elysialm · 2 years
I’m so excited to rewrite interactions between Elysia and Mei with Sue because wtf canon 
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scarletrotted · 2 years
@vakinari asked:  👫
[ Prompt here ]
Both Mei and Melania eventually ascend to some forms of god figures of destruction. They both are vessels of powerful elements, with Mei having thunder and Malenia, Rot. With such responsibility, I imagine them to have long hardened themselves during most of their livelihood. Eventually, god entities assume their hosts with Mei fusing with the Herrscher of Thunder and Rot taking Malenia turning her into a true Goddess of Rot.
They are powerful swordswomen, both who are capable of high-scaled devastation. Both wield destructive capabilities though differ slightly in the case that Mei’s abilities seem to end while Malenia’s, upon inflicting Scarlet Rot, causes a birth of new twisted lifeforms. Malenia’s sword drinks her enemies’ essence and replenishes her own as well, thus, prolonging her own suffering. 
They seem to harbor a similar sense of solitude, perhaps a sense of loneliness. In Malenia’s case, she has a lot on her shoulders on top of battling her own sense of self-worth as her body is corroding due to the Rot. I wouldn’t put it past Marika to be someone who would instill and emphasize her usefulness in her swordsmanship which I’m sure would place another layer of pressure since childhood as someone who is cursed AND chosen as a candidate to someday succeed Marika. I would think this sense of loneliness would not be easily opened up about and bonded with between Mei and Malenia as there are certainly nuances such as Mei’s past in being bullied while Malenia grew up with hefty expectations and everyone (even Radagon and Marika, her parents who are gods and demi-god siblings) are afraid, perhaps even disgusted of her since no one is immune to Scarlet Rot. 
Mei and Malenia seem to share similarities of tragic figures. Both being overtaken by some greater power after a time of wrestling with it. I’m not entirely familiar with Mei’s case if she manages to wield it and make it her better own, but for Malenia and her full embrace of the rot is her breaking of a vow she held sacred and her ultimate downfall.
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rdrsagony · 2 years
“oh, wow, you weren’t kidding.”
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Was she shocked? Was she going to call her some unsavory name? Was she going to ask for something else as if she were a djinn from the lamp? It makes her want to hide again, worried that this sharp and strong gaze will disintegrate her on spot. Raiden Mei oozes power that makes the hairs on the back of her neck stand up straight, but she can also sense something sad and genuinely tough that's carried inside. This is why she doesn't let the fear take over her as Agatha looks up again. Their height difference was too big for her not to actually look quite up and strain her neck, especially with those heels the maiden was wearing. As much as she was terrifying in her appearance and power, she was also undeniably and enchantingly beautiful like the nature's radiance itself- like the embodiment of lightning. Such a striking presecce, no one would be able to deny her or to get in her way.
Her fear changed to fascination in a moment, suddenly wishing to know more about said woman. There was still concern her powers made the other wonder how she could use her, but she doesn't want to doubt someone who clearly helped her out and who asked genuinely to prove that Belobogova spoke genuine truth. As she playing with her own fingers and the rings on them, Agatha would speak up:
" Y-yes, I didn't want you to think that I was lying. I genuinely cannot read anything out loud without it affecting... everything around me, " she would look away again, but now to look at what was created from a paragraph read out loud. The house of hers was not seen anymore as it would become a place only she would enter, a small salvation of hers after everything that transpired. Everyone whose lives were affected by her 'blessing' and by her 'power' were supposed to forget about her by now. Maybe this woman, too, will forget about her if she reads about it out loud, but she doesn't know if it would be for the worse or for the better. Agatha didn't wish to use her powers to affect other people. " Sometimes, I read about characters from the books I've written. They come to life and spend some time with me in my house, but I always return them back to their world and to their families. "
The maiden of golden hair and blue eyes would crouch down to extend her hand to the... small baby unicorn that was eating grass. Upon sensing the presence of the one who 'summoned' it, the creature would turn its head and happily approach, sniffing the hand and then starting to sniff her face. Gentle chuckles follow as the woman would start to pet the magic creature, the baby unicorn (even smaller than a pony) would nuzzle into her neck carefully to avoid it horn from harming another.
