#vevo 2018
kitconnor · 5 months
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SUPERCUT Vevo x Lorde (2018)
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blanketorghost · 6 months
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He is giving mother he is the moment he is a cuntlimpics gold medalist slay the house down met gala 2018 afterparty look Lady Gaga Paparazzi official music video (VEVO)
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catb-fics · 2 years
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CATB Live Shows
Thought I’d compile a list of full or partial live shows as there’s a few that aren’t on YouTube. I’ll add this to my pinned post. Feel like I’ve probably missed some so let me know if I have or if any of the links don’t work 🖤
Special thanks to @missjoyrose and @icouldntfindquiet for finding and posting the Berlin Lollapalooza clip and Outside at TRNSMT 2019 and @vanmccannsfridge for posting 7 from Reading 2021, you guys are the best ❤️
Java Lounge - July 2012
Radio 1 Big Weekend - May 2015
Glastonbury - June 2015
Ibiza Rocks - July 2015
T in the Park - July 2015
Reading Festival - August 2015
Vevo Presents
Radio 1 Big Weekend - May 2016
Governor’s Ball - June 2016
Glastonbury - June 2016
7 at Glastonbury - Introducing Stage
T in the Park - July 2016
Lollapalooza Berlin - September 2016
Lollapalooza Brazil - March 2017
Lollapalooza Argentina - April 2017
TRNSMT - July 2017
Heathrow TRNSMT (not included in above video)
Lollapalooza Chicago - August 2018
Manchester Arena - May 2019
Radio 1 Big Weekend - May 2019
TRNSMT - July 2019
Outside TRNSMT (not included in above video)
Summer Sonic Tokyo - August 2019
ULU Live, London - November 2019
KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas - Dec 2019
Reading Festival - August 2021
7 at Reading festival (not included in above video)
Cardiff Castle - July 2024
Leeds Festival - August 2024
Reading Festival - August 2024 (7, Cocoon, Soundcheck, Kathleen)
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Do we think the Yours Truly thing is going to be like the vevo performances or something like the bbc special she did in 2018?
I’m guessing Vevo. But a BBC special would be cool.
Also if she doesn’t sing the album version of honeymoon avenue then I’ll kill her
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europeanoffline · 2 years
Maroon 5 animals music video
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It's like watching a horror film and notifying the people who made it to tell them you think they're disgusting. And the song is about animalistic tendencies, I'm talking about eating someone alive. It was supposed to be creepy! I play the role of the creep, it's literally a character out of a movie. It was the last video I would have expected to receive any criticism on that front. The trivialisation of these serious crimes, like stalking, should have no place in the entertainment industry." Levine reacted to the controversy in a 2018 interview with The Independent, saying "That was fucking ridiculous. Jessica Valenti of The Guardian criticized the video for attempting to make violence against women seem "edgy" stating that "there is nothing 'alternative' about showing women being stalked, hunted, raped or killed because it’s something that happens every damn day." RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) released a statement condemning the video, which wrote that "No one should ever confuse the criminal act of stalking with romance. The music video was heavily panned by critics and has been condemned for dehumanizing women and glamorizing violence. The final scenes feature Levine and Prinsloo as obsessed lovers having sex-whilst disrobed and covered in real blood (referenced to Carrie (1976). After an erotic dream, Levine wakes up in a shock and returns to stalking Prinsloo by standing outside her apartment in the rain watching in a dazed state, leading to the similar opening. Eventually, Levine is left with no luck, so he goes back to fantasizing about the girl. Though Prinsloo is amused by Levine and his interest in her, she spends the evening talking to her girlfriends instead.
