galaxymagick · 1 year
I wanted to say this as I was watching it but this queue has been lonnngggg but I was watching the live of Hyuk and jyani and they phoned taek up and my korean is so shiiit still but taek started crying I think he got emotional over finally having a vixx concert and missed vixx and something else .. and hyuk had to go away and was talking to him and he came back and you could still hear him crying on the phone and jyani was talking to him and saying hyung thank you and stuff .. and
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Okay k☆ say taek was already tearing up while watching vixx videos even before hyuk phoned and asking him? to say something before the concert it made his emotions explode…. 😫
I mean i thought he looked like he was holding something a little emotional at the musical so he goes home and watches vixx videos like talk about adding fuel to the fire much and hyuk lit it  🥺️🥺️🥺️
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driptape · 1 year
🔮 this too
hmm , is this shade ? feeeellsss like a callout * hides * i swear and you can slap me if i don't , but i swwwearrr ( pinky promise ) i'm be a better partner . i can't say by wheeeeennn buuutttt hopefully by maaarrcchh i'll stop being so spotty . ily & can't wait to get shit really rolling .
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40steps · 4 months
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felixvalerius · 6 years
💔 For the people who hate happiness (broken-rebel)
16. Your muse breaks mine’s heart.
Valerius did not know how to describe the emotions coursing through him. For so long, he didn’t even know he had any. Emotions that is. He thought himself a wall. Built of stone. Unable to be penetrated. An unmovable shield placed in front of him. And yet, this moment caused it all to shatter. Perhaps, it had started to crumble bit by bit. When he had realized he cared more about Nennius than a master did a slave. When he freed him once Rebellion struck the region. When he saw him on the battlefield and killed a brother in arms to save him. When he allowed Nennius to brand him so he could remain with him in the rebels camp. And . . . now. 
When Nennius spoke of Valerius’, still hindered ability to be intimate to the extent that he wanted to. For intimacy, was a word foreign upon the tongue. Foreign to the mind, heart and soul. Yet he knew now, that it was needed. That the mere physical, wasn’t enough for Nennius and well . . . Valerius knew that. He had dreaded this day. No longer was status an obstacle they faced. They were both of equal ground. And yet, Valerius knew nothing of how to act with a lover. How could he know the sensation of a kiss, when the only one who had touched his lips in such a way was the woman who had birthed him. Years of childhood robbed from him . . . erasing the concept of intimacy and love.  
Valerius’ clenched his jaw, inner turmoil and pain over the mere thought of losing the man before him emotionally. Fucking irony, when it was Nennius himself who taught Valerius was emotion even was. That he could still possess ones apart from the indifference Felix felt for those perceived close to him . . . like his wife. What would be enough? No. Felix not dare ask. For he knew the answer. A kiss. A shedding of his own clothing. An . . . insight as to why Valerius was such a way. Yet silence lingered. Felix knew there was no bluff in Nennius voice. The former Roman soldier would lose the man unless he did something. Said something. Fought for him. 
Yet, the thought terrified Valerius, and he could already feel that stone cold heart of his breaking . . . unsure if he could fully offer himself to Nennius. Swallowing, Felix finally found the voice to answer. “You branded me a slave, yet perhaps I was always so.” A slave. A slave of circumstance. Of familial ties; ones that Felix had thought would be so frowned upon . . . yet accepted in this fucking political world he had often strove to remain far away from. “And such shackles are not easily severed.” Not like the shackles that once bound all these rebels. Valerius’ were more . . . emotional chains. Scars that would never heal. 
“Perhaps not ever.” It wasn’t exactly a hopeful statement, but Felix continued to battle desire with fear. Fucking him was all Felix had known. Though done now with more gentle touch and awareness of the other’s needs. Making love . . . giving Nennius that, intimacy that Felix knew he craved -- such as any man or woman would -- now that, was not so easily done. That, was completely unfamiliar, unknown. Completely foreign. Just like the feeling of his heart breaking. 
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akuma-hoshi · 3 years
What if: Sebastian breaks the contract, so Ciel, can keep his soul. Ciel marries, Lizzy, has kids, takes Funton from strength to strength. Sebastian goes, on to other contracts. Of course he never forgets Ciel. He follows his career etc in the newspapers. One day, while out with his new master, he has a different body now; he senses that perfect, unforgettable soul. If anything, it's now more perfect. Ciel is now, an old man. They look at each other and recognise each other, instantly.
Okay but Sebastian breaking off the contract. Ciel continues his life but one night, he can't handle that empty void inside of him. He misses that damn demon so bad. He tries a summoning. After a few minutes, nothing. He sighs and starts to come to term that he'll never see that demon again. But a presence appears... "Young Master."
