musesofchaos · 8 months
I will protect you. — to Naruto
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"Sakura?" Blue eyes widen at the sudden sight of pink and red shuffling in front of him. He'd been caught off guard by the enemies last move, getting thrown to the ground and being winded. His fist clenches. "No..." The blonde gets to his feet. Stepping forward to be by her side. Warm hand gently finding her. If she turned to face him, she'd be greeted with a gentle smile. "Let's protect each other, Sakura-chan."
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fighterbound · 7 months
❛ can i ask… what happened? ❜ — to Naruto
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"It ain't worth talkin' bout." The note in his hands is heavy with disappointment. Looking up at the night sky, he heaves a sigh.
"I should've known he wasn't gunna come. Or find some reason not to." He frowns and his fist tightens, crumpling Sasuke's short letter. Shaking his head, he shoves the paper in his pocket and everything else he's holding back.
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"Maybe I should just stop expectin' stuff from him," he mutters.
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usuragan · 11 months
squints. are we about to re-start the favourite student argument miko
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twinuchiha · 8 months
Be still, don't move.
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Kyosuke's skin is stinging, but he does as the medical ninja instructs. Obisidan gems meet sea-green emeralds as the Uchiha pants softly. "Don't worry about me, Sakura. You should go help the others." He tells her gently.
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thousandseal · 2 years
"Sensei! If you could punch any person with no consequences, who would you punch?"
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" anyone with no consequences huh? let me see. . . " she's putting more thought into the question than she probably should be. a teacher should try to give her student the best answer she can right? " now it's a long list, most you're probably won't even know, but if I had to pick maybe one of the elders. yea, one of them no consequences would be pretty nice and it would probably scare the rest of them a little too." a laugh. " don't forget though sakura, if i teach you anything just know, if you get strong enough you could punch anyone with no consequences anyways. "
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Spinning Room [NaruSaku]
@wokasho asked // Feb 19 · 5 days ago
"Is the room spinning right now, or is that just me?" for Naruto♥ hurt comfort starters
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“Well it’s not just you, and I am seeing some weird colours too…” Naruto answered Sakura. Guess it was a bad idea to follow a group of suspicious rogue ninja into an abandoned warehouse, they got caught breathing in some invisible gas.
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ladytsunadehime · 4 months
❝ Who's that? ❞
Send ❝ Who's that? ❞ and my muse will talk about another muse the mun has. || Accepting! || @wokasho
“There is this one muse, Chloe Bourgeois, who Petal absolutely loves but the thinks the writer treats like trash. She’s blonde, mean, and isn’t even a hero! Chloe is a good muse though overall but I’m Petal’s favorite.”
“But Chloe was treated wrong. She deserves to have actual character growth… I don’t particularly care for this other muse but Petal does and when Petal actually uses her multimuse account is when I have to worry.”
“Also I said Chloe isn’t even a super hero… well at one point she messed that up so bad she got her power up item taken away. It’s a bit more complicated then what I know but I think it was unfair all around. I don’t know. I try not to pay to much attention to the bratty, drama queen… even if she can have a heart of gold.”
“Well that’s Chloe for you. She’s a bit of a pain all round. That’s probably whole Petal likes her so much. She likes those morally grey characters who deserve and need second chances.”
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historias-multorum · 7 months
"Hinata! Long time no see! I was starting to wonder when you'd come in to do the necessary check ups. You know, pregnant women should always keep up with their exams!"
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"I'm sorry Sakura." Hinata laughed a little. "I guess with everything going on, the pregnancy took a backseat so to speak. But I did remember today, so I'm here to check on the little one."
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hatredcurse · 10 months
Continued || @wokasho
Suigetsu couldn't help, but hover over her. Not that he had any valuable skills to provide aid to her wounds, other than gawking at it.
"Worried? You are out of your fuckin' mind ??" he fumbled his own words, his attention scanning the area around them," I was told you had to stay in one piece, that includes without scratches."
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@wokasho​ asked: ❛ do you enjoy playing with people’s hearts? ❜ &. 𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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“.... Where’s this coming from, Sakura?” The blonde asked, unsure what brought this on. Sure Ino was aware she might have turned a few heads her way, but she wasn’t that cruel. To believe her best friend thought of her as such really bothered her. “Do you really think so lowly of me that you believe I’d just play around with people’s feelings like that?” She asked, her tone low and hurt. “I may flirt around every once in a while, and go on dates every so often, but I’m just trying to find someone for myself... See if there’s someone I can see myself with in long-term.”  Sasuke having rejected her many advances before had really wounded her, so of course Ino was going to explore other options outside of him. She didn’t see the harm in it, especially when things weren’t serious between her and her past few dates. They were just casual outings for both parties, otherwise they’d have said something, right? “I told you this before, and you didn’t seem bothered then... So when did it change?”
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musesofchaos · 8 months
Did you make this? — to Naruto
from @9thtail
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"You bet I did!" The genin cheers, awfully proud of himself. Blue eyes sparkle as he holds out the homemade cake to his mother. "Only the best cake for the best mom!" Well... a messy cake. The blonde had done his best.
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fighterbound · 7 months
❛ what are you smiling at? ❜ — to Naruto
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Snapped out of his thoughts by the sudden question, an easy smile surfaces as he recognizes Sakura.
"Heh," he snickers," do ya really wanna know?" Smile turning foxlike, he grins at his teammate with all the mischief in the world.
"The second I tell ya, yer gunna be an accomplice if I get caught," he warns with a wagging finger, " so think about your choice Sakura."
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usuragan · 11 months
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9thtail · 11 months
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Neither of us have any sort of luck, do we? You keep the world at bay... But I keep you at bay.
Independent, highly selective, canon-divergent and headcanon-based roleplay blog for Kushina Uzumaki from Naruto. This is a revamp of ofjinchuuriki, and a sideblog to wokasho. Permanent semi-hiatus.
Guidelines. Promo template. Coloring. Written and adored by Miko
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cpirits · 1 year
(( ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴅᴏᴇs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ ʟɪᴇ﹖ ))
[ THE MOUTH ] sharp teeth, sharper tongue, all growl and bark and bite, bite, bite. your power is gritted teeth and set jaws, quick and powerful words, decisive actions. everything you do is so personal and vulnerable - the way you love, the way you are loved, the way you attack, the way you drink in and feast on life.
tagged by: @galaxcias tagging: @kitxkatrp (Koujaku), @nainarufa (Tasuku), @anomieheld, @wokasho
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Rush to Help [NaruSaku]
@wokasho asked // Feb 19 · 5 days ago
"I think I need help" hurt comfort starters
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“It’s that bad, isn’t it?” Naruto frowned at Sakura’s condition, usually she’d be able to cure or heal herself, but this time wasn’t the case. So he picked her up bridal style and headed back to Konoha, he knew who to go to. “Hang in there! I'll get you to Shizune or Granny Tsunade. Would it help if I gave you some of my chakra?”
Naruto while having a lot of chakra, wouldn’t have the patience or precise control to be a medic-nin like Sakura, he’d stick to attacking the enemy and protecting his allies as his role has always been. Still, he assumed as chakra was energy, it would at least help stabilise Sakura and or help with the pain.
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