#valorant chamber scenario
astronaut-al · 2 years
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Dialogue credit goes to @hvstias as usual
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kanaesparadise · 2 years
Valorant Agents Jealousy Levels
Type: Headcanons/Fluff
Warnings: Some threats, cursing, zapping things, insecurities (idk is this a warning?? Maybe can trigger smthng)
Characters: Jett, Killjoy, Skye, Neon, Fade, Chamber, Yoru
Pronouns: They/Them
Jett - 8/10
"Hello! I'm jealous, what's your name?" type.
Even though she has no intention of keeping you to herself, seeing other people make you laugh gets on her nerves.
How can they make you happy like her? Isn't she enough for you?
Did they have to talk to you all the time? Couldn't they find another friend?
She knows that you're the perfect thing in the world but you're in love with her, right????
She wants to take you away from that person as soon as possible but she cannot do anything unless you are uncomfortable.
She's the secret insecure girlfriend, trust me.
She feels terrible when she sees you talking and joking with someone else closely.
Of course she knows that you love her, but she can't help her insecurities.
But if someone was flirting with you in a way that made you uncomfortable, she would have no reason to feel insecure. She got a reason to beat them up.
She would come up to you quickly and get between you and the person who made you uncomfortable.
"It's not nice to meet you at all, if you want to ask anything you can ask me 'cause you're bothering them. And I really don't like that."
A very protective girlfriend, she can't stand anyone bothering you.
Killjoy - 3/10
"I don't have time for that, have fun." type.
It doesn't bother her that you talk or spend more time with others because she gets pretty busy.
She also thinks it would be selfish if she wanted to keep you by her side all the time while she was working.
However, if you spend time with others when she needs love and attention, she will not say anything, but will feel your absence.
If she needs you to be with her, she'll snuggle and distract you while you talking with your friends.
"You can talk to them later, I missed you."
If she notices someone flirting in a way that makes you uncomfortable, she won't be angry but find it ridiculous.
It's pretty obvious that you didn't like these trash pick-up lines, why would someone who wanted you keep doing things you didn't like? It's not a way to get you!
She wouldn't just watch though, it was child's play for her to drive away someone who was bothering you.
While the other person was talking to you, she would hold your hand and drive you away.
She shows them that she didn't care about what they're doing, she can take you somewhere whenever she want.
If they have a courage to shout behind you, Killjoy's turret would appear in front of them, marking them as enemies.
"Don't worry, they weren't got any severe wound. Just a few scratches~"
Skye - 2/10
"Did you have fun with them? Then, that's good!" type.
Skye is someone who can get along pretty well with your friends, I'm sure they'll love her and respect her.
She loves seeing you smile so she don't have any problem with them, you can have fun with anybody who you trust!
She can even take them for a walk in the mountains if they want.
If she wanted to spend time alone with you, she would playfully tell the person next to you that she have to pick you up for very very important thing!
What? Quality times with your lover is really important thing! Don't underestimate these things please!
"Sorry to interrupt but I have to pick you up for a while (Y/N). I think it will not be a problem for you. Right, mate?"
Other than that, if someone was flirting in a way that made you uncomfortable, she definitely wouldn't like it.
At first, she only warns them verbally. After all, nobody wants a fight in the public, right?
Are they ignore her and keep bothering you? Now I guess they want a fight with this nature girl!
"I suggest you get away from them or I'll have no hesitation in ruining that pretty face of yours."
Try to calm her down because she's not saying these words to scare them!
Neon - 5/10
"I'm not jealous, I just don't trust them." type.
She really doesn't trust your friends. It doesn't matter what kind of person they are.
When Neon meets a friend of yours for the first time, She may not get along well with your friends because she is a very outspoken person.
If she doesn't like any of their features, she won't be very nice to your friend.
Your friend's speech style, appearance, voice, behavior... can be anything. If she didn't like them, she can't be polite to them.
She cares a lot about how they treat you. She won't stay silent when something bad is said to you, even if it's a joke.
"If you think you can do better than them, I insist you to try."
Someone make you uncomfortable around her? Is this a joke? Are they trying to die?
She may complain about her inability to control her powers, but she thinks it can be useful at times like these.
So please stop her or she'll gonna zap them with no hesitation.
"I don't want to hurt you, I want to hurt them! How can they dare to act you like that!?"
Any disrespect to the person Neon loves will not be forgiven. They can try her if they want to get zapped that badly.
Fade - 3/10
"Have fun. If you looking for me, I'm here." type.
She's usually don't care about your friend activities.
BUT please don't forget about her too, she doesn't want you to forget her from spending too much time with your friends.
She never talk about this, but it gets easier after a while to understand that she is upset.
She doesn't want to seem selfish, she's very loyal to you, so she knows you'll treat her with the same loyalty.
She loves listening to you tell her what you did with your friends during the day when you get home.
"You look pretty happy, balım (honey in turkish), what did you do today?"
If someone is talking or acting in a way that makes you uncomfortable, it's something that will bother her too.
She already knows that you are loyal to her, so she doesn't care at first.
But things change completely if she realizes that you're just uncomfortable with it and you can't push that person away.
She's coming to be their nightmare!
"Should I torture you or you're just gonna run away?"
She's already a scary woman with her everything so that's too easy for her. You're completely safe with her <3
Chamber - 3/10
"You're going out? That's good, I'm a little busy here." type
He's like Fade, he don't care about your friends and your friend activities.
But he wants to be your number one priority.
If you have scheduled a date with him, but later say that you promised to go somewhere with your friends, he will not like it at all.
You had to do it to your friends, not him!
He cares about his quality time with you so he woldn't let anybody to distract you.
"Please ignore them for this night, ma chérie (darling in french). You're with me right now."
Is someone bothering you? In a few seconds, the guards would have taken that person away from you.
Chamber doesn't like to get his hands dirty for those who will waste his time, it's more elegant to play by the rules.
"Don't worry, ma chérie. They won't be able to approach you again, I promise."
Yoru - 10/10
"Why should I share you? They can find a new friend." type.
Don't get me wrong; he's just a jealous, not a restrictive one. Of course you can do anything with your friends.
Buuut he didn't likes them at all.
Most of the time, Yoru is the cause of misunderstandings.
It's not about your friends, he didn't like to see another agent with you too but he's not talking about that.
Like Chamber, he wants to be your number one priority no matter what happens.
He always has an excuse to keep you around so be prepared!
HATES to admit that he's jealous. You can't never him hear to say that he's jealous.
