#vamren x nesta
born-to-riot · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
Since there is exactly one week until the day I plan to post my @polyacotarweek fic, I think it's time I share a little snippet of Nesta's adventure with Amren and Varian.... in their bed hehehehe
[So 900 words may be too long for a snippet but just so you have an idea of what you're getting into, this is the message I sent @acourtofladydeath when I came up with this idea: (I think there is a sore lack of vamren in the community and shall I fix that by having them invite a third? Shall it be Nesta? Shall Amren show her how to harness her potential by taking it out on a needy overstimulated Varian?)
“Oh sweetie, I’m sorry, did we leave you alone too long,” Amren coos to her lover. Varian sits exposed on a simple wooden chair in the middle of the couple’s bedroom. The Summer Court male’s head is hanging low, his white tendrils of hair acting like a shield in front of his face. Nesta did not pick up on any sort of response from the male that indicates that he acknowledges their presence. She takes a quick peek over at Amren and decides not to worry after finding the other female to seem emphatically unconcerned. Nesta watches on silently as the tiny fae takes a couple soft predatory steps towards the subdued male. Nonetheless, she stills to take in the view of the delicious specimen of man in front of her. Nesta can admit fully that she has never really given much thought to Varian before, not really having much time to assess him in the short three months after the war with Hybern. However, now, she can’t seem to look away from the large male’s thick muscular thighs, his heavy cock, his beautiful dark skin–fuck, Nesta feels her cunt throb in anticipation. 
“Baby boy,” Amren releases another coo, causing Varian to finally raise his gaze to meet his Mistresses and causing Nesta to shiver for a different reason entirely. Now, not only does she have a better view of the male himself, a white blindfold and ball gag rendering his sight and ability to speak obsolete; but also she can see his nostrils flaring and his muscles twitching. Nesta is absolutely enraptured in the scene in front of her as she watches Varian suddenly seem to try to lunge in Amren’s direction, the man trying and failing to get closer to her, his muscles bulging in their effort to win a one-sided battle against his restraints.
But it isn’t until Nesta spots Varian’s collar, large and heavy on his neck, that she feels her nipples harden and another bout of wetness starting to form between her folds. Here, on Varian’s neck, in Amren’s apartment in Velaris, was one of the Summer Court’s infamous blood rubies. The massive jewel's weight was supported by a two-inch thick diamond encrusted platinum band. She knows it must sit heavy on his neck, it seems almost impossible that a jewel that large could be fixed upon a collar without falling, but here it stands.
Last Nesta had checked, the source material of Prythian’s most common nightmares had decided to use this ‘threat’ as a paperweight. Although, she can’t deny how much the pathway to her center steams at the thought of the Summer Court male being made to wear a sign of ownership stamped with the ultimate symbol of betrayal of his own court, an invocation of  a feud on a personal level. 
Nesta can’t help but muse over what the thrill of incurring such a depth of loyalty from another must taste like, she wonders too, greedily and needily what it feels like to be such a fearsome predator to surpass the laws of societal expectation. Is this Amren’s subtle yet personal way of invoking her own feud, a remnant of the possessive creature that once roamed inside of her that is furious at the land for claiming ownership of something that she marked as hers. She also wonders heatedly, enviously, what it would be like to be wanted that furiously. Need starts to play at the strings of her core, she can feel it heating and readying itself for something more.
“Don’t be shy now boy,” Amren instructs Varian, the man immediately turning his head in the direction of her voice, clearly desperate for her touch. Nesta would be lying if she said the palpable smell and taste of his desperation didn’t cause her clit to start to throb.
The sweetness of the pair in front of her simultaneously puts Nesta on edge as well as incurs yet another thrum of heat inside of her. Amren is never sweet. Nesta watches on as her mentor finally reaches her lover–no, her pet. Amren looks Varian up and down with a hungry gleam in her eye before grabbing his chin roughly, causing what sounds like a gruff moan to escape the large man’s lips. That’s all it took? Nesta thinks to herself. 
“You haven’t even been touched boy and you’re already sweating?” Amren tuts, roughly maneuvering his chin as she gives him a thorough inspection, the male seemingly keening into the contact despite its roughness. Nesta tries not to get whiplash as Amren softly pats the male’s cheek twice with her free hand before letting it drop to rest on her waist.
“Pathetic,” the ancient one scoffs, finally releasing her other hand’s grip on his chin. 
Nesta realizes that the male in front of her is not the same one that has been a frequent guest at their dinner table over the last couple of months. No, tonight she is not looking at the same captain of Tarquin’s guard nor the commendable battle tactician that she has come to know. Instead, Nesta finds herself looking at Amren’s pet. As soon as the thought crosses her mind though, Nesta is hit by a shudder that rolls through her entire body, a shock of a reprimand from something deep in her core, something primal. No, Nesta reprimands herself, straightening her posture as she starts to make her own way towards Varian. Tonight, he is her prey.
hehehehe if you liked this then feel free to come back next week to see the full thing (hopefully I will come up with a title before then)
EDIT: im slow so this is going to be posted on the free day!!!!
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highladyofterrasen7 · 10 months
Rhys, Cassian, Azriel, Amren, Mor, Lucien, Manon, Rowan, Lorcan, Hunt, Ruhn when they all realise how much younger than them their mates are
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Yes some of these are cannon
I thought lidia was older than ruhn but I googled and she’s not
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polyacotarweek · 5 months
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Day 7 Masterlist: Free Day
"Return to the Hewn City, Ch 1: Know Your Place" by @acourtofladydeath (Azris X Nessian)
"you come back with gravity, Ch 1" by @iftheshoef1tz (BOE Lucien X Jurian X Vassa, Elucien, Morlain)
"Rhys's death scene but if Rhys lost his powers, Part 5" by @lorcandidlucienwill (Feytamsand)
"Wicked Games" by @fieldofdaisiies (Nessriel)
"I Know What You Need" by @born-to-riot (Vamren X Nesta)
"Schedule Conflicts" by @readychilledwine (OC X Azriel X Feysand, OC X Azriel X Nessian)
"Lighthouse In The Woods" fic and playlist by @chunkypossum (OC X Eris X Azriel)
"The Ruining of Seraphina" by @readychilledwine (OC X Inner Circle)
"Pregnancy Roulette" by @littlestw01f (OC X Rhysand X Eris)
"Baby of Mine, A Spring Time Affairs Fic" by @nocasdatsgay (OC X Tamlin X Elucien)
"For the High Lady" by @readychilledwine (Reader X Bat Boys
"Ours to Keep" by @danikamariewrites (Reader X Neris)
"Omega, Ours Part 2" by @mrs-illyrian-baby (Reader X Nessian)
"Acoship Throuples" by @copypastus (Multiple Ships)
"Sellyn Drake good time" by @dustjacketdraws (Nessriel)
If your creation is missing or you see an issue with the masterlist, please reach out to the blog so we can rectify it!
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lantsov-vanserra · 2 years
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Feysand, Nessian, Elriel, Vassien, Vamren, Vivillias, Helion & Lady Vanserra, Gwynzar ♥️
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moononastring · 3 years
ACOTAR AU - Bromance Book Club Edition
As the avid readers of the group, Cassian and Lucien discovered how using romance novels written by women can help them be better significant others when the time comes for them to find their person. Slowly, they start helping their other friends get their heads out of their rear-ends using the best manual there is.
*Inspired by The Bromance Book Club series by Lyssa Kay Adams!
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Book I: Rhys and Feyre are experiencing marital problems they hadn't anticipated and shockingly to all (especially to the two of them), the word divorce is now on the table. They're both distraught when miscommunications and some long-kept secrets are revealed, causing Feyre to need a break from her husband. Rhys is crushed and soon drowning himself in drinks because he messed up and somehow love won't conquer all without putting in the work he didn't realize he needed to do. Rhys is inducted to book club.
Book II: Cassian knows at first glance that Nesta Archeron is the one for him since he met her at Rhys and Feyre's engagement party three years ago. However, neither of them has decided to be anything remotely nice to each other and take verbal sparring to a whole new level. When Cassian catches Nesta in a vulnerable moment and she surprisingly doesn't rip his throat out, Cassian sees his chance and decides to use all that he's learned to show Nesta just how well they would fit together. Teasing him mercilessly, the Bromance book club helps the two of them find their way to each other.
Book III: Bestest of best friends, Azriel and Gwyn's friendship started out as gym buddies that morphed into the ultimate they're in love but they're both idiots trope. His friends have watched Azriel fall head over heels for Gwyn even though Azriel insists they're just best friends. Does he love her? Absolutely. Will he do anything about it? Absolutely not. She is his person. The timing has always been off and what if his feelings mess up their friendship and what if he's a terrible boyfriend and what if this and what if that. In a vulnerable moment, Azriel ends up pushing Gwyn away thinking himself not good enough for anything more than what he’s already lucky to have with her. Wallowing in despair at his moment of stupidity that may or may not have cost him his friendship with Gwyn, the Bromance book club come to the rescue.
Book IV: Lucien and Elain have tiptoed around each other for years. Everyone thinks they'd be a perfect fit together but the pressure of trying to get to know each other with everyone's eyes on them all the time puts a sour taste on any attempts they make for dating. When Elain accidentally drags Lucien into a fake-dating scenario that requires the two of them to pretend they're madly in love, Elain implores Lucien to play along for a month leading up to an event her ex-boyfriend will be attending so she can give Graysen her best 'suck it' face. Lucien decides to pull all the stops and show Elain exactly how excellent boyfriend material he is. The Bromance book club is more than ready to help Elain see just how real Lucien's feelings are for her.
Book V: Jurian and Vassa are constantly at each other's throats even though they want to be deep in kisses. Jurian is rough around the edges, doesn't have a romantic bone in his body, and generally puts his foot in his mouth so often that when Vassa decides that she's tired of waiting for him to do something about it, she asks him out. Jurian is so surprised, his only response is to laugh which promptly shuts down any positive feelings Vassa has towards him, embarrassing her, and ruining something Jurian was dying to have. The Bromance book club helps him come up with a multiple-step plan that involves very emotionally mature activities (paintball being first on the list so she can shoot him as much as she wants) that prove exactly how in love he is with her but he's just an idiot.
Book VI: Eris Vanserra doesn't fall in love. That is just a waste of his time and frankly, he's way too attractive to be tied down to one person. He likes to have one-night stands to have a good time and be on his merry way — working hard, making money, and potentially making his employees cry. This all comes to a full stop when his eyes fall on a beautiful girl he hadn't seen before sitting in his favorite bar. When he approaches her utilizing his usual methods, all she does is give him a dirty look and pour her drink over his head. His heart does a weird spasm after she insults him and walks away, and Eris threats the bartender to give whatever information he has on the girl. Never admitting the Bromance book club was an actual thing before, Eris now has the audacity to demand his brother and his dumb friends help him get the girl. The Bromance book club take extra joy in picking the mushiest things possible for him to do. (Yes, this is about Iris and only Iris. Eiris for life y'all.)