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corignemarchive · 3 years
“ choose people who choose you. ” frazer @ harry
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dis meme eeyy. // @thropics
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it's near on impossible for harry to stop the snort that escapes, and as he looks at frazer, he maybe feels some guilt at being so dismissive. but in his defense: he's allowed to be a little jaded, right?
"sorry. i just--" another small scoff and harry shakes his head. his hand comes up, running through his hair, pushing it back even if he knows it's a pointless attempt. hand drops and he begins pressing at the tear in his jeans, looping the loose threads around.
"bit of a stupid idea for me. the people i want to choose me tend not to, and the people that do are people i'd rather not be near."
maybe coming back to england was a bad idea. maybe he should have stayed gone. at least then, people wouldn't poke and prod and expect things of him.
but harry knew it was a stupid thought. there was no way he was staying gone for good. the guilt eating away at him made sure of that.
"nice idea though. you should run with it."
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edgebled · 3 years
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jason todd shut the fuck up challenge
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Pain. She could see it in his eyes. Feel it radiating from his very soul. She knew it all too well. Arms wrapped their way around his slender form, as the witch tried with all her might to pour all her love into a single touch. But, she knew it wasn’t enough. Knew, that this pain was too deep.                                                      “I’m so sorry you’ve had to                                                         go through all of this.” Ella began, before rose coloured lips pressed themselves against the top of his head.                                                “I’m here for you okay? I’m not                                               going anywhere. You and me?                                               We’re gonna figure out a way for                                               this not to hurt so much.                                                      Do you want to tell me more about your brother?”
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polyhexianchicken · 2 years
What are you seeking?
"i survived because the fire in me burned brighter than the fire around me." //
oh, little soldier, how long have you been at war with yourself? how much of yourself have you lost to the fire that's made its home in your heart? oh, but who can blame you? for as long as you can remember, you've had to face the world alone. all bared teeth and bloody knuckles. you learned young the only person you could rely on was yourself, didn't you? learned that the others would leave you to the wolves? and so you learned how to fight, how to stand tall even if you stood alone, how to shed the softness that wounded you before. but that isn't very sustainable, is it? the embers you swallowed, the fire you cloaked yourself in, it doesn't just burn the world around you. you have watched piece after piece of you go up in smoke: your hope, your smile, your mercy. what you seek is an end to the seemingly endless burning. and, little phoenix, you deserve it. please, breathe out. lean on me. the world isn't as cruel as you've made it out to be: it is okay to stop fighting. it is okay to let go of that anger. there is so much more to you, so much more that you have. the serenity you seek can be granted, but only once you are willing to work on letting go of the hate you've harbored for so long now.
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agron-rebel-general · 6 years
‘😴 (not-yet-finished)
They couldn’t understand it. No one could understand why the young boy wasn’t happy to be taken in by a family. No. They didn’t get that Agron was just half a person. His brother completed him. And . . . he would not be going with him. Come tomorrow, Agron would be given to a family and Duro would be staying here. No matter how much he tried to plea with them. They didn’t have the resources to keep children here was the lame excuse that the foster care facility gave them. But Agron was far from giving up. Still. Right now, at night, when all others slept . . .  Agron could not stop the tears. The quiet sniffles that he stifled so that no one would hear him. How could he possibly leave his brother?! 
He didn’t want to go to a new family. Duro was his family. A dip of the bed made Agron freeze, quickly wiping his eyes. He didn’t need to ask who it was that was now laying next to him. But Agron forced his voice to remain composed. Chances are he didn’t hear him crying but . . . this was their last night together. Agron had to be strong. And reassuring. That they would be together again. “Duro?” He questioned, his voice composed and steady. He slowly turned his body to look at the other. “What are you doing here?” He asked softly, no anger or any related emotion in his voice as he looked at his beloved younger brother. 
Creep Into Bed With My Muse Meme | Always Accepting |
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simplengtamad · 3 years
I can't still get over these two 💕💕
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Look at how he smiled at her! It's just their eyes that are visible b-BUT AHHHHHHHHHH The feels I felllltttt 😭😭 It's like he's sending ❤❤❤ her way 😂
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Someone help meeee~ I'm drowning with all these feeeellsss 😭😭 💕💕
Will I survive season 2? 😅😅
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hustlerose · 5 years
ah ah!!! stop!!! you are the touching of the wings!!! feeeellsss soooo goooooddd!!
don’t make me tap the sign 
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bevioletskies · 6 years
I love your fics so much, all of them on starmora is so wonderfully written. Nothing gonna stop us now is bout growing up, friendship and eventually true love. It's just I keep imagine Yondu of all the father figure(gaah) has to explain the birds and the bees to both of them. What a hilarious awkward thing it would be for all of them! They both gonna be teenagers. Hormone issues and FEEEELLSSS. Kudos to all ur fics, gifs and awesome tumblr. I just hope GOTG & starmora fandom heal and thrive.
ohmygosh hey lovely, thank you so much!! i’m so glad you like my fic and my gifs, you’re too kind :D and it’s like you know what i was just working on last night haha i was literally writing a bit for that fic where yondu feels awkward about…something 👀 last part will be posted next friday!
