#vehicle image background removal
Lucky Charm
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Request: Would you write about surprising Ted with lingerie or in one of his shirts or jerseys when he gets home from travelling? 😈
Description: You welcome Ted home from his win against Liverpool, a welcome he will excitedly accept.
Warning: smut, oral (f receiving)
Pairing: Ted Lasso x reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Ted’s head snapped up as soon as his chin hit his chest, letting out a squeak as he startles awake. Beard closes his book, using a finger to keep his spot, “What’s up, coach?” Ted rubs his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose as he takes a deep breath, “Nothin’ coach. Just don’t wanna fall asleep so close to home, y’know?” The right-hand man nods in understanding, opening his book once again as Ted glances out the window, watching the fields turn into buildings as they enter the city. 
Jumping a little at the buzz of his phone, Ted scoffs at himself and how tired he feels, though his exhaustion doesn’t last long when he opens his messages. 
Y/N 😍❤️: Congrats on your win, Coach Lasso. Hope you’re not too celebrated out xxx [image attached]
Ted checks over his shoulder at lightning speed when he opens the accompanying image, not wanting to withstand any teasing but also not okay with anyone seeing his girl. He knows the photo isn’t the most revealing, all parts are covered, yet he would have to watch pigs fly during a cold day in hell while it rains cats and dogs before he lets any eyes but his own view that sacred photo.
Looking back down once he knows the coast is clear, Ted’s eyes widen as his face reddens and his pants tighten slightly. With the sheets of your shared bed as the background, the posed photo focuses on your body from the neck down, a Richmond jersey hugging your body, stopping just below where your hips meet your bare legs. Ted takes in a deep breath, staring at the expanse of your thighs before tracing back up to the jersey, hardening even more at the knowledge that the back of your jersey has his last name plastered on it. 
After an eon of a bouncing leg, a stared-at phone, and a leaking head, Ted, who normally waited for all the players to exit the bus before he did, ran off the vehicle, backpack on his shoulder as he yelled something about an upset stomach and seeing the team on Monday. 
One more eon later (each “eon” being about 15 minutes in reality), Ted fished his keys out of his pocket before struggling to get his key in the lock, his hands shaking with excitement. Toeing his shoes off at the door and hanging up his puffer, Ted breathes out a sigh of relief as he heads to the bedroom, eager for release after 30 minutes of his cock leaking and not softening at all.
Opening the door, Ted lets out a low groan at the sight of you in the middle of the bed, hand under the bottom of the jersey as you squeeze your eyes shut, small gasps leaving your lips, “You getting yourself ready for me, beautiful?”
Opening your eyes to see Ted moving towards the bed, discarding his clothes as he nears, a wide smile shows on your face, “I’m always ready for you coach Lasso.” Ted moans in contentment at the title, taking off his pants so he is left in only his underwear, standing at the bottom of the bed. You lift yourself onto your knees, staring at him as you remove your hand, bringing up your glistening fingers so that it is in between you two, “Should I take care of this or would you like to?”
Ted takes one more step forward, knees hitting the side of the mattress as his hand grasps your wrist, bringing your hand to his mouth as he takes your three fingers in his mouth, sucking on them as he maintains eye contact with you before closing his eyes and throwing his head back as he lets out a guttural moan. You take the opportunity to inch closer, throwing yourself into his chest as you wrap your arms around his torso, leaving a kiss on his Adam’s apple. Licking from the base of his neck to below his ear, you breathily give him your congratulations, “Very nice job on your win today, baby.”
Looking back at you, Ted’s eyes are blown with lust as he rakes in the image of you in his jersey, “Thanks, darling. Only happened because of my lucky charm.” You wrap your arms around his neck as he pushes you up the bed, laying you down on your back as he slots himself in between your legs, “Your lucky charm?”
Ted nods affirmatively, lowering himself so he is at eye level with your dripping core that he sees as he pushes the jersey up, eliciting a moan from him, “Yeah, my lucky charm. The love of my life watching me from home while wearing my jersey, and apparently nothing else”. You let out a whine at the combination of his words and his hot breath as he blows on your swollen clit.
“Now let me thank my lucky charm, ‘lright?” Before you can even respond, Ted licks up your slit slowly before latching onto your nub, sucking rhythmically as you let out a string of whines. Moving your hands down to tug at Ted’s hair, you brace your feet on the bed as you thrust up. Chuckling at your eagerness, Ted looks up at you through his hooded eyelids, “Give me a second sweetheart, let me taste ya before I give you what you want.” 
You nod desperately, wanting any kind of relief but also anxious to see the throbbing cock that had made a wet spot on the front of Ted’s briefs. Ted curls two of his fingers into you before his tongue follows, lapping up as much of your juice as you can. He groans in delight, his mustache tickling your clit as it is on high alert, pushing you close to the edge. “T-Ted, Imma…”  Ted pulls away barely from your pussy, his thumb rubbing your clit at the perfect pace, “I know sugar, let go for me. Come all over my mouth, it’s just how I want ya.”
With Ted’s reaffirming words and resumed attack on your core as his thumb continues on your clit, you reach your peak while you let out a loud moan, pulling at Ted’s hair. As you come back down earth, you feel Ted cleaning you up with his tongue, not a single drop left behind as he hums Richmond’s chant to himself. 
He pushes himself up so he’s level with your face, emphatically kissing you, bringing a moan from you at the taste of yourself on his lips. You quickly reach down, tugging his briefs down before he wiggles out of them and kicks them to the ground. You grasp him, rubbing your thumb over the tip, “Want you in me, coach.”
Ted groans deeply before nodding, latching onto your neck to leave a mark as he positions his dick right above your entrance. You move to take off the jersey before Ted stops you, grabbing your hands as he puts his weight on his knees, not yet entering you, “Hey there now. Wanna keep my lucky charm just as it is. Gonna fuck you as you wear my name, get a taste of what it’ll be like when I marry ya, okay sweetness?” 
Ted was thanking every god above that he didn’t fall asleep on the bus back to Richmond.
