#varnhold vanishing
meifiction · 2 years
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My headcanon is that Varn is very good at giving back rubs and massages, like what he is clearly doing in this drawing here 😈❤️‍🔥 Also he’s 100% a wife guy and you can’t convince me otherwise
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another-heroine · 1 year
♗: One falling asleep with their head in the other’s lap for Ismene and Maegar? :)
Nonsexual Acts of Intimacy
Oh goodness, how long I didn't write about them. It seems like a century ago!
Varnhold's nights were always serene. Ismene could only listen to the woods' sounds and some guard passing by with a lit torch. It was fall, and a cold breeze slippered through the curtains, but she didn't mind at all; it was like a spring night in Numeria's desert.
She finished undoing her hair, letting the dark locks fall freely over her lap. Her back was a bit sore, and looking down, she noticed her belly was beginning to shape under the white nightgown.
Maegar entered the bedroom, carrying pillows under his arms.
“There you go. It must work.”
The woman got up, frowning. “I hope that you didn't steal anyone’s head resting."
“Oh no, not at all, I... borrowed those ones,” he babbled, avoiding eye contact. “From the inn!”
Ismene seeked for his eyes, almost bowing, amused with his jitters.
“Varn...,” she hummed. “What are you up to?”
He smiled nervously. “Maybe... Just maybe... I let slip the fact that you are... We are waiting for a child.”
“Good gods, you say it like we have murdered someone,” she laughed.
He cringed a bit. “Well, you asked me to wait for a few more moons, so…”
Ismene kissed his cheek. “Let them know then. I said that because I was... getting used to the idea too, you know.” It was her turn to look away.
After the Lantern King's defeat, time flew quickly, and one day, when they were returning from a mission in Brevoy, Ismene had an outburst in the dinner. After insisting patiently, Maegar found out his wife was pregnant, and she had no goddamn idea about how to proceed, after all, Ismene never saw herself as a mother until that moment.
Her people had a different point of view in cases like that. They would never condemn a woman who wasn’t ready to be a mother. But after long conversations with Varn, she felt confident enough to accept that mission.
Maegar smiled warmly, holding her close. “If you are happy, so am I. I would never ask for anything that hurts you.”
“And it don’t. I mean, my back hurts, but whatever.” She giggled nervously.
They made a nest with the pillows, in order to keep Ismene the most comfortable possible, holding her back while she laid on her side, facing Maegar. But as usual, he first cuddled on her lap, holding her belly with tenderness.
“You know, it’s getting too small for you two,” she mocked, running her fingers through his hair.
“I have no problems with this.” The baron shrugged. “Right now I’m holding the two most precious people in my life. I couldn’t ask for anymore!”
She opened her mouth, trying to articulate something, but gave up, feeling her face warming.
She was also holding the two most precious people in her life. Hell or high water, she wouldn’t measure forces to protect them with it.
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percserval · 1 year
Playing Varnholds lot after you completed Varnhold Vanishing just to multiple hear Cephal’s plans for the barony next door
Cephal: They won’t survive the Troll invasion— Stop giving them aid!! The won’t survive it anyway.
Chephal: We oughta just take a few of their cities in the chaos— I think a beach front mansion on the shores of silver-step sounds simply delightful…
Maegar: Dude WHY are you so obsessed with this???? They have done nothing to us
Cephal: Well look who’se the stick in the mud now! im suggesting improvements to the realm. It’s only me safeguarding our interests by dealing with our neighbors. I should just pack up and leave if you don’t want to listen to common sense.
Nothing is more satisfying then remembering he became a pin cushion when in his final stand
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kuroimarzipan · 1 year
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maegar varn sending you so many letters before varnhold vanishing was honestly great (yes its this comic)
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lukedanger · 1 month
Title: Temperance in Salvation Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous (Video Game) Rating: T Characters: The Commander (Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous), Areelu Vorlesh, Ulbrig Olesk Additional Tags: Vignette, Angel Mythic Path (Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous) Summary: A collection of short stories and ficlets for Knight-Commander Elaina, a Paladin of Iomedae, as she is thrust into the vanguard of the Fifth Crusade and learns the true extent of Areelu Vorlesh's machinations.