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nautomic · 3 years
feeeellsss baddddd
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miehanz · 7 years
Final Fantasy in a nutshell
Had to post this FF1- wierd time loop shyt, we need to restore crystal n stuff FF2- The original reclaim the throne! Topple the empire! FF3- darn, we need to restore crystal n stuff, also topple the empire! FF4-Topple the empire n shoot to the moon FF5- guys, we need to restore crystal n stuff, especially chop that evil tree. Oh yeah, chocobos! FF6- Topple the empi- wait, THAT clown did it??! Topple that clown too! FF7- Topple the emp- Company coz they're hurting the planet yo! FF8- Topple the emp- hold on! They are on our side! Topple the sorceress! Throw in romance everyone! FF9- Topple the emp- oh no this time a crossdresser did it *groaaaan* FF10- we no liek that giant fish. Topple that FF11- more Empire to topple FF12- oh, i'm following this guys to topple the empire FF13- formerly in the empire. Lets topple em FF14- pesky empire. Cant you see we're busy toppling that huge monsters?! FF15- finally something normal. on the way to wed- oh no not empires again?! But *feeeellsss*
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mistralrunner · 7 years
Trespasser Liveblog, Part Three: Dungeon and Dragon
In which things get literally and figuratively dark and we embark on a final epic chase through eluvians.
Menel's like yay finally I found the Viddasala and we can talk—okay you’re just going to run through the eluvian and have your people attack me sadface
Speaking of which, do you have any genre awareness here, Viddasala? You do know if you leave chances are we’ll defeat all your people and come after you? Admittedly you’re busy hunting this agent of Fen’Harel.
Ah Viddasala you're not a good guy but I still like you as a character. Probably cause I wish we had more female Qunari characters.
Fun fact: when I watched @inner-muse play Trespasser I was convinced the book on her shoulder would have some plot significance. I was sadly disappointed.
Viddasala’s perspective on the Inquisitor as a tool necessary for sealing the Breach but then too dangerous to be left alive after is interesting though...Generally it seems like people fear the Inquisition for its military power, not the Inquisitor’s command of the Fade. I feel like Menel and Josephine did a good job of downplaying how terrifying the anchor can be, in part cause Menel is a very disciplined mage and in part because people see the Anchor as a divine gift since you can never dissuade people about the Herald thing, and divine gifts aren’t terrifying to the populace like mages are, they’re like Templar and Seeker powers.
Menel’s sick of the attitude the Qun and the Chantry have of, well if you hadn’t resisted and just submitted to our clearly superior ways, we wouldn’t have had to resort to violence
Thanks awesome archivist spirit for giving me the password
Also I’m amused at how the archivist is called “One who guides seekers of knowledge true” when I have a Chantry Seeker of Truth in the party
Goodbye library, hello war table angst
I completely forgot Dragon’s Breath targeted more than just the Winter Palace. The moment they mentioned Gaatlok in Denerim I instinctively flinched cause Karena and Alistair you do NOT hurt them
Wonder if Wycome was targeted too even though a council controls it, not nobles.
What is the timeline for this DLC, though? How quickly can messenger birds travel from Halamshiral to Denerim and back?
Oh yessss Josie
Poor Josie
But yes put your feelings out there seriously your coworkers messed things up and you’re trying so hard to hold everything together. Seriously her dialogue here is one of my favorite things, the acting is so good and she’s finally tearing into Cullen and it’s great
Ouch ouch ouch
Excellent music shift when Menel starts talking about the anchor getting worse  
Menel: So...it's been getting worse. I don't know why. I don't know how to stop it. I don't know how much time I've got left. What I do know is that the Qunari need to be stopped. So I need to get to the Darvaarad while I can still fight.