Bonus Novellas:
Kallias x Viviane: High school sweethearts that got married straight out of college, these two are everyone's OTP. When Kallias starts noticing that Viviane is less like herself lately, he starts to wonder what's going on but figures she'll let him know if something isn't right since she always does. He soon figures out that she feels unappreciated and that their relationship is in a rut of routine where nothing exciting happens and that Kallias barely notices her anymore. Crushed by the realization that he's making his wife feel anything less than loved unconditionally, he asks his friends to bring the Bromance magic into his life and rekindle the sparks in his relationship with his favorite person.
Varian x Amren: "No one approaches Amren. She approaches you." is what they all said to Varian but he is a sucker for mean girls who secretly aren't so mean at all. He enlists the Bromance book club to help him win over his ice queen. He likes her as she is, he just wants her to like him too.
Mor x Emerie: Mor, who has never had an issue with falling in love and falling hard, decides to be extra careful when it comes to the stunning and wonderful Emerie. The Bromance delight in giving Mor advice she doesn't need because, as she says, "I am a woman, this is the one time I especially don't need men telling me what to do." Instead, she enlists the help of the Bromance book club sisterhood to give Emerie the grand romance gesture of her dreams.
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jvwhyte · 3 years
ACOTAR women as mothers
-She's super chill but will go ape shit when necessary.
-Is always there for her children, even if it's a stupid rant.
-Constantly talks about how hot their dad (Cassian) is.
-Whenever she hears that someone has made fun of her child, she's the first to start an argument with the child's parents.
-She's very open with her Sex life 😭 ("So, me and your dad did this thing once...")
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-Her whole world is her children.
-She can be really sweet and understanding but can also be the "bad cop" (Because Rhys will let their children get away with everything.)
-Always wants to hangout.
-Teaches her children how to paint.
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-She's the super hyper mom.
-Loves play fighting with her kids, and watching Azriel play fight with them too.
-As they get older and actually fight, she's always there cheering them on. Like shouting and screaming. Their kids always get embarrassed but Gwyn ignores them and plants kisses on their foreheads ("I'm so proud of you.")
-She loves when her kids sleep in her bed.
"Yes, darling."
"Why are there another person in our bed."
-She loves it so much that as their family expands, she convinces Azriel to get a bigger bed so that they can all fit.
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-She's the most affectionate mom.
-Constantly giving hugs and kisses.
-Likes to have one on one time with each of her children.
-Teaches them different flower meanings and the conditions in which are best to grow them
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-She's the "cool" mom out of herself and Emerie.
-She teaches her children how to look and act your best, whether that's teaching makeup tricks or how to overtake a man.
-Loves to sing/dance with her children.
-Jokingly makes fun of her kids and claims she's the coolest person in their household (other than her "darling, beautiful Carynthian soldier").
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-She's a very calm mom. Even when she's angry, she doesn't shout, but she will put her kids straight when they say/do something wrong.
-She loves cuddles, just making sure that her kids are fulfilled with enough love. (Love that neither she nor Mor got as children.)
-She loves talking about everything. Anything. She loves being able to know her children so well, so much so that she knows all their likes and dislikes.
(i couldn't find a GIF for her so don't hate me 😭)
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-If she ever had children, she'd have one. A girl. Varian would be ever so pleased but she'd be really nervous.
-She'd struggle trying to show emotions.
-She'd watch her friends with such envy that they can do openly express their love. All the while thinking her own resents her for not being able to do that.
-One day she just blurts it, a quick yet clear, "I love you."
-She'd just gape at her child as they stare at her. "I've never really shown it, but i do."
-From then on, she'd try to show her child as much as possible.
-Teaching them the history of fae.
-Even just sitting down trying to talk about her child's life, their love life, no matter how dreadful it is.
-But the smile on her child's face would make it all worth it.
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Chapter 3
As Azriel walked the right wing of the white staircase up, he noticed that Feyre seemed more tense than usually, but why would he blame her? She hasn't seen him in the past three years so why would she just relax by seeing him?
But there was also something strange about her reaction when she led him in at the front door. Shock crossed her features first, but was soon replaced by something like hurt and pity? Pity was the last he wanted from her, after all she was the one that lost a sister.
The light hallway hasn't changed much within these three years, only a few new paintings from Feyre hung on the walls. He noticed that some of the newer paintings were lighter and more colour in them. But it was no new painting he suddenly stopped walking for - almost in front of his High Lords Office.  
The painting he stopped at had more colours too, but the moment it caught laid back so many years. It showed an occasion at the beginning of his and Elain's friendship, a moment were both knelt in front of one of Elain's flower beds. They nursed some herbaceous plants with delicate petals. Back then Elain had only gotten them, making them the newest members of her beloved garden, the closed blooms were the evidence. But some already started to open up, peeking their heads out to meet their new caring owner.
Elain smiled softly at the white Freesia, if he remembered correctly, both hands on the soil around the plant. Some soil already found its way to her cheeks and nose. She looked with such love at the plant that Azriel actually wished to be one of them too, only to be shown such love.
As he expected -Elain was covered in Light, her blush pink gown glittered a little, but was also messed up with soil. She didn't look like she cared though. Her honey curls caught the sunlight, Looking like liquid honey. The big pink blooms of her flower crown fit perfectly to her innocent look.
And as Azriel looked at himself, now twenty-three years older, he saw something glimmer in his younger eyes. A look Feyre managed to express good, even with all the mixed-up emotions. There was admiration for the flower grower and everything she created. There was something like longing too, but there also was love? He would have liked to deny it, but it seems like he already had a weak spot for her back then.
But what wondered him the most was, that the creative Artist put him into the light too, right next to the flower grower, her beloved older sister. He wondered why she would put a so destroyed monster Right next to her perfect, petite sister.  
But he remembered that they actually sat like this. His hands were on the ground too, covering the roots of a Freesia with Violett pedals. His scarred fingers and palms covered in the wet earth. He looked her way and had only eyes for her, a soft smile drawn on his lips. Sitting Closer than anyone to her.
The scenery was covered in green and the bright sunlight, lit by the colours of Elain's garden and her flower crown. Not even one shadow in sight.
When Azriel looked again at Feyre, his vision was blurry, he found her smiling sheepishly at him. He tried to ask her when she had drawn it, she only shook her head, now Looking at her painting too. She smiled at it and started answering his Questions.
"I had actually had searched for Elain that day. I wanted to ask her if she might know what tea fits best for a Friends meet up in spring, but when I saw you two there, I didn't want to disturb you two. You both looked so happy and calm at that time, as if you were in your own world, so I left you alone again. But at that time, I already had the inspiration for that drawing."
Now she looked at him again, Tears started to brim in her eyes. His heart felt like granite and slowly started to sink into his guts. Her voice came out shaky as she spoke again.
"I actually drew it two years ago. I always thought you two would have a problem with pictures hanging around of you, when it wasn't for Family portraits. But after you two left-" her voice broke and tears started streaming down her face.
Azriel hung his head low, knowing that he was one of the causes for her pain. So, he did the only thing Elain thought him as right in such moments -he hugged her.
He only hugged her lightly, making her even more sob, but she wrapped her arms around his frame.
After a few silent moments she whipped her snooty nose on her blue wool pullover and took the last steps towards Rhys office. She knocked softly and didn't even wait for the muffled "Come in."
The office still looked like as the day he decided to leave his family. And in all honesty - it pained him.
The dark, chunky mahogany desk still stood in the middle of this large room. Windows that reached up to the ceiling enlightened the white room. On the grey walls hung also paintings from Feyre.
If it wouldn't have been such an unfitting time he would have laughed at the paintings, because each of them showed his High Lord in an over dramatized heroic position. Rhys looked up from his papers as he saw him entering the room. The mood immediately switched as he rose from his dark leathered chair.
Feyre seemed to have noticed too and left her mate and the puzzled shadowsinger behind as she closed the large door.
His brother walked around his desk and casually leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest, over his black pullover. 'Wearing black, as always.' Azriel thought silently, at least some things don't change.
Rhys offered him a smile, a forced one. The shadowsinger already saw better ones than this of his High Lord, or he just saw right through him. With all the time that past it wouldn't wonder him - he knew him almost his whole life after all.
Azriel raised an eyebrow at him, making his forehead wrinkle. Rhys sighed at that and dragged a hand through his midnight hair.
"I would have called you soon anyway." he mumbled.
His brother mentioned silently to the black armchair in front of his desk. He himself sat back again in his chair. He propped his elbows on the table top and folded his Hands nervously before him.
Azriel took the -for winged persons- rather uncomfortable seat, Looking at his High Lord now. He sighed again and closed his eyes frustrated.
"I didn't mention it when I last talked to you," he begun. His words were tense, the shadowsinger straightened a bit.
"..., but there are still riots at Windhaven and the other war-camps. They won't listen to Cassian, but they also refuse to listen to me." another sigh. Whatever is bothering him, is definitely a whole pain in the ass.
So Azriel growled lightly as he spoke "Get it out already!"
He hated that about his High Lord, he always sweet talked everything and danced around the main Point.
"Devlon and the other war-Lords want that you and Cassian repeat the Blood Rite."
It suddenly became verry Cold, even for him and he was glad he already sat, because else he would have needed a chair now. His scarred hands clenched and unclenched in his lap.
"And why is that?"
"They said if you and Cassian take part in the next Blood Rite, they're going to put their weapons down and obey. They said they would also finally accept you two."
Az laughed drily at that. "We're not going to suddenly be respected only because we survive that stupid Rite a second time!"
Rhys tensed, his words were calm as he spoke again, this time as his High Lord. "Cassian has already agreed to it."
Azriel was far more than shocked. He wouldn't have thought of his brother as that lightheaded. He shook his head in disbelief, but he obeyed his High Lord as he nodded. His Body screamed at him to not do it, to not do the Rite another time. His primitive instincts screaming at him to search for a safe hiding place and safe his life.
"I never wanted to be accepted by These Monsters." he scrunched his nose at the thought of all the winged males that only waited to shed the blood of their enemies.
"Then don't do it for yourself -do it for your court."
Az needed to nod, as he gave in to his High Lord, like every time. Laying his fate in Rhys Hands, yet still having to take care of his life in his own destroyed hands.