" I didn't mean to refuse you help, but... It doesn't always come out as others want. I wonder if it's connected to my emotions, sometimes the ones I read about come out as ... not fully themselves, " never harming her but going towards those around her. Perhaps, it's all because they are protecting her but she doesn't know. Agatha can only lessen such usage of her powers for others, all because she wishes to see no one hurt. " D-do you find these powers... awful? I-I promise I never used them for wrong! I only... want to live quietly in my house, I don't want to... hurt anyone. "
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herrscherbled · 2 years
“  ... ” cue a pause; arms put into a loose fold. A part of her considers what she is about to say too much of an overshare / something best thought but never said aloud despite the gratitude felt. ━ after all, the St. Freya keepsakes & the weight on her heart have pulse hammer akin to a kettledrum [the way melancholia yet again seems to split you in two / holding breath captive whilst recollections of long done missions & battlefield campaigns replay at the back of your mind; memories so vivid remembered regardless of their age. How often had Squad 5 muttered reassurance, the Major most of all]. ━ jaw sets, violent violet finding crimson red glare. Cadence holds commonplace edge, the deep voice pitch of a herrscher regardless of emotions's maelstrom making her feel more like dead girl old self again. “  i’ve got your back, okay? ” - for Raven!
Does this visage not speak the tales of endless suffering through cynical trenches of reality? The gaze remains steady and sharp, she does not put her trust into anyone willingly without good balance. The world has never been kind nor does she wish to become a saintess in the future. Too much blood taints her hands, her claws that she digs into each of her clientele’s prey. She is a weapon for hire, she is a bar owner, she is a woman who wishes to grant the kids she saved a place to call home as she herself had lost it when the 2nd Eruption happened. The world has its own heroes, but Natasha does not wish to become one of them. She lives for money, her life depends on money, and so do the lives of those who hide beneath her wing. The only times when she sheds the appearance of a terrifying mercenary is when Sora’s smile is seen, the kids would inquire her about adventures. There are countless things that have to be taken into consideration. The fight against Honkai continues, World Serpent will kill her if she tries to step away from their righteous path. It makes her sigh, tired and exhausted from the never-ending blindness of those who have been charmed by the idea of reaching the deepest abyss. She can still remember the way she escaped the clutches of the snake as one of the successors. 
Natasha leans against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. How long has t been since Raiden Mei joined her to do the biddings of this organization? The girl who was struggling to fight against her before, awakening the powers of a Herrscher without a core. She was always watched by this organization, by her and many others. The heiress to ME Corporation, a girl who was abandoned to fend for herself. A mercenary like her heard quite a lot about the scandal that transpired. Politics and their own dirty tricks. She’s done business for the likes of them but it continues to make her feel slimy once they’re done with their speeches. As long as they pay her well, she could care less how many lives they bring to destruction. If they do not touch what she protects and keeps safe, it doesn’t matter. Nothing really does. Was there any need for trust in this land, this world, this job? Raven is used to being alone, to work alone, to not trust anyone but herself and her Divine Key. This is why she raises an eyebrow upon seeing Mei step closer.
How long has it been since she allowed herself to work with a Herrscher? After all, Herrscher of the Void has destroyed what she’d worked for years on end. What makes this one so different? Oh, quite a lot. There was still clarity in the eyes of the lightning empress, it’s quite comedic how at ease she feels with the other next to her despite being the embodiment of nature itself. Well, not like Natasha herself is fully human either. Where does human stop and a monster begin? Thus, the woman waits patiently to see what the other has to say for it was rare when such an expression would cross Raiden’s face. Not since she’d accepted the power that destroyed Nagazora years ago. 
“ Hah, ” she responds with a chuckle. It’s a show of surprise as she did not expect such words to be uttered by anyone. Whoever tried to tell her this meant that they could cover her back but also stab her right there as well. It makes sense that she doesn’t trust those words from the beginning, but she doubts them far less than anyone else she’s ever met in her life. Not because this is a Herrscher who can end her life from the back or by facing her; no, it’s far simpler than that. Cioara tilts her head to the side, smirking at the other’s sudden show of emotions and kindness that she’s seen back with kids, Sora, and in Nagazora. Before the thunder has begun to ring above their heads. “ I sure hope so, Raiden Mei. ”
It’s hard to accept these words with softness that hasn’t been present with anyone but children. Even with Sora, she continued to hold onto her calm and steady attitude. What softness was there left in her body that’s been thrown back and forth in the reality of cynicism? Cynics aren’t soft, aren’t kind, aren’t gentle. At least, she never considered herself to be any of those. She did what she did because it was her decision, her wish, her desire. Some salvation for her own damned soul. Mei’s words only make her recall when she was taken by Grey Serpent, but those memories are immediately shunned away. Instead, crimson gaze continues to study Mei’s face, every single expression and every single change. The smirk falls, giving free reign to her light frown and professionalism that continue to eat her away from the inside. 