"Totally bullshit! I'm not jealous! Are you lose your mind? Why would I be!?"
I don't know Yoru, why would you be?
He's already a jealousy type, he can't stand if he sees that someone bothers you in a bad way.
It's just a toy for him to get his nerves for a while.
Just like a punching bag.
Please stop him or he will start a big physical fight in public.
"I was looking for a someone to fight. Good to see you, asshole!"
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jiyansthesis · 1 year
guys i quite literally need to be in between sova and yoru and gekko and chamber.
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Hellooo! Can I request a Chamber, Sova, Yoru, and Cypher reacting to an agent s/o who can play an instrument and they would make songs for them? Tysm in advance!! ^^
Warnings: slight angst in cypher, but only a little bit
Genre: fluff
Pairing(s): Chamber x GN!Reader, Sova x GN!Reader, Yoru x GN!Reader, Cypher x GN!Reader
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Chamber is also a man of many talents. Honestly I feel like he’d also be able to play the piano, but he’s probably never tried to compose any songs himself.
He’s touched by the thought that you’d dedicate your free time to creating original songs for him, and asks that you sing it for him if he just came back from a particularly stressful mission or if he’s really tired.
He’ll lay his head in your lap as he listens to you, a smile on his face. It’s not like the typical cocky one he usually has on when he lets out a snarky remark, but a smile that he reserves just for you. One that you know that he’s being genuine. 
If you want to, he’ll even accompany you on the piano, playing matching chords that he feels is fitting. 
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This man is ridiculously soft for you, like he has this sappy grin on his face while he watches you work your magic.
He especially likes comparing how meticulous you are with any stringed instruments that you play to him with his bow. Sova is impressed by just how dedicated you are to what you do.
He loves the songs that you make for him. He doesn’t really understand it but he kind of gets the feeling that he’s exactly where he’s supposed to be, which is by your side.
He’ll record your music for you, so then the two of you can just dance to it together, even if you’re a little embarrassed.
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He’s the type of person to try and play it off as if he’s not that impressed but in actuality, he has all your music saved and he added it to his playlists.
If you ask him if he was listening to the songs you made for him, he’ll deny it, but the faint blush on his face says otherwise.
You weren’t by any means an expert in music like JPop, but you certainly wanted to try your best to add some electro pop and a little bit of RnB into your music to suit his music tastes a bit better.
Sometimes if you sneak in on him working out and you catch him with his headphones on, you can hear him humming the melody of your most recently composed song cause he probably has it on loop. 
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He used to spend a lot of time with Nora and his little girl, so hearing you sing for him brings back fond memories but also the painful clenching in his heart.
He holds you close, as he listens to you hum in his ear. It’s been so long since he’s been able to open up so vulnerably to someone like this, so it feels nice. 
Cypher has such a nice voice, I’m sure he’s a fantastic singer. Sometimes, he’ll duet with you because he enjoys bonding with you.
If he ever has difficulty sleeping when you force him to, he’ll ask you to sing your song for him
Reminder that my requests are open! Be sure to send something my way if you’re interested! Requesting Rules are here!
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist. Wanna know what else I’ll write for? Here you go!
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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agentgumsh0e · 2 years
could you please do the same you did for the younger sister-like agent but for an older sister-like one? they were really good.
being protocol's "older sibling"
word count: 540+
warnings: none
notes: the agents are sorted into categories based on how i thought they would act (you can talk about how i did in the comments), some have special headcanons, some don't
congrats! (regardless of your age) you're the older sibling in the protocol family! :)
younger siblings who can take care of themselves: brimstone, sage, viper, omen, yoru, sova, skye, cypher, reyna, kay/o, fade (basically everyone who acts their age)
self-explanatory. they don't quite need your wisdom or direction since they operate fine by themselves (though yoru is a special case), but if you check in on them, they'll probably check in on you too. do these people really count as your younger siblings though?
younger siblings who are lowkey distant: viper, yoru, omen, reyna
for one reason or another, these people are distant. viper and reyna are reluctant to ask for your help because they want to be independent and in charge of their own problems, you have to get really close to omen for him to open up, and yoru is too prideful to frequently rely on you.
younger siblings who look to you for guidance: sova, yoru, neon, jett, astra, kay/o, killjoy, fade
no matter how mature they may be already, they still want your advice on some matters.
grudgingly, yoru would admit that he wants your advice on certain things.
killjoy, neon, and jett are always people to look up to their older siblings.
being the watcher of the cosmos gets stressful at times. though you may not know what astra is talking about exactly, she comes to you for guidance.
sova is always one to look for wisdom since he wants to improve himself. fade is somewhat the same and has some emotional baggage that she could use some help with.
kay/o needs help with all his emerging ‘human' emotions and his traumatic memories from another timeline.
younger siblings who are, well, younger siblings: phoenix, jett, raze, neon
also self-explanatory. these agents are immature. they do a lot of stupid stuff and cannot go unchecked. do not give in to them (or do, if you're that kind of older sibling).
these guys also kind of fit into the ‘make them eat lunch’ category, but more because you have to look after them and ensure that the kitchen is not burned down. that or they're too busy playing games or the like to eat.
younger siblings who are pain in the asses in a different way: breach, raze, chamber, yoru
chamber is great to pick on since…i mean, have you looked at him and how he acts? he's trying too hard to impress you and everyone else. you gotta watch raze and breach to make sure they're not doing anything illegal for the fifth time this week. and yoru’s sneaking (more like teleporting) out again. you can't really do much about that.
younger siblings who you would make eat lunch because they skipped it: cypher, omen, viper, fade, killjoy
when i said that some of these people can take care of themselves, it doesn't mean they do it well. they probably neglect themselves and their own needs, so regardless if they want your help, they're going to get it.
cypher and killjoy are tech nerds who need to get a breath of fresh air away from their machinery. viper is the same with her lab.
omen and fade say that they don't need sleep. they do. and some therapy.
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astolary · 2 years
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( Synopsis ) But now, you were merely another stranger in my story.
( Author’s Note ) Angst works I wrote for each agent because I was bored.
( Pairings ) Separate! Chamber and Sage x GN! Reader
( Content Warnings ) Angst. Insecurities. Mentions of being blind to their self-worth. We just bully Chamber. You get to decide where the story continues :3
( Word Count ) 1.1k words // EDITED! 
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[ star chosen: i play the devil and you play the sinner . ]
CHAMBER narcissistically believed he could conquer anything.