"But after that," he started, Looking into the violet eyes of his High Lord, his Brother. "..., I want to take the next six months off. I want to search for her and not even you can stop me from doing that."
Something hurt and knowing crossed his eyes, but was gone in a blink of them. He nodded "I think that can be arranged."
"So, where's the snag in all that?"
Rhys sighed again.
"You and Cassian are going to start at the opposite sides of Ramiel. You two shall not unite this time."
"And if we do?"
A sad look crossed his Features as he looked at him "Then you two have to fight. A fight of life and death. They say you still can use your shadows, so they should be able to warn you soon enough and if they don't …." he shrugged with his shoulders, trying to Play it down "...it'll end with the death of one of my Brothers."
Azriel nodded as he stood up and reached for the door, Ready to leave again. Not even trying to make his Point of not taking part in that deadly Rite again or the fact that he still wanted to take off and start searching for his love instead of having to train again.
"Why don't you stay for dinner?" Rhys asked him in a rushed Question.
Azriel nodded again. Wanting to at least spent his last time with his Family. He had already caused enough pain to all of them and he also wanted to apologize for it. After all, the Blood Rite was only two weeks away.
"It's good to see you again, I actually thought you had become a shadow yourself!"  
Cassian probably meant it as a joke, but Azriel had the slight Feeling that the bulky Illyrian knew just too well that he indeed was only a shadow of himself. Az still offered him a slight smile, fake, but he tried.
He took his usual seat, the one to his left still empty. A heavy blanket started to fall upon him and his emotions.
Cassian sat across from him and smiled sadly as he noticed Azriel starring at the empty chair next to him.
Mor took also her usual seat, at the Right side of Cassian. They started to form a conversation as soon as the plates were filled.
Rhys and Feyre grinned at each other from across their seats. Feyre had the chair after the empty one at Ariel's left, while Rhys sat next to Mor. Amren, fierce as ever sipped annoyed at her blood red wine. His already eaten Food wanted to climb out of his mouth again at the colour, but he smiled when he noticed that Amren was kicking something under the table, and both Rhys and Feyre winced a little in pain.
They truly lived their life's as ever. Even without the seer.
As he ate his dinner silently, thinking About the seer and all their playfully annoyed and pained expressions they gave each other when their family did that at every dinner. The ghost of a smile came to his lips at the playfulness she only shared with him.
But over these lips never came a word of an apology. The words imprisoned in his own world.  
And as he flew home, the wind hitting his face, finally, again, he only thought about Elain and all the things he should have told her, because of the future perspective with the Blood Rite, he was scared he would not be able to tell her his deepest secret.
So, he flew a little longer than necessary, with the Image of her smiling face and sparkling Eyes in mind.
Still no apology on his lips, as he once again united with the dark night sky and its sparkling stars.
__________________previous chapter | next chapter ____________________
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sayosdreams · 4 years
Rhysand: Did it hurt?
Feyre: Did what hurt?
Rhysand: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Feyre: Awww 🥰😘
Varian: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Amren: No but it did hurt when I dug my way through the Earth’s crust to ascend from hell.
Cassian: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Nesta: ...Did you just call me Satan?
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throne-of-starlight · 5 years
Friendly Reminder
That Nesta put her body over Cassian's and was willing to die with him.
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unseeliemaiden · 6 years
Feyre: Who do you think Amren loves the most?
Varian: Hm...probably me?
Amren’s collection of jewelry: Oh honey
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born-to-riot · 5 months
I Know What You Need
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Poly+ ACOTAR Week 2024 - Day 7 (Free Day)
Summary: Amren comes up with an unorthodox solution to one of Nesta's problems....and by unorthodox I mean Amren and Varian invite Nesta to share their bed for the night.
[This all was inspired by a message I sent @acourtofladydeath that said: I think there is a sore lack of vamren in the community and shall I fix that by having them invite a third? Shall it be Nesta? Shall Amren show her how to harness her potential by taking it out on a needy overstimulated Varian?]
Found on AO3
What I Want.
Chapter 1 of 2
Looking back, Nesta isn’t quite sure how she found herself in this situation. Well actually that’s a lie, she thinks.  Nesta shifts her weight to her other leg and releases a sigh as she tightens her bun for what feels like the umpteenth time. She has been standing outside the door of Amren’s apartament in Velaris for Cauldron knows how long, afraid to knock. 
In truth, Nesta knows exactly how she ended up accepting her mentor and friend’s shocking proposal. It does not necessarily erase the thin but ever-so-present shroud of guilt and mortification hovering about her. 
“You’re here for a reason.” Nesta quietly reminds herself, keeping her blue-gray eyes locked on the unopened door in front of her. 
In a thin, black  robe, Nesta Archeron stands tall. Made ornate by the roses and thorns sewn into the neck line, the silk clings tightly to her skin. Amren had asked–or actually she more so demanded–that Nesta arrive here tonight dressed minimally, so she had. As she, Amren, and Varian have all gone over several times prior to tonight, the scene will start as soon as the tiny fae opens the door. 
“It might help if I knock on it first.” Nesta murmurs to herself.
It's been six months since the end of the war with Hybern and to be honest, Nesta has not been in the best place with her mind, her friends, or with her power. She’s not even going to start on the whole weird connection she feels with Cassian. The male has been super frustrating as of late and honestly, all Nesta wants to do anytime he comes near her is punch him in the face. More pertinent to the present matter at hand, Nesta feels like she’s been swept into a world she wasn’t ready to understand and placed into a body that she doesn’t fully know. She wishes she could take this transition in stride like Feyre. Recently, even Elain is doing better than she is. But instead Nesta feels like she is shriveling down to a fragment of herself, cowering under the weight of the unknown, from the fear of what has already happened, and the terror of what is coming next. 
But alas, Amren has offered a possible solution, albeit an unorthodox one, to address some of her problems and Nesta would be foolish to deny this opportunity as not only it is much better than bedding random males every night, but also she is hopeful that she will be able to feel whole again after tonight. 
“Come on, Nesta,” she tells herself, “Still, she refuses to acknowledge that her hand is most definitely shaking as she slowly raises it in preparation to knock on the red-painted door that stands between her and something that she knows she will never be able to come back from. 
Nesta has to remind herself to keep breathing when the door swings open in front of her, her hand still raised in front of the now empty space. Not even a millisecond later, Amren appears in the doorframe, clad in sheer white oversized button down shirt, which–if Nesta wasn’t too busy attempting to stop her jaw from literally dropping at the mesmerizing sight of Amren’s elaborate lingerie set peaking through the frame provided by the unbuttoned shirt–she’d put her money on it being Varians. She doesn’t spend too much time pondering that thought, however, as Nesta is also currently trying to remedy the usual image of the harem-pants-wearing and fear-inducing tiny gremlin of a fae with the ethereal vision in front of her currently. 
Amren is intimidating enough on her own; however, the additional height of her thigh-high seven-inch platforms brings her just a couple inches shy of Nesta’s own height and the closeness of her ancient silver hues makes Nesta’s heart start racing even faster. As Amren clearly is taking her time in assessing Nesta, she takes her own time to try to decide if she wants to top or be topped by the little fae in front of her. 
Nesta isn’t reluctant to admit that she has not ever spent much time thinking about Amren’s breasts other than the fact that they were small. Now though, as she sees them held in an overbust mesh black steel boned corset, she can’t help but wonder what they’d feel like in her palms. Nesta also hasn’t given too much thought to women before in regards to the matter of sexual preference. In her defense, when she was still human she was mostly surrounded with women that were either related to her or were members of the blasted ‘children of the blessed’. She supposes she will have to be thankful that the whole ‘being dunked in a magical cauldron against her will by an egomaniac’ ordeal has allowed her to explore a wider avenue of carnal opportunities than she ever could have imagined. At that line of thought her traitorous brain and heart work together to form an image of a certain large red-siphoned Illyrian male and Nesta quickly shuts that down. Tonight is not about him, she reassures herself, it's about her. 
Fortunately, there is something about Amren’s ancient aura combined with her ‘wiser than thou’ attitude that Nesta finds infuriating but at the same time inexplicably attractive. Amren lets out a purposefully audible sigh, shifting her weight onto her other leg and placing her black fingerless glove covered arms on her hip–barely visible past the rolled-up sleeves of Varian’s shirt. Still, the movement draws Nesta’s attention to the many rings on her finger–unsurprising–and the tiny fae’s manicure, her nails filed to such sharp tips they appeared to be claws. Not only that, but the movement adjusts the oversized shirt she was wearing over her lingerie set and now Nesta can’t stop the thrum of interest that rises inside of her as her eyes lock onto the bare skin of Amren’s pussy, which is on display through her crotchless mesh and lace panty. 
“You’re late,” Amren’s voice shocks Nesta out of her self-induced stupor. She immediately lifts her gaze to meet the unimpressed one evident in the other’s charcoal-lined eyes. 
She opens her mouth to speak–to try and come up with some sort of explanation for herself–yet she finds she is unable to do anything other than audibly choke on an inhale. Nesta closes her mouth, frustrated with herself. She is smart, she is beautiful, she is the eldest of her sisters and she will be Cauldron-damned if she lets herself get flustered by Amren of all people. Nesta straightens her posture and goes to speak again, intending to say something stupid about how ‘You’re lucky I came at all’ just so she could feel more in control of the situation. However, she gets interrupted again, this time though not by her own volition, but instead at the silent raising of Amren’s hand in a ‘stop’ motion. She feels a rise of anger filling her, absolutely furious at the audacity of Amren to just hold her hand up and expect Nesta to stop speaking. How dare she? A voice hisses inside of her, one that Nesta is not too sure is entirely her own, yet she is too caught up in her inexplicable rage to care. 
“I don’t care for excuses, girl,” Amren interrupts her before Nesta even has a chance to voice her ire, rolling her eyes and stepping aside so that she can hold the door open– the action a clear invitation for Nesta to enter the premises. Nesta takes a deep breath, truly trying not to lose her cool at the elder for such a minor transgression and one that is just so quintessentially Amren. However, she nearly loses her composure again when her inner consciousness decides to remind her that ‘she does have a type.’ Nesta is fully aware that she apparently has a metaphorical hard-on for infuriatingly obnoxious assholes–the main culprit of this affliction being Cassian. However, usually, Amren is more of a smartass which keeps her away from the same category as the Ilyrian. Tonight, however, the ancient being seems to be cauldron-bent on trying to antagonize Nesta and for some forsaken reason the slight is turning her on.
