#vertical radiator leaking
ndpreservation · 1 year
Book Handling and Storage
With proper care, handling, and storage, you can extend the life of your books and preserve them for years of enjoyment. When considering places to house your books, avoid attics, basements, and any other place where humidity and heat can fluctuate wildly. These locations can encourage mold growth, harbor unseen insects and pests, speed up the degradation of acidic paper, and encourage some adhesives used in books to fail. If you wouldn’t be comfortable living in a certain space, neither will your books! Avoid placing your books in bathrooms or kitchens where they will be exposed to increased humidity and water splashes, and avoid locations near radiators and vents where they will be subjected to rapid blasts of heat or cold. 
Likewise, while we might like to live with the blinds open and bask in the glow of the afternoon sun, the covers of some books are easily damaged by regular exposure to sunlight and some types of artificial light.
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Consider placing your books on shelves in hallways, bedrooms, and other areas where light exposure is minimal and temperature and humidity are controlled. 
Store books on shelves off the ground in case of a leak. Avoid shelving books on their fore-edge with their spines facing up as this encourages text blocks to sag and pull away from their covers.
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Average-sized books are best stored upright on shelves alongside similarly sized volumes. If a book is too large to be shelved vertically, place it on its side on a separate shelf with similarly sized books. Avoid placing a very tall tome next to a short book as the larger book will not be well supported and can distort and damage smaller books that it is next to and in some scenarios could possibly tip over. Similarly, fill shelves or use bookends to ensure that books are stored snugly upright rather than leaning, as leaning books are subject to distortion and damage.
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Conversely, avoid packing bookshelves so tightly that force is required when removing them from the shelves, as this too can damage bindings. 
When removing books from their shelves, gently grip the spine at the middle of the book (pushing neighboring books backwards slightly as necessary to allow a grip), instead of tugging at the top of the spine, known as the “headcap”, which is especially vulnerable to damage.
Do this:
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Not this:
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Headcap damage:
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Handle books with clean dry hands, avoiding or being especially careful if eating or drinking while handling books. When reading, it is best to cradle books with the hand or support with other props, as many books are not designed to be opened all the way flat to 180° and can suffer stress and damage if forced to open to a wide angle. Avoid “dog-earing" i.e. fold the corners of pages to mark your spot, highlighting, or writing in books that you wish to preserve. Instead use bookmarks to temporarily hold your place and make sure to remove them when finished reading or doing research, especially when using a library book. Sticky notes, paper clips, or rubber bands can all result in damage: paperclips can rust and leave an indentation on the page; sticky notes can leave a residue; and rubber bands can cause tearing of the pages. Transport books safely by limiting the amount you carry by hand. Support them close to your body in order to avoid dropping the books, which can result in significant damage. 
When needing to store books in boxes for a prolonged period of time, choose alkaline archival storage boxes as the acid from a common cardboard box creates an acidic micro-environment that promotes acid degradation. Additionally, books should either be packed vertically as they would be on a shelf, flat on their covers, or spine down. As when shelving books, avoid storing them on their fore-edges and avoid stacking flat books on top of vertically oriented books. 
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missisjoker · 1 year
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The entrance to the Afterlife Immigration Office was slightly ajar, escaping energy buzzing and radiating through the heavy wooden door, making Lee Yeon miss a step. The usual annoyed and erratic flow of Taluipa’s power was muffled by something overwhelmingly still, like the air before a thunderstorm. There was a tall, slender figure standing next to Taluipa’s table, dressed in a cassock.
 Since when do catholic priests pass through here? That’s new.
The man (a man?) spared him a glance and turned back to Taluipa, “This one won’t do.  I need the pretty one”.
Yeon felt scandalized, “I am pretty!”
The man chuckled at the pouting gumiho,and turned back to the old hag,
“Should I?”
Taluipa all but hissed,
“No need, allow me. Lee Yeon, during the lunar eclipse last Sunday, 13 demons broke the sacred seal and escaped the seventh hell”,
“Fifteen demons,”
“And formed a crack.. “
“A fissure”.
“In the Hell gate. This belligerent angel demands our cooperation in closing it because leaking blight can cause an outbreak around the globe”.
The man – the angel -  nodded, “That part is accurate”.
An angel?
Of course, no one from Joseon world would ever dare to interrupt the guardian of Samdo River so brazenly.
“An angel wearing a human body?”
Lee Yeon strolled slowly to the table, relaxing his shoulders and smiling in curiosity, trying not to give away the cold tingling in his spine. Taluipa was shaking with fury, staring at Yeon unblinking, but the fox’s full attention was on the guest next to her. The man was young, very handsome, nothing visibly extraordinary except for a faint blue gleam of his eyes that only a Gumiho’s vision could notice.
“Borrowing, with the owner’s explicit permission. Can’t go around in my natural form in the age of ticktock.”
Yeon hummed in agreement,
“True. I guess you know who I am?”
“Of course, have been following your work for a while. Big fan, especially that part where you couldn’t kill one imoogi for six hundred years”.
Lee Yeon unsheathed his sword, pointing at the angel.
“How do you want to be split, vertically or horizontally?”
The angel looked unperturbed, then gestured up and down his body, and side to side, musing,
“Horizontally. Now, do we have an agreement?”
“Agreement on what?”
Taluipa let out a heavy sigh, but the angel spoke before her,
“We need a half-blooded gumiho tethered to both worlds to close the fissure, and it’s either your three-year-old daughter or your brother.”
Yeon’s grip on the sword faltered.
“But Rang-ah is dead…He has been reincarnated”.
“His soul is still stuck in that magic purse.”
“It is not his soul, it is his essence…”
The angel’s eyes flashed pale blue, the glow reflected in Talupia’s glasses, making Yeon blink faster,
“Arguing the semantics now, are we? A part of him that gave him life has been given to another child, but his soul is still in that filthy little magic pouch, as it has been for the past 13 years.”
The angel turned to Taluipa who stared back at Yeon, visibly paler.  
“Oh, I’m sorry, was I not supposed to disclose that?”
The angel’s words sunk into Yeon’s stomach like a meal he couldn’t digest.
“I asked you, ajumma”.
Taluipa’s eyes were soft, almost pleading,
“Not now, Yeon”.
“I begged you!”
“Should’ve begged harder, “ – The angel’s words slashed at Yeon and his eyes started burning,
“You have three days.”
Taluipa slammed her hand on the table, making the Gumiho flinch,
“No matter how much you threaten me in my own office, it can’t be done”.
The air suddenly shifted around them and grew colder,  viscous like tree sap, drawing out all noises, leaving only the muffled beating of Yeon’s heart echoing in his ears, and a sudden rush of fear made Yeon’s hackles rise. The angel never moved, never raised his voice, the sound of it floating around them like a wisp of smoke, but it still knocked the breath out of Yeon’s chest.
“So far, all I did was ask politely, but if you lie to me again, I will shatter you like glass and piss on your bones. That was a threat, feel the difference?”
Taluipa stumbled backwards and grabbed onto a chair to stop herself from falling, but Yeon didn’t care.
“Is it possible? Is bringing Rang-ah back possible?“
“Once his soul is free from that purse,”
- the angel spat the word as if it left a bitter taste in his mouth,
“the spark of life can be replaced to resurrect him. If your side can’t provide one – I will”.
“Why are you so hellbent on getting my brother?”
“Hellbent?” The corners of the angel’s mouth curled up in a smile as Yeon shrugged,
“You know what I mean”.
“This office with astonishingly subpar performance needs a well-trained guardian that can do his job, and your brother is a great candidate. He came to me once, but I wasn’t convinced he deserved the intervention. Luckily for both of you, I’ve since changed my mind.”
“He came to a church to pray?”
“I wouldn’t exactly call that a prayer. He was shamelessly drunk, broke into the church in the dead of night, scared the nuns, and asked my priest for a way to get you back to him. Even promised he’d serve our Lord for all eternity. It was very touching, I almost shed a tear. And after he sacrificed his life for yours,  I’ve decided he deserved another chance.”
“But it’s been 13 years!”
“Is he my brother or yours?”
