#vanderwood x becky
Hi, hello... I actually started writing and I think I should be about halfway done. But my brain is giving up on me for the night so uh... I'mma just throw a little sneak peek for the next part of the Rivaling Agencies AU for Vandy and Talia 👀
Fuck, was all she could think of as she finally, hastily left the bar, feet carrying her back home on autopilot as her brain went completely blank. Only when the door of her apartment closed behind her did she let out a shaky breath. Eyes burning from the tears she was trying her hardest to hold back.
"For fucks sake you killed and survived getting killed for years! You're not gonna start crying over some guy you shouldn't have gotten close to in the first place! You're not that weak and pathetic!"
Maybe reverting to anger would help. Getting angry at herself, angry at her stupidity for indulging in something she damn well knew would end up hurting her in the end, one way or another. Yet here she was. On her stupid birthday, sinking to the ground as she cried over some stupid man from another stupid agency. What did she think would happen? There wasn't even any guarantee that their friendship had been real. Maybe it was just all to get information from her. So why did the thought of him being with someone else still hurt so much? Oh, right. Because she was an idiot who let herself catch feelings for someone who was technically an enemy.
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brighteststar707 · 10 months
Adzuuh if that last slot is still open, Vanderwood with 11 aaaand she/her pronouns? 👉👈💕
Aaah hi Becky! Thank you for the request <3
I see 'dirt' and I raise you... blood! I'm in an agent mood and this was the perfect excuse to write some soft/gruff Vandy hehe
I hope you enjoy my take on this prompt <3
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Brushing dirt off of their face
✦ Vanderwood x Fem!MC
✦ Words: 938
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Blood pounding in her ears, the matching sounds of hers and Vanderwood’s feet hitting the ground as they run, run, run. The shouts of their pursuers are getting more and more distant, but that doesn’t mean they are in the clear.
The mission had all gone well until this point. She and Vanderwood had split up to get the work done faster, but she had gotten caught in a bad spot when someone caught her in a room she shouldn't have been in. She managed to subdue them - but not before they landed a few hits on her and caused enough commotion to raise the alarm. Then it was a choice between facing whoever would come looking for them or running, and she didn’t like her odds.
She found Vanderwood back at the meet-up point and, for once, he didn’t berate her. He looked her over quickly, then swiped this thumb over her eyebrow. His hand came away red – she hadn’t even noticed she was bleeding yet. Before she could say anything, a warning or perhaps just a thank you, they heard shouts coming from behind them and knew it was time to go.
Her lungs are burning. She’d rather not shoot anyone tonight, but she knows not to hope for such things. If it comes down to it, she’d sooner shoot one of the faceless strangers than let Vanderwood or herself get hurt (in that order). It’s a test she has had to face many times over and, despite how she wishes she had higher morals, the answer never changes.  
Eventually, they find a door leading to the outside and burst out onto the street. It’s a back alley, so there’s nobody around, but she’s still on edge. She looks around a few times and jumps when Vanderwood says her name. He’s looking at her, more specifically that same spot over her eyebrow. It’s starting to throb now, and she knows that by tomorrow it’ll be a full-blown headache.
“What? Am I still bleeding?” she asks impatiently. She always feels a little jittery when he looks at her for too long and the pain certainly isn’t improving her mood either.
“Ugh – stop complaining and just stand still.” He replies in a matching tone.
Reluctantly, she complies.
He rummages through his first aid pouch and pulls out a wipe to clean the wound properly. He is being uncharacteristically gentle with her, despite his impatience. He works quietly, dabbing around the edges of what must be a gash across her eyebrow, eyes flitting back to her face every so often.
"What happened?" He asks.
"Got into a fight, the idiot knocked my head into a table."
"Got anything worse than this?"
"No." At least, she hopes not. There's a soreness around her ribs but she's hoping it doesn't get worse.
Is she making things up, or does he sound relieved?