Instead of falling victim to Amren’s goading, Nesta inhales the Velaris air one more time before taking a step past the threshold into Amren’s apartment. Upon her exhale, she finds herself in the same lackluster entryway she’s found herself in many times before. Amren, at least given what Nesta has observed so far in the time she’s known her, seems to prefer to save her decor for the deeper areas of the apartment–if she were to wager a guess, Nesta presumes the ancient creature would rather keep her jewels and valuables protected and hidden in contrast to Rhys and Feyre who display their wealth like a peacock does its feathers. Though, she supposes that is their right as the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court. Nevertheless, Nesta still takes the time to let her eyes trail across her immediate surroundings. She recognizes the same little alcove to her left that has two emerald green club chairs on either side of a small end table as well as the rest of the entryway, the area being sparse apart from another closed door and a painting of some books. Despite the fact that she’s seen this all before, Nesta feels the hairs on her arms start to raise as her gaze finally lands on the empty hallway in front of her; she wonders if the chill in the air is a foretaste of what is to come of tonight. 
Before she has a chance to determine what side of the scale the omen leans toward, the sound of the door slamming behind her shocks Nesta back into the moment. She whips around to face Amren, who is leaning with her back against the now-shut front door, smirking up at her. While she internally reprimands her subconscious for allowing her to show her back to such a dangerous creature, Nesta would also be lying if she says she did not feel a sense of satisfaction curl within her once she realizes that even with Amren’s heels, Nesta is still taller than her. Of course, this satisfaction doesn’t last, the second Amren lets her grin fall off her face and takes a step forward, Nesta feels as if a veil has lifted from her view, revealing the ethereal being in front of her. Everyone in Prythian knows that Amren is an otherworldly creature, full of knowledge and power. Nesta regrets to think that she thought Amren would somehow become less than she once was after she lost her power in the Cauldron all those months ago. 
“This is your last chance to back out girl,” Amren says seriously, pure silver locked on gray blue, gazing into her eyes so directly Nesta almost feels as if Amren is able to see through her. Nesta is still trying to take in the sight of Amren’s silky black hair framing her sharp jaw-line, her small but supple tits barely visible but clearly evident, her tiny waist and lean muscle both obvious through the mesh and fit of her corset, the color a great contrast against her tanned skin. However, as Nesta eyes Amren’s freshly shaven cunt–the pattern of the lace on her crotchless panties perfectly framing her vulva–she feels her temperature rise with a combination of both desire and ire. Nesta doesn’t give a shit if Amren currently looks like some sort of goddess, how dare she question her surety.
“I know what I want,” Nesta narrows her eyes into a glare and straightens her posture, refusing to look away from Amren’s unusually sober stare. She understands that Amren is just concerned, but she wishes everyone would stop being so careful around her. She used to be able to rely on Amren to be the only one in her sister’s stupid fucking Inner Circle who was willing to be up-front with her.   
“It's not a question of what you want, this is a matter of what you need, girl,” Amren stalks closer to her, her eyes somehow still bright and predatory despite the dimness of the room. 
“There is nothing weak about having second thoughts,” she purrs, starting to circle around Nesta as she comes even closer, like a predator and its prey. 
“Amren,” she snaps, frustratedly, tired of her friend’s game. She wouldn’t be here if she didn’t want to be, Nesta bemoans the fact that it seems like the tiny fae truly derives some sick sense of pleasure from making everything ten times more difficult than it needs to be. 
“Patience child,” she shivers at the sound of Amren’s tongue clicking right behind her, the ancient one’s voice sounding displeased. Before Nesta can even process why the disappointment in Amren’s tone causes her heart to jolt, the press of two dangerously sharp nail tips against the back of her neck pause all of her racing thoughts. She fights the urge to flinch as the nails start to slowly drag down the remainder of her exposed spine, pressing into each vertebrae it passes.
“Don’t make a mistake. Just because I allow you to play a dominant role tonight,” the female hisses, her breath warm against Nesta’s ear, the two dangerously sharp tips of Amren’s nails focusing on the vertebrae that sits right above the collar of Nesta’s robe, she continues, “doesn’t mean I’m not still willing to put you in your place.”
The words send a shiver of delight through Nesta, the tickle of Amren’s breath against her ear sends tendrils of electricity that spread throughout her whole body. She can feel the tingles reverberate in her chest and down her arms, until they land, pooling in her breasts. Nesta’s breath hitches and she  as the indent of Amren’s nails start to shift, her nipples hardening at the drag of the claw-like sensation against the side of her throat. She doesn’t even realize that her eyes are closed until Amren releases the grip on her neck, Nesta opening her eyes to find the other in front of her with a distinctly pleased grin painting her sharp faerie features. 
“Understand?” Amren asks expectantly, slowly moving her jewel covered hand to the flimsy piece of string that is holding Nesta’s robe together, causing the more modest of the two to blush. Nesta feels a piece of her strange newly awakened inner soul start to fight at the idea of conceding to anyone. However, she notes the tantalizingly slow speed of Amren’s outstretched hand and appreciates the fact that she is purposefully giving her plenty of opportunity to reject the advance if Nesta was to wish it so. 
“Hmm?” Amren urges Nesta gently to respond, pausing her hand once it reaches its destination, tangling itself loosely in the string. As Nesta eyes Amren, she can’t help but think that this is probably the most considerate Amren will ever be of her wishes. Still, she looks at the hunger evident in Amren’s eyes, thinks about the heat filling her own body, and she knows she can’t put this off any longer. She thinks over the last couple months of angst and seclusion, about how she can barely stand to look at herself in the mirror, the flames in her eyes not feeling like her own.  It’s time she takes the next step for herself. Nesta knows what she wants–no, she knows what she needs to do now. 
“Yes Mistress, I understand,” Nesta replies, inclining her head as a sign of acceptance of Amren’s authority.
“Good girl” Nesta doesn’t know how to feel about the fact that the older’s praise gives her such a clear sense of security. However, it seems she doesn’t have much time to ponder on it further. With one swift movement Amren has rid Nesta’s robe of the tie keeping it together, the fabric falling open to reveal her bare skin underneath. 
“What a treat,” a devilish smirk plasters itself onto Amren’s face as the female eyes her up and down. She has to admit that this, revealing her naked body to her friend, is one of the parts of tonight that she has been most nervous for. Now though, Nesta can only find it in herself to feel pleased as she watches Amren hungrily take in her bare body, her unyielding silver stare seeming to pause on her ample breasts and what’s visible of her cunt. 
“You look absolutely delightful, he won’t be able to control himself,” Amren notes before turning on her heel and heading down the long hallway. Nesta is flattered and somewhat surprised that Amren said so– assuming the ‘he’ in question is Varian– Nesta’s body being a much different build than Amren’s. Nesta has been so caught up in Amren she almost is sorry to say that she might have forgotten about Varian, which is insane because Amren is quite literally letting Nesta fuck her boyfriend to help her feel normal in this new body of hers and to help her gain control of the great power that has been set loose inside her. 
“Come on, girl,” Nesta will admit she barely registers the words that are coming out of Amren’s mouth, her eyes a little busy admiring the other’s well-defined ass. She supposes it makes sense, Amren is strong not only due to her position as Rhysand’s Second in Command, but also just through reputation alone. It would make sense that Amren’s glutes would reflect such strength, which Nesta once again feels bad for presuming that someone so small wouldn’t be able to have a wonderful ass. 
“I won’t be happy if I have to repeat myself,” Amren notes, turning back to look at Nesta over her shoulder, raising a brow. Nesta quickly launches herself into motion, following the other female. As Amren comes to stop in front of one of the doors further down the way, Nesta wonders what lies behind it.
“Let the festivities begin,” Amren quips, opening the door in front of her and stepping inside. Nesta gulps as she follows behind her, not having a chance to see anything other than a dark room and the white of the shirt on Amren’s back before the other motions to her in a request to close the door behind her. Nesta turns quickly then, somehow hoping that the faster she moves the more it will lessen her nerves. As soon as she closes the door she notes that the lighting in the room dims significantly. She takes a second to inhale and exhale, clearing her mind of all of her worries, before finally deciding that she is truly ready to begin..
“What now?” Nesta asks, turning around in search of Amren. 
“Strip” Amren orders, taking the moment to also shed herself of the oversized shirt she had been wearing over her lingerie. 
Nesta takes a moment to assess her surroundings, noting that they seem to be in a walk-in closet. The only light in the room is provided by the flames of various candles throughout the many presumably empty shelves in the room, Nesta admits she hasn’t given the shelves too much attention as she is much more interested in the main focus of the room: a large ostentatious full length mirror. The mirror is absolutely gorgeous and is framed by two hanging lanterns so that whoever stands in front of it will be able to see themselves in lovely detail. So much detail that Nesta finds her nerves creeping up on her again, but she looks at Amren–waiting patiently next to the mirror for her– and slips the sleeves of her robe off her shoulders. The already-opened garment easily slides down the rest of her body and gathers in a puddle at her feet.
“Good girl,” Amren purrs, “now come over here and stand in front of this mirror for me, yeah?”
Nesta nods, trying to keep her eyes on Amren female instead of looking back at her own reflection. The air in the room chills against her now bare skin, Nesta feels the hair on her arms stand as she lessens the distance between herself and her destination. Although, as Nesta takes another step, she realizes that she is not exactly sure if the goosebumps are solely due to the cold. 
“Tell me what you see, girl,” Amren orders her, Nesta finally arriving at a standstill. She hesitates to adhere to the ancient one’s wishes, biting her lip and taking note of the fact that she finds some form of comfort in the familiar face of her friend. It is not like she is a virgin. Nesta is guilty of having taken many random fae males back to her apartment over the course of the past six months. Despite the frequency of the occurrences, Nesta finds it hard to remember anything apart from going through the expected motions. She brings the male of choice to her bed, they fuck, the male goes home, and once again she is left feeling trapped in some suspension of reality–stuck in a time that is between the past and the present, no hope for a future. 
But tonight, in this moment, in this closet, there is no denying the vulnerability that seeps through her every pore. In the candlelight Amren’s silver eyes look radiant, luminous like they were before she sacrificed herself, her power, for them all. Nesta is as guilty as the rest of the inner circle in that they all are waiting for the moment Amren breaks, that she lashes out at one of the others in jealousy, that she can’t take it anymore. But now, Amren stands in front of her more alluring than Nesta has ever found her before. The tiny fae is still leaning against the mirror frame, waiting patiently for Nesta to follow her orders. Nesta looks her up and down, once again admiring Amrens' lingerie–the combination of her heels, corset, fingerless gloves, and crotchless lace mesh panties all working well together to bring attention to her toned legs. Nesta finds herself overcome with jealousy too, that Amren could walk around her own house showing off her cunt so freely. However, she does appreciate Amren’s uncharacteristic show of patience and so Nesta nods at the elder before adhering to her wishes. She turns slightly to face herself in the mirror.