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The first evening
*mhhhmmm this isn’t in the slightest the piece I planned for today, but oh well* *I’ll write that one tomorrow* *note to self: don’t listen to made in the a.m. while writing it's a sad album and it will make me write sad stuff*
@ziptiesnfries this chapter turned out to be way more sad than whumpy and it's rather short I'm sorry :((
previous next
CW: pet whump, dehumanisation, angst
The news about him spread like wildfire. The ringing of Diana’s phone became a constant element of the background noise for the evening, by the time they got out of the building, Oliver could recite the first verse of the song word by word. It was a catchy tune, he had never heard it before. She didn’t pick up once, while he and the boys were ushered off set to take off the makeup and accessories they all had on. Since he knew what to expect now, the removal of the makeup and giving back the button-up was a much less stressful process. Oliver wished someone had explained to him first, he didn’t agree with the teaching method of being dropped in the pool on the deep end.
He only realised how exhausted he had become when they all got back to the tour bus and he was dragged to sit down on the couch, in the same place as before. He leaned back, and he felt like he could fall asleep right that second if the guys around him just stayed quiet for a moment. He wasn’t really paying any attention to what exactly they had been saying, up until the point he felt some tension grow and voices raise, and he had to come to the painful realisation that his very existence was the topic of debate.
“You’re such a dick, Khai, he’s sitting right here” James defended him, fiercely to his credit, but with little validity, as he continued arguing with the others over him just the same.
“I just said that it’s fucked that she has us taking care of him” Khai repeated his argument calmly “She got him to improve our image, I can’t fathom why can’t she just bring him to photo shoots and then do whatever with him”
“And now there is five people in this fucking tour bus, it was already crammed” Will interjected frustrated. 
“Pet, not ‘people”” Oliver tried to correct softly, as if that would help the situation, but none of them seemed to have even notice.
“He doesn’t take up much space, come on” James sighed and put a hand over his shoulder.
“Where will he even sleep, dumbass?” Khai asked, still not as frustrated as the others but clearly exasperated.
“I’m not fucking giving up my bed that’s for sure” the guitarist protested the unspoken proposition immediately.
“Me neither” Eddie joined with a shake of his head. The drummer sighed, contemplating but even he didn’t plan on giving up what little private space he had on the bus. 
“I- khm I can sleep on the floor I don’t mind” he leaped at the chance to resolve the problem in the momentary silence.
“Oli, you can’t sleep on the floor” “What the fuck, that is not an option” “It’s fucked that you would even offer” Oli shrunk in on himself as their frustration was now directed at him. Well, at his idea, but somehow he still felt like he was at fault. He really was okay with sleeping on the floor. It was carpeted and he was sure it would be comfortable enough if they let him clean up the inside of the vehicle.
“We’re all tired, let’s start this again tomorrow” Eddie proposed finally, after having to suppress a yawn. He got up from his seat on the couch across Oli and James, ruffled the pet’s hair casually and disappeared into his bunk.
“Sleep on the couch tonight” Will agreed, and also walked to the sleeping area, and Oli could’ve sworn that the bunk he climbed in was the same he saw the singer lie down to just a moment before.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea” James turned to him with a smile, after a moment of contemplation he leaned over and pressed a kiss on his forehead as if he was a child and left.
Oliver leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. He was grateful that the day was over and he could relax. It felt like years had passed since he woke up at the shelter that morning. 
His eyes shot open as he heard fabric rustle across the room from him. Khai was still there and he forgot about it, he blushed deeply with embarrassment as he looked at the boy. 
“Is it okay if I stay a little longer?” he asked and Oli just stared at him, not understanding what he meant. How was he supposed to tell if it was okay? “You’re not used to being asked for your opinion, are you?” the bassist asked with a soft tone, noticing his confusion. He shook his head.
Khai wasn’t particularly tall, and as he sat on the sofa and sinking into the cushions he looked smaller than Oli. His features were sharp, jawline nose and brows contrasted with a softly rounded pair of brown eyes. He couldn’t place it exactly, but he recognised he must’ve been of some eastern descent.
“We’re gonna travel home tomorrow, anyway”
“Tomorrow we’re heading home, we don’t usually stay in the bus, it was just convenient today because of the studio” Oliver never even considered that they weren’t living out of this apartment on wheels. It was a great relief. Still, he didn’t know how to reply. He let himself wonder, going back to his old home, his room, his bed and how he would never spend a night there again. 
“Shit, are you okay?” Khai looked uncomfortable, suddenly sitting up straight. He didn’t notice the teardrop that strayed from his eye and ran down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away, but it was way too late. The bassist would hate him even more now that he has to deal with his emotional outburst. He should not have let that happen.
“I’m sorry” he whispered.
“What for?” It was the other’s turn to be confused.
“For being here” he finally said it and felt a huge weight lifting from his shoulders. He was especially sorry to Khai.
“What- No. You’re fine, you had no say in it” he shot up and walked over to Oliver, who flinched away from the sudden proximity “Do you think I’m angry with you?” the drummer asked with genuine surprise.
“Yes” he didn’t dare move as the boy sat down next to him.
“I’m angry with Diana, not you” he explained “I think keeping “pets” like you is cruel, that’s all” 
“It’s not” he disagreed vehemently. He was good and he loved his life, it wasn’t cruel when he was corrected for his mistakes, because he had to be good.
“How can you say that? You were rescued from somewhere, and I can’t promise it will be good for you here”
“It wasn’t bad I- I was taken away from my home, and they called it ‘rescuing’ me” He sniffled, this time his tears were flowing freely. He couldn’t disagree with the second part of the sentence, though it’s only been a day, he felt in his gut that they would not be like his family was. Khai was taken aback, he couldn’t offer any words of consolation, he just sat next Oliver letting him cry.
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writerman · 6 months
This was for an old writing prompt which I totally forgot about and I am responding to now!
Sorry for the wait, friend. -----
The shriek down the phone had Garrett pulling the device from his ear jerking back as though he could escape the unholy sound coming from the speaker.
Yes, he was half expecting such a reaction but still, it did surprise him. He'd had no idea Aro would feel so intensely about such a general thing but here he was being completely wrong, yet again.
After he was sure Aro wouldn't yell again, he placed the phone back to his ear and sighed heavily all the while looking down at the barbering scissors lying in the bathroom sink with a lot of strands of hair curled innocently on the white porcelain.
Cutting his hair was not a big deal... or at least until this phone call, that was what he had so naively assumed.
"When you see it it will be fine, it was just getting too long, that's all." It was strange that he sounded so unsure as he spoke, he knew he had cut his own hair. He had been there when he did it when he picked up the scissors and went snip snip!
"YOU DID WHAT?!" Aro cried down the phone, the noise in the background sounded like the frantic search for keys before an engine roared to life and the screech of tires on asphalt near drowned out his next words. "You cut your hair yourself?!" This man was wracked with an obscene amount of hysteria over a rather mundane act.
