#vaughn is a lucky lucky man
bashvaughn · 2 months
a few months prior…
A few months prior, Sebastian and Jocalyn as a collective, had been nothing but distant, childhood memories of the past. Sweet and innocent, the budding friendship had come to a sudden and abrupt end when Josie and her family had travelled to Europe and further for some few years whilst her father and his band had completed successful tours after tours. And what was left behind was a particularly gutted 10 year-old Sebastian, having lost his best friend, and though today he didn’t grow so upset when he thought about Jo as he had done in his younger youth, his thoughts often crossed back to those times. He wondered how she was, what she looked like, and where she even was. Had she kept the necklace he’d gotten her? Did she even remember him?
He wasn’t entirely the same as he had been as a child. He was a sweet boy growing up, polite and kind, but after all these years, there wasn’t really much left of Seb Vaughn from 1988. He’d sort of just, well, vanished, one day, faded into the background. His older brother Nathaniel’s death had left a deep and empty wound in the bottom of his heart, still raw and unhealed seven years on. It had left him angry at the world and unable to express his emotions, when really, inside, there was still just that little boy who’d never really grown up, a little boy who just needed some assertion that whatever was going on inside his brain was okay. He didn’t spend much time at home, any opportunity to be out the house, he took; his relationship with his parents wasn’t exactly the best, not since Nate had died. It was hard watching your mother often breakdown once the working day finished.
Out the house. Yes. Being out the house was good. A party! He loved parties, rich kid parties were the best. They had the best sound systems, the most liquor, the biggest pools. The angry teenage boy wasn’t very popular amongst the younger students, amongst those that 1995 would class as “uncool”, as over time had turned himself into quite a bit of a bully, a thug or sorts who enjoyed taunting those less fortunate or lucky as him. But to the majority? He was rather sort after, envied in ways. Guys wanted to be him: he was the tallest kid in school, built strong and toned at 6’5” with a sharp jaw, played quarterback on the school football team, always had his brown curtained locks of hair perfectly swept back at all times. The girls wanted to be with him for all those very reasons. But sure, despite having a fling or two over the years, a couple of nights tangled in bedsheets, he strangely paid them little mind. He paid very few people any mind these days. Or anything.
He arrived as the sun had just set. A final all-out party in the school holiday before they returned back for the new academic year. One last send off. Some kid who lived just outside the city in some sprawling mansion. He walked up the steps of the house entrance with a bounce almost, pack of beer in his hand, his good friend since childhood, Brian, walking beside him. He wore a pair of blue denim jeans, a black belt secured around them, a red plaid shirt tucker inside, sleeves rolled up, top buttons undone, a tiny, silver hoop in his ear, cigarette packet in the pocket. The door wide open, he stepped inside to a house almost bursting full of students. It was loud and chaotic, full of booming music and disorganisation. The perfect party.
He was a presence amongst his peers, that could be said. Idolised in many ways despite the element of fear from some. You had to be when you’d just been made football captain for the new year after the previous one had graduated. He had a pretty intense reputation. Walking inside, he was greeted with happy cheers and welcomes from the students, the owner of the house walking over to him with a wide grin. “Vaughn, you made it!” Sebastian’s smile was never as big as anyone else, it was more of a just an upwards turn. Nodding, he greeted his friend, shoulder tapping him as a hello. “Sup, man.” He responded, ignoring the way people turned their heads a little. Turning to some of the partygoers, the house owner clapped his hands, “New captain himself, ladies and gents!” The teens nearby cheered, some downing their drinks as a toast of sorts.
Laughing quietly, he shook his head, “Touching — lemme get a drink, man.” He beckoned towards the large, open kitchen ahead, beginning to hear over in search of a clean red cup.
Sebastian was, however, obliviously unaware that there was also another big revelation in attendance tonight. A unexpected storm that arrived back with an awestruck greeting from students all around.
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stinkrascal · 1 year
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picture one klaus: oh. hi. vaughn: sup. klaus: what are you doing out here? vaughn: [ sighs ] called my mom. klaus: oh. i'm sorry. i'll leave— vaughn: no, stay. klaus: oh. um... okay.
picture two vaughn: you can't sleep either? klaus: i'm normally up at this time. vaughn: oh. right. 'cause you're a real vampire. klaus: yes. my magic prevents me from sleeping, most nights.
picture three klaus: do you have magic, vaughn? vaughn: nope. klaus: oh. i see. that must be nice. vaughn: are you kidding? it fucking bites. [ snorts ] get it? klaus: ... vaughn: ah... i guess not. klaus: was that a joke? vaughn: salt in the wound, my man. klaus: sorry. i don't mean to imply your joke is bad. i can't laugh.
picture four vaughn: that 'cause of your magic too? klaus: yes. it's called emotional dampening. i don't feel much of anything. vaughn: [ sighs ] must be nice. klaus: it can be troublesome.
picture five klaus: jokes are hard to understand, and i often forget to eat. vaughn: 'cause you don't feel hungry? klaus: yes, exactly. papa is the same way. so are some of my older siblings. they're lucky, though. they're influenced by more than one magical class.
picture six klaus: that's why they're not boring. you should be happy you have no magic. it only complicates things.
picture seven vaughn: more complicated than looking like a vampire, and being a human? yeah, right. dunno how many times i've been called bloodsucker, and i don't even eat people.
picture eight vaughn: [ sighs ] at least you got cool powers for it. all i got to look forward to is aging like a ballsack and dying of cancer. hoorah. klaus: i never thought of it that way.
picture nine vaughn: [ shrugs ] it's cool. at least i can fuckin' laugh. so you really don't feel noting at all? klaus: mostly, yes. vaughn: mostly? klaus: it can happen, sometimes. but it's rare.
picture ten vaughn: so if i punched you, you wouldn't feel it? klaus: i would. i can feel physical sensations. vaughn: right, right—so i can't piss you off, even if i really try? klaus: ...um, maybe, under the right circumstance. but—it's never happened before.
picture eleven vaughn: guess i gotta try harder then, right? klaus: ...um... sure.
picture twelve vaughn: hey, go get dressed, come follow me.
picture thirteen klaus: where are we going? vaughn: i'm going hiking. you're coming with me. klaus: i am?
picture fourteen vaughn: duh. c'mon already, stop pussyfooting around. i'm tryna see a bear. klaus: i—o-okay.
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itzaltwins · 4 months
I recently got back from Argylle and AHHHHHH I had a huge smile on my face for like 70% of the movie.
It was dumb (affectionate) at some points, but that's what made it fun. I feel like Matthew Vaughn understands that movies shouldn't always be realistic or have to make sense. Just enjoy what's in front of you.
More thoughts under the cut (includes spoilers, duh):
Maybe I'm oblivious, but I didn't foresee many of the twists. Though to be fair, like most things I just watch and see what happens...
The humour was perfect for me. It was the kinda shit that makes you chuckle as you shake your head, but not burst out laughing (although I'm not averse to that type of humour).
Elly is literally me and every fan fic writer. Except we're not secret agents, unfortunately.
Whenever I see Bryan Cranston, I only see the dad from MItM. I never watched Breaking Bad.
No Henry Cavill and John Cena kiss? Missed opportunity. SMH
Ahem I'm super interested in how Vaughn will tie together the three franchises, because we have actors that have played various characters (except some of their characters are dead).
As for the production of the movie, Brad Allen (RIP) being on there was really nice to see.
Now, I've never met the man, but fucking Carlos Peres (AKA Bedivere) in the first part of the credits as executive producer, made me so proud??? If you didn't know (please note I just like to look at the credits), in Kingsman TSS, he was simply a Kingsman Knight. Then Kingsman TGC, a Kingsman Knight and production consultant. The King's Man, a co-producer. Vaughn's friends/colleagues are lucky fuckers.
I didn't stay til the end of the credits (the employees were eyeing me to leave so they could clean), but I think it's really nice they include the number of jobs supported and mention the hard work put into making such a production, at least for Kingsman 2 and The King's Man.
I know critics take things way too seriously and I will never ever listen to them but this quote makes me laugh: "Argylle [...] ultimately wears out its welcome with a convoluted plot and overlong runtime." (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argylle) Man, if they think that was convoluted, they haven't seen the DrakeNier universe, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, etc.
Okay, I've rambled enough for now. If you read everything, thank you. (Why would you?)
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rin-bellatrix · 1 year
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"It might not be the right time. I might not be the right one. But there's something about us I want to say. 'Cause there's something between us anyway." - Daft Punk
Rhys recovers his lost boot from the con woman with a ruby smile, and as she teases him about his fashion, he's struck with the realization that she's actually kind of fun. And pretty... Really pretty.
Written for @admiralsweko bc it's her bday today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWE~!! 🥳🎉🎂🍾🎁🎈💕✨
Header art by ourwarbird (deactivated 🕊)
Lace divider from this post. Pixel heart dividers from this post. White dot divider from this post. Reblog and feedback divider from this post.