Whatever it is, it makes her feel a strange sort of warm fluttering in her chest. She has patched up most of her own wounds before, so this kind of care is foreign to her, especially coming from Vanderwood. She isn’t sure where to look or what to say, if anything at all. It makes it even harder to stay still. She can only hope this strange feeling isn't showing on her face.
He rarely shows her this side of himself. He is usually gruff, quick to give instructions and most of their conversations quickly turn to bickering. To be treated so gently by him is a treat, especially after a mission like this, when she's feeling raw and tired.
They have all learned to hide themselves behind one shield or another doing the work they do, and many of them have fallen into similar personas as him. It’s easier to pretend you’re tough so people don’t pry. She treasures the little looks he allows her to get at who he might have been before.
Once all the blood has been cleaned up (she assumes, anyway) he pulls out some antiseptic. It stings, and she instinctively flinches away from him. He sucks in air through his teeth, irritated, and catches her chin between his gloved thumb and forefinger. He angles her head straight again and looks into her eyes to make sure she's listening.
"Stop moving or I'm going to get it in your eye, and you'll have much bigger problems than this cut."
His grasp is firm but not painful, and she complies. He holds her still as he dabs the rest of the disinfectant over the wound and then lets go so that he can survey his work.
She takes it as an opportunity to look at him properly. Other than being tired from running, he seems to have made it out unscathed. His hair is falling out of the ponytail he put it in before entering the building and his fringe is sticking to his forehead from sweat. In the little light the alley gets, she can just about see his eyes: dark and calculating and under all of that, some semblance of tenderness as he checks her over one last time.
He must be content with the result because he pulls out some gauze to make a temporary patch to cover the wound with. Now that some of the adrenaline is wearing off, she is starting to feel the toll this mission has taken on her. Various aches and pains are starting to make themselves known and she is exhausted. She can't remember the last time she slept for more than an hour at a time.
"Shall we go?" He asks.
"Yes, please," she replies.
He throws an arm over her shoulders and together they melt into the shadows.
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My brain spiraled. I told Skye that I had the sudden urge to listen to sea shanties and he just went "it's your inner pirate coming through again 😌" and my mind immediately went to "OMG PIRATE/MERMAID AU WITH VANDY AND KALI!" for some reason. Now it's stuck there and all I picture is him helping her when she got stuck somewhere and in turn she always brings him little trinkets (especially shiny ones) she found from pearls to stuff that was either thrown off ships or came from sunken ones. And even when it's useless junk he can't bring himself to throw it away because she always looks so excited when she hands him something. Also at first she'd always leave it for him and watch from a distance but he can spot her peeking out from her little hiding spots.
Then, whenever they were in a harbor for a while (she just decided to travel wherever their ship sailed to stay with her human lol) she asks if he brought "land snacks" she could try.
A funny little addition would be for Vandy to later on get jealous when someone else mentions they heard a beautiful singing voice at night, because he was convinced to always be the only one awake whenever she sings and he dislikes that it's apparently not a "them only" thing like he'd initial thought.
So yeah... That and more details are stuck in my brain but idk if I should try and turn it into an actual thing xDD
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Happy Halloween 🎃 what would you and Vanderwood dress up as and what would you do? Party? Trick or treating? Handing out candy? Or something else???
Happy Halloween!
It takes a bit of convincing with Vanderwood, but he's not getting out of dressing up. We compromised on Red Riding Hood and the wolf. Mainly because he doesn't have to dress up a lot for that.
We're both not the biggest fans of parties, so we'll stay at home with a big bowl of candy to pass out to the kids that actually do go trick or treating (there aren't really a lot doing it in our neighborhood but the ones that do get extra candy).
And even though every jumpscare usually gets me, he still humors me and we'll watch a bunch of scary movies. It's simply a must for Halloween! Plus it also means I'll inevitably end up clinging to him at some point. (He likes to act like he gets annoyed by it, but he's always quick to hold me close and remind me that he'll protect me, whenever we watch horror movies)
So all in all our plans are pretty relaxed and nothing big at all.
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Feeling Christmassy today~ 👀
I am here with a self ship ask!
