#vanilla chocolate pinwheel
fullcravings · 7 months
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Pinwheel Cookies
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smalltowngnoll · 1 year
Chocolate Meerca Roll
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A tasty chocolate flavoured roll that looks like a Meercas tail!
Who doesn’t like chocolate cinnamon rolls? I did a powdered sugar/butter+water based Nutella glaze, but you can make a cream cheese based one! You can also substitute fudge for Nutella.
1 packet of yeast
1/4 c sugar
3/4 c milk + more if the dough is dry
2 1/2 c flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 c + 2 TBS cocoa powder (2 TBS is for glaze)
1 egg + 1 egg yolk
1/4 c + 1/4c melted butter (second 1/4 is for glaze)
1 c + 1/4 c Nutella (1/4 is for glaze)
1 TBS cinnamon
3/4 c walnuts
1 c powdered sugar
2 tsp vanilla
About 1/3 c hot water.
Warm milk to like 110*F, dissolve sugar, then add yeast. Let it get foamy.
In a separate bowl, sift flour, cocoa powder, and salt. Create a well in the middle.
Add all wet ingredients to the well and mix it into the flour. Knead the dough until it gets elastic and smooth. Let rise for an hour.
Pulse walnuts and cinnamon in a food processor.
Punch down the dough, and roll it out in a large rectangle. Spread Nutella on top, saving a 1/2 inch at the end to allow the rolls to seal. Sprinkle with walnut mixture.
Roll up the rectangle, and slice into 12 rolls with a serrated knife. Grease a 13x9 dish, and place in slices. Allow 1 hour to rise or let rise in the fridge over night.
Bake in an oven at 350*F for like 25 minutes. If you let the rolls rise in the fridge, let them sot on the counter and get to room temp before baking.
Melt butter and Nutella in a saucepan. Sift powdered sugar and cocoa powder into the pan and incorporate. As the glaze clumps together, add hot water in small amounts until the glaze is runny enough to spread on its own. Glaze those rolls once they are cool, otherwise you’ll have a mess.
Shitty Picture
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Initially, I was going to do pinwheel cookies until I saw the item description. My husband was thrilled, lol.
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howlingguardian · 9 months
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This is the first recipe I tried from Baking Yesteryear, the cookbook I got for Christmas.
They're called Icebox Pinwheels, and they're a swirl of chocolate and vanilla.
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moonheart201996 · 2 years
كوكيز الشوكولاتة بينويل 🍪
* 3 أكواب طحين لجميع الأغراض
* 1/2 ملعقة صغيرة بيكنج بودر
* ملح 1/2 ملعقة صغيرة
* 1 كوب زبدة غير مملحة بدرجة حرارة الغرفة
* 1 1/3 كوب سكر
* 2 بيضه كبيره
* 2 ملاعق صغيرة من خلاصة الفانيليا
* 2 أونصة شوكولاتة غير محلاة ، مفرومة ناعماً
* ينخل الدقيق مع البيكنج بودر والملح في وعاء كبير.
* باستخدام الخلاط الكهربائي ، اخفقي الزبدة حتى تصبح خفيفة ورقيقة لمدة 3 دقائق. يُضاف السكر ويُخفق لمدة دقيقتين إضافيتين. أضيفي البيض ، واحدًا تلو الآخر ، مع الخفق بعد كل إضافة ، متبوعًا بالفانيليا. نضيف خليط الدقيق ونخفق على نار هادئة حتى تمتزج.
* تقسم العجينة إلى نصفين. شكلي نصف العجينة في مربع 4 × 4 بوصة ، ولفيها في غلاف بلاستيكي ، وضعيها جانبًا. أعد النصف الآخر من العجين إلى وعاء الخلط. باستخدام غلاية مزدوجة أو ميكروويف على طاقة منخفضة ، تذوب الشوكولاتة مع التحريك حتى تصبح ناعمة. اخلطي الشوكولاتة المذابة مع العجينة حتى تمتزج. شكلي عجينة الشوكولاتة في مربع 4 × 4 بوصات ، ولفيها في غلاف بلاستيكي ، وضعي عجين الشوكولاتة والفانيليا في الثلاجة لمدة 30 دقيقة (أو حتى 3 أيام).
* تقطع كل عجينة إلى أربع شرائح متساوية. افردي شريطًا واحدًا من عجينة الفانيليا بين ورقتين من ورق البرشمان ، في مستطيل 6 × 7 بوصات تقريبًا. كرري العملية بقطعة من عجينة الشوكولاتة. انزع الورقة العلوية من ورق البرشمان من كل عجينة واقلب عجينة الفانيليا على عجينة الشوكولاتة. تقليم العجين الزائد إلى مستطيل ومرر درفلة برفق فوق العجين للتأكد من أنها تلتصق ببعضها البعض. انزع الورقة العلوية من ورق الزبدة ، ثم لف العجين في سجل. لفها في غلاف بلاستيكي وضعها في الثلاجة. كرر مع شرائح العجين المتبقية لتشكيل 4 جذوع.