Yeon stayed silent as the angel continued,
“I’ve been busy. But, now the time has come. Besides, I doubt you’ll willingly agree to have your toddler close the fissure instead, and I’d rather not kill a member of endangered species. And the only alternative to the binding spell is divine judgment.”
“Divine judgment?”
The angel shrugged,
“I nuke the city.”
Taluipa, who had been forgotten for a moment, stared at the angel in horror,
“You will kill many innocents in the process!”
“You let three hundred innocents die by imoogi’s plague to save one woman’s life. Do not lecture me”.
The woman straightened her shoulders and smoothed non-existent wrinkles on her vest, regaining her posture.
“I will ask king Yeomra”.
“And I appreciate that.”
The angel moved so fast Yeon had to fox-run to catch up to him outside,
“Is it going to kill him?”
“The binding spell, is it going to kill him?”
The angel stopped,
“No, but it will hurt like a bitch”.
“And when it’s done, what then? “
The angel gave Yeon a long, stern look,
“Why are you so hellbent on NOT having him back?”
Lee Yeon swallowed hard, Rang-ah’s Bye, huyung, clawing at  his heart again, making the old wound bleed, 
“I would love nothing more than to see Rang-ah again, but I don’t want him to be locked in a slave contract with you”.
The angel waved him off,  
“It is not a slave contract, it’s not even a full-time job offer. More of a …. Retainer in case of future emergencies.”
“And if he refuses?”
“He won’t; that boy was born to be a hero. I expect great things from him.”
“He is only half-blood, what if he can’t… “
“Why would I doubt him? Faith is my business.”
With that the angel looked up to the sky and nodded Yeon goodbye,
“Now if you’ll excuse me,”
And suddenly the heavy presence was gone, the pressure lifted and the sounds of a busy city reached Yeon’s ears again.
He found himself standing face-to-face with one very, very confused priest.
“Oh, sorry, she does that sometimes.”
“Yes, the angel you’ve just spoken to. So, um, I’m Father Yohan. Would you mind if I use your phone to call a taxi?”
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lcatala · 1 year
Paratopos #28
Preliminary report on investigation of Paratopos #28, authored by ███████████ for ██████. Authorized personnel only. Document not to be altered or removed from ███████████. Copies and note-taking prohibited.
██/██/████: group of teenagers from ████████████ disappeared while exploring local woodland. Search parties organized. Resulted only in number of search volunteers going missing too.
Professional reinforcement brought in. Discovered entrance of concrete tunnel on side of hill at coordinates ██████████ ██████████, not on local maps. Witnesses described tunnel as "unnaturally" dark. Flashlights unable to get past entrance. Several people attempted to explore. Disappeared from view few meters in, ceased to respond to radio. None returned.
Over possibility of toxic gas leak or similar hazard, authorities had surrounding area evacuated and contacted ████████████████████. █████████████ was able to intercept file and pass it on to us.
Team sent to investigate. Location subsequently categorized as Paratopos #28.
Seemingly man-made concrete tunnel with square opening, 2.5 meters/8.2 feet across, 2 meters/6.5 feet vertically, running straight into hill. No path leads to tunnel, area mostly covered in trees and shrubs. Access difficult.
Strong shifting electromagnetic field radiating from tunnel. 5 meters/16 feet from entrance, magnetic compasses become erratic, start pointing toward Paratopos #28 instead of north pole.
No other anomaly detectable near entrance of tunnel. Air, flora and soil samples all normal. Insect life unperturbed.
Confirmed earlier eyewitness testimonies of impenetrable darkness rendering inside of tunnel unobservable. Any light ray entering tunnel dims quickly, vanishes couple of meters in. No difference with powerful artificial lighting. No difference depending on time of day or weather situation.
Occultation phenomenon, or related one, also affects sound. No sound heard coming out of tunnel. No audible impact when throwing objects into occultation zone.
Initial speculation of ideal black-body combined with extremely efficient noise-cancellation, perhaps meant as advanced cloaking device, falsified when occultation discovered to affect only direct biological observers.
No occultation when looking at Paratopos #28 thru recording device, analog or digital, on any kind of light spectrum, or even at reflection of entrance in mirror. Sounds from tunnel can be captured with microphone and then heard as playback, either live or from recording. Might also be possible to directly hear echos of sounds coming from tunnel, but surrounding geography not conductive to experiment. Could be confirmed with parabolic reflector.
No measurable effect can be linked to phenomenon. All readings from entrance normal apart from electromagnetic activity. Possibility of induced illusion. Unseen device affecting human brains directly to erase perception of inside of Paratopos #28. Exact mechanism unclear. No maximal perimeter observed. Occultation persists as long as tunnel in direct line of sight. Source lighting inside tunnel can't be seen directly, but objects outside tunnel in path of light appear illuminated.
ECGs performed on site indicate slightly decreased activity in parietal, temporal and occipital regions of subjects looking directly at Paratopos #28. PET and fMRI required for more reliable data.
Observation thru equipment revealed bare concrete tunnel. No discernible sections. 50 meters/55 yards in length. Ground flat and mostly clean near entrance. Covered with increasing amount of concrete fragments further in. Unclear origin. No visible damage on ceiling except at far end, where partial collapse has occurred and hidden most of exit from view.
Partially visible exit shows daylight and plant life similar to entrance side. Trying to access tunnel from other side proved impossible. Hill no more than 6 meters/20 feet high at peak, but much larger than tunnel is long. Theoretical position of exit in impossible location.
Speculation that exit actually underground room made to look like outside ruled out by exploratory digging. Excavating soil where exit should be revealed only more soil. Trench reached 20 meters/22 yards into expected location of tunnel without encountering anything.
Possible explanations include induced hallucination also affecting recording equipment (cf. Paratopos #23), stable wormhole (cf. Paratopos #17), or altered physical geometry (cf. Paratopos #6, #11 and #13). Digging halted due to potential risk of wormhole collapse (see Paratopos #17 Disaster, file ████████).
Exploration technically challenging. Frequency and intensity of electromagnetic field rise quickly deeper into tunnel. Significant interference with radio-transmission. Radio-guided robots become unresponsive inside occultation zone. Robots linked by cable to control-station perform better. However, past 22 meters/24 yards, frequency of magnetic field becomes high enough to induce currents and fry unshielded electronics.
Robots designed for exploration of radioactive environment able to progress up to 43 meters/47 yards into tunnel before dying. Further shielding theoretically possible, but would hit significant diminishing return on weight and necessary weak points (control and power cable, recording equipment).
All samples from robots normal. No contaminant, toxin, pathogen or other hazard detected at significant levels. Temperature, pressure and humidity all normal. Wall samples ordinary concrete with no special property. Walls themselves self-healing. Sample sites undetectable after 36 hours. Concrete debris within tunnel fused to each other and to ground. Process similar to cold welding. Successfully replicated experimentally within tunnel.
Direct recordings of shifting frequencies of magnetic field showed highly erratic patterns. Later demonstrated by higher-dimensional analysis to be governed by two strange attractors with riddled basins. Significance unknown. Far enough into tunnel, field produces ionizing radiations. Measurements indicate lethal amount of exposure to humans within hours at 36 meters/39 yards, within minutes at 41 meters/45 yards. Recovered samples only mildly radioactive.
Light and weather pattern on exit side not always consistent with entrance side. Ambient light on exit side dims then brightens on 38 hour cycle. Never fully reaches full night obscurity level. Lowest point similar to sunset, but noticeable purple tinge. Unpredictable EMPs can occur during this phase, damaging equipment beyond normally safe distance. No precipitation or wind observed at any point. Plant life static. No growth, weathering or shifting observable on time-lapse recordings.
Attempts at acquiring plant samples from exit side using mechanical telescopic arm containing no electrical part. ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████ ███████████████████████████████████████ Nature of these plants remains speculative pending successful acquisition of sample. Almost certainly not what they seem to be.
Tests using animal subjects conducted. Outside of tunnel, animals sensitive to occultation phenomenon same way humans are. Other tested senses similarly obliterated by tunnel. Professionally trained detector dogs unable to locate target objects placed few meters within tunnel. Animals placed inside tunnel appear to suffer no perceptual impairment over sight, sound or other senses. Can perceive things both inside and outside tunnel without assistance.