"Yeah, I do it all the time." Wrong thing to say, a dramatic sob was his only response before Aro's voice returned to him, though it was quiet almost timid and fearful.
"How short is it?" Obviously, the thought of Garrett cutting his own hair had conjured up images of buzzcuts which was as far from the truth as it could possibly be.
But this was all rather too much seeing as it wasn't even Aro's hair that had been trimmed and in any case, Garrett's sister Jill had been on Facetime with him the entire time so if he was going a bit too far she'd have mentioned it.
"I don't think you can really tell I even trimmed it, I might take a few more inches off." This was said more as an afterthought and more to himself, what it was not, was words of comfort to his fiance.
"Oh, I see, well I suppose I can have a look at it when I get home." The pace at which Aro's panic had subsided into nonchalance was honestly terrifying and judging by the sound of the engine he had slowed down the speed of his vehicle substantially.
"Hm, you can put your dreams of NASCAR behind you now that you're fine with my home haircut?" There was an unimpressed huff before the call disconnected.
Garrett grinned at his phone for a second before moving to tidy the bathroom sink. If there was one thing Aro hated more than home haircuts, which was news to Garrett, it was hair in the sink.
He didn't want to incur the wrath of his partner twice in one day so busied himself with that until Aro lurched through the front door because, of course, he had riled himself up into a panic once again on the drive home.
When he set eyes on Garrett's hair looking almost untouched just a tad bit shorter he looked relieved but did not comment on the haircut at all as he removed his coat and tossed his keys onto the kitchen counter.
"Well, any comment?" Garrett did a slow turn but when he faced Aro again he was greeted with a glower rather than relief or indifference.
"I got a speeding ticket because of you."
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runwayrunway · 11 months
Galley Gala No. 1 - Tibet Airlines
So I said I would start doing supplemental posts about cabin crew uniforms to go with their airlines, if any of them warranted comment. Well, here's one that does.
Although there's a very specific idea of what a "flight attendant" dresses like in popular consciousness, it's actually only true in a limited number of cases. It's a staple of Western full-service carriers but it's by no means ubiquitous, and plenty of airlines have something which doesn't even slightly resemble this. One of the variants is some airlines which have their cabin crew wear a variant of a culturally significant clothing style in order to reflect the airline's background and identity.
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image: gototibet.com
Tibet Airlines's cabin crew wear outfits of gorgeous, vivid red and gold brocade. It's immediately recognizable and stylish and doesn't simply imitate what's considered 'default' for a European carrier.
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One thing worth noting is that clothing for cabin crew isn't as simple as just putting them in a traditional garment and calling it a day. Before anything else cabin crew are there to keep passengers safe and evacuate them in an emergency, and they work long hours in a physical job on a vehicle that could start shaking at any moment. This requires clothing to be practical, which means most traditional garments require modifications. (Can you imagine trying to go down an evacuation slide wearing kimono, for example? Or even just standing up in turbulence?)
In the case of Tibet Airlines, this is very elegantly accomplished. The dress is shortened to knee-length, and the white undershirt has sleeves which cinch in above the elbow, allowing freedom of movement for both hands and feet. Although it initially looks like a belt (to me, at least) the gold waistband is in fact sewn into the garment, preventing it from catching on things. Aside from the single panel on the waist (which I would imagine is designed to be removed easily if caught) everything is designed in a way which keeps it out of the way during evacuations without compromising the aesthetic.
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Although the uniform's outerwear is Western-style coats, it retains the gorgeous bright red which is the most significant color of the uniform proper. By itself, the outerwear is also incredibly stylish, and while it does look different from the main uniform it's not to the degree where they look incongruous with each other.
In short, Tibet Airlines has one of my favorite cabin crew uniforms to go with their very nice rainbow planes. Their designers clearly know what they're doing, and I think that's worth applauding in an industry like this.
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mtg-card-of-the-day · 1 month
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Today's Date is May 2nd, 2024 and today's card is Arcee, Sharpshooter//Arcee, Acrobatic Coupe!
[ID; (Arcee, Sharpshooter) This card depicts a pink and white feminine robot [autobot] named Arcee. She has long white legs with pink kneecaps and pink feet with grey ankles. Where her groin would be there's a pink arrow angular piece of metal (codpiece? idk if that's right?) She has a white boxy waist with a piece jutting out that include some grey ridged cylinder in the front, and a boxy pink chest attached with no breasts. She has spherical pink shoulders with white upper arms and pink forearms with white hands attached. On her back is an almost triangular set of wings? possibly? (they don't look very winged but that's the closest comparison that sit vertically aligned to her back. Her head is white with a dorky lookin white helmet/maybe hair?
She is mid leap into the air shooting lasers from her blaster [right hand] at a deep blue and black robot with red eyes and a bigger, chunkier blaster. In her left hand she's holding what appears to be a smoking energy sword. In the background there's a modern brown building with some tinted looking windows and lots of pink laser fire around. Next to the brown building There's a murky green building with tinted blue windows with a white border on each. In some parts of the background you can see smoke likely caused by the laser fire.
She is a White and Red Legendary Artifact Creature that cost 1 uncolored mana, 1 White mana, and 1 Red mana. Her subtype is Robot and she is a mythic rare.
Her rules text reads "More Than Meets The Eye 1 Red 1 White (You may cast this card converted for 1 Red 1 White)
First strike
1 uncolored, Remove one or more +1/+1 counters from Arcee: It deals that much damage to target creature. Convert Arcee."
Arcee's Strength is 2 and her Toughness is also 2.
Her artist is Volta Creation and her print year is 2022. She's from the set Transformers which released in The Brothers' War set & collector boosters. End ID; (Arcee, Sharpshooter).
ID; (Arcee, Acrobatic Coupe) This card depicts a pink and white slim car with two doors and no ceiling. In front of the driver's and passenger seats there's a window to offer some protection from the elements. On the very tip of the car there's a small, dark grey vent possibly for decoration. The doors of the car are dark grey and the wheels are black. This car is, once again, leaping high into the air above the road. Below it you can see a yellow pickup truck parked on the side of the road. Opposite to the truck there is a light grey sidewalk, and two buildings. One is the same light brown with tinted windows as before, the other is light grey with blue windows, interestingly different to the building in its place on the previous image.
Shes a Legendary Artifact with the Vehicle subtype.
