#veronica being all 'neptune? never heard of it' but AS SOON AS logan her old flame calls and asks for help shes booking the next flight and
notafeeling · 5 years
me: idk if i like this ship-
some fanvid: *montage of them giving each other forehead kisses* and they were soulmates!
me, tearing up: oh my god they were soulmates
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
sometimes i think about how fucking ecstatic i was that veronica mars got renewed almost purely because of the power of the fan base
i was thrilled when the movie kickstarter happened. i donated, i went to see it in theaters during its limited theatrical release. i bought both books as soon as i could, and when i heard that the show was coming back for a fourth season revival with almost the entire original cast reprising their roles, i was fucking beside myself. i was excited, i was ready to campaign for another three seasons of my favorite show. i was stoked.
i spent the entire fourth season waving off the misgivings i had about the content because i was confident it was leading somewhere. i had faith in rob thomas and his showrunning and i knew that it had to be leading somewhere great, even if my favorite characters (veronica in particular) stumbled a little along the way. i was ready to explain away every flaw in any number of ways because i believed they’d be addressed and/or resolved by the end of the season.
and now i can’t even watch the original show.
ten seconds of programming ruined the entire fucking series for me. it not only destroyed everything about season 4, but it tainted the entire show--movie and books included--with the simple knowledge of where it’s going to end up.
with logan dead in a carbomb, so that veronica can go back to being traumatized and cold and alone and leave neptune to be some hardened pi somewhere else, completely by herself, as if that’s a show anyone would actually be interested in watching.
veronica mars was never just about veronica. it was about her world--it was about the people in it. it was about how she coped with her trauma and how she chose to spend her energy, and how she grew (and at times regressed, because progression is rarely linear), and her relationships with the people she loved.
wallace, and weevil, and her father, and mac--and, yes, logan fucking echolls.
the show simply would not have been the same without them. if it were just veronica solving cases for people with whom she had no connection, in a place no one had any reason to care about? it would’ve been just another procedural show, and it never would’ve developed or maintained the fanbase it did. the entire appeal behind veronica mars and the neo-noir themes it was drenched with was the fact that she wasn’t just another hardboiled pi ripped straight from some 40s serial--she couldn’t go it alone, because she wasn’t made that way. she needed her friends, and her father--and i’m sorry, but if someone had to die in season 4 it should’ve been keith--and the people she loved and the people she hated, because they made up her world.
the fact that rob thomas looked at this woman, this thirty-year-old woman who’d been through hell and back multiple times since she was a teenager, and decided that she couldn’t possibly remain an interesting protagonist if she were happy and in love--as if it somehow weakens her, or her narrative, to finally allow someone into her heart unconditionally--and she needed to lose her husband hours after marrying him so that she could be driven out of neptune and away from her friends and family to go it alone...... fuck.
i thought rob thomas understood veronica, i really fucking did. but he managed to destroy the entire series with one horrible decision that tained everything else and i’m so, so viscerally angry about it. it’s been nearly a year, and i’m still pissed. every time i think about veronica, i think about the ending of s4, no matter what it is, and i hate it. i hate that one of my favorite shows of all time dropped right to the bottom of my shit-list in quite literally ten fucking seconds.
to this day, i wish i’d just stopped the episode right when i realized where it was heading, and shut myself off from the fandom completely so i never had to actually see it or hear about it. but i didn’t, and i can’t take that back, and all i have left is a sickening anger i just don’t know what to do with.
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takadasaiko · 4 years
Ooooh M+O for LoVe please? 👀
Done and done! 😆
Summary: When the tabloids start hounding Logan over an interview for the 35th anniversary of the movie that made his father famous it stirs up some bad memories in the Mars-Echolls household.
Tumblr Prompt: M+O Panic attack + "I'm not leaving you like this"
Veronica hadn't been able to reach her boyfriend all afternoon, which wasn't entirely abnormal. It was a Saturday so Logan didn't have to be down in San Diego and, since she was deep in a case, there was a good chance he was catching a few waves with Dick. The only thing that made her pause was that it rolled straight to voicemail, but as Mac tapped on her office door to announce she'd found what they were looking for, it had been shoved to the back of her mind.
She had tried calling him again as the day was wrapping up to see if he wanted her to pick up dinner on the way home, but it rolled immediately to:
"This is Logan. It was Albert Einstein that said life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. I'm out keeping my balance. Leave a message or don't. Your call."
Okay. Usually he wasn't that hard to reach when his feet were on solid ground. Maybe surfing had turned into video games and his phone battery had died. Reasonable enough. If so, he was in for leftover pizza when he got back.
And yet she found his car parked on the street outside of their apartment, so he wasn't at Dick's new digs at the Neptune Grande. That meant his phone was intentionally off, which didn't make sense. Even though he wasn't working most weekends, he needed to be reachable.
Veronica played over the possibilities as she climbed the three flights up to their apartment and took notice of his surfboard leaning against the railing of their patio and Pony's leash hanging on the nail at the front door. As she opened the door, the sharp sound of artillery fire greeted her from their television and she found Logan on the couch with a game controller in hand. "Hey," she shouted over the noise, dropping to one knee as an excitable puppy started climbing her leg.
"Hey," he echoed without looking around, the single word hollow, but she thought he might have turned the sound down a little.
She shot Pony a questioning look, but the puppy just licked her hand before she stood again. "Your phone's been off," she ventured.
"It's broken. New one should be in tomorrow."
Ahh. Broken phone, irritable Logan, puppy that instantly wanted Mom's attention as soon as she walked through the door like he'd gotten the silent treatment all afternoon. Things were starting to add up. "Did you eat Daddy's phone?" Veronica asked the slobbering pup.
Logan finally paused his game and she saw more than heard him inhale deeply, unfolding off the couch and he looked more strained than she expected. "Don't blame him. Not his fault the wall doesn't have any give."
Okay. That was weird. She watched him cross the room and aim for the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. "What happened?"
He grimaced, the expression so subtle she almost missed it. "Threw it."
"For sport?" she asked, trying to keep her tone light. It wasn't like the nine years of maturity while they had been apart had magically cured Logan of his temper, but he had a much better handle on it. Not just anything set him off these days.
Logan snorted softly, setting his glass down hard on the counter to free his hand for a sarcastic little flourish that reminded Veronica of a much younger version of the man she loved. "Tabloids. Apparently they're doing a thirty-five year celebration of The Long Haul and they wanted a few words about dear ol' dad. I guess Trina wasn't available."
Yeah. Okay. The broken phone made more sense now. "Let me guess, they wouldn't take no for an answer?"
"They were very insistent."
