#i died when I got this prompt
felixvalerius · 6 years
Gimme angst! (broken-rebel)
25. My muse is being stalked and shows up at your muse’s house uninvited, asking to stay the night.
She was back. Valerius thought he had caught a break when his ‘wife’ was going to be home late -- hopefully not at all -- but then the calls came, and the texts. And the reveal that she was outside his house. Valerius didn’t have the patience for this She didn’t want to deal with an over zealous crazy. He had already shown his abrupt and blunt self . . . but apparently, she had not gotten the message. And tonight, the doctor was not up for talking to her at all. The threat of the police didn’t even do it. So Valerius quickly changed into some casual clothes, grabbed his wallet, and made his way to the door. 
Sure enough, she was standing there. Her entire expression burst with happiness. But the emotion was not shared. Valerius grabbed the keys from her hand and tossed them into the bushes before he continued to walk forward to his car. So nonchalant, barley looking at her. He got inside, started it, and sped off. She would eventually find the keys no doubt, but at least this gave him a head start. The only reason he knew where he was going, was because he had been the doctor to treat the former patient. Nennius had once lived with them, but his wife did not seem to like that. 
A temporary housing situation was arranged, where Nennius would be staying somewhere while he recovered. He knew it might not last long though. He didn’t even know what he was going to say when he got there. It was as if he was on autopilot though. He could have stayed at a hotel, but this was closer. And . . . untraceable. Val pulled into the driveway, got out and immediately ran the doorbell before he had enough sense to turn around. He had never spent the night at someone’s house other than his own. And this, would apparently be the first time he would do so.    
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now im thinking about how child me perceived gender
#i literally didnt gove a shit#i thought people could jst like. choose i guess (trans... traaaansss)#but yeah i watched the legend of sinbad and atlantis and pretended to be marina and the girl i forgot the name of#when in fact i just wanted to be milo or sinbad like. sinbad gave me so much gender#he has that bisexual transmasc vibe yk#and like i dont ever remember seeing myself as a girly gilr as a kid#i never rejected it but i never embraced it#sure i liked pretty dresses and makeup was fun but most of the more feminine things i did like buy my first pair of high heels#or wear proper make up and play with dolls ''the right way'' were prompted by other people#a lot of it was due to pressure and i think thats insane#it got worse when i was a pre teen cus then i was expected to get more girly when i didnt want to be#its cus kid me really didnt give a fuck like#the clothes were the clothes i had so i was gonna wear them and if my toys were all pink and glittery who cares? glitters cool#that didnt stop me from mixing the make up i had into weird potions or using the pink knives as ninja weapons or#using my barbies to play angsty stories where barbie fucking dies in a car crash and making my little sister cry#organizing my 104739 stuffed animals in formation that suggested they were either the mafia or like. i dont know#longingly watching the imaginext and hot wheels comercials cus all the fire and explosions were cool as shit#and like dude as i said before i never rejected any of the traditionally feminine stuff i just didnt have a preference#i was really ''shrug. whatever.'' about it#i played house because playing house is fun and i love cooking and cleaning always have loved it and nothing will stop me from loving it#and i played dressup cus wearing a costume was fun and i saw everything as an act#i wasnt playing dress up to look like mommy i was playing dressup to wear the impossibly high high heels she had and feel powerful as fuck#and like. sure this is not what makes me trans a lot of queer cis woman also did this and theyre still woman#but for me? all of thats trans as shit#nibidy batted an eye though#cus even if i was pretending barbie murdered someone i was still playing with dolls#abd even if i had plastic toy knives tucked under a belt and was jumping around the living room making HOOYAH noises i was still wearing#a pink shirt with hearts on it and the toy knoves were still pink#i never rejected any of it cus it didnt matter to me or to anyone so when i did start rejecting it it was a shock to everyone. god.#txt
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alientoastt · 3 years
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[image id: a digital drawing. a short individual standing proud, their hands proudly on their hips and chin high. Two octokittens are perched on their shoulders; the one on their left shoulder looks determined, while the other is passive. the person has short, fluffy teal hair, very grey pale skin and a twisty mustache, as well as a riveted metal nose. they wear a grey puffy-sleeved blouse with a green brooch, green regency waistcoat, and teal jodhpurs tucked into a pair of high grey pirate-y boots. the character has a smug and jaunty aura. the whole drawing uses five colors from a palette to the left of the character labeled “taiga;” two light greys, teal, green, and dark brown. end id.]
for the anon who asked for my mechsona with “👉👈” attached. mwuah
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danny-chase · 3 years
How do you picture in your mind if Dick Grayson made his transitim to Nightwing…but in this timeline, there’s no such thing as the Teen Titans? not the Fab Five, no NTT, nothing Titans, Robin was the sole sidekick, that was it. How do you think it would go down and would you say it would a very dark timeline if that’s the case?
It depends, usually retellings of Dick becoming Nightwing has something as an inciting incident - ie Bruce kicking him out (which doesn't necessarily have to do with the Titans, it has to do with Bruce finding himself so paralyzed and overcome with the fear of losing Dick that he breaks the bond before someone else can - and this of course doesn't justify that behavior, Bruce is the adult and Dick is his child, it's on Bruce to make Dick feel safe and welcome in his own home). So if Bruce kicked Dick out for prior reasons, Dick winds up going to Clark for advice, hears the Nightwing story and bada-bing bada-boom, you've got yourself a Nightwing.
If you wanted something more light hearted, you could go the route of - Dick moves out to college but keeps hero-ing solo at night, but being Robin without a Batman isn't really the same. As he comes into his own as a solo hero, he realizes he's kind of just done with the mantle - he doesn't feel like it fits him more, that he's more mature now (or wants pants or smth). He still wants to keep the connection to his parents, and so he designs the Discowing suit to honor them (and nodding to the Kryptonian legend) and break free of what's been come to be seen as the role of a sidekick, more like how things naturally progressed in the original telling. (Of course at somepoint along the way he drops out of college, no i will not acknowledge him having a degree, that's blasphemy, my boy is a dropout and i love him for it).
Lastly, if you want to go all in on an soft/fluffy version, I can see something like the following happen. No Titans means Dick was never fired. Dick decides not to go to college, or keeps hero-ing with Bruce while attending college close to home. Dick still lives at/near home when Jason is adopted - canonically the two had a good relationship right from the get go (which is really interesting because Dick was initially wary of Tim, Cass, and Damian), and they spend more time together because Dick's living in Gotham rather than NY. Eventually Jason wants to join in the hero-ing, and after a lot of thought Dick willingly passes on the mantle (and tells Jason what Robin means) to signify that he sees Jason as his family (and like in the previous case is ready to take on a solo role), in contrast to Bruce passing it on without his knowledge and Dick having to make peace with it later (there's something that can be so personal about Dick giving Jason his old costume though, and it would be awesome to see a timeline where Dick gets to initiate the process).
