#vanilla short hair ellie you will always be famous to me
shepardyke · 2 years
what the hell why is your shep so hot??? is that a custom hair mod or something i can find on nexus?
HEHHE THANK YOU ellie is my babygirl ... mod was done by @jasonntodd :) :) :)
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cherryeoo · 6 years
Written in the Pages
So I got inspired by @prettyseonghwa and @yeosangkang when we were talking about Yeosang library!AU. I know Ellie wrote one and I honestly can’t compete with her and am not trying to her’s is so good but I chose to write my own rendition of it with how I interpret the picture and how I was inspired by it. I originally didn’t plan to but I really did want to give it a try. So no more rambling, here it is:
The day was gray and dreary.
Clouds blanketed the sky like a comforter on a freshly made bed. Rain fell softly as passerby’s raced to their destinations under the cover of their umbrellas or for the unprepared, purses or coats. The air was thick and the wind cold; the perfect recipe for a relaxing day at a library.
Yeosang had been working at a library nestled in a small corner of town near his apartment for a little over a year and a half. He had always loved libraries and bookstores, the ambiance was always comforting to him.
A safe haven if you will.
He enjoyed the feeling of soft vinyl book covers under his fingertips, the smell of the pages - some new, some old. The sounds of pages turning from avid book connoisseurs, like himself, and the sweet scent of tea and coffee from the mini-coffee stand in the back of the library that wafted through the air as he tucked the books securely in their proper places upon the shelves.
To some, the pages of books smelled of must and chemicals from years of wear and tear. Some may even say a tinge of scented sweat due to the covers and pages being handled by hundreds of hands. To Yeosang, however, this wasn't the case. He always found that the living pages smelt sweet - like that of vanilla, with a slight bitter scent similar to almonds.
To him, this was heaven on earth. Despite being surrounded by everything he loved and more, though, there was always something missing. However, he knew that it was just a matter of time before that missing piece would make its way into the quaint library, striding to its favorite oversized berry colored chair with a small table placed just off to the side, right next to the window overlooking a small garden decorated with an assortment of flowers; the favorite being the Crimson Pirate Daylily.
Curling up in the large chair, the cushions swallowed the small framed figure, a pillow nestled in their lap as they read one of the books. Yeosang examined the title and found it to be a romantic book; a contrast from the previous times where the books centered around tragedy, often resulting in the sensitive being quietly crying and wiping away tears in hopes no one noticed, but Yeosang always did. He could always tell what mood the mysterious being was in by the book they were reading.
But today was different from most days.
Yeosang was dressed in a slightly larger black sweater with a bright yellow t-shirt underneath, a pair of blue jeans, and white sneakers with matching socks. His brown hair, slightly wavy from the rainstorm outside, skirted his eyes. Seated at the front desk, Yeosang focused on recording the new and recently returned books into the database before returning them to their designated slots on the shelves.
Glancing up at the clock, Yeosang counted down the seconds until she walked through the front door. Just like clockwork, the soft bell chimed, signaling a new patron. Per custom, Yeosang glanced up from the oversized metal frame of his lensless glasses, smiling his famous soft, sweet smile as he bid the newcomer a warm welcome. She smiled politely back at him as usual, but this time the smile didn’t reach her eyes. Tired and worn down, dark circles edged her eyes. Her usual flowy hair was tied back just below her neck; figure dressed in an oversized college hoodie, a pair of dark skinny jeans, and black converse.
Making her way to her usual spot, she plopped her bag down beside the chair, scooting the table in front of her. Reaching into to her bag, she pulled out her laptop and pushed the small power button. Waiting for the device to come to life, she reached into her bag again, this time pulling out a few books, but not the typical ones she’d usually have in her possession.
She must have a test or report coming up, Yeosang thought to himself as she slouched in the chair sighing heavily. He’d never once seen her study - to be honest, he didn’t even know she was in school, let alone her name, so this was a new experience for him.
Going about his various duties around the building, he constantly glanced in her direction, fascinated by her focus and determination despite the occasional soft groan or sigh that left her lips when she wasn’t satisfied with her work. Stretching her hands above her head, she sighed in relief as she neared completing her project. Turning her head, she gazed out the window lost in thought as she watched the raindrops race one another down the glass before dripping onto the flowered-finished lines of the lilies she loved so much; the droplets of water scattering across the vibrant red and yellow petals.
Resting her chin in the palm of her right hand, she continued to stare absentmindedly, relaxation washing over her as she folded her arms across her laptop, her head soon following as she used her arms as a makeshift pillow. Peeking through the bookshelves, Yeosang noticed she had fallen asleep, her breathing slow and even. Smiling to himself, he admired her features - even the smallest details - as she peacefully slept. Hair slightly brushing over her face, her long eyelashes softly touched her fair cheeks; soft, pink lips slightly parted. Yeosang wondered how long it had been since she got a good night's rest.
It had been about thirty minutes since she had fallen asleep. The library was now void of all customers, save her. Predicting she wouldn’t be asleep for much longer, Yeosang made his way over to the little coffee shop in the corner as he ordered two hot caramel lattes. Returning to his desk, Yeosang scribbled on a pink post-it note: A little pick me up for your late night study session. Be sure to eat and get plenty of rest. I am cheering for you! From: Your local librarian.
Nodding in content, he carefully made his way over to the sleeping figure. Quietly placing the post-it note on the cup, Yeosang carefully placed the warm mug atop the table's corners before making his way back to his desk.
A few minutes later, her eyes slowly fluttered open, hands immediately lifting to rub the sleep from them. Stifling a yawn, she glanced out the window, noticing the sun had started to set. Panicking, she quickly rose from the chair - stopping short as she noticed the mug and small pink note. Sitting back down, she grabbed the cup, eyes drawn to the steam still rising from the hot liquid; welcoming the feeling of warmth as it seeped into her fingers and palms.
Bringing the mug to her nose, she closed her eyes as she inhaled the sweet scent of the caramel-infused coffee. Parting her lips, she took a sip of the mug's contents, the hot liquid coating her throat as it warmed her from the inside out. Smiling from the sensation it gave her, she reached over to the note, lips slightly moving as she read the words scribbled in pencil on the barely crinkled piece of paper. She could tell that numerous words had been erased and rewritten until the author was content with its outcome.
Yeosang had been watching from the corner of his eye the whole time, his smile growing wider as he watched her wake up; silently laughing at her confusion upon first waking up then from noticing the mug and the note. Admiring her as she took a sip of the latte, Yeosang drew in a breath as he watched her eyes once more; her beautiful eyes exposed. Biting his lip, he couldn't help but to stare in awe at how the brown orbs specked with hints of green and yellow, the colors becoming more apparent in the light of the setting sun. A soft pink hue formed on his cheeks, warmth pooling under his skin as he watched her smile before his eyes shifted down to her lips as they moved while she read the note.
Seeing her head raise up and turn towards his direction, he quickly focused back on logging the rest of the books into the library’s system. Sighing to himself in relief when she didn’t notice him watching her, the mysterious girl finished her latte, continuing to look out the window as the sun set just below the horizon. With a sigh, she began packing her laptop and books back into her bag; pausing for a moment as she tucked the note securely in her front pocket before making her way to the door.
Raising his head, he smiled sweetly at her and bid her a goodnight. Smiling back at him, she echoed his farewell. Her hand resting on the handle of the door she turned back to Yeosang and thanked him for the latte before heading out into the cool night air. Yeosang watched her make her way down the street and around the corner, her small frame illuminated by the streetlamps.
As if written in the pages of the books surrounding them, thus began the start of a beautiful, forever, relationship.
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