You. Vanderwood. Cocoa or Cider? (Drag that man to the couch and make him sit still for awhile)
And what's your favorite Christmas songs? (personal favorites, or if you have a favorite together)
Atuvrdc Christmas ask for someone who's not excited for Christmas at all this year 😂
But Christmas with Vandy would be pretty soft, ngl 👀 so here we gooo!
I definitely have to go with cocoa (extra points if it's with cinnamon). It's one of my most favorite things to drink in winter. And knowing Vanderwood, we'd even melt chocolate for it, instead of using powder.
And you can bet that I'll drag him to the couch and go full on koala on the man, if that's what it takes to make him take a break. I am a cuddle monster and if I want affection, there's no getting out of it xD (plus curling up on the couch, cuddling and watching movies when it's cold outside? *chef's kiss*)
As for favorite Christmas songs... I'm a big fan of "classics". I tend to listen to a lot of Dean Martin, for example. Idk, I'm just a retro/vintage girl and songs from... roughly around the 40s to the 60s hit different during the holidays xD
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Soooooo~ I was reading up on your super cute OC, and was wondering 👀
When you and Vandy move in together, where would you live? Someplace busy or quiet? I saw that you're leaning into cottage core stuff and djhwhwbdgid 💜💜 gosh cottagecore is the cutest 💜 would you two have a lot of plants? Or would you two be more of pet lovers?
hope ur doing well :))
Srzhesc aaah first up thank you for saying my oc is cute 🥺 that really means a lot to me 👉🏻👈🏻
We are both not really big fans of city life. I've never been a city girl and something more quiet is also a preference for Vanderwood now. Something close to nature with not too many people around is ideal. Just something small, cozy and warm. A couple fields right behind the house and the forest just a 5 minute walk away (totally not describing where I live lol).
And as for plants or pets... Both! I have a dog and where I go, she goes. She's my little baby. But we also have a shit ton of plants, which is mostly my doing. I see a pretty plant, I bring it home without thinking twice. Though I feel like he let's that slide, because it's better than me potentially bringing home more animals xD
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Happy Monday!!! ♥️ let’s start the week with a little self ship love: Vanderwood says he has a new trendy restaurant he wants to take to you. After finding the proper attire you two leave. Describe your evening after walking in and being met with this sight:
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Lea, hi! Omg I'm so late to this xD
But this topic was kinda funny to me, because the other day, one of my friends and I talked about why we don't really like going to restaurants 😂 the timing is just *chef's kiss*
This was really fun to write, though! Gave me a big boost of serotonin 💕
"This is the place?"
"Nice. Yeah, it's real fancy. So uh... You showed it to me and now we can leave", I rambled, at the same time turning around to walk back right out of the door again. Though Vanderwood stepped into my way, resulting in me simply bumping into his broad chest.
"Come on, I reserved a table for us", he murmured, hands resting on my hips to keep me in place. "Besides, do you really want to go home already after you got all dolled up?"
"I dressed up for less before."
"Baby girl..."
As much as I felt out of place there, it was impossible to not give in to him. Letting out a defeated sigh, I pouted up at him for good measure, resulting in him pecking my lips.
It didn't take much longer until a waiter led us to our table, handing us the menu as soon as we were seated. And as expected, everything was a bit more on the expansive side, making me feel a little more uncomfortable than I had already been walking into the restaurant. The entire time my face was in a frown, while I tried to look for something I'd like that wouldn't cost too much.
Though when it was time to order, I didn't even get the chance to open my mouth, Vanderwood taking it upon himself to order food and drinks for both of us. Knowing way too well what my favorite dishes are.
"You know I'm perfectly able to order for myself, right?"
"I know you would've only picked a salad", he countered with a raised brow, amusement fairly visible in his brown eyes. "I remember someone saying that we should try some new places, every now and then", he went on, reaching out to take my hand.
"I know I said that. But I didn't mean crazy fancy restaurants where dinner costs as much as our groceries for two weeks or so."