His ideals are spoken to be a perfect stairway to heaven— by the liars. His priorities paved a flawless cobblestone path within the flourishing forests— which have been trampled on by sinners and burned by the ashes. His dreams and wishes were attainable, logical, and within his field of expertise— but the trolls would be doing their mischievous best to dump buckets of paint over his pristine long-sleeved vest.
Then he manipulates their desperate minds— "I've been where you've been before. Follow me and I can guide you to paradise." Some fell down the ravine while others barely jumped over, fingers scraping the edge of the rough surface while chanting in their heads for nothing to step on their hands— their only hope for freedom. Because who would hear and believe the pleas of a stranger in the middle of nowhere?
Wherever he stood, he was in charge. He demanded the orders and tricked the naïve who truly believed that a reward can be shared. Did they actually think they deserved the reward? But wasn't he the one who guided everyone to claim that shiny chocolate-looking trophy? Was he not the one who pushed everyone's motivation up the steep mountain and beyond the horizon? So it should be him getting it, is it not true?
When a man like Chamber is stripped of his freedom, he clips the wings of the flocks around him that were preparing to flap their wings and chains them to his designer-made shoes. Because if one suffers, the rest suffers with them. If one fails, the others shall fail with them.
So imagine the oh-so-perfect smile you plastered on your face, delighted and totally over the moon when he disgustingly kissed your hand with those greedy lips of his. Overpainted with lip balm, chemicals that could be smelled miles away.
"My love, why do your lips look swollen?" You spoke with faux, spoiled honey dripping from your voice into the broken honey jar that lay on the rickety wooden table crawling with ants.
"My apologies, I had a meeting with my boss before our marvelous outing and you know how tedious and nerve-wracking it can be, no? You are aware of how much I bite my lips when I feel, out of my comfort zone." Chamber smirked. Arrogance. Overconfidence. Superiority and audacity.
You pulled your lips up in amusement, this man, how many more pages and words does he need to remove from his dictionary until he runs out of lies to profess to the crowd before him?
You can't wait to make him fall in love with you only to trample his prestige under your shoes.
For what better satisfaction was there when making the other realize they cared only when you were gone?
Darling, there was no better way than swinging the chain of a second chance in front of their very eyes, only to rust and break the precious chain in the heat of the juncture.
Oh. He'll pay for breaking hearts.
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[ star chosen: love can’t heal safe-hatred, dear darling of mine. ]
Monks were expected to serve in their life and bow with their souls, as they were blessed with the gift of breathing the same air as the steady earth. People were expected to keep the promises that spilled out their careless tongues, the devil haunting the revelation as they awaited a feast to consume. Or else, calamity would dwell on the mortal reefs, and sprouts of turmoil would prosper in the Garden of Eve. SAGE failed in doing so— out of youth and unfamiliarity— yet she believed deep inside her locked nature, she was spared from that forsaken tragedy. But why? Why, her?
She failed to meet the expectations of the world's most renowned scientist. She failed to reach her arm far enough down the well, rocks violently shuddering above her fragile head, ready to tip down and decline. Yet the instinct of survival won the match and jerked her as both their fingers touched, and he smiled. The moon smiled, giving birth to its small light and repaying the sun after centuries and centuries of empty promises.
He was ethereal, a dream to behold, his smile revealing a man listening to seatherny. It was irenic. Then the moon died, reverting to its boring, stony state.
The rocks collapsed above his head as her mind blanked. All that remained was a shadow and a bitter raven. The bitter raven believed she left without a wound. How dare the radiant healer, one of the first known to race yet brought nothing but loss.
But she did leave with a wound, a wound cut so deep she neglected to treat it. What was a privilege to be called a scholar when the teachings of academia after hours of— writing, hunching over the desk with candle wax dripping down the hourglass, languished on her?
Now here she stood, under the dim yellow lights that hung off her compartment— eyeliner perfectly winged without a single proof of mishap, and hair neatly pinned up in a bun with a traditional vintage hair clip. Sage clutched her purse as she gazed at the crooked mirror hanging on her wall.
"...You want to break up?"
Something stomped over and over in your voice, your mouth dry and lips slightly chapped. A shudder went through your stiff spine at how empty and defeated your girlfriend spoke.
"Yes, let's break up."
If there was one thing that you will ever know, is that your heart will only ever beat for your one eternal love. You accepted that in the realm of the living, the woman who knitted the strings around your heart would always have you wrapped around her graceful fingers.
But where was sacrifice between the strings of two lovers when one desperately knelt in front of the throne out of self-loathe and overflowing unpretentiousness?
Did she give you enough affection today? That dress looks pretty... but it would most likely be horrendous on her. Is her hair perfectly styled? Putting it down would be nice once in a while... no, she'll keep it up. You’re smiling, good— you're happy, she's happy.
Mirrors of two souls met in front of illuminating reflections on the first dawn of the season.
"I wanted to be in a relationship because I love you. I—I see a future with you! And I'm not scared of it at all because I know we'll be there together. But you keep on giving, and giving and giving— I never got a chance to show you how much I care for you. You throw away all the learnings and wisdom you gained when we were first never together down the drain, for the sake of 'satisfying' this relationship."
"Can't you see I'm more than in love with you? I’d burn my soul just for you."
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astolary 2022 — do not edit, repost, or translate.
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sanajeh1909 · 5 months
Professionally Yours Personally Mine
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Pairing : Chamber x F!Reader
Word Count : 2404
Warnings : Rivalry themes (enemies to lovers without being lovers part i guess?), romantic tension
POV : 3rd Person (More like Chamber's POV but i tried to give both sides inner thoughts etc.)
A/N : Sorry for my poor English, its not my native language. Chamber can be a bit OOC. Gif doesnt belong to me. Please do tell if there is any mistakes or off talks/writings on the scenario. I wrote less for Y/N to not restrict your actions and focusing on Chamber for you to imagine with detailed descriptions. Whoever taught me OneLook page, i love you. Yellow is for Chamber, Pink is for Reader. I hope you enjoy it. If you like this i might write part two or something.
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Been long time, huh...
Chamber stopped mid-speech, his eyes narrowing onto the source of the sound. A woman stood across from him who he'd recognized as Y/N, one of his former colleagues from Kingdom Industries… one of his biggest obstacles.
He stood there, arms folded, waiting for the woman to speak. She was just as beautiful as he remembered her.
With crossed arms over her chest, she approaches and speaks. Her tone is dripped in confidence. I didn't expect you to join Valorant Protocol.
He raised an eyebrow, the hint of irritation in his voice. Of course, she couldn't just let that one little flaw go without bringing it up.
