#verin wolfe
cinlat · 8 months
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The Wolfe siblings have a type....
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dingoat · 6 months
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"And I'm enough."
Ahaaaha so happy that it gets to be @cinlat 's lovely Fynta being smooch-attacked by Cormac and Verin for this one, also super fun drawing some swtor OCs that are also bg3 OCs at the same time.
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iviarellereads · 5 months
The Great Hunt, Chapter 28 - A New Thread in the Pattern
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Wolf icon) In which we get one of the gentlest infodumps.
PERSPECTIVE: Perrin is nervous as they approach the Kinslayer's Dagger mountains. Mat is getting paler, despite Verin's attentions. Ingtar asks Perrin again, quietly, to tell him what the wolves said. Perrin's already told him ten times, but Ingtar insists.
“Someone—or something—attacked the Darkfriends in the night and killed those Trollocs we found.” His stomach no longer lurched at that. Ravens and vultures were messy feeders. “The wolves call him—or it—Shadowkiller; I think it was a man, but they wouldn’t go close enough to see clearly. They are not afraid of this Shadowkiller; awe is more like it.(1) They say the Trollocs now follow Shadowkiller. And they say Fain is with them”—even after so long the remembered smell of Fain, the feel of the man, made his mouth twist—“so the rest of the Darkfriends must be, too.”
Ingtar worries that Shadowkiller might be some other deadlier kind of Shadowspawn, but Perrin dismisses that. Wolves hate anything of the Dark, any creature like a Fade they'd want to destroy, not stand in awe of.
Uno approaches, saying there's an Aielman in the rocks. Ingtar is surprised to hear that, this far from the Wastes.(2) Uno says the man wanted to be seen or he wouldn't have been, and he's not veiled, so he's not intent on killing. Uno's not keeping his voice down, and Masema and some others make as if to charge at the Aielman, but Ingtar commands them to hold their places.
The man approaches, tall, skin dark from the sun and red hair, cut short but for a rattail in the back. He introduces himself as Urien, of the Two Spires sept of the Reyn Aiel, and a Red Shield. Perrin dismounts to approach with Ingtar, and Mat right behind him, whispering that he looks like Rand, maybe Ingtar was right that Rand's Aiel… Perrin adds that it doesn't change anything, and Mat agrees absently.
Ingtar greets Urien, saying they're both far from their homes, and the Shienaran party has come for other things than fighting.
“As you wish it, Shienaran.” Urien turned to Verin, just getting down off her horse, and made an odd bow, digging the points of his spears into the ground and extending his right hand, palm up. His voice became respectful. “Wise One, my water is yours.” Verin handed her reins to one of the soldiers. She studied the Aiel as she came closer. “Why do you call me that? Do you take me for an Aiel?” “No, Wise One. But you have the look of those who have made the journey to Rhuidean and survived. The years do not touch the Wise Ones in the same way as other women, or as they touch men.”(3) An excited look appeared on the Aes Sedai’s face, but Ingtar spoke impatiently. “We are following Darkfriends and Trollocs, Urien. Have you seen any sign of them?”
Urien's eyes brighten, and he says that one of their prophecies says that Trollocs leaving the Blight is a sign, that they'll leave the Three-fold Land and take back their places of old. There's intense muttering among the Shienarans.  Mat asks what the Three-fold Land is, and Urien says they call it the Waste, but to the Aiel, it's their home, a testing ground, to prove their worth, and a punishment for their sin, a sin so long gone that none remember.(4)
Verin steers the conversation back to her, and asks about Rhuidean. Urien says he cannot speak of it.
“I am not a Wise One as you know them, Urien,” she said insistently. “I am Aes Sedai. Tell me what you can say of Rhuidean.” The man who had been ready to face twenty men now looked as if he wished for an escape from this one plump woman with graying hair. “I . . . can tell you only what is known to all. Rhuidean lies in the lands of the Jenn Aiel, the thirteenth clan. I cannot speak of them except to name them. None may go there save women who wish to become Wise Ones, or men who wish to be clan chiefs. Perhaps the Jenn Aiel choose among them; I do not know. Many go; few return, and those are marked as what they are—Wise Ones, or clan chiefs. No more can I say, Aes Sedai. No more.”(5)
Urien asks if Verin intends to kill him, and she's surprised. What she wouldn't give to have him in the White Tower, or just willing to talk for an hour... No, she won't kill him. But why is he here? He could have hidden in the boulders indefinitely.
Urien says he's searching for someone... Picking his words carefully, he says he's looking for He Who Comes With The Dawn, there are signs and portents of his coming, and great events that might herald him. Verin is even more intense as she asks what the signs are. Urien says only that they're told they'll know him when they see him, and he'll be marked. He comes from the West, but will be of their blood. He will go to Rhuidean and lead them from the Three-fold Land. He draws the ancient Aes Sedai symbol and says that under that sign, he will conquer.(6)
Verin scrapes the mark away with her foot, and says she can't tell him where this man is, nor has she heard of any signs or portents to guide him. Urien says he'll continue his search, and waits for Verin to nod before he walks away smoothly and vanishes into the rocks.
Ingtar says they've wasted time and must ride harder to make it up. Verin agrees absently, still staring at the scuffed ground.
Mat leaned close to Perrin. “Do you . . . ? Do you think he was talking about Rand? It’s crazy, I know, but even Ingtar thinks he’s Aiel.” “I don’t know,” Perrin said. “Everything has been crazy since we got mixed up with Aes Sedai.” Softly, as to herself, Verin spoke, still staring at the ground. “It must be a part, and yet how? Does the Wheel of Time weave threads into the Pattern of which we know nothing? Or does the Dark One touch the Pattern again?”(7) Perrin felt a chill. Verin looked up at the soldiers removing their armor. “Hurry!” she commanded with more snap than Ingtar and Uno combined. “We must hurry!”
(1) The wolves know Rand for what he is. "Shadowkiller". An auspicious name! (2) Not THAT far. The Aiel War was waged here and further away, as far as Dragonmount near Tar Valon. If you look at the map, Kinslayer's Dagger is actually really close to the Waste. What an odd oversight. (3) So, the Aiel have magic women as well. (4) Surely someone remembers, or else how can you repent of it? (5) Marked how? Do you think we'll ever see this selection process at work? And why is he so afraid of Aes Sedai, when he's not afraid of a Wise One? (6) Three guesses who these prophecies are about, a mere two chapters after Thom told Rand about the Prophecies of the Dragon. And the ancient symbol, the same one that's on the seals. (7) Which part do you think is puzzling her?
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encyclopediacr · 1 year
Happy Mother's Day—at least, in the US! To commemorate the day, here's a small selection of articles about characters who are mothers in Exandria:
Birdie Calloway, mother of Fearne Calloway
Deanna Leimert, mother of Marney
Deirta Thelyss, mother of Essek and Verin Thelyss
Devana Vessar, mother of Velora Vessar and stepmother of Vax'ildan and Vex'ahlia
Elaina, mother of Vax'ildan and Vex'ahlia
Hag Mother, ancestor of all other hags
Liliana Temult, mother of Imogen Temult
Marion Lavorre, mother of Jester Lavorre
Melora, the Wildmother
Quana and Leylas Kryn, mothers of Caelestis Kryn
Pike Trickfoot, mother of Juniper and Wilhand'ildan and stepmother of Kaylie
Una Ermendrud, mother of Caleb Widogast
Veth Brenatto, mother of Luc Brenatto
Vex'ahlia de Rolo, mother of Vesper Elaina, Wolfe, Leona, Vax'ildan, and Gwendolyn de Rolo
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markantonys · 1 year
episode 5 thoughts!
heartbroken by no mat, but i was expecting it since min wasn't credited for this episode on imdb, and there was so much other amazing stuff going on, so i can cope. i do think they must be gearing up for a mat-heavy episode soon because his content has been so sparse thus far! we also didn't have lan this episode, which i'm good with since he got so much last week.
(minor imdb casting spoiler: ayoola isn't listed for ep6, so i'm guessing we may have no perrin next week. they definitely do have a lot of different groups to juggle! but IF mat & lan soon join the cairhien crew, we could condense things)
also sad at not much elayne, but again, the remaining episodes will probably be pretty big for her! same with egwene, that storyline didn't progress as fast as i'd thought it would in this episode, but OOF the preview for next week looks like A Lot!!
back to the beginning! falme looks SO COOL!!! and the opening scene with the seanchan was fantastic, it showed off so many different aspects of their culture in just a few minutes (namely their various Ceremonial Things and ideas of who's allowed to speak to whom)
lanfear just whispering "bitch" the second she revives killed me djkfjg what an icon. and we get confirmation that it is indeed the True Power that she used to revive herself.
Lanfear Unleashed is SO much fun oh my god, i love seeing her in full forsaken mode
moiraine telling rand that he can't sleep because lanfear will get him, girl don't tell him that he's going to internalize it and not sleep for the next 6 seasons. this season is really Wheel Of Time Origins: Rand's Various Emotional, Mental, and Physical Health Problems
elyas saying the ef5 aren't perrin's pack HOW DARE!!! i feel like they're making elyas even more standoffish/human-averse than he was in the books, which makes for an interesting dynamic and contributes to perrin's sense that his human & wolf sides can't coexist.
but hopper follows perrin!!!! the goodest boy!!!!!
