Enguany, la Diada Nacional del País Valencià se celebra en un context especialment hostil, en un País Valencià governat per aquells qui odien profundament el valencià i tot el què té a veure amb la cultura i el poble valencians. Però hi plantem cara.
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It amazes me how some Catalan speakers are always arguing whether or not Catalan and Valencian are the same language or not while Basque speakers from the furthest points in EH can hardly understand each other but still consider they speak the same one
Kaixo anon!
Both Basque and Catalan are dialect continuums, much like Romance languages btw.
Languages know no frontiers, and they start showing differences inside their territories that may or may not coincide with politcal borders, ie, both Basque and Catalan are spoken in both sides of the Pyrenees (Spain and France). Catalan has a very much larger territory than Basque, but Basque has more dialects. There's no rule for this.
However, as usual, politicians like to use languages as a weapon, and they can have interest in seeing these continuums as something that unifies, or as something that differentiates. There are languages that are part of the Romance continuum that still aren't considered official (or they're considered dialects instead of languages) and are endangered, while other that are very very close - eg. Galician and Portuguese - are considered two completely different languages mainly because they lay in two different states.
So coming back to your message, if somebody defends that Valencià or Zuberera are different languages than Català or Bizkaiera, they're talking politics, not linguistics.
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*also known as català, valencià, Valencian
reblogs are extremely encouraged to increase sample size. regardless of what choice you picked, feel free to elaborate on your relationship with this language in the tags, and remember to be respectful and mindful when commenting!
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l-ours · 26 days
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Et vull més del que sempre et dic ❤️
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no-passaran · 1 year
Entrevista a la contrabandista de verbs clandestins, que de tant escampar el verí entre pobles vius i senders infinits, ara hi ha un poble que brama en un idioma proscrit.
Més herois com la Marifé Arroyo és el que calen.
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humorydesgracias · 7 months
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abocador-memetic · 1 year
Diguem NO a l'apitxat
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stabbed-monster · 2 months
I don't ask usually for reblogs but neonazis close to the alt-right councilor of Castelló have attacked a public leftist party during Madalena fiestas using baseball bats and metal rods. They left +30 injured one of those is critical. Police only showed up to cover the retreat of the armed group and did nothing to prevent the attack
Sources are in catalan but i'll do my best to translate
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smileystudies · 1 year
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december 28th 2022 // el 28 de desembre de 2022
a little love note to the region to mark the start of my journey learning valencià
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Paella Valenciana
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Azafrán, pollo, conejo, verduras, judía verde, romero, arroz… Son estos los ingredientes necesarios para cocinar uno de los platos más populares y reconocibles en todo el mundo de la gastronomía española: la paella valenciana.
!No te puedes permitir viajar al país e irte sin antes comer una buena paella! En nuestro siguiente post os mencionaremos algunos de los mejores restaurantes en dónde comer una buena paella.
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l-ours · 5 months
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Va de Vi, un podcast en valencià / català sobre el vi natural a Radio Pego, cada dilluns a les 11 del mati.
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no-passaran · 3 months
Tenia avui anys quan m'he enterat per primer cop de què vol dir aquesta línia de la cançó
(Vídeo: guia.oficial.quique)
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minglana · 1 year
ough spanish propaganda here we go
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pintrares · 1 year
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València en falles, com no
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