Veronica swallowed the quip that almost escaped her about hanging up versus launching the phone across the room. He seemed at least a little calmer now and there was no need to re-escalate. Nor should she ask - no matter how much her curious nature drove her to want to - exactly what they'd said to initiate the premature death of his phone. Logan had a volatile relationship with the press at best. They'd spent the summer after his father's death hounding him for an interview. How did he feel about his father's death? Was it true that Aaron had cut him out of his will? Did he regret testifying against him - and some even went as far as to say lying about him - in the Lilly Kane murder trial? Was he in any way responsible for his father's death?
The questions went on and on. This was certainly not the first broken phone over them and he'd changed his number two or three times during that summer and the following school year, doing his best to fall off their radar, and he'd told her that it had worked for a while. Right up until Carrie's spiral became more public. Between his failed attempts to help her and her eventual death, the vultures had returned, and all they wanted was a piece of him. Veronica had seen it even in New York. Son of a movie star…. That's all he was to them. Never Logan. Never a living, breathing human being that could have been crushed by the weight of everything that they kept dredging back up. She hated it. She hated them.
"Sorry," he huffed.
"For what? Not your fault they're assholes."
That finally pulled the barest of smiles from him and Veronica stepped forward, her arms around his middle and she looked up into those soft brown eyes of his, hating how that old hurt crept in at the mention of his father. She couldn't fix it for him, even if she did what she could to help him put a few legal barriers between him and the press. The damage was done and there was no way to make Aaron Echolls pay any more than he already had. If she could, she'd do it in a heartbeat. She was good at making people pay, but not so great in knowing what to say to ease the hurt left behind.
Logan cleared his throat. "How 'bout dinner?"
Change of subject. That she could do. They were good at distractions.
"What do you say we walk down to the sushi joint with the teriyaki roll you like?"
"I thought you didn't like it?"
"No, I said they make us wait too long for a table and it's not worth it," she countered. "But you've eaten at a few places you're not crazy about when I've had shit days."
She found him staring at her like he was trying to find an angle that wasn't there before his smile returned, a little more real this time. "I love you. You know that?"
"That is the rumour." She tipped up on her toes and pecked a kiss to his lips. "Love you too. Go find shoes. I'll grab Pony. They might make us wait for a table, but not that cute little monster."
"True," he chuckled and disappeared down the hall.
Dinner was good. Relaxing. Veronica has been right about Pony snagging them a seat quicker than they usually got one there and the pup had curled up on Logan's foot under the table like a sleepy, floppy-eared guard. He and Veronica stayed and chatted, drinking sake and Logan picking his way around the dishes without shellfish. By the end of it, nearly all of the frustration from earlier had been worked loose, Veronica's smile and laugh easing the tenseness in a way few things could.
He could remember getting home, remember that laugh following them into their apartment as he had picked her up and spun her around. He remembered Veronica kissing him and they had stumbled and tumbled their way back to the bedroom, her fingers wrapped around the fabric of his shirt to drag it over his head. He remembered laying there with her some time later, comfortably curled together, her nails tracing patterns against his bare back as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, sleep pulling at him.
It should have been an easy sleep, and maybe it was at least for a little while. Somehow though, no matter how hard he'd fought against it, his mind dropped him into a place he didn't want to be. He stood outside a house that had burned down over a decade before and stared down into an empty pool. He could feel the dried blood from his nose, the deep ache in ribs that had been cracked by the fall. It made it hard to breathe, but he was rooted in place. Trapped and utterly unable to move.
"I didn't ask a lot," a voice that he'd have preferred never hear again said from behind him. "You're my blood, my legacy. You destroyed it."
Fingers wrapped around the collar of his shirt, finally breaking where his feet might as well have been glued to the concrete surrounding the pool and he felt himself falling. Down and down and down. Like ejecting without a parachute. He slammed into the unrelenting ground, his head bouncing and he found himself staring up into the rage-filled eyes of his father. "You'd have nothing without me! Be nothing!"
Logan struggled for words, but Aaron's hands were around his throat, cutting off his air. He could fight. The rational part of his mind that screamed at him that none of this was real anymore also reminded him that he would have been stronger than Aaron if the man were still alive, but that didn't seem to sink in deep enough to counter the vivid nightmare. No. He was eight years old with his father screaming and shaking him, so filled with rage that Logan was sure this was it. This was how it was going to end.
Another voice cut through, sharp and worried and Logan swung wildly even as he found himself flying up and out of bed. He still couldn't breathe as he reached trembling fingers to his throat.
He spun, finding Veronica on the far side of their bed like she'd scooter away quickly. Her eyes were wide in the shadows and it took him a moment to realize he might have swung at her. No. No no no. He hadn't meant to. He'd been fighting for his life. He would never —
"Logan?" she tried again, inching forward this time.
"Did I….?" was all he could manage and she shook her head.
"It's okay. I'm okay. Are you?"
Something in his mind reminded him that he should tell her yes. Alway yes. If not there'd be consequences.
And there it was. The tightening of his throat again, just like Aaron was reaching out from the grave and choking the life out of him. If I can't live neither can you. It wasn't hard to imagine him saying it.
Logan felt Veronica's fingers on his arm and he flinched away, throwing the sheets off and stumbling out of bed, halfway to the living room before his eyes found their focus in the shadows. Pony gave a soft whimper off to the side, but stayed out from underfoot.
Everything was spinning too fast. Too fast to form words or even thoughts. He hit the far end of the living room and turned around, Pony scurrying again. Veronica met him before he could redirect and she caught his shaking hands, holding them firmly. "Hey," she coaxed, her voice strangely soft. "It's okay. Whatever you saw, it's not real. It's not here."
"I just…. I can't…. I don't…." He loosed a low, sharp curse and tried to meet her eyes. "I just need a few minutes."
"Okay," she said, but didn't budge.
Logan shook his head. "Alone."
He watched her lips tilt down at the corners as blonde brows drew together. "I'm not leaving you like this."
Like this. An absolute basket case. This hadn't happened in so long. He thought he'd moved past it. Figured it out. He shoved the fear under anger and it made things…. maybe not easier. That wasn't the right word, because the anger brought its own problems, but it was bearable. He felt more in control.
Veronica still hadn't let go of his hands, so when his knees gave and he sank heavily to the floor, she moved with him. Funny, she never broke eye contact. It was like an anchor, carefully reeling him in to sturdier ground.
"What was it for you?" He just stared at her and Veronica leaned down to kiss his knuckles, her voice still quiet. "It's the box for me. Burning hot and I know I'm gonna die."
"When I dream about Aaron," she clarified.
"I didn't know that you did," Logan managed, finally shifting his grip so that he was holding her hands, not just being held.
"We don't talk about him," Veronica reminded him softly and squeezed his fingers. "For good reason."
"It's not your fault."
"He was my father."
"That doesn't make him your fault. Not for what he did to me or to you or…."
"Lilly," his first love's name slipped off his tongue.
