#vedic deity
marsprincess889 · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: This is based solely on my research and the patterns that I saw. I can't promise that I'm gonna be sure in all the coorelations, but I'm going to attribute each nakshatra a goddess that I think fits it the closest. If you're dissapointed, to make up for it, I'm going to list some other deities in the end that I think also fit the nakshatra. Don't come for me if you think I'm wrong, be respectful in the comments if you think so and have fun 🤍
For Bharani I chose a goddess that I love personally and while I definitely see her connection to Bharani, I still hesistated when putting her here. Not much research was needed while writing as I had already researched almost everything that I could find about her and knew tons. Without further ado, let's start.
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Pantheon: Norse
Name meaning: Lady, mistress
Associations: Love, sexuality, beauty, fate, death, war, magic, cats, gold and amber.
Symbols: Cats, swines, falcons, amber and gold, daisies, swords, romantic music, strawberries, aurora borealis(northern lights)
Freya is a strong, powerful Norse goddess of love, sex, war and death. She has a chariot pulled by gray cats, a loyal boar_ Hildisvíni, that she rides on when in battle, a cloak made of falcon feathers that allows her to shapeshift and the most beautiful piece of jewelry in the world: her necklace Brisingamen.
Her brother is Freyr (lord), god of fertility, agriculture and male virility. Her family comes from the tribe of gods called the Vanir. They're peaceful gods, connected to all civilised earthly matters. The other tribe- Aesir, are said to live in Asgard, away from them. A war broke out between the two tribes. Eventually, a peace negotiation was settled: Freya and Freyr would go to the Aesir as a gesture and would live with them. Despite being Vanir, Freya is debatably the highest standing Norse goddess, comparable in power only to Frigg- the queen of the gods. Some sources say that she taught the Aesir the magical art of seidr, the act of seeing and influencing the future.
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Unfortunately, there are not many sources available that would desctibe Freya in greater detail, and this is true for all norse gods. Despite this, some key details about her have been preserved, enough for me to coorelate her to Bharani.
Despite being a love goddess and having a husband, she's very independent, having an iron will and being particular about her preferences. Like the Greek Aphrodite and Roman Venus, her origins are associated with the sea, but in a different way. She's not born from sea, but her father is the god of the sea, oceans and commerce- Njord. Despite this venus associations, she's also a maiden goddess (not unlike Persephone) associated with death and war.
It is known that viking warriors who died in battle had the privillege of entering Valhalla- a kind of heaven presided over by Odin, the chief Norse god. While that's true for half of the warriors, the other half went with Freya in Fólkvangr, where lies her hall- Sessrúmnir. Moreover, it was Freya who had the first pick, Odin had to be content being second.
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Her husband, Odr, was frequently away. Missing him, she would cry tears that would turn gold when falling on the ground, and amber if they fell into the sea. She loved her husband, but also had untamed sexuality that was notorious. It was rare in those times as a woman to express yourself sexually and to do so with so much passion and courage, so, it's no wonder why this goddess survived as an important figure for many women.
There's a myth about Freya and her desire being so strong, it causing her pain. The desire was for a necklace made by the dwarves. It was of gold and amber and immidiately captivated her. She went to acquire it but the only price the dwarves would offer was her spending one night with each of them. Feeling like she had no choice, Freya agreed. When her husband found out about her betrayal, he left her and went to the sea. Freya cried and cried but he was nowhere to be seen. After some time, she learned he that he turned into a sea monster and went to him, still loving him unconditionally. Somebody saw the monster and killed Odr, not knowing it was him. Furious, Freya demanded a place for him with the Gods, so they could be together and she got her permit, so that they were reunited in the end.
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Freya's names and epithets: Gefn (the giver), Hörn (flaxen_reference to her hair), Mardöll (sea shaker), Sýr (sow), Valfreyja (lady of the slain).
If you read my post about Bharani, it should not be a surprise that I coorelated Freya to this nakshatra. She rules over love, sex and death, all things Bharani. When reading about Freya and Freyr being twins, Yama (Bharani's god) and his twin sister_ Yami came to mind, especially considering that Yami was said to be free and unrestrained, just like Freya. This is also true for real life Bharani natives, because Bharani is a natural place for females, women tend to find themselves comfortable in these energies while males act restrained.