Her rules text reads "Living metal (As long as it's your turn, this Vehicle is also a creature.)
Whenever you cast a spell that targets one or more creatures or Vehicles you own, put that many +1/+1 counters on Arcee. Convert Arcee.
Her artist is Volta Creation and her print year is 2022. She's from the set Transformers which released in The Brothers' War set and collector boosters. End ID; (Arcee, Acrobatic Coupe). Complete ID.]
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steampaul · 5 months
i've started a little series of weekly posts documenting every MoC i made (digitally) over the last few years:
Week 9: 2022
some old MoCs returning, lego art, 90th anniversary toa team, video game stuff and more Rock Raiders (yay)
this one will be the penultimate week.
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remember back in week 2 (2018) where i tested out the differences in rendering between stud.io 1 and 2? i tested out the mecabricks extention for Blender to render some digital bricks.
this took way too long to setup and render, so i decided to not use blender for rendering after that (escpecially after the win11 updated fucked with my graphics card)
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another mandalorian s2 set MoC. din djarins N1 starfighter, based on the last N1 set we had back in 2015. i think these proportions aren't good, but a bit better than the official set. (its still too big though)
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the Horizon: forbidden west set was also teased/revealed around that time, so i decided to make a diorama with just the watcher (and one with a corrupted one) that would be a bit more managable in both cost and size than the tallneck.
i still got the tallneck, becauce those robot dinos are cool as hell and i want to support video game based sets, even though i am a big supporter of the concept that LEGO should make more original themes instead of big and expensive licensed sets (like rivendell....)
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some greebles inspired by the ones on the Icons (formerly master builder) "theme" of sets, also my header image for tumblr.
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back in 2017 (week one) i made The Slugcat Portrait mosaic, and i decided in 2022 that i would remake it to be more in line with the way i would built with bricks at that time. i think i improved wuite a bit.
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i like the 90 years of play tahu, even if his design was considered to be controversial, so i decided to make the full 2001 set lineup for bionicle. i think they turned out pretty good, but i find it a bit annoying that the maccaroni piece does not exist in tan or medium blue (a dicontinued colour)
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anyone remeber Valley? the momentum-based FPS platformer? no? it wasn't really mind-blowing, but i still enjoyed the movement and flow of the game. i also always wanted to try out the Legoland Miniland style of character building. this was the perfect opportunity to combine both of these things.
i think the proportions might be a bit off, but i still like this little desk friend
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someone asked me on twitter to send them the instructions for my marble machine MoC (as seen in week 7), but i didn't want to give them such and outdated build, so i re-designed it to be more up to date.
they ended up giving me about 14 $ for these instructions, which made me pretty happy.
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i tried to make a micro-scale version of the exo-force set 7701 Grand Titan. i really dislike the way this one turned out.
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Lego Ideas had yet another contest. this one was about designing a poster for the then new 21334 Jazz Quartet. i called this one "Golden Sounds" and it is the first mosaic-type MoC that i made where i first sketched it out to kinda figure out how i wanted it to look.
i like the way this one turned out, but i think i should've built it in such a way that the colours in the background wouldn't be as dim.
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remember last week when i said i wanted to make more Rock raiders MoCs? turns out i did. a lot too.
this VTOL-style transport vehicle was kinda inspired by those industrial transport helicopters and was supposed to be some sort of reimagining of 4980 tunnel transport. i think it's a bit too clunky and a bit too skinny at the same time. not my favourite.
also there's a modular open container (is that what they're called?) that can be fixed under the vehicle. (as well as the room container that you'll see next)
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Modular bases are so cool you guys. this one is inspired by 4990 Rock Raiders HQ and those big old moving platforms Nasa uses. it could be controlled with a motor, has a removable cockpit (with an access hatch) and the platform has a lot of room for modules. like the crystal refinery, the room container, the high platforms, the crane and the crane attachment holder.
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here are a few variants for the room container: an artifact storage with workbench, a small break room and a laboratory. i like those and i might do more in some time in the future. idk yet.
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my take on the rock monsters. some crystal infested/energized Fauna.
first some bipedal designs (the left one is a modded version of a deviant form an eternals sets) that could be more agressive carnivore types.
in the middle are some quadrupedal guys that could be a bit less agressive and even friendly. Left is a modded version of my SCP 860 creature from week 4 (which was based on either an legendary beast from Chima or a dragon from elves) and the right one is a recolour from the fluffy-tailed Hog from my satisfactory series from week 3
and lastly, some insectoid designs, a kind of beetly creature and two ants, one of them with wings. these could be some sort of neutral (like in minecraft) swarm that might be a problem for buildings and cocky miners.
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this is probably my favourite of my Rock Raiders Builds from 2022. it's 4920 rapid rider built with modern pieces that has been overtaken by the energy crytals. it can be fully freed from crystal and reassebled, which is nice.
we'll see another rapid rider next week...
first week last week final week
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kingmabry · 10 months
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Sri Krishnaprem, formerly Prof. Ronald Nixon from England, taught literature at Benaras and Lucknow universities before he became a Vaishnavite sannyasi. He lived in Almora in the Yashoda Mai’s ashram. The story of his visit to Tiruvannamalai in 1948 is as told by his friend Dilip Kumar Roy.
He entered the room where the Maharshi was reclining and sat down among the devotees to meditate. As soon as he did so, he heard a voice saying over and over again, Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? He tried to ignore it but eventually, he replied mentally, “I am Krishna’s servant.” The voice still went on to ask, “Who was Krishna?” He answered, “Nanda’s son. He is an avatar, the one-in-all, the resident in every heart.”
Next morning, when he sat down in the hall with other devotees, the Maharshi gave him a lightning glance and smiled at him. He closed his eyes. Then on a sudden impulse, he found himself silently asking the Maharshi, “Who are you?” When something made him open his eyes, he found that the Maharshi’s couch was empty. He closed his eyes again, but in a moment he opened them. The Maharshi who was reclining in his usual place gave him a fleeting smile and a meaningful glance.
V. Ganesan in his book Moments Remembered records:
Sri Krishnaprem would always carry a shoulder bag in which he kept in a glass-case the images of Radha and Krishna. Only while going to bed would he remove the bag from his shoulder. He was a staunch Vaishnavite. He once quoted ‘Sarvam Vasudevamayam jagat’ (Everything is pervaded by Lord Vasudeva, i.e., Krishna) and asked Bhagavan, “Is not this the highest ideal?”