So yeah, I don't think it has to be a dark timeline to get a good transition from Robin to Nightwing. It can be, Bruce can be super abusive and that's what drives Dick out but that doesn't really need to happen to get Nightwing. Dick and Bruce can still be on speaking terms when Nightwing happens, I think Nightwing is more a product of Dick growing up, it just so happens that Bruce in canon hasn't taken Dick growing up particularly well - hence why Nightwing seems to be linked with abusive dad Bruce in canon. If Bruce isn't abusive, it still makes sense for Dick to want to be his own hero, and if he has a little brother in the works who wants to be Bruce's next sidekick, it makes sense for Dick to be conflicted, but eventually decide to pass on the legacy to someone he cares for and trusts.
#not me getting emotional about how much Dick and Jason loved each other before Jason died#they saw each other as family and waaaahhhh it makes everything so much sadder#like god i just... sobbing thinking of the NTT issue where Dick stands in front of Jason's grave and was like I gave him my costume#also remember no titans == Dick wasn't on an otherworld mission when Jason got killed#Dick and Jason being close == Jason has someone to ask for help in finding his mother that isn't Bruce#you see where I'm going with this?#a potentially lighter timeline where Jason and Dick go together to find Jason's mom and Jason doesn't die#because his big brother is there to protect him 🥺🥺🥺#maybe Jason gives up hero-ing after said incident or helps in his own way such as learning medical skills#and that could prompt Tim to show up looking for Robin#although because Bruce still has Dick as a partner after the close call with Jason he might just be like no more Robins#but Tim could also help in his own way (such as building gadgets or whatnot)#Steph: i know you said no more robins but what about a spoiler#she's to determined to be a hero - they legit can't stop her so now we got Batman Nightwing and Spoiler#and ofc they can't stop Cass either so we got Batman Nightwing Batgirl and Spoiler#Bruce *dies* and Dick makes Damian Robin so he'll stay and Duke eventually comes in as well leading the we are Robin movement#Tim: i thought you said no more kids in the field#Bruce: *looks at Cass Steph Damian and now Duke* *cries* i tried so hard#i want to see Dick go train surfing with Cass Steph Duke and Damian#idk he could still go to Bludhaven and have his whole individual arc without the Titans being involved in comics but if he's close to Bruce#and Bruce is a better dad maybe he never went (and maybe he gets closer to the rest of the family too)#batfam#dick grayson#nightwing#asks#anon#idk if you wanted a more specific answer but i live for fluff lmao if you tweak Bruce's character it all works out
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tonguetiedraven · 3 years
letter writing angst? any aoex character is fine :)
I went Yukio&Rin, I hope that's okay :) Day 5.
Dear Rin,
She told me to do this so that I didn't 'regress' which was just her way of trying to sound clinical. I don't know why she thinks I'll listen to that sort of talk and not her.
I found it offensive. I don't know why. Maybe because it was about you and that was never how you spoke? You joked and chided and were always so damn blunt. God, you drove me crazy with your bluntness. Dad had nothing on you.
She told me to do this, so I'm going to do it, but I don't think it'll make anything better. It's not like you're actually here. I don't know where you are -- I haven't believed in heaven since I was a bruised child, but I think you deserve it. I hope dad's with you, and I hope you're both making all the dumb jokes you possibly can. Send me a few if you can? I'm going to need some laughs.
All I really know is you aren't here, and I am. Writing to you...
Did I ever tell you about that? When we were young, and you didn't know about the Exorcist world, I would write you letters about what had happened. About all the things I was learning and the scary demons I'd encountered. It helped me not spill the beans when we were especially young, but it also reminded me of all the things I wanted to tell you about someday. I'd completely forgotten about that. Funny what you'll remember, isn't it?
Anyway... this feels like that. No matter what I write in this notebook, you'll never actually see it. These words are for me.
You were never much for reading anyway.
Day 17.
Dear Rin,
The silence is so loud. I never realized how much silence there was until you weren't around anymore. It's grating, the silence. I keep straining my ears for any sound of you. You were always so loud in everything you did. You'd stomp through the house without being angry, you just didn't see a point in being quiet. You'd bang open cabinets, slam shut drawers, clang around utensils, and you were always talking. Did you realize that you were never silent? When you weren't holding a conversation with a person, you were talking to whatever object was close to you. You'd narrate your activities to it or just hum so the silence wasn't there.
I've taken to playing music. I've had to create a new playlist solely to fill the silence. Just instrumental doesn't quite cut it. I miss the murmur of voices. There was a song you used to sing all the time, and I can't remember the lyrics.
I wish I could hear you singing it again. Maybe if I could resolve that melody, I could be okay in the quiet.
Day 39.
Dear Rin,
Sometimes it feels like everyone's still waiting for you to appear, but they're just kind of stuck with me. I'll walk somewhere and see two seats. I automatically head towards them just to arrive and...
Why did I go for two when there's just one?
And it's the worst with Kuro. I'll come home, and he'll perk up like the sun's just risen and bounce around until he realizes... it's just me. It's only ever just me. Then he sits by the door and I just... every door slam, every footstep in the hall, every distant laugh... every sound makes him think it's you, but it's not, and I can't figure out how to tell him it'll never be you.
I'm not enough. I'm not the footsteps he's listening for. If he didn't associate me with you, I don't think he'd even notice that I was around.
I don't blame him.
Day 73.
Dear Rin,
I thought about you last night. It was over such a stupid thing, too.
Remember the Satos? The wedding dad officiated, where everyone but the groom got 'sloshed?' I hadn't thought about that disaster of a wedding in decades. Then, for absolutely no reason, Tsubaki brought in a bottle of the exact same sake dad found on the bride and I just...
Do you remember how many empty bottles of the stuff we found? They were clinking around everywhere for weeks. It became a game. You found the last one, and you gloated about it for weeks. It was a stupid bottle, and you kept it on your desk for years like a grand trophy.
I wonder what happened to that bottle.
Day 183.
Dear Rin,
It’s been half a year of letters and I still don’t think it’s helping. Half a year since I started writing to you, and I’ve filled three and a half notebooks. I don’t think I’ve written this much since school. Did I talk to you this much when you were here? I feel like I spent most of the time letting you do all the talking.
