werewolfcatboyf · 2 years
ironically i really would watch a darker scooby doo based around velma and getting comedic momentum from her established dry humor and wit. if it was not executed as a lazy, self-important vanityfest that insists on how much better it is than you
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blurryoz · 5 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Emmerdale Rating: Mature Relationships: Charity Dingle/Vanessa Woodfield
Chapter 7!
It’s New Year’s Eve at Tug Ghyll.
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vanityfest · 5 years
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A year ago today, @vanityfest kicked off.
Just in case you’re feeling nostalgic, you might like to go and relive the wonderful contributions that people took time to create and post for our collective pleasure. ❤️
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iwatchforher · 6 years
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Vanity Fest - Firsts | First morning (and morning afters and mornings… after that first morning - after?)
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ainokiseki · 6 years
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#protective girlfriends
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piratekane · 6 years
Based off the idea that Lydia didn’t correct Marlon when he guessed it was Charity and Vanessa’s wedding.
“What is it?” Vanessa finally asks when the Christmas music playing softens into a slower song.
Marlon jumps a bit, startled by the sound of her voice. “What’s what?”
Vanessa stares at him, eyes slowing narrowing. “Whatever it is you’re looking at.” He’s been looking at her for the last thirty minutes, his mouth half-turned up and his chin in his hand as he leans over the bar. “You’re freaking me out.”
Marlon straightens with a snap. “Nothing! It’s nothing. You’re nothing.” He winces. “I don’t mean... you’re not-“
“Hiya,” someone whispers in her ear, two hands sliding down her arms and resting over her own on the bar. Charity presses against her back and Vanessa leans into it, feeling Charity’s mouth brush over her hair.
“Hi.” Vanessa turns her hand over, lacing her fingers with Charity’s. She squeezes gently, still marveling at how easy they fit - how her hand has never fit with anyone’s like this before. How she’s never fit with anyone better than she does with Charity.
Charity’s lips brush over her cheeks now. “You’re home early. I just dropped Moses off.”
Home, Vanessa thinks. I’m home. With my family.
“Pearl is covering the desk. Called it my ‘early and only Christmas present’.” Vanessa snorts softly. “As if she didn’t knit me a jumper to give me on Christmas Day.”
“Add it to the pile, babe.” One of Charity’s hands drop and an arm winds around Vanessa’s waist. “I wasn’t sure one person could own so many jumpers, babe. The wardrobe is practically bursting with them.”
Vanessa feels her cheeks flush but she lifts her chin. “Thought you liked me in my jumpers.”
“Like you better in nothing,” Charity says in her ear. Her teeth nip at Vanessa’s earlobe, just enough for Vanessa’s pulse to quicken in her chest.
Vanessa opens her mouth to say something but pauses, glaring at Marlon again. He’s draped back over the bar, staring at the two of them with a smile on his face. Charity shifts behind her, looking over her shoulder.
“Marlon,” Charity says sharply.
“What?” he asks, his voice soft and far away. He blinks a few times and looks at them properly. “I mean, yes?”
“Not that she’s not worth mooning over,” Charity starts. “Because you are, babe. But what’re you doing it for?”
“She’s not.” Marlon winces as he speaks.
Vanessa frowns. “That’s the second time today you’ve insulted me, Marlon.”
She can feel Charity stiffen at her back. “You what?”
Vanessa squeezes Charity’s hand again and Charity softens just a bit.
“I’m just...” Marlon sighs.
“It’s not April, is it?” There’s a wavering in Charity’s voice. A quiet Not another one of us down sound that Vanessa can hear in the pitch of her voice.
“No, no,” Marlon rushes out. He wrings his hands together before he pushes his cap off his head. “I’m just happy for you.”
Vanessa frowns.
“I’ve not seen you-“ Marlon stops himself, taking a deep breath. “I’ve never seen you this happy before and I’m just glad for you.”
Vanessa waits breathlessly. Charity a year ago - months ago - would have pushed. She would have slipped back from Vanessa and put more than physical distance between them. She would have laughed Marlon off and made a pass at some random in the pub, winking over her shoulder at Vanessa the whole time. Just a bit of fun, she’d tell Vanessa later when they’d meet again.
Charity presses closer now. Her hand tightens around Vanessa’s waist and her lips find Vanessa’s cheeks, her kiss more intentional than before. “Me too.”
Vanessa watches Marlon swallow, his throat bobbing. “I’m chuffed for the pair of you. You... you both deserve it.”
