lifestylebylinda · 24 days
5 enkla rutiner för en hälsosam livsstil
Tycker du att det känns svårt och överväldigande att bryta dina dåliga vanor och börja en hälsosam livsstil? Oroa dig inte, här kommer 5 enkla tips som gör det lättare för dig att få in enkla rutiner i din vardag. Starta dagen rätt: Börja varje morgon med ett stort glas vatten. Enkelt, eller hur? Visste du att  ett glas vatten på morgonen kan bidra till att öka vakenheten och koncentrationen…
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forislynx · 2 months
Återigen, som så många gånger förr, påminns jag om fördelen för poeten, filosofen, naturalisten, ja vem som helst, att då och då ägna sig åt någon annan sysselsättning än den han vanligtvis utför – att betrakta något ur ögonvrån. Poeten får på så sätt visioner som ingen avsiktlig hängivelse kan skänka.
Henry David Thoreau, Dagboksanteckningar 1837-1861
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kompasskurs · 2 months
Det konstiga med vanor är att man aldrig vet om själv att man har dem
Det är märkligt vad djupt inrotade vissa vanor faktiskt sitter. Jag är nikotinist sedan cirka 30 år tillbaka, det började med att jag började röka som 14-åring sedan övergick för cirka 16 år sedan till att snusa på heltid istället. Det var ett beslut som framförallt grundade sig i det där med hälsan, att jag började bry mig mer om hur jag mår och att inte bli sjuk. Men det var också en ekonomisk…
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flinkliv · 6 months
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Healthy habits and hidden pitfalls
Choosing your habits wisely, especially when they serve as coping mechanisms, is crucial for maintaining long-term health and productivity.
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asiljebrand · 11 months
Ränta på ränta
Ofta känns det som att livet är enkelt men sinnet kan vara komplext. Mellan intention och handling händer ofta mycket internt. Vi väger undermedvetet vinster med kostnader, vi tänker på säkerhet och vad vi måste offra. Tänk om förändring i rätt riktning var så enkelt som att om vi vill ha bättre hälsa så äter vi ett äpple om dagen. Om vi vill ha mer kunskap så läser vi en sida i en relevant bok…
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svenskjavel · 10 months
Påverka positivt: Bidra till samhällets välmående
Donera blod: De är väldigt måna även om din hälsa när du är där så att du inte påverkas negativt. Du får fika på plats samt eventuellt en present (trisslotter, presentkort) beroende på lokala vanor. 18-60 år. Länk
Plantera bi-vänliga blommor: Vi är beroende av bin så för att säkerställa deras hotade fortlevnad hjälper detta. Ex. kattmynta, kungsmynta, timjan, kärleksört, blodnäva, Bonus: många av dessa växter medför även fjärilar. Länk
Second hand butiker, både handla och donera. Återbruk. Ett ställe att hitta mer unika saker. Billigare.
Plocka upp skräp när du är i naturen
Anmälning till tobiasregistret. Ifall någon behöver en stamcellsdonator söks det efter en matchning här. Du blir endast tillkallad om de hittar en matchning och du får lov att rädda livet på någon. 18-35 år. Länk
Donera organ efter sin död. Från 15-års ålder bestämmer du själv. Det går att registrera undantag ifall du inte vill donera specifika organ. Tar mindre än 2min. Länk
Skiftet. En hemsida som låter dig över 18 skriva under namninsamlingar på mindre än 10 sekunder. Sök aktivt upp de som intresserar dig först när du skapar kontot så mejlar sidan dig sedan när liknande namninsamlingar läggs upp. Här arrangeras även demonstrationer. Länk
PhoneHero samlar in och renoverar mobiler så att de kan säljas i andra hand. Du kan både köpa och sälja till dem. Länk
Om du får rester på ett matställe som du inte vill ha, be om en låda/påse att ta med i ändå. Ge det till någon av de mindre lyckligt lottade som sitter och tigger utomhus. (Detta gäller när det kan ske på ett respektfullt vis, ex. inte något du bitit i, men de två sista nuggetsen du inte orkade)
Gör ovanstående med de små schampoo och balsam flaskorna du snodde från hotellet men aldrig använde.
