#frère et sœur
prvtocol · 3 months
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familyromantic · 27 days
have you ever watched frère et soeur/brother and sister? the pacing can be kind of difficult for some people, and there's no spice (I love it! just tension, slow burn, fucked-up relationship, obsession — this is kind of a spoiler 😭) but I think it's SO GOOD. I think you'd like bc of the name but technically the relationship isn't canon. this is full of spoilers, I believe, but I hope you'll give it a try despite them... for the execution? I'm very interested in what you'd think about this movie
No, I haven't watched this! And the movie is only 2 years old, for some reason I thought it was old skskks. Maybe I'll give it a watch, though I have many canon incest movies I need to see lol.
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locklaicy · 2 months
aussi, j'eu presque oublié de vous le dire mais j'ai eu mon bac menTION TRÈS BIEN AHAHGZJEKDKDKZKDKDK 💥💥💥💥💥💥
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a-room-of-my-own · 11 months
Au fait, il y a eu 40 morts français en Israël suite aux attaques du Hamas. Vous avez vu un hommage quelconque passer?
Bah non.
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razafindranaivo · 3 months
Coucou Tout le Monde ! Comment Ça va, Aujourd'hui ?
Bien, J'espère !
Je Vais Vous Montrer Un Dessin que J'ai Fait Il y 2 mois, Que J'ai Fait Chez Mon PhychoMotricien, et le Voici, Justement :
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tracing-rivers · 1 year
Il faut des wagons zen dans le RER
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le-papillion · 1 month
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our forever was suppose to be longer...
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tireur-de-carte · 3 months
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Guess where I am going tomorrow ?
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inlovewithaspiderguy · 5 months
Pendant que j´achetais le pain j’ai pris des bonbons pour mes sœurs qui avaient rentrée de lycée aujourd’hui waaaaaah chuis trop un.e bon.ne sibling
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lolochaponnay · 6 months
Le 1er avril est la journée préférée des blagueurs et des farceurs. Le poisson d'avril reste une tradition énigmatique symbolisée par un poisson généralement collé dans le dos. Voici des blagues à faire à la maison à vos enfants ou parents lors de cette date pour vous donner une idée drôle : Remplacez les piles de la télécommande par un petit poisson en papier. La prochaine personne qui regardera la télé aura beaucoup de mal à zapper jusqu'au moment où elle voudra changer les piles ! Remplacez le tube de dentifrice par un tube de mayonnaise de manière discrète. Prenez toutes les bouteilles d'eau de la maison, puis versez-y du sel ou du sucre. Remettez-les en place. Collez des yeux qui bougent sur les produits du frigo. Quand la victime dort, mettez de fausses araignées en plastique sur elle pour l’effrayer. Versez des gouttes de gouache par terre pour faire croire que quelqu'un a saigné du nez ou du pied. Posez des claque-doigts sous le tapis, et quand la victime marchera dessus : "clac-clac-clac-clac" ! Débranchez la cafetière ou le grille-pain Prenez du papier journal, faites des boules avec et mettez-les au bout des souliers de votre père, de votre mère, ou de vos frères et sœurs. Fixez un bout de ruban adhésif sur le récepteur de téléphone. Attachez un couteau et une fourchette avec du ruban adhésif invisible. Mettez l'assiette sur le ruban attachant les deux couverts. Apportez le café au lit à vos parents : les tasses doivent être vides. Faites semblant de trébucher et de renverser les tasses sur la couette. Mettez de la chantilly dans la main d’une personne qui dort. Chatouillez-lui le nez pour faire en sorte qu'elle se mette la main sur la figure. Elle sera toute barbouillée. Remplacez le savon du lave-mains par de l'huile de tournesol. Prenez une feuille de papier sans trop la mettre en évidence. Lorsque la victime se penche, déchirez-la pour lui faire croire que son pantalon vient de se déchirer. Vous pouvez également prendre de l'adhésif à tissu. Sur les chewing-gums, mettez du produit pour ne pas se ronger les ongles. Le soir avant le 1er avril, mettez du colorant alimentaire dans le lait pour faire la surprise au petit déjeuner. Pendant que vos frères dorment, rentrez discrètement dans leur chambre la nuit du poisson d'avril et appliquez-leur un beau vernis à ongles sur les doigts et les orteils. Cachez ensuite les bouteilles de dissolvant à vernis. Mettez du sel sur la brosse à dents de vos parents ou de vos frères et sœurs.
