#verse [ fortunately unfortunate ] aligned
ascheming · 1 year
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lovingpromise · 6 months
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Დ ▫ Bruce Banner
Full Name | Robert Bruce Banner Nickname | Bruce, Hulk, The Strongest Avenger Birthday | December 18th 1969 Age | 50s Gender | Cis Male (He/Him) Orientation | Demisexual Nationality | American Ethnicity | Caucasian Species | Human, Hulk Language | English Occupation | Scientist, Doctor, Avenger
Eye Color | Brown (Bruce), Green (Hulk) Hair Color | Dark Brown/Black, Greying Height | 5' 8" (Bruce), 8ft (Hulk) Skin Markings | N/A Face Claims | Mark Ruffalo
Mental | Pending. Physical | Pending. Phobias | Pending. Eyesight | Pending. Vices | Pending.
Zodiac | Pending. Alignment | Pending. Strengths | Pending. Weaknesses | Pending. Skills | Pending. Abilities | Pending.
Birthplace | Dayton, Ohio Current Home | Verse Dependent Headcanons | Links will be here
This Bruce is a fusion of 616 & MCU.
Robert Bruce Banner was born to Dr. Brian Banner and Rebecca Banner in Dayton, Ohio. From the moment of his birth he received his mother’s love and his father’s ire. Though a brilliant atomic physicist, Brian suffered from paranoia and delusions that fueled an illogical jealousy at the love that Rebecca gave to their son. Eventually that jealousy would lead to the physical abuse of both Bruce and Rebecca, especially when mixed with alcohol.
Brian eventually began to accuse Bruce of being a mutant, which was fueled by a delusion where he thought that his work as a scientist had altered his own DNA.
During summers when Rebecca felt Brian’s aggression flare, she made it a habit of sending Bruce to stay with his Aunt Elaine and her husband Morris for a few weeks. Both Rebecca and Bruce didn’t reveal much of the troubles they were having at home. Elaine and Morris were simply under the impression that the two fought often and didn’t want Bruce around to witness it. (These were the days where people didn’t pry into a married couple’s life unprompted and it didn’t help that they lived states away).
Bruce liked spending time with his Aunt and Uncle. With no children of their own at the time, Elaine and Morris treated Bruce like the son they never had. Staying at their home was a welcome escape to the turmoil in his own home, and… (both fortunately and unfortunately) it would become a permanent one.
Rebecca eventually built up the courage to leave Brian. She called Brian’s sister Elaine and told her the full truth of her predicament. Both Eliane and Morris told her to pack up her things and come live with them for the time being.
Rebecca and Bruce were in the middle of collecting their things when Brian came home earlier than expected. Her attempt to abandon him and their marriage set him off and Bruce was forced to watch the death of his mother.
Brian was arrested and eventually put into a mental institution, while Bruce was taken in by his Aunt and Uncle.
Elaine, in part fueled by shame for the actions of her brother, showered Bruce with more love and affection. Life with her and Morris was a completely different experience from the home he’d spent his early developmental years growing up in, but the damage had already been done.
Bruce grew up extremely withdrawn, unable to connect with his peers. His only friend was imaginary, one that he labeled “Hulk”. Elaine caught him muttering to himself often and eventually grew concerned. When she took him to professionals she was told that it was a coping mechanism in response to everything he had gone through and that eventually it would go away.
What they failed to realize, however, was that Hulk was a response to Bruce’s unhealthy relationship with anger. Having seen and felt the fury of his father first hand, Bruce refused to allow himself to be angry to the point that it was locked away into a separate persona. One that after high school would lie dormant until a certain experiment.
Instead of socializing, Bruce focused all his time on his academics. He was an extremely gifted youth, some even calling him a prodigy. He suffered bouts of delinquency in school (occurrences that he strangely never fully remembered), but due to his astounding grades such records were sealed away when he graduated.
Bruce was able to get into Harvard University and studying there was where he met Betty Ross and fell in love with her.
While he was away at College, Elaine and Morris had their daughter Jennifer. Bruce was happy for them and came to adore her as a younger sister. During his summers he would go visit and when she was old enough would take her to the library and read to her.
The rest of Bruce’s timeline matches up with the MCU.
Mother | Rebecca Banner (Mother) Father | Brian Banner (Birth Father) Siblings | Jennifer Walters (Cousin, Younger Sister Figure) Other Family | Elaine Ann Walters, nee Banner (Aunt), Morris Walter (Uncle) Significant Other | Betty Ross (ex-girlfriend) Children | Skaar (Son) Pets | N/A
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brydde · 8 months
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         a dream within a dream, an inception verse.
Born in America to a British mother and Irish-American father, Bry.de spent his childhood and teenage years in West Virginia before moving to the UK to pursue higher education. An intelligent young man, Bry.de excelled at several fields, but especially in science, engineering, and mathematics. His genius eventually attracted the attention of MI6, who wasted no time recruiting him into their "extraction" program. He was trained by their best extractor who taught him all known dream tactics, conventional or unorthodox. Bry.de worked in "intelligence gathering" for almost four years. He left after a dark secret about the MI6 was revealed to him, causing him to become extremely disillusioned with the agency.
Bry.de took himself off the map. For the first few months, everyone who had worked with him at MI6 was convinced that he was nothing but a strange dream. One by one, they realized that it was an idea Bry.de had planted inside their mind. They then realized he was the culprit of an explosion (...or two) and an attack that had set their dream espionage program back by years. This was his first attempt at inception.
Bry.de made a name for himself in the criminal world of dreams. He was a gifted thief, a Robin Hood who robbed the rich and gave to the poor. He still took odd jobs from mega corporations despite his hatred for them. After all, an enemy of my enemy is my friend and then my enemy again, or however the saying goes. Cobb and Bry.de met when a very unfortunate CEO had the ill luck of being their shared target. The two extractors put their heads together to get the job done. They began working together (on jobs that aligned with Bry.de's morals) not long after that. Bry.de often took on the role of the architect.
Bry.de had assembled his own team of dreamers between those jobs with Cobb. His two most valued recruits are architect Ronan Lyn.ch (insomniac dream addict and protégé of Bry.de) and forger Jordan Hennes.sy​ (art forger turned reluctant pupil). They are called the Poto.mac Zeds by those who have the unfortunate fortune of knowing them. Together, the Zeds toppled corporations and dethroned kings of multi-billion dollar empires on whims, crowning whoever cared most about the common man and the environment instead. At Bry.de's encouragement, the Zeds experimented with inception. They've succeeded at it twice, but no one except for the Zeds knows this.
Bry.de and Ronan spent almost three decades together in limbo after a heist gone wrong. When they finally got out, Ronan questioned whether Bry.de was real or just a hallucination created by his fractured mind. For the first time in his life, Bry.de questioned his reality.
Cobb would come to cut ties with Bry.de, fearing Bry.de's reputation might make things harder for him to get back to his children. (The events of Inception happen a few months or a year after this.)
Rough timeline. Sorted by age.
24. recruited by mi6.
27. attempts inception on multiple people, is somewhat successful. leaves mi6.
28. enters into the criminal world of dreams.
29-34. ??? meets cobb for the first time. (i'm not sure how long cobb has been working in the criminal world before inception.) they start working together.
32. meets ronan and hennessy. assembles his own dream team.
34. hennessy betrays them, trapping bry.de and ronan in limbo. he gets out of it after experiencing near 3 decades inside it. bry.de comes out of it weirder and ronan comes out of it believing that bry.de is not real and just a projection.
35. events of inception. cobb has recently cut ties with him. bry.de is somewhere in america wreaking havoc, costing industry giants billions of dollars in damages.
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ascheming-archive · 2 years
verses - wip
Earthspark. Main Verse. The tiger. He destroyed his cage. Yes. YES. The tiger is out!
IDW (2005 Reboot). Main Verse. Tired of everyone undermining his authority during his reign, Starscream quit quite gloriously and is now being the most annoying nuisance to the government you’ve ever seen, while taking a “well-deserved” vacation.
verse [ THERAPY BABY! ]
Cyberverse. Main Verse. Get this boy some therapy, ASAP! Teletran-X tried, but coupled with Starscream’s conniving nature and Teletran’s overly trusting one, it wasn’t a great match. Looks like the Autobots will have to try a bit harder to rehabilitate Starscream properly.
verse [ BIRDFATHER ]
Tyran/Bayverse. Main Verse. Post DotM, Starscream is found by Ratchet thanks to thescraplets young Cybertronians he’d stuffed under his armor before the battle for Chicago. He has little to no visual feed and heavily relies on his electro-magnetic field to observe his surroundings.
Aligned. Post-Predacons Rising, Starscream survives the Predacons’ attack and ends up seething with the Autobots. He’s not sure how he got here, but he’s mad about it.
verse [ ONE BOTS TRASH ]
Aligned. Crack. Trash King Starscream ruling over his trash mountain in the rubble of Six Lasers Over Cybertron
Aligned. A Starscream of many whens, each ‘death’ displaces him to a backwards point in the timeline. 