* برد الجذوع في الثلاجة لمدة ساعة ، ثم أخرجها من الثلاجة ولف كل قطعة على العداد عدة مرات لمنع القاع من التسطيح. انقله إلى الفريزر لمدة ساعتين أو حتى 3 أشهر. احتفظي بالعجين مجمداً حتى يصبح جاهزاً للتقطيع والخبز.
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* يسخن الفرن إلى 350 درجة فهرنهايت ويغلف صينية الخبز بورق الزبدة. باستخدام سكين حاد ، قطعي العجين إلى شرائح بسمك 1/4 بوصة وضعي مسافة 1 1/2 بوصة على صينية الخبز المحضرة. تُخبز حتى تصبح عجينة الفانيليا ذهبية قليلاً ، من 9 إلى 11 دقيقة. الكوكيز باردة على رف السلك
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* 3 cups all-purpose flour
* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
* 1 1/3 cups sugar
* 2 large eggs
* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
* 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, finely chopped
* Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl.
* Using an electric mixer, beat butter until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add in sugar and beat an additional 2 minutes more. Add eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition, followed by the vanilla. Add the flour mixture and beat on low until just combined.
* Divide the dough in half. Form half of the dough into a 4 by 4-inch square, wrap in plastic wrap, and set aside. Return the other half of the dough to the mixing bowl. Using a double boiler or a microwave on low power, melt the chocolate, stirring until smooth. Mix the melted chocolate into the dough just until combined. Form the chocolate dough into a 4 by 4-inch square, wrap in plastic wrap, and place both chocolate and vanilla doughs into the refrigerator for 30 minutes (or up to 3 days).
* Cut each dough into four even strips. Roll out one strip of vanilla dough between two sheets of parchment paper, into a roughly 6-by-7 inch rectangle. Repeat with a strip of the chocolate dough. Peel off the top sheet of parchment paper from each dough and flip the vanilla dough over onto the chocolate dough. Trim excess dough into a rectangle and run a rolling pin lightly over the dough to ensure they stick together. Peel off the top sheet of parchment paper, then roll the dough into a log. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate. Repeat with remaining strips of dough to form 4 logs.
* Refrigerate logs for 1 hour, then remove from refrigerator and roll each log on the counter several times to prevent the bottom from flattening. Transfer to the freezer for 2 hours, or up to 3 months. Keep dough frozen until ready to slice and bake.
* Preheat oven to 350 °F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Using a sharp knife, slice dough into 1/4-inch thick slices and place 1 1/2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheet. Bake until vanilla dough is slightly golden, 9 to 11 minutes. Cool cookies on a wire rack
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lauher · 2 years
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Chocolate Cardamon Pinwheel Cookies
These are very simple cookies to make and very simple to eat. The pinwheel pattern is only a bit complicated to achieve.
You start by creaming 135 grams of butter with 100 grams of confectioner's sugar. This is followed by one egg, a teaspoon of vanilla and a tablespoon of heavy cream. Once this is all nicely combined, 250 grams of flour and healthy teaspoon of ground cardamon are blended in to give a nice smooth dough.
The dough is then divided in half. A tablespoon of cocoa powder is added to one half and it is kneaded by hand until the cocoa is uniformly distributed. The chocolate dough is then fashioned into a rectangle about 4 x 6 inches in size and placed in the fridge. The other half of the dough is given a similar kneading and fashioning, but without the cocoa.
After 15 minutes in the fridge, the plain dough is rolled out into an 8 x 12 inch rectangle using the bench scraper to square up the sides. This is carefully folded and set aside, then the cocoa laden dough is rolled out into a similar 8 x 12 inch rectangle. The top of the cocoa dough is moistened with a bit of heavy cream then the plain dough is laid on top and the double layer is pressed together with the rolling pin.
Starting with a long edge the layered dough is rolled up to give a 12 inch log. This is cut in half and the two halves are rolled a bit to firm things up. They then go back in the fridge to cool before slicing.
The cooled logs are each sliced into about 20 slices and the 20 slices are arranged on a parchment covered cookie sheet. They are baked for 14 minutes in a 325 degree oven. They are cooled on the pan.
The cookies have a firm texture. The chocolate dominates, but the cardamon gives an interesting addition to the taste. And they look nice.
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parksaversnews · 5 months
The 2024 Pixar Fest Foodie Guide
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Pixar Fest, the highly anticipated celebration of friendship and beyond, returns to the Disneyland Resort from April 26 to August 4, 2024. This limited-time event promises to be a culinary extravaganza, with a wide array of Pixar-inspired dishes and beverages that will delight guests of all ages. From classic favorites to innovative creations, the Disneyland Resort transforms into a foodie's paradise during Pixar Fest. Get ready to embark on a flavorful journey through the beloved worlds of Pixar's iconic films, where every bite and sip will transport you to the heart of these cherished stories.