I kept my gaze down as I began to play with his fingers. Something I usually did when I felt nervous for whatever reason. Though in order to make me look up, he reached out with his free hand to cup my cheek, the way his expression softened causing my cheeks to heat up ever so slightly.
"You always insist on spoiling me. Let me return the favor now, hm? Just enjoy the food, I'll take care of everything else."
Once again it was just unfair how easily he was able to make me give in to him. But then again, I knew just how weak I was for him, especially when he was being so sweet.
"Unfair... Also, what happened to Mr "I'm only gonna talk as much as possible and keep it short", huh?", I teased, mainly to distract a bit from how quickly he'd won.
"Well, he got a very chatty girlfriend, who always expects him to answer with more than two words", he countered with a smirk.
And even though I pretended to be offended by that, I couldn't help but chuckle, giving his leg a light nudge with my foot under the table.
"Oh, come on! I'm not that- okay, maybe I am chatty. But I pretty much had to talk for two when we started dating!"
The lighthearted bantering slowly but surely helped to ease the rest of my nerves and the conversation continued comfortably over the main course, making me nearly forget that he'd taken me to such a fancy place. As it happened rather often, my world easily narrowed down on him, nothing else really mattering outside of our little bubble when we were together.
We chatted over everything and nothing, really. Just whatever came to mind. Planning what to cook for dinner, the next couple days. Reminding him that my mom insisted on us visiting her when the weather is nice, so we can catch up while relaxing in the garden. Him in return reminding me that we had to take the dog to the vet in a couple days for her yearly check-up, and so on.  All in all, it was a very nice evening, making me glad that I hadn't insisted on going back home before giving the place a try.
While we waited for dessert, Vanderwood reached out to take my hand once again, his thumb brushing over my knuckles. After flashing him a wide smile, I let my gaze wander, taking in all the beautiful decor, which easily made me feel like we were in some kind of fantasy world.
His voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked back at him just in time to see him put his phone back down. With the most fake innocent expression I've ever seen on him.
"Did you just take a picture of me?", I asked in amusement, leaning a bit closer over the table, him mirroring my movements.
"I did. It's my new lockscreen."
No matter how long we've already been together, sometimes his bluntness still surprised me, making me blink a couple times before I laughed quietly.
"Oh, you're allowed to take sneaky pics of me for lockscreen purposes but when I do it you tell me to delete it? Doesn't sound fair to me."
But I had to admit he did let me keep the adorable picture I once took of him, napping on the couch with the dog sleeping on his chest. And I doubted I would've switched that one out anytime soon anyway.
"I did let you keep the ones that didn't look weird", he smirked, leaning in further until his lips brushed against mine.
When dessert arrived, whe both straightened back up, if a little reluctantly, but he refused to let go of my hand. A small thing that easily made my heart skip a beat.
Without really thinking too much about it, I held my fork with a piece of the chocolate cake he'd ordered for me out to him. It was a normal thing we did at home all the time; feeding the other one something in order to share it or when he wanted me to try something new.
"We're in a restaurant."
"So? That doesn't mean I can't share my cake with my boyfriend, does it?", I hummed, moving the fork a little closer to his lips.
Even though he let out a long sigh, his cheeks sporting a faint pink tint, he still leaned in to finally eat the cake.
"You're the worst, you know that", he muttered with a playful glare.
"You still love me, though~"
"Mhm... That I do, indeed."
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Happy Monday!!! And Happy start to your week!! I hope it’s going well so far?? It’s time for your fluffy ask of the week?? Out of you and Vanderwood whose the more protective of the other?? ♥️
Happy Tuesday! Hope your’re doing well 💕
Yesterday was a bit exhausting, but I got more plants so that made everything better 👀
While we're both pretty protective of one another, I think Vanderwood is more protective of me. Not only because he still has the need to make sure no one from his past might get the stupid idea to come for me, but also because I'm very clumsy.