You know… this new agency has been a welcome change. I appreciate their appreciation of aesthetics, unlike that… corporation you still work for.
She smirks and stands in front of him. Confident and sharp as always. Who said im working for them? And what do you think am i doing in the middle of the VALORANT PROTOCOL? Surely they don't let in anyone here.
Chamber's eyes widened with surprise. He could not believe these words were coming out of her mouth, let alone that SHE, of all people, knew more than him - someone who actively works for the organization. He couldn't contain his shock. His mind was reeling. His mouth ran on autopilot, trying to find the correct words to say, when he finally found the right one… he spoke.
… pardon?
She chuckles with amusement. Its my duty to give you a warm welcome, no? Taking a deep breath, she raises her chin up slightly with a small smirk on her lips. Welcome to the VALORANT PROTOCOL.
He tried to remain indifferent to the situation. Of course, he knew the woman across from him was capable of doing… well, anything… but to think she had joined the Protocol made no sense. How?
He searched for a response.
"W-wait a minute. Why are you here?"
Im working here. Pouting her lips with sarcastic manner yet the smirk playing on the corner of her lips were giving away that she wasn't pouting out of annoyance, instead she is toying with him.
That wasn't the response he was looking for or expecting. Was she teasing him? Was she just… here now? Or was she actually here to work… he couldn't be sure. He was trying to avoid it but his curiosity was creeping in.
Doing what?
Saving the world. Serious yet sarcastic tone and that damned playful pout on her lips… He rolled his eyes. She couldn't be that facetious, right? This was Y/N. Her sarcasm and teasing was a known trait.
But that last statement, he couldn't tell if it was sarcasm or not. Was she genuinely saving the world or had she just… decided to join and he's just now hearing about it?
Saving the world, right. Like that's why you're here.
A small click sound of her tongue and she walks away, anooyed by his nonserious reply. Guess whose rivalry is going even after working in Kingdom...
Chamber was in disbelief. Her quitting? Her being here? She just up and quit? Why??
He followed her, of course. He grabbed her arm and stopped before she could go far. His curiosity was too much to handle and he had to know what she meant.
You quit? You're working here full time now? You, of all people, would join VALORANT just like that?
Oh, why not? You know me better than other people that i would do such thing. She narrows her eyes as if spitting venom, but then smiles with a smirk, a confident and cocky one.
Chamber's mouth twitched. Damn it. She got him. She really did.
The idea was crazy to begin with. Was this what she did after she quit Kingdom? Why didn't he find out sooner? Hell, why wasn't he just the one to recruit her to VALORANT?
So… you're not teasing? You really are working here? Why?
You should know it already.
His mouth slightly opened at her response. Did she really just tell him to figure it themselves? The level of sass… he was trying his hardest not to show how cute she looked when she got snippy… he failed.
That's vague…
He was still trying to figure out why she joined. Had she really joined or was she just here to be a nuisance? He decided to play a game.
Does the Protocol have better insurance benefits than Kingdom, or something? Is that why?
She lets out an amused chuckle. Is that why you quit Kingdom Industries? She turns the question back at him without answering.
His eyes widened with feigned surprise. Damn it. Damn it. Damn her. She was good. She was doing a damn good job of annoying him. She didn't answer the question. This woman could never give a straight answer when it mattered... She had him there. Damn it.
He stayed silent for a moment, processing everything she had said. This game… this game was going back and forth… and for each and every one of his moves, she would retort. He might as well have played checkers against himself. He needed to change the game.
No, I left because of the creative restraints they placed on me. They couldn't handle how good I was at designing.
Is that the only reason why you quit? I think there is more than that. Her voice tone slightly dropping and her voice is like a velvet, as if trying to seduce him to talk more.
Damn it! She was good. But… she had a… was she trying to get him to reveal more… personal details? What the hell was going on…
That voice… that seductive tone… it was the same one she used for every office romance she found herself in. Her eyes never left his. That stare could penetrate skin, flesh, bone… right down to his soul. He couldn't think of anything else but her. Every single thought in his head… it was just her. Just her. Just her.
He shook his head. No, it is not the only reason. Is this an interrogation? Do I have to share something more personal? Is me not wanting to work for a company who only wants my talents and not also my creativity… is that not enough?
Oh, im simply curious. She says with half seriousness and half playfulness. I know you for almost a decade… Its just your reason… She thinks her words with a small pause, slightly pouting as if preparing herself for the amusement she would feel after seeing his reaction …doesnt tick with your personality.
…what… does that mean?
Oh you know what i mean. Her pout slowly turns into a small smirk.
Goddamn her. She knew exactly what she was doing. He was almost sure of it. That smirk, that little confident smile. She didn't even need to play mind games; she could flirt the information she wanted out of him with nothing but a smirk.
He was annoyed. At himself and the situation. And especially at her.
She gets close and stare deep in his eyes. Her eyes slightly widens, as if a snake approaching its prey. She speaks in low, slow, seductive yet dangerous, obviously taunting tone. …Are you being seduced?
Her presence was suddenly filling his personal space. Her tone had dropped to dangerously provocative. She was doing it on purpose. She was pushing the limits between playful banter, rivalry, and something deeper… He felt his heart rate increase. Her eyes and her proximity were making him agitated but… they were also having a different affect now.
His eyes widened as the distance began closing. Was this flirting?Was this… that feeling where he didn't know what he should say or even react? Oh… this was… this was new.
…is that what you're attempting?
She pouts for a brief moment as if disagreeing with her own words. I might be.
He gulped. Her pout had thrown him off. He was lost for words. So lost he nearly said something stupid. How was she this good at this? Was it practice? Was she just… naturally… like… this?
His blood boiled with a mix of passion and annoyance.
This was too much. She knew exactly what her words meant. She knew what she had done. She knew she was in control. And now she was taunting him for his lack of response.
He couldn't handle this woman. She was too smart, too cunning. She was playing at his emotions and he couldn't handle it. She was going to win if he didn't retaliate. He had to find some way to pull her off balance. He'd been the victor too many times, and he was tired of her getting the best of him. She had a power over him that he couldn't figure out how to control. It was like a spell.
Why are you acting like this? Stop. Teasing…
What if i dont? She raises an eyebrow as if provocating him to go further so she can make her own blow. Looking deeply in his eyes, her eyes are slightly widened with sadistic intentions.
For a few moments, he was lost in her aura. Her eyes were like two black holes, sucking him in and holding him there. Her look was almost inviting him to come closer to her. He could almost see her smiling a devilish smile, her lips inching closer to his ear until… he snapped out of it.