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dixvinsblog · 1 year
Sylvain Jousset (Arkel) - à nos sœurs et frères d’Ukraine
Il y a des bruits plus fort que l’amourLe merle dans le cerisier qui dépèce une ceriseOu le dernier train de nuit qui arrive à quai Nous faudrait-il vivre alors que les poètes viennent de naîtreLe récit ficelé aux maintiens de l’ordreAvec la prophétie dans la virgule qui suitJe ne dis rien qui vaille la peine de s’offusquerJe travaille demain matin à 8 heuresJe range mon crabe dans la boite à…
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kevensprevaris · 2 years
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onlyonetifosi · 1 year
Behind the camera -> Prologue
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"Maman, Papa, you promised to tell me something special today," Lorenzo said, his eyes wide with curiosity.
Pascale exchanged a loving glance with Hervé and then smiled at their eager son. "Well, Lorenzo, you are going to be a big brother," she announced, her voice brimming with joy.
Lorenzo's face lit up with delight. "Really? I'm going to have a little brother or sister?" he asked, hardly able to contain his excitement.
Pascale laughed gently and nodded. "Actually, you're going to have both! You're going to be a big brother of twins!"
"Des jumeaux?! Deux frères ou deux sœurs?" Lorenzo asked, his French flowing naturally as he processed the news. (Twins?! Two brothers or two sisters?)
Hervé grinned. "Un frère et une sœur" he replied. {One brother and one sister}
Lorenzo's eyes widened even more, realizing he was going to have a brother and a sister. "C'est incroyable!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around his parents' necks in a tight hug (This is incredible!)
Over the next few months, Pascale's pregnancy progressed beautifully, but with the joy of having twins came the challenges of carrying two babies at once. She experienced intense cravings, sometimes even at odd hours of the night.
"Maman, you want pickles and ice cream for breakfast?!" Lorenzo chuckled one morning as he found his mother raiding the fridge.
She grinned sheepishly. "It's the babies, they're making me crave all sorts of things," she explained, trying to balance a jar of pickles and a tub of ice cream in her hands.
As the due date approached, Pascale's anticipation mingled with nervousness. Her pregnancy had been more tiring than the first time she carried Lorenzo, and giving birth to twins presented its own set of challenges
The day had finally arrived - October 16th, a day that would forever change the lives of the Leclerc family. Pascale, the expectant mother, was lying in her hospital bed, surrounded by her husband Hervé and their eldest son Lorenzo. The anticipation in the air was palpable as they eagerly awaited the arrival of the newest additions to their family
Inside the delivery room, the medical team prepared for the unique challenge that lay ahead. Pascale's pregnancy had been a rollercoaster, and as the time approached, the doctors were on high alert. The twins were fraternal, but it had become evident during the course of the pregnancy that they were different in more than just their gender. Yn, the youngest, had been nestled lower in her mother's womb, making her delivery more complicated.
Meanwhile, Lorenzo was staying with Philippe Bianchi and his family, a friend of his dad. Jules, who was now eight years old, was Lorenzo’s best friend and Charles’ future godfather. The two boys eagerly waited for news of the twins' arrival.
"Do you think they'll be okay, Jules?" Lorenzo asked, his eyes filled with concern.
Jules patted his shoulder reassuringly. "Of course, they will! Your maman and papa are strong, and the doctors are taking good care of them. We'll get to meet the babies soon!"
As the clock struck noon, the contractions intensified, and Pascale's grip on Hervé's hand tightened. "Ça fait mal," she said, her face contorting with pain (It hurts)
Hervé, trying to be the supportive husband he always was, replied, "Tout va bien se passer, mon amour. Les médecins sont là pour nous aider." (Everything will be fine, my love. The doctors are here to help us.)
In the Bianchi house, Lorenzo was pacing back and forth, his nerves getting the better of him. He was excited about having siblings, but the thought of being responsible for two new lives made him feel a mix of emotions. He glanced at his father, who was trying his best to reassure him with a smile.
Back in the delivery room, Pascale was giving it her all. The medical staff encouraged her, "Vous faites du bon travail, Madame Leclerc. Bientôt, vos bébés seront là" (You're doing a great job, Mrs. Leclerc. Soon, your babies will be here)
After what felt like an eternity, the moment had arrived. The first cries of a baby filled the room. Charles had made his entrance into the world. Relief washed over Pascale, and tears welled up in Hervé's eyes as he saw his son for the first time.
