#thread: vasile
fairytaletold · 7 months
@yxkanna // continued.
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The fluttering of Nick’s heart is overwhelming. For a moment, pressed against him, it’s all that he can hear — like wingbeats of a panicked bird trapped within the cage of his chest, the tang of fear rising on damp skin. Vasile hates to be the one to do that; if he’d had time to be more gentle, he would have, but it isn’t his top priority right now. Because there’s a group of people outside the abandoned store they’ve been searching, and in a few moments? They’re coming in.
Before he can think better of it, he’s reached back. Ensnared Nick with fingers around one wrist, guiding him through the carnage of fallen shelves and skeletal remains. There’s a back door somewhere — leads to the loading dock he’d spotted before coming inside — and it doesn’t sound like anyone’s there yet ( or else they’re being impossibly quiet ). If they can sneak out, unnoticed, and wait until everyone else came in — well. It’s a lot easier than Plan B, at least. Although Plan B does benefit from being simple: he just kills everyone in sight.
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crowhoonter · 5 months
rating Parahumans guys on how well I think they'd be as parents
Brian: I think Brian would believe he is a great father, but there is too much repressed emotions and depression in there to properly care for and raise a child. 3/10, Not particularly good.
Alec: Alec has lacked a real positive parental unit in his life, and while I don't think he would purposefully be shitty to a kid, I think he might fall back on what he knows from his own youth. Might be a fun older brother though. 3/10, needs to focus on himself first
Danny Hebert: Too sad about his wife dying to properly parent. no further notes. 2/10, Danny please get it together Taylor is relying on you
Armsmaster: Would rub off his worst personality traits onto a kid, resulting in them being the average r/malelivingspace user. Might also encourage child to grow poor facial hair. 1/10, I feel bad for whatever unfortunate soul is consigned to this fate.
Coil: Coil would be an absent father for 90% of your childhood, unless you were useful for his plans. In that case, he would feed you drugs or some other unethical thing and make you work for him (child labor (bad)). 2/10, conditions are poor but you might get to meet some of the other children he has, fixing the playdate situation.
Kaiser: See in story results. -5/10 Nazis don't make good parents.
Uber and Leet: They come as a package deal obviously, and they are actually pretty okay parents, they aren't great obviously but they aren't tremendous failures either. That is until you show up on one of their livestreams and then you are the laughingstock of the school. 4/10 Don't upload your kids online.
Scion: Too sad about his wife dying to properly parent. Also not emotionally available. 1/10, get it together man people are relying on you.
Mark Dallon: Not necessarily a bad parent, but he has a laundry list of problems that he needs to work through before he can begin to think to focus on his kids. 3/10, he's trying by god. He's not doing good but he's trying.
Number Man: He would probably respond to any question his kid asks with some weird philosophical math metaphor. Is a killer cook though. Also math classes would be a breeze. Unfortunately, most of his time is dedicated to cauldron. 5/10, grades will be great.
Accord: The worst type of helicopter parent. He would make itineraries to follow any time his kid went out and would require them home in pristine condition super early. Has a rigorous study schedule and puts a lot of pressure on you to succeed, and you know he wants whats best for you but like its stifling and you aren't really living for you but for him. Sure grades are good but you just can't do it anymore. 4/10, the depression and GPA are soaring.
Jack Slash: As seen in Worm, he is an absolutely killer parent. Has a fun family vibe? check. Engages with his children's interest and allows them to pursue it? check. Keeps his child intellectually and creatively stimulated? check. Takes his family all over the country to see new exciting places and people? check. Dude is simply top tier on the parenting skill. Sure the family dynamic is a bit unorthodox, but when the results look this good can you really argue? 10/10 Jack Slash has got it going on.