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Disneyland Park Alien Pizza Planet (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Cosmic Chili Pasta inspired by “Toy Story”: Jalapeño-cheddar pinwheel pasta topped with spiced chili, crushed corn chips, and green onions (New) - Cheeseburger Pizza Slice inspired by “Toy Story”: Burger patties, pickles, American & cheddar cheese blend, ketchup tomato sauce, and mustard on a sesame seed pizza crust drizzled with house sauce - Alien Macarooooon inspired by “Toy Story”: Salted caramel buttercream with chocolate ganache and chocolate brownie bites - Green Drink inspired by “Toy Story”: Alien-inspired punch made with pineapple juice, ginger beer, Lemon-Lime Powerade with lemon sorbet and a splash of vanilla served with lychee popping pearls (Non-alcoholic Beverage) (New) 
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Cafe Orleans (Available April 26 through August 4) - Earth Pass Cake inspired by “Soul”: Lemon cream cheese mousse with mango-passion fruit compote and Brittany dough base with white chocolate covered popping candies on a blue and green vanilla sauce with a chocolate decoration (New) Carnation Café (Available April 26 through August 4) - Fried Bologna Sandwich inspired by “Up”: Fried bologna, Monterey Jack, mustard, and mayo on white bread served with house-made chips, cinnamon apples, and a pickle spear Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Eye Scream Cone inspired by “Monsters, Inc.”: Scoop of Pistachio ice cream dipped in green chocolate, garnished with a candy eye and horns (New) Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available)  - "Silenzio Bruno!" Sandwich inspired by “Luca”: Chopped ham, salami, pepperoni, provolone, lettuce, tomato, pickled onion, and pepperoncini with Italian dressing served in an Italian roll with house-made chips (New) - Sea Monster Friends Parfait inspired by “Luca”: Layers of graham cracker crumbs, mascarpone cheesecake, berry blue gelatin, and blue Chantilly topped with a Luca chocolate decoration (New)
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Plaza Inn (Available April 26 through August 4) - Pixar Fest Cake: Layers of yellow, blue, and red vanilla sponge cake with cream cheese frosting and chocolate ball decoration
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Rancho del Zocalo Restaurante (Available April 26 through August 18) - The Rivera Family Huarache inspired by “Coco”: Fried huarache with pollo asado, beans, cabbage, pepper, cotija cheese, sour cream, and lime (New) - The Marigold Bridge inspired by “Coco”: Tri-colored white sponge, cinnamon croquantine, cinnamon mousse, and cream cheese frosting decorated with a chocolate bridge and orange chocolate shavings (New)  Red Rose Taverne (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Fergus Fizz inspired by “Brave”: Cranberry-raspberry mix and Sprite with a butterscotch topper and granola crumble (Non-alcoholic Beverage) (New) Refreshment Corner (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - BBQ Potato Dog inspired by “Toy Story”: Smoked sausage, BBQ pulled pork, coleslaw, fried onions, and green onions served in a baked potato (New)
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Stage Door Café (Available April 26 through August 18; mobile order available) - "There's a Snake on my Funnel Cake!" Inspired by “Toy Story”: Funnel cake topped with chocolate-peanut butter pudding, cookie crumbles, peanut butter dust, and a candy snake (New) The Tropical Hideaway (Available April 26 through August 18) - Pineapple Coconut Float inspired by “Lava”: Blue DOLE Pineapple-Coconut Juice topped with DOLE Whip soft serve, strawberry lava, and a gummy (Non-alcoholic Beverage) (New)
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Troubadour Tavern (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Roundup BBQ Potato inspired by “Toy Story”: Brisket burnt ends tossed in Coca-Cola BBQ sauce, creamy slaw, pickle spear, and onion-flavored snacks (New) - Una Papa Loca! Inspired by “Coco”: Chicken al pastor, cheese, avocado salsa, and sour cream topped with onion and cilantro with spiced corn chip crumble (New) - Firetown Mac & Cheese Bites inspired by “Elemental”: Fried gouda mac and cheese bites tossed in four-chile rub (New) - Joyful Tenders and Mac inspired by “Inside Out” (Kids Meal Offering) (New)
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- Mixed Emotions Popcorn inspired by “Inside Out”: Ube-flavored popcorn made with M&M'S Milk Chocolate candies, freeze dried SKITTLES bite size candies, and pretzel sticks (New) - Adventure is Out There! Cold Brew inspired by “Up”: Dark chocolate cold brew with butterscotch topper, wafer cookie, and confetti quins (Non-alcoholic Beverage) (New) - Lotso Berry Lemonade inspired by “Toy Story”: Strawberry-flavored lemonade with sweet cream topper and an Outshine Strawberry Fruit Bar (Non-alcoholic Beverage) (New)