There were so many things I should have said and they just… what’s the point in putting them down in ink? You hated reading. The words always swam when you tried to read, and you’d just end up having me read it to you. I should be recording these. That would have been the best way to communicate with you. You’d always rather a phone call over a text.
My phone never rings anymore.
I don’t know if I want to keep doing this.
Day 1448.
Dear Rin,
I found this yesterday and spent the better part of the day reading over the letters again.
I… It’s been years, but there are still moments when I can’t breathe. I woke up the other night and for a moment, I couldn’t remember your laugh. It terrified me.
What if I forget it all one day? I know that’s a risk of growing old, forgetting — and god I wished you had grown old with me. I know… we were never going to grow old together, but it was never supposed to be like this. I was supposed to be the one comforting you.
I don’t want to sound like it hasn’t gotten easier, because it has. There are days when the thoughts of you only bring smiles, or I’ll see some silly something and think about you and I’ll leave feeling lighter.
But the bad days… they still hurt so much, and even that makes me think of you. It was like you had some kind of sixth sense about me. The moment I’d start to cry you’d appear and, god I miss your hugs. I always complained, but now I’d give anything for one more hug.
I don’t know why I’m even writing this. You’re still not going to read it.
I guess... I just want you to know I love you. I’m healing, but I’d still give up all my ‘growth’ to hear you laugh or watch you smile.
I don’t think it’s possible to stop missing you. Love, Yukio
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yeonban · 3 years
* Love  Language.
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A  story  that  ends  in  blood.
The  world  has  always  been  unkind,  and  when  you  have  turned  to  yourself  for  comfort  you  have  come  face  to  face  with  an  empty  pit  which  seems  to  be  laughing.  You  don’t  care  if  it  kills  you  but  once  you  find  someone  whom  you  love  and  who  loves  you  back,  you  will  make  sure  nothing  happens  to  them.  They  are  yours.  You  will  make  a  tear  in  this  world  and  create  a  new  place  for  you  and  your  love  if  it  comes  to  that.  Because  it  has  always  been  about  love,  and  it  is  how  it  always  ends.
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Tagging  bc  I’m  curious:  @minban,  @destinychose,  @litteriae,  @astrales,  @vagomvndo,  @talkngflowers,  @zorkaya,  @litomare,  @arienheart​  &  whoever  else  who  wants  to  do  this  can  say  I  tagged  them  !
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princesandromeda · 4 years
I saw these posters and my mind went: Gourmet chef Sui Zhou transmigrates into his daughter's favorite novel. In the og novel Tang Fan and Sui Guangchuan weren't very close and Tang Fan actually died, but bc Sui Zhou got a big fat crush on Tang Fan upon meeting him he just goes "must protect".
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lilithmagne · 4 years
I apologize for being nosy. What happen last year that made you not want to rp in the hazbin rpc? I haven't been here for a long time so I'm confuse by the amount of inactive blogs. :o
// Well, I've been writing for Lilith since 2018 and I expanded her universe to the point I created my very own story that isn't applicable to the Hazbin verse anymore. When I started out, I had a lot of fun because there wasn't much Canon info out and my group of buddies here and I were working together to create our own thing. I drifted away from that because life got increasingly busy for me + I went in a different direction with this muse, so I'm doubtful that I can apply a lot of things to my portrayal at this point. I guess I'm trying to catch up! Be more in tune with Hazbin and the rpc here since I've been sparingly on. Nothing much happened that I'm aware of last year. I know there was some drama, but I was too busy grieving and moving places and working to give it much thought. I can't speak for the inactive blogs due to that either. Maybe people just moved onto other things! 
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jasleh · 5 years
Prompt 2: Bargain
[[ @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast ]]
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Nonolito paused, his eye caught by a bit of glitter. The Sapphire Avenue had much that glittered, of course, but he could never resist having a look at this particular stall. It was run by a lalafellen woman with skin several shades darker than his own but the same glossy black hair, and carried all manner of luxury items from silks to trinkets to jewelry. He sauntered in to take a closer look, and the item in question was surely worth the attention. A pendent, with a large brilliant sea-blue gem, of stunning cut. The setting was gold, and formed into the shape of a dragon curled around the gem. Gaudy, even for Ul’dah perhaps, but oh Firestar was sure to love it. He supposed she wouldn’t be able to wear it - a pity as he thought the blue of the gem would look stunning against her favored red - but she would love it all the same.
“How much?” he asked, tearing his eyes from the piece.
“One million, five hundred thousand,” she answered in a tone that he doubted she used on any other customer. It brooked no argument, but he wasn’t about to let that stop him. He feigned exaggerated shock and protested.
“You would rob your own son so?”
“I know you’ve the coin, boy. I hardly gave you up to a vow of poverty.” Her tone remained dry, but she could not help the quirk of a smile at the corner of her lips.
“Ah, but tis mostly the Order’s coin, and not my own! Would you have me dip into Order funds for such a trinket?” He responded with mock innocence, a hand placed on his chest. He had certainly done that exact thing before and would again. He was fairly certain she knew it too.
His mother gave a small snort, and declined to even answer that point. “An’ after all the wares you set on fire as a child, I dare say you owe me yet.” The words were harsh and the tone dry, but her eyes glittered as though with a shared joke.
“A low blow, for I never did so on purpose! And as I recall, you got a rather good price for me. So surely that debt was paid long ago.” He left off from the familiar track and began to bargain in earnest. “500,000.”
“You insult me. 1,250,000, but only because you are family.”
“Surely 750,000 is a more than fair price!”
“Boy, if you think I will go below a million, I will take you over my knee again like I did when you were small.”
“Ah, tis a sad day when mothers will gouge their children so. One million, then. And no higher.” It was, in fact, rather more than he probably should be spending, but the piece was so perfect he could not bear to leave it.
“Done. I knew sending you off to the thaumaturges was the right decision.”
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The only reason I’d wanna be president is so I can hopefully be in office when whoever is Britains current monarch at the time dies and I can just cause a scene by ignoring it. Not even grandstanding, I’d literally just not acknowledge it or send any kind of condolences. It’d make them so mad it’d be delicious. 
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animationhc · 6 years
claudia — boxes
“aren’t you excited, [y/n]?”
it was a beautiful sunny morning, the birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming. on days like these, you wished you were outside, playing in the grass and maybe having a picnic with claudia. but you had resigned yourself to helping her move out of the old bedroom with the creaky floorboards that shrieked with every slight movement. 
of course you were excited. finally, you had decided to take the next step in your relationship. claudia would be moving in with you.