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One evening, Levine follows the woman into a nightclub, where he tries to talk to her. Intercut with this are scenes of a shirtless Levine dripping in fake blood, singing the song inside a meat locker and using animal carcasses for punching bags (referencing to the film Rocky (1976). He also watches the woman in her sleep and takes numerous photos of Prinsloo, which he later trims and places on wires around a dark room. After she leaves, an infatuated Levine begins to stalk the woman by following her in the streets and standing outside her apartment in the pouring rain to watch her. The video starts with a woman entering a slaughterhouse, where Levine's character works. Synopsis Ī scene from video what it presents a fantasy that features feature Levine and Prinsloo as obsessed lovers having sex whilst disrobed and covered in real blood. The story of the video is inspired by the film American Psycho (2000). The other musicians of Maroon 5 (including their touring member Sam Farrar, who appeared in a music video of the band for the very first time) also make an appearance - they are seen playing at a nightclub in some scenes of the video. Directed by Samuel Bayer, the video features Adam Levine and his wife, Behati Prinsloo who portrays the woman. The music video was released on Septemon Vevo. Rolling Stone ranked "Animals" at number 32 on its year-end list of the 50 best songs of 2014. Lyrically, it describes a relationship Levine desperately wants to have with his love interest, with animal-related double entendres: "Baby, I'm preying on you tonight / Hunt you down, eat you alive / Just like animals, animals, like animals-make / Maybe you think that you can hide / I can smell your scent from miles / Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals." Critical reception "Animals" is written in the key of E minor with a tempo of 95 beats per minute, following an Em-D-C chord progression. The commercial also appeared at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards on August 24, and the song was released the next day Later, Maroon 5 released the song's lyric video on August 22, 2014, from their YouTube channel. For a limited time after the commercial premiered, "Animals" was available for freeload on the Kia website only. To promote the song, Kia Motors debuted an advertisement of 2015 Kia Soul EV model on August 21, 2014.
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keithkatt43 · 9 months
Look at this... 👀 https://pin.it/4LvUlaI
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gaveitbackbroken · 9 months
Live Audios are Live ^_^
Everything in the live folder has been posted, but here's where you'll find the masterlist
Complete Performances (Studio) Unplugged (Mar 2021) Paste Sessions (Jun 2021) 360 Sessions (Jul 2021) Absolute Radio Country (Apr 2022) Coal Drops (Jan 2023)
Complete Performances (Live) 107.7 Froggy (Jul 2021) 107.7 Froggy (Jul 2022) 103.7 WXCY (Jul 2022)
Various Songs Tractor - Vinylyte Records (Feb 2018) Red Light - 11Alive (May 2018) Who's That Girl - MadLife Studios (Sep 2018) Bless Your Heart - Historic Speedway (Sep 2021) It's Cause I Am - Vevo (Sep 2021) Sad - Opry NexStage (Sep 2022) Brave Girl - Opry NextStage (Sep 2022) Gave It Back Broken - CMT (Oct 2022) Brave Girl - Today Show (Oct 2022) Worst Guy Ever - Vevo (Oct 2022) Bless Your Heart - Griffith Opera House (Mar 2023) Old Soul, Young Heart - Troubadour (Jun 2023) Diamond, Point of No Return, Reckless - Station Inn (Apr 2024)
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micro961 · 10 months
Woda - “P.U.B. (Prendimi, Usami e Buttami)”
Il nuovo singolo dell’eclettica band sugli stores digitali e nelle radio
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“P.U.B. (Prendimi, Usami e Buttami)” è il nuovo singolo della rock band dei Woda sui principali stores digitali e nelle radio italiane in promozione nazionale. Il brano è stato registrato, mixato e masterizzato da Andrea Mazza presso il R3born Digital Studio. Il singolo nasce da un’idea di Max e Alex di comporre un brano per esprimere in modo esplicito il “desiderio” dell’uomo di essere “preso, usato e poi buttato” da una donna. Vuole essere un brano goliardico, ma con un velato richiamo alla vita reale. La donna è come un “riflesso in uno specchio”, “un domani che già non c’è”, ed inesorabilmente l’uomo verrà preso, usato e buttato senza alcuna conseguenza traumatica per entrambi. Dal punto di vista musicale il brano rispecchia il nuovo mood della band rispetto al passato, ed è in linea con gli ultimi lavori usciti quest’anno, con la sezione ritmica in primo piano e il suono delle chitarre che richiama al rock americano, sonorità d’oltreoceano, puntando di più sulle medie frequenze. Una evoluzione musicale dopo anni di sperimentazioni che la band ha costruito tra i tanti concerti in giro per lo stivale e all’estero e le infinite ore in studio.
