#verse: francesca
kewltie · 1 year
[Season 1 - complete ] (That this might've) shook the love from me
"Don't freak out," Uraraka warns.
Katsuki snorts as he pushes pass her, but his steps are halted when he's greeted with the sight of a ghost.
"Kacchan!" Izuku's face lights up. He looks just as young and beautiful as the day he'd left Katsuki. Time hasn't touched him in ten years.
"It's Midoriya's death anniversary," Eijirou says. "I just don't want you be alone today, bro."
Katsuki sneers. "I'm fine."
His vice of choice hasn't ever been alcohol or drugs, but lives in the memory of a green-eyed boy, stuck forever at nineteen and haunting Katsuki ever since.
"Is—" Izuku swallows. "Is Kacchan okay?" The moment Katsuki had lay eyes on him, his face twisted into something awful before he’d wrenched it away and stormed out.
"He just need some time." Ochako smiles, soft and wistful. "We'd called him here when he was visiting your grave."
"He'll need time to acclimate to everything, but till then he can stay with us," says Uraraka.
"No," Katsuki asserts, hands clenching at his side. Even if this is all dream, his own delusion, he's not letting Izuku out of his sight again this time. "Deku's coming home with me."
Izuku's eyes scans across the room. Numerous accolades lined the wall, but not a single touch of Katsuki can be seen. It feels impersonal. Cold. Like a tomb rather than a home.
"Do you live here alone?" he asks.
Katsuki stares at him coolly. "Would you rather I have someone?"
"Kacchan?" a hesitant voice calls out.
He stops cutting the chives and looks up to see Izuku in front of him, standing there nervously in his clothes. It hangs loosely, easily swamping his figure.
"Do you have anything smaller?" he asks, ears red.
Katsuki drops his knife.
Izuku lost ten years of what could have been his life in a moment of carelessness. It leaves him unmoored.
"Stop thinking and eat your damn food," Katsuki orders with a scowl.
"Y-yes!" He looks down at his bowl and there's now a slice of pork cutlet placed on top of the rice for him. Oh.
He knows Kacchan, but he doesn't know this older and more subdued version of Katsuki, who can barely stand to look at him at times.
The heat from the bath makes his head swim as he sinks deeper into the water and his eyes fall shut. Maybe the next time he opens them, it’ll all be a dream.
Katsuki hauls him out of the bathtub. Dazed, Izuku looks at his pinched face.
"Why didn't you respond when I called you?!" he snarls, but his words are softened up by the way he holds a naked and wet Izuku against his broad chest.
His head swims with a different kind of heat now.
Head still feverish from the bath, Izuku's legs weakens and he stumbles, but Katsuki catches him in time.
"Careful," he scolds.
His hand is fully wrapped around Izuku's wrist. It feels heavy. Large. Encompassing. It been a long time since Katsuki has made him feel this small.
"Dry your hair or you're going to catch a cold," Katsuki says, frowning as Izuku's wet hair drips on his clean shirt.
Izuku smiles softly. "You're different now, yet still the same," he says.
He snorts. "How so."
"You always been considerate of me, but now it's more obvious."
"Can I sleep with you, Kacchan?"
Katsuki snaps his head toward his direction so fast that it almost gives him a whiplash. "What."
Izuku blushes. "I-I don't mean in the same bed." He looks down at his feet. "I just don't want to be alone tonight," he finishes quietly. "So, can I?"
Katsuki stares into the bleak darkness, wondering how the fuck did he get here.
Izuku pokes his head over the edge of the bed. "Are you sure you're okay down there?" he asks, his voice laced with concern.
"I'm fine," he grits out as the hard floor digs into his aching back.
Katsuki wakes up to an empty bed as a slow, insidious wave of panic starts to settle in. Any trace of Izuku from last night seems to have been scrubbed clean from the entire room. Like he wasn't even there at all. Katsuki had thought he knew despair, but not like this. Not again.
The plate shatters on the floor as he's hauls into Katsuki's arms.
"S-sorry, I was making us breakfast," Izuku says.
He presses his nose into the crook of Izuku's neck and inhales like a drowning man gasping for air. "Don't ever leave my sight again," he says, low and ominous.
"It's maybe a little late, but today would have been three months since we started dating." Izuku smiles sheepishly at the breakfast tray he'd laid out for them. "I wanted to prepare something nice, but I didn't have time so happy anniversary, Kacchan! Sorry, I kept you waiting."
"Katsuki, they said you found him," she says with desperate urgency. "Is he with you?! Please let me see him!"