“ This isn’t your academy, Mei. You do not have to tell me that, ” Raven falters for a moment, sighing out and closing her eyes. It’s strange. She shouldn’t get used to such warmth from the other. This friendship may not hold on for too long. Nothing in her life seems to remain constant. Friendships in her field of work is another weakness to be abused. And yet... “ I’ve got your back as well. Naturally, as your senior, I will. ” It’s easier to express genuine intention through the familiar language. A mercenary cannot trust fully with their heart on their sleeve. Even if Mei knows of the kids, even if she is a kind-hearted individual beneath her Herrscher persona, but it still forces Raven to speak like this. Though, she laughs once again, softer now.  It’s truly strange. “ After all, we promised Sora that we’ll visit together, don’t we? You’d better hold onto that promise of making something delicious for her someday. ”
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Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have.
1. Sirin owns a cat!
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Sirin has a pet cat thanks to her parents. It’s a white furred female Maine Coon who she calls her Silver. She loves Silver a lot and takes good care for her. You can mostly see Silver on her lap when sirin’s studying.
2. Kiana--or any herrschers have a biological flashlight
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It’s more of a random thought I had, but seeing herrschers with glowing eyes I kinda thought of a headcanon of the herrschers having eyes as a flashlight they can turn on and off at will. These glowing eyes require the least amount of energy to use so when a herrscher uses their powers it’s always accompanied by those glowing eyes. The glowing eyes can also be turned on or off without using any of those powers, allowing her or any other herrschers to use those eyes as a flashlight. Useful for when they’re in a dark lit environment!
3. Elysia invented the crystal arrows.
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With her being a gemologist, she studies a lot of crystals and with that, she finds some interesting crystals with some special properties-- one of them makes even more crystals using the kinetic energy of a strong impact or an impact at a high speed. The crystal it makes doesn’t have that same property. Elysia accidentally found out about that when she shot a random crystal with an arrow to experiment it’s strength. The result made her want to try and create an arrow with that crystal in mind and thus the crystal arrow was born. It’s not safe enough for the royal army of Lilium to use these arrows in their arsenal but it isn’t really banned either. 
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nekoagent · 2 years
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❝ loving your girlfriend is great and all , but have you considered getting any hobbies ??  mahjong perhaps ?? ❞
@vakinari​ // one-liner starter
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luminousglimmer-a · 2 years
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。・:*:・゚★  |  | @vakinari​  ―  𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒉   ✧  
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❝   sign, you useless gay.   ❞
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
Esdeath & Helga Sinclair? Ren, your taste is impeccable.
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wulfriic · 2 years
What’s one of the bravest things your muse has done? Did they consider it brave?
Headcanon/Development Questions // ALWAYS Accepting
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Well... There are a few times I can say he's done some brave things. Off the top of my head, the whole battle of Beacon was one huge moment for all the students and Gwyn is no exception. Probably his bravest moment was when he ran off to help his adoptive father (Since the whole city was going FUBAR) and he saved a kid from being splattered on the ground when a shit ton of debris was falling on him. Gwyn ended up with a rebar through his left shoulder and bicep but the kid was safe, well, except for some small rocks and dust but hey, he was safe.
He didn't consider it brave at the time, he thought it was stupid that he got hurt. Hell, he ripped the whole thing (the rebar) clean off his body so that was definitely stupid. But... He would do it again, like, no questions asked he'd risk his life and remaining limb if it meant people are safe. He might not show it since he's mean and rude and sarcastic but he's got a bit of a hero complex at times.
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elysialm · 2 years
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Unlike their usual meeting place, Elysia wanders around the simulated fields, knowing that at some point Raiden Mei shall make her brilliant appearance. However, mind wanders. The one who was born as who Mei had become creates a rift that, perhaps, no one will ever be able to cross despite the love and affection given. It is not in her mind to ever make Mei stay here forever, she belongs to the world outside while her sim remains a part of the past legacy. Elysia hopes and wishes, as she did before, that the Current Era’s herrschers will be able to live a better life and remain human. So they could use the powers given to them to protect what they care about and to protect humanity as the Thirteen once did. Despite the wishes she harbors, she does not belong in the world outside neither does she tries to get out. Just knowing that Mei exists already proved enough to her. 
