#verse: post apocalypse
fairytaletold · 7 months
@yxkanna // continued.
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The fluttering of Nick’s heart is overwhelming. For a moment, pressed against him, it’s all that he can hear — like wingbeats of a panicked bird trapped within the cage of his chest, the tang of fear rising on damp skin. Vasile hates to be the one to do that; if he’d had time to be more gentle, he would have, but it isn’t his top priority right now. Because there’s a group of people outside the abandoned store they’ve been searching, and in a few moments? They’re coming in.
Before he can think better of it, he’s reached back. Ensnared Nick with fingers around one wrist, guiding him through the carnage of fallen shelves and skeletal remains. There’s a back door somewhere — leads to the loading dock he’d spotted before coming inside — and it doesn’t sound like anyone’s there yet ( or else they’re being impossibly quiet ). If they can sneak out, unnoticed, and wait until everyone else came in — well. It’s a lot easier than Plan B, at least. Although Plan B does benefit from being simple: he just kills everyone in sight.
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not-your-chosen · 2 years
@sah1x1s and I looked at all the gifs of Pedro pascal as joe and was like postapocalyptic Frankie
To be fair, this wasn't Rowena's house. During the main incident, the turmoil, the mayhem, when the Orphanage and the rest of the city burnt to the ground, she had hopped on a truck, and waited untill the driver died then walked some more. Still she was unsure of what actually happened, only that she was safe on the farm.
The elderly home owners dead in the house, she burried them along the fence line leading out onto the road, the multiple german shepherd dogs after some grieving had took her in as part of the pack, she head snippits of happenings on the radio, but made do. Cultivated the wild plants, sowed some new ones.
One day, Laika, the dog that allways stayed home, nearly never stepped foot out of it, had bolted to rowena on her forraging trip barking untill they got back to the house. Then, it turned to growls. 
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Toeing the door open with her boot she raised the rifle in the figures direction.
“Sir, please put your hands up.” her small voice tried to be commanding 
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rotbtd-edits · 5 months
I find it so hilarious how in my Rotbtd Sims, right from the start Merida and Jack have got into fights (without any player input) not only once, but three times! Talk about lore accurate :DDD
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Bonus the cheering Rapunzel in the background. But all's well ends well, now they've finally become friends after a VERY rocky start lmao.
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nenoname · 2 months
After that close call of Mabel falling into a rift, Dipper struggles with the idea of almost losing his twin. Good thing someone who knows that experience all too well is there for him. (a don't dimension it coda)
wrote a dipper and stan bonding fic that takes place after that mabel comic story
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i have it... the dragon live debut
via @/miracle_cure_
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deputygonebye · 3 months
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@florrentine asked: are you… laughing at me?
Pride and Prejudice (2005) Prompts.
Sterile, unusually pure, uncontaminated by the decayed touch of Walkers. Alexandria was the world before the outbreak. Homes nestled all in a row, painted fences and warm fireplaces that smelled of smoke. Tablecloths upon tables and silverware placed nicely, fresh cooked meals and cold drinks served with ice. Televisions that could catch a signal - static but nonetheless a picture to witness - radios and phones able to receive and work as intended. It was as though the entire fall of the world hadn't happened. Was merely a dream, a fantasy that had haunted Shane for years, a cruel game that his mind had dared to play. But the pain to his hands was too real. Stiffened joints so sore - bones felt as if they could break on command, scars across skin dug too deep - the crushing truth. Alexandria was safe; protection that was too strange to bear without worry. Shane was uncomfortable.
Stalking the premises like an animal in a cage, an unnatural home, Shane watched those around him, the residents of the Zone. Pretended to play a part assigned to him; just as was asked of by Rick, as was done likewise by everyone else of their family. Fiction brought to life, like an actor upon a silver screen, polite and kind, genuine but with the inner workings kept under lock. Situated on top of sidewalk path, Shane stood like a statute and observed. A little home just on the corner, brown hair styled in waves, green eyes trained on the task of her hand. Bound to Britain; an isle so far, seeped into her person as near as the soul, an air about her that was not like the others. Different, clever and loyal, stubborn and impulsive: Emilia.