Bhagavan nodded his head in agreement and said, “Yes, Yes! It is an exalted state of Consciousness. Yet, who is it that thinks that all that is perceived is Vasudeva? Is it not you, yourself? While seeing the earth, trees and plants as Vasudeva, don’t you wish to see yourself as He? If you who see everything as Vasudeva, learn to see yourself as Vasudeva you will become Vasudeva Himself. If he who sees is transformed into Vasudeva, then that which is seen automatically becomes Vasudeva! Acharya Sankara’s drishtim jnanamayeem kritva (infuse perception with jnana) is simply this.”
Balarama Reddy in his book My Reminiscences records:
One evening, Srikrishnaprem was asked to sing bhajans before Bhagavan. About seventy-five devotees had gathered to hear him sing. He sang with deep, genuine devotion, even pronouncing the words with an Indian accent. All were moved by his renditions. Bhagavan later commented, “Here is one Westerner who embodies the intensity and devotion of a true Indian bhakta.”
- Face to Face
Selections from Krishna Prem’s Writings
Commentary on verses from the great Hindu scripture, The Bhagavad Gita
All beings follow their own natures. The Atman is the impartial Witness of all; good and evil are but empty words and the fight against the latter is in vain. What shall restraint avail since actions flow inevitably from the workings of Nature, and the Soul is but the passive witness of the phantom show?
The Atman, the One Self, is forever free in Its own being; Its apparent bondage comes only from self-identification with Its lower vehicles, the mirrors in which Its Light is reflected.
The only way to tread the Path, in reality, is by the knowledge of Krishna, of the Atman which is present as the unseen background of every action, of the smallest as of the greatest, of the action that sends the pen across this page as of the action that hurls a million men into battle. Just as nothing can move except within the framework of space, so nothing can take place except with the Light of the Atman, which yet is no more entangled in the actions than space is entangled in the movement of objects, and therefore Krishna says that those who know Him are freed from the bonds of action.
Pride implies duality, and all duality must be rooted out forever. Therefore the disciple is reminded that it is not as a personal refuge from the sorrows and pains of life that he must enter the fortress. Brahman is One and the same in all.
True concentration comes when the disciple is able to surrender himself to, and identify himself with, the Atman, that Self which is present as the unchanging Witness of every thought and of every sensation. It is only when this is achieved that the mind of the yogi becomes steady “like a lamp in a windless place.”
- https://www.innerdirections.org/krishna-prem/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krishna_Prem
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imageclippingpath · 11 months
Looking for a car photo editing service that can help you sell your car faster?
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We offer a wide range of car photo editing services, including:
Background removal Color correction Image enhancement Vehicle modification Shadow and reflection removal And more!
Our team of experienced photo editors can help you make your car look its best, so you can sell it faster and for more money. We work quickly and efficiently, and we always deliver high-quality results.
We offer a free quote for all of our services. To get started, simply upload your photos to our website or send us an email. We'll get back to you with a quote within 24 hours.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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A UFO somehow ended up in an official U.S. Intelligence Agency logo
NIM-A was one of the government groups that last year wrote a highly anticipated UFO report.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/01/2022 - 21:34
The flying saucer is visible next to a Russian fighter, a drone and other aircraft in the logo.
The flying saucer is visible next to a Russian fighter, a drone and other aircraft in the logo.
A U.S. intelligence agency, the National Intelligence Manager for Aviation (NIM-A), recently published an attractive new logo on its website that included a UFO on it. There also seemed to be a second logo adorned with slightly different UFOs further down on the web page and used as a background image.
The U.S. intelligence agency removed one of the ironic (or two) logos from its website after the news that it included a flying saucer. Until early Tuesday morning, the website of the National Intelligence Manager for Aviation (NIM-A), which advises the head of U.S. intelligence on aviation issues, briefly displayed a logo that included a Turkish drone, a Russian fighter and ... A UFO.
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The recent as soon as it was removed from the air.
Since then, the agency has removed the logo and hardly mentioned that its reach includes all threats to aviation - presumably including possible ETs.
The logo, shown above, shows five "aircraft" flying over the Western Hemisphere. The first aircraft on the right is what appears to be a civil aircraft. The next ship, on the right, is scarlet red and appears to be a Sukhoi Su-57 "Felon", Russia's first fifth-generation fighter.
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The third ship in blue looks like a hypersonic glider vehicle. The fourth spacecraft, with a double tail connected to the rear and a suggestion of a thrust propeller behind the fuselage, looks like a Bayraktar TB-2 drone - the type used with great success by Ukraine while fighting to kill Russian invaders.
The fifth ship, presumably hovering somewhere over the Eastern Pacific, is clearly an unidentified flying object, or what the Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence community also call unexplained aerial phenomena ??( UAP) and, more recently, unidentified aerospace-submarine phenomena. The object resembles a classic flying saucer, with watchmen presumably for little green men to see outside.
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The mission of NIM-A is to "identify, analyze and integrate intelligence about threats and vulnerabilities in the Air Domain". The office's website identifies threats such as terrorism (which would explain the civil jet), hypersonic weapons, unmanned aerial systems and, presumably, threats from military aircraft. This wide spectrum of threats, from terrorism to high-intensity war, is represented in the logo.
And so we got to the UFO. The Pentagon has paid increasing attention to possible UFOs in recent years, after encounters between naval aviators flying fighters and strange flying ships were reported on the east and west coast of the United States. Navy surface ships also reported separate meetings with drone-like UAPs on the southern coast of California. NIM-A was also partially responsible for preparing the 2021 report of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Preliminary Evaluation: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.
It is not clear how long the logo was on the NIM-A website, but it was at 5:51 a.m. ET on September 25, as documented by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. A few hours after going viral on social media, the logo was removed from the site sometime between 2:02 am and 4:14 am ET on September 27.
Not only that, but if you look closely, you will see variations in the logos used ?? on the old page. The logo below the "Executive Director's Message", the background image and the logo at the bottom of the page are all the same, but different from the logo used in the banner at the top of the page. Minor but notable differences between the logos include the UFO, the stars and the outline of the continents.
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A second slightly different logo appeared below the 'Message to the Executive Director' on the old page.
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The background image of the old page also featured the variation of the logo, with visible differences for the UFO, stars and continents.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which NIM-A advises on threats to aviation, told The War Zone blog: "NIM Aviation mistakenly posted an unofficial and incorrect logo". For now, the UFO logo has been replaced by the oldest logo of the National Air Intelligence Integration Office, the former name of NIM-A, which changed its name in 2016. It's hard to see how they were posted by accident. The flying saucer is prominent and difficult to lose.