Mentally, animals in tunnel sluggish and passive. Still responding to stimuli but not taking any initiative. Trained animals respond to commands, but with lowered ability to follow complex instructions. Tendency to mindlessly pursue current task. Effect scales linearly with complexity of nervous system. Simpler animals less affected. Arthropods show only subtle amounts of diminished mental capacity. Cnidarians show none that can be significantly measured.
Animals back from tunnel return to prior state. No sign of psychological disturbance. No sign of physical harm. No later development of ailment out of statistical ordinary. Exception for animals pushed far enough into tunnel. Show usual symptoms of acute radiation poisoning.
Human tests conducted. Human test subjects equipped with radiation-shielding suits and tethered to outside for additional safety. Humans entering tunnel display same mental sluggishness and diminished initiative as animals. Become highly suggestible. Mindlessly execute commands given to them that don't involve direct personal harm. Speech becomes erratic on discourse-consistency level. Subjects prompted to talk about particular topic will forget said topic after three or four sentences. Go only by associative reasoning with previous sentence. Sometimes switch mid sentence to entirely different idea. Speech generally devoid of metaphor and abstraction. Attempt to communicate with test subjects using metaphors, similes, allusions or other rhetorical effects result in literal interpretation. Answer to questions often incoherent, only tenuously connected to subject of inquiry. Speech devoid of affect, empathy. Emotions almost entirely absent. Temporal reasoning highly diminished. All sentences in simple present tense. No distinction between states, processes and events.
Spatial and temporal reasoning also impaired in task execution. Generally unable to execute complex task requiring more than two steps, unless given instructions at each step. Particularly poor performance on tasks requiring precision and intentionality, or outside normal training. Routine tasks and reflex actions unaltered, possibly enhanced. Poor proprioception. Individuals respond well to commands to move specific body parts, but great difficulty if asked to describe own movements and position.
Maximum safe distance within tunnel 25 meters/27 yards. Individuals beyond no longer consistently respond to commands. Have tendency to spontaneously walk toward other end of tunnel. Need to be forcibly pulled back with tether.
Individuals back from tunnel report memory loss about entire stay within Paratopos #28. Not loss-of-time experience similar to sleeping or general anesthesia. More akin to blanking out when driving car. Individuals aware on some level of passed time. Unable to give precise estimate. Aware that they were wakeful participants in series of events. But lack perceptual recollection of said events.
█████████████ advanced hypothesis of Paratopos #28 as qualia antagonist. If confirmed, would be strong evidence in favor of panpsychism, idea that consciousness is inherent property of matter, rather than emergent property of complex nervous systems.
No trace of missing persons. Presumed dead. Recovery of bodies highly unlikely.
Risk assessment and containment policy:
No apparent danger of short term contamination. Paratopos #28 extremely stable and self-contained. Magnetic field active within very tight perimeter. No detectable expansion or contraction during entire period of investigation. No unusual activity outside of EMPs during "sunset" phase. Self-healing capabilities make infiltration and/or dispersal of material unlikely.
Longer term risk hard to assess. Underlying mechanisms not understood. Possible conditions of change unknown. Hard-to-monitor exit with unknown location leaves open possibility of hazardous material or entities spilling thru with no prior warning.
Recommend addition of sealable reinforced gate over entrance, to keep locked outside of testing periods. Build secure facility directly around entrance.
Recommend exclusion zone at least 2km/1.2 miles in radius around Paratopos #28, with extensive 24/7 monitoring. Facilities built on site should be properly concealed.
Information containment:
Back official version of toxic gas leak and long-term contamination of site.
Discredit alternative theories in public eyes by supplying select influential conspiracy theorists with poor quality forgeries of leaked documents linking site to aliens, secret government testing facility, giant race, satanism, Hollywood elites, hollow Earth, flat Earth, etc.
Covertly expose intruders to non-lethal dose of ██████████████████ before sending to military hospital and make press statements about recklessness, dangers to public health, etc.
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terrifyingdream · 2 years
this is probably the longest wip i have. very old garbage.
The pale light was near, they could already see the faint glow that was radiating from him. Siblings fell left and right, none were strong enough. After what seemed like endless platforms and some important lore dialogue they missed, they arrived at the bridge-like platform. They were standing at the top of the abyss, they did it. With heavy steps they walked out of the door, they could make their father proud. But instead of the king, they were looking at their kin in the blank eye sockets. They didn’t understand, they were the one who arrived at the top, not their sibling. Then the pale light mumbles something to them, showing no regret or emotions as he points at the vessel.
“Kill it.”
Their world turned black, as a thin sword was slashed through their tiny body, ripping them in half. Void leaked out of them, their shell deflating slowly like a balloon. Their cloak began dissolving into little pieces and their mask split in two. The king and his knights left the abyss that day, leaving thousands of restless souls behind. It pained the king, but he didn’t let anyone see. It is how he always says, No cost too great.
“Hornet, why don't you go to your room and play with your toys? Daddy's got an important meeting today.”
Letting out a whine, the little child stomped into their room. After the door was closed the girl slid it down, crossing her tiny arms and legs. She seemed to be grumbling something under her breath, but stopped as she heard shuffling in front of her. The kid looked up, to meet empty eye sockets of another child, studying her every move. Hornet yelped quietly, jumping up. The other flinched back too, startled at her sudden movement. With curiosity, she studied the big vertical crack in the middle of their face.
“How’d you get these cracks? They look cool.”, the child asked the stranger, not caring if her question was considered rude or not.
They only tilted their head as an answer. Hornet wasn’t sure what it could mean.
“Canya ‘least tell me your name?”
Again the blank stare that drilled itself into her head. It reminded the girl of Holly, her half sibling. Sadly she never gets the chance to play with them, they're too busy training.
“Okay then, I’m gonna call you Ghost, alright?”, she asked again, and got a clear answer this time. A nod.
“Can you speak, Ghost?”
They shook their head, seeming disappointed, like they had made Hornet sad with their answer.
But she was quickly responding, “That’s fine. My big sibling Holly can’t speak either. But they’re a great fighter! And you kind of look like them, so that means, logically, that you’ll be fighting very well too.”
Ghost didn’t think the girl’s theory was true in any way, but they still nodded along.
“Do you think we could then train together? I’m sure you’ll fight wonderfully.”
The other shook their head, earning a childish whine and a ‘why’ from Hornet. They answered her question by walking into the small wooden desk. The hard material passed right through them, and they walked until they were on the other side of the furniture.
The girl didn’t seem to get the message though, her eyes lit up, and she gleefully asked, “Whoa! That’s cool, can you teach me that?”
They shook their head and looked around in the girl’s room, searching for something that could help them explain to her why. They saw several drawings on the floor and continued looking, until one drawing caught their eye. It was a picture of a knight slaying a monster, or so the child assumed, Hornet didn’t draw clearly enough. But Ghost didn’t seem to mind, they walked to the drawing and pointed at it, the girl beginning to tell her wild guesses.
“You’re a knight! No... A dragon? What do you mean no, you’re pointing at the dragon!”
The other frantically pointed at the eyes of the monster which were comically large crosses. Hornet’s voice dropped significantly quieter.
“Oh... You- you're dead? Sorry…”
She walked closer to the child, looking down at the drawing, and proposed an idea, “Do you think if I'll change the eyes, you will be alive too?”
They simply shook their head. A simple gesture that hid so much pain and agony, so much sadness and betrayal. Hornet didn’t notice the black liquid running down their face, until one drop after another fell onto the paper, staining it black. She looked at the other, and in an act of childish innocence, she hugged Ghost. At first, both were surprised to be able to touch each other, but soon, Hornet’s warm embrace calmed the crying child down. They will stay like that for some time, as long as it takes for their tears to stop.
The girl’s dress was probably completely covered in the strange black liquid, but she didn’t care, she could change later. Right now her friend needs comfort, and she will provide.
Ghost was running away, the threat right behind them. They knew their enemy was faster, it would soon get to them. They slid around the corner, but the threat wasn’t losing their track. It got closer and closer, until-
“Tag, you’re it!”, Hornet exclaimed and dashed back, running in the opposite direction they were sprinting.