Written because inspiration struck due to the pic below that came from a post that Sweko had reblogged for another of her otps
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Enjoy! 💙❤
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Through the cracked windshield of the caravan, the barren, desolate plains of Pandora's vast desert rushed by and Rhys was at least a little bit grateful that he and Vaughn weren't making this journey on foot. And also, not alone.
The sound of easy conversation carried over to him from somewhere in the back of the vehicle, words lost on his idle mind but the calm tone was enough to keep him from worrying. At least they were all past the point of trying to kill each other. Even Athena wasn't so scary after a few board games to pass the time. (She was still scary, just on a lesser scale. Not that Rhys would ever say that to her face.)
For now, the sandy scenery whizzed by and out of sight of his peripheral. Honestly speaking, driving through a path that looked the same as it did the last hour and the hour before was driving the company man to boredom. There was only one seat up front and therefore only a need for one person. He was alone while everyone else socialized behind him.
Even Jack was quiet, laying low because he didn't want to draw Athena's attention to the fact that maybe he wasn't as gone as she would've liked. So Rhys was left in solitude, watching dunes and skag dens and occasional rakks above passing by for the nth time.
He huffed a drawn out sigh, settling his chin into the cradle of his propped up hand as the other remained steady on the curve of the steering wheel. He was fighting back a yawn when something heavy was tossed at him from the edge of his vision.
The sudden movement and weight of the unknown object hitting his chest and falling into his lap made him shoot to full alertness, his foot automatically easing down on the brakes as he glanced down to see what had struck him. It took a second, but the sleek design of expensive rakk leather made him recognize his own heeled boot, the one he had lost when he flew out of the caravan.
Confusion caused him to look up and over, his wandering gaze landing immediately on the con woman who was leaning casually against the dash. She pretended indifference to his obvious stare, until she happened to glance his way and caught his eye. She flashed him a cheeky grin and it was the first time she had ever smiled at him.
She was... Really pretty, actually...
Dismissing that thought immediately because - where had that come from (and what good could acknowledging this do?), he picked up his displaced shoe and the memory of being ripped from the relative safety of a moving vehicle came to mind. How he felt for just a moment, completely weightless, like when he and his best friend had left Helios and had breached the stratosphere of this planet, recalling the odd feeling of zero gravity that made his stomach lurch.
He was abruptly caught, Fiona's grip around his ankle the only thing keeping both Hyperion men from getting swallowed up by the desert. He counted himself lucky, until he could feel his heel easing out of his boot. The only connection he had to Fiona's desperate grasp was slipping away and there was nothing either of them could do. He remembered in that moment, that she had risked her own life by abandoning her secure grip to reach out to help these two men who she didn't know and didn't trust. The strength of her hold around his foot was fresh in his mind, the effort she made to keep them from the maw of the wastelands.
Sure, securing the two men from Helios meant securing whatever awaited them at Old Haven, but it had happened so fast, he doubted she had time to think about it that way. She had just acted on instinct. Well, at least that's what he thought. Fiona was just as much of an enigma as he was to her. Probably.
Quickly eyeing the landscape ahead of the caravan for any kind of obstructions, the company man slid his heterochromatic eyes over to the grifter by his side, raising a curious brow in silent inquiry.
She shrugged, looking down and off to the side, not meeting his questioning gaze as she answered, "Can't have you trekking across Pandora with only one shoe on. Figured I'd do you a favor and return your ugly footwear."
He was tempted to retort with a lecture on fashion and style, but a smile still played about her lips and he decided that he'd take the ribbing for what it was - a playful jab rather than a hurtful insult. Scoffing, he lowered his boot down to the floor so he could work his foot inside, returning his attention to the path before him as he shimmied his socked foot into the recess.
"Too bad for you, if you would've held onto it, you could've sold it for a decent profit. The high quality of this rakk leather is obviously lost on you though, what a shame."
Now it was her turn to scoff, the light huffing sound making a smile kick up at the corners of his mouth in anticipation of what she'd say in response. "I see you Hyperion snobs think too little of us down here - we might be desperate for quality goods, but I don't think a foul smelling fashion faux pas is gonna be doing anyone any favors. At least anyone with actual taste."
Said Hyperion snob grinned, shifting restlessly his seat at the first easy conversation that he'd had with this woman since he laid eyes on her. Bickering over nonsense with this pretty Pandoran native was actually kind of exciting. "And I'd like to thank you for confirming that no one on this rocky junk heap has any sense of taste. I had always assumed, but it's good to finally have it confirmed."
"Yeah, I don't think that's as much of an insult as you think it is, considering the situation you've got going on with that red strip of fabric."
"You mean my tie?" He subconsciously ran his mechanical hand down the length of the tie, genuinely wondering what she had an issue with.
"Oh, is that what that's supposed to be? How unfortunate." She twisted her face into a slight grimace, further provoking him in this little verbal game of theirs.
"I'll have you know that this is the latest in fashion amongst the elite on Helios."
"So you say. Is it... Tucked into your pants? Serious question here."
The young manager rolled his eyes, but couldn't argue further because... Yes his tie was tucked into his pants. It was a fashion statement! He shook his head, glowering at her from the corner of his ECHO eye. "Is this all you came up here for, to question my impeccable sense of style? Don't you have candy to steal from a baby or something?"
Fiona's face shifted into one of overly shocked dismay, a hand fluttering delicately to her chest in a show of being offended. "Well the only baby I see nearby is behind the wheel right now. As a true professional, I wouldn't take this time to rob you - could be dangerous to hinder your driving."
Rhys fought another grin, enjoying their banter even though he was obviously on the defense - and losing. But he had never had the chance to talk to Fiona one on one and he found he quite liked her taunting smile and jeering words. Her light green eyes were sharp, watching him carefully and he had no doubt that she had already pinpointed the locations of every single one of his pockets. She reached out to him suddenly and he wondered if she was gonna poke around said pockets now.
But her hand landed on his shoulder very briefly, patting him as she said, "Whenever you get tired of driving, let me know and I'll take over. Until then, try not to drive us off a cliff, Hyperion." She turned and sauntered away, and he found his gaze locked on her retreating back.
Was it strange that her sudden absence made him yearn for her to return to his side, to continue trading barbs and playful smiles?
Yeah, that was weird. He barely knew the woman and could count the positive experiences with her on one hand. But she left to join her sister, the sound of her voice in the distance catching his ear.
He lifted his eyes to the rear view mirror, in the hope of catching a discreet glance of her. Instead he was met with a pixelated face of blue staring back at him through the reflection. The sight of Jack made him jump, but thankfully it wasn't enough to affect his driving or draw attention.
"Ooh, somebody's got a little crush~" Teased the voice of his mentor, ringing in his ears and his ears only. "Not a bad pick either, Hat Chick is smokin'." A burst of digital blue particles manifested over the caravan's dash, solidifying as a projection of Jack laid out on his side, head propped up on one fist as he faced Rhys. "You know... If you hook up with her, you'd be doing both of us a favor." His former boss waggled his eyebrows, his expression alluding to deviant implications.
Rhys rolled his eyes, adjusting his grip on the steering wheel as a way to keep himself centered and calm. "Not gonna happen," he muttered, purposefully keeping his voice low as to not draw attention to the seemingly one-sided conversation that he was having with his dead employer's digital ghost.
"Ahh you're no fun! Just think about it-" Jack's sapphire smile glowed as he spead his hands out above him. "Me and her. I guess you'd have to be there too since, ya know-" His pixelated image collapsed and reformed to Rhys' other side, demonstrating his intangible state. "Don't really have a body at this point- but eh, we'll make it work. Anyway, we get her all hot and bothered right? And-"
"Look," the younger man interrupted, glancing once again at the rear view mirror but this time to make sure no one was overhearing his words. "It's not like that between us. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm a total loser or something-"
"Not surprising."
"......And anyway... You're not her type. So there."
"Oh sweet cheeks, have you seen me? I'm everybody's type! If I were here in the flesh, Hat Chick would be on her knees begging for a scrap of my attention. Like, hello? Check this out!"
Hyperion's former CEO materialized in Rhys' direct line of sight, his azure image staring down at his cranial companion in what Rhys assumed was supposed to be a... "Sexy" stare?
"GOD I'm hot - it's honestly ridiculous how good-looking I am! They don't call me Handsome Jack for nothing kiddo. In fact, I was the winner of Garza Magazine's 'Top 100 Sexiest CEOs in the Galaxy', and there was also the award for-"
If Rhys rolled his eyes any harder than he was right now, he was sure they'd roll right out of his head.
Since becoming tethered to this man's coded reconstruction of his personality, the young manager wondered how he had ever spent so long admiring this narcissist whose blue visage was currently ranting about his looks and...sex appeal...? If Rhys, who had once idolized his former boss, was losing his hero worship more and more while in his company, then he knew Fiona wouldn't even glance his way.
Well, unless it was to put a bullet between his eyes. But the notion was inconceivable anyway; his ex-boss was long dead and his former employee was the only one who could see and talk to his digitized remains. So the thought of Jack and Fiona ever interacting was something he'd never have to worry about.