[Read Here on Ao3]
The first short, "Lucky Bracers", is below the cut.
Ulbrig took a drink as he finished boasting for the Olesks. “All right, now your turn: where do you hail from? Who’s your tribe?”
“I was raised in Iomedae’s service at one of her abbeys, a healer and then paladin by her grace.”
“I mean what tribe are you from. You’re a Sarkorian. The abbey explains the Mendevian name, but those bracers are unmistakably Sarkorian.”
Elaina glanced down at them, then back to Ulbrig. “I don’t know,” she explained as she tapped the one on her left forearm, the ones etched with the words ‘I Promise’ in Hallit. “All that I have left of my family are these bracers - they were with me when the crusaders found me.”
“Found you?”
“The village I was born in was razed to the ground, and the crusaders found me among a slaughtered group of fleeing farmers.”
Elaina nodded.
“And none of the other survivors knew who you were?”
“If there were any, they vanished,” she elaborated, tapping the other lucky bracer. “And whoever crafted the bracers did not include a family or clan name, or even who my parents were.”
Ulbrig frowned, and quite deeply as he was now staring at her forearms. “Could I take a look at them?”
Elaina paused a moment, then nodded and undid her right bracer, handing it to him. “Please be careful.”
“Aervahr would not let me forget being careless with blood-tie bracers,” he said as he examined the patterns, running his fingers across them with the deftness of a jeweler checking their masterpiece. Though as he pressed a bit deeper onto one of the patterns, he winced in momentary pain, then grinned.  “Hah! They resent a greater clan’s touch!”
“They are enchanted,” Elaina explained. “The abbey had an inquisitor look at them, but as far as she could tell whoever crafted them wanted to make sure only I could use them. Anyone else who wears them always says that they feel like someone is gazing angrily at them from beyond.”
“I can believe it. These would usually be blessed by a clan’s shamans so anyone who stole them would feel the weight of their crime.” He paused, turning to look at the Storyteller in his corner as he recited the Varnhold Vanishing to Ember. “I don’t suppose you’ve given these bracers to that walking huzuri yet?”
She shook her head.
“Hmmm. Well, the pattern-work is familiar, but it could be from a couple different clans.” Ulbrig frowned as he looked at her name carved into it again. “See, what I don’t get is the lack of clan or parents. The clans that make these bracers use them to show their heritage. It is like whoever made them wanted you to know your name, but not where you came from. Whose daughter you are, Elaina.”
“Welcome to the mystery of my life,” Elaina lamented as he handed the bracer back and she strapped it back into place. “But to answer your original question: I know that by blood I am Sarkorian, but as far as I am concerned I am a subject of Queen Galfrey and paladin by the grace of Iomedae. I would like to find out more of where I came from, but I have a family now in the crusaders.”
“And that’s what I don’t get about you city folk. A tribe is one thing, and a cause, even the finest of all, is something else entirely.” He took a drink from his mug, shaking his head. “Sure, the crusaders are a great bunch, they fight without fear - but to not know your heritage? It’s like a whole chunk of your soul has been torn out.”
“Perhaps,” she admitted as she took another drink. “But at least I still have the name my parents gave me. Some of the orphans I grew up with did not even have that.”
“Fey bastards.”
Elaina almost spat out her drink.
Areelu always forgot how long wars took, in the moment at least.
In the grand scheme of things it would not be a long wait: a night before battle in a war that had gone on for a century. If not for whom it involved, Areelu would not even particularly care. Yet here she was, in the study granted to her in the Grey Garrison, waiting for the inevitable assault. She had done all that Deskari and Baphomet had asked, advising Minagho on how best to undermine the very structure of the Wardstone. That left her with little to do, especially as there was only so much she could arrange so the subject reached the necessary destination.
