#verse; tba
il-mostrc · 2 months
For once, Hannibal wasn’t the object of interest in the room. It was an invite he had agreed upon, for social circles overlapped, and he properly declined a hosting for this month. There was a reason for this: to scope out the room without being accosted by others in favor of offering their delighted, sugary words of doting admiration of the meal that he had tediously constructed with his proper flair. The ethic butcher could properly put down the knife and gaze upon the market of his guests.
He wore a dark blazer, buttoned up with his merlot vest and equally deep shade of a Balthus knot patterned tie. It was a move to allow him to blend in with the backdrop of the low-lit estate for aesthetic preferences. A red wine, nearly matching the color he chose tonight on his person, swirled within his glass as he let his eyes do most of the talking in the room.
Hors d'oeuvres of delicate delights made their rounds on silver platters; even here, he eyed their construction. Muted conversations took the frontal lobe section of his mind, dissembling some entrees and reworking them to what he would showcase.
A familiar scent took his gaze from the event and fictitious smiles; he knew this aroma well enough by now. Her (@stingslikeabee) face materialized in his mind before he even placed his eyes upon her. She was what a few called ‘new money’ at least; she was ‘fresh’ in a sense to the area. While most of the people who invested in these parties had their fair share of years upon years of promoting their brand, Melissa was reasonably new.
He could also detect the expensive, nourishing skincare lotion she used. It wasn’t from the United States, a scent he was all too keen to detect on the streets of Paris in his youth.
He deduced that she blended in wonderfully. How her smile outshone even those who were known to reach theirs to their eyes. She was well aware of the company that others kept, and with a passing gaze and a light brush of their mingling, he caught her words—whispered but clear.
“He’s waiting for my first mistake.”
He matches it, though his gaze is a full sweep of the room, a head leaning in as he brings the wine glass nearer to his lips. The words echo within the shell of it, directing preciously in her range of hearing. “I believe a full room is awaiting it.” Rising as she was in the social constraints of this tier, there were still people out there who whispered of her past. Even he had his ears pricked when her name was on the tongue of others.
It intrigued him.
The wine cascaded across his tastebuds, and he closed his eyes to soak in the flavors before speaking. “No matter what the platter looks like, swallow it all.” A common mistake those who were newly introduced to this circle endured. Anyone who graced their expression with disapproving lines was met with a cold shoulder and a curling lip.
“At the very least.. the wine is exquisite.” He lifted the glass, offering her a small toast.
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bladesalvation · 8 months
@selunaris asked: I'll check in on you in an hour. You'd better not have moved. (Nihil)
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A threat, one that brought a smirk to his possessed lips as his barely focused gaze burned into his fellow elf and cleric. When he spoke, the tone and rasp in his throat was abnormal, like another being hijacked his voice. "Let us both hope by the gods' will the binds hold."
Nihil tilted his head-- no, snapped it in an almost unnatural fashion, quick as a wink, but he did not make any move to free himself. Rather, he leaned back against the tree he had only earlier insisted on being tied to, chuckling at nothing in particular. "I'll ache to see your moon-crazed blood spill til then, little priestess."
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musesofchaos · 1 year
@sasukeuuke continued from here
When Itachi had called him as back for the current situation of "Sasuke is stuck in the house 24/7", he came over no questions asked. Mostly cause he missed his friend, and secondly because he was annoyed at how many times he missed his calls. The blondes annoyance only grew when the writer didn't even bother to say hello when he arrived. Just a mumbled noise of acknowledgment. He'd perch himself on the himself in the nearest make shift seat. Trying small talk to get the others attention. That didn't work either. Asshole. So finally, he'd hit him. As if he was a cat batting away at one of those dangling toys. Sasuke's bewilderment cause him to laugh. Bright, cheerful, with a hint of mischievousness. Naruto simply smirks at him. Leaning in slightly. "I did." He says smugly. "Whatcha gonna do about it, Sasuke~?"
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twinuchiha · 11 months
Be still, don't move.
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Kyosuke's skin is stinging, but he does as the medical ninja instructs. Obisidan gems meet sea-green emeralds as the Uchiha pants softly. "Don't worry about me, Sakura. You should go help the others." He tells her gently.