"Or Lilly. You are not responsible for Aaron. He should have been better for you. Dads are supposed to protect you."
The words stung, even if she's meant them as affirmation of his own innocence in Aaron's sins. She had had Keith. Of course she would think dads were inherently good. Not his. And, if Aaron could be believed, not his father before him either. That didn't exactly bode well for him. Not that Veronica had ever shown any inclination to take that step.
Veronica loosed a breath. "Sometimes it's my dad outside, like when it happened, but I hear this sound and I know he's gone. Sometimes it's Lilly or Wallace or Mac. And sometimes -" she caught his gaze and held it - "it's you. And all I can think as I'm burning alive is didn't he do enough to him? Why does he get to take him from me too?"
Logan saw tears in her eyes and he reached one hand up to run a thumb along to wipe it away. "Tonight was the pool," he confessed softly. "I could feel every cracked rib. The bloody nose he gave me when he knocked me in. And him… demanding why I was destroying his legacy." He snorted, shaking his head at the stupidity of it all.
"He's gone. He can't hurt either of us," Veronica breathed and there was a long, thoughtful pause before she spoke again. "He threatened me once in the elevator at the Grande. I think he would have done it too. First chance he got. Whoever killed him probably saved both of our lives."
Logan swallowed hard. "Duncan."
"Duncan hired somebody."
"How… how do you know that? How would he even know….?"
"I found out a few years ago, while you were in New York."
She made a small sound of acknowledgement. He'd always wondered if she knew, but from the look on her face he guessed probably not.
"He loved you and he was my best friend. Last chance to protect us, I guess."
"I guess," she echoed and looked up at him. She let go of his hand to press both palms to either side of his face, guiding him in gently until their lips met. He melted into the kiss until they rocked back. Logan leaned over her, hovering close enough that he could feel her breath and she let one hand slide to rest against his chest. "Now we protect each other, don't we?"
He nodded wordlessly and felt her other hand wrap around the back of his neck, pulling him back down. "Love you."
"You too. Think we can get back to bed?"
He rolled off of her, his movements slow, but at least he felt steadier now. She took his hand again as they climbed to their feet, leading him back to the bedroom. It had been a long time since he'd found himself that deep in a nightmare, but it was the first time Veronica had been on the waking side of it. Strange what a difference it could make. On those nights that his father had haunted him over the last decade he had known he wouldn't see a wink of sleep the rest of the night, but now, somehow, he knew she'd protect him against Aaron's ghost. They'd protect each other.
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Why Veronica Mars broke my heart.
Ok let’s start this. Everything I’m going to write is my opinion, how I felt and my views on season 4. And it’s the first time I’m writing anything that I want to make “public”, but I’m honestly doing it for myself more than anything.
To start with logic, let’s talk about the story of season 4. Some part of the mystery was not too bad, but to be honest it was quite messy. I think it was a bit much for an 8-episodes season and I don’t really think the thing about the Mexican cartel was necessary, and let’s be real, I felt it was a bit racist, but I won’t say more about it because I’m not Mexican/Latina nor American and I don’t feel it’s my place to say anything about it. The bombing of Neptune during spring break could have been brilliant, and the idea of it being link with the debate in town was a great reminder that Neptune was a place with no middle class, which is also the root of the show. But the going back and forth about who the suspects are and the motivation behind all that just confused the hell out of me. I think this is the first issue in the writing of the new season.
The second issue I see in the writing is how Veronica was portrayed. It’s like they forgot who she was, everything she went through and survived. I felt that her relation with Keith is still strong but a bit off; it felt like Veronica was still a teenager. Let’s not mention how she is ignoring and judging Wallace for having a family and a house and showing it as something boring; and the big mess with Weevil. But let’s take a quick second to thank Tina for not getting into this mess. Her friends were so important to her, and that’s also why we loved her. Also her rejecting and making fun of Logan for going to therapy and encouraging her to do the same, like isn’t she suppose to have a degree in Psychology? I couldn’t read the books completely because season 4 came before I could finish them, and I’m not really in the mood for anymore VM right now, but in the movie she was so different than how she was in the new season. The other issue I have, like many fans, is with the alcohol and drug use. Everybody can do whatever they want of course, and even more if everything is legal, but this is so out of character. She was raped because of alcohol and drug. Her mom was an alcoholic and she saw it destroy her family. And this is just in season one. The only time we saw Veronica drinking was in the movie and it was one drink and a beer. If you just really think for a minute you can see the issue. I’ve love this character for a good portion of my life, and I couldn’t recognize her. And I know they wanted to make things more adult, but you can do that without completely destroying everything who’ve built before. Also she has been a PI for so long now, in what world, would she not check her car?  There is just no logic to that and you can’t tell me otherwise. Her relationship with Logan had issues too. Like I said the thing about therapy is problematic. But the whole angry sex scene was so wrong. He’s actively trying to get better, to heal his anger, and the only thing she wants is old Logan, when in the previous seasons, particularly in the third, she was so judgmental of everything he was and did. This is just messy writing, and a lack of consistency. And every problems or fights they had just disappeared and they just didn’t really talk about it. If you want to make Veronica more adult, let’s start with her acting like an adult in a stable relationship, which she was suppose to be at the beginning of the new season. It’s not like we decided that it was who she was, you put her in that place.                             Also telling us that Veronica is more interesting when traumatised, telling that no matter what you do you won’t ever be able to access happiness, that a married woman is not as sexy or interesting; I can go on and on and on. We are in 2019, your show used to be something people brought up when talking about woman on TV, about feminism, and you absolutely destroy that. You just showed us that you know nothing about feminism and what women go through. And the fact that you protagonist is a woman doesn’t change anything about that. A woman doesn’t have to be a survivor of sexual assault to be strong; a woman doesn’t have to be single to be independent; a woman doesn’t have to have multiple sexual partners to be sexy.
But you know what, as a fan of the show for 15years, I was bothered by all that maybe I could have accept it as just flaws, without it completely ruining the new season for me, and hoping they’ll improve her character in a potential season 5. And honestly I thought I was going to rewatched it over and over so I was not really focused on the problems, but on the fact that I was watching new episodes of Veronica Mars, which is something I didn’t think was possible.                     But they had to kill Logan with no respect, the best character of the whole show, no matter what people say. He went from a proper jackass, a bully, and a victim of abuse, to an adult in the process of healing, with a career no one expected. And also, he was not just part of the relationship with Veronica; he was also a character that we loved on his own. Of course he was an awful person at the beginning of the show, but first he wasn’t the only one (let’s not forget Duncan please thank you and Leo who sold the tapes of Lily and Aaron, which apparently everyone in the writers room forgot) and I’m never going to ignore that, but you can’t deny the changes he made, and his real motivation to get better and this is not something you can say about Veronica in season 4. You know what I need as a victim of traumatic event?  To Heal. I’m getting there, it is hard work and this how Veronica should be in season 4, but who was in that place? Logan. But you decided that it was not enough.
