mangakeque · 2 years
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Una conversación incómoda entre Vegettita y Staxx
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starrydaxx · 2 years
Unos doodles que hice del señorito triple 7 en las notas de mi celular ^^ 💜✨
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I'm so frickin tired but KARMALAND WATCH
Olympics timeeee
AWH….everyone's wearing different jerseys and Vegetta has Mexico :')))
Rubius just found out what Vegetta did to his place (cut down all his pretty Sakura trees and left a giant broken heart statue in his yard)
Rubius: Why is he mad at me? All I did was mess up his wedding and vandalize his house and ruin his life Rubius I hope Vegetta punts you into the SUN
OhoHOHO Luzu getting all agro and telling Rubius he deserves everything bad that happens to him because of what he did to Vegetta. Luzugetta my absolute beloved
Seriously though I love Luzu and Vegetta's friendship so frickin much
Rubius: Illojuan said Karmaland is ending in December, is that true??? Vegetta: I don't know what you're talking about! :) VEGETTA DONT PLAY WITH MY HEART LIKE THIS PLEASE
Everyone's like "lol today's a beach episode!" but I don't trust any of these guys
Vegetta: Karmaland ends in December but you know who won't be there? Illojuan VEGETTA DONT JOKE LIKE THIS
Quackity tweeting about wanting to go back to sleep. Frickin same
Dang dude even my sleep schedule isn't that frickin bad
He sounds EXHAUSTED poor baby
Everyone is so frickin handsome and pretty I weep
Love that they're all Latin / Spanish speaking countries and then Rubius is frickin Japan
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Quackity running to Luzu's house and stealing food from his chests. Some traditions never change… 😭😭😭
Oh man all the boys had to drop their items for the event? OH BOY….
Rubius: If someone steals from the lockers on the World Cup, three years of jail! BTW you can strip and get changed in my house, I definitely don't have cameras around. 😏 What is wrong with him
oh man he didn't immediately attack Luzu I guess this will be a more chill event
Oh Luzu said "Tell Quackity not to bother me or I'll kill him" WELP. NEVERMIND I GUESS
Rubius: I need to be beside Vegettita. Luzu: Yeah, right after cheating him out of his wedding. DANG
OH Quackity’s disguised as “Cristiano Ronaldo" ok.
Luzu: For everyone asking about Quackity, he's not coming! He's vetoed from here.
Oh so THATS how they're getting around it.
Sapo Peta: Whoever wins can have one wish! Whatever they wish for Uh Oh
Alexby told Rubius he has an attack on Luzu planned and Rubius wanted to make sure they only hurt Luzu and no one else. Wanna make sure Vegetta isn't caught in the crossfire huh?
The key words to detonating the mines will be "I am duck" lord …
Luzu: Vegetta, we have to win this for the good side. What wish would you ask for? Vegetta: Another castle, of course. VEGETTA….
Oh noooo I missed Ollie I'll have to pull up Luzu's stream later 
Oh man there's gonna be a trial against Rubius today to rid him of his police chief position???
Heavy lore with light fun jokes
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I want a clip of that
Rubius said be already knows what he wants to wish for but won't tell anyone…
How fricked up would it be if Rubius’s wish was "I wish Vegetta would never fall in love with another person. I want his heart to belong to me". That would be so cruel because you KNOW Rubius would still mess around, he just wants to make sure Vegetta remains free
Alexby: Why did you choose Japan the day they play against Spain? Rubius: Because I fricked up PFTTT
Me: aww Quackity is learning Portugese! Me, realizing what he's learning to say: oh 😒
Games start!
Uh oh Luzu won the first game. What would he wish for, if he won?
Oh man someone said "Will Luzu wish to revive his kids or will he wish for Quackity's death?" Agh
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Alexby won the second game!
Oh my gosh third game is like glass floor from Squid games
Vegetta: I will take one for the team because Mexico always sacrifices for the team! VEGETTA….
Quackity died trying to follow the OTHERS LMFAO
They keep saying "Mexico is always brave" to make Vegetta keep jumping, MEAN
Rubius: For you, Vegetta, I will win this 🥺
Rubius kissed Vegetta before jumping 🥺🥺🥺
It's like the water jump all over again
THEY BOTH DIED LMFAOOO. Idiots in love....
Oh no Luzu's in the lead right now
Alexby: It doesn't matter, we knew you'd cheat in this just like in the elections DANG
Oh it's a tie between Rubius and Luzu?
Rubius wishes for all Karmaland mods to be unblocked and Luzu agreed
Rubius: Since the price is a wish, we can both win and ask for the same wish. I suggest the wish is to unblock all mods on Karmaland. Luzu: I absolutely agree. I'd say no to literally anything else but I wanna see Vegetta's head explode.