It was unfortunate how reckless the cultists were with knowledge, pillaging the Garrison’s library without much care. A mistake as far as Areelu was concerned for the records were near-immaculate and put proof to why the term ‘clerk’ came from ‘cleric’. It was a pleasant change of pace from the usual scribbles when dealing with demonic minions - most cultists could not even spell Baphomet - and she could appreciate the boredom of the writers as she observed the militant snails depicted in the corners.
Sadly most of it was the usual reports of a Mendevian city: tithes, granary stores, ongoing court cases, charges of heresy, a list of executed cultists. Though she was finding herself engrossed in an ongoing dispute between the artillerator’s and cobbler’s guild over the latter using a type of wood meant for arrows and bolts.
That was when she felt a tingling in her wrist - she reached for the bangles, finding the one she wanted. She could sense an unwelcome presence touching what was not theirs. One with power, at that.
Areelu stood, tracing the sigils and bringing the arcane to bear - a simple scrying spell which showed her nothing. Grimacing, Areelu shifted the arcana to determine where she was looking.
“Ah, the Defender’s Heart,” she acknowledged as it came together. At least her interest would be masked by countless petty diviners trying to do the exact same thing. And she was certain she could slip past the wards, yet… was it worth the risk? She could still sense the power holding one bracer, almost familiar.
Areelu began to work her way around the wards. They had grown stronger and more intricate since the Blazing Lance and Desnans had rallied around the subject, but Areelu had studied far deeper mysteries. It still took a few tries for her to figure out the exact way to slip through, but she was soon greeted by the image of the subject within the tavern.
Talking to Ulbrig Olesk.
“How?!” Areelu demanded, almost losing the spell. Deskari had dealt with him before she was even imprisoned at Threshold!  Did that mean Aervahr survived as well? Ulbrig’s touch still bore that power, if not greater power. She caught herself, steadying the spell and focusing. More information was required.
“What?” Ulbrig had asked as the subject had nearly spat out her drink.
“Did you just call demons fey?” the subject asked.
“What, you think they aren’t?”
Areelu scowled. The ignorance that had once killed E-
“Demons are from the Abyss, planar creatures born of chaos and evil itself. Fey are creatures born of the First World, more mortal than demons or angels.”
“Fey, demons, angels?” It was impressive watching a once-more-living legend scowl and wave his hand in front of his face like he was trying to chase away a smell worse than whatever beer he had been guzzling. “They’re all the same spooks who could’ve stayed in their magical forest, happy as a pig in mud.”
Areelu and Elaina both smacked a hand onto their respective foreheads. And as Areelu pulled her hand down, she could see the other patrons in the bar glaring at what was now the greatest living example of Sarkoris’ willful ignorance. One patron, a Tian wizard with particularly spiky black hair, dropped her book and tried to make her way through the crowd.
“Learn well,” Areelu said as she let the spell fade. The subject would now receive a firsthand experience in why Sarkoris was uniquely unprepared for Deskari’s invasion. It would do her well to learn the truth depths of it. If only she could be there to educate this lout rather than leave El-
Areelu tensed. This was why she had sent the subject away. It was too easy to project what was not there, when a name was familiar. When a soul was genuinely there. When the willingness to experiment in danger was shown. It was too early - it had to be too early. Hope was the first step on the road to disappointment. But if it had worked? If the newly given name was more than a mother’s desperate prayer?
Focus, Areelu told herself, taking a steadying breath. The experiment was going well. The Grey Garrison would be a great challenge, but she was fully confident that it could be done. Commander Tirabade was an excellent tactician, and knew exactly which lance to send for the true objective. There were, of course, a few dangerous foes within. Areelu considered whether she should make sure they were distracted - perhaps Othirubo could be convinced to be giving a lecture, and Jeslyn’s power was checked by her recklessness of sacrifice that could be easily prodded.
Still, Elaina would somehow run into those threats. Of course she would - she was the type of person who would shoot a demon lord to see if an enchanted crossbow really could fell such a monster. Much as Areelu worried it could jeopardize the experiment after so many decades, should it really be any other way?