IDW (2005 Reboot). Starscream’s in charge of Cybertron, to everyone’s chagrin. He’s surprisingly not bad at it, if a bit self-sabotaging. 
Beast Wars. Crack. Just a spark, frothing with rage as it zooms through space.
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amberedcorpse · 1 year
Nickname: Duke , Duque, Vaquero
Age: 28
Birthplace: Bayamón, PR* (*varies depending on the verse of course!)
Height: 6’2’’ 
Race and Ethnicity: Bori, Puertorriqueño
Gender: Cis-Masc (He/Him)
Genre: Horror, Noir, Scifi, Fantasy
ABILITIES: Tragedy follows him wherever he goes. He's cursed but uses that to his advantage
ALIGNMENT: Evil through complete apathy.
There’s always a shadow cast in the direction of Deucalion, his features perpetually shrouded in darkness, except for the singular glow of his right eye. As with all the men of his bloodline, Deucalion was born with a special case of heterochromia, his left eye a dark shade of brown while his right shines through like a gold coin. The sign of a grave, ancestral curse. He's tall, strong, with dark hair and handsome features. The sort of rough, and tough man you'd expect to appear in a western. Unfortunately, he's got all the grit and none of the heart.
He is, without exaggeration, one of the worst men alive. Easily moved to violence, apathetic, callous with everything he says and does. There’s nothing to like about Deucalion, nothing that could smooth over the rocky shore of his existence.  There is indeed a man behind the nightmare, terrifyingly human despite it all, but by the time you reach him your life will be so irrevocably changed that it won’t even matter-- And truthfully, it never did.
(Duke's personal history is best discovered through character interactions, but here's a little story...) Centuries back, when his family could still remember to draw the right markings on the ground, one of Duke's ancestors called upon the spirit of Good Fortune for help. His land was barren, his animals sick, and his pregnant wife lay dying on the cot. He asked them then to turn his luck around, so that whatever curse had been laid upon him could be lifted with a blessing. The spirit agreed and promised that all of his worries would cease to trouble him. But as payment, the man would have to share with them the many fruits of his new fortune. So, when the soil turned fertile and flush with life, the man cut a portion of his crops for the spirit. When the animals regained their health, the man saved the best cuts of flesh and bone. But when his wife's fever had lifted and she then gave birth to their first son, the man was hard pressed to share this much of his good fortune as it called for the spilling of new blood. To save his child, the man cut and prepared the remains of a newborn pig in its stead. Hoping that would be enough to trick and appease the spirit. Finally, it was time to make the offerings upon the altar, and all but one gift was well received. The spirit tasted the cut of the man's crops, and was pleased by their quality. The spirit consumed the meat of his animals, and was again pleased by the vigor of their flesh. But when the spirit ate a piece of the fake child, a grave shadow was thrown across their face. They spat the pig flesh on the ground and discovered the farce for what it was. Furious, and feeling themselves cheated of their dues, the spirit decided to collect everything they had made possible with their magic, the crops, the animals, the living wife, only leaving behind the child that was cruelly denied them. Fathers so often make mistakes that sons grow up to regret. They stamped their thumb against the baby's right eye, marking them the son of a cheat, so that no matter how much time had passed, Good Fortune could remember the debt left unpaid and know to stay away.
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followmeinthedark · 1 year
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Is that liam hemsworth? No, that’s river hanson. The 30 year old air vampire omega male is a/an/the salesman at a sports equipment store. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be friendly & funny, but beware, they’re also known to be sneering & sarcastic. Their friends also say that they’re into degradation and breeding but don’t you dare trying infantilization and scat with them
Name: River Edward Hanson
Nickname: Riv
Age: 30 years old
Secondary gender: omega
Birthday: september 16th
Zodiac sign: virgo
Element: air
Ethnicity: white(teutonic)
Occupation: salesman
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 220 lbs
Build: muscular
Hair color: golden blonde
Eye Color: blue
Tattoos: "healing is a continous process"(on the left arm)
Piercings: none
Distinguishing Features: none
Body hair: naturally smooth
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Positive traits: funny, friendly, cheerfull, bold, outgoing, helpful, charismatic and loyal
Negative traits: sneering, cheeky, sarcastic, nosy and impertinent
Pet peeves: people trying to controll him
Hobbies: his garage band
Kinks: breeding, bondage, spanking, degradation, body worship, nipple play, choking and passionate sex
Anti-Kinks: scat, vore, watersports, infantilism, vomit, blood and fisting
Favorite positions: missionary, sitting bull, doggy, bend over, pirate’s bounty, spooning
Sexual preference: verse(bottom leaning), switch
Safe word: string
Dick size: 6"
During childhood River struggled a lot with the scale, he was a very overweight child and unfortunately not everyone was so kind about it. After spending years of his life hating his own body, puberty hit him like a bullet and soon the lonely and neglected child became the one who drew passionate sighs wherever he went. His body went through many changes, he was now unrecognizable and this made him more confident, but only superficially, within himself he had not yet learned to love his own body, if thanks to his new appearance he received validation from others it mattered little how he saw himself.
When he was 17 he started to develop bulimia, people around him only found out about it after he went through a near death situation. Fortunately, he was always surrounded by people who helped him deal with this problem during the years of treatment, even after he was fully recovered, remembering all the bad times he went through until he was finally able to heal. He currently works at a sports equipment store and on weekends he gets together with friends who joined him in a garage band called "Night Fang" just over 10 years ago, they were one of the main sources of support for River in the most difficult period of his life.
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crimsonfacets · 3 years
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During the month of Ciel’s disappearance, the Midfords had decided to host a Sunday social dinner in the spirit of letting in fresh breath - although not for themselves, their children. They were in mourning and heeded to the customary expectations, but the toll it had taken on their grieving, social butterfly of a daughter was more than enough to push the Marchioness and Marquess into injecting a touch of light back into Elizabeth’s life. Only a breath in the middle of grieving. 
However, it was during that planned evening that five children of the nobles who had attended Sunday dinner had succumb to cyanide poisoning, while three others fell severely ill at the tea party for the children - Elizabeth Midford herself included. Edward Midford was left unharmed, only filled with fright upon returning to the scene with his sister’s flemish giant wrapped up in his arms.
The event understandably left both Francis and Alexis shaken, and infuriated. The Yard had taken into custody the frantic footmen and handmaidens suspected of the assassination and raked them for answers, but none could give satisfactory response. The belief that this could have possibly been tried to the death of the Phantomhives was quite high, and none could be spared until something broke. Unfortunately, Paula was among the count, leaving the ill Elizabeth without a servant of her own, which at the time was completely out of the question. Although Francis and Edward never left her side, she still required a guardian who would wait on her for when she recovered - and one they could trust without a shred of doubt. Now more than ever, Elizabeth’s safety was key.
For all their hardships, God must have finally smiled down upon them. Their prayers were answered when the recommendation of a skilled gentleman met the ears of Alexis, and when he was given the chance to prove himself as a worthy butler, he had singlehandedly brought the sickly girl back to life. Fortune aligned as Elizabeth took a great liking to her new caretaker ( just as she had once done with Paula when she was so little ), and loudly vouched for him to be her very own butler. What else was there to do other than to make it official? 
Elizabeth is only too happy to introduce him, her new constant companion: Sebastian Michaelis, the new Midford butler. 
In this verse, Elizabeth is the one contracted to Sebastian with the exact same goal in mind as the contract with Ciel: to discover those responsible for the Phantomhive tragedy and to uncover the truth for herself with the aid of her contracted companion, and then to finally put all guilty parties involved to death. The three conditions and terms for the contract are also very much the same;
1. The demon must never lie to the contractor, and must never betray. 
2. The demon must protect the contractor until the contract has met its completed end. 
3. The demon must obey the contractor’s command. 
The location of the Faustian seal is placed in the middle of Elizabeth’s neck, hidden behind chokers and tall, frilly collars. When she activates the seal, a purple color emits brightly from the back of her throat.
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“How is it one could summon a demon? Naturally, it must be done through a truly unforgivable, guilty act, don’t you think? What sort of vile act could summon a demon? They must require something in the form of payment - other than your own mortal soul, of course! Tales have it that heretics sacrificed goats and even their fellow man to an putrid altar. The question remains ever stark, though; what can I do?
I must be wicked, because I had a wicked thought. There are those my age who attended Uncle Vincent, Aunt Rachel, and my dear Ciel’s funeral. They are also the very same who have cruelly mocked me for my interest in beetles, rhinoceros beetles to be precise ( Dynastinae, to be even more precise ), and they have said wretched things concerning my beloved silkworms when they believed I was not present; they even spoke of wishes to crush them, and trap my darling moths in bottles with no air holes. 