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Churros near Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters (Available April 26 through August 4) - Blackberry Churro inspired by “Toy Story”: Classic Churro rolled in blackberry sugar, served with a strawberry-banana dipping sauce (New) Disney California Adventure Park Boardwalk Pizza & Pasta (Available April 26 through October 31) - Birria Pizza inspired by “Coco”: Birria with mozzarella cheese, onions & cilantro, tomatillo salsa, radishes, limes, and consomé (Available by slice or a whole pie) (New)
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Cozy Cone Motel 1 – Churros (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Junkyard Jamboree Churro inspired by “Cars”: Chocolate-espresso sugar-dusted churro with chocolate engine oil sauce topped with assorted candy parts (New)  Cozy Cone Motel 3 – Chili Cone Queso (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Luigi & Guido Cone inspired by “Cars”: Cheese tortellini, pomodoro sauce, and mozzarella topped with basil panko and served in a bread cone (New)
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Clarabelle's Hand-Scooped Ice Cream (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Adventure is Out There! Sundae inspired by “Up”: Vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, whipped cream, and a candied balloon in a waffle cup (New)
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Flo's V8 Cafe (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Dinoco Blue Cheeseburger inspired by “Cars”: Angus beef & mushroom patty with blueberry compote, blue cheese crumbles, red onion, bacon, tomato, arugula, and lemon aïoli (New) - Racing Radial Cake inspired by “Cars”: Chocolate cake filled with red cheesecake covered in dark chocolate glaze with a silver stripe (New) Hollywood Lounge (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Ramone Nachos inspired by “Cars”: Tortilla chips topped with grilled chicken, queso blanco, refried beans, pico de gallo, salsa verde, cotija, serrano peppers, and radishes (New) - Motorama Girl inspired by “Cars”: Vodka, rum, blue curaçao, and pineapple cocktail Jack-Jack Cookie Num Nums (Available April 26 through August 18) - Jack-Jack Shortbread Cookie inspired by “The Incredibles”: Shortbread cookie dipped in chocolate with a Jack-Jack chocolate piece
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Lamplight Lounge (Available April 26 through August 18) - Agua Chile Negro Tostadas inspired by “Elemental”: Citrus and beet-marinated ahi tuna, avocado mousse, mango pico de gallo, Fresno chiles, micro cilantro, and charred pepper chile sauce served tableside (New) - Kol-Nut Puffs filled with blue cloud mousse inspired by “Elemental” (New)
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Magic Key Terrace (Available April 26 through August 4 to Magic Key holders only) - Luca Seafood Pasta inspired by “Luca”: Grilled prawns, clams, Spanish chorizo, spicy white wine tomato sauce, pappardelle pasta, mustard frills, and charred lemon half (New)
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Recuerdame at Paradise Garden Grill (Available starting April 26; mobile order available) - Carnitas Wet Burrito inspired by “Coco”: House-made pork carnitas, Spanish rice, refried beans, cilantro, onions, salsa verde, and salsa roja served with house-made tortilla chips (New) - Al Pastor Tacos inspired by “Coco”: Pineapple-achiote-marinated pork with avocado spread and tomatillo salsa, served with Spanish rice and refried beans topped with queso fresco (New) - Huarache with soy chorizo beans and seasoned steak tips topped with lettuce, cheese, avocado crema, and tomatillo salsa and served with Spanish rice and refried beans topped with nopales pico de gallo; inspired by “Coco” (New) (Plant-based) - Street-style Watermelon with lime juice, chile-lime seasoning and chamoy; inspired by “Coco” (Plant-based) - Chile Verde Chicken Flautas topped with avocado spread, shredded lettuce, crema, queso fresco, tomatillo salsa, and pickled onions served with Spanish rice and refried beans topped with nopales pico de gallo; inspired by “Coco” - Street-style Taco inspired by “Coco”: Pineapple-Achiote-marinated pork in a corn tortilla served with Spanish rice and refried beans topped with queso fresco (Kids Meal Offering) - Cheese Quesadilla inspired by “Coco”: Whole wheat tortilla filled with jack and cheddar (Disney Check Meal) - Red Velvet Tres Leches Parfait topped with churro crunch and pink cinnamon mousse, finished with green pearls, orange mousse, and chocolate skull decoration; inspired by “Coco” (New) - Watermelon Candy Cocktail inspired by “Coco”: Tequila, Watermelon Schnapps, and pineapple juice with a chamoy and chile-lime seasoned rim - Dos Equis Lager - Dos Equis Amber