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naviculariis · 5 months
This seems like a good time to remind folks of this part of my pinned post [ which is also in my mobile rules & in my carrd. ]
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I write content that does fall under the Dead Dove Umbrella. Not anything sexualized, but I do tend to write more uncomfortable topics regarding:
•Familial Physical / Mental Abuse
•Matricide / Patricide
•Delusions, psychosis, PTSD-induced panic disorders / attacks
•Drug abuse / usage [ specific to very few muses & tagged very heavily as such, if I ever post that here, which I highly doubt I will. ]
•GORE. This is a big one. I try to write things as being accurate in terms of injuries / wounds, death scenes, battlefield scenes, etc. I come from a medical background, I spent 5 years listening to nursing students and their lectures as well as helping them study for their exams, and I'm a massive history buff. Things like period-accurate medical procedures are my weird niche. So I don't shy away from gore. I've taken history & medical courses specifically for this.
•DEATH. Death of loved ones. Death of mind. Ego Death. Raising the dead & using the dead as weapons. The dead are here.
•I'M A HORROR FANTASY WRITER. Granted, I have toned down a LOT of stuff regarding a few OCs to make it more publicly palatable ( malekai, mizuki, milorad, and vasille specifically ) for the RPC.
•Also, I tap into certain things that in general make folks uncomfortable ( uncanny valley, certain phobias regarding insects or serpents, medical-based things, body dysmorphia + body dysphoria, self mutilation, body horror, stalking, obsessiveness / possessiveness in a totally not good way, etc. )
Granted, majority of these will only show up in *SOLOS*, or rarely in threads between myself and a small select others that are OKAY with these topics. And today was a big slip in regards to how I normally tag, and I apologize for that. I do try to tag my posts as accurately as possible, but sometimes shit slips and that's on me.
If there are specific triggers that you have, PLEASE. LET ME KNOW. I can't remember every single trigger every single person has, so I try to cover broad bases, but if I need to be more specific- I gladly will. But I need to know what these are, because not everyone will have the same triggers.
That being said: if Something I post makes you uncomfortable, and you no longer wish to remain mutuals: softblock me. It's okay. It sucks, but if it makes your experience here better? I understand. It's okay. No hard feelings. Or even hard block me ( though if you don't mind, give me a heads up so I don't go asking where xyz is. I won't be angry, I promise. I get it. My block list is a mile long on various platforms. )
That's all.
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miidnighters · 4 months
@fairytaletold sent for Vasile to give Hartley  a  kiss  on  the  stomach
She'd missed a period.
This wouldn't be anything to worry about if Hartley didn't watch her birth control like a hawk.
Only there was the flu she'd had (and god, she never got sick) where she'd been throwing up for days. Even if she had remembered to take the pill, it had probably come back out of her system as fast as it had gone in.
And now she's missed a period.
Hartley is trying very hard to act like everything is normal when she comes home with a test stuffed in the bottom of her bag and immediately closes herself in the bathroom. Logically, she knows it hasn't worked - saw, but didn't process, the way Vasile had sat up at attention when she barely greeted him.
The few minutes the test takes to process are torture. Then she takes the second, just to be sure.
Hartley doesn't have time to panic - because Vasile is right outside this door and he'll know. So instead she washes her hands and shakily opens the door and tries to prepare herself for when he turns those big, worry-filled eyes on her.
"I'm sorry." It spills out before she can control it. Vasile is already shaking his head, even though he doesn't know what she's apologising for yet, and Hartely takes a deep breath to continue. "I am. I wasn't careful enough and missed a pill or something, and now-" Words are cut off, lip bitten. "I'm pregnant, Vasile."
She sees the shock filter over his face before she drops her gaze.
And then - of all the things Hartley had been expecting Vasile to do, it was not tilting her chin up to press a soft kiss to her lips, and then drop to his knees so he can slide up her shirt and press a kiss to her stomach, murmuring "Vom avea un copil."
Relief hits her as she threads fingers through his hair. He wasn't mad.
"We're having a baby, iubitul meu." A wet laugh - oh? She's crying. good tears. Happy tears. She loves him.
