bernard-the-rabbit · 1 year
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"It has grown too fast this love of ours. If by calling you I could say you 'goodbye', I would call you" gf vs "And you've arrived, you looked at me and then everything changed for me. You have bursted in my heart suddenly" bf
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PRIMA PAGINA La Repubblica di Oggi lunedì, 02 settembre 2024
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spiritsoulandbody · 11 months
#DailyDevotion Start Your Day With This Psalm For A Good Attitude
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#DailyDevotion Start Your Day With This Psalm For A Good Attitude Psalm 95 Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD; let us shout happily to the Rock Who saves us. 2Let us come before Him with praise and shout happily to Him with psalms. 3The LORD is a great God, the great King above all gods. Psalm 95 is used in Matins and Morning Prayer called the Venite (let us come). It is good first thing in the morning to come before the LORD and invite others to do so for worship. We have begun a new day that the LORD has made and He has brought us forth into it. We should look forward to the day with the LORD and sing joyfully to Him. Jesus is the Rock, the LORD, who has saved us. He has brought us into His heavenly kingdom by His grace and mercy. He has given us life today to spread that kingdom far and wide, wherever our feet take us. Starting off the day with hymns, songs and psalms of praise will set our hearts, minds and souls in a good and right place. If you are kind of a sour person in the morning, which carries into the rest of the day, it may be a good practice for you to start off your day with this psalm. Verse three, if we take it to heart will direct our day with this great principle of living: there is a God and you aren't Him. I'm dead serious here. We spoil our day and the lives around us with an attitude that we are God and everything depends on us and what we do. When we recognize the LORD Jesus Christ is the great God, the King above all gods, our lives get simpler and what others do seems less drastic. We realize we are not in control of most everything including ourselves. It is Jesus who is responsible for everyone and everything. He is God. You are not. 4In His hand are the deep places of the earth; the mountain peaks are His; 5the sea is His — He made it, and His hands formed the dry land. 6Come, let us worship and bow down and kneel before the LORD Who made us. 7He is our God; we're the people of His pasture, the flock of His hand. As assurance that He is God and you are not, we have creation itself as a witness to this. He made everything by His word. From what He made He formed us from the dust of the earth. We are His flock, His people. Let Him be your God to whom you look to receive all good things from. Today, hear if you will, His voice: 8“Don't get stubborn as at Meribah, as on that day at Massah in the wilderness, 9where your fathers tested Me and tried Me out, although they had seen what I could do. 10For 40 years I was disgusted with those people; I said, 'They're a people whose hearts are going astray; they haven't learned My ways.' 11So in My anger I took a solemn oath: They will never come to My place of rest!" Don't grumble against the LORD as the Israelites did in the wilderness. Sure, bring your complaints and your need to Him trusting He wants to help and will help you. The Israelites grumbled because they did not trust the LORD to take care of them. Grumbling is an act of unbelief. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Because they did not believe, they did not enter His place of rest. They did not enter the Promised Land. Jesus is our Sabbath, our rest from our works. All who put their faith in Him as their great God and LORD for this life and the next enter His rest even now in our hearts, minds and souls. We trust He is taking care of us and will take care of us. He then will bring us into His eternal kingdom on the Last Day where we will live in peace on His pasture as His people, His faithful flock. Heavenly Father, grant us faith to believe Jesus is our great God and King who takes care of us so we may rest in Him and in Him find peace and receive from Your hand every good and perfect gift. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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spettriedemoni · 5 months
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Il mare di maggio ha colori intensi, luci delicate e brezze dolci.
Il mare di maggio si sveglia presto anche se è domenica mattina.
Il mare di maggio nella mia città porta tante persone a camminare sulla spiaggia, a correre, a passeggiare in bici, a prendere il sole.
Oppure ti puoi mettere semplicemente lì sulla battigia a guardare l’orizzonte e a respirare a pieni polmoni.