Like, I'm the type of person who runs into things so often, I don't really notice it anymore and then wonder where all those bruises come from. I trip over nothing, drop things all the time, etc. On top of that, I'm also small, and a lot of things in our home aren't small people friendly. Pair that with my bad habit of climbing on top of chairs, tables and the kitchen counter, rather than grabbing a ladder, and you can be sure Vandy tries to take over anything that includes reaching higher places. Though when my stubborn side of "I can do it myself" kicks in, he has no choice but to let me do it. But after I stood on a chair in order to clean a shelf in the living room, resulting in it tipping over when I wanted to get down again and ended up bruising my ribs from falling on the backrest, he talked me into at least waiting until he's home and close by, so he can catch me. Of course he still scolded me for being so reckless when I was home alone.
"What were you thinking?", he muttered, after setting me down on the couch and pressing a cooling pad to my side.
"Vandy, I'm fine... I know it was stupid, okay? But it's not that bad."
"Not that bad?", he huffed, fixing me with a glare and raised a brow. "You were lucky nothing worse happened to you. Why can't you just use a ladder like a normal person?"
What followed was a lecture about how I had to be more careful and how worried he was. With me promising to be more careful in the future.He also began to make it a habit of having an arm wrapped around me when we are outside, rather than only holding my hand. Because that way it's easier for him to keep me upright when I trip. I'm not complaining about it, though. Because that means I can be all snuggled up into his side.
Though where I'm more protective is probably when it's about other people flirting. Not because I don't trust him, but because I know once he realizes that someone is trying to hit on him, he gets extremely uncomfortable and usually doesn't know how to react. (And maybe I like showing off that he's my boyfriend...) Which is why I'm the one to step in, making it obvious that we're in a very happy relationship and that any attempts to get their hands on my man are futile.
"What was that all about now?", he asked confused, as soon as I managed to make a very pushy woman leave.
"You really didn't notice, huh?", I chuckled, my arms wrapping around his neck and his hands moved to rest on my hips. "She was hitting on you like there's no tomorrow."
"Highly doubt it."
"Babe", I chuckled, unable to contain my amusement about how oblivious he was once again. "She not only wanted to get your number, she also very clearly wanted to get into your pants as well."
"She- But why? I mean, I'm obviously with you." His cheeks turned bright red as it seemed to finally settle in and his brows furrowed.
"You're extremely handsome, that's why. I can't blame her for trying. But there's no way in hell I'd ever share you~"
"Idiot...", he only muttered, rolling his eyes fondly, before he leaned down for a quick peck. "Come on. Groceries don't buy themselves."
He pulled me along, though we both made sure to stay close at all times. And if he was fine with some more PDA than usual for the rest of the day, neither of us commented on it. Both of us knowing it was to be on the safe side and hopefully keeping more situations like that from happening again.
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I’M BACK FINALLY AND I BRINGING A SELF SHIP ASK!!!! I hope you enjoy ♥️ What would Vanderwood think the first time he walks in to find you wearing his clothes??
LEAAA! Oh my god it's so good to finally have you back! I really missed you 🥺💕 was more than just time that everything went back to normal for you!
And this was such a cute things to take my mind off of some things today, so thank you a lot for that 💕
At some point I offered Vanderwood that he could leave a few spare clothes at my place. Seeing how any dates at home often ended up with him staying the night, even if that hadn't been part of the original plan. But who am I to complain about more time spent with my man? And the only item of clothing I owned that could've fit him was a pair of sweatpants. That's why I made room for his stuff in my closet, neither of us talking about how much more official and serious everything felt because of it.
I'm known for stealing clothes, I even raided my mom's and brother's closets on more than one occasion. But with Vandy's stuff I usually only really did it when we weren't able to see each other in a while and I missed him. Wearing his shirts or sweaters didn't match up to being wrapped up in his arms, but it was a good alternative for the time being.
One of those days, I didn't have much to do besides going on walks with the dog and washing the dishes, I rummaged through his clothes, eventually settling on a black turtleneck. It was rather loose fitting, the hem reaching down to about a third of my thigh, while I had to push the sleeves up if I didn't want my hands to be completely lost in the soft fabric. And when I went to pet Ira, she pressed her nose into the sleeve, sniffing on it.