"Hey shit for brains, you hear me?"
Jack tapped Rhys on his temple port and it sent an electric zing coursing through his nerve endings. He stifled a yelp but couldn't help the knee-jerk reaction of his hands twitching along the steering wheel, sending the caravan into a sharp swerve until he quickly righted himself.
A chorus of complaints and questions sounded off from behind him and he immediately replied with "Sorry, sorry! There was a, uh. A baby skag in the way and I just didn't wanna hit it."
He nervously gulped and could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Glancing up, Athena's irritated gaze met his in the mirror and he felt his left hand begin to sweat. Redirecting his sight to the land ahead, he tried to focus on looking as inconspicuous as he could, given the circumstances.
"Oh, that was great! Your face - you- you should've seen your face!" Jack cackled, floating in mid-air as he clutched his sides in amusement.
The Hyperion employee felt his aggravation build, furrowing his brow as he tightened his grip over the steering wheel. Just as he opened his mouth to snap back, a small hand clapped onto his shoulder.
"Okay Rhys, I think that's enough driving for today," came Fiona's voice from over his shoulder. "Let me have the wheel, you can go rest and leave the baby skags to me. I think I know how to avoid them a bit better than you."
Rhys peered up at her as he eased down on the brakes, trying to gauge her reaction, but she ushered him quickly out of the seat. He felt her body slide in behind him as he was stepping off to the side, turning to face her as she settled into the driver's seat and adjusted it to fit her shorter legs. Her eyes were set ahead of her, but she spared him a brief glance, giving his tall body a quick up and down before returning her focus to the road.
"Sasha's making something for lunch, grab yourself a plate if you're feeling a little drained." Her words hinted at a sympathetic nature, but she must've caught herself being too soft on him because she continued. "We need everyone at their best if we're gonna secure Gortys' next piece, alright? We've got the opportunity of a lifetime here, Rhys. We can't mess this up."
Feeling a little embarrassed that he was basically kicked from driving duty, along with her reminding him of what was at stake, Rhys kind of nodded and mumbled a vague agreement as he rubbed the back of his neck. Not knowing what else to do when Fiona quieted and returned her full focus on the road while he just stood there awkwardly, he turned and shuffled down the stairs towards the cabin.
"And don't forget to save me a plate!" She called, and he turned to look at her before joining the others.
From this angle, he could see a little bit of her profile, watching silently as she reached up and adjusted her hat, before brushing her hair away from her face. She placed her hand back along the curve of the steering wheel and her turquoise nail polish glinted when caught in the sunlight.
He felt a new emotion wanting to bloom, but before he could examine it for what it was, Hyperion's ghost rematerialized in front of him, casting the back of the con woman in hues of blue. The fact that Rhys could see Fiona through Jack's body was unnerving and unpleasant, and it caused him to frown as his raised his eyes to meet the stare of his dead boss.
"Hey, kiddo. In all seriousness, don't let this little thing between you and this Pandoran savage get between us and our big plans, okay? That vault and everything in it is ours, as long as you and your dick don't fuck this up for us."
The company man broke his intense gaze, turning away from his mentor and towards the others gathered by the kitchen area in the caravan. "Yeah, whatever you say, Jack." The words carried no conviction, and Rhys doubted that this would be the last that he hears of it.
But he was honestly tired of the cobalt corpse floating in his field of vision whenever he deemed to "grace" the young manager with his presence. Right now all Rhys wanted to be concerned with is getting some hot food in his belly, and being the one to bring Fiona her plate as an excuse to engage with her more.
Perhaps she'd thank him and flash him another smile. Now that... That would be nice.
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Happy birthday Sweko, I hope you have a beautiful day~! 🥰💕
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©rin-bellatrix 2023
☆ borderlands masterlist ⋆ main masterlist ☆
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inactivegaz · 1 year
romance is not dead (if you keep it just yours)
pairing: kyle “gaz” garrick/oc (vaughn ballinger) fandom: call of duty wc: 997 note: this is set almost immediately after ghost’s face reveal in ghost team and before the actual mission. also i did say that cowboy and gaz are very paris by taylor swift abt a week ago
“I fell out of a helicopter.”
“Christ. Again?” She cracked a smile, her hand drifting the side of his face as she looked into his eyes.
or Agent Ballinger helps Gaz put on his paint before they get the Los Vaqueros base back.
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btw there is a vaughn/gaz playlist, it’s linked on ao3
The tension was still apparent in the room as people spread out to do their own things to prepare for the mission the newly merged Ghost Team was about to embark on.
Agent Ballinger sat by herself on a bench, a large bandage peeking out from under the left sleeve of her t-shirt, a permanent souvenir from her time in Las Almas beneath.
Kyle approached slowly, pulling at the black mask as he sat down next to the agent. “How you doing?”
Vaughn was pulled from her thoughts, smiling up at the man standing next to her, “Been better.” She patted the empty space to her right, “Sit with me.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, he sat down and watched as she went back to pulling at the laces on her very scuffed boots. It reminded him of the first op they worked together just over a year ago, well the day after; she put on boots that were more beat up than the ones now and shrugged saying they were lucky.
“Could you help with the paint?”
“Sure.” She twisted her body and sat on her knees beside Gaz, letting their fingertips brush against one another as she took the paint from his grasp.
Her hands went to his face and started swiping and tapping away around his left eye.
It took everything in him to not lean into her gentle touch or to lay a comforting hand on her thigh as she painted his face. They’ve been seeing each other for about ten months, but never talked about telling either of their direct superiors, Laswell and Price, or any type of coworkers really, deciding that whatever they were was better just between them.
He watched as she worked away, swiping the paint on, and the feeling he got as he realized it was her coming up the rope at the prison crept back up on him: concern and worry. Worry that was surely misplaced, she was a capable agent but she wasn’t even meant to be in Las Almas.
Vaughn was supposed to be at his flat in London. Gaz wasn’t meant to be there either, he should’ve been on his way home from Amsterdam, on his way home to collapse into her arms and sleep the mission off for a day.
The silence didn’t go unnoticed by Vaughn, although it was certainly welcome as she still hadn’t wrapped her mind around the last 36 hours. She was lucky to be alive, lucky that Graves believed her when she said that she didn’t know anything about 141.
“I fell out of a helicopter.”
“Christ. Again?” She cracked a nervous smile, her hand drifting to the side of his face as she looked into his eyes, rubbing a scar that was on his cheek from a previous mission.
“Yeah, it was— I hated it.” Kyle took a moment to lean into her touch, almost like a cat demanding scratches between the ears.
“We need to put your ass on a no-fly list or something, Gaz.” The agent laughed, taking her hand away dipping her finger into the grease paint.
Kyle took a moment to just watch her before responding, “That’d be kinda hard in this line of work.”
“Unfortunately.” Vaughn lamented, continuing her work on his right eye.
“Is it bad that I really want to kiss you right now?” He whispered up at her, watching as her hair curtained their faces from the doorway that Captain Price went into a few minutes ago to talk to Laswell.
“Kinda. Only because I really want to kiss you too.”
“So what’s stopping you?”
Her face went straight, trying to hide a smile as she shook her head, “Don’t even start, Sergeant.”
He smiled as he leaned back into the hand that was now on his right cheek. It was almost as if they were alone, no one was paying them any mind, it was just them in this little base.
Looking back up at Vaughn, he noticed she was checking over her shoulder then she turned and looked over the shoulder. “What are you—”
“Come here.” She smiled now cupping his face with both hands, she leaned in and their lips met, melting into each other.
She hummed as she pulled away, resting her forehead on his before whispering to him, “I’ve missed you.” She went in for a quick peck.
“Missed you too.” He replied, trying to follow Vaughn as she pulled before pushing him back against the bench, hand on his chest.
“Are you crazy, Gaz?” She let out a light laugh, “There’s so many people here.”
“Maybe it’s the helicopter crash. Coulda knocked a screw loose.” He shrugged as she went back to work, finishing up around his eyes.
“Oh shut up.”
Gaz laughed, watching her try to contain her expression as she rolled her eyes. It really felt like just them at this moment. He kept a hand on her knee as she checked over her work.
Finally deciding to take himself out of the moment, he felt off. Vaughn started messily smearing the paint over her own face, only a small compact to see what she was doing. He looked past her shoulder and saw a pair of eyes looking in their direction, almost through them it seemed. Ghost.
His eyes widened and he drew in a breath, looking back to the agent who was still oblivious to what he just saw.
“What’s up?”
Gaz swallowed, “Look behind you.”
“Fuck,” she mumbled, setting the compact down, “Is it Price?”
Closing his eyes, cringing at the thought, he shook his head, “Worse.”
“No.” She drew out.
Time moved in slow-motion as she turned her head to see who Gaz saw, chills running up her spine as she locked eyes with the Lieutenant. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding in as she turned back to Kyle, who still had his eyes shut.
“He wouldn’t say anything, would he?” 
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maxiscoolongg · 6 months
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"What! I cant do that!?"
