#vernon leverett
claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
PT. 3 Of OC Playlists
Metalocalypse Edition
Vanessa Leverett: The Girl From Chicago/Lady Lovely (Finished)
Tina Leverett: Tina the Drummer/Ground Zero (Concept Album for Tina's 2nd album) (Finished)
Tasha Livingston: The Tasha Diaries/Lady Rose (Finished)
Vama Chakrabarti: Playlist sadly under construction
Pearl Leverett-Broussard-Hicks: Mama's Music (Still adding music)
Vernon & Pearl: Vernon and Pearl's Wedding Day (Still adding music)
Magnus & Vanessa: the Hammer and the Whip (Finished)
Toki and Vanessa: V+T (Finished)
Gunnar Leverett: Gunnar's Anthem
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chilewithcarnage · 1 year
I know this question is specific AF but do you know any about Bronzeville? I'm thinking about the Leverett sisters and their extended family, their dad and mom's family, being from here.
Then moving out when Vernon (Dad) got enough money to send them to a private Catholic school for girls.
I know some stuff about it's not really a haven for black bourgeoisie like it used to be some odd 70 years ago. Like there are definitely more hood areas now but not quite projects level. There are a lot of black owned businesses though. Like restaurants,beauty supply stores, corner stores, clothing boutiques and there are a lot of art galleries too 😃
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hashtagcwinstagram · 8 years
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#Repost @amhistorymuseum ・・・ Today's #FamousChunkOfWood: a piece of mahogany from President George Washington's coffin. In 1837, Washington's remains were moved to a new tomb. His family planned to make souvenirs from the mahogany covering of his lead-lined coffin. But it was too deteriorated. So they distributed small pieces of the wood. The note on this piece reads, "Washington's Coffin presented to Mr. Saltonstall by a nephew, + namesake of Washington residing at Mount Vernon." This Mr. Saltonstall is believed to be Leverett Saltonstall, a Massachusetts congressman from 1838-1843. Saltonstall often visited Mount Vernon, where he likely received this coffin piece from John Augustine Washington, who was George Washington's great-grandnephew and Mount Vernon's last resident owner. #PresidentialHistory #Mahogany #GeorgeWashington @mount_vernon #PresidentsDay #POTUS http://ift.tt/2kF7Thq
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instapicsil1 · 8 years
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Today's #FamousChunkOfWood: a piece of mahogany from President George Washington's coffin. In 1837, Washington's remains were moved to a new tomb. His family planned to make souvenirs from the mahogany covering of his lead-lined coffin. But it was too deteriorated. So they distributed small pieces of the wood. The note on this piece reads, "Washington's Coffin presented to Mr. Saltonstall by a nephew, + namesake of Washington residing at Mount Vernon." This Mr. Saltonstall is believed to be Leverett Saltonstall, a Massachusetts congressman from 1838-1843. Saltonstall often visited Mount Vernon, where he likely received this coffin piece from John Augustine Washington, who was George Washington's great-grandnephew and Mount Vernon's last resident owner. #PresidentialHistory #Mahogany #GeorgeWashington @mount_vernon #PresidentsDay #POTUS http://ift.tt/2mezLVX
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
There's so much going on in my head right now and one thought is sticking it out right now.
I need to get a comm for Pearl and Vernon's wedding portrait done.
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Vanessa Leverett
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Age: 31-34 (Introduced in Season 3 of Metalocalypse)
AKA: Nessa, Lady Lovely/Mistress Lovely, Dr. Leverett, Doc (From Magnus), and Smartass (Again from Magnus)
Birthday: September. 8th, 1979
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Cancer
Meaning of the Name: Butterfly
Gender: Cis female
Voice Canon: Theresa Randle (Girl 6 specifically)
Singing Canon: Monica, imagine Monica doing "Man Down" and " Work" by Rihanna. Throw in "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley with the Jamaican accent appropriate for those songs. 
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Romantic Orientation: Hetero-romantic
Favorite Meal: Jerk chicken with Plantains and rice, n peas
Favorite Drink: Breadfruit Juice
Favorite Snack: Butter Sugar sandwiches
Verses: Metalocalypse and Original story
Languages Spoken: Jamaican Patois, English, Japanese, Norwegian (Learned from Toki)
Occupation: Waffle House waitress/cook (Season 1 - Season 2), Dominatrix (Season 2 through early season 4), Psychology Doctorate student (Season 2.5 - Season 4), Psychologist (Season 4)
Height: 5’8
Eyes: Golden hazel brown
Lips: Plump
Hair: She has type 3C black hair that’s often in braids. Her hair was in long ropey braids during Metalocalypse Season 1 and cut to mini twists in Season 2. Then her hair grew back enough for shoulder-length braids, often in Bantu knots, in season 3. Finally, her hair grew to her waist for box braids in season 4 before it was cut short by Magnus in Doomstar.
Body type: Pear-shaped body heavier around her butt and hips than her bust. Taut muscles from regularly practicing karate and working out.
Tattoos: There’s an ackee fruit on her left wrist, a Sankofa heart on her left shoulder, and a Doctor Bird around her right shoulder.