Undvik engångsartiklar av plast
Lägg gärna till om ni har egna förslag
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goodbysunball · 4 months
Laughing with the gods
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A couple latecomers in 2023 that ought not to be missed. Happy New Year, in February.
Drifting, Dream Autopsy (Förlag För Fri Musik)
A welcome sign that the Discreet Music-adjacent actors continue to find grey skies and grimy alleys to haunt. Drifting is an overseas collaboration between Form Hunter's Weston Czerkies and Gothenburg's own Julia Bjernelind and Dan Johansson. Both Julia and Dan are in Amateur Hour, and Dream Autopsy ends up around the same neighborhood as the underrated Kr​ö​kta Tankar och Br​ä​nda Vanor double LP, but Weston reorients Drifting with a strong emphasis on tape hiss and mechanical noise. Within this space, Julia's voice acts more as a poltergeist haunting the proceedings; there are probably proper lyrics, but long song titles are colorful enough, and the keening vocals provide instrumental contrast to the rather bleak, often caustic rumblings below. A few brief respites are found across the album: the beginning of "Kill Them All at Once," for example, is a catchy yet eerie vocals-and-keyboard snippet, and the very end of "Narratives In Music Is a Fuck (In Two Parts)" rides distantly groaning tape loops with Julia's sickly-sweet vocals. The push-pull between the gentle vocals and the tape noise is presented as organically as possible, playing out as two sidelong tracks devoid of any clunky transitions or jarring cuts. Dream Autopsy doesn't come as much of a surprise in terms of the sounds within; the label's own "sublime tape music" descriptor fits. But how effectively the sounds are rendered makes it feel more intentional than just a meeting of the minds. Shocking how much this one sticks once it's over, and even more shocking that it's still widely available - scoop now and avoid regret later.
Mount Trout, Petrol Bush (Albert's Basement)
Praise be to Albert's Basement for putting the new Mount Trout album on wax, something I've daydreamed about doing for both Screwy and Shelter Belt but never had the connections, know-how or gumption to do. The warm-sounding, naturally imperfect vinyl format is readymade for Mount Trout's brand of detuned, shambling and spacious music, a tradition the guitar-bass-drums trio continues on Petrol Bush. This one feels like the most approachable of their three albums to date, with tracks like "Dan's Bar," "Aquatic Waltz" and "No Wrong" featuring sparkling guitars and gentle tempos that could slot in next to Devotion-era Beach House on a playlist. True to form, there's some grit and sinew buried in the mix, a couple curveballs lest you get too comfortable in the late day sunshine conjured by certain tracks. I'll let you decipher the lyrics to "Dreams," and "Find a Man" and "Shoveller" simmer with a nearly AmRep level of angst. "Find a Man" is particularly jarring, coming after the daydreaming "Aquatic Waltz,” where the lyrics ("Find a man, find a man/who can be my lover") become drawn out and more menacing as the song goes on. The lyrical efficiency on "Find a Man" is a new refinement for the band across Petrol Bush, and one need look no further than the first track here for proof. The lyrics are made up of little more than "Laughing with the gods/I don't know/if things are really good," slipping a splinter under the fingernail during some Dionysian afternoon. It's the space Mount Trout has always lived in, looking for comfort or peace (possibly found on "No Wrong") but embracing the pain, injustice and shame pervasive in the world. Petrol Bush, like Shelter Belt, puts me in a contemplative, somewhat melancholy headspace, but everything here feels warm, gently baked in the sun; it sits somewhere between Low and Palace Brothers, but with enough needling from the lyrics to sidestep any self-pity. The LP was released late last year, and didn't land here until late January, otherwise it might've taken the top spot in my year-end list for 2023. Highly, highly recommended; put it on and simmer in it while the great thaw beckons.