Shane was uncertain. Questioned, found little in answer, merely watched her more, an almost intense stare. His mouth raised to a slight smirk, a laugh parted from his lips; there was humor in the entire scene. Alexandria was uncanny.
"No. No, ma'am." Shane answered, his mind returned to him, his role of normal commenced, not a survivor but deputy. "Just curious as to what you're workin' on."
Shane explained, "Deanna mentioned how you're into art, creative things. I was walkin' around the neighborhood, noticed you were in the middle of somethin'. May I ask what that somethin' is? Ain't ever been much of an artist myself, I'll tell you that much. Can sketch a mean stick-figure, though."
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thefourchimes · 2 years
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The Four Chimes
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vastiitas · 2 months
the way cole's verses all play out the same by some measure of rhythmic strokes is funny bc aside from it suggesting my lack of creativity, it hammers in that there is a narrative that cannot be escaped,
like, there will always be a boy with death-laced hands and a righteous heart with a will to protect others, he will always lose everyone and everything at the start of this story and root his way through the heart of humanity by the virtue of his dispossession, he will always fall in love and get into trouble, he will always crawl out of the ruins of this love scorned (lost, again, not for the first time), but this will always be necessary, it must always happen before he is allowed to foster his ability to help others in a capacity greater than himself,
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prvtocol · 3 months
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loverboydotcom · 8 months
just realised my beaulix board isnt private oops!
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mxndwitch · 2 years
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It is the middle of the night, or early morning to be precise, and Wanda has slipped out of bed, because she awoke feeling terrible. In order not to wake Beck up, she has crept into the downstairs bathroom, closed the door and hoped no one would wake up any time soon. She doesn’t exactly KNOW what is wrong, but something is OFF. Sitting on the cold floor with her head leaning back against the tiles, she spends a good amount of time like this, just moving to throw up in between, when her nausea gets the better of her. To make matters worse, she also gets a nosebleed in between, because she accidentally hits her face against the toilet seat, so that’s just GREAT.
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When she hears footsteps approaching, she is GLAD it’s Beck and not the sound of tiny feet on wooden floor. Nonetheless, she also doesn’t want HIM to see her like that, so she is tempted to lock the door, but she reacts a second TOO LATE. “I’m FINE, just leave me alone”, she says the second he appears in the doorway, still sleep drunk and looking worried. Well, maybe she isn’t precisely fine, given her nose is dripping blood and she has spent two hours throwing up, just because she has THOUGHT about smelling eggs, but whatever it is, she doesn’t need him to worry. And in case it is something infectious, Wanda also doesn’t want him to get SICK. “Just…go back to bed.”
                                      @hebled​ gets a thing
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grieverled-moved · 1 year
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➤ SQUALL LEONHART AU EDITS. [ ; ] 1 / ? mod credits & video cutscene credits
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deputygonebye · 2 months
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@florrentine asked: my brother gave it to me. he shouldn't have.
Pride and Prejudice (2005) Prompts.
Porch steps turned into seats, a space for audiences before them to take sight of the view, together did Shane and Emilia take comfort in a day without work. A weekend unlike any other, when time all together didn't blur into one, married and joined completely. It was akin to the days of old. When King County was more than a grave come to life; diner lights bright with their neon, music playing from the small clubs on the corner, football stadium packed to its limits with fans cheering on the high school team. A memory that felt more dreamlike than once-real, the resentment in Shane for the happiness of the thought was sour and cruel. Another stab to heart; the blade twisted and yanked, the reminder of all that the outbreak had caused him to lose. His sanity, his loved ones, his home and sense of peace; the frown on his lips was quick to rid itself once reality pushed forward, the wind upon his reddened cheeks, the color to his neck.
Scene set and to be directed, he was the role of a deputy. Survivor no more, a man who carried his pride on his sleave, his convictions on the glisten of his badge. A player that could master the costume to perfection, it was almost gross in how good he could do so. Natural - for it was once to Shane - as if it were always meant to be, what was supposed to be. Emilia part of the plot, her own part not yet cast, their relationship was on the foundations of friendly. Not close to be more than, not so distant or tension filled, but comfortable in the presence of one another. Able to speak free and without restraint, able to see one another, perhaps, deeper than was truly meant to. Shane's leg touching hers, his uniform to her more common garb, he watched as she worked something within her hands. Unseen, unable to be identified from shape alone, a mystery as great as she. Shane desperate to figure out the clues, he adjusted is posture, stared at the street in front of them, allowed his mind to contemplate and consider.