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lakesbian · 1 year
[kicking at least 8 different asks i want to answer and the entirety of pact under the nearby couch] i should make an Alec Vasil Facts thread. like that one amy facts thread. but about alec. it's okay pact will come back out tomorrow because i miss blake
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nekowithascythe · 11 months
I really wish there were more cluster fics but I can sort of understand ehy there isn't, it is very hard to do, much less get right. I am actually writing a different story again, I'm not giving up on other I just have too much ADHD to focus on one thing, ever. And really all I got for the "cluster" was a sort, I guess it would be a emotional scale between them, where one person can end up with both people's emotions, leaving the other completely emotionless, and it flipd flops between them while have a period where the emotions are fairly balanced for little while before tipping again. It really only came up because I wanted a Taylor as Vasil story, because ther eis like two, and they are both, like two chapters at most, and one of them just has Taylor have a weaker version of Khepri's power. So I decided to go for String/Threads. Thinking that her trigger could focus on how she constantly feels like apuppet dancing of her Father's steing and having her power lock onto that thought specifically. Cause that's, like, how triggers work right? In the situation what ever their breaking minds focus on ins what the shard latches on to.
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polcrity · 4 years
Eli: Lev is under strict surveillance. If you need to see him, I'm here to let you in.
Eli: He's in a fragile state. If I see anyone being confrontational, punishment will be delivered.
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stardustend-archive · 5 years
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          it isn’t exactly every day that viktor finds himself with the urge to discuss certain things. especially when those things just happen to be feelings. of course he’s not one to deny such feelings, but he’s also become quite accustomed to brushing them off. but, there’s no brushing it off this time. and in fact, even through the rush of fucking someone’s brains out he’s still left with the thoughts in his head. sweaty and still a little out of breath ( he isn’t as young and spry as he once was ) he sits up, pressing his back against the headboard of his bed.
“ if i start talking to you again are you going to interrupt and change the subject? ”
               @defectiveanarchy   /   didn’t ask for this but gets it anyway c:
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sevnthson · 6 years
                   `     there   is   not   much   in   this   heart   of   mine  ,      `      he   states   quietly .       THEY   DON’T   REALLY   KNOW   EACH   OTHER   ------   the   chances   are   that   she   thinks   the   same   of   him   as   most .     evil .     but   despite   that  ,      she   at   least   seems   to   listen .
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                 `       but   there’s   a   little   left .       `       @gothamcartel  ( i think about you - guns n’ roses )
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sassdacious · 5 years
nik ● @ncirdejais​
detransforming, the young ravenclaw has learned, does not get easier through each cycle — completely in contrast to what the arrogant alpha told her in the rushed orientation when she unfortunately got bitten all those years ago.
      at least, the only consolation she gets from this whole ordeal is that detransforming was far easier — and far better — than transforming into her wolf persona. and so, as the last remnants of the moon herself fades away into the morning light and as her fur morphed into human skin, emma couldn’t help but to sigh with relief at the signal that it’s finally over. however, her relief was fleeting as the inevitable CRASH of lethargy suddenly caught up with her. she absolutely cannot wait to land face-first into her dorm bed back in the castle.
      — then she had to remember that she lost the aforementioned alpha last night.
      a loud frustrated groan escaped her lips, letting herself sink back into the filthy floor where she detransformed on. completely ignoring the dirt in her hands, the witch found herself digging and rubbing the heels of her palm against her eyes as her ire slowly bubbles up to the surface. great. she’d really rather not deal another problem like this early this morning; most especially right after a full moon.
      ( emma learned earlier in life that she has little to no control over what she does and doesn’t want in her life. unfortunately, looks like life forget the memo of what she actually wants and instead started shoving what she doesn’t want down her throat in the most inopportune time. )
      fortunately for her, with the sliver of luck she had left in her bones, nik wasn’t that hard to track with her heightened sense of smell. it was almost a miracle that she didn’t get distracted by the other scents around her, considering her situation and her condition. however, her pace slows down as another strong scent hit her nose. a familiar one. her stomach DROPS, hoping that she was wrong. hoping that what she’s smelling that was intertwining with her alpha’s scent wasn’t—
      ❝ ... nikolai ? ❞ she called out, inhaling sharply as she sees the state of the other newly detransformed werewolf right in front of her. FUCK. ❝ jesus christ, rowena, and merlin, what the fuck did you do this time ? ❞
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fairytaletold · 8 months
@miidnighters // continued.
