#valenna fanfiction
sarahjane0886 · 7 years
Reality Is Better Than Your Dreams
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
"Jenna Marie Chmerkovskiy." Jenna startled at her husband's voice in the doorway. It was 3 am and she was sitting in her son's nursery rocking the tiny infant despite the fact that he had been asleep for over an hour.
"Yes?" She whispered looking at him.
"You were missing. For the 4th night in a row." He said as he crept in quietly and settled on the footstool for their rocker. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his son's head before resting his own head on his wife's knee.
"I don't want to put him down." She said shrugging.
"I know beautiful, but you have to rest, you know?" He said as he sat back up and reached for her hand.
"I know. I'm not tired though babe." She said as her eyes went back towards her son's face. She watched as his little cheeks moved with his wispy breaths.
"Sweetheart, I love you, but you've got to be tired." He said as he looked at her pleadingly.
"Val." She said gently with a shake of her head.
"At least put him in the bassinet and come lay down with me." He coaxed. She sighed and begrudgingly gave up. Val smiled gently and leaned forward to kiss her first before holding out his hand and helping her up. They moved to the bedroom slowly with her stalling and taking her time. He left it be though knowing that there were reasons for her actions and he didn't want to push her.
"Momma is right here pumpkin. And papa too." Jenna said as she laid the tiny boy in his bassinet. She laid his silky next to him and rubbed his back gently ensuring he was out. Val leaned down and kissed him as well before leading Jenna to the bed when she appeared ready.
"Lay down sweetheart." Val coaxed gently as she hesitated for a second. She finally laid down and slipped to the side closest to bassinet and curled up on her side. She instinctively lifted her arm once she felt the bed dip under Val's weight as he moved next to her. His arm slid under hers as he curled into her neck. She slipped her hand into his as she pressed the rest of her body into his.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." She sighed.
"You alright?" He asked concerned. The little family had been through a ton lately. Shane Max Chmerkovskiy had come into his parent's world, approximately 8 weeks early. There had been an accident which jumpstarted Jenna's labor. The doctor's had tried relentlessly to stop the contractions but eventually it was time for the little one to come into the world. Upon his birth, he had weighed 2 lbs and could have fit in Val's hand. His lungs weren't developed, his heart was having trouble beating, and his kidneys were almost developed however they weren't quite done yet. The little one had a long road ahead of him as did his parents.
"Yeah." She said softly despite the clear emotion in her voice. Shane had finally came home two weeks ago. Despite two major setbacks during his stay in the NICU, he was doing amazingly well. He wasn't showing any signs of delays or anything however the two parents knew the immensity of the tiny miracle in front of them.
"Come here." Val said flipping Jenna over and pulling her into his chest. She hesitated at first knowing that she couldn't see Shane anymore but then relaxed into her husband's embrace. "Talk to me babe."
"I, I don't know Val. I just I'm content. And I know it and I think I've been waiting for it for so long that now that I have it, I don't want to sleep because this all feels so right. I have you and our love and now Shane. And after everything, it's just such a miracle that he's here, he's healthy, and he's with us. It's not so much that I'm anxious or scared. It's just that I don't want to go to sleep because this reality right here, right now is perfect." She said as she leaned back just enough that she could see his eyes.
"It is perfect babe, I will give you that. Right now, everything that means the absolute most to me is in this room right now. And I wouldn't change that for anything."
"So you understand why I just want to soak all this in. We've gone through so much Val and now that it's all here and ours, I don't want to miss any of it."
"I understand beautiful but not to be the dream crusher right now but you do have to sleep. Or else you are going to miss something when you crash. It'll all be here when you wake up. I promise. We have Shane with us, he's healthy and safe. And I'm not going anywhere, ever."
"Promise?" She asked with a slight yawn.
"I promise, sleep baby. We'll both be right here when you wake up. It'll still be as perfect then." He said as he pressed a kiss to her nose.
"I love you." She said before sliding down and settling into his chest.
"I love you too." He said as he felt her start to drift.
"Will you...." She started but then stopped as she felt his fingers start to rub her back gently. It wasn't long before the whole family was asleep, perfect as ever.
*I hope you guys loved it! Begin Again is set to be updated next! Don’t forget to like this one up and let me know what you thought! 😘
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emf1947 · 7 years
And That Was How It Happened
@katieamazeballs @mybookshelvesoverflow
I think it was like this:
And That Was How It Happened
“I might need to take a few days off.”
“That’s just it, I don’t know exactly.” Val paused. This was the hard part, but she needed to know why he couldn’t tell her right away.
“It’s my grandma. She’s been losing weight, and the doctors don’t know why. I don’t need to go home just yet, but I may need to if there’s medical news I need to hear.”
Jenna blinked a few times and swallowed hard. “It could be serious?”
“They say at her age it isn’t usually cancer, but it could be. It could be a form of Parkinson’s disease. It could be dementia, but she doesn’t show any other signs. We just don’t know.”
“I’m sorry. Your grandma, she’s . . .” She stopped, thinking it might not be the best time to point out she had once been close to his Grandma.
“Okay, well, I’ll look at your dances and see who we can get to fill in for you.” Jenna didn’t say what they already knew, that no one could dance his part in his story of coming to the US and becoming a dancer, but she could think of something. That was her job. That and dancing.
“How are you holding up?”
“I’m so scared,” Val said. “I know she’s getting older and she won’t be around for always, but I’m not ready to lose her. Shai’s not even two months old yet and there’s the wedding coming up. What will we do without her?”
Jenna reached to put a hand on his shoulder and suddenly burst into tears, at the same time Val did. Then they were clinging to each other, ugly crying, with her mumbling meaningless things that were meant to be comforting and him starting sentences he couldn’t end.
“Jennachka,” he gasped finally. “I’ve been stupid.”
“Whatever stupid thing you did, Val, it can’t be important. She knows you love her anyway.”
“But do you know? I’ve been so stupid to you. Do you know I love you anyway?”
“I’ve been pretty stupid myself,” she mumbled into his shoulder.
And that was how it happened.
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valenna717-blog · 6 years
Jenna’s POV:
It was Val’s idea to perform “Here” for our gala, and I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t thought of the idea first. It was one of our most watched dances, it has a massive amount of views on YouTube, and it has always been one of our favorites to perform. It was sassy and sexy and we had a chance to have fun with it and really make it our own after doing it so many times on tour. Our chacha was great and fun, but “Here” is just on a whole different level.
I couldn’t get my original dress for “Here”, for one it was at the Dancing With the Stars studio in L.A., and two, I’ve lost a ton of weight since then. However, I did get a new dress that still gives me all the same vibes as the original. It’s black lace with a very similar bottom to the original, with the loseness so it flowed with me. It was sexy and there was a high slit, yeah, Val was going to be pretty happy. He hadn’t seen it yet, I just saw it for the first time this morning, so I thought it would be a nice surprise for him.
“Hey, can you help me change really quick?”
He had already made his way around to the back of my dress before I finished, helping me with the straps and small zipper. Once it was off, I unzipped the black luggage bag that my dress was in, stepping into it and getting the sleeves on before shifting my shoulders to push the dress back into place. I didn’t turn towards him, because I didn’t want him to see the front yet, with the keyhole that showed just enough cleavage to be sexy and drive him insane. Part of the back was open as well, so he just zipped the part that zipped, and I moved my ponytail over to reveal a small clasp up at the top to connect at the back of the neck.
It didn’t take him long to get it clasped, he’s had tons of practice with my dresses over the past few years. Once it was clasped, he gently pulled my ponytail back down to it’s original place and then placed a kiss where my neck and my shoulder meet, one of his favorite spots. Ready to surprise him, I spun around swiftly in his arms, revealing the front of my dress and watching his eyes widen and his mouth drop.
“Uhhhmm, wow, shit Jen, you look, just wow.”
I smiled, chucking a bit, “Have I rendered the great Valentin Chmerkovskiy speechless?”