He wasn't about to be drawn into her trap. Not this time.
Your game's getting predictable, Y/N.
And you are falling for it.
He scoffed.
Falling? Falling?! You are a few steps behind me, my dear. Don't underestimate me. I'm not the fool you used to have the upper hand to. I have learned. I know how you operate now. I know all your tricks. Every single one.
Her lips curls into a smile, a creepy one. Something is hidden behind it, plotting something behind it. Constricted pupils of hers are staring into his amber ones. Her tone drops, speaking in quiet, soft tone yet dangerous, velvet-like... Why dont you behave like you know them, then?
They weren't just playing anymore. Things were getting real now, and the question now was how far would she go? Would she kiss him? Or would she try to kill him? He had absolutely no idea.
His eyes met hers, his lips curling into a smirk as he replied, his voice getting an extra bit of confidence and bravado.
I believe this game you're trying to play won't work if I call out all of your next moves. You and I both know how this works, yes? Let me guess… you're going to try and make a move to get a closer look at my eyes, or, say something that's provocative and get me to get defensive. You could even try to get within arms reach of me and lean in to whisper something seductive in my ear to try and throw me off. Right?
Hmm, maybe. She pouts slightly with a smile.
He chuckled. She was just too damn cunning. His smirk grew into a smile, his body language more relaxed.
Or you could go for my mouth right away, too. We both know you want to.
Oh thats not what i was asking for. But i might. Half joking, half serious with a damned smile mixed with a smirk and narrowed eyes... Her voice tone dropped low and heavy.
His eyebrow once again raised. He was caught off guard by her candor and bluntness. Had she gotten more confident or just… cocky? He was beginning to think it was the latter. His smirk grew larger as he responded with some confidence of his own and arrogance, but not enough that it seemed fake.
We both know you'd never…
We will see.
Again, he snickered and couldn't help but smile. There were sparks flying between them that even the most oblivious person could feel. The banter was flying in, the playful teasing back and forth. What exactly was this? Why was this flirting so exciting? Why him and her when she was such a rival to him. It was weird.
His eyes met her eyes, both staring into each others with such intensity. Their faces were close now, only about four inches away. Her mouth began moving towards his.
Only about an inch of space between them she stops, and she whispers but her tone isnt soft. The corner of her lips curled into a devilish smile You will be my pawn.
His breath was caught in his throat as she spoke for his ears to hear. Her lips were close to his, her eyes narrowed, her smile diabolical. His muscles tensed under the intensity of her aura.
Her tone was not simply playful and teasing but also… dominant. Aggressive. Almost predatorial. She wanted to win everything between them. He hadn't anticipated her whisper to be so… provocative. Why did his heart not even feel as if he was in control anymore? It was beating of its own accord. It was almost like… she was controlling it herself.
She pulls herself back and a laugh escapes her throat with a smile. She takes several steps back in amusement as if she won the little banter they had between them. Then she turns on her heels and walk away. The victory is written on her walk, as if a Queen killed half of the prisoners. She laughs loudly and her voice echoes on the corridor as she disappears from his sight.
He could do nothing but watch. She had won yet again. He was outmaneuvered. She had taken the last laugh. He'd seen his worst fears realized as she'd taken the upper hand. She knew how he felt about her, she knew the impact she had on him, and she used it to her full advantage.
Was she truly… that manipulative and cunning? Was there a weakness to it? Maybe not a weakness, but would she let herself get caught in her own game like he just did? He didn't know, but this only intrigued him more.
What just happened? If it were anyone else he wouldn't think twice, but he and Y/N were rivals. They were supposed to hate each other. Instead, they were flirting, they were seducing each other.
Was there something genuine here? It was impossible. She was his number one rival…
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
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× you can request smut and/or sfw for all of the following characters
× dark content such as ; dub-con, stepcest, mentions of blood, knives, age gap, etc.
× female, afab, or gn reader
× WILL NOT WRITE amab or male reader, character x character
× NO snuff, wound-fucking, incest, extreme gore, feet fetish, necrophilie etc.
× be spesific about your request, give a little scenario because no-one can do a lot with "something with xy character and make it smut 🥺🥺"
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jujutsu kaisen ;;
nanami kento, mai zenin, maki zenin, nobara kugisaki, utahime iori, shoko ieiri ( all romantic + platonic )
valorant ;;
viper, reyna, neon, sage, jett, fade ( all romantic + platonic )
arcane ;;
caitlyn, jinx, sevika, vi, grayson, cassandra, mel, ambessa ( all romantic + platonic )
the last of us part 2 ;;
dina, ellie eilliams, abby anderson ( all romantic + platonic )
resident evil ;;
alcina dimitrescu, bela dimitrescu, mother miranda, jill valentine, ada wong, leon s. kennedy, rebecca chambers, chris redfield, claire redfield, ashley graham ( all romantic + platonic )
league of legends ;;
k/da evelynn, k/da ahri, k/da kaisa, k/da akali, renata glasc, zeri, samira, vayne ( all romantic + platonic )
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bbokkie · 2 years
My Letters
Scenario: Leaving small letters for Valorant boys to read because you can’t quite express your feelings about them eye to eye :(
“I’m addicted to your love, that’s the issue.”
Characters Included: Chamber, Yoru, Phoenix, 
Disclaimer: This will be in a Headcannon type of form
(hello vlog its mordecaibutyassifiedlover76 back at it again with another absolute banger!)
Song: Dream Girl - Crisaunt
Chamber -  Vincent Fabron
- He first saw a small folded piece of paper on his desk with a tiny but noticeable heart in the corner of the paper. He sat down on his chair, intrigued of the letter that sat in front of him. Without much thought, he took it by his gentle fingers and opened it.
- After reading it he was biting the insides of his mouth as his lips tugged into a bashful smile. A small blush appeared his face as he began thinking of whom this letter could’ve come from.
- He thought long and hard but never really came into a conclusion. So, with another smile, he tucked in the letter in a drawer before closing it.
- You stroke again with another letter, this time with a small gift. An origami heart that was quickly painted red with a highlighter.
- A deep joy struck within him when he saw another letter awaiting him. He was prancing and he was excited with what dashing and romantic words waited him.
- Before starting the letter, he noticed the paper heart and smiled deeply. He took it in his hands and examined it for a short while before focusing on the main event, the letter.
- With these two letters, the man became curious and more curious to see who was the culprit behind such heart-aching crime. He wanted to catch the person who was sending these letters, maybe ask them on a date and fall in love!
