#vandalise my heart bro
aliveko · 4 months
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“Covered in scars
But roses keep coming through the cracks”
Another version under cut
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crowsent · 4 years
the man hasnt even started the stream yet and his chat is spammin “technolate” truly the best and most supportive fans
i have to make my own fences like a loser
“tommy is this your credit card? let me read the numbers aloud tommy”
“they keep dying on my thorns”
then fucking remove your armour mr technoblade??????????? you have the option to remove your armour
i know you have trust issues and that the last time you removed your armour tommy tried to kill you but like
you can remove your armour, find someplace else for your zombie villagers to be in, and then put the armour back on
you have options mr blade
you can make unenchanted armour for the purposes of moving your damn zomvillagers out the way if you really dont wanna be armourless
you have the materials
you have the opportunities
fucking seize them
mr blade: “my sleep schedule is terrible”
my dumb ass, waking up at 10pm on a monday after falling asleep on a 6am the same monday, after not sleeping for 2 days on sunday and saturday: “damn right your sleep schedule is terrible”
i have good self-awareness
mr blade: “im not stalling”
proceeds to stall:
• “happy new year! i forgot that happened”
• reads donations
• begins to try and cure his zombie villagers
• makes fun of skeppys “clickbait” title (it is clickbait by the way. the video is not structured like an actual manhunt vid. totally not a technosimp but techno was a fantastic hunter in the skeppy v techno manhunt. yep. techno was v fair about the entire thing go watch it if you havent hes great and skeppy was also there /lh)
• talks about chess
• talks about the Gifted Child™ Syndrome without ever saying the words Gifted Child™ Syndrome
(hes a fucking athena kid. im fucking TELLING YALL HES AN ATHENA KID and if i have to fucking write a goddamn academically cited paper to prove it with actual fucking receipts i goddamn will)
• even when tommy came on stream, techno immediately proceeded to discuss the Kings Fianchetto opening
• “i dont know what kind of science textbooks youve been reading, but youve spent too much money on them. those are trash. those are TRASH”
exactly mr blade. exactly. see? athena kid. hes smart. he went to college. he knows the score. mmmhmmm. yup. checks out mr. blade
• types “You’re talking sounds” -tommyinnit (genius)
• into the mc chat
• “Tommy, you’re talking words, but the only universal language: is sounds”
Techno fucking lists out languages that do not have sounds like: sign language, written language, braille
and then fucking thomathy “tommyinnit” minecraft hits us with “and russian”
and for a good few minutes, mr blade and associate tommyinnit talk about crimes and the fbi and using it to farm views. big brain moved here today
(and then tommys alexa turned blue when he said fbi and then they both freaked out it was great)
new york-ian
mr blade and tommyinnit just IMMEDIATELY trying to pander to new yorkers once they realise the population size. they out here fucking complimenting the statue of liberty (even tho its in new jersey), the empire state building, the bronx, queens, fucking SPIDERMAN
if they arent brothers
why they have this energy
prime to tommyinnit
sub to technoblade
my heart
i love these two terrorists so much
(for legal reasons, i am obligated to say that they are video game terrorists please and thank you)
tommy, about music he wanna sing: its from nintendo
mr blade: nintendo copyrights EVERYTHING tommy they got like SUPER COPYRIGHT
tommy: well, technoblade, every last one of my videos uses nintendo music
mr blade: DUDE YOURE GOING TO DIE. nintendo will KILL you
“new york is not canon in the dream smp universe”
mr technoblade over here just fucking ruining every new yorkers day huh
yall hear that? new york is non canon
you want cock to join the revolution
tommy out here trying to be intimidating but hes stuttering, knocking himself off of things...