Charity smiles against Vanessa cheek, just at the corner of her mouth. “She definitely deserves me.”
“Oi,” Vanessa scolds.
“Reckon I’ve done nothing to deserve her,” Charity continues, her cheek hot against Vanessa’s. Her voice is soft, for Vanessa’s ears only, but Marlon must hear it - he smiles even wider and winks at Charity.
“Do you like Yorkshire puddings?” he asks suddenly.
Vanessa’s head spins, unable to keep up with Marlon’s shift in questions.
“Yours or someone else’s?” Charity asks.
“Mine.” Marlon puffs out his chest. “Mini Yorkshire puddings with Parma ham cream cheese.” He looks up, eyes glazing over. “Or cheese straws, maybe.”
“Are we running a Christmas menu I don’t know about?”
Marlon’s eyes clear and he stares at Charity, blinking rapidly. “No. Just.. curious. If you were having a party, say... a fancy one.” His eyes widen. “Or a not-so-fancy one. A little thing.Or big!” He winks again. “With lights and...”
“Mini Yorkshire puddings?” Vanessa finishes, frowning. “Marlon, have you taken something?”
“No.” His cheeks flush.
Charity sighs. “This is just Marlon, babe. Being up so high makes him a bit dizzy all the time.”
“You’d know,” Vanessa murmurs.
“Awh,” Charity coos. “Don’t worry, babe. I like that you’re tiny. A tiny, blonde-“ She yelps as Vanessa pinches her arm lightly.
“Or peanut chicken satay,” Marlon says suddenly. “If you’d like.”
Charity tips her head to the side, her hair falling over Vanessa’s shoulders. “I’d like you to maybe stop mucking about and do something.”
“Mini Yorkshire puddings.” He claps his hands loudly. “You’ll taste them. And if you like them, you can have them at your-“ His mouth snaps shut and pauses, looking past Vanessa at Charity. He winks a third time and mimes pulling a zipper across his mouth.
Vanessa frowns again. “Have you hit your head, recently?” she asks, concerned now.
Marlon takes a step backwards. “I’ll just be a minute, okay? Don’t go anywhere.”
“She lives here, Marlon,” Charity says flatly.
Vanessa squeezes Charity’s hand again.
“Right. Right.” Marlon jerks his head towards the kitchen. “I’ll just be...” He turns sharply and disappears into the corridor, pausing just a moment to wink once more.
Vanessa watches him go, shaking her head slowly. “Reckon I should go after him?”
Charity shrugs. “It’s Marlon. He’s queer, he is.”
“Do you know what he was going on about?” she asks.
“It’s anyone’s guess.” Charity presses closer still, her hand slipping down Vanessa’s leg. “Aren’t you going to welcome me home, babe?”
Vanessa laughs. “You nipped out to Pete and Rhona’s to drop Moses off for his weekend with Ross. Not traveled the bloody Atlantic. But...” She turns in her seat, a leg on either side of Charity’s body. “Welcome home, Charity Dingle.”
Charity’s hands curl in the front of her jumper, tugging her forward. Their lips brush and Vanessa feels her body lean in to Charity’s. She sighs happily. “Our home.”
“What about asparagus and puff pastry cigars?” Marlon yells from the kitchen.
Vanessa laughs as Charity rolls her eyes and kisses her.
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thegirl20 · 6 years
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Vanity + Instagram: Christmas Edition
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tigerlo · 6 years
vanity mini-fic (twenty three)
I'll open this post by saying that the idea and inspiration for this minific came from @piratekane about a month ago, so due credit to you, bud. Thanks for the inspo.
Tweaked sliiiighly to make it a bit Christmas-ey for @vanityfest
“Who am I?”
The question takes Vanessa by surprise when she’s packing her bag, preparing to leave the farm having finished their vaccinations for the afternoon. 
It’s getting colder and colder at night now that mid-winter is drawing closer, it’ll be full-dark by the time they get home and Charity can press a hot mug of something into Vanessa’s hand, and pull her down onto the couch to watch the lights of the tree flicker in the corner of their lounge.
She turns around to find Moses holding his plastic apron out in front of him, folding it ready to stow back in the boot next to Vanessa’s own.
She’s taken to bringing Moses along on most of her non-urgent call-outs over the past six months. He has an extremely natural aptitude for animal husbandry, and he’ll make an excellent vet if he chooses to follow it through when he finishes school.
