thatfanficstuff · 6 years
So Pretty
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Jerk in the grocery store, polyamorous relationship, fluff
A/N: This is for @just-add-butter who was my assigned Valentine. Hope you like the fic lovey. And you have one more small thing coming in a bit. This is part of @teamcap4bucky‘s Valentine Moodboard Challenge. Thank you for hosting!
There were few chores that you despised more than grocery shopping. It wasn’t so bad when it was just for you, but you lived with the Avengers. Most of the time you ordered the groceries and picked them up but you’d returned early from a mission and the fridge and cupboards were nearly bare.
When you headed out to the store, you’d intended to shop for your apartment only. That was enough of a task when you lived with two super soldiers and their increased metabolism. Once your teammates heard where you were going, you’d had one request after another until you were shopping for everyone. You’d agreed on the condition that Tony foot the bill. You could have covered it on your own, but that was beside the point. Being a superhero paid surprisingly well and your boys both had more money than they knew what to do with after receiving compensation from the government thanks to Tony’s well-paid attorneys.
Bucky and Steve had taken pity on you and come with you to do the shopping and you’d divided the list up so you could get done faster. You were in the produce aisle as you didn’t trust anyone else to make quality choices. You were comparing the list to your cart to see what other fruits and vegetables you needed when someone interrupted.
“That’s a lot of produce you’ve got there.”
You glanced to the man that had spoken and gave him a tight smile. “Well, it’s meant to feed a lot of people.”
“Do you own a restaurant or something? I bet you do. You look like a chef.” You blinked a couple of times at that. Just what did a chef look like, you wondered.
“Nope. Not a chef.” You shook your head once to emphasize your point and went back to checking your list.
“You look very familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?”
You suppressed a sigh and looked back to the man. He was handsome enough you supposed with close cropped blonde hair and the shadow of a beard on a square jaw, but you didn’t recognize him. “I don’t think so, sorry.”
“No. I’m sure I know you,” he insisted and stepped closer to you.
You arched a brow and pressed your lips into a thin line. This guy couldn’t take a hint. “Perhaps you do, but I don’t know you and I have shopping to do. If you’ll excuse me.” Being an Avenger meant you were a public figure whether you liked it or not so you tried to be polite whenever possible, but this guy was annoying you.
You turned your back to him as you counted apples and oranges. A hand grasped your elbow and you froze. No way was this guy that stupid. But as you turned slowly, you saw it was indeed the same man. “Did you just touch me?” You pitched your voice so it was louder than it had been, but not so loud you’d be overheard. Unless you happened to be shopping with a couple of super soldiers that were attuned to the sound of your voice, that is.
The man in front of you frowned. “I’m just trying to get your attention that’s all. It’s rude to turn your back on someone when they’re talking to you.”
“It’s also rude to force someone to talk to you when they clearly don’t want to. I think perhaps you need a refresher course in manners.” You crossed your arms over your chest and arched a brow as you spoke to him.
He laughed, a deep rumbling sound that rolled up from his belly. He evidently found you amusing. “And who’s going to give it to me? You?”
“Ordinarily, yes. But as I said I have shopping to do.” You shifted your gaze from him to the men behind him. “This man needs to learn to leave a lady alone when she’s not interested.”
“That so?” Steve said, his blue eyes sparking with anger. He knew you were fully capable of handling yourself, which made it that much more satisfying when you let him do it for you.
Hearing Steve’s deep voice, the man turned and his eyes went wide as he took in your soldiers. “Now listen fellas—”
“I don’t think he wants to talk to us, Steve. Perhaps we should escort him outside and have a discussion about boundaries.” The wicked grin that accompanied Buck’s statement had you smiling.
“I think that’s a great idea.” Steve tossed an arm around the man’s shoulders to steer him toward the door. They wouldn’t actually hurt him, but they’d scare him enough that he might think twice about the way he treats women.
“Hurry back, boys. We’ve got shopping to finish,” you instructed as you grabbed the front of the cart they’d left behind and pulled it after you so you could keep filling both of them.
“Yes, dear,” came in unison as they headed outside with their new friend.