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Schmoozies! (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Shake 2319 inspired by “Monsters, Inc.”: Vanilla, orange, guava and pineapple shake with shaved coconut, whipped topping, and an orange cone (Non-alcoholic Beverage) (New) Smokejumpers Grill (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Blue Raspberry Lemonade inspired by “Brave”: Blue raspberry lemonade in an orange sugar-rimmed cup with a glow cube (Non-alcoholic Beverage) (New) - Blue Raspberry Lemonade Cocktail inspired by “Brave”: Blue raspberry lemonade with tequila and a glow cube (New) Sonoma Terrace (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Pesto Chicken Handheld Pie inspired by “Toy Story”: Puff pastry filled with grilled chicken, pesto ricotta & mozzarella blend, and caramelized onions served with a spicy marinara dipping sauce (New)
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Studio Catering Co. (Available April 26 through August 4; mobile order available) - Ramone Nachos inspired by “Cars”: Tortilla chips topped with grilled chicken, queso blanco, refried beans, pico de gallo, salsa verde, cotija, serrano peppers, and radishes (New)
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Churros at Hollywood Land (Available April 26 through August 4)   - Multicolored Churro inspired by “Monsters Inc.”: Classic churro dusted with multicolored sugar and topped with white cherry drizzle (New)  Churros near Goofy’s Sky School (Available April 26 through August 4) - Potato Head Chip Churro topped with crushed potato chips and a chocolate drizzle; inspired by “Toy Story” (New) Outdoor Vending Carts (Available April 26 through August 4) - Loaded Carnitas Pretzel Bites inspired by “Coco” - Pixar Fest Cotton Candy: Yellow marshmallow cotton candy - Unsung Brewing Co. MetaPlex IPA - Modelo Especial
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Pixar Fest Marketplaces, Arriving May 10 4*Town Fav*4*ites inspired by “Turning Red” (Available May 10 through August 4) - Red Panda Bao: Jumbo pork and vegetable stuffed bao with chile-garlic sauce (New) - Panda Apocalypse: Layers of chocolate chunk brownie and New York-style Cheesecake topped with orange and red cream cheese frosting (New) - Nobody Like U Cooler: Joffrey's Coffee & Tea Co. Raspberry Rose Tea, white cranberry, lime & orange juices, and cherry syrup garnished with an orange wedge gummy candy (Non-alcoholic Beverage) (New)
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The Spark inspired by “Soul” (Available May 10 through August 4) - Supper Club Chicken & Potato Waffles with peach cobbler sauce and cinnamon-herb crumble (New) - Half Note Jazz Cake: Traditional red velvet cake (New) - The Great Beyond: Gin, maraschino liqueur, violet & blue curaçao syrups, lemon juice, and pear nectar topped with butterfly pea flower tea and garnished with a white orchid (New) - SPARK-ler: Cotton candy & blue curaçao syrups, mango purée, and pineapple & lime juices garnished with a glow cube (New) - Bottle Logic Brewing Aurora Borealis Honeydew-Lime Hard Seltzer - Delahunt Brewing Co. Salvatore Italian Pilsner - Malibu Brewing Company Canyon Rosé Lager - Garage Brewing Co Prickly Pear Hefeweizen - Eagle Rock Brewery Populist American IPA - Dust Bowl Brewing Company Porch Punch Imperial Fruit IPA - Ballast Point Brewing Company Grunion Pale Ale - Animated Hops Flight: - Delahunt Brewing Co. Salvatore Italian Pilsner - Eagle Rock Brewery Populist American IPA - Dust Bowl Brewing Company Porch Punch Imperial Fruit IPA - Ballast Point Brewing Company Grunion Pale Ale - Inspirational Flavors Flight!: - Malibu Brewing Company Canyon Rosé Lager - Bottle Logic Brewing Aurora Borealis Honeydew-Lime Hard Seltzer - Garage Brewing Co Prickly Pear Hefeweizen - Ballast Point Brewing Company Grunion Pale Ale
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Gusteau's To-Go inspired by “Ratatouille” (Available May 10 through August 4) - Ratatouille Pizzetta topped with mozzarella, eggplant, squash, zucchini, a drizzle of tomato sauce, and a wedge of French camembert (New) - Gusteau Macaron: Crème brûlée mousse with caramel center (New) - Le Critique Cognac Sidecar: Cognac, apricot liqueur, house-made fig syrup, strawberry purée, and lemon juice topped with sparkling wine and garnished with a strawberry (New) - Little French Daiquiri: Rum, French wine aperitif, pear nectar, cherry plum syrup, and lime juice garnished with a brûléed pear chip (New)
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Portorosso Pasta inspired by “Luca” (Available May 10 through August 4) - Portorosso Pesto Pasta: Ribbon pasta tossed in basil pesto with potatoes and green beans (New) - Sea Monster Lemonade: Lemonade, white grape juice, and peach syrup garnished with blue citrus mango jellies (Non-alcoholic Read the full article
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manor-tea-time · 6 months
🍝 SPAGHETTI 🍰 SHORTCAKE? (for anyone you want)
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
🍰 SHORTCAKE — what is/are your oc's favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)?
from this ask game: here!
