you,hes quite furious people are neglecting your holiday for his.christmas is still months away!
after calming you down he will go ALL OUT on halloween decorations,the north pole dosnt even look like what it once was,white robes with dark circles are hanging around the celeing,skeletons have been placed everywhere in different positions,fake spiders and fake spider webs have been thrown enywhere they can.
all the elves and yeti's take a day off,to decorate pumpkins.
he'll probaly also reach out to the other guardians,inviting them all over so you can all celebrate together.<3
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sandy is very intune with the going oon in the world,aswell as being extremly intuitive
hes probally seen this coming though he didnt think itd be to such an extent where it'd cause you distress
after feeling a particullary cold gust of autaum wind its clear something is wrong
after checking the globe it seems that his hypthesis had become reality
he wasnt very surprised since he had a nagging feeling it'd happen,apart of him thinks that he might have just been denieing that you had the possibility to fade,that he was in denial
either way he had to push his own thoughts away as he had more importtant things to do,such as comforting you and restoring your holiday to its former glory,or at least try to.
after locating you hes quick to alert you of his precents though he may not be the best at calming you down since,he cant really speak.
hes most likely to put you to sleep and give you good dreams whilst brainstorming ideas to help your current dilema
once your awake and calm,he'll try his best to relay his ideas and help you
cutting pumpkins is a must
he will try his best to make candy with you
if you ever need some comfort just say the word and hes hugging you and trying his best to comfort you
he makes sure you have good dreams for days
he promises that he'll try his best to help you
he'll be dammed if he ever didnt go through with that promise to you.
the other guardians will most likely notice both of your distress and end up helpping,either that or sandy asks them directly.
hope this is ok,i havnt writeen in a while,btw this was written with a keyboard and i cant be botherd to proof read it rn and just wanted to post it so here you go!,but in all seriosuness i will be working on my other requests,thank you all for being pateint with me<<33
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kelcemenow · 10 months
As The Snow Falls - Chapter 1.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1007
Warnings Nothing much in this first chapter, just setting the scene!
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You took a deep lungful of cool, fresh air as you looked up at the beautiful wooden lodge in front of you. You dropped your bag next to your feet and shielded the bright sunlight from your eyes as you took in more of the sight.
A gentle squeeze of your shoulder interrupted you, "It's gorgeous isn't it?"
You smiled to Kylie, "Oh man, yeah. You're so lucky!"
"We don't get here as much as we'd like to but hopefully that will start to change." She raised her voice and leaned her head back towards her husband.
"Yeah, sure." Jason was struggling to carry the vast amount of luggage from the trunk, "Hey, honey? You wanna help me out here?"
Kylie laughed and jogged back to the truck before stopping and waving down another vehicle of vacationers, quickly disappearing in the opposite direction to guide them into the driveway. Jason hung his head and groaned.
"Hey, I got you." You smiled as you made your way closer to him, grabbing the handle of a bag that was slowly slipping from his grasp, "She's just excited!"
You had met Jason in your classes at college and you two quickly became close, forming a solid friendship group with friends Jasmine, Marc and Amie. You were all incredibly proud of Jason's successful football career and together, you would try to catch as many of his games as you could. Conflicting dates and locations would sometimes be a problem so you had all agreed to meet at least once a year for a big weekend reunion. It was Jason's turn this year to organise the trip this year and along with Kylie, arranged an incredible stay in their ski lodge in Vail.
"Yeah well, there'll be no skiing for me when I break my back carrying all of her junk!"
You laughed and grabbed a few more bags, placing them down in the snow at the door to the house.
"Hey girl!" Jasmine sang as she ran towards you with her arms outstretched.
You pulled her in for a tight hug, "Hi! How are you? It's been forever!"
As you pulled back, she brushed some hair from her face, "Oh, I know. I'm so busy with shoots and runways and brand deals, it's insane!"
"Well, you can tell me all about it over a drink later, why don't you bring your bags in and grab a room." You called out to her as she made her way back to the car. Your eyes landed on Amie and Marc who were chatting with Jason, so you walked back towards the truck.
"Honestly guys, it'll be fine." Jason mumbled.
You furrowed your brow, "What's up?"
Amie threw her arm around you, "Oh, just Princess Jasmine driving me crazy the whole way here."
"And speaking of driving, she didn't even touch the wheel. Me and Amie had to do it all. 13 hours, Y/N...13 hours." Marc rolled his eyes.
You giggled, "Oh, come on guys, was she that bad?"
"Fashion week this, photoshoot that...I saved people's lives at work last week but do I brag about that?" Amie shook her head.
Marc laughed as Jason handed you another bag.
"Drink, anyone?"
You relaxed back into the large red leather Chesterfield armchair by the crackling fire, cradling a steaming mug of hot chocolate topped with a generous shot of rum.
"Well, I think you guys should've won, it wasn't a holding. The ref didn't make the right call at all." Marc shrugged his shoulders.
Kylie hissed through her teeth, "Oooh, don't let Trav hear you say that!"
"Yeah, it's a good job he can't make it this weekend." Jason took a sip of his drink as he pulled Kylie closer into him.
You smoothed your blanket down over your knees, "Oh, did you invite him?"
"Yeah, I thought it would be cool, but he's got some event or something tonight. It's a shame, it would have been cool." Jason said.
Amie wiggled her eyebrows, "It would have been cool for Y/N."
You sighed and took a large sip from your mug.
"Wait, what?" Kylie squealed.
You rolled your eyes, "It was one drunken kiss back in college, which can I remind everybody was, like, a century ago!"
Kylie giggled as Jason smiled at you, "Trav had a little crush back in the day."
The group laughed loudly and you could feel your cheeks burning, "Oh, stop it Jason! It wasn't a big deal, it was in a game of truth or dare and we were just kids!"
"Aww, leave Y/N alone!" Amie shouted above the clamour.
"Amie, you brought it up!" You laughed.
The sound of footsteps diverted your attention to the top of the staircase when Jasmine was adjusting her silk dressing gown.
"Is it just me or is it cold in here?"
Amie raised her eyebrows, "Maybe because you're wearing that! Go and put something on that will stop you from catching pneumonia."
Jasmine opened her gown as she descended the stairs to reveal a short silk chemise, her bottom lip protruding into a pout, "But it's cute!
You smiled and lifted your blanket, "Come on Jas, you can share my blanket."
"Thanks babe! So, what are we talking about?" She skipped over towards your chair and snuggled up next to you.
You opened your mouth before anyone else could, "Oh, just Jason's brother Travis who can't make it this weekend."
Jasmine lifted an eyebrow and looked over to Jason, "I didn't know you had a brother?"
Marc lifted his head from the back of the couch, "You really do live in your own little world, don't you?"
A gust of cold air flew into the room as the front door opened and a tall, broad man stepped in. He was wearing dark sunglasses and a black beanie hat, a smartly trimmed beard adorning his chin. Jason immediately leapt up from the couch and ran towards him as your heart skipped a beat.
"Alright now! Y'all can't have a party without me!"
Yet again, this was going to be a one-shot but my brain couldn't behave so this will most likely be a big old series! The photo just fuelled something in me! Don't forget to let me know if you would like to be on my Taglist!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18
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dreaminpetals · 3 years
💐 COMMISSION: fem s/o's wedding with andrew (sfw & nsfw) 💐
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thank you so much for the commission! please consider checking out my emergency commissions here ! i hope you enjoy !
SFW ;;
♡ Andrew has always longed to marry somebody. Being a religious man, he's dreamed of filling a church with people who are dear to him as his beloved bride walks down the aisle.
♡ He's only glanced at weddings, an outsider looking in. The brides and grooms having the best nights of their lives made his heart feel fuzzy. Nobody would ever dare to wed him, but the idea was certainly a pleasant one. It helped him sleep. It comforted him when he needed it most. He wanted to look down at his hands and see a ring that reminded him someone out there loves him.
♡ He grew up with not even a penny to his name, so he knows having a luxurious wedding would be completely out of the picture for someone like him. Until he met you.
♡ You helped him get back on his feet and the two of you worked together to save up enough money for a wedding ceremony and reception, along with a honeymoon.
♡ Most honeymoons are spent lazing by the beach, but due to his body being constantly at war with sunlight, you decided to book a trip to a lovely cabin hidden away in the woods, a private place for just the two of you.
♡ He honestly thought you'd end up getting married in Red Church, surrounded by cobwebs and broken glass, but you insisted that you two would find a way to escape the manor and you'd have a proper wedding.
♡ It took months of promises and longing, but the seal keeping everyone trapped in the manor finally snapped and let everybody escape. You took Andrew's hand that day and promised him that a brighter future was upon you.
♡ Your wedding was surprisingly inexpensive. Despite your days in the manor being long gone, many of the survivors stayed in touch with you and were more than willing to help. You don't need to hire a whole team of wedding planners with the survivors by your side.
♡ Michiko and Violetta teamed up to sew you the most gorgeous dress you had ever laid eyes on.
♡ Emma designed your bouquet and enveloped the chapel in beautiful flowers.
♡ Norton prepared your rings using the finest gems he could find.
♡ Margaretha found the most wonderful songs to play and arranged dances.
♡ Vera styled your hair and Fiona did your makeup.
♡ Victor handled the invitations and did a fantastic job. So on and so forth.
♡ You and Andrew were on good terms with almost everyone, so they were all pumped to see how your wedding would play out. It was the greatest team effort they put into anything since the escape of the manor.
♡ You two had lots of practicing to do before the actual wedding. For one, Andrew didn't know table manners. You'd have to lovingly teach him gestures like how to cut his meat and how to do a toast before even daring to eat at the reception.
♡ Dancing together in your rooms was what Andrew enjoyed the most, though. Margie planned several dance routines, so you had triple the practicing to do when it came to dancing.
♡ Andrew was surprisingly agile during fast-paced dances, he loved to twirl you in the air like in a movie and dip you so low you thought you were going to crash into the ground. Each yelp only spurred him to play with you more, drinking up your reactions and getting all giddy because it's you.
♡ As for slow dancing with Mister Kreiss? You're so lucky to say you're familiar with it. He hums along to whatever music you play in the background, and puts so much love into every step or twirl that you feel like your heart might burst. It's agony waiting to dance with him in a suit and dress rather than your pajamas.
♡ You're blown away when you see the wedding venue for the first time. It's pure white with shades of red sprinkled in, the same colours Andrew has hated about himself now repurposed to be something he'd look at fondly for the rest of his life. It was beautiful. Like him.
♡ You noticed a chair with an unfamiliar name on it. When you asked Andrew who it belonged to, he answered that it was for his late mother. She would have loved to come, he said.
♡ He doesn't take the day of the wedding very well. What do you mean he can't see you until the ceremony?! He wants to greet you, kiss you, practice some extra dance moves to be extra sure... he's grumpy while the guys of the manor dress and hype him up.
♡ "Alright, let's do this! THREE CHEERS FOR OUR MAN ANDREW!" William would cheer so loudly the girls would hear it from the other side of the church and burst out into laughter.
♡ Andrew couldn't stop his hands from shaking, though. His lifelong dreams were finally being realized. The love of his life was going to marry him tonight. Willingly. He could barely believe it.
♡ As for you? You're brimming with excitement at the idea of walking down the aisle and shooting an arrow of love straight into Andrew's heart. The girls are envious of you as they powder your face and tighten the seams of your dress.
♡ "I remember when you first met that boy," Michiko would say to you as she styled your dress, beaming at you through the mirror. "You were too shy to even speak to one another... ah, young love."
♡ It took a million checks to make sure you were ready to present yourself to everybody. Your hair, makeup, dress, veil, bouquet... everything had to be absolutely perfect. It was a bit difficult having so many girls look after you, because Tracy's idea of perfect was a little bit different than Michiko's. There was a lot of playful arguing, but you knew they just wanted this day to be flawless for you.
♡ Once the petals were strewn down the halls and the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their appearances, you finally presented yourself.
♡ It took everything in Andrew to not fall to his knees when he saw you. You were angelic, your white dress cascading down your back with a stunning hairstyle he's never seen you in before. Your bouquet was made of all your favourite flowers, and he could see the perfect shade of lipstick beneath your vail. You captured Andrew's heart as he leaned onto Luca's shoulder for support.
♡ Andrew wasn't the only one who had his breath taken away. Practically everyone was gawking at you. It made Andrew feel a little... possessive, seeing everyone's eyes on you. He was going to be marrying you. Not José, not Norton, not Victor but him.
♡ All of his negative feelings disappeared the moment you were in arms reach. He extended an arm to take your hand as you gladly obliged. When he felt the fabric of your dress against his wrist, electricity shot through his body for a second time.
♡ Being able to see Andrew up close was a dream come true. His usual matted hair was thoroughly washed and brushed, it appeared as if José had lent him a hand. His usual flower was still present even as he wore a breathtaking suit. He smelled like cologne and looked so nervous but in love... you couldn't wait to finally kiss your groom.
♡ His hands trembled as he lifted your veil to reveal your features to him. You flashed him a grin and he felt his heart explode. He danced his fingers along your cheeks until they met your shoulders, which he gave an affectionate pat before turning to the priest.
♡ He had Helena help him with his vows. He wanted to blow you away, to use words you didn't think he knew. It took him days to memorize the words of love he was going to bestow upon you. You overheard him talking to himself a few times, but never guessed they were his vows.
♡ He also has some trouble with words of affection. Andrew much prefers to hold you or do favours for you.
♡ "When I first met you, I didn't think I was worthy of love. It's still hard to believe, but... I promise to return to you every affectionate gesture you give to me. I'll love you always and forever, as my angelic wife. I want to grow old with you. I vow to protect you, adore you, and care for you as long as I'm your husband. Our hearts will always be melded together and nothing will ever change that. Thank you for saving me. I love you."
♡ His vows brought some of the survivors to tears. Most of them only knew Andrew as that really quiet guy who hid behind his girlfriend a lot, so to see him spill his heart out for you made the crowd let out a sea of "awwwh"'s.
♡ His face turned scarlet and he almost wanted to run out of the building and hide once he finished speaking. He stumbled over and mispronounced a few words, but you could tell he put his whole heart into it and he meant every word he said.
♡ When he's finally able to kiss you, Andrew dips you low and assaults your entire face with kisses, treading past your lips. He doesn't care about smudging your makeup or embarrassing you, you're finally his wife and he just wants to feel your face after waiting all day to.
♡ The cheers once you become man and wife are astounding. When you tossed the bouquet it was caught by Eli and Gertrude.
♡ Demi helped to bake an enormous cake, one that's almost as tall as you. On top were little toppers meant to look like you and Andrew that you kept as mementos.
♡ The reception was definitely more of a party than the wedding was. Antonio and Margie played music for everyone to dance along to, and a karaoke session was held as well.
♡ Andrew was a little stressed out by how much noise there was, but you reminded him everyone there loved him and he melted. He's not used to all this positive attention.
♡ Your heart burst when he extended an arm and asked you to dance. You had been practicing for so long that when you finally attended the real event, it felt like a dream.
♡ For just a few minutes, nothing existed but Andrew's arms around you and the elegant music brought to you by a live band.
♡ Once all the food is eaten and gifts are exchanged, everyone bids you farewell. The girls cry when they hug you and the guys all pat Andrew on the back, wishing him good luck for... what couples do on their wedding night.
♡ When you two finally arrive home, Andrew is exhausted. He's never been to such a crowded event before, especially one where he's the main focus.
♡ He'd need to lay his head in your lap and relax as he plays with your dress. The fabric felt so pleasing under his fingers. He was so in love with every part of you. He needed to be as close to you as possible after being kept from you, and from being in public with you. He cherished alone time like this.
♡ Once he's rested up, you'd have to unpack all your gifts! Each survivor and hunter gifted you something for your domestic life with Andrew. Matching mugs, blankets, cutlery, paintings... you were drowning in presents.
♡ It took an hour, but you finally unwrapped and stored everything away.
♡ Which leads to...
♡ You and Andrew have had sex before. Maaany times. He views it as making up for lost time, it helps with his insecurities, and he enjoys making you feel good. Andrew will do everything in his power to make sure the lovemaking on your wedding night is nothing short of magical.
♡ When you're settled at home and can't think of any more chores to do, Andrew is more anxious than he's ever been. His face is red in a furious blush and he's barely able to muster a sentence as he stands stiffly, lustful eyes on you.
♡ He knows what couples are meant to do on their wedding nights, and he's so excited to make your wishes come true, but this poor boy has no idea how to initiate things. Whenever you make love, it's because he's visibly horny but too anxious to say anything so you take care of him.
♡ You approached your husband, arms wrapping around his shoulders as you stared up into his eyes. He didn't look at you or respond to your inquiry of whether he's okay or not. The growing tent in his pants spoke for itself.
♡ Your eyes widened when you felt his erection brush against your thigh. He could tell that you felt his arousal ー because he hoisted you up bridal style and pressed an openmouthed kiss to your lips. He was going to take you, and he was going to do it right.
♡ His sudden burst of confidence lead to him carrying you to your bedroom, and he gave you another kiss before gently placing you down on the bed.