And she would be protected: the bracers would warn her if the peril she faced brought her back to death’s door. Areelu allowed herself the satisfaction of her cunning design: she had disguised what the Sarkorians loathed in their ignorance with their own supposedly-sacred customs. Woven intricately enough that the only person besides herself in the city who might see her hand in them would be that ancient elf - and perhaps that might be for the best? Perhaps he would sense her sorrow, and from that knowledge create a groundwork of understanding?
Yes, putting her daughter’s name on those bracers had been the correct choice. Perhaps that personal touch was what had been lacking in previous experiments. Areshkagal sneered at the idea of a name, but it is by names that mortals know each other. Elaina would not have become a paladin, not that the ignorant Sarkorians would give her the chance, but this paladin would become her. Was already becoming her? Would she recognize her rebirth when it all came together?
Patience, Areelu chided herself. Speculation would get her nowhere. She needed to wait. Observe, plan, correct a few wayward pieces if needed, and then let the experiment play out.
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rollofleaf · 3 hours
WIP Wednesday
Working on Owlcatober (and Kinktober prompts! I'm so excited!)
“Right, then we’ll set out for Varnhold immediately!” With the council dismissed, Ethyn sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. First her barony had been assaulted by hordes of monsters from the First World, now her neighbors had just vanished without a trace. It was no wonder no one had managed to settle the Stolen Lands yet, if events like these were normal. But Captain Varn, her missing neighbor, had been kind to her ever since they first met. His mercenaries had aided her barony against the animal attacks, he was a good trade partner, and he had even sent personal gifts of weapons and magic items to her. If Ethyn didn’t know better, she’d suspect he fancied her! Regardless, it was long overdue for her to aid him in turn, so she packed her bags and set off quickly, throwing the doors to her audience hall open and stepping out.
As the paladin passed through the doors, a brief bout of nausea overcame her. When she opened her eyes, she was somewhere else. She glanced behind her, the doors to her audience hall were nowhere in sight. She felt the tingle of magic brimming in the air, familiar from her last visit to the First World to destroy the flower assaulting her kingdom with monsters. And standing before her was Nyrissa, the beautiful nymph that broke her heart. The nymph whose heart had been stolen.
Ethyn's cheeks flushed with joy at the sight, but she held her composure and gave the nymph a calm, even look. Still, the question fluttered into her mind and she had to ask, "Nyrissa... Are you responsible for what is happening to Varnhold?"
The scorn in the nymph's eyes was replaced by a spark of surprise, quickly buried. "You... Know my name. Hmph. Even a simple hound can surprise on occasion. Come. Share some tea with me and I will answer your question.”
Suspicion sparked in the paladin’s golden eyes, but it would be rude of her to reject an invitation! And to sit across from the nymph, so close to her… No, Ethyn, focus! The nymph walked over to an ornate wooden table for two that had appeared in the mist, alongside some tea.
Ethyn closed her eyes and murmured a soft prayer, then walked over and took a seat. She smiled softly as Nyrissa poured her a cup. “Thank you. But… Why, if I may ask? Such civility, serving me tea, it’s so unlike you.”
The nymph flashed a coy smirk, making no attempt to hide the cold, loveless emptiness in her eyes. “Perhaps I am simply seeking to poison you, hound. Why, if I may ask, do you indulge in sharing tea with one who will destroy you?”
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silversiren1101 · 2 years
There’s something so funny about Vordakai that hardly anyone would find on a normal playthrough because if involves:
Exploring all the rooms in his tomb, both circular ones that used to hold the Oculus specifically
Sparing him
Recovering the Oculus intact and using it as an item
Presenting it to the Storyteller to get the juicy details about its origin
Asking Vordakai where HE got it from
AND THE HARDEST: reading the updated description of the item and lore information provided in Varnhold Vanishing for the Kingmaker 2e reprinting.
