onepiexe · 2 years
watching garrett's new vid and andrew freaks out so much 😳😶
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dilfian · 2 years
i forgot i switched urls and was like 'WHO does valennie know that is using the tarotdilf url' and then went. oh wait uh
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felixvalerius · 6 years
“There’s a lot you don’t know. Don’t presume I’m a good person,” Valerius told Nennius, the threat of his past threatening to surface.
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(felixvalerius) “Get your head out of your ass.”
“Shut up,” Nen replied cooly as he returned his gaze to the rear sight of an orange tipped riffle. Those fucking clowns were going down this time. He’d missed the first two shots, enduring Felix’s never ending line of insults and comments. Nen knew Felix wasn’t particularly fond of carnivals but when the man had awkwardly asked him for an outing, there was no way Nen was going to turn down the opportunity. The constant stream of barking commands and snubs had kept him from winning any game he attempted and although he countered them with a fierce scowl, he really didn’t care. Win or lose, Felix was here with him. 
Nen pulled the trigger and a plastic clown dropped, sending him into a victorious frenzy of laughter and taunts as he earned what he was after this whole time. A frowny faced bear in a white lab coat. Nen squished it and held it up. “Remind you of anyone?”
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rudolphsboyfriend · 3 years
hello my guava juice good morning
I’m here to ask if there’s a free spot in the bakugang since I’m finally watching bakuten now 😌
Hello my lemonade good morning right back :)
YES there's always free space in the bakugang welcome to the gang we r chaotic here
Bakugang this is my bestie Valen let us welcome him :)
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For u valenny boy
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juniper-tree · 6 years
oc stats
thank you for the tag @dreadhobo <3 <3
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Finn Lavellan
Full name: Ellana Valenni Lavellan, or just Finn
Gender: female
Sexuality: unconcerned
Pronouns: she/her
Family: Valenni - mother; Finnock - father, deceased
Birthplace: a damp glen on the Free Marches/Antiva border
Job: herbalist, healer, harvester for Clan Lavellan
Phobias: none, really 
Guilty pleasures: being lazy, eavesdropping, diagnosing people from afar and then finding out she’s right 
Hobbies: building and tending Skyhold’s garden, tasting all the wines in the cellar, finding quiet spots in which to be alone 
Morality alignment: chaotic good
Sins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth
Virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
leader/follower - one day she’ll be comfortable with that
traditional/modern - kinda both?
otp: Cullen
Acceptable ships: uh... Blackwall, but keep it a secret, ok
ot3: doubtful
brotp: Sera, Blackwall
notp: Solas
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cocogoat · 2 years
WHOOO ICONIC URL IS BACK BAYBEE also hi ilu valennie<333 mwah
YEAAAAH i missed this url a lot actually <3 nd hiii ilu2 😽
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ivyandink · 6 years
It makes me so happy that i got valenny to stick as their ship name :’)
Lol! #Palentina or even just #Pal is kinda cute. But as they say.. the first cut is the deepest. :') #Valenny lmaooo.
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katnisshawke-blog · 7 years
8 OC Facts
I’ve been tagged by @shannaraisles and @laraslandlockedblues (and many Others,  but since it was a while ago, I cannot trace back to all your names, sorry!)
Thank you all for your tag!
1. Please post these rules!
2. Post 8 facts about your character!
3. Tag 8 other characters, list their names and their creators
4. Tag-backs are fine!
1- Merrill: “Oh look, sweety! It snows! How weird! It never snows here. Have you ever seen snow before? How lovely, isn't it? Wait... by the Dread Wolf!”
Kat’s magic shows up when she is 6, right one year before she moves from Kirkwall to Redcliff, after her mother’s death. She cannot stand for the hot, humid climate of Free Marches.   One day, as she was helping gather some herbs near Sundermount, Merrill saw her making it snow right over their heads.
2- “NO. NO. NO. I wont name her caty, kitty or whatever just because she is pretty and soft, Anders!”
Her name comes from her father’s love for cats. Fortunately, Hawke can achieve a sort of compromise...
3- Kat: “what if I become a mage, Uncle? Will you still be my uncle?”
Carver: “...um...Andraste was a mage... a good one... I mean, she used magic very little, probably... and she always used it for the good of others... so of course I will... but maybe you’d best avoid telling anyone what I’ve said about Andraste, right hun?”
Her affection and respect for Templars come from her love for her Uncle Carver from whom she inherits her first aknowlegments about the Chant of Light. As he disappeared likely in consequence of Lyrium madness (but no one can be really sure about that), Kat puts all her efforts as a healer to help those who wish to overcome their addiction or health issues that derive from years of Lyrium intake. Even though she knows it is quite impossible, she never stops hoping to see her uncle again.
