#verona my beloved
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one year since my back to back muse shows
Muse, Portland 4.16.23
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anticurses · 29 days
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wilxfyre · 11 months
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OTP : Silver Lightning [11/?]
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nauticalfools · 2 months
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cartridgeconverter · 8 months
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Four Elviras
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veginald · 1 year
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iam93percentstardust · 2 months
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Dear Juliet by iam93percentstardust
'What' and 'if' taken separately are just words, but put them together and they form one of the most terrifying questions in the English language. What if? What if you hadn't left that day? What if you had changed your mind and turned around? What if she forgave you? What if, even all these years later, you gave yourself a shot at a second chance? ~ When Steve Rogers is given a chance to accompany his friends to Verona, Italy, he's expecting to spend a few days wandering through vineyards and probably seeing at least one Shakespeare performance (and if he's lucky, finding some inspiration for his next webcomic). He isn't expecting the handsome brown-eyed man who works with Juliet's Secretaries or the decades-old love letter that he finds behind a loose brick underneath Juliet's balcony or that the response he sends to Lady Margaret Carter will be answered, not by another letter, but by the sender herself showing up in Verona. He isn't expecting that he'll get caught up in a whirlwind adventure to help Peggy search for her lost love, the woman she left long ago, her beloved Maria.
I finished my most recent longfic! Took me an entire year but it's done!
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i'm not reblogging this directly so as not to derail, but i think this line gets misinterpreted pretty regularly within the fandom and i wanted to go over that + offer my interpretation :3
the original line it's referencing comes from act 3, scene 1 of romeo and juliet, after romeo kills tybalt to avenge mercutio:
tybalt falls benvolio: romeo, away, begone! the citizens are up, and tybalt slain. sound not amazed. the prince will doom thee death if thou art taken. hence, be gone, away. romeo: o, i am fortune's fool!
here, romeo is remarking on his bad luck after being effectively doomed by fate (and more broadly, the narrative). to atone for tybalt's murder, romeo has to leave verona on pain of death, pretty much because he found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
the line can also apply to his relationship with juliet. had circumstances been different, she and romeo could have had a happy life together. it was fate that kept them apart, not a lack of love. fortune would have them on opposite sides.
will's arc, however, was set into motion because of hannibal. he was manipulated into killing gjh and then eventually randall tier, although tier's murder was more by will's volition than hannibal's. then in season 3b, after will has found stability with molly, hannibal returns and gets will to kill again.
i think that if will hadn't met hannibal, he would have had a chance at a happy, normal life, or as close to one as he could get. will's relationship with molly was an attempt to reclaim that life from hannibal- to save himself from hannibal's perception of him. but hannibal ultimately came between will and molly, just as fate prevented romeo from finding a sense of stability in juliet.
so is this line romantic? yeah, if you want it to be! hannibal's manipulation of will did come from a place of love ("no one can be fully aware of another human being unless we love them. by that love, we see potential in our beloved. through that love, we allow our beloved to see their potential. expressing that love, our beloved's potential comes true") but it also deprived will of the normalcy that i think on some level, he craved almost as much as he did understanding.
but i don't think this line is a proclamation of love from will as much as it is an announcement of blame. will blames hannibal for the loss of the life he could have had before hannibal or with molly (which parallels romeo's banishment from verona) and it's not until the finale that we actually see him choose hannibal.
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tldr: will is saying that he's not a victim of fate, he's a victim of hannibal. here's the original post (op is cool, go check em out!!)
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enlitment · 4 months
Top 5 favorite historical events 👀
Oo, good one! Thanks for the ask ✨
1. The Ides of March
Apart from being a beloved Tumblr holiday, I just find the whole event so interesting! Few times in history have had such a lasting cultural impact (hello, statue of Brutus at the National Convention!).
Plus it's so wonderfully morally grey, which you can see from the different perception of Brutus throughout history (burning in lowest circle of Dante's hell vs. being hailed as a hero by the French revolutionaries).
Was it the right thing to do? It was an act of extreme violence, and the republic was arguably beyond saving anyway, as became clear later. Does it mean it was the wrong thing to do though? I'm definitely not qualified to answer that. But it is an interesting question to think about, which makes this event one of my favourites.
