#logan echolls deserved better
kittyboones · 2 years
No thoughts. Just petting Logan Echolls on the head
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raisedbythetv89 · 8 months
Welp I lied, I found another LoVe parallel and it’s the most cursed one yet.
Fuck you Rob Thomas.
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I literally NEVER even acknowledge anything after their wedding in season 4 but this is literally why Rob killed Logan the way he did and I’m FURIOUS about it.
A bomb brought them together and tore them apart and the parallels of one down at the car with the other looking down at them both after their first kiss and their wedding.
God I hate it. I hate it so much. But at least now I know the why (WHY GOD WHYYYYY 😭)
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once-i-was-hopeful · 2 years
Ok, you know what, no more fighting for shows that got cancelled too soon. Because all they do is get renewed just to kill off the most beloved character.
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ez-with-a-fez · 7 months
I WISH I'd written him. I wish I'd written him so badly.
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dont-trust-list · 1 year
Misunderstood TV Show Guys
Are there any others you feel deserved to be treated better by the other characters and should be added to the list?
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labyriinths · 9 months
@cagedpotential - veronica for logan
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She was doing the universe a favor, she reasoned as she grabbed his hand and let him onto the dancefloor. Saving that poor girl from the inevitable Echolls' charmed venom, she was setting herself up, for asking such a ridiculous question. Who said to Logan, 'Tell me what you really think about me?' A small part of her felt that such a question deserved the backlash that would absolutely ensue after, but--she had a conscience. But, as her intentions were clear. (clear she was sure even to Logan as well) due to the timing, it started to feel blurred.
She both hated and loved it.
Nothing in her life was simple, it seemed.
Why had the song suddenly changed to a slower pace, granting the close proximity of their bodies as they danced? The petite blonde hadn't dared to reminiscence what the closeness did to her. The whole out-of-sight, out-of-mind worked. Their interactions were few and far between and had a physical barrier that helped as well. But now? Her dumb idea to help was starting to remind her of the electric pull she felt from him. It was hard to look him in the eye while her body was feeling every bit of energy pulsating through her veins. Something that only he--Logan Echolls could ever do to her.
Once the song ended-- she like the very coward she was-- bolted out of there, needing some fresh air. It helped to be short since navigating through a group of people was her superpower. Once outside, she took a deep breath, trying to feel like herself again. Don't show 'em your feelings, kid. You're better than that, she reasoned internally.
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Top five things you've written and top five characters who deserved better ❣️
oh god, I feel like such a narcissist with fic questions lol but let's go with the mostly-shameless self-promotion (but also having to cut it down from like 80+ fics to 5 was really hard so how dare you lol):
to ashes (clint x reader) I know it's nowhere near finished and it's been dragged out forever thanks to my poor time management skills, but I love this story. It's no secret looking at my fics that I tend towards fluff and smut much more than angst, but this fic is so cathartic for me and I'm really proud that I've written as much as I have.
echo (tony x reader) again, an angst piece. but the response I've gotten to this fic has been so flattering and the fact that I've been able to affect readers as much as I apparently have is overwhelming to me as a writer.
kinds of love series (tony x reader) my first series (and affection was my first marvel fic) and the continued love I get for this series makes me so happy. a lovely reminder that I can actually write half decent stories lol.
colour me happy (wanda x reader) my first f/f fic and I still love it so much. It's soft and sweet and hot all at once (if I do say so myself) and it really helped build my confidence as a fic writer when it came to embracing the wlw side of my bisexuality creatively.
green light (clint x reader) I am not a dominant person, and writing this was so fun and challenging in a really great way and while it didn't get as much love as most of my other fics, I still really love it.
top five characters who deserved better:
wanda maximoff
natasha romanoff
tara maclay
daenerys targaryen
logan echolls
ask me my top five/top ten anything
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heroes-fading · 1 year
just saw a "logan echolls deserved better" shirt in the wild. incredible.
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jessehart · 1 year
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Full name: Jesse Ivan Hart Nicknames: Jess Gender: cismale Pronouns: he/him Birthday: August 18, 2001 Zodiac: leo sun, leo moon, taurus rising Sexual orientation: exploring Marital status: single Teams/clubs: captain of the lacrosse team, pre-med society
character inspo
Logan Huntzberger (Gilmore Girls), Dylan McKay (Beverly Hills 90210), Logan Echolls (Veronica Mars), Nathan Scott (One Tree Hill), Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender)
backstory stuff
Jesse was born and raised in LA. (You can read more about his family here.) He had a very hands-off upbringing which left him seeking attention in every way he could get it. And considering he could never do anything right in his father's eyes, those ways were generally unfavorable because that was all that ever seemed to get a reaction.