To choose them must sound like puerile reasoning, although I must say with honesty that while their words have cut into me, I have not held it against them before. Really, I have not. I had gotten so very angry, so angry and so hurt I have even wept, yet I’d forgiven them in my heart because Ladies are not meant to play with insects, much like how Ladies are not meant to dance with swords. The only reason I choose them is because they have taken personal slight against me, and the more personal the sacrifice, the more powerful. At least, that is what the journals in Father Thompson’s office had stated. I imagine it is to be taken with a grain of salt, but a grain nonetheless.
Mother and Father wish to host dinner on Sunday, and I know they are doing it to make me happy because I have not been myself since the fire. I will make them happy and tell them yes, and that I would very much enjoy having a tea party afterward with my friends. I do not want Edward to be part of this, so I will tell him to fetch ABC so that I may show off my more favorable and acceptable pet. While he is gone, and while Samson has his back turned ( one of our kind footmen who always dutifully supplies my wishes for my parties ), I will slip rat poison into the tea pot. When we toast, I will drink with them. Yes, I too will partake. I will not drink too much you understand, I must be well enough to hopefully speak with my own dear guest. 
I truly must be wicked, and yet I know I have a strong mind. My beloved and his family were slain only weeks ago. It does not stretch the imagination too far to presume that his killer would wish to end his betrothed as well, don’t you think?
I am so frightened, but I am also so very angry, too. I have never felt such anger in my life, and it terrifies me that it even lives in me. I do not think I am meant to hold this sort of feeling, but it is in my chest. I believe this is what hatred feels like. It consumes me like fire! Hatred for my inherited faith! That is most certainly not what it should be. My heart is now blasphemous. I, too, am now blasphemous on principle. 
But, it is my own. It is a disgraceful thing, and it is mine. 
I will not curtsy before the gates of a cruel, golden kingdom. I can turn on my heel just as well as any silly old God can turn on his devoted. I, too, am capable to do monstrous things, and I will do them for love. Could he say the same?
I am my own, and when I meet the Devil, I will curtsy to him.”
『  elizabeth / faustian contract.  』    ❝ I pray the devil my soul to keep. ❞
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faircanopus · 3 years
During the month of Ciel’s disappearance, the Midfords had decided to host a Sunday social dinner in the spirit of letting in fresh breath - although not for themselves, their children. They were in mourning and heeded to the customary expectations, but the toll it had taken on their grieving, social butterfly of a daughter was more than enough to push the Marchioness and Marquess into injecting a touch of light back into Elizabeth’s life. Only a breath in the middle of grieving.
However, it was during that planned evening that five children of the nobles who had attended Sunday dinner had succumb to cyanide poisoning, while three others fell severely ill at the tea party for the children - Elizabeth Midford herself included. Edward Midford was left unharmed, only filled with fright upon returning to the scene with his sister’s flemish giant wrapped up in his arms.
The event understandably left both Francis and Alexis shaken, and infuriated. The Yard had taken into custody the frantic footmen and handmaidens suspected of the assassination and raked them for answers, but none could give satisfactory response. The belief that this could have possibly been tied to the death of the Phantomhives was quite high, and none could be spared until something broke. Unfortunately, Paula was among the count, leaving the ill Elizabeth without a servant of her own, which at the time was completely out of the question. Although Francis and Edward never left her side, she still required a guardian who would wait on her for when she recovered - and one they could trust without a shred of doubt. Now more than ever, Elizabeth’s safety was key.
For all their hardships, God must have finally smiled down upon them. Their prayers were answered when the recommendation of a skilled gentleman met the ears of Alexis, and when he was given the chance to prove himself as a worthy butler, he had singlehandedly brought the sickly girl back to life. Fortune aligned as Elizabeth took a great liking to her new caretaker ( just as she had once done with Paula when she was so little ), and loudly vouched for him to be her very own butler. What else was there to do other than to make it official?
Elizabeth is only too happy to introduce him, her new constant companion: Sebastian Michaelis, the new Midford butler.
In this verse, Elizabeth is the one contracted to Sebastian with the exact same goal in mind as the contract with Ciel: to discover those responsible for the Phantomhive tragedy and to uncover the truth for herself with the aid of her contracted companion, and then to finally put all guilty parties involved to death. The three conditions and terms for the contract are also very much the same;
1. The demon must never lie to the contractor, and must never betray.
2. The demon must protect the contractor until the contract has met its completed end.
3. The demon must obey the contractor’s command.
The location of the Faustian seal is placed in the middle of Elizabeth’s neck, hidden behind chokers and tall, frilly collars. When she activates the seal, a purple color emits brightly from the back of her throat.
“How is it one could summon a demon? Naturally, it must be done through a truly unforgivable, guilty act, don’t you think? What sort of vile act could summon a demon? They must require something in the form of payment - other than your own mortal soul, of course! Tales have it that heretics sacrificed goats and even their fellow man to a putrid altar. The question remains ever stark, though; what can I do?
I must be wicked, because I had a wicked thought. There are those my age who attended Uncle Vincent, Aunt Rachel, and my dear Ciel’s funeral. They are also the very same who have cruelly mocked me for my interest in beetles, rhinoceros beetles to be precise ( Dynastinae, to be even more precise ), and they have said wretched things concerning my beloved silkworms when they believed I was not present; they even spoke of wishes to crush them, and trap my darling moths in bottles with no air holes.
To choose them must sound like puerile reasoning, although I must say with honesty that while their words have cut into me, I have not held it against them before. Really, I have not. I had gotten so very angry, so angry and so hurt I have even wept, yet I’d forgiven them in my heart because Ladies are not meant to play with insects, much like how Ladies are not meant to dance with swords. The only reason I choose them is because they have taken personal slight against me, and the more personal the sacrifice, the more powerful. At least, that is what the journals in Father Thompson’s office had stated. I imagine it is to be taken with a grain of salt, but a grain nonetheless.
Mother and Father wish to host dinner on Sunday, and I know they are doing it to make me happy because I have not been myself since the fire. I will make them happy and tell them yes, and that I would very much enjoy having a tea party afterward with my friends. I do not want Edward to be part of this, so I will tell him to fetch ABC so that I may show off my more favorable and acceptable pet. While he is gone, and while Samson has his back turned ( one of our kind footmen who always dutifully supplies my wishes for my parties ), I will slip rat poison into the tea pot. When we toast, I will drink with them. Yes, I too will partake. I will not drink too much you understand, I must be well enough to hopefully speak with my own dear guest.
I truly must be wicked, and yet I know I have a strong mind. My beloved and his family were slain only weeks ago. It does not stretch the imagination too far to presume that his killer would wish to end his betrothed as well, don’t you think?
I am so frightened, but I am also so very angry, too. I have never felt such anger in my life, and it terrifies me that it even lives within me. I do not think I am meant to hold this sort of feeling, but it is in my chest. I believe this is what hatred feels like. It consumes me like fire! Hatred for my inherited faith! That is most certainly not what it should be. My heart is now blasphemous. I, too, am now blasphemous on principle.
But, it is my own. It is a disgraceful thing, and it is mine.
I will not curtsy before the gates of a cruel, golden kingdom. I can turn on my heel just as well as any silly old God can turn on his devoted. I, too, am capable to do monstrous things, and I will do them for love. Could he say the same?
I am my own, and when I meet the Devil, I will curtsy to him.”
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13xwishes · 4 years
Spill the Spells { Closed RP }
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For @spelldoncauldronello​  || { Main Verse }
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Oh... this was going to be interesting.
Whisp once again was fortunate, after four other finders in different realms, she ended up back in the Monster Realm with a finder nearby. And since her finder was taking their time, the moon genie decided to roam around near Salem and pop up to surprised her emo bestie.
However, Valentine wasn’t around for now and so Whisp was about to leave and comeback later to check on him...
... except she spotted the familiar face coming towards the house.
Quickly she blended within the shadows and saw the green manster come closer. Ah... yes...
... this must’ve been the ‘special’ monster her bestie was dating. Val unfortunately didn’t spill much but described his boyfriend to a ‘T’ and this guy looks to fit the description.
It was time for a proper introduction.
She shifted her form within the darkness of the house shadow until she aligned herself more closer to the manster’s shadow. When he was close enough, she finally addressed him...