"I know, I miss him, too. But we'll see him again soon, hm?"
Just as I was about to head into the kitchen, there was a knock on the door. And the fact that my dog was not barking, instead jumping off the couch with a wagging tail and impatient whines, could only mean one thing. I nearly ran over to the door to open it, immediately throwing my arms around Vanderwood's neck which first drew a surprised grunt out of him as he caught me, before he chuckled quietly and shuffled inside with me, kicking the door shut behind him.
"Seems like someone missed me." He pulled back and just as I was about to answer, his fingers brushed along the collar of the sweater I wore, his head tilted ever so slightly to the side while he looked me over. "So much so even that you stole my clothes?"
"I'm not stealing them, I borrow them! The turtleneck is warm and smells like you", I muttered, fumbling with the sleeves and peeking up at him.
His ears and cheeks sported a faint pink tint, though his gaze was gentle and he nudged me over to the couch, where he pulled me into his lap, his face buried in my hair.
"Mhm... You look cute in my clothes. I might get used to the sight."
"That so?", I chuckled, only getting a content hum in confirmation.
For the rest of the day he was way more cuddly than usual, not letting me go unless absolutely necessary. Fingers either playing with the sweater or sneaking underneath it while he pulled me closer into his chest.
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Becky ♥️ I saw your latest post and it begs the question: Ice Skating ⛸ date with Vanderwood??? Would it happen??? Is he any good??? Would you guys share warm drinks after??
Leaaa 💕 (lol we love when tumblr randomly turns off the asks 🙃)
But my goldfish brain remembered that I actually once wrote about an ice skating date with Vandy for one of your self insert questions :D
So the answer is yes, it did happen and if anyone wants to read it, it's right here 😊
Will it happen again? With the right motivation, I think I can talk him into going more often with me 😉
And as for sharing warm drinks: absolutely! Maybe we wouldn't necessarily go to a café, but we'd definitely make some coffee or hot chocolate at home before curling up together on the couch under a fluffy blanket to warm up again.
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Obviously I ship you with Vanderwood 😏😏
Asstzc you still have no idea how happy that makes me xD💕
Okay but this is honestly kinda tricky. Because on the one hand we'd probably be like an old, married couple who just want to be able to live a quiet life. (plus big parents energy xD)
But on the other hand it's, to quote one of my best friends, "the grumpy softie and the little sunshine who will throw hands if provoked too much".
Idek if that's gonna make any sense to anyone 😂😂
Send me a character you ship me with and I'll tell you our relationship dynamic
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Happy Friday, Becky~! 😄
I'm wondering, what is your ideal writing set up? (Where? Alone or background noise? Music? Snack or drink? Etc.)
Also because I have found some beautiful fanart of dear Vanderwood and I cannot get over that glorious mane... Has Vanderwood ever let you style his hair before? 😏
Happy Friday, Hope!
Damn, you're treating me today with the bonus self insert 😂💕
I have a really cozy reading corner, where I also like to write. There are quite a few of my plants, I sit right at the window/next to the heating which makes it the perfect spot all year round. When it's not too warm for it, I also usually light a scented candle (my favorite one is seasalt and rose. It's soo good!) Here's the spot in question, for anyone who might be curious xD
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The second spot is simply my bed. Especially when it's already a bit later and my dog is asleep (she hates sleeping alone, so I have to be in bed with her, when she wants to sleep) So all in all I like it cozy and comfy when I write with the possibility to curl up a bit when I feel like it.
Preferably I like to be alone when I write. I get easily distracted and irritated when people talk right next to me. I don't even know why. Probably because I quickly get things mixed up when I write in one language but the conversation being held is in a different one. But since I mostly listen to music while writing anyway, I just put on headphones when someone is around. Music wise, I have a couple different playlists depending on the mood of what I want to write. Otherwise I also like to watch my comfort movies, since I know those by heart and it's a nice background noise.