♡ Andrew wouldn't know what to do next. He wants you eat you out for hours but... your dress is in the way. And he doesn't feel like taking it off just yet. No, he wants to take his sweet time with you. It's your wedding night, after all.
♡ His solution? Dry humping. He's always adored being able to rut against you like a wild animal, and getting to do so in your elegant wedding gear has him rearing to go. He doesn't want to soil your gown, no, he just wants to do something absolutely filthy in attire that's meant to be for a ceremony all about you.
♡ He would spread your legs as far as they possibly could go in your dress. When he hikes your dress up to your lower stomach and finally sees the sweet dessert laid out just for him, he's bucking his hips into the cold air for any sense of relief.
♡ He'd press his clothed cock against your panties and see stars. His lovely wife was so close to him but so far... he wasn't sure how long he could last like this.
♡ Andrew ground against you in a frenzy, arms snaking around your back as his face nestled itself in the crook of your neck, sucking sweet little kisses onto the flesh. He groaned when he rubbed against you just right, aiming to hit the same spots over and over again.
♡ He wouldn't let your needs go unnoticed. Andrew would angle himself to rub against your clit, and he'd pay special attention to your neck as he desperately got himself off with your body.
♡ The low groan that escaped from his lips as he came into his boxers went straight to between your legs. As he rode out his high, he'd push your panties aside and finish you off with his fingers before pulling away. Something about cumming before even getting his clothes off made him growl with need. And it made him desire you even more than he already did; skin to skin this time.
♡ Andrew asked you to undress him. You felt him shudder underneath you as you removed his suit and got him out of his pants. Stripping him reminded you that beneath all the cologne and hair gel, it was still your Andrew. His scarred body yearned for yours and you were more than happy to press a chaste kiss to his chest once he was undressed, your way of telling him you loved him.
♡ Your husband would ask you to sit in his lap, right on top of his aching boner just begging to be touched, and grind against it as he undid the several seams on your back.
♡ Andrew loves mirrors. He doesn't like seeing himself in them, but you? He could watch you be undressed through a mirror all day long. He thinks his hands look good when they're unbuttoning the fabric keeping him from you.
♡ You looked so radiant that Andrew would need to fuck you in front of a mirror just to truly see you.
♡ He would take his sweet time with you, for every untied string he would thrust up to grind against your clothed pussy and nibble your shoulders. Hearing you mewl in his lap causes his hands to fumble as he undresses you. He wondered just how someone could be so cute every time a moan is pulled from your throat.
♡ Andrew felt a little dejected once your dress was ready to come off. He would miss seeing you in it.
♡ ...Those feelings didn't last long, though. The moment he laid eyes on your bare body he was surging with confidence and hunger.
♡ "You look so ravishing... my... my wife..." he muttered, mostly to himself. It appeared he was still in disbelief that you were a wedded couple. Throughout the night he'd periodically mumble to himself that you were his wife, or he'd call you Mrs Kreiss. It had a lovely ring to it.
♡ Andrew wants ー no, needs ー to taste you after being away from you for so long. He would eat you out like a man starved.
♡ Positioning his face between your thighs, Andrew licked a sloppy stripe up your pussy, stopping right below your clit. Then he'd lick back down, avoiding the place where you needed him most. Your frustrated groans earned a soft chuckle from Andrew. He wanted to draw this out... he was in a playful mood.
♡ He massaged your thighs as he teased your folds, finally pulling away to ask you the question that would be the death of you. "Tell me what you want, my... wife..." his voice dropped in volume when he reached your title. He didn't care in that moment how cheesy it sounded, this was the ultimate night to be sappy with his angel.
♡ "Enough teasing, Andrew, please... eat me out," you'd weep through gritted teeth as your husband nibbled your thighs and nodded his head in response your pleas.
♡ Now that he's gotten you riled up for him (he wants to feel needed), he's not holding back. Andrew is the king of being unintentionally rough. He'd leave your core battered from how deep his licks are and how his chin smacks against your soft flesh.
♡ The moment Andrew feels you contract and twitch around him, he's slipping a wet finger into your walls to torture you further. He won't stop his ministrations even as you cum hard around him.
♡ He's extra passionate for your wedding night which translates into him not giving you a break. He doesn't want to pull away from your pussy, he wants to keep his head burrowed between your legs for as long as he possibly can. His tongue is going to commit every inch of you to memory tonight.
♡ If you really want to make this night worth your while, tackle Andrew once you feel overwhelmed and turn the tables on him.
♡ He loves when you take control and take him by surprise. One minute he was devouring you, and the next you've pushed his back against the headrest and you're lowering your head dangerously close to his cock.
♡ He wants you to feel good even as you suck him off, so Andrew will finger you while your lips are wrapped around his dick. He'll angle himself so the palm of his hand rubs against your sensitive nub. It drives him wild how sloppy your strokes and licks are when you're on the verge of cumming.
♡ He'd prefer to cum in your mouth. It's an intimate night, he doesn't want you to be completely covered in his seed just yet. He'd rather save that for the honeymoon.
♡ Chest heaving against your back, Andrew's next move is to pull you into his lap again. Remember how much he loves mirrors? He'll seat you right on his cock and direct your face with his hands to look right into the mirror across from your bed.
♡ "My wife," he'd murmur into your shoulder before snapping his hips into yours.
♡ Having Andrew's mouth so close to your ears means you'll get to hear every gasp and purr that he emits. And he makes a lot of quiet noises he tries to hide.
♡ Andrew made sure to cup a hand around your breasts and kiss your neck & lips as well. He wants to surround you. He wants all of your senses to be overtaken by him until you can't function.
♡ He would whisper praise into your ear, telling you how beautiful you look and how good you feel around him. It's not like him to be this bold and dominant but you're loving it.
♡ Andrew asked to cum inside you that night. When he finally reached his climax, he lifted you up so he could admire the string of cum connecting the husband to his wife. He was addicted to the sight and made sure to capture it in his memories for as long as he could.
♡ After several more rounds of rough licks and hard thrusts, Andrew would want something more soft and classic with you.
♡ Gently lowering you onto the mattress, Andrew would hover over you and press a tender kiss to your lips. With one long thrust, he'd fill you right up and stay like that, your hands connecting.
♡ His thrusts would be slow and sensual, making love to you rather than just fucking you. Don't be surprised if you feel hot tears drop onto your shoulders. This is one of the most sentimental moments of Andrew's whole life.
♡ Your tongues would dance as your lips locked in an intense kiss, you can tell how desperately he's trying to last and make this feel good for you.
♡ Andrew quickly repositioned himself to hit that spot inside of you. He's committed the location to memory, and wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't relentlessly batter it tonight.
♡ Your sudden gasps caused his thrusts to grow frantic, his hot breath fanning onto your neck as he plowed you into the mattress.
♡ You could feel his smirk on your skin when you began to pulse around him.
♡ "Good girl..." he would purr, rubbing circles on the back of your hand as you rode out your high. Hearing your cries of pure ecstasy pushed Andrew over the edge, and he emptied himself into you. You had never felt so stuffed before.
♡ Once you've decided you had enough, Andrew's entire demeanour changes. Before, he was determined to push your limits and hear your cries, while now he's insisting that you take a bath. He feels awful that he ruined your hair and makeup, plus you're littered with hickeys and your thighs are stained with seed... he doesn't know that you wouldn't have it any other way.
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A Crown Of Fake Roses
Where The Roses Bloom Epilogue
Story Pairing: Stable Lad! Calum Hood x Princess Reader
Summary: The King has some business to attend
Warnings: Language and Violence
Word Count: 1K
Author’s Note: The secrets are revealed, but not all of them so, read carefully 👀 Remember that Reblogs, Feedback, Comments and Likes are super important! You have no idea how much they help me 💕 Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻✨
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Series Materialist || prologue || chapter one || chapter two || chapter three || chapter four || chapter five || chapter six || chapter seven
It was late at night and the King still sat in his throne room, tapping his fingers on the armchair as the frown he wore left permanent wrinkles that would remind him of his age once he woke up in the morning.
The plan of having his daughter married failed as the Young King of The Vail left this afternoon in a ship destined to his own kingdom, having fulfilled his promise and making Richard look like a fool. All because of her.
Still, the Old King was relentless and very stubborn, he would not let himself be the fool once again. Not when his head was already planning something else, something better.
The throne room was in complete silence as he pondered in his thoughts, yet he knew he wasn’t alone.
“You know I don’t like to be watched” He called to the seemingly empty room. But soon after his statement, he saw movements come from the shadows.
They always liked the shadows.
“And I don’t like to have to watch you, Your Majesty, but I guess we can’t always be winners”
A young man appeared from the corner of the room, he wore a dashing smile that could distract anyone from the ugly scar that ran across his left eye. The man was tall, too tall, and dressed in a black suit with a black cape that matched his black hair. He was older than the Prince, but still a youngster at heart with how much he liked to annoy the hell out of the monarch.
“Watch it, crow” The King warned “You are lucky I’m not sending you back to the dungeons where you belong”
The crow chuckled, “You and I both know you need me, Your Majesty, and besides, this time I was not at fault here. You were the one who sent me spying on King Hemmings while the Princess decided to run off. Guess we both underestimated her, huh?”
King Richard banged his fist against the throne, letting the sound silence the crow’s laughter.
“Don’t put the blame on me, Barakat” The King barked, pointing his finger to Jack “You were in the dungeons for much less than this. Or don’t you remember the fiasco you caused when you decided to kill The King and Queen of The Vail all those years back?!”
The young crow rolled his eyes.
“They knew too much, it was that or let the whole plan go to shit. They died before they could even tell anyone it was you who sent me there. So I believe a thank you is in order”
“The fact that you are still standing here shows I’m merciful enough. Killing them was a careless mistake if you left their heir alive! You knew the plan and you messed it up! Now their son is blocking me from ever getting my hands on that army…”
“And did you really think that would’ve worked?” Barakat asked, pacing the room without making a sound “Getting that preppy King to marry your daughter after you sent him the letters of threat thinking they wouldn’t notice? They are people from The Vail! They are smarter than you think, that Clifford guy knew I was there watching him within the 30-second mark, that motherfucker was always a pain in the ass. And what were you going to do after? Kill the King and take control of their troops because your daughter would be Queen? Or would you have killed her as well?”
Jack looked at the King and gasped at how angry he looked. He always hated being outsmarted.
“Oh my god, that was your plan wasn’t it?” He laughed “And I uncovered it in what? Two minutes? You have to step up, Your Majesty. That’s just embarrassing”
Suddenly, the King got up from his throne and walked over to the crow, caging his neck with his hand and pushing his skinny body against the wall.
“You shut up, you worthless bastard” The King spat, tightening his grip on the young man’s neck whose face started to drain from color “What I should be hearing from that sorry little mouth of yours is a “thank you” and a “sorry” Because I was the one who pulled you out the dungeon to give you another simple job and you couldn’t do that right!”
The King let go of the crow’s throat, letting Jack fall to the floor as he gasped for air.
“One thing, I asked for one thing: Spy on my daughter so she wouldn’t cause trouble before the wedding, and now look at where we are!”
“In my defense,” Barakat coughed out “The fact that you weren’t aware of your own daughter’s doings was not my fault. And the moment I found out about her little relationship I came straight at you now, didn’t I? Imagine just how worse this could all be if I hadn’t been there to slow down their search and their plans? All while you paraded yourself with a victory stance”
Richard turned to him, his eyes boiling in anger as he grabbed the crow by the collar “Give me one good reason of why I shouldn’t send you to the gallows right in this instant”
“Then you wouldn’t know where your daughter is heading right now with her dear stable boy and what a shame that would be”
The King’s eyes widened “You know where she is?”
Barakat grinned.
“Word says they are headed to the Northern Islands, the ones further from the continents. A place with no crows nor political alliances. A place where you, my dear King, have no power… yet”
“What are you saying?” The Old King asked, but Jack only shrugged.
“Let me live and I’ll tell you. You want a war, Your Majesty? Then start acting like you’re in one”
King Richard let go of the crow, walking away from him as he sat back on his throne with an unreadable expression. Not wanting to waste his time any longer.
“You need me,” Barakat stated.
“I doubt it” The King answered “But I’ll consider your proposal. Let’s see if you can actually redeem yourself this time”
The young crow huffed and rolled his eyes at the King, knowing damn well they will have this same conversation in the morning, maybe then he could convince the old man to give him more power as a commander.
If the King wants a war, then he’ll get a war.
“Oh and, Sir Barakat?” The King called before he returned to the shadows “Call the guards up here. I need to have a conversation with my son”
End of book one
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @matchacal @bubblegum18 @irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr @hoplessromantic727 @fivesecondsofonedirection @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @major5sosstan @myloverboyash @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos @girlwhosimps @wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @yeah-and69 @fckingpernico @multistann @averageantichrist @a-darneddarling @tpwkcth @f-mu @kindahumanbutalsoinsane @floweronyourskin @ihavenoideawhattodowithyou @cncoangelss
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Hey guys! So I wanted to write a new dream Fic since I never really have written one yet so this is my first. I really wanted to write one because I wanted to include the characters for the series since we didn’t actually get to see them in the short and since we didn’t really get a scene where cass apologized to Varian I decided to include it so here it is. I also want to thank @lanceloth for helping me with some ideas I added to my story I hope you like it and let me know what you think?
Rapunzels Wedding
Rapunzel’s Long awaited day had finally arrived she was finally going to get married. Rapunzel was so exited she honestly thought she never would have even gotten this far when she lived in the Tower. She always thought that she would have been stuck in that tower forever and never get to have a adventure. But all that changed when she met Eugene and fell in love with him.
“Hello your highness, I see your already up, are you exited for the big day?” Faith asked Rapunzel.
“Hey Faith, yes I am REALLY EXITED!, Eugene and I have been together for a while now and we have had so many adventures together we even defeating Zhan Tiri together with the help of our friends of course, but now I am ready to be queen and rule this kingdom when the time comes.” Rapunzel replied.
Faith smiled, “I’m glad Princess you’ll make a great queen”. Faith stated.
Rapunzel smiled, Faith was very shy and she didn’t like to talk much not like cass did. Faith finished getting Rapunzel ready for the wedding when an unexpected friend showed up. Cassandra opens the door and walks in.
“Hey Raps!” Cassandra said. Rapunzel turned around and a huge smile came on her face.
“Cass!” Rapunzel shouted running to give Cassandra a hug. “What are you doing here?, I thought you were on an adventure and you couldn’t come” Rapunzel said hugging her tighter.
Cassandra smiled and returned the hug, “come on you didn’t think I’d miss your wedding day, Eugene and I do have our differences but I still wouldn’t miss your special day” Cassandra smiled pulling away from the hug.
Rapunzel smiled, “Do you want to help me finish getting ready like old times?” Rapunzel Asked Cassandra.
“Sure why not” Cassandra said with a smile. Faith left and while Cassandra was getting Rapunzel ready Eugene was in his room getting ready for the wedding.
“Lance I can’t believe it, After asking and asking Rapunzel finally said yes, i can’t wait to live the rest of my life with her” Eugene stated to Lance who was helping him put his suit on.
“I know who knew a lucky guy like you could have gotten a girl as pretty and Royal as Rapunzel, I mean you were an orphan, and most of your life you were a thief stealing and your big dream was to live on an island all alone with money” Lance said.
Eugene looked at Lance with a I can’t believe you just went there look, “Ok you are right I honestly didn’t think I ever settle down with someone, but I didn’t know I was a prince either” Eugene stated.
“Yeah look what you did to stalyan, you left her at the alter and you know what happened” Lance said remembering that day they kidnapped them and he almost died. Eugene remembered that day too it was probably the hardest thing he ever had to do to Rapunzel. He could just remember the face she made when he closed the door on Rapunzel, he didn’t do it intentionally but he had no choice to save Lance.
Lance looked at Eugene, “Hey, don’t be getting emotional on me” Lance said.
“That was all in the past buddy, today is the day you have been waiting for all your life, you deserve to be happy Eugene” Lance said putting his hand on Eugenes shoulder.
Eugene smiled, “Thanks Lance, I know we don’t really talk about our emotions but your the best friend I could ask for thanks buddy “ Eugene told Lance with a smile.
“Alright, let’s finish getting you ready” Lance said with a smile while fixing Eugenes Jacket.
Meanwhile back in Rapunzel’s room, Cassandra finished fixing Rapunzel’s dress, “Wow Raps, you look beautiful!” Cassandra told Rapunzel.
“Aww thanks Cass” Rapunzel answered with a smile.
Cassandra put the vail on Rapunzel’s hair and she was finished. Rapunzel turned to look into the mirror and see herself. “Wow, Thank you Cass for helping me and coming all this way to see me get married” Rapunzel said giving Cass a hug. Cassandra smiled and returned the hug.
“Cass can you do me a favor? Can you go find Varian and ask him if he’s ready he is done helping Max and Pascal they are going to hand us the rings.” Rapunzel asked Cass.
“Sure Raps, I’ll be back before the wedding starts” Cassandra answered heading to the door to leave.
Varian was in his lab getting ready for the wedding since Eugene has asked him and Lance to be his best man, Varian felt honored he never got invited to a wedding before and he certainly never thought he be someone’s best man but he was happy that his two best friends were finally getting married after everything that happened they deserved to be happy.