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Ivy ξ(❁) ⊕) ξ :
"I've always enjoyed teatime sandwiches. They're always the perfect size to snack on or to keep beside you as you work. I usually make myself pinwheel sandwiches, but chicken salad sandwiches are nice as well - and more filling if one is hungry." Ivy said, gesturing the approximate size of one of the sandwiches in question. "I also have gained an appreciation for different soups and breads as Wayne has been experimenting with making a few different kinds. He usually fetches me for a second opinion on taste."
"As for desserts, I have to admit I am quite the sweet tooth. If I had it my way, I'd have access to a lot more here within this place. However, if I had to pick favorites, they'd probably be Fruit Tarts, Mousse Cakes, and Creme Brûlée."
Wayne (-⊕ ζ ⊕-)<:
"I mainly enjoy cookies when it comes to sweets. They usually don't overwhelm my tastebuds and are easy to store for later." He nodded, making a quick mental note to make some more for himself to snack on between matches. "As for general foods, I tend to be a bit... boring I'm afraid. I usually like eating different breads, cheeses, and soups. I have tried to try some other foods when the others cook though. I've enjoyed most of them quite a bit."
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LeRoy 🗝️>(⊖▼⊗´)•ζ :
"I have a soft spot for asparagus soup. It's something my mom used to make me all the time whenever I was feeling down in the dumps as a child! I also like scrambled eggs and bacon for a similar reason - it was the first dish my pa taught me how to make!" LeRoy laughed a bit at that. Bless his poor father's heart for being patient enough to let him burn nearly a whole carton of eggs before he got it down.
"As for sweets, I like things like parfaits or milkshakes! Specifically cookie dough milkshakes." He nodded, pausing as he remembered something. "I have had some good strawberry milkshakes with Willow though, so thats a close second flavor wise."
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Pip (◼⊗_⊗’)/*:
"I really like those Danimal shake things! I was kinda bummed at how hard it is to get some here. Although, I can still get some of my other favorite foods like chicken strips so, I'm alright." Pip explained, kicking the ground lightly as he spoke.
"Mr. Smith and Delilah sometimes will make me sandwiches or other things to eat if I catch them in the kitchen at the right time. It might not taste the same as my mom's, but I have to admit it's pretty good. Don't tell them I told you that though."
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Delilah and the Ghost orbs Ⴑ(‘❁◡❁’)Ⴑ  {◎ᝰ.ᐟ, ◎𑁍.ᐟ, ◎꩜.ᐟ}:
"Hmmm lets see..." Delilah trailed off in thought. Most of the time she was usually rushed to makes questionable meals between work or pick something up. "When I have time lasagna is fun to make! I also enjoy testing out different salads to pair it with. If I have time and money to go somewhere really fancy, I absolutely love grilled salmon and rice."
"For desserts, I enjoy apple pies and ice cream. You can't really beat a classic like that!" She laughed to herself before pausing to hear some of the spectral voices from the orbs. It seemed they had their own opinion on the matter. "Oh? It seems we all like ice cream then. Although, I don't know if it would be worth it getting 4 separate flavors when you all can't eat it."
Bonus Ghost Orb Translation:
◎𑁍.ᐟ "Vengeance”: Likes Vanilla Ice Cream with fruit on top.
◎꩜.ᐟ"Guiding Hand": Likes Strawberry Ice Cream - Especially, in milkshakes.
◎ᝰ.ᐟ"Calming Aura": Likes Pistachio Flavored Ice Cream. Only orders it in a small cup.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Miss Manni (,◡ _ ◡,):
"One of my favorite treats to get myself when I could was macaroons and hot chocolate. Both were so sweet and fun to snack on throughout the day! They also made quite the statement when I had other ladies over for tea huhu!" Miss Manni laughed to herself, tidying up the remains of another sewing project as she spoke.
"I also enjoyed pampering myself lavish things like duck or mutton as well. I could always make sure they lasted me for a good while depending on what kinds of cuts I'd gotten that week." She said, a certain fondness filling her voice as she remembered her old house. "Potatoes were also fun for me to prepare as well! Oh! All this talk is making me want to cook something for someone!"
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Shadowed Man /++ ◡ ++\:
"Hm, I'm unsure. Most of the foods I'd eat consisted of animals I'd hunt during the evening when my summoner was asleep. Perhaps a lone wanderer if I had gotten lucky." A dark laugh escaped the shadow as they spoke. "Ah, but if I were to pick a meal more fit to human standards, I suppose the honeyd ham my summoner enjoyed was nice. If it made them content, I was content."
"As for sweets, the cake one of you creatures provided me was quite delectable. I'd enjoy eating another. The mannequin informed me they come in multiple flavors! How quaint."