ssabæ, Le Roi Est L'oiseau (Few Crackles)
Blink-and-it's-gone release from mid-November 2023, courtesy of France's intriguing and selective Few Crackles label. ssabæ released Azurescens one year before and was favorably reviewed by some shops and writers I respect, and while I managed to grab a copy from Technique Street (fave shop/distro, big ups), at the time it felt a bit too refined and stately for my taste. Still, there was something present in the music that made it past the sparkling reviews and limited edition pressing, and stuck in my craw long enough to make checking out this new album a priority. Glad I did, because Le Roi Est L'oiseau is even better. The loose collective running about 12 members deep, according to all of the names on the sleeve, takes elements of jazz, folk, field recordings and chamber music to make this hushed, spare music that only works with the rapt attention of the listener. On one hand, this is a collection of influences and sounds that pops up a lot these days, either from contemporary outfits or reissues, and it's not really a priority for me to make space for all of it; on the other hand, a track like Le Roi Est L'oiseau's "Le Premier Soir du Monde" comes on, sits you down and makes apparent the potential of this amalgamation of sounds in the right hands. There is an almost alchemical, mystical element to ssabæ, the austere presentation giving the impression that these sounds are sacred and deeply spiritual. The sounds here live in darkness, stillness, away from any light pollution; where notable contemporaries use repetition to transcend this sphere, ssabæ conjure shadows and voices in isolation. The stunning title track could fit on the Twin Peaks soundtrack were it devoid of kitsch, and there've been more than a few late nights where the voices at the end of the track get under my skin. Quintessential late-night soundtrack, near-perfect in presentation and execution, and hopefully an album the label sees fit to make available again.
Stress Positions, Harsh Reality (Three One G)
I caught Stress Positions at a last-minute show booked here in Knoxville last December, knowing only that (a) Iron Lung reissued their demo on vinyl, and (b) the Chicago band was mostly made up of former members of C.H.E.W., who also had an LP and 7" on Iron Lung. The band went on to tear apart my flagrant indifference and put on one of the best sets I saw all year, drawing mostly from their just-released LP on Three One G, a label that I had no idea was still active. It's getting harder for me to differentiate hardcore punk, let alone get excited about analyzing why some bands are more convincingly pissed off than others. Stress Positions make it easy with acrobatic drumming courtesy of Jon Giralt (check "White Leech"), meaty riffs smeared with righteous anger, and the performance of Stephanie Brooks, a vocalist that can easily shift from rapid-fire to menacing. It doesn't hurt that the songs tackle politically-induced pervasive poverty, white privilege and police brutality with pointed lyrics and the appropriate high level of rage and indignation. The band does the fast stuff as effectively as they can do mosh-worthy: "No Sympathy (For the Police)" is the most fun you'll have stage-diving to hating cops, and "Performative Justice" fits an impressive number of movements in its grinding 25 seconds. It's after "Performative Justice" that things begin to depart from the norms of hardcore; "Sunken Place" has the same feel as the rest of the record, but the lyrics are more opaque ("Hell is a sunken place/in awe of its power/a subtle spasm flirts with desire"), and the crawling closer "Ode to Aphrodite" lumbers with a violent Life Time-era Rollins Band level of menace before the raging close. It's a jaw-dropping ending, both musically and lyrically anomalous for hardcore, the lyrics tackling the repression of sexual desire tangled within a hollow morality. Powerful record; here's hoping they stick together to tease out the ideas in the last two tracks into another recording.
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anolis3 · 2 months
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"La Cité Diaphane", by Anouck Faure.
"J'aurais peut-être eu de la difficulté à abattre mon prince. J'aurais fini par m'y résoudre, bien sûr. Si j'avais un jour connu la pitié, ce sentiment s'était dissous au fil de mes multiples figures. Mais même la cruauté n'avait mené à rien d'autre qu'un cuisant échec.", from La Cité Diaphane.