Let me tell you, finding out that the Oculus is not actually from Charon at all and was placed there as an evil trap orb by cultists predating him (that were possible Charonites but the Horseman did not actually make it or give it), that he just found it when his minions were building a sick mountain lair for him, and then IMMEDIATELY crit failing his will save as soon as he touched it is just so fucking funny. Turned into a raving brainwashed cultist from a single bad roll. Canonically terrible will saves. Canonically drawn to serving and craving a master.
“I am Charon’s chosen!” No you found an evil rock that literally wants to be worshipped. You were dominated and never even noticed or realized it. By a rock.
Peak pathetic bitch behavior lmao.
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mountainashfae · 9 months
I just finished Varnhold Vanishings on my Vio replay and I already miss Tristian.
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bibliolithid · 2 years
@somewhere-in-the-dungeon asked:
What are the good pathfinder adventure paths? (I haven't read any of them)
These are my impressions from reading them (not playing them) and are biased by my preferred style of play:
Rise of the Runelords 1 - Burnt Offerings: Fairly solid, a good mix of social encounters, combat, and dungeon delving
Kingmaker 1 - Stolen Lands: This is the only adventure I have played. I am not a fan of hex crawls generally and this one felt particularly aimless. A lot of the stuff it does is setup that shines in later adventures, but it is a roughhhh start
K2 - Rivers Run Red: Hexploration is still too aimless, but the nation building mechanics help a lot with that, and there are some clever interactions between the two
K3 - The Varnhold Vanishing: Feels like the AP really hits it's stride here, much more direction in the hexploration. Would actually run this one
Carrion Crown 1 - The Haunting of Harrowstone: The town events and dynamics are actually quite neat, but they never really go anywhere. The stories of the spooky prison also didn't feel like they built on each other to become more than the sum of their parts. This is exacerbated by each part of this AP taking place in a different location which means almost nothing here can be built on. If the whole AP stayed in this one town which reacted to what you did this would actually be amazing. As it is, 5/10
CC 4 - Wake of the Watcher: Good lovecraftian fun, would run
CC 6 - Shadows of Gallowspire: A gauntlet with not a lot of story. Way too many liches, which I feel cheapens them. The rules for the gallowspire itself are neat tho
Shattered Star 1 - Shards of Sin: Got like five pages into this one and had to put it down. The first encounter just felt so cliché and manipulative. Maybe it gets better later
Mummy's Mask 1 - The half-dead city: The first half is a functional pyramid-delve that unfortunately has literally nothing to do with the rest of the AP. The second half has another pyramid-delve where the PCs accidentally stumble across the path of the McGuffin with little understanding of why it might be important, it didn't seem engaging as a hook. I believe that gets fixed in MM2, but it leaves this adventure feeling very hollow
Iron Gods 1 - Fires of Creation: Like Expedition to the Barrier Peaks this one felt gimmicky and "clever" in a way I would find frustrating as a player. A matter of taste. Unfortunately it also comes with a whole bunch of new and somewhat cumbersome rules to use
Agents of Edgewatch 1 - Devil at the Dreaming Palace: This one was solid, but felt like there was a lot of filler? Stage seemed to half twice as much stuff in it as necessary. Maybe this is fun at the table and helps fill out the fantasy of being detectives, but it was a frustrating read
Abomination Vaults 1 - Ruins of Gauntlight: Top 2 adventure, going to be running it next week! A megadungeon that cuts straight to the point, has a lot of interesting encounters as well as consequences that carry over between encounters, and narratives that crisscross it
AV2 - Hands of the Devil: I liked the sidetracking back to the town, felt very The Whispering Cairn, it is a pity none of the town stuff has consequences or follow-up down the line. The dungeon levels themselves kind of drag, feeling like there is maybe too much filler. You could probably cut out a third of it, a whole dungeon level's worth (and I would love to play it then)
AV3 - Eyes of Empty Death: Like AV2, but without the town side quests. Would probably slap as two levels instead of three
Fists of the Ruby Phoenix 1 - Despair on Danger Island: Another kind of aimless-feeling hexploration, and the dinner scene feels far too long when reading it (maybe it plays better)
FotRP 3 - King of the Mountain: A lot of nice payoffs to previous setup, the Celestial Dragon quest felt like it had slightly too many steps. Campy, bordering on self-parody at times. Whether that is a good or a bad thing is a matter of taste
Strength of Thousands 1 - Kindled Magic: Got five pages into this one and put it down because it was roleplay-heavy and I was looking for something combat focused. Those pages were amazing though and I'd recommend playing it. Kind of the opposite of Shards of Sin?
Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 - Broken Tusk Moon: This one starts off very slow and then moves into two bits of mediocre hexploration. The hexploration is better than that in Stolen Land due to the leadership mechanic and having something to run away from
QftFF 2 - Lost Mammoth Valley: Top 2 adventure, I think it loses out to Ruins of Gauntlight due to being the second adventure in a path rather than the first. An actually good use of hexploration, each part builds on the others. Good variety. I would have liked more opportunities to gain Reputation Points in the valley, it seems like grinding them out at the end would be a pain. And not letting the tribe participate in the battle at the end feels like a missed opportunity
QftFF 3 - Burning Tundra: It's fine. Leadership score really only gets used twice in the whole AP and that sucks? The hexploration in the middle seems like filler content. Overall fine though, better than most on this list
Honorable Mention - Emerald Spire Superdungeon: While not an adventure path it is similar in size in content. Unlike most megadungeons I've read (looking at you Dungeon of the Mad Mage) it largely keeps up the variety and pacing throughout. It does this by having each level be written by a different author and giving them more or less free rein. Megadungeons feel like they'd be a slog to me, but if I were to run any of them (besides Abomination Vaults) it would be this
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skitterjitter · 1 month
Varnhold Vanishing is gonna be a bit awkward because I made my Baroness and Varnhold General sisters
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depresanesfreetime · 2 months
I thought the game would let me breathe after Varnhold Vanishing but NOOOOO, straight to the tribes shit and three companions gone gone, can't give them new capes and necklaces, can't distribute their points, they're scattered all over the realm.
But hey, I finally have the Treasurer.
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meifiction · 2 years
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Whatcha doin there Varn? More super cropped drawings of these two in some heated ❤️‍🔥🌶 diplomatic relations.
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bigmeandragonlady · 5 months
im doing the varnhold vanishing chapter and i am begging my companions to stop giving their names to this fucking crow
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dragonologist-phd · 1 year
anyone who's played kingmaker more recently than i have: is there a good guess of how many years pass between Vanishing of Varnhold and the end of the main game?
iirc each act was implied to last about a year, so 3-ish years seems reasonable but it's been quite some time since i've actually played the game and online guides are not being useful
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
throwing the question back at you ;) Jas, how do you feel about your companions?
(answering as things currently stand in her game, so 5/6 of the way done, just finishing up with Irovetti, timeline wise)
“Let’s see, how do I feel about my companions…” She taps her chin with one fingers and swings her feet as she considers her reply. “Well, Amiri’s pretty cool,that’s for sure. Totally reckless and kinda bloodthirsty, which has been fun and frustrating by turns if I’m honest. But I love her enthusiasm, and she’s always ready for a fight, which is handy when you have so many people out for your hide.
“I appreciate Valerie’s… intensity? I guess you’d call it?” She shrugs and curls a lock of hair around her finger, tugging as she picks her next words. “She’s very stubborn and very loyal, both of which make her great to have watching your back. At first I thought she was being a little unreasonable with the paladins of Shelyn, but when I saw how far some of them were ready to take their devotion…. I can definitely see how that would be a wearying atmosphere if you were less gung-ho and not similarly minded. After our confrontation in the temple, I can’t really blame her any more. Still think she could be a little less vitriolic about the order as a whole; it was just a few of them who got really nasty where she was concerned.