“i am,” you began, “but for the love of everything living, why does it have to be so nice out?”
she laughed, and you couldn’t help your laughter, too.
“you can go outside and bring back some snacks. i’ll keep going.”
you were always so grateful for her tolerance. with one swift movement, you swung out the door and started down the spiraling stairs. god, she was so perfect, beautiful in every way. you were filled with a blinding bliss as you grabbed a basket of food, unable to think for yourself but able to marvel in your luck for meeting and courting claudia.
as you arrived to the room, you heard a slight shuffling and several thuds. you pushed the door open to find claudia completely out of sight.
you set the basket down on a table, and continued forward. maybe she had just moved and started packing the closet. maybe she fell asleep. maybe she jumped out of the window. maybe she was kidnapped while you were gone.
as your mind raced with nightmarish ideas of where she went, claudia watched you intently from inside a box, suppressing a giggle. you passed her box, and she almost forgot what she was hiding for as she watched you. at the last moment, she popped out from inside the box and shouted, “BOO!”
you jumped back, supporting yourself on a box behind you and holding your chest. you laughed as you calmed your breathing.
“clauds, you scared me!”
she started laughing with you, still inside the box.
“sorry babe, i couldn’t help myself.”
you two stood there, laughing with each other, the sun filtering through claudia’s window and landing on your smiling faces. and everything was good.
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symbihostsis-blog · 5 years
what’s up, i’m ash, welcome to jackass, i love these losers
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primofate · 2 years
Kiss your Genshin best friend to see his reaction
Summary: You’ve been best friends for a whilenow, and you definitely have those little feelings of maybe wanting to be more but you just don’t know how to convey it. So you take a leap of faith, put a hand on his cheek, and give him a peck on the lips. Something you’ve never done before. Hey, actions speak louder than words, right...?
Characters: Aether, Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayato, Bennett, Chongyun, Cyno,  Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya, Kaveh, Kazuha, Lyney, Neuvillette, Razor, Scaramouche, Tartaglia, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli, gn!reader
Warnings: inspired by an old tiktok trend even though I don’t have tiktok cause it’s banned in my country, lol but it was also a request by an anon, not proofread
Stunned does not even describe the entirety of it
He’s speechless and staring at you for a good five seconds before his brain starts to work again
“Wait, what was--” touches his lips to try and recall if that really happened or if he was trippin’
“Wait, hold on,” starts laughing at you and grabs at your wrist.
Proceeds to stare at you for another 5 seconds to process the information overload.
“Would you...wanna try that again?” with a loopy yet unsure grin
Blinks once and leans back, away from you.
The surprised expression only crosses his face for a second.
He’s trying to logically piece together things and not jump to conclusions cause that’s just not him.
“...Did you, make a mistake?” When you shake your head no he grabs your hand and pulls you closer up against him.
You’d think he’d be more subtle but he might have been waiting for that for just as long as you were.
“Just making sure...before I experiment on your lips again,” 
has a blank look on his face. You can’t tell what he’s thinking (then again, you never can).
closes his book, leans forward to grab your hand and to pull you closer. He’s staring holes into you now.
“W-What?” You stutter, still feeling flustered by your own actions.
He makes you look at him by tilting your chin up, but gently, and his eyes narrow at you.
“...If you're against this, now's the time to speak up," as he leans closer just an inch from your lips, gauging your response, his breath hot on you.
But he doesn’t give you time to respond and gives you a kiss more passionate than you expected.
He got his answer when you kissed back.
arm latches on around your waist before you can even pull back and turns the quick peck into a full kiss.
He doesn’t half-ass anything and is even bold enough to pepper kisses down your jaw. 
You’re a little overwhelmed at his response, not expecting it to be this positive.
“Hm?” chuckles. “I’m only giving you what you asked for. One is hardly enough, no?”
Has the “?!?!” expression
Simply half confused half shocked
Frozen in both fear and nervousness.
Cannot help but replay the kiss a thousand times in his head before he stutters out
“Y-Y-Y/N?!” and doesn’t even know what to say
Goes red
“T-T-That was a kiss, right?” You nod and he goes even redder if possible
Can’t comprehend it and straight up asks you why you did it. Your attempt at being obvious has failed.
It’s not that he doesn’t like you, he simply just can’t believe it. 
just dies. pray for him.
A bit like Bennet but more of a “!!!!!!” reaction and immediately goes red without any prompting.
Has to turn away and calm himself though you can still see his red ears. 
You ask him a moment later if he’s okay
“F-F-Fine! I’m...extremely pleased!” Then turns around when he realizes what he said and waves his hands to try and explain. “I-I mean, you don’t have to do it again! I’m just--” 
Decides shutting up would be a better option and keeps his mouth closed while his eyes are tacked on to the ground.
silently flustered. feels heat on his cheeks but just stares at you for a moment. Then turns away from you to gather his thoughts. The type of guy who looks tough but has “Y/N kissed me” running 800 times in his mind just to process it.
Coughs into his hand and clears his throat before turning back towards you. You’re starting to think you’re going to be rejected.
“Did you...Was that a mistake?” he just wants to be cautious.
You tell him it wasn’t and he feels embarrassed all over again.
This time just rubs his neck and looks at the ground before suggesting quietly “...We can try and make it longer next time,”
At the first touch of your lips, not even 1 second in he recoils his head back and looks at you with eyes that are a fraction wider
It makes you think that he didn’t like it, since his averse reaction was so fast.
In reality he just doesn’t wanna cross a line that the two of you can’t undo but you take it the wrong way and apologize to him.
He snatches your wrist in a split second, “Don’t apologize. I just...” his eyes wander over to your lips and you see him gulp. 
“I just want to make sure this is what you really want...” he says this while learning forward, just waiting for you to be the one to connect the two of you again.
Does not even realize that the moment you lean in he ALSO leans forward and welcomes your lips. 
Also does not realize that his hand has comfortably placed itself on your hip. 
Kiss lasts longer than you intended and when the two of you finally pull back there’s astonishment in his eyes, but the good kind. The type where he’s taken aback by how good and right that felt.
He doesn’t withdraw his hand on your hip but he does cough into his hand and avert his eyes for a moment.
“...That was...rather unexpected...No, I’m not displeased at all...” he explains himself, gets the courage to finally look at you again and breathes out a question, his lips look more luscious than usual but so do yours, in his perspective “May I...once again?”