Varian heard a knock at the door, “I’m coming” he shouted. Varian opened the door and to his surprise it was Cassandra, he wasn’t expecting to see her at the wedding since she was on her adventure.
“Oh Hey Cass, what a surprise I thought you couldn’t make it to the wedding?” Varian asked sheepishly.
“Hey Varian, uhh Raps wanted me to ask you if you were done getting ready and if you finished helping Max and Pascal with the rings?” Cass asked trying to not make eye contact. Varian gave a small smile,
“Oh.. yeah they are ready their just waiting for me to finish getting ready.” Varian said sheepishly. There was an awkward silence for awhile, Cassandra felt uneasy with Varian because of what she did to him when she was bad, she didn’t know if varian actually forgave her for what she put him through kidnapping, Drugged him, pushing him off a cliff, but most of all controlling his dad, he had already suffered with him loosing his dad and she just had made it worst for him.
Varian felt a bit odd being around Cassandra he was still trying to get over what she did to him. she never really apologized to him for what she did and what she caused him to go through she just got up and left. No Jail time or community service, it just didn’t seem fair that he was tossed in Jail for his crime and Cass wasn’t. Varian liked Cass and he knew she changed for the better now but he still had some kind of resentment towards her.
Cassandra saw Varian and she knew what she did to him was wrong and that she needed to make amends because Varian at once did think of her as his friend.
“Varian, I’m really sorry for everything I did and put you through, I know I never really fully apologized to you and it wasn’t right and I don’t know what I can do to make it up to you?, I’m really sorry Varian for everything” Cassandra said with her head down and a sad tone in her voice.
Varian didn’t know what to say, he knew Cass wasn’t a person who liked to share or show her feelings, but he understood what she went through because he went down that path of darkness too and if Rapunzel was able to forgive him and trust him again and give him a second chance after everything he did he should do the same.
“Cass, it did hurt me what you did to Corona and to me, and I tried reaching out to you but you refused to Listen..but I understand because I went down that path of darkness myself and it blinds you and makes you into a monster...but just as Rapunzel forgave me and gave me a second chance then I should do the same.” Varian said with a half smile.
“Cass I forgive you, I forgive you for everything and I hope we can learn to trust each other and be friends again”Varian told her giving her a smile. Cassandra looked at Varian and gave him a smile.
“Th...Thank you Varian, I promise I am going to try my best do whatever i can to make it up to you” Cassandra said putting her hand on his shoulder. Varian gazed at Cassandra and gave her a smile.
“Thank you Cass, It’s great to have you back” Varian said giving her a hug. Cassandra smiled and Returned the hug.
Varian pulled away from the hug, “well I have to finish getting ready I’ll see you at the wedding?” Varian asked Cassandra.
“Yea I’ll see you at the wedding” Cassandra answered.
Varian waved goodbye to Cassandra and finished getting himself ready. The wedding was about to begin all the guest were arriving and getting to their seats Eugene was already at the alter with Lance and Varian beside him waiting for Rapunzel to walk down the isle. The doors opened and the wedding march started playing the king was walking Rapunzel down the isle Eugene couldn’t take his eyes of his Fiancé she was beautiful she was wearing a beautiful white dress with a long lace design vail. He still couldn’t believe that the day he had been waiting for finally arrived after asking and asking Rapunzel finally said yes.
King Fredric kissed his daughter on the cheek and handed her over to Eugene. The priest started saying
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company of witnesses to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony”. Max and pascal were waiting close to the bride and groom to hand them the rings when they asked for them. But a flower flew into Max nose and he could stop himself from sneezing.
The sneezed made the pillow go up and down tossing the rings up and rolling them outside. Max and Pascals face went pale luckily no one was paying attention to what just happened. Max and Pascal immediately ran after the rings to try and catch them, Varian saw them leave in a hurry and wondered what happened because they were going to ask for the rings soon, Varian sneaked our of his place and went out the back to try and catch Max. Luckily Max saw Varian and ran up to him while Pascal was still trying to catch the rings.
“Max what are you guys doing?, They are doing to ask for the rings soon....Max where are the rings?” Varian asked with concern.
Max snorted trying to tell him what happened and Varian understood. “A flower flew up your nose and made you sneezed causing the rings to fall and roll away? Varian asked Max to confirm that’s what happened. Max shook his head yes.
“Well let’s go find them and get them back quickly before they notice that we are gone” Varian said staying to run after the rings.
They ran throughout the entire market trying to get the rings, Max was running after Eugenes ring but he didn’t see the wheel cart in front of him and she stepped on it causing him to fall inside and make the cart move. He manage to catch the ring with his mouth when the cart was on the move, but he didn’t see the frying pan signs and he couldn’t control the cart and he got hit with 4 signs he was passed out. When the frying pans were hitting Max the person releasing the lanterns thought the bell rang and let the tarp go to let the lanterns fly. Pascal saw one of the rings get caught on one of the lanterns they were going to release after the wedding bell rang, pascal looked at Varian.
“Ok Pascal, do you think you can climb up there and get it?” Varian asked.
Pascal saluted Varian with his hand and started to climb. he saw the tarp fall and the lanterns started to fly away. Pascal managed to get to the lantern with the ring before it flew away and tried to grab it but a strong wind blew the lantern making the ring fall. Varian ran after it trying to catch it before it fell.
“I got it, I got it” Varian shouted reaching his hands to catch the ring, but he wasn’t watching where he was going and bumped into a fruit cart full of blueberries. He fell into the cart face first getting his black suit all stained with blueberries. “Gah! this is never coming off, and my dad is going to kill me” Varian stated to himself lifting himself up from the cart and dusting off any remaining blueberries.
“I’m so sorry I will pay for the damage as soon as i get the rings” Varian told the merchant still running after Rapunzel’s ring.
Max had finally woken up the cart was still rolling he opened his lips to see if he still had the ring and he did he was happy. Max looked around to see where he was and to try to stop the cart, when he saw Rapunzel’s ring rolling on the ground, Pascal managed to land the lantern he was on and he started to run after the ring again. Varian continued to run after Max and Pascal he was trying to avoid as many obstacles as he could. He Spotted Max and Pascal he ran as fast as he could to catch up. Pascal had managed to catch Rapunzel’s ring and max pulled him into the cart they smiled at each other as they saw that both rings were safe.
Varian spotted a cliff, the road was about to end, “*gasp* guys look out!” Varian shouted to Max and Pascal.
Max and Pascal looked forward and saw a dead end they looked at each other and a scared look came on their faces. Varian kept running and was thinking to himself how he was going to stop that cart.
“Ugh, if only I had brought my Alchemy balls I could stop the cart,.... Wait I do have one” Varian said breathlessly from all his running. He pulled a ball full of blue liquid, he tossed it at the cart, the ball exploded, the smoke finally cleared and some kind of blue hoop had stopped the cart just in the nick of time but the cart was going so fast that when it stopped it tossed Max and Pascal into the sky.
“No..No..No.. that wasn’t supposed to happen it shouldn’t have tossed them out...it was just supposed to stop the cart” Varian said with anger and worry. What if they don’t land somewhere safe, what if they die from the fall no one can survive a fall from that height, it would have been his fault that Max and Pascal were gone and Rapunzel and Eugene wouldn’t have any rings and the wedding would be ruined and everyone would hate him again. Varian looked up and saw that they managed to fall in a tar factory.
“ohh.. that’s not good” Varian shockingly said. He started to run towards the tar factory, when he arrived Max and Pascal were covered in black tar. “Oh guys.... I am so sorry...I...I didn’t mean for this to happen” Varian told them with sadness in his voice.
Max and Pascal looked at each other and smiled, Max nudged Varian telling him to look at them, Max opened his lips and Pascal opened his hand and they put the rings in Varian’s hands.
“*gasp*, you still have the rings!” Varian said with excitement. “Oh no... the wedding must almost be over we better leave now” Varian stated.
“I’m sorry about the tar incident can you forgive me?” Varian asked Max and Pascal. They smiled and gave him another nudge telling him they forgave him.
“Thanks guys” Varian said with a smile. They made their way back to the castle running as fast as they could, they managed to make it at the exact moment the priest was done.
“May I have the rings” the priest said.
Rapunzel and Eugene turned around and were absolutely in shock at what they saw, Max and Pascal were mostly covered in tar, and Varian was standing right next to them and his suit covered in blue stains and his hair was all messed up and dirty from when he was running. Nobody knew what to think or what happened, Eugene grabbed his ring and put it on Rapunzel’s finger, and Rapunzel grabbed Eugene ring and placed it on his finger, they looked at each other.
“You May kiss the bride” the priest said.
Eugene and Rapunzel kissed and everyone started shouting and clapping congratulating the newly weds. Eugene and Rapunzel made their way to the out of the church to the castle where they would finished celebrating their wedding. Varian smiled he was so happy they were able to get the rings back and that the wedding wasn’t ruined. Cassandra and Lance came over to Varian.
“What happened to you?” Cassandra asked
“Yeah why are you all dirty?” Lance asked
“Hehe... it’s a long story” Varian said sheepishly putting his hand behind his head.
“Well we have till the party is over, here let’s go get you cleaned up before you dad sees you” Cassandra said with a smile
“Hehe ok thanks Cass” Varian answered with a smile.
Lance took Max and Pascal to try and get them cleaned up as well before the party started he didn’t know how he was going to take off the tar but he’d finds a way. Cassandra managed to get some of the blueberries stains out and she fixed his hair, Lance found a natural remedy Exavior gave him to get rid of the tar without pulling the skin, Lance rubbed olive oil around the tar and waited 15mins and he gently pulled the tar off. They made their way to the party, everyone was dancing and singing and having a great time, Varian told Lance and Cassandra what happened.
“Wow, all this happened and no one even noticed” Cassandra answered
“Well that was kinda the point heheh” Varian said sheepishly.
Varian spent time with Cassandra and Lance, Cassandra told Varian and Lance what she had done during her adventure and what she encountered, Varian and Lance told some jokes to Cass who didn’t really laugh much but they sure did try to make her.
The party was a hit all the people of Corona were happy and Rapunzel and Eugene were happy to finally be Married. It was time for Cassandra to leave she went up to Rapunzel and Eugene.
“Raps, I am so happy for you, I still think you like have gotten married to someone else but...” Cassandra said with a smile looking at Eugene.
“Haha.. very funny Cass” Eugene teased.
“Haha, I’m kidding Eugene, I know you would do anything for Rapunzel” Cassandra said with a smile
“I’m so proud of you both” Cassandra said pulling them into a hug.
“Thanks for not giving up on me” Cassandra whispered to them. Rapunzel and Eugene Retuned the hug with a smile.
Cassandra went over to Varian, she wanted to leave right this time, “Varian it was great seeing you agin and I’m glad that we made up, I know it wasn’t easy for you to forgive me but I hope we can learn to trust each other again and be friends” Cassandra said with a smile.
“Thanks Cass, and we are friends” Varian said with a smile. Varian pulled Cass into a hug, Cass smiles and returned the hug. Cassandra waved goodbye and left.
Not long after that Lance went home with the girls, they congratulated the newly weds and went back to their tree house. Varian was ready to go home himself it was a long day, but he wanted to stay to see Rapunzel and Eugene leave for their honeymoon. The party was over, Rapunzel and Eugene walked out down the stairs to get to their horses that were already there waiting for them, Varian came up to them before they hopped on their horses.
“I just wanted to say thanks... to both of you for everything you’ve done for me, especially you Rapunzel for pardoning me and not giving up on me...and Eugene thanks for being like a father to me, for Letting me be apart of your team and being there when I need you” Varian said with a half smile. “I’ll miss you guys” Varian said with a smile.
Rapunzel and Eugene looked at Varian and pulled him into a hug, “we love you Varian, we couldn’t have saved Corona without you” Rapunzel said with a comforting tone.
“Yeah bud, we love you, and it wouldn’t be Team Awesome without you, well miss you Varian, try not to get hurt while working your inventions ” Eugene said with a smile hugging him tighter.
Varian smiled, “hehe thanks.... I promise I’ll be careful” Varian said with a smile. “I love you guys too” Varian said returning an even tighter hug. Varian pulled away for the hug and waved one last time before heading home.
They waved goodbye to their family and friends, Varian waved one last time before they got on their horses, “you ready sunshine?” Eugene asked Rapunzel. “Ready” Rapunzel answered.
“I love you Eugene” Rapunzel said with a smile
“I love you too Sunshine” Eugene answered.
They kissed each other on the lips and Ran off into the sunset. They lived Happily Ever After!
The End
I hope you enjoyed reading this? I’m sorry of it ran long, I had more ideas and i actually looked up on how to get rid of tar so part of this story is true lol I had a few other ideas so I added them so it kinda just came out like this😶 this was also my first time making a New Dream Fic so it’s not that great. Anyways let me know what you think? I’d love to hear your feedback it’s what keeps me going 💕 thanks for baring with me and reading this till the end💕
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Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Friend!Reader, (Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Tony Stark [mentioned], Stephen Strange [mentioned]) 
Warnings: Angst, major injuries, major character death (or is it? Wink, wink). Basically, don’t be too scared!
Words: 5.9k
A/N: Hello fam! Last spring I truly discovered Marvel and fell in love with it, and has been writing some one shots here and there since then. I know I’ve gotten some requests to write other stuff, but I have so much to do with uni and everything right now so I don’t have time really to write something good enough to post. This however, has just been sitting on my computer since summer, and today I finally pulled myself together and did the final tweaking it needed, so hopefully this is okay for now, even though it isn’t the greatest thing I’ve written haha. And also, the gif isn’t mine even if it really does things to my heart lol (I just wanna hug him, okay?) Also, I suck at titles. 
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You glance to your left, where Bucky and Steve are standing, as safe as they can be in a battlefield. And then you smile at them, softly, with a sad, apologetic, expression on your face. Because you are sorry, sorry that it has to be this way. And Bucky’s eyes grow rounder and rounder, while Steve opens his mouth to yell something — your name? A cry for you to stop? — while there’s an increasing fear in their cerulean and steel blue eyes as the realization of what’s really about to happen settles in. And you know, that this is where it ends.
A couple of hours earlier
You turn the corner of the hallway, and are greeted with the sight of Steve and Bucky, standing in the other end. Bucky is leaning back against the wall, and Steve stands before him, arms crossed over his chest. As far as you can tell from a distance — judging by their body language — the conversation is casual and lighthearted, despite what’s about to happen later today.
”Hey guys,” you call as you walk up to them, excited bounce to your step.
”Hey kid,” Steve greets you, with a smile ghosting over his lips when he sees you.
”New suit?” Bucky asks as he looks you over, straightening up and turning to face you, eyebrows perking up.
”You bet,” you reply, grinning proudly as you do a little pirouette, holding up your hands into the air. ”You guys jealous?”
Bucky huffs with an amused expression on his face.
”Nah, I’ve grown to like mine,” Steve teases, placing a hand on his hip before gesturing towards your new uniform, as he would call it, ”but it looks fancy.” 
”Thank you,” you respond with a grin. ”Tony designed it for me, I’d love to tell you about all the new finesses and stuff, after all of this,” you continue, winking and wondering if they’ll take the bait, take the opportunity you gave them to tease you even more.
Because listening to you talk about all the new functions and details of your suit has a strong possibility of being quite boring — although, you are pretty invested about it yourself, finding it all very cool. Awesome, even. But then again, it’s your suit, so.
”Well, I’d love to hear it,” Bucky says as he tilts his head slightly to the side, eyes leaving the details on your shoulders that he’s currently looking at, to meet your gaze, a glimpse in his eyes.
”Me too,” Steve agrees, and you look up at them with so much adoration in your eyes, you don’t even try to conceal it. How did you find friends like them?
Because now you’re once again reminded of how great they both are, and you feel all embarrassingly soft on the inside. You’re incredibly lucky to have them in your life, and you do try to remind yourself that as often as you can, because you really don’t know if you deserve them.
You met Steve in a time he felt the loneliest, and when you felt the most lost. You were technically still a kid back then, and now a few years later, when you’re more secure in yourself and your powers are stronger, your bond isn’t any less strong, thank goodness.
And then Bucky came back and you stuck by Steve’s side through all the angst and heartbreak. And when Bucky really was back, you tried to distance yourself — to give them some space to catch up, and also, Steve had his true best friend back now, he didn’t need you. But Steve wouldn’t let you, telling you that he never had much friends in his life and he wasn’t going to give one up just because another one came back, even if it was Bucky, who he grew up with. So then you got to know Bucky as well. Once, the former assassin — well, the Winter Soldier wasn’t even him in your opinion — even said that he often forgets ’how you were born in the 90s and weren’t with them yet back in the 40s’ and that is something you’ve taken to heart and carry with you.
Of course, it’s a fine line to walk, because you don’t want to intrude on their friendship. But so far, they haven’t said or implied that that would be the case, so as far as you can tell, you’re good.
”Are you ready (Y/N)?” Steve asks, his tone more serious now, bringing you back to the moment.
”As ready as I’ll get,” you reply, shrugging and looking directly into his blue eyes, giving him a nod.
The fight that’s about to go down is a serious one, but you try not to think about that too much. It makes it harder to focus, and you don’t want to be too tense.
