zachdanielswhisky · 8 months
the people DEMAND angel tummy and husk being sweet to him about it (it's me, i'm people)
Angel not feeling like he needs to fit a specific beauty standard after he's away from Val, but sooo much of that has been ingrained into him that he's worried about putting on weight, even if it's healthy
It's okay, Husk is there to tell him how cute and pretty he is no matter how he looks
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whiskyarts · 1 year
The things I wanna say about them I cannot on tumblr dot gov
Gimme chubby Varian headcanons
And Hugo’s life with donella headcanons
And Cyrus and Hugo headcanons
That's what our discord DMs are for teehee
- Varian's weight fluctuates REALLY easily. When he was younger and living with his dad he was like, mostly baby fat, but he helped around the house and cooked good food, so he stayed a pretty healthy weight overall, if not a little bit chubby. Prison was a ROUGH go, and even though he was only there for a year of his life, that was more than enough time to lose that weight. He was sad, sick, and depressed. He looked awful. After prison, when he got closer to Rapunzel, he put on a lot more weight because now he can afford good foods (and looots of sweets)! He's a spoiled and chubby little guy! Good for him!
- HUGO AND DONELLA. HOOOHHHHH. I think when she first picked him up off the street, she saw his potential. She saw he was smart, cunning, and resourceful. Someone who, despite his age, would be a MAJOR benefit to her. Donella is an incredibly smart woman, and has plenty of underlings. But the difference with Hugo is that he would be more than capable of toppling the tower she's built. As he grows up he gets taller, smarter, and stronger. But Donella keeps him on a tight leash, and the things she knows keep that leash even tighter. Hugo knows better than to defy her. She has so much blackmail, and no amount of physical advantage is going to erase that.
- I love u for asking me about Cyrus, mwah. I think. Cyrus is in a similar boat to Hugo. Maybe emotional manipulation and blackmail is just Donella's go-to. Cyrus is more than capable of snapping anyone like a goddamn twig. But I think deep down he's a tired old man with a heart. He just has to push it down in this line of work. But he's not stupid. He sees how Donella treats Hugo, and the way he shies away from her, no matter how small those movements may be. He's not in a position, DESPITE how strong he is, to do or say anything about it. But he does soften up on Hugo to try and get him to realize that he's got his back when worse comes to worse. There's a mutual understanding there that they've got each other's back. Even if neither of them are willing to actually be emotionally vulnerable with each other.
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nart-is-a-monster · 3 months
*makes out with u*
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eryanlainfa · 1 year
so glad we both have good taste in vat7k episodes; hate how everyone always trashes on the 'filler' episodes when they're so much fun! and build character! not everything has to be about varian's ghost mom, some ppl are just allergic to fun (if we joke about it enough, vat7k will become real)
People are too focused on the plot !! Fillers are nice ! It's a nice little break and you get to see where the characters are at and how much they changed since the beggining!
Also I genuinely love pre-relationship varigo, they're so STUPID THEY DROVE ME INSANE.
People who trashes on filler episodes don't like the characters enough 😤 I'd watch a whole spin off about them doing absolutely nothing interesting just because!
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vellichorom · 2 years
imagine having proship dni in bio and then having LITERAL PROSHIP MEDIA like being a cute girl as ur interests. cringe. if ur gonna be against problematic fiction the least you can do is stay consistent xoxoxo /j (SORRY IF THIS IS TOO SOON TO JOKE ABOUT IGNORE THIS IF SO)
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beauzos · 2 years
27, 28, and 36!
Fanfiction Writing Asks
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Good question! I feel like I always gelled really well with dialogue. Sometimes, when I go back and look at super old fics, the one thing I can usually say is "hey, the dialogue isn't half-bad" although still nothing special. I always thrived with that. I'd also say characterization in general? I tend to have a very good grasp of the characters I write; if I don't, then I don't write them lol.
28. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
I'm not all that great with writing actions (not action scenes, although I can struggle with those too, just the Things People Do) because I feel like I fall back on using the same verbs over and over. Been trying to work on that but it's tough. It's why I've been trying to read more this year, too.
Look at how people write in books I really like, and try to emulate that. Writing after reading a book does change how I write sometimes, like my brain is fresh with all these words, y'know. I remember feeling that way after I had to read King Lear and The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven.
So yeah, I'd like to continue improving on that. I gotta do more reading. I got a bunch of books to read I'm majorly behind on because writing takes up so much time. it's kind of self-defeating, lol.