I don’t know what happen behind the scene, and I’m not going to speculate about that, but Jason did such a good job portraying Logan, from the start to the end. And his death was unfair, to Jason first, and to the fans. And what was even more unfair, is the lack of closure and grief that was giving to us. We just saw a character that we loved for 15 years blow up after a wedding that we weren’t sure we were going to have and nothing. Of course, I think you can kill major character in show, if the motivations are good, and the death is going to improve the story and/or a character but you have to do it properly. Because otherwise you’re not doing it for the good reasons. I can give you examples of shows that killed major character and did it properly : How to get away with Murder killed one of the main character and we had a whole season dedicated to that death and Laurel’s grief ; Peaky Blinder, and it was quite violent yet still acceptable, proof that you can have a violent end and still do it respectably ; Desperate Housewives killed one of the most important character in one of the last episodes of the show, a fan favourite but we had some time of grief, with a funeral and how every other character had to deal with this death ; Downton Abbey killed not one but two major character in one season ; Grey’s Anatomy is known for killing major character but every time we had closure and grief for us and from the characters ; and to go on the SF side, Game of Thrones did it better than Veronica Mars, which wants to make me laugh. And Glee, for which the death was real, was able to respect their fans, actors, crew and everyone who was devastated by the passing of Cory Monteith.
I completely support that the creators and the writers are free to do what they want with what they created.  I honestly believe that if Logan had to die for the show to keep going; I don’t agree but it was Rob freedom to do so. But there were a million better ways to do it without being disrespectful to the actor, the character and the fans. Because yes, a show without an audience, and without fans is nothing. That is why brilliant TV shows get cancelled and mediocre show can go on for ten years. A vocal fandom and audience is what’s keeping a show alive.  And when you look at the facts, the Veronica Mars fandom is what made everything possible. Without us, Veronica Mars would have disappeared in the world of cancelled show with good potential but that didn’t have a lot of success. I couldn’t give to the Kickstarter campaign, because I didn’t have a bank account at that time but I bought the complete collection of Veronica Mars when I was a broke student, and I can tell you 45€ is a lot of money, I bought my Team Logan t-shirt, I bought the books, I put my money in it because I wanted to show I was supporting Veronica Mars, and I wanted more. As soon as I heard on Kristen’s Instagram that it was coming back, I was absolutely ecstatic. I followed every account on every platform I was on. I commented on Instagram to express how happy and grateful I was and this is something I never do. I couldn’t stop talking about it to my friends, even though they don’t really watch it. The week before the surprise release I was non-stop on Veronica Mars. I haven’t been excited about anything for a long, long time. And it was destroyed in 10 minutes.
And as you know we can fight to have our show back, but we can also do everything we can to make sure that Hulu and Rob, and everyone involve know how we feel. And ignoring us on social media won’t stop us from expressing our thoughts and feelings. And for the first time you can see fans fighting to end the show we’ve been supporting for so long. After season 4, I can assure you that I’d rather give the movie and the books back so my favourite show would not be ruined for me. And if Rob thinks that the mystery is why we were all watching, he is so wrong. Being a PI is part of Veronica’s character, not everything about her. Her relations and the other characters are what we loved about the show. The mystery part of it was nice sometime, and could be well written, especially in season 1, but this was not the heart of the show, no matter what Rob is saying. He says he wants to make a show 100% about mystery and a detective. My mom loves police shows; she watches everything, Murder she Wrote, every fucking CSI, Criminal Mind, Cold Case, really shitty French Show,...and I can assure you she still watches for the characters. Because no matter the story you’re telling, the characters are the heart of it.
The first feeling I had after spending a whole night watching the new season was real sadness. I think I cry for over an hour. I was truly heartbroken. I’m not in a really good place emotionally at the moment and I was so looking forward to this, I cannot even begin to explain what it did to me. The next week I almost didn’t sleep, and I was a real mess. I had some family that was visiting and all I could think about was a fucking TV show. But when the interviews and videos started to come out, I was absolutely pissed. It felt like a betrayal. Telling us this is what we need, saying Logan was a sacrificial lamb, saying Veronica is in that place now, that they’ll be no grieving. We are adult now; we are not children throwing a stupid tantrum. And presenting us as angry fan girl, who are just pissed because our ship is over is so fucking sexist. And even if we are pissed about that, which I also am, what is the problem? We can love a relation and the character, and still be a “good fan”. Also can we talk about how you used Logan and LoVe in the promo, the trailer, all the social media, to make sure the fans who love LoVe where going to watch. This is manipulating your audience, and from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.
I use to associate Veronica Mars with something positive, a safe space, where my problems were not real, now it’s a lot of pain, regret, rage. The only good thing about all that is the community, you know the fans that you don’t care about anymore. People from all over the world; supporting each other, checking on each other, loving each other. You honestly had one of the best Fan Base behind you Rob, and you just gave us the biggest fuck off of all time. You say you made a bet, and that you hope the fan won’t hate you for it. I can tell you, even if you have a season 5, you still lost.      
Because you lost us; and our support.
It’s been a month, and I’m only able to finish writing that now, and it still feels really fresh. I’m still devastated, and angry, and betrayed and so many emotion that I never thought I would associate with Veronica Mars; yet here we are.
And to Rob, and Hulu, of anyone that worked on this, please no more, no season 5, no more social media post. You didn’t give us grieving, so please now leave us alone.
I’m sure it was not really well written, and that I forgot a shit ton of stuff but this is what I think and feel, and if anyone read this, I hope this will maybe give comfort, like reading everyone else’s opinions helped me a bit. Like I said to a dear writer that I love, like always we will get through this together.
@hulu @officialveronicamarsonhulu
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allthevmff · 5 years
Whales Are Assholes
by AdorkableAuthor
“Lilly, I have to go.” Veronica Mars shuffled around her office while packing up her briefcase with folders and files. In an office known for being busy late into the night and packed before the sun rose, she was one of the last still puttering around. It was a big night for the firm.
“No, you have to talk to me.” Lilly Kane whined in Veronica's ear. Since meeting in elementary school, Lilly and Veronica have been best friends. Now in their twenties, Veronica was nearly immune to all of Lilly's attention antics. “It's been nearly two months since I've seen you. Now, I am coming up tonight and-”
“Can't. I'm busy tonight.” Veronica sighed and set her briefcase on her desk. She missed Lilly and wished they could spend time together. But, her job was important to her and she was still proving herself. When she finished with law school at Columbia, she moved to LA to work for a prestigious law firm. As a junior associate, she wasn't a hotshot yet, but she was making small waves within the firm. “Lilly, I promise when things settle down, I'll come to Neptune and we'll go to the beach and get sloppy drunk and hit on hot beach volleyball players. But, that won't be anytime in the near future. I'm an associate. I don't have free time.”