4- Anders gives his daughter to Aveline and Donnic after Hawke's death. Kat grows up surrounded by Templars, as Donnic was one of them. She has to learn how to keep her magic under control to avoid being discovered. So Donnic teaches her the “Child’s prayer”, a nursery rhyme taught to the youngest of Templars recruits meant for their first practices on how to Focus. Donnic did not expect for this to work...
5- As a child, Kat has a huge crush on King Alistair: he often improvises for his daughter Lexy and Kat little shows with his puppets and tells wonderful, funny stories about the Hero of Ferelden.
6- Kat spends most of her Childhood with Connor (Donnic and Aveline’s son who she considers her brother) and Lexy.
The three of them Always manage to flee from the castle to help at Master Dennett's farm where Eilynn (Dennett's wife) created a sort of shelter for orphans. After the Inquisition events, Redcliff was overrun with children who had lost their families. This orphanage prevented children from being recruited by templars before time.
During these breakouts, Connor, Lexy and Kat get often into any sort of mischief.
7- “ One day, you shall accept your nature. Nobody can escape what one is.”
Kat is Always hunted by her past, her origins, her father’s choices. While she’s learnt how to cope with strangers’ provocations, she really cannot stand when they come from Morrigan who she considers a sort of mirror in which she often recognises herself.
8- “I do not endorse my father’s choices: innocent people died because of him. But I will never deny my affection for him, nor say that he was mad: this Chantry MUST change. You know this, Cassandra, better then I do.” The Chantry askes Kat to publically reject her father as a traitor made insane by his particular kind of possession. The only thing that prevents Kat from arrest or Tranquillity is Cassandra’s protection.
Tag Back!
@shipwreckedwraith and her Amazing Heidi, @tallulahsavedmylife and her redhead Gwendolin Amell  @jonogueira for her fascinating Moira @annorarutherfordand and her Inquisitor Eira Lavellan @littleglassanimalwrites for her super interesting Renata @decadentvoidprincess for her Ellana Valenni Lavellan @enchantment1385 and her spicy Twinquisitors and @x-elfled-x For her super lovely Hailey
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cleopetraa · 7 years
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senangnyaa kebersamaan slama 2 hari bareng kalian semua..mulai dr nyanyi brg, main games brg, slg sharing dan slg meneguhkan satu sama lain💃😍 kalian luar biasa!🙆😍😄 #thankGod #FullofJoy #reallygrateful #RetreatSecondChance #PDAquaVitae with Shelley, anastasya, danny, Brigita, Aurelia, Nicolaus, Valenny, Elda, valentina, Maria Jessika, gracella, Daniel, Alfin, Rifany, Jessika, Irene Zegy, Kornelia , Eric, Gabriella, and Shierly at Wisma Taman Indah – View on Path.
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karlasj · 12 years
El: -sigamos hablando plepla de casi novios pues
si cuando es la boda xD
El: -jjaja que barrial
mi amol!!!!
ajajaaj balbarasa!!!
estas conversaciones hay que hacerles capturas
Yo: -HAHAHAHAHAHAH CALLATE! Hey tuu papii,cuando eeh? dimee! Tu me tiene desepera' *O*
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onepiexe · 2 years
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i have done nothing except like valennie's text posts LMFAO
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felixvalerius · 6 years
Gimme angst! (broken-rebel)
25. My muse is being stalked and shows up at your muse’s house uninvited, asking to stay the night.
She was back. Valerius thought he had caught a break when his ‘wife’ was going to be home late -- hopefully not at all -- but then the calls came, and the texts. And the reveal that she was outside his house. Valerius didn’t have the patience for this She didn’t want to deal with an over zealous crazy. He had already shown his abrupt and blunt self . . . but apparently, she had not gotten the message. And tonight, the doctor was not up for talking to her at all. The threat of the police didn’t even do it. So Valerius quickly changed into some casual clothes, grabbed his wallet, and made his way to the door. 
Sure enough, she was standing there. Her entire expression burst with happiness. But the emotion was not shared. Valerius grabbed the keys from her hand and tossed them into the bushes before he continued to walk forward to his car. So nonchalant, barley looking at her. He got inside, started it, and sped off. She would eventually find the keys no doubt, but at least this gave him a head start. The only reason he knew where he was going, was because he had been the doctor to treat the former patient. Nennius had once lived with them, but his wife did not seem to like that. 
A temporary housing situation was arranged, where Nennius would be staying somewhere while he recovered. He knew it might not last long though. He didn’t even know what he was going to say when he got there. It was as if he was on autopilot though. He could have stayed at a hotel, but this was closer. And . . . untraceable. Val pulled into the driveway, got out and immediately ran the doorbell before he had enough sense to turn around. He had never spent the night at someone’s house other than his own. And this, would apparently be the first time he would do so.    