💌; Chooch Bambalazi
Warnings: nothing much
We successfully got candy on the plan, anyway right now we were getting ready for the dance and I was wearing a dress since there was really nothing but at least It fit the color scheme, me and chooch jumped off his bed and walked to Hash "hurry up with liceman outfit hash, we were supposed to have them outside his door an hour ago" chooch said as hash gave us the outfit them we walked out the door "Man I'm nervous" I said chuckling "Why?" He asked "I have to pretend I wanna sleep with lice" I said as he chuckled "At least you can sleep with someone else after" he said smirking as I made a surprised face "Chooch!" I said as we put the outfit out his door.
We walked into the dance a slow song was playing and I looked at him "May I have this dance?" I said smirking at him "You may " he said as he put his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders then I put my head on his chest as I put my hand In his as he put his free hand on my waist "you know this is my first dance with a guy" I said shyly "Really? Am I lucky" "Yes" I said in a chuckle "I didn't think you were much of a dancer chooch" "I'm not, but I will be for you" he said smoothly as I head my head in his chest as he grinned
When we went our ways I saw candy "Candy!" I said to her "Oh my! Y/n look at you" she said as I smiled "stopp I'm blushing" I said sarcastically smiling, then we saw hash I waved at him and he looked at us and came towards us we all started dancing then a bunch of bad singers came on me and candy covered our ears then they stopped "Shit that was bad " I said as another slow song came on I looked at her and smiled "May I?" I said to her "You may" she said back in a polish voice, we chuckled and we started dancing. I would definitely get with candy if she wasn't with Oliver and I wasn't dating Chooch, but not in a weird way!
Then everyone made a gasping sound and we went over there was a shit in the punch. I did a chuckle and looked at candy then at chooch "Help your self sir" he said as he turned around I made a smiling face at chooch then me and candy saw liceman and walked to him "Hi!" Candy started he then looked at us and I smiled at him winking "Its a nice dance ain't it?" I questioned him "it's alright. I particularly like te singing group, i thought they had a very fine style of their own" he said then I looked over and saw the guy chooch looked jealous sorta I giggled at him and blew a tiny kiss
"Tickle your asses with a feather?" Liceman asked "Maybe later" me and candy replied
Then us three walked away outside "Just have to get my over night bag" candy said pointing at her bag "Oh allow me miss.laura, you guys did say my room?" "Why not" I said grabbing his arm trying not to vomit, we followed him to his room he tried to unlock it but he was shaking so I grabbed it "Allow me" I said winking as I opened it I zoned out because I blinked and candy was draging me to the bathroom "But this on" she wishpered once we were in the bathroom my eyes widen "i- uh- ok.." I said sighing as I took my clothes off we both changed into the same stuff "Oh baby! That music is so sexy" I said on a tone as I made a uncomfortable face
"Get ready lover we'll be right there!" Candy said as we both looked uncomfortable "now don't start without us baby" I said "Keep your motor running baby!" Candy said "Here we come ready or not!" We said walking out he pulled us to the ground "Vaughn! Wait Vaughn! Not yet" I said "why don't you slip into something more comfortable" candy said "I do.. I doo... I doo.. have fairly nice legs" he Said as I did a fake chuckle "we really wanna be turned onn" i said to him as he got up and went to a cheast he started saying stuff like rope, string, feathers then me and candy pulled out a pink outfits for him
"Okay, Vaughn if you don't wanna turn us on.." candy said thus we started walking "Wait! I'll do it" he said as we turned back around. He went to the bathroom to get changed and me and candy ran to the door and opened it up "Come in come!" I wishpered as I noticed chooch staring at me up and down i smiled at him as candy pointed behind the couch i kissed chooch before he hid with Oliver. Then he came out "Ohh babyy~ it's so sexy" I said to him "Sexy?" He said chuckling as we nodded "whip us" candy said I looked at her and she looked at us.
He was about to do it before a flash came I got out and sighed in relief then Rodney came in "Uncle Vaughn, I think..those guys are up to something" "Ya think," I said sarcastically his eyes widen
That's where we are now I'm liceman office "That's right sir, might I add you look quite fetching in pink" Hash said making me chuckle "Doesn't he ike?" "Luscious." Ike said "I want my pictures back. And I want em' now, you stop playin' with my things and get out from behind my desk" liceman said as chooch nocked down hus soldiers "This is no way to treat your friends sir." Hash said "That's right. Friends would settle this in a sporting manner, sir" Oliver said "Like how?" Sir said as chooch got an idea "Like the winner of the soccer game gets to keep all the pictures" he said as I grabbed his hand "Now lemme get this correctly now, who ever wins the soccer game gets to keep all the pictures?" Liceman said as ike grinned "Say it again chooch." "Oooo... gentlemen and women you drive a hard bargain" I sighed at the women part again
""My friends... I will see you on the soccer field." Liceman said to us "Lookin' forward to it, sir" chooch said as we all walked out of his office.
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kitsumidori · 27 days
OC Ramblings: Salem Edition
I've been wanting to talk about Salem because I've...... never really had a chance to do so.
- Salem did (at one point) have a tendency to bite people when she was younger. When there's a new face, she has to bite them at least once
- It's gotten to a point that Vaughn turned it into an indoctrination for the newbies. Despite having sharp teeth, Salem doesn't bite hard.
- However there were a few incidents when she did straight up attack someone, those being...
Timothy: She mistook him for Handsome Jack and thus attacked in self defense. This was actually the first time she'd attacked someone.
Rhys: Maya and Krieg were out one night and Sasha was going to babysit her, but she ended up being a bit busy at the moment so Rhys said he'll look after her for a bit. When Sasha was finished she found her husband curled up in a corner with his robotic arm missing and Salem in the middle of the room chewing on said arm. He's more thankful it's childproof.
Hansuke (Katagawa jr): Dude was a bad man, he tried to make Auncle Zer0 look bad.
- Salem didn't start to speak properly until she was 5, one night she went up to Timothy (who was still traumatized after almost getting mauled to death by a baby) and asked for a drink. Timothy told her parents the next day.
- Salem has a beautiful singing voice, but she doesn't sing very often in fear of people barging in on her.
- That being said, she has a few songs on her playlist that would be considered..... inappropriate for her at age 13. (Mainly cursing)
- Salem can't cook for shit. While she'll eat whatever she makes for herself (kid has a cast iron stomach, she'll even eat that mysterious ruined food with the purple steam that you see in animes/video games), when she makes something for others, it's usually a struggle for them to eat since it'll be either raw, burnt or both.
- While Salem was surprisingly lucky she didn't have to get braces (especially with teeth like her's), she did have to wear a retainer (and I don't mean the shield).
- Surprisingly, Salem is actually immune to eridium poisoning likely due to her already mutated genetics. Along with that, she can also break off bits from an ore and eat it like candy.
- When she was younger, Salem was a lot more brawn than brain. However by adulthood, Salem became a full blown genius even helping with her mother's research by becoming a eridian arciologist herself.
More would be added later.
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ncisfranchise-source · 4 months
Ahead of David McCallum's death last September, his NCIS costar Brian Dietzen was able to say goodbye in a touching way.
In an exclusive conversation with PEOPLE ahead of the NCIS tribute episode to McCallum, airing Monday night, Dietzen, 46, reflects on the last conversation he had with the late actor a few days before his death.
"I'll say that I got to speak to him on his birthday, which was wonderful," he says. "That was on a Tuesday. He ended up passing away that weekend, so he was already in the hospital and obviously not doing very well."
Dietzen shares how McCallum's wife, Katherine, passed the phone to him in his hospital bed. He adds that The Great Escape star was "very coherent" and Dietzen was "very happy to hear it."
"He was, obviously, going through some health issues and whatnot, but he had this stretch of time in that last week where he got to chat with all of his family, his kids, and obviously, Katherine," he continues. "And I was lucky enough that when I called in, I got to actually talk to him."
Although he plans to keep the "contents of the call" just between them, Dietzen adds, "I will say I'm so glad that I got to speak to him one last time and I got to tell him how I felt. And so that was really meaningful."
In September 2023, McCallum died "peacefully" of natural causes surrounded by friends at New York Presbyterian Hospital, CBS announced at the time.
After studying at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts and doing several years in repertory theater in the United Kingdom, the Scotland-born actor moved to America in 1961. He landed the role of Illya Kuryakin in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. opposite Robert Vaughn. He earned two Emmy and a Golden nomination for the role. After joining NCIS in 2003, McCallum became best known for playing Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard on the crime series.
NCIS will honor McCallum's legacy with a special episode on Monday. Dietzen, who plays the protégé of his character Ducky, was tasked with co-writing the tribute with executive producer Scott Williams.
In addition to wanting to "do justice in honoring a TV legend," Dietzen tells PEOPLE that he and Williams wanted to "honor his memory by telling a good story."
"I think everyone in their own way was mourning this loss," he continues. "And I think that Scott Williams and I both had to recognize that we didn't want this show to fall into, well, this is just going to be forty-two minutes of us mourning and crying. There has to be a celebration about this."