"Never knew you had one." Shane said, interested and attentive, browns glanced in Emilia's direction, the movement of her hands. "Mind if I ask what exactly he gave you? Ain't never had no sister myself, but if I did, I know just what I'd gift her. Probably one of them bastards with eight legs and thirty eyeballs, hairy all over."
Hand gone between his shirt collar and skin, a silver chain was pulled out and shown. Dazzling in the Georgia sun - more precious than true gemstone - a charm of #22 dressed in wear and time but nonetheless beautiful. Shane's most prized possession.
"My grandma gave me this when I joined the football team in high school." Shane shared, smile on his lips fast to be drawn, an honest and true one. "She was so proud of me, said I always looked like a football player. Real wide in the shoulders, thick in the legs. Probably a little dense in the head, too, now that I think about it. I used to wear it under my uniform. Always had it on for all my games. Never took it off, it was my good luck charm. Only nice piece of jewelry I ever had. My grandma Jean and I, we didn't have a lot of money growin' up. Was never poor or starvin', but life wasn't always easy. Sure did give that woman a hard time, sometimes. But God, did I adore her somethin' awful. She always took care of me. Made me feel loved. Guess that's why I still wear her necklace. She's always with me."
Shane added, tucking his chain back into place below his clothes, "truthfully, Emilia, I'm glad she ain't here to see the world turn to hell like this. Cancer got her. Took that poor woman down before she could even put up a fight. I used to be so pissed off about that, but now, now I'm a little glad for it. She would've been so brokenhearted to see what happened here. It would've crushed her."
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anthrcpophagi-moved · 2 years
open to: m/f/nb ( not limited to mutuals ) ! muse: maren yearly, c*nnibal plot: tlou based, can be twd too just had tlou in mind notes: this got unreasonably long so please don't feel like you have to match lengths!
It was hard to say if her life had become harder or easier since the fungus took over. She had already lived her life like a vulture, picking on the leftovers of those more fortunate to have a house and a home and a family. Maren wasn’t ashamed to do what she had to do to survive, not like a lot of other people were. In some ways, her life as a vagrant had been helpful in preparing her for this sort of thing. She had no ties to any one spot, no family to feed, no home to protect or obligations to uphold. She was a whisper in the wind and she liked it that way.
Eating had become more of a challenge. Before the pandemic took the world by storm, she’d gotten away with feeding off the weak, as terrible as it sounded. Those who wouldn’t be missed, who were better off digested in her stomach than polluting the world and those around them. It’d never been a mission statement or anything, but it was certainly harder to find the weak links. Or at least those that wouldn’t turn her into a shambling bag of bones.
One of her favorite things were the books. And in every new city and town she passed through, she always made a point to locate the resident bookstore or library with the hopes of scouring a new read. Perhaps it was trivial to others, but Maren found a solace in novels that nothing else could possibly bring her. And with the world serving as nothing more than a giant garage sale, she was glad to take whatever literary leftovers she could find. And that’s exactly what she was doing in this house.
After patrolling the streets, she’d failed to come across any accessible book stores or libraries. She did manage to find a pretty well-stocked house, though. Maren passed by the shelves of canned goods and water bottles. She strolled right past the medicine cabinet, left ajar by a single broken hinge. Her eyes were locked on the far wall of the main room, entirely covered in shelves filled with books. It was like a scene straight out of Beauty and the Beast, all that was missing was a squeaky ladder to bring her to the top shelves.
Her mind was humming with the possibilities. The house was nice and maybe there was a bed or sofa safe enough to crash on for the night, but she knew what she’d be doing until her eyelids grew too heavy to read. Or until the sun went down and she was forced to save her flashlight for emergencies.