Alexby got second and Vegetta got third! I wonder what they would've wished for
Vegetta is trying to get out of this by saying everything is a dream LMAO
Oh no Quackity said they still need to kill Luzu
Oh man Luzu and Vegetta are planning a trial
Luzu: I keep trying to do good things, but look how they turn out! The right way is the lonely way :( I mean, he’s definitely done fricked up things but I still feel bad for him
Luzu stepped on a mine on his way home and died and said "they killed me again" PFT
It's like that one meme of a dude galling off a bike and saying "this is [someone totally unrelated]'s fault"
Half the people are like "Ok but how DO you permakill someone on Karmaland" and the other half are like"Ok Quackity you killed Luzu, can you two make up now?"
Quackity: I knew you'd come protect me Rubius: If you call for help, I'll come to you l, always. I WEEP
Sapo Peta: Why did you shoot the mayor!!! Quackity: My finger slipped
Oh man Luzu told them to meet on Monday there's gonna be WAR
Is Quackity frickin jealous of Rubius talking to Vegetta???? KING….
They're going to the lie detector to see who stole Luzu's stuff
Luzu: Sapo Peta, do you have food? Quackity: The mayor asking for food, this town is in shambles. PFTTT SAYS THE GUY WHO WAS DIGGING THROUGH LUZU’S FOOD CHESTS
Quackity as Rubius' lawyer again as if we don't remember how this went last time
Quackity: I object! Luzu: I don't care PFTTTTT
Vegetta calling himself as a witness PFTT
Rubius said everything he's done has been out of love???
Rubius: Everything I've done has been out of love for Vegetta, Quackity, and Sapo Peta! RUBIUS. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU
Rubius: Out of love for everyone in the world except Luzu! BRUH
Vegetta removed his authority as a cop and Rubius immediately put him and Luzu in jail. RUBIUS….
Luzu: We'll finish this war with Quackity on Monday Quackity (still disguised): What will you do to Quackity? Luzu: I'll give him the choice to either stop everything he's doing, or leave Karmaland forever with or without his life intact. NOOOOOOO I DONT WANT QUACKITY TO LEAVE KARMALAND
Luzu: Everything an end, and ours is very close. Even when I try to do good, they come for me. The people's wellness comes first but they only want chaos and destruction. So we'll give them that. 😭
Luzu: Monday will be tough, but that's the day it will all be over. Either me, or Quackity NOOOO NO LUZU PLEASE SAY PSYCH I DONT WANT EITHER OF YOU TO DIE PLEASE I DONT WANT THIS TO END
Gosh the only thing worse than the autotune is Quackity pronouncing things horribly on purpose that is killing me
There was a 3 year gap between Karmaland 4 and Karmaland 5…..how the frick am I supposed to survive that
I will say I'm super bummed, but I'm more bummed seeing all the suicide jokes people see making :/ I don’t know why that seems to be a weirdly popular "joke" amongst a lot of Karmaland fans and I really REALLY hate it. It’s not funny, and it’s not a joke.
Well as for as today's stream went, I was very sleep deprived, but it was a nice light hearted "beach episode" that then promised to break our hearts on Monday. I shall be anxiously awaiting to see what happens
A lot of my theories got debunked just because Vegetta confirmed Karmaland was ending this month, but here are a few other theories I still have:
One of them (either Quackity or Luzu) will be killed by the other, and Sapo Peta will gave up on their world because of it. But then, that person regrets killing the man they used to love, and they exchange their own life to bring them back. That wouldn't be my ideal ending but it feels plausible
Rubius kills Luzu like he and Quackity planned. Sapo Peta finds out Quackity is the reason Luzu died, and that's what finally makes him give up all hope for Karmaland and the gods destroy the world
Luzu and Quackity kill each other, and as they like dying side by side, they laugh and realize how stupid they’ve been, but at least they’re together in their final moments
Fargan and Alexby get married!!! [unlikely]
Rubius and Vegetta make amends and learn to communicate properly for once! [also unlikely]
Luzu and Quackity make up! [delusional]
I had a few other predictions, but now that I know they have to wrap up this month, the ending feels like it’s gonna be a lot bleaker. I’m still trying to be optimistic, but I’m starting to have doubts...
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truly-deceitful · 2 years
okay so i was on twitter and this video showed up on my tl: https://twitter.com/lunartokki/status/1551882046376656901?t=jNxUZI29PojS2PYnp_26ig&s=19
Rubius: "I promise you for the sake of my Vegettita that ill never steal again"
And i had a thought, that only sleep deprived people have.
Tw: mentions of threats, blood and death (?, Angst lmao
Eventually Quackity gets tired of all the silly little "jokes" the rest of the residents play on him. He has to expect every day to come on in and find his house trashed, spikes placed outside, free fall traps outside and the god forsaken landmines placed everywhere.
Hes tired, but the one thing that makes him snap is when he realizes who tended the traps that day.
Rubius had sworn over and over again, he had sworn over his family, over his pets, over his friends, over his own existance! And every single time he would come back and place another landmine. It became clearer every day, the man couldnt keep a promise even if he wanted to.
Petty getbacks had gotten old by now, karma is a cycle that never breaks and the stakes get higher and higher.
Quackity needed this to stop and to put an end to it all he had to go all in, hes tired of being seen as the naive newcomer, but what could he possibly do to make Rubius listen? What could he do to finally put him in his place?