“What are you doing tonight?” Lilly huffed a bit. Veronica pictured Lilly's classic pout and felt her defenses weaken.
“I have a black tie event with the firm. Dressed up pretty. Best behavior. No Lilly.” Veronica smirked. She doubted her words were enough to keep the heiress away from a party.
“You know how hot I look all dolled up, Veronica Mars. You could have asked me to join you to spice it up. The senior partners would love me.” Lilly giggled.
“I have a date. He's meeting me in-” Veronica shifted her head to look at the small clock on her desk. “An hour and twelve minutes and I have to go home and shower. I need to go, Lilly.”
“A date? With who?” Lilly cooed.
“I don't know his name, just someone an old roommate is sending my way.” Veronica had a handful of roommates from college.
“Which roommate?” Lilly asked carefully. “It better not be Tabitha.” Lilly and Tabitha didn't get along after a dinner party fiasco involving a rising star in which they both had relations. Lilly later admitted he wasn't that talented in bed for them to be so upset over it. Lilly, of course, never admitted that to Tabitha.
“No.” Veronica smirked. “It was Juno.” She knew Lilly much preferred Juno who agreed with Lilly on most things and let the lively blonde have her way on things. Veronica thought Juno was being a doormat, but Juno seemed happy to just be liked.
“Oh, she has good taste in guys.” Lilly approved. “Ok, call me tomorrow. I want to know how it goes.”
“Will do. Love you, Lils.” Veronica had a creeping feeling that Lilly Kane wasn't done with her night.
“Back at ya, babe.” Lilly hung up.
 Luck was on Veronica's side as she rushed home and avoided any traffic jams. She jumped into the shower. She was applying her mascara when the downstairs buzzer rang. She mumbled a curse and rushed across the apartment to the intercom. With a small pant, she held down the button. “Yes?”
“Veronica Mars?” A smooth, but not too deep voice asked. “It's Logan Echolls. Juno sent me.” He sounded a bit nervous, but relaxed too. Tonight was her chance to rub elbows with the hoshposh and Juno assured her this guy would fit right in.
“Right. Just to be sure, you aren't a murdering rapist, right?” Veronica nibbled on her freshly glossed lip. She trusted Juno not to send her a criminal, but felt an urge to tease the voice.
“If I was, telling you now would almost guarantee I wouldn't get my kicks later tonight.” He chuckled just a tad. “But, I was assured you could handle any attacks I attempted with some martial art training?”
“Krav Maga. And I'm told you are ex Navy? Surely they trained you in something there.” Veronica leaned against the wall with a small grin. Her stomach was doing twists and turns like riding a roller coaster.
“Surely did. But, mostly in swimming. Lots of water. Also, I can speak with dolphins and whales, though they are all assholes. You wouldn't expect all of them to be, but they are.”
“So, if we are attacked by whales, you would be able to protect me?” Veronica caught herself twirling a bit of her hair and stopped herself.
“Oh, most certainly. Government approved whale fighter.” He cleared his throat. “As fun as this is, I'm starting to get looks. Can I come up? Or I can just wait for you down here.”
“Come up. I'm still getting ready.” She pushed the button that unlocked the building's front door, hearing the buzzer to notify her. She reached over to unlock her apartment door and opened it just slightly. She rushed back to her bathroom. She picked up the mascara to at least even out her eyes before he showed up.
A knock before she heard his clear voice. “Veronica? Leaving your door open is how horror movies start.” He paused and gave a small chuckle. “I'm curious if you want me to leave it open for your own safety or if I can close it for privacy, since we seem to enjoy this yelling thing.”
Veronica checked her makeup and sighed. She wasn't done, but she had to peek out to acknowledge him. She stepped out into the small hall and smiled warmly. Juno had done a fine job picking a date, if looks were at all important. “Hi.”
He turned and looked at her. His big brown eyes were tender. He gave her a quick once over and he wasn't shy about it. “Hello.” He pointed to himself using a single finger while a lopsided grin adorned his chiseled face. “Logan.”
“Veronica.” She copied his gesture. “Nice to meet you.”
“And you. Juno said you were petite.” His smile evened out, but kept the warmth it had. It was also contagious. Veronica couldn't stop smiling back.
“And she said you were full of manners and wouldn't embarrass me tonight.” Veronica shifted her weight a bit. She was nervous about the party, but now also with the lava hot guy in her living room.
“Yes, the snobby rich and I go way back.” He gave a smirk and Veronica felt her knees wobble.
“I still need a couple more minutes. I have something in the fridge, probably. Or there's water. Help yourself to anything. Snoop around a little. I'll be out soon.” She gave a little wave and ducked back into the bathroom. Her reflection showed a huge smile on her face. She shook her head and let out a soft breath. “Calm down, Mars. He's a rental.” She heard his footsteps around her living room. She reduced that he skipped her offer of refreshments and went straight to snooping. She would need to hurry.
“You know the Kanes?” He seemed shocked. She forgot sometimes that they were southern California royalty.
Veronica froze. “Yes. I went to school with them as a kid.”
“Duncan and I met at camp when I was twelve. We still try to get together and surf a couple times a year.”
“Yea? He never told you about me?” Veronica exhaled slowly while she started eye shadow. She wondered how weird it was that Duncan never told his friend about her. Doubt to their relationship flooded her brain.
“Not by name. Should he have?”
“Well, we dated for a year or so in high school.” She turned her physical attention onto her other eye to make it match the first. She thought about how Duncan was her first lover and she was pretty sure she had been his first.
“Pep squad with Lilly?” Of course, he knew Lilly too.
“Everywhere with Lilly.” Veronica smiled. “She's my best friend.”
“You have my condolences. She's a handful.” Of course, he really knew Lilly.
Veronica put her makeup away and checked her hair. “You met her?”
“Yes. She was very forward. I-” He paused. “How do I put this without being insulting? I prefer women I have to work to get. She prefers men who fall at her feet. We didn't click as well as she had hoped.”
Veronica smirked. “That's probably the nicest way my best friend has been called easy. Thank you.” She let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Her chest felt free.
“Well, you know Krav Maga. I didn't want you kicking my butt before we got to the party. I didn't want to explain bruises to your work friends.” His sarcastic tone was similar to angels singing.
“Oh, they are aware of how I handle my men.” Veronica blinked and lowered her eyes as she felt a blush rise up her neck. “That's totally a joke.”
He giggled. “I'm aware of humor, Veronica. I'm more concerned with you claiming ownership of me. And possibly the plural use of 'men', implying I wouldn't be your only one.”