36. What fic are you proudest of?
It has to be A Change of Heart. I don't think it could ever be anything else. I've never committed to anything this hard in my life. The fact I'm almost done is astounding. It'll be 200,000 words when it's done, just like I figured it would. My 'thing' has always been that I consider myself a good / decent writer, but I can't finish JACK SHIT!! The only writing projects I finished prior to ACOH was my novella I did for my college honors thesis, which was 17k, and Death Comes for Good Sons, which was 19k, and both of those were like, in the past year or so. Up until then, I just couldn't finish any large scale projects.
So ACOH is my magnum opus, man. I'm proud of what I've done.
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ashdumpsterpile · 1 year
i'll buy the tickets to berlin if u buy the drugs
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tournesolette · 9 months
Get to Know the RPer
Send me a ♦ for me to describe a plot that I’ve been wanting to do.
i just want to do more with max and david in general becoming dad and kiddo, it's so important to me. Specifically either Max coming clean about sending himself gifts on mail days, or something to the affect of David finding signs of abuse on Max? maybe when he comes back to camp the next year?
Or good old "max never gets picked up from camp," that one is a classic
Send me a ♣ for me to describe a favorite rp ship of someone else’s.
whatever the hell @warraigoe had going on with Bruno and Dulce, it was great
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
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do you ever start crying bc you thought too hard abt your favorite ships growing old together and being happy. bc i do
designs are inspired a bit off some similar ones ive seen by @084392 (uknighted dream) and @varibean (varigo)
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rhmis-user-2020 · 2 months
This image is not only weird but funny
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Varibean with his dad's eyes, now I couldn't avoid this. The meme image isn't created by me, btw.
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huoyd · 6 months
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it's the one varibean in the middle for me
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zachdanielswhisky · 8 months
*grabs you* Give me (and tumblr) ur huskerdust thoughts NOW or else (nothing will happen, i'll just be sad)
angel needs to shove his face in big soft kitty tummy and give that tummy smooches thanks for coming to my ted talk
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nart-is-a-monster · 8 months
A little art trade that I did for @varibean :3c
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I needed to check more tutorials on how to use gouache lol
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starlingdrawz · 9 months
A kitty and her papa 💕
Second @animaniacssecretsanta for @varibean !!!
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vellichorom · 4 months
oh wow, actually DOING one of these for a change... i haven't done this since my roleplaying days... WHEW, here goes!
Tagged by @maryyyy8 ( THANK YOU MARY !!!! don't mind me copying you a little bit! )
☕ - Last Song: Be Prepared ( The Lion king ) -- annapantsu cover;
☕- Currently Watching: ....i mean it's been a Lot of Markiplier's FNaF Let's Plays as of late to cope but i'm not really watching any " shows " right now... i'm boring like that :pensive:, the last show i watched was either.... Twelve Forever, Khonjin House, or Spooky Month (?)
☕ - Currently Consuming: Hatoful Boyfriend & Spooky Month, babey! thinking of turning around & walking my ass back to Danganronpa though... of course, stewing in The Stanley Parable sauce as well... i mean anything on the fixation list is the Current Consumable really,
☕ - Three Ships: ouh god i don't know.... uh,
GoreGuts, of course - speaking of TSP;
really into some " weird & strange " KazShuu ( Hatoful Boyfriend ) at the moment;
& hmm. Godseeker x any woman in Hallownest ( Hollow Knight );
& that's just my more conventional ships that make me sound like a normal, adjusted person ( <- out of her mind ), YOU should see the crossover ships my friends & i do, those are WAY more fun
☕ - Favorite Color: luv me some sweet cherry red, some kind of teal / mint, & caramel or coffee brown(s)...
☕ First Ship: oh dear god, i THINK... oh god was it selfcest. i remember shipping a lot of characters with their genderbent counterparts ( primarily a lot of adventure time / regular show characters at the time ) or Blossom PPG with Dexter Dexter's Lab...? 2010-12 was a fun period;
☕ - Relationship Status: single ( content to be for now, ) & figuring it all out man;
☕ - Last Movie: Scream ( 1996 ) :)
☕ - Currently Working On: Commissions, let's say,,
Tagging ~ @tomiechu, @varibean, @satisfiedskye, @prntrink, @chaos-canvas, @lilydoesdrawsometimes, @infectedpaul, & erm... WELL, IF YOU SEE THIS YOU GOTTA DO IT TOO
THANKS AGAIN MARY !!!!! how fun!
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pocket-ghostie · 2 months
I kinda forgot to post the art I did for artfight, so heres an art dump
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Art for:
@hershelchocolate | @merklins | @mysterystar2 | @varibean | @sk-ench | @the-anemoi | hershelcholate | and the last two are both for @arcaneyouth
I didnt really do much for artfight, but I am happy with what I did get done!
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