AVIENDHA IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S EVERYTHING!!!!! although ngl her fake accent does sound a bit Fake to me lmao but i'm sure i'll get used to it after a few more scenes
hot dain bornhald is also here! he kinda compels me and i'm furious about it. if whitecloak why hot? in all seriousness, i can see already from his intro episode + the basics of his book story that he has the potential to be quite an interesting character if fleshed out more and given more screentime compared to what he had in the books, sort of a liandrin-and-alanna-like Main Secondary Whitecloak for us to follow
also he totally wants to fuck perrin you can't change my mind. buying him drinks and giving him a Cute Nickname, boy you ain't subtle! and then aviendha briefly hits on perrin later and also perrin stops her from killing dain. wake up babe, insane new WOT polycule just dropped djkfjfg
OB!!!! FREAKING!!!! SESSED!!!!!!!! with verin's detective subplot!!!! it is SO much fun, it delivers a ton of great exposition (namely about the black ajah), and it gives us a bigger peek into the brown ajah than the books ever did. i love this squad!! also katie leung was probably my first Girl Crush (not that i was aware of it) when i was like 8 so i was thrilled to see her show up here, god bless
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, IT GAVE US CONFIRMATION THAT GAWYN EXISTS IN SHOWVERSE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH when i tell you i came extremely close both to screaming and to falling off my bed!!!! i'd been hoping for a gawyn namedrop all season but having it here was SO unexpected! my current theory is that he'll be introduced in caemlyn next season along with elaida and galad, and all 3 of them will head to tar valon to look for elayne because they're worried after not hearing from her for a long time.
also now i want a fic where the wondergirls actually do get special permission from mommy morgase to leave the tower just so that they can attend gawyn's birthday party
anyway, someday gawyn and egwene are going to kiss with tongue onscreen and haters can die mad about it <3 oooh now i have a brand-new meetcute for them to look forward to since they didn't meet at the tower!
liandrin & nynaeve's convo in the ways was so good! they continue to do amazing work with that relationship and liandrin's character. AND WHEN SHE SUBTLY FREED THE GIRLS RIGHT BEFORE LEAVING HOLY SHIT i gasped!!!!! the LAYERS they have given this character!!! because yes she serves the dark BUT she still feels loyalty to her sisters (as seen in s1 too when she appeared genuinely upset over kerene's death) and can't stomach the thought of any of them, even the light-serving ones, being collared!
suroth saying with her whole chest "oh sure you're a forsaken but you're not even of the blood soooooo" god grant me her confidence. also another great illustration of the insane heights to which seanchan high blood take their superiority complexes. good god, what's tuon gonna be like?!
avi's fight scene was just as amazing as i'd been hoping and expecting!! 10/10 no notes. can't wait to see what she can do when she has weapons at her disposal!
and later avi tells us that she is out in the wetlands Looking For Her Man (that she doesn't yet know is Her Man) <33
moiraine saying "get rand some nice new clothes" and barthanes immediately offering to dress him, Sugar Baby Rand lives on! also, anvaere and barthanes definitely thought rand was moiraine's sugar baby after they cleared the warder possibility, you can't change my mind
also also, barthanes is so surprisingly sweet! i wonder if he'll still be a darkfriend, or if anvaere will be instead
lanfear making ishy dream about caressing rand's face in bed is something i will go insane thinking about every day until i die. like oh my god i don't even know where to START with unpacking that, so i won't even try djfkjg
like for real, they ALL BUT made it explicitly canon that ishy had/has a crush on LTT/rand LMAO it's what we deserve
and we get forsaken namedrops! moghedien, graendal, and "the boys." it could be that semirhage did still make it and lanfear just chose not to go on and on listing every single one (slash the writers wanted to give themselves some leeway in specifically naming forsaken in case they don't get enough seasons to deal with all of them), or it could be that one of the statues from last season was actually a man and/or stepin's statues aren't accurate, and we've got 5 men instead of 4 (in which case i'd imagine ishy, asmodean, sammael, demandred, and rahvin)
i'm gonna have to watch this ishy & lanfear scene again to pick up more because i was FAR too distracted by the initial homoeroticism to keep focusing lmao
aww i'm kinda sad not to get elayne & nynaeve hiding out in falme completely on their own, but for their sakes it's nice they've found (been found by) some Real Adults to help!
LANFEAR'S OUTFIT IN THE END SCENE LMAO this season really just went off the WALLS with horniness and kinkiness, and i am here for it. it's what rj would've wanted
now that moiraine and rand are indeed staying in cairhien after all, i really think we might get a cauthor reunion next episode!!!! fingers crossed!!!!
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butterflydm · 1 year
wheel of time s2!! 2x1-2x3: first impressions
Just watched the first three episodes and jotting down my thoughts before I finally remove my filters and read other people's thoughts. <3
I'm sure I missed a bunch, but I'll be rewatch the next couple of days.
There will be mild book spoilers in the sense that I'll talk about differences and pacing and whatnot, but only through book 2, The Great Hunt.
Okay, okay okay okay. I was surprised by so many things, even with the teasers and trailers!
I just feel so hyped and thrilled and I hope that everyone else loved that as much as I did, wow.
I don't even know where to start!
I was NOT expecting the Seanchan to be introduced so quickly! Holy shit! Uno is DEAD! And in such a nasty way. That was such a bold introduction to the Seanchan. And now Perrin is split off on his own with Elyas and the wolves. I loved the talk that he and Ishamael had and it really set up a reason for Perrin to worry about the wolf inside him too.
My girl Elayne! She was very sweet. I'm looking forward to her getting to know Nynaeve in the upcoming episodes. I am sorry for @markantonys's sake that we still have not heard anything about her brothers, though!
Egwene and Nynaeve getting very different Tower experience overall. Liandrin taking Nynaeve under her wing seemed... sincere? We still don't entirely know her situation.
Nynaeve's journeys through the arches made me cry! I'm just... it was a lot, I feel very emotional.
@markantonys was right that they made Verin and Adelas sisters and it worked really well. That whole plotline with them and Moiraine and Lan was very interesting and surprising. So Moiraine has the info about Toman Head.
Mat's plotline! Mat and Min being captives together, except that Min is working for Liandrin (on a promise to be left along by Aes Sedai? Moiraine's methods backfiring on her) so Liandrin's eyes are on Mat even though she's pretending to let him leave. I am fascinated by this plotline (is she going to lead him to Falme? is she going to lead him to Cairhien?) I also wonder if part of the reason she's willing to betray him is due to that viewing she had of Mat stabbing Rand (which was, again, fascinating!). Mat almost talking to Egwene was heartbreaking, thanks!
And my boy Rand!!!! He's trying to find his own mentors (first Errol with learning sword forms and then trying to get Logain to teach him). And everything that Selene said was just... amazingly double-sided. Being with you helps me remember the man I was in love with indeed, lol! (also, um, given that that last sex scene with Selene was a dream of Rand's, apparently he kinda wants someone to call him 'my lord' during sex so, that's interesting -- also, dream!Rand had Selene's number better than awake!Rand)
I love that we got to see the EF5 being connected in their hearts even when they were separated from each other.
Oh, man, I'm just so overwhelmed. Will definitely be doing a deeper dive on all these episodes this weekend!
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notanichan · 6 months
otome masterlist
Warning: May have spoilers.
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🌕 - Routes I have finished. 🌑 - Routes I need to finish. 🌗 - Routes I have started but not finished. 🌟 - Games I have finished. 🕒 - Games' Developers/Publishers
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-> Mystic Destinies : Serendipity Of Aeons 🌟
🌕 Shou Hatori 🌕 Shinji Hirayama 🌕 Takumi Arai 🌕 Tatsuya Yukimura 🌕 Hikaru Kazama
-> Amnesia : Memories 🌟
🌕 Toma 🌕 Ikki 🌕 Shin 🌕 Kent 🌕 Ukyo
-> Nightshade 🌟
🌕 Kuroyuki 🌕 Gekkamaru 🌕 Goemon 🌕 Chojiro 🌕 Hanzo
-> Seduce Me
🌕 Sam 🌕 Damien 🌕 Matthew 🌕 Erik 🌕 James 🌑 Suzu 🌑 Naomi 🌕 Andrew 🌕 Diana
-> Seduce Me 2 - The Demon War
🌕 Sam 🌕 Matthew 🌕 Erik 🌑 James 🌑 Damien 🌑 Diana
-> Demon Crashers
🌕 Kael 🌕 Orias 🌕 Akki 🌑 Mirari
-> The Men Of Yoshiwara: Kikuya
🌕 Hayabusa 🌕 Takao 🌑 Kagura 🌕 Kagerou 🌕 Iroha 🌗 Iroha 2nd Season 🌑 Tokiwa
-> The Men Of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya 🌟
🌕 Ageha 🌕 Utsusemi 🌕 Takigawa 🌕 Gakuto 🌕 Asagiri
-> Seven Boys 2 🌟
🌕 Vincent 🌕 Randle 🌕 Bevis 🌕 Kevin 🌕 Aaron 🌕 Clement 🌕 Rock 🌕 Julian
-> Soulset 🌟
🌕 Yvonne 🌕 Shira 🌕 Apris 🌕 Verin 🌕 Shirr 🌕 Marco 🌕 Feathor 🌕 'Secret'
-> Hustle Cat
🌕 Reese 🌑 Finley 🌑 Hayes 🌑 Landry 🌑 Mason 🌑 'Secret'
-> This World Unknown
🌕 Asa 🌗 Luca 🌑 Garett 🌑 Val
-> The Royal Trap: Confines Of The Crown
🌕 Callum 🌕 Oscar 🌗 Nazagi 🌑 Gaston
-> Let's Not Stay Friends
🌕 Frenz 🌕 Taf 🌑 Burain
-> Nameless: The One Thing You Must Recall
🌕 Red 🌕 Lance 🌕 Yuri 🌕 Tei 🌑 Yeonho 🌑 ???
-> Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds
🌕 Souji Okita 🌑 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Hajime Saito 🌕 Heisuke Toudou 🌕 Sanosuke Harada 🌑 Shinpachi Nagakura 🌕 Keisuke Sanan 🌑 Susumu Yamazaki 🌕 Hachiro Iba 🌑 Kazue Souma 🌑 Ryouma Sakamoto 🌕 Chikage Kazama 🌑 Independant
-> Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms
🌕 Souji Okita 🌑 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Hajime Saito 🌕 Heisuke Toudou 🌕 Sanosuke Harada 🌑 Shinpachi Nagakura 🌕 Keisuke Sanan 🌑 Susumu Yamazaki 🌗 Hachiro Iba 🌑 Kazue Souma 🌑 Ryouma Sakamoto 🌕 Chikage Kazama
-> Re Alistair 🌟
🌕 Derek 🌕 Travis 🌕 Shiro
-> Backstage Pass
🌕 John 🌕 Benito 🌕 Adam 🌕 Matthew 🌑 Lloyd 🌑 Independant 🌑 Nicole 🌑 Alvin
-> Dream Daddy
🌕 Joseph 🌕 Robert 🌕 Craig 🌑 Mat 🌑 Brian 🌑 Hugo 🌑 Damien 🌑 Joseph Secret Ending
-> Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome
🌕 Saito Shinjou 🌑 Miki Hiraizumi
-> Monochrome Heaven 🌟
🌕 Kamishiro Akito 🌕 Kamishiro Asuka 🌕 Kamishiro Riku 🌕 Touma 🌕 Misaki Ryuuto
-> Dandelion: Wishes Brought To You 🌟
🌕 Jisoo 🌕 Jiwoo 🌕 Jihae 🌕 Jiyeon 🌕 Jieun 🌕 Wizard
-> Amplitude
Katy's Route 🌕 Jon 🌕 Ari 🌕 Simon and Bunny 🌕 ??? Jon's Route 🌑 Michelle 🌑 Katy 🌑 Liz 🌑 Luna 🌑 Grace 🌑 Eric
-> Cinderella Phenomenon
🌕 Rod 🌕 Karma 🌕 Fritz 🌕 Waltz 🌑 Rumpel
-> Home For The Heart
🌕 Joshua 🌑 Philippe
-> The Letter
🌕 Luke x Rebecca 🌕 Luke x Hannah 🌑 Luke x Marianne 🌕 Hannah x Zachary 🌑 Hannah x Marianne 🌕 Ashton x Rebecca 🌕 Ashton x Isabella
-> Crossroad
🌕 Wolf 🌕 Hunter 🌑 Fox 🌑 Wizard 🌑 Main Route
-> Night Class: A Vampire Story
🌕 Rowan 🌕 Aaron 🌑 Both? I think?
-> Miraclr
🌕 Lucifer 🌑 Michael 🌑 Gabriel 🌑 Uriel 🌑 Raphael
-> Heart No Kuni No Alice
🌗 Boris Airay 🌑 Peter White 🌑 Blood Dupre 🌑 Julius Monre 🌑 Twins 🌑 Ace 🌑 Elliot 🌑 Gowland 🌑 Vivaldi
-> 7'Scarlet 🌟
🌕 Isora Amari 🌕 Hino Kagatsuchi 🌕 Toa Kushinada 🌕 Sosuke Tatehira 🌕 Yuzuki Murakumo 🌕 True Route (Toa Kushinada) 🌕 Bonus Character Route (Hanate Yatsukami)
-> Steam Prison 🌟
🌕 Eltcreed 🌕 Ulrik 🌕 Adage 🌕 Ines 🌕 Yune 🌕 Grand Ending 🌕 Fin
-> Destiny's Princess
🌕 Sanada Yukimura - The Twin Brother 🌕 Takenada Hanbei - The Fiance 🌕 Fuma Kotaro - The Ninja Reinforcement 🌕 Oda Nobunaga - The Father 🌑 Date Masamune - The Commander
-> London Detective Mysteria
🌕 Holmes 🌗 Watson 🌑 Akechi 🌑 Jack 🌑 Lupin 🌑 Kobayashi 🌑 Baker Street Boys 🌑 Grand End
-> Psychedelica Of The Black Butterfly 🌟
🌕 Real World Ending 🌕 Bud Ending 🌕 Happy Ending 🌕 Bad Ending 🌕 Kagiha Ending 🌕 Hikage Ending 🌕 Yamato Ending 🌕 Monshiro Ending 🌕 Karasuba Ending 🌕 Karasuba Good Ending 🌕 Kazuya Ending 🌕 Yamato Good Ending
-> Red Embrace: Hollywood
🌕 Common 1 🌕 Common 2 🌕 Randal 1 🌑 Randal 2 🌑 Randal 3 🌕 Randal 4 🌑 Randal 4 (Leader) 🌕 Randal 5 (S.E.) 🌑 Heath 1 🌑 Heath 1 (Leader) 🌕 Heath 2 🌕 Heath 3 🌕 Heath 4 (S.E.) 🌑 Markus 1 🌑 Markus 1 (Leader) 🌑 Markus 2 🌕 Markus 3 🌕 Markus 4 (S.E.)
-> Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk 🌟
🌕 People 🌕 Heroes 🌕 Bad 🌕 Lord 🌕 Lavan 🌕 Heroine 🌕 Levi 🌕 Lugus 🌕 Hugh 🌕 Traveler 🌕 Links 🌕 Wolf
-> Dark Nights
🌗 Zeikun 🌑 Junoru 🌑 Sachiro 🌑 Kurato
-> Gods Of Love 🌟
🌕 Lysander 🌕 Helder 🌕 Exinious 🌕 Rhane
-> Re:Birthday Song 🌟
🌕 Yoru 🌕 Kairi 🌕 Syun 🌕 Ame 🌕 Nami
-> Ayakashi Gohan
🌕 Inushima Yomi 🌕 Serigano Manatsu 🌕 Hana Suou 🌕 Inushima Uta 🌗 Ibuki Haginosuke 🌑 Kimura Asagi
-> Bad Medicine ~Infectious Teachers~
🌗 Kuzuha Kakeru 🌑 Shido Kaname 🌑 Yanagi Ryota
-> Taisho x Alice I 🌟 🌕 Red Riding Hood 🌕 Cinderella
-> Taisho x Alice II 🌟 🌕 Gretel 🌕 Kaguya
-> Taisho x Alice III 🌟 🌕 Wizard 🌕 Snow White
-> Taisho x Alice Epilogue 🌟 🌕 Alice
-> Taisho x Alice Heads & Tails 🌑 Cinderella 🌑 Red Riding Hood 🌑 Kaguya 🌑 Gretel 🌑 Snow White 🌑 Wizard 🌑 Alice 🌕 Ryouishi
-> Ozmafia 🌕 Caramia 🌑 Kyrie 🌑 Axel 🌑 Scarlet 🌑 Caesar 🌑 Soh 🌑 Pashet 🌑 Robin Hood 🌑 Brothel 🌑 Hamelin
-> Fxxx Me Royally!! 🌑 Kaoru 🌑 Ryuusei
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
🕒 Cheritz
-> Mystic Messenger 🌟
🌕 Jumin [valentines confession|http://aminoapps.com/p/200ytad] 🌕 Yoosung 🌕 707 🌕 Zen 🌕 V 🌕 Ray 🌕 Jaehee
🕒 Voltage
-> Love 365
🌕 Yamato - My Forged Wedding 🌕 Yuma - Buter Until Midnight 🌕 Genji - In Your Arms Tonight 🌕 Sosuke - Finally In Love Again 🌕 Subaru - My Sweet Boyfriend 🌕 Eisuke - Kissed By The Baddest Bidder
🕒 Visual Wordplay
-> Locked Heart
🌗 Sol D'Lockes (Mama Bear) 🌑 Royal LeBlanc (Papa Bear) 🌑 Deon D'Lockes (Baby Bear)
🕒 Hunex Co. Ltd.
-> Ephemeral
🌕 Shiba The Werewolf (R) 🌗 Shiba The Werewolf (L) 🌑 Nagi The Invisible Man (R) 🌑 Nagi The Invisible Man (L) 🌕 Ray The Vampire (R) 🌗 Ray The Vampire (L) 🌕 Natsume The Mummy (R) 🌕 Natsume The Mummy (L)
-> On The QT 🌟
🌕 Hibiki 🌕 Keima 🌕 Akira
-> Ephemeral - Miniature Garden 🌟
🌕 Hisui 🌕 Rion 🌕 Yugu
-> My Lovey
(Secret Crush) 🌟 🌕 Soshi Kujo 🌕 Masaki Kirigaya 🌕 Kotaro Kurumi 🌕 Reo Takatsuki
(Fantasy Of The Mind) 🌟 🌕 Julius 🌕 Kay 🌕 Lucian 🌕 Diorca
(Shinobi Kakuran Musou) 🌗 Hayate 🌑 Mikage 🌑 Kugumo 🌑 Yukinojo
🕒 NTT Solmare Corp. Games
-> Story Jar
🌕 (Deluxe Ver. The Last Sacrifice | The Demon King's Desire) 🌕 (The Last Sacrifice | Forbidden Ties)
(The World Or You)
-> Ninja Love
🌕 Sasuke Sarutobi 🌑 Goemon Ishikawa 🌑 Saizo Kirigakure 🌑 Kotaro Fuma 🌑 Musashi Miyamoto 🌑 Munenori Yagyu 🌑 Rennoshin 🌑 Hanzo Hattori 🌑 Nobunaga Oda
-> Obey Me 🌟
🌕 Lucifer 🌕 Mammon 🌕 Leviathon 🌕 Satan 🌕 Asmodeus 🌕 Beelzebub 🌕 Belphegor
🕒 Hanabi Media Games
-> Love Magic 🌟
🌕 Minuet 🌕 Paris
-> Love Magic 2
🌕 Minuet 🌑 Paris
-> High School Love
🌕 Tetsuya 🌑 Naoki
-> Love Triangle 🌟
🌕 Tsukasa 🌕 Kazuya
-> Ghost Love Story
🌕 Kyle 🌑 Vincent
-> Vampire Love
🌑 Tom 🌕 Sam
🕒 Ciagram Co. ltd.