Dietzen explains that he wanted to convey that not only has the NCIS universe benefitted from McCallum, but also how the "artists and humans outside of the show" have become "better for having known this awesome person."
"So that was our goal for the vibe on set was to say, of course we're saddened by this, and in addition to that, boy, we're going to celebrate the fact that we got to know this guy we got to work with," he adds.
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breezypunk · 4 months
aaaa I don't know if you're still open to these, but uhm... number 7 maybe, if you haven't done it already? 👉👈
thank you! <;3
soft otp prompts here
───── ⑅ ♡ ⑅ ─────
7- Write about one member of your ship asking the other to dance with them.
"Dance with me, V." Goro held his hand out to Vaughn who was sprawled out on the couch, eyes bloodshot red from the hours of crying he'd been doing.
Vaughn's anxiety was next level, he hadn't felt it in such a long while, his brain was in a fog, hardly able to tell what was going on, but Goro being Goro asks him to dance.
"Wow." Was all he could say. He breathed heavily, staring at Goro's hand, still stretched out towards him. Man he was a gonk, but it was so endearing. He really was so bad at this stuff, even six years into their relationship and Vaughn couldn't help but chuckle in moments like this, even if he was in such a funk, Goro tried so hard, he always tried so hard.
His ears finally started tuning in to the sounds around him, music was playing on the radio, his favorite.. Goro knew everything, didn't he?
"Fine.." He sighed slowly, sitting up and looking around the room in an attempt to bring himself back to reality. Goro's hand never faltered, he'd wait all night for Vaughn if he needed to, that was just the type of person he was, willing to wait for him, willing to understand that sometimes it took time to become comfortable with your surroundings after dealing with the high amounts of anxiety Vaughn had been dealing with, and not just at that moment, but for so many years.
He felt embarrassed and little awkward once he stood facing Goro directly. His eyes were still bloodshot red, his face was a mess, the little strands of hair were sticking to his forehead and he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks, which wasn't entirely untrue. He felt Goro's one hand wrap around his lower back lazily, just to pull him in a little closer, just so Vaughn could feel the warmth of Goro's body.
He really needed this.
"You do not need to say a word, V.. Just dance with me is all. Let it all go." Goro was right, Vaughn really did need to let it all go. His anxiety and depression stretched back to when he lost Johnny for good, for when he lost Jackie, for when he was mocked and made a laughing stock of the Bakker clan, it always piled up on him all at once until he completely lost it. But there was Goro, being the best he could possibly be, always dealing with Vaughn's outbursts, always right there when Vaughn ugly cried, when he could barely breathe, when he felt the world toppling over him twenty times over.
Goro didn't always understand what went on in Vaughn's brain, his thoughts and feelings were all over the place, but one thing Goro did know is that he wasn't going anywhere, and even if one silly dance could take the pain away even for just a brief moment, he was going to do it. He was going to slow dance with his lover in the middle of their living room, half naked, to their favorite songs all night if it meant that Vaughn would at least smile once, it's all Goro ever wanted.
Vaughn laid his head on Goro's shoulder and began to lose himself to the music, while also letting himself completely melt into Goro's arms, he felt incredibly lucky, and knew that he'd be okay for the rest of the night. He felt little pecks of kisses streaming down his neck and let out a small snort, how did Goro know how to do this so effortlessly?
Vaughn knew that even in his darkest moments he'd be okay, and even if it took a while to realize it, he knew, he just knew. Maybe all he needed was a dance, and maybe he'd start requesting them more often, Goro definitely wouldn't mind.
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ackee · 9 months
Need something bad to happen to vaughn pronto ! need his ass to get into the electric chair
todays your lucky day! everyone in traversion goes through hell for my entertainment. i go "man something bad should happen to this guy huh" and dont wait for an answer
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mfred · 2 years
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🌟Mfred's Best Books of 2022🌟
Comfort Me with Apples by Cathrynne M. Valente
Original Review
It’s a fairy tale retold, a myth re-examined. It’s a mystery, a thriller, and a horror story. But it’s so much more, too. I was mesmerized - trying to understand what was going on, then understanding too much, with a dawning sense of horror at how it would all end.
The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo by Kerrigan Byrne
Original Review
This book put me through the wringer, you guys. I came out the other end definitely dehydrated from crying so much, but also filled to the brim with love and life.
Even Though I Knew the End by CL Polk
Sapphic. Urban Fantasy. Noir. Do I need to say more? OK, I will anyway! Chicago in the winter. Dames smoking Chesterfields and hunting serial killers. Underground queer nightclubs. And magic! And a swoony romance!
Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White
Original Review
Don’t be fooled, Benji is really turning into a monster. White pulls no punches. Bloody, gruesome, and terrifying. It’s so queer, so righteously angry, so necessarily vengeful. But it also holds a place for the tenderness and hope we all need to truly survive.
Thirteens by Kate Alice Marshall
A spooky and super creepy Halloween read, especially for a children’s book! Plus, the power of friendship, loyalty, and believing in yourself.
The Mind and the Moon: My Brother's Story, the Science of Our Brains, and the Search for Our Psyches by Daniel Bergner
Challenges the science behind mental illness and standard pharmaceutical treatments. At once eye-opening, engrossing, and also emotional.
A Mirror Mended by Alix E. Harrow
Lucky you! If you didn’t read the first in this series, you now get to read both amazing books! This time we see what happens when the Evil Queen wants a better ending to her story. And also what it means to survive a happy ending.
My Killer Vacation by Tessa Bailey
Original Review
I loved Myles. I loved his struggle. Every time Taylor did or said something, his heart clenched or he got sweaty or he desperately wanted to kiss her. He’s big, he’s tattooed, he’s unshaven and rides a motorcycle and he is a total dummy about his emotions. It’s great.
Paper Girls, Vols 1-6 by Brian K. Vaughn, Cliff Chiang, Matt Wilson, & Jared K. Fletcher
Friendship! Time travel! The 1980s! A war between teenagers vs. grownups! This graphic novel series has it all. And the artwork is amazing. 
Patricia Wants to Cuddle by Samantha Allen
Ok, how do you feel about The Bachelor? Cryptids? Horrifically funny violence? This book is so weird and also so, so amazing. 
Runaway Girl by Tessa Bailey
A poor little rich girl who really isn’t and a bear of a man dealing with unimaginable loss. Slow burn but awesome tension and chemistry throughout. Plus, the emotional wallop of falling in love. Everything good about romance novels.  
Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison
Original Review
Amazing. A novel about anger, trauma, families, romance, trusting others, and werewolves. It really takes a good, hard look at why and when and how and how often we get angry– and how we treat others and ourselves when we rage. The werewolf metaphor is grrrreat (see what I did there?) for examining what it means to be an angry woman, in/out of control. 
We Keep the Dead Close: A Murder at Harvard and a Half Century of Silence by Becky Cooper
Original Review
It took me almost two months to finish this book. But it wasn’t boring or slow. In fact, for such a lengthy book, it’s a real page turner. And it’s a fascinating blend of true crime, non fiction and memoir– how Cooper finds her own voice in the story of Jane Britton’s murder.
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justreadertings · 2 years
Till Death Do Us Part Chapter 9
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Author’s Note: Ok, never (ever!) expect this quick of a turn around, because honestly I’ve shocked myself, but you all were so eager and supportive of last chapter that I sat myself down in all four of my classes, didn’t listen to a damn word, and wrote this instead. The (?) for the swearing is because I literally cannot remember if there’s swearing in this one or not, and I REFUSE to worry any more about this chapter. Next one is going to be a BIG tone shift, so I hope you’re all ready. The big 1-0 means coronation time BB! But for now... them. I’ll stop rambling now. Enjoy!- Much love, your favorite never-stops-talking-bitch, Magee 
TW: swearing (?), mentions of violence, angsty rowaelin, mentions of Lyria
2930 Words
Till Death Do Us Part: Chapter 9
The door slowly opened, and the four of them slid into fighting position before Lord Darrow, flagged with three- she rolled her eyes- royal guards, appeared on the other side. A rough exhale passed through the room.
Good Gods, she sent to Rowan’s eyes. He only shook his head in relief. 
The tallest one, arguably just as tall and built as Rowan, with dark features and an angry face barked, “I’ve been here four hours, Whitethorn, and this is what I’m greeted with?”
She watched Rowan’s crisp focus dissolve, and instead, a strange mix of both annoyance and fondness filled his face.
“And why’s Moonbeam your guard?” The other one, slimmer and with long, dark hair and hazel eyes gestured. Fenrys flipped him off. Aelin watched with great perplexity.
“Get here first, Vaughn,” the blond told him.
Rowan nodded to the still open door, his body still tense. “Either this break-in is over, or you’re the worst fucking soldiers I could hire as guards.”
“Which answer suits you, Whitethorn?” Aelin’s eyes widened when she recognized the yin to Fenrys’ yang. A twin, perhaps? 