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sizhuibattleguqin · 2 years
It was the birthday of his beloved and Sizhui had spent a good amount of time in the garden working on the surprise he had for his golden clad fated one. Each tree had been decorated with small tailsman's each written in Lan Sizhui's elegant script. The meal prepared was extravagant, more so than Sizhui would usually prepare. It was a celebration of his birth, of his exsistance and it was meant to be enjoyed.
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This was something private for the two of them, for them moment.
Others would come to celebrate but this one thing was for them for JIn Ling.
Nearby his guqin was resting on a table.
Violet eyes shimmered in the light when he saw his beloved he might have sent Fairy to drag Jin Ling to him.
A snap of his fingers followed and each of the talisman's exploded into small butterfly shaped light to illuminate the garden.
"Happy Birthday my love."
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marshalforgotten · 2 months
@cosmicxblossoms continued from {x}
The fight was something eyes witnessed on accident, as she was merely traveling across nations via In-between. The thought of leaving it be crossed her mind, as what right did she have to intrude upon another's territory? Those thoughts were changed however, once soul sight beheld this so-called "Bone King"; seeing his wretched state of the spirit.
She may know very little of the individual personally, but watching one's own kind be reduced to such a deplorable condition felt unnerving if not downright insulting. No, she would not stand for this. Thus did concealed primate inform Maya that she would be out of town for an indefinite amount of time. Keeping up her human appearance happened to be important, but this felt more so.
MK's words temporarily gave her pause, making a frown appear on countenance. She supposed him taking notice eventually would be inevitable, but changing tactics did present challenges at times.
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"...And so does the pot call the kettle black," she muttered, before promptly turning to face him with a faux grin and hands akimbo to sides. "Requesting help, from a thief? You and that famous warrior truly are in a real pickle, huh? I suppose I can help, since you asked so nicely." Strangely enough, hidden baboon felt that this would be needed, so she endeavored to drain plenty of medical herbs dry beforehand.
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unitlead · 2 months
❝ My office, now! ❞ Barely through the front door of the house and she was livid. Keys and phone tossed unceremoniously onto the table. At that moment, she wasn't looking at her husband. Oh no.This was a matter between the commander in chief and her head of personnel. She didn't say another word until they were standing upstairs in the office, door shut to spare Moira from having to hear the ensuing chaos.
Still fuming about today's events. First Howie's outburst, completely out-of-line. Completely unacceptable. That was one thing. But then, to have her directive completely thrown out the window? By Ed? Accusation was rife in her tone, voice shaking. ❝ Out of everyone-everyone! You were the last person I expected to go against my orders! ❞ 
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quantumstarpaths · 3 months
@hoovedrycal said: " It is called morphing, it is an ability that we Cervids have."
Blue eyes widened as he looked at the other, a small smile pulling at his lips. He knew he shouldn't treat the other as though he were a science experiment, but there was certainly something fascinating about this ability, and Paul was unable to help himself when there was something fascinating.
"Morphing..." He turned the word over in his mind. It certainly made enough sense, and was easy enough to figure out. "How does it work?"
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marcescenx-arc · 2 months
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-- I lied. THIS is the last ooc post for tonight. Like this for me to throw Hero! Tenko into your Muse's inbox! Multis please specify!
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il-mostrc · 2 months
“Margin for error is slim.”
Hannibal keeps his tongue muted, wedged perfectly against the roof of his mouth, as his eyes map out the intricate gatherings of veins, sinew, and pulse points he knows intimately within the photogenic memory of his mind. Even if he chose to bow out of the profession of surgeon, his knife is never dull to the direct areas that make or break the life of a man in distress.
In this instance, it was an acquaintance of hers (@absinthc.) "I am a former surgeon; I know of the margins," he delicately says, his curl of a smile signifying a dry sense of humor laced in the undertones.
"How well do you know this individual?" He speaks as if he's merely putting another slab of meat on the table, cutting away, as this man's life is literally sprawled out in his hands of bright crimson.
To save or not hangs in the air.
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bladesalvation · 8 months
@softersinned asked: how is it you get into these situations so often? (for nihil!)
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"I suppose we could call it luck," The elf gently wiped away the blood from his blade, gliding it along the fabric of his already bloodied pants and merely smearing the crimson liquid about the weapon's edge.