-> Princess Closet
🌕 Reo 🌑 Shuu 🌑 Kai 🌗 Akito
-> Nightmare Harem
🌕 Lucia 🌕 Kaim 🌕 Levy 🌕 Mikael 🌗 Noel 🌕 Ricardo 🌑 Mefy 🌑 Oswald 🌑 Lucas
-> Dateless Love 🌟
🌕 Soji Okita 🌕 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Shota Yuki 🌕 Yoshinobu Tokugawa 🌕 Akinara Aiya 🌕 Shinsaku Takasugi 🌕 Ryoma Sakamoto 🌕 Shuntaro Furutaka
🕒 Genius Inc.
-> My Twin Romance
🌗 Haru 🌑 Yuki 🌑 Both 🌑 Shizuki
🕒 Seec Inc.
-> Jimi-Kare My Quiet Boyfriend 🌟
🌕 Prince Ending 🌕 Arrogant Ending 🌕 Dark-Side Ending 🌕 Princess Ending
-> In Search Of Haru 🌟
🌕 Haruka 🌕 Takaharu 🌕 Bad Ending 🌕 Haruto
🕒 Day7
-> Miss Detective's Undercover
🌕 Sean 🌗 Jeremy 🌑 Walter 🌑 Mystic Thief
-> Love Signal: D-Mate
🌑 Simon Lane 🌑 Richard Upton 🌑 David Mason 🌗 P:Ure 🌕 Greg Odell 🌑 Tay Caden
-> Marked By King Bs 🌟
🌕 Ashton Griffin 🌕 Nicholas Rosada 🌕 William Kal 🌕 Zack Snyder 🌕 Joel Barret
-> Loved By King Bs
🌑 Ashton Griffin 🌑 Nicholas Rosada 🌗 William Kal 🌑 Zack Snyder 🌑 Joel Barret 🌑 Erick Blanche
-> Sleeping Delivery
🌗 Damian Kraus 🌕 Luke Morris 🌕 Julian Parker 🌑 Leo Reinhardt 🌑 Sebastian Weiss
-> Beauty Rental Shop
🌑 Toby Lowell 🌑 Lucian Vasilis 🌗 Soren Rayne 🌑 Kylar Xander
-> SECRET Fan Crush
🌑 Leon 🌑 Woobin 🌑 Haejin 🌑 Dohwon 🌑 Taehee 🌕 Parang Ki
-> Proposed by A Demon Lord
🌑 Penn 🌑 Hael 🌗 Laika 🌑 Riley 🌑 Vernius 🌑 Ren 🌑 Cornell 🌑 Isaac
🕒 Avocado Entertainment
-> Vampire Idol
🌑 Edgar 🌑 Kang Tae Jun 🌑 Ian 🌑 Lee Sun Woo 🌑 Baek Do Ha
🕒 DeareaD Inc.
-> Monster's First Love
🌗 Achille 🌑 Ibuki 🌑 King
🕒 StoryTaco.inc
-> Dangerous Fellows - Romantic Thrillers
🌕 Zion 🌕 Eugene 🌑 Lawrence 🌕 Harry 🌕 Ethan
-> Queen's Number - Jackpot is not my concern 🌟
🌕 Aaron 🌕 Freyr 🌕 Gon 🌕 Mo-wan
🕒 Nix Hydra
-> The Arcana : A Mystic Romance
🌗 Julian 🌗 Asra 🌑 Nadia 🌑 Lucio 🌑 Muriel 🌑 Portia
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
-> Storm Lover Kai!!
🌕 Kyosuke Mikoshiba 🌕 Yuto Uzuki 🌑 Mio Ikari 🌑 Rikka Toratani 🌑 Soya Tatsuhara 🌕 Takumi Mishiro 🌑 Tsukasa Sugai 🌑 Chihiro
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
-> Collar x Malice 🌟
🌕 Kei Okazaki 🌕 Mineo Enomoto 🌕 Takeru Sasazuka 🌕 Kageyuki Shiraishi 🌕 Aiji Yanagi
-> Code Realize ~Guardian Of Rebirth~ 🌟
🌕 Arsène Lupin 🌕 Abraham Van Helsing 🌕 Victor Frankenstein 🌕 Impey Barbicane 🌕 Saint-Germain
-> Piofore: Fated Memories
🌗 Nicola Francesca 🌕 Dante Falzone 🌑 Gilbert Redford 🌕 Yang 🌑 Orlok 🌑 Finale Route
-> Birushana 🌕 Noritsune Taira 🌕 Shungen 🌑 Benkai Mukashibo 🌕 Yoritomo Minamoto 🌕 Tomomori Taira
-> Cupid Parasite 🌑 Allan Melville 🌑 Raul Aconite 🌑 Gill Lovecraft 🌑 Shelby Snail 🌑 Ryuki Keisaiin -> Virche Evermore 🌟 🌕 Lucas  🌕 Mathis  🌕 Scien  🌕 Yves  🌕 Le Salut (Adolphe/Ankou)
-> Hana Awase New Moon Here I am considering each game as a single route. 🌕 Iroha Volume 🌕 Mizuchi Volume 🌑 Karakurenai/Utsutsu Volume 🌑 Himeutsugi Volume
-> even if TEMPEST 🌟 🌕 Crius Castlerock 🌕 Tyril I Lister 🌕 Zenn Sorfield 🌕 Lucien Neuschburn 🌕 Ish
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To Play 1. Olympic Soiree 2. Butterfly’s Poison; Blood Chains
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highladyluck · 1 year
Season 2, Episode 5 Liveblog
“Finished pouting?” Never. Suroth has never finished pouting in her life
Egwene says “These colors don’t run!”
I’m sorry but I laughed at Lanfear’s outfit
Grolm time! I love the Seanchan theme it’s so creepy
We have handtalk!
Ahahahahahaha damn they are really going for the Whitecloak and Rand parallels (uniting everyone under our banner to fight the shadow)
Interesting scarification(?) on Turak’s bald head- are they coding him as imperial family? I forgot what his canonical relationship to the throne was
It's manicure time for Suroth's coke nails
Oh hai, it’s our buddy Fain
I forgot that Turak knew the box code (as did book!Lanfear) and that reports of him having the Horn would have gone back to Seanchan
True Power is very useful here
Oh my god you have horse girl Moiraine killing horses (like that’ll stop Lanfear)
I like how she vaporized his head
Omg I love Lanfear’s utter disdain
Perrin is very mad right now, love to see it
“You can’t run from what you are” but the boys are all sure as hell are going to try lmao
Moiraine like ‘it’s time for very bad news, are you keeping moving? good good’
‘If they’re all released we’re doomed’ (Look I’m gonna tell you a secret, they kinda suck, you guys will probably do ok)
Hopper is like ‘I’m on babysitting duty, I have no choice’
I hope we get Gaul but I will take… holy shit that is a smoking hot Aviendha
Omg omg is that Dain Bornhald? ill-met by moonlight
Perrin’s like ‘I do not understand and I am now officially in jailbreak mode, please leave any friendly warnings with my wolf’
It’s not a coincidence that there are Aiel and Seanchan, it’s the plot lmao (also the apocalypse)
I love Lanfear talking to herself so so much! Eat that scenery, Lanfear! Eat it for the woman and the man who no longer can eat things because you sewed their mouth shut and popped their head like a pimple, respectively
Browns Browns Browns
In the Ways again…
Liandrin, are you gonna try to recruit Nyneave? Let me rephrase that. Do you think you will SUCCEED in recruiting Nyneave?
Huh, tying the oaths to Artur Hawkwing, I kinda like that
Nihilism, baby!!! Oh I love Nyneave so much
Suroth is not having a good day
“Finished pouting?” Never. Suroth has never finished pouting in her life
“And plunge the Empire into civil war?” 👀👀👀 It’s fine they have spares
Lmao Suroth in a power struggle with Ishy is very fun
If you keep calling the last battle early, no one is going to believe you when it really is the last battle, Ishy
“People shouldn’t be in cages” that’s a book line!
She is so hot help
Ooooh I love the Aiel theme
The music this season is so good!!!
Dain with his big axe and Perrin with his hammer
The camera on the battle scenes is characteristic by now- feels very ‘in it’
Lanfear like ‘ah my Tel'Aran'Rhiod propaganda is working’
Congrats Moiraine now everyone in your family thinks Rand is your boytoy
Queen Galldrian and baby boy Barthanes!
Verin is like ‘oh hi! Did you know you have massive problems? :D’
It’s important to cross-check
Verin introducing Compulsion
Liandrin I think you don’t have a ton of leg to stand on criticizing the system when you’re about to feed these girls into it
Awww look she gave Nyneave a fighting chance
Egwene says “These colors don’t run!”
Avi like ‘wow you don’t even know what toh is, hoo boy’
I like their carpet mantles
Lmao Elayne’s priorities “They’re occupiers!” vs Nyneave “who cares, we need to get the fuck out of here” al’Meara
Verin is Columboing her way through the usual suspects
Omg Moiraine is actually being honest as well as truthful
And her sister is honest back
Rand needs protection! And he needs you because you’re his magic mom who gives him complexes
UM [this is Ishy cuddling up to Rand]
Subtlety thy name is not Lanfear
HUH (re Moiraine desperation)
Because you’re King Nihilist
“The Boys” I disagree with Lanfear’s assessment of the girls (insane & vain/stupid) but she’s right about the boys, and it does set up the 'everyone in this office hates everyone else' vibes
See I told you, he’s King Nihilist
Booooooooooooo Mat’s not yours
Oh you have not seen anything yet re: breaking Rand
Oooooooooh Ishy prompted the omens for the Return?
Court of the Nine Moons mention! It's interesting having this be the first time we hear about it. Won't change things that much narratively unless certain other characters hear about it prior to the next season or so, though.
