knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
The One Sure Fire Sign You’re Sexist
Let’s take a look at the mind of the average toxic RWDE poster.
Aaaaaand now to start off the day with a rant before I get down to business. Gonna put this under a read more and if this offends you I’m sorry, it’s just my observations as a fanfic writer and fanart viewer/commissioner.
Which completely and utterly destroys the purpose of a rant which is suppose to be personal and biased. Meaning that you just want people to accept your personal feeling as fact.
Note this isn’t true for every single person, but an overwhelming majority.
Actually, as we will soon see, this is just a symptom of your misandry.
The One Surefire Sign That All The Male Characters In Rwby Suck
There is *one* single MLM ship in the whole fandom that is remotely enjoyed. And you wanna know what that ship is?
Seamonkeys (Sun x Neptune)
Ah yes, not like Martial Arcs is a thing.
And not like the show is advertised around girls, gay and bisexual guys would be the ones with the investment in a mlm ship and the a lot of parts of the fandom are rampant with misandry and not like Arkos, Black Sun, White Knight and Lancaster is a thing.
You wanna know why people even ship it? Because they VAs are best friends, and thus, the writing was heavily influenced to have both characters magnetised to each other for the entirety of Volume 2.
And here’s you not knowing what you talk about: People ship the thing originally to get Sun away from Blake and it just grew beyond that so the very basis of your argument is flawed.
The Season even started with Sun and Neptune as best bros, and they stayed that way until Miles dive-bombed Sun;s character further into the stinking pit of shit he was already in during Volume 4.
And yet Black Sun is one of the most popular ships in the fandom, near rivaling Bumbleby and Sun often tops in people’s Top 10 lists of their favorite RWBY characters so Sun is in fact a good character. So he’s ki8nd of a counter example of your point.
But this IS an example of your Misandry: Calling Sun shit for no reason other than he’s male here and blaming Miles despite Kerry being head writer and Gray being head animator.
Whereas almost every single popular ship is either Yuri, or just plain hetero (thanks to Arkos and Renora) only one single MLM ship floats over the rest, and that’s because it’s the only one the writers remotely set up because the VAs are best friends.
Maybe because the fandom melts down whenever a male character gets focus because they aren’t female. And you do realize that by counting mlf ships as against males is showing you don’t give a shit if there are good males or attribute them automatically to females. And then we have you ignoring Black Sun which is more popular than both of them just to enforce your narrative.
Just another reason that Rwby has been let down more than America during the last election, or more so than the Paralympic Comunity after the Trial of Oscar Pistorius.
Yeah...That just kind of confirms that You’re not a fan of the show combined with the fact you have gotten so many things wrong about the fandom.
And, just to top it of, it is yet *another* telltale sign that Rooster Teeth in general does not give a toss about LGBT+ people, as if we didn’t already know that from their latest attempt to wrench money from out already broke paws.
Which is why Camp Camp has three gay males (The two agent Millers and the Bully), four gay characters in RvB (Caboose, Donut, Agent Iowa and that Charon chick from Season 14) and a gay female protagonist of Day 5. But then again, that shows you just care about bitching instead of the facts.
Seriously fandom, wake the fuck up. The creators of your once beloved show, does not give a fuck about you or what you want from their ‘groundbreaking’ cash cow that is Rwby, sadly the show is doomed to now be milked for eternity.
Not like they SHOULD considering how certain parts of the fanbase has treated them and since we have a lack of RWBY spin-offs with only 1 that has massive demand and just ordinary merchandise.
Of course, by what you are saying, you think that the RWBY fanbase is comprised mostly LGBT guys. Which is most certainly not the case.
And THEN we have the fact that this isn’t about Male characters in RWBY and you’ve given no examples of a male actually being bad which to me, seems more like you’re whoring yourself out for notes and attention.
If you genuinely care about those characters, boycott the show and show the company you actually do not approve of how Miles is using the platform to float is god complex ridden ego and taking money baths with the profits you’re already giving him.