Ghost immediately turned around and chased the girl, who was giggling like a little demon. She was looking behind herself, opened the front half of her mask and showed them her tongue in a mocking way while continuing to run. She then closed her mask again and began facing the direction she was sprinting. However, Hornet still managed to bump into one of the bugs waiting outside the meeting room.
“Whoa there, princess, why in such a rush?”
“Hey Quirrel! I’m playing tag with my friend!”, she answered, stopping.
The girl then turned around and declared to what seemed to be the air that the pillbug was a safe-zone and that they couldn’t catch her any more. He looked at the child, who could read the confusion in his eyes.
“Yeah, no one can see them... But they kinda look like Holly-”
“Pure Vessel”, Quirrel corrected the kid, but was ignored.
“They kinda look like Holly, and they are really nice to me and play games with me. Do you wanna play too?”, Hornet asked the older bug and looked up to him, while Ghost, although they couldn’t be seen, did the same.
“I am afraid I can not. Madam Monomon could emerge out of the room anytime, and as her scholar and assistant I can’t just leave her.”
“Okay, boomer.”
Quirrel’s face changed at the child’s words. He took a deep breath, planning to lecture the girl about manners.
“I don’t think that’s very polite of you. You should be studying your manners, you are very rude for such a small child.”
Hornet had to suppress a giggle as she answered, “And you’re very boring for an adult.”
The girl could see Ghost in the corner of her eyes, shoulders shaking and their hands in front of where their mouth was supposed to be. They seemed to be laughing, in their own, voiceless kind. Quirrel was speechless, staring at the small child in front of him.
“Gotta go play tag again, bye Quirrel!”
With that, Hornet ran off, giggling, and dashed around the corner, away from the pillbug’s vision.
“I’m bored.”, the girl declared as they were in her room again.
Ghost just nodded and got startled as Hornet let out a loud gasp.
“We can go to the training grounds! I’m not allowed there though, but that never stopped me!”
Slightly concerned, the child followed their friend out of her room. The girl had to hide a few times to not get spotted by the servants, while Ghost could just stand there, passively watching the bugs going on with their daily activities, without being seen. One time, she almost got caught, but the other child quickly pulled her behind a big plant. They both snuck out to the training grounds and hid in bushes. They saw The Pure Vessel, training with one of the five great knights; Mysterious Ze’mer. The vessel was fighting rather good, but not as graceful and fluent as the knight, they fought like a machine, she, like it was a familiar dance. She managed to strike them down, helping the vessel up soon after.
“Le’mer did a good job fighting, but che’ woulds’t recommend, Le’mer fights more graceful”, she praised, and the kids in the bushes could barely understand her accent.
Ze’mer handed them their weapon and got into position again. Both parties drew their weapons in sync, and so, a dance of nails began. The Pure Vessel lunged forward and the knight sidestepped the attack, her countering slash got dodged the same way. The vessel teleported away and reappeared over the knight, who managed to put her weapon between them just in time, successfully avoiding the hit. She jumped backwards a bit, and sidestepped every other attack, just like she said the Pure Vessel should. She moved gracefully, like the spar was a familiar dance.
“She has to dodge the attacks of Holly and then find an opening to strike, they are too fast otherwise.”, Hornet whispered, probably explaining to Ghost why the knight couldn’t attack that much.
They nodded in acknowledgement, and the children resumed watching. The taller one could see the sparkle in the girl’s eyes as she watched the fighters move around. The Pure Vessel slashed three times towards Ze’mer, who caught their blade with hers, and pushed upwards, bringing the vessel out of balance. She took the opportunity to bring her opponent to the ground, winning again.
“Le’mer gets better! Che’ is proud, Le’mer will win against che’ soon,”, she praised again, and turned around towards the bushes, “and che’ thinks the princess woulds’t be pleased to watch more close.”
The leaves rustled and the girl popped out.
She let out an amazed gasp and asked with sparkling eyes, “Whoa! How’d you know I was there?”
“Che’ coulds’t see the princess in her hideout”, the knight answers.
“You’re cool. But Holly’s cool too!”
“Ai, che’ thanks for the compliment, and che’ is sure the Pure Vessel woulds’t too”, Ze’mer replied, the child’s eyes glowing up more at her words.
“When I grow up,”, Hornet began, the sparkle still present in her eyes, “I’m gonna be just like you and Holly!”
The Pure Vessel reached down and patted the princess on her head. She put her hands on top of theirs, patting it in return. Ghost too, pat the hand of the vessel, surprised by how they didn’t pass through them like with anyone else except Hornet. They thought to see confusion in the taller’s empty eyes for a split second as their hands touched. After some seconds they pulled away though, straightening their posture again, and motioned Hornet to sit on the bench that was near. They drew their weapon and Ze’mer did the same.
“If you don’t mind me asking, your majesty, are buzzsaws really necessary? Are that many saws good for the economy?”, Monomon asked, raising one of her tentacles.
The Pale King answered quickly. “I understand your concern, Madam Monomon, but we assure you, buzzsaws are very necessary for the safety of the palace and Hallownest.”
“I understand, but my king, do we really need 250?”
“Yes we do, and it’s 243, not 250. And that’s only for the main rooms.”
Herrah unnoticeably rolled her eyes and mumbled, “243 too much…”
Then she sat up properly, ready for what the king had to say next. Lurien sat even straighter than Herrah thought was possible and Monomon put her tentacle down.
“Now, let’s get to the real reason I called you here, and the last topic we will discuss in this meeting,”, the wyrm started and walked away from the whiteboard portraying a buzzsaw and its pros, “the progress of the Pure Vessel. Like we assumed, the training is going fast, it is getting stronger. But the time is short, if the Pure Vessel isn’t ready in approximately one year, we have to resort to you three. I believe you are already informed on what will happen when the time comes? Be ready anytime.”
The Pale King clapped two of his six hands together and ended the meeting. The three dreamers walked, or floated in Monomon’s case out of the room. They saw Quirrel leaning on the wall, reading a book and Hornet sitting on the floor, drawing something. Upon hearing her mother appear, the girl jumped up and happily showed her mother the picture. It was a messy drawing of Hornet, her mother and a third bug, Herra couldn’t recognise.
The woman scooped her child up and asked her, already walking to the exit of the palace, “Who is the third bug in the picture, honey?”
The girl giggled and replied happily, “They’re my friend! I met them today, and they’re really nice and played with me! We even watched Holly train!”
“Really? Can I meet them?”, Herrah asked, walking to the tram to Deepnest.
“No, sorry,”, her child replied, suddenly looking sad, “they told me they died and no one can see them, but we can touch each other, that’s why I am wearing my pink dress, they cried some black goo all over my red one.”, she stopped a second time, her face softened, “But that’s fine, I like them. They are nice. I hope one day you’re gonna be able to see them too.”
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sunfiber · 7 days
HDPE Spiral Tank Manufacturer
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Sunfiber is a Manufacturer of HDPE Spiral Tank in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Our Registered Office and Manufacturing Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. An HDPE spiral tank is a type of storage tank made from High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) using a spiral-winding construction method. Available types of Tanks are Vertical Closed Tank, Horizontal Closed Tank, Tanker, Conical Bottom Tank, Conical Top Tank, Open Top Tank, and Underground Storage Tank. Features: Spiral Winding Technology: Provides a seamless and leak-proof construction, enhancing the tank’s strength and durability. High-Density Polyethylene Material: Ensures resistance to chemicals, corrosion, and UV radiation, extending the lifespan of the tank. Customizable Sizes and Capacities: Available in a range of sizes to meet various storage needs, from small-scale applications to large industrial demands. Temperature Resistance: Withstands extreme temperatures, making it suitable for both hot and cold storage requirements.Easy Installation: Lightweight and designed for straightforward installation, reducing labor and transportation costs Applications: Chemical & Process Fertilizers Textile Processing Petrochemicals Pulp & Paper Industries Pharmaceuticals Salt & Marine Food & Beverages Steel Industries Sunfiber is a Manufacturer of HDPE Spiral Tank in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India and Supplier in Karnataka including locations Bangalore, Mysore, Hubballi-Dharwad, Kalaburagi, Mangalore, Belagavi, Davanagere, Bellary, Vijayapura, Shimoga, Tumkur, Raichur, Bidar, Udupi, Hospet, Gadag-Betageri, Robertsonpet, Hassan, Bhadravati, Chitradurga, Kolar, Mandya, Chikmagalur, Gangavati, Bagalkot, Ranebennuru, Arsikere. Feel free to contact us for more information and inquiries. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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whitecloverwrites · 3 months
Fly (short story)
A fly was barreling through the air. It swerved through towering shrubbery, barely registering the kaleidoscope of green, before the inevitable crash. Thick threads clinging to its torso left it belly-up and staring at...well
At a vast, clear blue sky it had never seen before. Every facet of its vision had smoothed together into quite the image.