“That was…fantastic,” a voice said, catching your attention. You glanced up to find a petite woman staring between you and the front of the store with wide eyes. “That guy’s a jerk. He’s always bothering me when I come in here.”
You grinned at her. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that any more by the time the boys are finished.”
She nodded as if still in a bit of a daze. “Are they both with you? I mean are you with them? I mean—I’m sorry, that’s probably none of my business.”
You heard Steve and Buck talking and laughing as they came back into the store and you turned to smile at them. Catching your eye, they both smiled back and your insides went warm as they always did when they turned that attention on you. “Yeah, they’re mine,” you said as you turned back to her. “They were just so pretty I couldn’t decide so I kept them both.” You gave a little shrug of your shoulders.
She returned your smile as the boys reclaimed their cart. Arms wrapped around you from behind and you knew without checking that it was Bucky. By this point, you could tell them apart blindfolded. You knew this for a fact after they got bored one night and decided to test you. He nestled his face into your neck and pressed a kiss just below your ear. “Making friends, doll?”
“Actually, the guy you got rid of has been harassing her as well,” you explained.
Steve pushed his cart up until it was even with yours and he leaned over to give you a kiss. When he pulled away, he turned his attention to the other woman. “I don’t think you’ll need to be worrying about him anymore.”
“Sorry to hurry off, but we have ice cream,” Bucky said nudging you forward.
You turned to look at him. “I told you to get that last so it’s not all melty. I hate that.”
He shrugged. “I didn’t get ours yet. Just Clint’s and Sam’s.”
You chuckled as you shook your head. Of course. You glanced between the carts. While you hadn’t gotten everything on the list, you had enough here to last for a couple of days. “Go grab ours then let’s get out of here before you guys cause any more trouble.”
Bucky took over pushing your cart and huffed a laugh. “Yeah, we’re the ones causing trouble.”
Steve grinned at you as he followed behind Buck. “You do realize that we chase guys off from you nearly every time we go out?”
You shrugged as you grasped his arm and leaned your head against it while you walked. “What can I say? I’m a catch.”
Both men laughed and Steve was still chuckling as he leaned over to kiss the top of your head. “That you are, doll.”
As you slid into a line, Bucky turned and motioned for you to come to him. You did, resting your head against his chest as his arms wrapped around you. “Thanks for keeping us, Y/N.”
Your face heated slightly and you turned so you were buried more tightly against his chest. “Heard that, did you?”
There was a sound of agreement from both men. “I don’t know how I feel about being called pretty,” Steve admitted.
You shrugged. “Then I suppose you should have tried harder to be ugly.”
Their laughter surrounded you. And there, in the middle of the afternoon, as you waited in line at the supermarket, you were with the men you loved and you couldn’t have been happier. 
Marvel:  @evyiione @gabriellewritermua @reblogger-not-a-blogger @youclickedthislink 
All the Things:  @swanky-batman @rissyrapp20 @startrekkingaroundasgard @spooookyscary @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @collette04 @shatteredabby @laneygthememequeen
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Snafu {Oneshot}
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Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Bad text? Implied smut? Maybe if you squint? Fluffy Steve!
Summary: What happens when the leader of the Avengers, your leader, sends you a text that wasn’t meant for you. The image he sends is hilarious and is obvious it was meant to be sent to Bucky, but the caption reads: what if I send her this? Will it work? How does he handle the aftermath and it being Valentine’s day on top of it? Enough said! You have to read to find out how it is handled!
A/N: This is my entry @teamcap4bucky Valentines day challenge! My person is @marisabay! I thought I would do a short story for you! I hope you enjoy being an enhanced soldier and kick ass at that! I hope you enjoy this short blurb!
Words: +1,550
Quiet time in your room at the compound. Thank God, you thought to yourself. Stretching out on the couch to look over mapped hiking trails close to the Avengers compound. Looking for one you hadn’t hiked and realized, you had hiked them all.
“Yikes,” you spoke out to the cell phone you held in your hand. Finger touching over the screen to continue scrolling, beginning to think of the surrounding states and what they may have to offer. Looking further down you found the different trails leading to the Appalachian trek that would take you from Maine to Georgia.