Relief filled her as he didn't take offense. “Well, we just met and I like to have backup.” Veronica sighed, satisfied that her look would just have to do before she stepped out into the hall. “Just about ready to go.” She spun around and slipped into her bedroom. It was dark but she just needed her shoes and a coat.
“Is your bedroom that messy that you are ashamed I'd see it if you turned on the light?”
“Perhaps. I find it's a good way to avoid bringing men home on first dates.” She slipped her shoes on and stepped out into the light hall. She looked down to make sure they matched.
He leaned against the wall and looked at her with a soft smirk. “You do realize that guys wouldn't care if you are a slob. They would be getting laid.”
She thought he might practice that lean. It was perfect. “But, I would care. It's a good method.” She waved a hand dismissing his logic. “Ready?”
“Coat?” He pushed off the wall slowly. “It's very cold out there. I dare say it might be in the 60s later.”
“Brr.” Veronica smirked. “I'll grab a shawl.” She reached back into her bedroom and grabbed a cool purple one to compliment her black gown. She stepped closer to him.
“I'm sorry I didn't mention it earlier, maybe because you weren't yet done completing your look, but you look beautiful.” He smiled sweetly down at her. He was towering over her, even in her heels. But, he didn't feel threatening.
“Thank you. Juno said you cleaned up nice and I'll have to agree. You look very handsome, Mr. Echolls.” She was sure he looked good in anything or nothing.
“I'm here to enhance your appearance. Happy to help.” He offered an arm with a slightly raised eyebrow. “Shall we?”
Veronica gave a little nod and grabbed her tiny purse. “Sure.”
 After a short ride in a long limo, Veronica allowed him to escort her inside the giant hall. It was elegant with large chandeliers and only slightly smaller center pieces on tables. As she looked around, she saw some familiar faces. Casey Gant was sipping a martini with Carrie Bishop, or as she was now known as Bonnie DeVille. He owned a publishing house and she was a pop icon. Casey must have noticed Veronica because he smiled and waved to her. Carrie turned and offered a brief nod before she leaned closer to Casey and nodded towards Veronica and Logan.
“Friends of yours?” Logan asked softly as he leaned down a bit.
“Old high school buddies.” Veronica shrugged. Casey the obligatory psychotic jackass of her high school and Carrie accused her favorite teacher of having an affair with a student. They weren't exactly the type of friends who kept in touch.
“Oh, so they know the Kanes too?” Logan seemed to take the hint and lead her away from them and also towards the bar.
“Oh, very well. I think Lilly and Casey had a fling or two.” Veronica looked to the bartender. “Vodka tonic.”
The bartender nodded and looked to Logan.
“Tonic, no vodka.”
Veronica looked up at him. “Not a drinker?”
“Not since rehab.” He grinned. “And before you offer to not drink, please don't. I'm perfectly ok with tonic or soda or water.”
“I wasn't going to offer.” She smirked. “Your ego that big? Shame. The rest of you looks good.”
He leaned in again. “I assure you, the rest of me is a good size. The ego is earned.” He flashed her a cocky grin.
Veronica chuckled. “Well, I will take your word on it, for now. I'll let you know if I want a second opinion.” She resisted the urge to fan herself.
“I'll wait on bated breath, my dear.” He gave her a wink and tossed a five dollar bill in the tip jar. He handed Veronica her drink and took his. “So, I'm assuming we go on rounds and say hello to the bosses and their minions and maybe some high end clients?”
“Close enough.” She took her drink and sipped it. “Juno said you could razzle dazzle the worst of them. Ready to prove her right?” She was pleased he knew wen to change topics.
“Well, of course, but do we tell them this is our first date? Or have we been dating for a while and this is just the first time they get to meet me?” He sipped his drink and while keeping eye contact.
“Oh. Um. Why would I lie to them?” Veronica raised a brow.
“Well, bringing a first date to a work thing is, I don't want to say it's bad form, but it's a bit telling you didn't have a date and had to find someone short notice.”
“Yes. So, maybe we met a couple weeks ago?” He had a point.
“At a bar with your friends. I'm guessing you don't spend a lot of time socializing.” He held up a hand. “I say it because you seem to bathe, you are probably smarter than me and you are beyond gorgeous. If you spent time outside of the office, you could meet someone without the help of a friend.” He grinned.
Veronica felt the blush rising again. “Uh. Thanks.”
“So, we tell them you played hard to get, but your friend Juno eventually talked you into giving me a shot. I wowed you with a game of darts and we've been casually seeing each other for a couple weeks. It's still new enough that I wouldn't know any of your secrets, but it's less... desperate.” He winced a bit at the final word.
“Works for me.” Veronica tried not to take his words to heart. They were true, but she was hardworking. She wasn't going to apologize for who she was. “Shall we?”
“You might want to ask me some basic questions before we talk to anyone else.” He sipped his drink.
“Like?” She stretched the word out a bit. She was still a little hurt at being called desperate.
“Maybe ask what I do for a living. Or where my family is. Or if I've got kids.” His suggestions were good and he kept his tone light, as if he were having fun planning their fake relationship.
Veronica watched him. “Or you could just tell me all the information you'd think I'd know after two weeks.”
“I'm a writer, my family is in LA. You might have heard of my parents. And I have no kids, that I know about. And I think someone would pipe up if I got them pregnant.”
“Your parents?” Veronica asked. “Echolls?” She searched her brain for any recognition.
“Not into movies?” He smirked.
“No time for them. I'm a dedicated worker.”
“Aaron and Lynn?” He sighed when she showed no clarity. “He does blockbusters and she does mostly TV movies now, but she used to do indies. She likes the art more than the cash.”
“Oh.” She thought about catching some low grade action movie on TBS a few nights ago. She kept it on for noise. “The Breaking Point?”
“That's my dad.” Logan rolled his eyes a bit. “I can get you an autograph.”
“I'm good. I'm more into Tom Cruise.” She shrugged.
“I'm actually grateful for that.” He gave her a soft smile and she thought he was telling the truth. “What do your parents do?”
“My dad is a sheriff. My mom...” Veronica shrugged. She didn't want to rain on their lovely parade tonight. “She's not really in my life.”
Logan nodded. “No need to say more.” He paused. “A sheriff? So he carries guns?”
Veronica smirked. “Often.”
“Duly noted.” He sipped his drink.
Veronica didn't like the lull in their conversation. Keeping on the subject of family, she continued to question him. “So, siblings?”
“I have an older sister and an older half brother.” He glanced around. “You?”
“Only child.” Surely, it was a blessing and a curse.
Veronica watched as he poked at his ice. “Pets?”
“None of my own, but my mom has alpacas.” He grinned and she wasn't sure if he was joking or not.
“Cute.” Veronica smirked.
“Been meaning to get a dog, but not much time for a pet.” She sipped her drink.