“Yeah, I think every word I have to describe how amazing you look would leave us extremely late to our dance.”
I took a baby step towards him, “So, you like it?”
“Way more than like it, my love. I love it, and you.”
With that, it was time to head back to the gala. Val was going to be introducing me, which was insane that my super hot, super talented boyfriend was going to be introducing me as a mirroball champion. That trophy does look amazing sandwiched between his, if I do say so myself.
While he spoke to the crowd and introduced me, I was waiting just behind the curtain so I was still able to see him and the rest of the people in the room. Just as he said my name he started to remove his jacket, and my heart sped up at the knowing that it would soon be draped across my shoulders, his hot breath just a moment away from being felt on my neck.
I giggled at him as I slowly walked out, then stopped where our starting positions were, striking my pose as he walked down the stairs to join me, feeling his large, yet comforting presence behind me only made my smile grow. Without further adieu, his warm tux jacket was laying across my shoulders and his hands covered it on my upper arms, his face flush against my neck.
I heard the surprise from the crowd as the beginning of the music played and I lunged away from Val as his jacket was discarded to the floor. We moved along to the music effortlessly, and every time his hands brushed across my body chill bumps appeared. We were barely passed the halfway point in the dance and his lips had already found mine twice. We had never kissed while performing this dance before, but it just added to the intensity and passion. His hands lingered a bit in certain areas and every time our eyes met, we just connected.
The only thing that didn’t go one hundred percent perfect was the lift, my legs were a bit bent on the entrance and the entrance was a bit rough, but we quickly recovered and I’m fairly for sure that not one audience member picked up on it. His lips found mine once more before we struck our ending positions, then his lips landed on my temple then on my lips once more. We exited the stage rather quickly, but nonetheless the audience continued with their applause. I took the two bottles of water placed on the table closest to the stage exit, handing one to Val and unscrewing the lid as he did the same. Both he and I took long swigs of the icy cold water before reclosing them and continuing to take deep breaths.
“So um, yeah, that dress really needs to come back with us tonight.”
I smirked at him, taking his hand that he offered me, “Oh yea?”
“Most definitely.”
Even though he helped me take the dress off to change into my original one to go back to the party, we both took extra precautions while handling it, putting it back in the garment bag. Needless to say the dress came back with us that night, and it was back on before the night ended.
Special thanks to: @jjennaj
@katieamazeballs @latchingontoallofyou
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jjennaj · 4 years
hey it’s Coralie :) I think I remember the fanfiction it was on Wattpad and the title is A day in the life of Valenna :)
Hiiiiii there my friend! Omg ok, let me check. I hope that’s it. 😍
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iceandwood-blog · 10 years
Tonight (Valenna)
This is completely Valenna. So I have gotten a good amount of Valenna asks combined with Sway and I thought why the hell not? I really tried to emphasize the physicality of their relationship versus the words. After seeing them in person I think that that is kinda their nature. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! Love you! Always- J.
Tonight was the night she’d been holding her breath for. It was the night she knew was inevitably coming no matter how much she’d wished it wouldn’t. The last show had gone extremely well as did the final meet and greet; everyone’s moods were on 10 and the anticipation of finally getting a good night’s rest loomed over everyone’s head. Well everyone’s but Jenna’s.
She stood in the dressing room pulling on the long denim shirt converted into a dress and dragged her long chestnut hair out of the back pursing her lips. She knew they were both going to have to face reality as soon as the party was over; they would both have to go back to real life: back to the confusion and murky image of what they were.
That is if they were something.
He knew it too. Tonight he held her hand a little tighter and his palm was a little sturdier against her hip, his gaze lingered and the smile on his face was a little less happy, yes tonight they were going to face the music. Again. Every few months they did this, swearing to themselves and to each other that the last time was the last time but it never worked out that way… He would do something utterly Val or she would offer something genuine and they would both be sucked right back in.
And this time was no different. As they practiced their contemporary piece for sway she laid on the ground as he hovered over her, his hand traced the length of her arm and her throat, stopping briefly to feel the racing pulse of her blood beneath her skin then lined her jaw never once breaking eye contact. It was so natural when he leaned down and pressed his lips tenderly against hers, the jolt of the contact went through them both making him pull back instantly, a small, “Sorry…” escaping his lips out of formality, not actual regret.
 She swallowed and nodded bringing her hands to his both sides of his neck tickling the stubble with her thumbs. She didn’t say anything. They never said anything. There were hardly ever any words between them; their eyes and hands had normally said enough.  They stayed like that for a long moment; him hovering above her- searching her face while she held fast pressing little half-moons to the back of his neck with her nails.
“We shouldn’t,” He said just above a whisper as if to keep the conversation just between them even though they were alone in the studio.
She closed her eyes and let out a breath, “But we will.”
With that he slid from above her and sat beside her, his knees bent, arms sitting on top as he held his hands in a combined fist. He looked at his feet then over to her and shook his head, “Yeah. We will, won’t we?”
She sat up then, crossing her legs, her knee resting easily against his calf. She scooted closer and wrapped both her small hands around his bicep, squeezing gently and resting her head on his shoulder. She smiled mildly, “I knew dancing with you would be a bad idea.”
He laughed, his shoulders bouncing a bit in the process making her smile even more. She poked his rib playfully, “Besides I’m not that bad.”
He shrugged, “I’ve had worse.”
She lifted her head and narrowed her eyes at him then slid her other hand that was still resting on his bicep away, “Me too.”
And so it began. He would let himself hold her closer than necessary and she would bite her lip to tease him and when the show was over they hovered near one another, always within eye sight in case the other was ready to go. The weeks leading up to sway had been like tasting the forbidden fruit, delicious and ripe and sheer temptation.
“You know,” A voice said pulling her out of her daydream, “When you stand there and bite your lip like that it can be distracting.”
Her eyes darted to the mirror and saw him standing behind her, hands shoved in his pockets, eyes hooded. A sly smile slid to her lips and she looked down, hiding it from him, “You aren’t supposed to be in here Mr. Chmerkovskiy. That sign on the door clearly says ladies dressing room. Unless, you are in fact a lady…”
“We both know that isn’t true,” His eyebrow quirked as he took a step forward. She held her breath and watched him as he stepped behind her, his hands ghosting over the tops of her arms, down to her elbows, and down until both hands wrapped around her wrists. His hot breath hit the soft tender spot below her ear and she refrained from shivering. No. Two could play at this game; their game.
She twisted in his arms to face forward placing her hands on his shoulders, rubbing the tense muscles still not meeting his eyes, “I don’ know… Maybe I need a tad more convincing.”
“That could be arranged,” His devilish grin sent sparks all the way down to her toes. His hands found the curve of her waist, a calloused thumb rubbing small circles just under her rib cage, “Just give me a time.”
Jenna’s eyes dashed to the menacing clock on the wall and she suddenly felt deflated. Time was what they didn’t have. She let her hands slide from his shoulders down the planes of his chest and pushed slightly. He stepped back, the smile falling quickly from his face. She wrapped her arms around her body and smiled softly at him, “Looks like times up.”
A range of expressions crossed his face from confused, to annoyed, to bitter, and finally landing on exasperated, “Jenna.”
She watched him, “Val.”
His shoulders dropped and he took a few steps back to lean on the cool brick wall, hunched forward, and a hand went instantly to the curls on top of his head. Her fingers itched to removed his hands and put hers there instead but she stopped herself. He sighed heavily and when he met her eyes again a pair of bags had settled under his green ones, “Can’t we do this tomorrow?”
She shrugged and bit the inside of her cheek, “Tomorrow will be even harder.”
“Tonight’s the after party,” he said as if to change the subject. She nodded and bent down to grab her purse that had been waiting at the foot of her dressing room chair. She grabbed the leather straps and twisted them in her hands.
“I know… I think,” She cleared her throat, “I think I should go back and pack up my stuff.”
She felt his gaze burning her chest and she shifted. Her things were at his place, strewn about his room like she lived there. She had a late morning flight back to Las Angeles, “I’ll go with you.”