Two seconds was all it took.
Suddenly the fly was aware. Without the steady rush of movement and mess and sensation, it was now free to realize that it was a fly. This clarity allowed him to feel the body he controlled in a rather detailed fashion. To be aware of one's body was, as it turned out, extremely unpleasant.
Each individual hair on his thorax thrummed with its own burning, crawling itch. A full-body twitch sloshed the liquid innards filling his joints. Wings, were they meant to be so thin? How had he flown up until now? Rather, how long had he been flying? It seemed "flies" had awful memory. Surely he could remember this view, with enough focus.
Soon, the sky was blocked by a smooth black galaxy. It radiated the presence of another creature. The something caged him in.
His world now felt much smaller than the sky had. Just enough to cradle what he believed could be his second ever memory. The fly reached out with everything he could, hoping to melt away his creaking discomfort.
At first touch, the something quickly receded. The fly held his breath and let another twitch wrack his body. After a long moment, it dove in to fill his vision. Everything was once again smooth.
The pressure of his organs relaxed in cool outside air; a definite *poc* punctured his body with a sharp maw. He eagerly waited for it to tear through the rest of him. A smooth vertical gash would do nicely for his health. He wondered how a fly might go about speaking, and how it should ask for all its raw-feeling hairs to be tugged out.
He waited. The droplet of proteins that leaked out of him left his legs deflated enough to stop twitching.
Nothing happened for slightly too long. A life buffeted by constant survival and kinetic confusion easily filled the gaps in his thoughts with fear. He could not fathom why his hairs now screamed. Everything was buzzing. This situation would amount to nothing. It could simply never be enough.
He had no idea what enough looked or felt like.
He tensed and sprang away from whatever had just happened to him. Surrounded by a revolving wall of leaves, the memory of it was rapidly smearing away.
The tiny weeping hole in his everything and the colour blue remained. Two more things to be aware of did not particularly ease his discomfort.
He wondered how long a fly lives.
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ronaldweissplumbing · 11 months
Navigating NYC's Urban Plumbing Landscape: Common Plumbing Problems and Solutions
Navigating NYC’s Urban Plumbing Landscape: Common Plumbing Problems and Solutions
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1. Aging Pipes and Infrastructure
Challenge: Many NYC buildings have aging plumbing infrastructure, leading to issues like corrosion, leaks, and reduced water quality.
Solution: Ronald D. Weiss Plumbing offers comprehensive inspections to identify aging components. Their experts provide tailored solutions, including pipe repairs, replacements, and preventative maintenance, ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing system.
2. High-Rise Plumbing Challenges
Challenge: High-rise buildings face unique challenges related to water pressure, drainage, and potential pipe leaks.
Solution: Ronald D. Weiss Plumbing specializes in addressing the specific needs of high-rise plumbing systems. They implement solutions such as booster pump installations, drainage optimizations, and regular maintenance to overcome challenges associated with vertical plumbing.
3. Clogged Drains and Sewer Backups
Challenge: The density of NYC living can lead to frequent drain clogs and sewer backups, causing inconvenience and potential property damage.
Solution: Ronald D. Weiss Plumbing provides efficient solutions for drain clogs and sewer backups. Their skilled technicians utilize advanced techniques for clearing blockages and conduct thorough inspections to identify and address the root causes.
4. Water Heater Issues
Challenge: Inconsistent hot water supply, leaks, and noisy water heaters are common problems in NYC buildings.
Solution: Ronald D. Weiss Plumbing specializes in water heater services, offering installations, repairs, and maintenance. They ensure your water heating system operates efficiently, providing a reliable and consistent supply of hot water.
5. Radiator Malfunctions
Challenge: Radiators are essential for heating NYC homes, and malfunctions can lead to uneven heating or complete system failures.
Solution: Ronald D. Weiss Plumbing’s expert technicians excel in radiator installations, repairs, and efficiency assessments. They ensure your heating system operates optimally, keeping your home warm during the chilly NYC winters.
6. Emergency Plumbing Services
Challenge: Plumbing emergencies can happen at any time, requiring immediate attention to prevent further damage.
Solution: Ronald D. Weiss Plumbing offers 24/7 emergency plumbing services. Their rapid response team is equipped to handle urgent plumbing issues, providing peace of mind to NYC residents.
Living in the fast-paced environment of New York City requires a plumbing partner who understands the unique challenges of urban living. Ronald D. Weiss Plumbing is that partner, offering tailored solutions for common plumbing problems in NYC. From aging infrastructure to high-rise challenges, clogged drains, water heater issues, radiator malfunctions, and emergency services, they have the expertise to keep your plumbing in optimal condition. Contact Ronald D. Weiss Plumbing to navigate NYC’s urban plumbing landscape and ensure a seamless and efficient plumbing system. Visit their website at https://ronalddweissplumbing.com/common-plumbing-problems-in-nyc/ to learn more about how they can address common plumbing issues in your NYC residence. Ronald D. Weiss Plumbing is your dedicated partner for reliable and effective plumbing solutions in the city that never sleeps.
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waterheaterservice · 1 year
Elac water heater service in Chennai
Elac Water Heater Repair and Service Chennai
Elac water heaters are guaranteed to deliver excellent and satisfactory performance. Elac water heaters are made suitable for wall mounting. Floor/loft mounting types can be supplied to specific orders. Water heaters supplied in either a vertical or horizontal configuration are suitable for pressurized installation only.In all models, the pipe carrying the threaded coupling on which the P.R. valve is mounted (usually on the right side when standing facing the radiator) is the INLET and the other pipe is the OUTLET in all models.
Features and Specifications
Capacity (in litres) - 6 Ltr, 10 Ltr, 15 Ltr, 25 Ltr, 35 Ltr, 50, etc
Input (In kllo-watts) - 2 kw
Element - Copper Sheathed tubular mineral filled type giving maximum efficiency and durability
Thermostat - Microgap model stem type adjusted from 30° = 75°
Safety cutout - Manual resetting of type at 90°
Inner Container - Copper 99% purity or Stainless steel 304 L
Insulation - PUF (Poly urathanefoam)
Pressure rate - 30 N/㎠ / 50 N/㎠
Waterheated - 30 metres
Outer Container - Mild steel (Powder Coated) after anti-corrossive.
Pretreatment Alternatively- Stainless steel against Specific request
If you Elac water heater breaks down, you should contact Elac water heater service in Chennai.
Major Water Heater Problems
Your thermostat could be set too low, meaning your burner isn't producing enough energy to heat the water fast enough. You may also have problems with your gas connection, such as poor gas pressure, dirty vent pipes, or dirty burner holes that prevent proper gas flow.
If the water begins to become cloudy or rusty, this could be a warning signal that your water heater is corroded. If your water heater begins to corrode, rust can build up quite quickly, causing the water to become discolored and taste bad. While it may not be harmful, this rust can damage your device.
Why Choose us
Sri Vinayaka Agency is the best Elac water heater service in Chennai offering a full range of water heater repair and maintenance services.We have a large base of satisfied customers because we believe in fast, door-to-door, affordable, and reliable services. water heaters of all brands, models, and capacities can be easily installed, repaired, and maintained by us.
There could be several problems with your water heaters or geysers such as a lack of hot water or insufficient hot water, a faulty thermostat or electrical unit, a leaking water tank, short circuit in the outlet.The company has a highly-equipped facility with trained mechanics delivering 100% Reliability, Quality, and Affordability.