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(Plus the whole thing kind of reads like an ancient tragedy, since it could be read as Brutus (& co) killing someone who was essentially a father figure to him, but also was widely known to have slept with his mother. Hamlet who?)
2. Camille rallying the crowds at Palais Royal
I'm a sucker for a good epic moment, and this is certainly one of them. Camille leaping on the table and overcoming his stutter to address the crowd of dissatisfied Parisians, inspiring them to take action? Yes please!
(not to mention that any event that demonstrates the power that words can have is going to be automatically interesting in my book.)
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3. The Servilia Letter Affair
Situated during the late Roman Republic after the Catiline conspiracy, it's another hilarious evidence of the fact that poor Cato the Younger simply couldn't catch a break.
For those uninitiated: as Cato and Caesar were arguing about what kind of punishment is appropriate for the conspirators wanting to overthrow the consul, a mysterious letter was delivered to Caesar, right in the senate. Cato suspected that there was something foul going on, something that could potentially link Caesar - Cato's oponent - to the conspiracy that was just being discussed. He therefore seized the letter from Caesar and insisted he will read its contents out loud, in front of everyone. Doesn't sound all that unreasonable, right? ...except the document in question just happened to be a steamy, in Plutarch's words "unchaste" love-letter to Caesar, written by none other than Cato's own half-sister, Servilia.* Yikes. Cato apparently proceeded to then throw the letter back to Caesar, saying: "Take it, thou sot." Iconic.
* who was also Brutus' mother. See, it's all connected!
4. Publishing of the Éncyclopedie
I just love studying the Age of Enlightenment as a whole, but I think the Éncyclopedie is perhaps the best embodiment of all of the things the era was about. I like learning about the Éncyclopedistes - their petty personal dramas are fun to read about, but I also like the fact that what fuelled the project was a (mostly) genuine desire to educate people and make human knowledge more readily available to the masses.
Also look what I came across while in Verona!! ->
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5. Women's March on Versailles
A great reminder that women can be a strong political force and that their place in history should not be overlooked! Though it was not necessarily a women-only event, it clearly shows just how much of a significant role women (and working class people in general) played in the French Revolution.
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vampiritea · 3 months
rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favourite!
tagged by @moonsharky my beloved 😘
Tagging @veronae-buddie @antisocialpyromaniac @firefighterevandiaz @copias-bats
@i-am-a-teabag-cause-i-can @miniaturetyphoonhologram @renninflight @rainbow-nerdss
@edmundodiazz @spicyrottingbrains @izzysbeans @lyricfulloflight @everchanginginks
@elanebutterfly @idealuk @ronordmann @eddito
@oscarrrpiastri @hauntedbythenarrative
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 30 - Record of Sorrow
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Giorgio: “What? Neither of you brought your beloveds with you?”
Alessandro: “We could say the same about you, Giorgio.”
Bruno: “My parents have been telling me it’s time to start thinking about my future, but it’s not that easy.”
Giorgio: “It’s not easy being an heir. That’s why it’s easier being a second-born son.”
Alessandro: “I guess it’s not easy being a lord’s chamberlain either.”
Bruno: “I hear all sorts of rumors all the time.”
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Giorgio: “Well… I won’t get into the details here.”
Bruno: “Smart.”
Alessandro: “I hear the Guelphs have been growing in numbers and activity lately.”
Giorgio: “The Guelphs, huh? I hope things don’t take too radical of a turn.”
Bruno: “I can understand their side, and they seem to have quite the following in bigger cities.”
Giorgio: “You shouldn’t say that in front of my lord.”
Alessandro: “Regardless of which side wins, Verona’s future is secure. We’re here, after all.”
Bruno: “You’re as confident as ever, Alessandro.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Gildo: “They say they were both bright, talented, and had promising futures. Then one day, the incident happened.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Alessandro: “One of the Capulet family’s heirlooms was stolen!?”
Bruno: “It was a necklace that had one large ruby surrounded by small sapphires that was given to our family by a king in the past. There’s no other like it in the world.”
Bruno: “The whole house is in an uproar at the moment. There’s been talk of getting the Montague family to help in finding the culprit.”
Alessandro: “Of course, we’ll help. We’ll find who did it, I swear on it.”
Giorgio: “My lord is making his move as well. We’ll find who did it soon.”