Tail freezes, ears perk up.
His eyes don’t even close and he’s stunned, hand half up about to cover his lips but he seemed to have malfunctioned.
“Y-Y-Y-You can’t just--!!”
There’s so many random things running through his mind:
Did you eat dango for a snack? Cause your lips sure tasted sweet.
How are they so soft? Sure he’s stared at you a couple of times but he didn’t think your lips would be THAT soft.
How is he still alive? He feels as if he’s been sent to heaven already.
Snaps out of all his thoughts by shaking his head, tries to keep a straight face. “W-Warn me next time!” 
but his tail is uncontrollably wagging.
Possibly the one with the most wide-eyed and dumbfounded reaction. 
Speechless but savors the taste of your lips.
When he finally comprehends what happens (took you some hand waving in front of his face), he grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for another one. Head dipping confidently, no questions asked and just goes for it.
“W-Wow! Uh...I mean! Didn’t know you were such a good kisser! W-Well. Actually! I can’t really be sure, we gotta try that again and see!”
Eager and oh so ready. Like he found a new hobby.
Will pounce on you if he has the chance.
Sees it coming before it even happens and welcomes it. It’s like he was practicing for it his whole life.
Immediately has his hand pressed against the back of your head to deepen the kiss and lean closer to you.
It definitely lasts for longer than you thought it would. 
He pulls back with a grin but doesn’t let you go.
His whisper sends shivers down your spine and he runs a finger under your chin to tip it up “You know this isn’t going to end with just one, right?”
Also the type that would pull you by the waist and he would fall back in bed while you topple on top of him. 
Will have a dumbfounded/shocked/?!?!?!?!/wth expression on his face for a good 10 seconds before he starts functioning again. At which point you’re just about ready to turn around and run away from him.
“Wait! Where are you going?! You can’t just run away after that!”
You retort back that you don’t even know what else to do or say since he’s just gone silent.
“Well--I’m just--What do you expect me to say when you suddenly kiss me like that?!” 
Is now covering his mouth but is also blushing and doesn’t know what to do.
“No! It’s not that I didn’t like it, I just...Does this mean what I think it means?” 
You counter back with “Well what do you think it means?”
low key the two of you just go back and forth for a while cause you both are just too damn embarrassed about it. 
It all seems so natural with this guy.
When he sees you coming in his hand rests on your cheek automatically and he receives the kiss gracefully. 
The kiss doesn’t deepen, but you feel that he has urged you to lengthen it a little.
When the two of you pull apart it’s not a sudden jerk back, it’s a slow and only slight slide away. 
He’s looking at you as if he’s seen the stars in the night sky for the very first time.
He doesn’t utter a word, but his look says it all and he dips down again for another kiss, just assuming that you’re alright with it.
doesn’t let you pull away and makes the kiss longer. It’s like he was waiting for it to happen and was prepared. 
Has a grin when he pulls back, one arm round your waist, unwilling to let you go.
“Hah, thought you had me there didn’t you?” winks and conjures up a rainbow rose from somewhere and presents it to you.
“Oh but my dear Y/N, I’m always one step ahead of you, remember that,” he teases and dips in to whisper in your ear.
“That’s how I know that you want another kiss, am I right?”
Is frozen when you kiss him, and frozen for a second more when you pull away but quickly gains his composure back.
“Y/N...” he starts, as if trying to piece his words carefully. “I can only hope that you’re aware... I don’t offer affection to just anyone...” 
There’s a brief silence and you tell him that you’re aware but he doesn’t seem to have processed your response and instead asks you another question.
“...Is it the same for you? Am I right to assume that this...kiss...isn’t because of just a sudden fleeting emotion...or a result of just impulse--”
You stop him midway and tell him it’s out of love. 
He seems to again be frozen in thought, until he slowly bridges the gap between the two of you.
“...In that case perhaps we should try that again...I could taste more of nervousness than anything else, Y/N. Maybe a second time will seal it,”
just wants to kiss you again. properly. 
Blinks. Processes. Blushes
Shy smile on his face but he’s a simple person who communicates better with actions so he kind of understands your intentions.
He moves forward to give you a quick peck on the cheek (that’s the only thing he’s brave enough for) as if returning the favor
then he turns around and pretends to be busy doing his own thing when in truth he has a flustered face on and is just trying to hide his giddiness from you.
Grabs your wrists, both of them, and demands an answer. “The hell do you think you’re doing?”
He’s not scowling, but there’s a glare on his face and yet there’s a subtle shyness to it. Like you’ve offended him but he doesn’t want to show it.
“If you’re going to do that, you have to do it properly, you dumbass,”
Pulls on one of your wrists so that you’re nearly crashing towards him (just the way he likes it) and clumsily wraps his arms around you and kisses you. 
He pretends he knows what he’s doing but has no idea and it’s probably also his first kiss.
The one that chases after your lips with a laugh.
You kiss, you pull away, but his lips are following yours as you pull backward and it’s just so funny that the two of you can’t help but giggle.
But he always gets what he wants so he cups your face in his hands and gives you a proper kiss. 
“Should’ve done it earlier, it’s hard just being your friend,” winks
Also one who will ask for another, and then another, and then another so you’ve gotta have your boundaries set, he’s so good at begging for more kisses too.
If he’s not satisfied and wants more, is also the type to trap you against a wall until you give him another.
Has a gasp caught in his throat.
instinctively has his fingers on his lips
“Y/N was that...intentional?”
eyes wide in pleasant surprise and when you nod your head he breaks into a small charming laugh.
“I’m sorry, I made you wait. I’m a little embarrassed that you made the first move but...”
There’s a glow on his face and an unparalleled gentleness in his eyes when he brushes his thumb across your cheek. 
“this time, let me do it,” as he leans in for a fireworks behind your eyes kiss.
Blinks. Is surprised only for a split second then laughs. 
“Ahhh so that’s why you’re so jittery today!”
Would wrap his arms around your waist and pull you on his lap. 
“No need to be nervous kitten, I’ve been waiting a while too. Come on, just one won’t do!”
Ridiculously giddy and doesn’t hide it. Like a child who has found a new candy store.
At some point he will remind you that you were the one who made the first move. It’ll probably be one of his most favourite stories to tell.
You caught him by surprise. 
He holds your hand but turns his head away to look at something else, trying to keep his blush covered. 
You keep moving to the side he’s turned to only for him to swing his head the opposite direction when you do so, still trying to hide.
“Quit--Quit moving around! I just--” growls under his breath that you won’t let him have his moment in peace.