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jishithasenthil · 1 year
Aluminum Filler Neck and Cap
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There are several series of auto paddings. If the tank is full also the padding neck most likely breaks when energy leaks. Fillers will rust or look worn over time, performing in the need to lift the body or cut new paddings for installation.
Caps Neck solves these problems by replacing the uncolored vertical part that's rusting. Our infinitesimal number 13 range of paddings will replace a part designed for a failing tank. The aluminum filler neck and cap` tackle includes the necessary hoses and pressure needles made of clamps and polluted hoses to insure long service life.
Our Filling Block is available in Series I with a wide variety of 1- 2 compasses and is delivered within a many days depending upon the position. We've quality pollutants for everything from paddings to radiators, caps and tank accouterments . We try to follow automotive fluid recommendations and use artificial accouterments , spark entrapments and indeed radiators for stylish results. We strive to make sure your auto runs impeccably!
Below is the area unit number from our I Series product list
NI- 1205
NI- 1541
external Periphery1.75 in.
Height0.95 in.
Inner Periphery1.2 Inch.
Material Steel
NI- 2682
external Periphery1.75 in.
Height0.97 Inch
Inner Diameter1.2 Inch.
Material Steel
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megaplast3 · 1 year
Secondary Containment In The Petrochemical Industry
The petrochemical industry involves producing and transporting various chemicals and liquids that can pose a significant threat to the environment if they are not properly contained. Here, secondary containment comes into play. Secondary containment is the practice of providing a backup system to prevent the escape of hazardous materials in the event of a primary containment system failure. In the petrochemical industry, secondary containment is essential to ensure the safety of employees, protect the environment, and prevent financial losses due to spills and leaks.
There are several different types of secondary containment systems available, but one of the most popular options is the use of geomembranes. Geomembranes are synthetic membranes used to line the floors and walls of containment areas to prevent liquids from escaping. Two common types of geomembranes used in the petrochemical industry are LLDPE smooth geomembranes and HDPE textured geomembranes.
LLDPE smooth geomembranes are made from linear low-density polyethene and are known for their smooth surface. These geomembranes are ideal for secondary containment applications where there is a need for high chemical resistance, flexibility, and UV resistance. They are commonly used in industries such as agriculture, mining, and chemical manufacturing.
The LLDPE smooth geomembrane is specifically designed for waste containment applications that typically demand greater flexibility and elongation. With its exceptional tensile properties and flexibility, this product is an ideal solution for various waste containment applications, such as landfill caps, leach pads, and portable water containment.
HDPE textured geomembranes, on the other hand, are made from high-density polyethene and have a rough, textured surface. This texture provides additional friction and allows for better grip, making them ideal for use in sloping or vertical applications. HDPE textured geomembranes are commonly used in industries such as waste management, mining, and petrochemicals. Like LLDPE smooth geomembranes, you also have the option of Megaplast HDPE smooth and textured geomembranes.
When selecting a geomembrane for secondary containment applications, it is necessary to consider several factors. These include the chemical resistance of the geomembrane, its flexibility, its resistance to UV radiation, and its ability to withstand abrasion and punctures. It is also important to consider the testing and certification of geomembranes for use in specific applications, as well as the importance of proper installation to prevent leaks.
Improper installation of geomembranes can have serious consequences, including financial losses and environmental damage. It is essential to follow proper installation procedures to ensure effective secondary containment. This includes careful welding or bonding of seams and joints to prevent leaks.
In conclusion, secondary containment is a critical aspect of the petrochemical industry, and geomembranes are a popular choice for providing an additional layer of protection. When selecting a geomembrane for secondary containment applications, it is important to consider its chemical resistance, flexibility, UV resistance, ability to withstand abrasion and punctures, as well as testing and certification for specific applications.
We at Megaplast can help you secure the right geomembrane for your secondary containment system based on your requirements. Contact us at [email protected] or call +91 022 - 6106 6000 for further information or assistance.
To know more: https://www.megaplast.in/blog-single.php?slug=secondary-containment-in-the-petrochemical-industry
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wrestlingcheese · 2 years
14/03 Submarine Body
The bronze hull of the Submarine yawns open here, a metal hatchway extended across the gulf to the metal walkway ringing the hangar walls. Inside, the front portion of the sub contains 9 bunks along one wall, a mess hall and a bathroom partitioned off separately.
Towards the cockpit, the hull tapers to a point, and widens in the opposite direction, towards the tail. In the corridor between the Cockpit and the body section, 8 high-pressure suits stand in bays, facing one another. A hatch in bottom of each suit compartment allows divers to be “dropped” out of their individual suit pods, like vertical torpedoes.
If the tail is secured and Terrax are allies, counts as a safe resting space. The hatch to the tail will not open, warning of a lethal radiation leak in the rear compartment, and requiring a [Hacking] or [Strength Check] to open.
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xielifengtech · 2 years
How can you maintain a mill in a CNC factory?
CNC mills, also known as Computer Numerical Control Milling machines, come in two varieties (horizontal and vertical) to remove extra components from a material. They are often employed to create curved and flat parts.
Here Xielifeng Tech will describe how you can maintain a mill in a CNC factory. 
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The actions can be taken after each shift and are simple. Daily maintenance should be a breeze if you keep in mind the 3Cs—Clean, Check, and Communicate.
Has your machinery been inspected or overhauled every three months by trained technicians, professional engineers, or specialists who have received certification from the machine's maker (or distributor)? You must check the chip conveyors and, if necessary, oil the chain. Include the radiator and check to see whether the radiator's fins have any damage.
To prevent erroneous cutting while performing operations:
Check the Chuck Cylinder for run out and ensure it rotates in line with the main axis.
Remember to have a full inspection for any oil or air leaks. You can check to see if the movable components of your machine's machining axes are in good alignment and fit with other components.
Have the technician run a backlash program to check for any backlash on the machining axis.
You can ask the experts at Xielifeng Tech to know more about CNC milling. They are CNC machining experts in China and have provided great quality service to clients since 2000. 
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valveboy · 2 years
A Slab gateway valve with increasing stem shares almost all characteristics of any non-rising-stem counterpart.
BSP Threaded Brass Door Valve
The BSP Threaded Brass Gate Valve features a brass body, steel seat, and your PTFE seated wedge. The valve is actually rated for stress ranges of 0 in order to 16 BAR and will withstand media temps from -20 to help 120 degrees Celsius. It could be used with various gases and fluids. Read on to find out how to choose the right valve for the application. These valves can be purchased in a range involving styles and resources. Slab gate valve
Slab gate valve made of brass is any low-cost option regarding applications where strength and reliability are essential. Its non-rising stem and threaded stops enable it to become installed easily in various systems. Also, this material is usually inexpensive, making it a good solution for budget-conscious firms. Brass is also your best option for many alternative applications. In accessory, it has a high tensile strength plus has excellent use resistance.
Slab gate valves are generally used for gas and gas pipe-lines, but is usually used in that petrochemical industry, compound industry, or regarding other unique specialised requirements. They have a forged metal backseat and may be ordered having pressure relief, outflow detection, or grease injection, among other options. And, due therefore to their proven reliability, they are among the most famous valves in the market. Single expanding valve
A single extending brass gate valve is really a wedge valve that includes a flexible disc and also a rigid body. The disc expands because it is driven by a stem. Both sectors fit together, and also the gate expands to the seat to realize sealing. They are often easy to retain, and maintenance is possible without disassembling the valve from your process line. These valves may be either cast and also forged. They are often termed as "flex-wedge" valves.
The gates throughout an expanding control device are two slabs that match one other to provide finalizing by mechanical enlargement. When the gate is open, the actual media can move. When it is usually closed, the gateway blocks the movement. The gate is actuated by the upward force about one slab and by a downward force for the other. When your gate is d, the media is actually blocked. The gate in that case expands outward to produce the seal. This valve can be acquired with either a new manual or energy actuator. Slab control device with metal sitting wedge
A Slab control device with metal placed wedge is one method of gate valve. This type of valve is utilized to control flow isolation. Its metal seated wedge is constructed of ductile iron by using bronze rings that form a leak-proof seal. The palm wheel and blank disc are installed over the valve's leaves and seat. Its backseat protects that stem threads. SOME SORT OF wedge gate valve is installed flat or vertically.