Freya's desire for her necklace and it causing her problems is also very Bharani, as explored in my Bharani post. The theme of her crying because of her love and ultimately love conquering everything is also closely connected to this nakshatra.
I also avoided choosing either Aphrodite or Persephone, because they're so polarized from each other. I do think Bharani is more Persephone, but I don't think that either of them represent Bharani completely. I see Bharani as having traits of both: Ruling over love/ sexuality but also being a maiden. Freya seemed perfect. I debated whether she was better suited for Purva Phalguni or not, but the death association made Bharani the better choice.
I'm well aware that some people think that she and Frigg are the same Goddess and they're definitely similar and there's a great possibility that they originated from the same goddess. I really don't think they're the same though. To me Freya is fire, Frigg is ice, Freya's the mistress, Frigg is the wife. Freya is the maiden, Frigg is the mother, and so on...
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Deities that I attribute to Bharani other than Freya:
Persephone- Greek goddess of vegetation, spring and the underworld, "Queen of the Dead"
Bhairavi- Indian goddess, "awe-inspiring" "formidable".
Hel- Norse goddess of the dead, who's half dead, half a beautiful young girl
Inanna- Sumerian goddess very similar to Freya. Also a love/sexuality goddess and also a maiden. "Queen of the Heaven", she also decended into the underworld.
Gwenhwyfar- Queen Guinevere, Welsh goddess of sovereignity and the Earth, representing the land itself. (This one I hesitated to put but the vibes are matching, to me at least).
EDIT: So, obviously, Hades, Pluto or whatever god of death any culture has is also coorelated to Bharani, ig I forgot about them cause Bharani is so female-centered lol.
So that's it! I hope fellow Bharanis and everyone else found this entertaining and insightful. You're welcome to research all these goddesses if you wish and let me know if u think I'm right. Being my moon nakshatra, Bharani was extra pressure, but what's done is done. LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS, PLEASE 🤍
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h0bg0blin-meat · 3 months
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I can't stop thinking about them HELP
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rabiosantologia · 1 year
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⋆ — more content: vedic astrology masterlist
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 10 months
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moonywiitch · 1 month
A very deep article on das mahavidyas🖤🌹
Jai devi maa 💓
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nogetron · 11 months
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Indra, the Hindu god of lightning. In vedic mythology Indra was the king of the gods, considered to be the most influential among them. Born from the divine union between the skyfather Dyāus and the earthmother Prithvi, Indra’s rivalry with his father reached a fever pitch as when Indra learned of Dyāus assaulting his sister, Indra ripped Dyāus down from the skies and killed him in a righteous fury, ending the sky god. However the most famous of Indra’s rivalries was with the dark god Vritra. After Vritra stole and imprisoned all the water on earth, Indra confronted the serpent in battle. Their duel ended with Indra striking down Vritra.
Indra is one of the many examples of the Indo-European thunderer, overturning Varuna as the chief god. Much of Vedic mythology closely resembles Proto-indo-european myth, with Indra the thunderer, Dyāus the skyfather, and Prithvi the earthmother. However in modern Hinduism Indra’s position as the king of the devas has become less important with the oncoming of the trimutri. Despite this Indra still holds a significant place in the hearts of many Hindus as a great hero.
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druidicentropy · 7 months
*Deh₂nu- is a hypothetical goddess of water in Proto-Indo-European mythology, with connections to the names of rivers like the Danube, Don, Dnieper, and Dniester, as well as the Vedic deity Dānu, the Irish Danu, and the Welsh Dôn. Despite acknowledging a possible lexical connection, Mallory and Adams contend that there is not enough evidence to support the idea that a distinct river goddess existed in Proto-Indo-European beliefs. They primarily highlight the Indic tradition's understanding of river deification. Furthermore, Mallory and Adams suggest that a theory for a sea god called *Trih₂tōn—whose name is derived from the Greek Triton and the Old Irish word for sea, trïath—is unsupported by the lack of a corresponding sea god in Irish mythology and only minor lexical similarities. The Ossetian god Donbettyr is also mentioned in the story. Who is placated by gifts to keep the waterwheel turning, and who Donnán of Eigg proposes as a Christian equivilent of this figure.