Suddenly grabs you to plant a clumsy kiss on your lips again.
Then becomes embarrassed all over again.
Surprised, but kind of in a neutral way. 
He’s always liked you and is comfortable with you so he’s delighted, but also outwardly calm about it.
“Hm...Shame. That was a little too quick,”
Inwardly he might be freaking out a little bit.
“I’m...not all that knowledgeable when it comes to these things. But I can assure you that I enjoyed it,”
Tugs at your hand to “hint” that he’d like to try again but probably will have a hard time conveying that he wants to try again using his words.
His lips part a little when it happens and he regains composure fairly quickly.
“Hm...” Will close his eyes to think about it but will also beckon you closer with an upward flick of his hand.
Takes your hand and kisses the back of it. It’s tender and patient and he looks up at you while he does so. 
“There’s no hurry...I’m the type of person who...” trails his hand up your arm, to your shoulder and traces your jawline. “Likes to savour things...”
His voice has the ability to make you tremble with some sort of excitement. “Now then...Let’s try that again,”
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writersblockedx · 2 years
Rules and How to Break Them
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Pairing - Tommy Shelby x Reader Summary - Before Y/n’s dad (a former loyal employee for the Peaky Blinders) passed, he had Polly promise him that she would protect his daughter. In her best attempt to do so, she made it rule that none of the Shelby boys were to be chasing after her. A rule of which Thomas was finding tricky to abide by. Warnings - Mentions of death and violence, alcohol consumption. Words - 1.8K
A/n - I’ve only just finished watching season two so apologises if there’s any sort of context mistakes :)
Tommy was 10 years old when he had told Y/n she was one of his only friends (not counting his brothers).
He was 11 when Y/n's father died and, with no other family left, Aunt Polly took her in and gave her a roof to sleep under.
When he was 13, Tommy's Aunt made the decision she was going to protect the young girl from the wrath the Shelby boys could give; mindless flirting from a young Arthur had prompted that.
Then at 15, Tommy was convinced he was in love.
He supposed it was the idea of being reckless and going against his Aunt Polly. His gut became swarmed with the same adrenaline when he sipped too much whisky, or when he shot a gun. But maybe that wasn't the case if he was now only a few years off 30 and was still desperately yearning for the girl.
As everyone was this Friday night, Y/n was settled in at Garrison. It hadn't taken even a few hours before the crowd stuffed into the pub had drank their way through half the bar - Y/n apart of it all. She chuckled and she talked. With the alcohol running through her blood, she seemed to find herself wondering around. She greeted everyone. Granted, not everyone greeted her back but those who did, greeted her with large grins and a kind welcome. Unlike her friends, the Shelby brothers, who were almost always met with a lack of eye contact and a dead silence.
That night, Tommy was seated at the bar, nursing a glass of whisky while his brothers ran riot only meters away. As he did on nights like these, in places like these, with these people, he would watch Y/n throughout the night. Not too stalker-like however. He sat alone, or he sat quiet in the company of a small crowd, every now and again giving glances to the girl which danced her way around the room. And when he spotted her swaying a little too much, slurring her words or men seeing it their place to get a little too close, he would pull her out of it. Exactly what he was going to do now.
As he was seated at the bar, Y/n was stood around with a few friends which visited the pub regularly. With the sway in her body, Tommy watched as she leaned to and from one of the friend's shoulder. And he, having too lost most sense in his drunken state, thought it best to steady the girl with a firm hand on her back. When that movement was made, Tommy gulped down the rest of his whisky (which he had been enjoying up until then) and weaved his way to this small crowd of friends.
"Time to get you home, ey?" The moment Tommy made his appearance, the man's grip on Y/n fell, quickly replaced by Tommy's hold and the conversation fell silent.
A groan of rejection followed as the girl looked up to the taller man that stood over her. "But I was having so much fun." She whined like a small child might have done. Still, urging a smile to tug at the boy's lips.
Tommy leaned down to her ear, words so soft they could only be heard by the girl in a room full of people. "And you'll have fun next Friday. And the Friday after that. And the one after that." He could have gone on but Y/n was a smart girl, Tommy was sure she got the point. "Let's get you to bed."
And so, Tommy guided the girl through the pub, a few goodbyes thrown from the crowd, and a few teases from the other Shelby brothers that Y/n hadn't paid any attention to. By the time the pair had gotten home, Tommy was practically walking for the both of them. Taken out from that lively ambiance, she settled into her tiredness. The second her head hit the pillow, she passed out. Tommy had attempted to gently wake her. Not that it had been any use; the girl was well taken away with her dreams.
That left the boy to put her to bed himself. He did as a parent might do; he untied and slipped off her boots, pulled her coat and jacket from her body and tucked her securely beneath the serval layers of sheets and blankets. And after that, he didn't leave without pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. A way of saying his goodnight when maybe she wasn't able to hear it. He gave one last glance before leaving the room.
He didn't make it far into the hallway. Tommy had only taken so many steps, just able to slip a cig between his lips when another voice came from behind him. "You'll ruin her."
Tommy took a moment before pulling the unlit cigarette from his lips and turning to face Polly. "What do you want, Pol?" He had asked, obviously wanting to fall into sleep just as he had watched Y/n do.
"It's a long road with you and there's only so much I can keep her away from." Polly started and Tommy was beginning to wish he had that extra whisky now. "If you have any feeling for that girl, you'll let her live at arms length from all of this."
Tommy shook his head in thought before replying to his aunt, "She's a women, Polly, she makes her own decisions."
Tommy had wanted to leave it there. This wasn't the first time Polly had come threating him of what danger just the boy's present could cause. In fact, Tommy had lost count of how many times this had happened now. He was honestly waiting for her to give in. Alas, Polly was still as stubborn.
The women took a grip over the younger boy's wrist before he was able to make his exit, forcing his gaze back to her once more. "I promised that girl's father years ago that I would take care of her and make sure she didn't end up in the middle of likes of you and your business." Polly seethed, now close enough for Tommy to smell the liquor which was drowned in her breath. "No matter how many times I try to convince her to move North or South, to set her up with some rich man eager to marry. And she just- she refuses." Her finger was now prodding at the boy's chest in line which her words. "If you are any much as a man that you make yourself out to be, you'll respect her and her father's wishes."
As much as Polly's words were meant to insight guilt, Tommy stared back with a lack of any sort of emotion. "I don't make choices for other people." And with that, he left, eager to retreat to sleep.