Just as she reached for a dust-coated book, a creak in the floorboards made her freeze. She didn’t have a gun with her, only her knife and baton she’d swiped from one of the dead crossing guards. If a horde of infected cornered her now, she’d be fodder. Quickly, she darts to the side, hiding behind an old rocking chair, holding her breath. The things couldn’t see, so if she stayed quiet then maybe she could slip out the side door before it could sniff her out. But as she perked over the carved backing of the chair, an unexpected sight causes her knees to go weak and she wonders how much time she’d have to run before they could shoot her.
“I don’t want trouble.” Her voice quivered as she held up her hands in surrender. “I’m just looting.”
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mutogamingco · 1 year
The Scout
Starter for @kitxkatrp
It was damp and humid day to be out, and Yuugi pulled his jacket collar up higher around his neck to block out the stray droplets that fell from the tree canopy above. A few had hit the back of his neck, making him shiver. Though staying inside where it was safe and warm was tempting, such days were the best for venturing into the city. The moisture in the air seemed to interfere with the censors on the bots that patrolled, and they would be less likely to spot him. 
If his family and friends had it their way he would not be out at all, that it had seemed that whoever had taken over the city had an interest in capturing him, but he’d argued plenty of times that he felt responsible for everyone losing their home and could not bear to sit in hiding and do nothing. While Kaiba had somehow seen a reason to plan ahead with shelter and supply hoards that could now be used by those that found their way to them, it was still necessary to do supply runs. As one of the smallest and most agile people in the one he shared, he felt duty-bound to scout and gather what he could. 
So far, the bandanna he wore tied on his head and the cloth mask over his nose and mouth had been successful in preventing recognition if he was seen. A hat if he could find one, would help even more. That had to be enough to placate the concerns of his friends and family. Anytime a supplier, or passerby got too curious about his identity, he’d always given a fake name. He hardly ever used his true voice when speaking to them--he’d found out by accident he could disguise it well enough. If things had been different, maybe he could have tried voice acting. 
Now, from the tree line, he could clearly see the outskirts of Domino with its damaged buildings and rubble littering the streets. Most useful things had been scavenged already if they lay in the main roads. But there were still items to be found if one knew where to look. There looked to be no one around, not even the patrols. Keeping close to walls and hiding places, Yuugi darted about. There was one building that had what he was looking for, a half destroyed convenience store. Normally, they had been the first to be picked clean of non-perishables, but this one had a back room that had been closed off by the damage. 
After some time searching around the perimeter of the ruined building and venturing inside to check out the obstruction, Yuugi could have cheered out loud when he found a hole just big enough for someone his size. It didn’t look like anyone had found it, the metal beam from the ceiling had acted as as shore, holding the rubble back from the door. Normally this would mean that the door could not be opened. However, Yuugi noticed that the hinges were on the wrong side and judging from the frame, whoever had built the shop had installed it so that it opened inward to the stairs. Hopefully no one before him had noticed this builder’s mistake, who knew someone’s old safety violation would mean survival for others years later! 
Reaching through the gap, Yuugi tried the knob and it swung inward, revealing a set of stairs. He carefully wriggled through the gap, listening for any sign of shifting debris. Hearing none, he ventured through the door and held up the flashlight he carried to see where he was going. At the foot of the stairs his light hit the supply racks and his heart leapt with momentary joy. They were full!
Of course, he couldn’t carry it all, so he only stuffed the most important things into the satchel he carried. Lighters, lighter fluid, personal care supplies, and the non-perishables that would feed the most people at once. Sadly, any more than that would slow him down, but at least he knew they could make multiple trips. Once up the stairs again, he set the bag down on the top stair and peered through the opening, listening for any signs of movement. Hearing none, he shoved it through the gap, following it out and pulling the door shut. Shouldering the bag, he stole back out into the streets, picking his way back to the woods. 
So far, so good. 
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ufosightingsfootage · 7 months
Edmonton Alberta Video Footage of Apocalypse Sounds
The hum, the apocalyptic sounds or trumpet sounds heard around the world. Try Edmonton Alberta Canada and it's more bizarre than ever. #strange #ufo #apocalypse #sounds #thehum #biblical #bible
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