But he did manage to make a name for himself in school, throwing parties in his big, empty house and stealing a prescription pad from his step-mom when he was 16, writing scripts for his peers (and anyone who could pay) and earning himself the moniker 'the candy man'.
Facing expulsion when he was inevitably caught, his father threw money at the problem, and it went away. Not for the first time and likely not for the last, and never because it helped Jesse out. Donovan Hart would have loved to throw his son to the wolves if it wouldn't also look bad on his own public image.
Choosing a college on the opposite coast was a no-brainer, and it's really where he shined. Keeping a purposeful distance between himself and everyone else, he put forth his greatest creation: a version of himself that was palatable to other people. He was the party guy, the for-a-good-time-call guy, the down-for-whatever who knew where to find all the best parties. And maybe it was hollow, but it was still better.
ogden '22
The Jesse that returned to Ogden for the fall semester was not the same one that left for summer. He was more antagonistic, like he was purposefully trying to make people hate him.
He goaded Nate into punching him and then name-dropped him to the police during initial sitdowns. When Nate learned about that, he paid Jesse a visit and choked him out in the middle of the hallway in the Alcott dorms. Lots of people saw, no one cared.
Jesse realized Jacqui was enrolled at Ogden and was wholly convinced it was only because they were the brunt of a terrible bet he made a couple years before and they wanted to make him pay for the things he'd done.
His partying started to get a little out of control, but no one really seemed to notice. He kept it in check pretty well
During a confrontation with Greer's boyfriend, he alluded to Greer being in contact with him over the summer even though she hadn't been because he's an asshole who couldn't stand the idea that she might have ghosted him
During homecoming, he kissed Parker after two years of skirting around their attraction toward each other, and then he ended the night with Jacqui, who spent the night with him at the dorm he shared with Parker. He then proceeded to act like he didn't remember his kiss with Parker because he's a coward and can't even own up to his own self-sabotaging, and things were tense and strained between them for a while.
Greer's boyfriend sucker punched Jesse at a dorm party. Lots of people saw, no one cared
Jacqui and Jesse made a tenuous truce and Jesse sort of apologized for the things he'd done and Jacqui was too nice of a person to punch him in the face like he deserved and instead, they moved forward as friends of sorts
Word got back to Mari that Jesse had talked to Greer over the summer and she told her father who told the police, so Jesse was called into a second interview with the cops
During a school-wide blackout, Jesse was absolutely sure he saw Greer pass by a window. He's since chalked it up to drugs, but he does wonder...
During casino night, Jesse's father got into his head and Jesse got absolutely blitzed. Between the coke and the alcohol and the angst, he found himself on stage at some point in the night, making a coked-up speech and poking fun at his father. His dad didn't like that very much and got him outside alone and handled the situation the way he always liked to behind closed doors: with his fists. Only, Nate spotted them and stepped in. Jesse and Nate deciding to put aside their differences for the night (because they were both learning there were far fewer of them than they'd originally thought), went to an underground fight ring where Nate fought and let himself get beat unconscious. Jesse drove him to the hospital, stayed the whole night, and paid the bill on the way out. The intention was for Nate never to know he'd done any of those things.
During a haunted house, Jesse found a piece of what appeared to be Greer's journal, but with too many of the words crossed out or unreadable, there was no telling exactly what it meant
The time capsule videos were leaked and three of the entries had mentioned him indirectly and for the most part, they were not favorable. He felt kind of boo-hoo about it tbh
He received a letter in Greer's unmistakable handwriting and he got super drunk about it and banged on Mari's door and he finally talked a little about how he felt with Greer with someone, and... a sort of friendship began?
Jesse went into an interview with the cops for a third time and it did not go well
A confrontation with Jacqui went very poorly because they voiced their feelings and Jesse's own self-loathing made it impossible to be anything but absolutely horrible to them. And after they accused him of not being able to love anyone, it sort of went to his head
In an effort to prove everyone wrong, and because he was tired of acting like he didn't want the things he wanted, he and Parker made things official between them on New Years Eve
The celebrating was short lived, though. During the storm at the ski resort, Jesse and Diego went out to another chalet to find supplies and instead, found another page of Greer's diary and a creepy pap-style photo of Greer with her eyes crossed out
Initial sitdowns
Follow-up interview
Haunted house
Time capsule video
Third interview
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I am literally never getting over the fact that Logan Echolls survived childhood parental abuse, his mom's suicide, 2 of his girlfriends getting murdered, multiple ODs, continued heatbreak, most of his girlfriends cheating on him, his dad's and Cassidy's death only to die for street cleaning in his 30s.
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its-important-to-me · 4 years
Find me a character more tragic than Logan Echolls. I dare you
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thepriceofemotion · 5 years
HOT take but if you’re going to continue a franchise just to make more money and completely ignore character development, traits and even basic facts about the town it takes place in then maybe you should have just left it alone. the movie was great and tied everything together. there didn’t need to be a season with shitty jokes and a subpar plot just so they could kill off one of their best developed characters.