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He didn’t mean to. He really fuckin’ didn’t — but it’s the barest slip of concentration that turns a parry into a killing blow when you’ve been cursed with superior strength and size. There’s a crack as the man’s head hit the wall, body crumpling into the alley, and for all his immediate remorse, it doesn’t change one simple fact: he’s dead.
He hears them coming long before they speak. Stays immobile, hoping it’s a passerby, wanting to avoid any movement that would inevitably draw their eye. Doesn’t matter. They stop, and he’s getting to his feet in the calm, measured way that doesn’t show off his inhuman speed. Not that it makes a difference: she pulls a gun, and he can smell the polished tang of silver. He smothers a growl at the back of his throat — unbidden, instinctual. Drawn out by a threat. It’s not coincidence that she’s here.
( He doesn’t need to add to the body count. )
❛ — y’need to leave. ❜ He can’t stop the way his hackles raise, how eyes darken at that gun. Teeth grit. ❛ Now. ❜
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tc-doherty · 2 years
Find the Word Tag 1/3
I was tagged by @thanatostouch forever ago! Sorry it's taken me so long to get to!
Sit - The Huntress of Anihwen
“Can it be learned?” Siani looked at the book in her hand. It may come down to the spoken word being her only defense, but she didn’t know if she could do it. And she didn’t have the supplies to sit around learning poetry.
“Most probably,” Gwyneira said. “Tanwen did not bother, but then, she’s a witch in her own right. I should think she has other ways of protecting herself.”
Siani stared doubtfully at the lizard. Gods and fairies were one thing, everyone knew they existed. It was possible to see their effects on the mortal world all the time. But true magic? Witches? Those she wasn’t so sure about.
“Like with a cauldron and a black cat and warts and all?” She asked. Gwyneira laughed.
“Not like that! No, Tanwen is, by the humans servants, quite lovely. In fact, when Kynan chose her I do remember some rumors circulating around that he had not been listening to his…head…when he picked her. Those died down, eventually. She does her job well.”
“When she does it,” Siani said. Gwyneira nodded.
“Her heart is a lot weaker than her power. Still, she is better to have in her position than Wynne. I hope you find her.”
Run - Hoofbeats
Near midmorning, however, she was pulled up short by the sight of lady Tirzha making her way purposely towards the stable.
Even in a crowd Tirzha stood out, being more elaborately decked than she had been the other day – though this time she wore trousers instead of a dress. Maroon trousers beaded in tiny flecks of crystal that glittered in the light. Her tunic and the long vest she wore over it were both just as flashy — the tunic of white run through with thread-of-gold, the vest in brilliant pink.Her headscarf and veil were white lace, also beaded. She still wore a bejeweled headband, dozens of bangles – gold this time, and layered necklaces of gold and pearl.
Kadife sighed. Her day would've been so much better if Tirzha had not appeared. But there were no customers right that moment not being helped, no tasks to busy herself with, so she had no choice but to walk forward and meet Tirzha at the gate.
"I didn't really think you would come."
Lady Tirzha smile that arrogant smile again. "I always keep my engagements. But you are the expert here. Where should we begin?"
Place - Laero
He met her eyes. “I want to see you smile again, and hear you laugh. I miss my little coveche. I miss you, Kradhi.” He paused for a moment, but when she didn’t respond he kept talking. “I miss you, so I would have you leave this place. I want you to find a place, a god, and a people that will take you as you are.”
“Leave? Leave?” Kradhi stared at him in shock. Even in her darkest moments she had not considered leaving. For a Laero to leave the Norforest was…it was wrong, unthinkable, and completely against the wishes of Laer. “I can’t leave! Who will look after Geri? Who will mentor your child? Who will…who will protect our people and raise us up for Laer’s favor? I cannot leave.” Her voice grew heavier as she talked, until it was as full of tears as the clouds ahead were of snow. She fought against them. The chercov did not cry.