Oh man this is going to hurt
Collars and leashes confirmed
Moiraine is correct that Lanfear probably won’t hurt him physically. However, she can absolutely hurt him emotionally so I don't think he's gonna be, uh, safe
Hmmmmm I don’t think I like the lack of mystery about why Lanfear turned, but otoh no living Aes Sedai is a reliable narrator about the Age of Legends, so I’m filing this under ‘reasonable but there might be a more interesting story later’
Staking Rand out like sexy sexy bait
Oooooh it’s symbolism time
I’m sorry but I laughed at Lanfear’s outfit
Oh episode 6 is going to be very hard to watch
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oh it's episode 5 time
ishamael waiting until suroth's already been punished BEFORE whipping out the horn aka the thing that could have justified the diversion... either he wanted to see her get punished or he is in fact not a smart man (it's the former)
we can and will feel normal about perrin picking up the hammer [nodding] (lying)
Lady 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
oooooohhhhhhh the fact that the ep is called Damane and it's the last plotline we're getting (...well. unless Mat or Lan - or Verin i GUESS, though I suspect she's more likely to pop up via Moiraine than by herself - shows up even later) idk idk i have thoughts about it i have feelings about it!!! idk what they are but i have them!!
omfg Katie Leung???? now that's a face i have not seen in a hot second
Suroth calling Perrin Ishamael's pet wolf really is. hm. yes. yes.
IS IT A COINCIDENCE THAT TEL'ARAN'RHIOD IS GETTING NAMEDROPPED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THIS EPISODE SPECIFICALLY??? like. Egwene sure does have two (2) major character development arcs in book two and this episode is literally named after one of them AND NOW THE SECOND IS BEING MENTIONED??? hhhrrr.
(if it's been namedropped before and i've just forgotten don't tell me)
Barthanes... gdi why is my memory of this guy so full of holes. i shall huff and puff about it most grumpily i think
why do I also have zero recollection of Sheriam being Blue Ajah
Verin's detective society of hot librarians oh i am eating this with a spoon holy FUCK i am truly not used to being catered to THIS SPECIFICALLY AND OFTEN AND VARIOUSLY
okay okay who had Suroth/Liandrin on their bingo card
WAIT STOP THAT WAS EVEN MORE FUN ASKLFJSDLKGJLKSFGJDFLKHJDFLGKHJFLGKH okay absolutely fucking obsessed with every single choice they've made about Portraying The Forsaken. they are so so evil and so so scary but most importantly they are SO SO FUCKING FUNNY
"Mat was born mine" ESPLAIN? ESPLAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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killldeer · 1 year
damane liveblog
show fans for real do not read this one i talk about the [redacted] ajah SO MUCH
- haha oh boy we are starting at a dead run with the seanchan
- we are in falme!!!! turak moment!!!!
- I really like the way they’re showing us seanchan hierarchy and a little of how sei’taer/sei’mosiev work with the interplay of suroth and turak using/not using their Voices
- haha. we’re in danger
- the way turak and ingtar have been given eye makeup reminiscent of kohl is… interesting, to say the least. I am once again extremely conflicted about the real-world cultures that the seanchan designs draw from
- oh yeah I forgot it’s lanfear time
- if bayle domon dies before he can fall in love with egeanin i riot
- perrin wolf conflict setup: complete
- holy shit was that a portal stone
- kinda enjoying the way that I can’t tell exactly how much of perrin’s wolf power is his own and how much is Sendings from the other wolves. I don’t know if show-only fans are having a more frustrating time with this but I am personally just kinda vibing with it bc I bet perrin can’t tell either
- wait is that dain bornhald????
- oh I love the way his cloak is way too clean and finely-cut for where he is. you can tell before you see any white if you’re paying attention that this dude is bad news
- “once you swear their oaths, they leave you alone, more or less” oh god dammit. okay. this facet of the seanchan is interesting in the books pretty much specifically because of the way mat messes with it and goes “they’re just words that don’t mean anything to me” in front of tuon; other than that this point really only ever gets used to make book characters and by extension the audience reluctantly cool with what the seanchan are doing. I would appreciate it if the show would be extremely careful about presenting life under seanchan occupation/colonization
- the design of valda’s cloak with the red snake winding through the sunburst is so cool – I wonder if this iconography is being used to represent Questioners as opposed to the crook used in the books? it would be a very cool change and a nod to the whitecloaks’ status as a religious organization
- new horrifying thing you can do with the Power unlocked!!!
- LOVING this characterization of the browns as like. not goofballs exactly, but less “dreamy” like in the books and more “overeager”
- I love being a books fan because it means that instead of liandrin being a darkfriend being a dread-inducing reveal it’s just an opportunity to enjoy nynaeve making the surprised pikachu face for 3 minutes straight
- also very interesting to note that nowhere in this scene is the black ajah mentioned. nynaeve said “you weren’t recruiting me for the red ajah…” and I thought she was going to follow it with “you were recruiting me for the black” but it makes sense at this point that neither we nor she knows that it runs that deep!
- suroth (and kind of turak as well) having a much more General American accent is super interesting
- perrin “setting loose this random aiel I just met seems like a normal idea” aybara
- “my name is aviendha, nine valleys sept of the taardad aiel. Far Dareis Mai. my water is yours.” “I’m… I’m perrin aybara.” I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!!
- “perrin aybara… do you like to dance?” she is veiled and ready to kill!!!
- I feel like this is a good time to mention the fact that my aviendha character tag is and has always been “far dareis wife”
- also the theme music being used here for either aviendha or the aiel in general rocks so hard. everybody say thank you lorne balfe
- ooo perrin convincing her to spare dain. iiiiinteresting
- tel’aran’rhiod namedrop!!!!!
- poor moiraine’s face journey when she says “this is………… rand.”
- I forget how horrible and complex the Damodred Family Drama is sometimes. this is kinda funny
- “heartening to see the dust on that switch, sister. suffice it to say my backside still recalls seveille sedai’s heavy-handed punishments centuries after the fact.” I could feel sara nakamura staring into my soul through that line. that dialogue felt like it was designed specifically to tell book readers “it’s okay. you’re safe now. there is no more spanking in the white tower.”
- gawyn mention >:(
- “I think that [egg, nynaeve, and elayne all being recorded as off tower grounds is] worth remembering.” “…it is. I don’t know how it slipped my mind, frankly.” sheriam bayanar literally caught in 4k this scene is INSANE
- verin needs this book supposedly “just for a short passage on the amyrlin tetsuan”. somebody correct me if I’m mistaken here but I believe tetsuan was the only amyrlin besides bonwhin raised from the red right??? like 2000 years ago???
- update I went and searched because this got me thinking and I was correct! I forgot that tetsuan was ALSO stripped of the stole for betraying manetheren, meaning that not a single red sister in history has been raised to the seat and just like. done a normal job
- so real quick do you think the show fans are clocking sheriam’s behavior here as the reveal that i think it is. this is awesome. bonus points if you also consider the way that verin takes it in stride, neatly slotting all of the info she’s picking up here into her personal game of 5D chess. this scene is so so awesome
- oh my god verin has her squad in on this
- I briefly considered Compulsion too during the previous scene!! not sure if I believe that, and I much prefer to interpret that last scene as two black sisters from different hearts simultaneously trying to maneuver around each other, but interesting nonetheless
- liandrin putting on a black cloak over her red outfit is so perfect and on brand
- the way the damanes’ weaves look physically different and more precise is NUTS. specifically I’m looking at the tight corkscrews of Fire here but it extends to their other weaves as well
- egwene :(
- “I’m searching for the car’a’carn.” they’re setting up so much stuff this episode and doing it so smartly!! I love it here
- “I have toh. my water is yours.” “I don’t know about that.” oh perrin oh my GOD
- ah yes. elayne and nynaeve spending all their energy trying to not kill each other despite being in mortal danger from all sides. perfect.
- stop!! stop making me care about the Damodred Family Drama!!! it’s working way too well!!!
- ishamael talking only in the old tongue and lanfear responding in modern tongue is delicious
- moghedien and graendal confirmed, mesaana and semirhage potentially axed if the rest of the forsaken are just “the boys”?? hmmmm
- “my lord, my eyes are too low to see such [omens]. only our Empress, and her Court of the Nine Moons, can see and know the omens for what they are.” full disclosure I had to pause the episode here and just take a second bc this sequence made me start laughing out of sheer anxiety. holy shit this episode is going to kill me
- babe I don’t know if putting rand near lanfear on purpose is the move in ANY capacity, much less in FUCKING TEL’ARAN’RHIOD
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cha-faile · 1 year
wot show thank you for giving me wot theorizing again
wot s2e3 spoilers and wot book spoilers
It seems like Vandene and Verin have been combined which I think is a fascinating and potentially compelling choice. Adeleas's angst will be extra layered in irony.
Liandrin's kid omfg.
If Alanna's going to do her bad deed, one of the Warders has got to go, and I'm voting for it to be Maskim.
I am agog over Rand. Shacking up dysfunctionally with the Daughter of the Night! Becoming an orderly in an insane asylum to speak with Logain. And going through it with Ishamael in his dreams. And on that note -! the Aes Sedai send their gentled men to an insane asylum! in Cairhien! a grim fate. Wonder what the blademaster did to end up there.
Logain and his bargaining ways, love it! He's showing all the sad feels Moiraine is lashing out about.
Re. Ishamael: Now that's a real source of wolf repression for Perrin!
And of course, Uno! I couldn't believe it. Rafe was right I did not see that coming. What are we going to do without our favorite, filthy-mouthed soldier?
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cinlat · 10 months
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It was THIS BIG!!!
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It was this big....never seen him run that fast.
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riddleredcoats · 1 year
Wheelie Time thoughts
Spoilers for S2 episodes 1-3, including the preview for next episode, and spoilers for all the books.
Queen of Cairhien you said. So at first, I thought that Moiraine's sister was going to be the Queen, but when she spoke to Rand my head turned again because she seemed disgusted with the Queen and how she is just out to get her city back and thought that it must be another person. That said, her being all depressed about what i means to be a queen is coherent with Damodred Drama, so... yeah I think she's probably the queen and was talking to Rand in the third person. Especially funny because Lanfear was clearly about to say something about her, but never got to it.
Speaking of Lanfear... Beloved, i love her so much. She's so messy. My best worstie, love how much fun she was having. And she has a power-dynamic kink...... yeah, that doesn't surprise me, lmao.