Get in there, do what you came to do, and go home. That’s the motto.
Although, you are still very aware of the battle’s importance, and that’s not something either of you can deny.
”How ’bout you?” you ask, looking from Steve to Bucky.
”Meh,” Bucky shrugs, casually.
”Of course,” Steve says and nods.
It’s quiet for a moment, before Steve speaks up again, looking from Bucky to you.
”Should we go and meet up with the others? We need to go over the plan again.” You and Bucky both nod.
”Sure thing,” Bucky says, and then you all leave your spot — Bucky curling his arm around your shoulders as you walk — the impending battle feeling more and more real and threatening by the minute.
You walk along the empty street. To your left is Steve and Bucky, Steve with his shield at the ready, and Bucky clutching a rifle. To your right is Natasha and Clint, both at the ready too. For as long as possible you’re going to stick together as a group. Safer that way.
It’s eerily quiet. Since the confrontation a few blocks back, there has been no one to be seen. There’s no cars on the streets and no people outside. And that goes for both civilians and enemies.
The only movements are some papers blowing in the wind. The sky is a dark gray and seemingly hanging low above your heads, like it’s about to fall down.
You’re just about to open your mouth to state out loud what you’re all thinking — that it’s too damn quiet — but never get so far.
Because suddenly, you’re under fire. Further down the street, hostile figures jump out from the connecting passage ways to the street you’re on. Bullets, grenades — and ammunition you’ve never seen before — are also coming from above, so they’re in the surrounding buildings.
You and your friends just walked into a trap. Without thinking, you throw your hands out, and the bullets closest to you freeze in the air. A few are only a couple of feet away from Natasha’s face when they stop moving. With your powerful mind, you push them further back towards the other bullets that’s hanging in the air — while Natasha stares with round green eyes — and as your enemies keep shooting, more bullets get stuck in the invisible vail.
It takes a lot of concentration. All of your concentration, more exactly, everything else around you seem far away and fading. Your face is set in a deep frown, and your jaw is clenched. You feel the headache coming like a pressure that wraps itself around your head. You hear your heartbeat thumping in your ears.
”(Y/N),” Steve breathes from besides you, staring from the growing ensemble of bullets and grenades and whatever, to you. ”Wh—what are you doing, you’re going to wear yourself out.”
Your arms are beginning to shake, and there’s a tickling sensation on your upper lip; you know your nose has started to bleed, as it does when you’re about to knock yourself out by pushing yourself too hard. Meanwhile, the bullets keep getting stuck in your invisible power wall, like flies in a spiderweb. Or even better, flies in one of those sticky fly traps.
”Move,” you hiss, through gritted teeth. You hadn’t heard what he had said, but it doesn’t matter. He and Bucky and the others need to get out of here now.
No one moves. Natasha looks at Clint, and Bucky looks at Steve and then they all stare at you.
”I said MOVE,” you scream, and then the redhead and the archer moves out of the way, running to the side of the street, hiding behind a building, out of the line of fire. They’re smart, you think to yourself through the hammering headache.
”(Y/N), what are you going to do?” Steve calls back over the noise of the battle. There’s alarm in his voice and it doesn’t seem as collected as usual. It’s even a bit wobbly.
This time you try to listen, even if it makes your head hurt more. Because he’s Steve, and he isn’t going to move if you don’t reply.
”I’m… going to redirect… the bullets…” you force out, not happy about having to talk while trying to stop the rain of deadly ammunition to reach your friends.
And as much as you want your reply to be true, you can’t guarantee that it will be. And that’s why you want the people you care most about in the entire world to move out of harms way, just to be sure.
If this goes south, you’re not only saving their lives, but the lives of the many people you know they’ll save.
Because your knees are growing weaker, and you’re feeling dizzy, but you try hard not to let it show. If not even a part of them believe you, they won’t leave their spots.
You dare to glance to the side, where you see Bucky and Steve both hesitating.
”Get out of the way,” you then scream, with finality in your voice and so much fire in your eyes that they actually move.
Bucky grabs Steve’s arm and pulls him away.
”Just trust me?” you ask, glancing up at your two taller friends.
Bucky nods. ”Of course.”
It’s time to trust you, he decides — what else can he do? — but he does find it harder to breathe against the pressure over his chest, and his heart is pounding against his ribcage. His mouth is dry and he tries to swallow to make it better, but there’s a lump in his throat that makes it hard.
When he and Steve reach the far end of the street, hiding behind a corner, pressing their backs close to the wall, they are left with no options but to wait and see what their much younger companion is going to do. Both hold their breaths, without realizing it. Bucky clutches his weapon, and Steve his shield.
You press your trembling, tired arms together directing them straight forward, so they’re outstretched right in front of you and as you do, the bullets draw together in front of you. You then lower your arms, and the lump of ammunition goes along with it. Now none of it is in level with your head at least.
The plan was to blow up all of the ammunition while still keeping it at a safe distance — while hopefully buying some time for your friends to attack as your enemies weapons are useless — but now you know that that isn’t going to happen; you’re too tired, there’s too much ammunition. You try to peak your attention, your energy, to push it all further back, to a safer distance. But the bullets don’t move at all, just wobbles in the air, and the only thing that happens is that you let out a groan as a reaction to the searing headache that peaks as well, while the blood from your nose turns to a steady stream.
So you glance to your left where Bucky and Steve are standing. Their blue eyes find yours and despite feeling like throwing up and caving in, you smile. You watch their facial expressions morph into their individual versions of pure, uncensored horror, and your stomach twists.
But you try to stay strong, even when your body is about to give out. This is your choice after all. You choose to save them, no matter what the cost will be for you.
So you give them a small nod, because this can very well be the last time you see them. You catch Steve leaving his spot and trying to run towards you, eyes wild, so you know you have to do this fast, before he gets too close and goes down too. This world needs all the heroes it can get, so you turn your head forwards and with the last bit of concentration, you blow up as many of the handful of grenades as possible, before you give in, completely emptied of all of your powers. The vail crumbles as you do, but you don’t have enough time to fall to the ground before the bullets comes soaring through the air, hitting your middle and lower body with such force that you’re thrown backwards like a rag doll.
You’re only briefly aware of the screams surrounding you, while your vision blacks out as your back hits the ground. And when the darkness slowly fades away, and you come to, you are left to stare up at the gray, rain-laden clouds above and the papers sailing down from it — a hole in the skyscraper to your right — unable to move. You draw a raspy, gurgling breath and then two familiar faces come into your field of vision.
”For g-god’s sake (Y/N),” Steve stammers and he feels his eyes sting, trembling hands finding the sides of your face, cradling your head. ”No.”
He can’t believe what he’s seeing. Despite the blood — on your torso, on your face, all over your legs — he can’t wrap his head around the reality that life is currently leaving you, the young girl he found those years ago and practically adopted. His eyes dart over your face and he winces when it scrunches up as a new wave of pain hits you. You don’t realize that it’s Bucky desperately trying to put pressure on at least some of your — larger — wounds.
You glance up at Steve with glassy eyes, not being able to see the details of his face anymore, which makes you sad. He’s a blurry shape now and you can’t really focus on his gaze that you so desperately want to meet, like you always do when you need reassurance.
Bucky leans into your field of vision too, his face bright with fear even though he tries his best to keep calm. A sweaty strand of his hair falls from the knot he had tied his hair into that morning, into his eyes.
”(Y/N), stay with me kid, and don’t you close your eyes just yet,” he says with a determination, but softness, in his voice that you admire but know is a waste. ”It’s not your time, not yet.”
Because your eyelids feel impossibly heavy and the world is going even fuzzier around the edges and it doesn’t even hurt anymore. You try to smile, but it’s probably not a pretty sight with bloodstained teeth and a numb face.
”’S okay…” you breathe out, and you don’t know if they hear it or not.
Steve shakes his head, blond bangs swaying back and forth as he does so. His eyes keep stinging, filling with tears and blurring his vision, and he keeps blinking them away because he needs to see.
”Steve, we need to move her, now,” Bucky says, lifting his gaze from the blood and glancing at Steve. There’s something dark and heavy in his eyes and Steve understands it, even though he doesn’t want to admit it.
A whole minute has passed since you fell, and that’s more than the majority gets once they’ve fallen on a battlefield. Steve and Bucky must not be under too much fire at the moment because then they wouldn’t be able to be here with you even if they wanted to. That brings you to the estimation that they’ve probably gained some back-up by now; and if you had been able to see, you would have spotted the familiar suits of the previously absent Avengers, as well as a ship — soaring through the sky — that’s one of your own.
Steve staggers to his feet, and holds up his shield.
”Don’t worry, (Y/N), we got you,” he says, with glossy eyes as he looks down at you. ”Just… just stay awake.”
Bucky snakes his arms under your knees and behind your back, and lifts you up. Your sight goes away for a moment as he does so. When it returns you spend a moment just looking up at Bucky as he weaves through the scene, following Steve closely. And there, pressed to Bucky’s chest, you really feel how tired you are, and your whole body just feels so numb and limp and your eyelids grow even heavier and then you let them slip close, not really noticing that they do.
”Here,” Steve breathes when they find a hiding spot, a block away from the center of the fight. ”Here’s good enough.”
Bucky nods, not trusting his voice, and kneels down to place you on the ground. He feels bad, laying you down on the hard asphalt but there aren’t any options. Steve crouches down next to you and Bucky, and when he sees how pale you look, and how your lips are losing their color, his heart lurches.
Steve grabs your shoulder, giving you at little shake. ”(Y/N)?”
A tear rolls down Bucky’s cheek as he realizes, he knows.
Steve doesn’t, and he shakes you again — your head lolling to the side — sounding much younger than he is when he calls your name again.
”Steve—” Bucky interrupts with a choked voice, gaining Steve’s attention, placing a hand on the blond’s shoulder.
When Steve looks up at his best friend, and sees the brunet’s puffy, red and tear-filled eyes, he understands.
He stares down at you again. Somehow you look peaceful, underneath all the blood, and yet it’s very, very, very wrong. Steve grabs your hand.
”No,” he whispers, ”no, no, no, no, no, no. You can’t be dead, (Y/N). She can’t be dead.”
Steve stares up at Bucky, blue eyes pleading. Bucky slowly shakes his head.
”No!” he then yells, shaking his head in denial.
”M’sorry Stevie,” Bucky says, tears rolling down his cheeks.
Bucky who, as many people as he killed while he was the Winter Soldier, has never had someone close to him die like this. Sure, he always prepared for having to face Steve’s death but it never came. The other man, however, had seen his ma die, Bucky die and then Peggy had died. Bucky’s whole family is dead, yes, but it had never happened in the present for him and not when he was in his right mind. And now he doesn’t really know what to do, besides feeling fully and utterly crushed.
Meanwhile, Steve looks down at you, before grabbing your shoulders and pulling you into a tight hug. He presses you close to his red, white and blue clad chest, a hand on the back of your head, buried in your hair.
Bucky watches and cries quietly, continuously wiping away his tears as they roll down his face. This is all so wrong. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
”Way too young and way too good,” Bucky murmurs after a moment, mostly to himself but Steve hears anyway.
”I-I’m gonna end them… all,” Steve growls to the sound of bombs and bullets in the distance.
Right here though, it’s quiet.
He then slowly lays you down again, head last and gently. His lower lip wobbles for a moment but still he can’t take his gaze away. He reaches down and tucks a loose piece of your hair behind your ear. Then he wipes away some of the blood from your nose with the back of his hand. Hot, heavy tears spills over, landing on his cheekbones and then rolling fast down his face.
”What the hell are we gonna do, Buck?” he whispers with so much devastation and heartbreak on his voice that Bucky’s heart shatters all over again and his face twists up in pain.
He hasn’t felt this way in a long time. The only moments that could compare are the ones that took place when he was young and Steve so sick that nobody knew if he would survive the night. But again, he always did.
Steve looks absolutely hopeless, and Bucky quietly pulls him into a tight hug. Neither of them know what to say, so they just cry silently. They should go back to the fight, help their team members, but they can’t bring themselves to move. Instead they spend a long — seemingly endless — moment in the worst pain there is, before it’s abruptly cut short of something gaining Bucky’s attention. He looks down at you again, to the sound of Steve asking what’s wrong.
He doesn’t answer right away though because it’ll just hurt even more if he’s wrong, and since the other option isn’t possible, that’s what’s going to happen.
But he stares, eyes round and mouth hanging slightly open as he watches tensely. Steve slowly lets him go, and turns to look at you too. And then you twitch. At first Bucky just thought he’d blinked, but then he noticed Steve’s head turning towards him in the corner of his eye. He glances back at Steve and they look at each other for a moment before you let out a groan and Bucky’s heart lurches, because of all the pain, relief, confusion and absolute joy all together.
You’ve always been very good at tugging at his heartstrings — ever since Steve introduced you to him, him being kind of a mother hen, practically claiming you as his own — but this is understandably the worst one yet. He might need to retire after this, or at least not do anything for a couple of weeks to recover from this emotional rollercoaster, because his nerves are now broken.
”(Y/N)?” he breathes, and when you move a little more he almost slumps forwards as all the stress that’s been keeping him indescribably tense leaves his body. 
And when you open your eyes, Steve and Bucky agrees that it’s probably the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen. Top five, at least. They have no idea how it’s possible, but both of them have seen enough unbelievable things in their life to not question it too much.
Bucky sits back, mouth hanging open. He blinks, his mouth slowly curling into a smile as tears well up in his eyes again, but this time they’re happy ones.
Steve scrambles forwards, hand on your shoulder. He looks intently down at your face, looking for any sort of flutter of your eyelashes or twist of your mouth, or any sort of movement or twitch.
And then your eyelashes do flutter, your eyes slipping open. At first you just gaze somewhere in front of you, eyes half open and observing a white star on blue fabric. Your eyebrows draw together a little, until you lift your gaze and meet the sky blue one of Steve. And then you smile, a very small, tired and crooked one, but a smile nevertheless.
You begin to try and sit up, but Steve gently applies pressure to his hand on your shoulder, motioning you to lie down again. Not yet.
”(Y/N)?” he breathes, eyes filled with so much emotion.
You can tell that he’s holding back the happiness that wants to break through because he’s not sure if this is all real yet.
You nod. ”Steve,” you croak, and then your eyes drift to the brunet behind the blond, ”Bucky.”
Steve lets out a small, quiet chuckle in spite of himself, lump still in his throat but the pressure over his chest is easing up.
Meanwhile, Bucky is looking over your abdomen. It’s hard to see because of all of the red staining, but when he inspects it closer he can see that the wounds are closing up, not as deep as before. The bullets have all risen to the top of them as well, so much that Bucky can pick them out.
”How are you feeling?” Bucky asks when he’s done, voice still small and raspy from the crying but all the sadness gone from his features. Now he just looks astonished, red rimmed eyes wide.
It feels like a dumb question, but he doesn’t really know what to say.
”A little sore… but good,” you reply and this time Steve and Bucky lets you sit up when you try, both of them grabbing one of your hands each.
Steve can’t stop himself, and throws his arms around you. You smile wider, before scrunching up your face.
Meanwhile, Bucky turns on his earpiece again. He doesn’t know when he turned it off, not wanting to hear the other teammates talking about the fight anymore, but now that it’s back on, he uses it.
”Guys, we need medical attention,” he says into the comms, but his voice aren’t filled with that much fear anymore. Instead he sounds quite calm for a change. He glances up at the brick wall next to you three and reads the street number into the comms as well.
”Barnes,” comes a voice that he recognizes as Natasha’s. ”How is (Y/N)?”
Her voice is strained, as if she’s trying to keep herself together, but still there’s a hint of hope in her voice. She’s probably thinking that Bucky’s tone would be different if you were either dead or dying.
”She’ll survive,” he replies and looks down at you and Steve hugging with warmth in his eyes and his lips curling into a smile.
A sound that he defines as Natasha sighing with relief is heard and Bucky can’t help but to breathe out himself.
”That’s… fantastic,” Clint replies for his red-haired partner and Bucky has never heard the archer sound like that before; a little lost for words.
Bucky nods to himself, despite them not being able to see it. ”It is,” he replies. ”I’ll keep you updated,” he says finally before turning back to you and Steve.
”Ssssteve,” you groan finally, smiling but scrunching your nose. ”Too tight…”
Steve releases you instantly. ”Sorry,” he murmurs, worried, but when he sees your expression, he relaxes.
Bucky shuffles closer, taking your hand; his eyes soft but confused. ”(Y/N)… you’re not a super soldier, are you? Or is there something we don’t know about you?” He looks worried, eyebrows drawn together.
You shake your head and both Steve and Bucky look a little relieved, relieved that you’re still the person they think you are. ”It’s the suit.”
”Tony freaking Stark,” Steve murmurs with amazement, his blue eyes glossy, a grin ghosting over his face though.
”How?” Bucky questions, completely fascinated.
”He made it with material… Doctor Strange… charmed… or something. Has these healing properties. Owed me a… favor,” you explain, flashing a crooked grin before letting your eyes flutter close for a moment, tired.
This time Bucky and Steve aren’t so scared that they won’t open; and they do, a few seconds later.