“No,” Her voice was a little higher than usual, “People will notice if you don’t go. Plus Z. She wants you there.”
“So you aren’t coming at all?”
The disappointment was heavy on his voice making her finally meet his eyes, “I don’t think so.”
He nodded curtly and pushed himself off the wall a hand wiping across his forehead. For a second she thought he was going to get angry but instead he took a deep breath and pulled a stocking cap from his back pocket and shoved it on his head, “Alright.”
She watched him leave without another word the door opening and closing with two soft clicks leaving her feeling desperately alone. Jenna thought about going after him but her feet were rooted to the ground. She stood there for a bit just replaying the whole scene over in her head. She felt like scar had been ripped open, the wound not fresh or new but burning and hard. This is how it would always be.
She scowled at that and walked out of The Space to her small rental car cursing as she got in and turned the engine over, “Seriously, Jenna. You can’t even be angry.”
She turned her car onto the busy interstate heading up to New Jersey and sped to his house. She found the key where he’d always left it and let herself in, greeting Sir Sleep with a light kiss on his bulky head then walked up the stairs. The path now familiar, she turned left and went to the third door on the right pushed his door open and flicked on his light. The room smelled like him with a tinge of amber from her. She smiled softly to herself thinking that it would haunt him when he came back… That small reminder of her biting at him, maybe he wouldn’t even know what it was but he’d know it was her. She threw her purse on the bed and went to work gathering her things.
A wave of tired hit her as she looked at the clock: 2:34 am. She shoved the last of her belongings into the bag and sat down on his bed scanning one last time. She left nothing tangible for him to have. Slowly she stood and walked to the door saying goodbye to her home for the past week and a half.
Her footsteps echoed in the large home as she made her way down the hall and staircase. When she made it to the landing she turned to say goodbye to Sleep and jumped when she saw him sitting there, next to his dog, the canine’s large head sleeping gently in his lap. Val rubbed Sleeps back slowly his head sat against the wall just watching her.
“Hey,” She whispered, her brow furrowed. She looked him over and saw he had been drinking; his eyes glassed over from one too many shots. She frowned and walked over to him and sat down across from him making sure not to touch him, “Hey, are you okay?”
He nodded hazard like and she could have sworn he almost laughed. She tried her best to swallow the lump in her throat, “Do you need help?”
He shrugged and this time he did laugh. She formed a line with her mouth and did her best not to roll her eyes. Val drunk was a lot of things, but it wasn’t easy. She sighed and stood up brushing off her pants then reached a hand out to him. He grabbed her wrist and she did her best to pull him up. When he was finally standing his arm found its way around her shoulder and she held that hand. She enclosed her arm around his waist and let him lean heavily against her, “What’s the deal Val?”
“I’m fuckin’ tired,” He laughed squeezing her hand, “Wore me out.”
She shook her head slightly and made their way to the stairs, “Why did you get drunk- wait, who brought you home?”
“Teddy,” He slurred only a little, “And ‘cuz Sways over. It was a party.”
“He just left you at the door?” She made a mental note to text Teddy.
“No!” He smiled, “He even opened it.”
She held back a sad laugh and trudged her way up the stairs, his familiar weight still leaning on her, “What a guy.”
“At least he came to the fuckin’ party.”
When they reached the top landing she let go of him but quickly grabbed hold again because he almost looked like he was going to fall back, “I had my reasons Val.”
“Yeah,” He drew out the word, “’Cuz you didn’ wanna see me anymore.”
“That’s not true,” She said quickly, “I had to pack and you know it.”
His arm curled harder around her neck and she felt him lean in towards her neck. She didn’t shy away but she didn’t lean in either, “Why did you let this happen again?”
She wanted to push him. She wanted to let go and storm out of the house and let him fend for himself. She wanted to kick his shin and tell him ‘it takes two to tango, asshole’ but she didn’t. The smell of whiskey wafted over her reminded her that the things coming out of his mouth where elicited by something other than him.
She walked him to his room and sat them both down on the bed. She slipped from his grasp and bent down to take off his shoes. As she moved to untie them she felt his hand reach down and stroke her hair. For a moment she leaned into the touch but quickly rebounded taking off the other shoe. She leaned back on her heels and looked up at him, “You want to sleep in your clothes?”
“Will you sleep with me?” He asked avoiding the question. She furrowed her brow and stood up fast shaking her head. She scoffed at him and began to back up but he caught her hand, “No, no. I mean just sleep. I want you to sleep in my arms.”
Her defensive stance melted away as she looked at him. The bags under his eyes were more pronounced and out of habit she reached to him and tried to soothe them away with her thumb. She met his eyes and her heart constricted at the sadness she found in them. She took another step forward and his face met her belly. She sighed as she looked down at him; his hands clenched the bed sheets. She ran her fingers through his thick thatch of curls, “Tomorrow will only make it harder.”
He shrugged against her, “It’ll be worth it.”
He pulled her by the waist and she didn’t fight him. He pulled her on top of him and then laid then both on their side, his arms wrapped around her. She placed her hands over his closing her eyes, realizing then just how tired she was. Val pressed his nose into her hair and breathed her in, the action familiar, “Thank you.”
When he woke the next day the bed was cold. He shifted trying to find the familiar soft warm heat that had been there all week but instead found emptiness. He moved to open his eyes but growled as the morning light hit his eyes, a massive hang over ensuing.
He groaned as the reality hit him that she was gone. He pulled his hoodie over his head and clenched his eyes shut as he walked to the drapes and pulled them closed. There wasn’t any use for sunlight today. As he walked back to his bed he found a Gatorade, water, and Tylenol waiting for him and he smiled to himself, the hole in his chest getting that much larger. There was no note but he knew exactly who it was from.
Val quickly took the pills and downed the water finally pulling back the sheets. They had slept on the made bed all night, not bothering to use anything but themselves as warmth. When he sunk into his bed the overwhelming scent of her hit his nose and he stopped. He went rigid and forced his eyes closed again trying to fight back the overwhelming feeling of guilt, anger, and most of all missing her away.
He clenched his hands into fist and shook his head, but groaned at the movement, “You deserve to feel miserable” he said out loud.
“No, you don’t.”
The bed shifted beside him making him jump. He flung the sheets back and strained his eyes to see who was next to him. He must have been hallucinating. She shouldn’t have been there. Jenna smiled softly at him and leaned in to place a small kiss on his forehead ensuring him all too well that she was in fact still there.
“Jenna?” he croaked.
“Good morning.” She said happily.
“Why are you still here?” He asked quickly.
“Well… I can leave?” She said playfully moving to get off the bed. He moved fast and grabbed her bringing him into his chest, her laughter bringing a smile to his face. Her hand pressed against his chest pushing him deeper in the mattress, “But really, I have to leave in an hour.”
His smile flickered for a moment but then he nodded, “At least I have an hour.”
She smiled at him and rolled her eyes, “Don’t get sappy.”
He chuckled and pulled her against him again just happy she was there. She sighed and let her fully body rest on him, her head tucked under his chin, “Should we talk about it?” He asked after a few minutes.
She didn’t respond right away but her small hand rubbed up and down his ribs, “Maybe… Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow or something,” She finally said. Her voice was so small and so gentle it made him squirm. He moved to tilt her chin to face him and searched her eyes.
“Maybe we don’t have to talk about it at all?”
She narrowed her eyes at him and tried her best to read him. He didn’t expand on it, just let her gauge the words on her own. She finally tucked her head under his chin again and sighed, “Maybe we don’t.”
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emf1947 · 7 years
Fever Dream
(In which Ashleighcheltho67 overdoses on NyQuil and the following dream ensues.)
“Hi, babe. It’s Jenna. Look, I just flew back from Utah for the night because I’m going to be on the move for the next few weeks and need to pack a few more things. Since it’s well known I’m always ready to hop on your dick, you wanna get together for a few?’