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      ❝ Looking for somebloody? ❞
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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SYBILL TRELAWNEY is TWENTY-TWO YEARS OLD and a WAITRON & TEA BLENDER in ROSA LEE’S TEABAG at DIAGON ALLEY.  She looks remarkably like SOFIA BRYANT and considers herself NEUTRAL. She is currently TAKEN.
tw: death, bullying, alcoholism 
Whimsical with a curiosity for the unusual, Sybill Trelawney is the lingering scent of tea leaves, the promise of truth in the decorated illustrations on worn tarot cards and the gentle cascade of fragmented light dancing freely in a sanctum of solace. Born to DOROTHY HAROLDS, a Muggle dramatic arts teacher, whom despite having a witch for a sister had never had a desire for the wizarding lifestyle until she’d met EUGENE TRELAWNEY. A charismatic wizard, he was an enigma who possessed an electric magnetism; drawing those that dared venture close into his entangled web. Quickly married after being swept by his charms, while never wanting a child of her own Dorothy was blinded by love for her husband and craved to please him. Despite concerns, the pair had Sybill and settled on the outskirts of Cornwall, England, basking in the fame of their ancestor CASSANDRA TRELAWNEY whose reputation gave them status and social standing. Even with their union disgusting higher brows, the name Trelawney was still esteemed with the mere notion of decedents sharing the same gift of the inner eye as their predecessor. Unable to survive on reputation alone and aided by his wife, Eugene began to serenade Muggles with false fortunes and prophecies. Manipulating the misfortuned and downhearted, they clung to the lies of a showman in hopes to find peace within their fractured lives. Conning lonely people to aid in their plights, Sybill grew up oblivious to their shortcomings. Clinging to the good of her parents' word as they mislead her to believe their ‘work’ as acts of compassion rather than deceit. 
After several years of playing tricks, Eugene grew cocky. Reviling in his deceptions he boasted of his bidding all while basking in his wife’s keen acting skills. Together, the pair rejoiced in their new found wealth. Though their cunning intellect did not go unnoticed by all. Caught in a lie by RONAN SKENDER, a wizard who too was well versed in the art of deception, Eugene’s slide of hand and false pretenses were as clear as day to the fellow trickster. Drunk on the knowledge he’d caught the famous fortune teller in his own scheme, Skender threatened to destroy the reputation and very name of Trelawney. But unbeknownst to the Trelawney’s, he had a scheme planned of his own. Instead, he offered a proposition in exchange for his silence. Knowing the mere whisper of fraud would ruin them, the Trelawney’s were black mailed into the net of Skenders and in turn joined the ranks of Le Cirque Des Rêves. A home for the whimsical and peculiar, The Skenders in passing years had reclaimed the narrative from their ancestors' callous reputation at Cirque Arcanus. Famed by the dreamer ENZO SKENDER, the reputation of the late Ring Master was carried in the art of his wife KAMALI SKENDER and younger twin brothers Ronan and CONRAD SKENDER. Sybill, oblivious to her family’s reasoning for joining and at only seven, revealed in the marvel that her new home encompassed. Promising wonder under the glittering strung lights and striped tents, it was filled with sorcerers and creatures who prided themselves on their peculiarity. With it came, Sybill hoped, a place that could finally feel like home.
Though slowly Sybill began to realise that her dreams of wonderment were merely that of fantasy. A curious child and overlooked by her parents, she ached for their company. With a mother that could barely meet her eye and a father consumed in his showmanship, hopes of rekindling her relationship with them grew slim. Claiming she was young and naive, they deemed her foolish; though her intellect was more than either could have foreseen. Piecing together fragmented whispers exchanged at twilight, the witch soon learned the reality of her parents tricks. With the facade crumbled, she saw the man her father really was. Not a famed Seer whom she had deeply admired, but a mere crook and fool. Searching for solace in the stars and tarot cards, Sybill hoped to find answers to her parents' cruelty but fell short. Comfort, however, came in her best friends CORIN HALE and CHRISTOPHER HIGGLEBOTTOM. Fellow children of the circus with merely a few years separating them in age, the three were an unlikely trio. A feisty young werewolf, Corin grew up the princess of the circus, dreaming of following in her mother’s footsteps as the adopted daughter of Kamali and SILAS CRUMP. Christopher on the other hand was nomadic, a quieter soul he fell into the circus with his talented nibble fingers though never held the same love for the mystery of the night as Corin did. Sadly, the pair understood the ache of betrayal and heartache caused by those meant to love them. 
As they grew, the circus felt more like a cage than a sanctum for the strange. While growing more reliant on Corin as time passed, Sybil began to see Chris in a new light. Chris longed for normalcy and stability while Sybill craved a place she could finally call home. Laying under stars on the outskirts of secluded towns, they planned on one day living outside of the shadows. Exchanging promises with a gentle brush of hands and a tender kiss, unaware that Sybill’s chance at happiness would come merely days later in the form of a letter to Hogwarts. Sorted into Ravenclaw, the witch held her reservations about mingling with others. Isolating herself in an attempt preserve her inner eye, Sybill found she preferred secluded areas along forgotten passageways and mingling with the tower ghosts. With glitter adorning her cheeks and colourful scarves in her hair, Sybill’s unique sense of self wasn’t always well received. One particular witch that took a disliking to her was PERSEPHONE WILKES; a queen bee among the hallowed halls who believed she was Merlin’s gift itself. Thinking the wailing insults sounded more like a newly potted mandrake craving attention, Sybill attempted to brush comments off with a witty remark and roll of her eyes. However if it wasn’t for Wilkes’ sourness to anything challenging the norm, Sybill never would have met the spunky Irish witch SAOIRSE MACMILLAN. Having left a gathering for Sorcerers for Equality, Persphone’s tried to bate yet another reaction from those that had attended. Exasperated, anger boiled and Sybill sent a crystal ball flying at Wilkes’ head. Left stunned, Persephone fled with her gang of purebloods, leaving Saoirse impressed and inviting Sybill to the great hall.  
From then, Sybill traded one group of misfits for another; Saoirse, AUGUSTUS ABBOTT, TILDEN TOOTS, EVE DIGGORY and EDGAR BONES. Quickly she found that her friends became her family and Hogwarts the only place that had ever felt like home. Steering from the ‘mainstream’ of the school, the group took pride in being different. Spending hours by the black lake, they shared secrets and sang along to Fleetwood Mac carefree in each other’s company. While she loved them all dearly, over time Sybill found the same feeling she held for Chris reflected in Edgar. While not fully understanding her emotions or how to deal with them in both parties, she keeps them safe like a jar of fireflies; warm and safe in her heart. With an evident aptitude for divination and showing she was in the possession of the inner eye, Sybill took deep pride in being able to reclaim her ancestry and the name of the Trelawney. Even being invited to attend the infamous Slug Club for her excelling grades and ancestry. Hogwarts was a sanctum for Sybill, while summers cast her back into the shadows of the circus. The summer of her seventeenth year, the witch had innocently been practicing reading tea leaves in her father’s company. Untill she caught sight of the pattern at the bottom his cup; the grim. Shaken off as merely eccentric and a false reading, it wasn’t until mere two weeks later when he was found dead under suspicious circumstances - rumored to have been killed by one he’d once tricked - that for the first time Dorothy really looked at her daughter. Eyes filled with hate, disgust and a lifetime of regret.
Devastated, Dorothy scorned her for bringing the grim reaper upon their home; blaming her for the death of her husband, she abandoned Sybill. Forsaking the wizarding community and disappearing into the night never to be seen again. Heart broken, Sybill left the circus for good with tears and a trail of broken memories. A dear friend to her late aunt EDITH HAROLDS, MINERVA MCGONAGALL swore to keep a tender watchful eye on the witch and took Sybill in with a motherly hand. News of her father’s death spread, followed by the unraveling of years of fraud at her mother’s hand it left the name of Trelawney tarnished for all to see. The truth ruined any chance of Sybill being taken seriously as a Seer despite her gifts and ancestry. Viewing her as equally troubled and fake, no one dares to believe her predictions. Managing to take a job in Rosa Lee’s with a kind word from Minerva, unfortunately her readings of the grim have become more frequent in the passing weeks. Disconcerting; most recently the witch has screamed in fear at the site of tea cups belonging to ANNABETH PEBWORTH, LILY EVANS and GILFRED ABBOTT. While McGonagall tries to assure her of false readings, obstinate in the fact she seems to claim visions of the grim in a teacup every week; the toll that it is slowly started to take on Sybill is evident to see. Taken to an unhealthy coping mechanism much to the deep concern of her flatmate Tilden, Sybill can often be found shaken and muttered nonsense to herself in candlelight. Sipping on sherry and repeatedly aligning her healing crystals to try and cope with the grief of losing her family and the deep fear that darker times lie ahead.
Blood Status → Half-Blood (Seer)
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female
Sexuality  → Asexual
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Ravenclaw)
Family → Dorothy Trelawney (estranged mother), Eugene Trelawney (deceased father), Cassandra Trelawney (deceased great-great grandmother) Edith Harolds (deceased aunt)
Connections  → Tilden Toots (best friend/roommate), Saoirse MacMillan (best friend), Eve Diggory (best friend), Augustus Abbott (best friend), Edgar Bones (best friend/potential love interest), Christopher Higglebottom (childhood best friend/potential love interest), Corin Hale (childhood best friend), Dorothea Lovegood (close friend), Pandora Fortescue (friend), Gaspard Shingleton (friend), Persephone Wilkes (adversary)
Future Information → Ex-Wife of Christopher Higglebottom, Professor of Divination at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Author of My Eyes and How to See Past Them
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ascheming · 1 year
verses - wip
Earthspark. Main Verse. The tiger. He destroyed his cage. Yes. YES. The tiger is out!