Bruno: “I can only hope…”
Soldier: “Which of you is Alessandro Montague?”
Alessandro: “Huh? That would be me.”
Soldier: “You’re under arrest for stealing from the Capulet family.”
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Alessandro: “Me!? I did no such thing!”
Soldier: “We have a witness. You can’t escape this.”
Giorgio: “Alessandro would never do something like that.”
Bruno: “T-That’s right. There must be some kind of mistake.”
Soldier: “If you try and cover for him, you’ll both be arrested with him as accomplices.”
Bruno: “You--.”
Alessandro: “It’ll be okay. I didn’t do it. I’m sure they’ll realize this is all just a misunderstanding soon.”
Giorgio: “Alessandro…”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Gildo: “In the end, Alessandro was executed as a major criminal. And not long after, someone assassinated Bruno as well.”
Gildo: “Rumor had it that the Montague family, out of hatred over their loss of Alessandro, decided to take him from the Capulets with their own hands…”
Gildo: “To this day, no one knows what the truth really is.”
Romeo: “That’s…”
Julius: “Have you ever heard that story before?”
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Romeo: “No, never…”
Gildo: “That’s actually not too surprising. In order to avoid conflict between the two families, the matter was strictly kept hushed by the lords, and the truth was kept in the dark.”
Gildo: “However, from what I’ve heard, this only added to their mutual suspicion and hatred of one another, further deepening the feud between the two families.”
Romeo: “Who would’ve thought it was because of something like that…”
Julius: “It’s still too soon to trust what he says.”
Romeo: “But--.”
Gildo: “You two are welcome to believe my story or not. I myself only found out about it while reading my grandfather’s diary after he died.”
Gildo: “When he was alive, he hardly ever talked about his time in Verona.”
Gildo: “That’s why when I heard your names, I actually thought that my grandfather had been accused of some crime and that you were here to get your revenge on him.”
Romeo: “It really was just a coincidence.”
Gildo: “...My grandfather wrote in his diary that he still believed in Alessandro’s innocence.”
Gildo: “...He said he wasn’t the kind of person who would steal.”
Gildo: “And apparently both the Montagues and the Capulets mourned Alessandro’s death.”
Gildo: “He said they never would’ve done something like kill Bruno.”
Gildo: “I think my grandfather always regretted what happened to the two of them. But in the end, he died without ever figuring out the truth.”
Romeo: “...Then let’s find the real culprit.”
Gildo: “What…?”
Julius: “Hey, what are you going on about? We don’t even know if his story is true yet.”
Romeo: “Then let’s figure out the truth about that too.”
Julius: “You act like it’s just that simple…”
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Romeo: “We can do it. As long as it’s you and me, Julius.”
Julius: “Haaah…”
Gildo: “...Please. It has to be fate that I met the two of you like this. If things are just left as they are, my grandfather will never be able to move on.”
Gildo: “They apparently never found the stolen Capulet family treasure. Please find it.”
Romeo: “Leave it to us! Just get some rest and let your leg heal, Gildo!”
Julius: “Hey, Romeo, wait!”
Gildo: “Take my grandfather’s diary with you. It could be of some use to you.”
Romeo: “Thank you!”
*Door closes*
Gildo: “Those two are the future you dreamed of, aren’t they? …Right, Grandpa?”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Julius: “So what exactly is your plan to find the truth? If we go back to Verona, we’ll be arrested on sight.”
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Romeo: “We’ve still got Father Lawrence, don’t we?”
Julius: “I have been keeping in touch with Father, but I’m not sure we can get him to help with something like this… Ah, but if we asked Mercutio and Tybalt--.”
Romeo: “Yeah! I’m sure they’ll help us!”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Mercutio: “Achoo.”
Rosaline: “Do you have a cold?”
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Mercutio: “Nah, must just be someone talking about me. Thank you for today. I’ve got some business to attend to at the church. See you.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door opens*
Mercutio: “Good afternoon.”
Father Lawrence: “We’ve been waiting for you, Mercutio.”
Tybalt: “He called you here too?”
Mercutio: “You too, Tybalt? Does that mean…?”
Father Lawrence: “These are for you two.”
Father Lawrence: “They are letters that arrived from Romeo and Julius.”
Mercutio: “From those two!?”