A few minutes later she gets a text. “Can you come by and pick me up? I really don’t want you in the new place. It might give you ideas.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
Later Val looks up from smelling Jenna’s hair so he can pretend to be interested in the new Neutrogena gig and yells, “Your driver is taking video!”
“Val, relax! It’s dark in here. It will be blurry video of shadows, just like last time.”
“Yeah, but you can post it and make people think I went to Utah for your cousin’s wedding with you! As If I would go to a wedding with no booze.”
“It was my brother’s wedding, and I could have done with some booze myself.”
“So you needed to come home to ‘pack’, huh? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.”
“Yes, I have a choreography gig coming up in Michigan and then a family vacation in Florida and then an appearance at a, get this, sweet sixteen party for a fan. My clothes from Canada and NY won’t work”
“A sweet sixteen party? Jenna, honey, I know the acting thing isn’t going that well, or at all, actually, but I could lend you some money if you’re short on cash.”
“No, I just told my agent to keep me out of LA as much as possible until So You Think You Can Dance starts back up.”
“But, Jenna, you know I need you here as a cover so no one catches on that I’m really here to hang around Zendaya like a lost puppy while she and Tom grab all the headlines and no one notices me anyway!”
“Yeah, I do.”
Later that night, her phone rings. “Jenna, will you take that fucking video off the internet? People think I was in Utah with you.”
“If there’s video of us fucking on the internet, I didn’t put it there,” she mumbles sleepily.
“No, the one where it looks like I’m kissing your hair.”
“You were kissing my hair.”
“I was not, I was smelling your hair product.”
“Have it your way. I’m taking the video down, poopyhead. Now let me sleep, I have a long flight in the morning.”
A week later she gets a call, “Look, Jenna, do you by any chance still have your passport on you?”
“I may have, let me see. Damn, I do, and I meant to put it back in my safety deposit box.”
“No, that’s good! I’m going on this European trip and my escort - I mean the person who was supposed to come with me - backed out and I need you to come along as my trusty sidepiece, uh, sidekick. You’ll be back in time for SYTYCD.
Oh, and do you have bathing suit?”
“I have two, we’re in Florida, remember?”
“Well, I’ll get you a third, and maybe a few hot nighties and some other barely appropriate odds and ends. Frederick’s of Hollywood is having a sale.”
“Okay, Victoria’s Secret it is.”
Three days later they are in Rome. “We have two days to see all the major sights here and then our ship sails.”
“Our ship? Valenna?”
“Barf. No, a cruise ship. We are going to Amalfi, Cagliari, Mallorca, Marseilles, Antibes, and Monte Carlo.”
“Mallorca? We are going to Spain?”
“Yes, just think, we are going to be there the same time Z is in Barcelona!”
“So you’re going to hook up with her?”
“No, I may miss the ship. I’ll probably just call or text or something. Oh, let’s ask this lady directions to the fountain.”
Two pictures, one with his camera, one with the lady’s and a video later, Jenna says, “You know that video is going to be all over the internet, and it was taken in broad daylight.”
“No one is going to believe we are really dating. Just that we are FWB.”
“I’m not sure the ‘benefits’ part normally includes expensive Mediterranean cruises, but okay.”
“I can wait until you get your SYTYCD paycheck before making you pay me for your half.”
A few days later, “Val, why did you post a picture of my butt with a heart-eye emoji?”
“It’s a picture of your legs. I love your legs.”
“It’s a picture of my butt. I wondered why you bought me these shorts.”
“Well, I love your butt, too.”
“People will talk.”
“I posted a picture of your face, too. With dog ears.”
“Okay, the hokey pictures of me holding a hand with a red string bracelet and the two shadows were okay, but this is straying into you admitting I’m alive territory. And why did Alan take his parody picture of the hand holding one down? I loved that picture.”
“I may have said something to him about it.”
“You never let me have any fun.”
In Mallorca:
“Tonight at dinner will you wear the black dress? I’m going to wear the white suit”
“Okay. How did the phone call to Valdaya go?”
“You mean Zendaya.”
“Yeah, I just see it the other way so often I forget.”
“I left a voicemail. I guess she’s busy.”
Later that night:
“I see you posted that picture of me.”
“I did, and in a little bit I’ll post the one you took of me across the table from you.”
“The one where you look like you are auditioning for the role of Adolpho in a bad summer theater production of The Drowsy Chaperone?”
“Just read the caption, okay?”
(At this point, Ashleighcheltho67 screams and wakes up. “Damn it’s about time I woke up. That was turning into a nightmare!”)
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valenna717-blog · 6 years
Us Time
In honor of their teaching tour starting today……..
Jenna’s POV:
The past five months have been a whirlwind. I went on a two month dancing tour with seventy-one shows, then went on the road with Val for a couple of his shows, then straight into the four week season of Dancing With the Stars: Athletes, to winning with Adam, now exactly one week later I am starting my teaching tour with Val for Dance With Me. It was a no brainer for me to do it when he asked, not just because I love teaching and dancing so much, but because there was no way I was giving up a chance to spend time with him after so much time apart. He asked me when I was on the road with him for the Maks, Val, and Peta Confidential tour.
I was thinking that I was slightly crazy for going on the road the day after my tour ended, but I know when I see my boyfriend and my puppy, it will all be worth it. Dancing With the Stars: Light Up The Night tour ended on March 18 in Los Angeles and MVP tours opening night was on March 19 in Springfield, Missouri. The flight was around three and a half hours, so that gave me enough time to drive home, switch out the clothes in my suitcase and then make it back to LAX by twelve thirty, so I should be in Missouri before four o’clock in the morning.
Seeing Val and Anastasia confirmed for me that it was all worth it, getting one of his bear hugs and kisses from my furry baby made me forget all about the flying.
“I missed you so much,” His raspy voice said into my ear, placing a kiss over it a second later.
I leaned back enough to kiss his lips before replying, “I missed you more, now let’s go, I’m tired.”
He chuckled a bit before nodding, taking my bags and handing me my puppy. They had all gotten hotel rooms for the night, normally they would just stay on the bus, but with opening night being tomorrow, they got down here the day before yesterday so they could set up and practice, so they slept in hotels. Normally, if they stayed more than one night they got hotel rooms, it’s more comfortable that way.
Val lead me to the Uber he had ordered, and placed my bags in the back and then climbed in next to me. The hotel was just a ten minute drive, if that, and there was practically no traffic at all. We spent the whole ride with my head on his shoulder and Anastasia in my lap, fast asleep. He carried my bags into the hotel and I carried Anastasia and followed him to the room, it was nice, but right now I think I would settle for anything as long as I could sleep.
“I’m so glad you came.”
I smiled, “I wouldn’t miss this for the world, plus I missed you a bunch.”
“I missed you so much, little princess did too.”
We both looked over our shoulders to our tiny furry baby asleep in the middle of our bed.
“I don’t ever want to be apart from you that long ever again,” I may have sounded desperate, but it’s Val, so I don’t mind.
He pulled me forward to kiss me, “Me neither.”
We pulled apart a few moments later, and as much as I want to just lay down and fall asleep in his arms, I really need a shower. I didn’t get to take one before I got on the plane since I had to unpack and repack, so after a dance show and a three and a half hour flight, I really, really needed a shower. I stepped into the shower while Val took to unpacking my things I needed for the night, my hairbrush, toothbrush, face wash, and all of that good stuff.
“Hey babe, will you hand me my shampoo and conditioner, oh and bodywash?”
He wordlessly handed me the three bottles, and I thanked him before quickly finishing up, I love long showers, but not tonight.
Once I was out, I dressed in underwear and one of Val’s shirts before brushing my hair and teeth and washing my face. Once I was done, I joined Val under the covers in the huge bed. Wiggling down until my head was resting on his chest.
“So, I have a proposition for you?”
I turned my head enough to face him, “Hmmm?”
“I have been asked to do a teaching tour for Dance With Me towards the end of May, it's a coaching and master class. I would be hosting, performing, and judging, they’re calling it the Summer Invitational. it would only be around two weeks, but I really don’t want to be away with you.”