“Qui l’uomo si rivolge alla donna in maniera diretta e provocatoria chiedendo alla stessa di unirsi a lui sessualmente senza vincolo alcuno permettendole e consentendole ogni depravazione dal punto di vista sessuale essendo consapevole che a tutto non ci sarà un domani o un futuro sentimentale.” Woda
Guarda il video
“P.U.B. (Prendimi, Usami e Buttami)” ha un videoclip ufficiale che ne accompagna l’ascolto sul canale ufficiale Vevo della band. Il videoclip è stato ideato e diretto dal filmaker Gaetano Palmieri. Tutto nasce da un fumetto realizzato dal Collettivo Ronin, dove, nel primo numero, viene raccontato in modo molto romanzesco la storia dei Woda. Nel video il fumetto è essenzialmente un cammeo, ossia è lo strumento che fa nascere una festa rock in casa di un signore che si vede recapitare per posta il fumetto stesso. Aprendo il fumetto, la sua casa si riempie di gente che beve, parla e socializza e ovviamente dei Woda che suonano fino a quando non lo richiude e tutto sparisce tranne la band che viene imprigionata in uno specchio e spedita indietro nel tempo, nell’anno 1865, ma quella è un’altra storia… un altro brano e deve ancora essere raccontata.
Storia della band
I Woda nascono nella primavera del 2015, ma solo nel 2018 decidono di aprire una nuova porta, quella dell'inedito, ed è qui che da un cassetto iniziano a prendere vita una serie di testi scritti e lasciati in sospeso. Nello stesso anno, infatti, viene pubblicato il brano “Dipendenza” edito dall’etichetta inglese
Tilt Music Production. Nel 2020, sempre edito dalla Tilt Music Production, fa seguito il brano “Medusa”, canzone epica e ricca di sfumature che preannunciano un nuovo tipo di sound in trasformazione. Oltre 385.000 streams con il primo e oltre 96.000 con il secondo singolo. Il 2020 è sicuramente un anno pesante per tutto il mondo e soprattutto per il mondo musicale e proprio in questo anno la band ha dato vita a nuovo materiale che prende forma. Il 20 novembre 2020 viene pubblicato il singolo (sempre edito dalla Tilt Music Production) “Portando la pelle a casa” realizzato dalla R3BORN Digital by Gaetano Palmieri (video) e dalla 7MZ Studio by Andrea Mazza (audio). Brano che vuole sensibilizzare l’umanità al fatto che questo mondo è saturo dei nostri comportamenti sbagliati. Tali sfumature nascono grazie all'arrivo nella band dei nuovi elementi che si affiancano a Max (Massimo Montecucco), alla chitarra Alex (Alessio Lanza) ex Crimen, Acid/c e Pakura Klimt, ed alla batteria e produzione Andy (Andrea Mazza) ex Triora, LorWeaver, Scarlett D.Gray, The Redwood Treese       e da qui magicamente prende vita nuovo materiale, nuove idee, nuove canzoni un nuovo suono. La nuova line-up si completa da lì a poco con l’arrivo al basso di Ansel (Alessandro D'Angelo) e da Enry (Enrico Masini) alla chitarra solista. Il 2021 porta i Woda alla composizione di “Divano giallo”, omaggio a Lucrezia Paone, la giovane fan della band che purtroppo per una grave malattia ci lascia a soli 15 anni. Per renderle appunto omaggio e onorare la sua memoria i Woda trasformano in musica una sua poesia. Ne esce una ballad ricca di emozioni scritte nella poesia originale di Lucrezia. Nel 2022 si torna al vecchio rock con un brano dai toni accesi e incalzanti “We are biker guys”, track che narra le avventure del biker lungo le strade del mondo e raccoglie oltre 320.000 stream su Spotify, venendo