"Jour funeste. Vanor a trahi Roche-Étoile et assassiné la sainte licorne. Son maléfice a métamorphosé le prince et corrompu l'âme de la princesse. La noirceur et la folie se sont emparées d'eux, leur sang est devenu poison mortel. À présent, Vanor a fui. Le mal d'onde se répand dans les eaux de Roche-Étoile. Maudite sois-tu, mère au cœur d'ombre.", from La Cité Diaphane.
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cerberusdailynews · 1 year
[CRIME] Varren Puppy Mill Reduced to Ash
by Kolina Marsevus, Gevannis Gazette [Uanassis, PZITAK] A facility specializing in the breeding of exotic varren breeds has been destroyed, its management murdered, and its breed stock liquidated by unknown persons. No entity has yet claimed responsibility for the incident, though evidence left at the scene have led investigators to consider animal welfare as a potential motivating force. “It wasn’t exactly subtle,” said Arava Masclani, a lead investigator for the incident, when asked for comment. “Arsonists don’t typically cover a single computer terminal in fireproof material and label it as evidence before destroying everything around it.” Kassamer Kennels has been a decades-long source of controversy in the Uanassis community. The facility has been involved in the development of specialized varren strains through selective breeding since opening its doors 147 years ago, and is credited as instrumental in the development of both Maned Klarens- and Spotted Seber bloodlines primarily used as show breeds in urban Republic colonies. Kassamer has, however, been accused of engaging in disfiguring “brute-force” gene therapy to create new varren breeds, and Tuchanka-based geneticists have long claimed that the facilities have engaged in “inbreeding that should make any Thessian panic.” “Some of these varren can barely hold their heads up,” said Raik Vanor, a particularly outspoken critic of the facility. “Stubby limbs, collapsed snouts, underdeveloped spines…you’d think this was an ardat-yakshi research program, the way they’re bred.” These claims have, however, regularly been dismissed by Kassamer representatives. “Kassamer proudly maintains a decades-long ‘Excellent’ rating streak from the Kennel Club of the Republics, and are proud to invite real geneticists to inspect our facilities,” said founding member Urasi Kassamer in a direct-response video to Ms. Vanor a year before yesterday’s attack. “Qualified scientists shall always find our facilities immaculate, our breeders humane, and our product to be among the healthiest, most robust breeding stock in the entire galaxy.” Urasi Kassamer, 471, was one of the victims of yesterday’s attack. Surviving relatives of the Kassamer family have offered a reward for any information regarding the destruction of the eponymous facility. For more information, please consult this link.
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woundedgalaxy · 1 year
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amateur hour : krökta tankar och brända vanor yuta matsumura : red ribbon treasury of puppies : mitt stora nu straw man army : sos thomas bush : preludes cs + kreme : orange serwed : iii kitchen's floor : none of that long knife : curb stomp earth civilistjävel! : järnnätter