I tucked a stray hair behind his ear, “That’s amazing, you love teaching.”
“I want you to come with me.”
I opened my eyes a bit wider now, “Wait, what?”
“You love teaching as well and we proved last year that we are really good at teaching together and we don’t like being away from each other. Dancing With the Stars will be over and our vacation isn’t until the later part of June, so come with me, be my co-teacher.”
A huge smile crossed my face, “Yes, of course!”
“Really?” He asked, smiling now too.
Present Day:
We’re doing an Argentine Tango for our class tonight in SoHo. We are judging a little competition first this afternoon, then performing an Argentine tango, then teaching a simplified version of the Argentine Tango that we are performing. We’re performing to the song “Animals” by Maroon 5, but we are teaching to the song “Havana” by Camilla Cabello, it’s a bit slower.
I honestly don’t know what’s better than dancing as close as you can to a very hot Russian man who you happen to be in love with, who is also in love with you, to a song about love. It’s fast and sexy and the slightest bit dirty, it’s perfect for us. For the teaching part, I was wearing a DWM crop top and high waisted leggings, but for our performance I’m wearing a sexy tango dress that was made by DWM to be sold for competitions and other special stuff, it’s red and beautiful.
We practiced last night and we practiced earlier, but the performance isn’t what I’m worried about. I could Argentine Tango in my sleep, especially with Val, I was more worried about the teaching. I love teaching and I’ve done quite a bit of it in the past, but it still makes me a bit nervous. Never fear though, just when I felt the nerves rising, I felt a pair of strong hands on my shoulders, which would have startled me if I had not immediately recognized them.
“I can feel you thinking, what’s going through that pretty little head of yours?”
I smiled and turned around and he let his arms drop to wrap around my waist, mine wrapping around his neck, “I’m just a bit nervous for the teaching, but I’ll be fine.”
“You just taught a skater to dance in four weeks and won a Mirrorball in your first real shot as a pro. You’re going to be fine.”
I leaned up and pressed my lips to his, “I love you.”
“I love you more, now let’s go dance.”
I nodded and dropped the robe I was wearing over my dress, and I noticed his mouth immediately dropped open.
“You look incredible.”
I smiled at him and ran my hands down his chest, “You don’t look too bad yourself, there mister.”
Hand in hand we made our way to the dance floor, must to the delight of the crowd. He gave my hand a squeeze before we got into our starting positions. When the music started, it was like we were electric. The energy was full of intensity, passion, and love. We danced closer than I have ever danced any dance with anyone, ever, and all without even having to think about stepping on each other or tripping. He snuck in three kisses and then a fourth when we finished with a big dip, my head just inches from the ground. He looked at me before we moved, mouthing, “We are amazing.”
@katieamazeballs @latchingontoallofyou
yay for me finally posting at a reasonable hour!
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valenna717-blog · 6 years
The Happy in Happy Ever After
***** disclaimer: not my best work, I’m exhausted and trashed what i wrote yesterday, so this is all me adter working eight hours with a team of patients that were a hot mess all on very little sleep—— also, all of this is in Val’s POV! I may do a follow up later in Jenna’s but given the ending of this, i think you can figure out the next story theme!
And the winner of Dancing With the Stars: Athletes is…….. Adam and Jenna!!!!!
Val’s POV:
I knew that this video was going to be crazy, my arms were going in every different direction and I was screaming and whistling, but it was all worth it for Jen. I immediately slipped out from backstage when the confetti dropped and into the group of dancers on the stage, making a beeline to kiss Jen. It was like that was my new solo mission in life, to kiss her, I have realized over the last two years that we’ve been together that when I don’t know how to express my emotions, kissing her is how I display how much I love her and am proud of her. It had already been decided that I was flying with Adam and Jenna on the private plane to New York after the show, regardless of the results, and then we were going to spend a couple nights there for them to finish their press and for her to relax a bit.
I stood back while she did the press line, I wanted this to be about her and Adam and I knew that if I made myself visible some of the focus would shift to me. She’s had enough people saying that she only did this and that because of our relationship, and I didn’t want to add anymore speculation to that ridiculous claim. I told her that I would be in her trailor, and that’s where I went, beginning to pack some of her massive amounts of stuff she keeps in here on show days, her clothes and her foam rollers and the stuff for Anastasia she brought and everything else. I figured that the quicker it was packed the quicker we could try and get out of here and the quicker we got to New York and the quicker she would get the sleep that I knwo she desperately needs. She has been going non stop for three weeks, but especially the last week with an insane tour schedule from Adam, her still being sick and hurt, and having to make sure that their two dances were perfect, and for the last two days I swear she maybe slept six hours total, so even though she’ll not want to admit it, I know she’s beyond exhausted. I have an apartment in New York so she won’t have to stay in a hotel, and we can just Postmates something to eat, shower, and go to GMA.
The press line lasted a bit longer than normal with it being finale night, but once she made it back to her trailer I already had her bags packed and ready to go, and Anastasia asleep on my lap. When I heard the door begin to open, I immediately got on my feet to give her an appropriate greeting for the night she’s had. Instantaneously, I connected our lips together, only pulling back when we had to in order to breath, but keeping our foreheads together.
“I’m so, so incredibly proud of you.”
She smiled, a beautiful sight that I’ve been lucky to see so much of today, “I’m so happy.”
“I am too, you have worked so hard and you’ve earned it.”
She smiled again, “Thank you for packing up all of my stuff.”
Jen sat next to me on the plane, Adam sitting across from both of us with Anastasia on his lap, who of course was fast asleep. We had all been talking about some good places to eat in New York that we could hit up in the next few days, and what we were going to do for our big double date with JP coming up. Somewhere in the late part of the first hour of our flight, Jen’s head found it’s way to my shoulder, her comments getting fewer and farther between. Early in the second hour, her legs crossed over mine and her head worked it’s way down to land on my chest, and her eyes fluttered closed, and within minutes her breathing evened out and she was asleep, her arms wrapped around me. I wasn’t about to wake her up, instead holding her in my arms for the next three hours and fifteen minutes, even if my arm was asleep for a solid three hours of it.
We got to my apartment around four thirty, long enough for her shower and her and I to eat. The three and a half hours of sleep that she got was not near enough, but it was something. Her call time for GMA was five thirty, but she didn’t have to get ready because they had their hair and makeup people to take care of that.
“Sorry that I fell asleep on you.”
I shook my head, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear as she took a bite of her omlet, “Don’t be, you needed the sleep and I love getting to hold you while you do.”
She smiled and continued eating and I did the same, eating my omlet that had much more spices and hot sauce than hers did.
Seeing the woman you love excel at doing what she loves in an indescribable feeling, and one that I hope I never stop seeing. Jenna is so incredible, always so humble and down to earth about her success, and I love that about her. I’ve had the plan to propose to her for awhile, and I’ve had the ring for months, but I wanted to wait until after the season was over so it didn’t provide a distraction. I also didn’t want to do it right before we were going to be apart for a long time so we would have time to enjoy it together, and our next events are together or we will be able to travel with each other, at the very worst, we will only be apart a few days to a week at a time.
Her ring was amazing. It was a pear shaped diamond with tiny pink diamonds surrounding it and a thin band with diamonds. It was the type of engagement ring that had a specially made wedding band intended for it, the band hit under and had a type of u shape to accommodate for the widest part at the bottom of the pair shape with diamonds around it. The ring was gorgeous and I knew the perfect way to ask her. It was time to ask the love of my life to be my wife.
******* So, here’s the clue to what the next oneshot will be***************
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valenna717-blog · 6 years
You Are The Reason Part 1 (part 2 will be up by the time you finish reading part 1)
Jenna’s POV:
Today was going to be perfect, no matter what happens in the six hours between now and six o’clock this evening when I’ll be walking down the aisle, at the end of the night, Val and I will be married. We are getting married at a historic banquet hall and loft called Brick in San Diego and the venue was everything I ever dreamed of and more.