I always make sure to have drinks at hand. Gotta stay hydrated! A bottle of water is essential, but I also prepare coffee or some peach milk tea, most of the time.
I'm not too big on snacking while writing. That's more something I do afterwards. Kind of as a reward for getting something done xD
Now to my all time favorite Topic: My hubby, the love of my life... Vandy xDD
He actually did let me style his hair! Took some convincing, but he gave in after a while. At first he didn't let me do more than put his hair up in a bun or do those half up/half down styles.
Buuut he does like me playing with his hair, so when whe cuddle, and especially when his head is in my lap, I braid small sections of his hair and he is fine with it. At least as long as I'm not trying to take pictures of it. I tried talking him into letting me wave his hair, but he always says no, sadly... Maybe someday when I'm persistent enough 👀
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It’s Monday!!! ♥️ Let’s start this week off right with a little self shipping!!! Describe the first time either Vanderwood tried to impress you and how it worked out for him?? Enjoy 😘 (Question submitted this week by @some-piece )
Happy Sunday, Lea! Hope you had a great week 💕
I managed to talk Vanderwood into going to the funfair with me, it was pretty much an unofficial second date. For a while we simply walked around, looking at all the different stands, buying some snacks... I don't know how but I even got him to at least try some of my cotton candy, chuckling at the way his nose scrunched up when the sugary fluff dissolved on his tongue.
"Okay, okay, got it. Cotton candy is not your thing", I snickered, bumping my shoulder lightly against his arm. "We could get you something else?"
"No, it's okay. The stuff here is too unhealthy anyway."
I only snorted as I finished my treat. Even at a funfair, where it was kind of a given to stuff yourself with junk, he still insisted on rather eating something healthy later... Though before I was able to comment on that, a teddy bear at a shooting gallery caught my eye. It was a light brown, fluffy and holding a heart. It was just absolutely adorable.
"Wanna give it a try?", Vanderwood suddenly asked. For a moment I was a little confused about how he seemed to know what I was thinking. But then he was always very attentive, so of course he'd noticed me staring at the stuffed animal.
"Nah, it would just be a waste of a looot of money. I never hit anything at those."
Instead of saying anything, he took a hold of my hand and pulled me along to the stand, wordlessly putting the money for a round on the counter, before he already picked up the rifle and inspected it shortly.
"Vandy, you don't have to-"
"Aaah, I see the gentleman wants to win something for his girlfriend? Go ahead~", I got interrupted by the owner of the shooting gallery.
While I knew that Vanderwood was most definitely a good shot, kind of a given with his history as a secret agent, I was also well aware that often times the guns at things like that were rigged, the "bullets" never flying how you expected them to. And that was also paired with the fact that you had to hit moving targets in order to get full points.
Though with every shot he fired, every target he hit, my eyes grew bigger, entranced by how easy he made it all look, when in all my life I've barely ever hit anything. Even the owner seemed surprised.
"The big teddy bear over there", he announced without even waiting to be told what he could choose from with the points he'd made.
And even before he handed it over to me, I simply threw my arms around his neck, catching him off guard, though he instinctively wrapped his free arm around my waist to steady me.
"That was so amazing! How did you manage to not miss a single shot?"
"It wasn't really that difficult", he simply said with a shrug, but there was the slightest tint of pink covering his cheeks.
"Maybe for you. Big showoff", I chuckled, nearly clutching the teddy to my chest, once he gave it to me. "But thank you so much... I'll make sure he'll get the best spot in my home~", I added, followed by a kiss pressed to the corner of his mouth. Something that made his blush deepen.
Afterwards I simply took his hand with my free one, heart skipping a beat when he was the one intertwining our fingers as we continued to walk around the funfair.
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Hello! Happy Monday!!! It’s time for another self shipping question: Vanderwood does something that makes you upset, what does he do to make it up to you and make you smile again?? Hope you have a great week! ♥️
No matter the reason why he upset me, the first thing he always does is give me some space. He knows that I need a bit of time by myself to sort through my feelings and cool off again. He never pushes, just waiting until I'm ready to come out.