Tybalt: “I knew it… So they really were in contact with you, Father Lawrence.”
Mercutio: “You knew?”
Tybalt: “No, but knowing Julius, I figured he must’ve been keeping in touch with someone.”
Mercutio: “Huh, Romeo would’ve never thought of doing that.”
Tybalt: “Evidently.”
Mercutio: “Your brother complex is showing.”
Father Lawrence: “Please read them.”
Tybalt: “The cause of the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets…? I’ve never heard about anything like this before.”
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Mercutio: “Me neither.”
Father Lawrence: “This must’ve happened before I came to this city.”
Mercutio: “If this turns out to be true, and they’re found innocent, maybe both families will be able to get along a little better.”
Tybalt: “I think I can help with this.”
Tybalt: “Although the previous lord is dead, I’m sure there are records from that time at his mansion. I’ll start doing some research.”
Mercutio: “I think Rosaline’s father was in and out of that place all the time when the previous lord lived there, so I’ll ask him about it.”
Tybalt: “Speaking of that, you should tell the both of them about her sooner rather than later.”
Mercutio: “Ahh… Well, I’ll tell them about it when this is all sorted out.”
Tybalt: “Don’t come crying to me when things go south.”
Father Lawrence: “Please be careful, you two.”
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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sunburnacoustic · 2 years
Guys!!! So happy right now, just had the best night of my life! We got barrier, we were standing right in front of Matt and oh my god I need to collect my thoughts. So in no particular order:
1) We got Citizen Erased! Matt introduced it going, “we’re bringing out an old song for you all, from our second album” and everybody lost their minds. Complete with the piano outro, what a treat!
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2) The WOTP masks and pyro are insane. In row 1, they’re even more insane (and hot). How do three little lads look so cool? Their designs are excellent!
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3) Disco Ball jacket!
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(Still in utter disbelief that these are my pictures… that I was up there!!)
4) Verona!!
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The confetti is so special to me. Also for Verona is Matt’s new sunburst-like Strat-shaped Manson.
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5) Speaking of guitars, the Mirror Manson lives!!! This alone has made my night, my week, my year, the Mirror Manson, or some reincarnation of it, is back on the road, and Matt used it for Plug In Baby, so honestly what more could I ask for?
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This beloved guitar! And also, Matt did his fall-to-your-knees Plug In Baby moves so :)
6) I don’t have a picture of this but you’ve got to take my word for it— the squealing Kaoss pad call-and-response section: the face is back!
7) Speaking of faces! Chris’s blep :p
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7.1) Duckface!
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More Chris!
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8) Undisclosed Desires is officially the new Muse In The Round song of the set ♥️♥️
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(The picture quality sucks but it’s the sentiment of it all okay :’) )
9) Matt’s mushroom solo moment during The Dark Side
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Matt is really like if a human with a guitar had a cat tree.
10) Dom! I couldn’t get super clear pictures of him though, his live camera was over on our side.
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More to come…
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disasterbuck · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @jesuiscenseedormir 😘
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
256 😬 but most of those are collabs with my beloved Veronae 💜 works written on my own I think total 23?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
oh damn how do I find that ah. okay. um. 560,589
3. What fandoms do you write for?
nowadays it's pretty much just 9-1-1
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
you are really teaching me how to use the stats page on ao3 lol
The Parent to Contact - Buck gets a call from Christopher's school and learns that he's listed on the boy's forms as 'the parent to contact on Tuesdays'.
that drunk buck chat - Buck gets drunk and texts Eddie something he wasn't meant to read. Text fic!
that first kiss chat - Eddie texts Buck with some news, and it goes on from there. All texting!
Buddie, You're Hot - Buck is helping Eddie get ready for a date when he ends up outing himself as bi – something he thought Eddie already knew. Wasn't it obvious?
that drunk eddie chat - Wherein Eddie is a drunk mess and Buck needs to protec
5. Do you respond to comments?
on my own/solo fics, yes absolutely every time. but comments on the buddie text fics I usually leave for Veronae to reply to, unless it's specifically addressed to me or I just feel like replying
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
knee deep in sinking sand Buck has a nightmare about losing Eddie.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of what I write has a happy ending 😅 um I'm gonna go with You Should've Just Kissed Me Set after the Poker Date Night, Buck overhears Eddie talking about being set up on a date and wonders aloud why Eddie doesn't just explain that he's already in a relationship - with Buck.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully not much, but there was one person who left hate on the buddie text fics :(( I do my best to ignore it though 😌
9. Do you write smut?
nah I'm not really comfortable with it. sometimes a fic will get a bit steamy but I usually try to fade to black when I can.