"Why? Not having fun? Prefer the… diplomatic approach?" he queried, glancing back. "By all means, if someone prefers to speak instead of allowing me to handle it…"
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musesofchaos · 10 months
Maori has his tail coiled around Toka and Samaru,,, the middle eldest hatchling trying to leverage his size difference to instinctively protect his younger siblings.... They're all wearing their long sweater-socks,,, Maori's is navy and black with koi and gold,, Toka's is floral petaled and coloured like a sunrise,,, and Samaru's has little fleur-de-lis on an indigo and violet surface,,,. The hatchlings are babbling and hissing,,, wordless babyspeak as they traveled slowly-- when Samaru wants something,, Toka naturally follows and this time Maori came along in the spirit of older sibling protectiveness......
Sasori chuckled at his children’s antics, smile brightening as Akahana excitedly tugs Kurayami along to follow their siblings, hissing excitedly.
“Careful, now.” The puppeteer warns gently, following after them at a level pace. “Don’t want your Papa getting upset with me because you got into something.”
Who would have thought that Sasori of the red sand would be put in a situation like this?
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muttakutagawa · 8 months
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its going to be a long walk home
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feiiizhu · 7 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⟡⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅|| @bolinity - liked!
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓗as anyone ever told you how cute your turtle-duck-butt hair is?❞
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telndas · 12 days
jason’s steps were heavy, each one sinking deep into the damp forest floor as he made his way through the woods. the weight of the bodies slung over his shoulders barely registered anymore, their blood slicking his skin and dripping in a slow, rhythmic pattern. the trees were familiar and forever silent to the violence that unfolded beneath them. he had been out since dawn, hunting intruders who dared to step foot on his land. now, as the sky darkened, tinged with the dying light of day, jason’s focus shifted to one thing—returning to suhani.
the blood was thick and sticky as it pooled down his arms, soaking him. he could feel its tacky pull with every movement, the smell of iron clinging to him like a second skin. the bodies, broken and limp, swayed with his strides, their faces unrecognisable. he paid them no mind now.
the abandoned buildings came into view as he cleared the last line of trees, their crumbling facades a familiar sight. they marked the border of his world and hers, a meeting place where he would always find her waiting. his pace quickened slightly, the tension of the day still clinging to him, not fully shed despite the slaughter.
as jason neared the edge of the clearing, he paused. his eyes scanned the perimeter, searching through the fading light for the familiar figure he always expected to see.
A lithe hand reaches forth, pinching a bright red strawberry between fingertips, before giving a slight tug. The stem rips gently and the strawberry breaks free to be brought up towards the glint of the dying evening sun. Suhani smiles then, before she bites down upon the red flesh and feels the ripened juice fill her mouth. It is sweet with only a little bit of tang to it—something perfect, delectably so. She flicks the empty stem away, over her shoulder, before she begins to pluck more, filling up her hands with the rest.
The air has grown still all the while, carrying no hint of screams upon the wind as it does every so often on bleak days like these. Suhani takes her treasured bundle as she stands to move out from behind the house, away from where the garden sits. It is only then that she spies Jason in the clearing. Hardly a thought is given to what he carries. Often they are all the same to her: those who hardly respect the nature that give them life in the first place. But she sees him, and only him, her smile is a permanent fixture even now.
❛ They have ripened quite beautifully, see? ❜ Suhani says, holding up a strawberry once close enough for him to look for himself. ❛ Here, have a taste. ❜ Held by the stem, she lifts the strawberry up higher, towards his mouth and awaiting the mask to be lifted.
@moonstalk !
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truly-quirkless · 23 days
[@mxndjxcker || Because we are both filthy enablers (/lh).]
First day of school...Fin hadn't really been thinking too much about it, to be honest. Outside of hiding from the kids who went to do their first round of Hero course training, they'd mostly stayed away...until the final bell had rung, and they were all but sure a grand majority of the students had gone home. That was when they'd been wandering the halls of U. A.,...
And spotted a student, still in the halls. Their head tilted slightly, letting their pace increase from its moderately-slow walk to a more average speed.
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"Kid? Whatcha still doin' on school grounds? Didn't th' bells ring...I'unno, an hour ago?" They slipped their phone out of their pocket- eyes sliding over the time before finding the teen's visage again. Their phone was once more pocketed, head tilting slightly to the side. "Y'waitin' on someone?" Although this didn't seem like 'waiting for someone'...
More like 'getting the courage to leave'. But- Fin had never been that good at reading people unless they were actively threatening them, so...who were they to judge?
"...or do y'need a minute...?" They stopped short of the edge of a safe distance, far enough away to quickly leave if it was wanted- or walk closer if they thought it was needed.
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