#vel generators
gloriousmonsters · 7 months
velvette and valentino absolutely both have their own money, in excess, but will ask vox to buy them things partly because they like being spoiled and partly because they know vox is (secretly, he thinks) delighted by playing the exasperated guy who can be cajoled into buying you something just this once, but you'd better not try the puppy eyes and kisses again next time, it won't work! (it continues to work, always.) it makes him feel very masculine
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syn0vial · 29 days
some snapshots of boba fett being a socially anxious mess in legacy of the force
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facing some of the galaxy's most ruthless and hardened killers in combat? no problem 👌 having a heartfelt conversation in a room with friends and family? RUN!! 🏃🏃
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"am i allowed to call my best friend by his first name when we're at his house? if i get the answer wrong, it is equivalent to me stepping on a landmine and exploding btw"
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the thought of having anything like a family or social circle is terrifying to him. loneliness is a much more familiar and thus comfortable experience.
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this is a sad one. trying to interact with other people in a way that isn't predicated on violence (whether for or to them) feels so alien and daunting to fett that he feels like he's incapable of it. (it's also one of the many moments in which fett is an unreliable narrator of his own character development bc what do you think you've been doing for the past three books, idiot)
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and finally, one of the (several) moments in the series that implies he usually relies on beviin and/or medrit to handle daunting social interactions for him :`) he's very lucky to have them!
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lilydoesdrawsometimes · 9 months
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Is this just a Thierry fan page? ....
I refuse to answer that question
A-a-nnyways - pathetic wet cat of a man
Thierry belongs to @vellichorom (if you somehow didn't know)
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 6 months
Love how Vox and Velvette seem to alternate between portraying themselves as the ‘head’ of their little trio, with Velvette referring to herself as “the backbone of the Vees” and Vox plastering his logo over everything and vehemently denying Alastor's insinuation that he couldn't go on without the other two.
And meanwhile, like… Hells entire cinematic industry seems to mostly centre around porn.
Like, I'm sure there are other films out there (Blitzø has apparently seen Shrek) but the “cinephiles” are all off watching “award winning demon bukkake shows”. And I'd be very surprised if the internet porn industry wasn't also pretty big.
Outside the main three Vees, Angel Dust appears to be the figure most associated with their brand. Not any of Velvette's models or Vox's stars. And posters of Angel appear in the Lust Ring in Ozzies, implying that Val's influence extends outside Pride, something that doesn't seem to be the case for the other Vees.
And the whole reason Vox had to hire Sir Pentious to spy on the hotel is because Val hires so many people that all the randos on the street who might be looking for a quick buck were already working for him. Given how sex-obsessed the culture is generally (and considering that for every pornstar Val hires, he's also going to need several camera people, sound people, set designers, editors, etc.) Val could easily qualify as the biggest employer in Pride.
And if he owns even a fraction of those souls, he'd probably be one of the most powerful Overlords with or without the other two backing him up.
And that's not even getting into the age thing!
All the Media Demons seem to be loosely associated with the era when their chosen form of media got popular.
Vel is the social media demon, and one of the youngest Overlords, seeming to have died in the '10s. Vox is the TV demon and supposedly died in the 1950s. Alastor is the Radio Demon and died in the 1930s.
Photographic porn first became a big thing in the late 1800s. Val's style of dress to me loosely indicates 1910s or 1920s. If we're sticking with the established pattern then Valentino could well be older than Alastor.
What I'm saying is: the reason Valentino seems so much less concerned with the image and branding of the Vees compared to the other two might not just be him being dumb and impulsive.
From his perspective, the whole Vee thing might just be something his boyfriend and best friend are invested in, that he just kinda puts up with (and, heck, probably finances) because it makes them happy and gets him out of Overlord meetings.
Out of the three of them, Val may actually be the one who would be most able to go it alone, and the one who is the main source of their power. Possibly the only reason Vox and Vel even get to argue over who is the top dog in the group is because the actual top dog is too busy with his real business to give much of a shit about their fun side project.