He pushes his hair out of his face as he looks at her earnestly. There’s more of Charity in Noah, the two of them peas in a pod these days now that he’s surpassed her in height. Moses, though, is a little more of an enigma. There’s a bit of Barton in him, Vanessa can see it when Ross smiles sometimes, but there’s not a lot of Dingle.
He’s a bit of an old soul, truth be told. It’s why he’s so good with animals. It’s why Vanessa enjoys bringing him out every chance she gets. Because she knows what it’s like to exist in a house full of people louder than yourself, it’s easy to get drowned out until they remember that the other people that inhabit the space with them are there too.
“What do you mean, love?” Vanessa asks with a patient frown. “Didn’t fall and knock your head when I wasn’t looking, did you?”
“No,” he says, flushing red. He screws the apron into a tight ball in his hands. “I mean, I dunno, Ness,” he says with a defeated sigh, “don’t worry about it, yeah?”
“Hey,” Vanessa says quickly, reaching for his arm, stopping him from shrugging of and reburying his worries. There’s Charity, she thinks with a smirk. The old Charity, anyway. Running away instead of facing her feelings when he’s scared. “Hey, I’m not your brother, alright, either one of them. You don’t ever have to feel like you can’t say something to me. Especially if you’re worried about it.”
“You won’t make fun of me?” he asks hesitantly, dropping his eyes and scuffing his toe into the dirt of the barn floor.
“Never, love,” Vanessa says as her heart tugs painfully. She needs to have another word to the rabble at home about talking about things, she thinks with an internal scowl. “Never.”
His hair is tidier than the rest of his family, something else that picks him apart from the crowd. It’s blonder than his mother’s and his brother’s and Debbie’s, surprisingly blonde given his father. It’s closer to Vanessa’s natural colour, funnily enough. She wonders if it’ll darken next year when he leaves for college.
He pushes it out of his eyes again before he finally looks up to Vanessa again.
“Sometimes I just don’t know who I am, you know?” he says quietly, dropping his eyes to his feet again. “Johnny’s yours by blood, yeah? But him and Mum are thick as thieves. Noah’s Noah, and Tracy seems to be the only one who actually understands him apart from Mum, but I dunno. Sometimes I don’t feel like I fit, you know. I’ve never really felt like a Dingle.”
“Funny old mantle, that, isn’t it?” Vanessa says, taking the apron from his hands, chucking it in the boot of the car and walking him over to the tap to wash their hands. “Being a Dingle, I mean. Your mum pushed against it for years, you know that, don’t you? It’s only since.... well, since we’ve been together that it’s a good thing for her, too. Since her family have proper come around and supported her, and made her feel like it was something she wanted. It’s been a curse for her for a long time.”
She tugs him by the elbow gently, smiling when he bends down and turns the stuck old tap on for the both of them, pulling the anti-bacterial soap from out of the bucket they’d left near the tap earlier. She can see him clenching his jaw, trying to hold back more emotion than he can control so it doesn’t show in his eyes.
Funny, she thinks as she pushes her hands under the strong, freezing cold rush of water. Charity does that too.
“There’s more of your mum in you than you know,” Vanessa says kindly when she straightens up, reaching up to brush her palm against his cheek, after Moses hands her the towel to dry them off with. “You’ve just got the quiet parts, darling.”
He’s different to her too, though. Charity will preen in the face of any genuine compliment without fail, but Moses always only ever smiles and turns his gaze away.
“You know what?” Vanessa says after watching him carefully for a moment. He looks up when he hears her speak, blinking when an odd breeze whips a bit of dust around them. She squeezes his hand in her own before continuing. “You might be a Dingle, love, but I feel like you’re more Woodfield most of the time. Even if I am a Dingle now, too.”
She’s a Dingle. She still can’t believe it herself most of the time, but the wedding ring that she can feel in her pocket pressed against the skin that she’ll fish out and put back on once they’re in the car is a solid, steady reminder. They’ve had the odd bump here and there, but Vanessa’s so happy, and so stupidly in love with Charity, even more than a decade after their wedding, that she’s still not completely convinced this is all just an incredibly extensive fever dream.
She’s happy, and settled, and content, and so is Charity, deeply so, and so - Vanessa thought anyway - was their little blended family with their house full of warmth, and gifts, and garish christmas decorations that Charity keeps swearing she isn’t the one buying.