Ah yes, god complex ego...in which he talks about how he’s not the greatest writer in the world and how he thinks he doesn’t match up to the rest of his team (https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/5vp164/dude_miles_we_on_rrwby_appreciate_everything_you/de4b7is/) or when he talks about how he is a bit ashamed at RWBY’s rough beginnings and how he needs to improve (http://blitz.arc.unsw.edu.au/2017/interview-miles-luna-of-rooster-teeth/).
Ah yes, profits so big that their company is still dwarfed by about 90% of their competition....
Totally not you being a misandric asshole.
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Screw it! I wasn’t even gonna post a link to this but then some lovely comments came through and I realised that Tumblr needed to see it this if they didn’t already. 
What’s one of the most magical things that could happen to you after you get dumped by what you thought was the love of your life, you go through the ringer and go all self-destructive, and then find someone who cares for you?
Having said someone go on stage in front of thousands of people, looking directly at you, and singing you a masterful and powerful song, making you so happy, you both start crying because it’s so magical. 
And that’s exactly what happens to Yang in this chapter. 
Winter takes to the stage singing ‘Stars’ from Les Miserables and ‘Hellfire’ from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, showing Yang just how powerful and also how dark and commanding, she really is.
[Wishlist] [Ko-Fi]
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Forming Bond(s). Bumbleby.
@valkurion-transverse I told you this was going to take me some time but I was going to write it for you. I have to admit, this was hard. You asked me for a 007 or road trip AU and I literally went like, how am I going to pull this out? But I tried and here it is! I hope it’s not so bad and you enjoy, my friend. You’re awesome.
Blake feels like she’s burning and she’s not sure if that’s because of the rage bubbling inside of her or because the building is literally on fire. Maybe it’s a mixture of both, although she doesn’t have enough time to dwell on that. This place is going down in more ways than one and she doesn’t want to die there. No, she can’t die then and there. She can’t afford such luxury.
“Blake, this way!”
She follows the voice even when the smoke is too thick to see a thing once she turns the corner. She doesn’t have to see when she recognizes that voice. Sure, they met a couple of days ago, but if she makes it out of there alive, it’s all thanks to that person. She’s going to trust her because Blake knows when to trust someone, or at least, she wants to believe so.
“Yang!” She calls back. “Where are we going? We have to get out of here!”
“That’s what we’re doing, Blakey! The entrance is blocked and Taurus is looking for you. If we move to the obvious exit he’s going to find us and I’ll be damned if I let him take you again.”
Blake is stunned for a brief moment because Yang doesn’t know her. She doesn’t know her story and yet, she risked her life to save her. Yang is a huge flirt, but she’s also a skilled fighter and she doesn’t hesitate to help others. Blake is certainly not a fair maiden, although she was glad to have some extra help. Yang arrived with that charming smirk to help her and Blake; well… she decided to take the offered hand.
“What’s the plan?” Blake asks without faltering on her run.
“This place is already burning so we’re blowing it up! Red is waiting for us already and as soon as we get out of here, the ice queen is going to start the firework party!”
“What are you? Some Charlie’s angels parody?”
“What? No! We’re way cooler. We’re pretty badass agents and this is more like a Bond movie.”
“A very bad one where we die if you don’t hurry up, Xiao Long.”
They move through darkness and smoke, occasionally stopping and hiding when there’s trouble ahead. They stay covered and yet they are cautious, ready to jump into action if the situation calls for it, but they keep moving.
The whole thing certainly feels like a Bond movie for Blake and she fights the urge to roll her eyes at her own silly thought. She doesn’t have to ask to know that she would be the Bond girl in this scenario. With a shake of her head, Blake dismisses the whole 007 train of thought.
Once they made it to the parking lot, Blake relaxes slightly. She tries to find the car waiting for them, but there are no signals about “Red” whoever that is.
“Come on, Blakey! This is our ticket out of this place.”
“A bike, really? That’s your big plan?”
Blake is wary of the vehicle. It shines in the dim light and the contrast of yellow and black make her roll her eyes. Of course, this is the type of thing Yang Xiao Long would own.
