anonymous-harpy · 1 year
I did more DBZ Human AU art and massively updated Baby-Vegeta Yōji's backstory and lore as well as added some more GT to this AU. And did a few things with @amiz06-certified-b1mb0's Cooler again.
I tried my best to emulate the magazine cover style for these two pictures... Btw that Cold/Cell art uh... Helped me to draw Yōji's moosley chest.
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I have miss spelled Tusfruain too many times, it'll just keep changing until I settle into using one singular spelling. Like Saulza's name
My boy's main looks... *Screams in all the flaws I can't ignore*
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But I do love the new looks. I gotta come up with more suitable looks based on his alt Fighterz skins ...
Uhm, but LORE TIME:
Yōji is still has his tragic backstory of watching his family murdered and is out there get revegences.
The major revision here is that while he was an orphan, he did end up with a decent family that instilled him with morals (I'ma just slide this currently incomplete fic in right here, Vanguardian on AO3 ) so he's just trying to get his hands on Vegeta… so there some moral conflict about taking him out since he's got kids… but not enough to dissuade him still.
And rather than Yōji being the one to build his own criminal empire from the ground up, he's just very effective at smooth talking and schmoozing his way to take things over in one fell swoop. Like a parasite. Well he watched his family's meger estate be viciously dismantled once it was just him, a little kid. He's a fast learner you know. Helps to have hyperthymesia
I was looking for a way to explain how he could keep up with everyone given his altered backstory, weonlyneedonepersontobecalledperfect i figured being able to remember everything would suit my needs. Jack of all trades master of none? How about just jack of all trades with incompetent lackeys to fuck up your plans….
Because of course he can't do everything himself and has had to come to rely on others -which he despises. He installs willing puppets wherever he goes, to get whatever he needs (or wants) and he knows how to get things done, though it's often a bit messy since he's impatient. So flies on the walls of important people? Yeah that sounds about right.
And to revise how he came to meet Cooler- 
 Well Yōji was looking into Capsule Crop for information about Vegeta and the company's many rivals (I'm assuming that RR Army and of course the Real estate Lizards are the main/only ones soooooo), and part of that investigation meant planting spies and possibly breaking into a good newspaper company to get more leads.
All of it yields useful stuff for the revengeance seeking Tusfruain… and the attention of a lot of people. Not directly of course, but everyone knows that someone is up to something and starts looking into it. Helps that he's unconcerned with changing his appearance to avoid attention. The only problem is is someone caught a fussy picture of him (prolyBuuifwerebeinghonest), and while it's not enough to link to anything just yet, Hercule directs to defamation to Yōji's Blackstar and Business persona and so a target's painted on his back.
Though luckily Yōji doesn't mind tweaking his appearance and it's uncannily easy to walk around disguised as Vegeta.
And while Yōji was out and about parading as Vegeta he's spotted by my favorite squad and is followed back to one of his many "legitimate" business. A "club" is a very loose term that he's unafraid to stretch the meaning of as far as he can legally take it. Honestly though while he's completely heartless in GT I'm gonna say he's actually decent to his regular employees, looks out for them and all that… though he still gonna scream and shout at Para Brothers when they fuck up
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(You're always meaner towards your family than you are strangers. "Familiarity breeds contempt"). I mean he couldn't do anything without the cash flow, so there's not reason to not make sure everything covered.
Anyhow, while in the middle of washing out the temporary dye, our best boys break down the door of the office with they best boss in tow and Yōji responds to being cornered by four strong fighters in only the way you would expect from someone who got their finger caught in the cookie jar: lies through his bloody teeth to spin things around to his favor.
He's a parasite for a reason…
Somehow, and after getting the snot beat out of him by Cooler they come to a sort of agreement: Yōji's aligning himself with Cooler's family -though not publicly or in an overly obvious fashion because Yōji's trying to cause a serious scandal that doesn't to be traced back to them. And in return Yōji doesn't get beat up even more or have his "good name" immediately esposed and tied to all the city vices he's servicing.
And at some point along the way Yōji and Cooler go tit for tat back and forth for little favors (Yōji doesn't worry about getting caught gathering information through brute force or unusual methods for Cooler and in return Yōji gets property to buy through his shell companies), Which eventually turns into bigger ones that ultimately leave Yōji with enough dirt on Cooler that they're on equal footing again. AKA, Yōji used one of his shell companies to sponsor Cooler's band and the parasite loves to remind Cooler that he got outplayed in the long run.