Moses makes a soft sound of amusement that tells her he’s pleased with her deduction, smiling warmly and squeezing her hand in reply. “Mum says that sometimes,” he sighs, “that she thinks somehow they switched me and Jo in the hospital, ‘cause they’re so alike.” A sad expression washes over his face. “Don’t get me wrong, Ness, bein’ a Woodfield is grand and all, but,” he stalls again, wiping at his cheek with his spare hand, “now that you’re a Dingle too, who does that make me?”
He wears his heart on his sleeve if you know what to look for, just like Charity does, and she feels her throat thicken at the genuine anguish in his eyes. 
Who he is, is ultimately simple though. He’s a part of her, just as much as her own son is. She might love his mother more than life itself, but he’s an extremely close second.
“You’re my son, Moses,” Vanessa replies effortlessly, smiling a wobbly, watery smile before she pulls him to her, wrapping her arms tightly around his shoulders. He’s just taller than Johnny, shorter than Noah and Charity, and she can rest her chin perfectly on his shoulder as she sniffs, rubbing at his back. “You’re all your Mum’s, and you always will be, but you’re my son, too.”
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iantojack · 6 years
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vanityfest day 5 | family
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Vanessa: *Sees Charity on the ground* Babe? Everything okay?
Vanessa: *Sees Noah in the room* What’s wrong with your Mum?
Noah: She’s just a little overwhelmed right now. She’s been lying on the floor for like 30 minutes.
Vanessa: Why?
Noah: Johnny called her Mummy. 
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iconicallyqueer · 6 years
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Vanity Fest - first morning after the night before
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blurryoz · 5 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Emmerdale Rating: Mature Relationships: Charity Dingle/Vanessa Woodfield Chapter 5!
It's the day after for Charity and Vanessa.
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echofades · 6 years
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“will you just admit it - i changed your life for the better” vanityfest | firsts
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iwatchforher · 6 years
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Vanity Fest - AU | The Hogwarts house sorting no one asked for
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ainokiseki · 6 years
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Babe, I’m the one meant to take risks around here and be dangerous, not you.
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piratekane · 6 years
Vanity - no 17 love actually
Charity knocks again, shifting her weight from foot to foot, trying to keep the cold at bay. It whips in up her sleeves and sneaks in through her collar. She pushes her hair out of her face and sighs. “This is a naff idea,” she says, not for the first time since she’d left the pub and hurried across the lane to Tug Ghyll’s front door. A stupid idea, really. She was a fool for letting Noah talk her into this.
She knocks again, her knuckles aching from the cold and the hard wood. She knows Vanessa is in there. There’s lights in the windows and she can hear the radio playing some kind of Christmas song she’s already tired of from hearing in the pub a hundred times. 
Another gust of wind blows and Charity shivers, adjusting her grip on the cards in her hand. 
She found the cardstock at the craft place in Hotten after Noah dragged her into every store, trying to find Vanessa the right present. A brilliant one, to fix this. She’d wanted to lecture him right there in next to the fancy writing utensils, but she couldn’t, not when all she could think about was how she couldn’t fix anything. 
She’s about to give up, to pack up her things and take the walk of utter shame back to the pub, when the door opens.
Vanessa frowns and Charity thinks, she’s beautiful.
Charity holds up a hand quickly, cutting off the question she can see forming in Vanessa’s eyes. She holds up the first card, letting Vanessa read the words she painstakingly wrote out.
This is a naff idea, it reads.
Vanessa’s frown deepens and she tips her head to one side, eyes narrowing as she studies Charity’s face.
Charity drops the card, another one behind it. Tell her it’s someone else. Anyone else.
Vanessa looks back over her shoulder, into the warmth of the house. “It’s Jakey,” she calls. “He’s brought a present for Trace.” She winces as soon she’s spoken, looking around frantically for a gift Charity isn’t holding.
The music, turned down when the door opened, gets louder again. Vanessa steps closer, shivering a bit as the wind catches her bare arms.
Charity rolls her eyes affectionately, unable to stop the small smile that pulls at her lips. She holds up the sign, another one. 
Vanessa folds her arms over her chest, leaning against the doorframe.
But’s it’s Christmas, her next card says. She drops it, adding it to the pile at her feet. And on Christmas, miracles happen.
Something sparks in Vanessa’s eyes and she pushes forward again, stepping out onto the top step. Charity wants to step back, her head spinning with Vanessa so close after so long, but she doesn’t back down against the feeling.
She swallows hard before dropping the sign in her hands, knowing what the one behind it says. Her fingers hold on a second longer than they’re supposed to and the sign flutters away and down the steps.