“Hey, I told you this was a trap, but I never said it was set to get us. We need to get out of here as fast as possible and no car is as fast as my dear Bumblebee. We’re going to speed out of here and watch the sky light up!”
“Of course you named the bike Bumblebee. I’m not sure it can fly if I'm being honest.”
“Cut the sass, kitten. You can either stay here complaining about the name or you can get on so we can get out of here.” Yang says adjusting her helmet before offering Blake the second one. “Besides, I think yellow and black go great together, don’t you think?”
Yang winks and Blake can’t help but blush. Her cold façade crumbles when the blonde is around and she can’t figure it out. She has worked for years to build walls that no one can crack, but then Yang was there and stole the first smile Blake gave to anyone in months.
Blake tries to hide the color of her cheeks putting the helmet in place before mounting the bike, her arms firmly wrapped around Yang’s waist while the blonde starts the engine.
“Hold on tight! This is going to be fun!”
“I seriously question your definition of fun.”
A second later they’re speeding out of there and dear god, Blake holds with all her force into Yang. She doesn’t dare to ask her to slow down because Blake can feel the heat before she sees the explosion on the bike’s mirrors or hears the “boom” to the point of feeling it in her own bones.
She looks back once they’re at a safe distance. She thinks about the past hours, the past months, the past years and how it all started. This is the end. This is where the road stops and Blake can hardly believe it. Adam Taurus should be dead because there’s no way he made it out of there in time. He’s dead and Blake thinks back at the first time she wished for this.
Blake allows herself a moment to think about that man and all the pain he caused. It wasn’t just about her and a failed relationship, but about the thousand of Faunus that he hurt, he destroyed and killed due to his personal views and ambitions. She loved him at some point, but her vision of him shattered. He wasn’t a tortured soul. He was evil, cruel and the villain of this story.
Blake is finally free from his hand and his lies. She’s able to see the light at the end of the tunnel for the first time in years. She takes a deep breath, even when the air smells like oil, gunpowder and the soft delicate scent of Yang’s luscious hair. She’s free thanks to Yang and her team. After so long, she found her own liberation.
Blake isn’t alone anymore and now, she’s not afraid.
“Dragon! Are you okay?” A third voice calls from the approaching red sports car.
“Hey, girls! We’re alright. Thanks for the backup. That went better than expected.”
“Correct, that was a great performance.”
Blake looks at the car to find silver and blue eyes staring curiously at her, although not unkindly.
“Thank you, for everything,” Blake says with a hesitant wave.
“Of course. Yang can be hot headed, but we all know that if someone needs help, we’re not just going to turn around and forget about the issue.”
Those words take Blake by surprise, but she nods in agreement. She tried to fight Adam for so long, but he was stronger than her and he knew her far too well. It was hard to fight a war alone and yet, she never gave up. There were many lives at stake and Blake had to keep fighting until Yang appeared.
Yang is something unexpected in more than a way. She’s like fire and sunshine mixed in one, like a sun mixed with a little hurricane. She’s strength, but also kindness and beauty. Her fighting style is like nothing that Blake has seen in her life, a perfect blend of explosiveness and accuracy that just a few can master. She’s able to defeat anyone on her way and she’s going to do it looking good in a tailored suit.
“Anyway, the name’s Rose. Ruby Rose. Of course, my code name is…”
“Red.” Blake finishes with a small playful smirk. “Your red hood is not a good disguise, but it’s practical if you want people to know what your code name is.”
For a brief moment, Blake wonders about the connection between Ruby and Yang since both girls think they are some kind of James Bond in a world where Agent 007 doesn’t exist.
“Oh, I like her.” Someone else says. “I’m Weiss by the way.”
“Aka; the ice queen.”
“Yang, that’s not true.”
“It would be heiress, actually.” Blake intercedes and three pairs of eyes lay on her. “Weiss Schnee, heiress of the Schnee Dust Company and the youngest CEO on the four kingdoms. I know what you did. Taking the company from your father and correcting his mistakes and bad decisions, it was very brave. I have to say I’m impressed.”