10. Craziest crossover?
does lone star count? cause we've done text fics with TK and Carlos:
that matchmaker crossover chat Buck talks to TK. Carlos talks to Eddie. They're in love, but they won't tell each other. TK enlists Carlos' help to try and change that. Text fic!! that anniversary day chat When Eddie cancels plans with Buck to go on a date, they end up in a fight without fully understanding how it happened. Eddie reaches out to Christopher, while Buck reaches out to his good ol' buddy TK for support ... but they can only go so long before facing each other. that bothered and bewildered chat After being kissed by Tommy, Buck reaches out to an old acquaintance for help sorting out his feelings.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! a while back, in a different fandom and under a different name.
13. Have you co-written a fic before?
as you've probably figured out, yes I have. I collab with my bestie Veronae for all out buddie text fics, and we've also written an actual prose fic together as well:
A Jealous Kiss “You’re going out with your mechanic?” Buck asked. Then his face fell into deliberate blankness. “You mean, you’re dating your mechanic?”Eddie was going on a date with someone else. And Buck would be left behind.Again.
14. All time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will
ohhhh good question. hm probably my buddie wip where Chimney dares Buck not to use Eddie's name for a week and so Buck starts using pet names for him. it's cute and I like the idea but I don't think I'm ever gonna have enough motivation to write the whole thing.
16. What are your writing strengths?
hm. I think I'm pretty good at writing fluff? and having a good balance of prose and dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
too many ideas, not enough motivation. I've got easily like 50 wips or something uggghhhhhh
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language
ummm sure? why not? I once wrote a fic for a previous fandom where one character spoke french the whole way through, and I got a french friend to check it over for me so it could be accurate, plus I then added translations at the end for people.
19. First fandom you wrote for
20. Favorite fic you've written
Friends Don't ✨💕
Eddie and Buck have always been closer than most best friends and it's never bothered them, but lately they've been starting to wonder if there might be more than just friendship between them.
After all, it's becoming clear that there are a lot of things they do that 'just friends' don't.
Pressing his face into his pillow, Buck giggled before mumbling, "Whoops."
"Whoops?" Eddie repeated. "We've been on the phone for almost four hours and all you have to say is 'whoops'?"
"It's been a great four hours," Buck said, the words tumbling out before he had time to consider whether he should be admitting them or not.
"Yeah," Eddie confirmed softly, making Buck's heart squeeze affectionately in his chest. "It has."
Tagging: @idealuk @estheticpotaeto @bklynbiguy ✨
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roryonic · 5 months
Fictional World Tag Game <3
Ignoring how I can't decide anything for the life of me, I'll thank @creepkinginc for the tag<3
Favorite fictional character from a movie? When I had to Google movies, I guess I've already failed buuut.... Patrick Verona from 10 Things I Hate About You.
Favorite fictional character from tv? Mickey Milkovich. Next question.
Favorite fictional character of all time? I spent an ungodly amount of time thinking about this and I have no answer. Buffy, probably.
If you could be irl friends with any three fictional characters, who? The original Scooby Gang from Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
Favorite fictional couple: Yeah, yeah, Gallavich is a cop-out, so Remus Lupin and Sirius Black aka Wolfstar.
Okay, you can only choose one fictional character to get stranded on an island with: I would say Frank Gallagher because he never dies, but he would leave me to die, so that siren mermaid from Pirates of the Caribbean 4. She'd save me.
One fictional world you would hate to be a part of: Squid Game. I would die in the first round.
One fictional world you would love to be a part of: Not a fictional place, I guess, but Gossip Girl on the Upper East Side. I would love to throw away whole phones when somebody pisses me off.