“It better be the first one, Lorcan,” Rowan warned. 
“It’s your lucky day,” the dark version of Fenrys answered. 
Aelin remembered in childhood that Rowan had said he was lonely, that he wouldn’t mind a brother. Her heart warmed to think that perhaps he’d found them in these men. Though, based on Fenrys’ earlier statement, and her own context clues, it was likely these were the men who’d fought beside Rowan when he’d shipped himself off into the war she declared. In her name, to add to her guilt. Her stomach turned. 
“Where’s your wife?” Lorcan inquired with that gruff voice.
“Fuck off.” Rowan’s voice was gravel.
Lorcan’s eyes widened. He was studying Rowan when Fenrys cut in, “we’ve got quite the day to catch you boys up on.”
Aelin swallowed. Surely they were talking about Lyria. She refused to squirm. Lord Darrow- who she’d honestly forgotten was even in the room, spared her a glance.
“Glad to see you well, Highness.”
Her eyes cut into slants. “As opposed to?”
The man seemed older when he responded, “It is not so often that you have made it out of a raid unscathered, princess.”
Rowan stepped backwards again, as if to protect her from the reminder. His large hand was still bracing her torso. She lightly grabbed his arm, and he realized it, too. Rowan still didn’t move from his perch by her side, but he removed his hand.
“What happened to your face?” The darker Fenrys asked.
Lorcan smirked, and Aelin could feel a passing resentment between the men. “Get beat up by Adarlan skum?”
Aelin’s eyes widened. “Adarlan men broke in here?” She and Rowan shared a look.
“Two,” Vaughn corrected, fingers pressed together. “Very small break in.” Aelin still very much felt violated. 
“Your face, brother?” He asked again. 
“Brawl with another guard,” Rowan cut in, easily, before Fenrys spoke. Aelin squeezed his arm, and though he didn’t respond, she knew he understood the sentiment. Fenrys caught their eyes, and it seemed he understood just as well. 
Aelin watched Lorcan, though, and his sharp eyes were making quick work of their looks. She clasped her band behind her back, hiding her aching, bloody hand. 
“And you are?” The brute asked her own guard. 
Chaol had been watching them like a tennis match. He took notice of her hidden hands before clearing his throat. “Chaol Westfall, the Princess’ personal guard.”
Fenrys put his arm around her guard’s stiff frame. “He’s bushels of fun. You’ll love him, Lor.”
Lord Darrow huffed. “May we all have this glorious reunion elsewhere? I was meant to fetch you both for an emergency meeting.”
She and Rowan shared a look. “Now?” Aelin raised a brow. 
The lord exhaled. “Now.”
“Can I change first?”
Rowan lifted his own brow, seeming to remember that she really was just in her nightgown in this room full of men. Of course, she was their superior, but still, he moved to cover her even more. Fussy buzzard, she thought, unbidden. Her brain was reverting back too many times tonight.
“I suppose.”
She took a final glance at the array of men in the room, all eyes on her, before slipping out from behind Rowan to stalk up the stairs with a nonchalaunt wave. “Great. See you then.” Chaol fell in position behind her, but she felt all of their gazes branded to her back. 
They all seemed to suck in a breath at her horrible scars, but she only drifted up with her chin held high, never turning around once. Let them have a reminder of what could happen should they fail at their jobs.
Aelin felt a little bad, honestly, to bother her seamstress at this hour. It was hardly dawn, and here she was, knocking on the pretty double doors, covered by lace curtains. But she needed clothes. She couldn’t exactly wear her twelve year old outfits. 
Surprisingly, Yrene came to the door, a chipper smile on her face. “Your Highness,” she waved her in, and Chaol stood post on the opposite wall, glancing down the corridor for approachers. She thought that perhaps he was scared of the room, knowing that she changed in there. A man with morals, she supposed. But that wasn’t much fun. He didn’t even look at the room. Gods. 
“What brings you here at this hour-” She cut herself off by grabbing Aelin’s hand. “Silba, what did you do?” Aelin laughed, a bit surprised at the sudden inspection. “This is going to get infected if you don’t clean this properly.”
Aelin felt herself give a genuine smile. She liked Yrene. There was a sense of familiarity about her. She didn’t treat Aelin with kid gloves. 
“I’m sorry for my-” Yrene started, realizing her unprofessionalism. 
“No,” it was Aelin’s turn to cut her off. “I quite enjoy it.” 
Yrene smiled. “Good.” She pulled Aelin to sit on the soft, golden couch, and kneeled to inspect her hand further. As if they’d been friends for a great long while, Yrene gave her a conspiratorial look. “Do I even want to know how you achieved this?”
Aelin winked. “It would only shock you.”
The seamstress fell quiet for a moment, grabbing a metal box under her work desk, littered with tools. “That’s ok,” her tone was a bit serious. “You don’t have to tell me.”Aelin appreciated the sentiment. Not many people gave her that grace. Men were nosy. Yrene seemed to know that fact just as well as she did. 
Aelin stayed quiet as Yrene dutifully worked on her hand. She ran a warm cloth over her fist, her touch motherly. She cleaned the wound, examined the cuts, and wrapped a clean bandage around her knuckles, a bit of padding under it. When she was done, she squeezed her hand and said properly to herself, “All better.”
Aelin watched with a fondness. “You’re exceptional at this, you know,” she said, her tone casual, even if she was extremely touched by the gesture. 
Yrene started, her golden eyes swimming with thought. “Oh. You think?” She stood, busying herself cleaning up. 
“I think,” Aelin told her. 
  A silence took up the room before Yrene waved her off. “Well, needle and thread work for fabric and people. It’s not too difficult.”
Aelin stood, and grabbed her hand. They stared at each other a moment. “Yrene.” The other woman looked at her, searching. “You don’t want to be a seamstress. Do you?”
Yrene’s face grew both soft and pained with emotion. She glanced down at Aelin’s newly bandaged hand. “No,” she replied simply, a thumb padding over her handy work. “I don’t.”
Aelin squeezed her hand, hoping that she could convey her understanding with just that gesture. And because Yrene did not demand answers out of Aelin, she would return the favor. No explanation was necessary.
They stayed that way for a moment before Yrene started again, something Aelin was growing used to from the woman. “I actually haven’t properly asked you why you’re here.” She changed the subject, her tone casual. 
“Yes,” Aelin sighed, remembering herself. “I need a dress.”
“For?” Yrene inquired, already searching through her boxes of dresses. Aelin ignored the gorgeous white gown still up on the platform. 
“A meeting. Actually, for the day.”
Yrene’s eyes peeked up from behind a ginormous bundle of fabric across the room. “Your closet isn’t full?”
Aelin paused. She liked Yrene, she did. But she had plenty of secrets that kept tight to her. So she relied on this system of “no-questions-asked” she and the seamstress had created. “I wouldn’t know. I do not venture into that room.”
Yrene hummed, hands on her hips. She glanced up with her pretty eyes, made more golden by the rising sun peeking through the windows. “I can have them moved in here, if you would like?”
Aelin’s heart clenched. For as much of a disaster as this morning was, she was finding herself with many positives here in this room. She tried to keep the emotion out of her voice when she replied, “I would very much like that.”
“I’ll have it done today then, Majesty.”
The second time someone had called her that this morning. Aelin told her, “You know, I’m not entirely queen yet.”
Yrene hummed again, padding around the room. “By name, perhaps.” Her gaze caught Aelin’s. “But you are queen. You participate in this court as such. You should be awarded that title.”
Aelin smiled at her. “I’m glad you think so.”
“Not just me, Aelin,” Yrene told her, whole-heartedly, handing her a long, cerulean dress to match her eyes. “Many people want you on that throne.”
“We should push the coronation back.”
“Absolutely not,” Aelin objected.
Rowan said, “If we must have a public appearance, we might as well get it over and done with now. It would lower the risk of an invasion between now and then.”
Lord Ren countered, “This is the first invasion we’ve had in four years. Once they confirmed that she wasn’t here,” his eyes cut to Aelin, “They stopped coming. Flat out showing where we’re hiding her doesn’t exactly keep us safe.”
Aelin massaged her temples. This was getting exhausting. 
Rowan had formally introduced her to the newest members of the Royal Guard, now some of their highest ranking men, as his Cadre. 
“It’s what we were called over there,” Connall- Fenrys’ twin brother, she’d learned- had informed her. “Band of brothers who fought really well.” The thought made her queasy. 
Now, Lorcan clasped his hands over the map of the realm lining the table. “Is hiding her the best option then?”
Rowan’s eyes narrowed, his features hardening. “What are you implying?”
Once again, Aelin noticed Lorcan taking inventory of how quick to anger Rowan was. Brood, she said to him with her eyes. 
Brat, he shot back at her. 
She watched Lorcan look at them, too. Their new Captain of the Guard said, “Not implying anything, Whitethorn. Just that perhaps we should think about the consequences of presenting her like a prize to win.”
Before actual steam poured out of Rowan’s ears, Aelin told the group, “So let them in.”
