funfetti-art · 1 year
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Attack 22! Charlie for burntmarshmallow!
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southernsugar84 · 5 years
It's ironic that RT killed off Logan because he said VMars is more interesting when she's single & angry when 99% of the appealing/interesting moments of S4 involved Logan & their relationship. But sure, Rob👌
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saoirsekonstantin · 5 years
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Logan Echolls Wallpaper
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Why Veronica Mars broke my heart.
Ok let’s start this. Everything I’m going to write is my opinion, how I felt and my views on season 4. And it’s the first time I’m writing anything that I want to make “public”, but I’m honestly doing it for myself more than anything.
To start with logic, let’s talk about the story of season 4. Some part of the mystery was not too bad, but to be honest it was quite messy. I think it was a bit much for an 8-episodes season and I don’t really think the thing about the Mexican cartel was necessary, and let’s be real, I felt it was a bit racist, but I won’t say more about it because I’m not Mexican/Latina nor American and I don’t feel it’s my place to say anything about it. The bombing of Neptune during spring break could have been brilliant, and the idea of it being link with the debate in town was a great reminder that Neptune was a place with no middle class, which is also the root of the show. But the going back and forth about who the suspects are and the motivation behind all that just confused the hell out of me. I think this is the first issue in the writing of the new season.
The second issue I see in the writing is how Veronica was portrayed. It’s like they forgot who she was, everything she went through and survived. I felt that her relation with Keith is still strong but a bit off; it felt like Veronica was still a teenager. Let’s not mention how she is ignoring and judging Wallace for having a family and a house and showing it as something boring; and the big mess with Weevil. But let’s take a quick second to thank Tina for not getting into this mess. Her friends were so important to her, and that’s also why we loved her. Also her rejecting and making fun of Logan for going to therapy and encouraging her to do the same, like isn’t she suppose to have a degree in Psychology? I couldn’t read the books completely because season 4 came before I could finish them, and I’m not really in the mood for anymore VM right now, but in the movie she was so different than how she was in the new season. The other issue I have, like many fans, is with the alcohol and drug use. Everybody can do whatever they want of course, and even more if everything is legal, but this is so out of character. She was raped because of alcohol and drug. Her mom was an alcoholic and she saw it destroy her family. And this is just in season one. The only time we saw Veronica drinking was in the movie and it was one drink and a beer. If you just really think for a minute you can see the issue. I’ve love this character for a good portion of my life, and I couldn’t recognize her. And I know they wanted to make things more adult, but you can do that without completely destroying everything who’ve built before. Also she has been a PI for so long now, in what world, would she not check her car?  There is just no logic to that and you can’t tell me otherwise. Her relationship with Logan had issues too. Like I said the thing about therapy is problematic. But the whole angry sex scene was so wrong. He’s actively trying to get better, to heal his anger, and the only thing she wants is old Logan, when in the previous seasons, particularly in the third, she was so judgmental of everything he was and did. This is just messy writing, and a lack of consistency. And every problems or fights they had just disappeared and they just didn’t really talk about it. If you want to make Veronica more adult, let’s start with her acting like an adult in a stable relationship, which she was suppose to be at the beginning of the new season. It’s not like we decided that it was who she was, you put her in that place.                             Also telling us that Veronica is more interesting when traumatised, telling that no matter what you do you won’t ever be able to access happiness, that a married woman is not as sexy or interesting; I can go on and on and on. We are in 2019, your show used to be something people brought up when talking about woman on TV, about feminism, and you absolutely destroy that. You just showed us that you know nothing about feminism and what women go through. And the fact that you protagonist is a woman doesn’t change anything about that. A woman doesn’t have to be a survivor of sexual assault to be strong; a woman doesn’t have to be single to be independent; a woman doesn’t have to have multiple sexual partners to be sexy.