“Right.” Logan nodded. “I think it's time to-”
“Veronica Mars!”
Veronica blinked and turned towards the door to see Lilly standing at the top of the stairs. She looked fabulous, of course, in a gown she probably grabbed off the rack on the way into town.
Lilly grinned as their eyes met and began to walk down the stairs. Several guys offered a hand, but she shooed them away. She walked up to Veronica before she eyed Logan. “With Logan Echolls. Interesting.” Her lips curled into a predatory grin.
“Lilly, I told you not to come. I didn't really want my name screamed from the door.” Veronica felt her hair standing up on the back of her neck and her heartbeat in her throat.
Lilly rolled her eyes. “Trust me, they don't care I yelled your name now. They are waiting to see if I yell their names later.” She winked to Veronica. She turned to Logan. “Had I known Logan was your date, I would have gotten here sooner.” Her voice dripped with lusty ambition.
“Lilly, it's always a pleasure to see you.” Logan sighed with a dull smile.
“Excuse us.” Lilly hooked her arm around Veronica's and tugged her towards the closest ladies room. Once inside, Lilly grabbed Veronica's drink and gulped it down. “Logan Echolls?”
“I didn't realize you two knew each other until he picked me up. He saw a picture of you and Duncan in my apartment.” Veronica sighed and checked her makeup while she was near a mirror. She looked fine.
“He got into your apartment? You horndog!” Lilly giggled. “He's perfect for you, Veronica.”
“We didn't do anything. He waited for me to finish getting ready and we left.” Veronica left out the flirting and the leaning.
“You wasted time putting clothes on. I've heard he's very talented.” Lilly leaned over the sink to poke at her lip liner.
“He's not a real date, Lilly. He's a cover, so I look better for my bosses. I look like I socialize, even though they know how long I spend at my desk.” Veronica cringed before she checked to make sure they were alone. Luckily, she didn't notice any feet in the stalls.
“Well, you should take him home and socialize.” Lilly leaned back. “I saw Casey was here with that Milli Vanilli chick.”
“I'm pretty sure Carrie sings the songs.” Veronica chuckled mostly at Lilly's jealousy.
“I'm not. I should demand she sing for me tonight. Live.” Lilly nodded.
“Are they even a couple?” Veronica asked.
“Casey is too good for her. Remember when she slept with Mr. Rooks? What a whore! I wonder if she passed his class.”
“She switched to Pan, Lilly.” She waved her hands in an attempt to dispel the stroll on memory lane. “Look, I actually have some networking I need to do. And Logan is here to help me do it.”
“Good. He's smooth when he needs to be. When Donut introduced us, he turned me down. Did he tell you that? He refused to sleep with me. He said something about me just using him to get back at someone. I forget who I was seeing at the time. Maybe Eli.” She shrugged. “And he was right. I was going to use him to sleep with his dad. Did you know he is the son of movie star and hottest man alive, Aaron Echolls?”
Veronica nodded. “It came up in conversation.” She was sure Logan was hotter than his father, but let Lilly talk.
“So, he has good genes. And he's smart. Like, you and Donut kind of smart. He reads a lot. One time in Aspen, I swear he read four books in a week.”
“I didn't know you went on vacation with him.” Veronica didn't understand the jealousy she was feeling.
“Well, Donut asked me to join him, but I turned him down, so I guess he asked Logan, and I showed up because who turns down Aspen?” She faced the mirror and moved her hair around a bit. “It's not like Logan asked me to go.”
“So, you and he never...” It was one thing for him to say they never did anything. It would mean a lot if Lilly confirmed it.
“Nope. Never.” Lilly smirked to Veronica, like she knew what Veronica was thinking. “A rarity, I know. I gave up on that whale a while ago.”
“Whales are assholes.” Veronica mumbled with a grin as she repeated the earlier comment.
“What? How many drinks have you had, Veronica Mars?” Lilly smirked.
Veronica shook her head and nodded toward the glass in Lilly's hand. “You finished off my first.”
“Well, you need more. And you should consider Logan for more than a socializing buffer for your bosses. He's a decent guy. I would have set you two up sometime if I could get you to vacation with us.”
“Yea, that wouldn't be awkward. You remember that your brother and I dated, right?” Veronica leaned against the counter.
“Barely. Something about holding hands?” Lilly waved her hand and Veronica realized who she got that gesture from. “Duncan is over you and you are way over him. You can be friends or whatever. And he would be happy for Logan to have a great girl like you.”
“Well, if you say it, it must be true.” Veronica smirked.
“I'll call Duncan right now if you want.” Lilly threatened. “Or you can go out and see if I'm right about you and Logan. I'll even go harass Casey and leave you two alone.”
“I don't see the harm and seeing how the night goes.” Veronica gave a timid shrug.
Lilly grinned and reached into her purse. She handed over a small handful of condoms. “I bet the ones you have are old. Take these.”
Veronica blinked. “Lilly!”
“Trust me. I've heard from people who managed to bag that whale. You'll want multiple rides.” She waited while Veronica opened her purse.
“I'm only doing this to get you to behave.” Veronica shook her purse to get the condoms inside and zipped it up. “I hope I don't have to open my purse for any reason tonight. Or Logan and possibly my employer will think I'm a sex fiend.” She practically growled at Lilly.
“You dream of being a sex fiend, Veronica. But, alas, you are a relationship girl. You might have a lot of sex while you have a steady boyfriend, but you are in a dry spell. Logan will be good for you.” Lilly grabbed her purse off the counter and tugged Veronica out behind her as they reentered the party. She lead her to Logan and gently nudged her. “All yours, Echolls. Take good care of her.” She bent and kissed the back of Veronica's head before she skipped off towards Casey.
“She is exhausting. Do you need a nap?” Logan asked with an amused smile.
“Bed already? It's awfully early.” Veronica smirked. “I doubt I'd sleep.”
“You know, I wondered if Lilly rubbed off on you. I see she has.” He chuckled. “Want some coffee?”
Veronica thought about what he said and realized how suggestive her words seemed. “Oh. Sorry. I...” She sighed. “I was actually thinking of coffee.” Logan nodded and turned towards the bar, but Veronica reached out and tugged his tuxedo jacket. “I know a great place down the street.”
Logan titled his head a little. “But, if we leave now, you won't be able to show me off to your co-workers. I thought that was the whole point of me being here.”
Veronica smirked. “Maybe I think you might be worth more than a ruse. Is that a bad thing?”
Logan looked down at her and gently tucked hair behind her ear. “Not at all. I rather like the idea of being more than a toy in your game of lies.” He looked so open and sweet. It was hard for Veronica to look away.
“Ok, you'll have to pay for the coffee because Lilly shoved a bunch of condoms in my purse and I'm afraid to open it in public.” She blushed a bit.