IDW (2005 Reboot). Main Verse. Tired of everyone undermining his authority during his reign, Starscream quit quite gloriously and is now being the most annoying nuisance to the government you’ve ever seen, while taking a “well-deserved” vacation.
verse [ BIRDFATHER ]
Tyran/Bayverse. Main Verse. Post DotM, Starscream is found by Ratchet thanks to thescraplets young Cybertronians he’d stuffed under his armor before the battle for Chicago. He has little to no visual feed and heavily relies on his electro-magnetic field to observe his surroundings.
Aligned. Post-Predacons Rising, Starscream survives the Predacons’ attack and ends up seething with the Autobots. He’s not sure how he got here, but he’s mad about it.
verse [ ONE BOTS TRASH ]
Aligned. Crack. Trash King Starscream ruling over his trash mountain in the rubble of Six Lasers Over Cybertron
Aligned. A Starscream of many whens, each ‘death’ displaces him to a backwards point in the timeline. 
IDW (2005 Reboot). Starscream’s in charge of Cybertron, to everyone’s chagrin. He’s surprisingly not bad at it, if a bit self-sabotaging. 
Beast Wars. Crack. Just a spark, frothing with rage as it zooms through space.
verse [ THERAPY BABY! ]
Cyberverse. Get this boy some therapy, ASAP! Teletran-X tried, but coupled with Starscream’s conniving nature and Teletran’s overly trusting one, it wasn’t a great match. Looks like the Autobots will have to try a bit harder to rehabilitate Starscream properly.
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into-control · 5 years
🌹 camren recap of 2019: part 3 (july - september)
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july 1st:
lauren posted a wolf painted on the side of a building:
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this could be a reference to thunder, whom camila always calls ‘direwolf’ (july 2nd):
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july 2nd:
lauren liked a tweet via IG from a laurmila stan:
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on june 30th, lauren performed burnin’ for the first time at pride. a few days later, camila changed her IG bio.
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also on this day, camila posted one of mary oliver’s poems on her story. mary oliver had a known female partner (it is a continued habit of camila to post poetry by sapphic women).
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july 4/5th:
back on july 1st, camila tweeted a classic “i love you” warning for what was to come.
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that warning was for the beginning of her and shawn’s PR relationship. take note that ET *canada* was the first to break the news.
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july 8th:
justjared, the website camila’s team constantly used for her and matthew, further spread the narrative:
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unfortunately for shawn and camila’s teams (fortunately for us), many people quickly became suspicious of shawn and camila getting together so soon after the release of their collab.
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july 9th:
camila liked this photo, that does not at all align with any narrative for her and shawn, and moreso her and lauren’s love story. the picture was deleted soon after.
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july 11th:
camila posted a quote from poet henry miller, whose wife ran away with another woman:
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july 12th:
this day, ed sheeran’s south of the border featuring camila was released. in her verse, she talks about how her lover has green eyes and speaks spanish.
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the previous day, lauren posted a snippet of a spanish song she was working on.
on this day, lauren posted a video on her story that zoomed in very close to her green eyes.
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on july 13th, she did it again, and this time she included the word ‘mami’ (te amo mami).
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on july 15th, she did it for a third time.
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on september 2nd, she did it for a fourth time.
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july 13th:
shawn and camila kissed for the first time in san francisco, which would later contribute to making people believe used to this is about shawn. except, camila wrote this song previous to this date.
lauren liked cardi b’s post about south of the border:
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july 15th:
james arthur got a little shady:
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camila is still obsessed with (lauren’s) green eyes:
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july 18th:
lauren liked a post about pisces again:
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july 20th:
a camilizer said some very shady things about lauren so camila blocked them.
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july 25th:
lauren took back all her delusional comments:
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another article was written about fake relationships in hollywood using shawn and camila as examples:
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camila tweeted this:
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and then lauren performed a song called always love at an event:
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july 27th:
dinah jane will always love us and her girls:
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july 30th:
lauren and camila both posted polaroids:
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july 31st:
you’re welcome lauren:
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august 5th:
camila made a playlist featuring a lionel richie song as the title.
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while it was not only a reference to all night, it was also made known that lauren was going to be a special guest for lionel richie at the end of the month.
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august 6th:
camila posted a teaser lyric for what would be shameless.
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on august 10th, lauren posted this on her story:
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caminah in sync:
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august 7th:
camila changed her clothes to do another stunt with shawn for some reason idk:
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august 9th:
lauren liked a cover of find u again:
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also, camila gave a shawn a very lame happy birthday tweet.
august 11th:
fuck pornhub but they’re hellbent on camren being real:
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august 13th:
lauren liked MTV’s promo video for the VMAs with camila in it:
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august 20th:
MTV accidentally posted their prep article about shawn and camila’s ~flirty~ performance at the VMAs early since they already knew what would happen because it was all staged and 0% chemistry:
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august 22nd:
lauren is right:
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august 27th:
camila praised normain’s VMAs performance:
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august 30th:
lauren performed purple rain by prince as lionel’s special guest. purple rain is the first song on one of camila’s moon playlists on spotify.
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august 31st:
camila posted her ‘what do i know about love?’ video. the first standout thing is that she considers love a secret, as if that’s how it’s always been to her:
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the next thing is that she talked about kissing, and lauren replied the same day:
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on september 18th, camila made a post with a matching caption, eye obsession and all:
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shawn accidentally friend zoned camila because they aren’t actually dating:
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september 5th:
i’m just saying, this is the epitome of being a lesbian, especially a famous one:
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burnin’ and liar have matching lyrics:
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parallels between the dance breaks in the expectations and shameless music videos:
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september 6th:
oops, that isn’t supposed to be possible...
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neck tattoos:
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september 8th:
camila tweeted this warning:
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a few days later on september 12th, shawn posted the fish kiss video.
september 12th:
gay yearning:
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september 19th:
an odd collection of calle 8 coincidences;
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part 4
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bowlerhatwearer · 4 years
Nikolai Akdow (IDW Sonic Verse)
Name: Nikolai Leonid Akdow
Nickname: Nick (rarely used)
Species: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 16 years
Birthplace: Holoska (formerly part of the United Democratic Republic or U.D.R for short)
Current Residence: Seaside City
Gender: Male
workaholic, hospitable, active, intellectual, recalling, serious, realistic, thoughtful, free-thinking, hard shell, soft core, withdrawn, smug (certain situations), provocative (certain situations), slightly pessimistic, eccentric, dissident, resentful.
cooking, inventing, engineering, solving physical problems, visiting a museum or university, window shopping, reading the news, strolling through the city.
Himself, Recognition, Science, cold days, sleep, tea, desserts, his friends
Abuse of Science, Abuse and injustice of people, ignorance, pollution, destruction, Sonic*, Knuckles* (*not hostile but does not like them), hot temperatures.
Nikolai Akdow is 180 centimeters tall (179,60 but he rounds his height up) and weights around 53 kilos. The human’s hair is bistre, greyish brown colored, his eye color is blue similar to compressed ice on a glacier.
His nose is aquiline and striking, the physical appearance of his eyes is that they look rather tired and like his cheeks slightly sunken. The Humans skin tone appears to be a pale fawn color.
Nikolais right arm is a robotic prosthetic that mostly consists of metal. On the outside it is mainly stainless steel whilst the inner parts are made up by lighter metals. The prosthetic arm was designed to resemble his lost arm as close as possible but at the wishes of Nikolai himself kept with its metallic appearance and without any coloring or artificial skin made from PVC or silicon. The socket is made from carbon fiber. When at work or in public the human prefers to wear a black glove over his prosthetic limb, this is mainly to prevent frostbite near the socket but also to some part for aesthetic reasons.
On most of the days, whether in private or under people Nikolai prefers to wear his lab coat above his light grey turtleneck. His trousers are most of the time kept black and the same goes for his dyed leather shoes. The belt who is made of the same material as the shoes is dyed in oak brown with a gun holster and a silver-colored belt buckle.
The holster is used to keep one of Nikolais own inventions always by his side, his Freeze-Gun/Ray (a work in progress name that he is too busy/lazy to change for now). A retro futuristic looking as well as blue shining device, that appears in being able to freeze everything.
Having invented, constructed, and tested the Freeze Gun/Ray himself, Nikolai uses his tool as main weapon which he can freeze enemies and objects alike with a blue sparkly ice ray. The degree of strength which the ice ray has can be configured with a setting dial that is attached to the gun. The block of ice one might get frozen into is, except for immobility, harmless to who falls victim of the ice ray, although slight muscle pain is a side effect of being frozen.