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The old agency logo.
The swarm of UAP sightings by the military in the last 12 years is unprecedented, as far as we know. While some of the UAPs appear to be drones operated by humans, others demonstrate flight characteristics that seemed to contradict existing aerial technology, including drones.
The official inclusion of a flying saucer in a government agency logo may have contributed considerably to ending the "laughter factor" often involved in the investigation of UFO sightings - or may have contributed to it.
Source: Popular Mechanics
Tags: Military AviationUFO - Unidentified Flying ObjectUAP - unidentified aerial phenomena - unidentified aerial phenomenon
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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clippingpathteam013 · 2 years
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Are you looking for a professional Photo Editing Service? Then I am here to fulfill your all kind of demand very professionally. We would love to discuss your product Design requirements and partner with you. on your upcoming projects.
Our services
Clipping path
Background remove
Image Manipulation
Ghost Mannequin
Image Masking
Photo Retouching
Shadow Creation
Color Correction
Photo Restoration
Photo Blending Service
Real Estate Photo Editing
Jewelry photo Editing
E-Commerce Photo Editing Vehicles Image Editing
Regards.. Ifrat Jahan
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thrifty-lovely · 8 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Harley Davidson 4” Vinyl Matte Silver 2 Skull Decal, car, motorcycle NEW Set/2.
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highwayhyundai · 16 days
How to Stage and Photograph Your Car for Sale?
Selling your car can be an exciting but sometimes daunting task. You want to present your vehicle in the best light possible to attract potential buyers. One of the most crucial aspects of the selling process is staging and photographing your car.
A well-staged and photographed car can significantly increase its appeal and help you sell car Newcastle faster. Here's how you can do it:
Clean and Declutter
Before you even think about taking photos, it's essential to give your car a thorough cleaning. Remove any clutter, trash, and personal items from the interior. Wipe down surfaces, vacuum the floors and seats, and clean the windows inside and out.
A clean car not only looks better in photos but also gives the impression that it has been well-maintained, which can be a big selling point for potential buyers.
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Choose the Right Location and Lighting
When it comes to staging your car for photos, location and lighting are key. Ideally, you want to photograph your car in a well-lit area with minimal distractions in the background. Natural light is best, so consider taking photos outdoors on a bright day.
Avoid shooting in direct sunlight, as it can create harsh shadows and glare. Instead, look for a shaded area or wait for a cloudy day when the light is softer and more diffused.
Highlight Key Features
When photographing your car, it's essential to highlight its key features and selling points. Take close-up shots of any unique or desirable features, such as alloy wheels, a sunroof, or leather seats. Capture multiple angles, including front, back, sides, and interior shots.
Be sure to include shots of the engine bay and trunk as well. Sell car by showcasing its best features in your photos.
Use the Right Equipment
While you don't need professional-grade equipment to take good photos of your car, using the right tools can make a big difference in the quality of your images. A digital camera or smartphone with a high-resolution camera is sufficient for most purposes.
Consider investing in a tripod to keep your shots steady and blur-free, especially if you're shooting in low-light conditions.
Pay Attention to Detail
When staging your car for photos, pay attention to the details. Make sure all exterior surfaces are clean and free of dirt, dust, and water spots. Check for any scratches, dents, or other imperfections that might detract from the appearance of your car in photos.
Consider using a wax or polish to give your car's paint job an extra shine. Don't forget to clean the wheels and tires as well.
Edit and Enhance
Once you've taken your photos, it's time to edit and enhance them to make them look their best. Use photo editing software or apps to adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation levels as needed.
Crop the images to remove any unnecessary background clutter and ensure that your car is the focal point of the photos. Avoid over-editing, as this can make your photos look unnatural. Aim for clean, polished images that accurately represent your car.
By following these tips for staging and photographing your car, you can sell car Newcastle quickly and get the best possible price. Remember to highlight your car's key features, use the right equipment, and pay attention to detail.
With attractive, well-presented photos, you'll attract more potential buyers and increase your chances of a successful sale.
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zenclip07 · 1 month
Discover the Power of Action Camera Flashlight
Are you ready to explore the world through a new lens? Action Camera Flashlight brings a whole new dimension to your photography experience. With its versatile features and compact design, it's the perfect companion for capturing life's most thrilling moments. From adrenaline-pumping adventures to serene landscapes, this innovative tool is your gateway to stunning visuals.
Unleash Your Creativity with Photo Printing Software
Printing your memories has never been easier with Photo Printing Software. Transform your digital photographs into tangible keepsakes with just a few clicks. Whether you're creating a personalized photo album or decorating your living space with canvas prints, this software offers endless possibilities. Say goodbye to dull snapshots and hello to vibrant prints that truly stand out.
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Spice Up Your Shots with Unique Couple Photography Ideas
Looking to add a touch of romance to your photography sessions? Explore a myriad of Couple Photography Ideas to capture the love and connection between partners. From candid moments to creative poses, there are countless ways to showcase the bond between two individuals. Whether you're a professional photographer or a hobbyist, these ideas will inspire you to create memorable images that tug at the heartstrings.
Navigate the World of Professional Headshot Pricing
Investing in a professional headshot is essential for making a lasting impression in today's competitive world. But how much should you expect to pay for this service? Professional Headshot Pricing can vary depending on factors such as location, photographer experience, and package inclusions. By understanding the market rates and what to look for in a quality headshot, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your budget and goals.
Capture Cherished Moments with Family Photography Ideas
Family photography is all about preserving cherished moments and creating lasting memories. Whether you're capturing candid shots at home or planning a themed photo shoot, Family Photography Ideas can help you document your loved ones' milestones in a creative and meaningful way. From playful activities to heartfelt interactions, there's no shortage of inspiration when it comes to celebrating family bonds through photography.
Explore the Features of Nikon Coolpix P530
The Nikon Coolpix P530 is a versatile camera that combines ease of use with powerful performance. With its 42x optical zoom lens and advanced shooting modes, it's the perfect tool for capturing everything from close-up portraits to distant landscapes. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced photographer, the Coolpix P530 offers intuitive controls and stunning image quality that will take your photography to new heights.