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Eleanor (´⬬_⬬`)<:
"I like strawberry cake. The kind with fluffy icing and cute decorations on top. I was very excited when the other hunters made me one for my birthday! I loved all of the flowers, dancers, and animals on it." Eleanor mumbled, prefocused on winding a small music box. "I also like bread. It's so simple, but can be shaped like so many fun things - like rabbits!"
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
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spceventmgt · 2 years
Bridal Shower Menu Ideas That Will Amaze Your Guests
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Bridal showers are occasions for friends and family to gather to celebrate the bride–and good food adds to the fun and celebration. A tasty party menu is a must for keeping guests full and satisfied at the bridal shower celebration. This curated list of bridal shower menu ideas is the answer you need if you are finding the task somewhat daunting. Read on for bridal shower menu examples that will leave the guests in awe.
Getting The Appetizers Right Serving a variety of tasty finger foods is the simplest way to feed a large party with diverse tastes. Add a couple of tasty dips and you've created an appetizer masterpiece.
Consider fruit and vegetable platters, deviled eggs, and spinach artichoke dip. Make your fruit kabobs look more impressive by arranging them in bite-sized cups, or serve your dips in bite-sized cups.
Salads, Sides, Sandwiches Incorporating salads and sides into the bridal shower food menu is an excellent way to keep the meal light, not to mention how simple they are to prepare in large quantities. They can also be prepared the night before, saving you time on shower day!
Serve a tossed house or Caesar salad with a combination of pasta, potato, and macaroni style salads as sides.
In terms of the main course, it is best to stick to dishes that can be held in one hand and eaten in two or three bites. Remember that this is not a formal sit-down dinner party, so extravagant entrees are not required.
Classics like turkey, ham, and roast beef are always popular, as is a simple salad style (chicken, tuna, or egg). Prepare mini-wraps or pinwheels instead of the traditional bread or bun method of sandwich serving.
Croissants For Dessert As a flaky, buttery pastry on their own, croissants make a tempting menu option for the bridal shower celebration.
You can stuff croissants to create a variety of croissant flavours. Fillings for croissants include vanilla custard, matcha, chocolate, almond cream, pistachio cream, and raspberry compote.
Some Bonus Tips ●Serve foods that are easy to portion and balance on a plate, such as appetizers, dips, finger foods, cupcakes, and punch, at informal buffets.
●Serve quiche, petite sandwiches, simple salads, fruit, artisan cheese, seasoned nuts, muffins, scones, tarts, cakes, and specialty drinks at brunch.
●Serve petite sandwiches, simple salads or fruit, tarts, scones, cakes, tea, and specialty drinks at a sit-down tea.
●For a morning or lunchtime shower, choose buffet-style or cocktail service with lighter passed bites and finger foods. Make preparations for an early evening shower? Choose something heavier because people will be expecting a full meal.
For an awesome bridal shower celebration that checks all your boxes, get in touch with SPC Wedding & Event Mgt. Go check out the Bridal Shower Celebration Planning Austin, TX | SPC Event MGT website right away!
Author’s Bio: The author is an avid blogger and the article is about bridal shower menu examples.
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foodies22 · 2 years
https://houseofyumm.com/mexican-hot-chocolate-cookies/ Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies
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joseywritesng · 2 years
Pinwheel Cookies - A nice mess
Pinwheel Cookies – A nice mess
Pinwheel cookies are the perfect cookie to bake for the upcoming holidays. I love baking pinwheel cookies for Thanksgiving or Christmas (or both). They feel special with the chocolate-vanilla swirl they showcase — almost like old-fashioned candy. And if you’re looking for more holiday treats to check out? 20 easy holiday desserts. Pinwheel cookies are made by molding two flavors of cookie dough…
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mainsfunny · 2 years
Chocolate vanilla swirl
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Pick up orders have no service fees, regardless of non-Instacart+ or Instacart+ membership. Instacart+ membership waives this like it would a delivery fee. Instacart pickup cost: - There may be a "pickup fee" (equivalent to a delivery fee for pickup orders) on your pick up order that is typically $1.99 for non-Instacart+ members. Swiss Miss Chocolate Vanilla Swirl Pudding is made in a real dairy where fresh milk is delivered daily and blended with real sugar and premium ingredients. Layer vanilla and chocolate puddings alternately in parfait glasses or swirl in serving dishes. Stir chocolate chips into 1 cup of the pudding until melted. Microwave uncovered on High 3 minutes 30 seconds to 4 minutes stirring after 2 minutes, until mixture thickens and boils. With an optional Instacart+ membership, you can get $0 delivery fee on every order over $35 and lower service fees too. Mix sugar and cornstarch in 4-cup microwavable measuring cup. Best Vegan Ice Creams to Fill Your Freezer with (US) Veganua. Chocolate and Vanilla Swirl Cookies are an impressive treat. 100% of your tip goes directly to the shopper who delivers your order. Chocolate Vanilla Swirl With Cookie Crunch Please Gif - Chocolate-Vanilla Pinwheel Cookies. Press mixture into the base of a lightly greased 20cm springform pan. It's a great way to show your shopper appreciation and recognition for excellent service. COMBINE the biscuit crumbs and butter in a bowl. Tipping is optional but encouraged for delivery orders. Orders containing alcohol have a separate service fee. Add cocoa, eggs, vanilla and sugar and mix with an electric mixer or whisk. Service fees vary and are subject to change based on factors like location and the number and types of items in your cart. Fees vary for one-hour deliveries, club store deliveries, and deliveries under $35. Here's a breakdown of Instacart delivery cost: - Delivery fees start at $3.99 for same-day orders over $35. White Owl Cigarillos Swirl Chocolate & Vanilla was just released January 2021 as a limited edition flavor White Owl is known for their spectacular flavors and this new blend combines two of their best Featuring all natural tobacco fillers and wrapper infused with the delicious essence of chocolate and vanilla, these cigars are flavorful and aromatic.