Not that Yōji really asks for anything major. He just likes pissing off Cooler til he's mad enough to want to hurt him…
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This is a dynamic… and I have no idea why I decided on this for any Coolbabe stuff I have… but it's what I got going for me. And I stand by my unhinged parasite and his endless faults.
I cannot accurately convey Yōji's height... but honestly that makes this so much better.
I've got a couple more ideas to doddle, but honestly I've got other things to get to... Including but not limited to making use of the Colgate twins in this AU.
Alright back to the void I go!
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cityandking · 5 months
trevelyan siblings inquisition au. companion!vepser & inquisitor!rosie trevelyan. 1.5k.
in the world where rosaline trevelyan emerges from the breach alive, hand glowing and newly contemplating a faith she thought she had left behind, vesper stumbles into haven at sunset near a week later, haggard and half-starved and leading a quartet of faltering apprentices.
rosie is gone when she gets there, ridden east to the hinterlands with her newfound companions, and so it is something of an unpleasant surprise when the mage apostate claims to be of the house trevelyan. there is much discussion among the inner circle (which is, at that point, only the advisors) about what to do with her, and the children, until the herald returns, and vesper politely offers to spend the night in the dungeon, because there is at least a roof for their heads and a thin stew for their bellies.
(one of the apprentices eats until she is sick, and vesper holds her hair through the night, keeps watch. old habits, you know.)
(one of them, sickly and frail already, dies in the night. all vesper can muster is hollow exhaustion.)
there are questions aplenty in the morning: who is she (vesper trevelyan, youngest daughter of bann raymond trevelyan of ostwick and lady valérie hirondelle of val chevin); where is she from (the circle at ostwick); why is she here (for the conclave); how is she alive (they were late on account of the apprentice’s illness and saw the explosion from afar); why have they come to haven (they saw smoke and sought shelter).
in the end, leliana finds her harmless enough, and she and the children are given meager quarters and a guard (for their protection or for that of the town is unclear) and allowed to wait for rosie’s final judgement.
(a sentence would be far kinder than waiting for the word of a sister she has not spoken to in some fifteen years, but that choice, like so many others, is not hers to make.)
she is lucky; rosie returns within the day with the good word of a chantry mother and a trio of companions vesper cannot in her wildest dreams imagine her sister willingly befriending. they all disappear into the chantry, and it is hours before her elder sister emerges.
it is one thing to be told chance has turned your sister into the last hope of the world; it is another to see it for yourself. as far as vesper can tell, all she looks is older.
it is not a pleasant reunion.
rosie is unfailingly cold, sharp-edged as ever. it has been a long, long time but vesper remembers her sister’s anger and the subtle cruelty of it. this, at least, is not the willful hurt of their youth. there is something more desperate about it, and vesper understands desperation like a native tongue, one they now share. in the end she is allowed to stay so long as she makes herself useful, so she does.
it is something of a comfort to be a hedgewitch rather than a rebel apostate, to put her skills to work as a healer, to craft complex wards to keep scouts and soldiers safe. the spymaster watches her work at first, and eventually wariness warms to quiet friendship. she takes a swift liking to the dwarf and his stories, and a shy liking to the commander. she learns a great deal from the elven apostate, about magic and the fade and living beyond a circle. she watches from afar as her sister collects followers and faithful as though she were andraste herself, and is oddly grateful to be near her through this.
when the time comes for rosie to choose a side and close the breach, her sister looks her in the eyes and elects to work with the mages in Redcliffe, and asks if vesper will come with. it is, vesper thinks, the first time they have truly seen each other in some twenty years.
(there is a long, forgotten year that follows, and vesper survives through burning anger long enough to send her sister back to try again. it is a good thing to forget those horrors. it is a better thing to be sure they never happened at all.)
a handful of mages march back with them, a vanguard to lend their aid in sealing the breach, and it is odd to be among them again, like wearing old clothes that no longer fit. she avoids their glances, walks quietly with the seeker instead and tries not to think too much of the knowing glances leveled at her.
“the herald did a good thing here,” cassandra says quietly as they bed down for the night, bone-weary. “perhaps you should speak to her of it.”
“my sister has never valued my judgement,” vesper tells her, bluntness born of surprise, but she seeks out her sister anyways. she finds her staring deep into the fire, and does not say anything as she sits, only offers silent invitation.
the trevelyan children have always been particularly good at reading each other. how else would they know where to hit where it most hurts?