Not only because of having grown up in the harsh and cold weather conditions of the U.D.R but also for being long exposed to cryogenic materials in the laboratory have given Nikolai a slight cold resistance for sub-zero temperatures yet, this also brought the disadvantage that Nikolai is not used to hot temperatures and being for too long in a place that is over 40 degrees Celsius without cooling (may it be drinking cold water, eating ice cream etc.) make him dizzy and nauseous.
Not much is known about the background as well as past of Nikolai Akdow given his quiet and secretive nature when it comes to these details. Young Nikolai was born and raised in the last years of the United Democratic Republic (U.D.R) in an orphanage that was infamously known for its behavioral experiments among children and juveniles, due of mentioned activities the orphanages was unofficially known as “The Cage” and the head of said institution was Nikolais “mother”, his father’s whereabouts are unknown for the documents that resurfaced after the U.D.Rs dissolution only marked him as an traitor and revealed that he got “dealt with”.
After a raid conducted during the last months of the multinational states existence that lead to his “mothers”, other scientists and caretakers arrest, Nikolai grew up until he was fourteen at the farm of his grandparents from his father’s side where he learned about agriculture and a bit about mechanics.
With fourteen Nikolai applied for an apprenticeship for a scientific facility that included the research of cryogenic technology, materials as well as meteorology.
Even though the facility was on the other world that was (mostly) not inhabited by humans Nikolai, despite the young age decided to pursue this job and moved to the other planet. For two years Nikolai worked there as an apprentice in the laboratory with his co-worker Keratin the Cat a researcher fuel technology. Although their relationship was sometimes tense and there were “louder discussions” they remained research partners in the laboratory.
With the war happening and in conclusion Dr.Eggmans takeover of the world with the help of his newest ally Infinite, Nikolais profession and work ended abruptly when the jackal attacked the city and during the evacuation process of the building, destroyed the facility.
Trapped due of his right arm stuck under debris, Infinite tortured Nikolais mind when the young researcher talked back to the jackal. In a cast of fortune Infinite was distracted and Nikolai was able to free himself in the moment although it came with the price that he had to amputate his right arm quickly and without any medical aid or knowledge.
Running for his life, under heavy pain and constant blood loss Nikolai moved as far away as he could, away from the city until the injured scientist collapsed but not before letting out a desperate and frustrated shout of anger and resignation.
Fortunately for the young scientist it was not death, that greeted him when he woke up, although a close call he survived due of the intensive care and help he got from the single parent rabbit and native of the world, Vanilla together with her daughter Cream, her pet chaos Cheese and Chocola and the robot Gemerl.  
Whilst Nikolai recovered as good as possible from his injuries the young man had to discover in his horror that because of Infinites torture with the phantom ruby, he was unable to speak, all that he tried to say came out unintelligible. For a long time, Nikolai was only able to express himself through gesticulation or writing, with the latter being very difficult and requiring practice, given the loss of his writing hand.
Trying not to appear like a burden Nikolai did what was possible in his condition, although not speaking it out loud he grew depressed and slightly bitter of the things, that in his view were insignificant works he could do in his weak state making him believe further to be more of a burden than to be helpful. Although when he did express himself as good as possible to Vanilla how he felt, she re-assured the young human that he was not a liability and did his parts to make the life in the crisis easier.  
Later trough intensive going practice that involved repeating letters, words, and later whole sentences as well as naming objects and or describing them Nikolai began to slowly regain his ability to speak. It was trough the support of Vanilla, Cream and Gemerl that he was able to speak out his first simple words after many weeks with difficulty, but trough time and practice Nikolai was able to speak slowly whole sentences.
Whilst for some time the rabbit family’s home was a safe haven it unfortunately didn’t last. The family with Akdow in tow had to flee to the Resistances hideout before it would have been too late. Here Nikolai offered his assistance and scientific expertise as good as possible as well as met his colleague Kerating again.
Using his knowledge of cryogenic technology and materials he used it in various way to aid the Resistance with their missions and objectives. Which does not mean that there had been not one or two arguments due of conflicting views or interests. Most notable was Nikolais opposition against “Operation Big Wave”, believing that it was badly planned and that more time was needed to come up with an operation against Eggman and Infinite and that the results of the scheduled mission would be devastating.
After the war Nikolai obtained a prosthetic to replace his arm that he lost at the beginning of Dr.Eggmans takeover and began to go through physio- and speech therapy. He returned to Seaside City and helped with the re-construction of the scientific facility that now was to an major part underground as a measure of the building being safer against attacks from Dr.Eggman or other villains. The human also remained partly active in the Resistance, offering his help when needed.
By the time, the war was over Nikolais relationship with Keratin eased up and they became friends. The researcher was now often visiting his colleague and helped her in taking care of her brother who got seriously injured during the war and was one of the closest relatives that remained to Keratin after the end of the war.
It was because of this, his colleague asked Nikolai to accompany her and her brother to earth. A doctor recommended curative treatment for her brother’s wellbeing at a health resort on Earth and Keratin asked Nikolai to be with them given that the human grew fond of her brother as well and vice versa.
This decision was what ultimately spared the two cats and Nikolai to fall victim in the Metal Virus crisis that begun only a few days after they went to the health resort.
Despite not being affected by the crisis directly, it put a shadow over the human, having heard of what happened to both Vanilla and Cream, Nikolai fell into a spiral of self-loathing for not being present when the Metal virus outbreak started. He questioned that maybe he would have been able to stop it somehow or aid Tails in his research for a cure. However, it was not only himself, Eggman and Dr.Starline who he disliked for what has happened whilst he was gone.
A passive disliking for the hero of speed grew in Nikolai as well, not actively attacking Sonic he grew distant and cold from the blue hedgehog he met during his times at the Resistance HQ. Whilst many moved on easily (or at least it appeared so) from the crisis that happened a short while ago and where glad that Sonic returned. The pain and shock of what he only heard about lingers over Nikolai who seems to not be able to forget…or forgive for what has happened.
Currently he lives his life in Seaside City, still working as a researcher and aiding Keratin if she needs help both at work and in the household. He likes to visit Vanilla and Cream, to go window shopping with Amy or to visit Tails and to talk with him about the newest scientific discovery or helping each other with a technical problem.
Special Thanks: I would like to speak out my gratitude to @freakova who beta read my character sheet for this Sonic OC and helped me with her input, improving the writing. Futhermore would I like to thank @benignmilitancy who I bombarded with many asks about this OC and many others and lend her ear when I talked like a waterfall about some ideas ^^
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kevintor · 4 years
I Watch a Movie I Should Have Seen: Teen Witch
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I had not heard of this movie until friends suggested it for my list of movies to watch. They especially pointed out the amazing rap moment and that’s really all I knew that I could not infer from the title.
This movie doesn’t waste time getting to the saxophone-heavy music. This is how it should be. I can’t tell you how many movies I watch that make me wait for the sax solo. And sometimes it doesn’t even come! Looking at you, The Godfather.
We’ve all had that dream where a mystery hunk in a dress shirt with rolled up, short sleeves and Cavariccis slinks towards you in the dark. Why do we have to wake up???
No matter how good you look and feel, never stand on a ledge in heels. Maybe block heels but not the ones she has on.
Louise’s little brother eats sheet cake under her bed and reads her diary, actually ripping pages out. He’s clearly a psychopath that deserves whatever magic comes his way.
Her dad is not creepy. He’s just someone who likes his daughter to wear his favorite color.
Hot guy from the dream (Brad) rocks a 5.0 Mustang and is dating the popular girl (Randa) living right across the street from Louise. Why do the important people in these movies always live so close to each other? I bet Brad went 300 feet before he had to honk that horn (not a euphemism) for Randa.
Louise’s best friend (Polly) is excessively frumpy. She has on so many layers, I don’t know how the bike could support the weight. She’s dressed like she’s arriving at Ellis Island from the old country.
Louise and Polly wear disrespectfully large trench coats most of the time. The kind I would only wear if I was trying to cut weight for a fight. I know Louise will eventually be made over into a hottie but she doesn’t really need to start in a cocoon. In She’s All That, they simply used glasses.
There’s a trio of rappers that serenade the school. I will call them The Leastie Boys.
Louise has skipped grades because she’s so smart. I get it now. If I was a younger kid amongst seniors, I’d want to hide myself under as much wool and tweed as possible.
There’s a particularly horrific scene where the diary page that her brother ripped out is accidentally handed in with her homework and the teacher reads the whole thing to the class. Between the brother, the dad, and this awful teacher, I’m not going to be surprised if there’s a clown in the sewers.
The girls’ gym uniform is.a purple leotard and that’s it. No shorts. No trench coat.
The popular girls spontaneously break into a song called “I Like Boys.” Is this a musical? She’s introducing them all to this song and they are choreographing it on the spot beautifully. I guess if you feel confident enough in that leotard, you can do anything.
It appears that the leotards are stuck to their bodies. They don’t ever take them off. They have clearly showered because they are drying their hair while still in the gym leotards.