He couldn't lie in that Polly's words hadn't sat in his gut. For the beginning of the next week, the idea that Y/n needed protecting from Tommy himself was at the front of his mind. Thoughts followed and before he knew it, he had fallen down a hole. The boy promised himself he wouldn't let his aunt get to him, but it seemed too late now.
By Thursday, the two of them must have spoken around two words to another throughout the entire week. Now not only had Tommy fallen down a hole, she had too, confused on what action she had taken to cause this disregard.
When Tommy walked into the house that afternoon, Y/n was seated at the kitchen table, checking that some of the lesser-education (by that she knew it was more like no education) employees had added their numbers up correctly. A task she did only when distraction was needed. And when Tommy wondered inside, she expected him to walk right past her as he had be doing all week. When he lingered, she began questioning. "Done avoiding me now?" There was an obvious hint of irritation in her tone, matched with the fact she let her gaze stare still at the books rather that jump to him.
Tommy took his cap off and let a sigh fall from his lips, "I was never avoiding you."
When Y/n laughed at that, he knew he was about to get it. "Really?" She scoffed. "Tommy, you run the other way when you even catch sight of me." She looked at him when she said that, glared even until she brought herself up to her feet so their eyes were found at similar level. "What'd I do to you?"
She stared and she waited. Tommy debated on what was the best thing to tell her, which would calm the waters the most. But, as he looked at the girl, he felt pulled to tell her the truth. "You didn't do anything."
That had only prompted the obvious question: "Then what?"
Tommy thought back to Polly and her words. "Polly told me that, before he died, your father said he wanted you protected from the business. I need time to think it through." He answered, honestly.
"And it'd be wrong to not honour your dead father's wishes."
A grin flash at her lips for a moment as she shook her head. Of course, the girl had thought. "What about my wishes?"
Y/n watched with them words said, something seemed to shift in Tommy's eyes. Though, she couldn't quite work out what. "What are your wishes?" He questioned, taking a cautious step forward.
"That we'd stop tip-toeing around each other."
Her eyes were drawn to his lips with that, her too seeming to take a step closer. A few seconds of silence passed before that small gap was closed and the two of them found themselves wrapped in the midst of a soft kiss. Another few seconds went by before they were pulling from another, lingering still close. "If it brings you any peace of mind, I feel the most protected when I'm with you." She told him.
"Brings me more than that." Tommy's hand then slipped around her cheek and the gap once again closed.
This time not stopped by the two involved, instead, the front door opened once again. The two were busy preoccupied by the other's lips to notice the small creak of the door. The words that followed however, they were hard to ignore. "Are you fucking kidding me?" The pair jumped from another. And there, in the doorway, stood Polly.
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brainlessrot · 2 years
Hi! I just read the “if I jump at them they’ll catch me” series and I loved it! I was wondering if you could do something in similar format with Octavinelle where the reader grabs them by the tie, kisses their cheek and attempts to run away while saying “catch me if you can”? If not that’s totally fine-
thank you for requesting <33 it was fun to write!
Octavinelle — Grabbing them by their tie
Contents ;; GN!MC, can be seen as either platonic or romantic!
Characters ;; Azul, Jade, Floyd
Prompt ;; MC grabs them by their tie and kisses them on their cheek, then (attempts) runs away
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Azul ;;
He’s working on some paperwork for the monstro lounge, you sat on the couch of the VIP room, resting after working a long shift at the Lounge. He was sitting behind his desk, and his posture had worsened the more you had looked at him. He had started with his back straight, perpendicular to the office chair he was sitting on, but now he resembled more a shrimp than an octopus, you were sure he would be sore if he stayed like that for long. His glasses were also slipping off every once in a while, and he had to push them up every time, he even had his tie skewed, he truly didn’t look like the fine businessman persona he liked to act as.
You could not resist the urge to distract him, he just looked so focused on his work! And you knew the perfect way to do it.
You stood up, walking from the VIP room’s couch and around his desk to stand to his left. He only humed, his eyes not leaving the papers that he was looking at. You were not going to have this.
Your hand grabbed his shoulder, making him look at you. The moment he pushed his glasses up to look at you better, your hand grabbed his tie, pulling at it. You bent forward, a tiny smile on your face. You left a loud kiss on his cheek, the moment your lips came in contact with his skin you could feel him burn underneath.
You had a fulfilled smile on your face as you backed away, you could only describe the expression he had on his face as short circuited, since he didn’t even respond to you waving your hand in front of his face, the only “response” you got was a bunch of incoherent mutters and babbles that left his half-opened lips.
Well, he did deserve a rest, even if in the process his brain died.
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Jade ;;
Why are you doing this to yourself? Are you a masochist or something? 
You were calmly helping people around, doing your work as errand runner— err, Prefect of Ramshackle as every day, when you saw Jade. You still wondered how you befriended him, since even the way he “kindly” smiled at the poor first year he was probably blackmailing sent shivers down everybody’s spine, and you were not an exception. But that’s what compelled you to get close to him. You wanted to see what the seemingly composed eel would do if you pushed the wrong— or right— buttons. You liked to annoy him, it was a dangerous sport, but that was what made it interesting. 
So then, after working as a personal therapist, the second part of your daily routine began— annoy the shit outta Jade.
You began with simple stuff, things you did every once in a while. But then, the thing you’d been planning for weeks now was put to action.
You had observed how he never seemed to touch anybody— not even on accident. So, what would happen if you were the one to touch him?
Jade was listening to you ramble, he would be lying if he said he didn’t think of you as an interesting human, but he had noticed the way you always tried to make him lose his marbles, he sometimes indulged you, letting you do whatever you wanted, but he never gave you the reaction you were searching for, and he found the way you never gave up adorable.
However, he was not expecting you to step closer to him, not many people had the guts to do so. And when you lifted your hands up to his collar, fixing his tie, he had to resist the urge to chuckle. But you didn’t stop there, you pulled him in, a hand on his tie and the other on his shoulder, and quickly left a chaste kiss on his cheek, a small smirk on your face. 
He took a second to mask the surprise on his face with an amused look, and you took that opportunity to turn around and stick your tongue out to him, telling him that he’d never catch you even if he tried.
He took that as a dare. And you better keep in mind that he never loses.
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Floyd ;;
Floyd followed you through the campus, and everytime you were not moving he was inside your personal space. Well, even when you were moving he walked extremely close to you, if you were not careful you feel as if he would put his foot in front of you to make you slip and fall.