Rand is baby in this whole thing and so kind to the Aiel War veteran. I love that scene of them walking, especially because I think that the Sword Forms he described are going to be the way that Rand defeats Turuk.
Lan and Moiraine broke my heart, especially that last scene in episode 2 where the Myrelle/Alanna merger was basically confirmed. Can't wait from them to take it all back and be besties again.
In the last of Nyn's accepted test - which was fucking brutal, this woman now has years of memories with a child that isn't real anymore, fuck - Mat loses an eye at the end. I love this show and this foreshadowing so much.
Verin is perfect exactly as she is. She said that she and Adealas are sisters, but like Sisters of the White Tower or Sisters-Sisters? Who knows. Interesting implications if its the later.
Alanna and her warders are killing me. That Maksim "I am a third wheel" is making me feel things, knowing that he is probably the one who is going to die.
Perrin is already Going Through It and Ishamael going "The more wolf you become, the more you are mine" is a great way to kickstart his "I don't want to be a wolf brother arc." --- Please let it end fast tho.
Elayne is perfect and I have no notes.
Egg is also perfect.
Interesting Liandrin backstory. Part of me wonders if it isn't all made up to get Nyn's sympathy, but maybe I am just building plots out of nothing. That said, great way to show that the way Aes Sedai live longer.
Next week we have the Lanfear episode with a focus on Moiraine. Do I need to tell you how that combo is making me go insane?
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iviarellereads · 5 months
The Great Hunt, Chapter 14 - Wolfbrother
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Wolf icon) In which Perrin tells someone his biggest secret.
PERSPECTIVE: Perrin, while Ingtar's in a fuss about Rand and co being gone. They can't have disappeared into thin air, surely? But even Uno can't find a trail. Mat wonders if they ran away, but blessedly doesn't give any detail  why he thinks that. Ingtar half believes the Darkfriends took them to throw the rest off the trail, because neither Hurin nor Rand would have abandoned their duty at this stage.
Perrin realizes there might be a way out of this, though he's loath to take it. He thinks it serves him right for telling Rand that sometimes you can't run away. He's tried to deny what he's become, especially at first, thinking it was something of the Dark One's work. He had some idea of what Rand was going through, from that. But now, he reaches out gently with his mind, and he can feel them. His brothers, the wolves.
In the rudimentary way of wolf communication, they ask if he's Long Tooth (Elyas), so he pictures himself in his mind for them. They have heard of him, yes, as Young Bull.(1) An image of a young man with heavy shoulders and shaggy, curly hair comes to him, overlaid with a massive wild bull with metal horns, throwing himself at Whitecloaks.
Perrin is so shocked that they've given him a name that he loses the connection. He focuses again, and gives the wolves the scent-appearance of Rand, Loial, and Hurin, but the wolves say they haven't seen them since everyone went to the hollow to make camp. Perrin hesitates, but remembers going to the dungeon with Egwene, and scenting Fain. The wolves react so strongly, the horses in the camp hear them and get fearful. The wolves hate Fain’s scent more than they even hate Trollocs. He asks where Fain went.
The sky rolled in his head; the land spun. East and west, wolves did not know. They knew the movements of sun and moon, the shift of seasons, the contours of the land. Perrin puzzled it out. South. And something more. An eagerness to kill the Trollocs. The wolves would let Young Bull share in the killing. He could bring the two-legs with their hard skins if he wanted, but Young Bull, and Smoke, and Two Deer, and Winter Dawn, and all the rest of the pack would hunt down the Twisted Ones who had dared come into their land. The inedible flesh and bitter blood would burn the tongue, but they must be killed. Kill them. Kill the Twisted Ones.(2)
Their fury infuses him, and his lips peel back in the beginnings of a snarl, which he barely breaks free of, reminding himself that he's a man, not a wolf. Mat sees him and asks if he's alright? That's all Mat needs, for Rand to run off and then Perrin to take ill...
Perrin shakes Mat off, saying he's alright, but goes forth to tell Ingtar he doesn't know where the missing men have gone, but wolves told him the ones they seek, with the Horn and all, went south. Ingtar thinks for a moment, and says he has heard of this, rumours of a Warder named Elyas Machera. Perrin confirms that he knows him.
“These wolves,” Ingtar said, “they will track the Darkfriends and Trollocs for us?” Perrin nodded. “Good. I will have the Horn, whatever it takes.” The Shienaran glanced around at Uno and the others still searching for tracks. “Better not to tell anyone else, though. Wolves are considered good luck in the Borderlands. Trollocs fear them. But still, better to keep this between us for the time. Some of them might not understand.” “I would as soon nobody else ever found out,” Perrin said. “I will tell them you think you have Hurin’s talent. They know about that; they’re easy with it. Some of them saw you wrinkling your nose back in that village, and at the ferry. I’ve heard jokes about your delicate nose. Yes. You keep us on the trail today, Uno will see enough of their tracks to confirm it is the trail, and before nightfall every last man will be sure you are a sniffer. I will have the Horn.”(3)
The men all accept Ingtar's declaration with minimal protest. Mat's the hardest to convince, but he shuts up after Uno starts finding tracks. Perrin pays it almost no attention, as he's fighting in his mind to keep the wolves from running on ahead and killing the Trollocs and such themselves.
Eventually he stops, as they're approaching another village where the Trollocs have done evil. Then they look behind them and realize someone's following them. Mat thinks it might be Rand, he still has faith Rand wouldn’t run out on him.(4) As the figure gets closer, though, it's... Verin Sedai! She declares that Moiraine sent her, and she saw the business with the Myrddraal. Shame she didn't have time to take it down and study it, but...
Suddenly her eyes narrowed, and the absent manner vanished like smoke. “Where is Rand al’Thor?”(5) Ingtar grimaced. “Gone, Verin Sedai. Vanished last night, without a trace. Him, the Ogier, and Hurin, one of my men.” “The Ogier, Lord Ingtar? And your sniffer went with him? What would those two have in common with . . . ?” Ingtar gaped at her, and she snorted. “Did you think you could keep something like that secret?” She snorted again. “Sniffers. Vanished, you say?”
Yes, vanished, but they have a new sniffer, in Perrin, and they will find the Horn of Valere. Verin remarks that it's very convenient that they found another sniffer just when they lost one.(6) Ingtar asks if their disappearance might have something to do with the Horn, and Verin thinks not, but it's an odd coincidence, and she doesn't like odd things until she can understand them. She takes Ingtar's offer to ride with them, for now, and asks him to tell her everything Rand ever said or did in his presence.
Even Mat can see it's Rand she's after, not the Horn at all. Perrin hopes Rand stays where he is, it's no doubt safer than this.
(1) So, Perrin is finally accepting his place in the story, and he has a wolf name! Young Bull, very apt indeed. And they can help him fake being a sniffer, which is helpful. Even more helpful is that Ingtar understands and doesn't judge him. (2) No relation to T. Kingfisher's horror novel, The Twisted Ones, with a surprisingly effective jumpscare for being in print. (3) Ingtar, that's a little bit fervent even for you and even for this quest. (4) Well, at least we the readers know Rand had no intention of leaving. But, poor Mat. On the road to Caemlyn they took such care of each other, it's gotta feel pretty shit having your bestie disappear like this in your hour of need. (5) Why was she looking for him? What more would Moiraine have had to say to him, and more, why wouldn't she have come herself? Anaiya said Verin ran off after Moiraine from the Amyrlin's travel party. Hmm, so many questions. (6) Oh, Verin, you know he's ta'veren too. She's almost laying it on too thick, you know?
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slizzdoeswot · 1 year
Okay, I was gonna steel my nerves and wait till after I watched the first three episodes of season 2.........., But why is Rand sharing a bed with Lanfear!?!?!?!? WHY is Moiraine shielded but they acting like she's stilled?? IS she stilled???? Is Nynaeve gonna heal her and Suiane doesn't get stilled???? Are we even gonna get a breaking of the White Tower? AND WHYYYYYYY is Perrin having Rand's visions? That's part of Rands struggle with impending madness, not part of Perrin coming to terms with his wolf powers?! Why add the fantasy mental health institution? I don't understand having sooooooooooo much source material and throwing out so much to add stuff, and what does it do for the Wheel of Time really? And Liandrin 😑😑😑😑😑 Is she gonna be Black Aja? Why try to make her more sympathetic, she's awful, let her be awful. And we already know i despise the road they have taken my darlin Mat down, where is his luck???? Why he gotta burrow out like a rat? 🤨Okay, and getting rid of one of the sisters for Verin?????? I love Verin, but wtf Vandene and Adeleas come up again when Verin is busy elsewhere! I don't expect it to be 100% book accurate, but the sheer amount of slicing and dicing drives me bonkers.
The one thing that I'm really happy about and thats BAYLE DOMON! FINALLY!!!!
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butterflydm · 1 year
wot s2 trailer: detailed second look
Okay, that's a lie, I've watched it more than twice. But, yes.
Spoilers mostly for show stuff but also for relevant book stuff through around The Great Hunt.
I have sadly been persuaded that we will not get Rand In The White Tower. One of my earlier speculations (around a month ago), I did suggest the idea that Siuan might go to Cairhien, though it was in the context of "going with Mat" and Mat's plotline still seems so up in the air, so who knows where he'll be. But Siuan going with Logain does set up some interesting opportunities.
When I was thinking Siuan would go with Mat, I was thinking it would happen after the girls had been tricked to leave by Liandrin, but if she's going with Logain, I think it's more likely that her absence leaves an opportunity for Liandrin to pounce on the girls while she's gone. Especially if Siuan doesn't give them any information.
I am really excited by the idea of Rand and Logain having a conversation here, it sets up some interesting things for the future.
I feel like a lot of @markantonys's thoughts here are still pretty likely in light of what we saw in the trailer: https://markantonys.tumblr.com/post/720125468680060928/my-rough-guesses-2x01-a-taste-of-solitude
Maybe Siuan's trip to Cairhien is around episode 6-ish (making Siuan and Moiraine's reunion in ep 6 in both s1 & s2).