Vasil clucked his tongue and put his arm back around her shoulder. “Mother will look after Geri, as Laera should look after Laera. And our child…” he paused. “I wasn’t going to ask you, Kradhi. I don’t think there’s enough of you left to be a mentor.”
“Vasil…I wanted to do that. I wanted that! I-”
“I know, but Tali and I don’t. Her cousin Fiero has agreed to be our mentor.”
Kradhi stood up and stalked away from him. “Of all people, Vasil, I did not expect you to disrespect me so.”
“Kradhi, listen more closely to what I’m telling you, please!”
Hear - The Deadlands
Marghe could hear the outraged sensibility in her voice. Maybe she was nothing but a city girl after all. "Got a problem with that?"
"No, of course not."
It was a lie, and they both knew it. Marghe shrugged. It didn't matter what this overdressed chit thought of her, just that the girl got to Red Oaks.
"These horses…," said Genevieve, "they're from the forest?"
She pronounced it with a capital 'F'. Marghe rolled her eyes. "They're just horses, they're not going to eat you. If tamers bother you, you ought to have considered that before agreeing to cross the Meren."
"I thought the forest…" Genevieve's voice trailed off at the end and she didn't finish her sentence.
"City folk," Marghe muttered under her breath. "No sense at all." She turned around and met the singer's eyes. "You can't see the forest from Red Oaks, but no matter where you are, it's part of life in the Deadlands. The animals you'll see are from it, the medicines you'll take are from it, and there's at least a dozen tamers alive and working right now. You'll see us, too. Get over it, or get off my horse."
Tagging @asher-orion-writes @stories-by-rie @moonlitinks @did-i-do-this-write
I always struggle coming up with words for these so I would like you to pick 5 words that have to do with the weather. For example sun/ny, rain/y, windy, cold, warm, cloudy... Pick 5 words like that and share them!
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naviculariis · 27 days
How some folks feel about Christmas is how I feel about Halloween. It's my favorite holiday, it always has been my favorite, I love dressing up & decorating & everything that revolves around Halloween ( trick or treating, handing out candy, Halloween festivals, pumpkin carving, corn mazes, whole nine yards folks. )
It's also the only Holiday I feel okay with celebrating & writing Threads around!! So. Like. If y'all ever want to, I'm MORE than down for Halloween or fall based threads. Whether it's out muses going to a Halloween party or festival, your muse listening to Vasille or one of the Fujihara talk about the cultural significance of the holiday, or some SPOOKS- I'm more than down. Please. Come to me.
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agnesfm · 3 years
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✨   TASK   NO   :    3    --  Y O U T H .
“ 𝒊 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚. 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒖𝒏, 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒅𝒊𝒛𝒛𝒚 𝒐𝒏 𝒄𝒂𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒆. 𝒇𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒊𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚.   “  --  youth  ,  glass  animals  .
YOUTH.   𝐢𝐬𝐧’𝐭   𝐢𝐭   𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭   𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭   𝐨𝐟   𝐮𝐬   𝐚𝐫𝐞   𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠   𝐟𝐨𝐫  ?  oh  all  the  things  we  could  give  to  be  young  again,  to  feel  young  again.  what  is  youth  ?  is  it  about  what  you  see  on  the  mirrors  that  reflect  you  or  is  youth  a  sensation  ?  and  what  would  you  do  if   you  could  feel  it  all  again  ?  in  a  different  scenario,  in  a  reality  that  has  never  been  real.
hello  everyone,  here  comes  our  next  task  !  but  this  one  is  a  bit  more  significant  compared  to  the  others  as  we  will  have  this  one  as  a  preparation  for  a  future  event.  yes,  you  heard  it  right  !  a  future  event  !  let  us  present  you,  our  next  planned  event.  AGNES  GOES  TWENTY.  an  au  event  in  which  our  muses  will  be  back  in  their  20s.  this  is  an  au  event  hence  it  is  going  to  be  an  alternative  universe  and  none  of  the  events  of  this  au  will  affect  our  main  storyline.  we  have  thought  of  the  possibility  of  some  muns  not  wanting  to  participate,  that’s  why  non-au  threads  may  be  allowed  throughout  the  au  event  (  the  final  decision  will  be  made  upon  the  poll  over  discord  chat  ).  well,  if  i  get  the  drum  rolls,  it’s  time  to  explain  how  this  au  will  work  !