“Linzi is the best! We talk all the time, and she’s such a talented writer, and I love having someone else around who’s almost always cheerful–well, Octavia does a pretty good job there, too-and of course, I’m honored she wants to tell my story.” Her lips quirk in a small, wry smile. “She does…. embellish a little more than I would in some spots, but that’s just Linzi. She’s so enthusiastic and excited about everything, it all gets cast in the most dramatic light possible, which I guess is part of why she’s such a great storyteller.” She giggles, bites her lip,.
“Um, who’s next…. “ Her nose wrinkles. “Y’know what, let’s get this out of the way. Jaethal always creeped me out. We disagreed about almost everything, and honestly, I’m surprised she stuck around long enough for things to end… the way they did.” She shifts uncomfortably in her chair and looks down at her lap. “And if I’d known they were going to end… like that, I never would’ve agreed to help her. So much death for absolutely nothing. It was awful and gave me nightmares for days. 
“On a less grim, if still somber, note, Harrim’s a gloomy gus, but I think he cares more about his people than he admits. Or maybe even realizes. And Groetus has given him a lot of neat and really useful abilities that Tristian and I don’t have, so that’s really helpful.” She winks. “For all his groaning about death and the end of the world being inevitable, he’s sure saved me from it enough times since we met.
“Octavia and Reg… I kinda have to talk about the two of them together, don’t I?” She laughs. “They’re fun to have around, ‘specially Octavia. Reg doesn’t know when to stop sometimes, and” –she leans forward to whisper conspiratorially–”I’ve been really tempted to shove him in water troughs more times than I can count. But I’m too short, so I just roll my eyes and deal with it. I know he means it in fun. Most of the time. And Octavia’s really fun and sweet and had some really great ideas for things I could do with my hair.” She tugs on the loose lock again. “She’s one of only a few people who can handle this mess. And she somehow makes it look gorgeous whenever I let her do her thing to it. But great as it is to have a friend who can actually help me look the part of, well, Queen now, what I really love about her is her heart. She’s been through hell and came out determined to keep others from suffering like she did. She cares so much about people, especially the ones most would forget. It makes her a wonderful person to serve as regent and that’s a decision I’ve never regretted.
“Jubilost…. Jubilost is a piece of work, He’s a pompous, sarcastic ass, half the time his tongue might as well be coated in the acid he throws at people, and Dreamer save me, I’ve definitely wanted to strangle him on more than one occasion. But the man’s one of my best friends in the world, one I’ve thrown myself in front of various massive beasties to protect with neither regret nor hesitation.” She pulls up one side of her shirt, showing a scar along her ribs.  “Manticore thought gnome steaks sounded good for dinner ‘til I smashed its face in. It wasn’t too happy with me, and magic can only do so much. Jube’s honest–to a literal fault, sometimes–principled, bold, determined, and loyal. Wouldn’t trade his friendship or knack for treasury-keeping for all the gold in Golarion.
“People are surprised at my friendship with Ekun , b’cause we’re so opposite; tall and short, quiet and loud, loner and social butterfly” –she giggles at the comparison, playing with her holy symbol–”but I think we’re friends to balance each other out. He’s loyal and driven and I think he’s so strong to keep going after what happened to his family. If I lost mine…. I’d probably curl up in a ball a straight week and cry a new river.
“Kalikke and Kanerah… They’re both something of a mystery, if I”m honest. I haven’t really spent much time with either of them, especially Kanerah. Kalikke and I get along pretty well, but I still haven’t spent much time talkin’ to them.” She wrinkles her nose. “I should prob’ly fix that. It’s kinda rude.
“Nok-Nok’s exasperating and I gotta be honest, Lamashtu kiiiiiinda turns my stomach, especially after…” She clears her throat. “Well, anyway. He’s really good to have in a fight, but I mostly just tolerate havin’ him around. 