“Thank you,” Weiss answers, but her eyes follow Blake’s every movement. “Excuse me, but, who are you and how do you know about this? Those facts aren’t exactly public.”
“Let’s say that we were here for the same reason; getting Adam Taurus out of the way. He knew things about you and your company. And I, I’m Blake Belladonna; the new leader of the White Fang. If you’re looking for social equality and peace, you have an ally now.”
“That’s great!” Ruby exclaims excitedly.
“Maybe you should join us.” Yang offers.
“What exactly are you? If you’re not Charlie’s angels and Yang here claims to be James Bond.”
“Ha! I’m better than him.”
“We’re an organization that looks for global security menaces. We find and eliminate people like Adam Taurus, although we fight for those who can’t defend themselves. We try to keep the world safe even if no one knows our names. We’re called huntresses and we fight for everyone, human, poor, elders, kids and Faunus.”
“Are you looking for peace?”
Blake offers a small smile while taking off her bow to reveal her Faunus nature. They all nod at her and Ruby squeals something along the lines of “You’re so cute.”
“Alright then. I think we can give this a try.” Blake agrees.
“What’s the plan then?” Ruby asks once she’s over Blake’s cuteness.“Road trip?”
“Sure thing, Rubes!” Yang calls excitedly. “I race you both to the coast line! I’ll show you how fast my baby can go and you’ll regret buying that obnoxious machine!”
“How dare you?” Weiss replies already starting the car, the roar of the engine filling the night. “The nerve of assuming that old thing can beat a Schnee! Prepare yourself, Xiao Long!”
“Weiss, I don’t think this is a good idea.”
“I didn’t survive this night just to die because both of you need to race to our deaths!”
“You’re not dying, Blakey. We’re going to win this thing. If I win, do I get a victory kiss?”
Blake really wants to argue, but they’re moving too fast for her to think properly. She’s holding into Yang again and this time, the blonde feels how sharp Blake’s nails are.
“God damn it, kitty cat. This is going to be fun.” Yang thinks while speeding even more.
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Hey, New Followers
Don’t forget that if you want to see all my smut content and follow my writing progress with all things, and even suggest and request smut fics from me...
To go follow my smut blog @valkurion-after-dark
Pretty please?
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Made Myself A Lewder Blog!
I made myself a lewder blog for writing and content and other stuff that shouldn’t go on this blog (like lewder story ideas, like me asking for smut prompts, and other smut stuff) and that shouldn’t go on my personal lewd blog (because that thing is mine and should be deleted at this point).
I’ll mainly be posting stuff like smut ask, my smutty stories as well as ideas for more lewder and darer stories.
So please, if you enjoy my smut content go follow @valkurion-after-dark
I’ll be posting there a hell of a lot and would love you all to come make it a nice place. 
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So I couldn’t stay away from Star Wars for about ten minutes after finishing Dark Purge.
And I know I said Cassian and Mara would get their own additional stories, but then the Thrawn book came out, and I saw the Thrawn Funko, and Thrawn Thrawn Thrawn Thrawn Thrawn. 
I just, really freaking love Thrawn guys, like I wanna marry Grand Admiral Thrawn I adore him more than Darth Vader at this point. I just wanna give him a Death Star and have him say ‘You may fire when ready.’
But that will never happen.
So for now, here’s a sponsored story about Thrawn, teaming up with Pellaeon, Konstantine, my own OC named Blake Dar’manda, General Maximilian Veers and probably Ahsoka Tano.
Why would he team up with Ahsoka you ask?
Oh because the main villains of this story are Shimrra Jamaane and Onimi. If you don’t know who they are, well you’re going to have your minds blown up, bruised, battered, beaten and otherwise choked to death if this story gets more chapters. 
Enjoy Thrawn doing what he was created for people!
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To any new followers - be sure to check out my smut/lewd blog for all your smut needs and desires - @valkurion-after-dark
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Hey, what's your NSFW blog? I can't seem to find it, and I recall you blogging about having one and linking to it.... but I can't find it.
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