The thought springing to mind that you would love to hike the entire thing. Sometime, but maybe never thanks to being an Avenger. You know, the world needed saving and all. Well, you could take a quinn jet to a trail head in North Carolina, be gone for a day, maybe. The phone vibrating in your hand alerting you to a text. The name reading Captain.
“Damn,” you sighed, this could only mean one thing, a mission or debriefing. Pressing the badge to open it you where in shock at what you opened. It was a picture and you couldn’t stop from falling across the couch laughing because of who it came from.
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What do you think? Should I send this to her to ask her out! LOL!
After reading the caption you had to stop. Her? Her who? Who was her?! You sat there, tears of laughter running down your face, thankful you weren’t up tight about things like this. Boy, you had some material to mess with the prim and proper captain now. Your mind was churning thinking of what to do or text back when the bubbles he was typing popped up on the screen followed by a pling.
Captain: Wait I may have a better one.
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“Oh. My. God,” you blurted out, the great stoic captain America was a total freaking goober! But you where kinda jealous of whoever ‘she’ was and wanted to know. Swallowing the laugh that was threatening to choke you. You decided to give the poor guy a break and let him know he wasn’t texting who he thought he was. It was probably Bucky, since those two figured out how to find gifs and memes and message them, thanks to you, it had turned into a flurry of things like this.
Y/N: Hey cap. You are texting me. But who is the girl?
In no time the bubbles popped up, then disappeared, then back again, then disappeared. It had gone silent all around. You stared at your screen, not sure how to respond. Poor guy was probably running around his room in a panic or wherever he was at the moment. You were picturing Steve turning 10 shades of red when you decided to put the phone down and go to your small kitchenette to rummage for something to eat.
A knock on the door had you diverting your path to answer it. Figuring it was probably someone asking you what you had planned for dinner and taking an order, so no one had to cook, or at least the ones who weren’t going on a night out.
Before you opened the door, you knew who it was thanks to your keen senses. It was a scent and heartbeat that was uniquely it's own, uniquely Steve. Taking a breath, you realized you were nervous, and that wasn’t you. The serum in your veins made you fearless, a serum that was superior to Steve’s and Bucky’s.
Swallowing your fear, you opened the door before he could knock again. Opening it to look up into nervous baby blues that dilated for a moment then went back normal. It was an action you would have never caught if not for who you were. With a smile you wondered why that happened, you were dressed in the baggiest shirt and lounge pants you owned. You hadn’t planned on interaction with any of the team today.
“Hey Y/N. Can I come in,” he asked nervously, a blush already rising as he placed his hand on the back of his neck. His nervous tic, you had noted, but he did it a lot around you.
“Yeah. Um, I look like a hobo, but you are welcome to,” you spoke up, moving to allow him into the room. His cologne wafting around you as if he had just put it on, taking in the jeans and button shirt he wore as if he was about to go out on a date.
Shutting the door, you turned to face the nervous captain who was looking at his hands before finally looking to you with a nervous smile. Hand going to the back of his neck again as he pushed the other into his pocket to retrieve his cell phone to hold it as if it will help.
“Look… I'm sorry,” he began slowly, holding the phone and his knuckles going white as he met your gaze.
You couldn’t help but smile. It was really the highlight of your day and you were surprised it hadn’t happened until now. You had crossed up text yourself and you were always spot on with any coding or tech in your hands, but the complexity of a cell phone made your brain take a hike, no pun intended.
“It's fine, you know I do it myself all the time. I'm surprised it hasn’t happened already,” you smiled trying to help him feel better, but the rising blush was making you realize, you where the one he was wanting to ask out.
You couldn’t speak, your discovery had to been written all over your face as he stepped forward. Your mouth opening and closing like a dying fish. Your heart fluttered hard in your chest at the thoughts that the blond before you had a crush on you, as you had done him when you first came to the compound.
“Umm, I'm her,” you finally squeaked out as he smiled at you, he was turning redder.
Damn it's hot in here. You could feel the room heating up, it was a little hard to breathe as you looked at him and that was very unusual. It dawned on you, you hadn’t felt nerves like this since you were small and were presented with your first mission as a 13-year-old soldier.
