#verse: deer
biologybutchart · 1 month
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the elk of birch and bone
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invalidname19 · 1 year
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high beam truck lights would send spider man 2099 into a coma
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douglasfeiffel · 2 months
Guys I’ve literally been listening to the tsv since episode 5 what do I do now
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andy-deer · 1 year
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I just wanted to see my family...
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speider-manz · 1 year
you’ve heard of meows morales now get ready for miles deerales
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queerpyracy · 1 year
this wasn't particularly relevant to the central point of the post i saw this expressed in so i'm not gonna bother op with nitpicking but i do think it's kinda wild to say tsv "shifted into" political horror when literally our introduction to hayward in s1 has him telling us about local agricultural gods being forcefully replaced by an agribusiness cereal mascot and MAYBE i'm a bit sensitive to that as a person who spits on the name of earl butz but that was the moment in s1 that made me want to go full wicker man on the powers that be within the setting
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braincrabart · 4 months
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From first to last heres some of the stops along the way to designing one of Verns cousins. Theres a lot my personal ocs go through to pass the design phase.
The final draft here def isnt her final look, i still dont quite like the all dark color outfit 🤔
Shes a sika deer btw, the orange deer will be her half sister.
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damnedrainbows · 5 months
“Oh and what makes YOU think you can do any better Vox?” It shoots out as petulant as the glare he gives the tv host as he stands among the cinders that was once one of his kitchen counters. His legs are still outstretched, teetering over a gaping crater that a certain crying baby in his arms has created.
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“Maybe I should hand her over to you, so you can blow another fuse!”
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Verse of the Day - Psalms 42:1
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mxthbladed · 6 months
While Charlie was with Lucifer, giving Vaggie a bit of a break from her job, she would normally take the opportunity to hole up somewhere and read until she was called for. But, instead, she sought out a figure that she'd grown to be much fonder of as her time in the royal household increased.
When she found Alastor, she approached a bit shyly. "Would you mind some company?" she asked.
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magpiecrown · 6 months
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the inciting incident…
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veronicaneptunes · 7 months
thinking of the old days where veronica mars fans were constantly having discourse about Logan beating up Piz in season 3 and whether or not he was bad or immoral for it but no one ever bought up the truest fact: It was really funny.
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apalestar · 9 months
@never-surrender sent It wasn't often that Halsin got the chance to leave the Grove and bask in the beauty the great oak father provided in the forests around, but when he does, he took full advantage. He expected a chance to unwind, to have alone time. What he DIDNT expect was to run into somebody else hunting either. "Apologies my friend. I didn't realize there were others hunting in the area.." he didn't mention the man looked ill fitted for hunting.
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Oh shit.
Caught in the midst of a vulnerable moment of blood induced euphoria. The stag’s blood smeared across his chin from his feeding. Back presented to this intrusion to his meal. Were his heart capable, it would be beating rabbit fast in his chest. Perhaps rightfully so, people did terrible things to vampires. Stakes. Beheadings. Any sort of not so pretty death awaited his kind. He had reason to be fearful.
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Astarion was particularly keen to remain alive. Now his mind was clear. His eyes no longer gleamed blood red-orange in his master’s compulsions. From Baldur’s Gate he fled. Ran and ran until hunger drove him to hunt. To replenish lost resources. The stag one of two meals he imbibed since his departure. Quickly, his hand swiped away at the crimson on his face. The sleeve of his ruined attire soaked the remainder. A facade of normality for the man who found him. He repressed the instinct to lash out with his stolen dagger coated in the creature’s blood. Without an idea if the man was alone, a preemptive strike seemed a terribly rash decision.
He stood, brushing the dirt from his pants. A pivot on his heel to finally determine the identity of his interloper. An elf. A large one at that dressed rather curiously. A wood elf? He spotted them as occasional visitors to the Gate. Were he under Cazador still; a perfect target.
As for him? The road had not been kind to the garments he was adorned in whilst escaping. The gold embroidery unraveling in places. His sleeves frayed at the edges. His pants torn where brambles and thorns snagged and ripped. What a sight he must make like a completely desperate vagabond. A part he hoped to play to the fullest extent. He painted his expression with a curve of a smile on his lips. “Yes, well, no harm done as you can tell. I doubt his brethren are still around.”
The stag was practically mutilated from how he butchered the whole hunt. Fell it by jumping from a tree onto its back. Not his wisest idea, but he was starving. “You came from a nearby town?” He inquired.
Without a map to guide him, Astarion had no way of knowing where he was let alone how close to any kind of civilization.
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some wildlife shots i was able to get! nature is awesome! especially my little spider friend
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gamblins · 6 months
continued from here ~ @damnedrainbows
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upon leading alastor away from this meeting that he only knew of he made sure the deer demon went to sleep afterwards. the experience alone was very tiring. which in ways the feline wanted to make sure that his companion was well rested despite the protest. husk had a soft side to often shown to others.
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husk started nodding off to sleep before being thrown across the room. a puff escaped him as he gasp for air on impact. the pain rushed down back " fucking hell " he murmered pushing a hand over face trying to get himself back into reality. once finally taking a moment he rushed over to the overlord " AL! AL its just a dream , your fine ! " husk shouted grabbing hold down arms. " your going to reopen your fucking wounds calm the hell down ! "
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redemn · 7 months
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they’ve  made  their  camp  atop  one  of  the  higher  cliffs  in  big valley  ,      and  it  puts  them  high  above  the  rest  of  the  trees  .      from  here  ,      they’re  just  in  view  of  a  small  clearing  .      arthur  ,      currently  lying  on  his  stomach  at  the  cliff’s  edge  next  to  cole  ,      has  his  binoculars  raised  to  his  eyes  .
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@colecassiidy  .     ❝    one  thing’s  certain  —  those  aren’t  human  .    ❞
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❝        whatchu  think  they  are  ?        ❞        the  binoculars  aren’t  making  it  much  easier  to  see  in  the  darkness  ,      but  he’s  caught  a  glimpse  of  the  outline  of  the  creature’s  fur  at  least  twice  in  the  past  minute  ,      which  is  better  than  he’s  expected  .        ❝        looks  like  some  kind’a    …    dogs  or  somethin’  .        ❞        except  with  an  unfathomably  long  neck  .        ❝        or  like  a    …    like  a  strange  ,      deformed  deer  .        ❞
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his  shoulders  twinge  as  he  pulls  away  and  lowers  his  binoculars  ,      then  he  lowers  himself  down  onto  his  stomach  ,      arms  draped  over  the  side  of  the  cliff  .      he’s  not  afraid  ,      but  still  ,      he  does  scoot  a  bit  closer  to  cole  .        ❝        i’ve  seen  some  strange  things  in  my  life  ,      but  nothin’  like  this  .      guess  when  they’re  around  ,      i  don’t  pay  no  attention  to  it  .      better  not  to  know  what’s  goin’  on  if  they  ain’t  hurtin’  you  .        ❞        a  pause  .        ❝        you  think  they're  gonna  eat  us  ? think they'd eat you first .        ❞
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╰ ゜TLOZ : TP STARTERS.  /  𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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