“Guess that just leaves Tristian.” Her whole face lights up like she swallowed the sun. “It’s not really any kind of secret any more that we’re together, and let me tell you, despite everything that’s happened since I established Sparrows’ Nest, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. He’s so sweet and cares so much about everyone–even people who tried to kill us, he’s interceding for their lives–and he’s such a good healer. I’ve never more than halfway gotten the hang of healing myself, so his talents in that area are extremely useful.” Her smile dims slightly. “What he went through with Nyrissa’s just… awful, and I don’t really like dwelling on it b’cause it makes me so damn angry how she treated him. Not trying to absolve his responsibility for what he… what he did, but….” the words trail off and she bites her lip. “It’s not important anymore, anyway, ‘cause he’s confessed and sincerely apologized and is trying to help me set things right, stop Nyrissa. The strength that takes…. how could I do anything but forgive him,  welcome him back?”  She giggles, then add, “And fall even more in love with him. I’ll take however much time we get, however we get it to have it, because meeting him, falling in love… it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. And whatever I have to fight to keep that, Ill tear its damned head off. ….Assuming I can reach.”
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lukedanger · 4 months
WIP Wednesday - Ulbrig and the Lucky Bracers
You know, those lucky bracers we start with in WotR are such an untapped story opportunity, especially given who gave them to our character... and Ulbrig asking our character for their backstory is a perfect way to elaborate it for (future) Knight-Commander Elaina.
Ulbrig took a drink as he finished boasting for the Olesks. “All right, now your turn: where do you hail from? Who’s your tribe?”
“I was raised in Iomedae’s service at one of her abbeys, a healer and then paladin by her grace.”
“I mean what tribe are you from. You’re a Sarkorian. The abbey explains the Mendevan name, but I can’t mistake the smell of blood.”
Elaina chose to ignore the implication for the moment and answer the question. “I don’t know. All I had left of my family were these bracers,” she tapped the one on her left forearm, the one etched with the words ‘I Promise’ in Hallit. “They were with me when the crusaders found me among the dead refugees.”
Elaina nodded. “As far as I know, my ancestors escaped the Worldwound and took refuge in Mendev, then the village they lived in was also attacked. I have to believe that this was why they gave me a Mendevan name.” She tapped her other lucky bracer. “Whoever crafted the bracers did not include a family or clan name. Or even who my parents were.”
Ulbrig frowned, and quite deeply as he was now staring at her forearms. “Could I take a look at them?”
Elaina paused a moment, then nodded and undid her right bracer, handing it to him. “Please be careful.”
“Aervahr would not let me forget being careless with blood-tie bracers,” he said as he examined the patterns, running his fingers across them with the deftness of a jeweler checking their masterpiece. Though as he pressed a bit deeper onto one of the patterns, he winced in momentary pain, then grinned.  “Hah! They resent a greater clan’s touch!”
“They are enchanted,” Elaina explained. “The abbey had an inquisitor look at it, but as far as she could tell whoever crafted them wanted to make sure only I could use them. Anyone else who wears them always say they feel like someone is gazing angrily at them from beyond.”
“I can believe it. These would usually be blessed by a clan’s shamans so anyone who stole them would feel the weight of their crime. Or at least by some divine gift like what you or Seelah call on.” He paused, turning to look at the Storyteller in his corner as he recited the Varnhold’s Vanishing to Ember. “I don’t suppose you’ve given these bracers to that walking huzuri yet?”
She shook her head.
“Hmmm. Well, the pattern-work is familiar, but it could be from a couple different clans.” Ulbrig frowned as he looked at her name carved into it again. “See, what I don’t get is the lack of clan or parents. The clans that make these bracers use them to show their heritage. It is like whoever made them wanted you to know your name, but not where you came from. Whose daughter you are.”
“Welcome to the mystery of my life,” Elaina lamented as he handed the bracer back and she strapped it back into place. “But to answer your original question: I know that by blood I am Sarkorian, but as far as I am concerned I am a subject of Queen Galfrey and paladin by the grace of Iomedae. I would like to find out more of where I came from, but my family is the crusaders.”
“And that’s what I don’t get about you city folk. A tribe is one thing, and a cause, even the finest of all, is something else entirely.” He took a drink from his mug. “Sure, the crusaders are a great bunch, they fight without fear - but to not know your heritage? It’s like a whole chunk of your soul has been torn out.”
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