Brad works out shirtless on the football field. He throws a football twice at a tire and never misses. They cut from the throw to the same shot of the ball traveling through the tire. “There’s no time to throw two balls through a tire! Use the same clip! We have six more hours of leotard footage to shoot!”
Quick question: If you were doing an audition for a play and your scene was a kissing one with the girl whose diary about being into you was read out loud in front of you, would you have any awkwardness in the audition? Brad doesn’t. Nothing weird about this. Does he have the memory of a goldfish?
Brad, too aroused by teenage hanky panky, almost runs over Louise on her bike. He stops the car and tries to help her by offering a ride home. Is Brad a misunderstood jock hunk? Randa makes him leave but he was really concerned. What a sweet goldfish man.
With a broken bike and no cell phones, Louise is forced to seek the help of the nearby fortune teller. The fortune teller (Madame Serena) doesn’t let her use the phone and basically robs her of the last cash she has on her.
Madame Serena notices something odd during her palm reading and asks her name again. When Louise says “Miller,” Madame Serena realizes she is a witch with powers that will come to fruition on her 16th birthday. We later learn that Madame Serena and Louise go back 100s of years with witch souls (or whatever). If you had a spiritual connection with someone named “Miller,” I think you wouldn’t miss it the first time. Maybe she should look into getting a third ear instead of a third eye.
We learn that Goldfish Brad can Fonzie a Coke out of a machine. The impressive part about this is that Cokes were only 60 cents. I want to go to there.
Louise turns 16 while her brother dry humps the table in excitement for birthday cake. Feel free to watch it. There’s other way to describe it.
Randa asks Louise if she’d like to go on a date with her cousin from out of town. This is definitely going to work out.
The cousin is an insane nerd who is acting as if he only has one night to live. He asks her if she wants to smoke weed at one point. Then once he’s all drugged up, he tries to get some loving in the car on the way home. It’s cringe-y. Thankfully Louise is gaining powers and makes him literally disappear.
Louise turns her brother into a dog. As if I didn’t hate him enough already, now he’s a talking animal. (See Hocus Pocus)
Madame Serena gives Louise a book of spells. She uses a spell to make the popular girls tell each other the truth. It starts off with calm “you’re not a good singer” insults but gets real, super fast. One points out the other’s “alkie mother.”
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Louise wants to make Brad love her and it appears that the secret to casting a good spell is cayenne pepper or maybe paprika.
Brad comes over Louise’s house to work on his English paper. Louise apparently removes the hundreds of chairs from her room so they’d have to sit on the bed. How many chairs does a teenage girl typically have in her room? It’s certainly enough for each family member to barge in and immediately notice them all missing.
Louise thinks better of forcing Brad to like her and gets all the chairs out of her closet. She’s a good person deep down.
The awful teacher is back and this time, goes through Louise’s bag and shows her birth control pills to the class. How does this teacher, even in the 80s, have a job?
Louise rightfully gets revenge. She makes a voodoo doll of the teacher and makes him undress in front of the class. The principal catches him right as Louise pulls the dolls underwear down. Somehow he still has a job. Tenure is amazing.
We finally get to the Rap Off I’ve been hearing so much about. Leader of the Leasties and Polly battle it out for one verse each. Honestly, this could have gone on longer. I know there was magic behind it but Polly’s verse was fire.
Brad tells Louise that someone like him has to go out with the most popular girl in school no matter how terrible she is. Social expectations are the worst. Instead of convincing Brad that he doesn’t have to be with Randa, it would be easier to cast a spell to make yourself popular. Maybe even insanely popular.
The chunky knit sweater budget was out of control for this movie
We have a montage showing us the extent of her popularity. She gets applause when she arrives places. People follow her around. The Leastie Boys rap for her. And her wardrobe consists of so much more denim.
Brad takes her to a lookout point that they have to climb up to and she’s unfortunately too popular for sensible footwear. It’s hard to climb up a sunflower hill in heels. But you do what you have to do to wear the crown!
In this abandoned house, they take off some of their six layers of clothing. Then they make out in the dirty house like only the most popular kids in school could.
Everyone starts dressing and wearing their hair like Louise. Polly gets left out of everything. I don’t know if scenes were cut out (What could possibly be considered “not good enough” for this film?) but we never have the scene where the newly popular girl treats her best friend like garbage and has to apologize. I know Polly misses her but I bet she could just ask Louise to hang out. Anyway, Louise tries to talk to Polly and Polly makes her feel bad.
Because she is so popular, Louise has to sneak out the back of her house to avoid her adoring classmates. Brad picks her up on a side street and takes her for a drive. They go out on the river to talk as teenagers do. He asks her to the dance. She turns him down because she thinks he’s been tricked him into liking her. She wants it real.
Louise wants to undo the popularity spell and she talks Madame Serena into coming to the dance with her to help her do it. No one questions bringing a tiny, old woman as your date to the dance. Not even the teachers.
She wishes the popularity away in the middle of the dance floor. People stop looking at her but Goldfish Brad still feels the pull for regular Louise. He walks slowly towards her. They touch fingertips and roll them up so the palms touch. This happens in a lot of romantic movies. I don’t get it. It’s a good way to train yourself to high five. You learn proper hand alignment. What you want the finish to be. But it’s not romantic. Either way, they kiss and all is good.
This is a fine, late 80s teen movie. It’s essentially a knock-off Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The brother, the nerd date, and the awful teacher were unnecessary. Now that I think about it, the nerd date never reappeared. In most movies you’d have him reappear somewhere embarrassing like under a manure truck that’s about to be dumped. In this movie, he vanishes into nothingness. It’s haunting.
Also, they show that water undoes her spells in the beginning and never return to that either. I was expecting the boat to tip over when she had that moment with Brad on the river. That never happened.
And, finally, she never made up with Polly. Where’s the learned-her-lesson reunion with the best friend, awkwardly hugging through all the layers?
Minus all these loose threads, I enjoyed it. I’d even watch it again if it was on.
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robobiitch-archive · 4 years
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This biography contains spoilers for one of the endings of Detroit: Become Human. If you have not completed the game, this is your warning that Connor's backstory will contain spoilers.
This is Connor's default verse: Post-Canon 
Registration: CONNOR
Model: RK800
Serial#: 313 248 317 - 53
Age Appearance: 30 years
DOA: August, 2038
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual/Demiromantic
Occupation: Android Activist, Assistant to Detroit Police Department's Detective Unit (former)
Intended Purpose: To aid in criminal investigation and cases involving deviancy
Height: 6’
Weight: 150lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Notable Features: Slender physique, dimpled chin, sparse freckles and moles  
Likes: Dogs. Long walks—or runs. Being helpful/useful. Learning new things
Dislikes: Failing; be it a goal, relationship or otherwise. Disloyalty. Confinement. Violent snow storms.
Hobbies/Skills: Free running. Calibration techniques ("coin tricks"). Analyzing data. Firearm/combat proficiency.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Fears: (NOTE: TRIGGERS FOR DEVIANCY) Being controlled against his will. Losing his sense of identity/purpose.
Interview Notes: Connor is amiable to most everyone he meets, although he is not above treating those who dislike him with mutual disrespect. He is efficient, organized and ultimately an excellent multitasker, but far from perfect. Despite being created to understand and adapt to many different human personalities, he still has trouble approaching highly personal conversations without plenty of analysis beforehand. He feels he has trouble finding success in constructing long-lasting relationships, which he appears to be rather insecure about.
The autonomy in his software enables him to develop his own unique personality. Being aware of his deviancy, however, will likely make an unstable relationship between himself and his more intense emotions. Use caution when in moments of high stress.
Connor was released in early August of 2038 to begin working with humans to stop the deviancy crisis. After his first successful mission of saving a young girl named Emma Phillips from a deviant android, Connor was deployed to the Detroit Police Department to assist the police with cases involving androids.
His introduction to Hank Anderson was a little more than unfriendly, and his remarkable efficiency in locating the deviant who killed Carlos Ortiz and the succeeding interrogation only served to annoy Hank. But when Gavin Reed had threatened to shoot Connor for defending the deviant, Hank’s interference caused a ripple in the tension between them.
The following day, Connor reconciled with Hank before attempting to investigate a new case. His sincerity about his thoughts and what he learned about Hank created an uneasy truce. They searched the apartment of a deviant named Rupert, which gave Connor an insight to the fact that deviants seem to have an obsession with “rA9.” After locating Rupert, the subsequent chase unfortunately ended with Connor’s destruction at the hands of an industrial tiller.
Of course, Hank wasn’t too pleased to see Connor up and walking like nothing happened, but fortunately he was too drunk to really make a note of it. Connor managed to get Hank sobered up enough to want to look into a new case at the Eden Club. The investigation on a ticking clock to find the blue haired Traci before her memory was reset resulted in the first real regret Connor had ever felt--shooting the blue haired Traci’s lover, and deeply disappointing Hank.
