#very heavily “if u need to be mean be mean to me” coded btw
stevie-petey · 2 months
Hi! I know it's pretty late to be asking this but I got a random blurb idea at three in the morning so I thought I'd send it in before I forgot it. It's for season one, episode 5/6.
After Steve finds Jonathan and Nancy in her bed and tells bug she deserves better he drives off with Tommy and Carol. Basically his POV that whole car ride. He's grieving, in disbelief and heartbreak. He's angry and sad, not only for himself but for bug. Tommy and Carol are only riling him up at this point. Remember how Tommy or Carol said something like " wow Steve you're right she really is pathetic to still stay with him" maybe we see the convo where that came from. I feel like he was excited to be around who he thought were Nancy's friends outside of barb, and it all came crashing down.
Again this is really random and super late but I was just thinking about season one Steve and this scenario popped into my head. For being such a little shit Steve really is handsome.
i loooove this idea omg yes ! n never apologize for sending blurbs i love doin em
enjoy <3
"did henderson really defend that creep?" carol practically throws herself over the drivers seat in disbelief of what steve has just said.
"she did." steve tightens his hands around the steering wheel. his mind is reeling. hes hurt, hes so fucking hurt, and hes angry. for you, for what nancy has done to him, for what jonathan has done to you. for years youve been his little pet, always doting on the boy, and he still has the fucking nerve to hurt you like this. "shes pathetic."
the words burn steves tongue. he regrets them immediately.
tommy snorts. "i mean, yeah. shes hot, but at least have some self respect, ya know?"
the boys words only cause steve to tighten his grip on the steering wheel harder. youre not pathetic; youre selfless. youre so fucking selfless and always see the good in people. it infuriates steve. youre everything and more, and hes seen people abuse this rare kindness for years. make fun of you for it, mock you as if the kindness you bring isnt a breath of fresh air for everyone.
he hears a yelp next to him and steve knows that carol has slapped tommy for calling another girl hot in front of her.
"i just dont get it," steve sighs out. theres so much he wants to ask, to say and plead and demand. he cant get the betrayal in your eyes out of his head. youd looked devasted when hed told you what he saw at nancys. how jonathan had been wrapped around her.
and yet even as the hurt crossed upon your face, you still managed to swallow down the hurt and see the good in people.
in the people who didnt fucking deserve it.
"fuck if i know, man." tommy rubs at his arm and glares at carol.
she simply rolls her eyes at him and goes back to picking at her nails. "why do we assume she even knows how to do anything other than put on that angelic act bullshit?"
"what, like she doesnt know how to be mean?" tommy asks, furrowing his brows.
steve stares straight ahead. "all shes ever been is kind."
"exactly," carol throws herself against the drivers seat again. "whos to say its real? not some creepy act? better yet: how do we know shes not, like, fucked up in the head?"
youre not. steve has seen your intelligence. youre the top of your class and hes had to shamefully ask you for help with english homework.
tommy frowns again. "wait, i thought she was smart."
"god, youre dumb." carol shakes her head. "what i mean is, what if she physically incapable of being mean. like, some chemical imbalance in her brain."
"could explain her freakish devotion to byers." tommy says.
steves grip tightens once more hearing the boys name. jonathan byers. resident creep who somehow has captured the heart of hawkins sweetheart. the same boy who has now cheated on her with steves girlfriend.
he will never understand this.
nancy has hurt him, shes abandoned him like everyone else has, and he knows that somehow its his fault.
but you? you dont deserve any of this.
what carol has said makes sense. maybe you really dont know how to be mean. if youre physically incapable of it, then steve decides that he has to do something about it.
if you need to be mean, then he'll be mean for you.
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transmasc-wizard · 9 months
i'll ask u about your blorbo connections if u ask me abt mine <33 (i was tagged by someone else </3) Very curious about crowley in particular
YAYAYAYAY also I just realized we were tagged by the same person whoops. anyway
this is going to be just like heavily implied traumadumping on main btw but I've been in various stages of a breakdown for over 6 hours so i deserve it actually :3
tim stoker: anger issues. has lost some shit in the past. dresses atrociously. uses humour to mask how genuinely dysregulated they are. cares so deeply for people it drives them up the wall. bisexual
nico di angelo: happy queer child thrown starkly awake by a traumatic truth at a young age and becomes closed off confused manipulated and angry for several years only to find good supportive people who help him back on track (but he is still ill) (and that will probably not go away). also I took his name
eleanor shellstrop: sooooo scared of being left behind. so so scared. also, not entirely sure how to be a good person, but she wants to. kind of naturally mean and prickly and insults people out of love but is working on being nicer. (also side note I'm SOOOOO chidi coded too)
carlos: I have autism I like science he probably has autism (to me he does) and likes science and also we are both very quick at adjusting to weird shit if we find it interesting
L: why he talk like that. why he sit like that
michael shelley: trusted the wrong people 👍 changed a lot 👍 became a little fucking UNHINGED ! afterward 👍
crowley: it's the "let's leave behind everything else. I don't give a shit about the world I only care about you. we are on our own side against everything. we're a team. i love you, i dont have to say it, you know. you dont have to say it, i know you do too. please please please let me protect you please don't let them hurt you like they hurt me. wait please don't leave me why are you leaving me why are you choosing them. we're a team. I love you. i say it. say it back. why aren't you saying it back. why do you only want me how i used to be. I've changed so much. it wasn't on purpose. please love me this way. i love you. please. woah silly fashion sense :3" for me <3 does that satiate ur curiosity
martin: there is this pit of loneliness deep in your chest and it has probably always been there but now it will not go away and it consumes you, it swallows you whole. you are surrounded by people and surrounded by love but that pit has teeth and it tears you to shreds and all anyone else can do is watch. and yet, the love helps. it helps enough to hold on. that pit is inside you but it is not you. it hurts so much. it hurts because you're still alive. also bullshits skills and no one notices + homosexual + glasses :]
jinx: abandonment issues, anger issues, social awkwardness, intense mood swings, needs to be good enough to keep, unnatural hair colours <3
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iishmael · 7 years
Heyyyyyy babe, did you see what Lewis likes on ig? if you don't just go check on @tillykeeper_zackfan... what do u think about it? thanks babe! Xx
Okay I know this is probably a mistake but I’ll say my opinion now. I don’t want to offend anyone, I’m not looking for a fight but this is just the way I see things. I completely understand if you’re not interested in my opinion since you can probably deduct from my url who my favourite driver is. That’s why I put everything under a cut. If you don’t want to hear the 9834539485th person today lamenting about the entire drama, please just scroll on and have a nice evening. 