Get a Glimpse of Luxury with the World's Most Expensive Car
What does luxury on wheels look like? Step into the world of the Most Expensive Car and experience automotive opulence like never before. From sleek designs to cutting-edge technology, these elite vehicles redefine the meaning of extravagance. Whether you're a car enthusiast or simply curious about the heights of luxury, exploring the world's most expensive cars is sure to leave you in awe.
Elevate Your Online Store with Ecommerce Product Photo Editing
In the competitive world of e-commerce, captivating product images are essential for attracting customers and driving sales. Ecommerce Product Photo Editing allows you to enhance your product photos, making them more visually appealing and enticing to potential buyers. From background removal to color correction, these editing techniques can transform ordinary product images into eye-catching visual assets that command attention.
Master the Art of Inverting Colors in Photoshop
Unlock the creative potential of Photoshop by mastering the art of Inverting Colors. This simple yet powerful technique allows you to reverse the colors in an image, resulting in striking and unconventional visuals. Whether you're a graphic designer, photographer, or digital artist, learning how to invert colors in Photoshop opens up a world of creative possibilities and allows you to explore new avenues of expression.
Learn from Professional Headshot Examples
Looking for inspiration for your next headshot session? Look no further than Professional Headshot Examples. Explore a curated collection of stunning portraits that showcase the diversity and artistry of professional headshot photography. From corporate executives to aspiring actors, these examples highlight different styles, poses, and lighting techniques that can elevate your own headshot game.
Master the Art of Undoing in Photoshop
Mistakes happen, but in the world of Photoshop, there's always a way to undo them. Whether you're new to the software or a seasoned pro, mastering the art of Undoing in Photoshop is essential for maintaining control over your creative process. From simple keyboard shortcuts to advanced history states, understanding how to undo and redo actions allows you to experiment freely and achieve the desired results with confidence.
Conclusion: Embrace the World of Photography and Editing
Photography is more than just capturing moments – it's about telling stories, evoking emotions, and unleashing creativity. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an amateur enthusiast, the world of photography and editing offers endless opportunities for exploration and growth. From innovative tools like Action Camera Flashlight to essential techniques like Inverting Colors in Photoshop, there's always something new to discover and master. So grab your camera, unleash your imagination, and let your creativity soar.
Remember, the journey of a thousand photographs begins with a single click. Are you ready to embark on your photographic adventure?
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carphotoeditinglab · 2 months
Get The Best Car Photo Editing & Retouching Services
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In today's digital age, where online presence plays a pivotal role in business success, captivating imagery has become more important than ever. Whether you're a car dealership, automotive photographer, or a passionate car enthusiast looking to showcase your collection, the quality of your car photos can make or break your online presence. This is where professional car photo editing and retouching services come into play.
From enhancing colors and correcting lighting to removing imperfections and adding creative effects, car photo editing services can transform ordinary images into extraordinary masterpieces that leave a lasting impression on your audience. But with a plethora of editing services available, how do you choose the best one for your needs? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of car photo editing and retouching services, exploring everything you need to know to make informed decisions.
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Understanding Car Photo Editing & Retouching
Before diving into the realm of car photo editing services, it's essential to understand what they entail. Car photo editing involves enhancing and refining images to make them visually appealing while staying true to the essence of the vehicle. This process typically includes:
Color Correction: Adjusting color balance, saturation, and contrast to ensure accurate and vibrant representation of the vehicle.
Background Removal: Removing distractions or unwanted elements from the background to focus the viewer's attention on the car.
Lighting Adjustment: Balancing exposure, highlights, and shadows to create a well-lit and dynamic image.
Object Removal: Eliminating blemishes, scratches, or other imperfections on the car's surface for a flawless appearance.
Creative Enhancements: Adding special effects, reflections, or customizations to enhance the visual appeal of the image.
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Popular Car Photo Editing Services
Several reputable companies specialize in car photo editing and retouching services, catering to a wide range of clients. Here are some popular options to consider:
Clipping Path India: Known for its high-quality editing services, Clipping Path India offers comprehensive car photo editing solutions, including background removal, color correction, and retouching.
Car Photo Editing Service: Photron provides professional car photo editing services tailored to automotive photographers, dealerships, and enthusiasts. Their team of skilled editors ensures flawless results and quick turnaround times.
Car Pics Editing: With a focus on automotive imagery, Car Pics Editing offers specialized editing services for car dealerships, photographers, and enthusiasts. From basic retouching to advanced creative enhancements, they cover a wide range of editing needs.
AutoFX WA: AutoFX WA specializes in automotive photo editing and retouching, providing customized solutions for car dealerships, photographers, and automotive enthusiasts. Their team of experienced editors ensures top-notch results that meet client expectations.
BoxBrownie.com: BoxBrownie.com offers a range of editing services, including car photo editing, virtual staging, and floor plan redraws. Their easy-to-use platform and quick turnaround times make them a popular choice among real estate professionals and automotive photographers alike.
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Benefits of Professional Car Photo Editing Services
Investing in professional car photo editing services offers numerous benefits that can elevate your automotive imagery to new heights:
Enhanced Visual Appeal: Professionally edited photos stand out from the crowd with their polished and captivating look, grabbing the viewer's attention instantly.
Brand Consistency: Maintaining a consistent style and quality across your car images helps reinforce your brand identity and credibility.
Increased Sales: High-quality images have been proven to boost sales and conversions by creating a positive impression and instilling confidence in potential buyers.
Time and Cost Savings: Outsourcing your car image also saves you valuable time and money. It is a hidden technique for e-commerce businesses.
Versatility: Professional editors can tailor their services to meet your specific needs, whether you require basic retouching or intricate creative enhancements.
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Choosing the Right Car Photo Editing Service
With a myriad of car photo editing services available, it's crucial to choose the right one that aligns with your goals and budget. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a service provider:
Portfolio and Expertise: Review the provider's portfolio to assess the quality and style of their work. Look for experience in automotive photography and editing to ensure they understand the unique requirements of car imagery.
Editing Techniques: Inquire about the editing techniques and software used by the service provider to ensure they employ industry-standard practices and tools.
Turnaround Time: Determine the turnaround time for editing projects to ensure timely delivery of your images, especially if you have strict deadlines.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the service provider's reputation and customer satisfaction.
Communication and Support: Choose a provider that offers responsive communication and excellent customer support to address any concerns or revisions promptly.