"Mom?" a familiar voice calls out from behind them.
Inko's eyes widen in recognition as her knees weaken and she slides down to the floor in tearful relief. "My Izuku."
"It's like I can breathe again," Inko murmurs. "I held on for so long and finally I can let go now. He's back." She squeezes him tightly. "You never once gave up on him. Thank you, Katsuki, for believing."
He shudders in her arms and he, too, breathes easily for the first time.
"How was the mother and son's reunion?" Eijirou asks.
"They were blubbering in my living room for the past hour, so I left them alone," Katsuki says dryly. "They're doing okay now."
"And you?"
The nauseating feeling from this morning hasn't gone away. "I'm fine," he lies.
"You have some gray hair," Izuku murmurs, staring at Inko's weathered face. "You look different now."
"Ten years would do that to you." She smiles wistfully. "Your disappearance was tough on us all, so remember to be good to Katsuki, okay? That boy been hurting without you."
"How are you?"
"Why do you keep asking me these stupid questions," he snaps.
"Bakugou, you paid me a lot of money to ask you 'stupid' questions," Dr. Nitta says coolly. "So again, I ask, how are you?"
He grits his teeth before finally saying, "Deku's back, but I can't relax."
"I'm surprised you actually left Midoriya alone," Denki comments. "I’d expected you to hover around him like a helicopter parent."
"Shut up," Katsuki says blandly, and doesn't tell him about the surveillance on his phone which would show Izuku combing through his bookshelf right now.
Izuku pulls out another book on quirk theory among the many that lined Katsuki's shelf. Here lies the devotion of Katsuki's search for Izuku. It's in the creases of the spine, frantic notes scribbled all over, and the many index tabs that bookmarked important notations.
His heart aches.
Katsuki's heart races briefly when he steps into a near silent apartment, but then, Izuku pops out to greet him. "Welcome home!" Face flushed with joy even if his eyes are rimmed red.
Shakily, he breathes, "I'm home." The words are foreign on his tongue, but it feels no less real.
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socialseasons · 1 year
❝ i swear, if you do that one more time ... ❞ (for Frannie for the modern AU)
At the admonishment, Francesca let out a sigh and leaned back in her seat, arms folded across her chest to suppress the urge to fiddle. She had only been changing the radio station - okay, perhaps she had flicked through the channels a few times - but that was only because there was nothing good to listen to. And Ben certainly wasn't providing her with any worthwhile entertainment.
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The song that it had landed on when he'd snapped was an upbeat 80s tune, not so dissimilar from the music her dad's band used to make back in their heyday. Closing her eyes, she found herself humming along to the melody, wishing that they would just hurry up and get there already.
"How much further?" she asked after a minute, cracking open an eye to glance across at the drivers seat.
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fun-k-board · 10 months
My Spider-Man OC's as the Ken and Barbie meme!!
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Original image!
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feylived · 4 months
i'm tempted to bite the bullet ... any bridgerton muses you'd like to see??
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comic-art-showcase · 1 year
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Spider-Gwen by Francesca Fantini
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bucketkicked · 4 months
Tony’s single parent verse… I’ve been stewing on it for a bit and have decided a few things.
Tony and her gf at the time did not end things amicably and it’s why she’s a single mom. The other mom did not want responsibility. Tony’s daughter is named Francesca and she has Down Syndrome / Trisomy 21. Francesca is sporty like her mom and enjoys soccer and swimming so far! She’s currently 8 years old or so in the verse but is quick to tell people she’s almost 9.
Tony depends a lot on her family for help, since she wants to keep working to provide for her and Francesca, but she works only part time so she can spend time with her. She doesn’t really box much in this verse only because if she’s injured, she can’t take care of Francesca as well. Tbh, she keeps up at the gym still, but only really does matches if she needs quick cash that her job can’t provide her.
Francesca is fiery and wants to be independent, even if Tony is nervous about how others treat her. She’s always concerned for her safety, but also does her best to get her out there, so to speak. She doesn’t want Francesca to be stuck at home when she should be allowed to go out and make friends.
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fiveredlights · 5 months
francesca (daniel, max and 2022)
“If Christian offered you the Red Bull seat again, would you still be thinking that you can not race again?” Max bluntly asks, and Daniel whips his head up so quickly from his hands that he starts seeing dots in his vision.
It’s a cruel thing to ask, especially coming from Max. He still thinks Max doesn’t understand the gravity of something being said from his mouth, how easily Christian will comply.
He knows it firsthand.