The sound of the door opening resounds behind her, but Elysia still does not face the one who comes through. The Signet of Ego won’t be given this time, there is a change of plan only this mystical yet energetic elf would make. Always in her mind, always in her own little world, always deep in that love she wishes to give others yet it seems that Raiden isn’t one who will ever open her heart to her. It both makes her sad but also does not, she has lied and hid away. Does it make her a bad girl? Ah, but the Last Banquet still resounds inside. She was deathly afraid to speak honest truth before those she fought with, opening her own heart to Mei still remains a rather... precious experience. It is not because she does not trust a fellow noble soul, but simply because she, too, herself, has a moment of deep sadness that fills her to the brim when she revisits that end. 
“ Ah, Mei~ ” The pinkette turns around with a wave of her hand at the other, beckoning her to step closer. It is immediately noticeable that it’s different, she doesn’t speak the same openers she always does. Instead, she hopes that the Herrscher of Thunder will step closer to her so they can walk into another door and into another simulated dimension where they could talk, away from prying eyes. Away from Mobius’ serpent gaze, away from Klein’s check ups, away from Aponia’s sight, away from Su’s watchful analysis. “ You are reaching the depths of Elysian Realm faster and faster! How about we take a small break and talk? Just you and I, two beautiful maidens learning more about each other! Surely, with our noble souls shining as bright as the sun above, we can find fun questions to talk about! ”
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scarletrotted · 2 years
@vakinari liked for a starter.
“Surely, the blade guides when the body is unable.”
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momoderas · 2 years
❛ You’re bleeding. ❜ @vakinari​ 
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“Oh -- it’s nothing to worry about, ‘s fine.”
He shakes his hand, faintly, noticing the sting as his companion alerts him -- smiling in an attempt to be reassuring, sticking the injured appendage in his pocket (somewhat hastily; he’ll bandage it later). It’s truly an inconsequential injury, a cat scratch that had been knocked back open in its rather forceful bump against a table: sometimes it’s hard to tuck mobility aids to the side on bad days, and sometimes you bang a hand or a leg in the process.
“My cat got me this morning. I suppose it’s just, y’know -- a casualty of taking care of an animal. She was mad I wasn’t feeding her fast enough, I think.”
His following laugh is mirthful: a bright, gentle sound, with a trail-off that almost sounds like a cough (a short, soft bark of a noise).
“Thank you for letting me know, though. Doubt I’d’ve noticed otherwise!”
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herrscherbled · 2 years
" I look at you and it is like my throat is being cut. " for Aponia!
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How tragic the end of the lightning’s glow is: to exist in one moment and then to not in the next. Mei’s gaze, her words, her stance, her everything speaks of how she denies everything that Aponia is, but she is not the first one. It makes her think of how Kalpas has been when she first bestowed Discipline upon him, but it did nothing to stop him from his carnage. There were countless who were enforced, who were pushed, who were controlled by the Discipline, but they had all proved themselves to be failures. Every single time she has attempted to change fate, it all turned out for the worst. The search continued to eternity, it led nowhere. Thus, her remaining the Deep End would continue to be her endless path towards repentance for her sins. It makes her feel sadness for the one who bares her fangs at her every single time. 
All of them have been suffering endlessly, hiding their true selves in the spiky shells. It worries her and continues to make her wish to save those who need a place, a person, an embrace where they could cry and confess their deepest fears. Her heart cries for them, endlessly. They can hate her, they can despise her, they can try to kill her. It matters not, she will remain here to answer for her sins and the sins of others who she has doomed by trying to save them. Even now, she wishes to extend her hands towards Raiden’s visage, hoping to alleviate some of her burdens. She isn’t the first one who has denied her prophecy, and she will not be the last. 
Does she truly expect her to stop wishing for genuine salvation after hearing such hurtful words? They all cut deep, but the sympathy and empathy she feels are no lies. The memories of days with Eden and Elysia remain warm in her chest. She will not stop guiding those who deserve salvation towards light and she will give those who deserve a second chance redemption, but she shan’t be above bringing divine punishment to those who deserve it. Mei is not one who will face divine punishment of the moth, no. It was never her intention to hurt, to harm, to kill. Only protect, save, nurture. 