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whimsicalbadass · 5 years
What people aren't talking about in Veronica Mars ssn4 finale
Spoiler alert
Logan died. Which was bullshit in like 50 ways, all of which I could go into, but honestly just look up the LoganEchollsDeservedBetter tag and scroll.
I want to talk about that little side story of Veronica's Dad, Keith Mars, fearing that he might have dementia.
That's an underlying issue throughout the season. He starts to forget things, little and big, from small details about cases, past conversations to forgetting to load his gun prior to a shootout.
And he's scared.
There was this wonderful bit of dialogue between Keith and Veronica where he starts to explain why. "I'm afraid I'm going to do something stupid and get someone hurt."
OP's note: My Mom has Alzheimer's. She was diagnosed around four years ago and is expected to pass away this year. And it is the worst kind of pain you can imagine. Something she used to say, back when she could still form sentences and was aware of what was happening was "I'm so stupid" so that line, and delivery was an especially strong kick to the face as a long time Marshmallow.
Now I'm close to Veronica's age, she's only supposed to be a few years older than me.
Rob Thomas has gone on length about how he didn't see how Veronica could still be interesting unless she had another trauma to go through. (One, seriously fuck off Rob) But fine, why not have actually played on that? Keith was diagnosed with Dementia and now has to face it. Veronica has to grow up and face it.
Spiffy idea but the show could act as a flag and raise awareness about this disease and how to give support to caregivers and victims.
Because there still is no cure.
But no.
Logan, who's had the most interesting character arc and development in the entire show, was killed off in the last 10 minutes off camera to give Veronica something to be broken about.
And Keith just had this funky medication imbalance problem.
Nbd. Wipe your hands of that mess.
I'm almost never for giving characters a fatal disease as it is a cheap way to get them out of the show because that's offensive to audience members a plenty.
But maybe you could respect those who have to live with this pain every day and raise awareness about it?
Just a thought...
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sunsley · 5 years
it’s been almost a week since i have seen the death of logan echolls on a screen and i have had a long time to play in my head a thousand different ways in which he could still be alive and how all of this could be a hoax for a top secret mission in the navy and i am pretty sure i am just playing myself but it’s fine at least for now i think
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amarabliss · 5 years
Crash - Logan Echolls/Reader
Logan Echolls was your best friend. Your place was always a safe place during the beatings and abuse his family would put on him. After everything exploded with his family and losing Veronica he ended up at your place drunk…fast forward 12 years, 1 explosion, and a divorce…Logan just needed a place to crash…
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Logan Echolls. Playboy trust fund kid turned Naval Intelligence. The bomb had been enough to take him out of the running and keep him away from Veronica for far too long. Nothing could fix that. The trust was gone, and Veronica, God bless her, had decided that the government keeping the truth about his death and not allowing him to tell her was a deal breaker on the marriage front.
Logan did not blame her. Perhaps it was better this way. The last year was good, but he’d noticed that she wasn’t happy unless he was…like his younger self. That was a person he no longer wanted to be. He’d moved on from anger and focus on living. 
So here he was hoping that his dear friend, whom he’d neglected since his days in Hearst. The last conversations had been text messages and then…poof…nothing from either side. He’d focused on other things and you…well, you had told him that you had a guy in your life and he was wonderful.
Despite all that, Logan was hoping that your offer of a place to crash would still be up for grabs after all these years…
He reached forward ringing the doorbell. He caught his reflection in the window. The scar was healing nicely across his neck, but it did nothing for his chiseled chin. He took off his service cap brushing his hand through his hair before standing up straight when the door began to open.
You looked…phenomenal… surprised… but not unhappy, “…L-logan?”
“Hi…so…if you heard I was dead…i should probably apolo-oh…” He broke off as you moved forward giving him a warm embrace, “We’re hugging this…this is good. Unexpected, but good.”
“What the hell?!?” You pulled away punching his arm making him groan a little from the healing wound of his. He didn’t mind though, seeing you tear up was enough to make him forgive you for it, “Sorry…just…when I heard…god…you should come inside and uh…”
“Explain.” He smiled nodding as he reached for his bag, “And apologize for never getting back to you…and…everything…I…”
“Just get in here.” You wiped your face as you smiled, “It’s a mess though so…please watch your step.”
“No problem.” He followed you inside shutting the door behind himself before following you through to the kitchen. 
Nothing had changed. It was still the same…well…mostly…Different couch…different tv…kids toys everywhere…
“You got a kid?” Logan’s eyes widened as he took a seat. You nodded to him pouring him a cup of coffee, “How old?”
You stared at him and smiled, “Uh… He’ll be 12 this year.” 