”That is the best thing I’ve heard,” Bucky concludes, smile bright on his face.
”You guys could tell them thanks,” you state, voice raspy still.
”We will,” Steve nods, and the way his eyes are so sincere and soulful, you know that he will make sure of it.
”Send… flowers, or somethin’”, you continue, and it’s a joke but you can’t manage to let the humor shine through in the state your in.
Bucky and Steve understand anyway.
”I think they deserve a little more thanks than that,” Bucky replies, his warm, steel blue eyes meeting yours. Then he leans closer and gives you a tight hug, pecking the top of your head. ”I’m so happy that you’re okay, you little punk.”
”Thought I was the punk,” Steve comments from besides him, trying to sound offended, but the relief on his rosy-cheeked face, and the way his eyes are glossy, gives it all away.
”You’re both punks,” Bucky looks up at his blond friend and sets things straight with a stern but loving tone, before turning his head towards you again. ”And little shits that keep testing my sanity. Please don’t. I’ll kick your asses if you do that again.”
You laugh tiredly, and smile. Steve gives your hand a squeeze. ”I promise.”
Bucky looks over his shoulder, as if he has a sixth sense, and sees a discreet van pulling up, one that he instantly recognizes as SHIELD’s — he has a practiced eye for details — and two paramedics jump out of it as it stops a few feet away from your small group.
”Help is here,” he murmurs softly as his eyes land on you again.
You frown a little, sitting up straighter. ”I can still fight, you know.”
”(Y/N),” Steve instantly objects, ”you were practically dead just ten minutes ago.”
”You’ve lost a lot of blood, even if your wounds are healed,” Bucky states calmly, and your gaze moves from Steve to the brunet. ”And besides, it sounds like the battle is dying down, so I think we can manage by ourselves. We’ll be offended if you think that we can’t handle it without you.”
You look a little unsure still, eyes worriedly looking at Bucky.
”Try to stand up,” he says then, trying to prove his point. ”You’ll probably be dizzy.”
So you gather yourself — pulling your legs closer to your chest and then pushing yourself upwards — to prove him wrong. The only thing is that he is actually right, and your knees give out instantly, black flashes across your vision, and your head is spinning, reeling. Bucky catches you, picking you up and laying you down on the stretcher that the paramedics has brought out. Steve watches with a little sadness in his eyes when you have to be carried, but really, he couldn’t possibly be more relived than he is in this moment. He closes his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. Finally, it feels like the oxygen really enters his lungs again and he can finally relax.
Bucky places his large hand softly on your head, sending you a fond, small smile. Then he leaves to join Steve a few feet away, to let the paramedics work in peace.
You keep your eyes on them as they strap you down to the stretcher. Once again, tiredness wraps itself around you like a thick blanket, fully, heavily and scarily comfortingly. You let yourself relax, and it feels like you just melt on the stretcher that now supports your weight.
”Will you come and look for me, at the hospital?” you ask, eyelids drooping once again.
”You already know we will,” Bucky replies without hesitation, a reassuring security in his voice.
”As soon as we can,” Steve adds, gaze earnest as his blue eyes rest on you. ”It won’t be long. We’ll hurry.”
”That’s nice,” you hum, before the paramedics carry you away and into the van.
Somewhere on the way to some sort of a hospital, you fall asleep.
Next time you open your eyes, coming to, you’re looking straight up at a white ceiling. You subconsciously curl your hands up into fists, gathering blankets in them. Meanwhile, the memories of the fight start to come back, first slowly and then all at once, and you know that you’re in the hospital.
You tip your head to the side, eyes landing on Steve in a chair next to your bed. He has his elbow on the armrest, and the side of his face placed in his open palm, supported by his elbow’s placement. His long legs are stretched out, feet somewhere under your bed, and he’s fast asleep.
You scoff softly, smiling to yourself, and as if on queue, Bucky enters the room, two coffees in his hands and his hair tied into a bun on his head. His steel blue eyes goes round — his whole face lightening up — when he sees you up and awake and reaching for Steve’s hand.
”You’re awake,” he beams, setting down the coffees instantly on the table next to your bed — by a bouquet of flowers that they must’ve brought with them — before swatting Steve on the upper arm so that he jerks awake with a snort, blinking as he tiredly looks around himself.
”Yeah,” you murmur, pushing yourself up into a sitting position with Bucky’s hands quickly there to help you up. ”How long was I out?”
Steve cranes his neck to look up at Bucky. ”And how long was I out?”
”(Y/N), about five hours, Steve 30 minutes,” Bucky replies, looking from you to Steve.
You nod slowly. ”How did the fight go?”
”Good,” Steve replies with a small smile as you look him over. Whatever injuries he had must’ve already healed — thanks serum — because you can’t see as much as a bruise.
”Yeah, the others had it under control, so we pretty much just went there and finished it off,” Bucky says, and grins, placing his metal hand on the backrest of Steve’s chair and leaning on it.
You scoff and smile. ”Good.”
Steve reaches out a hand and catches yours in his bigger one. ”I’m really happy that you’re okay,” he says and he manages to keep his voice steady but the raw emotion is clearly there.
”Me too,” Bucky agrees, smiling softly now as he places his other hand — the flesh one — on your knee.
”Well, you’re not getting rid of me that easily,” you joke quietly and a little awkwardly but your eyes are filled with warmth as you look at Steve and Bucky.
Even though you didn’t hesitate to sacrifice yourself to save them and your other friends — and you would make the same choice again — you’re really happy to be alive and remain by their side for a little longer. Because the thought of leaving them behind, breaks your heart.
”Just… next time, lets go over the new functions of your suit before we go into battle, okay?” Bucky says, and he tries to sound casual, but you can hear the flicker of desperation in his tone, see it in his eyes.
”Yeah,” you laugh, shaking your head to yourself as you do. ”That sounds good.”
Steve just smiles, eyes almost a little glossy again, before reaching out and placing a hand on your head, running it over your hair. Meanwhile, you settle back into the soft pillows and Bucky help you pull up the covers that’s gotten tangled into your legs.
”Go back to sleep,” Steve murmurs softly, just like his ma would back when he was a kid and had a fever.
You continue to keep your eyes on him, even as you lie down. ”Can we go home… when I wake up?”
”Yeah,” Steve nods. ”Then we’ll go home. Promise.”
”Good,” you state contently, before closing your eyes, letting yourself drift back into sleep.
All time tag list: @evyiione @samanddeanshotsis @darkestgrungeuniverse @fabulouslycassie @delessapeace-blog @mariaairwin666 @1amluke @saveprettydays @sammysbeanie @deepbreathssammy @hanginwithmanerds @bluecookiesandbooks @frayedphan @straightestgay-voice @legend-o-zelda @holysheeppanda @stonergirl4life95 @rosie-winchester @stilesneedsprotection @phire23 @winchesterhound @th3things-in-mymind @messy-buns-and-shotguns @mellorine-paprika @tracyturnblad-irl @because-you-never-know-when @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt 
Marvel tag list: @anothershorthuman @5aftermidnight @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @crazedfangirlartist (Click on the link to add yourself to this tag list)
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bamby0304 · 5 years
The Hart III: Secrets
Chapter Eleven: Trick...
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Summary: Three months… Dean was gone for three months and now he’s back. He’s back and he truly has no idea how much things have changed. Life moved on while Dean was in Hell, and now things are complicated. With new faces and troubles right around the corner, will the trio find a way to come back together? Or has all hope been lost?
Warnings: Angst. Violence. I think... I don't know... it's honestly a lucky dip with this one and I can't be fucked reading through it to see what might be happening. Too busy and tired.
Dean and I had found a case involving a man who had choked on razor blades that were hidden in Halloween candy. If that didn't scream 'weird' then I don't know what did. We were in the victim's kitchen as Dean searched for anything that might help us, while I questioned the wife.
"Now how many razor blades did they find?"
Mrs Wallace held back tears as she stared blankly ahead. "Two on the floor, one in his stomach and one was stuck in his throat." Her voice cracked as she looked up at me. "He swallowed four of them. How is that even possible?"
Before I could answer, Dean made a noise as he looked in the over and on the stove.
Mrs Wallace turned to him. "The candy was never in the oven."
Closing the oven door, Dean straightened up before responding. "We just have to be thorough, Mrs. Wallace."
"Did the police find any razors in the rest of the candy?" I asked, getting back on track.
She shook her head. "No, I mean, I don't think so. I just... I can't believe it. You hear urban legends about this stuff, but it actually happens?"
I let out a short sigh. "More than you might imagine."
Dean got to the ground in the corner behind Mrs Wallace- by the fridge. I couldn't see him until he stood again, turning to show me the hew bag he'd just found. Once he was sure I'd seen it, and that we knew what we were dealing with, he tucked it into his pocket.
"Mrs. Wallace, did Luke have any enemies?"
Mrs Wallace frowned at my question. "Enemies?"
"Anyone who might have held a grudge against him?"
"What do you mean?"
"Co-workers? Neighbors? Maybe a woman," I suggested.
Suddenly understanding what I was saying, she frowned, offended. "Are you suggesting an affair?"
"Is it possible?"
"No! No, Luke would never-"
"I'm very sorry. We just have to consider all possibilities." I could see how distressed she was. I understood how absurd the question must sound.
"If someone wanted to kill my husband, don't you think they'd find a better way than a razor in a piece of candy he might eat?"
Instead of answering, I looked over at Dean. She may have a point, but with witches, none of that mattered. The rules changed.
I watched as Dean pulled Baby up, parking in one of the spaces by the gas station. Pushing off the wall, I adjusted the strap of my bag that hung over my shoulder as I headed over to him, smile plastered on my face.
Looking out the window at me, he looked slightly offended. "Boyfriend didn't want to come say hi?"
"He's on a job," I told him matter-of-factly, throwing my things in the backseat before I climbed into the front, sitting next to him.
"And you left him to deal with it on his own? Chose Sam and me over him?" Grinning smugly, he pulled out of the lot and on to the road.
I'd received a call from Sam yesterday asking if I wanted to help them out on this case they'd found. We both knew they could handle it by themselves, but we both also knew that the brothers missed me and I missed them. After talking about it with Tristan, we agreed that me hunting with the Winchesters every now and then wouldn't hurt us, and that's how I ended up sitting here, next to Dean.
Seeing the smug look on Dean face made me want to push him down a peg or two. "Tristan doesn't need my help. He's perfectly capable of handling it himself."
I wasn't stupid. I knew Dean didn't like the idea of Tristan. He'd always been protective over me. The fact I was now in a relationship with a hunter he'd never met, and knew nothing of, probably set him on edge. Bobby too.
But I trusted Tristan, we cared about each other, and there was nothing keeping us from being together. No matter what Dean and Bobby thought. No matter what anyone thought.
I was sitting on the couch in the hotel room, going through some research, trying to figure out what we might be dealing with. When the door to the room opened, I looked up to see Lizzie and Dean walk in, the two of them snacking on candy.
I scoffed, looking mainly at Dean. "Really? After that guy choked down all those razor blades?"
Dean shrugged. "It's Halloween, man."
"Yeah, for us every day is Halloween," I noted.
Grinning widely, Lizzie dumped her bag by the table and hurried over to me. Jumping onto the couch, she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. "Mr Grumpy-pants, always spoiling the fun."
Chuckling lightly, I put an arm around her in half-hug as Dean came over to sit on the arm of the couch, gesturing to my laptop. "Anything interesting?"
Pulling away from Lizzie, I nodded. "Well, we're on a witch hunt, that's for sure, but this isn't your typical hex bag." Reaching over, I opened the hex bag I'd put on the coffee table, showing them the three items that sat inside. Picking up the dried flower, I elaborated, "Goldthread, an herb that's been extinct for two hundred years. And this," I put the flower down and grabbed the coin, "is Celtic, and I don't mean some new age knock-off. It looks like the real deal. Like six hundred years old real."
While I'd been talking, I hadn't noticed Dean pick up the last piece. He was looking it over, smelling it, curious. Little did he know...
"And um," I nodded to the small charred object he held, "that is the charred metacarpal bone of a newborn baby."
"Ugh." He quickly put it down, disgusted. "Gross."
I shrugged, lifting the bone to look it over. "Relax man, it's like, at least a hundred years old."
"Oh, right, like that makes it better? Witches, man, they're so friggin' skeevy." Shivering, Dean stood and moved over to sit on his bed.
"Skeevy or not, I've never dealt with this kind of stuff before." Lizzie grabbed the coin, fiddling with it. "It's gotta take a powerful witch to throw all this together."
"More juice than we've ever dealt with, that's for sure." I nodded, agreeing with her. I looked over at Dean. "What about you? Find anything on the victim?"
"This Luke Wallace?" Dean shook his head. "He was so vanilla that he made vanilla seem spicy. I can't find any reason why somebody would want this guy dead."
Sam, Liz and I walked down the stairs and into the crime scene in the basement. Some teens had been having a party, and one of the girls had drowned in a tub of water while bobbing for apples. But that wasn't it. The water had also boiled her...
We came to a stop, scanning the room. That's when my eyes landed on a girl talking to one of the cops.
Liz and Sam moved to join the questioning, but I put a hand out to stop them. "I got this one."
Sam scoffed. "Two words. Jail bait."
"I would never-"
Before I could go on, Liz gave me a pointed look. I mean, I wouldn't do anything with the girl, obviously. But I could think about it. I would think about it. I was thinking about it.
Liz knew me too well. I could tell she could practically see the thoughts going through my mind...
Shaking her head, she tapped Sam on the arm, the two of them walking off to go look around the scene for any signs of witches- like a hex bag, for instance. While they walked off, I moved over to the cop and girl.
"It's just so weird," she started, looking to the cop. "The water in the tub, it wasn't hot, I had just been in there myself."
"Your friend didn't happen to know a man named Luke Wallace?" As she and the cop turned to me, I showed them my badge. "Agent Seger, F.B.I."
Nodding, the cop left me with the girl so I could finish asking her some questions.
She looked at me, confused. "Um, who's Luke Wallace?"
"He died yesterday."
Movement behind her shoulder caught my attention as Liz bent over the couch, feeling around the cushions. I couldn't help but watch her. I didn't want to. I knew she had a boyfriend and that I should respect that. But I couldn't help how I felt about her. I was still attracted to her. Very attracted.
"I don't know who that is." The girl shook her head, answering my question.
Before I could ask anything else, Liz pulled back from the couch, holding up a hex bag for a moment and then shoving it into the pocket of her pants suit. But it had been long enough to see. The witch had been here too.
I was sitting at the table with Dean, my feet on the table as I flicked through an old lore book. He was on the computer, searching the web, while Sam sat on his bed reading a book as well. So far, we hadn't come up with anything that might help us.
"I'm telling you, both these vics are squeaky clean. There is no reason for a wicked bitch payback." Dean sighed, pulling away from the computer.
"Maybe 'cause it's not about that."
Looking over at his brother, Dean shrugged. "Wow, insightful," he noted sarcastically.
The two of us frowned at Sam as he came over to us, carrying the book his was reading. "Maybe this witch isn't working the grudge, maybe they're working a spell. Check this out." He started reading, "'Three blood sacrifices over three days, the last before midnight on the final day of the final harvest.'" He handed Dean the book. "Celtic Calendar, the final day of the final harvest is-"
"October thirty first," I finished for him.
Reading the book that was now laid out in front of him, Dean asked, "What exactly are the, uh, blood sacrifices for?"
"Uh, if I'm right, this witch is summoning a demon. And not just any demon. Samhain."
Dean looked up from the book and to his brother. "Am I supposed to be impressed?"
"The origin of Halloween comes from Samhain," I started. "The Celts believe that October thirty first was the one night of the year that the vail between the living and the dead was thinnest. It was Samhain's night. Masks were worn to hide from him. Sweets left out like sacrifices for him. Faces carved into pumpkins as a sort of worship tradition."
As I finished, I noticed Sam and Dean looking at me, impressed, confused, surprised... they were speechless, sitting there, Dean's jaw almost falling open.
Shaking his head, Dean leaned back in his chair to turn to me a little more. "How do you know all of this?"
"Halloween is my favourite holiday." I shrugged, reaching over to grab one of the Twizzler's off the table.
"Anyway," Sam cleared his throat, "Samhain was exorcised centuries ago."
It took a moment before Dean turned back to his brother. "So even though Samhain took a trip downstairs, the tradition stuck."
Sam gave a short nod. "Exactly, only now instead of demons and blood orgies Halloween is all about kids, candy and costumes."
"Okay, so some witch wants to raise Samhain and take back the night?"
Rolling his eyes and sighing, Sam leaned back in the chair. "Dean, this is serious."
"I am serious," Dean insisted, but part of him was joking around. Part of him always was.
"We're talking heavyweight witchcraft. This ritual can only be performed every six hundred years," Sam noted.
"And the six-hundred-year marker rolls around…?"
Before Sam could answer Dean's question, I spoke up, "Let me guess... tomorrow night?"
Sam simply gave a short nod.
"Naturally." Shaking his head, Dean looked down at the book again, flipping to a new page. "Well it sure is a lot of death and destruction for one demon."
"That's because he likes company," Sam explained. "Once he's raised, Samhain can do some raising of his own."