its great
its great
i love their dynamic
im spawning the wither, somebody get me my sword
techno “one-liner” blade ladies and gentlemen
techno using the wither to vandalise lmanberg is very poggers of him
amazing mr blade
tommy is such a delight in this stream
“i dont know this man”
“why would you bring this near me im WEAK im FRAIL im LIKE AN OLD LADY”
thank you mr innit
if i had gotten this stream live yall bet your asses i would be chanting “blood for the blood god” with chat
chat is feral
chat is amazing
thank you chat for being the chaotic fucking bastards yall always are
“lookit muh muscles. BITCH”
i love him
so last stream, techno and tommy waterboarded a hostage who died by a spider immediately after he was released
THIS stream, techno and tommy waterboard an orphan fox until he cries
good times
fundy drowned
i just remembered
these two fuckers legit said “what if i waterboard my nephew to the point where he drowns”
i find it really funny that techno is the one fanon portrays to be this remorseless out of control entity when the entire time during the fundy waterboard torture, techno is the one holding tommy back and saying that hes going to far
and last time, techno is the one chiding philza when philza just casually murders and slaughters his way around the map
techno has more of a moral compass than fandom gives him credit for
where is my "techno is actually the moral compass of the sbi” fanfic
the only dirt we have on dream is his dirt shack amiright? eyyyy hes homeless
so funny
“useless, annoying, loud, british. you know. the worst combination” techno says
then he fucking makes tommy weapons, gives tommy the helmet, makes tommy weapons and tools and armour...
“i will not rest until that entire country has been completely obliterated for what it did to me and phil, tommy”
mr blade please
tommy what the fuck
what the fuck
what wait tahgjkjxbglsjbnouafsfv
“you could actually be, dare i say it, a friend” TECHNO
“technoblade ill join you”
“this bodes poorly for the eventual sbi meetup”
shut up
shut the fuck up
i cant handle this
i can handle the dream sapnap meetup conspiracy
but i CANNOT handle the sbi meetup conspiracy
techno please shut up
i cant
dont do me dirty like this man
you know how tommy keeps saying that hes weak and shit but like
he fought in wars
he has fucking armour, weapons, potions, gapples
he can hold his own in a fight
do you think tommy keeps calling himself weak bc DREAM calls him weak? like. his self-confidence and belief in his abilities is just eroded by dream so tommy thinks hes weak even if he isnt?
“we have sand at home”
at home
at home
techno literally out here singlehandedly giving me serotonin
beak on
bless you
one of us
one of us
one of us
one of us
one of us
one of us
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veronicassadboi · 5 years
Jeronica and Barchie + the kids at Hiram's funeral
I actually really enjoyed this prompt... a different outlook on things!
The fact that she was wearing Versace felt like a nod to Hiram, but the fact that Jughead was wearing navy blue Doc Martens that he had owned for ten years which was less than the amount of time that she had last spoken to Hiram put things into a cruel perspective that was all she focused on as Archie spoke. She’s transported nineteen years ago. Numbers ran through her head - statistics. Her father would be proud of her because you should always concentrate on the statistics, mija. You should always be focused. Numbers ran through Veronica’s head, nineteen years since Fred Andrews died, eighteen years since she first left Riverdale for New York. Eleven years since she had last held a proper conversation with her father. A note her mother told her to read is scrunched up in her hand, unable to bring herself to read it.
The eight year olds run around through the hallway with laughter in the air, Jughead had sat down with Ava to tell her about funerals, but she didn’t quite get it. He tried to tell her about Hiram, but he didn’t quite get that and it ended in a weird story about prisons, fraud and the Speakeasy. Not quite what Veronica wanted Jughead to regale to their daughter, but it had to do. Freddie listened in and for once, Archie didn’t pull his son away from an Uncle Jug special.
“I know what you must be thinking…” Archie said in that same soothing tone as always. Her nails clink on the pearls around her neck and the heat from Jughead’s gaze burns her but she ignores it.
“I don’t think so,” she mutters, watching her right high heel slide up and down her toes as she tilts her foot.
“Of course I do!” Archie says, patting her shoulder and leaning in closer. Jughead keeps his distance, of course he does, she thinks. Comforting was never her husband’s thing and the awkward conversations he had with her leading up to the funeral were just that; awkward, stiff and jittery.
Archie’s eyes brim with tears. Veronica tries not to grind her teeth out of sheer frustration, but to say that Hiram Lodge hated him would be an understatement. But Veronica knows that it just shows Archie’s whole heart, because only Archie Andrews could still hold sympathy for a man who tried to get rid of him… she chuckles to herself lightly without notice. Death threats and attempts were a funny thing.
“When my dad died…” Archie says but Jughead’s clearing of his throat cuts Archie off. For the first time in what feels like forever, Veronica looks up. Fred Andrews was still a sore subject to Jughead, still something that hadn’t healed over even for him. Still something that plays on his mind, Veronica knows. Jughead lost a father that day too.