A slab gate valve using a metal-to-metal seal has a grease injector on the exterior. Grease gets in to the sealing face through the injector along with the seat ring. A slab gate valve having a flow guide hole is known for a wedge disc installed about the sealing face. This kind of prevents the wrapping up face from eroding. The Slab control device with metal seated wedge is also suitable for high-temperature applications. Full port most important shutoff valve
Full port principal shutoff brass gate valves utilized for a range of applications. They can easily shut off drinking water and compressed air conditioning. They are as well available with non-rising arises, which are ideal when vertical breathing space is limited. Below are a few of the services these valves. They're highly durable, efficient, and cost helpful. These valves have a two-year limited warrantee. Learn more about some great benefits of full port brass gateway valves.
To swap a broken entrance valve, first take out the gate. Sometimes it is done by inserting a sheet of metal into the hole. This will make the valve stop the water flow.Brass Radiator Valve Manufacturers If this fix will not work, you have to replace the door valve. If you're unsure of how to perform the mend, contact a accredited master plumber. Changing or restoring a gate valve requires a nice selection of knowledge and skill. Never attempt to undertake the repair by yourself. You may wind up damaging the valve or causing on your own injury. Slab checkpoint valve with rising stem
A Slab gateway valve with increasing stem shares almost all characteristics of any non-rising-stem counterpart. The rising originate is attached directly into the gate, whereas the non-rising-stem valve includes a pointer threaded onto the top of the control device. These valves are ideal for applications with very low vertical clearance, like wells, and people who do not call for the valve to rise. They can also be suitable for guide actuation.
The RAYS Slab Gate Valve is manufactured with a full-bore port, rising-stem OS&Y, flying seats, and any forged steel shape. This type of valve will come in both Direct along with Reverse Acting configurations. The RAYS Srl By way of Conduit Slab Gate valve is a good choice for countless applications. The single piston design offers ease of maintenance and axial action.
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When, Why and How to Replace Your Maserati Coolant?
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Like engine oil, coolant is also such a substance that is vital for your engine. Your Maserati car needs a good quality coolant of proper amount. If the coolant level is low or too old, then you have to replace it. Here in this article you will know about why, when and how to replace the coolant.
Why do You Need Coolant Replacement in Your Car?
Coolant is a fluid I.e., can be either gas or a liquid that regulates the temperature of the engine. Coolant change is the most important part in cooling system maintenance but unfortunately cooling system maintenance is commonly neglected by most of the car owners. Coolant generally consists of water and ethylene glycol also known as antifreeze in fixed proportion. In a cooling system, coolant is stored in reservoir and pumped by the water pump to circulate it throughout the engine system.
Coolants is available of many types of different colors, some last long and some do not, it depends on your car which type of coolant it wants. A coolant generally prevents the engine from overheating and also prevents hard starting of car in colder weather. If there is low coolant or old, contaminated coolant for long time, then the engine components may get to break, wear off or damaged, even get rusted. A coolant become exhausted when it becomes older, so it fails to carry out its job and even cause damage to the engine components. A bad coolant can lead to failure of most of the engine vital components. So to prevent such failures in engine, coolant as to be replace regularly. A regular replacement of coolant makes the engine run perfectly for longer.
When to Change Your Coolant?
Coolant in your Maserati should be changed once for every two years or 30000 miles. Coolant can last for longer if the running time of coolant is decreased. Apart from mileage, there are some signs of bad coolant in your engine system. Here are some of these signs.
Debris, sediments or rust in your coolant.
Check engine light is on
Leaked coolant on the ground where the car is parked
Steam coming out of radiator or hood and rarely there can be a burning smell from hood.
A grinding noise from the engine.
Engine overheating
Heater may fail to work
How to Change the Coolant in Your Car?
Coolant is available of different types and different colors, but you have to use those coolants that are right for your car or the ones recommended by manufacturers. Refer your user manual to know about the type of coolants you can use and the amount of coolant to be used.
Before changing the coolant, you have to check the coolant level in its reservoir located in the rear trunk. There are high and low marks on the reservoir which is slightly transparent. So you can easily find whether the coolant level is low or high.
For coolant change you will need - hex socket, ratchet, coolant system vacuum filling device, compressed air supply, distilled water, coolant and a container.
1.   First you have to park your car and allow it to cool. After the car is fully cooled, the rear underside panel is taken off
2.   Find the coolant expansion tank having a black cap. Open the cap and set the steel chamber bleeder valve near the tank to vertical.
3.  Remove the coolant drain plug and the spring clamp on the hose on the inlet side of the water pump is opened and then hose is removed. Allow the coolant to get drained out. When the draining of coolant is completed, reinstall the hose on water pump and place the drain plug back with a new sealing ring.
4.  The inlet and outlet hose of radiator is removed to drain out the coolant from radiator. You just need to pull out the spring clips, then the hoses. Place a container to collect the coolant draining out of the radiator. Press in the hoses and the clips back to the radiator after the completion of draining. You will hear a snap sound in this process.
5.  To drain the heater side of cooling system, the hoses of inlet and outlet are removed after the removal of spring clips on both hoses. When the draining is completed, push the hoses and the spring clips back to its place.
6.  Fix an adapter with coolant system vacuum filling device and screw it to the expansion tank at the place of its cap. This is done to fill new coolant to the car.
7. Take another clean container to keep the coolant in it. Put a hose connected to the vacuum device on the container having coolant.
8.  Then a compressed air supply is connected to the vacuum device to pressurize the system. This is done to create vacuum in the system. After a sufficient vacuum is created, you can disconnect the compressed air supply.
9.  The system will draw the coolant. When sufficient amount of coolant is drawn into the system, the vacuum device is disconnected from the system.
10.  Check the coolant level and put the cap on the expansion tank.
Note that if you are unable to create vacuum in the system, then there must be a leakage, you have to fix the leakage. Changing of coolant takes hardly 2-3 hours and you will have to spend maximum amount.
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drnikolatesla · 3 years
Nikola Tesla in a pre-hearing interview with his legal counsel in 1916 to protect his radio patents from Guglielmo Marconi
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Tesla: "This is the transmitter which was already so far developed that I obtained discharges of 16 feet and a tension of 4 million volts. The secondary flat spiral usually connects to the antenna, and this coil on the vertical stand is another tuning coil to adjust the oscillations to a low frequency. Now, it is a mere matter of proportioning this circuit to the antenna in order to transmit, with the same apparatus I built in 1895, 1896, in 1897, messages across the Atlantic with the greatest facility. I will agree at any time to construct an apparatus exactly as I have described at that time and, without the slightest change, I will affect transmission across the Atlantic as easily as rolling off a log."
Counsel: "Is that a spark apparatus?"
Tesla: "Yes, in this instance it was a spark apparatus; but I operated it also without a spark, with alternating current. I operated it with damped waves or with undamped waves. But remember that I had a system with small capacity, large self induction—no outflow of energy. Energy could not radiate; that is the reason why I got this tremendous pressure which you cannot get in an antenna which radiates too much energy in electromagnetic waves."
Counsel: " Mr. Tesla, speaking about that apparatus you said that the energy could not get out. How was the transmission then made, as for instance, across the Atlantic, or elsewhere? Is it through these earth currents that you spoke of?"
Tesla: Yes of course, through the earth currents. If I simply generated electromagnetic waves, I would be in the same box that Marconi is in, or anybody else; I would have to use an awful lot of power and I would not be able to get across. I would have to use a bigger apparatus. But, if I adapt this apparatus to the antenna in the way I want to adapt it, there is no difficult of transmitting across the Atlantic with this very same apparatus."
Counsel: " I do not yet get quite clear just what the effect is of keeping the energy from leaking out from the antenna."
Tesla: "Well, sir, I have given you the simplest mathematical formula which, of course, experts are perfectly familiar with. You are not. Now, let me explain.
"If we put it in an equation, we will have on one side the decrement of the antenna, and on the other the resistance of the antenna multiplied by the square root of the capacity divided by the self-induction..."