“Seems fair, but I should get to see the condom explosion in private later.” He ran his hand over her shoulder and down her arm until he reached her hand. “Shall we?” He gently held her hand.
“You lead, I'll follow.” Veronica wrapped her fingers around his.
“Somehow, I doubt it's that easy with you.” He chuckled. “And that makes me happy.”
 Veronica opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling in the bungalow. She smelled the ocean and heard the waves crashing onto the sand. She sat up in bed and looked around the room. It was dark, but she saw the outlines of the matching bedroom furniture she didn't pick out. It was chosen by an interior designer the homeowner hired.
She looked over to the homeowner and smiled. She ran a few fingers over his short brown hair and admired the youthfulness his face had in slumber. Without his trademark smirk, he looked innocent.
He stirred and the smirk curved his features. She stopped touching him and he looked up at her. “Ronica, you ok?”
“I just had a weird dream.” Her voice was a little rough from sleep.
“A bad one?” Logan sat up and gently rubbed her back like she liked.
Shaking her head, she didn't pull away from his touch. “No. Just weird. I got to meet you as an adult.”
“Yea?” Logan rubbed his eye a bit. “Adult Logan is hotter than teenage Logan.”
“Oh, most certainly.” Veronica smirked. “I was an associate lawyer in LA and some old roommate set us up. She claimed you were good with the rich snobs.”
“She must not have known me well.” Logan stretched.
Veronica looked down and took a slow breath. “Lilly was alive.” It wasn't the first time she dreamed of Lilly being alive. It always made waking up harder.
“Yea? You alright?” Logan tenderly tugged Veronica closer to him with an hand on her far shoulder.
“Yea.” Veronica looked up with a small smile before she leaned against his strong chest. “It was bittersweet to see her as an adult. The weird thing is you two never dated.”
“No? She wouldn't have me?” Logan gave a soft chuckle.
“Opposite. You wouldn't have her.” Veronica grinned. “She had tried and given up on you. But, even knowing you since you were twelve, she still thought highly of you. She thought you and I would be a good match.”
“How did she know me since I was twelve and you didn't?”
“Something about camp with Duncan.” Veronica shrugged. “You thought she was too easy and liked women who made you work for it.”
Logan laughed. “Well, that's certainly my preference now. It wasn't at twelve.”
Veronica blushed a bit. “She pulled me aside and stuffed my tiny purse full of condoms, sure I would want more from you.”
Logan laughed harder. “I'm sure adult Lilly would have done something like that. I'm sure the only reason she didn't do it as a teen is you were a still a virgin when she died. Had she lived longer, she would have loved to share condoms with her best friend.” He kissed her forehead gently.
“Even if they were going to be used with you?” Veronica tilted her head up and looked at the bottom of his chin.
“Maybe. She had no more use for me before she died. I think she would be ok with us.”
“Maybe now. I don't know if she would want me playing with her toys that soon.” Veronica was trying to be realistic and hoped she didn't hurt his feelings.
“You never made me feel like a toy. Sometimes a fool. Sometimes a white knight. Sometimes the luckiest guy alive.” He kissed the crown of her head.
“Only sometimes? I've been trying for all the time.” Veronica smirked.
“For the fool?” Logan chuckled.
“You are the best thing that's happened to me. Out of the wreckage of our high school years, you were there for me.” Her voice was void of humor. She wanted him to know how much he meant to her.
“Except that one time-” Guilt laced Logan's voice.
“We don't talk about her, Logan.” Veronica pulled back, ignoring the bile that thinking of Madison caused. “We work because we moved past our mistakes.”
“You are admitting to having some?” Logan smirked.
“Not now, I'm not.” Veronica grinned back. She pecked his chin. “Anyway, I just... That dream felt good, but I'm not sure I would make it that easy. Would you?”
“Would I have us meet with no baggage or drama and Lilly Kane still alive? Is this a trick question?” Logan tilted his head.
“Yes, all of that is good... but we're who we are because of what we went through. We wouldn't be the same people we are now.” Veronica lowered her head a bit.
“But, we wouldn't be so damaged.” Logan reached over and took one of her hands. “Veronica, I'd take you any way I could get you. I just think less damaged would be healthier.”
“It's not like I'm glad Lilly died or your parents or the torment you caused me for a year. I... I just think it's not good to assume we would be better people if we didn't survive those things.” Veronica sighed.
“I think we don't have a choice. I'm glad we reconnected. I'm still sad about Lilly and my mom and I'm mad at my dad for a lot of reasons and will never have closure for any of them. But, I also realize you wouldn't be this badass, little pixie who solves crimes and brings down the bad guys like you do if those things didn't happen. You would be a soccer mom with Duncan and I certainly can't support that.”
“According to my dream, he and I dated, but didn't last.” Veronica pouted. “I'm not sure why we didn't.”
“Fate. You had to be available for me to swoop in.” Logan smirked.
“You didn't swoop in. You weren't even a real date. You were a cover for a busy life and no time for dating.” Veronica laughed.
“So, we didn't use the condoms?”
“Don't know. I woke up before we made it to the end of our date.” She giggled.
“Well, it seems to me that we should use them now. Fate wanted it to happen.” He ducked his head in and kissed her neck.
Veronica moved her head to give him access. “Can't say no to fate.” She should know, she tried enough times.
Logan continued. “We could try, but who knows what it would throw at us to punish us.”
“Is it wrong of me to want us the way we happened?” Her voice sounded timid to her.
Logan pulled back. “No, Bobcat. You have always been the realist between the two of us. And I love that about you, most of the time. You remind me of hard work and steady going give you the best rewards, like self respect and true love. I'm just used to keeping my head in the clouds.”
“All that flying, I'd assume.” Veronica smirked.
“My head was there most of the time anyway.” Logan cupped her face with soft hands. “I love you, Veronica Mars. This version with all the scars. I'm allowed to wish you didn't have them. And to wish I didn't give you some of them.”
“I love you too, Logan Echolls, even if you can't see the beauty of scars. They show you are a survivor and a hero of your own life.”
“I can see that you helped me survive so much. I wouldn't be alive today if you and I didn't meet when I was twelve.”
“I guess it's a good thing it was just a dream.” Veronica gave a playful grin. “So, we gonna use a condom or two or what?”
Logan leaned forward and kissed her while chuckling. His hand moved towards the bedside table and knocked into something.
Whale sounds filled the room.
Veronica reached over and turned off the noise machine. “Whales are assholes.” Veronica smiled before she pulled a confused Logan in for more kissing.
http://bit.ly/2w2ptPT Veronica Mars FF (IFTTT) via AO3 works tagged 'Veronica Mars - All Media Types' http://bit.ly/HeCC5o May 15, 2019 at 09:12PM
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