AGNES  GOES  TWENTY  :    a  planned  au  event  that  will  take  two  weeks  ooc.  during  this  au  week,  all  your  muses  will  be  back  in  their  twenties,  but  this  time,  they  are  living  their  days  of  adolescence  in  islesbury  alongside  every  other  muse  in  agnesfm  !  more  details  will  be  revealed  on  event  post  itself.
HOW  TO  PREPARE  (  AKA  THE  TASK  !  )  :  we  just  need  you  to  answer  the  following  parts,  no  depth  needed  for  part  two,  just  give  us  the  most  important  parts  !
who  will  your  muse’s  younger  fc  be  ?  note:  this  will  be  the  fc  you  are  going  to  use  during  the  au  week,  choose  wisely  !
for  this  au,  your  muse  will  be  living  in  islesbury  or  will  be  around  islesbury  for  the  time  being,  that  might  cause  drastic  changes  for  your  muses’  backstory  so  if there  are  any  drastic  changes,  let us know  by  writing  a  little  blurb  as  your  answer  to  this  part    ! ( OPTIONAL )
my  muse  spent  their  youth  somewhere  else  other  than  islesbury,  what  do  i  do  ?
we  ask  you  to  create  an  au  version  of  your  muses’  background  in  which  your  muse  will  be  residing in/around  islesbury  during  their  twenties.  it  doesn’t  have  to  be  anything  fully  fleshed  out  as  this  is  just  an  au  event  !  whatever  happens  in  au  event,  stays  in  the  au  event  &  has  no  effect  to  your  muses’  main  storyline.
my  muse  already  spent  their  youth  in  islesbury,  is  that  a  problem  ?
not  at  all,  that  means  you  do  not  need  to  change  anything  about  your  muse’s  past  (  but  you  can  if  you  wish  so  because  this  is  an  au  event,  nothing  that  happens  here  will  affect  agnesfm’s  original  story  )
are   we   rewinding  to  a  specific  time  ?
no,  it's  going  to  be  the  year  of  2021  with  the  only  change  being  our  muses  are  in  their  20s  !
after you post your task, your fcs will be listed under. please do not forget to use tags #agnesfm.task & #agnesfm.task03 to tag your posts ! 
CURRENTLY TAKEN FCS. ( this list will be updated with every task posted ! ) 
abigail cowen ( meredith perlman )
ahad raza mir ( zain shahid )
ahsen eroğlu ( lal ışık )
ajiona alexus ( lauren berkshire )
aisha dee ( addie savoy )
anya taylor-joy ( clementine tendler )
asa butterfield ( connor hill )
jorge lopez ( river flores ) 
josefine frida pattersen ( rosaline thornton ) 
danielle macdonald ( birdie sutton )
dylan sprayberry ( mason ramsay )
emma mackey ( athena zoric ) 
evan roderick ( theo luppen )
felix mallard ( noah vasile )
florence pugh ( celia davies )
freddy miyares ( santiago juarez )
kedar williams-stirling ( bash mcknight )
kelsey merritt ( gina hendrix )
lauren jauregui ( bex navarro )
lily rose depp ( carla cervelli )
lorenzo zuzorlo ( miles ‘milo’ langdon )
maxence danet fauvel ( alexander warren )
meng ziyi ( june gao )
nam yoon soo  ( nico ahn )
rudy pankow ( zach quinn )
simay barlas ( suna sunström )
sophie turner ( lizzie deveraux )
thomas doherty ( freddie carter )
yang se jong ( daniel ‘dae-won’ eun )
yara shahidi ( regina petrow )
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crimsoncityhq · 3 years
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There are some minor hitches in the night, but overall things are going a bit too good. It makes some question the time, and they’re surprised when they glance down their watches to find it well past curfew. Mysteriously the absence of law enforcement starts to swell the senses filling some with guilt and others with an overabundance of suspicion. At first it’s almost as if time freezes, like you’re trapped in one of the paintings on the wall. White noise has dissolved, but you can feel the quake under your feet.  The distorted mouths of the company around you, as the shift in environment explodes. Flames rain down like hellfire from the second floor, unable to shake the horrific silence you can see the rubble of foundation start to join with the fire. 