He’s just so determined and defeated at once cause he doesn’t want to end it this way, not in a fight, especially one he was not prepared for cause this was supposed to be a diplomatic venture, and the not knowing is figuratively and literally killing him. The Anchor has always been an unknown to some degree and it repeatedly has been something that intrigued and bothered Menel, it’s what drove him into studying rift magic in the first place, and now for all his efforts he’s still helpless. Is it a natural breakdown? Did his studies of rift magic aggravate it? At least laying out the facts, what he knows and doesn’t know, is solid, that’s something, and he’s just clinging to the certainty of a task to do, a way to help.
Rhovan welcomes Menel to the you're on limited time cause strange magic and enter extreme self-sacrificial hero mode club
Ooh nighttime, that’s a fitting mood shift
Okay I did run about doing a few side things, namely groaning about the fireworks being too hard, if pretty, picking up codices, finding halla statuettes, and Varric really you made a paper dog out of the letters?
I’m disappointed the purple smoke people are apparently just a minigame I was honestly convinced they were tied to agents of Fen’Harel and put me on edge from the beginning of the DLC
It's a top hat and a halla statuette! That gives me a staff schematic instead of a top hat....
It’s wonderfully eerie how the Inquisition soldiers are occupying everything. Except for that one Inquisition soldier playing with the dog.
“Not right. Do everything for everyone, get sick. Not right. Can't put arrows in it, put them everywhere else. I will never miss. I will make them know Menel had (scratched out) HAS friends.”
Just feeeellsss
Time to go to the Darvaraad. I have to bring Cassandra and Sera cause there’s no way they wouldn’t help, they’re the ones who would deal with being helpless the worst, and then I need one mage in the party cause Menel knows with all this crazy magic around if he falls they need a mage to keep the party safe, so Dorian cause Vivienne’s going to stick to handling the politics. Maybe I’ll just headcanon Bull was also in the party...
I also headcanon the Taken Shape outfit was actually a product of Vivienne and Dorian’s efforts to research ways to fix the growing problem with the Anchor, with some assistance from Menel cause he is a rift mage. They weren’t able to reverse it but the armor possibly slows down the breakdown of the Anchor and also takes away enough of the pain for Menel to focus on casting. Mostly. It helps that the arm with the anchor is the one encased in armor.
Plus I love symbolic costume changes.
Ooh is this codex written to DA2 Tallis? It’s really eloquent too. If concerning.
Menel: Red lyrium. Do the Qunari have any idea what they're dealing with? Sera: Of course but they’re special and careful and nothing bad will happen.
Haha yes true, the story of so much of Dragon Age
Maybe we shouldn’t blame them too much, they’re probably assuming they’re protagonists who actually can get away with such things if they so choose (blood magic for the Warden and Hawke, chugging mysterious liquids in general for the Warden, the Inquisitor carrying around red lyrium shards, etc).
Aww Sera’s “Stop hurting! Please” line was so well delivered
Pfft there’s a copy of Swords and Shields and of course Cassandra notices
Ahhh Josephine’s letter trying to stop a war with the Qun I love her she works so hard
Although again I’m wondering at the timeline cause there’s the implication all the eluvian mess happened in a day since it ends at night but sending a raven to the Qunari and (almost) back is even farther than Denerim. I guess the way back might have been shorter cause Eluvians but even so.
That dragon is so gorgeous wow poor thing
The poison breath is so creepy though.
I still keep forgetting discharging the mark is a way to explode things
Aww Sera's little delighted “this will be legend!” as we free the dragon
And it was pretty legendary
I’m really happy we had a dragon encounter that didn’t involve killing a dragon please can we keep up with this record?
I headcanon Menel already pieced things together and suspected it was Solas but was hoping to be proven wrong so when the Viddasala confirmed it he took the "that bastard was manipulating us" line
And Menel rarely expresses anger in words so
But he was practical enough to know Solas is his last chance for his hand even though he knows Solas has lied and manipulated and has his own agenda but Menel clings so desperately to that hope of negotiation
And here comes the mark going haywire. The energy coursing around his body when the focus bar is close to full is so good
This place is so pretty I want to just run around taking screenshots but I’m too much in dramatic climax mode to do so. The anchor meltdown and the music help
I keep Fade-stepping ahead of the group cause my focus bar is almost full and right into hordes of enemies to discharge. Not sure if Menel did that canonically cause that might be too much for his companions.
Hi Saarebas
I saved the Chargers, but I wonder what happens if you don’t bring Iron Bull along for the last mission and hadn’t saved the Chargers. Does he just show up out of nowhere?
We have to fight the Saarebas twice?
“Your soul is dust!” seriously Qunari can be so dramatic
At least it falls the moment you defeat the Saarebas
Going to save the conversation with the Egg for another post cause that is going to get long.
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