"Raising what, exactly?" Dean and I asked at the same time- which earnt me a small smirk from the eldest Winchester.
"Dark, evil crap and lots of it, I mean, they follow him around like the friggin' Pied Piper."
"So, we're talking ghosts?" Dean asked.
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother again. "Dean-"
"Those little dudes are scary. Small hands." Dean lifted his hand and gave it a little shake. I couldn't help but give a light laugh.
"Look, it just starts with ghosts and ghouls, this sucker keeps on going, by night's end we are talking every awful thing we have ever seen. Everything we fight, all in one place."
That wasn't good. All joking aside, that had to be the worst thing that could happen. We didn't have enough strength and power to deal with something like that. We didn't even know enough hunters that could help control something like that. It would be war, and chances are... we'd lose.
Dean looked from Sam and I, thinking the same thing I was thinking. "It's gonna be a slaughterhouse."
I sat in the car with Liz. Sam was back at the hotel going through some research. There wasn't much else Liz and I could do there, so we decided to go stake out Mrs Wallace's house, waiting to see if anyone that might have been at the party last night would show up here. All while snacking on the candy that was meant for trick-or-treaters.
"So..." I popped another candy into my mouth. "How's the boyfriend?"
"Great." Liz smiled, shifting to get a little more comfortable.
"He working on a case?"
"What kind of case?"
"I don't ask for details, Dean."
See, that's something I didn't understand. Liz trusting the guy, yeah okay I got that. But the fact he could be anywhere, doing anything right now... I did not like that. He could be sleeping around, cheating on her. He could be slacking off, not hunting at all. He could be doing God knows what. The possibilities were endless, and I didn't like any of them.
The sound of my phone ringing got my attention. Reaching over I grabbed and answered it, seeing the ID flashing Sam's name.
"How's it going?"
"Awesome, yeah. Liz and I talked with Mrs. Razor-Blade again." I looked out the window to the Wallace home. "We've been sitting out in front of her house for hours and got a big steamy pile of nothing."
"Look Dean, someone planted those hex bags, someone with access to both houses. There's gotta be some connection."
"Yeah, well I hope we find 'em soon cause I'm starting to cramp like a-" I cut myself short as I saw someone walking down the street. "Son of a bitch." It was the girl from last night. Putting the phone down, I nudged Liz, gesturing across the street. "You seeing this?"
Liz looked over, spotting the girl in an instant. "Holy crap."
Sitting there, we watched as the girl walked to the front door of the Wallace home and knock. A moment later the door opened, Mrs Wallace standing there, smiling, holding her baby... which she handed to the girl.
Son of a bitch...
I looked up at Dean and Lizzie as they entered the room, both clearly less than impressed. I was lying on my bed, on my laptop, having done some research on the girl from last night. Tracy.
"So, our apple-bobbing cheerleader?" I asked, wondering what they might have found out.
"Tracy?" Dean came over to sit on his bed while Lizzie moved to lie on the end of mine. "The Wallace's' babysitter," he explained. "Told me she never even heard of Luke Wallace."
"Huh, interesting look for a centuries-old witch."
"Yeah, well, if you were a six-hundred-year-old hag and you could pick any costume to come back in, wouldn't you go for a hot cheerleader? I would, hmm…" Dean thought about it, his mind clearly going off track.
Lizzie sat up on her elbows and looked over at him. "You done?"
He grinned at her. "You jealous?"
"I'm taken. Remember?" She gave him a pointed look.
I hadn't met Tristan but I knew he made Lizzie happy, and that's all I really cared about. When Dean was gone, it had really hurt her. She hadn't been able to deal with it properly. So, when she told me about this guy she was starting to see, and how he was helping her, I felt no need to step in.
"Don't see your boyfriend here." Dean's grin stayed in place.
Rolling her eyes, Lizzie sat up more. "Just because we're together doesn't mean we have to be with each other twenty-four seven."
"But you should want to."
"I do want to."
"Does he?"
Seeing Lizzie flinch at Dean's question, I quickly sat up, hoping to get the conversation back on track. "Well, Tracy's not as wholesome as she looks. Did some digging... apparently she got into a violent altercation with one of her teachers, got suspended from school."
I walked into the high school art room, looking up at the masks that hung around the entrance. One in particular caught my attention. I couldn't tear my eyes away from its long mouth and dead eyes. I swear I could hear the echoing screams from hell surrounding me as the heavy weight of guilt and dread pressed on my chest and shoulder...
"Dean?" Liz's voice called to me as her hand rested on my shoulder.
Pulling my eyes from the mask, I looked down at the ground for a moment before turning to her. "Yeah... uh, yeah?"
"You okay?" she asked, looking up at me with genuine worry as if she'd caught me staring at the mask. As if she could read my mind and know what I was feeling.
As I searched her eyes, and she searched mine, I found myself stuck staring again. But this was for different reasons. The mask made me feel scared, guilty, so many horrible things that I'd never wish on anyone. Not even my enemies.
But Liz? She made me feel safe, welcome, needed, cared for. The way she looked up at me sometimes, it was like I actually mattered. As if me being in her life made it difference- in a good way. Just like her being in Sam's and my life made everything so much better.
"Bring back memories?"
The two of us jumped and turned to see Sam heading over to us, looking at the masks as well.
Clearing my throat, I stepped away from Liz slightly. "What do you mean?"
"Being a teenager, all that angst."
I let out a relieved sigh, thankful that he hadn't seen through me... not that he could, or would have any reason to think something was up.
Frowning slightly, he turned to me a little more. "What'd you think I meant?"
"Nothing," I answered quickly as I began to look around the room, seeing some kids working away. One in particular was putting a big bong-shaped piece into a kiln. "Now that brings back memories." I chuckled to myself.
"You three wanna talk to me?" a man asked as he walked into the room, with some papers in his hands and a coffee mug balanced on top of the decent sized box he held.
"Ah, Mr Harding." Sam nodded.
The guy scoffed lightly. "Oh, please, Don," he insisted, reaching for Sam's hand, which he shook. "Even my students call me Don," he informed us as he reached for my hand next.
"Yeah, we get it, Don," I mumbled to him as he shook Liz's hand before moving to his desk. Pulling out our badges as we followed, I introduced us, "I'm agent Getty, this is Agents Lee and Young. We just had a few questions about, uh, Tracy Davis."
Having put everything down on the desk, Don turned his full attention to the three of us. "Uh, yeah, Tracy, uh, bright kid, loads of talent. It's a shame she got suspended."
"Uh, you two had a… uh, violent altercation," I noted.
"Yeah, she exploded. If Principal Murrow hadn't walked by when he did, Tracy would have clawed my eyes out."
Sam frowned. "Why?"
"I, uh, you know, I was only trying to rap with her about her work. It had gotten inappropriate and disturbing."
I turned, gesturing to the mask I'd been looking at before. "More disturbing, than, uh, those guys?"
"She would cover page after page with these bizarre cryptic symbols, and then there were the drawings," Don explained. "Detailed images of killings, gory, primitive, and she would depict herself in the middle of them, participating."
"Symbols, what kind of symbols? Uh, anything like this?" Sam pulled a coin out of his pocket, the one that had been in one of the hex bags we'd found.
Don took a quick look before nodding. "Yeah, yeah, I think that might have been one of them."
"You know where Tracy is now?" I asked.
"I would imagine her apartment." He shrugged.
"Her apartment?" Liz and I asked at the same time, both confused. I couldn't help but grin slightly at the fact we'd- once again- said the same thing at the same time like that.
"Yeah," Done started, hands now in his pockets, "she got here about a year ago, alone, as I understood it, as an emancipated teen. God only knows what her parents were like."
Dean pulled up at the hotel, getting out of Baby as Sam and I headed over to him. The three of us had split up in the hopes of finding Tracy. We all knew the urgency of the matter. Today was Halloween. Today was the day she'd be trying to raise Samhain. Our time was running out, and there were thousands, millions, billions, of lives on the line.
"So?" Dean asked us, closing his door.
I sighed. "Mrs Wallace said Tracy won't be back until next week."
Sam shook his head. "Tracy was nowhere I could find. Any luck with her friends?"
"Nah, luck is not our style. Her friends don't know where she is. It's like the bitch popped a broomstick," Dean noted as the three of us started for the hotel room, a kid dressed as an astronaut headed out way.
"She could be making the third sacrifice any time."
Dean shot his brother an annoyed glare. "Yes, thank you Sam."
The kid suddenly came to a stop then, in front of us, lifting his bucket of candy. "Trick or treat."
Dean looked down at him. "This is a motel."
"So, we don't have any candy."
Sam looked confused, turning to gesture to Baby. "No, we have a ton in the-"
Dean cut him off, "We did, but it's gone."
The two shared a look as I tried not to laugh. I'd warned Dean not to eat all the candy. I'd told him to go buy more. I told him something like this would happen. He didn't listen, of course. He insisted that no kid would come up and ask us. That it had never happened before. Yet here we were, just like I'd said we would be.
Turning back to the kid, Dean shrugged. "Sorry kid, we can't help ya."
"I want candy."
"Well, I think you've had enough," Dean told him, earning an elbow to the rip from me and a glare form the kid.
Sam walked to the room as Dean and I stood there looking down at the kid glare daggers at Dean, clearly pissed. It took a moment before he walked off, without another word. We turned and watched him go, moving to the door of the next room.
"I don't want to hear, 'I told you so'," Dean warned without looking to me.
A grin played on the corner of my lips as I stayed quiet. There was no need for me to say anything when he knew I was right and he was wrong that's all that mattered.
"Who are you?!" Sam yelled from inside our hotel room.
Dean and I turned in and instant, rushing for the room. We found Sam standing there, gun raised, aimed to the back of Castiel's head as he sat on Dean's bed, facing the window where another man stood- a man I gathered was another angel.
"Sam!" Dean hurried to stop his brother from shooting Castiel. "Sam, wait! It's Castiel. The angel." Looking over at the other guy he added, "Him, I don't know."
Sam was stunned, looking at Castiel who stood and came to stand in front of him. "Hello, Sam."
"Oh my God-" The stunned look on his face turned to shame and guilt as he realised what he'd just said. "Er… uh… I didn't mean to- sorry. It's an honour, really, I- I've heard a lot about you." Stepping forward, smiling widely, he offered Castiel his hand to shake.
Castiel looked down at the hand for a moment, as if unsure what to do with it, before he reached forward and took it. "And I, you. Sam Winchester. The boy with the demon blood." Both Sam and I flinched at that. "Glad to see you've ceased your extracurricular activities."
"Let's keep it that way," the guy at the window muttered.
"Yeah, okay, chuckles." Dean rolled his eyes, looking to Castiel. "Who's your friend?"
Instead of answering the question, Castiel asked his own. "This the raising of Samhain, have you stopped it?"
"Dean, have you located the witch?"
"Yes, we've located the witch."
"And is the witch dead?"
"No, but-"
Dean finished Sam's sentence, "We know who it is."
I was hanging back, by the door. I always got the impression Castiel didn't think much of me. I mean, Sam and I were both using our power, but he only cared about Sam. He never mentioned the fact I had demon blood in me. In fact, he didn't do much when it came to me. It was like if I wasn't there, it wouldn't matter.
Walking over to the bedside table between the beds, Castiel lifted something from it. "Apparently the witch knows who you are too." He showed us the hex bag. "This was inside the wall of your room. If we hadn't found it, surely one or all of you would be dead. Do you know where the witch is now?"
After a moment where Dean, Sam and I shared a look, Dean turned back to the angel. "We're working on it," he assured him.
Castiel sighed. "That's unfortunate."
"What do you care?"
"The raising of Samhain is one of the 66 seals."
"So, this is about your buddy Lucifer."
"Lucifer is no friend of ours." The guy at the window sounded genuinely offended.
"It's just an expression," Dean explained.
"Lucifer cannot rise," Castiel noted. "The breaking of the seal must be prevented at all costs."
"Okay, great, well now that you're here, why don't you tell us where the witch is, we'll gank her and everybody goes home."
"We are not omniscient. This witch is very powerful, she's cloaked even our methods."
"Okay, well we already know who she is, so if we work together-" Sam started to suggest, only to be cut short by the guy at the window.
"Enough of this."
The fact this guy wasn't offering any real help, and was annoying the hell out of us, pissed Dean off. "Okay, who are you and why should I care?" he snapped, causing the guy to turn and look to us.
"This is Uriel," Castiel answered for him. "He's what you might call a… specialist."
Watching as Uriel walked over to us, Dean frowned, curious and suspicious. "What kind of specialist? What are you gonna do?"
Once again, Castiel avoided the question. "You, all of you, you need to leave this town immediately."
"Why?" Dean asked. I could tell by the look on Sam's face that he was thinking the same thing, and so was I. It didn't sound too good...
"Because we're about to destroy it," Castiel answered so simply, it was like a slap to the face.
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riverforasong · 6 years
Nanowrimo Excerpt
I know, I know, been a while right? But I had to take a small break from the new stuff to work on the old stuff because, and I can’t believe I’m saying these words out loud, a production company is interested in the show! They loved the first episode and wanted a second one, but needed the first one reorganized a tad, s so I’ve spent most of November doing that. I finally got a chance to work on the second episode a bit, so here’s that for you. Lemmie know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. 
KYLE: So is this a normal thing to call emergency meetings out of nowhere, or am I just lucky to be here for the first one.
ZEKE It’s not the first one we’ve ever done, no. There was the great Arbour day scandal of 09.
NATHAN Ooh, there was the meeting after the big Wax Museum brawl in 2011.
LISA Remember that time a bunch of hedgehogs got loose, we needed a meeting that day.
ZEKE There was the time the gooses took over the golf course.
KYLE: There’s a golf course?
ZEKE Not really, more of a hole in the middle of the pavement at the children's nursery off of Tacoma street where we throw golf balls at shopping carts sometimes.
KYLE: Ooh, I know that one!
LISA: I only do it because it’s my protest against capitalism and the fact that we treat workers so poorly, and under pay them so heavily all in the name of profit over people.
ZEKE: I do it ‘cause I like huckin’ stuff at other stuff.
MIKE (Clears his throat) Help.
KYLE: You know I always thought when I saw a literal cry for help I’d know what to do, but I got nothing.
NATHAN       (to Mike) Hey buddy, whatcha got there?
ZEKE And more importantly, can I have the chocolate and giant bear?
MIKE I’ve figured it all out. I know exactly where I need to be, who I need to talk to, what I should be wearing and what I need to say in order to win her heart.
LISA: Who’s heart are we winning now?
MIKE The singer? On stage? From last night? Gonna need you guys to keep up a little bit if you’re going to be any help.
NATHAN And is all this stuff part of your plan? MIKE Yes, well, some of it, most of it acts as a visual metaphor for some of the more abstract concepts of my plan.
KYLE: Oh good, visual aides.
MIKE See, he gets it. Now-
MIKE It all begins tonight, with what I’m calling “First Contact” now of course this really is our second contact, but semantics get in the way of a good story. So-
KYLE: (to Nathan) Where did that chalkboard come from?
NATHAN He didn’t have it when he got here right?
ZEKE I’m gonna be real with you, I’ve been focusing on the chocolate so long I don’t know where we are right now.
NATHAN We should stop this, right? This sounds like a good point to intervene?
KYLE: Hold on, I got this
KYLE: Hey Mike, Kyle here, long time listener, first time hand raiser. Just a small question before we get too far into this whole thing. What’s her name?
MIKE Who’s?
KYLE: The singer. The object of your affection here. What’s her first name? Or even stage name if that’s applicable?
MIKE Not important.
KYLE: It isn’t?
MIKE No, I figure the priest will ask her that for me on our wedding day.
KYLE: (With a big smile and a thumbs up) Okay, gotcha bud haha.
KYLE: Ha haaaa, (Inhale) Uh oh.
ZEKE You know what? I’m just gonna go for the chocolate, I’m just gonna go for it.
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Klaroline superhero prompt for you! Caroline works in an office w/ Klaus & basically everyone knows he's a superhero but he thinks he's so secretive no one has figured it out. So basically Stefan covers for him during meetings, Caroline covers his calls, Katherine keeps Elijah from asking too many questions about paperwork. And Bonnie refills his first aid kit all the time. Their whole cover is blown when Kol gifts him a new costume to fight battles in during the secret santa gift exchange. Thx❤
HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY JEN (my almost birthday twin). I wanted to get this done before I went away. Thanks for the prompt, I love me a bit of superhero Klaus : ) Hope you like it. I also hope you have a wonderful day next Thursday (with lots of cake and have some of that amazing Texan BBQ for me while you’re at it). 
Wind Beneath My Wings
December 23….
Last night had been particularly rough, Klaus was lucky to make it home in one piece. Who knew a crazed idiot with bleached, blonde hair and a maniacal laugh riding a lawn mower (of all modes of transport) could do such damage? He was starting to wonder where these new and decidedly eccentric breed of villains were coming from. 
After an extended shower to ease the bruised muscles, Klaus dressed in his usual suit and tie combination to head into work. Klaus was joint CEO of Mikaelson Construction with his older brother and their company had basically built half of Manhattan. He’d started out from practically nothing but now he was a billionaire. Not too bad for a young kid from one of London’s poorest suburbs. 