“I'm sorry. I’ll leave. This was dumb, I shouldn’t have… I need to shut up… I'm going to go hide in my room and die of embarrassment,” he blurted out as he made a move to step around you, but you grabbed his forearm carefully. Damn he ran hotter than you, in more ways than one of course.
“I would love to be her. If I am her, I would be glad to go out with you,” you blurted, not trying to sound desperate but you had let the opportunity pass you by more than once. He turned to face you, a shit eating grin on his face as he visibly calmed his nerves.
“YES! I mean yes. You are her and how about 6 this evening? I will take you on a date… that is if you don’t have plans and it's Valentine’s day… I should,” he rambled until he made himself stop as you released him, a smile on your face so wide it hurt.
You had never had an actual date for Valentines day before and you where excited to say the least. Looking at the clock on the stove, it gave you 30 minutes to get ready and say yes.
“It would be great to go on a date with you Capt. Rogers,” you spoke quietly as he stepped almost flush with you. You had to look up into his baby blues, but that was fine, unable to stop the goofy grin on your face.
“Call me Steve, doll,” he smirked at you, his confidence coming back as he leaned down slightly, making it clear you were going to have to bridge the gap.
“Steve,” you spoke, going to your toes to press your lips to his in a tender kiss. Breaking it as you both pulled away.
“I’ll be ready in 30, and keep calling me doll,” you smiled, swearing your face would split if it became even bigger.
“Good, I’ll just… wait… outside…,” he stammered once again as you stepped away to head to your bedroom.
“You can wait on the couch,” you laughed, hinting to the couch you had been sitting on, stopping to grab your phone on your way to the bedroom.
“I will. Doll,” he spoke up as you disappeared into your room to fret over what to wear and how to do your makeup. This was going to be a fun night to remember!
Tags open! And re-blogs are ALWAYS welcomed!
Tags: @dark-night-sky-99  @prettybubblesintheair  @gramaeryebard  @reallyheckinggay  @jovanna-shewolf  @andiyholly  @katstablook   @nickyl316h  @beets1bears1battlestargalactica @aslandia726 @moonfaery @furstinnajoelle   @itsbqueenthings @lookwhatyoumademequeue @whovianwookie86-captainxev@jazzieomega   @tomhardy41 @get-loki @drakonwild
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criticalcoruscant · 6 years
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My submission for @teamcap4bucky Valentine’s Day Challenge. Happy Valentine’s Day @the-wayward-robot here is a Hobbiton art retreat moodboard for you! (And a small attempt at writing a tiny blurb) 
After an extended stressful couple of months saving the world, Steve surprises you with a trip to Hobbiton for rest and relaxation and art.
Steve x Reader
Sitting in a cafe for breakfast, Steve pauses his sketching and looks over at you. Staring out the window, your drink forgotten in your hand and the light of the morning basking your face in a soft gold as you daydream. Warmth fills his chest at the sight. Reaching over he grabs your hand and smiles softly at you. The words though unspoken, rang loud and clear in his eyes. I love you 
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the-wayward-robot · 6 years
Secret Valentine’s Day
this moodboard/edit is for the Secret Valentine’s Day Moodboard Game by @teamcap4bucky, i got @lokikingofasgardslover713 i hope you like it hun!
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misspygmypie · 6 years
Secret Valentine
This is a moodboard for @misslittykitty for her story “Hope”, with Dean Winchester for @teamcap4bucky secret valentine event :)
I love Dean myself, so reading this story was such a joy! (Even though it killed me inside lol) Nonetheless, I loved the angst, Dean, their love for each other and the little hope he is left with in the end. Happy Valentine’s Day!!
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misslittykitty · 6 years
So, here it is! I’m so, so sorry that I’m late.
I joined @teamcap4bucky ‘s Secret Valentines Day Fun and Imade the following moodboard for @jrubalcaba. It’s based on her story “Why Wait?” which I enjoyed very much. I hope you like my artwork and again, I’m really sorry it’s late.
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thatfanficstuff · 6 years
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Here’s the other thing for you @just-add-butter. A Captain Hill board for you. Again, this is part of @teamcap4bucky‘s Valentine challenge. Thank you for hosting!
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