Fight or flight kicked in for the residents in the art museum. Some of them taking the artwork to save over their dead bodies, and some use this opportune moment to finally begin open hunting season on those that harvested their organs. There seems to be some mix up at the door of the entrance. One group helping people get out, and the other hindering. The ringing in your ear stops enough for you to hear the invisible gunfire that started to rock over the roar of flames.
PART II  will run until Wednesday May 5th 10PM EST. Plot slots can be found underneath the cut!
We’re going to allow each person to choose two plot slots for two characters max .If there are any leftovers, we’ll let members know when they can sign up for thirds. 
You’ll notice that some of these plots are public, so feel free to have your character react to them/ notice them even if they aren’t happening directly to your character. However, if something feels like it happened privately to another character, please check in with their Mun to see if it’s okay for your character to know.
To be clear: these are not the only things that happen to your character during this plot drop and you are more than welcome to cook up your own trouble.
To sign up for a plot slot message the main! You can start doing that as soon as right now! You may start the threads as soon as you’d like. Keep in mind that you can only message the main plot slots choices for your characters alone. 
Also, if you’re going to have your character be injured during the phase of part II message the main ( just so we can include it in the conclusion summary)! Your character can still be injured, but we thought it would be cool to include characters in the summary.
CHARACTER A notices sparks flicker out from behind a painting. Their knee jerk reaction kicks in and they run into CHARACTER B when the painting lights on fire.. 
CHARACTER C ( FAUST AFF ) triggers one of the distraction bombs, but they didn’t count on CHARACTER D being injured in the aftermath.
BIRDIE MENDOZA has caught their gown  in the rotating door whilst trying to make their escape, and  TORI MASSARO has to decide whether they want to risk their own skin and help or chalk it up the BIRDIE MENDOZA’s bad luck.
JIN-AE ‘JJ’ RAU-BYRNE is engaged in a conversation with the bartender & JESSE VALENCIA, but that conversation is cut short when the bartender catches an unfortunate stray bullet in the face. It’s up to save themselves or help each other get shelter. 
CHARACTER I, CHARACTER J and CHARACTER K have their own mission for tonight, and this chaos offers the perfect opportunity. Who knows how they made it in with box cutters, but CHARACTER I, CHARACTER J and CHARACTER K leave their marks across canvases all the way down the main hall. The flames are closing in fast, though, so don’t dawdle for too long. 
CHARACTER L ( FAUST AFF )  & CHARACTER M both are the first people to arrive at the doors of the Art Institute after the chaos starts. One with the goal to keep people in, and the other to keep people out.
ZAKIYA AL KHATIB & OLIVER FAUST detonate the bomb underneath the elevator that traps WYATT LEON, ISABELLA FAUST, AND RAFFERTY DOYLE inside and they have to work together to get out. 
CHARACTER R strikes a deal with CHARACTER S to use this opportunity to steal the most prized piece of artwork in the Art Institute. It almost goes perfectly, until they launch it out a window that’s not illuminated by flames. However, when they finally make it out to collect their prize ▬ EVELINA VASILE is holding it and also brandishing a weapon. 
DIAMOND WASHINGTON who not-so-cautiously accepted a colorful pill from a stranger earlier in the night, is convinced the eyes of the painting are moving, suggesting someone may be trapped inside. CHARACTER V and CHARACTER W notice DIAMOND WASHINGTON dashing further into the flames and take it upon themselves to help, but that means they’ll have to handle the chaos of whatever DIAMOND WASHINGTON is hallucinating. 