“ I know, ” she responds solemnly, not wishing to bring such pain and torture towards one of such noble heart. Mei reminds her of Elysia, the nobility of one’s spirit mixed with troubling circumstances that continued to make her walk the path of isolated burden. Does this soul find salvation? The butterfly knows, but shall not tell. Speaking of the future will change nothing; thus, she will not say what will become of her, of her dearests, and of this world. She has no ability to affect this land anymore, her death already proved enough as it did. 
Aponia closes her eyes for a moment at the words spoken by the lightning’s roar, it doesn’t bother her. This, too, was predicted, but she cannot help but hope that someday they will come to understanding. A mutual understanding that will erase this tension between them. After all, the maiden entangled in threads of fate only wishes for the garden to bloom around them instead of a cemetery to reappear once more. 
“ It is not my intention to cause you such anguish, Mei, ” she says her name with utter softness, meaning every single word she says. This lost lamb will surely find salvation where the light will be everlasting, but the trenches she must go through will make her wish she’d stop to push forward. Then again, Aponia wishes for nothing but genuine success for the one who stands before her. Can all of them reach the promised land? “ What can I do to alleviate such feeling from your soul? If it is within my capabilities, I shall follow through with needed steps. ”
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@vakinari has liked for a starter with Elyia [x]
The oldest elven princess in the Kelvanur family Elyia was always one to enjoy traveling around the world, it was what she wanted back when her parents were being overprotective of her. Now she has her mom’s permission to able to traverse around. So it wasn’t a surprise for those who knew her to see her exploring the place that is the world outside of her kingdom, or in her case a literal different world.
However, her time enjoying herself exploring the place didn’t last long as she noticed dark clouds looming over the horizon. Thinking that it might rain, Elyia decided to look for a place to hide until she feels it’s safe to go out again. And that place she found was a bus stop. 
A minute of waiting later she could already hear the sounds of thunder from the distance, before shortly after she heard the first few thunder strikes she noticed a woman in the distance. A rather tall woman she saw-- her shockingly long hair  as dark as the night and on that head of hers were horn as crimson red as red rubies. Compared to the place they were, the woman seemed to stand out from the scenery. Then again, the same thing could be said for the elven princess herself with her Regal, yet simple looking outfit, long pointed ears with earrings that seemed to be shaped into a claw on each side.
“...Wait a second--“ She realized that it wasn’t safe for anyone to go outside with thunder being heard left and right here and there. Unbeknownst of who the other is, she reached out to the other.
“Excuse me--“ Elyia exclaimed, reaching out to the herrscher. “I hope I’m not being rude, but isn’t it dangerous to walk outside when it’s thunders?“
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nulltune · 2 years
What romance trope are you?
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hurt/comfort.    damn you really need a hug, huh? how many times have you bottled up your emotions feeling like you had no one to turn to other than yourself? you really want the type of love where they care about you despite your struggles and help you to move past them. you probably hate physical touch but at the same time you desperately crave it. the idea of someone tending to your wounds or hugging you as you sob into their chest is so appealing to you because for once in your life you want to feel like someone actually cares about your wellbeing. wouldn't be surprised if your favourite genre of fanfiction was heart shattering angst
tagged:  i stole it 😊😳 tagging:  @tanzoshi ‎@kurmemini ‎@vowield @cruelset ‎ ‎@zorkaya ‎@luminousglow ‎@tenkoseiensei ‎@jiingweii ‎@avlon ‎@joseiten ‎@innkeepr ‎@ofstarsandskies ‎@somnim ‎@caemthe @jaxxmulti‎ ‎ ‎@noircisaint ‎@maledicti-oculi ‎@edensbless ‎@vakinari ‎@igniferous ‎@dilucisms ‎@toskad ‎@filokscnia ‎@phantasmaw ‎@pruningalaya ‎@devotionobsessed @vuarentain ‎@corrchoigilt ‎@sadamenai ‎@baoshen ‎@erloeser-a (it won't let me tag ur new blog 😩 but pls do this!!! if u wanna!!) + Y O U. but ya gotta tag me uwu <3
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
Mei vc: ... Sparky? Mei vc: thanks, Icicle.
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" See? You get it! You can take a joke and run with it! Already comrades in arms until you go off, Sparky! Raven would NEVER. "
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