Rowan’s green eyes met hers. “What?”
She shrugged, not thinking of the actual implications of what she was saying. “Let’s hold one enormous wedding-slash-coronation, have me there as if I’d never left, like everything’s normal. Let them think I’ll be in public often. Let them all get a real, nice, good look at me.” Her council thought about it with wide eyes. Her voice dropped into something sweet and deep. “You can’t exactly steal something when it’s out in the open.”
Silence overcame the room, and she could only hear her own heartbeat as they thought about it. Her mother had told her, a long while ago, that she was to remain smart, always. She took it to heart, and delivered her lines well. 
“That’s actually quite brilliant,” Chaol surprised her, from his spot behind her chair. She turned with a raised brow. He cleared his throat as the Unified Lands of Terrasen’s most important members all turned to stare at him. “It’s just- she has a point. My father was a war strategist up in Anielle, and I spent my childhood learning to plan such things. If we treat your- our-” he corrected, “people like a war to be won… we could learn to outsmart them. Make them believe they have the upper hand, when really, we’ll be watching them as they think they’ve gotten an in. They’ll think us the stupid ones.”
Aelin was taken aback- both by his admission of anything personal- and because of his support. She hadn’t been called brilliant in a long time.
Darrow lifted an impressed brow at both Aelin and Chaol. “My King?” he asked.
Aelin saw the gears turn in Rowan’s head, knew that with his Cadre watching him like that, it was the look of a calculated, smart warrior who was thinking this through. Finally, after a sigh, “As much as I want to decline in favor of my future queen’s safety… it is a wise move. And a clever display of war strategy from our princess.” His eyes cut her glance. “We should all keep her talents in mind next time we meet. Until then, we have a celebration to plan. Adjourned.”
With a nod and bow from their members, the court began to stand, all meandering and talking amongst themselves. Ren did not look happy, but Aelin didn’t know the last time that happened.
Before Rowan walked out, she caught him in the hallway. He turned, and before she spoke she shot a look to Chaol. He backed up a few steps into the hall, leaving them at least partially alone in the alcove. 
“Hey,” she said, the sun warm on her back. 
Rowan nodded at Fenrys to also take a hike, and he went to talk to the other members of the Cadre. “What’s wrong?”
Aelin’s brow furrowed. “Why does something have to be wrong?”
Rowan huffed a laugh. “The last few times we talked, that’s been the common theme.”
It was Aelin’s turn to snort. “Yeah, well, it hasn’t exactly been an easy transition home.” Rowan nodded, searching her face. Regret lined his harsh features. 
“So what is it then?’
Aelin closed her eyes for a moment, pushing past the awkwardness of what she was about to ask. “Are you a Lyria sharing rooms?”
Rowan’s green eyes turned wide, almost scared. “What?”
“I mean- well, I- I know you’re sharing… beds,” she cringed. “But I need to know if she’s moved into your rooms.”
“Why?” Tension lay tight on his neck. 
“Because if someone asks me about the situation, I don’t know what I’m going to tell them,” she told him, honestly. 
Rowan seemed to be at war with his thoughts, bringing a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. In another lifetime, she would have made fun of him, telling him he seemed like an old man.
“Tell them that I was engaged to Lyria before I knew about Article 240.”
“And what do I tell them about now?” She pried.
“Tell them…” he struggled. “Gods, tell them it’s complicated.”
Her heart squeezed. “Complicated.”
Rowan lowered his hand, his body tense under his white shirt. His very distracting white shirt. Where she could see the outlines of his muscles. He’d been strong when they were young but… not like this. She snapped to focus at his serious tone. “Aelin, you are going to be my queen. You are my partner. I will defend you, protect you. I do not take that lightly. That does not mean nothing. But Lyria…”
Aelin swallowed. “I get it.” She waved him off, ready to go back to her rooms and take a long, nice bath, to try and forget this conversation. But Rowan grabbed her arm, holding it in a soft grip, but close to him. She could feel his breath on her face as she turned to look up at him.
“I-” His gaze dropped to her face, then to her body. She knew the dress Yrene had given her hugged her curves more than the other dresses she had tried on, even as it was long sleeved. She tried not to shiver under his stare. “I don’t think you do.”
Aelin wanted to spend hours dissecting his tone, his gaze, the way he was looking at her and speaking to her and defending her. Wanted to spend days with him looking at her like that, days trying to figure out all the different things they meant to each other.
Aelin tilted her head up to him. They were sharing a breath, heat dancing between them. Her chest heaved a bit. “Rowan I-” 
“Majesty?” A man called down the hall. They broke apart, instantly, the moment ruined. Aelin put her hand around her collarbones, trying to calm her beating heart. Rowan’s face was flushed, but he turned to the man, professional.
Aelin swallowed, pushing her hair out of her face. “Later, then, my king?”
He nodded to her, then began to talk what sounded suspiciously like a Healer’s conversation about early pregnancies. Her stomach turned queasy, as if she were the one dealing with morning sickness. She watched Rowan tug on the very ends of his hair, something he only did when he was frustrated.
Later, she thought, warmth still filling her despite the cold reality check of Rowan’s impending fatherhood. Later. 
Ok so I’m a taddd obsessed with these characters and setting them up for long, slow-bun type development. Sue me. But yeah, I can’t lie, this is a TOTAL self-indulgence fic based on a book I’m going to write in the future with name changes and a few tropes I don’t think I can get away with in the actual book lol. anyway, the point is that I want to talk about them and geek about this fic even though it’s mine, even if that sounds totally unhumble lol. Yrene in this fic just has my heart, I don’t know, raise ur hand if u agree. Ok, work in the morning, and a gentle reminder this is not a Magee- Update blog, this is a Rowaelin blog. Enough writer-rambling. Goodnight lovelies, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Much in store for this fic, so stay tuned!
-Much love, Magee
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cakepoppresent · 7 months
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Finally freshened up and changed in his Pj's Vaughn collapse on the couch next to Veronica.
"Why are you still shirtless you perv"
"I want to make sure you enjoy the view Princess"
"Shut up!" Veronica face begins to feel flushed "There is nothing to look at!"
"If you say so Princess"
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Vaughn's upper body does look and feel good, but she won't ever tell his ass that. Stirring the conversation away from his body Veronica asks "Do you care for all these plants yourself?"
"Yeah, I actually love plants"
"I can tell, they look so well taken care of, you're a plant dad!"
Vaughn chuckles at veronicas remark and replies "When my mom passed I moved in with my grandma and so many of her plants were dying. It helped me take my mind of certain things"
Veronica chuckles nervously "Feels like I keep bringing up bad memories. I don't mean to"
"Princess I'm fine, it's been a long time now. And I still have my grandma. I'm okay I promise"
Veronica gives Vaughn a look "I didn't think you knew how to take care of anything"
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"You're funny, you think so lowly of me! I told you not to listen to the rumours"
Rolling her Veronica replies "You can't blame me, you asked for sex the first time we met. You're lucky I didn't pepper spray you"
Vaughn winces at the memory he would rather forget that encounter "I'm a changed man I promise you"
"Mhmm...if you say so"
They both continue their conversation late into the night. They talk about everything that comes to mind, they don't even notice how late it's getting, they both are just comfortable in each other's presence.
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"I think its time to head to bed...I'm kinda tired"
Vaughn pulls Veronica back into his lap "I'm not ready for bed yet. Why don't you stay here with me"
"Cuz you're a perv, what if you try something"
"You keep calling me a perv, but here you are sitting right on my lap, looking comfortable"
"I don't know what you're talking about, I was forced to sit here!"
"You like to lie Princess" Vaughn proceeds to tickle Veronica not letting her go no matter how much she squeals
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It feels like time has slowed down and Vaughn is hyper-aware of the feeling of Veronica on his lap. He starts to rub his hands up and down her thigh, she's soft and sweet all over. He looks up into her eyes and leans in close aiming for her lips
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Vaughn's lips lock into Veronica's and he begins to kiss her feverously. It's everything Vaughn's has ever wanted and more, it feels like he can't get enough of Veronica, continuously going back for more, not even wanting to breathe.