carla dal forno : come around earl sweatshirt : sick! nw/hr : nuclear winter/heavy rain oxhy : mercy sidha | alice song joe colley : deformation of tone the garbage & the flowers : cinnamon sea birthmark : lamentations valerio tricoli : say goodbye to the wind rrr band : rrr band ssabæ : azurescens the reds, pinks & purples : summer at land's end smirk : material moin : paste incipientium : inhuman malvern brume : body traffic va : thorn valley dip friso : crocodile or real? eyes of the amaryllis : sift the drin : down river in the distance läuten der seele : läuten der seele komare : grace to breathe that void mai mao : ricshari puppet wipes : the stones are watching & they can be a handful the sprigs : mole's uninvited guests string : last index of... dj trystero : null-a jon collin : bridge variations francis plagne : the refrain astrid ∅ster mortensen : skærsgårdslyd arv & miljö : vålnad av fornskog freundliche kriesel : freundliche kriesel organ of corti : auris warm currency : returns the lloyd pack : i bet you've got some good stories exek : advertise here tacita trjj : meeting on purpose mike cooper : oceans of milk and treacle
hallelujahs : eat meat, swear an oath nein rodere : catch up with what party + gu-n : gu-n jan steele & janet sherbourne : distant saxophones born under a rhyming planet : diagonals stereolab : pulse of the early brain the strange girls : it's ok to be happy
crimes of the future d. david cronenberg russia 1985-1999: traumazone d. adam curtis modern love tokyo: for 13 days, i believed him d. kiyoshi kurosawa blonde d. andrew dominik the banshees of inisherin d. martin mcdonagh pinocchio d. guillermo del toro nope d. jordan peele
atlanta the rehearsal andor reservation dogs
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lifestylebylinda · 1 month
10 tips för att lyckas gå ner i vikt
Planera måltider: Mealpreppa hälsosamma måltider och mellanmål i förväg för att undvika frestelser. Kolla in mitt senaste inlägg för tips på enkelt recept för din airfryer. Ät balanserat: Inkludera en mångfald av näringsämnen från frukt, grönsaker, protein och fullkorn för bäst balans. Drick vatten: Drick vatten för att främja matsmältning och minska hungerkänslor. Träna regelbundet: Blanda…
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forislynx · 6 months
Vi lägger oss till med vanan att leva, innan vi får vanan att tänka.
Albert Camus, Myten om Sisyfos
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444names · 1 year
quenya and french names with diacritics removed
Acilis Adest Alace Alaiwe Alcane Aldil Alere Aliss Allernees Alles Amaiter Amari Amatalta Ambaux Amette Amile Andie Andilar Andow Anohecily Anolper Antiol Anyelis Aphaine Aphie Arcamerine Arights Arinedee Arisephind Arlesian Arsulemen Artaule Atantireme Atarmairan Atheckot Atherta Atoirel Attaronee Audil Auraiready Aureanorn Auructura Autte Avalait Avette Axendil Axime Aymonde Balaquen Belard Belipel Bennonde Berondaman Berrie Beruonwe Betarnick Betien Binweron Blanwiot Blarie Blauthele Blaux Blublecond Blumaradis Blumbar Brons Bruprion Calaymo Calazacil Callinting Canoroak Capper Cartalf Celtano Celth Cettar Chaber Chadominde Chaeld Charion Cheli Chere Chippore Chosil Cirierda Cland Claneleric Clast Clomed Closs Colle Collen Collerusto Copped Coraw Corintine Cormo Corosece Creadind Cuindil Cundome Curine Cyriters Dalleymo Dambs Damire Danore Dether Dielle Diver Dohippero Dometione Dondowe Doros Dostel Eanamarma Eannaxen Eannorger Earde Ecenier Echom Eighee Einde Elarchil Eldalinen Eldard Eldarier Eldore Elenvivion Eletted Elexar Elfstars Elienoron Elinquendi Ellari Elled Elomba Elospaux Elpied Elwerne Emmar Emmin Endand Endie Endien Eonelped Eopherie Erchelca Ermacard Ernanna Ernildilwe Ersil Estan Ettar Eturi Evenel Exanata Fabende Fabiende Farjo Feledge Felie Findu Fingolenie Firrondo Flana Flotte Foonna Forienild Frairin Gelinele Gilta Gilwerver Ginqua Ginumusil Ginyath Girant Glins Glosse Gotie Gracils Gualet Habice Handa Hanoiseck Haraned Header Heenden Heeng Helen Heleon Hellinde Henanondi Herse Hervalem Hetted Hiarme