It really is hard to figure out where Mat's storyline is going because the covid change really did take him pretty far off-book (and since he's still in his Two Rivers clothes in Falme, that implies he's had no chance to get a change of clothes at any point).
I am also really wondering how action-packed the finale will be vs emotional beats -- will Rand reunite with his friends or will we be focused on the action?
So, we see wanderer Rand in one shot: with 'Selene'. I'm guessing that's right after she arranges for him to 'save' her from something dangerous. Then we have a few shots of him in plainer shirts or in no shirt. Then we have the blue robe-like overshirt. Then we have the fancy black emo coat that it looks like he wears for the rest of the season.
We have Moiraine in her traveler's clothes for a bit, including I think when she first sees Rand again. Then she takes a bath and changes her clothes, probably, and tries again with Rand.
We're probably going to see Egwene & Elayne in novice whites for pretty much the whole season after Egwene arrives at the White Tower. It looks like Nynaeve has a bit more variation but mostly in episode three (probably) when she has her Accepted Test. It does seem like we're going to have at least one flashback (Moiraine and Siuan New Spring'ing it up) so we may get more flashbacks for each of the characters -- Perrin's flash of happiness with that young girl might be a flashback.
So, attempting to place things in order --
Episode One: Perrin & co start on their Hunt for Horn and dagger; Rand wanders the countryside, Moiraine & Lan... maybe end up researching with Verin (and that's how we're introduced to her and how she works her way into the plotline?) or something else; Mat gets nabbed by Liandrin and taken prisoner; and Egwene & Nynaeve arrive at the White Tower (meet Elayne?). Nynaeve tells Alanna that she's not sure anyone should have as much power as they tell her that she has.
I suspect all the scenes of Moiraine & Lan at night with the Fade are episode one, since it vibes like Moiraine still looks like she did at the end of last season, so this is them leaving the Blight maybe, because Moiraine needs to process a lot of shit right now. The Perrin riding scene could happen here or in the next couple of episodes. This also might be when he encounters The Wolf Who Might Be Hopper that we see later in the trailer (or... etc).
Episode Two: Rand spends time with Selene (the cuddling shots). We may start with a cold open relating to either Ishy unearthing bloody Lanfear or something related to the Seanchan. I'm guessing this episode will cover basically the entire Rand and 'Selene' relationship, with them separating either at the end of this episode or the very beginning of episode three.
Episode Three: Nynaeve's Accepted test! All the shots of her in her shift and all bloody go here. Her surge of power near a house that looks like it's in the Two Rivers style goes here. I'm guessing that Lan on Mandarb in the woods also goes here. We will probably also get Egwene and Elayne building up their friendship in this episode. This is maybe the episode where we get shirtless Rand as he broods in Foregate.
Episode Four: Moiraine catches up to Rand (finds him in Foregate; he pins her; she and Lan have a conversation about Rand; I'm guessing she sends a message to Siuan that inspires Siuan to decided she needs to go to Cairhien with Logain, to help get Rand under control; has a Sad Bath; and dresses like a Cairhienin).
Episode Five: Perrin & co have their run-in with the Seanchan. This might be the episode where we meet Aviendha and have a run-in with the Whitecloaks as well? If Loial gets captured by the Seanchan at the start of the episode, then Perrin can run into the Whitecloaks later as he's trying to figure out how to help Loial. Has Fain given the Seanchan the Horn yet? I'm curious about how they'll pepper the Seanchan throughout the season. Siuan leaves the White Tower with Logain to travel to Cairhien.
Episode Six: Starts with Liandrin at the Darkfriend social and ends with her delivering the girls to the Seanchan (so all the damane capturing scenes & etc; "if our friends are in trouble, why would I ever stay here?" scene with Egwene and Elayne). Rand talks first to Logain (more casual blue robes) and then gets dressed in his fancy black emo coat that he'll wear the rest of the season and talks to Siuan. Might go off on his own at the end? This might be the episode where we get the New Spring flashback, see Moiraine & Siuan happy and young and then hear Gitara's Foretelling?
Episode Seven: Focus on Egwene in captivity, which I expect to be really brutal. We'll probably get a lot of Seanchan-related info in this episode. How long she is in captivity probably depends on how Rand is traveling to Falme (because I think this will be his traveling episode). Mat is also approaching Falme at this same time maybe? We have so little info to go on regarding Mat, lol. Perrin is already in the area. It's possible that this is when Perrin meets Aviendha, depending on how many episodes we have her for this season.
Episode Eight: Rand faces off against Turak. Whatever that explosion at that gate is happens. Mat stabs someone with a spear (that potentially has raven detailing). Probably lots of other (Horn-related and breaking-Egwene-out related) stuff happens too! I really hope we get some emotional moments of people realizing that Rand isn't dead, though (unless they find out earlier -- Liandrin might tell Egwene & Nynaeve that Rand is alive).
I am hardcore mourning that I can't see any place in this structure for my Randlayne meet-cute. Rand really isn't in an emotional place for meet-cutes. :-(
I am really curious to see how Moiraine and Lan's relationship evolves in this season. It looks like they run into some friction between each other and so I wonder if we'll get Lan offering Rand suggestions on how to face the Amrylin Seat and Moiraine disapproving (like happens in TGH), maybe because now that Rand is a person and not an idea, Lan wants him to have control of his own destiny?
There was no sign of Moiraine or Lan in the Falme-related shots, but we did get those still of them walking on a beach, with Moiraine in her Cairhienin dress. If she were traveling on her own with just Lan, I'd expect her to be back in her traveling clothes.
We're going to be getting Perrin losing himself in the wolf and getting scared of it, when he kills that Whitecloak. Pretty sure that the wolf we saw in the trailer is going to be Hopper. We didn't get any shots of Elyas but I think he's been confirmed for the season? We also didn't get any shots of Loial and we know that he's there because of that earlier still that was released. We know that he's the first of the group to end up in Seanchan territory, because Loial has been captured by the Seanchan as of episode five. I do still suspect that Verin will be in Perrin's plotline mostly, but there's a chance that we first get introduced to her via Moiraine searching for answers.
I think we won't get confirmation that Liandrin is a Darkfriend until maybe episode six, when she tricks the girls into going into the Ways. Maybe the cold open for that episode is the Darkfriend social? Either that or it's the cold open for episode five and the audience learns about Liandrin the episode before her betrayal of the girls (maybe this is when we see her up by the Flame of Tar Valon and the place where the rings are melted).
I'm guessing that Min will pop up in two or three episodes, maybe? She's not listed as a regular, I don't think, so she won't be in all eight. She's likely in Tar Valon and will likely go along with the Wondergirls to Falme, like she does in the books, so we may get her meeting Aviendha in Falme. It really depends on the pacing of the final episode and how much post-battle time we get.
I do feel like Rafe is invested in showing the realistic emotions of our characters, so I'm hoping we get some downtime where all the polycule all gets to meet each other and we get some reunions between the characters.
It looks like we'll be getting a lot of Egwene & Nynaeve's emotional beats from the show. We'll be meeting Elayne and getting introduced to her brothers and potentially Elaida. They'll probably spend five episodes in the White Tower and then head to Falme for the last three.
Mat remains our biggest question mark. We know he starts in Tar Valon, spends some time captured by Liandrin, and then somehow ends up free in Falme, wielding a spear. And that's pretty much it.
Here is all the detail I wrote out about each of the shots (so where I'm getting some of my guesses from):
Shot 1: Moiraine in Foregate. We know this is episode four because of the photos we got earlier of this scene. I'm assuming that this is her working on locating Rand at the moment. She's dressed up Cairhienin style, high and modest neckline and keisera.
Shot 2: White Tower from above, craning down to get a better look at the sides, where we see a bright blue dress. This might be part of what is likely a flashback that we'll get to later. I am guessing the Moiraine does not go back to Tar Valon this season at all, at this point. It also just might be another Blue Ajah Sister in a wide shot!
Shot 3/4: Moiraine is sad in her bathtub. I'm guessing this is in one of the first three episodes, but it might be episode four. I'm guessing this is the Bath of Sadness that will lead into her dressing up in her Cairhienin outfit.
Shot 5/6: Rand stands on a floodplain-ish area that I'm guessing is him approaching Falme (...I don't know geology). He appears to be alone in this shot but he also might be out of camera view of whoever he's traveling with. We see here that his fancy new emo black coat has a rising sun motif. I feel like we saw something in the promos about Aviendha having a rising sun thing somewhere? Is my brain making that up or is it real? Plus it also would connect to both Elayne & Moiraine for obvious reasons. And it's the opposite of Lanfear's moon motif. We do see Rand both from behind and from the front and he looks alone in both shots. Probably episode seven or eight.
Shot 7/8: These appear to be connected. Moiraine facing a Fade. This might be Moiraine and Lan leaving the Blight? Or just them traveling at night? But I think Moiraine is wearing her traveling clothes from last season in this shot, though the lighting is pretty dim, so it's hard to say. And she has the knife from last season too. So my guess is that this is from episode one.
Shot 9: Ishy looking kinda business-casual, just in a shirt, though it looks like he may have a tie-holder. Darkly-lit scene. He bamfs away, using... well, if you know, then you know. It goes beyond the spoilers I listed at the top. I think this is the same outfit he's wearing later when he's hanging with Suroth (which is different from the outfit he's wearing in the scene with Loial that we only saw a photo of).
Shot 10: Egwene... maybe in the Testing Chamber?
Shot 11: Liandrin staring forward. Might be the same place? She looks a bit like she's dressed for travel, though, so this could be the prepping to leave for the Ways.
Shot 12: Super quick glance at the Darkfriend social.