AMADEUS JUDE CASTELLANOS  completely giving no fucks whatsoever picks up a glass of what they assumed was water from the bar to douse a lick of flames that got too close. The problem was it was vodka that fuels the fire, and starts to cover ZOE WASHINGTON. They can either run or stay behind, but ZOE WASHINGTON  is 100% able to ID them. 
AUDREY ROUSSEAU was in the restroom when the explosion occurred, and a large chunk of the balcony has blocked the door. Smoke is filtering through the cracks in the threshold, and AUDREY ROUSSEAU calls frantically for help. EZEKIEL “ZEKE” HALLIDAY hears their cries and opts to help, but the flames are moving closer by the second, and the smoke is getting heavier. EZEKIEL “ZEKE” HALLIDAY has to move fast or they will suffer the same fate as AUDREY ROUSSEAU .
CHARACTER B1 starts to exchange gunfire with CHARACTER C1 up the staircase towards the roof. One of the stray bullets hits another small bomb that causes the staircase to falter. 
ABRAHAM SWEETWINE helps others to safety using a nearby window, but another explosion leaves them burned and trapped under a large piece of the ceiling. JULIA FAUST bolts to their aid and carries ABRAHAM SWEETWINE to safety. Once outside in the lawn, JULIA FAUST must keep ABRAHAM SWEETWINE awake long enough for medical personnel to arrive.
SERAFINA EATON  is able to convince WIKIMAK CLARKE to assist in rescuing the artwork from the chaotic flames. However, after they’re injured in the process SERAFINA EATON realizes the artwork they’re trying to save is falsified. Almost as if the original artwork had been swapped. 
ANYA VOLKOVA uses the opportunity to pickpocket abandoned purses scattered around the main hall. They find a loaded pistol in MARKIE “PAIGE” KRAVTSOV ’s purse right as MARKIE “PAIGE” KRAVTSOV comes to collect it and whatever else ANYA VOLKOVA has taken. It’s up to ANYA VOLKOVA to figure out whether or not a purse is worth killing over, but be warned—the flames are moving fast. 
AUBREE DAMIANI is trampled by a crowd that beelines to the exit. CHARACTER K1 is the only one to stop and help them up off the ground & carry them.
TARON LYNCH  is outside enjoying a cigarette when the explosion rocks the foundation of the Art Institute, and the law enforcement immediately think they’re a suspect along with IAN LOCKE  that had ducked out for a breath of fresh air. They’re taken into custody for questioning. 
CHARACTER N1 and CHARACTER O1 make it to the lawn of the Art Institute just as CHARACTER O1 collapses from smoke inhalation. CHARACTER N1 finds CHARACTER P1 to help carry CHARACTER O1 to first responders.
JAMESON ROBERTS ( WALSH ) narrowly escapes to the lawn, but CONRAD ODAIR( FAUST ) is only a pace behind with a weapon in hand. CONRAD ODAIR fires and barely misses JAMESON ROBERTS, who realizes if they don’t retaliate, there’s no getting out of the art museum alive. 
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revelaare · 4 years
location: the art institute of chicago status: open @crimsonstarters​
catriona runs her hand over the tweed chanel jacket that wraps tightly around her frame. the platinum white thread weaved between the pale blue hue match the dyed colour of her short hair, god forbid a hint of grey was ever to be found. she’s finished ordering a young worker of the institute in french, sending him off with a flick of her hand. in the corner of her eye the matriarch catches the grey sheens of construction framework, remnants of the explosion from the vasile masquerade her family had been blamed for. but that’s the least of the womans concern today. her associates mumble to one an other in the background, and the o’shea woman stands inert amongst the artworks hung in ornate golden frames. her long nail traces over lines scrawled within her book. “they send me the trainees...” catriona mumbles to the figure beside, with a role of her eyes. 
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