This is the post anon is talking about: 
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I like to say stuff like “if it were Lewis” as well, but it isn’t. It’s Seb. And he just got away from purposely hitting another car out of revenge at a slow speed. This is not a racing incident, this is not “strategy driving” (like slowing down on purpose, blocking others, changing the line two or three times and blocking someone from overtaking like this, stopping in the pitlane, purposely driving into a wall so another car cannot finish their qualy lap…) it’s just. Aggression. 
It has been established multiple times now that Lewis was completely innocent in this incident. Fact Number 1. We all have seen the post-race footage where Seb denied several times that he did anthing wrong. Fact Number 2. 
I don’t care about the points, I don’t care about “what children might take away from this” (I hope very much they don’t take any driving ideas from formula 1 drivers cause I don’t wanna have my future kids doing donuts in my fucking backyard.), I don’t care that it was “against” Lewis. 
It was completely out of line. Every scenario you could imagine something like this to happen, in every one, it’s wrong and gets heavily penalized. [source]
in football? A red card will be shown to a player who has committed a serious offense such as violent conduct […]
in handball?  A red card indicates a disqualification of a player who has committed an offense such as unsportsmanlike conduct, serious foul play […]
in some forms of rugby? Red cards are normally issued for serious offenses […]
I could go on, but the result is: Following the moral code of a lot of other sports he would have been immediately disqualified. 
The thing is: shit happens. Everyone fucks up. He’s not a bad person or bad driver just because he did a really stupid thing. It’s not the end of the world. 
What bugs me about how this got handled is a) the fact that seriously a lot of people wanted Lewis to get a penalty as well when he did literally nothing wrong. b) Seb’s reaction after the race. That was the second incident of unsportsmanlike behaviour in a very short time. I don’t even care about the Charlie Whiting-Mexico thing, it’s bullshit to drag this in here. c) y’all know that if this would happen in normal road traffic you’d never get away with an apology and community service. That’s literally what a boy in my school got for buying alcohol when he was still underage. 
Now “Sebastian Vettel admitted full responsibility.” [source], you say. He tried to apologize and Lewis is acting like a dick because he doesn’t accept it. I personally think that the post on instagram by @tillykeeper_zackfan is too much. Sure, Lewis could smooth over this and let it go, maybe that’s the “mature” and polite thing to do. Sure, maybe he’s acting like a bitch. But you know, when someone rammed into MY car on purpose, believe me, I wouldn’t accept a written apology (no offense, but we all know that Seb didn’t write that on his own) by the person who hit me after they denied everything for as long as possible. 
It is only the fact that Seb got threatened with the tribunal that he apologized. This is not meant as hate, it’s just a fact. If he was honestly sorry he’d already have apologized after the race. He could have spoken to the journalists, no need for Lewis to take his call. But he didn’t. In my opinion, the way Seb acted is not “genuinely apologizing” and this means, he’d do it again because he still thinks he was right.  
In my opinion having a driver on the feel who could hit anyone anytime is a danger. I’m not saying Seb is the new Maldonado (whom I didn’t like for basically exact the same reasons btw) but I’m saying Seb has a flaring temper. He’s acting out of line and he never gets told to step down. 
In my opinion a decent penalty would have shown Seb that he has to change his ways. Does anyone remember the start drama with Romain (who I don’t like as well for the same reasons)? I’m not reliable about earlier f1 history, that’s why I choose this incident as an example, since I can understand if people don’t like my comparison to other sports. 
The stewards regard this incident as an extremely serious breach of the regulations, which had the potential to cause injury to others. […] The stewards note [that] the team conceded the action was an extremely serious mistake and an error of judgement. [source]
Romain got a one race-ban for causing a pile-up at the start. I don’t want to judge how much he learned from this incident but he ended up on the podium in the next season. 
What I want to achieve with this comparison is that Romain didn’t cause another multi-car pile-up again. He’s still a “first lap nutcase”, to quote Mark Webber, in my eyes, but I don’t think it’s actually dangerous to have him drive a f1 car. I personally think that the sterwards’ statement could easily fit to the Seb/Lewis situation as well.
That’s why I think they should have disqualified him from Baku retroactively. A clean cut, like a red card, that’s it. Life goes on. I’m not saying he had a clean record before (e.g. Mexico) but this is way more serious than Charlie Whiting getting butthurt. I know I’m probably alone with this opinion and I shouldn’t roll up all the drama again, but I’m actually thankful that you asked because I could write it all down and clear my head. 
I hope we will see fair racing in Austria this weekend. 
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