Moreover, this deity and the Dan river in Centeral Asia may have similar etymologies.
She is frequently seen as the mother of a mythical tribe, the *Deh₂newyóes, in many Indo-European cultures; these tribes are deduced from the Vedic Danavas, the Irish Tuatha Dé Danann, the Greek Danaoi, and the Norse Danes. Under Bel's leadership, this tribe is said to have fought a hero called *H₂nḗrtos, which could connect them to characters like the Norse god Njord, the Nart from the Nart saga, and Indra's epithet nrtama.
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dkscore · 3 months
Welcome to the vibrant celebration of Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra 2024!
The Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra is one of the oldest and most significant chariot festivals in India. The festival has been celebrated since ancient times, with historical records dating back to the 12th century. It commemorates the annual journey of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and Goddess Subhadra from the Jagannath Temple to the Gundicha Temple, which is considered their aunt's home. The return journey, known as Bahuda Yatra, takes place after a week.
The Rath Yatra, or Chariot Festival, dates back to ancient times. This grand procession is dedicated to Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and Goddess Subhadra. It symbolizes their journey from the Jagannath Temple to the Gundicha Temple, representing a visit to their aunt's home.
Rath Yatra takes place during the month of Ashadha (June-July), when the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Cancer. This period is considered highly auspicious for seeking blessings and embarking on spiritual journeys. The alignment of celestial bodies during this time enhances the spiritual energy, making it an ideal period for devotion and religious activities.
Participating in the Rath Yatra is believed to cleanse one's karma, bring immense spiritual merit, and invoke divine blessings. It is a journey of faith, unity, and devotion."
Spiritual Cleansing: Participating in the Rath Yatra is believed to cleanse one's karma and remove past sins.
Divine Blessings: Devotees seek blessings for prosperity, health, and overall well-being.
Unity and Devotion: The festival fosters a sense of unity and devotion among the participants, bringing together people from all walks of life.
Enhanced Spiritual Energy: The astrological significance of the period enhances the spiritual energy, making it a powerful time for prayers and meditation.
Get more Festivals insights follow and subscribe us at DKSCORE
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 4 months
i revere vedic gods but i am wary of modern hinduism. i generally like hinduism and look to it as a source of inspiration for how a revived paganism can look in the west but i'm certainly not all-embracing of hinduism.
a lot of hinduism really resonates with me. but also, much of it feels very foreign.
one thing that really stands out to me is that there is apparently a pretty big theological divide among hindus with regard to indra. in my studies, it seems like most hindus don't even really recognize indra as a deity. instead, they consider it a title or a position.
gives me really bad vibes.
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astrovaidya94 · 11 months
Mercury Retrograde In Leo - Astrovaidya
Mercury Retrograde In Leo is a significant celestial event in Vedic Astrology that profoundly impacts individuals born under the Leo zodiac sign and other astrological signs. This planetary movement, associated with the Roman deity Mercury and the realm of Vedic astrology, brings about substantial changes in the lives of those affected. With its powerful influence, Mercury Retrograde In Leo holds great importance in understanding and interpreting astrological charts and predictions.
This planetary phenomenon, known for its transformative effects, creates a unique energy that can shape the destiny of individuals. It is particularly influential for those born under the Leo sign, as it brings forth a period of introspection, reflection, and potential growth. Additionally, individuals belonging to other zodiac signs are also impacted by this celestial event, as it influences various aspects of their lives. Understanding the significance of Mercury Retrograde In Leo is crucial for those seeking to delve deeper into the realm of Vedic astrology and gain valuable insights into their own lives and the lives of others.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 3 months
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The more you know ☠️
Source: Shatapatha Brahmana
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overcatic · 2 months
random astro observations pt. 2 (vedic)
1. sidereal aquarius is the most “hidden” and mysterious out of the zodiac. the heart of aquarius, shatabhisha, is the pinnacle of that energy.