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How I think different Andor characters would do in a Saw trap
Cassian: the kind of guy to waste 80% of the given time yelling for help and trying to struggle/seduce his way out. but he’d definetly lock in, and become the most efficient trap solver in the galaxy at the last five minutes, survives
Luthen: space john kramer bails him out about halfway through because he likes the cut of his jib. they become grandpa friends, and play chess and complain together every weekend
Syril: spends 80% of his time paralyzed with fear. tries to saw off his limbs, amputates the wrong one and somehow dies in a way completely unrelated to the Saw trap with more than half an hour left on the timer
Cinta: tries to lubricate her bindings with blood. bites the bullet and saws off her own leg when it becomes apparent that won’t work. regrows it by the end of the week
Bix: headbanging and thrashing throughout the entire ordeal and probably after as well, probably survives covered in blood and vicsera (hers of otherwise)
Brasso: never put in a Saw trap
Mon Mothma: dies after trying to negotiate with Jigsaw through a prerecorded message
Nemik: you guys aren’t going to like me for this one but his ass is not surviving. he’s maybe 120 pounds soaking wet even if he manages to saw off an arm the blood loss gets him before he leaves the room
Skeen: accepts it. this might as well happen, not the worst situation he’s ever been in
Vel: tries to preform the surgery but her hands are so shaky at the beginning she accidentally severs a major artery. 50% chance she locks in Cassian style and escapes, 50% chance that her nerves make it impossible to do anything
Dedra: if her trap requires cutting someone else open she passes with flying colors, and is declining jigsaw’s apprenticeship offer within the hour. if her head’s on the chopping block she starts crying and sobbing
do you guys have any idea how hard it is to make these original when the entire show hinges on all the characters being pragmatic
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
Thorn here: manipulative Vox, Vel@Val dead au
Just Alastor's reaction to seeing his muse, seeing Vox's actual face--then smelling his blood, seeing Vox down an arm and all the other wounds on Vox's torso. How furious Alastor becomes--Vox is his, after all.
Yes, he allows his precious muse to have fun with the moth and doll, but this? This was wasn't allowed to happen. If those two couldn't protect Vox then obviously Alastor needed to keep a better eye on his beloved.
Poor Vox has no idea what he's started when he came up with this plan, lol.
wait okay so i actually laughed at this in the beginning because i was like 'ahaha get doted on idiot' when i saw the alastor keeping a close eye on vox part but now that im thinking it over. the mention of the vees specifically and how he let vox 'have fun' with them...... is he gonna fucking spear them for not protecting vox or something
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andorshitdaily · 3 months
Wandor Wednesday Wars #7 - Round One
What are the rules? Whatever you want, it's literally just drinking.
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Another ad for my Etsy! I write personalised digital letters (emails) from a range of characters. Most of my listings right now are Star Wars and Moon Knight but I have two for TMA and one for Bucky Barnes. More will be coming soon if my sales start up again!
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vellichorsdesire · 6 months
I DO have a question ...
SORRY I SAW THIS LATE ALMOST 19H LATEER. WHAAT THANK YOU…. agsjahjdhddjh i don’t know where this came from
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drawnecromancy · 1 year
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Random sillies from snooping around in the goblin camp. Veldren does flirt as a hobby so they're having a lot of fun with Astarion so far.
Bonus under the cut :
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Shadowheart and Lae'zel don't agree on many things except the fact that these two are So Fucking Tiring because they're Like That all the fucking time.
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kala-mies · 9 months
God thinking about Fated again and like MAN. The characters were so good and loveable it's really a shame that they were in a campaign that wasn't ran very well.
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constable · 3 months
[[semi-plotted starter for @sixthweyoun
Vel developed slowly. For nearly three years, they existed as a small blob, experiencing the emotions and curiosity any baby did, only imitating anything for a few minutes at a time, and not with much coherence. It took another several years for them to pick up on the notion of language, as a part of telepathic communication. They had been in Odo and Weyoun's care for over a decade when they first made themself a complete humanoid form. There was an extra tail, and a couple missing fingers, but it was very clearly a bipedal form. One based on Vorta if the coloring was any indication. They toddled their way to Weyoun, unused to moving like that, then they took his hand in theirs to express their pride and excitement, closely followed by their hopeful curiosity about his reaction.
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undermostcorgi · 7 months
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kind of a dilf. reblog
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chipthekeeper · 1 year
Fiiiiiiiinally getting my library somewhat organized
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lesbians-4-shivroy · 2 years
I finished Andor today and i have some...thoughts. Here's a basic rundown:
Thank you for taking this time to listen to me 🙏
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grimgrinnrs · 7 months
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...Do I dare commit to the meme...
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