- Soon, you stroke once more. You quietly walked- more like tip-toed around the hallways, approaching a specific door. In your hand, another letter. But, alas you would be caught.
 Before you could even open the door to his office, a finger tapped on your shoulder making you flinch and yelp out loud. Endless exclamation marks flared your mind, heart racing as your fingers clenched on the letter for dear life. “I assume that is for me?” he asked. Your eyes widened, the voice being clear of who was behind you. “I’m sorry! I really didn’t mean to keep breaking in.” you turned to him with closed eyes, the poor letter in your hands already crumpled. “I never expected my dear admirer to be you, but I’m glad it was you.” he chuckled. “If you don’t mind, can I read your letter?” he asked, pointing to the crumpled piece of paper on your hand. Even though you were speechless, you gave the letter to him nonetheless.
- “I love these letters, but I would love nothing more if you’d.. maybe go on a date with me?”
Yoru - Ryo Kiritani
- The first time you placed your letter was in front of his door. This was more of a hail mary because there would be a big possibility that he would step on it and wouldn’t even know it existed. But, what was there to lose?
- His door swung open, the male came out with a yawn. Before he could even step on the letter he was stopped by his two annoying friends.
“Hey, Yoruu! You got a letterrrr!” Phoenix cooed, pointing at the piece of paper on the floor. “Hope it’s not a resignation letter.” Jett cackled. Yoru looked at the both of them were daggers as eyes which seemingly made the duo run away before they would feel his rage. 
- He bent down on the letter, picking it up as he thought of what could be in it. Maybe Jett was right, maybe it was a resignation letter. He looked around the halls, the halls being empty with no soul in sight. With quick feet, he took the letter and ran back to his room, closing the door shut.
- He took a deep sigh, looking at the letter once more, He was- skeptical of this letter, like he was afraid. He opened the letter and began reading the contents.
- After reading the letter he was flabbergasted. Someone wrote a love letter to him! His cheeks flared red, fingers crumpling the paper but soon stopped himself from doing so as to not damage the love letter that was for him, him!
- I don’t think you even get the chance to give him a second letter, as soon as he got the first letter, he wanted to find out who gave it to him, and he wanted to find out fast.
- And so he waited, he waited for someone to strike. At one point he even held Cypher by the collar because he stopped at his door for a millisecond. (no harm done) That’s how itchy this man is because of this letter.
- You finally had the courage to drop another letter even after hearing about Cypher being interrogated by Yoru. 
 You slowly treaded the halls with caution, your letter in your pocket which was smoothened with your hand so the letter doesn’t get crumpled.
You looked left and right for any signs of a living soul, more importantly Yoru’s soul.
You dropped the letter in front of the door and attempted to jog out with a racing heart. “Stop there.” A more than familiar voice ordered. Your heart dropped down to your feet as you saw your life flash before your very eyes. 
Slowly looking back, you saw Yoru bend down and take the letter into his palms, a shocked expression on his face. “So you were the one that gave me the letter.” he chuckled, looking at your second letter which resided in his hands. Your entire face felt hot, this was the end for you. You’d go around the halls being teased because you like Yoru now. 
- “Next time.. give the letters to me personally. I hate waiting.”
Phoenix - Jamie Adayemi
- You placed the love letter on his desk for him to read. You were quite unsure of this plan since you’ve known Phoenix liking more personal and face-to-face confessions so he doesn’t get confused, but again what did you have to lose? 
 Phoenix came back to his room shortly and discovered a neat piece of paper awaiting him. He plopped on his seat, taking the letter which he thought might be a letter from Brimstone to stop lighting the stoves with his inhumane fire or a letter from Sage that would state to stop accidentally setting Killjoy’s expensive Tech into flames. Who knows!
- After reading the letter he’s freaking the fuck out. I swear, after reading the letter his mouth is gaped open and a loud “WHAT” booms from his room. He is absolutely blown out of his fucking mind. And unlike Yoru who can keep his emotions to himself he is jumping up and down yelling “Someone likes me!” in a child-like tone for like 5 minutes.
 A loud, exaggerated gasp leaves his mouth as he tried to process what he just read. More exaggerated, incoherent noises leave his mouth as he kept reading the letter again and again, making sure that his eyes did not deceive him.
Seconds pass and his door swings open, revealing his good friend Jett who was confused, and worried about the weird noises coming from his room.
“Phoenix, what’s wrong!?” Jett looked around his room, her worry calming down as she sees no dangerous things on fire. “You sounded like a dying duck, what’s wrong?” she sighed. Phoenix’s mouth still gaped open as he pointed at the letter. “What..” Jett mumbled before taking the letter from his hands harshly. “Hey, hey hey! Don’t rip it, okay? I will actually kill you.” Phoenix threatened. “Holy shit.” Jett mumbled with widened eyes. “I know right! My exact reaction!” Phoenix laughed.
 “Whoever your admirer is has some questionable taste.” Jett hummed. “What! Say that again!” Phoenix shouted.
- By this point, Phoenix is quite vocal about this. He’s walking all proud with a smug face that someone actually likes him. Also, at this point he’s trying to do everything cool and swag so that his secret admirer might fall for him even more! (Don’t tell Phoenix but it’s so obvious he’s trying to look cool.)
- By like the 3rd day after receiving the letter, everyone is kind of tired of his shit. The only thing he has to say these days are “Did you know someone likes me?” like, yes Phoenix. 
- Everyone tries their best to find out who likes him so he can finally shut up. After a few minutes of doing the process of elimination, the answer fell onto you.
- Everyone practically begged you to confess. You found it somewhat funny, but actually confessing? It wasn’t on your to-do list.
- But with everyone on their knees you did so.
- One day you came up to Phoenix.
 “Hey, Phoenix.” you greeted. “Heyy!” he smiled. “I have- something to say.” you cleared your throat as you fiddled with your fingers. “Yeah, what’s that?” he asked.
“I’m the one who gave you the letter.”
“Woo! I’m so happy it was you all along!!”
- “Wait, does that mean were dating?”
(hi gays!! i mean guys, i tots meant guys. i hope this will be good enough, it’s pretty long and it’s only 3 characters but stfu and eat the goddamn food 😠 uhhh i have around 7 drafts and i completely just thought of this on spot because i was kind of getting twitchy that i haven’t posted anything yet, dont worry gays, i mean guys, more content will come!!!!!! dont forget to SMASHH that like button and subscribe for more bangers like these!)