I started this year with you, it says.
She lets them go quickly, barely giving Vanessa a chance to read them.
But I’m not ending the year with you…
And I hate myself a bit for it.
I know you hate me too.
Vanessa takes another step forward, a protest on her lips.
Charity shakes her head. You should hate me.
She lifts her shoulders up, pulling them back a bit. She looks just over Vanessa’s shoulder, unable to look her in the eyes and see the pity she’s sure is there. The same pity everyone has been giving her the last few months - first, to her face, and then when they thought she wasn’t looking. Chas and Cain and bloody Moira, all of them tiptoeing around her, moving her out from behind the bar on the nights Vanessa comes in. She can’t stand it any longer and she’s going to tell them, tomorrow at Christmas dinner, that the gift they can give her is some peace and quiet.
Noah came up with this idea, she admits.
Vanessa snorts softly. “Course he did,” she says just loud enough for Charity to hear.
But as soon as he said it, I knew I had to try.
Charity takes a deep breath and lets the card in her hand fall to the ground. So, without any hope in the world…
That you even care enough to hear it…
I’m going to tell you the truth.
(Because at Christmas, you tell the truth.)
Vanessa breathes in shakily, the sound of loud in Charity’s ears. She can feel the wind cutting through her but the chill is gone for the moment, replaced by a sinking fear that Vanessa isn’t going to let her get through this; that she’ll shake her head and nudge Charity down the steps enough for Charity to get the hint and go home. 
I still really, really stupidly and completely love you.
Vanessa leans forward, her eyes wide. “But you-”
I know what I said, her next card reads. She lets it go quickly. And I was being daft. Like usual.
“Don’t say that about yourself,” Vanessa whispers hotly.
Charity snorts as she shows Vanessa the next card. It’s true, though.
Vanessa frowns softly. “How do you know…”
“Because-” Charity clears her throat. “Because I know you, Ness.”
She steels herself and looks back down at the card in her hand. The thing is, babe…
That my twisted and useless heart will love you…
Until it beats for the last time.
Charity takes a small step back, the distance between them feeling overwhelming wide. A bit dramatic, but it’s the truth.
She drops the card slowly, one left in her hands. Merry Christmas, Vanessa.
“Merry Christmas,” Vanessa says softly.
Charity nods sharply, one time. She picks up the fallen cards, stacking them out of order in her hands before tucking them under one arm. She finds the gift she picked out in her pocket, stretching her arm out to hand it to Vanessa, ignoring the way her whole body trembles. “For you,” she says, the back of her necks burning. “Obviously.”
Vanessa takes the wrapped gift slowly, turning it over in her hands.
“It’s not much.” Charity takes another step back. “But…” She shrugs. “Merry Christmas,” she says again. “You can tell her Jake changed his mind about giving Tracy the gift.”
She turns on her heel, swallowing back the knot building in her throat. It settles in her stomach and starts to ache, the adrenaline wearing off.
“Enough,” she whispers to herself. “Enough now.”
She’s halfway to the pub when she hears footsteps behind her, coming towards her, and she turns to catch Vanessa just as she crashes into her. The cards fall again, scattering around their feet as Vanessa kisses her, sloppy and off-center and perfect, her hands shaking against Charity’s cold cheeks. It’s over too soon and Charity leans in, her forehead against Vanessa’s.
“You can’t do that,” Vanessa says. She’s crying, her tears hot against Charity’s face. “You can’t say those things and walk away.”
“I didn’t want to,” Charity whispers. She slides her hands to the back of Vanessa’s neck, holding her close. “I never wanted to.”
Vanessa hiccups something like a laugh. “You did.”
“And I’ve been miserable every day since, babe.”
Vanessa steps in slightly, her whole body pressed against Charity’s. Charity shivers, the cold replaced by the feel of Vanessa’s hips against her own. “You tell the truth at Christmas,” she says. “And the truth is… I still completely and utterly adore you.”
Charity exhales loudly, blinking back the tears she knows are slipping down her cheeks. “You can’t say those things and walk away,” she repeats.
“I never,” Vanessa whispers. “And I won’t.”
Something cold hits the tip of Charity’s nose and she lets her head fall back, staring up into the black sky. Something flashes in the streetlamp and Charity grins, looking back down and bumping her nose against Vanessa’s. “It’s snowing.”
Vanessa strokes a thumb down Charity’s cheek. “Charity. Just kiss me.”
The snow comes down around them and Charity does just that.
(more prompts)
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