My dress was remarkable, it was long sleeved and a fit and flare and perfect. The sleeves were nude mesh with lace applique scattered. It has an illusion back and neckline, with a sweetheart detail and accent buttons all the way down the back. The dress had a bit of a lace train that looked amazing and a matching lace veil. I honestly wouldn’t care if I was wearing a burlap sack as long as I get to marry Val, he is all I’ve ever wanted and more.
My bridesmaids and my mom were all with me in the bridal suite, Hayley, Gabby, Peta, Britt, Sharna, Stacy and Jill, then Hailey as my maid of honor and junior bridesmaid. I wasn’t nervous, more anxious to see him than anything. The girls and his guys made us stay separately last night, something about bad luck, neither of us are superstitious but whatever. I’m about to open my wedding gift from him that Peta just met Maks to get and to give mine to him to give to Val, they really were serious about keeping us apart.
For his gift, I had written him a letter, custom cufflinks with our initials and todays date, a bottle of liquor with our initials and today's date engraved, and a wristwatch with our initials and today's date engraved. The letter was what took the longest though, I had to try to fit all of my huge feelings into a letter and not have it end up being the length of a novel. I wish that I could see his face when he read it though, because I know his reaction will be full of love.
Peta returned with my gift soon, a medium sized box wrapped in gorgeous purple and white paper, it was a wider box, but not much deeper than a shoebox. I was careful when I opened it, not so much to salvage the paper, but more because I had no idea what was in the box so I didn’t want to mess anything up. Inside was an envelope with “my love” written on the front on the bottom of the envelope he wrote “open before black box”, a smaller black box, and my wedding shoes that I thought were in their box next to my dress. I took the shoes out first, trying to figure out what he had done, finally smiling wide when I flipped them over and saw his handwriting on the bottom.
On the left, “I love you more than life itself,” then directly across from it on the right, “Mrs. Chmerkovskiy,” so it could be read like a sentence. On the bottom of the right it says, “Love, Mr. Chmerkovskiy,” and then along the top of each, “September 21, 2019,” so that it was read as the date when the shoes were next to each other.
I reached for the letter, following his instructions to open it before the black box.
Today is the day that you will officially become my wife, and I can’t think of a better thing in this world than to be able to call you my Mrs.. I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve you, but I’m eternally grateful that you are the one who I get to spend forever with. Today is the beginning of our happily ever after, our very own fairytale, this day will mark the first step in the rest of our lives. You are the epitome of my perfect match, you complete me and I can’t imagine living in a world that doesn’t include you right by my side. I will never fail to love the way you make me feel, the way that you can bring me out of the worst of moods to put a smile on my face with your smile alone. Your laugh is single handedly the most perfect thing I’ve ever heard in my life, and I’ll forever do anything it takes to hear it, as much as possible. I want to say thank you, for being the best person I’ve ever met, for believing in me always, for constantly pushing me to be better, and for spending your life with me. I aspire to be so many things, for us to be so many things together, we’ll be forever dance partners, we’ll be role models, we’ll be unapologetically us. Our love is eternal, my queen. I often imagine how our future will look, children, possibly another fur baby to keep Anastasia company, still dancing, and living life to it’s absolute fullest every day. Jen, I aspire to see and do and have so many things with you, and all of that starts today. I love you with everything in me, and I will love you until the day I die. In the small black box, you will find something extremely special to me, they belonged to my grandmother, and they were her favorite, now they are yours.
Your Almost Husband,
He was the sweetest man, I swear I couldn’t have found a better partner if I had tried. Forcing myself not to cry, I quickly put the letter in the box and opened the small black box, my mouth dropping open and letting a small gasp escape as I saw a pair of emerald earrings, the most gorgeous ones that I’ve ever seen. The gesture alone meant more to me than I could ever begin to explain.
Val’s POV:
Five hours until we’re getting married. I bet Jenna will be busy every minute of those five hours, but the guys just don’t take that long. Drinks had been poured and haircuts had begun, and Maks just arrived with Jenna’s gift from me that Peta had given him when he gave her mine for Jen. It was about ten inches long, ten inches wide, and about five and a half inches deep and wrapped in a royal blue paper with a silver ribbon tied into a bow.
When I had everything unwrapped, I took the top off of the box and saw it filled with the fake packing grass stuff and a piece of tissue paper on top. Removing the tissue paper I saw a small black box, and long but skinny black box, an envelope with “Mr. Chmerkovskiy” written on it, and a bottle of whiskey. I picked the whiskey up first, noticing that it was my favorite brand, but upon further review I noticed that it also had our initials and todays date engraved, damn, she was a clever lady. Smiling, I sat it back in the box and picked up the small black box next, lifting off the lid and seeing two gold cufflinks sitting on a piece of cotton. I picked both of the small pieces up, seeing “V&J 9/21/19” on both of them, my smile grew wider as I put them back in their box and opened the long box still left. With the box lid removed, I was met with a beautiful wrist watch, which had the same engraving on the back. Once I placed it back in it’s box, I removed the letter from the envelope, seeing her beautiful handwriting.
“My Love,
We made it! We made it through all of the planning and organizing and endless questions and decisions and we’ve finally made it to the day we’ve been dreaming of. I can’t even express how excited I am knowing that today is the day that I become Mrs. Chmerkovskiy and we become man and wife, united for the rest of our lives. Although today brings a lot of hustle and bustle and pictures and people bringing us in a hundred different directions, today is most importantly about us. It’s the symbol of our love and dedication to each other, and the promise that we will never stop being loving and dedicated to each other. No matter what happens today, we will end it together. Now, I often find myself wondering how I got lucky enough to marry the very hot Russian dancing king that so many people have fallen in love with, that so many people would kill to just meet, let alone marry. I find myself thinking I’ve become luckier every time I see you, when I see how amazing you are with Shai and every other kid, when I see how amazing you are to your mom and mine and everyone else, when I see how much you care about those around you, and how you would do everything for them at the drop of a hat. You’ve helped me find my love and passion for dance again when I thought that I had lost it forever, you stuck with me and helped me remember why I loved it so much. You’ve stuck by my side when I’ve been sick, injured, or in such a bad mood that even I wouldn’t come within a hundred feet of me. For a long time I wasn’t sure that I would ever get married, because I didn’t think I would ever find someone that made me want to marry them, until you came along. You are my perfect man and my perfect match, the yin to my yang, the voice of reason when I just can’t figure something out, you are the thing that completes the crazy puzzle that is my life. I cannot wait to see what adventures life brings us on, but there’s no doubt that no matter how crazy they are I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but right by your side. I can’t wait to expand our family in a few years, I can see a little boy that is your mini-me, and a little girl who is wrapped around your finger. I can see us getting a sibling for Anastasia, and I have no doubt that you’ll carry her around just like you do for our sweet Anastasia. No matter where life brings us, I’ll be there to dance with you and hold your hand the whole time.
-With So Much Love,
Your Forever Dance Partner, Almost Mrs. Chmerkovskiy,
I quickly wiped a few tears away when I was finished reading, and it was everything I could do not to go and find her to give her a huge hug and kiss, holding her body tightly to mine. Only four and a half hours to go now, but I know that it’s going to go by slower than any four and a half hours has in my life.