Shot 13: Nynaeve telling Alanna, I think, that "no one should have that much power". So instead of Alanna trying to be a busybody because she's interested in Rand and she's honing in on the girls by proxy, I think she'll be interested in talking to Nynaeve because she's so strong in the One Power. This is from one of the first three episodes, I would guess. Before Nynaeve does her Accepted Testing.
Shot 14: Ishy is in a different outfit than he was in Shot 9. He's got a jacket on and no tie-clip thing. This might be what he was wearing last season? He's doing something with the Power and the way it's shining is reminding me of the constrained look of the damane's flows that we see later.
Shot 15/16/17: We cut to bloody Lanfear (I'm guessing but I feel like this is probably Lanfear), with the implication that maybe this is Ishy waking her up?
Shot 18/19/20/21: Two damane are launching an attack on a village at nighttime. In the second to last of the shots, I think that I see Uno & his eyepatch, and I'm pretty sure that Perrin is in the last of the shots, so this may be when Perrin & co encounter the Seanchan and Loial gets captured.
Shot 22/23/24/25: Opening the door to the Accepted Testing chamber -- probably episode 3. We see Nynaeve revealed by the opening of the door and then switch to behind her and see the archways for the testing. There are three Sisters with her. Actually, it looks like Liandrin might be wearing the outfit from Shot 11 so that might actually be her reacting to Nynaeve's Test. I think the lady on the left is Sheriam but I'm not sure who the woman just behind Nynaeve is.
Shot 26/27/28: Perrin & co riding down a hilly area. Guessing that this is early on, searching out the Horn & dagger? This is Perrin in his new S2 outfit.
Shot 29: 'Selene' cuddles Rand, who is still in his wanderer outfit, so this would be early season. I really am fascinated by her choice to cosplay Moiraine here (someone mentioned Selene being in her 'Moiraine cosplay era' in the tag, and the thought definitely stuck). Unless that's just a blue cloak that she threw on and her actual outfit isn't blue. Lanfear looks way more into the touching than Rand does -- he's basically just standing there while she plasters herself against him (her hand is even around his back). At least it looks that way from this angle. She does fit pretty neatly under his chin.
Shot 30/31: Rand walks down a hall with arches. He's wearing the same outfit here that we'll later see in his conversation with Logain, so I'll place this around episode 5 or 6.
Shot 32: Tar Valon (?) at night, with lightning flashing.
Shot 33: Moiraine races away on a horse, during the night. A dark horse, so this is not Aldieb (who is a white mare).
Shot 34/35: Lan listens as Moiraine passionately explains that guiding Rand is the only thing that matters. Moiraine is dressed in her Cairhienin clothes here, so maybe episode four.
Shot 36: Siuan on her fancy throne that was probably just set up now, because this is likely all in Cairhien, tells Moiraine, maybe, "You can't control him" possibly talking about Rand. This might be after the conversation that Siuan and Moiraine have that we see later in the trailer, because Siuan has An Opinion about Rand. She's in her super-fancy Amyrlin clothes.
Shot 37/38: Rand is in a dark room, shutters drawn, and we can see him surrounded by yellow-red flows. He's wearing a plain shirt but it looks nice.
Shot 39/40/41: Perrin looks at a wolf. A wolf looks back. Hopper? Perrin's eyes shift to gold.
Shot 42: Rand pins Moiraine up against the wall of a room. By her throat. He looks very intense and I'm pretty sure I can see the black tendrils of the taint in the flows as they pass over his neck. It looks like Moiraine is in her traveling clothes here, so it could be that she doesn't change into her Cairhienin duds until after she's encountered Rand again for the first time. The subtitles says "Kill them all" here and you can kinda hear it if you concentrate. The first glimmers of you-know-who?
Shot 43: Egwene is in the collar and she looks WRECKED. Blood-shot eyes. Bloody cheek. Hair damp (with sweat probably). Either episode seven or eight is my guess for this one.
Shot 44: Nynaeve in her shift in the Testing room, covered in blood. She also looks pretty emotionally wrecked.
Shot 45/46: Panning shot of the dagger on a fancy table as Mat sits in a chair, with some great conflict on his face. This is interesting because it implies that Fain is in Tar Valon? I like all the emphasis on how all five of the ta'veren are going through these intense emotional journeys. It's not just Rand who is struggling with himself.
Shot 47: This shot is fascinating. Rand is standing in front of 'Selene' while the Power is flowing all around him. Very creepy vibes.
Shot 48: Rand tells Logain that he wants to learn how to control it. And he's wearing the same kind of robe-ish overshirt that he was wearing when he was walking down the hall in Shots 30/31 but which is very different than the formal clothes that we see him wearing when he talks to Siuan at the end of the trailer. Rand and Logain both in blue here.
Shot 49/50/51: Wide shot of Suroth & Co being domineering over a village, then going to a closer shot of Suroth sitting on the throne while her Voice and Ishy are on either side of her. I think Ishy is wearing the same outfit here that he was wearing in Shot 9. Oh, I think there are people actually carrying that palanquin! Yikes, that has to be so heavy. So maybe a ~procession~ of the conquered territory?
Shot 52/53: Turok opens the box for the Horn. It's interesting that he doesn't have the mask that Suroth has. His nails also appear to be more functional than hers, or less likely to get in his way. His costuming is actually pretty different from hers. I wonder if we're going to keep seeing different variations between the Bloods. Because she has that metal theme while his theme feels more... bone-like?
Shot 54/55/56/57: I believe all this is the capture of Egwene. Looks very intense. It looks like Egwene goes on the attack while Elayne runs. I can't see Nynaeve at all in any of the shots.
Shot 58/59: But we do transition from the burst of power over Egwene into one over Nynaeve, probably during her Accepted Test, because both her clothes and the house behind her look like the Two Rivers. So this is likely episode three.
Shot 60: I think this is the Whitecloaks riding towards Falme.
Shot 61: Liandrin stands at the Flame of Tar Valon and stares down at the big forge-bowl-ring where the old rings get melted and new ones made.
Shot 62/63: A child and Perrin playing together. Might be a flashback? He isn't wearing what we've seen him wearing in most of the S2-related material.
Shot 64: If it is a flashback, then it would pair well with this shot of Moiraine and Siuan kissing, because I feel like this is most likely a flashback as well, because Siuan is in blue.
Shot 65/66: Egwene (in her kitchen outfit) hugs Nynaeve (in her Two Rivers outfit). Are Egwene and Nynave going to arrive at the Tower separately (why would they do that? Hmm).
Shot 67: Nynaeve's Accepted Test beginning, as the Aes Sedai channel into the archways.
Shot 68/69: Egwene talks to Elayne - "If our friends are in trouble, why would I ever stay here?" So this is probably the conversation that leads to Elayne coming along with Egwene. Hmm, given that Elayne doesn't know literally any of the other potential players involved, I wonder if they're going to lean on the "friendship" angle or the "adventure" angle with why Elayne leaves with Egwene. In the books, Elayne already had a level of investment going on.
Shot 70: Moiraine walks out of a door at night. Maybe the same scene as Rand pinning her against the wall?
Shot 71: Moiraine from much earlier in the season, judging by her vibes.
Shot 72: Lan on Mandarb. I'm still guessing that this is from Nynaeve's Accepted Test in episode three, because Moiraine and Lan don't appear to be near any nice woodlands in their current travels.
Shot 73: Lan tells Moiraine: "You can't do this by yourself." Guessing it's part of the conversation about guiding Rand, because I can make out the pointed collar on Moiraine's outfit.
Shot 74/75/76/77: Aviendha veils up at nighttime, with Perrin in the background. Then she fights some Whitecloaks. Aviendha has a head injury here, some blood near her temple.
Shot 78: Nynaeve spars with the Warders -- we saw this back in the earlier teaser as well.
Shot 79/80: Lan fights a Fade. Guessing this is the same scene as Moiraine & the Fade from Shots 7/8.
Shot 81: Nighttime overlooking shot of Tar Valon. Maybe the same night as the one with the lightning flashing earlier. Maybe the night when Liandrin & the girls leave? /wild speculation
Shot 82: Liandrin with her red all covered up with a black cloak, walking through the streets at night. I saw someone speculate that she's on her way to the Darkfriend social and that would be a pretty great way to bring us into it.
Shot 83: Shirtless Rand stares out the window at maybe the morning light. This is another shot that we've seen before. Guessing Foregate because those shutters look like the ones we saw earlier in the trailer.
Shot 84: Nynaeve exits one of the archways in a burst of light, and we can see blood on her shift. More of her Testing.
Shot 85: Perrin kills a Whitecloak. It does not look like the same location as where we saw Aviendha fighting the Whitecloaks.
Shot 86: Egwene screams in the collar.
Shot 87: Rand is bound shirtless on a huge wheel in the desert (almost certainly in the dream world).
Shot 88: I think Liandrin is talking to Egwene here, though we can only really see her hair. "It's not always the most powerful who write history. It's the ones who survive." Same outfit that we saw on her before.
Shot 89/90/91/92/93: Rand in a plaza at Falme, in his fancy emo black coat (now covered with a brown cloak), about to fight Turak. Rand talks about being tired of being "a spoke in the wheel".
Shot 94: We go back to the shot of Rand bound on the wheel and then pull way back. It does look like there's something directly in front of him, but I can't tell if it's a person or if it's just... set up to look like a person, if that makes sense.
Shot 95: Someone kills a Fade with a flaming sword at night. On reflection... not Rand, I think? (which would make sense -- Rand still has his dad's sword). It might belong to the same scene as Moiraine and Lan facing the Fades?
Shot 96: Mat stabs someone with a spear. He's still wearing his Two Rivers clothes. Given the earlier photo we got of Mat, I'm guessing this is Falme.
Shot 97/98: Hard cut to that explosion. It's actually a top-down view at first and it looks like someone is exploding the door to a gate. Maybe fireworks but maybe channeling? It looks like Falme, though, either way.
Shot 99/100/101: Siuan tells Rand that he's the water that turns the wheel of time. He's in his fancy black emo coat here.
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