The medical team continued to work efficiently, and soon, both babies were cleaned and swaddled in warm blankets. Hervé and Lorenzo were allowed into the room to meet the newest members of their family.
The moment Hervé and Pascale laid eyes on their newborn twins, tears of joy streamed down their cheeks. Pascale whispered softly in French, "Ils sont tellement beaux, nos bébés." (They are so beautiful, our babies.)
Hervé kissed her forehead and replied, "Oui, ils le sont, mon amour. (Yes, they are, my love.) Our little miracles."
The next day, with the newborn twins cradled in Pascale's arms, Lorenzo entered the hospital room, his excitement palpable. He approached the bed, looking down at his new siblings with awe.
"Hey, little ones," he said softly. "Je suis ton grand frère Lorenzo {I am your big brother Lorenzo} They're so tiny!" he exclaimed, carefully touching Yn's tiny hand and then Charles’
Hervé smiled proudly and placed an arm around Lorenzo's shoulders. "Yes, they are. Meet your baby brother, Charles, and your baby sister, Yn"
"Charles et Yn?" Lorenzo repeated their names with a hint of wonder in his voice
"Yes, Charles and Yn," Pascale said, her eyes shining with joy
"Maman, they're adorable!" Lorenzo said, beaming at his mother. "I promise to be the best big brother ever!"
Tears of joy welled up in Pascale's eyes as she pulled her son into a warm embrace. "You already are, mon chéri. I know you'll be an amazing big brother to them"
The Leclerc family was overjoyed with the new additions. News of the twins' arrival spread quickly, and soon the hospital room was filled with family members eager to meet the newest additions. Uncles, aunts, and cousins showered the twins with love and affection, while their grandparents couldn't stop beaming with pride.
Jules, the godfather, was ecstatic when he finally got to meet the twins. He bent down and kissed their foreheads gently, promising to protect them and be the best godfather he could be.
Jules Bianchi, Charles' godfather, was only eight years old, but he felt incredibly responsible and honored to be given such an important role. When he heard the news, he rushed to the hospital with a small gift in hand. "Bienvenue, les petits! Je suis votre parrain, Jules." (Welcome, little ones! I'm your godfather, Jules.)
The room filled with laughter and joy as everyone celebrated the arrival of the twins. Yn and Charles were already surrounded by an immense amount of love from their family and friends.
As the days turned into weeks, and the twins grew, their bond with Lorenzo strengthened. They had an unbreakable connection as the Leclerc siblings, and the world was eager to see the adventures that awaited them.
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feuilletourne-sir20 · 2 months
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Tournefeuille, frère et/ou sœur
Tournefeuille, brother and/or sister
by sir20 for feuilletourne-sir20
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howlingday · 1 year
Jaune: Oh no... It's my sister.
Ruby: That's your sister? She's really good with her rapier. Is she a huntress?
Jaune: No, she's just a rapier instructor now, but she used to compete in fencing tournaments.
Weiss: Why did you say "Oh no"?
Jaune: Because she-
Arc Sister: Jaune~! Jaune~!
Jaune: Oh non...
Ruby: Huh?
Arc Sister: Bonjour, mon petit frère~!
Jaune: (Grinding his teeth) Bonjour, sœur.
Arc Sister: Comment est ton épée rouillée~?
Jaune: Il n'est pas rouillé!
Arc Sister: (Laughs in superior reach) Pouvez-vous le prouver~?
Weiss: What is going on?
Blake: It's a classic sibling rivalry.
Ruby: You can understand them?!
Blake: Mhm. (Points at Yang) Et ta sœur est une perverse.
Ruby: Huh?
Yang: (Drooling, Ogling Arc Asses)
Jaune: (Readies Crocea Mors) Je vais gagner cette fois!
Arc Sister: (Laughs in expensive tastes) Tu ne me frapperas même pas~.
Google Translate:
Oh no...
Hello, my little brother~!
Hello, sister.
How is your rusty sword~?
It is not rusty!
Can you prove that~?
And your sister is a pervert.
I'm going to win this time!
You won't even hit me~.
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le-papillion · 1 month
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On n'a jamais vu l'un sans l'autre, n'est-ce pas ?
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