2. jupiter in shravana can create a linguistic master, especially for people born in rahu or jupiter mahadasha. most likely to speak more than 3 languages.
3. any planet falling in uttara phalguni can make you attractive to women for the significations of that planet. mars: body, sex appeal, physical stamina, strength, masculinity. venus: your voice, eyes, charm, style, artistic talents, etc.
4. luminaries in chitra can make a person shine so beautifully in any group, setting, etc. unforgettable allure. people may find it hard to forget the chitra native’s influence and impact.
5. bharanis love chitras. bharani’s symbol is the womb (creativity), and chitra’s deity is the designer of wombs (muse and inspiration to the creative). chitra tends to generate a lot of creative energy, beauty and sensuality which inspire bharani to create, love, and wonder. however, this relationship could be draining to the chitra native in the long run.
6. venus conj. moon can make someone deeply sensitive and delicate. very fond of children. high fertility in women (if not afflicted). this conjunction has an energy similar to that of rohini.
7. ashwinis love wearing their hair down. a free, wild mane is their signature look.
8. in man’s chart, unafflicted ketu in the 1st house blesses him with a strong body and tall stature. jupiter makes him the biggest and tallest in his family, especially if it’s in sagittarius or aspected by ketu.
9. venus conj. rahu is the beauty expert — beauty guru. beautiful, big eyes. attractive voice. brilliant mind. may be detached from their sexuality. cerebal understanding of sex.
10. venus conj. ketu, especially in navamsa, is a sign that the soul will master unconditional love in this lifetime. deeply sensual and seductive. strong, spiritual connection with the lover or spouse.
11. taurus is the square (stability), leo is the triangle (power), scorpio is the rectangle (security), aquarius is the circle/sphere (unity). just a thought i had.
“ namaste & have a great day <3
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 9 months
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veronicawildest · 2 months
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by yours truly, veronicawildest
• Saturnian rashi (Sidereal Capricorn and Aquarius) knows how to handle fame. Yes, there are struggles (just like their mental health), but no matter what they do, people love them, and that will leave a mark on the minds of the audience. They are the type of people who, even though they are dead, are still known. The music they made is still being played, and movies with them in them, etc.
Sidenote: It can also be noticed that usually, when celebrities become famous, based on the mahadasha, no matter what planet is Shravana, as long as your mahadasha is Shravana, there is a high possibility that you will become famous. For example, if your current mahadasha is Shravana (it doesn't matter what the antardasha is), there is a higher chance you will be famous.
Celebrity example: Miley Cyrus (she gained fame when she was in Hannah Montana).
•The former is so ironic that you have acquaintances who are Shatabisha, but you only know them by name. They are secretive (more secretive than other Sidereal Scorpios). They are better known by the rumors about them than by their real identity (what do they really do?). This explanation is the effect of the height of Rahu (this is the final nakshatra of Rahu).
• I just realized that Princess Diana has a lot of similarities with Marilyn Monroe. Both were born on the 1st of the month. They are also in the same nakshatra (Dhanista). They remain famous even though they are deceased. If you notice, their Arudha lagna has Mars influence.
• Sidereal Cancer (Pushya and Ashlesha) is really overhated. I know that some reading this might ask, "Why did you include Pushya?" But there is too! They are definitely included in the hate, not just Ashlesha. Ashlesha is more self-centered compared to Pushya, so people only notice that Ashlesha ends up being hated, which is not the case. Most likely, Pushya Sun (the bashers will really flock to them).
• Saturn nakshatras are not for the weak. Even if it is said that Pushya's deity lord is Brihaspati, the guru will not condone your mistakes. You will truly experience lessons and hardships. Additionally, Saturn rules laziness. I don't know where the "hardworking" stereotype of Saturn comes from, because it's a slow-moving planet.
• Apart from Jyestha, Chitra and Vishakha nakshatras are envied by most. The deities of Vishakha are Indra (lord of Jyestha) and Agni (lord of Krittika).