More often than not does he use that time to prepare my favorite food. Along with cozying up the living room (including putting one of his shirts on the backrest of the couch, in case I'd want to wear it. Which I usually do) and putting on one of my comfort movies.
And even when I do come out of whatever room I went into hiding, he still waits and watches me while assessing the situation to figure out how to approach me. Though usually I am rather quickly clinging to him, with his arms wrapping around me in a tight embrace. Besides apologizing, we also immediately talk about whatever has been the issue. To avoid further unnecessary situations like that.
Afterwards we eat together while watching whichever movie he'd put on. Then there will follow a shit ton of cuddles. Sometimes, when he notices that I'm still a little down, he'll even go as far as starting to tickle me, to get a laugh out of me. Even when that's a forced one, a real laugh or smile is sure to follow once he says something along the lines of "There's the pretty smile I love..." Because honestly... Who could stay upset when Vanderwood is being that sweet?
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Well OBVIOUSLY I ship you with Vanderwood, duh. You two would make the cutest couple, 'nuff said.
Sezgwdzc the amount of joy hearing this always brings me is insane! 💕
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I already wrote a bit about it here
We'd be the self proclaimed parents of everyone. Whether they (or we lol) like it or not xDD
Send me a character you ship me with and I'll tell you our relationship dynamic
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I am a terrible person I don’t know what I’ve been doing this week but I definitely completely forgot the self ship asks until today 🙈 I thought this was such a cute and interesting question to think about when I answered it I decided to ask it here: Who gets rid of the spiders in your relationship?? You or Vanderwood?? ♥️
Don't say that! You're not a terrible person for forgetting something! You are one of the most amazing people I know. Period 💕
Usually it's very simple with us. Whoever spots a spider in our home gets rid of it. Well, with one exception...
"Baby girl, I think I spotted a spider in the living room", Vanderwood announced as he walked past me into the kitchen to start preparing dinner.
"I'll take care of it."
I hummed quietly to myself as I made my way into the living room. Since we lived right next to fields it wasn't out of the ordinary to find a spider here and there rather often. And I had no real problem to either kill or get them outside, as long as they were on the smaller side. Though what pretty much stared back at me, or so it felt, was definitely not small. It was pretty big, the type you just knew would jump or run as soon as you approached it and those bastards were fast.
At first I took a couple steps backwards, eyes still trained on the spider, before I quickly shuffled into the kitchen, arms wrapping around Vandy's waist from behind while I pressed my face to his back.
"Nope, nope, nope...", was the only thing I muttered.
The amused snort that came from him made it fairly obvious that he already knew what the issue was. Stopping in his tracks of cutting some vegetables, he put the knife down in order to turn around in my arms, his hands moving to rest on my hips.
"Big one?"
"It's a monster! And absolutely fucking disgusting!", I whined as I looked up at him.
After dropping a kiss to my forehead, he grabbed a glass along with a piece of paper, not hesitating to trap the spider expertly that way. Meanwhile I was only peeking into the living room, hands nearly clinging to the doorframe. And when the spider started moving in the glass, trying to find a way out, I let out a quiet squeal and instinctively took a step back.
Only when Vanderwood set it free outside and returned, without the animal following him back inside, did I relax again.
"All good now... Though what would you do if you'd live alone, hm?" There was a teasing glint in his eyes as he walked back up to me, pulling me into a tight hug.
"Hey, I got rid of spiders like that plenty of times before, okay? If there's no way around it, I'll do it. Even if I hate it. But since I've got you...", I murmured, fiddling with the hem of his shirt and looking up at him with a sweet smile.
"So you let me do the dirty work? You're lucky you're cute."
"And that you want to protect me?", I added with a quiet chuckle, earning a playful pinch to my side for it.
"Mhm... No evil spider will ever harm you as long as I'm around", he said while leaning down, lips brushing against mine as he spoke.
"My knight in shining armor~", I whispered, before closing the small gap between us, rewarding him with a deep kiss for his bravery.
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