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aphelio-mara · 16 days
its actually so good to hear someone else out there is lying awake at night thinking. “omega earth has a valorant legion fan convention.” and “i wonder how many shitty movie productions exist in omega earth that completely ruin an agents character.”
like. imagine turning on the latest big hit movie about your life and saving the world and theres a horrible romance sideplot of you and your best friend. hilarious. mortifying. the rest of the legion doesnt let it go for months, until the next big scandal drops and focuses the attention onto the next poor soul
going absolutely insane to the point that i made a whole scenario based on this because YES YOU GET IT 🫵‼️
can you imagine phoenix getting promised a biopic in the aftermath of his heroism in aiding lisbon (pearl)
he's ecstatic; sage, omen, and jett are all supportive, save for the lighthearted teasing every once and a while by them and the others
the day of the premiere comes and he's bubbling on the red carpet, giving fist bumps and side hugs to his friends and colleagues that attended, the paparazzi going particularly crazy when he drapes his arm over yoru (he chalks it up as them being excited that yoru even came with his elusive persona)
the movie begins and phoenix is impressed. the plot flows well, it highlights aspects of his life and personality that's meaningful to him, and the acting is incredible! he doesn't even comment on the fact that every time movie him and movie yoru interact, the vibe of the scene changes in the smallest ways into something more...sentimental? oh, who cares, the movie is cool!
he doesn't even pay mind to the fact that when movie him was in peril, movie yoru had an entire scene of him rushing to the communication room, trying to reach him. he doesn't say anything when the end of the film comes near and they have a conversation with yoru hugging him. i mean, they're good friends beyond their public rivalry, he wishes that yoru actually hugged him during that time. this is such a nice homage to their friendsh—and they're kissing
phoenix feels heat rush up to his cheeks and ears as the tips of his hair flicker ever so slightly with sparks, turning immediately to yoru who's looking at him with the same unspoken "what the fuck"
jett is laughing her ass off and sage looks like a proud mother until her face falls when she realizes that the whole subplot probably isn't real and either 1.) phoenix and yoru's relationship just got outed or 2.) phoenix is Not Gay (the prior option sounds much more plausible to her)
the legion pr team has to physically stop phoenix from answering any interviews after the premiere. his face is plastered in the tabloids the very next day, the yorunix hashtag is trending everywhere, and thousands of dms are entering his social media accounts about how it's okay to be gay ("i know it's okay but are we gonna ignore the fact that they think i'm dating him???")
jett and sage are masters of deflection when asked about it, omen doesn't leave hq enough to be caught in an interview, and yoru himself is back to being too elusive for paparazzi to catch him...and poor phoenix is left to rethink his entire dynamic with one of his best friends
the rumors only die down after almost half a year of not entertaining questions about it, being ultimately overshadowed by another wave of seasonal "bisexual chamber" allegations (they are not allegations at all, chamber knows what he likes but god does he likes to see people speculate)
and hey, phoenix isn't mad anymore. it helped him discover a new part of himself, after all
not the being gay part though; it's the fact that he's probably helplessly in love with yoru and he has no fuckass clue what to do about that 💀
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aykatary · 5 months
If Cypher and Chamber had to do some "real life activity", what kind of scenario do you envision?
Also, do you play Valorent? If yes, what do you main and whats your rank? :)
Hey there. Thank you for the question. :)
Because of your further questions, yes, I play valorant and mainly play Sage, Viper or Cypher (depends on the maps and what my teammates pick) or Reyna if I feel like my aim is good today. Also I am stuck in Plat currently.
I would definetly seeing them going to an escape room with different themes. Chamber would love to try and solve the puzzles TOGETHER with Cypher.
But Cypher really likes to just search for informations on his own. Then he solves one out of three rooms and Chamber is like: "What? Please explain to me how youve done that? How does it work?" But Cypher just answers: "I see everything." And keeps it a secret to provoke Chamber.
If they dont feel like going out I would definitly see them doing some crime solving puzzles at home or watching some real crime series.
I just see them in that kind of "crime solving thing".
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astronaut-al · 2 years
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Dialogue credit goes to @hvstias once again
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redvolet · 1 year
Valorant Headcanons - what do the agents smell like
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idk why this came up to mind mind but now i feel the need to share my thoughts.
no warnings!!
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Astra: idk if that’s even a thing but she smells like midnight air. like cold wind in the night idk
Breach: motor oil. he uses it for his arms or something like that
Brimstone: like a grandmas house
Chamber: french.
Cypher: i think even tho he doesn’t show his face or anything at all, he takes care of himself and smell like some fancy cologne (a woody pr powdery one maybe? idk about this)
Fade: definitely cigarettes
Gekko: honestly idk, hair dye and bobba tea
Harbor: BEACH
Jett: i think she user perfume everyday but it washes off very fast due to her fast wind abilities, still nice
Kay/o: like breach, motor oil, and metal
Killjoy: probably oil too, bc she is always creating machines and all that
Neon: sweat, she’s very athletic and is always running
Omen: probably nothing??? if anything smoke
Phoenix: he obviously takes a lot of care of himself but he is always on fire too, so good cologne and fire/ashes/smoke
Raze: she is a mechanic too so probably oil as well, and paint
Reyna: I just now she smell really good, like a really good classy perfume. like a rose one
Sage: she must smell really good too. in my mind she smells like the plant sage, or like mint
Skye: either like a farm or like a forest and flowers. Surely both, just in different scenarios
Sova: heads and shoulders shampoo
Viper: probably something toxic she works with idk, like venom. and some big brand perfume, like chanel, dior etc
Yoru: hair gel.
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tiktokitssinoclock · 2 years
Valorant Masterlist
Started: July 2nd, 2022
Last Updated: July 16th, 2022
'The Valorant Guys' Series (SFW)
Falling Asleep Scenarios (p.I)
Falling Asleep Scenarios (p.II)
'The Valorant Gals' Series (SFW)
Falling Asleep Scenarios (p.I)
Falling Asleep Scenarios (p.II)
Accidentally Seeing you Change (p.I)
'The Valorant Guys' Series (NSFW // MINORS DNI)
Giving them Head (p.I)
Giving them Head (p.II)
Their Favorite Positions (p.I)
Their Favorite Positions (p.II)
Their Favorite Positions (p.III)
Walking in on You (p.I)
'The Valorant Gals' Series (NSFW // MINORS DNI)
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love your work! could you please write something anout the agents saying “i love you” for the first time to the fem! reader while in a relationship? w/ sova chamber, reyna, skye, & killjoy plz????
I’m so flattered that you love my works! Hope you enjoy this!