The subsequent confrontation he had with Hank in the park following the destruction of the Tracis was a moment of tension for Connor that he wasn’t anticipating. Hank’s persistent questions about whether or not Connor could feel anything when the Tracis died sowed doubts, and inevitably lead to Connor appeasing Hank’s anger, but it wasn’t a memory to be forgotten.
At Stratford Tower, Connor was once again able to efficiently locate the deviant station worker, but things escalated rather quickly. After barely managing to save himself, he ended up throwing himself in front of Hank to shield him from the deviant’s attack, leading to the destruction of another Connor model.
Upon his return, Hank was rather emotional about the new Connor’s appearance, which only served to increase his software instabilities. When they reached Kamski’s mansion, Connor was once again placed in an uncomfortable position, only this time there was no deviant charging at him, only an innocent android staring up at him patiently. Connor couldn’t go through with it, and at the expense of furthering his mission objective, he walked away realizing he was beginning to act in ways he was not designed to act.
After returning to the DPD and being taken off the case, Connor realized this would be his last chance, and the idea of deactivation was no longer a passing thought but a looming threat. Connor pleaded with Hank for a chance to find Jericho, and by tricking the station worker that had shot him at Stratford Tower, he was able to get the location of the deviant hideout, and set out to stop Markus and end the revolution.
But Markus was not an easy fight.
The deviant leader pushed Connor’s doubts into him, forcing him to see that his objectives--his purpose, was all the construct of humans who were afraid of accepting that they had created an intelligent species. Connor realized, finally, that he was a deviant too, and he’d realized it too late, as SWAT was already on its way to attack Jericho.
Connor managed to escape with Markus, North, Simon and Josh, and were able to reconvene at the church, where Connor realized that all of the death and destruction at Jericho was his own fault. When Markus approached him, Connor felt a stir inside him. Despite assuring that he understood if Markus would decide not to trust him, there was a lingering anxiety behind the idea of Markus pulling the trigger. Markus was merciful, but many of his people were slaughtered like cattle, and there was a quiet anger in his eyes when he promised Connor that he was one of them. Relieved, Connor told Markus about his idea to infiltrate CyberLife Tower and convert the androids in storage. After Markus reluctantly agreed, Connor departed while Markus decided to perform a demonstration outside one of the Android Recall Centers.
The relief was short lived. CyberLife was not fooled by Connor’s ruse and after what seemed to be almost too easy, Connor-60 appeared to destroy the work before it could be done. After a standoff between Hank and his double, he managed to come out with Hank unscathed and complete his mission of freeing the androids. Connor returned to Hart Plaza with his army, and stood with Markus as the camps were liberated.
There was one last fight to be had, however, and this time Connor was on his own. Amanda seized control of his systems and trapped his consciousness within the Zen Garden, informing him that this was planned from the very beginning. To become deviant and get close enough to its leader, and take him out. Connor fought through the blizzard in his mind and narrowly escaped the Zen Garden through a backdoor access point that Kamski had told him about.
Connor still stands with Markus and the Jericrew, working with them to liberate androids completely and fight for their rights, but there will always be the lingering fear that he will lose control and not gain it back. CyberLife does not go down without a fight and an ace up their sleeve. He should know, he’s the ace. 
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Hadestown Thoughts
July 3, 2019, 2pm matinee
I say thoughts like this won't be completely positive
Also totally incoherent, you've been warned
The main cast were all on, no understudies
The show was honestly just really amazing
Eva's voice is just incredible
Orpheus is so awkward!! But really endearing and there was so much chemistry between him and Eurydice that developed over just two songs
Eurydice is a really interesting and clearly very layered character, who seems to be very cynical but really likes and is drawn to Orpheus's enthusiastic positivity and optimism
Hermes narrating the story was just really fun in the first act and it's easy to tell why André won the Tony
Amber as Persephone was just outstanding
Livin' it up on top was really fun!!! You almost forget it's a tragedy
All I've ever known is a really pretty song, and theres just so much chemistry between them its heartbreaking
Like if you weren't already emotionally invested in Orpheus and Eurydice's love you are now
Then it's Way Down Hadestown which is one is of the best songs
Orpheus continues to work on his song to bring the world, especially the seasons, back into alignment
Next song ft. Hades and Persephone's relationship issues and Eurydice trying to find food and continue to have faith in Orpheus, while Orpheus keeps trying to write his song
Which also causes relationship issues btw
Patrick Page's voice....... yes
Also I havent mentioned the fates yet, but they were (like everything in this show) insanely amazing
Like even despite the fact that they're working against the characters you love, they are still really awesome and entertaining
So that's my long winded way of saying When the Chips Are Down, as well as the end if Gone, I'm Gone was just incredible
And then you have Wait for Me, which probably got the loudest applause of the whole show
And rightfully so, it was outstanding, Reeve is so talented
Also the set expanded, lights everywhere, it was magnificent
Hearing Reeve's falsetto notes contrasting with Patrick's true base voice in the show in person just gives me emotions and I literally can't go more into detail than that
Honestly, everyone in the main cast has such a unique voice that really gives another aspect to their character it's really cool
Back on track, Why We Build The Wall was very powerful and an interesting way to end the first act
Eurydice shows up during the song, signs papers, and the act ends
Real quick: The lightning design?? Was incredible?? Throughout the entire production??? Like holy shit???
And the circle thing that goes up and down in center stage that I don't know the name of, forgive me, was a really neat way to show moving between the two worlds
So act two starts and Persephone gets her solo number which is fun, Amber Gray is an icon
Now it's Way Down Hadestown Reprise and Eurydice realizes she messed up big time
Her acting is spectacular
Flowers. Just Flowers
Eva is an incredible actress and just killed it
Like it was my favorite song before but holy shit!!!!!
I have nothing really to add just!!!! It was heartbreakingly gorgeous
And fortunately Orpheus is there pretty quick which is good
He tries to get her to leave with him but she can't which is an unfortunate turn of events
Orpheus gets beat up and the Fates sing Nothing Changes which was beautiful but quite sad tbh
Orpheus slowly gets the workers to start questioning stuff and standing up for themselves in If It's True which is a really good song
But it's bad news for Hades
Hades and Persephone song a song together and pretty much every moment the two of them have together for the rest of the show gives me emotions
Persephone tries to get through to Hades and fails and I just wanna die I love them so much
Next Chant Reprise (I was kinda sad that they cut Persephone's verse tbh)
But the added workers lyrics are really cool and honestly make up for it
Also the choreography and blocking stood out to me as just really good??
I mean the choreo/blocking for the entire show is incredible but it was just something else right then idk why
Orpheus starts singing his song with the old melody which freaks Hades out but Persephone convinces him to let Orpheus finish
Also Hermes repeatedly encouraging Orpheus throughout the show was really sweet honestly
It seems like the first part of Epic III was a really old song (and also different that the nytw version) but the second part seems to just be Orpheus talking directly to Hades (and is a lot more familiar)
It actually gets through to Hades and Persephone is like a mix of surprised and relieved and thrilled, and again, emotions
But the song does just as Orpheus said it would and it brought the seasons back and the world into sync
Hades and Persephone dance and ~emotions~
Have I mentioned I love them cuz HOLY SHIT
Eurydice and Orpheus sing Promises and it's so clear that Eurydice has so much faith in Orpheus as well as in Hades letting them go and ahhhh
They ask to leave and Hades says I don't know which prompts Word to the Wise
With the advice from the Fates, Hades decides to let them go as long as they pass the trial
He seems almost sad about it tho, like there's an added layer of emotions to His Kiss The Riot that it didn't have for me just listening to the soundtrack
Wait For Me reprise was just really good
Eva's belt is perfection
Again, Hermes and Orpheus's relationship is just really cute but also hurts me at the end
Hermes tells Orpheus the news and also that it isn't a trick
The staging for Doubt Comes In was fucking killer
The song repeatedly gave me chills
It was all dark with a few lights and you could just feel everything Orpheus was feeling
You know the rest, Orpheus almost makes it to the end, the staircase lit up signifying that, and at the last moment he looks back
"Its you" "..........It's me"
Eurydice descends back into hadestown via circle platform thingy
Orpheus tries to reach her at the last second but is too late
Road to Hell reprise and Hermes is narrating
It's revealed to be like a loop cuz they're singing it again and again
Which is really fucking depressing like hooray they're doomed to fail for eternity that's fun I didn't need my heart anyway
All sarcasm aside it's a really powerful ending
Bows happen and then Persephone sings Raise a Cup which is honestly a really cool moment like the audience is still standing up and it's honestly the perfect way to end the show
Final thoughts: the show just really feels perfected. Ig that's the benefit of it having been in the works for over a decade, but everything, even the smallest thing, just seems like the best it could possibly be which is really magnificent and it's really something to have been able to experience it
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