ascoltata soprattutto negli States. L’8 marzo 2023 vede la luce un mini-Ep di tre pezzi: un live in studio Lo-Fi. La scelta del nome “Ruvido Woda” sta a significare proprio la qualità del suono: un suono appunto ruvido, senza pre e post-produzione, un live in studio senza tanti fiocchi e fiocchetti. La band autoproduce e lancia il 27 luglio del 2023 un nuovo singolo dal titolo: “P.U.B. (Prendimi, Usami e Buttami)” attualmente in promozione nazionale. Sempre in collaborazione con la Tilt Music Production la band sta per atterrare con altre novità sul mercato musicale. Up to the Woda!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/5GpbYPUDqL6mOWgNe8jU1f?si=4029a4575a5a44f7
Vevo: https://www.youtube.com/@wodawodavevo4256
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/live/eqH8frkgmNs?feature=share
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wodawoda.official
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wodawoda_official/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@woda666?_t=8euvAKnCmLQ&_r=1
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edrick001 · 1 year
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Literacy Journalism
"Ariana Grande"
Grande began her music career at age 15 in the 2008 Broadway musical 13. She rose to fame for playing Cat Valentine in the Nickelodeon television series Victorious (2010–2013) and Sam & Cat (2013–2014). Grande signed with Republic Records in 2011 after label executives viewed YouTube videos of her covering songs. Her 1950s doo-wop-influenced pop and R&B debut album,[2] Yours Truly (2013), topped the US Billboard 200, while its lead single, "The Way", reached the top ten of the US Billboard Hot 100. Grande's voice and whistle register on the album drew immediate comparisons to Mariah Carey.
Grande continued to explore pop and R&B in her second and third studio albums, My Everything (2014) and Dangerous Woman (2016). My Everything experimented with EDM and achieved global success with its singles "Problem", "Break Free" and "Bang Bang", while Dangerous Woman became her first of four consecutive number-one albums in the UK. Personal struggles influenced her trap-infused fourth and fifth studio albums, Sweetener (2018) and Thank U, Next (2019), both of which were critical and commercial successes. Sweetener won the Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album, and Thank U, Next broke the record for the largest streaming week for a pop album and was nominated for Album of the Year. The singles "Thank U, Next", "7 Rings", and "Break Up with Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored" made Grande the first solo artist to hold the top three spots on the Hot 100 simultaneously and the first woman to succeed herself at the top of the UK Singles Chart. Her 2020 collaborations "Stuck with U" with Justin Bieber and "Rain on Me" with Lady Gaga helped her break the record for most number-one debuts on the Hot 100, the latter winning the Grammy Award for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance. Grande expanded on the trap genre with her sixth studio album, Positions (2020), which both the album and its title track debuted at number one in the UK and the US. Her collaborations with The Weeknd on the remixes of "Save Your Tears" and "Die for You" garnered her sixth and seventh US number-one singles, respectively.