Veronica sighs, placing both heels on the floor and looks Archie in the eye, “I love you for this, Arch,” she says gently. “But my dad was a bad man who everyone hated. Everyone loves your dad.”
“Come on bro,” Jughead says, tapping Archie’s shoulder. “Let’s go and see if Hermione needs anything.”
Jughead gives his wife a look that screams that he doesn’t want to be here, but he doesn’t want to leave her either.
As soon as the door shuts, she cries into a pillow in her old room.
A pretty girl with her mom’s smile and her father’s shocking red hair stands at the door wearing all black. Veronica sees Mary Andrews standing behind Maisie who gives Veronica a quick sympathetic smile and a gentle push on Maisie’s back. “Aunt V?” she almost whispers. “My mom wants to know if she can come in?”
If Veronica squints enough, she’d swear she was looking at Betty the day that they became best friends. Fifteen on Maisie looks exactly the same as it did on Betty, but, of course, with the red hair that belongs to her grandmother. Veronica sniffs and nods and the quick breath of relief that shoots through Maisie as she scurries away tells Veronica that she really didn’t want to even come to see her.
As soon as Betty arrived in the room, she laid down next to Veronica and let her sob into her hair. There were too many regrets, not enough forgiveness and now, no time left to fix things. Betty let Veronica tell her about how much she missed her father, how he left her a note; probably some bullshit thing about money, he never forgave her for marrying a Jones. Her mom was a total mess. She was a total mess.
“When you lose someone that you’ll never be able to work out the problems with, it causes a whole new problem. You’ll never know their motives or reasons behind anything… but eventually, you’ll need to let go. Not now. But eventually.”
Betty’s eyes offer more to Veronica than anyone elses words. Betty’s words struck Veronica hard. Veronica knows, if there was anyone who would understand even a little it was Betty.
Veronica sobs harder and a little longer on Betty’s shoulder and Betty brushes back her hair, continues to wipe tears. “You’ll be okay, V, I promise you.”
Veronica wasn’t sure where to focus when her mind was on everyone else. Today, she was grateful for FP, Alice and Mary because as much as she wanted to think she was strong enough, she wouldn’t have the strength to support her mother. Heartache seems funny when you’ve always sworn you’ve hated someone. Veronica spent many years trying to decipher the art of love. It’s something she will never understand and it’s different for everyone. Jughead Jones is her walking, talking example. Veronica notices Archie’s eyes glued on his father’s headstone and Betty’s eyes flutter to her father’s vandalised one. Both with a sense of longing. As much as she knows Jughead didn’t want to be standing front and centre, the gesture gave Veronica a sense of ease as she stood in front of everyone with him by her side. Freddie and Ava don’t sit still, swinging legs and hissing at each other but Mary and Maisie try their hardest to calm the eight year olds. It distracts Veronica, but she realises she has to get it done. “Come on, Veronica,” Jughead says, trying to encourage her. “You’re almost finished.”
She looks at the messy notes she jotted down for the Eulogy. Dylan’s scrawl that looks so much like Jughead’s is scattered here and there - her son was a good writer, though nothing seemed to make sense to her when she tries to put it into proper functioning words.
“You might have to finish it, Dyl,” Jughead whispers to their son.
A groan is heard coming from Dylan, but Veronica can’t tear her eyes off her father. “I don’t want to talk.”
“Come on buddy,” Archie adds. “Do it for your mom.”
“I’ll take you for food after,” Betty tries.
“That doesn’t work anymore, Aunt B,” he sighs.
Veronica listens to the conversations around her but doesn’t dive in. It’s like she’s listening from the bottom of Sweetwater.
“I didn’t know my grandfather much,” Dylan says, sliding in between his mom and Betty, taking Veronica’s hand in his and holding it tight. Taking the floor.
Veronica’s eyes cloud with tears, she wants to smile at her son, encouraging him to keep on going because that’s what parents do - offer support when they need to give their kids every bit of strength they have. But his hand keeps her grounded because she can barely stand up.
“What I do know, despite all his flaws, my mom has always said she inherited her ridiculous strength from him. Her willpower and fight. Her hot-headedness,” Dylan adds with a wink to his mom. Veronica manages a smile. “Her drive and ambition.”
Veronica manages to look to the tiny crowd, some grins, mostly nods of approval.
Dylan lifts his mom’s hand to his lips and kisses it. “I know that she always said that he taught her that family always comes first - family over everything. And I guess that’s how they came to have the relationship that they had. Because mom chose us.”