(”you were so real,” rosie says when the fire is almost embers. vesper glances in her direction to see her staring at the burnished glow. the light turns her hair copper. “it was like a dream, but you were so real. you called me posie.”
it is an old, old nickname, and hearing it here, now— something catches in versper’s throat. but she has never been one to make a scene; she swallows it away.
“you all died, so I could come back.”
“you can end it,” vesper says quietly. rosie looks up.
“I know,” she says, and there is new-forged iron in her voice. it is strange to hear such decisiveness from her, from roxie’s shadow. perhaps they have both grown more than vesper has realized. “I will. will you stay?”
vesper had not even thought to leave. “yes.”
“good.” and she is quiet again. vesper finds herself smiling at the fading fire. a little care and attention, she thinks inexplicably, and it will roar back to life. there is something comforting in that.)
there are things to see to when they return, and vesper is relieved to escape the scrutiny of the mages and rosie’s companions alike. she watches from the chantry as her sister seals the hole in the sky.
the festivities are a nice change of pace. the attack is more of the same.
it is harder than she cares to admit to follow the commander, half wanting to linger in wait for her sister and knowing that this sacrifice will mean nothing if they do not flee.
the worst of it comes when her companions stumble out of the snow and smoke without her.
(there is magic, she wants to say, but the words stick in her throat, forbidden. there are magics of blood and binding she can do to find her, to find out if—
rosie stumbles out of the wind and snow hours after sunset and vesper’s relief leaves her shaking, and there is something awful about it, about caring so much and wanting it so little.
she is there when rosie wakes, and neither speak of it. there is far too much between them, around them, weighing upon them. there is far too much, and far too little time. some things must wait.)
skyhold is a comfort. there is something humming through the stone, some old magic that is almost familiar, and it is the most at home she has felt perhaps since she was a girl. leliana allows her a workstation to call her own off the gardens, and rosie brings her along now and again on her travels and it is— there is something free about it. something of worth. something far more fulfilling than she has ever imagined might exist.
rosie’s companions are a strange sort, and it takes her a long time to realize she counts among them, and that realization, more than anything, has her seeking out her sister, asking why.
“I don’t think we’ll ever fix it,” rosie says, and vesper does not need to ask what it is; there is bad blood aplenty between them, burnt bridges and thick walls. but there is trick with burning—fields must be scorched clean so life may grow fresh. “but maybe we can make it a little better. the whole world is changing, sister. I think maybe we can try to be better people with it.”
rosie, vesper discovers, is a leader she is proud to follow.
(she is right; it is not fixed, and some days they find their old soft spots and dig in until the whole keep simmers with that old, cruel bitterness. but some days are not all days, and slowly, slowly, they fill the space between them with something akin to friendship.)
(helene shows up at skyhold six weeks after they declare rosaline trevelyan inquisitor, and that is a whole new dynamic to this particular disaster, but this generation of trevelyans are nothing if not unpredictable.
besides. vesper’s a fan of anything that will leave father rolling in his grave. some battles are worth the sweat and blood, and she has missed having a family.)
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For game mechanics, I hate it when RPGs expect you to lose for story reasons but don't make it clear, so I end up wastin items and on unwinnable battle
OKAY TO BE FAIR I THINK ITS A MIXED BAG!!! like i think stuff like kingdom hearts 1 and the soulsborne games really nailed it like the game kind of "expects" you to get defeated by cloud and squall, but you can defeat them! you're kind of supposed to die to vanguar in demon souls or the first werewolf in bloodborne to advance the plot, eventually you kind of "have" to die to reach the nexus and the hunter's dream, but you can also either wait for the dragon god cutscene or for the inevitable first death!! and that's FUN!!!
i'm not counting the spider guy in elden ring because the way it actually kills you, while hilarious, isn't exactly. plot relevant, it makes you fucking fall they really went shit fuck god damnit you had to die here and do a funny prank. it made me laugh but also :(
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but also i get what you mean. like for once i can get to talk badly about ffix real quick? i never died-died to beatrix so idk if the game actually continues even if you get defeated, but the fact that you have to resist for x amount of turns and just then she uses her instant super kills you move is. kind of annoying like i understand it at the end of disc 1 and in the second battle its kinda okay too but i think we should've defeated her the third time
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doctorespecialistas · 9 months
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La destacada clínica dental en Los Algodones
Agenda una cita con la destacada clínica dental de Los Algodones.
¡Visita el siguiente enlace para mayor información!
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defensenow · 10 months
"JTE: US Army & Brazilian Army Field Artillery Units at Southern Vanguar...