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Grandmother’s Pinwheel Cookies
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royalpain16 · 6 years
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I made these! Super easy, Mary Berry's chocolate and vanilla pinwheel biscuits, yummy!
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sweetoothgirl · 4 years
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Chocolate Vanilla Pinwheel Cookies
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tastyfood-x · 5 years
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Chocolate-Vanilla Pinwheel Cookies
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kromabelle-art · 3 years
OC-tober 2021 day 8: sugar
OC: Asterope
more Asterope prompt entries:
whump 2021- exotic illness
whump 2020- abandoned
oc-tober 2020- festival
Asterope startled as an armful of candy was dumped into her lap, while she sat cross-legged on the fluffy rug in the space between hers and Elvira’s beds. A laptop was open in front of her, a selection of movies pulled up.
She looked up to see her roommate standing above her, with a whole other overflowing bag of sweets on her arm. Elvira gazed down at her, her sleek black hair falling around her shoulders, an amused smile on her face, her irises a warm spring green. Asterope could spend hours studying the color of her friend’s eyes, as they constantly changed color according to her mood and object of focus­—a gift of her unique lineage.
Smiling, she tore her eyes away from Elvira’s face and looked back at the pile of sweets she’d been abruptly gifted with.
Not a single one of the candies were anything like what she’d seen before, when living down on the surface. No, this was rich people candy. There were giant spun lollipops of a fabulous array of colors. Small delicate chocolates, individually wrapped, with floral motifs painted onto them. Large chunks of chocolate, exquisitely carved in the shapes of animals—deer, bears, swans, wolves…
Asterope’s thoughts drifted to that moment in the woods when everything changed between the pair of roommates. She’d made the mistake of getting herself separated from her friends, too busy examining a beautiful cluster of flowers, and before she knew it, was being stared down by a Gargantuan Wolf. Elvira had come to rescue her, though why, she wasn’t sure, but the sheer magical power displayed to save her took her breath away. More than that, she would never, forget the shade of Elvira’s eyes when she turned back to check on her after the wolf retreated. An electric, bright golden-yellow that met her gaze and refused to leave her mind even after Elvira willed her eyes to turn gray again.
“Well? Did I get the kind you like?” Elvira sounded a bit worried as she plopped down on the rug beside her. “If you don’t like it, I’ve got a whole bag of brownies and things. Or, I could go back to the kitchen and grab something else.”
“Wait, you got these all from the kitchen?”
“Yes. Is that a problem?”
“Are you—are you supposed to do that?”
“This is my house.”
“This is a school.”
“Well, yeah it’s a school, but I’ve lived here all my life. I’ve never had issues before.”
“You weren’t a student before. Students aren’t allowed in the kitchen.”
“I’m special.” A beat of silence passed, the two girls staring at each other. “So, do you not like this stuff? Should I go get something else?”
“No, no,” Asterope hurried to reassure her, “It all looks delicious, I’ve just never seen any of it before”
“Oh,” Elvira looked surprised for a moment before seeming to put together why. “Well, you’ve got to try these ones, they’re the best, and that’s not up for debate.” Elvira opened up a pack of small pinwheel-shaped treats with swirls of what looked like caramel and vanilla. “Here, open your mouth.”
Asterope let her delicately place the candy on her tongue. It was rich and sweet and delicious. Elvira was grinning at her.
“Well, what do you think?”
“Itht’s relly gudd,” she struggled to say with the candy still in her mouth. Elvira laughed.
“I told you so.”
The rest of the night progressed in a similar manner, with Elvira handing her all sorts of sweets, and occasionally feeding them to her, interspersed with talking and laughing.
It was only the next morning, when they were in class, groggy from staying up all night and struggling to keep their heads up from rapidly oncoming sugar crashes, that it occurred to Asterope, they never actually put on a movie.
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