The rest of the words blur out. Betty’s arm is around Veronica’s waist and her tears fall on Veronica’s Versace dress, an acute minor detail that she shouldn’t notice but she does. Maisie falls to Dylan’s side as he concludes the Eulogy, holding his other hand as they lower Hiram into the ground.
She had her entire family around her, but Hiram’s quiet whisperings in her ear never came, and for that, she felt nothing but heartache.
Veronica sits on her old bed in the Pembrooke, Archie’s laugh can be heard through the place and Jughead’s tone can be felt through the walls. The fact that Hermione had asked Jughead to write Hiram’s obituary made Veronica laugh and Jughead cringe, but he was roped into it anyway, asking Archie if there was anything he’d like to add to it. But Veronica knows her husband would do anything for her and if anyone was good at bullshitting words, it was him.
She clings on to the note her father had left for her, finally opening it up and smoothing its crinkled form against her leg.
The words blur when they’re hit with her tears; “I just want you to be happy,” is all it says.
“Mom?” comes from the door, black Chuck Taylors, a scar on his lip from a biking trip gone wrong with Uncle Archie and a denim jacket that is vintage Levis.
Dylan sits next to his mom, laying his head on her shoulder. She takes his hand, just like he took hers earlier and passes him the paper.
He reads the words with a look of confusion that replicates his father’s. “What’s this?”
“The only thing your grandfather ever got right… I just want you to be happy, son.”
Send me a jeronica centric ft Barchie prompt and I’ll write you a >2000 word Drabble!
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hyphypmic · 6 years
Helloooo~ I love your posts :3 Can I request some adult!Buster Bros (10 years later) headcannons?? Thank youuu
Hope you like this love!
Well, the boy is 29 (oh my GOD)
He might have either a long-term girlfriend or a wife at this point because he’s such a family guy
If he has kids, he probs has one or two of his own and one or two adopted because he has a soft heart that way
He made up with Samatoki already and they now go out and have drinks together like the friends they are
Oh yeah they still fight, but you know, rapping and sparring for fun and banter
That odd job service? Well, he never gave it up you know and instead expanded it
Now, people can go to him for jobs (I mean come on, he’s so popular, of course people would want to work under him)
It’s an actual firm now, like a profit-earning entity
He is the CEO but then, he still does jobs because he loves doing them himself (there’s an underground bidding war for parents to have Ichiro babysit their kids)
Has tons of connections now so he can help people find jobs
Volunteers to watch kids and teach rap at orphanages because again, he’s just soft that way
can happily say that he has provided for his brothers
Of course he hasn’t given up rap. Neither have the other divisions.
Still very very proud of his brothers and very much still checks on them
Do you know Banksy? Well Jiro Yamada gives him a run for his money
Seriously, he’s living the delinquent life
He’s actually doing pretty well in terms of street art
Yes he finished college (barely)
Anyway, some people actually commission him to vandalise places, and his art is so beautiful no one wants to take it down
He really uses stencils, spray paint and even uses broken items to create his art
He also has calmed down a bit with his delinquentcy, but you know, he still has fun
Yes he vandalises Saburo’s office, but like nicely
really, no one takes down his art
Of course he’s still rapping, but he took it to himself to change the buster bros logo and really, it’s so much better
Has an actual home and place to stay
His day job though is like, being a DJ (well you know, night job) and since he’s pretty popular, being a buster bro and all, he’s earning a lot and has a ton of gigs where they not only invite him to mix music, but to also perform rap
Sometimes he invites his brothers and they perform together
one of the best and the brightest and the youngest physics and mathematics professors at the University of Tokyo
Super academically awesome
Has published papers about science and math and has his own research
Still wears his fucking chocker for sentimental reasons (only downside is that his students find him hot)
Has a bunch of pages on facebook and twitter about the hot professor
Was trending at one point
Students kinda faint when all three buster bros show up on campus
Has a fan club he’s not aware of
But a very nice teacher! Super supportive and caring! Completely oblivious to how many students want to date him!
Legit all the love letters and chocolates, he reads them platonically
Actually has a crush on the barista in a coffee shop
Working on his Masters and plans to do a doctorate oh yes
Still raps with Ichiro and Jiro, but now his students are super supporting him as his fans
All three are lowkey the Jonas Brothers of Japan
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