It was after he’d acquired his first 50 million that Klaus began to get bored, he always did love a challenge and work was no longer providing that spark. His siblings as usual had offered their opinions. 
Elijah suggested playing the stock market, Kol suggested a friend with benefits (or multiple) and, although she was in London, Rebekah went with Pilates. She insisted it was good for core strength and channeling the desire to want to punch Kol in the face. As much as he wanted to hit his younger brother at times, he wanted a different kind of thrill. Something worthwhile that would help people at the same time.
Fast forward nine months and Klaus was trawling the streets for bad guys. He’d seen a news report on CNN about crime levels increasing at an alarming level in New York but the cities police force didn’t have the manpower or resources to combat the threat. 
Klaus considered himself an extremely fit person. He’d trained in three different martial arts (basically from boredom) and regularly took part in marathons and triathlons. All he needed was a suit to keep his identity secret. Unfortunately his face was recognisable in business and social circles so it took a bit of work on the sewing machine (yes he had mastered that skill too, not that he broadcast it). 
“Where is that paperwork from the Ferguson deal?” Was the first order Elijah barked at him when he walked through the glass doors.  Klaus figured once he got laid on a regular basis the stress would abate with his uptight, elder brother. Obviously not. 
“I put that on your desk, don’t you remember?” Katherine interrupted, her brown eyes flickering over his toned body. 
“I don’t recall,” he stuttered, his gaze now firmly focused on the fitted, black dress that hugged every one of her curves. 
“How about I jog your memory in your office?” She purred, it didn’t take long for his brother and their public relations manager to disappear. The King of decorum, Elijah was fastidious about professionalism but when Katherine Pierce had come on board he was unable to resist. For the record Klaus and pretty much everyone else were happy for the distraction. 
Klaus discreetly hobbled his way towards the supply closet, realising that the hastily applied bandage on his leg was peeling off. He’d sometimes wondered just how the first aid kit seemed to be fully stocked all the time but he wasn’t about to complain. 
As he turned the corner, he noticed Bonnie rummaging around. Klaus knew he had to play it cool though so as not to arouse any suspicion. “Morning, Bonnie.”
“Hi, Klaus,” she smiled, closing the cupboard door quickly. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?”
“Yes it is,” Klaus lied, realising that in his extreme pain he’d barely even looked up at the sky on his way into the office. 
Bonnie was in human resources and Kol had taken an immediate liking to her. The feeling wasn’t mutual at first (hardly surprising when it came to his younger brother) but in some magical turn of events he’d managed to convince her he was worthy. They’d been married on Long Island six moths earlier. 
“I should really get back to work but is there something you needed?”
“No it’s fine,” he murmured. “I just got a cut on my finger that’s all.”
“You’ve got to watch that paper, it’s dangerous,” she grinned, moving past so he could access the first aid kit. She’d obviously been taking sarcasm lessons from Kol. Klaus consulted his watch, hoping that his day would start moving a little faster given the excruciating pain he felt. 
“Finally,” Caroline drawled as he approached her desk. “Given your quick exit last night I assumed you’d be in on time. Don’t worry I’ve got the phones covered, as usual.” 
She looked stunning, her blonde waves cascading down her back, that cobalt figure hugging dress only accentuating those brilliant eyes even more. Even after all this time, she still had the power to stop him dead in his tracks. 
He’d finally mustered up the courage and invited her to the Mayoral Ball the previous evening not expecting his night job to interfere with his plans. He’d mumbled some feeble excuse and rushed off. If Klaus was being honest he was torn for the first time between his conflicting lives. He’d never felt anything like he did for Caroline. Yes, he was her boss but he couldn’t deny just how much she lifted his spirits even if they were arguing or exchanging witty banter which was common place. 
“I’m sorry about last night, you have no idea, love.”
“It’s okay, I understand,” she smiled, almost knowingly. Klaus wasn’t sure what she was alluding to but he figured it couldn’t be his double life given he’d kept it so quiet all this time. “Unfortunately, I am the bearer of bad news though.”
“Oh really?” Klaus dealt with some pretty tough things in his life so figured he could handle just about anything. 
“Kol’s in your office.” Maybe not. He rolled his eyes at Caroline by way of response and walked into his office, making sure Caroline couldn’t make out his lingering limp. 
“Well, don’t you look like crap,” he teased from the other side of the desk as Klaus finally sat down. 
“Good morning to you too,” he scowled. 
“It must have been a big night judging by that injury,” Kol quipped, looking towards his leg. “I never took Caroline for the aggressive type.”
“It wasn’t Caroline,” he shot back through pursed lips. “I fell down some stairs at my apartment, if you must know.”
“I’m almost disappointed,” he joked. “You realise we’ve all been waiting for you and Goldilocks to finally get together, right?”
“I’d really prefer that you and everyone else keep out of my private life.”
“What private life?” 
“Someone thinks they’re a comedian,” Klaus growled. 
“When Elijah is getting more action than you there needs to be an intervention,” he chuckled. “You wanted something to do, how about Caroline?”
“I will hit you, I swear,” he threatened. No one spoke about his beloved Caroline like that and got away with it. 
“I didn’t mean it that way,” he drawled. “But it’s nice to see you’re showing some actual feelings towards the girl. Its only been like over a year.”
“Did you have a point in coming here? You know possibly work related because we’re in the office.”
“Just wanting to say how much I’m looking forward to the Secret Santa exchange this year,” Kol smirked before strolling from the room. Obviously he was going to be the lucky recipient of his brother’s attempt at humour. He couldn’t wait.
Klaus had completely forgotten about it, although it wasn’t entirely unexpected given his busy schedule. He was about to press the intercom and speak to Caroline before she breezed into the room like she knew he needed her.
“I figured you might need some caffeine after dealing with Kol,” she smiled placing it on the table. 
“That or possibly a whiskey,” he grinned. Whatever mood he was in, Caroline always had the ability to make him smile. “Now, about this S…”
“Your gift is on my desk,” she interrupted. “Katherine will adore the Channel No 5, trust me.” Just when he thought she couldn’t be any more amazing she had to go and do that. And it wasn’t because she was his Executive Assistant either. 
“I’d really like to make it up to you,” he murmured, standing up and coming around to the front of the desk, unknowingly hobbling a little as he did. She gazed at him curiously, a slight smile tugging at her pink lips. 
“What did you have in mind, Mikaelson?”
“You, me and my chalet in Vail,” he suggested, trying to block out visions of them naked and lying in front of a roaring fire together, so as not to encourage his arousal any further. 
“How about we get you cleaned up first,” she suggested, surprising him and grabbing a nearby tissue and placing it on his face tenderly. “Don’t want you bleeding all over the carpet.”
“I must have..” he replied feebly.
“Cut yourself shaving?” She finished his sentence, which was something she had a tendency to do. She was so close he could have kissed her but thought better of it given all his injuries. 
“Something like that,” he uttered. When he’d started this whole superhero journey he’d actually enjoyed keeping it a secret until Caroline. There were so many times he wanted to tell her but he’d faltered worried about what she might think of his chosen lifestyle.
“I think you’re okay now,” she whispered, removing the tissue and placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. Klaus didn’t think he’d ever felt anything so devastatingly innocent in his whole life. “Secret Santa exchange is in three hours.” 
Before he could react to the kiss or respond to her comment she was gone, leaving a trail of floral perfume in her wake. The one thing he knew was that, superhero or not, Klaus was in love with Caroline Forbes and had every intention of proving that to her. 
“Thanks, Caroline,” Katherine said, sending Klaus an amused look three hours later. 
“Last time I checked, that was my present,” he scoffed.
“Which I’m sure you went to the store and bought personally,” she shot back. Caroline gave him a look to say he was on his own.  
“Whatever,” he grumbled. 
“Looks like someone needs a little pick-me-up,” Kol sing-singed placing a box on his lap ceremoniously. Klaus had been dreading this moment for the few hours. “Merry Christmas.” As Klaus undid the ribbon and opened the lid slowly, all he could think about was how un-merry it all felt.
What  he wasn’t expecting was to find a superman costume housed inside the box. Klaus figured the burning, hot sensation crossing his face wasn’t a coincidence. “Uh, very funny, Kol,” Klaus managed to bite out, albeit with difficulty.
“Seriously, Kol?” Bonnie gasped, looking at the contents. “You idiot, what were you thinking?”
“Obviously someone’s trying to be a smartass, know-it-all,” Katherine chided. 
“I thought it was time we tell Niklaus that we know about his poorly-kept secret identity,” he boasted. “Plus, I really wanted to mess with Elijah.” By the look of bewilderment on his eldest brother’s face his surprise gift had the desired effect. 
“We’re a little too old for dress-ups, Kol,” Elijah scoffed. 
“I don’t know, maybe ask Niklaus about that,” Kol teased. Now all eyes were on Klaus and he wasn’t quite sure what to do or say. He noticed Caroline had been decidedly quiet and wasn’t sure whether that was a good or bad sign. 
“You knew all this time,” he hissed, standing up defiantly, even if his muscles were screaming in pain. “You all knew?” Suddenly everything came back in flashes. Bonnie frequenting the always fully stocked first aid cupboard, Katherine distracting Elijah and Caroline…His eyes met her blue ones willing her to answer. 
“You’re not the best liar, Nik,” Kol admitted. “I just thought it was time we all stopped pretending that you weren’t doing something completely unexpected like fighting crime in your spare time.” 
“What he means to say, but is expressing it badly, is that we want to be able to assist, without all the false pretence. When we realised about your double life a while back we decided to help you out a bit. You know lighten your load,” Bonnie offered, meekly. 
“I’m not the most selfless person,” Katherine began and by the knowing looks around the room no one was going to rebut that statement. “But given your celebrity status I figured I could least lend a hand.”
“What the hell is going on here?” Elijah insisted. 
“Klaus is the Original,” Caroline finally spoke, although her voice was muffled and her eyes downcast. They all knew, even her. Suddenly he felt so stupid. 
“You know Elijah…”
“I know who that is Kol,” he growled. “But how?”
Klaus wasn’t in the mood to talk about this right now surrounded by people who’d deceived him. 
“I can’t believe you all lied to me,” he hissed. He made a move for the door before she spoke again, her voice making him freeze. 
“What? Like you lied to all of us?” She baulked. “Look, we knew you wanted to keep this a secret so we went along with it. But we don’t like seeing you hurt all the time and not being able to admit we know why.”
He turned to face Caroline his gaze trained on her beautiful features and thought back to earlier that morning and the way she’d tended to his bleeding cut without a word. Maybe their silence on the matter was killing them just as much as it was him. 
“I’m still confused,” Elijah interrupted.  
“It’s okay baby, I’ll explain it to you.” Katherine cooed, pulling him up from the lounge and leaving the room, the rest of them in tow sensing he needed a minute to cool down. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He mumbled, finally finding his voice. 
“Because you didn’t,” she murmured, moving closer and cupping his cheek, stroking her thumb over the spot she’d tended to earlier. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t say anything, but you have to believe me, I wanted to every single day,” he conceded. “I just wasn’t sure how you’d feel about my choice in extracurricular activities.”
“You thought I’d be scared.” Her blue eyes were now boring into his and Klaus was finding it increasingly difficult to breath. 
“No, I thought you’d only want me for my superhero status,” he teased, earning a slap on the cheek for his efforts. “Hey!”
“You deserved it.”
“I was trying to lighten the mood,” he reasoned, pulling her into his arms and running his hands through her golden waves. “But just so you know I have no intention of ever leaving you, sweetheart, because I love you so there’s no reason to be frightened.”
“Can I have that in writing?” She grinned, her palms lying flat on his toned chest, causing a certain area to tingle in response. 
“How about we come to another type of agreement in Vail?” 
“You’re really going to take some time off from superhero duty?” 
“For you I would do anything,” he growled, greedily capturing her lips and losing himself in the gentle massage of her mouth against his. It was something he’d wanted for so long but had never really dreamed possible.
After a few minutes, she pulled away unexpectedly, Klaus feeling a little rejected. She looked at him sternly and Klaus knew she was about to give him an order.
“As much as I love this and can’t wait for our snowy get away, with your superhero suit of course, you need to go out there and apologise to everyone.”
“But…” he replied petulantly, still feeling somewhat deceived. 
“But nothing, they have been your support system all this time even if you had no idea…” Before he could argue she read his mind as usual. “And that includes Kol.”
“Fine,” he conceded, pretending to be upset but his stupidly goofy grin no doubt giving him away. “You know you’re pretty good at giving orders, any chance you want to don a cape and join me?”
“Just wait until you get me into bed Mikaelson. All of my superpowers will be revealed.” She purred, leaning in and nipping his lips briefly before sauntering away, her hips wiggling seductively as she did. 
Maybe this superhero gig did have its perks after all.  
You can read on FF HERE
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jillmckenzie1 · 5 years
Please Swipe Responsibly
If you think dating is hard, try dating in a ski town. Population 4,896. The tourist game is so strong in Breckenridge that I can confidently proclaim that I’ve matched with more Texans in Colorado than I ever matched with Texans while actually living in Texas.
For those of you unfamiliar with app dating, I’ll provide a crash course. Bumble gives the woman 24 hours to communicate with the man after a match is made (i.e. two mutual swipe rights). The man then has 24 hours to respond. Each user is given a daily extension, which will open the communication channel for an extra 24 hours. Once a male and female have both commented, the chat log stays open indefinitely. Hinge is slightly more low-key; I liken it to Facebook as users can simply heart photos or comments without a deadline to engage in conversation. Both operate on a geographical radius.
A few weeks ago, a guy in my Bumble queue opted to use his one-time extension (quite flattering, yes). I figured anyone who was willing to take such initiative was worthy of, at the very least, a cordial hello (only, I never lead with a formal salutation because that would immediately classify me as boring, and I am not boring). Lo and behold, he’s at the airport. On his way back to San Diego. California. His words: “I know, I swiped irresponsibly, but you really seemed worth it.”
No shit I’m worth it. But, what’s your play here, stud? Are you going to fall madly in love with me via FaceTime before I transport my Airstream to your driveway? No. Answer is no.
So, we wasted each other’s time for two hours in meaningless conversation that we will never be able to get back. It’s fine. Everything is fine. I didn’t want those two hours anyway (insert eyeroll emoji).
You might be shocked to learn that this irresponsible swiping stuff is a very real thing. I’ve often wondered if I’m simultaneously chatting with two bros from the same bachelor party who are crammed into the hot tub of their ten-person rental pad. Chances are high (and, no, I’m not coming over with my bathing suit).
With that being said, I generally bow out of conversations once I realize that the guy’s home base extends beyond the city limits of Denver. And that’s not because I wouldn’t date someone outside of Colorado. I most certainly would. Ironically, I am actually one of the few people who is easily able to close the mileage gap for the right person. But, to date, my freedom has acted as more of a curse.
Circumstance conditions us to date within our city limits, to find the person that fits into our geographical routines. To be open to anyone living anywhere is an entirely new dimension to dating that most people are not even fully able to comprehend (think black-holes-in-outer-space type stuff).
As you can imagine, it’s rare to find locals in a ski town (who are also my age), and if I do, they are usually working jobs that are not going to prosper into sustainable careers (no judgment, but I undoubtedly need someone who is going to inspire my professional synapses). So, I currently exist between the hopelessness of meeting a real-life human in the wild (not sure people even do this anymore) and the ridiculousness that is our digital dead zone of online dating (in case you were wondering, filters do not exist behind phone screens).
For all of you non-single people, let me enlighten you for a minute. For all of you single people, I’m fully aware that these next few paragraphs will come as no surprise.
In the last two weeks, I’ve been sent two dick pics (completely unsolicited). Both from irresponsible swipers escaping back into their East Coast abodes. One of them even used a shampoo bottle to clearly demonstrate size. A true gentleman in every sense of the word. Mama raised that boy right. Also, it’s worth noting that he used his Bumble profile to define his religious affiliation as “Christian” (insert wide-eyed, blank stare emoji). I do not say that with any predisposition to the fact that a Christian guy should know better or more than a man who labels himself as a non-Christian; it’s simply a nod to the fact that an online dating profile creates a high level of expectations for how a person should be acting based on the viewer’s perceptions of those answers; but really, those perceptions are just that, perceptions. The answers hold zero weight in the grand scheme of deciphering the personality, morals, and intentions of the guy (or girl) on the other side of the screen.
In a surprising turn of events from volunteer nudes, I’ve also been proposed to four times. One included a link to Jagged Edge’s “Let’s Get Married” hit single that had me convinced that we might actually engage in harmonious matrimony (if you know me, then you know that 90’s R&B is the key to my Usher-loving heart). The other three were generally well-timed responses to my signature sarcasm.
The most popular question I get, however, does not involve my ring finger. It is a request for a picture of my backside (I wish I were kidding). I present to you my most recent exchange with a guy from Denver who, on day two of correspondence, asked for a photo of my butt. In his defense, he made this request using the peach emoji (please read that he gets no actual defense for using the peach emoji). When I told him that pictures of my backside were worth the big bucks, he then sent me the money bag emoji (three of them, to be exact) as if I were really insinuating that I needed some form of payment. Of course, he then unmatched me (I’m going to assume that my lack of correspondence proved that he wasn’t going to get what he wanted – even though he had put in his Bumble profile that he was looking for a person with whom to do outdoor things, not a person from whom to receive peach photos).