The difference between Chitra and Jyestha is that Chitra deliberately provokes others (to annoy them), while Jyestha, yes, they also do that, but there is a subconscious factor. It is not their intention to provoke jealousy in others. The Jyestha that I know personally are happy-go-lucky. They even like to joke (heavily into memes) and are also very sociable. They embody typical Western Sagittarius traits like that.
• Most of the Purva Phalguni (including Jyeshthas) like to stay up late; they have big eye bags.
• The pairing I see most is Mars Vimshottari Nakshatra and Bharani (Sun/Moon). For example, Bill Burry and his wife, as well as a classmate who has a girlfriend that is a Bharani Moon. The pattern is also the same: Mrigashira Sun for the guys and Bharani Moon for the girls.
• I just noticed that Uttara Phalguni boys (or any Sun-ruled nakshatra) criticize a lot of women, but they also love attention from women. The best example of this is Rhino from LoveLiveServe.
The positive attributes that I noticed in Sun-ruled nakshatra men are their value for friendship. They value friendship a lot. Boys support boys.
• Krittika is all about survival. What I mean is the type where you are stranded on an island and don't know what is essential to do; Krittika is all about that. The one who can build a house is like a civilization. This is not the type like in Ketu nakshatra that can kill and conquer animals.
• Ardra, Mrigashira, and Hasta are the best proof of the "girl's girl" motto. They really love their friends. Yes, the rest of them have a mean streak, but they are the nakshatras that stand up for being a "girl's girl" and are really into women's empowerment, not just clout. They are the type that will really fight and rally for women's rights and also fight against injustices related to women. Mula women and Krittika nakshatra women too, but in a lesbian way.
• I can say that Rahuvians are romantic, just mixed with an obsession/crazy factor, especially in Arda and Swati nakshatras—especially Swati.
In Swati, it's really an obsession, which is ironic since they are all about freedom. It becomes mixed with craziness when it comes to love.
In Arda nakshatra, they tend to be clingy and always want to be together (this is only based on my acquaintances, and I have noticed this). That's why they are also prone to heartbreaks related to their romantic lives, as they have high expectations when it comes to romantic relationships.
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nogetron · 2 months
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Dyāus, the vedic sky god. One of the two primal personifications of reality, Dyāus was created by the primordial Prajapati coupled together with Prithvi, the earth goddess. Together these two gave birth to the Vedic gods and goddesses; Indra, Varuna, Surya, Agni, Vishnu, all of them came from their coupling. Dyāus was said to take the form of a black stallion whose coat was the night sky or a crimson bull who fertilized the earth. In a mighty act, Dyāus’s son Indra, was able to separate Dyāus from Prithvi, the sky from the earth. Despite this Dyāus continued to live on, however this wouldn’t last long. Dyāus drew Indra’s rage when the sky god assaulted one of his daughters, the dawn goddess Ushas. Indra’s frenzy grew as he confronted his father for his horrid act. The battle concluded with Indra ripping Dyāus out of the sky by his leg and slamming him to the ground, killing him. From Dyāus’ body the gods organized the world as it is known today.
Dyāus is a god only briefly mentioned in Rigvedic literature, despite the importance of his myth. Several different creation myths exist in the Rigveda with Dyāus only being a part of one. Dyāus however could be another name for Purusha, the cosmic being that the gods sacrificed to create the world in a separate creation story. Dyāus is one of the most concrete descendants of the Proto-indo-European Dyēus, this is proven further with Dyāus’ title of Dyāus pitir which is identical with Dyēus’ Dyēus pitir. Because of this, Dyāus is connected with the other descendants theological of Dyēus, such as the Slavic Perun, the Nordic Thor, and the Greek Zeus. Dyāus ultimately fell to the wayside as Vedism evolved into Hinduism, despite this Indra’s feat of separating the earth from the sky is still celebrated in modern Hinduism.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
A Basic Guide to Vedic Astrology
I think many of you are new to Vedic astrology, so I thought I'd give a little intro to some of the concepts, terminology etc
First and foremost, Vedic astrology dates back to 5000 BC - 10,000BC, which means it only takes into account Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the 2 nodes of the Moon, Rahu & Ketu along with your Ascendant. Outer planets like Uranus, Neptune, Pluto along with asteroids are NOT calculated as most of them were discovered only in the last 2-3 centuries.