But you know what, as a fan of the show for 15years, I was bothered by all that maybe I could have accept it as just flaws, without it completely ruining the new season for me, and hoping they’ll improve her character in a potential season 5. And honestly I thought I was going to rewatched it over and over so I was not really focused on the problems, but on the fact that I was watching new episodes of Veronica Mars, which is something I didn’t think was possible.                     But they had to kill Logan with no respect, the best character of the whole show, no matter what people say. He went from a proper jackass, a bully, and a victim of abuse, to an adult in the process of healing, with a career no one expected. And also, he was not just part of the relationship with Veronica; he was also a character that we loved on his own. Of course he was an awful person at the beginning of the show, but first he wasn’t the only one (let’s not forget Duncan please thank you and Leo who sold the tapes of Lily and Aaron, which apparently everyone in the writers room forgot) and I’m never going to ignore that, but you can’t deny the changes he made, and his real motivation to get better and this is not something you can say about Veronica in season 4. You know what I need as a victim of traumatic event?  To Heal. I’m getting there, it is hard work and this how Veronica should be in season 4, but who was in that place? Logan. But you decided that it was not enough.
I don’t know what happen behind the scene, and I’m not going to speculate about that, but Jason did such a good job portraying Logan, from the start to the end. And his death was unfair, to Jason first, and to the fans. And what was even more unfair, is the lack of closure and grief that was giving to us. We just saw a character that we loved for 15 years blow up after a wedding that we weren’t sure we were going to have and nothing. Of course, I think you can kill major character in show, if the motivations are good, and the death is going to improve the story and/or a character but you have to do it properly. Because otherwise you’re not doing it for the good reasons. I can give you examples of shows that killed major character and did it properly : How to get away with Murder killed one of the main character and we had a whole season dedicated to that death and Laurel’s grief ; Peaky Blinder, and it was quite violent yet still acceptable, proof that you can have a violent end and still do it respectably ; Desperate Housewives killed one of the most important character in one of the last episodes of the show, a fan favourite but we had some time of grief, with a funeral and how every other character had to deal with this death ; Downton Abbey killed not one but two major character in one season ; Grey’s Anatomy is known for killing major character but every time we had closure and grief for us and from the characters ; and to go on the SF side, Game of Thrones did it better than Veronica Mars, which wants to make me laugh. And Glee, for which the death was real, was able to respect their fans, actors, crew and everyone who was devastated by the passing of Cory Monteith.
I completely support that the creators and the writers are free to do what they want with what they created.  I honestly believe that if Logan had to die for the show to keep going; I don’t agree but it was Rob freedom to do so. But there were a million better ways to do it without being disrespectful to the actor, the character and the fans. Because yes, a show without an audience, and without fans is nothing. That is why brilliant TV shows get cancelled and mediocre show can go on for ten years. A vocal fandom and audience is what’s keeping a show alive.  And when you look at the facts, the Veronica Mars fandom is what made everything possible. Without us, Veronica Mars would have disappeared in the world of cancelled show with good potential but that didn’t have a lot of success. I couldn’t give to the Kickstarter campaign, because I didn’t have a bank account at that time but I bought the complete collection of Veronica Mars when I was a broke student, and I can tell you 45€ is a lot of money, I bought my Team Logan t-shirt, I bought the books, I put my money in it because I wanted to show I was supporting Veronica Mars, and I wanted more. As soon as I heard on Kristen’s Instagram that it was coming back, I was absolutely ecstatic. I followed every account on every platform I was on. I commented on Instagram to express how happy and grateful I was and this is something I never do. I couldn’t stop talking about it to my friends, even though they don’t really watch it. The week before the surprise release I was non-stop on Veronica Mars. I haven’t been excited about anything for a long, long time. And it was destroyed in 10 minutes.
And as you know we can fight to have our show back, but we can also do everything we can to make sure that Hulu and Rob, and everyone involve know how we feel. And ignoring us on social media won’t stop us from expressing our thoughts and feelings. And for the first time you can see fans fighting to end the show we’ve been supporting for so long. After season 4, I can assure you that I’d rather give the movie and the books back so my favourite show would not be ruined for me. And if Rob thinks that the mystery is why we were all watching, he is so wrong. Being a PI is part of Veronica’s character, not everything about her. Her relations and the other characters are what we loved about the show. The mystery part of it was nice sometime, and could be well written, especially in season 1, but this was not the heart of the show, no matter what Rob is saying. He says he wants to make a show 100% about mystery and a detective. My mom loves police shows; she watches everything, Murder she Wrote, every fucking CSI, Criminal Mind, Cold Case, really shitty French Show,...and I can assure you she still watches for the characters. Because no matter the story you’re telling, the characters are the heart of it.