Finally, my personal favorite, the guy who asked me, “Is there any chance in hell you’d ever allow someone to buy a pair of your socks?” And never has a human been more serious. This dude’s commitment to the previously quoted question puts the marriage proposal men to absolute shame. I proceeded to ask him if he was using Hinge to run some type of sock-smuggling enterprise (think Orange is the New Black and Piper’s prison panty operation). Apparently, that wasn’t funny. At least, not to him. Immediate unmatch. Great. My socks are safe. Bye.
At this point, I realize that matching with anyone online–no matter his ultimate geographic location– opens up the flood gates of potential comedic absurdity. I often question whether or not to persevere for the sake of finding a “normal” one out there or simply throwing in the towel and praying that the real-life guy will mysteriously find me while we reach for the same jar of almond butter at Whole Foods or sit undeniably too close on the same chairlift. If you are a regular to my writing shenanigans, then you know that I recently succumbed to the fact that dating is a game of numbers, so the answer–whether I like it or not–is to do both. To be open to finding someone is to explore every means necessary for a union to take place.
  Here. Present. Doing it.
The problem is that it can be just so damn tiring. Like when I had to tell the guy who had just ended it with his live-in girlfriend three days before we went on our first–and only–date that there was no possible way that I could move forward with him based on that information, and he proceeded to text me every day for a week even despite my withdrawal from the conversation (a testament to the fact that even the most direct bluntness can be blinded by the highest levels of emotional instability).
Hint: Get off Bumble. Move out of your apartment. Rebuild your capacity to do life alone so that you can physically and psychologically support yourself before attempting to simultaneously support someone else standing beside you.
  Dating fail number…I’ve lost count.
Two weeks ago, I started messaging a guy in Vail (mind you, he’s actually from Michigan). Ironically, he’s on a 30-day snowboard trip in which two of those weeks will exactly mirror the trip I’ve been thinking about taking to Jackson Hole and Sun Valley and then into Utah. I started to like his digital version so much that I found myself not even wanting to meet his real-life version. His point total was so positive that, in order to prepare myself for the typical in-person letdown, I reasoned that his profile pictures were five years old and that he’d be far less entertaining in the flesh.
I wish I could tell you that my self-talk was wrong, but in true Bumble fashion, we both faded into oblivion, our names sitting somewhere in the deep recesses of each other’s iMessage chat logs (if we even gave each other names). We had a solid four days in which I reasoned that the overabundance of snow was due to my dancing abilities. He called me his lucky charm. I made sure to dominate his daily vertical feet of mountain madness (you’re not surprised). And he didn’t send me a dick pic (you are surprised).
All that being said, the answer is that I don’t know. But history suggests that this stimulating digital connection would have made it very difficult for the analog encounter to live up to such inevitably high expectations.
  Fact. Our phones have dramatically changed the environment for cultivating romantic relationships.
Let’s revisit the anomaly of real-life encounters. My best friend has put this fantasy inside my head that my Prince Charming is actually not going to manifest himself from behind my phone screen. She is convinced that we are, in fact, going to serendipitously meet as physical people.
She tells me that he is going to be standing in front of me in the singles line of Peak 6, only to find out that Kensho Chair is no longer running because of a high wind advisory. He will turn around, in despair, to be greeted by my slightly annoyed but still smiling google-tanned face, and we’ll both subconsciously register our mutual affinity for camo: his pants, my jacket. He’ll mumble his frustrations about wanting to hike to the summit and based on my recent experience–in which I quite literally almost blew off the side of the mountain–I’ll ensure him that he is missing nothing. He’ll exhale relief before confirming that we are both, in fact, locals. And we’ll strap in side-by-side, surrounded by an equivocal air of attraction.
We’ll race off towards Peak 7, his speed just outside my reach, and yet I’ll still manage to fall just one spot behind him on Independence Chair. At that point, I will try to erase that fuzzy feeling–the one that sends an electric current from the top of your head down into your toes, the one that is assessing whether or not the person within your vicinity is registering that fuzzy feeling, too–because I am coming to terms with the fact that he will be long gone by the time I remove myself from my single seat on that six-person chair.
Except he won’t be gone. He’ll be taking his sweet time to buckle himself in, and as I skate to a spot near him to ultimately do the same, he will do the unprecedented thing, the action that seems so lost in our current state of swiping and sexting: he will ask me my name followed by an open invitation to ride together for the remainder of the day. He will open himself up to my potential to say no.
Except I won’t say no. I will say yes with a confidence that implies that I couldn’t picture the day going any other way, a façade to the fuzzies that I’ll have welcomed back into every major and minor nerve-ending inside my spine. Because I’ll be nervous as hell. I won’t have access to five pictures or a brief bio to make assumptions about him before we embark on this journey (because you know I won’t make any of those afternoon runs easy). And I won’t know if he just wants someone to hike with him to the backside of Peak 9 or if he thinks that I look quasi-cute in my snowboard getup that often has me confused for being a bro. I won’t know his age or his job or his ability to speak sarcasm. I won’t have the faintest idea of his Zodiac Sign or his religious affiliation. There will be no checkbox on his camo pants helping me to understand if he is searching for love or for lust.
So, my best friend, she tells me that it will happen this way. And I will have to ask the questions. And I will have to listen to my intuition. And, in this fantasy that she has created for my life, he is nothing short of sincere. He will have the wherewithal to ask for my number at the end of the day and the balls to text me that evening to ask if I want to spend the next morning together on the mountain. And it will snow seven inches that night, and I’ll wake up early to meet him for first chair, and without hesitation, he’ll show me all the secret stashes in the trees. The powder day will turn into drinks at night, and after two Tito’s and sodas, he’ll admit that the closing of Peak 6 on a random Thursday in January was the best thing that’s happened to him in a very long time. And, I’ll allow his words–that I am kind and pretty and funny–to intoxicate my soul so much deeper than the vodka ever could.
We’ll kiss. And it won’t be fueled by an animal-like intensity to simply rip off each other’s clothes to expose what hides beneath the layers of baggy snowboard gear. He will linger on my bottom lip and run his fingers through my hair that is notoriously flowing from underneath my Broncos beanie. And I won’t be able to decipher the difference between that giddy feeling that I am getting from the snow that continues to blanket my newfound home in Colorado or from the fire that has now been tattooed on my lips.
At that point, I’ll know. His age and his job and his ability to speak sarcasm. I’ll know his Zodiac Sign, even if he barely knows it himself, and his religious affiliation. And while there will be no checkbox on his, now, denim jeans, my intuition will tell me that he is not just looking for lust.
So, we’ll do that whole dating thing. And he’ll hop in the car with me for that aforementioned Idaho road trip. And his real-life version, the one that I met before having to decipher his methods of digital dialogue, will undoubtedly leave me begging for more.
Maybe, just maybe, my best friend will be right about this one (she’s usually right). Meanwhile, if you need me, I’ll be over here dreaming about the singles line on Peak 6 (and turning down more requests for pictures of my backside).
from Blog https://ondenver.com/please-swipe-responsibly/
0 notes
syncperformance · 7 years
Junior Team America: Kellen Kinsella - What a Season!
What a season! I remember my first day on snow all the way back in October, and now as the racing season is wrapping down I have had some time to reflect on all the awesome times that I’ve had throughout the year. First I would like to thank Sync and Junior Team America for all of the great help and support throughout the season. I remember the super early days at the beginning of the year where I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing; I just knew that I was having a good time.
Things couldn’t always be that carefree and as the first NPS (National Performance Series) race in Copper was coming up I really buckled down and focused hard on getting better. It was definitely a nerve-racking race because it was the best kids in the country and I was the lucky guy who drew bib 1 for GS. So as I was feeling butterflies as I kicked out of the start and skied my way into first on the run and second in the combined. I proved to myself that day that I was capable of performing at a high level and that momentum has really carried with me since.
After Copper I took a nice break and then moved on to prepping for the next NPS in Burke, Vermont. I was really stressing this race because a good result would put me on the team that gets to travel to Europe and compete in some races across the pond. At Burke I did what I had to. In the slalom races I was second, and I was third behind fellow JTA athlete Zane Worrell, and Nico Richeda. In the Giant slalom I raced to third place. It was an unbelievably fun week out on the east coast improving all the time on the icy race venue, and better yet I had qualified to go to Europe.
The USA sent six boys and seven girls to represent at the Seven Nations cup in Hinterreit, Austria, and I was just lucky enough to be asked to go as one of the boys. We left on February 6 for Germany where we were having a week of training in Berchtesgaden before we hopped over to Austria for the main show. It was such an awesome week of training and it could not have been any better. We ended the training session by joining a local German race against some of their best kids, and I’m proud and gracious to say that I was able to beat them. A big congrats to Allie Resnick for getting second in that race for the ladies!!
After that, we drove to Hinterreit. In Hinterreit we trained for a couple days and then it was time for the big race, the Seven Nations Cup. Seven Nations is one of, if not the most prestigious youth races in the world; and, I could feel the competition and nerves of everyone around me (I had them big time too). I had been working with my coach Johnny all year on peaking at the right time and now it was the time to see where I was. The giant slalom was first. I was in the third seed so I ran after all of the top boys from Europe. I didn’t let it stop me. On the first run, I skied fast and clean and ended up second after the first run. It was such a different feeling when I learned that because I didn’t expect that from myself and I was overwhelmed with happiness, but I still knew that I had a second run to do and try and move up one spot on the podium.
I remember shaking I was so nervous but just listening to music trying to focus on just skiing the way I could, not results. I skied my race and my way and that was all I could ask for. I came down into the finish burning with passion, nervousness, and emotions that I cannot describe. I was just plain happy I guess. I had won! All of my teammates were there and I felt truly amazing that day. The next day was awesome too! I skied without any pressure or anything; I felt lifted up and ended up in second! Also, my friend Allie was Fourth Place! Not the podium, but she was so close to winning that I don’t think her place was relevant to how she skied that day! We were just a happy group in a beautiful place doing the most beautiful sport in the world.
I think that when something big happens to you, you have to take a step back and just think about it for a while. But things don’t last forever so there comes a time when you have to move on and try to improve. The next big race was Junior Champs in Vail, Co. I skied awesome there. Pulling off the win in the Alpine Combine, Giant slalom, and slalom. It was just a fairytale to me.
The next, and final, big race of the year was U16 Nationals in Sugarloaf, Maine. I was so excited to be apart of this race. Nationals are always a really fun race series. The best kids in the US come together and race. All of the Team coaches and race reps are there and it makes you feel special just to be able to attend. A lot of things went right at Nationals. I got second in the Super G race, which is my best finish in the discipline, and I was second in the GS, and first in the Slalom. Also, I won the overall for the whole series. It’s truly amazing to be able to have the results that I have and I’m very grateful for them. While I am excited and happy I know that I will have to keep working hard in the years to come, especially as I am moving up to FIS next year and I can pit myself against the best of the best.
.)) Kellen
Junior Team America: Kellen Kinsella – What a Season! was originally published on Performance First
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debbidimaggioblog · 6 years
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Follow Up: Tim texted a thank you. He took the job!! #repost @debbidimaggiostoryteller ・・・ At first glance I thought to ask, “are you a basketball 🏀 player?” I said this to myself as I squeezed in between 2 very tall passengers on our SWA flight from Oakland to Denver en route to Vail. I learned his name later, and to my right was a tall woman on her iPad doing a puzzle. “That’s Cool,” I said.” #WhoKnew. You can do just about anything these days on a computer that you can do in our physical world. I thought bubbled to myself. The tall man in sunglasses 🕶 pulled out some mints and offered them to us. #NoteToSelf Locate those mints. So good! ... he says take as many as you want. I sat there 🤔 thinking... 2.5 hours, what am I going to do? I thought about writing but nothing was streaming, so I closed my eyes and thankfully 🙏🏻 fell asleep. Not for very long, but it got me over the hump. Then my mind started streaming so I pulled out my iPhone 📱 and started taking notes. #ToDo. As I was typing I heard the tall lanky guy ask.... “Where would you live, Colorado or California.” We hadn’t spoken the entire trip, lucky for him as I had an answer. I always have an opinion & advice. (Moms.) And my answers are more like long winded thoughts 💭. I said both are beautiful but I’d get a little bored full time in Colorado. I asked, why? He went on to say he has applied for a job without much thought or plan. The company called right away and offered to fly him out to CA. He was not only offered the job but would be paying him 3x more! I said if you were my son or daughter I’d tell you to take it. You can always go back. Adam heard the conversation and agreed. That’s when we formally introduced ourselves. He had been agonizing the entire trip and as we were about to land he thought, “why don’t I just ask this lady.” He did. I spoke. I am pretty certain Ted is taking the job and yes, he’ll become part of the family. First outing when he moves out, the Napa Valley. If you don’t ask you never know. If you don’t go for it you’ll lose out. Ted told Adam and I that we should Tour the world 🌎 guiding and mentoring people. Always a thought of ours. #foundation4success
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debbidimaggioblog · 6 years
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At first glance I thought to ask, “are you a basketball 🏀 player?” I said this to myself as I squeezed in between two very tall passengers on our Southwest flight from Oakland to Denver en route to Vail. I learned his name later, and to my right was a tall woman on her iPad doing a puzzle. “That’s Cool,” I said.” #WhoKnew. You can do just about anything these days on a computer that you can do in our physical world. I thought bubbled to myself. The tall man in sunglasses 🕶 pulled out some mints and offered them to us. #NoteToSelf Locate those mints. So good! ... he says take as many as you want. I sat there 🤔 thinking... 2.5 hours, what am I going to do? I thought about writing but nothing was streaming, so I closed my eyes and thankfully 🙏🏻 fell asleep. Not for very long, but it got me over the hump. Then my mind started streaming so I pulled out my iPhone 📱 and started taking notes. #ToDo. As I was typing I heard the tall lanky guy ask.... “Where would you live, Colorado or California.” We hadn’t spoken the entire trip, lucky for him as I had an answer. I always have an opinion & advice. (Moms.) And my answers are more like long winded thoughts 💭. I said both are beautiful but I’d get a little bored full time in Colorado. I asked, why? He went on to say he has applied for a job without much thought or plan. The company called right away and offered to fly him out to CA. He was not only offered the job but would be paying him 3x more! I said if you were my son or daughter I’d tell you to take it. You can always go back. Adam heard the conversation and agreed. That’s when we formally introduced ourselves. He had been agonizing the entire trip and as we were about to land he thought, “why don’t I just ask this lady.” He did. I spoke. I am pretty certain Ted is taking the job and yes, he’ll become part of the family. First outing when he moves out, the Napa Valley. If you don’t ask you never know. If you don’t go for it you’ll lose out. Ted told Adam and I that we should Tour the world 🌎 guiding and mentoring people. Always a thought of ours. #JustDoIt #Absolutely #NoRegrets #foundation4success #mentor #inspire #giveback #airplanestories #noshortageonadvice (at Denver International Airport)
0 notes
debbidimaggioblog · 6 years
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At first glance I thought to ask, “are you a basketball 🏀 player?” I said this to myself as I squeezed in between two very tall passengers on our Southwest flight from Oakland to Denver en route to Vail. I learned his name later, and to my right was a tall woman on her iPad doing a puzzle. “That’s Cool,” I said.” #WhoKnew. You can do just about anything these days on a computer that you can do in our physical world. I thought bubbled to myself. The tall man in sunglasses 🕶 pulled out some mints and offered them to us. #NoteToSelf Locate those mints. So good! ... he says take as many as you want. I sat there 🤔 thinking... 2.5 hours, what am I going to do? I thought about writing but nothing was streaming, so I closed my eyes and thankfully 🙏🏻 fell asleep. Not for very long, but it got me over the hump. Then my mind started streaming so I pulled out my iPhone 📱 and started taking notes. #ToDo. As I was typing I heard the tall lanky guy ask.... “Where would you live, Colorado or California.” We hadn’t spoken the entire trip, lucky for him as I had an answer. I always have an opinion & advice. (Moms.) And my answers are more like long winded thoughts 💭. I said both are beautiful but I’d get a little bored full time in Colorado. I asked, why? He went on to say he has applied for a job without much thought or plan. The company called right away and offered to fly him out to CA. He was not only offered the job but would be paying him 3x more! I said if you were my son or daughter I’d tell you to take it. You can always go back. Adam heard the conversation and agreed. That’s when we formally introduced ourselves. He had been agonizing the entire trip and as we were about to land he thought, “why don’t I just ask this lady.” He did. I spoke. I am pretty certain Ted is taking the job and yes, he’ll become part of the family. First outing when he moves out, the Napa Valley. If you don’t ask you never know. If you don’t go for it you’ll lose out. Ted told Adam and I that we should Tour the world 🌎 guiding and mentoring people. Always a thought of ours. #JustDoIt #Absolutely #NoRegrets #foundation4success #mentor #inspire #giveback #airplanestories #noshortageonadvice (at Denver International Airport)
0 notes