“…12…” He stared at you for a long time holding the cup. Finally he looked away, “That’s who the guy was…”
“Yeah…” You smiled at him taking a seat.
“I should go…I’m sure you’re husband will be home soon…” He stood up quickly and you matched him.
“There isn’t…” You shook your head staring at him, “I never married…”
Logan stared into your eyes as you looked like you were struggling with something, “Y/N…”
“Mom!” The back door flew open as a little boy coming up to Logan’s waist burst through holding a sheet of paper. He practically stumbled to a halt when he saw you were with someone else, “Uh…um…”
Logan stared at him with a strange intensity as you moved over to him, “Hey Champ…how was school?”
“Good.” He looked at you with a big smile, “I got an A! We can go see Hobbs and Shaw, right? You promised.”
“I did promise, and we will.” You pulled him into a hug kissing his cheek as he made a noise of disgust. You chuckled a little before looking back to Logan his mouth was slightly agape, “Logan…this is…Logan.”
“Your name’s Logan too?” The boy smiled up at him, “Small world.”
“Getting smaller…” Logan swallowed making eye contact with you.
“Champ.” You got your son’s attention, “Why don’t you grab a snack and get started on your homework in the dining room. I need to talk to my friend.”
“Cookies?” Champ looked at you pleading.
“Mmmm…” You sighed, “One cookie and apple slices.”
“Deal!” He gave you a high five before walking to the fridge grabbing the necessary snack. He waved to Logan walking by before disappearing. Logan watched him go before turning back to you, “Y/N…”
“I’m sorry…” You shook your head staring at him, “I found out your senior year…it was after you and Veronica broke up…you came over wasted…”
“You don’t have to remind me, I do remember the last time we had…” He put his hands on his hips, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“God Logan…do you not remember everything that was going on?” You crossed your arms looking at him, “You were in no way ready to have a kid…”
“So…what? You just want to raise him alone.” He stared at you trying catch up still.
“Logan…what do you want me say? I know you wouldn’t…”
“You don’t know anything!” He raised his voice slightly before taking a step back raising his hands up in surrender and taking a deep breath, “You never gave me a chance.”
You swallowed staring at him before a tear fell down your face, “Yes…yes you’re right. I just…I didn’t want you to feel the pressure. Everything had just…blown up…and-and then you just…wanted to be with Veronica and we had agreed that it was just sex…nothing else.”
He stared at you for a long time, “You’ve done this for twelve years alone?”
You sniffed nodding slowly, “It’s been hard, but I wouldn’t change it. So, don’t you dare feel bad for me Logan Echolls. He is everything…everything to me…”
God, why did he always do this to the women he cares about? He stepped forward pulling you to him tightly. Shutting his eyes he took a deep breath, “This is not what I was expecting when I came here to ask to sleep on your couch.”
You sobbed into his chest has he rubbed your back gently. When you finally calmed down you looked at him, “You know you’re welcome…you always have been…”
“I can get…”
“I wouldn’t dream of throwing a dead man out of my house, might make me look suspicious.” You smirked as he chuckled, “Besides you still owe me a story. Looks like the scar is a doozy. It’s chinese night, hope you don’t mind.”
“Sounds perfect.” He smiled a little as you walked toward the phone. He took the opportunity to glance into the dining room. 
Champ was sitting at the table pencil in hand working out something on a paper in front of him. Half a piece of apple hung out of his mouth as he made a face before erasing some work.
He had a twelve year old. Coming back from the dead was a lot more different then he anticipated.
Champ looked up and over to him shoving the rest of the apple in his mouth giving him a thumbs up with both hands. Logan smiled raising up his own thumbs before watching him go back to work.
He had a son…
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veronicaneptunes · 5 years
aahaanaa replied to your post: I still cannot get over the fact that Rob planned...
Wait. How long has he been planning to kill Logan and why? Is there a source for this?
His interview with Vulture -
Okay, so talk to me about killing Logan. When did you know you wanted that to happen? I probably figured this out years ago. 
Really? How many years ago? Well, when we pitched the show to all these networks, Logan’s death was always a part of that. Kristen and I have talked about our desire to keep doing more versions of Veronica since the movie, and we really liked the idea of doing these miniseries Veronica Mars adventures. It’s always percolating in my head, like one of the things that flashed into my head is, Logan must die. Because it’s hard to write “badass private detective and her boyfriend.” The way we struggled to get Logan involved in this adventure strained credulity a little bit, and the happy pairing off of the leads of a show usually marks the ending. Badass private eye and her husband back in Neptune didn’t feel like the show that could sustain itself moving forward. So it was in my head probably as far back as 2014.
So he had the idea in his head since 2014. Also can I just say acting like Logan was only Veronica’s boyfriend/love interest is such unbelievable horse shit. Way to disrespect the character YOU created, dude.
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