Grande is one of the world's best-selling music artists; she has sold over 90 million records globally and all of her studio albums have been certified platinum or higher. She has also broken a variety of records on the Billboard chart, with her albums, songs and as an artist. Grande is the most streamed female artist of all time, the most streamed female artist of 2010s on Spotify and Apple Music, the most followed female artist on Spotify, and the most subscribed female solo artist on YouTube. Nine of Grande's songs and seven of her music videos reached 1 billion streams and views on Spotify and Vevo, respectively. She is the female artist with the most one billion songs on the former platform. Grande has been included on Time's annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world (2016 and 2019) and the Forbes Celebrity 100 (2019–2020). Grande was named Woman of the Year (2018), the greatest pop star of 2019, and the most successful female artist to debut in the 2010s by Billboard. Furthermore, Rolling Stone placed her in their list of 200 Greatest Singers of All Time (2023). Besides music, Grande has worked with many charitable organizations and advocates for animal rights, mental health, and gender, racial, and LGBT equality. Grande has also ventured into the cosmetics and fashion industries. Grande has a large following on social media; she became the most followed woman on Instagram in 2019 and has over 370 million followers as of 2023. Her fragrance line, which was released in 2015, exceeded $1 billion in sales through 2022.I
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Facial Recognition
On June 12, 2013, Jungkook made his debut as a member of BTS with the release of the single 2 Cool 4 Skool.[15] Under BTS, he has sung three solo songs. The first, a pop track titled "Begin", from the 2016 album Wings, tells his story of moving to Seoul at a young age to become an idol and expresses his gratitude towards his bandmates for taking care of him during that time.[16] The second, a future bass song titled "Euphoria", was released with an accompanying nine-minute short film on April 5, 2018, as the introduction to the third part of BTS' "Love Yourself" series.[17] Produced by DJ Swivel, the song charted at number five on the Billboard Bubbling Under Hot 100. Its full studio version was included on BTS' Love Yourself: Answer compilation album, released on August 24.[1] The third solo, "My Time", off the band's 2020 studio album Map of the Soul: 7, is an R&B song about forgoing teenage experiences because of his career,[18] and charted at number 84 on the US Billboard Hot 100. "Euphoria" and "My Time" are the first and second longest-charting solo tracks among K-pop singers on the Billboard World Digital Song Sales chart, having spent a record 90 and 85 weeks respectively on the ranking.[19]
Aside from singing, Jungkook has also helped produce two songs for BTS: "Love is Not Over", from the band's 2015 extended play (EP) The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Pt. 1, and "Magic Shop", from the band's 2018 album Love Yourself: Tear—he is credited as the main producer for both tracks.[20][21]
In October 2018, Jungkook was ordained alongside his bandmates with the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by the President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in.[22][23] He was appointed Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture, again alongside his bandmates, by Moon in July 2021, in order to help "lead the global agenda for future generations" and "expand South Korea's diplomatic efforts and global standing" in the international community.[24]
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"Time is gold"
The saying "Time is Gold" is a saying we always hear especially among the elderly. They may be saying this because time is very important to a person. You can't get back the times and seasons that have passed or been lost. So while there's still a chance, while it's still time to do something with your family, friends or even yourself, do it. You should not make it last longer because when the time comes when you can no longer do it, you will have the thought that you wish you had done it when you could. Our lives are short so let's make the time and time we have now.
"Pagudpud ilocos Norte"
When I was in Ilocos we always went to Pagudpud because Pagudpud is beautiful, many tourists go to Pagudpud because it is one of the famous sights in Ilocos Norte because it is so beautiful and most of the famous vloggers and the Patapat Bridge go there This winding road is beautiful and in Bangui, the windmills and the sands there are beautiful, and then it's beautiful to look at the sea and the coconut trees.
Definition Essay
"To know Love"
Whether it's an infliction of pain, an intense feeling of pleasure, or a source of immense hurt, the three vastly different reactions are common side effects of love. In fact, love has been known to cause an endless number of emotional possibilities. It is important to consider how love is able to manifest itself into the many aspects of our lives. For example, how is love able to leave us wallowing in a bed of guilt, fortitude, agony, denial, or cause an overwhelming blissful sensation? Or, in more extreme cases, how has its intense side effects been able to cause people to physically harm themselves? Never has a single word been known to both have been rooted in selfless and selfish acts, showing itself as warmth and kindness, or maliciousness, guile, hate, or abandonment. Yet, the single word, love, arguably has the most versatile meaning of any word known. The average person will agree that "love" has been overused so much so, that it's original meaning has been diluted over the years, which has resulted in an inherent change from its intended purpose. For example, it often proceeds or has been associated with statements such as, "I'm sorry, will you forgive me?" or "come on don't you love me?" Love in the context of forgiveness is vastly different from its enabling context as used in the second statement. Which context coincides with its original meaning and which has been the result of evolutionary over usage? In fact, as this essay will discuss neither statement uses or associates "love" as its original definition intended. The rest of this essay attempts to refocus our modern day abuse of the word, love, and visit its original roots.