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ahopefulbromantic · 21 days
I was studying for my finals these past few days and I did not expect this cameo in Howard Brown's Music in the Renaissance:
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(you don't need the English version but if you do it's under the cut along with the transcript)
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[Image ID: 1. An image of a page from a book with a highlighted sentence saying: "St. Francis of Assisi wrote laude as early as the thirteenth century, and they were sung by the numerous penitential fraternities of the fourteenth century." 2. Under it a second image, a meme using "the world is a cruel and unjust place" template. The meme replaces "world" with "sesja" (Polish for "finals"). The second part of the meme goes "OMG św. Franciszek!!! (Polish for St. Francis)" with a painting of St Francis on the right side ./. End ID]
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cryptidsncurios · 5 months
@cursedfortune sent: "You’re a whore and that makes me sad." The witch drawled as she entered the office, reading off one of the pieces of mail she had received since joining as his advisor--consultant, whatever the term was this era. At least she wasn't referring to him as a whore? Crumbling up the paper she dropped it into the trash, "And this one? He proclaimed his undying fidelity and asked me to do the same. I had to overcome my desire to laugh." Into the trash it went before she handed Kimbley his own stack. "Hopefully your letters are just as amusing."
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Kimbley was fully aware that she was reading off lines from her “fanmail” as she entered, for he had heard similar, quite inappropriate sentiments directed towards her before---human men that simply did not know how to behave.
His thinking was that if one was going to insult or entice someone with their words, at least be creative in those efforts.
“Alas, the mortal glass ceiling has yet again proven a hindrance to you and a boon for myself,” Kimbley commented, rather dispassionately, taking the first envelope off the top and---with a letter-opener of such ornate quality that it would do the most gloriously gaudy blades to shame---tearing it open with one graceful motion. Amicable correspondence, professional penmanship, etcetera---the following one much the same, then the next.
“I can hardly understand such trivialities as gender---truly, what does it matter?” and with that, he tossed all of the letters onto his desk in a worthless heap to be properly disposed-of---so many meaningless, verbose meanderings that, when watered down, were simply humans dying to kiss his feet. (And they would, literally, quite soon.)
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“In the end, everyone is made up of the same meat.”
Then, golden eyes shifting to the trash can into which Miss Mortem had tossed her offensive refuse, “I request the use of the shredder, dear---we needn’t give any ideas to dumpster-divers desperately in search of a smear campaign.”
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mihai-florescu · 7 months
Every day i cant wait to see my roommate and every day i dont have anything to say. Tonight i started pretending im a bug going stiff and dying
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juliusnovachrono · 8 months
lord help me the whiplash i get from changing posting style going between the tumblr sanremo tag and the reddit megathread
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gustingirl · 2 years
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jikimo-world · 18 days
Voi non capite ma “Balla per me” di Tiziano Ferro e Jovanotti è così Italy brothers codificata che mi sembra illegale
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if you don’t mind me asking what are your fave musicals if you have any? any language is fine
im not big on musicals so i only know the big ones and ive basically loved them all..... off the top of my head my faves are notre dame de paris (italian version), le rouge et le noir opéra rock, jesus christ superstar (in all its versions), sweeney todd, 1789 les amants de la bastille, six the musical, and the early starkids productions + the guy who didnt like musicals. bonus: aggiungi un posto a tavola (that i think did wonders for every italian who later developed a priest kink)
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2-1b · 2 months
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2:30am un domingo no hay problema pa
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spettriedemoni · 4 months
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Campanile e campanilismo.
Stasera era bello in tutto il suo candore.
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buscandoelparaiso · 3 months
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il vate non ne sbaglia una
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der-papero · 2 years
Ok, inizialmente doveva essere una rottura di coglioni ...
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(sì, lo so, devo farmi capelli e barba, ma giorno 22 vado con Ilaria sulle giostre quindi devo posticipare il taglio).
Ad ogni modo, volevo fare pelo e contropelo al capo e invece questo che fa? Mi promuove a livello T4 (che secondo la nomenclatura aziendale sarebbe un pelo sotto la dirigenza, che è T5) con tanti bei cicilli in più.
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Onestamente non me lo aspettavo, ma insomma sì, m'ann scassat 'u cazz abbastanza, quindi me lo merito. E niente, l'ho dovuto perdonare.
Riuscirò mai ad incazzarmi davvero con qualcuno? Boh.
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mihai-florescu · 11 months
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Omg eats them. Eu am să îți ofer
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Ou de Paşte
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