Hondrimo Hoppose Hosighta Hostel Hosto Hrafine Hratar Hrimight Hrondalemy Hurthentur Hyale Hyalweaut Hyani Hyaroned Hyavesse Ictodorod Ilielons Iline Inaur Incece Indelom Indure Inelia Insondil Isamine Iseckle Isette Iside Isignelk Ision Issarbea Istarase Jearro Jewens Jossarique Judendors Judild Julitarasa Justisto Kaelf Kildatar Kinwel Knewesce Lacil Lamaur Lansorne Lasare Lasseasse Lateste Laucilie Laurumen Lenstor Lexan Liaronto Lincalms Livie Lizepher Loityacon Lonne Lorie Lostom Lucard Lucarto Luciron Lumba Lumeller Lunce Lunduine Lurama Maings Makene Malaidene Malie Mance Mande Mandil Manoise Mariquele Marromee Marronds Mashalbar Matirin Matromens Meldow Meninever Mentandie Meopel Milimous Mirie Miright Mirinardis Mityeley Mondo Monorock Moothealou Moraux Morelpe Mourmened Murnare Namamousts Naret Narisimi Nartome Nattyare Ndessept Nellover Nernunto Netyamale Newore Nicerni Noldie Nolind Nollendo Nonsto Nordar Norineyma Norist Normotesse Notine Noweros Numbar Nurcie Ocephand Ohitelen Oinorwar Oisounet Oistome Ondavalas Ophilight Ordiends Oricklinwe Ormantar Oronnet Ortasce Osilizer Ostrusse Ounseptari Panumbs Parosse Pervaldene Prede Queni Quent Quentire Quenvisama Querionde Radree Ragolperds Ramiry Randorn Ranolisen Ratiang Rayend Rendis Retta Rieng Rineley Rinet Rinyanne Rionderse Romel Romin Ronday Roombarma Rosebabie Rothetth Ruarmarton Sahalle Sahapasar Saris Savaly Seavish Semnolm Serieu Shaell Shandil Shirya Sicen Sider Silil Silmarce Simeangste Sophne Sorene Spear Steldand Stimin Sumatando Talielle Talint Taloffin Tanand Tardendi Tarick Tedge Teline Telphasse Thibaline Thipea Thonnick Tider Tilding Tineht Tintalia Tislaurd Tivers Todon Tontioted Torondanu Trernademy Triedle Tright Trunil Tumbaphist Tumbare Tumna Turuphilie Twaian Unildortar Utirom Valesiris Valie Valing Valle Vando Vanore Vanwe Vauludgene Venieval Verma Viedred Vieva Viniers Vinyar Voryarien Warnume Wearme Werote Wifin Winester Winyanel Womaelped Womair Woutte Yahee Yales Yvong
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Best records 2022 - part two
So, in the latest episode of De Algemene Verwarring, #84, I mentioned that I put a list of what I think are the best records of 2023 on my personal Facebook page, and that is a bit of a pity for Facebook users that are not connected with me and even more for non-Facebook users, as someone pointed out. Some listeners are curious, but honestly, if you’re a regular listener of the show you should probably be familiar with most of these. And it won’t surprise many of you that there are quite some Swedish records in there. So, here we go. 5 to 1.
5.The Shifters - Open Vault (Adagio830) - The Shifters didn’t release anything new since 2020, and this compilation of demos, live tracks and home recordings was already put online on their Bandcamp page in that same year on one of those Bandcamp Fridays, I downloaded it back then and have been waiting for a vinyl release ever since.  Really hoping on actual new material from this band in 2023. I wanted to post the track The New Bleached Fuhrer, but I can only find the full album on the youtubes, so here it is.
4. Myriam Gendron - Ma Délire, Songs of Love, Lost and Found (Les Album Claus) - I was completely blown away by the track “C’est Dans Les Vieux Pays” when I first heard it on the Dynamite Hemorrhage podcast. Here’s another track that I really really love and like to singalong to.
3. Luster - Luster (Morc Records) - There are not a lot of bands where I tolerate the flute as an instrument. Luster is one of the bands I tolerate. Amazing record by this six-piece of Belgian experimental music scene stars, folk and shoegaze and drone.