“I see myself,” Nesta answers the question without a thought. She spies Amren frowning at her response from the corner of her eye and Nesta struggles not to do the same. Respecting the process is hard when the process is asking her what she sees in a mirror, what the fuck else is she supposed to see other than her reflection? 
“Try again,” Amren says, clearly displeased. This time, Nesta doesn’t bother to hide her frown. She doesn’t know why she's trying to be polite when she’s here naked in front of Amren. Still, she swallows as she takes note of Amren’s figure entering the mirror’s field of vision, the ancient creature clearly assessing her.
“I don’t know its a fucking mirror, Amren, what else am I supposed to see?” Nesta snaps. She has never been one to hold herself back before, she doesn’t know why she should stop now. Maybe if Nesta demands some answers from Amren, then their night can get started faster.
“I will give you one warning to keep your temper in check, girl,” Amren hisses, the flickering candlelight bouncing off her naturally tanned skin as she approaches Nesta, her figure becoming larger as she gets closer to Nesta. 
“You know what you signed up for, I don’t like brats,” Amren comes to a stop just slightly behind her, Nesta is able to see her claw-like nails rhythmically tapping impatiently upon her cocked hip.
Nesta closes her eyes with a sigh. She does know what she signed up for, and if anyone knows how to deal with being shoved inside a different form it's Amren. She inhales and tries to clear her mind of all her inhibitions, she knows that in order for this to work she needs to step into it fully rather than keeping one metaphorical foot out the door. Nesta opens her eyes, looking straight into their gray-blue reflection as she decides she’s ready to try again. 
“I see…” Nesta trails off, her throat suddenly dry as the mirror confronts her with a bare body, the body that she knows is supposed to belong to her, the body that looks almost the same as it always has, the body that no longer feels like her own. A stranger.
“You see…?” Amren urges her to continue. The heat radiating from her breath tickles against Nesta’s ear, causing her nipples to tingle slightly. She pushes that thought aside though because she remembers Amren has asked her a question..
“I see….myself?” she replies less sure than before, watching her own shoulders hike up in the mirror, noting that her breasts bounce slightly with the motion. Despite the fact that she utters the same response as before, anyone who has two eyes and two working ears would be able to tell that Nesta’s tone is completely different than it was before. She stares at her reflection in the mirror. 
Nesta knows this body, she recognizes her fair skin, she recognizes her golden-brown hair–still tied up in a bun, and she recognizes her sharp jawline. Her ears are definitely different but oddly enough it doesn’t bother her, she supposes it suits her face and she still has her same long neck. As she lets her eyes trail down her reflection further she can see her arms are more toned than before. Her breasts are a tad bit bigger than when she was human too–which she chalks up to the amazing food in Prythian. In her opinion, there is nothing particularly remarkable about her stomach or legs, they are the same size and length as before. Nesta is familiar with this body, so she doesn’t know why she feels so out of place in front of this mirror.
Nesta can’t help but let her eyes focus on her least favorite part of herself: her cunt. It's not like she’s had a lot of others to compare hers to before, but she has always felt like hers was rather ugly. Nesta lets her eyes glance slightly to the right to take a peek at Amren’s cunt where it's peeking through her crotchless panties in the mirror. The ancient fae’s pussy was free of all pubic hair, her vulva looking smooth. Based on the fact that Nesta doesn’t see any signs of Amren's inner labia, she assumes that Amren is one of those lucky bitches with shorter ones. Nesta glances back to her own, her own pubic region is covered in hair in addition to her inner labia hanging down to where they are visible in her reflection. 
“Good enough,” Amren, thankfully, interrupts her negative spiral of thoughts. Nesta is also grateful that Amren accepts her answer, probably able to sense the change in Nesta’s energy. 
“On your knees!” Nesta didn’t even notice Amren move before she felt a distinct boot-like pressure on the backs of her knees, causing them to buckle. Before she even has a chance to be upset about this turn of events, she feels Amren’s hand grip the back of her neck, focusing Nesta’s attention back on both of their reflections in the mirror.
“First, we’re taking care of this pesky bun,” Nesta gasps as Amren roughly snaps the hairband she was using, yanking it out of her hair. Nesta can’t even appreciate the tickle of her golden-brown hair falling upon her shoulders, she gasps out a moan as Amren adjusts her grip to include the back of her hair, yanking it back roughly.
“Then,” she uses one of her nails to bring Nesta’s head up to face her. From this position, Nesta has a really good perspective of Amren's vulva, her dark inner labia symmetrically framed by the beautiful lace of her panties. She guesses she understands now why Amren and Varian spend so much of their time in the bedroom, if Nesta had a partner who looked like that she wouldn’t be able to stay off of them. 
“Listen to me,” Amren continues to speak, adding pressure to her grip on the back of Nesta’s neck, moving the other hand–finger still on her jaw–down to rest upon the column of her now exposed throat, “you are never going to get over this malaise of yours if you don’t acknowledge that you are more now.”
Nesta isn’t exactly sure how she’s supposed to be paying attention to anything other than the feel of Amren’s finger, the sharp edge now tracing down the line of her throat–now that Nesta can actually feel the edges of Amren’s nails, she knows that if Amren wanted she could slice through the skin of her neck with one flick of her finger. Still, Nesta tries to ignore the trail of electricity that seems to be shooting out of wherever her skin makes contact with Amren’s and instead tries to focus on the conversation that she is supposed to be participating in.
“No, I know…,” Nesta starts, the sudden absence of Amren’s grip startles her, “I know-”, she tries to continue, tracking Amren’s reflection in the mirror, the tiny fae keeping her one finger anchored in its position on Nesta’s neck while swerving behind her so that she is now standing behind Nesta’s left side. “I know that I’m… different,” Nesta finishes, trying not to flinch away from the sudden softness of Amren’s knuckle circling the area of skin around the indentation left behind by the sharp edge of her nail. 
“Different isn’t the same as bad, child,” Nesta doesn’t know why the use of the term ‘child’ suddenly bothers her, Amren is so old that it makes perfect sense why she would view all their friends as such. Yet, for some reason, the term strikes an odd cord within her, leaving behind a slight residue of ire. She doesn’t think she is in the place to complain about it now, though. Especially as she both witnesses Amren’s reflection and feels the fae move behind her, now straddling her left calf and hooking her chin over the back of Nesta’s shoulder. Her nipples harden immediately, the combination of Amren’s breath ghosting over her shoulder—breezing past the side of her neck—and of the warmth against her completely nude back transforms Nesta’s body into an oversensitive vessel. 
“I remember when I first saw you, and these,” Amren starts, her arms reaching out from behind Nesta, her tanned hands—peeking out from fingerless gloves—now taking a hold of Nesta’s breasts, “these for sure are different.”
Nesta bites back a moan as she makes eye contact with Amren through the mirror, the other fae having an almost feral grin on her face as she begins massaging Nesta’s breasts. Despite the fact that Amren’s hands are small—not able to encompass the entirety of Nesta’s rather large breasts—she makes up for it with her vigor. Amren starts rolling Nesta’s nipples between her index finger and thumb in combination with the rhythmic pressing of her other fingers, each one making contact with a pressure point Nesta didn’t even know was there.. 
“Mhmm” Nesta moans a response, unable to hold back the effect of the pleasure arising from Amren’s kneading. It feels like there is fire inside her, each roll of Amren’s fingers on her nipples causes a ripple like sensation shooting straight to her cunt, leaving a pathway of sensitivity leading straight to her steadily heating core.
“And this,” Amren says lowly, nibbling at Nesta’s left ear as she releases her grip on her right breast. Both silver and gray-blue eyes track Amren’s hand through the mirror–watching as it disappears behind Nesta’s back briefly. 
Nesta loses track of the room around her as she feels two of the pads of Amren’s fingers press ever-so-lightly against her spine between her shoulder-blades. This teasingly light touch combines with a particularly well timed squeeze of her left breast, triggering another round of the spark-like sensation inside her. Nesta tilts her head back to the right almost subconsciously, her body submitting to Amren and readily exposing her neck. She ignores the inner rage that emerges from that same deep  place as before, especially when she feels Amren’s fingers start to trail their teasingly-light touch down her spine–the fae seemingly enjoying the feel of the dips and ridges between her vertebrae as she makes her way down. 
“This is your greatest error,” Amren ghosts the words over the exposed skin of her neck, Nesta shivers at the sensation. 
“What is?” Nesta asks, she internally curses her ancient friend’s inability to refrain from sounding cryptic whenever she speaks.
“This,” Amren repeats, immediately releasing her other breast. Nesta is too confused to register the jiggle of her tit as it settles back into its place on her chest. ‘This’ still isn’t an answer, Nesta thinks. Thankfully though, she isn’t too far caught up into the ‘enigma that is Amren’ to miss the fact that Amren’s right hand is currently resting on her ass, the palm of her left hand–the one that has just released her breast–now pressing on the region of skin just above her pelvic bone. 
“How dare you deny this cunt as your own,” Amren demands. Nesta gasps as Amren moves her hand that is resting on Nesta’s ass down to cup her vulva from behind, igniting a whole new round of heat inside of her. Nesta can feel Amren’s fingers tangling themselves in her pubic hair, she can see the tips of Amren’s nails in the reflection from the mirror. 
“I-I didn’t tell you that,” Nesta stutters, the heat of Amren’s hand below making it difficult for Nesta to retrieve her thoughts, her clit throbs in anticipation and she can feel the distinct sensation of wetness starting to build up inside of her.  
“I know,” Amren smirks, Nesta making eye contact with her reflection, “But you poured your soul out into this mirror, girl. I can tell, that’s why I know exactly what I need to do to fix you.”
Nesta can’t even begin to try to wrap her head around that sentence; as soon as Nesta opens her mouth Amren presses her palm harder into Nesta’s front, causing a loud moan to escape her lips instead of whatever it was she intended to say as the added pressure discharges quivers of pleasure straight to her clit. Nesta is beginning to get the feeling that Amren enjoys making her speechless. 
“And w-what’s that?” she manages to ask, truly desperate to know how Amren is going to fix Nesta’s fractured soul.
“How about you stop asking questions so that I can show you,” Amren replies instead of answering, Nesta pauses, noting that this is the first time tonight that Amren has sounded anything close to borderline impatient. Amren relaxes the pressure on Nesta’s front, seemingly waiting for the younger to respond before she continues. 
Nesta quickly pushes aside the massive amounts of lust that are coursing through her body at the moment and instead makes eye contact with Amren again through their reflections. 