The first feeling I had after spending a whole night watching the new season was real sadness. I think I cry for over an hour. I was truly heartbroken. I’m not in a really good place emotionally at the moment and I was so looking forward to this, I cannot even begin to explain what it did to me. The next week I almost didn’t sleep, and I was a real mess. I had some family that was visiting and all I could think about was a fucking TV show. But when the interviews and videos started to come out, I was absolutely pissed. It felt like a betrayal. Telling us this is what we need, saying Logan was a sacrificial lamb, saying Veronica is in that place now, that they’ll be no grieving. We are adult now; we are not children throwing a stupid tantrum. And presenting us as angry fan girl, who are just pissed because our ship is over is so fucking sexist. And even if we are pissed about that, which I also am, what is the problem? We can love a relation and the character, and still be a “good fan”. Also can we talk about how you used Logan and LoVe in the promo, the trailer, all the social media, to make sure the fans who love LoVe where going to watch. This is manipulating your audience, and from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.
I use to associate Veronica Mars with something positive, a safe space, where my problems were not real, now it’s a lot of pain, regret, rage. The only good thing about all that is the community, you know the fans that you don’t care about anymore. People from all over the world; supporting each other, checking on each other, loving each other. You honestly had one of the best Fan Base behind you Rob, and you just gave us the biggest fuck off of all time. You say you made a bet, and that you hope the fan won’t hate you for it. I can tell you, even if you have a season 5, you still lost.      
Because you lost us; and our support.
It’s been a month, and I’m only able to finish writing that now, and it still feels really fresh. I’m still devastated, and angry, and betrayed and so many emotion that I never thought I would associate with Veronica Mars; yet here we are.
And to Rob, and Hulu, of anyone that worked on this, please no more, no season 5, no more social media post. You didn’t give us grieving, so please now leave us alone.
I’m sure it was not really well written, and that I forgot a shit ton of stuff but this is what I think and feel, and if anyone read this, I hope this will maybe give comfort, like reading everyone else’s opinions helped me a bit. Like I said to a dear writer that I love, like always we will get through this together.
@hulu @officialveronicamarsonhulu
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dead-betty · 5 years
I want to say something real to the OG marshmallows feeling really betrayed right now. Like, look around you. Whatever you were going through when the original show aired, you survived it and you grew and you learned how to cultivate happiness in ways you probably couldn’t have anticipated 15 years ago. That matters. Some dumbass man doesn’t realize that’s interesting but that’s his problem and his dumbass problem doesn’t remotely diminish your light. xx
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If you’re a fan of Veronica Mars that watched for Logan, L.O.V.E, Or any other relationship on the show you need to get mad. We were used.
In the recent article that was released Rob Thomas said the only deciding factor in getting a season 5 is if we the fans watched season 4 . So Rob played with our hearts. Made us think we mattered. USED US , lied to us and made us think we were getting what we wanted which is Logan and Veronica TOGETHER all so he could get  a season 5. He KNEW he was killing Logan ALL ALONG and if that doesn’t piss you off , it should. He used ALL OF us to get what he wanted when he had NO PLANS on giving us what we wanted.
SO PLEASE. Get to twitter and retweet every negative tweet you see. Use the hastags #NoLoganNoShow #veronicamars #Love #FormerMarshmallow #VeronicaMarsSeason4 #BurntMarshmallow
#VeronicaDeservedBetter #LoganDeservedBetter #nologannoshow 
Tag @hulu and @robthomas @imkristenbell
Let them know without Logan, we aren’t watching a season 5.