Whats his weak point?
Oh, he knows damn well who it is.
Rubius finds a nicely wrapped chest outside his house, inside? a couple of iron and golden goodies, but the thing that got his attention was the purple, neatly wrapped envelope. If there was anyone in this town that could make things look so perfect is Vegetta, his Vegettita.
"Meet me at my house, ive been missing you and i have a present waiting for you"
This man knows how to get his attention.
With no hesitation he barely grabbed the necessary stuff and ran towards his friends house, exitedly awaiting whatever surprise he had tended for him.
He knocked the door sevral times but no one answered, he came in after a few minutes, he was expected to show up so hes really not breaking any laws.
A rustle coming in from the kitchen startled him and as soon as he approached the scene left him in shock.
Vegetta tied to a chair and a meanacing Quackity lingering behind him, an enchanted diamond sword lying in the tble beside them. The expression of his friend, terrified. Quackity’s face in the other hand, blank yet a horrifying smirk lingering, he almost looked happy.
"Quackity what are you doing?! This breaks every single law abided by the gods!"
Rubius tried to get closer and free his friend but as soon as a single foot touched the kitchen floor Quackity had already grabbed the sword. He had forgotten everything at his own, he wouldnt be able to fight him now.
"Since when is tht so important to you, huh? You never cared when you placed the mines in my house, or Staxx's house or anyones house really"
He stepped behind Vegetta once again, smiling when the man tensed when he couldnt see him anymore.
"You never cared when you got diamonds before anyone else, or when you made something from the forbidden pages of the carftmans book. Do you care now that Vegetta is in danger now?"
Before he finished the sentence he placed the sword at Vegetta’s neck and started applying evident pressure. Rubius tried once again to step in but the sword started drawing blood.
"I am sorry, i was just goofing around! You know how i am! Its though love!"
Quackity wasnt even looking at his eyes anymore and insted fixiated in the bit of blood runing from the mans neck.
"Qusckity please! Why are you taking it out on him? What do you want? Whatever comes to mind ill give it to you, just drop the sword!"
Their eyes locked but Quackity’s stare made Rubius take a step back, how could the goofy kid he met months ago be the same monster standing infront of him.
"I'm sorry blondie, but you swore youll never do something like that again."
He spared a glace between the two one last time before smiling and grabbing at Vegetta's hair to keep him in place.
"You swore for the sake of your Vegettita"
The sword slashed trough his neck, his limp body falling to the floor around seconds. Rubius falling right beside him, surely he would come back from this.
Rubius tried to scream but once again cowered under the mans stare.
"You swore Rubius, this are simply the consequences of your own actions."
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sapybara · 1 year
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zaritablo · 2 years
echando de menos a Nieves y dibujando la nueva skin de Vegettita
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7gabytuan7 · 4 years
A: ¿Entoces le ponemos la trampa O NO ME DEJAS PORQUE ES TÚ NOVIO?!!
Vegetta modo "si si si...... ¡ESPERA KHE?!"
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idklittleshit · 6 years
Es muy lindo ver como vegettita siempre en todas las series intenta mantener a salvo a willy dandole toda la armadura completa o armas siempre piensa primero en willy, COMO AMO A VEGETTITA ESTOY LLORANDO
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letdengargeles · 6 years
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Ustedes lo sabían?, Yo después de todos estos Años, no había captado la referencia hasta ahora. Créditos a quien corresponda.
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theholeshiittt · 6 years
Minecraft, A Way Out, y ahora Pixark.
Prácticamente están monopolizando sus canales con wigetta y eso es genial. :D ♡♡
Ni se nota lo mucho que se extrañaron. :vv
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mangakeque · 2 years
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vegettita llorando en dramático mientras rubius le quiere tirar la espada por la cabeza jsdks
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Lo que pasó en el reencuentro Wigetta
Willy: *En el teléfono* Vegetta, tío, donde estás?
Vegetta: donde quedamos Willy. Oh! espera ya te vi. *Se acerca*
Willy: *Lo ve* *se acerca*
Vegetta: Tanto tiempo chaval.
Willy: Pues si, tío.
Vegetta: *sonríe*
Willy: *sonríe*
*se quedan mirando*
Cristi:*mentalmente* Willy no!
wigetta: *se siguen mirando*
Cristi: ejehm
Vegetta: uh hola! *mentalmente* perra.
Cristi: hola
Vegetta: Deberíamos hacernos una foto.
*Willy asiente*
*Cristi se comienza a arreglar el pelo*
Vegetta: la tomarías? *le da el celular*
Cristi:*mentalmente* #YaMeFuiALaMierda
jeje sorry, me gano el lado shipper.
perdon por la mierda de escrito arriba ヽ(ಥ益ಥ)/
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senka-pierrot · 6 years
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Comic wigetta parte (1/??)
a las 100 notas publico la siguiente parte c:
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michel-furry-blog · 7 years
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Willy llorando por Vegettita.  
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sapybara · 1 year
Vegettita & Foolish <3
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smilemery · 7 years
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Ay😍😍 Me siento como en casa 💜
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