A conjunction takes place when two planets are placed in the same nakshatra within 5 degrees of each other. Even if they are placed more than 5 degrees apart, so long as they are in the same nakshatra, they can to some extent be considered as conjunct (the effect will be less potent than an exact conjunction basically) BUT if you have Sun in Ashwini and Venus in Bharani, you DO NOT have Sun conjunct Venus in Aries, that is NOT how it works. Those two nakshatras have entirely different themes, mythologies, purposes, deities, planetary influences and lessons, how on earth can they be considered "conjunct"???
That said, wherever you have a conjunction in your chart will have a major influence on you. It is a very potent energy. Dont ask me if having Saturn conjunct Ketu in Ashwini makes you a Saturnian or a Ketuvian because that's not the point, its that those two planets have a specific relationship with each other in your context and to understand the functioning of one, you must look at the other (along with its placement, aspects etc etc)
There are 12 rashis, corresponding to zodiac signs and each rashi is divided into 2 or more lunar mansions called "nakshatras". If you've wondered why say Arieses all act so different, its because they're either UBPs or Revatis in their Vedic chart, contributing to vastly different personalities.
In Vedic astrology, we have the concept of 7 charakarakas all of which indicate a different purpose:
Atmakaraka aka the soul indicator. it is the planet at the highest degree and represents your soul/being. its your compass and points towards the calling of your soul
2. Amatyakaraka, it typically points to your career/profession and works alongside your atmakaraka. it is the planet at the second highest degree
3. Bhratrukaraka (planet at 3rd highest degree) points to relationships with siblings
4. Matrukaraka ( planet at fourth-highest degree in your chart) signifies your relationship with your mother or maternal figures. It represents the nurturing qualities within you and helps illuminate your connection to your mother or motherly figures in your life.
5. Putrakaraka (planet with the fifth-highest degree in your chart) reveals your approach to parenting and your potential for creativity. It provides insights into your connection with your children and your capacity for artistic expression.
6. Gnatikaraka (the planet with the sixth-highest degree in your chart) indicates obstacles and adversaries in your life. It reflects your ability to overcome challenges and confrontations, making it a valuable guide for navigating life’s hurdles.
7. Darakaraka (the planet at the lowest degree) it is associated with your spouse and romantic relationships. It uncovers the qualities you seek in a partner and offers insights into how you relate to your significant other. Understanding the Darakaraka can provide clarity on your love life and partnerships.
Read about the mythology behind your nakshatras. This helps shed light on its nature.
Look at your nakshatra's yoni consort. Read about what the yoni animal symbolically represents
Similarly, read about your nakshatra's deity, ruling planet, other naks under the same planetary influence etc
There are 4 purusharthas (aka motivations) in vedic astrology according to which nakshatras are classified. understanding the different classifications behind each nak helps us understand its nature better
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similarly naks can also be classified by their ganas which describe the nature of these naks:
Deva = godly, Manushya = humane, Rakshasa = demonic
if you have a rakshasa gana nak, it does not mean you're a demon. it just points towards traits like selfishness, lack of generosity etc AND the person you are is sum of your whole chart, not just the gana of one nak, so don't beat yourself up
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Naks are also classified on the basis of their qualities of which there are 7
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they can also be classified on the basis of caste:
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(all tables, pyramid etc by me so any mistake is mine oopsies)
4. Chart Ruler
The ruling planet of your ascendant sign is your lagna lord. If you're Mrigashira Rising, then your lagna lord is Mercury/Venus (based on whether your nak falls into the Taurus portion or the Gemini portion).
5. Navamsa or D9 chart
Look at your D9 after you've studied your D1 otherwise it'll feel like too much info you don't fully understand. Navamsa is consulted along with your D1/Birth chart. you can think of it as D1 promises certain things and D9 is if/how those things materialise. its like part 1 and part 2 of a story
I can't think of anything else that should be covered🤡but if you have doubts you can ask!!
I hope this was helpful!!
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