I’m begging you all to help , rewteet this and every tumblr blog pissed off but ESPECIALLY tweets because it will get back to Rob
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thejollyduckling · 5 years
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deathcabforme · 7 years
Meet Mara Dyer, my sweet demon kitty, my burnt marshmallow ❤ She is Trumps daughter (her mom, Trump is white cat with mixed ginger fur and her mom refused to take care of her very early and Mara was raised by a black dog named Barack) (i shit you not this is all true, i didn't know whether to laugh or to cry at those names my neighbors gave to their pets) and i almost named her Ivanka, but i didn't want to have a trump in my family, so yeah 😊 P. S she hates Genie, who is afraid of her (she's barely 250 grams, and he's a 9 kg grown ass scaredy cat 😂) #maradyer #mykitty #burntmarshmallow #sweetdemon
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phishouttawatta · 5 years
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There was a small panic from mom after a marshmallow caught on fire and started to slide. It ended up a burning lump on the side :P #burntmarshmallow #smores #bonfire #beachbonfire #yum (at Oceanside, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzVjwcKgDwK/?igshid=11ph4v75iplhg
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cptdarkmoon · 7 years
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Picture of a show at side street I did a few week back, that was a fun time, I look like a burnt marshmallow #comic #comedy #comedian #punk #jokes #vest #spikes #beard #burntmarshmallow (at Side Street Grille)
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funfetti-art · 1 year
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Attack 15! Music for burntmarshmallow!
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southernsugar84 · 5 years
Logan Echolls is more than a love interest!
Rob Thomas is utter trash who clearly has a skewed view of the military and it's veterans.
He's insulting Logan by saying he's nothing more than Veronica's husband waiting at home. Logan is literally a Navy war veteran! He's flown fighter jets over enemy territory and saved countless lives!!
Rob has zero respect for the military if his mindset is that Logan is nothing more than a love interest or a man who's just another comma in Veronica Mars' life.
He is and has always been far more important than that. He is a deeply emotional and amazing character who has overcome so much throughout his life. He is someone so many people found comfort in. He inspired so many of the fans that watched this franchise and I'll never get over the careless way he (and Jason) was treated.
Logan Echolls will ALWAYS have deserved more and I'll never forgive Rob or Kristen for what they've done.
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saoirsekonstantin · 5 years
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Comic Book Page I made of Logan Echolls in his white tux at Alterna-Prom (Page 02 of 02)
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Hmmm... Rico burnt his tongue?
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cheza--bear · 8 years
Back when Stella was only a few weeks old. #Stella #terrorfloof #floofpoof #teenyfluff #burntmarshmallow #pomeranian #yorkie #pomkie #porkie
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You might have answered this before but who do you prefer between Buffy and Veronica ?
Sorry it took me so long to answer this question, Anon. To be honest, I kind of didn’t want to think too much about this because of the Veronica part of the question. As a #burntmarshmallow, I was kind of triggered. 
The thing is, breaking up with a character you used to love is hard to do. There’s a lot of guilt when not only you’re not able to love a show and a character you used to be a champion of but also because you’re afraid you might even hate them. They are difficult feelings to reconcile, and it’s yet another reason why I hate Veronica Mars Season Fuck and Rob Thomas. 
If you had asked me one year ago, my answer would’ve probably been very different. I’d wager I would’ve said I loved them equally, for both similar and different reasons. I think I might’ve even said I loved Veronica more because she was unapologetically flawed and relatable in a way that Buffy - in all her supernatural glory - could never be. 
Now? I can’t even say that I like Veronica, at least not in her latest iteration. A bitter, hurtful, self-centered, almost despicable woman who refuses to grow and belittles the people she claims to love? A toxic partner who gets off on making her traumatized boyfriend get angry and violent and makes fun of him for seeking professional help and suggesting she should, too? A pscyh degree major who makes fun of therapy? A gun-toting, weed-smoking, hard-drinking thirty-something who only indulges in those things because she can and they’re “adult” things? A neglecting daughter who fails to see the poor condition her father is in? A crappy friend who feels she’s better than her best friend because he’s chosen to start a family and lead a normal, “boring” life? A know-it-all who can’t take her head out of her own ass and gets all the clues given to her on a silver platter by minor and irrelevant characters? 
I wish I had the ability other fans seem to have to block Season Fuck and pretend it didn’t happen and find comfort in the three seasons and the movie. To quote Veronica, I’m just not wired that way. 
Sorry, Veronica, but we need to break up. It’s not me. It’s you. 
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