“Yes Mistress, I apologize,” Nesta says dutifully, only feeling slightly bad that she irritated Amren. Still, she knows she made the right move as Nesta spies Amren’s shoulders relaxing as she rehooks her chin over Nesta’s left shoulder.
“Good girl,” she praises. Nesta watches Amren’s eyes flash before she starts moving her left hand up and down Nesta’s stomach. Nesta can do nothing but swallow as Amren starts to move her right hand. 
“Now, are you seriously trying to tell me that these don’t belong to you?” Amren hisses. Nesta jolts as she feels Amren grip the lips of her inner labia, slowly rolling them between her fingers.
“These are nice, full, begging for attention, why do you hate them?”
“I don’t-” Nesta tries to start.
“Don’t lie to me,” Amren cuts her off, igniting another distant unfamiliar rage inside Nesta, one that she does not completely understand. As it seems to keep happening tonight, Amren doesn’t give her a chance to respond as Amren places a particularly strong tug on her inner labia, pulling the lips down before releasing them, the sound of Nesta’s wetness subsequently echoing in the quiet tiny room.
Amren forms two of her fingers into a V, pressing them just outside the area surrounding her clit before she starts massaging the area in a circular motion.
“Fuck.” Nesta whimpers, Amren’s teasing is absolutely agonizing. Nesta’s clit throbs, with the other’s fingers so close, it can’t help but send pulses of need throughout Nesta’s body in time with each move of Amren’s fingers around it. 
“I need you to understand that this power of yours is not something you should be afraid of,” Amren stops the circular motions and instead presses two fingers directly onto her clit through its hood. Nesta swears the pleasure is so intense, it feels as if a fire is rising inside of her. The base of it originates from her core, the smoke rising up to keep the rest of her upper body warm too.  
“It wants to work with you,” Amren lets out a gasp as she starts to grind her own pussy down on Nesta’s leg which she has been stradling this whole time. Nesta bites her lip as she feels the moist beginnings of Amren’s own juices impressing upon her calf. The fingers of Amren’s right hand aren't moving, instead they keep a constant thread of pressure on her clit. Nesta’s poor clit, she can tell it’s desperate for attention, it sends constant pulses as if it is asking her to move to give it some sort of relief from all the stimulation Amren is providing.
Nesta watches Amren through the mirror. She can both see and feel Amren’s right hand splaying out across her stomach, using it for balance as she grinds against her calf and uses her other hand to attend to Nesta’s cunt. Despite the impressive multitasking that Amren already has going on, Nesta notices Amren’s assessing silver gaze is locked on her own, as if Amren is waiting for her to realize something. 
What though? Nesta wants to ask, but she refrains because she knows Amren won’t take it well. But how the fuck is she supposed to know what Amren wants? Amren is older than Prythian itself and Nesta has been High Fae for less than a year. All Nesta knows is that she is more turned on than she has ever been in her entire life, sitting completely in the nude between a mirror and the scantily dressed body of one of the people she feels the most comfortable around lately–which in itself is saying something as it is Amren she is talking about. 
“Look inside yourself,” Amren says as she slows the pace of her gyrations, “can’t you feel that you’re not alone?”
Nesta lets out another moan, closing her eyes as Amren starts driving the fingers that have been fixed on Nesta’s clit around, dragging her clit into a circular path. This, of course, causes Nesta’s hips to jerk into the motion, chasing after the pleasure. She also tries to decipher what exactly Amren means with her statement that ‘she’s not alone.’
It is quite hard to do so though when she feels like there’s a sweltering heat inside her body, begging for escape. Nesta has been horny before, she knows what it feels like. Cauldron knows that she has been a victim of it tonight. Fortunately, thanks to the overstimulation that Amren is so happily providing, Nesta is able to take a deeper look at what’s going on inside of her. 
Nesta closes her eyes, trying to center herself past the pleasure that’s overwhelming her senses. As she inhales, she ignores the rocking of Amren’s pussy back and forth on her calf, she ignores the sting of her painfully hard nipples, she ignores the rhythmic squelching coming from her own pussy as Amren’s hand keeps her lips in motion and pressure on her clit, Nesta ignores it all. As she channels into her soul, deep inside her, Nesta realizes that Amren is right, once again, she is clearly not alone. 
It’s a hard thing to describe, a soul. Nesta certainly isn’t expecting to find hers feeling like it's coated in some sort of substance similar to live-wire. It definitely seems to be working in overload–constricted behind some sort of mental block–the area around it seems electrically charged. She tries to paint a mental picture of it, of this charged substance locked deep inside her persona. Nesta thinks it could best be described as a worn steel cage that just barely contains a ball of pure energy. For some reason, Nesta’s gets a sudden feeling if something other than her tries to reach out for it, this hidden piece of her soul, fire would lash out through the holes in the cage, almost like an intentional solar flare. She mentally reaches towards it, trying to catch a read of it–and inwardly gasps as she realizes she recognizes it. 
“By the Cauldron,” Nesta gasps, coming back to the present with a jolt, the shock of her realization causing her to sit back on her calves–a space in which she notices Amren is no longer occupying–not being able to kneel properly any longer. She’s definitely sweating, she can feel its sheen gathering upon every inch of her body.
As she struggles to catch her breath, Nesta remembers something that Amren had said when she first was explaining the benefits of this whole ordeal to Nesta.
“Every being in this world has the potential for magic, child. Even some humans if they so chose to tap into that part of themselves. Its residue lies along the lines of the needs that unite all living creatures in all the worlds–eat, sleep, fuck. Your walls have been built too high, girl. It’s time we break them down.”
“Don’t you see now?” Nesta snaps her attention towards Amren, the female now standing, pressing her weight against the side of the mirror–one heeled boot crossed over the other–and inspecting the nails of her right hand, the one which had just been intimately involved with Nesta’s folds. 
Nesta decides to ignore the fact that she has no idea when Amren even left her prior position behind her. She’s so close to understanding what’s going on with her, she can taste it. She doesn’t even care that Amren stopped touching her right before she would have most definitely orgasmed–well, she does a little… a lot, but gaining control of herself and her power is much more important, she reminds herself.
“It’s my magic…” Nesta breathes, moving her hands to the floor behind her to support her weight. 
“It’s my…” Nesta trails off, noticing her own flushed appearance in the mirror.
“Yes,” Amren answers, redirecting Nesta’s attention back towards her, “it’s You, girl.”
This time, Nesta’s ire in response to Amren’s addressment of her is much more palpable, she can feel it crawling under her skin. How dare she, her inner voice speaks, louder than ever before.
“And Nesta,” Amren calls and Nesta turns her attention back towards her immediately, shock coloring her cheeks further. She can count the times that Amren has used her actual name on one hand. 
“Yes?” she asks before she has a chance to take the vision of her in, heart freezing as she registers what Amren is actually doing. 
Amren, still radiant in her lingerie, isn’t even looking at Nesta. Instead, she has her eyes closed, head tilted back against the edge of the mirror frame, and is actively humming. Nesta can do nothing but watch as Amren lifts her index and middle fingers–the ones belonging to the hand that the female had been inspecting previously–and brings it to her plump red lips.
Amren opens her eyes then, and Nesta once again finds herself trapped in the other’s primordial gaze. Amren moans again as she pushes them past her lips, hollowing her cheeks as she sucks on the digits before pulling them out–the action releasing a wet popping sound that seems very loud in the tiny room, the only other sound being Nesta’s increasingly rapid breathing.
“It tastes good,” Amren replies simply, as if she didn’t just do one of the sexiest things Nesta has ever witnessed, “you, taste good.”
“I’ll be right back,” Amren says, disappearing behind the mirror–the one that is so large that Nesta didn’t even know the closet extended further behind it until just now. She doesn’t really care about her abrupt departure though, not when Amren’s words have just launched her into what feels like a state of estrus. 
There is a new wave of boiling heat inside of her. Nesta knows that this heat is different, it almost stings yet it is somehow still satisfying, it’s comforting, and it vibrates against seemingly every possible organ inside her body. She can do nothing but gasp as she feels her magic finally free itself from its steel trap. This power, her power feels just right inside her veins, like her heart needs it just as much as it needs oxygen. 
It’s about time, the magic chides her, and Nesta is overcome by feelings of regret. How could she have denied this part of herself for so long. She understands why Amren was so insistent upon helping her now, why she had been so disappointed in her. Nesta clutches her breast to try to ground herself as she feels her soul reuniting with her heart underneath the skin. 
Of course though, the serene moment is broken by Amren who throws a pile of clothes at her face, breaking Nesta from her trance. This time, Nesta is ready to snap at Amren, in sync with her newly awakened power. 
“Now stand up!” Amren orders. Nesta tries not to let her temper get the best of her as she slowly rises, still able to feel the other’s wetness from where it leaked against her calf. Amren speaks again before Nesta actually has a chance to rip her head off, though.
“Put this on, this is taking a little longer than I was initially anticipating,” Amren says before she promptly disappears behind the mirror yet again. Nesta’s inner irritation quickly dims as she notes a slight tinge of concern dimming Amren’s usually confident eyes. Nesta remembers then, she and Amren are not the only two participants of tonight’s activities. Where exactly is Varian? Nesta wants to find out.
She quickly puts on the clothes that Amren picks out for her and slips her feet into an expensive looking pair of black stilettos. As she starts to turn around so that she can get a good look at herself in the mirror, Nesta can’t help but ponder about how the hell Amren knows her shoe size. She assumes the tiny fae must have bullied Azriel or someone into finding out the correct size instead of just asking Nesta outright, which actually sounds like a very ‘Amren-type-thing’ to do now that she thinks about it.
Nesta’s jaw drops as she comes face-to-face with her reflection. Amren has dressed her in a black wet-look teddy which features a low cut open bust, a criss cross neck, gold zip up front, cut out sides, criss cross back straps with O-ring details, a tie back, and a cheeky cut bottom. The way the teddy sits on her emphasizes all her curves in the best way possible, Nesta thinks as she raises her arms to adjust her hair. There is no hiding the monstrous size of her breasts with this low cut open bust. There is a perfect path of bare skin that travels from between her tits down to the visible zipper of the front. Fuck, Nesta thinks as she shifts slightly to see the back of the teddy, she looks delicious. The realization causes the already blistering temperature inside of her to somehow elevate even more. 
“If you’re finished getting dressed, come back here!” she hears Amren call from behind the mirror. With the added height provided by Nesta’s heels, she is sure that the size difference between the two females will return to the usual. Still, Amren’s presence is so strong and foreboding–especially tonight–that Nesta would rather die than point this out to her friend. Still, Nesta follows Amren’s order without question and feels a gasp escape her lips as she steps past the edge of the frame which Amren has been hanging around all night. 