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zot3-flopped · 1 year
Lewis opened for Niall during the Flicker World Tour in 2018! he opened the Scottish dates. The story they both told was that Niall saw his VevoDSCVR performance (Vevo does it for up and coming artists) and dmed him and invited him to open for the FWT. Back then he wasn't known, it was before Someone You Loved took off. So anon is right he must be seething now!
So just two nights in Glasgow? His first single Bruises had already peaked at #6 on the UK chart by then.
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chestcolkeecor1982 · 2 years
d friend let me cut inside her Where to Watch Music Videos - Vevo 2018 new sex video poron sex video 2018 - jizzwap Czech fucking with plumber Czech fucking with plumber 720p - Xvideos17.net Stepsister Lets Stepbrother Practice With Her Pussy My Little Step Sister Finally Lets Someone Fuck Her Preview - Porn Fucking bride part of wedding Husband Fucks Bride Part 1 - Elena Koshka TNAFlix Porn Videos step Son Has To Make Pregnant [PDF] The Pregnancy Book d friend let me cut inside her
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Friday, 7 December 2018
Liam gets spotted, when he arrives at the gym with Andy Samuels
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Liam's in the studio with Danish songwriter and music producer Sylvester Sivertsen (at chair) and singer/songwriter Samuel Preston, who's also frontman of English rock band Ordinary Boys. Both post the same photo on their Instagram
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credits to liam-93-production
👉 Together with Calle Lehmann, Sylvester and Samuel wrote Slow for Liam. They also wrote Live Forever with Evan Bogart aka Kidd and with James Newman by their side, they wrote the wonderful ballad All I Want (For Christmas) 👈
Via Instagram, Liam posts a beautiful photo and a small part of the acoustic version of Polaroid , to promote the fact is will be uploaded on VEVO
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Via Twitter, Liam also makes some promo for an upcoming gig on December 19th
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puppymmorg · 2 years
Proshow producer 6.0 full crack
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It’s the best picture presentation making software program in the market without hassle.
Proshow Gold eight Serial Key is the fine software program for enhancing pix, photo album making or layered machine modifying. Proshow Gold 6.0 Serial Key Code Elements of this Proshow Producer 6 Crack Patch: Convert Proshow Gold trail version to full software.
ProShow Gold 9 Crack + Registration Key 2018 Full Version freeload What’s Photodex ProShow Gold 9 Crack with Key? Photodex ProShow Gold 9 Crack with Registration Key Full Version is the most popular software to create slideshows of your favorite family or friends photos. The interface of this system is intuitive. ProShow Producer Crack is a software program answer that permits you to create and edit movies in knowledgeable method. Proshow Producer 9 Crack With Registration Key. Photodex ProShow Gold Full with Crack download has a very intuitive, user-friendly interface makes it a piece. Photodex ProShow Gold Full with Crack download is an award-winning high-end slideshow software, that will allow you to create professional-grade slideshows you can share with your friends and family on HD, DVD Online. After that, clients can further redo their undertaking and effortlessly share it on mainstream social sharing and person to person communication locales, for example, YouTube and Facebook. In the wake of supplying the Wizard with the slideshow material (pictures, features and/or sound documents) ProShow Producer 6 Crack will make the slideshow consequently. Apprentices can utilize the implicit Wizard to make a slideshow even without expert involvement with the application. Experts and amateurs both can work with this system. It additionally backings yield to an Executable record (.exe) for playing on most PCs (barring Apple) and to different configurations including MPEG feature, QuickTime feature, Flash Video, Facebook, Vevo, Daily Motion, Vimeo and YouTube. The product has constructed in CD, DVD and Blu-beam copying capacities as well. key surrounding, veiling and change impacts can be utilized for further customization.
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Måneskin - Torna a casa - Live Performance | Vevo (06.11.2018)
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Alexandra Savior for VEVO dscvr
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filminvg · 6 years
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kali uchis, after the storm
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