Extra details: Dimples, prominent when she smiles
Hobbies: She loves video games, particularly Street Fighter, reading, watching kung-fu and samurai movies, listening to music, singing with Tina, and playing with her dog Odin and Tina’s cat Ogre.
Turn on Spots: Running hands up her back and legs, her hips, and biting the skin around her collarbone and neck.
Vernon Leverett: Father, (46-47)
Pearl Leverett-Bonaventure-Hicks: Mother (45-46)
Tina Yvonne Leverett: Younger sister (21-23)
Beau Bonaventure-Hicks: Maternal Uncle (51)
Magnolia Broussard-Hicks: Maternal Grandmother, deceased (passed from a second stroke when Vanessa was ten, two months after Tina was born)
Clifford Hicks: Maternal Step-Grandfather, (75)
Adio Leverett: Paternal Grandfather (75)
Tashelle Leverett: Paternal Grandmother (74)
Alvita Leverett-Barrel: Paternal Aunt (50)
Arley Leverett: Paternal Uncle (43)
Odin, Staffordshire pitbull mix: 3 years old
Ogre, Tina’s cat: 2 years old
Magnus Hammersmith: Ex-lover (Season 3), it started as a sexually casual relationship before they developed feelings, they had their friends-with-benefits relationship for five months before he broke up with her.
Toki Wartooth: Current boyfriend (Season 3 Fertilityklok)
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Tina Yvonne Leverett
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Age: 21 -24 (Metalocalypse Season three)
AKA: Nina (From past fiancee Rudy), Skogkatt (from Toki), Evie 
Birthday: Dec, 18,1989 2:05 PM
Sun: Sagittarius
Moon: Virgo
Meaning of the Name: Follower of Christ
Gender: Cis-woman
Voice Canon: Nicole Beharie 
Tina's Singing Canon: A mix of Beyoncé and Tina's face claim, Tina Bell, vocals. 
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Romantic Orientation: Bi-romantic
Favorite Meal: Jamaican ox-tails with Rice and Peas
Favorite Drink: Ginger beer (Extra spicy)
Favorite Snack: Jamaican dumplings with peanut butter and honey. 
Verses: Metalocalypse and Potential Original Story
Languages Spoken: Jamaican Patois, English, Spanish, Norwegian (Learned from Toki)
Occupation: College student (seasons 1 through early season three), Drummer and singer for Red Dog (season 2 and early season 3), Saleswoman at an instrument store (Early season 3), Solo artist and Songwriter at a minor label (Early Season 3), Solo Singer and Songwriter at Murdertooth records (Season 4)
Height: 5’0
Eyes: Golden brown hazel eyes, more brown than gold. 
Lips: Plump
Hair: long 3C curly hair, often dyed blonde and in braids. She reverts to her natural hair color with added blonde hair in Season 4.
Body type: Pear-shaped body with a big butt on a short frame and average-sized breasts. Playing the drums for four years toned her legs and arms.
Tattoos: Doctor's bird on her stomach
Extra details: Dimples, like her sister they’re prominent when she smiles
Hobbies: Playing with Odin and Ogre, Gymnastics, Listening and playing music, audiobooks, checking out food/music festivals, song writing
Turn on Spots: Thighs, shoulders, and fingers. 
Vernon Leverett: Father, (46-47)
Pearl Leverett-Bonaventure-Hicks: Mother (45-46)
Vanessa Leverett: Older sister (31-34)
Beau Bonaventure-Hicks: Maternal Uncle (51)
Magnolia Broussard-Hicks: Maternal Grandmother, deceased (passed from a second stroke when Tina was two months old)
Clifford Hicks: Maternal Step-Grandfather, (75)
Adio Leverett: Paternal Grandfather (75)
Tashelle Leverett: Paternal Grandmother (74)
Alvita Leverett-Barrel: Paternal Aunt (50)
Arley Leverett: Paternal Uncle (43)
Odin, Staffordshire pitbull: Vanessa’s dog, (3)
Ogre, Calico Cat: (2)
Rudyard, Rudy, Graham (Former Fiance, Creator of the band Red Dog)
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Tasha puts big bows and tiny sweaters on her sweet baby dogs.
Odin and Ogre sometimes eat better than Vanessa - especially post-DSR.
Tina learning the drums was a hard time in the Leverett family's lives -- mostly for sound dampening reasons.
1. Yes! Sometimes Tasha just wants them cute and the other half of that was just her wanting to see how they would react with clothes on.
Bonnie thinks it's ok while Blu loves them!
2. Yes, especially post-DSR. There were times when she didn't have the appetite.
3. YES! Oh my god yes! Vernon and Vanessa would still be mad at the family friend who taught her if she didn't enjoy herself.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
I mean it, when I analyze the stench
To me, it makes a lot of sense
How the dreadlock Rasta was the Buffalo Soldier
And he was taken from Africa, brought to America
Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival
Leverett Lore: This is one of the songs Vernon would sing to his girls when they were little ones.
Vanessa would sing along with him to Tina when she was a baby.
Then Tina would sing this song during practice sessions with her band or just randomly sing alongs at home with her sister.
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