“Oh my,” Nesta can’t help but say as she takes another step into the hidden part of the closet that she and Amren have been spending so much time in this evening. Lining each and every single shelf in front of her is the widest variety of sex toys that Nesta has ever seen. She always suspected that Amren was a hoarder, however, when she first formed that suspicion Nesta was thinking more along the lines of jewelry. She is not entirely sure what she should make of the display of dildos, paddles, chains, straps, vibrators, and plenty more in front of her. 
“Wha-How long have you been collecting all of this?” Nesta asks, unable to stop herself. She turns towards Armen who has been waiting for her, leaning against the only wall in this little hidden area without any shelfs occupying it.
“I’ve been alive a long time,” Amren replies, mirth filling her gaze. Nesta considers that to be a fair response.
“Anyway,” Amren starts, pushing herself off of the wall and strutting forward until she stops right in front of Nesta, “pick what calls to you, girl.”
“Excuse me?” Nesta asks for clarity while trying to keep her inner beast in-check. Nesta doesn’t even know where to begin. However, she remembers that this isn’t her first time racking her mind to try to find something that Amren has told her to, Nesta thinks back to when she was trying to feel out the location of the Ouroboros. She also ignores the utter ridiculousness of Amren’s request, does she really want Nesta to tap into this great power of hers just to find the perfect sex toy? One thing she has learned throughout her relatively short time being friends with Amren is that the other female always has her reasons. Nesta supposes she will try to do as she’s asked.
“It’s quite simple. Your magic is awake now, let it guide you,” Amren coos before brushing past Nesta, purposely bumping into her shoulder as she passes by. 
“You look great in that by the way.” Nesta jolts as a quick slap meets the flesh of her ass, turning around to find Amren laughing. She will not deny she enjoys the warmth that emerges from the affected area of her skin after the impromptu spanking. However, Nesta eyes the other female with a glare, she swears she’s never been more willing to attempt to tear Amren's throat out then she is right now. Nesta isn’t even entirely sure why, usually her subconscious would make itself known at this point to try to guide her away from such a rash decision. However, now that her soul is complete, Nesta cannot feel anything within her aside from a pleased rumble of agreement. 
“How will I know?” Nesta asks, turning back towards the treasure trove of sex toys displayed before her. 
“There is only so much I can tell you, try trusting your instincts,” Amren answers softly, the sound of her footsteps echoing as she takes a couple steps back, clearly giving Nesta space to work with.
Nesta inhales a deep breath before exhaling softly, closing her eyes so that she can try and concentrate. Nesta lifts her hands–palms up–and holds them there, her elbows remaining in a position at about the same height as her waist. She tunes out the room around her and focuses in on the flames that have been joyfully traveling around her body ever since she finally accepted their presence, she focuses in on her power, tapping into the electric bundle at her core and then refocusing her energy on the area in front of her. 
As she mentally scans the toys with her power–eyes still closed–she hopes that she is able to tap into whatever instincts Amren is referring to. As she keeps scanning though, she feels the electricity inside her getting more painful as she gets closer to a certain area. Here, Nesta knows where to go. She keeps her eyes closed as she moves in that direction, each step causing the stinging to travel to a new area of her body. Finally, Nesta opens her eyes as her stiletto covered toe meets the edge of the shelf of toys.
The sight of a black riding crop makes her mouth water, yes this, we need to use this, we need to keep others in line. To make things even better, the crop had a beautiful diamond encrusted handle. Before she has a chance to pick it up, Nesta realizes her power isn’t done screaming at her, something more, we need something else. 
“I need to pick another,” Nesta turns her head over her shoulder slightly to make eye-contact with Amren, noting that her silver eyes blink slightly in surprise before she shrugs her bare shoulders.
“As I’ve been saying the whole time, listen to your instincts,” Amren steps back up to the shelf next to Nesta, gesturing for her to carry on with her business as Amren picks up the riding crop to hold for her. 
Nesta turns back around to follow the second trail of sparks that had been nagging at her. Only after she picked up the riding crop did Nesta actually realize that she was meant to be following two different paths. Not that it matters anymore, now she knows what to do. Nesta doesn’t even bother to close her eyes, instead she makes her way straight for the shelf of strap-ons, her sights locked on this massive red dildo. 
Nesta is a bit confused though once she gets closer, although it satisfies her instincts–the fact that this is the thickest dildo she has ever seen in her life makes her clit throb–she can’t help but notice the inside of it is hollow. Nesta picks up the toy and turns back around again to ask Amren what it is.
“Oh!” Amren’s eyes light up in delight as she eyes what Nesta is holding, “I haven’t had a chance to use that with him yet, this is wonderful!”
“Why is it hollow though?” Nesta asks, a bit nervous about the fact that she thinks Amren actually skips as she makes her way over to grab the toy from Nesta. She also tries not to focus on the fact that she thinks this is the most excited she has ever seen Amren outside of her talks with Lucien about whatever sport it is that they both like. 
“Oh child,” Amren starts, the term once again annoying Nesta and causes her to roll her eyes, “this isn’t a strap on for you.”
Nesta shoots her head back up at the ancient one’s words. Oh?
She eyes Amren, who is stalling at the edge of the mirror frame.
“It’s for him,” Amren grins at her, a mischievous spark in her eye. Nesta feels another wave of heat wash over her entire body as she imagines the implications of this knowledge. However, Nesta also gets hit with a sudden sense of insecurity as Amren leaves the hidden section of the closet.
“Amren, I have a question,” Nesta calls out as she follows her. As she crosses into the other section, she spies Amren placing the toys that Nesta has selected in one of the empty spaces on the shelves between candle displays, the tiny fae’s back turned away from her. Amren sighs and lets her head hang forward before turning around to meet Nesta’s gaze. 
“What is it now, girl?” Amren is no longer hiding her impatience, not even bothering to reprimand Nesta for failing to call her Mistress. Nesta doesn’t feel bad though, how could she when she finally feels like she belongs in her own body. There is one question she still needs to ask.
“How do I know that this magic is truly my own? How do I know this was meant to belong to me?” Nesta has never felt better or more like she belongs in her body than this moment in time, she is just worried that this is a trick, that it won’t stay that way, that she’s not strong enough.
Amren glares at her as soon as Nesta finishes spitting out the question, visibly incredulous that she had the gall to even ask the question.
"I have watched many a reign come and go girl, you dare question me?" Nesta gulps as Amren storms up to her, no longer teasing in her grip as she grabs Nesta’s arm and swings her around so that she faces the mirror again. 
“I thought we went over this already but let me try to explain it one more time,” Nesta sees Amren frown through the reflection, the tiny fae standing on Nesta’s left side this time rather than behind her because of the added height of Nesta’s stilettos. 
“Close your eyes!” Amren orders. Nesta does. 
“What do you feel?” she asks, holding Nesta at the waist as she massages little circles into the skin of Nesta’s hips, visible through the cutouts of her teddy.
Nesta sighs before emptying her mind, trying to focus purely on her inner core.
“I feel fire, it's everywhere. My nipples are hard, my pussy is wet, and it feels like my flesh is being scorched from within, I want-” Nesta cuts herself off. She wants so much. She wants to dominate, she wants to take, she wants to own, Nesta can’t even keep up with all the urges running past her mind, she knows for sure though that she’s never felt more hungry than she is in this moment. 
“Open your eyes, girl," Amren orders just as Nests feels like the fire in her chest is about to break past her ribcage. Again, if it was any other time Nesta would rip her a new one for continuing to call her ‘girl’. Now though, what other option does she have other than to listen?
Nesta opens her eyes and is met with their reflection, flames clearly dancing within her gray-blue hues. 
"Your power wants to work with you,” Amren hisses, splaying one of her hands on the bare skin below Nesta’s breasts, “it's meant for you to wield."
 "Feel this?" Amren presses her palm into the region above Nesta’s pelvic bone, the added pressure sending waves of pleasure towards her cunt, her nipples raging with electricity as they beg for similar attention. 
“Feel how good it aches," Amren whispers, moving her other hand to play with the zipper on Nesta’s front. She cries out a moan as Amren adds even more pressure to the area above her pelvic region, I do feel. 
"Feel how it makes your body cry for more?" she asks, and Nesta is starving. 
"This is what true power feels like girl, this is the feeling that men climb, cry and fight for, but they always fail," Amren brings her lips to Nesta’s ear and Nesta would be lying if she says she’s anything other than horny as fuck. 
"But us," Amren whispers, her soft breath causing Nesta to become somehow even more sensitive than before. Amren removes her hands from Nesta’s lower body and instead brings them up to slide beneath the fabric of her teddy, the cut providing easy access to her breasts. 
"Creatures like you and I…," Amren continues to whisper, squeezing Nesta’s breasts a couple times as Nesta feels even more wetness pool between her folds.
"We will prevail," Amren whispers, leaving a kiss under Nesta’s ear before letting go of her and backing away, out of the mirror’s line of vision. 
“I see” Nesta closes her eyes once more and reflects. She finally thinks she gets it now, at least for the most part. Because how can she deny who she is any longer? Who is she to decide that she isn’t meant to be here? The magic is in her now, it breathes with her and it craves her every waking desire. Her journey in this new world has been like a battle between Nesta’s old beliefs, her family, and the grim reality seemingly standing before her. Now though, Nesta Archeon is done being afraid. 
She opens her eyes only to immediately realize the lighting in the room has changed. The flickering yellow-orange flames from Amren’s candles are no more, in their stead, to Nesta’s utter astonishment, are silver flames, casting the room in a flickering white glow instead. In a similar tune, almost as if her magic is rejoicing at her inner revelation, Nesta feels another round of flames lick up her inner viscera, making her insides feel warm and comforting like a hearth. This body is no vessel, it is her own flesh and blood.
“I believe it's time,” Amren says quietly, softly, like she doesn’t want to accidentally startle Nesta into closing herself off from her magic again.
“I’m ready,” Nesta replies in the same tone, nodding at Amren through the mirror to show her that she is genuinely grateful for her assistance. It is actually quite insane to think that all it took to set her head straight was to be brought to the edge of an orgasm.
“I’ll give you a minute, I’ll be waiting in the hall.”
Nesta inhales as she nods in acknowledgement, once again admiring Amren’s petite figure as the female makes her way to exit the small room. Nesta feels yet another bout of heat spurn within her as she spies Amren grabbing the toys that Nesta has selected to use for tonight before she leaves.
“Remember what you can be, girl,” Amren tosses over her shoulder just before the door slams behind her, setting silence upon the tiny room where Nesta still stands. She waits a moment, listening. Judging by the increasingly quiet clack of the tiny Fae’s heels on the wooden floor, Nesta presumes that Amren is going to place them wherever she has stashed Varian thus far. 