Things are starting to get heated and before Veronica can get carried away she pulls back "Um...this is awkward but I haven't actually done this before"
"Make out?" Vaughn asks in confusion
"I mean more than that. I don't want things to go too fast. I'm just nervous"
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nightwhispcrs · 2 years
⊹˳⁺ ☽  ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ ᴘʟᴏᴛᴛɪɴɢ & ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ ᴄᴀʟʟ !! 
          a brief description of how my muses plan to spend the event and little plot ideas for each can be found below.  would love to plot with any & all of you even if our muses are currently strangers. dates can be platonic or romantic.  like this  &  i will dm you on discord.            if you fill any of my plot ideas,  i will happily write  &  draft the starter for us. 
roman roy  ( 36 yrs old, from succession )   
alcohol tw         roman will certainly act very too cool for school.  he believes he is above halloween and, truthfully, above the president himself.  still, he’ll attend in a well-tailored suit to mostly people watch, harshly judge costumes, compare the unimpressive white house to extravagant places he’s been to before, and drink far too much. 
             date:  tyrell wellick              plot ideas:  someone he drinks too much with (mark sloan,) someone he gets into a verbal altercation with (wei wuxian, leia)
katniss everdeen  ( 22 yrs old, from the hunger games )   
ptsd tw, violence mention tw             with all the memories of the hunger games starting to ( very slowly ) return to katniss, they are going to get easily overwhelmed by the blood and gore of halloween— even just decor.  babe will prob be goin’ thought it, can’t lie.  she’ll show up in costume but probably soon seek quiet outside. 
         date:  finnick odair          plot ideas:   date (finnick), someone who comforts katniss when they’re overwhelmed (orpheus, peeta, margaery, eurydice), someone they argue or physically fight with because she’s on edge (cato)
jack shephard  ( 35 yrs old, from LOST )   
           you will never, ever find jack shephard dressing up in a halloween costume.  he’ll show up in a nice suit ( you’re lucky he’s dressing up that much ) and be pretty laid back.  he’ll take the opportunity to schmooze politicians and wealthy people for more funding for the hospital where he works as a surgeon, but will quickly grow tired of that bc he hates that part of his job.  
        date:  michael corleone         plot ideas:  politicians or wealthy people he can schmooze for donations (phillip,)  someone jack helps ( if they’re upset, hurt, drunk, etc. )  isaac, people he generally hangs out with (xie lian, phoebe halliwell)
craig manning  ( 21 yrs old, from degrassi )   
         craig has been on his best behavior lately and honestly i’m a little tired of that.  he’ll definitely wear a stupid costume ( haven’t deciced on it yet ) and be acting a fool all night.  sneaking around, exploring closed off areas, causing arguments, flirting with anything that breathes, and potentially getting arrested are definitely in the cards. 
        date:  jules vaughn         plot ideas:  date (jules), someone who explores the grounds/white house with him (sprig, marco),  someone who arrests him or gets arrested with him,  someone who bails him out of jail ??, partner in crime (cook,) open to anything dramatic
naomi pierce  ( 32 yrs old, from succession )   
drugs tw         naomi pierce will come dressed in full costume  ( decided later )  and charm anyone in her sight.  she will use this chaotic occasion to participate in some illicit activities  ( potentially using drugs and also swiping small artifacts from the white house for her smuggling operation. ) 
       date:  ??? open to anyone        plot ideas:  date,  someone who catches naomi trying to steal (cassian, river),  someone who helps naomi steal,  someone who partakes in illegal substances with her, other (salazar)
mariana adams foster ( 24 yrs old, from good trouble/the fosters )   
        mariana will arrive in a sexy & elaborate costume  ( decided later. )  she will want to dance and drink and be the center of attention.  if she crosses paths with you, expect plenty of flirtatious compliments.  it’s just her personality.  
        date:  kiara         plot ideas:  date (kiara),  someone she explores and/or gets in trouble with,  people she generally hangs around drinks and dances with (omega),  someone she hooks up with by the end of the night  ( could be her date or someone else … mariana is messy ) 
arnold [novak]  ( 27 yrs old, from please like me )   
anxiety tw           although arnold is socially anxious and a party may seem like a nightmare for someone like him,  he’s actually very relaxed and excited because 1) he loves parties even if they make him stressed and 2) he can wear a mask and hide himself— so there is very little of his usual anxieties.  
          date:  ??? open to anyone, though only males for romantic dates as arnold is canonically gay            plot ideas:  date,  dancing partners where he hides his true identity (marcus),  people he can run around with and be relaxed for once with,  one night stand
adam newman  ( 33 yrs old, from the young & the restless )   
          you’d think the adam newman would be too good for halloween, but he actually leans into this tradition.  he enjoys seasons changing and holidays and dressing in costume in this socially acceptable event actually makes sense to him.  he’ll be as a bloody prince or something and lean into his perception of being a bad guy/fuckboy lmao.  he’ll be charming tho
          date:  rikki chadwick           plot ideas:  date (rikki), general people he hangs around that evening (faith, vex),  a fellow bad influence he can get into trouble with (darcy),  hookup w/e
ronald ‘mac’ mcdonnald  ( 44 yrs old, from it’s always sunny in philadelphia )  
          honestly who the hell let mac into the white house.  this should not be allowed.  he’s going to self-appoint himself covert security  ( in costume )  and probably piss everyone  ( including actual security ) off.  he’ll be under the delusion the president himself wanted mac’s assistance. 
          date:  ??? open to anyone but sorry to that person lol           plot ideas:  people he pisses off  (actual security,  criminals,  etc.)  (steve),  someone who tries to get him to chill tf out and have a good time,  hookup (must be a guy),  general (dennis)
  charlie dalton  ( 19 yrs old, from dead poets society )   
          oh you can bet ur ass that mr. charlie dalton will show up dressed as tom cruise in risky business, no pants and oversized white shirt because nothing else makes more sense in the world.  he will be an absolute menace all night having the time of their life.
           date:  dart            plot ideas:  date (dart),  people willing to be a menace with him (ayra, neil perry)
enjolras  ( 26 yrs old, from les misérables ) 
          enjolras doesn’t understand halloween, as he is from early 1800s france … but he will be using this as an opportunity to figure out how the government in this weird country and century works.  he’ll come dressed as a lowly rebel because that’s how he feels most comfortable;  and if he has to take up arms against this govt too then so be it lol. 
          date:  ??? open to anyone, though enjolras is not a very romantic person so good luck           plot ideas:  date,  someone who tries to get him out of his comfort zone,  someone who will explore the grounds with him (caitlyn)
sarah walker  ( 25 yrs old, from chuck )  
          sarah is on a mission, surprise surprise.  the cia has directed her to covertly look for bad actors and locate specific people.  she’ll be dressed as an angel and act extra friendly to blend in to the crowd.  
          date:  mona vanderwaal           plot ideas:  date (mona),  anyone in secret service/fbi/cia or government she is working with on her mission (stiles),  anyone criminal she could be searching for (salazar)
lee jordan  ( 25 yrs old, from harry potter )    
            ironically, lee has no idea that he’s a wizard.  and he loves sports.  funny enough, he will be wearing an nba jersey dressed as a basketball player of the washington wizards  ( yes that’s the real team name in dc if you aren’t a sports fan— lol ! )  he’s been a bit of a recluse since arriving in washington.  he is an emo sad boy for now, unaware and mostly alone, so this will be his first time being around a crowd in a looong while. 
          date:  erin quinn           plot ideas:  date who drags him out for the evening (erin),  people who force him to explore/have fun at the party,  a drunk hookup idc
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booksandwords · 5 months
The Winter Spirit by Indra Vaughn
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Read time: 2 Days Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Quote: “You’re a fine man, Nathaniel,” he said. His mouth lifted in a tiny smile as he looked at me, and his right cheek dimpled deeply. “Any woman, or man,” he conceded with an elegant dip of his head, “would be lucky to have you. But this Owen guy.” He shook his head and went back to staring out into the dark. — Gabrie
Warnings: none of note
The Winter Spirit is one of Indra Vaughn's contributions to festive season reading. She is one of those authors to keep an eye on if you want an intelligent writer who can write a slightly different take on common concepts. That is what this is a quick different interpretation of a fairly common holiday season trope. It has a beautiful ending. There is a touch of magic there and magic always feels right for a book written in this genre.
The main characters are a modern gay man Nathaniel O’Donnelly and near enough to Edwardian ghost Gabriel Wickfield. Gabe has been haunting the building Nate converted into a B&B for decades, he is mischievous and a bit of a teaser especially when it comes to Nate. Their fun dynamic is challenged this Christmas when Owen, Nate's teenage love reappears. What ensues is drama and emotion and questioning. All with Nate questioning what he knows about whom. I appreciate Indra's writing choices. Her perception of intimacy exceeding sex appeals greatly to my ace self. The decision to not even try and explain the end and to have both characters come through pain works well.
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companyenvy · 8 months
” I don’t like the people you are working with.” [thanks for following back!]
"Lucky for you, I'm not the people I work with. I'm my own man."
Lots of people didn't like Hyperion. That was no secret. Plenty of Pandorans hated their guts. Maybe more accurately they'd prefer to display their guts publicly. That was the kind of thing the people down there did to the corporate pencil pushers like him.
Vaughn had to admit, he often got lumped in with all that. Not that he really could expect differently, what with him being an employee and all, but Hyperion? Company was full of assholes. And not just Vasquez. Full. Of. Them. Vaughn liked to think he wasn't one of them. Sure, he'd done some things he would think about till his dying day to get his buddy Rhys up the corporate ladder, the kind of stuff that'd haunt his nightmares forever, but hey, it was worth it.
"And lucky for you, I have skin in this game. I don't help you, we both die. I couldn't sabatoge this even if I wanted to."
He made a few clicks on the computer he was currently sleuthing the contents of.
"So just — give me a minute, I'm almost onto something in these files. I can feel it."
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