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soundpeats · 11 months
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lasclbubble · 2 years
Path of exile wiki bottled storm
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#Path of exile wiki bottled storm skin#
It never occurred to me that her endless living death might be. she spoke with anger for the first and only time I've ever heard. I asked her if Hinekora could save Baran by doing the same for him, and Navali. But perhaps it's best I not risk my one good eye with an open flame. I tend to stumble in the night on the way to the latrine. Sometimes wish I had a hat with a light on it myself. He's loyal, but unsuitable for duty, for obvious reasons. I suppose, in the end, it doesn't matter. I also can't imagine becoming so hollow that I would attack people I loved. I can't imagine being abandoned in darkness for a subjective eternity.
#Path of exile wiki bottled storm skin#
It itches like rabid mudflies, damn latent disintegration eating away at me about the same speed as the skin naturally grows back. Was he an evil man? I think on it when I'm trying to sleep at night, because it seems the wound he gave me will never fully heal. I hadn't even considered what his storms could do to mankind if they were ravaging Wraeclast instead of the Atlas. If my brother spent his last words warning us against Sirus, then he must truly pose a tremendous threat. Maybe we'll be able to figure out where he's been hiding. I'll keep track of your encounters with him. Sirus lives? I would imagine Caeserius is overjoyed, unless he's as mad as the rest of the Conquerors. " - Kirac "The Envoy" dialogue in hideout (after Maven kill) Sirus We must face this 'Sirus' together, all grievances aside. If we tried to explain all this to the citizen Magistrates, Caeserius would be locked up for her associations with criminals, and we'd all be thrown in an asylum for our wild tales. If he was simply dead, that would be one thing, but he's out there suffering eternal madness because of her. In my heart, I do blame her for what happened to Baran. Of course, that opinion hinges on whether they're telling the truth, and whether my brother can be saved. By all accounts, regarding this 'Elder' creature she and her exiles defeated, she may have done Wraeclast a service, and nobody's the wiser. I'm starting to think her reputation as a radical is unearned. We should work with her until we rescue my brother.Ĭaeserius has a good head on her shoulders. It runs at odds with my position in the Citizen Vanguard, but I think I've earned some discretion. I intended to bring Caeserius to the Magistrates, but it sounds like Baran is in real trouble. The new citizen Magistrates will handle that. It's not for me to decide whether skulking around Oriath with mystical technologies that explode is a crime worthy of prison. If Caeserius is still alive, I'll track her down, and I'll deliver her in chains for judgement. There's nothing to be done about it, but it still burns. did she understand the costs? Did she know the fate she was consigning my brother to? I've no small bitterness over how far she went to try to save her father, yet here we are, abandoning my brother to eternal madness. You actually saw my brother? He's alive? Then finding his sanctuary is our next move. With my help, you can track him down in no time. He's in trouble, but he's got us looking out for him. I knew I should have dropped everything and come back when he first wrote to me that he'd fallen in with that radical. I know that searching for one man's brother is an inconsequential task for a Godslayer, but I have a bad feeling about this. Kitava's temper tantrum kept me from Oriath, but my brother should have long since returned by now. He wrote that he was embarking on an expedition with Caeserius and several skilled exiles. Or the one eye open, in my case.īaran sent me letters. The Templar kept the true nature of the world hidden from the populace, but now the rhoa's out of the sack, and we'll keep both eyes open. We're the front line, ensuring the likes of Kitava and Innocence never blindside us again. Kirac's my name, tracker and officer in Oriath's new Citizen Vanguard. 1.3 Baran (Echoes of the Atlas version).1.2 Baran (Conquerors of the Atlas version).
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koichi-yabuki · 2 years
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thebladeblaster · 4 years
Vanguard If Episode 10 reaction
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Card game anime logic
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He says it as if Aichi’s just goofing off with the Cardfight club😂.
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Holy crap! Eru actually has powers in this altered time line!?
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OH MY GOD!!!! The original anime existed confirmed? I’m pretty sure V series Eru didn’t fight Leon yet we saw a flash of it (a fight that happened in the original). So is the original actually still canon?
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If breaks the fourth wall again😂.
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Blaster Blade looks like a giant here.