(“Nikola Tesla On His Works With Alternating Currents and Their Application to Wireless Telegraphy, and Transmission of Power.” Twenty First Century Books, Breckenridge, Colorado, 2002.)
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kybervisions · 4 years
slight obsessions [bucky]
summary: after months of obsessing over a senator, bucky is given the opportunity to save her. he then visits her in the hospital  
author’s note: warning, warning, this will feature aspects of the u.s government,,, \\ lil bit of fluff and mentions of torture ,, just a kidnapped senator and bucky pining  ,, requests are open :) 
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The security footage of your kidnapping at the fundraiser was leaked to the media. Millions watched as a prominent U.S senator was ambushed and drugged before being dragged into an unmarked vehicle. Bucky’s heart ached. “We’ll find her,” Sam, well-aware of Bucky’s infatuation with you, promised his friend.  
Bucky was unprepared to find you in the state that you were, bloody and bruised. There was a cut above your eyebrow and blood dripped down your face. Your skin was riddled with red and purple. The metal cuffs around your wrists and ankles dug into your skin and caused you to bleed. There was track marks on your arms and your knee didn’t look too good either. 
You looked nearly unrecognizable — almost nothing like the senator that so adamantly advocated for his pardon. 
“Captain?” You mutterly weakly, barely recognizing the two figures near the doorway. The drugs they pumped into you fucked with your vision and made you feel absolutely sick. You could barely keep your eyes open. Everything hurt and you shivering from the lack of warmth. 
Sam quickly ran past Bucky and his fingers searched for a pulse on your neck. Weak, but it was something. Once up close, Sam could see the multitude of track marks on your skin and his fingers gently touched them, causing you to cry, something that completely shocked you. Zemo had stopped giving you water a few days ago. 
“We’re going to get you out of here, senator,” Sam pulled out a Widow’s Bite, which he had secretly stolen from Natasha, and used the electricity within the bite to override the power source of the cuffs.  
When the cuffs opens, you were released from the vertical interrogation chair. Before you fell on the concrete floor, Bucky quickly reached out to catch you. 
“Fuck!” You shouted and startled Bucky. You bit your lip in an attempt to silence your pain. After weeks of absolute hell, you were sensitive to touch. Tears filled your eyes and you weren’t strong enough to hold them back. “It hurts,” You whimpered. You felt sick. Cold and weak and wanting to puke but having nothing in your stomach to regurgitate.
A protectiveness he had not felt since before the war consumed Bucky. Seeing you so weak and in pain filled him with both anger and the need to make you feel better. Your big, soft, and tear-filled eyes awakened his primal instinct to defend and protect. 
He acknowledged there was still something wrong with him, because even in the state that you were in, Bucky wanted nothing more than to press his lips against yours and hold you against him. 
For a short second, while looking down into your eyes, the world was quiet. 
“C’mon, man,” Sam urged them. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be in here when the timer goes off,” 
“Alright, alright,” Bucky agreed. “Um, can you run?” He looked down at you again. You were smaller in person. The television must make everyone look like titans. On the screen, you had such a larger than life presence. Whether it was asking questions during committee hearings or speaking out against a bill, you were imposing. 
“She can barely stand,” Sam answered before you. With all the drugs in your system, you were nearly unresponsive. “Pick her up and let's go!” 
Once they reached the C.I.A medical facility, Sharon told a room full of reporters that the senator had been found and was being examined by professionals. She did not give too much information, which was typical for intelligence agencies. 
By “being examined by professionals”, Sharon meant you were undergoing surgery because whatever was injected into your body caused you to go under septic shock. She omitted that part, not wanting to give the public further cause to worry.  
After the surgery, only family was allowed to enter your hospital room. Some of your staff was able to bypass that rule. You were still recovering, but your top aide, Winnie, had begun planning your first public appearance. 
“You’re a certified badass now,” Winnie informed you, and it made you chuckle. Winnie had been by your side since you were a congressional freshman and you loved them to death. “The corpses will have to show you actual respect now,” They smiled, referring to your coworkers as corpses gives them a bit of joy. 
“I’m sure Stern will find a reason to call me a traitor to the country,” You replied. Your strong opposition of the intelligence agencies earned you a lot of enemies. 
“Yeah, well, he’ll — ”
The door had opened and there stood a “Hi, sorry. I, uh, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Bucky stopped at the doorway. He was holding a small bouquet of your favorite flowers and scratched the back of his head, avoiding eye contact. 
“Sergeant Barnes,” You smiled. Bucky looked to you, and he’d never seen or heard anything as beautiful. He had heard you say his name a thousand time over, but hearing it in person was just swell.  
“Bucky’s jus’ fine, senator,” Bucky returned a toothy grin. You swear you had died and gone to heaven. He was even more beautiful in person. 
“Bucky,” There was a shine in your eyes when you said his name. His name sounded so pretty coming from your mouth.  
“O-kay,” Winnie chuckled and their eyes bounced between yourself and the soldier, who was just a few feet away from them. “I’ll be back tomorrow to hash out the details,” They turned to look at you and gave you a small peck on your head. “Be careful,” It was a warning. 
Bucky stepped into the room, allowing Winnie to easily slip out. 
Now that the blood and dirt had been washed out, Bucky could truly admire how striking you were. You were glowing. There were still bruises and healing wounds but they didn’t diminish your beauty. 
He set the flowers on the visitor’s chair. 
“I wanted to properly thank you and Mr. Wilson for saving my life,” You told him. He took a few more steps towards you. “W-Winnie has a press conference planned once I’m discharged, and there might be a Medal of Freedom in your future, after the Congressional Gold Medal, of course,” 
“Yeah,” You smiled. “It took a little bit of convincing but the bastard caved eventually,” 
Of course you had recommended him, and Sam, for such prestigious awards. It was further proof that he had been vindicated from the dark part of his history. You helped profoundly in his path to finally accepting himself, and for that, he would always love you. 
When the nightmares returned, Bucky would rewatch your old speeches for the campaign to pardon him. He felt pathetic — having to listen to a woman he had never met before passionately advocate for his freedom in order to feel better. You saw him as human, worthy of forgiveness. 
“I know they’re practically worthless in the age of superheroes, but I thought I would be nice,” 
It would be nice. “Thank you,” His smile slowly faded as the conversation took a serious turn. “For everything, the campaign and the pardon and now these medals,” A breathy chuckle escaped. “I...you never attended the ceremony,” He commented on your absence during his pardon. It had plagued his mind for countless nights. 
“I wasn’t invited,” You chuckled at the irony of it — having spent months working for his freedom only to not be present to watch it happen. “A picture leaked of me at a protest in college and they thought it would be too controversial for me to attend,” You shrugged it off. 
Ensuring Bucky’s freedom was all that mattered. Your acknowledgement was not important to you in the greater scope of things. 
“I’ll make sure you get invited this time,” Maybe you could give a speech before he’s awarded the medal. He could finally be present to hear you praise him. 
Bucky’s eyes lingered on your lips. Your nervousness returned. There was a distinct look in his eyes that terrified and excited you all the same. 
“Senator, time for your medication,” A nurse entered the room and pushed a cart with her. There was an IV set, some pills, and a cup of water on the cart and all that medicine made Bucky feel anxious. 
He was well aware of the dangers of so much medicine and he was scared. He couldn’t afford to lose you now. Not when he finally has you within his grasp. 
“The pills help with the pain and the IV gives me nutrients,” You noted the panicked look on Bucky’s face when he saw the cart. “Or so they claim,” You looked at the nurse, who was not entertained by your accusatory comment. 
“I should head out,” Bucky nodded. “And allow your drugs to be administered in peace,” You laughed, and he was quite proud of that. 
Feeling bolder, Bucky took a few final steps toward you. You offered your hand and he lightly held your wrist, stilled bruised, and bowed down to kiss your hand. It was a small and sweet gesture, but it left you an absolute mess. You held your breath and felt your heart in your throat. 
Bucky admired you once more before leaving the room. He nearly memorized how you radiated in spite of the harsh cold white light that illuminated the hospital. In that moment, he was certain you’d be his. 
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