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stormlit · 4 months
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❝ brother. i saw you make a swift exit when the bickering started. ❞ goodness knows what gregory and hyacinth are fighting about now, but there is always something — especially when benedict seems so eager to egg them on — and francesca cannot fault anthony for escaping to the garden. how can she, given how swiftly she's joined him? at least it is a pleasant day, though she would rather be poring over her sheet music. ❝ i do not remember eloise and i being so bad. ❞
@firstbcrn liked for a regency starter
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urwendii · 1 year
in an angbang mood tonight apparently
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kewltie · 6 months
[S02E03] time travel au
“So, your future boyfriend is hot. Your life is just so tragic,” Ochako teases. Izuku blushes. "I just can't believe he was alone all these years!" Her smile wanes. "Bakugou always been single-minded. He waited for you ten years, but I don't think he would have stopped there."
for izuku the 10yrs time skipped seem minuscule and bkdk's relationship was <3months old, so while he loves katsuki he's still caught in the youthful stage of love in a new relationship while katsuki has yrs to crossed that line into intense devotion.
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socialseasons · 2 years
closed starter for @roshale
Perhaps it was the tiresome small talk or perhaps the fact that Francesca had been to three already this week, but these society parties never seemed to have an end in sight. There were certainly some interesting characters in tow, and yes the music swelled beautifully above the chattering... but after two hours of her mother traipsing her between each eligible young man in the room, Francesca was starting to feel the familiar sense of boredom setting in.
So, choosing to hide herself away in a quiet corridor, the sounds of the gathering a lull in the distance, she was surprised when another young woman turned the corner and spotted her -- Rosalie, she believed her name was.
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A soft smile was sent towards the almost-stranger, a little sheepish at the notion of getting caught out. "You have found my hiding spot, it seems."
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leschanceux · 1 year
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@thefvrious asked “ why don’t you spend the night here? really, it’s no trouble to fix up the guest room, and we have plenty of spare pajamas and toiletries if that’s what’s bothering you! “ -
"I need to call my mom first, is that okay?" Francesca asks, sounding a little timid. She has training in the morning, and her mother's usually pretty strict about where she is and who she's with and how long she can stay out on those nights ( which fall six days out of seven, so when does she really have time to live her life? ). Just because she's training to become a champion, doesn't mean she shouldn't miss out on her life, does it?
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God I have such an ambitious idea for a shot that hmmm I think I know what to do but still has me a little off because what looks I want…..like I don’t want to mess with another mod but it would be nice to have like a watcher Thea, but maybe I can mess with lighting and editing to create the effect I want but also….clothing…….I’d have to look and plan it all draft it up in my brain because I still need to figure out how I want their heart to be looking so I gotta look and see I already know it’s gonna take a lot of time in photoshop but if it works out like I want it’ll be pretty cool!
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comic-art-showcase · 1 year
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Spider-Gwen by Francesca Fantini
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heartofstanding · 1 year
In Byron’s translation, the following fact is obscured, but Byron, the Hollanders, Longfellow, and Durling and Martinez, as Dante did, begin each stanza with the word love so that the sensation of reading the word itself begins to feel relentless, as though the tragedy is redoubled with every repetition, or as though each time Francesca speaks the world she is at once slowly further unshrouding her notion of love and reimagining love just a bit, so that ultimately love absolves her of the infidelity. The best translations here remember that though Francesca is speaking, love commands these ten lines.
—Alexander Aciman, Recapping Dante: Canto 5, or A Note on the Translation, The Paris Review, 2014
Pier is an unusual sinner. When we finish reading the Inferno, we do not think back to Homer or Odysseus; we think of sinners like Pier and Ugolino and Francesca. What makes for a memorable sinner? Yes, the brief mention of a pope here and there, or of Alexander, is interesting, but why is it that Alexander gets one line and this chancellor gets most of a canto? In fact, the sinners that stay with us, embedded not only in our memory but canonized in literary history, are not those whose damnation fills us with pleasure, but rather those whose stories fill us with pity. Their sins begin to seem like small pitstops along the route of their lives—trifles so easily overlooked, so easily forgiven, that we hardly dwell on them. The Francescas and the Piers of hell are the greatest sinners of the Inferno. After meeting them, we are mystified by the poetry of their speeches—Pier, a tree, hissing in pain, Francesca beating the word love into every verse—and as we stand before them, we forget that they are sinners at all. —Recapping Dante: Canto 13, or Please Refrain from Touching the Shrubbery
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faestorian · 1 year
Not Hozier dropping another perfect Mashwood song
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