2. Treasury Of Puppies - Mitt Stora Nu (Discreet Music) - the difficult second album from the Göteborg duo. Everyone likes their debut better. I don’t. Brilliant album.
1. Amateur Hour - Krökta Tankar Och Brända Vanor (Appetite) - this is the third studio album from the Swedish trio of Dan Johansson (Sewer Election Neutral, Enhet För Fri Musik Heinz Hopf,...), Hugo Randulv (Enhet För Fri Musik, Skiftande Enheter, Typical Girls) and Julia Bjernelind (Typical Girls), and not everyone think it’s their best one, but I do. This ideal mix between pop music, shoegaze, Cocteau Twins era goth music, and noise makes Amateur Hour a unique band and one that combines the best of all worlds that I like. Posting the track here with the best title of the year, 15 minutes of sheer beauty.
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asiljebrand · 1 year
The Good life
Varför inte leva i och sträva efter the Good life? Genom att ha inne de bra ingredienserna och de dåliga ute så designer vi ett bra liv. Våra mål dikterar vilka ingredienser som är bra eller dåliga. Så vi måste ha mål. Målen bör vara delar av en helhet. En vision. Varför inte låta vision vara The Good life. The Good life där hälsa, självförtroende, pengar och relationer överflödar. Där vi går…
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svenskjavel · 1 year
🏳️‍⚧️ Trans: Dieter och vanor som hjälper med testosteron eller östrogen 🏳️‍⚧️
⚠️ Jag vill inleda med att jag inte är medicinskt utbildad. Detta är information jag samlat ihop från lite olika källor under en relativt kort tid. Ta det med en nypa salt, kolla upp riskerna själv och var rädd om dig!
⚠️ Varning för könat språk i många av källorna!
Kost: ”Vissa livsmedel innehåller naturligt östrogen eller fytoöstrogener, som kan hjälpa till att öka östrogennivåerna hos kvinnor. Livsmedel som tofu, sojabönor, linser, linfrön, persilja och rödklöver kan innehålla höga halter av fytoöstrogener.” Källa.
Det finns också studier som pekar på att lakritsrot ska öka mängden östrogen i kroppen. Källa. Källa. Källa. En metod som ska ha använts av Skyterna runt 700 år före Kristus. Observera att lakritsrot kan påverka andra receptbelagda mediciner.
En hög östrogen nivå associeras med en hög SHBG nivå. Källa. Träning, koffein och alkohol spekuleras kunna höja nivån. Källa. Kostfiber sägs också ha den effekten. Källa. Kostfiber finns i t.ex. grovt bröd.
Öl höjer östrogen nivåerna i kroppen. Källa. Även de flesta andra alkoholdrycker som finns ska höja östrogenet. Källa. Ville nämna det men rekommenderar inte. Skillnaden är liten och överdriven konsumtion riskfylld.
Kost: En låg nivå av SHBG ökar mängden av den sortens testosteron som påverkar sekundära könskaraktäristiska drag. Minskad SHBG nivå går att uppnå genom en proteinbaserad diet. Även rött vin (ej vitt) ska minska nivån. Källa. Källa.
Protein, zink, magnesium, B-vitamin (B3 främst) och Omega-3 ska höja testosteronnivån. Därmed mat som ägg, mandel och pumpafrön, spenat, lax, makrill och bönor. Örter som indisk ginseng/vinterkörsbär/ashwagandha och triggarnöt/tribulus rekommenderas också. Källa.
Nötter och frön generellt, avokado, kokosolja, oliver och olivolja rekommenderas av följande källa. Källa.
Styrketräning, hälsosam mängd sömn och vitamin D hjälper till att både bibehålla nuvarande samt öka testosteronet. Källa.
Kronisk stress innebär lägre testosteron nivåer. Källa.
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