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felixvalerius · 6 years
💔 For the people who hate happiness (broken-rebel)
16. Your muse breaks mine’s heart.
Valerius did not know how to describe the emotions coursing through him. For so long, he didn’t even know he had any. Emotions that is. He thought himself a wall. Built of stone. Unable to be penetrated. An unmovable shield placed in front of him. And yet, this moment caused it all to shatter. Perhaps, it had started to crumble bit by bit. When he had realized he cared more about Nennius than a master did a slave. When he freed him once Rebellion struck the region. When he saw him on the battlefield and killed a brother in arms to save him. When he allowed Nennius to brand him so he could remain with him in the rebels camp. And . . . now. 
When Nennius spoke of Valerius’, still hindered ability to be intimate to the extent that he wanted to. For intimacy, was a word foreign upon the tongue. Foreign to the mind, heart and soul. Yet he knew now, that it was needed. That the mere physical, wasn’t enough for Nennius and well . . . Valerius knew that. He had dreaded this day. No longer was status an obstacle they faced. They were both of equal ground. And yet, Valerius knew nothing of how to act with a lover. How could he know the sensation of a kiss, when the only one who had touched his lips in such a way was the woman who had birthed him. Years of childhood robbed from him . . . erasing the concept of intimacy and love.  
Valerius’ clenched his jaw, inner turmoil and pain over the mere thought of losing the man before him emotionally. Fucking irony, when it was Nennius himself who taught Valerius was emotion even was. That he could still possess ones apart from the indifference Felix felt for those perceived close to him . . . like his wife. What would be enough? No. Felix not dare ask. For he knew the answer. A kiss. A shedding of his own clothing. An . . . insight as to why Valerius was such a way. Yet silence lingered. Felix knew there was no bluff in Nennius voice. The former Roman soldier would lose the man unless he did something. Said something. Fought for him. 
Yet, the thought terrified Valerius, and he could already feel that stone cold heart of his breaking . . . unsure if he could fully offer himself to Nennius. Swallowing, Felix finally found the voice to answer. “You branded me a slave, yet perhaps I was always so.” A slave. A slave of circumstance. Of familial ties; ones that Felix had thought would be so frowned upon . . . yet accepted in this fucking political world he had often strove to remain far away from. “And such shackles are not easily severed.” Not like the shackles that once bound all these rebels. Valerius’ were more . . . emotional chains. Scars that would never heal. 
“Perhaps not ever.” It wasn’t exactly a hopeful statement, but Felix continued to battle desire with fear. Fucking him was all Felix had known. Though done now with more gentle touch and awareness of the other’s needs. Making love . . . giving Nennius that, intimacy that Felix knew he craved -- such as any man or woman would -- now that, was not so easily done. That, was completely unfamiliar, unknown. Completely foreign. Just like the feeling of his heart breaking. 
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felixvalerius · 7 years
Felix wasn’t sure what came over him tonight. There was something so . . . empty about his bed. He didn’t even fully remember walking over to Nennius’ room. It was as if it was pure instinct that led him there. A magnetic force that always pulled him towards the other male. He watched Nenny sleep, so peacefully. So soundly. Sometimes Valerius would wake him up, making physical demands of him. Such was the nature of their relationship after all. But right now, Valerius found his mind strayed from that path. That, predictability. Wasn’t he just that? Predictable. Because it was all he had allowed himself to show. The reluctance of divulging deeper into who he was was strong. Especially with Nennius. And yet, the closer he grew to him, the stronger the urge became. Valerius never was quite that good at containing it. 
If he was, he would not have kept this relationship going for as long as he had. If he could control himself around Nennius, he would not have done what he did next. He quietly approached the bed, shoes long since removed, clad in his sleeping attire. But instead of waking up Nennius, Felix did the exact opposite. He strove not to wake the other. Instead, he climbed under the covers, his arm reaching over to hold Nennius against him, the other man’s back tucking perfectly against Valeriu’s chest. As if in some odd way, their bodies were meant to cradle the others. Valerius just silently remained, stiff, frozen . . . this was all so unfamiliar. 
Was he even doing it right? Was there was a certain way to hold someone in this circumstance? While his body didn’t fully relax, there was an undeniable peace found within. A soothing sensation down to Felix’s very soul -- which some may argue he did not possess. But this moment, being with Nennius in a way more intimate than he ever had been with anyone . . . reassured Felix that he was not deadened. That he did possess a soul, a beating heart, and warm flesh. There was an odd solace that accompanied this feeling, and for one, Valerius did not question it. He only allowed himself to experience it as he slowly closed his eyes. For the first time in his entire life, he would share a bed with a partner for the entire duration of the night.  
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dilfian · 2 years
ok well. i think its done. join my gc tuals :-)
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