“Shrimpyyy.” His arms dangled around your shoulders, his chin resting on top of your head. His body draped over yours as if he was a warm blanket, but he was, indeed, not one. You caved in, asking him what he wanted. “I want attention! To play! ANYTHING.” 
You groaned, you did not have that much free time, and you couldn’t afford to lose an hour, probably putting your life at risk with Floyd, so you only had one option; running away. 
A light bulb seemed to appear on top of your head when an idea popped into your mind, this could make Floyd have fun and you could get away from him!
But oh, how wrong you were, how would that work as intended?
You shoved his arms off of yourself, ignoring the pout he had. You turned around to look at him, the frown was quickly replaced seeing as you were giving him attention.
You closed the distance even more, the tips of your shoes touching. Your hand held onto his blazer, since he always wore his uniform a mess, and pulled him in your direction. He chuckled, interested in what you were trying to do, he let you move him at your wish, his eyes following your every movement. As your lips left a quick peck on his cheek he made a sound similar to a squeek, his hands making a move at grabbing you. However, you sidestepped quickly, evading him. Your tongue poked out of your mouth as you riled him up, your feet hitting the tiles as you made a run for it.
The moment you had the opportunity, you entered an empty classroom, and when you heard his footsteps blend out of hearing distance, you slightly cracked the door open. Suddenly, a hand pushed it open with enough force to make it bounce against the wall, your eyes met with Floyd’s
“I caught you little shrimpy!” He cooed, stepping towards you. It’s safe to say that you didn’t make it to any of your appointments.
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xiaowhore · 2 years
blinded by stardust.
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premise. keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
word count. 973.
note. ridiculously self-indulgent. i just wanted to write some sexual tension between an assassin and their commissioned target, man.
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“A great blade you have.”
Sharp, stretching to a curved edge. It gleams ominously in the moonlight, draped in cold silver. Gloved fingers wrap around the hilt, tracing the carved patterns, curiously smoothing over embedded diamonds. A twinkle of interest rests in his eyes, but the scimitar doesn’t hold his attention for long—his gaze shifts to your figure, pinned beneath his grip.
“Unfortunate you never got to use it.”
Contempt blemishes your otherwise fair face, twisting to a scornful expression directed solely at his irritable attitude. Ayato feels a flash of sadistic joy at that, but dissatisfaction rolls off him in waves at the way you worry your lip with your teeth.
“Not very keen on responding?” A thumb presses down on your mouth, brushing the swell of your lip. The snarky reply at the tip of your tongue dies the moment he applies more pressure to the blade ghosting over your neck, a firm weight that threatens to cut you open.
You try your best to suppress a shudder when it digs further to your skin, one stroke away from drawing blood. He revels in your panic, your pride crumbling to dust and burnt to ashes; glows in delight knowing you’re pliant at his mercy, rippling in every delicate touch.
(More than he should, probably.)
“You know, I was quite flattered,” Ayato begins, eyes darkening when you squirm in futile attempts to escape. “You kept approaching me, bright-eyed and eager just to exchange pleasantries. I was under the assumption you were interested.”
He sighs in solemn contemplation, dismayed by the turn of events. “Though it seems you were only after my neck. I'd say I have far more attractive qualities than that.”
His voice takes on a cheery lilt as he moves closer, the tips of his hair tickling your cheek. Stiffening, you turn away, but that only prompts him to tilt your face in his direction, the edge of the blade beneath your chin.
“No need to play coy with me,” he reassures, a kind smile gracing his features. “You were so bold to invite yourself to my room tonight, after all.”
You twitch.
“Pardon the intrusion, my lord,” your words come out firm, less shaky than you expected them to be, “but with the way your door was left wide open, I presumed visitors were welcome.”
“Mhm. I figured it would spare you the time to sneak inside,” Ayato answers, all too merry for someone who anticipated an assassination. “It did save you the trouble, didn’t it?”
You smother the urge to grimace and take on a wry simper, “Truthfully, it wasn’t much of help. I would’ve preferred if you remained obedient and slept the night away like you were supposed to.”
“Oh? I didn’t take you for the kind to go for defenseless men.”
“You don't have to worry about that.” Too smug for someone held at knifepoint, you drawl, “Scheming men aren’t my type.”
“That’s a shame then.” He has the gall to look disappointed. “You were mine.”
Unconvinced, a chuckle bubbles out of your throat. “So you’re saying you treat people you like this way?”
“Do you have a problem with it?” Ayato cocks his head to the side questioningly.
“Even for someone like you, I thought you would be a little nicer.”
He laughs at that, breathy and quiet, the faint gust of air tickling your ear when he leans further down to stroke your cheek tenderly. “Thoma always did say I have a bad personality.”
His hand travels south, pressing on the column of your throat. “I want to be kind to the person I like,” he whispers softly, like a confession you aren’t supposed to hear. “But you’re so cute I want to bully you some more.”
Psychotic bastard, you think as the scimitar hovers above your skin. This is beyond bullying.
“You thought something rude about me just now, didn’t you?”
You avert your eyes. “I didn’t.”
He laughs again, dubious. “I’m not sure if you’re aware,” Ayato comments, tracing the line of your chin, “but you’re so awful at lying it's almost impressive.”
Before you can retort back, he cuts in, “It makes me want to believe you weren’t deceiving me the entire time.”
You dig your nails into the rumpled sheets, the mattress sinking with his weight. Swallowing, you measure the remaining distance placed between you and the sharp edge, pondering his reluctance to end this farce.
“Don’t you remember?” He hums, a chipper tone lacing his words. Like reminiscing a fond memory. “You gave me muffins before. You made them yourself. You said you wanted to know what I thought of them.”
To your bewilderment, he sets aside the scimitar, gently laying it down the bed. It sits a safe distance away.
You can try to run. Your hands are free, and the only threat that kept you immobilized was the sword. Ayato would probably let you, even though you doubted the credibility of his self-proclaimed affections earlier.
You don’t.
You stay right where he wants you.
“We were alone. Nobody would’ve known you came by. I ate those muffins, knowing the risk.” His free hand settles on your waist, but you hardly notice when you’re too immersed in the intensity of his gaze. “But you didn’t poison them at all.”
He leans down. Closer.
“You should know best why it's advised to keep smaller weapons. You conceal them until the target is vulnerable. Yet you brought a scimitar.”
“Like you were trying to get me to notice you.”
Until your nose brushes against his, your lips separated by a hair’s breadth.
“Even now, you don’t push me away. Like you want to be caught.”
His eyes burn like embers, a smoldering flame that sears your very being.
“Can you tell me why?”
You don’t know the answer either.
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