Your “HEAR ME OUT” fictional couple: Fiona and Mandy. Hear me o-
And finally, something you’re looking forward to this week? Mountain hiking, my beloved <3
You get a tag and you get a tag! @jrooc @doshiart @lee-ow @transmurderbug @gallapiech @stocious @deathclassic @blue-disco-lights @bawlbrayker @rayrayor
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marbletheunworthy · 1 year
omg please explain ur 10 things i herm about you au!!!! i have not seen the og movie
Thank you so much for giving me a chance to explain this. First I’m gonna put the movie equivalents of the teens, then I’m gonna explain a bit about each character!
Katarina Stratford- Normally Oak-Swallows-Garcia-Li-Wilson
Bianca Stratford- Lincoln Li-Wilson
Patrick Verona- Herman Unworthy
Cameron James- Taylor swift
Micheal Eckman- Erica Drippins
Joey Donner- (OC) Ramona Donner
Mandella- Scary Marlowe
Chastity- Shmegan Jr.
Walter Stratford- Marco/Grant Li-Wilson
Mr.Morgan- Terry Stampler
Ms.Perky- Erin O Niel
Normal is the weird kid at the school, and he is the adopted brother of link.
Link is the “Boy next door” type perfect, lots of admirers.
Hermie is a different brand of weird kid, he does have friends but she is standoffish and rude to everyone, including his nephew.
Taylor is new at the school, and already head over heels for one Lincoln Li-Wilson. He’s devising a plan to ask him out.
Erica is a popular girl that likes to befriend losers, like Taylor. So far she’s Taylor’s only friend and is attempting to help him get the attention of his crush. Does she have a crush?
Ramona is the head cheerleader and is super rich, she only wants to date link because of a bet with one of her friends but she will do anything to win that bet.
Scary is Normals only friend, she’s slightly less weird then him according to the students of the school but she chooses to stick with normal. The only other person she would consider getting close with is her crush.
Shmegan is slightly less popular then link and silently detests that fact. She wants to be the one that Ramona is tripping over. She’s links best friend though.
Marco and Grant are overprotective parents, going to far as to implement a rule that Link can’t date until Normal does, knowing that normal is super unpopular. They just want to keep their kids safe from heartbreak, though they have unconventional ways of doing that.
Terry jr. Is the kind of teacher that students like to confide in, be also curses in his class so some people automatically like him better. He’s normals favorite teacher though normal would never tell him that. He’s also scarys stepdad.
Erin is the beloved school counselor for her abrasiveness and her charm. She loved plants and has so many that they are overwhelming her office.
Okay now here’s a summary I wrote
Normal moves in with link, grant and Marco. Taylor is a transfer student from chapperal high as he went to live with his uncle, when he arrives at Saint deemus he meets Erica Drippens and she becomes his best friend. When showing him around the school she introduces him to link, the shy jv soccer player. Taylor falls head over heels. We learn later that there’s one obstacle, links adopted brother, Normally Oak Swallows Garcia Li Wilson. Their dads have a rule that Link can’t date until Normal does. So Taylor’s quest is to find someone willing to date the weirdest kid in the school. Maybe his uncle will be up to task, or maybe he’ll just have to live without the boy of his dreams.
And that’s the end, I hope you enjoyed my rant anon!
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fallowhearth · 11 months
tag 9 people to get to know better
tagged by @st-just
3 ships: hmm, I'm not actually much of a shipper? I read lots of ship-fic but I tend to follow the authors I like from ship to ship. Minthara/Lae'zel (BG3), Mercy/Augustine/Jod (The Locked Tomb), Verona&McCauleigh (Pale)
First ever ship: Probably Xena/Gabrielle or Sheridan/Delenn (Babylon 5)
Last song: I'm learning Minuet in G Minor by Petzold. *cowering* I don't really listen to music much these days
Last movie: Barbie. It was ok.
Currently reading: Up to House of Chains in my Malazan reread!
Currently watching: My first thought was Wheel of Time, which I finished watching with friends on the weekend, but then I remembered I'd started and almost finished 1899 after that. It's a shame it's had so little impact since I loved Dark.
Currently consuming: cold brew + soy milk, morning coffee
Currently craving: the vindaloo I'm going to be eating on Friday at the (very) good vegan Indian restaurant that replaced my beloved vegan Chinese restaurant (rip)
tagging @bibliolithid @adjoint-law @flemmboyant @sloth-grammar @theemperorsfeather @yugonostalgia2019 @shadoedseptmbr @verminfang @tideoftrash
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