@katieamazeballs @latchingontoallofyou
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sarahjane0886 · 7 years
"The saddest word in the human language is "Almost". She "almost" confessed her love. He "almost" kissed her. They "almost" made it." Sharna sighed as she watched the other pros spin around on the dance floor in sync to Mandy's claps. She was waiting for her turn to get her lessons but right now since she had a particular part in the beginning she wasn't in the current section. She found her gaze locked on one pro in particular, his dark hair and haunting smile making her belly twinge. She knew she needed to shake this but she couldn't help but wish she had done something about her hearts desire when she had a chance, however something always held her back. And now the chance was gone. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she missed Mandy send the group to break and that same man sit down next to you. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Val said as he settled next to her grabbing his water bottle and wiping the sweat from his face. "Nothing." She said absentmindedly while her brain was screaming at her to tell him "I Love you!" "That's the biggest lie I've ever heard, I thought we were friends Sharnachka? You know you can tell me anything." He pressed further seeing the look on her face shift just slightly. "Even if it would rock your world? And mess up your entire life." She said with a look. "Wait, what?" He asked suddenly perplexed by her words. His phone started to vibrate however and when he looked down, it was Jenna calling. "Answer it, she is probably letting you know when she'll get here." Sharna said with a shrug. "Can we finish this later?" He asked as his finger hovered over the answer button. "Just answer, I'm good. Just working out dance moves. Your girl needs you." She pushed him to answer. He sighed and then answered the phone quickly before it went to voicemail. "Hey beautiful, how's it going over there?" Val said into the phone making Sharna's heart break just a little bit more. He stayed sitting next to her as he talked to his girlfriend. When he finished he turned back towards her fully intending to continue the conversation. "Alright, Val, Sharna, you're next. We've got Niall Horan on during results night. He's going to be performing "Slow Hands." And you two are going to be the dancers." Mandy explained. "I need you two in practice room 2 in 2. I'll be in with you. The rest of you, you'll continue on the opening and blocking with Adam." "Let's go." Sharna said as relief flooded her body. She realized she was stopped again. She almost told him she was in love with him. She needed to be mindful of these moments. Because one time, she wasn't going to get stopped and things weren't going to be okay between the two of them after. They didn't have much time alone after that. They spent the next 2 1/2 hours with Mandy mainly alone as they learned their routine for the song which they'd be dancing a rumba to. As Val listened to the words he could nearly groan out loud as he realized just how much it spoke to what he'd ultimately like to do to Sharna. There has always been this amazing spark between the two of them however neither of them had been single at the same time to actually take advantage of the situation. And now he was with Jenna again and he was happy. He knew she was single but she was still on the mend from her rounds with Paul as well as her last season with Bonner which had just taken everything out of her.
"Okay, Val, for the ending, I want you to lean in close to Sharna. She's going to be laying on the ground on her back with her arms up. Your body is going to balance over hers before you lay down next to her and trail your fingers up her side. Her costume will have a cut out along her ribs and you can either actually run your fingers up against her side if you're both comfortable." "Uhh." Val said looking down at Sharna's face which was just as bewildered as his. "It's up to you. I don't want you to upset Jenna." Sharna said. "It's fine. She understands the aspect of the dance. Let's just play it by ear and we'll do what feels right in the moment." He suggested. "That works." Mandy said before continuing. "Alright, once you do that I want you to caress her face and bring your lips close to hers however the song will end and the dance floor will go dark which will allow you to skip actually kissing. Got it?" "Err...umm...yes." Val stammered. "Okay let's keep going. I want you guys to get to run it a few times. Then I'll send you out to Adam to do the blocking." Mandy said. And that was what happened. They continued practicing and getting the routine and motions down before they went out with Adam to do camera blocking. The next 3 days leading up to the opening were intense with practices, camera blocking, dress rehearsals, fittings, and interviews. Finally it was over and it was opening night. The pro's opened to Demi's "Sorry Not Sorry" before Tom began to recap the previous nights dances. Slowly they worked their way through the other numbers and dances until it was Val and Sharna's turn. They moved fluidly through the number both focused on their jobs as they executed each and every move perfectly. Something seemed to click as they went into the bridge and final chorus and Val suddenly became more passionate. His movements were annunciated with an extra flare that Sharna began to match as well. Suddenly as quickly as it started the song was ending and the two were on the floor. Val's hand coasted up Sharna's bare rib cage making her shiver. He ran his fingers up her cheek before hovering close to her face. The lights went dark but he didn't move right away. He started to close the distance to press his lips to hers however the studio lights came on. Sharna looked at him in pure shock. They didn't have time to talk however since they had to do bows and then both had to switch into their last costumes for the final number. "What was that?" Val said to himself realizing he had just nearly made a huge decision. He had almost kissed her. He had wanted to kiss her. He had wanted to kiss her since he first met her and right now that sensation was stronger than ever. He thought back to when they had been sitting at rehearsals and thought back to her words. "Even if it would rock your world? And mess up your entire life." They suddenly made sense. He knew what he needed to do. He needed to tell her he felt the same way. He'd do it tonight after the show, he needed to do it. The rest of the night went smoothly and once the show was over Val was in his trailer getting ready to go see Sharna when there was a knock at his door. He moved to answer it seeing the red hair beauty standing on his steps he welcomed her in. His phone began to ring at the same time and he went to check it figure it was his parents. However it was Jenna.
"Fuck, the finale!" He murmured out loud. Somehow in the hecticness of the night he had forgotten his girlfriend was getting the results of her finale with Kiki. "Answer it!" Sharna said immediately. "Hey babe." He said into the phone. "We won! We won! We did it handsome! Kiki and I won! I can't believe it!" She yelled in his ear in sheer excitement and amazement. From that moment on a flurry of things took place. Sharna ushered Val out to see his girl and sent him on his way. She knew that what she had been planning to say was no longer important as was what he had to say to her. Peta caught her on the way to her car. "Hey, you okay?" She asked her best friend slipping her arm over her shoulders. "Yeah, just burnt. Jenna won. Did you hear?" She said leaning directly into Peta. "We did. I'm so happy for her. Maks and I were going to watch the finale. Wanna come over? Shai will be getting ready to go to sleep soon. Maybe some Shai cuddles are in order." "I think I'd like that." Sharna said fondly thinking of the little man. She stayed leaning into Peta's shoulder as they made their ways to the car as Sharna thought once again. 'We almost made it. I almost told him. He almost kissed me. We almost were on our path. Maybe our almosts are meant to tell us something. That we aren't ever supposed to be a full couple. Just an almost couple.' **Finished! Hope you guys like it! I can't even begin to tell you how thrilled I was with all the love on last nights post! I had so many comments on my help post as well as last nights update that my email combined all the comments. That's never happened before! I love you guys so so much. Don't forget to like this up and let me know what you thought! I'm still on vacation so it's most likely Fix You or Begin Again won't be updated until Monday. However I'll continue these fun ones in the meantime. Thank you!!!
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sarahjane0886 · 7 years
Imaginartion: The True Magic Carpet
Okay loves, so I know lately I've been slacking in my writing but it's not from lack of want. Life is busy and hectic so sometimes I don't have much time to squeeze in a lot of writing. So I've come up with a solution (hopefully a good one!) short prompts! I've seen others post a list of prompts and then they do little shorts off the prompts which is perfect for these hectic busy days. I can do short updates on my phone and you guys still get some form of my writing. Here's where you all come in, my lovely s_brito  suggested that rather than find a list, I ask you all to suggest things. I would like to stick with quotes. So anything that you've heard, seen, liked, hated, anything that you would like me to do a mini one-shot for, comment down below. Or if you're a shy bird, send me a message. Also, if you want to request a couple for your quote you can do that as well. I'm limiting couples however to only a few that I've done or am willing to do. Those couples will be Chmergatroyd, Chmergess, Shyle, Shway, & Valenna.
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iceandwood-blog · 10 years
In Between (Valenna)
Okay this is my first ever Valenna fic- I have never read a Valenna fic so I have no idea how accurate you may think this is, but I tried! I hope y'all enjoy it & I'm super nervous to post this! haha. Ahhh, well! Here we go!
Jenna walked along the boardwalk alone, lifting her long chestnut hair off of the back of her neck and fanned. It was only 85 degrees but the humidity in Louisiana was thick enough to cut with a knife. She and her cast mates had finished the last show of Ballroom with a Twist that night and decided on meeting up at the bar off of the beach for a quick celebration.