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In a highly competitive market, captivating imagery is essential for success in the automotive industry. Professional car photo editing and retouching services offer a cost-effective solution to elevate your automotive imagery and make a lasting impression on your audience. By choosing the right service provider and harnessing the power of expert editing techniques, you can showcase your vehicles in the best possible light, driving sales and enhancing your brand image in the process. Whether you're a car dealership, photographer, or enthusiast, investing in professional editing services is a smart move that can take your automotive imagery to the next level.
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rolyslug · 2 months
welcome to my blog for transparent pictures. my main is @rolybug
i like to erase the backgrounds on images, so i wanted to make a blog to neatly collect them all in one place as i make them. i'm not the best at it but i want to get more practice :)
i'd love to remove the background on a picture for you, but please read the rest of this post before sending a request.
some helpful info before requesting
to send a request, please send me the image you want to be turned transparent. i highly prefer that it's a picture you took yourself or have the source of provided. in the case of images of objects it's also helpful if they're placed against a background color that's much different from the main color of the object, since i can use the color select tool to help me out, but it isn't necessary.
editing unsourced pictures isn't out of the question as i understand sources can be difficult or impossible to find sometimes, but they won't be prioritized. please specify in your ask whether this is your own picture or someone else's
if you want to be anonymous, you can request that i don't directly post your ask or instead take a screenshot with your username cropped out. the image itself will be publicly posted unless you request a private response
types of pictures i will edit for you:
-objects, vehicles, stuffed animals and the like
-screenshots from games (depends somewhat on the readability of the sc, also please tell me what the game is!)
-pets (they must be your own pets or the pets of someone you know personally who has consented to their images being shared)
-wild animals (context dependent- i will ignore requests that involve wild animals being kept as pets, for example)
-plants (might be difficult but i'm willing to give it a shot lol)
types of pictures i will not edit:
-overly blurry pictures, and any picture where it's difficult to tell what's happening or what the focus of the picture is
-nsfw or suggestive
-anything containing hateful/bigoted content. kinda obvious but i figured i should mention it anyway
-drawings/paintings, whether digital or traditional (game screenshots are an exception to this)
-real people, including actors portraying characters. just not comfortable with it sorry
that's all for now! i may add more here later but the post is getting pretty long as is
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jonathaneric1 · 2 months
Who Is The Best Automotive Photographer?
In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey to uncover the qualities that define excellence in automotive photography and explore the pivotal role of Car Image Editing Services and specialized techniques like Silo Path Editing Services in achieving outstanding results.
Understanding Excellence in Automotive Photography
Excellence in automotive photography encompasses a blend of technical expertise, artistic vision, and a deep understanding of automotive aesthetics. The best automotive photographers possess a keen eye for composition, lighting, and perspective, allowing them to capture vehicles in ways that evoke emotion, tell stories, and showcase their unique features and characteristics. Whether it's capturing the sleek lines of a sports car, the rugged terrain of an off-road vehicle, or the elegance of a luxury sedan, automotive photographers must master the art of visual storytelling to create captivating imagery that resonates with viewers.
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Qualities of the Best Automotive Photographer
Technical Proficiency: The best automotive photographers demonstrate mastery of photography techniques, including exposure, lighting, and composition. They understand how to leverage natural and artificial light to highlight the contours and details of vehicles, creating images that are both visually striking and technically flawless.
Creativity and Innovation: Exceptional automotive photographers possess a creative vision that sets them apart from their peers. They are not afraid to experiment with angles, perspectives, and post-processing techniques to push the boundaries of traditional automotive photography and create imagery that is both memorable and distinctive.
Attention to Detail: From the gleam of polished chrome to the reflections in glossy paintwork, the best automotive photographers pay meticulous attention to detail. They understand that it's the little things that make a big difference in automotive photography, and they strive for perfection in every aspect of their work.
Adaptability and Versatility: The automotive photography landscape is diverse, encompassing everything from studio shoots and commercial assignments to on-location shoots and editorial spreads. The best automotive photographers are adaptable and versatile, able to excel in a variety of settings and conditions, regardless of the challenges they may encounter.
The Role of Car Image Editing Services
Behind every stunning automotive photograph lies a team of skilled professionals who specialize in Car Image Editing Services. These services play a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal and professionalism of automotive imagery, ensuring that each photo meets the highest standards of excellence. From color correction and exposure adjustments to background removal and composite editing, Car Image Editing Services employs advanced techniques and specialized tools to transform raw images into polished works of art.
Leveraging Silo Path Editing Services for Precision
Within the realm of Car Image Editing Services, techniques like Silo Path Editing play a pivotal role in achieving precision and accuracy. Silo Path Editing involves creating precise selections around vehicles and their components using vector-based paths. By meticulously tracing the contours of cars, wheels, and other elements, editors can isolate them from their backgrounds with unparalleled accuracy, allowing for seamless manipulation, adjustment, or replacement while maintaining the integrity of the subject and surrounding elements.
The Search for the Best Automotive Photographer
When searching for the best automotive photographer, there are several factors to automobile Photo Editing Service consider:
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Portfolio and Body of Work: Reviewing a photographer's portfolio and body of work is essential to gauge their style, creativity, and technical proficiency. Look for photographers whose work resonates with your aesthetic preferences and showcases a diverse range of automotive subjects and settings.
Client Testimonials and Reviews: Client testimonials and reviews provide valuable insights into a photographer's professionalism, reliability, and the quality of their work. Take the time to read reviews from past clients to ensure that the photographer has a track record of delivering exceptional results and providing excellent customer service.
Industry Recognition and Awards: Awards and industry recognition can serve as indicators of a photographer's talent and expertise. Look for photographers who have been recognized by reputable organizations and publications within the automotive photography community, as this can attest to their skill and credibility.
Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration are essential for a successful photography project. Choose a photographer who listens to your needs, communicates clearly, and collaborates with you to bring your vision to life, ensuring a positive and productive experience from start to finish.
In conclusion, the quest to find the best automotive photographer is a journey fueled by creativity, expertise, and a passion for excellence. Whether it's capturing the sleek lines of a supercar, the rugged terrain of an off-road vehicle, or the elegance of a classic automobile, the best automotive photographers possess a unique blend of technical proficiency, artistic vision, and attention to detail. By leveraging specialized services like Car Image Editing Services and advanced techniques like Silo Path Editing, they elevate their imagery to new heights, creating captivating photographs that leave a lasting impression. As you embark on your search for the best automotive photographer, keep in mind the qualities that define excellence and the role that specialized services play in achieving outstanding results. With the right photographer and a collaborative approach, you can bring your automotive vision to life with stunning imagery that captivates and inspires.
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