~Admin Hurricane
Warnings: none
Word Count: 250+ in Sova’s, 150+ in everyone else’s
Genre: fluff, established relationship
Pairing(s): Sova x F!Reader, Chamber x F!Reader, Reyna x F!Reader, Skye x F!Reader, Killjoy x F!Reader
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The first time he utters the words, “I love you,” and directs it at you was when the two of you were on a duo mission together on Icebox. You’re badly outnumbered, with you badly wounded and Sova with a few scratches here and there. It seems as though your chances at victory are slim. With a grim expression on his face, Sova’s grip tightens on his vandal as he gazes over at you and presses a hand to your cheek. “I love you,” was all he said, his voice gentle as he stood up and ran off. You cried out his name weakly, reaching for him, but wincing in pain as you grabbed at your side, sharp pain ripping through you every time you moved. You could hear the sounds of gunfire, muffled yelling in the distance alerting you of the fight that ensued. You shut your eyes fearful for Sova. A few more shots of rapid fire can be heard and then…silence. Your heart clenches in your chest as you poke your head out from the left side of Yellow, searching for any signs that Sova was dead. Shuffling footsteps to your right, alert you of a presence nearby. You grab your gun, preparing to shoot at whoever decided to sneak up on you. But it’s only Sova, albeit a little bloody and battered but for the most part, he’s come out unscathed. He drops his gun, pulling you into a hug, his warm embrace contrasting the bitter cold of Icebox. 
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Chamber often uses flowery words to express how he’s feeling. When he genuinely tells you, “I love you,” for the first time it’s when the two of you are in his workshop. Both of you are doing your own thing, with Chamber working on new weapon designs and you sitting on a stool, leaning against his desk, your brows furrowed as you furiously tore through the new book you bought. Chamber looks up for a moment, but in that brief moment, he’s mesmerized by you. He finds it adorable how your face is all scrunched up as you focus in on your book, some stray strands of hair hanging over your eyes. Somehow he just can’t take his eyes off of you. You absentmindedly brush it away, continuing with what you were doing, but the strands of hair stubbornly fell back down into your eyes. Chamber chuckles lightly brushing your hair behind your ear, his gaze softening as he looked at you. You jolted out of your trance, looking at him curiously, an eyebrow cocked up, as if you were questioning him. “Y/N,” Chamber cleared his throat, “I love you.” 
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When Reyna first tells you, “I love you,” it’s definitely a spur of the moment, type of thing. Reyna’s words are quick and fleeting, blink and you might miss it. You almost have to ask her to say it again when she says it in passing to you after an intense training session in the training room. “I love you, corazón~” she hums to you, wrapping her hand in yours. “Come again?” you blink in confusion, unsure of if you heard her right, a faint blush on your face. She laughed softly from your reaction, reaching over to lift your chin so that you were looking right at her, “I said, I love you, hm?” You try to sputter out a response, completely caught off guard and flustered by her words. You bury your face in your hands, the back of your neck heating up, and you’re sure the tips of your ears are flushed as well. 
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Skye’s “I love you,” may seem absentminded at first, but she means every word that she says. She’s down to earth and doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to speaking her mind. Though the two of you are already together, you can’t help the pounding of your heart as she earnestly grabs at your hand, flashes you a bright smile and utters the three words you were hoping to hear. “I love you,” falls easily from her lips as she presses a kiss to your cheek, before pressing soft kisses to your hand, then to your knuckles, then your fingertips. You press your free hand to your face, looking away, embarrassed(in a good way) by her show of affection. “I love you so, so much,” she continues, leaning in and wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you in close. The sunlight that streamed through the broken roof of the Range dappled her face, highlighting the faint freckles on her face.
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The two of you are playing League when you hear Killjoy mutter a quiet, “I love you,” through party vc. You don’t think she’s being serious because when she said it, it was right after you saved her ass from being killed from behind. There’s a brief moment of silence between the two of you as you continue gaming, focused on the task at hand. “Uh hello? I love you, Y/N,” you hear her say once more, but louder this time, “I’m being serious y’know, I don’t just say it to anyone,” she laughed, her laughter reverberating softly. You stop, trying to process her words, “Are you saying that just to mess with me?” you scoff. “No of course not, why would I mess with you when we’re literally on the verge of winning,” she said. You could tell she was smiling as she spoke, but decided to leave it be, trying to stifle the grin that was trying to worm it’s way onto your face.
Reminder that my requests are closed for the time being! However, when I reopen them again, be sure to send something my way if you’re interested! Requesting Rules are here!
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist. Wanna know what else I’ll write for? Here you go!
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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agentgumsh0e · 2 years
why do i just keep thinking of cypher and his s/o bullying chamber over his crypto mining and being French™ lol
bitches, baguettes, and bitcoin (cypher x reader)
word count: 300+, this is a bite-sized crack fic, if you could call it that
warnings: chamber hate (chamber prides himself on his language and frenchness but you two just mock him lol), digs at bitcoin and nfts, baguette jokes, but i mean...i'm not ashamed and you know what you came for
you were enjoying your peaceful chess date with cypher when, out of the corner of your eye, a certain frenchman strode in with an almost imperceptible frown and slump of his shoulders, which, you noted, did not help his gangly body.
smirking at cypher, you nodded towards chamber as he passed by the training room. 
look who it is, you mouthed.
cypher turned to get a look at chamber, and, so much for ‘keeping up appearances’, immediately saw through his confident exterior. “wow, what's wrong? those nfts weren't really great investments, hmm?”
“has bitcoin died again?” you shot a single glance towards chamber before returning your attention back to the chess game in front of you.
stopping to face the two of you, chamber slightly pulled at his tie with one hand to loosen it, the other behind his back, in an agitated manner that said that the two of you were probably right. “please, mes amies, let's not do this again—”
“no, mon ami, let’s.” you could imagine cypher sneering beneath his mask as he moved a piece. “maybe your idiotic investments are why viper doesn't want to go on a date with you.”
“i mean, who would?” you added with a taunting smile, “you'd just take her to the bakery and buy some baguettes since you'd never want to get your expensive clothes dirty baking them yourself. have you ever even touched an oven?”
cypher interlaced his fingers in front of him and looked at you. “if you ask me, chamber’s overcompensating for something with those baguettes, non?”
“...what a pleasant conversation.” chamber replied with a monotone voice, huffing and stalking off, presumably to get some bitches, baguettes, and bitcoin. of course, he only got the latter two.
you and cypher snickered and both bid him a mockingly cheerful, 
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