 By the time she reached the bar the music was blaring and from the sounds of it everyone was having a great time. Jenna smiled to herself and walked over to the railing of the boardwalk leaned against it. She took a deep breath in, reveling in the salty air. A light breeze swirled around her and she closed her eyes.
Jenna opened her eyes and looked to her left to see Val leaning on the railing next to her. He wasn’t looking out at the ocean but right at her, “It is.” She faced forward and held back a grin as she nodded.
“The ocean’s okay too.”
She laughed breathily and let her head fall, “Always so charming, Val.”
He gave her a half side grin and nudged her with his shoulder. She laughed again and stood up straight, “How’s the party?”
He stood up too, but then rested his backside against the rail looking rather comfortable, “It’s good. Everybody is having a great time.”
“Why aren’t you in there then?”
“I’m having a great time out here.” He shrugged. She wanted to pinch him… She wanted to kiss him. Jenna looked at him silently for a second. Val and Jenna had a unique relationship. They both knew the other had something they wanted but they didn’t want to touch it. It was temptation at its finest.
“I uh, I better head in there.” She pointed her thumb over her shoulder and started walking backwards. He watched her with a lazy grin on his face as she coyly walked away. She wasn’t giving in that easily.
Jenna made her way into the heavily crowded room and found her way to the bar. She didn’t ordered a soda and sipped it slowly as she scanned the crowd looking for her family of dancers. She spotted them in the middle of the dance floor tearing it up for the crowd. She made her way through the wave of bodies and to the front of the circle that had formed around two dancers. Osanka and one of the girls were doing a tango to a Jennifer Lopez song that had everyone cheering. She clapped along with the crowd laughing at the scene in front of her. The song ended and another started soon after as two more dancers found their way to the center.
Val took Sharna’s hand and bowed to her; the gorgeous girl laughed and rolled her eyes then let Val lead them into a very passionate dance. Jenna felt her hands begin to itch as she saw the beads of sweat roll down his neck. His toned arms flexed and bulged as he carried her through the song, his hooded lids screamed desire when he dipped her. His shirt had somehow gotten pulled up showing his abs and the V shaped muscle leading a trail to somewhere she wanted to go.
Jenna made herself snap out of it. It’s Val. You’re not going there with Val; harmless flirting is one thing but that… that’s a whole other ballgame.
The song ended and their eyes made contact- his pupils where dilated as his chest heaved up and down, he licked his lips and she felt her jaw slack. She suddenly felt hyperaware of her surroundings. She didn’t break eye contact as she back away for the second time that night.
She could finally breathe as she stepped out onto the boardwalk. She scanned the deck for the stairs that would lead to the beach. She spotted them and began to head straight for them, not looking back. What she needed to do was sort her feelings out. When she made it down the last step she kicked her strappy sandals off and carried them letting the sand fill in between her toes.
She wasn’t denying that there was chemistry between them; the first time she danced with Val had shown her that. Val was dangerous- he was devilishly handsome, smooth talking, and knew how to get his way. All things Jenna wanted to avoid… But when he looked at her like that, like he did back at the bar, it made her want to throw all inhibitions to the wind.
The first time she had kissed Val was back in LA, on the show. She was comforting him because he had hurt his partners’ ribs and it just sort of happened. She had taken him in her arms, hugging him and when they broke their eyes met and then their lips followed.
It was soft and gentle and first, just a peck but it quickly turned hungry. Her hands found the sides of his neck as his found her waist. The kiss deepened send red hot signals to her belly. When they pulled away they were both flushed and out of breath. They both took a step back, trying to understand what had just happened. She remembered the only thing he had said after:
“I’m not the kind of guy you want, Jenna.”
She made it to the shoreline and let the tide wash over her feet. She caught a chill and wrapped her arms around herself and shrugged then whispered, “What kind of guy do I want?”
She stood there for a while, just watching the scenery. She turned around to walk back when she saw him making his way down the stairs to her. She needed to decide- Should she stay or should she turn and walk away? His eyes where fixed on her so even if she did decide to go, he would follow.
“Where’d you go?” He yelled.
She looked behind her then said loudly, “Just needed to think.”
He finally made it to her and stopped about a foot away, “About what?”
His gaze hadn’t changed. Desire poured out of him as he got closer, “Are you okay?”
She felt the urge to step back but resisted, “I’m okay.”
His eyebrow arched as he got even closer, “Jenna…”
Her need for him hit her like a freight train. The way he said her name made her toes want to curl. She shivered and he took her in his arms. She let herself lean into his strong frame closing her eyes and breathing him in. She put a hand up to his chest and felt his heart beating quickly beneath, matching her own.
“You keep trying to run away from me,” He whispered into her ear.
She nodded quickly, feeling foolish that he’d noticed, She pointed her finger and lightly tapped it on his chest, “You… You told me to stay away.”
He nuzzled into her neck and laughed, “When have you ever listened to me?”
She tried to swallow the hard lump in her throat, “I guess this time I took your word for it.”
He leaned back and took on hand from her waist to trail her jawline. She watched as he stared down at her with a look she’d never seen before. He gently moved to her lips and traced them. He searched her face and smiled, “I love how your eyebrow is always cocked- like you know something I don’t.”
She smiled, “Maybe I do.”
He narrowed his eyes at her for a second and laughed, “Maybe you do. But do you know how much I want to kiss you right now?”
Instead of answering she leaned in. She had to know if what she felt before would only happen once, if that little flicker would turn into an inferno again. When their lips touched it was hungry; their need for each other obvious between the two. He pushed his hand into her hair and his grip on her waist tightened, pulling her closer to him. They were flush against each other as the kiss grew deeper and deeper. She allowed him in as their tongues tangled and her lungs burned. He broke the contact between their lips only to move to her jaw and down the column of her neck. She let out a small gasp as he nibbled on her collarbone. She leaned into him, hands gripping his back.
“Val…” She whispered.
He trailed back up and flicked the bottom of her earlobe before he whispered back: “Tell me…”
Her mouth felt dry and her head was dizzy. She couldn’t let go but she needed to, “I don’t know.”
He stopped cold, dead in his tracks. His hands dropped at he took a step back. He didn’t say anything just licked his lips and rubbed them together, waiting for her to elaborate.
“Val… I don’t… I want this… I don’t think…” She began to stutter looking at him. He looked ready and in need but obviously putting up an effort to hold back and listen to her.
“Okay…” He shook his head slightly and cleared his throat, “Okay.”
She felt a wash of guilt flood over her and she ran past him and up the beach to the stairs. She didn’t stop running until she hit her hotel. She let out a couple of deep shaky breaths and entered the lobby. When she got to her room she turned on an ice cold shower and stepped in. Her body was angry at her- need pulsed through her as she stood under the water gliding over her. She heard a knock on the door and instantly knew who it was. Val never left things half done. She stood under the water, willing him to go away. Another knock.
She stepped out and threw a towel around her body and went straight for the door. She flung it open, multiple frustrations venting through her, “What Val?”
He looked her over and took a step back, holding his hands up, “I just wanted to talk to you, about what happened…”
She looked at him and then turned around, letting him follow her into her room. She should have never started this and she was going to end it now, “Listen, Val.”
She turned to see him standing there, hands in his pockets, stupid pork pie hat on his head, looking upset: “What’s wrong?”
He shrugged, “I need to know if you want something between us… Because I feel like, when I see you and when I’m near you it’s there but then… At the beach… When you ran… Do you want this?”
Jenna felt her eyes grow wide, “I don’t know what I want,” She said frustrated. She ran a hand threw her wet hair and looked up at him, “What do you want?”
He shook his head and shrugged, not looking at her, “I don’t know either.” When his gaze finally lifted to hers she saw how uncertain he was but he continued, “But I do know… I do know I want to find out because when I kiss you my world stops for a second and when I hold you… you fit. Jenna…”
He felt it too, he felt what she had been trying to decipher all along. She nodded slowly and looked at him for a few beats, searching for a reason to make her say no but then she took his hand in both of hers, ready to throw caution to the wind, “I think I want that too.”
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