Nesta closes her eyes, reveling in the swirling thrum of sparks inside her, she would like to think that it is her inner beast coming to say hello, she really would. But Nesta is an intelligent woman…an intelligent woman who knows that the jump in her arousal is most definitely because she notices that the strap-on–the massive hollow toy that she intends to use tonight–is close to over half the length of Amren’s forearm. And the thickness… cauldron. She knows that a male-strap-on has to have a certain level of thickness in regards to the girth because it has to allow for a cock to fill its hollow opening. However–Nesta thinks as she opens her eyes, seeing the flames inside them staring back at her through the mirror in front of her–she wonders exactly what type of toy is hanging between Varian’s legs that requires a dildo as thick as her wrist. She is witness to her own reflection as a devilish grin forms on her own mouth–Nesta is more than ready to leave all that was before in this room. 
“It’s time,” Nesta speaks aloud to the empty room. She refuses to let herself cower in the face of power ever again, especially when it's her own. Nesta straightens her posture, taking one last look at her reflection.  
It’s time to take what she needs.
___Preview of Next Chapter____
“Oh sweetie, I’m sorry, did we leave you alone too long,” Amren coos to her lover. Varian sits exposed on a simple wooden chair in the middle of the couple’s bedroom. The Summer Court male’s head is hanging low, his white tendrils of hair acting like a shield in front of his face. Nesta did not pick up on any sort of response from the male that indicates that he acknowledges their presence. She takes a quick peek over at Amren and decides not to worry after finding the other female to seem emphatically unconcerned. Nesta watches on silently as the tiny fae takes a couple soft predatory steps towards the subdued male. Nonetheless, she stills to take in the view of the delicious specimen of man in front of her. Nesta can admit fully that she has never really given much thought to Varian before, not really having much time to assess him in the short three months after the war with Hybern. However, now, she can’t seem to look away from the large male’s thick muscular thighs, his heavy cock, his beautiful dark skin–fuck, Nesta feels her cunt throb in anticipation. 
“Baby boy,” Amren releases another coo, causing Varian to finally raise his gaze to meet his Mistresses and causing Nesta to shiver for a different reason entirely. Now, not only does she have a better view of the male himself, a white blindfold and ball gag rendering his sight and ability to speak obsolete; but also she can see his nostrils flaring and his muscles twitching. Nesta is absolutely enraptured in the scene in front of her as she watches Varian suddenly seem to try to lunge in Amren’s direction, the man trying and failing to get closer to her, his muscles bulging in their effort to win a one-sided battle against his restraints.
But it isn’t until Nesta spots Varian’s collar, large and heavy on his neck, that she feels her nipples harden and another bout of wetness starting to form between her folds. Here, on Varian’s neck, in Amren’s apartment in Velaris, is one of the Summer Court’s infamous blood rubies. The massive jewel's weight was supported by a two-inch thick diamond encrusted platinum band. She knows it must sit heavy on his neck, it seems almost impossible that a jewel that large could be fixed upon a collar without falling, yet there it stands.
Last Nesta had checked, the source material of Prythian’s most common nightmares had decided to use this ‘threat’ as a paperweight. Although, she can’t deny how much the pathway to her center steams at the thought of the Summer Court male being made to wear a sign of ownership stamped with the ultimate symbol of betrayal of his own court, an invocation of  a feud on a personal level.  
Nesta can’t help but muse over what the thrill of incurring such a depth of loyalty from another must taste like, she wonders too, greedily and needily what it feels like to be such a fearsome predator to surpass the laws of societal expectation. Is this Amren’s subtle yet personal way of invoking her own feud, a remnant of the possessive creature that once roamed inside of her that is furious at the land for claiming ownership of something that she marked as hers. She also wonders heatedly, enviously, what it would be like to be wanted that furiously. Need starts to play at the strings of her core, she can feel it heating and readying itself for something more.
“Don’t be shy now, boy,” Amren instructs Varian, the man immediately turning his head in the direction of her voice, clearly desperate for her touch. Nesta would be lying if she said the palpable smell and taste of his desperation didn’t cause her clit to start to throb.
The sweetness of the pair in front of her simultaneously puts Nesta on edge as well as incurs yet another thrum of heat inside of her. Amren is never sweet. Nesta watches on as her mentor finally reaches her lover–no, her pet. Amren looks Varian up and down with a hungry gleam in her eye before grabbing his chin roughly, causing what sounds like a gruff moan to escape the large man’s lips. That’s all it took? Nesta thinks to herself. 
“You haven’t even been touched boy and you’re already sweating?” Amren tuts, roughly maneuvering his chin as she gives him a thorough inspection, the male seemingly keening into the contact despite its roughness. Nesta tries not to get whiplash as Amren softly pats the male’s cheek twice with her free hand before letting it drop to rest on her waist.
“Pathetic,” the ancient one scoffs, finally releasing her other hand’s grip on his chin. 
Nesta realizes that the male in front of her is not the same one that has been a frequent guest at their dinner table over the last couple of months. No, tonight she is not looking at the same captain of Tarquin’s guard nor the commendable battle tactician that she has come to know. Instead, Nesta finds herself looking at Amren’s pet. As soon as the thought crosses her mind though, Nesta is hit by a shudder that rolls through her entire body, a shock of a reprimand from something deep in her core, something primal.No, Nesta reprimands herself, straightening her posture as she starts to make her own way towards Varian. Tonight, he is her prey.
Tag List: (tell me if you don’t wanna be here) @acourtofladydeath @ofduskanddreams @secret-third-thing @areyoudreaminof @iftheshoef1tz @chunkypossum @queercontrarian @yourlazykitkat @krem-has-a-mess @witch-and-her-witcher @yanny-77 @pippsmcgee @fieldofdaisiies
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doriansgirlfriend · 6 years
ACOTAR Characters Favorite TV Shows
Elain=great British Baking Show (everyone is just so NICE)
Feyre=Bob Ross Beauty is Everywhere (need I say more)
Morrigan=Grey’s Anatomy (she would be in love with Callie Torres)
Cassian=That 70s show (well damn Nesta I can’t control the weather)
Amren=The Vampire Diaries (but she thinks Elena is kind of a whiny bitch and prefers Katherine)
Nesta=Criminal Minds (just thinkin of lots of ways to kill her enemies)
Azriel=Black Mirror (my mans loves conspiracy theories)
Rhysand=RuPaul’s Drag Race AND IM NOT FUCKIN AROUND RHYS LOVES DRAG RACE (how would I lip sync for my life? He wonders to himself)
Lucien=The Office (because he loves what he calls “subtle humor”)
Tamlin=Crazy Ex Girlfriend (crazy ex boyfriend would be more appropriate Feyre says when she finds out)
Bonus-the inner circle loves Impractical Jokers bc they use the show for pranks they pull on each other and like to try the challenges they do on the show while walking through Velaris
EXTRA BONUS- The Suriel loves Gossip Girl
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verifiefangirl · 6 years
Inner Circle as dank memes
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lantsov-vanserra · 3 years
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made for each other 💕
Feysand • Nessian • Elriel • Vassien • Emorie • Vamren • Lady of Autumn x Helion • Vivillias
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jvwhyte · 3 years
Songs i associate with each ship - ACOTAR
•Single - The Neighbourhood (hear me out-replace the word word 'baby' with trauma/issues i don't fucking know but still.)
•Another Love - Tom Odell (I'm sorry but all these lyrics scream Azriel and 'i sang them all to another heart' p-leaseeee this would definitely be Gwynriel.)
•IDK you yet - Alexander 23 (Azriel not realising his mate is right in front of him- uhhh this song.)
•Someone to Stay - Vancouver Sleep Clinic (Azriel being really insecure that she'd realise he's broken and him being insecure 😩😩 this would be perfect for them.)
•His Hands - Blegh (Nesta's POV of Cassian before they admit their feelings.)
•Wish i Never loved you - Bolshiee (Big Nesta vibes.)
•False Art - Ben Kessler, Lizzy McAlpine
•Sad Sex - Ängie, Tail Whip (Self explanatory)
•Under My Sleeve - One Hope (Cassian being a big ass simp.)
•No Shame - 5SOS ('i love the way you scream out my name' - Cassian vibes 😭)
•Always been you - Shawn Mendes
•Crazy in Love - Eden Project
•Fear of the Water - SYML (i feel like this could be super poetic as if the water represents the mating bond in which Elain fears, idk but it gives me them vibes.)
•Too Sad - Ex:Re (Reminds me of how much trauma Lucien actually has and how he'd have to open up to Elain about that.)
•Slow dancing in the dark - soar.wav (imagine Lucien knowing about Elain's feelings for Azriel but letting them happen anyway cause he doesn't feel good enough -> 😭😭)
•Softcore - The Neighbourhood
•Hurt - Sasha Sloan
•A soulmate who wasn't meant to be - Jess Benkon (This one makes me sad as fuck.)
•I Meant to hurt you - D.I.D (Reminds me of the cauldron scene where Amren basically admits she loves him but proceeds to give up her fae form anyway lmao.)
•The Few things - JP Saxe, Charlotte Lawrence (Varian being the first person she's loved 😍 MY HEART BRO, i just know that he's supper sappy with her when they are alone and she doesn't know how to respond because she doesn't know how to express emotions 😩😩)
•School Nights - Chappell Roans
•Lover of Mine - 5SOS (Gives me major Rhys and his love for Feyre vibes)
•Mystery of Love - Sufjan Steven's ( ACOMAF vibes!! Their whole falling in love progression)
•Let's hurt tonight - OneRepublic
•Die Alone - FINNEAS
•Two queens in a king size bed - Girl in Red (ummm hello, lesbian queen herself. Also Mor and Emerie are two queens in their own right so yeah.)
•Candles - Daughter (It just gives me their vibe)
E/riel: (this is me hating them)
•Affection - Between Friends ( 'Oh, I'm looking for affection in all the wrong places and we'll keep falling on each other to fill the empty spaces' this lyric is them)
•Washing Machine Heart - Mitski ( 'I know who you pretend i am' Girl we both know they don't love eachother and are just trying to find convenient love.)
•It's not love - Lontalius (Speaks for itself.)
•Tear in my Heart - Twenty one Pilots (The bat boys being simps lmao)
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korra-enthusiast · 7 years
Inner Circle Truth or Dare
Cassian: Rhys, I dare you to kiss the prettiest person in the room.
Rhys: Feyre…
Feyre: *blushing* Yes?
Rhys: Move out of my way you’re blocking the mirror.
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