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Okay theory time! Eru mentioned a third set which may be the original Vanguard. When Shuka says the world’s are sacrificed I think she means rewriting them (essentially sacrificing them). Maybe, Shuka or someone or something else with a similar power rewrote the original timeline creating V series. I believe whoever that is (Shuka or someone else) is the true final antagonist of If. I don’t remember if I mentioned this but I don’t think Aichi is the final antagonist. I think he’s just being manipulated or controlled by the real final big bad. It would make sense considering he seems to be a victim of the distortions. And I highly doubt he’s behind the jammers. For the supposed boss he hasn’t really done much which makes me a bit suspicious. One thing, I think will happen at some point is that they will fix Aichi and he’ll join their party or help them out Tuxedo Mask style (like Ren). I think it would probably be around the halfway point though I don’t know how many episodes If will have. I think they’ll beat Aichi then everything will seemingly be over and then the true villain reveals themselves. (It may be Shuka pulling a Vector 😂)
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Looks like we’re seeing some G and Shinemon characters next episode. I was never really asking to know how Vanguar-ou was created but okay.
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So, it looks like their teaming up with Ren in the next episode. I’m surprised they are pulling out Majesty Lord Blaster already. I thought that they’d save that for the Aichi fight.
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hermitthrush · 4 years
At present all your actions must be animated by one aim - namely, to bring everything down with a crash: the State as well as its moral standards. We alone will be left, we who have prepared ourselves beforehand to take over the government: the intelligent we shall bring over to our side, and the fools we shall use to carry us on their shoulders. You must not be shy of that. We must re-educate a generation to make it worthy of freedom. We shall have many thousands of Shatovs to deal with.
Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Devils (1871) | Magarshack translation, Part III, “A Very Busy Night” 6.1. After the murder of Shatov, Peter acknowledges the violence an intellectual vanguard must commit. Ends and means.
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anonymous-harpy · 1 year
Context: my fanfic "The Chick and The Hen" where the reader is Yōji's momma and Aunt Finley is along for the ride!
It's literally a fic where "whatever sounds interesting" happens with a loose/non-existent plot.... But it totally deserves a more serious retelling, but not until after I run into the fast approaching wall.
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Ignore the D in Vanguard. I didn't remember my notes when I did that. So It's Vanguar
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pigmentsports · 2 years
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doctorespecialistas · 9 months
Agenda una cita con la destacada clínica dental de Los Algodones.
¡Visita el siguiente enlace para mayor información!
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theloniousbach · 4 years
Couch Tour: Renee Rosnes Quartet, Village Vanguard, 13 November 2020
Renee Rosnes really is a big and powerful pianist.  Of course, she has to be to be the driving force of Artemis, with that big front line and Alison Miller at the kit.  My other significant and recent exposure are some duo dates with Buster Williams where the dance is different.
Here she is with an amalgam of her bands on her wonderful “Written on the Rocks” (Peter Washington AND Bill Stewart are present on the album and at this gig) and “Beloved of the Sky” (Chris Potter and Peter Washington this time).  The material is largely drawn from both, but given energetic airings as launching pads for serious playing.
Openers are funny and probably make more sense in retrospect as the rest of the gig unfolds.  They are telling, but audience and band are taking the measure of one another.  It stakes claims usually but, with a perimeter secured, all concerned can relax into the set.  Tonight it was Ron Carter’s “Einbahnstrasse” which of course had a fantastic bass line for the rhythm section to chew on and, on top of that, for Rosnes and Potter to air out their formidable chops.  Everyone soloed with energy and they began.
Next up was “Mirror Image” from “Beloved of the Sky” which I read was a tribute to Bobby Hutcherson.  It too had an extended line take at medium tempo.  A Rosnes outro with big left hand action segued into a big highlight for me, “Galapagos” from “Written in the Rocks.”  Rosnes is a science buff and that album is largely devoted to a seven part suite on evolution.  I was preselected naturally to like that tune, but it had Potter’s soprano sax, a Latin feel for Stewart to get inside of and push around with cymbals and toms played against one another.  Rosnes took her riff and gave it a rollicking ride.
A Strayhorn tune I should have placed was taken slowly and seriously, so it’s details could breath.  Next was a contrefactual on “How Deep is the Ocean” from “Rocks,” “From Here to a Star,” which had locked in bass, rich sax tone, and a confident piano solo with lots of fluid ideas.  Then there was Monk to go with the Strayhorn, “Four in One,” distinctive but not over done.  Rosnes has a much busier, fuller tone, but it was Monk through and through, inviting a very nimble bass solo from Peter Washington.
The last standards were a condensed “Winter of My Discontent” as the quiet ballad, before the finale, “Summer Night,” where they all shone, but again Stewart stood out.
A strong leader of a strong band.  
The Vanguard’s streaming has gone from being aggravating to one of the best.  I’ll be back.
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soundpeats · 11 months
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